#Adam Diment
laurenfoxmakesthings · 4 months
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So, I've started reading the first book in Adam Diment's spy series. I mean, after hearing about the author's story, I was pretty damn curious. And, well...very 'everyone's felt that before, right?'.
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cannedbluesblog · 1 year
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"Adam Diment is a spy novelist who published four novels between 1967 and 1971. All four are about the adventures of Philip McAlpine whom critic Anthony Boucher described as "an agent who smokes hashish, leads a highly active sex life, kills vividly, uses (or even coins) the latest London slang and still seems a perfectly real (and even oddly likeable) young man rather than a reflected Bond image."
Diment disappeared from public view after his last novel, adding to his cult figure status among fans of 1960s spy novels. According to The Observer, by 1975 Diment was living in Zurich, shunning publicity, and had no plans to write further novels". Info from Wiki
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
agnst idea, instead of the foot. someow,during an assignment Talia sent them on, a machine exploded and they were sent to Dimention X. and they are gone for a year. but in DX, one month = one year. so they are no long Damien's 10 year old twin sibling, but his 22 year old older sibling. [also Talia may or may not have know the explosion was going to happen and sent her 'worthless' kid to deal with it]
I could see that. Talia taking the initiative and sending her ‘worthless’ child off to get killed. It doesn’t cause her hands to get dirty or any real proof that Ra’s can link her to going through with getting rid of her so called ‘defective’ child purposely in favor of the one true protégée to the Head of the Demon (Damian), only for it to backfire on her completely later on and finds out said defective child is actually alive, coming back with a growth spurt and more trauma then before.
Poor kid though, especially if Talia were to have given off something about it being in her plans for her child not to survive, making it known to the Reader that they weren’t coming home. Like, what if they went on the mission together? Talia having been adamant that twin!Reader went instead of Damian cause she had no plans of bringing them back. Or maybe Ra’s sent them together, y’know some good ol’ mother-child bonding. Only that’s not what happens at all of course.
God, I can only imagine Ra’s destroying everything in his path and being close to killing Talia himself for what she did, for what she put his grandchild through. Ra’s isn’t going to be happy whatsoever and he’ll make it damn clear that Talia knows that. If he could he may even disown his own flesh and blood, his daughter for her insubordination and own defectiveness.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 10 months
What do you think George said to her school during the time Gwen was in another dimention for months? Like how would thst conversation even go? Was there a missing persons report filed for her? Did he just cover for her even after trying to arrest her? I have so many questions
Not gonna lie I had been wondering the same for the past (look calendar) 3 months? Wow times goes fast.
But yeah, I honest to G-d I had been wondering what the hell happened in Earth-65.
For starters, how did George get out of the trap? Did Miguel deactivated it once the portal got closed? Did any of the other officers saw it?
Something that I am really wondering at this moment is...what did he do with his cam?
Like cops normally have a body cam that is suppose to be active at all times, right? Wouldn't that capture the footage?
I am wondering about this because I am guessing that when the other cops found him, he was in a lot of distress that he couldn't really end up talking about.
Here is the interesting part for me: George says he quits, because he can't live with the idea of actually arresting her, and he can't continue being Captain if it means needing to lie about what he knows. He has a really rigid sense of morality on that front.
He initially, tried to arrest Gwen for that same rigid sense of Morality.
Yet it appears no one knows she is Spider-woman, despite the cam, the evidence he has been looking for 3/4 years, and being ready to go with it when she was in front of him- But if George can quit and that's the end of that story, it means he never told anyone.
Does this means he understood how badly he fucked up? Maybe he was more worried to where the heck she went?
I wouldn't be surprised if for a hot second he tried to investigate more on the other spider-people, (perhaps the Museum had some cams in the centre that show they just came out of nowhere?) Trying to find her, only to get to the conclusion that there is no way to get to her.
I wonder about that moment, the moment he realized Gwen may be gone for good, and he wouldn't see her again.
I imagine he must had needed to contact the school, no idea if he bothered to report her missing; probably did if only because procedure and all that jazz. Wouldn't be surprised if people in his squad were adamant in help him find her only to see that of everyone, he was the most hopeless about it.
I don't doubt he ponder about this many nights; I wonder if he ever looked the picture of his wife (or went to see her grave,) and just ask forgiveness for how much of a mess this has become.
I have so many questions and NOT ENOUGH ANSWERS.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
I remember that scene where Adam and Langa were in the other-dimention place and i kinda of felt horrible jdksbdjk given everything like, no wonder that guy was such a maniac and obssessive towards Langa.
Langa had that one thing that Adam lost, and he wanted to chase after it no matter the cost, so he wouldn't be so alone anymore.
I had to go back and watch that scene because it's one of the scenes I did forget, but I digress!
Yeah, even though Adam's behavior towards Langa is questionable at times, I think that reasons were because of the classic "why are you happy and I'm not".
I don't think I see it talked about, but they work like foils to me. Think about it.
Both are blue haired, tall male characters that share a friendship with someone who someone with a warm hair color (Cherry and Reki) and someone with dark hair (Tadashi and Miya).
Both are talented skaters and have some famous reputation at S. Both even had a moment of humiliation at said place, just at different points in the story.
Langa it was humiliation and then fans.
Adam had fans and then it was humiliation.
And Reki was involved somehow.
There's also how they're opposite to each other.
Langa doesn't care to be flashy as opposed to Adam, their personalities are also very different. It's also to how people react to them.
Again, they both have a lot of popularity in and out of S. However, it's how they got it.
Langa is relatively new and doesn't even interact with a lot of people to gain attention. Adam, on the other hand, has experience with people and showcases.
Both are acknowledged as skate geniuses, yet had to be taught by someone to even get there. And said person is someone close to them.
Someone they want at their side. However, how they treat that person is mirrored.
Let's be honest, Langa really always does have Reki on the mind. Even after their falling out, Langa still thinks about him and tries talking to him. He wanted to share his happiness with Reki, even though at the time he didn't quite understand why Reki was upset. They've only known each other for like, what, months? And yet managed to create this bond so strong that neither wants to be away from each other.
On the other hand, Tadashi worked more as Adam's second hand for years. The relationship even started because Tadashi had been working with his family. While it's evident that Tadashi cares for Adam, it almost seems one-sided at times given how Adam treats him and the comments he says.
While Reki and Langa are mutually all for being at each other's side for infinity, with Tadashi and Adam it's like Tadashi doesn't really have a choice since Adam doesn't have intentions in letting him go, but he accepts it because Tadashi really is the only person that cares for him and is aware of his upbringing.
There's also their families that mirror each other!
Langa has a positive female influence in his life and his father was actually a good dad who encouraged his snowboarding, something he enjoyed.
Adam doesn't have a positive female influence and his father was an ass who discouraged him skating.
When you put all that together, Langa knows what love feels like while Adam craves it. Langa feels genuine happiness in his life while Adam never really had.
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lotuslol · 7 months
Guys! I figured out why angels are the way they are!!!
They are multi-dimentional beings!
They exist in all directions of themselves at the same time
Like an electron cloud
Electrons move fast from one position to the other around the atom so much that they form a "cloud", but it's only one or a few electrons.
That's why the high ranks of heaven are all eyes and wings! They "radiate" their existence from all their "body" (whatever their body is! Which I suggest is the same material that makes stars, high energy and gravity!)
Also, angels and saints (and spirits) are, in my theory, made of the same material as stars but in a more atomized version of them, that's why we can't see them!
But, because they exist, they can materialize and meet people by concentrating their gravitational force and particles to take forms appealing to the people they need to meet to help or tell a message.
The difference between our spirits and the spirits of the saints is how much "power" they have as they are closer to God.
The closer you are to the source of all energy, I guesa you have better hold and mastery on your gravity and particles.
The amazing part is...that all of this has a will of its own!
It reminds me of Issac Azimov's "the last question" story, where he envisioned God (as I came out of my reading, you don't have to agree) as a computer system that kept expanding and expanding until it had its own intelligence to remake the universe again!
What if...spirits exist as these computers like...they different computer sets, but in a very very dispersed and small scale that we can't see, advanced technology that we are yet to discover and deal with and ONLY can deal with when our "energy" escapes our physical form!
Which...is all overwhelming if it was true! So much that my mind feels like exploding!
I thank God we don’t have access to this knowledge...yet, because it blew my mind so bad it is soup until I asked God to help me collect it :D
Imagine if that concept is difficult to us, as humans advanced in knowledge, how much more overwhelming ot must have been to our ancestors!
And if it was...it makes you wonder what was Adam's actual fault?
What did he do when he and Eve "ate" from the "tree"? What did he and her knew more than us (being so connected to God) that made their seemingly small decision make them lose everything? What boundary did their freewill decide to break so bad while they felt the consequences coming but decided to push anyway?
Why the knowledge of good and evil? Is it because Adam, a like-god being, with this "knowledge", could make the decisions to do good and evil?
....what was "evil" before we as humans came to be? Was it different? What shape did it take? Can we feel it? But even if we feel it, can we recognize it?
And what actually is that "knowledge"? ...Do evil people know they are commiting evil, or they just think this is the way of the world? What if knowledge meant access to recognition? What if it meant something more that made sense to Adam and Eve and the first humans more than us today?
What did we lose when we lost contact with God over thousands and thousands of years? What do people in heaven know better than us in their limited forms?
Aaaaaaand now, I can go back to my life :D which is not the best right now, but it will be better in the future, as it has always been.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Adam has like the same body type as Moxxie, which doesn't even fit the plus size style, i wouldn't have called him like that until others did.
But as you said in the other post, this doesn't give me a good feeling. Like they just made him “““fat””” for what¿? and why directly the sexist probably one dimentional ugly villain¿? but this is more personal, idk.
I dont know... to be "progressive?" Though, I dont know how making the only plus sized main characters the "greedy" one and the "greedy evvvvilll exterminator! 😈" character is "progressive" for those who are plus sized but whatever the writers are just going to keep living that lie I guess. (No, Vaggie doesnt count she legit just has bigger thighs but the average "vintage barbie" shape otherwise. Moxxie is also skinny asf, just more square shapped, so he also doesnt count.)
Like- imagine having your "progressive" cartoon only have a "greedy" christmas tree, a "greedy" exterminator villain, and a character's who's existence is just to be shamed for being "fat" despite barely even catagorizing as such as your chubby/plus sized cast.
Wow, so impressive! /s
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Also, if Moxxie is seen as "fat" by Vivziepop and the rest of the characters are the "average" size in the series im scared to see what the franchsie catagorizes as "skinny" according to this show.
I could imagine it being something like this:
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Or this:
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2023 just started and people are already twisting things or taking them out of context, either on purpose, or because they didnt actually read what I was saying. Holy cow...
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goronska · 1 year
Hey hey!
I am known as Mizuu / Agnieszka / (Miss) Freya both offline & online. Nice to meet you!
35 | Poland | teacher, translator, creator | polyglot | genderqueer: they/she/it | bi/pansexual/romantic | DMs open for 18+ | Ask me! I love it! I accept anon!
Frequent topics: education, OCs, languages, all things Japan, ARGs, un-fiction, RPing, LGBTQ+ topics, popculture, analog horror, whump
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My OCs described:
Bashir Levi
Dark Mizuu
Eodum (The DemiGod of Time)
Imori & Hebi Tsuikotsu
Merahtua & Garura
Peter Beckett
Tokage Tsuikotsu
Ubisi (The Red Goddess)
bonus: all the blorbos paired with their character songs
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My mini-essays "My Notes On" with thoughts on online series, mostly ARG or horror: #1 (on Hight Five Friends) #2 (on Naomi Rim Access: Phase 1) #3 (on Naomi Rim Access: Phase 2) #4 (on Naomi Rim Access: Phase 3) #5 (on Coffee Tree / Viral Dimentions) #6 (on Liminal Land) #7 (on Q)
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March Trope-a-Thon 2023 Day 1 - Blue Rose Day 2 - Picture Perfect Day 5 - Servant's Servant
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Credit for the divider goes to @newlips
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gender-mailman · 1 year
oh no adam i think tumblr ate my response when i was like "yes please show me everything about all your ocs and lore and backstory because i wanna research my heart out /gen /pos" OR I JUST CANT FIND IF YOU RSEPONDED HELP FJFDLSJKDL /silly - ramble anon
No yeah, tumblr eated it <:/
I have this very old oc called Uni, she is a onip, onips are creations of a onipotent, onipresent being called Fand, all onips can travel dimentions, they dont have organs but they are all filled with a slime like blood that is purple-black in color and has stars in it, they dont need to eat
They are imortal...kinda, you can kill them but they will come back, they come vack cause of theyre blood kind of being sentient and when the onip die the blood goes to fill the wound up or if they are slice in heaf, drag the two parts togueter
All onips have powers! They have 3 powers that all of them have (fly, pass trhow walls and become invisable) and 1 personal power! Uni has the power to control people by possesing them, one of my other characters, Loys, can read peoples minds
I dont have much time cause i need to clean the house! So uh yeah! Ill also try to find the drawings i did of their insides
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Giornata internazionale della donna, eventi e iniziative di Pesaro 2024
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Giornata internazionale della donna, eventi e iniziative di Pesaro 2024. Pesaro 2024 celebra la Giornata internazionale della donna con una serie di appuntamenti e iniziative "che abbracciano tutti gli aspetti dell'impegno - spiegano Daniele Vimini, vicesindaco assessore alla Bellezza e Camilla Murgia, assessora alla Crescita e alla Gentilezza del Comune di Pesaro - messo in campo dalle istituzioni, dalla società civile, dalle singole figure del territorio che si sono battute per la libertà e per i diritti delle donne. Modelli di emancipazione e rinascita da cui è ancora possibile trarre spunti di riflessione e azione sulla condizione femminile". Biosfera - "Raccolte per non dimenticare" "Raccolte per non dimenticare" è il titolo del programma (ideato e reso immagine dalla studentessa Agata Cecchini dell'istituto agrario Cecchi) che la Biosfera di Pesaro 2024 – Capitale italiana della cultura, presenterà - alle ore 17, 19, 21, 23 - in occasione della Giornata. I 2 milioni di Led che compongono l'installazione scultoreo-digitale di 4 metri di diametro, collocata in piazza del Popolo, si coloreranno e riempiranno delle immagini dedicate a 7 figure femminili che hanno segnato la storia del territorio, scelte e raccontate da studentesse e studenti del liceo artistico Mengaroni: Wanda De Angelis (filantropa, a cui è dedicata la Fondazione Wanda Di Ferdinando); Adele Bei (cantianese, sindacalista e politica, componente dell'Assemblea costituente), Elsa De Giorgi (attrice, regista e scrittrice pesarese), Lea e Sparta Trivella (partigiane e femministe di Pesaro), Costanza Monti Perticari (poetessa), Ave Ninchi (attrice anconetana), Rosina Frulla (partigiana di Pesaro). La Capitale italiana della cultura rivolgerà avrà anche uno sguardo internazionale, con le immagini che permetteranno ai presenti di tuffarsi nei colori e nelle parole di Frida Kahlo (pittrice messicana surrealista). La prima 'proiezione' sarà alle ore 17, alla presenza dell'Amministrazione comunale e delle associazioni della città. DiClassica - Lancio podcast Julia Wolfe Pesaro 2024 prosegue i suoi appuntamenti, alle ore 18.30, al 'GRA' non solo cibo da cortile' per l'evento di lancio di DiClassica, il podcast divulgativo di 8 puntate (durata 15/20 minuti) per raccontare vita e opera di 8 straordinarie musiciste e compositrici degli ultimi due secoli, spesso dimenticate dalla cultura mainstream. Il pomeriggio, prevede una performance di danza contemporanea a cura di Masako Matsushita sulla musica di Reeling di Julia Wolfe e, a seguire, dj set di musica classica. Nel corso dell'evento è previsto un collegamento in diretta con Caterpillar, e con Massimo Cirri e Sara Zambotti, conduttori del programma di Rai Radio2, radio ufficiale di Pesaro 2024. La puntata dell'8 marzo è dedicata a Julia Wolfe (1958), "Una ribelle della musica classica". Racconterà la vita e l'opera della compositrice americana, sottolineando il suo audace approccio alla fusione di stili musicali. Wolfe è riconosciuta per la sua influenza nel post-minimalismo newyorkese e la sua capacità di trasmettere dramma e intensità attraverso una vasta gamma di strumenti e sonorità. La puntata esplora anche opere come Anthracite Fields che le valse il Pulitzer nel 2015. Vengono eseguite East Broadway e il primo movimento di Her Story, dedicata ai diritti delle donne, con una citazione della lettera di Abigail Adams. La puntata sarà disponibile gratuitamente sulle piattaforme Spotify, Apple music, Google music, Amazon music e altre in via di definizione. I link all'ascolto si troveranno anche sul sito di Pesaro 2024. Le puntate continueranno ad essere disponibili fino al 31 dicembre 2024. DiClassica è una produzione di Pesaro 2024 e Orchestra Olimpia (soggetto attuatore del progetto), da un'idea e con le parole di Margherita Macrì, la voce di Valentina Lo Surdo, la direzione artistica di Roberta Pandolfi e la direzione musicale di Francesca Perrotta. La sigla è di Michael Fioretti. Pesaro 2024 - Ingresso gratuito ai musei In occasione della Giornata, Pesaro 2024 – Capitale italiana della cultura, propone l'ingresso gratuito dedicato alle donne (non in possesso di Card Pesaro Capitale) nelle sedi della rete museale di Pesaro Musei (nelle strutture aperte il venerdì: Musei Civici - Palazzo Mosca, Casa Rossini, Centro Arti Visive Pescheria, dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 15.30 alle 18.30). Il Museo Archeologico Oliveriano, sarà ad ingresso gratuito, per tutti, dalle 15.30 alle 18.30, in occasione dell'iniziativa ""Per Via delle donne" promossa dai negozi, dal liceo Mengaroni e dall'Ente Olivieri Biblioteca e Museo Oliveriani.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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baconproduction · 2 years
⮑ 'Le Reve' by Bianca Poletti & Röyksopp
Director: Bianca Poletti DoP: Andreas Bjørseth Executive Producer: Mette Jermiin Service producer: Romina Tedoldi / Tickle Film 1st AD: Robert Diment Stylist: Pernille Holm Hair & Make-up: Manel Rosa Production Designer: Laura Sabat Prod. Ass: Frederikke Iermiin Gaffer: Rafa Ramirez Grip: Dani De Juan Talents: Andrea Regues & Juan Miguel Editor: Adam Nielsen / Art Official Agency Sound design: Adrian Aurelius / ballad Grade: Lasse Selvi / BaconX Production Company: Bacon Music: ‘Stay Awhile’ by Röyksopp ft. Susanne Sundfør
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'The Bang Bang Birds' by Adam Diment (1968) Illustration By Bill Botten
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maevesamy · 4 years
i think the difference for eric between rahim and adam this season was that eric liked rahim because rahim gave him the affection and relationship he wanted but he didn’t love rahim as a person. he never really talks about rahim or his personality traits. to him rahim could be anyone. however with adam, he loves him as a person he just can’t be in a relationship that doesn’t have affection or support. so he basically had to chose which one he wanted more and that’s why when adam finally gave him the affection in the last episode by holding his hand in public, he chose adam.
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kudouusagi · 3 years
SK8 Songs
ED Song
Dimensions of the wind -Langa version-
Seize the moment -Reki version-
Behind the mask -ADAM version-
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Wow, terakhir menulis adalah 29 September 2020.... 7 bulan lalu??? Betul-betul heran, kemana ya semangat menulisku... padahal dulu di tumblr lama @octoberflysch rajin banget pouring my thoughts out, bahkan kayanya pulang dari Indomaret Tubagus kepikiran sesuatu aja sampe kosan langsung buka dashboard.
Kali ini menulis dalam rangka apa kah? Hm nothing in particular sih, cuma rada bingung aja sama hidup. Progress riset 0 besar, keluar rumah jarang, ngga punya teman di sini, plus Ramadhan juga ga maksimal banget karena ternyata kalau sendirian itu ngapa-ngapain susah ya. Jadi merasa taken for granted banget bisa merasakan collectivism yang amat sangat erat di Indonesia :(
Anyway, mau update kehidupan. Hari ini 6 Mei 2021 baru saja menyelesaikan my 1st book in 2021 yey! Bukunya adalah Think Again by Adam Grant. Awal beli buku ini random banget karena tiba-tiba di timeline twitter muncul twitnya @byputi (gapunya tumblr kayanya ka puti -- intinya doi GEA 2007 ex-TOTAL yang sekarang kerjanya di creative field ngebuat animation) yang mana si ka puti ngescreenshotin buku-buku yang dia mau beli gitu? Apa udah dibeli ya? Lupa. Pokoknya ada buku ini aja deh. Terus kepo akhirnya spontaneously langsung order online di Blackwell lolz. Kayanya ke-trigger gara-gara udah lama ga baca buku juga selama pandemi ini.
Kemarin sebelum baca ini, sempat baca Why We Sleep-nya Matthew Walker gara-gara direkomendasiin guru workshop akibat aku cerita bahwa dalam sehari tidurku kurang dari 7 jam (in which as defense I said that it's common to have less than 7 hour of sleep in Indonesia, or Asia in general). Tapi nggak selesai bacanya gara-gara scientific banget jadinya pusing. Banyak banget term-term biologis yang while exciting to learn about tapi otak ku ga nyampe:( akhirnya terbengkalai lah buku itu. Di akun goodreads w masih di shelf reading wkwkw.
Yaudah intinya recommended sih buku Think Again ini. Ada chapter favku yaitu tentang rewriting textbook di mana di situ diceritakan gimana seorang guru ngajarin siswa-siswanya supaya bisa kritis di sekolah dengan ngasih pr bacaan tapi yang historically wrong. Terus ternyata dari sekian siswa di kelas ada yang iya iya aja ngerjain readingnya terus tapi ada yang fact-check dan protes di kelas bilang "bu guru! ini pas kucari lagi di internet ternyata salah lo harusnya nggak gini". Kayak wow, menarik.
Berhubungan dengan cerita di atas adalah baru aja kemarin banget ngobrol sama salah satu anak GEA yang lagi mau UAS hari ini tapi ada 3 matkul gitu dalam 1 hari, salah satunya adalah mektan. Terus ku tanya kan "ujian di ITB sekarang kek mana?" tebak jawabannya apa? "ya gitu kak ngerjain soal kaya ujian offline biasa, dikasih waktu 2 jam, jawab soal tulis tangan habis itu discan terus diupload". Apakah saya syok mendengarnya? Tentu saja tidak. As expected dari almamater saya yang tercinta. Yang aku tidak paham adalah... emangnya ga kepikiran apa ya kalo mahasiswa-mahasiswa ini bisa diskusi via discord... se-dinyalainnya kamera pun, mahasiswa-mahasiswa ini masalah teknis dan teknologi jauh lebih licik dan pintar dari kita dosennya!
But then again, ku paham sih, mana peduli dosen-dosen ITB dengan mahasiswanya nyontek/kerja sama apa nggak. FYI, di UI sendiri kayanya jaman w masih di Indo apa ya, si FMIPA - atau UI secara keseluruhan ya? lupa- sempat mengadakan zoom/teams meeting gitu membahas metode-metode kecurangan siswa saat ujian online, dan dibahas juga preventifnya seperti apa, metode ujian online yang bagus itu seperti apa, dsb. At least untuk masalah QC ujian w akui UI concernnya lebih ada lah. Teorinya juga harusnya tiap dosen mengajukan soal ujian ke tim kualitas mutu pendidikan buat dipastikan bahwa soal ujian itu layak untuk diujikan (nggak sama persis dengan tahun sebelumnya, merupakan pertanyaan yang levelnya HOTS -High Order Thinking Skill-, dsb.). Lain dengan ITB yang kadang soal ujian tahun ini betul-betul sama persis cuy dengan tahun sebelumnya! (God bless tim akademik GEA dan BSGnya).
Ku sendiri Alhamdulillah (at least sampai tahun lalu), cukup passionate dengan mengajar, belajar, dan ngecek gimana pembelajaran mahasiswa-mahasiswa ku. Sampe ngebela-belain bikin ujian lisan wawancara 1 on 1 buat ngecek sampai mana pemahaman si mahasiswa ini terhadap basic concept dari yang ku ajarin. Sayang banget tapi kemarin evaluasinya belum bisa sampe ngecek analytical skill karena susah banget buat ngecek analisis orang dalam time window 5 menit (ini gara-gara seangkatan ada ~50 orangan dan w ngajar 2 kelas imagine). Tapi at least ku sudah cukup puas lah dengan apa yang ku kerjakan tahun lalu.
Waduh jadi panjang gini ceritanya. Padahal awalnya cuma mau update habis baca Think Again. Yaudah intinya gitu aja update-annya hari ini. Palingan yang mau disyukuri hari ini adalah: bisa telponan sama Abi cukup lama ngebahas a-z, bisa beres puasa 18 jam tanpa sahur (haha semalam ga kebangun soalnya), bisa ngeberesin buku Think Again ini, duolingo udah 5 days streak!, apa lagi ya, udah sih, itu aja udah banyak bgt buat disyukuri. Terima kasih Ya Allah.
Btw, semoga dengan post ini akan jadi lebih rajin nulis lagi ke depannya dan tentunya dengan lebih terstruktur + possibly in English juga! Ciao!
*ah iya, kemarin sebetulnya udah sempat ngedraft postingan utk IWD berkat dimention oleh @martabakkeju tapi akhirnya nggak beres draftnya terus gak di-post deh :( heu
Oxford, 6 Mei 2021 22:32 pm
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jimjimenezzz · 4 years
okay, i'm so mad at the sex education writers rn. like, when i watched the last ep i was resigned to the fact that eric will end up with adam but the more i mull over the fact the more angry i get.
like, yes, thank you writers for putting the fact that adam was abusive to eric out there. you did one thing good. but that was all very soon dismissed. it did not have any effects that should have been there. adam never even said sorry !!!
also, rahim deserved better. he was such an amazing and lovable and cool character. and the writers did him dirty by not developing his arc properly. he could have been eric's endgame. they had the chemistry. the compatibility. their relationship was interesting and three-dimentional. rahim never bullied eric. even if rahim was not eventually the one for eric, he shouldn't have been exchanged for that silent, boring, emotionless punch-machine.
but no, of course the writers decided to fuck all that. fuck the healthy gay rep - the religious poc gay rep - and gave the poor eric a flat, boring character with internalized homophobia and no hobbies or emotions. they literally gave this revolutionary character a storyline where he falls for his abuser - literal Stockholm syndrome.
and i can already feel that they're not going to write eric going back to rahim or breaking up with adam because too many cishet fangirls of the show have already started fetishising this uwu broken bad boy and the uwu gay couple
no character should ever be written into an abusive relationship but especially when said character is part of an underrepresented minority group
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