#Adaptable mindset
artisticdivasworld · 11 months
Contributions of New Nurses: Fostering Growth and Collaboration
As the healthcare landscape evolves, the arrival of new nurses into the profession brings a wave of fresh perspectives, energy, and innovation to the team. However, despite their immense potential, new nurses are often met with skepticism and resistance. In this blog post, we delve into the essential contributions that new nurses bring to the healthcare team and explore why it is crucial to…
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anunfortunatekinlist · 7 months
marauders fans: we separated the art from the artist, this fandom is completely separate from the source material;
also them, will degrade any writer who doesn't write a coffee shop au, or university au, or jegulus in the only acceptable grumpyboyxsunshineboy trope, bullying artists for drawing sirius with body hair, bullying writers for not writing your exact headcanons, not allowing for people to grow their own opinions (aka. making ATYD the "intro-fic"), and not supporting artists and writers who are not the fandoms "it-person" for the week.
Bro at this point give it back to that ugly terf.
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oreolesbian · 11 months
the absolute lack of media literacy from people who haven’t even seen oppenheimer is making my head spin but whatever
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kainisticinstincts · 2 months
TBH maybe I'm just too autistic to ever be truly horny but I think that like half the fucking discourse on places like here and Twitter would immediately vanish into thin air if people just started telling themselves "It's okay to be a horny pervert" without making up bullshit ethical justification for why their brand of horny is socially permissible. Like let me show you something.
"Is Yaoi/Yuri fetishizing and is it okay for cishet people to read it" it isn't. It's something people read for fun and because it makes them happy. You don't need to make up shit about Yaoi being feminist or helping awaken trans guys to their true gender or any shit like that when you admit this.
"Is unrealistically sexy women in video games/anime with big boobs and nice asses okay or is it just for the hetero male gaze? Should this be countered by unrealistically sexy male characters" Sure I don't care. I'm bisexual so more food for me. A normal person looking at a good burger and some great fries doesn't throw a fit because he likes the burger more. He just goes "damn son. I am sure someone somewhere likes the fries more so good for them."
"Are Hetero Romances with a male/dominant male lead all misogynistic and infantilizing or are they okay?" Is it well written or badly written? That's all I'm asking. I don't give a shit about the rest. It's just a fantasy, it can't hurt you.
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aq2003 · 2 months
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compilation of some of my personal favorite hamlet reviews on letterboxd
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seraphiism · 6 months
use xkit and hide your follower count. those two people who unfollowed you just now? not personal. one deactivated their account, the other has had a shift in interests. your fic flopped? got less notes than anticipated? that's alright. you did great. it was amazing and i see the work and effort you poured into it. i guarantee someone in the world loved it and shared it with their friend. please keep in mind that numbers and statistics do not define the worth or quality of your art or writing.
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echojedis · 11 months
Something I wish we’d seen more of is Tech’s immediate emotional reaction to having a kid on board- we saw Echo having reservations and Wrecker not being used to it but very quickly making an effort to make Omega feel welcome but what about Tech? We know he believes that as a soldier he has to adapt so presumably that would have been his mindset but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have had feelings about it
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balkanradfem · 3 months
Is 21/22 still young?
YES super young
Anyone under 25 is very very young to me.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 11 months
dude i soo agree with what you're saying about twitter
have you seen those tweets that just- Blatantly ignore that Welcome Home is an actual project and call it "just some guys OCs", because THAT is genuinely what I find the most rage inducing out of everything on twitter. (The rest is frustrating too of course, but the devaluing of Clowns work makes me... very upset.)
IT'S VERY STRANGE I AGREE.... i can only assume that the statement was Originally something along the lines of "hey, this website is just the prologue - a big chunk of welcome home is still in development, so try to be reasonable with your expectations and give clown some time and space to do his thing" eventually mutated into "um ACTUALLY he just made the site to show off his ocs and if you even THINK of making fanwork based off of them you're a DIRTY FANDOM POISONED FREAK who is RUINING CLOWN'S LIFE" as it got passed around from site to site, in much the same way that "hey, i can't stop anyone from being attracted to/making NSFW works of my characters, but i would really appreciate it if you kept it private until i think of a tag you can put them in" (which for some reason people were Still incapable of following - i didn't forget) got turned into "if you even LOOK at a puppet with sexual intent i can and will kill you on clown's behalf."
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fauvester · 10 months
iskra can dunk on her father for sleeping with his therapist all she likes. she MARRIED hers
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markantonys · 10 months
it is pretty funny that my gut reaction to the nynaeve Accepted Testing Introduction scene was "oh, good scene but not that exciting to me since it's just what i've already read in the book" and then i went online and all the readers are going "this is my favorite scene so far because it's taken straight from the book!!!!" haha it really goes to show the different things we all want and are getting out of the adaptation!
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bandtrees · 5 months
everyone who knows me knows im a horror gore graphic dark shit etc guy but sometimes i remember that one mob psycho fic that described the cat that dies in the manga mogami arc in the most gruesome graphic detail imaginable for like 3 paragraphs and its just so stupid to me. like it was so over the top it stopped being upsetting and just started being kind of annoying
like, the cat dies in the manga offscreen and then is shown in a wide shot with a little pool of blood. and then it gets back up because its the mogami arc. hell even just the implication in the anime that they'll kill the cat is upsetting enough to get the point across even if they dont go through with it. how cheap a fic writer are you that you have to describe a cat being beaten and its intestines being out and blood everywhere to express that "bullies killing a cat in front of a kid" is upsetting
does bullying and abuse have to be some needlessly graphic serial killer shit to be meaningful? god
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ryancrossfield · 11 months
5 Tips for a better life, inspired by Bruce Lee
Here are five important principles from Bruce Lee’s philosophy that can help you make your life better by charting your own path to optimizing your life:
Embrace Open-mindedness: Bruce Lee's philosophy of being like water—formless and adaptable—applies to our approach to life. He was known for his ability to adapt his fighting style to his opponent, embodying fluidity and flexibility. Let go of rigid beliefs and preconceived notions, and be open to what works for you. Be open to new ideas and discoveries, and let go of self-perceived limitations, just as Lee did when he broke the mold of traditional martial arts.
Self-understanding is Key: Bruce Lee emphasized self-knowledge for success. He broke Hollywood stereotypes by staying true to his character, which led to his iconic roles. He once said, "To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person." Apply this to your life by understanding your motivations, preferences, and reactions. This self-inquiry will help you make conscious decisions aligned with your goals.
Continuous Learning for Mastery: Bruce Lee believed in progressive learning for mastery. This is evident in his approach to martial arts, where he continually evolved his style, creating Jeet Kune Do, a new martial arts style that was a blend of different techniques. Apply this to learning new skills and improving your life. Always be open to new information and keep learning, just as Lee did throughout his career.
Adaptability is Crucial: In his film "The Game of Death," Bruce Lee's character adapts to fight a much taller opponent, using different tactics to overcome the challenge. This scene is a perfect example of Lee's philosophy of adaptability. When life's circumstances take you away from your usual pattern, improvise and adapt accordingly. Adaptability is an important part of our character, as Lee demonstrated in his life and films. Mindful Execution: Bruce Lee was known for his incredible discipline and focus, both in his training and in his performances. He emphasized the importance of being aware of what needs to be done and taking the necessary steps to achieve it. Apply this principle by being present and deliberate whenever you are making decisions and taking actions. This level of awareness can lead to healthier choices and better alignment with your overall goals.
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ragnar0c · 7 days
Thinking about how good Alope's memory is.
Writing her and she remembers a lot of the things Hana says to her just SO she can repeat them to Hana and piss her off. there's also the Kujura comic...
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pomellon · 10 months
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Noah is coming along and I love him so much already! Tired lil battle scholar <3 Still need to figure out his armour tho!
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koishua · 2 months
small discussion but in the atla universe, which element would the enha boys be able to bend??
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#tp#i think jungwon has avatar potential also hee#obviously jay is a firebender#hoon gives waterbender vibes not just bc of his figure skating bg#sunoo also gives off airbender vibes bc of his personality and tendencies#can't put a finger as to what jake and niki would do.... maybe earthbender jake and also firebender riki#okay firebending would make sense for riki bc of the dragon dance and bc of the way firebenders move their body like i think that style of#martial arts would suit riki. plus he has sharp looks that fit fire nation#back to sunoo for a bit bc of his peaceful nature and soft looks like most air nomads!! non confrontational too ig kind of#can't really decide jake tho.... i mean i feel like he is very grounded and idk idk does he have the earthbender mindset??#i feel like he gives off major piandao vibes#hoon i think has waterbender vibes bc of his fluidity and adaptability but also so does sunoo but sunoo's personality is more airbender#but im not sure.....#does anyone from this group give off earthbender????#i chose jungwon as avatar bc he somehow is the most well-balanced. adaptable but also rigid but also peace-seeking but also passionate#jungwon being an avatar makes so much sense but what would his origin be??? i feel like he'd start off earthbending#earthbenders are very direct and headstrong and i feel like heeseung's dance style is very similar to the movements of an earthbender#like his stance is more often than not very wide and stable and idk omg#and he'd push through an issue instead of avoiding it or going around it#anyways jay is a solid firebender that im 100% sure of and have always been ever since i-land#he has this explosiveness to him that's very attractive and SOOOOO fire nation#enhypen#AHHDHDHDHHDFH I IMAGINED HEE AS BUMI HRLP ME IM CACKLINGGGG remember him during that taekwondo en oclock ep ??
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