#Adele/The Frame Shop
adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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                            A    D    E   L    E       T    O    D     D
For The Lord Kitchener Show at The Frame Shop-A Space inna Space-I chose KaKa Roach in she petticoat. A real Kitchener romp, storytelling at its funniest. In the process I chose to consider Lord Kitchener himself as the cockroach ‘in she’ petticoat.
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daisynik7 · 11 months
Hi are you still doing song requests? If so can you do Make You Feel My Love by Adele for Toji? 🥹 please and thank you ☺️
Make You Feel My Love
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Part Two to Photograph
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
cw: fluff, explicit language, basically all fluff lol
Summary: Toji Fushiguro is nothing like his previous self. He’s become hardened, almost completely desensitized through the years, being used and abused by his own family, the Zenin clan. After the loss of his first wife, Toji takes his son and decides to finally run away to the only place where he can feel like his true self again: home. There, he reunites with a familiar face. 
Author’s Notes: Thank you for this request for the y2k karaoke party! I thought it’d be perfect as a continuation to this story. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading. Divider credits to @/cafekitsune.
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Your voice is soft, almost breathless, when you utter his name as he stands between the door frame of your classroom, hands in his pockets, a shy expression on his face. “Uh, yeah. It’s me. I go by Fushiguro now.” 
You look between him and Megumi, spotting the similarities instantly. The jet-black hair, the same-colored eyes, almost identical facial structure. A spitting image of his father, who stands before you, much bigger than when you last saw him, but certainly the same boy who’s grown into a man. There isn’t time to catch up as your students file in, greeting their new classmate politely at his desk. Toji clears his throat, stepping aside to make room for the kids to walk in. “I’ll be back later to pick up the kid, if you want to catch up.”
The kid. You hide your giggles, pleased to hear that he still sounds like the same Toji you knew many years ago. His eyes light up at your laughter; he doesn’t remember the last time he heard a genuine one like yours. Sweet, pure, and music to his ears. 
The bell rings, and that’s his cue to leave. There isn’t much to do throughout the day, considering he is now unemployed. He’s tempted to resort to old habits and head to the racetrack to gamble on horses, but instead, he goes to the public library to use a computer, searching for job openings around the area. The day passes quickly and it’s time for him to pick up Megumi. He waits outside, watching as all the other children run towards their parents, most of whom eye him with wary expressions. He’s gotten used to lingering glances like this, aware of his intimidating presence. It doesn’t bother him anymore; he’s used to being seen as some sort of monster. And with what he’s done during his life as a Zenin, maybe he is. 
Megumi is the last outside, hand-in-hand with you, his teacher. You both give him a wave, your eyes twinkling with kindness and a bright smile. You’re the only one who looks at Toji like this. The only one who sees him as human. When you approach him, he places his hand on Megumi’s head, ruffling his hair. “How was it?” 
His son grins, giving his father a thumbs up. 
“You made some new friends, right Megumi?” you say, squeezing his hand. “What are their names?”
In his squeaky voice, he replies, “Yuji and Nobara.”
Toji smirks. “Friends already? That’s great, bud. I knew you’d like it here.” 
Megumi lets go of you, holding onto his dad’s wrist. “Yuji said he’s getting ice cream down the street with his grandpa. Can we go too?”
“Of course,” Toji responds. He looks to you, tipping his head to the side. “Want to join us?”
You’re sitting in a booth across from the Fushiguros, who share the biggest chocolate fudge sundae they could order off the menu. Eventually, Megumi spots his new pink-haired friend and asks if they can play at the mini arcade together in the back of the shop, to which Toji agrees, passing him money. Now, you’re alone with him, hundreds of questions you want to ask, but are too nervous to. You sip on your milkshake, unsure where to begin. 
Fortunately, he speaks first. “Did you stay in Tokyo this entire time?” 
You shake your head. “I went to university overseas, then I moved back.”
“Overseas, huh? Sounds fun,” he muses, scooping a big bite into his mouth. 
“How about you? Where did you go?” The last memory you have of him is the distraught look on his face, after you shared a kiss together. The next day, he was gone. 
He licks the back of his spoon, collecting all the chocolate off. “Here and there. But mostly there.”
“You were still in Tokyo?” You try not to sound outraged. Deep down, you’re hurt by the way the two of you parted. And if he was truly here all along, you’re even more upset, knowing he had all this time to apologize. Years and years, you wondered if all the little moments you shared together were just that, or something more. Even now, finally meeting him in the flesh, you’re uncertain where you stand with him. 
He senses your uneasiness, sitting up straight to explain. “The Zenins relocated to a more remote location up in the mountains in order to carry out their dirty deeds. I dropped out of school and started working full time as their lackey. I was often sent to Tokyo for duties.” He spreads his fingers, presenting his hands towards you, calloused and scarred from overwork and guilt. “I’ve done things that I am not proud of. Hurt people that didn’t deserve it. I didn’t want to do it, but at the time, I had no other choice.”
You listen to him intently, sipping on your milkshake slowly, giving him your undivided attention as he continues his story. 
“Me and Megumi’s mom had an arranged marriage. The Zenins wanted me to produce an heir once my father’s health started to decline. She was a kind woman, the closest thing I had to an escape. But still, the both of us were trapped. It didn’t matter that we had each other; we were both under the wills of our families.”
“After a few months of trying, she got pregnant. Our lives felt normal during this time. Like we were a regular family. Me, her, Megumi in her belly. My father left us alone. He wanted to make sure I was taking good care of her so that our son would come out strong and healthy. And he did. He was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Toji takes a deep breath, the both of you anticipating this next part. “It was a home birth, per my father’s request. I should have said something from the start, but I didn’t think anything would go wrong. After Megumi was delivered, the bleeding wouldn’t stop.” He swallows hard, throat tight with emotion. “And by the time the ambulance arrived, she was gone.”
He avoids your gaze, staring hard at the metal container filled with napkins on the side of the table. You’re tempted to reach for his hand, to offer comfort, but you decide against it, deeming it inappropriate. 
“My family couldn’t care less. All that mattered to them is that they had their new heir. They didn’t even cry when she passed away.” His jaw is clenched tight, hands in fists, trembling against the table’s surface. “Heartless bastards, all of them. I should have left with Megumi then, but I didn’t. I was a fucking coward, too scared to face the world alone. And with a little baby at that.”
“Why did you decide to finally leave?” you ask.
“They were going to start training Megumi how to fight. He’s only five-years-old, for fuck’s sake. He’s the gentlest, sweetest kid, and they want him to become like me. I didn’t want that. I don’t want Megumi to have the life I did, not if I can help it.” He unclenches his fists, relaxing into his seat, spooning whatever melted ice cream remains into his mouth. 
You lean forward, resting your elbows on the table. “Why did you decide to come back here?”
He doesn’t respond right away, pretending to be preoccupied with the swirly mess of sweet cream in front of him. He contemplates how best to explain himself. If he admits the truth, it may come off too strong. The reason he’s returned home is because of you. The photo of you and him smiling on the beach a decade ago is in his pocket, wrinkled and faded from years of yearning. He had dreamt of this day ever since he left, hoping the next time you reunite, he’ll be free of the Zenin name. Free to do as he pleases, free to love who he wants. And now that day has come, he’s just as nervous as he expected he'd be. 
Not wanting to make a fool of himself, he says, “I know this area well. Figured it’d be a good place for us to start fresh.” 
You smile at him. “If you and Megumi ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d like to help you in any way I can.”
“Megumi is a good kid. Quiet, but good. He doesn’t give me any trouble, so he makes it easy.”
“So nothing like his father, then?” you tease, raising a brow at him.
He chuckles. “Like I said, I’ll make sure of that.”
You reach for him, resting your hand on top of his. “You’re not all bad. You’re pretty great, remember?”
Instantly, you’re taken back ten years ago, moments before that kiss. Electricity sparks between you; his hand shifts beneath yours, his palm turned up now, fingertips brushing lightly against the delicate skin of your wrist. He gazes at you, smiling. The prominent scar across his lips more titillating than it’s ever been before. “Yeah, I remember.”
Before either of you can do anything more, Megumi returns to the table, head drenched in sweat, breathing heavily. He grabs the water cup on the table, chugging it aggressively, wiping his mouth with the hem of his t-shirt, fresh from a rousing game of Dance Dance Revolution against his new best friend.
Toji picks up Megumi every single day after school. He’s adamant about it, claiming it’s important for him to spend as much time with his son as possible, something he never experienced growing up. He accepts a job in construction, working early morning shifts in order to be outside the school steps promptly. 
A few nights a week, he invites you to their apartment for dinner, where you help him cook simple recipes like fried rice or noodles, even little treats like rice balls for Megumi’s school snack. This Thursday night, you stay until bedtime, watching from the doorway as Toji tucks in his son, a small grin on his face, studying the way his eyelashes flutter into a deep slumber. Sound asleep, he sneaks out, closing the door quietly.
You check the time on your phone, disappointed that it’s getting late. “I should head home.”
He walks you to the exit. “Megumi is going to Yuji’s house for a sleepover tomorrow night.”
So far, Toji has kept his distance from you, though you’ve notice subtle glances here and there. You haven’t exactly been forward yourself, too nervous to make the first move or misunderstand what could be friendship and nothing more. Toji feels the same way, unsure if his feelings are reciprocated or if you’re simply this nice of a person. Hopefully, it’s both.  
Your heart beats faster, not sure what you’re supposed to do with this information, waiting for him to elaborate. He clears his throat. “I want to take you out to dinner, to thank you for all that you’ve done for us.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“I want to,” he insists, smiling. 
The following night, he arrives at your house, dressed in a flattering button-up and slacks, greeting your parents formally for the first time in over a decade. They remember him fondly, excited to see him all grown-up. He takes you to a restaurant downtown, ordering the most popular items on the menu to share between you, enjoying each other’s company as you always do. After dessert, he invites you to his house for a nightcap, and you’re a little too keen when you agree. While you wait for the water to boil in the tea kettle, you sit beside him on the couch, looking through pictures of him and Megumi on his phone. 
“We went to the beach the first weekend we moved in,” he says, showing a selfie of the two of them sitting on the sand. 
You nudge him in the arm with your elbow. “Remember that school project?”
He grins, leaning into you. “How could I forget?” He glances at your lips, then into your eyes, inching even closer. You gravitate towards him, holding your breath, ready to kiss. Then, the tea kettle whistles, ruining the moment. 
Chuckling, he stands up to remove it from the stove. You sit back into the couch, sighing, body tingling and flustered. He returns shortly with a hot mug of tea in his hands, setting it on the coffee table. “You should let it cool. It’s too hot right now.” He sinks into the cushion beside you, knee brushing yours. 
“Did you like me back? When we first kissed?” It’s one of the many questions still unanswered, and you decide that now is the best time to find out the truth. 
He smiles, grasping your hand gently. “Yes.”
You lock your fingers with his, filling in the spaces seamlessly. “Then why did you lie to me?”
“I didn’t think it’d be safe for you to be associated with me. Not while I was still a Zenin.” He pulls you forward, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, noses nearly touching now. 
“And where’s the picture of us?” you whisper, nuzzling your nose to his, wanting so badly to close the distance. 
“I took it. I’ve had it this whole time,” he admits, brushing his lips to yours. You kiss him fully, his grip around your waist, no signs of letting you go anytime soon. You make love to each other right there on his couch, your hot tea forgotten on the coffee table, cold by the time you remember it the next morning. 
For the first time in his life, Toji doesn’t feel dangerous. He doesn’t feel like a monster or a threat. As he marvels at your peaceful form cradled delicately in his arms, Toji Fushiguro feels normal. He feels loved.
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writtenonreceipts · 16 days
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Rowaelin Month Day Nine: Meet Ugly @rowaelinscourt
Month Masterlist // AO3 Link
Remember when I went to a rage room?
All the Rage
She comes in late one Saturday afternoon during the middle of summer and the heat has driven everyone inside for some taste of air conditioning.  It’s been a miserable week, and Rowan wants to just close up early so he doesn’t have to deal with the silence.  Fenrys should have been here, but the little asshat decided it was more important to call out with no other reason other than I don’t want to come in.
Rowan is going to kill him the next chance he gets.
But first there’s this customer to deal with.  At first Rowan thinks she’s lost and he’s going to have to explain that her phone is perfectly capable of giving her directions and not him.  He hates giving directions.
And he would have done just that if he weren’t caught up by the blonde curls that tumble over her shoulders and fire that burns in her eyes.  She’s beautiful and determined and he’s certain that turning her away will get him scorched.
She’s wearing a pair of jeans that hug her lean curves and an oversized t-shirt displaying a grunge band Rowan’s never heard of.  Her eyes hold no room for argument, condescension, or play of any sort.
“Can I help you?” Rowan asks, leaning across the front counter.  
“I need to break something,” the woman replies. 
She doesn’t look at him but examines the shop.  It’s small, smaller than Rowan would like, but they’ve got four stalls for throwing hatchets and knives and two soundproof rooms for customers to use to beat out their frustrations on bottles, computer equipment, and the likes.  
Everything else is decorated with black paint and frames of records, music posters, and few black and white photos of early Terrasen that Rowan had inherited from his da.  It’s simple enough, but that’s what makes the shop what it is.
“Sure,” Rowan says, “bottles, computer equipment?”
“Both,” she says.  She approaches the register and hands over a credit card. “I signed your waiver online.”
Rowan raises a brow, but she doesn’t seem to notice or care about how she may be coming across.  Though, he’s never minded an assertive woman.  So, he accepts the card and looks at the waiver that came through recently.
“Aelin?” he confirms, her name rolling easily from his tongue.  It’s an old name, one he’s only seen in the history books.
“Yeah,” she confirms.  
Rowan can feel her patience waning and it only spurs his interest in what she’s doing here.  He confirms her card information and her license to make sure it's her and is surprised to find that she’s from way up north, nearly an hour away.  He thinks better than to ask her about it so he instructs her on a few extra safety precautions.  They provide their clients with gloves, goggles, and jumpsuits and as long as they wear closed toed shoes, there never has been much of an issue.
“You’re the last person I have on the books today, so take your time,” Rowan said.  May as well, he’d be late cleaning up the rest of the shop anyways.
Aelin accepts all his instructions and heads back to one of the soundproof rooms.  There is a distinct look of rage in her eyes (fitting for any one of his customers that wants to break things).  Rowan quietly shows her where she can pick a box of bottles and a box of electronics as well as how to get her choice of music playing.
He leaves her to her own devices, only partially wondering where all that rage had come from.  The other part returns to Fenrys when the younger kid asks if he can take tomorrow off too.  Rowan wonders if having a staff meeting about work ethic will have any sort of effect when the music starts blaring from the room where he left Aelin.
Even with the soundproofing work they’d done on the rooms, there was still a bit of noise that happened.  Not that it got too bothersome, in fact it could get pretty humorous in learning what people listened to or screamed in their sessions.  It ranged from the usual rock to Adele.  He always found the Adele rage roomers to be the most concerning.  The rooms also had large viewing windows so if a large party came in, they could watch before switching off.
Still, Rowan can’t help but look up and smirk to himself when the opening notes of “Master of Puppets” began beating through the walls.
Aelin has never considered herself an angry person.  She’s never had reason to hate anyone with too much of a burning passion or talk negatively about them.  She’s always been a live and let live, a forgive and forget kind of a person.
Until her dad died and she lost her job.  Until her boyfriend left and she had to pick up the pieces of a life that she has come to realize is a bit of a joke she has no idea what to do about it.
To say the least: rage is child's play in comparison with what she’s feeling.
So she throws bottles against the wall and beats a printer until a plume of toner coats her jumpsuit.  And she screams.  
Metallica, AC/DC, Skillet, and artists she doesn’t know continue to beat through the speakers and she continues to scream.
It isn’t until she has a sheen of sweat on her forehead and she’s out of things to break that she pauses.  Her heart thrums in her chest with a mix of exertion and energy.  It’s the most alive she’s felt in months.  The metal bat in her hand clatters to the ground, crashing against the broken glass laying at her feet.
She wants to do more.  She wants to destroy everything she can get her hands on.  But not tonight.
Aelin leaves the bat where it lands and stalks back to the exit of the small room.  Overall, she’s rather pleased with the destruction she weaved.  Certainly, she got her money’s worth with the hour spent and attention she gave the phone.  She’d beaten that thing to a pulp.  All she wanted was to see the guts and innards spilled out.  
At her job—the phone had been the bane of her existence and seeing its destruction was more therapeutic than actual therapy.
Once out of the room, she strips out of the jumpsuit and gloves, settling the goggles and earmuffs in their respective bins.  Sweat still clings to her skin and she can feel bits of hair sticking to her neck.  But it’s a good feeling, the sense of accomplishment that comes after physical labor.  Rolling her shoulders, she glances back at the man who’d checked her in.
When she’d first entered the shop, she’d been so intent on getting into the room and breaking things that she hadn’t really paid him enough attention.  Sure, she’d noticed he was attractive in the rugged, tortured soul sort of way but she hadn’t taken the time to really look at him.  Like she does now.  He’s built like a brick wall, well over six feet tall with broad shoulders and muscles barely restrained in his black t-shirt.  His silver hair is pulled back in a half knot, leaving the rest to fall to his shoulders.  The styling offers a view of his chiseled jaw and sharp nose.  His golden-brown skin gleams in the overhead lights.
He looks up as though sensing her.  Just like when she first came in, he doesn’t smile.
“Finished up?”
“Yes,” she says. “Is there anything else you need from me?”
“No—” he begins, then stop when he glances up at her. “You’re bleeding.”
Aelin freezes, frowning as his words register. “Bleeding?”
She glances down.  Her jeans and t-shirt look fine, the bare skin of her arms normal, just the nearly invisible scars at her wrists, her forearms.
The man moves from around the desk at a quick pace, scowl cutting across his handsome features.  The look in his eyes shocks her enough that Aelin steps back.  Either not noticing or not caring about her reaction, the man continues towards her.  He reaches out a hand and snags her chin before she can pull away.
“What are you doing?” she demands.  Being manhandled was not on her list of things to have happen to her today.  Been there, done that.
“Cut,” the man says succinctly.
Aelin stares up at him, because of course he has to be a giant. “So?”
Later, she will berate herself for such a stupid response.  For now, all she is concerned about is how close he is to her and the scent of pine that wafts off his skin.  He also has a scar along his jaw, small but there.  Which she has no business noticing.
“A piece of glass must have flown back and nicked you,” the man says to her oh so pithy retort.  He raises an eyebrow and forest green eyes bare into her.
It is only then that Aelin feels the sting on her cheek.  Her sweat has finally rolled down into the wound.  She inhales sharply before trying to pull away.  The grip on her chin remains too strong.
“I’ll fix it up myself,” she says. “No big deal.”
She’d signed a waiver about injury anyways.  And if this is just a little cut, she really doesn’t care.  She doubts it will leave much of a mark after it heals anyways.  It’s not like she doesn’t have any other scars.
“I’ve got a kit,” the man replies in a way that tells her no amount of arguing will be tolerated.  It makes her hackles rise and her scowl deepen.  She doesn’t care much to be bossed around like this.
“And I said I’m fine,” Aelin insists.  She manages to pull away from him, her skin still burning for where he’d touched her.  It’s not that he hurt her, rather the way it lingers.  The feel of his skin on hers and the brush of calluses from his fingers.
He jerks his chin toward a stool sitting by the register. “Just sit down.”
“I signed a waiver,” Aelin reminds him.
A glare in return.
Damn he really needs to work on his customer rapport.
“I’m leaving you a mean review on Yelp.”  
“I’m terrified.” A deadpan response.
She thinks briefly about making a break for the door.  Having someone else touching her…being so close…well it makes her a little jumpy and desperate to leave.  But she saw how quickly he crossed the room once he noticed the blood.  Reluctantly, Aelin shuffles to the stool and huffs as she takes a seat.
The man goes around behind the register to grab said first aid kit.  What she is not expecting is a giant canvas duffle to slam onto the desk beside her.  The camo design is scuffed and beat to hell and back, duct tape slapped on in a few places, and faded Sharpie marks.
“It’s a scratch, not a gushing wound,” she says.  Why she bothers, she doesn’t know, her comment is ignored as the man unzips the bag and grabs a pack of gauze, disinfectant, and band-aids.  “Seriously.”
“My shop, my rules,” is his only reply.
Aelin sighs again and crosses her arms in front of her. “Fine.  What’s your name then?  Or can I keep referring to you as Asshole?”
Not even a twitch in his lips. “Rowan.”
Not the name she would have first associated with him, but Aelin’s not the best at naming things.  She named her dog Fleetfoot for crying out loud.  Really, what kind of a name is that?
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” she asks as he takes her chin again to tilt her face up.
“Sure,” he says, far too casually. 
Aelin wonders for a brief moment if she is possibly running the risk of being murdered.  Or maybe some sort of smuggling ring?  Rowan has enough dark surliness roiling around him that really, she won’t be surprised if the worst happens.  
She shifts on the stool.  Well, she does take self-defense classes.  And she knows where to find a metal bat to hit someone with.
“Relax,” Rowan says, as if sensing her discomfort. “I was a paramedic.”
“And now you run a store where people beat the shit out of things,” she says, “interesting.”
Rowan douses the gauze with disinfectant. “This’ll sting.”
That’s all the warning he gives before pressing the gauze to her cheek.  Aelin hisses out a curse, trying her best to sit still.  She can deal with pain.  She knows pain.  And this is hardly more than a mosquito bite.  One deep, slow breath later and she is fine.
“Good job,” Rowan murmurs.  He sets the gauze aside, leaning in to examine the spot on her cheek.  His fingers have gone soft as he gently probes the skin around the injury.
Aelin feels her heartrate ratchet up and she has to fight to keep a blush from rising on her cheeks.  There is no reason for her to be reacting the way she is.  No reason to be focused on the way his fingers are light as air against her skin.  Nor how close he is.  Apparently, assholes can still be attentive to the injured.
“It’s not too deep, but I wouldn’t argue against a stitch or two, though, no use getting a scar.”  
“Just a butterfly band-aid of steri-strip is fine,” Aelin tells him.  “No use going to the hospital for this.”
She’s had enough hospital visits to last a life-time.
Rowan fixes her with another frown and Aelin drops her gaze from his.  She doesn’t owe him an explanation, no matter if he is helping her.
“It doesn’t even hurt that much,” she adds. 
Her mutters under his breath and the only thing Aelin is somewhat sure he said is “damn woman.”  She can at least pride herself that she’s giving him a hard time.
“What’d you even do in there?” he asks, surprising her.  She really thought he was only capable of giving one or two syllable responses.  “Haven’t had an injury in six months.”
“Six months?” she frowns. “That’s how long you’ve been open.”
“Yeah, well opening night a bachelor party reserved the whole place with a bunch of idiots that didn’t know how to listen,” Rowan says.  He shakes his head and grabs a small tube of ointment for his bag-o-tricks. “And then they were drinking and we don’t have a test for that.”
Aelin read something like that in their waiver, something along the lines of an honor policy mixed with they didn’t have that proper authority to ban, even on suspicion of drinking.  Which seemed like a stupid rule, but she wouldn’t bring that up.
“The groom didn’t release his ax properly,” Rowan continues, “his wedding night could have been a disaster.”
Aelin lets out a startled chuckle.  Rowan too finally releases a smile of his own.  Though, when she blinks, it disappears.
“We’ve been a bit more careful about how we take reservations,” he says.  As he dabs some of the ointment onto her cheek, they fall into silence. “This’ll help with infection and keep it clean.  But you should go—”
“No.”  Aelin reaches for the bandage he set out; the butterfly strip doesn’t require too much thinking. “This is plenty.”
Rowan plucks the bandage from her fingers. “Stubborn.  That why you had to smash things to pieces?  Work out some anger?”
She doesn’t feel the need to reply to that, so she only adjusts her face up for him to apply the adhesive.  He may not have smiled again, but his eyes do have a bit of a gleam in them.
“I’m not the one who opened the shop, seems to me you’ve got more anger bottled up than me,” she says.  Granted…it sure feels like she has enough anger boiling up within her to fuel the sun.  Everyday.
Rowan flattens the bandage with his thumb.  His dark gaze sweeps over her face one final time before he steps back to start collecting the trash and other discarded items.
“All good,” he says. “But—”
“Good-bye, Rowan,” Aelin interrupts as she rises from the stool.  There is still a flood of endorphins running through her body over not just the rage room, but what came after.  And that’s what spurs her on.
“Do I need to prepare for a negative review?” Rowan asks.
She is already at the door, ready to burst out into the early evening warmth.  Aelin glances over her shoulder and offers a delicate shrug.
“We’ll see.”
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
Adele's Grand Munich Concert Series: 'A Bit Bloody Exciting'
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Earlier this summer, with a little help from AI, Adele slipped into a Bavarian-style dirndl dress, cradled a very tall beer, and held a giant soft pretzel aloft. “Not long now … Pack ma’s!” was the tagline, translating from Bavarian dialect as “Let’s do this!” Her groundbreaking, potentially record-busting Munich residency was only a few weeks off. Her Adele in Munich spectacular is now set to begin on Friday, attracting fans from around the world to 10 shows during August at a custom-built pop-up stadium, while pointing a way forward for pop superstardom – a bold project that has sparked excitement and some controversy. Adele’s AI-enhanced, tongue-in-cheek Instagram story situating her in a mocked-up Oktoberfest showed the multi-platinum, multi-Grammy-winning British singer embracing her long run in southern Germany – her first performances in continental Europe since 2016. “In Munich? That’s a bit random, but still fabulous!” was how she framed it on social media in January when the concerts were announced, calling it “a wonderful way to spend my summer and end this beautiful phase of my life and career”. Adele is also still doing her Las Vegas residency at Caesars Palace, which began in November 2022 and ends later this year. Both the Vegas and Munich residencies give her a high level of creative and logistical control compared with touring – a luxury option only available to entertainment’s biggest draws. “Superstars with the kind of catalogue that have a towering amount of hits are able to set up shop in one spot and say to their fans, ‘Hey, I’m powerful and famous and popular enough that you will come to me,’” said Jason Lipshutz, senior director of music at US industry magazine Billboard. “It’s definitely a flex.” The 400,000 sq-metre (4.3m sq ft) venue built for the concert series has been likened to a one-woman music festival. It features an amphitheatre for the performances plus a vast “Adele World” hospitality area with Bavarian beer garden; a pub modelled on the Good Ship in Kilburn, north-west London, where she performed early gigs; and a bar named I Drink Wine after one of her recent album tracks. Seven hundred people have been working to her team’s specifications for much of this year on site at the Munich fairgrounds outside the city. The singer teased fans in July with photos of herself beaming in a hi-vis vest while inspecting the site: “It’s all a bit bloody exciting.” The venue will accommodate a maximum of 75,000 fans a show, viewing a stage conceived by Eurovision song contest and America’s Got Talent set designer Florian Wieder. A 93-metre catwalk and 200-metre semicircular walkway to a second stage will bring Adele’s blend of ballad-belting diva and salty Londoner as close as possible to fans. Her manager, Jonathan Dickins, told reporters the atmosphere in Munich, a convenient European crossroads, would be “cosy”. But he said this residency would be the “total opposite” of the intimate Las Vegas shows, with a different setlist apart from the obvious big hits. A 220 x 30-metre backdrop screen, resembling a very long roll of analogue film, may find a place in the Guinness World Records for its size. The production team said the screen cost around €40m (£34m) and will also block noise from the nearby autobahn. If it rains, which it has often done this soggy German summer, everyone, including Adele, will get wet, but asphalt has been laid across the fairgrounds to avoid a mudbath. Veteran concert promoter Marek Lieberberg said the total production costs were in the range of hundreds of millions of euros – “the biggest project in my 50 years in the music business”. Adele will set up in Munich for the whole four weeks with her family, Dickins said. Local media reported that they would be staying at a sprawling suite in the city’s old town with four bedrooms, six bathrooms, four sitting rooms, and a dedicated butler. Residencies with global stars have become commonplace in the US – think Britney Spears and Céline Dion in Las Vegas and Billy Joel and Harry Styles in New York – but are still a relative rarity in continental Europe. “It’s not revolutionary what Adele is doing – it more falls into a trend” in the post-pandemic world of touring, Lipshutz said. “She wants to replicate a feeling more than just a performance among her fans, and give them an experience. This is a whole event to soak up and really enjoy.” US residencies tend to take place in destination cities giving fans an excuse to build a mini-holiday around the show while providing a windfall for the hosts. Munich’s top economic official Clemens Baumgärtner has estimated that Germany’s third-biggest city would make €566m from Adele’s August dates thanks to hospitality revenues and the rent from the fairgrounds, without Munich having to contribute to the cost of production. Some fans criticised the bargain-basement prices as unfair given what they paid early on to be assured a spot in a crowd. However, Lipshutz said it was not unusual for tickets to still be available given the giant scope of Adele in Munich. “Selling out a residency at an enormous venue is always going to be tricky for an artist of any stature. I truly think Adele will be fine, no matter how many thousands of tickets are sold.” Much has been made of the carbon footprint of big acts such as Taylor Swift while on tour. But fans traversing continents for once-in-a-lifetime encounters with their favourite stars have a huge climate impact too, noted Jan Stremmel, a journalist with Munich daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. “Gig tripping” is now competing with world touring, he said after speaking with people coming from as far as Washington DC and Manila to see Adele. “Now fans are increasingly going to where their idols are, even if it’s on the other end of the planet,” he said. “It’s a remarkable development, not only economically but also ecologically.” It’s understandable why they’re making the trip, however, as it is likely to be the last opportunity for some time. Adele recently announced a “big break” from music after the conclusion of the Las Vegas residency in November. “My tank is quite empty from being on stage every weekend in Las Vegas,” she said while promoting the Munich concerts. “I don’t have any plans for new music, at all … I think I want to do other creative things just for a little while.” Read the full article
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indyflanery · 6 months
Bold what the signs remind me of
ARIES: The smell of burnt matches, whiskey burning your throat, running at night, fiery gazes, freckles, laughs that expose their teeth, winning an arcade game, the thundering sounds of a crowded bowling alley, hearing music blaring from someone else’s headphones, cherry stained lips.
TAURUS: Thick hair, septum piercings/nose rings, earthy eyeshadow palettes, red wine, blasting Adele, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, leather bound journals, wearing expensive lingerie underneath casual outfits, MAC nudes, splurging at your local bakery, brownstone buildings, suede skirts, online shopping.
GEMINI: Synth pop playlists, neon signs, blurry nightclub photos, high school cliques, collecting crystals, getting dressed up to go to concerts/festivals, fleeting but intense crushes, conversations composed of gibberish, sitting in diners late at night, body glitter, witty comebacks, complicated coffee orders.
CANCER: Small tattoos, tasting teardrops on your lips, bed hair, swimming at night, high school English classes, the importance of platonic relationships, herbal tea, random quotes on post it notes, combing a friends hair out of their face, hermit crabs, swallowing the lump in your throat when you’re about to cry.
LEO: Theatre/drama kids, loud drunks, enthusiastic bear hugs, gold jewellery, leading the pack, grins that are a mixture of mischievous and sinister, eye catching outfits, temporary tattoos, dancers/musicians/painters (artists in general), a flair for the dramatic, flirtatiously winking at strangers, sunflowers.
VIRGO: New car smell, aesthetic highlighted notes, wire frame glasses, succulents, light denim, eyeliner and sass so sharp, wandering through antique stores, lace bralettes, Fleetwood Mac, flowers blooming, typewriter keys clicking, minty breath, dated polaroids, skepticism, organised bookshelves.
LIBRA: Collecting teacups, bright coloured pool floats, orchids, soft lips, Valentine’s day memes, float like a butterfly sting like a bee, smearing cream blush onto cheeks, bubblegum, Marina’s Electra Heart era, classic romance novels, songs that reference Paris, hoop earrings, pink lemonade, fluffy blankets.
SCORPIO: Menthol cigarettes, jealousy, original ChapStick, deep glares, tongue/lip piercings, crushed ice, cold hands, picking at your nails, storm clouds rolling in, maroon lipstick, band tees, suppressed emotions, Lorde aesthetic, an air of mystery, standing your ground, monochromatic themes, kept secrets.
SAGITTARIUS: Roadtrips with the windows down, drunken debates, loose jeans, camping with friends, speeding tickets, kissing strangers, action flicks with surround sound, messy bedrooms, wind swept hair, sneaking out of windows, chasing sunsets, big sunglasses, Ride by Lana Del Rey, backroads, wildflowers.
CAPRICORN: Black coffee, silver stationary, Arctic Monkeys, pencil sketches, cast iron gates, calligraphy, sleep deprivation, black skinny jeans, well written essays, deadly ambition, unboxing new shoes, absinthe, garter belts, tracing fingers over hardcover books, planning outfits in advance, expensive perfume.
AQUARIUS: Street smarts, revolutions, racing cars at traffic lights, sci-fi aesthetic, pool parties, dyeing your hair bright colours, spontaneity, conspiracy theories, dream catcher collections, random pockets of knowledge, lava lamps, artistic graffiti, stoner movies, flashing carnival lights, seldom used emojis.
PISCES: Giggly drunks, heart eyes, making playlists, seeing the good in people, aquariums, daydreaming in class, volunteering at animal shelters, watery eyes, acoustic guitar, anime, childhood teddy bears, shoeboxes full of things, talking to pets, wishing wells, clear umbrellas, flying a kite, philosophy.
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sexypinkon · 9 months
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Sexypink - Another year of fully gorging on everything Art. So many shows and projects, passings and beginnings. Happy 2024 to all....here is a look back of some of the highlights and challenges of the year.
Sybil Atteck continues
Mario Lewis Part I and II Forest Notebooks
Shadow Show @ A Space inna Space - The Frame Shop
Jamaican Artist Catrina Coombs
Marinna Shareef's mind benders
Deltex Artshop owner and legend in her own right Christine Millar passes away
Dr Bonaventure gave us wisdom and then some
Guadeloupan Kelly Sinnapah Mary
Art Swap @ Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Guy Beckles Kinetic Collaborations with 24 Contemporary Artists
Barbadian Scottish Alberta Whittle causes controversy
Adele Todd shows in Seattle
Sheena Rose sells to GOAT Venus Williams
Sarah Knights paints THE KING
Jamaican Stephen Schmid shows teeth
Sharon Camille Harding ~ Rest in Peace
Coretta and Martin's sculpture causes awe and confusion
Leroy Calliste (The Black Stalin) dies.
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mfashop · 2 years
3 Klimt Gifts for the Consummate Art Connoisseur in Your Life
Gustav Klimt, best known for works such as "The Kiss" and "Judith and the Head of Holofernes," was a pioneering member of the Vienna Secession Movement. He was also closely associated with the Art Nouveau movement and his Symbolist contributions to these schools of art often ruminated on the female form. Faintly suggestive at times and even overtly erotic at others, his works were heavily influenced by elements of symbolism and Japanese art. Many of his best known works are gilded upon the memory - quite literally, as one of the artist’s signature effects was the liberal use of gold leaf, which had an illuminating effect on many of his works, such as “Pallas Athena” and “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I.”
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Looking for the perfect holiday gift for a Klimt fan? Below are a few Klimt gifts, courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston gift shop’s MFA x Klimt collection.
Klimt, “The Kiss” Paint By Numbers Kit The Kiss is widely considered to be Klimt’s most popular work. It depicts a pair of lovers locked in an intimate embrace, situated at the edge of a meadow filled with flowers. Set against a vibrant gold background, this oil-on-canvas painting is a veritable head-turner of a piece, with patterns suggesting both an Art Nouveau style and the organicness of the Arts and Crafts movement. Klimt often depicts themes that revolve around the concepts of love, intimacy, and sexuality, all of which come through clearly in this work.
This paint-by-numbers kit from Today is Art Day, offered on the MFA Boston online gift shop, is one of the best Klimt gifts you can give to an aspiring artist this holiday season. It includes a pre-printed canvas artist board, 8 acrylic paint pots, and 2 paint brushes, as well as all the various accessories needed for your recipient to recreate Klimt’s masterpiece on their own. The acrylic paint pots are numbered, making it easy for someone to know which color goes where. After painting, the canvas can be framed for display.
Klimt, “The Kiss” 1000-Piece Puzzle Another way to bring the beauty of The Kiss into your recipient’s life is through this 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. It is 26.77 x 15.75 inches when completed, making it the perfect size for displaying and showing off. This item is available at the MFA Boston online gift shop.
Klimt, “Farm Garden with Sunflowers” 500-Piece Puzzle Cheerful and whimsical, Farm Garden with Sunflowers demonstrates Klimt’s admiration and deep respect for Vincent Van Gogh, whose works he deeply studied. It makes use of bold and luminous colors to illustrate an overgrown farm garden, with the flowers integrated in a thoughtful yet wild manner to emphasize their organic nature.
A 500-piece puzzle recreation of this work is an ideal holiday present for the nature-loving recipient who loves Klimt’s distinctive style, or truly for anyone who loves art in general. Gazing upon it brings forth calm and soothing feelings, similar to looking out the window and admiring the beauty of nature itself.
For more excellent Klimt gifts and stocking stuffers, visit the MFA Boston online gift shop now.
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chophouse22 · 2 years
Thrive Provisions Wagyu Beef Bar Honey Lime & Black Pepper 43g
A Sanjiro 3 son lately bought on the Bar R Production sale for a formidable $95,000USD. 41F is sired by our herd bull Kuntzide Comet who is an own son of HIRASHIGETAYASU J2351 and out of an own daughter of WORLD K'S SANJIROU frame and marbling superstars. 41F is a daughter of our 41X cow from the Bar R program. 41X is a grand daughter of TF 148 ITOSHIGENAMI, WORLD K'S YASUFUKU JR, TF ITOMICHI 1/2 and WORLD K'S SANJIROU. This pedigree is stacked with marbling power. TF 148 is considered to be one of the best sires for carcass and marbling production and his calves common 8.6 out of 9 on the Australian grading system.
They taste the cuts blindly, then vote on them to decide the one steak to rule all of them. Consider it a warmth verify on Canada’s culinary scene. One latest "kobe beef" i discovered was from "kobe beef canada co"... So kind of like how mcds buys from an organization called "one hundred wagyu beef canada pc real canadian beef co" and then they are saying issues like our burgers are made with one hundred pc actual canadian beef. None of the kobe slaughterhouses are registered with the canada food inspection company . But I somewhat spend my cash on a premium minimize of grass fed , dry aged rib eye.
We have seen the carcass outcomes from her half siblings and to use the words ‘Impressive’ can be an understatement. Another distinguishing mark of quality is the licensed fullblood status of Iwate Wagyu. Most wagyu outdoors of Japan is cross-bred with cows other than Japanese wagyu cattle and can only be called F1-F4 wagyu. 2.1.1 Meat and meat merchandise derived from bovine of Japanese origin - see sections 3.1, three.2, and 4.1 for extra certification attestations required. The distinctive taste and tenderness of extremely marbled Wagyu beef makes for an unrivalled consuming expertise.
Kuntzide Darelene can be an extremely appropriate cow with a deep heart girth and long loin. This young cow shall be a powerhouse for carcass production. We have a restricted variety of Grade 1 frozen embryos available from her. In 1985, Ken and Brian Woodward began Woodward Meats as a small steak cutting operation with a robust give consideration to quality and service. With dedication to these core values, the company gradually reworked into a big scale commercial butcher shop servicing foodservice establishments. Otter Creek Farms raise the very highest quality Wagyu beef to satisfy the discerning palate.
Embryos can be a more economical approach to get into the ... SEMEN FOR SALE Here's a Fullblood black Wagyu bull that checks all the boxes! He's AA10 which is the best wagyu beef canada achievable for SCD and Tenderness. He also has the highest achievable adele's for carcass ... Famu sells tenderloin at $20 for 100 grams for instance.
Then, when you arrive at the retailer of your selection, use the Instacart app to notify us. Depending on the store, a consumer or retailer worker will bring the groceries to your automotive, or you can pick them up at the designated area. A crisp green salad with a light wagyu beef canada oil French dressing pairs properly with the richness of Wagyu. Miso mushrooms also supply a complimentary flavour pairing that permits the Wagyu to shine. Before you truly want to eat, pull the meat out to relaxation at room temperature. Try not to drool in anticipation as you stroll by the kitchen.
Although crossbred, this beef still comes at a premium above even the most effective Canada Prime. It also has a higher fat content material and packs big, scrumptious, flavour. This beef is raised on grass and given small amount of grain to finish. The Wagyu/Angus breed makes for a full flavoured beef.
But in Dana's eyes, Wagyu seemed like the future of cattle in North America. He bought a couple of head and established BowVal Ranch on 665 sprawling acres outside Turin, a small hamlet outside of Lethbridge, Alberta the place Dana was born and raised. Named after its pristine location in a valley alongside the Little Bow River, Dana began elevating his outsider cattle confident that science and genetics have been on his facet. According to Dana, within the Nineteen Seventies four heads of Wagyu cattle were gifted from Japanese Emperor Hirohito to the Hawaiian Royal Family. The story goes that the Hawaiian Royals didn't suppose a lot of their prized—and admittedly delicious—gift, and in 1976 surreptitiously sold them to Texas A&M University, residence to a world-renowned beef research centre.
A minute steak is a thin, quick-cooking steak that typically is normally a bit powerful. But that's not the case thanks to the tenderness of Wagyu beef. Since 1993, Brant Lake Wagyu has been elevating Wagyu cattle in southern Alberta. Choose a minute steak over the Wagyu ribeye or striploin if you want one thing particular but not too wealthy.
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neerajblogs · 2 years
Buy Fendi Eyewear in Toronto | Hollyeyewear
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Fendi was born with a rich heritage that combines the finest elegance and innovative design to create luxurious products.
Adele and Edoardo Fendi founded the company in 1925 and opened their first boutique in Rome, Italy. They quickly expanded thanks to specialised bag and fur workshops, successful collections, and exceptional partnerships.
Fashion-forward Fendi eyewear is well known for mixing past designs with modern elements for an unmistakable sophistication. Models are vibrant and original, expressing a bold yet refined attitude. The classic 'double F' trademark decorates frames and glasses, a symbol of creativity that inspires today’s trendsetters to take precedence in fashion and style. Wearing Fendi eyewear makes you a part of something extraordinary and revered while supporting everlasting authenticity.
Karl Lagerfeld joined the design house of Fendi back in 1965 and created designs for five long decades. In 1992, he was succeeded by Silvia Venturini Fendi, the third generation of the Fendi family. In 2000, Ermenegildo Zegna bought a stake in the company and became part of the prestigious LVMH Group.
Kim Jones, a British designer, will join the Fendi family as an Artistic Director for Couture and Women’s designer glasses in 2020. With Kim at their side, the Fendi family will be led by three generations of accomplished designers – Silvia Venturini Fendi, Delfina Delettrez Fendi, and Kim Jones.
Silvia Venturini Fendi, Artistic Director of Accessories and Menswear, says the importance of 2020 is "purely symbolic;" it signifies that "Fendi is going to continue to follow our lovely world of jewellery, accessories and high-end ready-to-wear."
In 2015, Fendi relocated its headquarters to one of Rome's most iconic structures: the Palazzo Della Civiltà Italiana. The decision symbolises Fendi's desire to pay homage to its past while moving forward into a bright future.
At Palazzo Fendi, you'll find the full range of Fendi products and an atmosphere that embodies Maison's commitment to creativity. The private Fendi suites will allow you to experience a unique luxurious living space in the heart of Milan.
Holly Eyewear is the most stylish way to go!
Holly Eyewear is a Toronto eyewear store where fashion meets passion. Holly Eyewear is Canada's most excellent eyewear store.
When you need to buy eyewear, we'll help you find the perfect pair of designer sunglasses or prescription frames. We'll help you customise your collection to match your style and personality.
Holly Eyewear is a one-stop shop for the hottest designer wear. They carry an extensive and sophisticated range of Fendi glasses to cater to your every need. You can buy these high-quality designer spectacles at the Holly Eyewear store or online.
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aussielong · 2 years
King tut papyrus artwork
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Papyrus to be inspected by an expert - what this means is that while your order will show as shipped, it may in fact be on hold at the Cairo airport pending inspection We apologize for any delays that may occur, ultimately it is about the preservation of the history of Egypt. All king tutankhamun artwork ships within 48 hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. There were also two similarly inlaid bracelets carved into the wrists.Īll papyrus paintings are sent with "rough" edges, easily trimmed to fitĬhanges implemented by the Ministry of Antiquities requires all DETAILS: Egyptian Papyrus painting King Tut & Nefertari, presented in a gilt frame, matted and glazed. Shop for king tutankhamun wall art from the world's greatest living artists. The crook and flail, held respectively in the left and right hands, were inlaid with blue lapis and turquoise, along with blue faience, the broad "falcon collar" contains inset pieces of brilliant reds, blues and turquoise adorned the king's throat. In this Appraisal Report I will explain the provenance, value and history of Framed 1980s Franklin Mint Egyptian King Tut Papyrus. King Tut's throne was made of wood, covered in gold leaf. Tutankhamun, or better known as King Tut, is an 18th dynasty pharaoh who inherited the throne at a young age. The colourful hand drawing is very impressive. The uraeus on the forehead was of gilded wood, with a head of blue faience and inlays of red coral, blue lapis and turquoise. Product Description: Papyrus painting of this throne was one of the special artifacts found in King Tut's tomb which was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. The papyrus comes with a Guarantee Certificate that assures the Papyrus to be planted in Egypt and has the same chemical and physical properties that our ancient Egyptian Papyrus had. Papyrus canvas.Many details, such as the stripes of the nemes-headcloth, eyebrows, cosmetic lines and beard were inlaid with blue lapis. View sold price and similar items: Artist Signed - Adel Ghabour Egyptian Papyrus Art from South Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services on J6:00 PM EDT. Product Description: This papyrus painting is the secondĬoffin or sarcophagus, a stunning oversized piece on a natural
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adeleisexceptional · 2 years
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                          A    D    E   L    E       T    O    D     D
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wallyaxiom · 2 years
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꧁•⊹٭𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚖𝚢𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏٭⊹•꧂
inspired  by  :  wall-e (  wall-e ) / added inspo ! ,  rachel green  (  friends  )  ,  cathy hiatt  (  the last five years  )  ,  donna sheridan  (  mamma mia! )  , mia (  la la land  )
full name. wallace timothy axiom faceclaim. louis tomlinson ( future chris pine ) dob. 12.24.95 zodiac. capricorn occupation. florist and co-owner of minnie’s flower shop. birthplace. lawrence, kansas. orientation. homosexual/homoromantic song. easy on me -adele. film. hello dolly education. high school diploma.  temperament. sanguine ( curious, impulsive, optimistic ) mbti. enfp ( creative, expressive, imaginative ) alignment. neutral good abilities. power of creaton hogwarts house. hufflepuff emoji.  ( 🥺 )
present !! ( bio can be found here )
wally is currently in the phase of rebuilding their life. after having their life controlled for the majority of it they’re figuring out who they are and what they truly want. during this time they have come to the realization that they are genderfluid and began using they/he/she pronouns a little over two years ago.
they’ve come into their sense of self. they’re no longer trying to please others and for the first time living for themselves. healing besties !!
they currently work and co-own minnie’s flower shop. wally has always had a fascination with plants. they literally how the power of creation but choose to use it by helping plants. 
currently, they’re dating jim hawkins. in march they welcomed a daughter, circe hawkins and jim adopted wally’s son from their previous marriage. 
the challenge in their life right now is all jim has to do with finding treasure planet. wally doesn’t know all the details they do know that jim has to leave. with their little family that they have built the idea of jim leaving scares them but they’re not going to stop jim from doing what he’s destined to do. 
they’ve built a support system around them that they longed for. because their children are close wally is close to howl pendragon and monty mcqueen. ( the parents of fight club ) that and they’ve been able to make friends once more. wally is no longer lonely
they’ve been therapy for sometime now and it’s done wonders 
being an actor is something they’ve always dreamed of. they did theatre in high school and the stage was always a place they felt comfortable on. it was dream they gave up during their previous marriage & with a new baby wally isn’t sure if they want to pursue it. a small part of them feels that dream can’t happen anymore
elias has become a home to them. their parents reside in los angeles. it would have been easier to leave this city but with all they have created here for themselves they couldn’t leave all the good that has come after the storm
as for the whole mickey / maleficent debacle ? wally stays out of it. they pay it no mind because it doesn’t really affect them ?? they have other things to worry about so like as long as the city isn’t going to dust wally’s just vibing with whatever happens
songs associated with this time frame : i’m not a girl not yet a woman - & juliet, lose you to love me - selena gomez, i belong to me - jessica simpson, break up song - little mix, landslide - fleetwood mac, 10 / 10 - rex orange county, here comes the sun - the beatles 
past !!
tw: wally’s past touches on many triggering topics such as abuse, eating disorders suicide and more. please read with caution or skip to headcanons if need be. triggers will be indicated with an asterisk.
wally was adopted by matthew and gwen axiom when they were a baby. their birth parents, lyle joshua beamer and jolene kirkpatrick, were only sixteen when they had them. thus leading them to give their son up for adoption.
they have two siblings on from their birth parents: marjorie and austin. 
they have met their birth parents and siblings. 
as a child wally always dealt with loneliness. they were the only child of their adoptive parents. the rest of the axiom’s never took to wally. they were shunned. because of that wally’s always felt like there was something wrong with them. like no matter what they did they would never be enough unless they filled the role that was expected of them. 
being the son of matthew axiom meant that wally was to inherit their family’s empire. while space and all it’s mysteries was something that had always interested wally, they didn’t like the pedestal the family had placed them on. they expected so much perfection from them. wally was afraid of failing or not living up to their standards. that and they knew the axioms ( outside their parents ) wanted to use wally’s power for their own financial gain. 
wally was closest to their mother. their father was always a bit cold and distant. they knew their dad loved them matthew just had a hard time of showing it. wally did all they could to get their father’s approval and be the perfect son. 
* because of the lack of control in their life and the various insecurities wally developed an eating disorder. they struggled with their image & body dysmorphia for a long time. their need for perfection is something that’s hindered them. 
wally was introduced to the BNL gang by his cousin, august nicknamed ‘auto’. august despised wally for being the heir to the axiom fortune. the gang was mostly a trap to ruin wally’s golden imagine and because the gang would rough them up. it’s exactly what happened. 
Gopher, the leader of the BNL gang and Auto had the gang beat wally up. while they were unconscious they trashed Axiom Corporation headquarters. it was the perfect storm to have the axiom’s taking wally out of their prestigious  private school to the halls of walt academy. 
* once at walt, wally acted out. it was the first time they were free from the gilded cage they were placed in. they did everything and anything under the sun. they were a hoe ( rip hoe phase u will be missed ), did some hard drugs and was just kind off of the rails. 
wally was at the academy the same time as james ‘ sulley ’ sullivan & adam beausoleil. while wally and sulley were friends ( and have remained close ) wally was one of the many people adam bullied in high school. 
when wally was seventeen they met oliver spade. the two began dating, got engaged at eighteen and married at twenty. they were married from december 2015 to may 2019.
the two broke up the first time because oliver was insecure about wally’s friendship with sulley. they accused wally of liking sulley and broke up with them. 
* oliver was not the kindest in his words. he gaslighted and blamed wally for their break up. wally’s self esteem was not good. feeling as though they were the reason they lost ‘ the one good thing ’ in their life drove wally to spiral. they attempted suicide. after that wally was institutionalized by their parents for their safety. 
not long after they returned to walt, wally got back with oliver. oliver proposed to them and they said yes. soon after they welcomed their son, joshua matthew spade. ( later changed to axiom after the divorce and axiom-hawkins once adopted by jim )
* wally was blind to the verbal and emotional abuse oliver subjected them to. oliver had led wally to believe he would be the only one who could ever love wally because who would love them with a past like theirs ? anytime they would fight oliver would threaten to take josh away because wally ‘wasn’t fit to be a parent’. for years, oliver dictated what wally could wear, how they presented themselves, who he could talk to and basically who they were as a person. if oliver didn’t like something he would shame wally for it. any dreams wally had were thrown away. they were forced to stay home and take care of josh. it was always about oliver. his wants, his dreams, his desires, if wally voiced otherwise oliver would be upset at wally for questioning what he was doing to provide for their family. near the end of their marriage, wally was isolated. they had no friends, no life outside of oliver, wally was not allowed to be a separate entity outside of their husband. wally was just a pretty trophy. 
after one fight in particular wally that left wally sleeping on the couch and taking care of josh alone while oliver confined himself to their bedroom, they finally woke up. the life they were living was toxic. the relationship they had was toxic. they and josh deserved so much better. they left to their parents house telling them they were leaving oliver. wally expected an i told you so to come from their dad but it never did. instead, he offered to pay for the divorce and make sure wally had sole custody of josh. 
songs associated with this time frame : irobot - jon bellion, i want to break free - queen, the great escape - boys like girls, a part of that - the last five years, good wife - kacey musgraves, see i’m smiling - the last five years, love me better - joan
future !!
in the future wally would like to be an actor. they’ve always been a dreamer and for that part to come back to them would be healing
because of what they went through wally would be quite protective of their kids. if they can keep them from going through what they did they will. they would be very expressive with their love and pride. Helicopter mom ?? maybe 
they would do broadway ... maybe star in some musicals they loved a nice little full circle moment
the environment and earth is something that is important to wally. their mother was an environmental specialist so wally has always had a great love for the earth and taking care of it. they would do what they can to help aid the planet. 
wally would use the platform they’re given for good. it’s in their nature to help others so that’s what they would continue to do. whether that’s telling important stories in film, giving to charities, creating a fashion line that’s inclusive and using their powers to heal the earth when needed.
in the future i’m just hoping wally’s finally happy and at peace. i’ve put them through so much they deserve like a crumb of rest
songs associated with this time frame : smile - katy perry, ( i’m gonna ) love me again - elton john & taron egerton, in this skin - jessica simpson, trying my best los angeles - mandy moore, rain on me - lady gaga & ariana grande, in real life - mandy moore
taken connections
matthew & gwen axiom / adoptive parents .
lyle & jolene beamer / birth parents .
marjorie & austin beamer / siblings .
august & mo axiom / cousins .
jim hawkins / boyfriend .
josh axiom hawkins & circe hawkins / children .
penelope hainline / platonic soulmate .
francesco bernoulli / best friend .
monty mcqueen & howl pendragon / fight club parents .
daisy duck, mollie silver, sally carrera, james sullivan & kiara santucci / friends . 
adam beausoleil / dislikes him .
kairi nakamura / co-worker .
minnie mouse / boss & co-owner .
wanted connections
i’ve had wally for nine years so it’s hard to think of wanted connections for them so here me wracking my brain for possibilities !!
hookups : if your character went to walt academy as well during the time wally was there and something something might have happened lemme know if you’d like that  [ open ]
co-workers : if you’d like to be employed at the flower shop you know where to go !! [ open ]
fellow plant lovers / earth lovers / vegetarians : if u love the planet wally’s down to have more earth loving besties [ open ]
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Blessings from the past week and a half (because I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time complaining about very trivial things and seriously need to remember to rejoice in the LORD always and in every circumstance and to count my blessings, of which there are many):
having not one but TWO parties of guests over for two Thanksgiving meals, and being able to eat and talk and laugh with them
learning to take being out of my comfort zone in stride and focusing on the person I'm talking to rather than my own discomfort (not a fun lesson at the beginning, but I was very grateful for it by the end)
Froglet's friend :) very impressed, quite moved, still shocked (but evidently not speechless ldksjflsfkjds) from the experience, deeply grateful that young men like him still exist (in THIS ECONOMY!!)
also mashed potatoes my beloved...... we ran out already (sigh) but it was good while it lasted
the little grocery shop on campus has little hand-written signs out in front and every time I see them I have to work very hard not to cackle. Today they were selling (and I kid you not) PUNKINS and POMELS (..... pumpkins and pomelos, as far as I could tell)
a shocking amount of time to write this week. It's been around a week and a half since the Inklings Challenge started, and most of the writing I've done occurred in the past seven days. And it hasn't been Words Words Words (as is often the case when I've done things like NaNoWriMo)...... the time I've had to write has actually felt fruitful, somehow, and full of joy and surprise.
reading everyone's Inklings Challenge posts and ideas and updates!!! :D
MUSIC!! especially: the Inklings Challenge playlist, My Type (Saint Motel--forever an Isaac song in my head now), Death by a Thousand Cuts, Sway (Michael Buble), Taylor Leonhardt's Hold Still album, also just THINKING about the fact that we get Taylor AND Adele next month (!!!!?????!!!!!)
been listening to Holly Black's The Cruel Prince and while the violence has been. shocking to say the least, I am very Intrigued and am looking forward to seeing what Jude is up to in The Wicked King (Cardan as well. I'm not totally sold on him yet, but he is quite an interesting character, and I'm looking forward to Development in future books)
calling Froglet by accident one day and then being able to chat with him for a few minutes :)
I love my coworkers
my employer pulled me aside today and told me I've been doing a good job so far (????????) and mentally I am lying face down on the ground still because it came as a shock and also I've been making a hash of things and messing up my whole email system (but it meant a Lot coming from him!!!)
Muffin roped me into watching Dug Days with her (the Up spin-off miniseries) and I was crying five seconds into the intro (Carl kissing the framed photograph of his wife was enough to send me over the edge)....... you can imagine how the rest of the episode went (this is an endless source of entertainment for my family--Dad took one look at my face and snickered rather ungraciously to himself for the rest of the episode)
SUN and also RAIN
so many October birthdays!! @incomingalbatross and @illbeoutofthewoods and @itspileofgoodthings, all of whom are blessings in my life :)
being alive and being here and also being able to study and work and write and read and laugh
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writermuses · 3 years
You know it’s long because this is like over a decade now of OTPs and BrOTPS. It’s a lot a lot lot... So, under the snippity snip it goes. 🎁 🎄 ☃️ 
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From Aurélie to Adele:
Aside from the fact that Elie got her bestie’s little ones enough clothes to replace their entire wardrobes (seriously, she’s been shopping all year someone reign her in) and Lachlan a handpan, she gave Adele clothes and jewelry from her travels and a year’s subscription to the Seed Bank Box so that she can garden and grow her own flowers and veggies, either as a way to relax or do something fun with the family.
From Henrik to Eittie:
It is time for Eittie to be fully converted into a Bostonian. Henri had custom home and away jerseys made for her for both the Bruins and the Red Sox, though he’s sure she was more excited to get a few more plants and some cute new pots for her plants that she’d mentioned needed repotting. His family also spoiled her with dozens of gifts from gift cards to the bookstore, clothes (most of which is Boston-weather ready and themed winter attire), framed pictures from the times she’s joined the Oliwas for holidays, and cute little custom labels with her plant names she’d mentioned.
From Lachlan to Adele:
Lachlan had matching frames made with the years they’ve been together embossed on them. Each contains the paint sample strips with their scribblings on them. His parents, who often take on the kids so they can go on dates, run errands, etc. helped the kids make her ornaments using the handprints of the little ones and the coloring skills of the older ones (paint by number and such) and they continued the tradition of passing along a family ornament. This one was a ceramic ‘C’ with gold detail that belonged to Lachlan’s great-great grandparents.
From Matthias to Alessandra:
Matt had never thought himself to be some eternal optimist, especially after his prior failures in marriage, but he’d always hoped that Aless would come back to them. When she was gone, he’d missed hearing her tell him all the things they got into together while he was away for work. Whether it was a story Brie made up or a retelling of Brie’s day from her point of view lovingly told through her mother’s eyes. So, he’d kept journals and, even when on a trip for work, he’d made a point of either calling at bedtime or having his mother or brothers ask her on his behalf. Each day she was gone was written in the hard cover journals, a little date and a variety of pen colors that . He stacked them up and wrapped them with golden bow. The small card had a winter portrait of a little cottage full of light and covered in snow. “While you were away, every story of every day.”
Other gifts from Micah gifts more typical; a beautiful pearl and diamond bracelet, new home office furniture, and some cashmere sweaters, hats, and scarves. His parents brought her a new dining set. His eldest brother welcomed her back with a new longboard, teasing her that her newfound surf skills probably need brushing up, to which Matt joked back that even as a novice she was already ten times better than he’d ever been- not an unfounded diss.
From Aubrianna to Alessandra:
Brie picked out a “pretty dress” for Aless that she found running through a department store. Matt agreed it would look great on her, so he didn’t say it wasn’t a dress. At school she made her a reindeer ornament with her handprint and popsicle sticks. The snowman shaped card that was also clearly made in school, perfect little circles cut out by her teacher and overly glued cotton balls placed on top reads, “To: Mummy Buon Natale! Love Brie” with a backwards ‘e’ 
From Micah to Alessandra:
Micah gave all family members a stocking ornament engraved with the Cartwright ‘C’ monogram.  Inside the her ornament is a picture of her with Matt and Brie on one of their Sunday dinners.
From Nathaniel to Caria:
Nate’s really really bad at getting gifts, but his secretary knew how much he liked her and insisted he figure it out. So he got her a MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, Apple Watch, and iPhone 13 Pro Max. It’s all a bit selfish, but he only spends about 1/3 of his time in D.C. and he misses her too much. So, Nate logic, Caria can now have all of her services sink easily device to device so that their long distance dates and video calls all easily move from any device she has available and charged. Oh to be young and in love in 2021. Sidenote: He did fill her stocking with so many yummy snacks and cute floral watch bands. He also got her a few of his favorite books.
From Cosmo to Caria:
A little card that came with a small bundle of snapdragons read “Have a pawsome Christmas! A donation has been made to K9s for Warriors on your behalf. Love, Cosmo”
From Octavius to Eittie:
In not-so-teasing fashion and true to Tavi’s hatred of shopping and having “stuff” he bought Eittie a leather backpack and stuffed it with what he deemed travel essentials. Travel shoes, thick jeggings, cute undies, mace, two compression shirts, snacks, first aid kit, Swiss Army knife, travel water filters, socks with wool inside, secret pocket with fake papers and cash... I mean what? At least he put a bow on it.
From Pembe to Adele:
To her new friend, Pem sent Adele and Lachlan a new dining set she designed with their monogram. For the kids, she made a tea set our that’s quite more thick and durable than the ones she makes for use and decor.
From Tadgh to Eittie:
After she showed up in Barra, they swapped numbers to keep in touch a little. He sent Eittie a copy of Selene’s book and a draft copy of his own collection of poems about Lene with a  note that read: Happy Christmas, Graveyard Girl. I hope that this will answer some of the questions I couldn’t answer that first time we met. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy new year, Tadgh, Selene, & Sorcha
From Tadgh to Selene:
Tadgh made her a rocking chair, ottoman, and little side table. The top of the side table has inlaid sea glass under epoxy resin so that it’s a smoothed over surface. The lip of the side table holds a verse from a newer poem of his:
Happiness in every sense of the word: Like the sunrise warms a winter night, I feel its limbs tingle across my skin Like a crashing wave sprays ocean to a cliff, I taste its smile on my tongue Like the wind rustles through spring fields, I smell its presence on my clothes Like fire consumes what was lost and gone, I see its hope alight around me Like mountains shake to bring new life, I hear the its laughter in my home It’s you, my happiness.
From Teague to Eittie:
None of this should be a surprise but everything is red and any detailing is gold form the wrapping to the gifts themselves. Dresses, shoes, lingerie, toys, flowers. There’s silks, satin, velvet. It’s all very over the top and probably didn’t seem like it was that different from other gifts he’s given her, just a lot at once. He did make her a Christmas dinner and stocked their bar with various types of whisky.
From Thaddeus to Rosie:
On Christmas Eve everyone opened their now-a-Winston-Watson-tradition-gift from Thaddy: matching family onsies. This year it was all of the dogs from the sanctuary for the year with little Santa hats or reindeer ears on. He’s not the best at gift giving, so he likes just doing this one silly thing and spending the rest of the time just doing what he prefers: acts of service.
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sexypinkon · 4 years
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~Sexypink~ Adele Todd is in The Portrait Show.
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playsthetics · 5 years
What the signs remind me of:
Aries: The smell of burnt matches, whiskey burning your throat, running at night, fiery gazes, freckles, laughs that expose their teeth, winning an arcade game, the thundering sounds of a crowded bowling alley, hearing music blaring from someone else’s headphones, cherry stained lips.
Taurus: Thick hair, septum piercings/nose rings, earthy eyeshadow palettes, red wine, blasting Adele, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, leather bound journals, wearing expensive lingerie underneath casual outfits, MAC nudes, splurging at your local bakery, brownstone buildings, suede skirts, online shopping.
Gemini: Synth pop playlists, neon signs, blurry nightclub photos, high school cliques, collecting crystals, getting dressed up to go to concerts/festivals, fleeting but intense crushes, conversations composed of gibberish, sitting in diners late at night, body glitter, witty comebacks, complicated coffee orders.
Cancer: Small tattoos, tasting teardrops on your lips, bed hair, swimming at night, high school English classes, the importance of platonic relationships, herbal tea, random quotes on post it notes, combing a friends hair out of their face, hermit crabs, swallowing the lump in your throat when you’re about to cry.
Leo: Theatre/drama kids, loud drunks, enthusiastic bear hugs, gold jewellery, leading the pack, grins that are a mixture of mischievous and sinister, eye catching outfits, temporary tattoos, dancers/musicians/painters (artists in general), a flair for the dramatic, flirtatiously winking at strangers, sunflowers.
Virgo: New car smell, aesthetic highlighted notes, wire frame glasses, succulents, light denim, eyeliner and sass so sharp, wandering through antique stores, lace bralettes, Fleetwood Mac, flowers blooming, typewriter keys clicking, minty breath, dated polaroids, skepticism, organised bookshelves.
Libra: Collecting teacups, bright coloured pool floats, orchids, soft lips, Valentine’s day memes, float like a butterfly sting like a bee, smearing cream blush onto cheeks, bubblegum, Marina’s Electra Heart era, classic romance novels, songs that reference Paris, hoop earrings, pink lemonade, fluffy blankets.
Scorpio: Menthol cigarettes, jealousy, original ChapStick, deep glares, tongue/lip piercings, crushed ice, cold hands, picking at your nails, storm clouds rolling in, maroon lipstick, band tees, suppressed emotions, Lorde aesthetic, an air of mystery, standing your ground, monochromatic themes, kept secrets.
Sagittarius: Roadtrips with the windows down, drunken debates, loose jeans, camping with friends, speeding tickets, kissing strangers, action flicks with surround sound, messy bedrooms, wind swept hair, sneaking out of windows, chasing sunsets, big sunglasses, Ride by Lana Del Rey, backroads, wildflowers.
Capricorn: Black coffee, silver stationary, Arctic Monkeys, pencil sketches, cast iron gates, calligraphy, sleep deprivation, black skinny jeans, well written essays, deadly ambition, unboxing new shoes, absinthe, garter belts, tracing fingers over hardcover books, planning outfits in advance, expensive perfume.
Aquarius: Street smarts, revolutions, racing cars at traffic lights, sci-fi aesthetic, pool parties, dyeing your hair bright colours, spontaneity, conspiracy theories, dream catcher collections, random pockets of knowledge, lava lamps, artistic graffiti, stoner movies, flashing carnival lights, seldom used emojis.
Pisces: Giggly drunks, heart eyes, making playlists, seeing the good in people, aquariums, daydreaming in class, volunteering at animal shelters, watery eyes, acoustic guitar, anime, childhood teddy bears, shoeboxes full of things, talking to pets, wishing wells, clear umbrellas, flying a kite, philosophy.
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