#Adrian Pucey
bubblegump-1-nk · 6 months
It Hurts Me
pairing: Theodore Nott x female!reader
summary: In which you’re dating Adrian Pucey but your relationship is anything but healthy. Theo wishes you could see what’s right in front of you - songs: It Hurts Me by Elvis Presley and He Could Never Love You by Henry Morris and Playyar
Warnings: toxic and abusive relationships
- I’m sosososo sorry it has taken me so long to post. I’ve just been pretty lazy recently but I’m back(kinda)!! Also, implied Gryffindor reader but I don’t think I ever specified what house she’s in.
Theo was sitting at the Slytherin table for dinner. His friends chatting around him as he ate his mashed potatoes.
“It was completely unfair!” Complained Enzo, explaining how the red card call against him in the most recent quidditch match was uncalled for.
“Enzo, you grabbed Rais by the neck and threw him off his broom. It was completely fair.” Says Daphne, causing Enzo to roll his eyes and focus on his plate of food.
“Look,” says Pansy, elbowing Daphne lightly to get her attention. “They’ve been fighting again.” She says.
Theo follows their gaze, and sees you entering the Great Hall. Your eyes are bloodshot red and puffy. Mascara running slightly beneath your eyes. Theo clenches his fists at the sight of you. He can’t believe your still with that git Adrian Pucey.
“What do you think it was about this time?” Theo asks, still looking at you as you make your way over to the Gryffindor table.
“I heard them in the hallway earlier. Something about her school uniform.” Says Draco in between bites of food.
“What?! He’s angry about her goddamn school uniform?” Theo proclaims, astonished at how idiotic your stupid boyfriend is.
“Yeah, it’s too tight or something.” Draco explains.
Theo’s about to say something else, when Adrian walks into the dining hall.
His hair is messy, and his face is stoic yet his eyes are still furious. Every time Theo sees him he wonders how a girl as sweet and perfect as you could be in a relationship with a git like him.
“How long have they been together?” Mattheo asks, more quietly this time.
“About 6 months, I think.” Says Pansy.
Theo pushes his plate away, his appetite gone from thinking too much about you with someone else.
“I’m going to bed.” He says, getting up and leaving before anyone can ask any questions.
“Y/n, I seriously don’t understand why you’re still with him.” Hermione states, as you walk back to the common room.
“It’s complicated Hermione. He’s so good to me sometimes.” You explain.
“Well you should be with someone who’s good to you all the time.” She says, as you enter the common room.
“He’s just jealous sometimes. It’s not like he’s ever laid a hand on me or anything.” You state.
“Right, but it’s only a matter of time before it gets worse.”
“Hermione, please. I understand your looking out for me but please, just stay out of it.” You say, as you walk quickly up to your dorm, leaving Hermione, Harry, and Ron.
“Boyfriend problems again?” Ron asks.
“Like always.” Responds Hermione, plopping down on the couch.
“Hi Theo.” You say happily, as you see him in the hallway on your way out of the bathroom.
“Hi y/n, what class are you in right now?” He asks. Since classes were in session, the hallways were empty except for the two of you.
“History of Magic and I’m bored to insanity.” You say with a giggle, and Theo responds with a chuckle.
“Wanna skip?”
You give him a look, thinking of all the possibilities, but you quickly give in. How could you ever say no to Theodore Nott?
“Take me away.” You say. Theo gives a small surprised look, too quick for you to realize what it meant. In reality, he hadn’t truly expected you to say yes, considering that Adrian had forced you to block contact with just about every boy at Hogwarts. Your slight confusion slips away as Theo grabs your hand, and you giggle as he starts dragging you out of the building.
He takes you to the Black Lake, and he sets his things down by a tree as you try to catch your breath.
“Merlin, y/n, I need to take you on more runs if your panting after that.” He says jokingly.
You slap him lightly on the shoulder as you say, “No, you’re just absurdly tall! One of your steps is like 5 of mine.”
“Sorry, principessa, I guess I didn’t take that into consideration.” He says, laughing slightly at your demeanor.
“Ok, Mr. Cocky, wrap it up.” You say, smiling, as you go sit down by the tree.
Theo and you had been close friends since 2nd year, but you started to lose touch with him, (as well as practically all your guy friends) since you started dating Adrian. You missed moments like these and cherished them the little times you got them.
You began to get out your homework as Theo was walking towards the tree.
“Oh absolutely not.” He states, coming nearer.m
“What?” You ask, confused.
“You are not about to do homework right now. You might as well have stayed in class.” He states, grabbing your textbooks.
“Ok, ok, fine. Just put my books down and then I’ll do whatever you want to do.” You say, getting up for, your sitting position.
“Anything?” He says, a smirk on his lips as he sets your books down.
You playfully roll your eyes, “almost anything.” You clarify.
“Get in the lake with me.” He says.
“But it’s cold!” You protest.
He gives you a look, and as you stare into his eyes you can’t help but say yes to whatever he says.
“Well, let’s go then!” You say as you run towards the water, taking off your clothes.
Theo laughs as he runs behind you, both of your clothes sprawled out on the ground like a trail leading to the water, leaving you both in your underwear.
You get to the dock first, but before you get a moment to readjust yourself, Theo comes running behind you, grabbing you by the waist and taking you with him into the water.
You let out a yelp before plunging into the frigid water.
“Merlin it’s cold.” Theo says, as you two reach the surface again.
“What did you expect idiot. It’s the middle of February.”
“What did you just call me?” Theo says jokingly, grabbing you by the waist again to take you down under.
“No, please! Have mercy!” You says, jokingly before being engulfed in cold water. Your body and Theo’s wrapped tightly together.
You realize that this is the first time in months that you’ve felt truly free. Nothing but happiness in your head, not even a hint of fear. It’s something you haven’t experienced since you’ve been dating Adrian. In this small moment where you’re deep in these black waters, you realize that Theo is the only one who has shown you that since you’ve been with Adrian.
You feel yourself getting pulled up and your head breaks through the surface again.
“Race you to the dock!” Theo calls out, swimming quickly towards the shore.
“Wait! That’s so unfair!” You call out before swimming after him.
The sounds of your laughter mix together, and quickly you forget everything that’s ever pained you - especially Adrian.
Quickly you reach the dock, Theo already climbing onto it.
“Beat you bella.” Theo says, a large smile on his face.
“Yeah, only because you cheated.” You say, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Aw c’mon, just admit that you’re too slow for me.” He chuckling.
“Over my dead body. Now help me up, Nott.”
“Yes ma’am.” He says, reaching down to give you his hand and lifting you up quickly as if you weighed no more that 5 pounds.
“It’s freezing.” You say, walking towards your bags.
“Good thing I have a sweatshirt.” Theo says, handing it to you as reach the tree.
You conduct a quick drying spell on the both of you and you two began redressing, you slip Theo’s sweatshirt over your uniform.
You two sit down, chatting and laughing. You realize how long it’s been since you’ve really talked to Theo, and how much you’ve missed it.
“That’s why.” Theo ends his story, explaining why Mattheo and him put hair dye in Draco’s shampoo. You laugh heavily at the story.
Theo opens his mouth to add something else before he’s quickly cut off by another voice. You feel your body tense up as you recognize it.
“Well what the fuck do we have here?” Adrian calls out as he walks over to you.
You quickly look between Theo and Adrian, your voice leaving you for a second.
“Hi baby. We were just-“
“Drop it y/n. I don’t give a fuck what you were doing. What I want to know is why you’re hanging out with this brown haired bloke.”
After this comment, Theo quickly gets up, standing to his full 6’3 height.
“Theo stop.” You whisper, grabbing his arm and getting up.
“Don’t fucking touch him y/n. I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from him.” Adrian says, his temper rising.
“I-“ Theo begins, but you cut him off.
“You’re right A, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” You say, making yourself small and holding your head down.
“What? No-“ Theo starts again, before Adrian cuts him off.
“Let’s get out of here. Now!” He says, as he takes your hand and drags you away, leaving Theo speechless.
“I can’t take it anymore.” Theo says, back in the Slytherin common room. He had stood outside in shock for about 10 minutes before heading inside. He had always known Adrian was a shitty boyfriend, but he had never really seen you two interact. He had told the story to his friends and now they were all sitting around the fire pit discussing.
“I never realized it was that serious.” Said Enzo, looking severely concerned.
“I just don’t understand why she’s still with him. He doesn’t love her. He never has and he never fucking will. He’s a goddamn psycho.” Theo says, rage seeping out of him.
“It’s horrible.” Pansy says.
“It hurts me to see him treat her the way that he does. And the worst part is that I know he’ll never let her go, cause that’s just the kind of git that he is. I just wished she could see that he’s never going to change.” Theo says, full of anger and despair.
“And everyone knows. I mean the whole school is saying how dim witted she is to keep believing his lies.” Daphne says.
“I just wish she could pay attention to the ones who would treat her right.” Theo says, before getting up, saying a quick goodnight, and heading to bed. Although, he didn’t sleep all night, how could he? Knowing that you were still with Adrian and he could probably never have you.
“Can you hurry up? I want to get there before the good stuff runs out.” Calls out Mattheo, trying to gather the group to get to the Ravenclaw party on time.
“Merlin, we’re coming.” Says Pansy, annoyed at Mattheo’s whining.
Theo, Pansy, and Daphne make their way down to the rest of the group, and they start heading to the party soon after.
“You’re disgusting mate.” Theo says, as Mattheo downs a concoction given to him by Draco.
“I’m not weak, that’s what.” Mattheo says, causing Theo to chuckle at his stupidity.
Suddenly, he sees you walk into the Ravenclaw common room. You look beautiful in a black babydoll dress and your hair loosely curled. He stares at you in awe as you make your way around the party….. behind your stupid boyfriend.
“I’ll be right back.” Theo says to his friends, walking away before they can question him.
He maneuvers around the people quickly, reaching you in a matter of seconds. He taps you on the shoulder, causing you to turn around and stare up at him.
“Hey.” You squeak out, your eyes switching from looking at his to darting around the room quickly.
Theo’s about to say something before he notices something strange about your face. Your lip has a cut on the upper lip, and hidden away by quickly applied concealer your right eye appears to be an arrange of blues, greens, purples, and yellows.
Theo stares in shock, hoping he’s just being dramatic.
“What’re you-“ Adrian starts, noticing that you weren’t behind him anymore before he quickly sees the pair of you.
“Goddamn it, do you have no one else to bother, Nott?” Adrian says, going to reach for your arm.
Theo quickly decides he’s not going to let him take you away this time.
“You do that to her face?” Theo asks, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
Adrian laughs, as he looks to you. “Got to show her her place, y’know?” Adrian says chuckling.
Suddenly, you see Theo’s eyes darken, darken to a point you’ve never seen them get to before. The cup in his hand is crushed by his clenching fists, and his tongue is poking the inside of his cheek as he lets out a low chuckle. Quickly, before you can register what’s happening, Theo sends a punch directly into Adrian’s nose.
“What the fuck?” Adrian says, cupping his nose quickly before blood seeps all over the floor.
Before even Adrian can register what happened, Theo lands another punch, and another, and another.
Soon, Theo’s on top of Adrian, punching him ruthlessly.
Adrian is attempting to fight back but Theo’s too quick and Adrian is slowly losing consciousness. A ring has formed around the pair of them, some people attempting to break them before, 1) realizing it’s no use because Theo has absolutely no intention of stopping any time soon, or 2) the Slytherin boys stop them from grabbing Theo, because they’re enjoying the show. And on top of that, too many people are too scared of Theo to even try to intervene.
You stand back, shock stopping you from doing anything.
“Ok that’s enough.” Draco says, seeing Adrian on the ground in and out of consciousness, bruised and bloody.
“Help me you gits.” Draco calls out to the rest of the Slytherin boys.
They get Theo off of Adrian after a few seconds, and Adrian’s friends quickly pull him off of the ground and take him away.
“You touch her again and I’ll rip your fucking liver out next time, Pucey.” Theo calls out, shaking off his friends who are holding him back.
You continue to stand in your original position, mouth slightly agape as you look at Theo. No one’s ever really protected you like that.
“Theo.” You say as you walk up to him slowly.
Theo just stares at you, a softness in his eyes that wasn’t there seconds ago causes your knees to become shaky.
“I- thank you.” You say, before hugging him.
Theo quickly wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly. You begin to lightly cry into his chest, repeating your thanks over and over.
“Hey, hey, you don’t have to thank me.” Theo says, pulling you away so he can see your face, his large hands wiping away your tears.
“I just, I was so scared, all the time.” You explain.
Theo’s heart melts, and he carefully decides his next few words.
“You won’t ever have to be scared with me. If you’ll let me.” He says tenderly.
You smile, not believing that the Theodore Nott is asking you to be his.
“How could I not let you love me?” You say, before kissing him sweetly.
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Shame(less) - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader; Adrian Pucey x f!reader
Summary: y/n feels ashamed for cheating on her boyfriend with Mattheo, but the same couldn't be said fo the dark haired boy.
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: Cheating, slight cursing
A/N: It was supposed to be a drabble but oh well. I really don't like how it turned out, but I might write a Theo version if people ask. Comments and feedback are always deeply appreciated :) ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
Tag list: @helendeath @im-jesus
Tag list for this story: @chelawrites @isntthatsweetiguessso @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18
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Christmas break was over, and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. It meant going back to the same routine, taking your meals in the Great Hall, going to class, doing your homework, having fun with your friends in Hogsmeade and also spreading time with your boyfriend, Adrian. The prospect should have made you happy, and you should have been looking forward to seeing him, but you just couldn’t. Not when he would be here too.
After arriving at the castle, you met Pansy in the Slytherin common room. You two hugged warmly, and talked about your respective holidays. You did your best to focus on what your best friend was saying, nodding at her words, but you could feel your heart beat fast with anxiety, and your eyes kept taking glimpses around in case Adrian or him came in. After a moment, Pansy left to go unpack her bags, and seconds later, you jumped as you felt two hands on your eyes.
“Guess who?”
With a small laugh, he took his hands off your face and put them on your hips instead as you turned to face him. He bent a little to kiss your lips, and you tried to feel something, anything, but you didn’t. Only shame that you felt something - felt so much - when it was another man’s lips that were on yours. 
“Had a good Christmas? Did you like my gift?”
“Yeah!” You said, trying to sound normal. “It was nice to see my parents, and I really liked your gift, Adrien, it was really beautiful. Thank you. How was yours?”
“Good, good,” he said with a nod. “I liked your gift, as well. But, I have to admit I missed you, babe.” He sighed and continued with a softer voice, “I’m sorry for how I behaved before the break, I…I didn’t give you much attention, and I regret all our fights. Can I start making it up to you?” he finished with a hopeful small smile.
“No”, you should have said. He was right in everything he said, and you had seen couples from school break up for less than that. 
“Okay,” you nodded. 
“Thank you.” 
He kissed your cheek, and you forced your lips to form a smile. 
“I, uh, I have to go unpack my back,” you said.
“Oh. Sure. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Remaining silent, you gave him a nod, and his hands left your hips as you detached yourself from him and walked to your dorm, hoping that staying alone for a moment would allow you to pull yourself back together and finally make the right decision. With a heavy breath, you opened the door, expecting to see the room empty, but there was somebody here, sitting on your bed. You shouldn’t have been surprised, and you already knew who it was - he was always there. 
Mattheo Riddle. In the same house and same year as you. For years, he was just a classmate you didn’t interact much with, except for strange, silent stares that started in your fifth year. Nothing changed when you started dating Adrian, but one night after a fight with him, Mattheo found you all alone, in tears, and sat down to listen to you. Things had escalated, and ever since, you felt nothing but shame and fear that anyone would find out. You tried to avoid him after, to convince himself that it was a mistake. However, if you felt shame, it wasn’t the case for Mattheo. After that night,  and kept staring at you in class, during meals, and especially when Adrian was close to you. And as if it wasn’t enough, he kept trying to spend time alone with you, and eventually succeeded, leading in more “accidents”, as you called them, more shame, as well as less and less affection for your boyfriend and more and more for feelings and shameful desire for the dark haired boy in front of you. And it definitely wasn’t helping that he also kept trying to convince you of his feelings for you and to leave Adrian once and for all.
He raised his head when you came in, and you quickly closed the door behind you, quietly locking it. Your heart started beating faster, and you leant on your door, not daring to get closer. 
“Well, hello, love.” 
You felt your cheeks - or maybe your whole body - becoming hot, and gulped. 
“You can’t be here,” you said with a shaky voice. “What if someone saw you coming in?” 
“Nobody has seen us so far,” Mattheo answered with his usual carelessness you both hated and felt drawn to. “Why would they see me now?” 
“Mattheo, you know perfectly what I meant,” you retorted. “Plus, what if Adrian saw you?” 
Mattheo rose from the bed, and slowly started walking towards you. 
“Speaking of your little boyfriend, I saw you guys before you came in.” His brown gaze hardened like it always did when the topic was Adrian. “It nearly took everything in me to not break his fingers for touching you.” 
“Mattheo,” you sighed. “He’s my boyfriend. He has every right to touch me.” 
Staring at you, Mattheo had a smirk that did not reach his dark eyes and tilted his head. His face was now inches away from yours, and you tried as much as you could to not breathe his perfume. 
“And do I have the right to touch you?” he said in a low voice.
Not waiting for an answer, he brought one hand to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb and now looking at you like he had been for a few weeks - with love. 
“Mattheo, please…”
He closed his eyes and brought his nose to your cheek, his thumb still caressing it. “I’ve spent three weeks in hell not seeing, touching, or kissing you,” he whispered. “I fucking need to feel you, love…Even just a kiss…”
One of his hands still on your cheek, the other went under your shirt, and when he started kissing your neck, you knew you were done for. Your body was as hot as ever, and you felt shivers down your spine as well as your body craving Mattheo’s touch. You sighed, and as he brought his mouth to yours, you kissed him back, putting one hand on his back and the other on his neck. He immediately deepened the kiss, and his hands grabbed your legs to put them around his waist. 
“I can’t fucking stand the thought of you being with him,” he mumbled between two kisses. “I can’t stand the thought of not being the only man who gets to touch and kiss you, the only man who can call you his…”
He suddenly stopped kissing you, leaving you breathless.  
“Leave him, y/n. Or I’m gonna go crazy. I could give you…Everything. Everything I have.”
All lust had disappeared from his eyes, leaving only desperation, and love. 
“Fine,” you whispered, feeling incapable of saying no to him. “I’ll leave Adrian tomorrow.” 
Mattheo smiled, and you felt his relief. He gave you a loving kiss before looking at you again, this time with a mix of both love and lust.
“Now that it’s settled and you’re fully mine forever, how about we make up for the time we spent apart?”
You smiled and kissed him, the feeling of shame not disappearing in the slightest. 
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depressedcitron · 10 months
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How they are towards each other in front of people vs when they're alone together
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Hii can I request a Draco x female reader in where Draco is crushing on reader but reader is oblivious and dense?<33
Thank you for your request! I´m finally back from my vacation (it hasn´t been long enough by any means) and need to get back into writing again now, so I really hope this turned out alright. But basically, these are about 7k words of Draco simping for the reader (maybe a bit too much to actually be in his character). However it was really fun to write, so I hope you´ll enjoy reading.
Draco´s head snapped around when he heard a familiar giggle only a few meters away from him. The Professor standing in front of the class long forgotten, he watched with widened eyes, how you nudged Pansy playfully, before the Slytherin girl whispered something into your ear, making you burst into laughter once more. Quickly, you brought a hand to your mouth, trying to stifle the sounds threatening to escape it. Once you had somewhat managed to calm down again, you straightened your back and took a deep breath, before you leant over to Pansy, apparently wanting to answer whatever she had just told you, but when your gaze caught something in front of you, you seemed to change your mind, because instead, you grabbed the quill that until now had been lying on your table uselessly and scribbled something on a piece of parchment, before you lowered your head, looking into the book in front of you. Draco watched in awe how you brought the tip of your quill to your lips as you got lost in the text you were reading. Even though he couldn’t be sure over the distance between the two of you, Draco strongly suspected, that by now there would be a faint stain of ink smudged over your lips. You narrowed your eyes, bringing your head even closer to the book, seemingly coming to a part of the text that was harder to understand than the one before. Or maybe just harder to decipher. The ink in the old books you were working with was from time to time almost fainted, and the curved font itself was already hard enough to read. But regardless of what had caused the shift in your posture, it made some strands of hair fall into your face. But while Draco couldn’t help but admire how perfectly they framed the shape of your face, only stressing your most beautiful – so pretty much every single one of your – features, you didn’t even seem to notice, too lost in the world of the book you were currently working with. Just like Draco got lost in you. Oh, how much he wanted to brush that hair out of your face, taking in every single detail of it, while he would twirl those strands of hair around his fingers. And he could brush away the ink that would stain your pretty lips with his thump tenderly or he could just press his lips on yours so it would faint just as well and then he would…
“Very well, Mr. Malfoy, since apparently you have already finished your task, would you mind sharing your results with the rest of the class?”
Draco snapped out of his trance and blinked up in irritation. Professor McGonagall was standing in front of him, looking at him with narrowed eyes, her lips pursed. Slowly, the Slytherin began to fade back into the world surrounding him. Because unlike it had felt for him only seconds ago, it wasn’t just you and him in this room, but instead, the entire transfiguration class, including the Professor. And every single one of those people was now looking at him. Draco felt their eyes lingering on him and cursed himself. How could he have been so stupid to let himself get distracted that easily simply by how absolutely effortlessly beautiful you looked? But now he would have to face the consequences. He glared up at the Professor, trying to give his face a humble look.
“Excuse me, Professor, but I´m not finished yet.”
“It looks more like you haven’t even started.”, Professor McGonagall returned with a disapproving look at his empty parchment.
“I was still reading. I´ll start the essay soon.”, Draco promised, trying to prevent his face from heating up.
“Well, I suggest next time you will open the book to do so.”
He heard his classmates snickering in the background. Draco clenched his jaw and had to try his hardest to not take an issue with Professor McGonagall. He knew this would only make things worse. If that was even possible right now. Because after all, he was not only being humiliated in front of the entire class but also you. And that was something Draco didn’t even dare to think about.
“At the end of the lesson I expect an entire role of parchment on my desk from you, Mr. Malfoy.”, the Professor spoke up again. “And if you won´t be able to finish it today, you will hand it in tomorrow. Is that clear?”
Draco nodded slowly, teeth gritted. Professor McGonagall knew very well that it was sheer impossible to finish the essay in this lesson and that this afternoon, Draco would have to be at the pitch for some Quidditch practice. He was certain that if he would have been one of the Professor´s precious Gryffindors, especially one of those of the Quidditch team, she wouldn’t have been that hard on him. He was sure of that. Still, he knew he wouldn’t win this argument, so he kept his mouth shut.
Professor McGonagall nodded.
“Very well then.”, she said, before turning around, shifting her focus to his classmates again.
Draco let out a small sigh, before letting his gaze wander around the classroom. He could see some of the Gryffindors shooting him some gleeful glances, but Draco just ignored them. It wasn’t until his gaze settled on you, that his haughty façade started to crumble. Because the moment his gaze settled on you, you looked up from your book as well, your gaze meeting his. Draco´s heart got stuck in his throat as you threw the boy a small compassionate smile, before breaking the eye contact and focusing on the book in front of you again.
Draco´s heart was pumping so loud in his ears that he feared you might hear it on the other side of the classroom, but you didn’t look up again. Still, just those few seconds Draco had been in your orbit, made the boy forget why he had been so upset only minutes ago. The Slytherin couldn’t help the small smile that made it to his face. Maybe all the trouble in this lesson had been worth it after all.
And when Draco heard Blaise´s amused voice mutter beside him: “You´ve got it bad, man.”, he couldn’t even argue with it.
Later that day you were sitting in the common room with Pansy, chatting about all the world and his wife. At some point, Draco´s strange behaviour earlier that day came up as well. But while Pansy was snickering over how absolutely dumbfounded Draco had looked when Professor McGonagall had pointed out that the boy hadn’t even opened the book he had claimed to read, you rather felt sorry for the fellow Slytherin.
“Don’t be so hard on him, Pansy, I´m sure there was a reason that he was so distracted in that lesson.”
“So? If we all wouldn’t have to work just because we have a reason not to do so, I wouldn´t be present in half of the classes.”
“Oh please, what good reason would you have to miss our lessons?”
“They bore me.”, Pansy sighed out dramatically. “And the people annoy me.”
“Even though I totally understand, I´m rather sure that this is not a valid reason.”, you giggled.
“And what do you think Draco´s oh-so-mysterious, understandable and totally important excuse was?”
You shrugged your shoulders. Because even though Draco and you already knew each other for several years and you were rather close – at least by Draco´s standards – and you were quite curious about what had been on the boy´s mind earlier, you had absolutely no idea what could have distracted him that much that he would forget absolutely everything around him.
“You really have no idea?”, Pansy asked, as she glanced at you, looking almost irritated. “Absolutely none?”
“Do you?”, you responded.
Now it was on Pansy to shrug her shoulders, while her gaze dropped down to her lap, and she started fiddling with her hands.
“But regardless of that,”, you continued, not even noticing how Pansy relaxed next to you when you dropped the topic, “I think McGonagall was too hard on him. I mean, we all zone out from time to time, don´t we? And she really didn’t need to give him that much of extra work. That´s just unfair. Especially because she knows for sure that Draco has training today. If she already wants to give him some extra work, she could at least have given him some more time, don’t you think?”
But before Pansy could open her mouth to agree with you, the door opened, and a rather annoyed-looking Draco entered the common room. The frown he held on his face, however, softened immediately, the second he spotted Pansy and you sitting on one of the couches. Quickly, he made his way over to you - not without barking at some first years, standing in his way – and let himself fall on the couch as well, directly next to you.
“For real? In your jersey?”, you frowned. Not that you actually had something against the blond boy wearing his Quidditch uniform, that looked unfairly good on him, actually it was quite the opposite, but the last thing you needed today was some mud smudged over the couches and – due to the fact Draco had by now wrapped an arm around your shoulder – also all over your clothes.
But Draco only gave you a smug grin.
“Relax, love. I already showered and put on a new one. Only for you obviously. I know how much you like to see me in it.”, he winked.
You cursed the moment you had admitted to the blond boy in a moment of weakness that you actually thought that he looked rather good in his jersey. This, however, had been in your second year at Hogwarts, when Draco had joined the team and had been really nervous about his first actual game. And even though you had only said it back then to calm him down – and because it was the truth after all – until this very day, several years later, Draco still loved to remind you of the fact that you had called him handsome back then at every chance.
“If you say so.”, you grumbled.
Still, you finally relaxed into his arms and shuffled a bit closer. You had to actively keep yourself from inhaling his scent deeply. You simply adored it. For you, it felt like home. Simple as that.
“I guess that´s my call.”, Pansy grinned, as she got on her feet. “Enjoy your time, you two.”
You looked at your friend with narrowed eyes.
“Why you wanna leave? We still got some time before dinner.”
“Yeah, but I really don’t want to disturb the two of you.”, she winked.
“You know you could never disturb us, Pansy.”, you laughed, while Draco muttered something incomprehensible under his breath.
“Also, I am very sure that Blaise needs my help with… something. See you around.”
And with that, Pansy disappeared quickly, leaving Draco and you behind.
“That was strange, wasn’t it?”, you asked the boy next to you, who just shrugged his shoulders in response.
“It´s Pansy. What did you expect?”
You nudged him.
“Careful, that´s my friend you´re talking about. And yours too, by the way.”
“And that´s exactly why I´m allowed to say this. But even when it comes to my so-called friends, I´m thankful for every second that I´m able to steal you from them and have you all for myself.”
You felt the familiar blush creeping onto your cheeks that always appeared whenever Draco made some snarky remarks that could make you suspect that after all, you were something special to him. Just like he was to you. And that bastard was fully aware of the effect he had on you and used it to tease you endlessly about it. Just like he did now. And the only way you knew to answer this was with a just as big smirk as he always held on his face when he told you those things.
“Of course you do. Everyone does. I´m just adorable.”, you said, puffing your chest as much as it was possible now that you were trapped in Draco´s arms.
Said boy just sighed and placed a small kiss on the crown of your head, making you shiver.
“Oh, you have no idea, love.”
But just as you wanted to melt into Draco´s embrace, you felt him tense next to you and curse under his breath.
You sat up again slightly and turned your head to look at him.
“What is it?”
“Nothing.”, Draco sighed, but the lines of worries showed you differently. “Just that stupid homework from McGonagall. I still have to write almost half a role.” He let out another sigh before he pulled you close again. “But that can wait. Right now, I´m exactly where I want to be.”
Even though his words flattered you, you wiggled out of his arms and sat up straight.
“You might be where you want to be but not where you are supposed to. That woman will let you serve detention until the end of the year if you don´t hand in that essay until tomorrow. And I certainly won´t let you pull an all-nighter.”
“This is going to be an all-nighter anyway, love.”, Draco contradicted, but you shook your head in response.
“Not if I´ll help you.”
“(Y/n), no. You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.”, you pouted.
Draco let out a small laugh.
“Oh please! Nobody wants to work on Transfiguration voluntarily.”
“See what I´m willing to do just to spend some more time with you?”, you winked. “Now, c´mon. If we go to the library now we´ll still be able to work for an hour until dinner.”
And if you wouldn’t have been so determined to help Draco out and wouldn’t have strode away with long steps without even waiting for a response, you would have seen how Draco blushed vigorously at your words, justifying that he let you help him not with the fact that he was desperate to spend some more time with you, but reasoning that somehow this extra homework was your fault after all.
You had been wrong. Until it was time for dinner, several centimetres of the parchment were still empty, the blank space promising an all-nighter after all. Even though you might had even been able to finish the task completely, if it wouldn’t have been for Draco getting distracted by the very same thing that had gotten him into sitting here in the first place. Because just as it had been back in class, also here, in the dim light of the candles flickering on the walls, the Slytherin couldn’t help but notice how absolutely perfect you were. And because of that, the quill in Draco´s hand was hovering uselessly over the parchment most of the time, while its owner was busy staring at you, while you flicked through the pages of some books, providing Draco with some information you considered as potentially useful. Unfortunately, most of the words you were saying weren’t even processed by Draco´s mind. No, he was too busy staring at the movement of your lips when you spoke, the way your eyes mirrored the glimmering of the candlelight around you, the slight frown you held on your face when you tried to filter the most important information from the books in front of you, the way your fingers caressed the pages of the old books tenderly and how you…
“Draco? Draco are you even listening?”
The boy let out a quiet groan. Apparently, everything that could go wrong today would also proceed to do so. Because how should he explain to you that while you did your best to help him and sacrifice your free time to do so, he acted ungrateful and didn’t even listen to you without giving away the reason he simply couldn’t concentrate on anything at all as long as you were in the same room as him?
Draco ran a hand over his face before he nodded.
“Of course I am. Go ahead.”
But instead of doing so, you leaned back in your chair and eyed your friend closely.
“It was a tough day for you, wasn’t it?”, you asked, your voice sounding so much more compassionate than Draco thought he deserved.
And while with everyone else, Draco would have firmly denied that he had bad days at all, or would have blamed everyone else but him for everything that had gone wrong today, when it came to you, he simply couldn’t bring himself to argue. So instead, he just shrugged his shoulders in defeat.
But before you could answer, a boy walked up to your table, letting himself fall onto the chair next to you.
“Here you are.”, the Slytherin said, eyes fixed on Draco before he turned around to you. “Fancy to see you too, (Y/n).”
You smiled at him.
“Likewise, Adrian.”
Adrian Pucey mirrored your smile before his attention shifted to Draco again.
“Flint asked me to look for you. After the training today was… expendable, he wants us to meet up after dinner once more to talk about our tactic. At the pitch at nine.”
You saw the indecisiveness in Draco´s eyes as they flickered in between the parchment in front of him, still waiting to get filled by the words he so desperately needed to put down, and the older Slytherin. You knew Draco well enough to know that the boy was fully aware of where he had to set his priorities today, yet you also knew that he most likely wouldn’t dare to contradict Adrian and therefore Marcus Flint, who happened to be the Quidditch captain, himself.
So before Draco could even open his mouth, you quickly stepped in.
“Draco can´t join you tonight.”
The two boys looked at you with irritation, even though you liked to think that Draco looked also thankful at your words.
Adrian raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“So the two of you finally managed to get your act together and go on a date?”, he asked with a cheeky grin. “I´m sorry, (Y/n), but I´m afraid Marcus won´t let this slide as an excuse. Even if it´s a pretty girl like you.”
You let out a small laugh.
“Charming, Adrian, but Draco and I actually have a date tonight.” If you would have paid more attention to Draco than his teammate at that moment, you would have seen how the boy tensed in his chair, trying to hide all the emotion in his eyes at the mere thought of the two of you finally being together in a way, he had always wanted you to be. However, your gaze was fixed on Adrian, as you added: “Just the two of us and a dozen Transfiguration books. I guess you heard what Professor McGonagall did today?”
Adrian nodded, looking at Draco compassionately.
“And there´s no way you can delay the deadline?”
“Not if we want to make sure that dragon won´t let me serve detention during our next game against Gryffindor.”, Draco spit out through gritted teeth. “I bet she´s only been waiting for a chance like this.”
Adrian sighed in defeat.
“Screw it, we can´t risk that. And Flint´s gonna think the same. I´ll talk to him. Maybe you can meet up tomorrow before the next training to give you a summary. But for now, I´ll leave you alone so you can continue this.” He gestured at the books splattered on the table in front of you before he stood up. “Good luck with this. And (Y/n),” He turned around to you, a playful smirk playing around his lips. “Since what Draco and you are doing here is for strictly academic reasons, does that mean I still stand a chance?”
You couldn’t help the blush that crept on your cheeks at his words. It wasn’t like you were actually interested in the older boy, not at all, and you highly doubted that Adrian´s words were anything but a tease, still, his words flattered you.
“Keep on dreaming, Pucey.”, you giggled, not quite able to look him into the eyes, as you were still focused on trying to hide your blush.
“Maybe I will.”, he winked.
But before he could add something, Draco interrupted him.
“Now get lost, Pucey! We still got work to do.”, he barked, his eyes shimmering coldly as he stared at your housemate.
Adrian raised his hands in defence.
“Don´t worry. I´m already gone. She´s all yours.”, he said, before he actually turned around and walked away, leaving Draco and you finally alone again.
When the boy was gone, you slammed the book in front of you shut with a heavy sigh.
“I think we should leave it for now as well. We can continue after dinner in the common room. But now I need something to eat. And I think you do too.”
You looked at the Slytherin sitting on the other side of the table in expectation of a response, but it seemed like Draco hadn’t even heard what you had been saying. Blankly, he stared at the spot Adrien had stood only moments ago, with an intelligible expression on his face.
“Draco? Draco, did you hear me?”, you asked, your eyes flickering between the Slytherin and the blank spot next to you.
“Why did he say this?”, Draco suddenly asked, not even answering your question.
You narrowed your eyes in confusion.
“Who said what?”
“Pucey. This thing about standing a chance with you. Why did he say that?”
You let out an uncertain laugh, not sure why Draco was bringing this up now.
“I don´t know. He was just joking I guess.”, you shrugged.
Draco nodded, still not looking at you.
“Is there something going on between the two of you?”
The laugh that escaped you now, was genuine.
“Adrian and me? Salazar no! Why would you think that?”
“But you get along great, don´t you?”, Draco pressed.
“Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so. I wouldn’t say we are close or anything, but he´s nice. I like him.”
Finally, Draco tore his gaze apart from the blank spot and instead looked at you. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat as his grey eyes raked yours, nothing in his face giving away what he was thinking.
“You like him?”, he spat, stressing the second word as if it was something nasty lying on his tongue.
“Why are you so surprised about it? I mean, he´s everything a Slytherin is supposed to be. Smart and cunning. Plus, he´s a great Quidditch player and he´s actually quite nice, isn’t he?”
“So? Aren´t I all of those things too?”
There it was. After all, his strange behaviour could be once more explained by his pride. Obviously, Draco was all these things as well. Hell, he was so much more than this. And you loved every single part of him. However, his behaviour was from time to time rather… challenging. But you didn’t mind the slightest. Because, unlike many other people, you knew how to deal with it.
You smiled at the boy calmingly.
“Obviously you are. And that is why I like you as well. Well, at least to name a few things.”
Something in Draco´s eyes changed, his anger seemed to subside and made place for something else. Yet, once again, you weren’t quite sure how to read it. Because while Draco seemed to be soothed by your words, there was also a sadness lingering behind the small smile he threw you.
“So, that´s all there is?”, he asked.
You nodded.
“That´s all there is. No earth-shattering friendship. And “, you added after a moment of hesitation, “Also nothing else. No romantic interest or whatever you have been trying to imply.”
“I didn’t imply anything. That´s what you were construing, love.”, Draco answered, with a sly grin on his face, but you noticed how he visibly relaxed into his chair again. A reaction, that made your heart flutter in your chest, just as the stupid nickname he called you from time to time.
But before you could think about any potential deeper meaning behind his words, Draco stood up from his chair and stretched his stiff limbs, a view that made a small sigh leave your lips involuntarily.
“We should really leave for dinner now, don’t you think? I´m already starving.”
“Sure. Great idea, Draco. Why didn’t I think of that?”, you smiled, trying to fight the ironic undertone in your voice. You didn’t quite manage to, but Draco didn’t seem to notice, with his wand he already conducting all the books to their firm places.
“That´s what I´m here for. Always happy to help you, love.”
“What would I only do without you?”, you sighed dramatically.
“Your life would definitely be so much more miserable.”
“Well, I´m afraid I can never allow you to walk out of my life then.”, you smiled at him.
“As if I ever wanted you to.”, Draco muttered under his breath. Only a faint sound in your ears, like the whispering of the wind, and you weren’t quite sure if you had just imagined it. You just really hoped you didn’t.
After dinner, Draco and you were finally able to work on his essay effectively. This was mainly due to the fact that Draco strictly forbade himself to even look at you once until he would have finished the last stroke of his quill.
It was almost midnight when Draco finally set the last dot, ending exactly at the end of the final line. He dropped the quill next to the parchment and leant back in his chair with a heavy sigh.
“And McGonagall really thought this would be a challenge for me. I bet that crazy cat lady was only hoping I would fail so she could get me to serve detention for the rest of the year. But I´m a Malfoy after all. It takes more than a stupid essay to get me down. Don´t you think so too, (Y/n)?”
When you didn’t answer, Draco glanced to the side, where you were sitting. Even when Draco was done with the research you had helped him out with and only had to write the conclusion and had offered you that you could already go to bed, you had refused to do so, suggesting you could proofread the essay after he was done. And even though Draco had assured you that you didn’t have to and if you really wanted to, you could also do so the next morning, you had told him with a shrug of your shoulders that you would wait for him anyway. You were rather sure that you couldn’t fall asleep knowing that while you were lying in your cosy bed, Draco was still up and working on his homework. And that´s what you had told him too, even though you had had to suppress a yawn when you did so.
But now that Draco looked at you, he realized that for once in your life, you had actually been wrong. You could easily fall asleep while he was still working. Because here you were, proofing yourself wrong. A small smile crept on Draco´s lips as he watched you, your head bedded on your arms that you had crossed over the last book you had been reading. You faced Draco, but your eyes were closed, your lips slightly parted, as you breathed steadily. The boy felt a wave of affection washing over him, as he saw you sound asleep like this. Because even though you hadn’t stayed awake like you had promised, you had stayed with him. You had rather fought the sleep by his side until you had eventually lost the battle, than returning to your dorm, leaving him alone. And after all; how could he feel anything else but adoration when you were looking so perfect, even in your sleep. So beautiful and carefree, making Draco believe that even with all the bad things happening in this world, everything would turn out just fine, as long as you would just exist?
He could have sat there all night, watching you sleep, but eventually, the thought settled in, that if you would stay like this for hours, in a probably rather uncomfortable position, your shoulders crouched and your neck twisted, you would wake up in the morning with stiff limbs and probably in pain. And that was something he couldn’t bear to see. Not after everything that you had done for him today. Quickly, Draco considered his possibilities. He couldn’t leave you like this, especially not all by yourself, but he also couldn’t get you to your dorm, since if he would try carrying you up the stairs, he would probably fall and break both of your necks. The Slytherin´s gaze wandered through the by now completely abandoned common room, until it settled on one of the couches. It surely wasn’t perfect, not good enough for you, but it would do for a night.
Draco made his way through the room to the couch, fluffing up the pillows and got the cosiest blanket ready, before he walked back to you. Careful and anxious to wake you up, Draco picked you up, freezing when you slightly shifted in his arms, but you only let out a small sigh, before you melted into his touch, not opening your eyes once.
Finally, Draco reached the couch, laying you down, loosening the tie that you were still wearing around your neck in accordance with the dress code and tucking you in. When he had made sure that you were as comfortable as possible, Draco stopped in his tracks for a second to take in the sight of you. Carefully, he brushed some strands of your hair out of your face, having to resist the urge to press a kiss on your temple.
“Sweet dreams, love.”, he mumbled, before he went to one of the armchairs nearby, and sat down as well. He wouldn’t leave you alone tonight, not only because he just couldn’t bring himself to leave you yet, wanting to be in your presence for as long as possible, but also because he couldn’t bear the thought that you wake up, alone and irritated, confused on how you had gotten there, being all by yourself. No, Draco would be there when you would wake up. He would always be there for you, no matter what. That was the last thought on Draco´s mind before he slowly drifted off into sleep as well, the image of you sleeping angelically on the couch still in sight, even when his eyes were already closed.
When you woke up, you needed a moment to orientate yourself. Only when your eyes got used to the dim light surrounding you, you realised that you were not in your bed, but in the common room. Slowly, the memories of the last evening started to set in. But some parts were missing. You still remembered how you had been sitting at one of the desks with Draco and waiting for him to finish his essay. At some point, your eyes had gotten more and more heavy, but you had refused to close them. You were rather sure that at some point you had failed and fallen asleep.
This however didn’t explain why right now, you were lying on one of the couches, covered with a blanket, while the fire in the fireplace had almost burned down, the only source of light being the embers, still gleaming inside. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, before letting your gaze wander around the room. That´s when it settled on a figure sunken down in one of the armchairs not far away from you, their blond hair reflecting the shimmer of the ember.
You felt the warmth flushing through your body as you watched Draco sitting there, his head resting in one of his hands, a small frown on his face, even though he was sleeping. By now you could somewhat imagine what had happened after you had fallen asleep and the mere thought of Draco taking care of you, making sure you were comfortable, before he passed out in the chair himself, exhausted from the hard and long day, made your heart beating faster in a way only Draco could do. If that boy only knew what his random acts of kindness did to you.
But as you were watching him, mesmerized by the view and lost in your thoughts, arguing with yourself whether you should wake him up so Draco could actually get to bed or just let him sleep where he was right now, the boy stirred in his sleep, before slowly opening his eyes, and straightening up in his chair with a yawn.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”, you smiled, and Draco´s head spun around, the confused look on his face giving place to a grin.
“Says you, love. An entire herd of trolls could have clumped through the room and you would have still slept like a baby.”
“Can you blame me?”, you yawned.
Draco shook his head, still smiling.
“Not at all. But that´s why you should really go to bed now. We need to get at least some hours of sleep.”
With a heavy sigh, you let yourself fall back onto the couch and looked at Draco with puppy eyes.
“But I´m so comfy right now.”
The Slytherin arched an eyebrow.
“More comfortable than your bed?”
“Warmer. And also,”, you cuddled yourself deeper into the blanket, “You are here.”
Oh, if you only knew what your words did to the poor boy´s heart. But instead of telling you, Draco only grinned cockily at you.
“But maybe I want to go to bed.”
“Or you could just join me here.”, you teased him even though you made your voice sound as innocent as possible before you added in a more serious voice: “Unless you actually want to leave. I get it. It was a long day and if you want to go to bed…”
But you hadn’t even finished the sentence before Draco stood up and walked up to you with long strides. Lucky for him, you didn’t even notice how wobbly his legs felt when he walked up to you, praying he wouldn’t stumble over his own feed, and how relieved he was when he finally sat down next to you. You huddled closer to Draco, who wrapped an arm around you and sighed.
“You know I just can´t turn you down, no matter what you ask from me, don´t you?”
You felt your cheeks heating.
“You´re just too good for me, Draco.”, you smiled.
And you meant it. You knew over all Draco surely wasn’t what people would describe as the good guy, but to you, he was just perfect. And the way he treated you was so much more than you could ever ask for. If you only knew what you did to deserve it.
“There´s nothing as too good when it comes to you, love.”, the Slytherin smiled, before placing a small kiss on the crown of your head, making chills run down your spine.
“No, I mean it. You are. You are perfect in every way. And I have absolutely no idea why you are doing all of this for me.”
A low chuckle rumbled in Draco´s chest.
“You really are that clueless, aren’t you?”
You sat up a bit straighter to look at Draco properly. There was amusement shimmering in his eyes, that were otherwise filled with so much adoration that it made you forget everything else around you. You narrowed your eyes, as you scanned his delicate features.
“Care to enlighten me then?”
If it wasn’t for your own blood swooshing in your ears, you would have probably heard Draco´s heart beating so strong he was afraid it might just jump out of his chest any second.
“Think about it, love.” He stressed the nickname in a way he had never done before. It had always rolled from his tongue so easily, but this time its weight was lying heavily on you. “For what reason do you think I am doing all of this?” Your breath got stuck in your throat as Draco raised his hand, his thumb brushing over your cheek, before he tucked some strands of hair behind your ear, his hand coming to a halt there, fingers tangled in your hair. “For what reason do you think I always want to be near you?” His gaze flickered over your face, scanning all your different features closely, as if he wanted to memorize them forever. “For what reason do you think I get so distracted in a goddamn class by how absolutely beautiful you are that I´m not even able to do my work and even when I have to face the consequences I still rather spend my time looking at you and listening to your voice than dealing with it, even if this will only get me into more trouble?” Was that what had happened? Had Draco actually been so distracted by your sheer existence that he just couldn’t bring himself to care about the class anymore? “And why do you think I got so upset when fucking Pucey had nothing better to do than flirt with you when all I wanted was to spend some time with you?” Draco let out a shaky laugh. “Do you have any idea how hard it was not to hex him then and there? Because trust me, it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Maybe the only thing harder than this…” His eyes finally came to a halt, meeting yours, so you could see all the raw emotions lying within them before his gaze dropped to your lips, where it stilled. “The only thing harder than this is to be around you every day, acting as if we are nothing but friends when all I want to do is to hold you and kiss you and to tell you how much I love you and continue to do so for the rest of my life.” Draco let out a breath he hadn’t even been aware he was holding, resting his forehead against yours. “Because it´s the hardest thing in the world, loving someone so much, who is just so oblivious to absolutely everything you say or do.”
Until that very day, you had no idea that a heart could stop beating and hammering in your chest so fast at the same time, but this was exactly what was happening to you right now. All the emotions flushing through you were way too much but at the same time you knew it would never be enough. Not when it came to Draco. Your voice was only a whisper, but you were just relieved that you still had one at all, when you whispered: “Maybe you should just stop pretending then. Because maybe this is all that she is hoping for.”
Draco hummed in response.
“But maybe this is just so much more than I could ever hope for. So much more than I deserve.”
“You deserve to be happy, Draco. And when it comes to me – I´m willing to do whatever I need to just so you can be.”
“Stay with me, then.”, he whispered against your lips, his voice sounding husky. “That´s all I need.”
You nodded.
“I will.”
And when your lips finally met Draco´s all the doubts either of you had ever had just vanished into the air. Because you both were certain that this was right where you belonged. Nothing that felt as good as this kiss could ever be anything but just how things were supposed to be. Within seconds, the world fell into place for you, Draco asked himself how he could have ever doubted that you didn’t love him the same way he had loved you ever since he could remember and you wondered about how you could have ever mistaken Draco´s behaviour for anything but what it actually was. Love. A love that had built up over all those years the two of you had been friends, something you had always known had been there but had never acted on, something that had grown just so much stronger with every single thing the two of you had been through and a love that would continue to grow with everything that you would witness together from this very second on.
When finally, Draco pulled away from you and looked into your starstruck eyes, he couldn’t help the sly grin that made it to his face.
“And you really had no idea?”
You shook your head, the blush on your cheeks only deepened.
“Merlin, (Y/n), how oblivious can one be?”
“Maybe you should just stop beating around the bush from time to time and just tell me what´s going on, Malfoy.”, you returned.
Draco chuckled and placed a small kiss on your temple.
“Fair enough.”, he agreed.
You raised an eyebrow in response.
“Really? That´s it? No arguing? No distraction? No teasing? Merlin Draco, do I need to be worried?”
“Don’t get fooled by it. This is only for tonight. I have a lifetime to do all of those things now. Because I can promise you that now I have witnessed this once, I will never let you go again.”
You rolled your eyes and let out a dramatic sigh.
“What have I only gotten myself into?”, you groaned, but at the same time, you got more comfortable in Draco´s arms again, feeling the tiredness slowly sneaking back into your body that had been forgotten over everything that Draco had told you before.
“Don´t tell me you would want it any other way.”, Draco grinned, as he pulled you even closer.
And oh, he was so right with that.
“Don´t you dare, Blaise!”
“What? You want them to be late for class?”
“Just give them five more minutes.”
“What difference does that make?”
“It gives me time to fetch (Y/n)´s silly muggle camera and capture this moment for eternity. “
“You wouldn’t let them forget anyway.”
“Obviously I wouldn´t. I have to tease them about this for the rest of their lives.”
“Admit it, Pansy, you only want to do so because they look just adorable.”
“Well, maybe. A little bit. But that doesn’t mean I can´t use it against them.”
And Pansy and Blaise were right. Draco and you, cuddled up under a blanket on one of the couches in the common room, Draco´s arms wrapped around you, and your head resting on his chest, the morning sun shining through the window was a lovely sight indeed. And even though Draco would claim to hate his friends for showing around the pictures later everywhere, telling everyone an absolutely heartwarming and totally made-up story about how the two of you had ended up there, secretly he was thankful that they did. Because like that they showed everyone that you were finally his, just like he had always been yours. And maybe – just maybe – he would keep a copy of the picture in his nightstand and in the nights he didn’t sneak down to the common room to cuddle with you until the sun would rise again, he would pull it out, staring at the picture of you in his arms, both of you with a faint smile on your lips, until he would fall asleep. But honestly, he couldn’t wait for a time when he wouldn’t need a photo anymore to look at you, because you would fall asleep next to him every single night and he could just look at you instead. Because who needed a picture when the reality was just so much better than all the dreams he used to have about it, back when he hadn’t even had the faintest idea that not even the best ones would come close to the feeling of actually having you in his arms?
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @writingwitch007 @myomy0ss @tinafuentes @dmslvt @Slytherin4eva @foulkryptonitepeanut @chillcheesecake @pottertea @webswatts @jaiistg @angelofasgard16
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citruswriter · 2 months
Hogwarts Masterlist
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Hermione Granger 💚
Harry Potter 💛
Ronald Weasley 💛
Ginny Weasley 💚
Fred & George Weasley 💛
Seamus Finnegan 💛
Oliver Wood 💛
Pavarti Patil 💚
Everett Goldhorn 💛
Gregory Goyle 💛
Draco Malfoy 💛/🩷
Vincent Crabbe 💛
Blaise Zabini 💛/🩷
Pansy Parkinson 💚/🩷
Tom Riddle 💛/🩷
Mattheo Riddle 💛/🩷
Theodore Nott 💛/🩷
Lorenzo Berkshire 💛
Adrian Pucey 💛
Lucian Bole 💛/🩷
Padma Patil 💚
Cho Chang 💚
Michael Corner 💛
Luna Lovegood 💚
Neville Longbottom 💛
Rowan Silverthorn 💛/🩷
Cedric Diggory 💛
Lucas Blackwell 💛/🩷
Ernie Macmillan 💛
Anthony Bitterwood 💛
Susan Bones 💚
Aura Silverthorn 💚
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Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 1
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 2
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 3
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 4
Harry Potter Characters Reacting to You Singing a Song at Them
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Hermione Granger
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Harry Potter
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Ron Weasley
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Ginny Weasley
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Fred & George Weasley
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Seamus Finnegan
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Oliver Wood
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Pavarti Patil
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Everett Goldhorn
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Gregory Goyle
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Draco Malfoy
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Vincent Crabbe
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Blaise Zabini
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Pansy Parkinson
Character Sheet
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Tom Riddle
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Mattheo Riddle
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Theodore Nott
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Lorenzo Berkshire
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Adrian Pucey
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Lucian Bole
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Padma Patil
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Cho Chang
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Luna Lovegood
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Neville Longbottom
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Michael Corner
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Rowan Silverthorn
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Cedric Diggory
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Lucas Blackwell
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Ernie Macmillan
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Anthony Bitterwood
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Susan Bones
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Aura Silverthorn
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Polyamorus Fics
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s9fti3 · 3 months
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‘Better luck next time.’- Adrian Pucey Headcannons!! @riu-riu
• He really likes brunettes or dirty blondes for some reason. Maybe cause their hair color is close to his, maybe?
• He is a early bird. Whenever the Gryffindor quidditch team isn’t practicing, he’s on the field early in the morning, just staring out at the cloudy sky as the clouds get darker and darker.
• He hates cheaters. In any type of way- school, games, relationships. Anything, he feels like things need to be earned, not cheated to get.
• Most likely loves warm scents such as cinnamon rolls and caramel or fruity scents like strawberry and peach.
• He likes to cuddle- you just can’t tell. He likes the be the big spoon or having his arms wrapped around you in a protective way. He loves you and needs to make sure you’re safe with him.
• Adores the smell of cashmere during the winter season. Walking into your dorm just to get a scent of a cashmere candle you have lit, he’ll be in there for hours.
• If your bed have those fluffy, white ruffled blankets with fluff pillows and many other pillows, he is set. He comes back from practice, showers in his dorm before packing his little over night bag (school supplies and his uniform) and heads down to your dorm to sleep in your bed.
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unfriendlymollusk · 3 months
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The Evans Boy
Ch. 150 "Lily of the Valley"
By: lonibal
There's something (dress robes) idk what (definitely dress robes) about the Yule ball that makes me want to draw (characters in dress robes)
Maybe it's because I don't have to draw legs 🤔
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miryum · 7 months
Always in All Ways (Mattheo Riddle x Reader) Great Gatsby AU
Warnings: angst!!!! (but a happy ending) Reader wears a dress (once) cause it’s the 20s. Talk of kids and a future together. For the sake of incest, we’re gonna ignore the fact that Enzo and Mattheo are half brothers… And if you squint, there could be a sign of domestic abuse (but it is so little there that I'm not sure if you can call it that). Reader is married (not to Mattheo at first) and it's not technically cheating.... it's hard to explain. As always, swearing. Not entirely proof-read, but will get it done soon
Lorenzo Berkshire had moved into a gated, two story house, surrounded by a thick forest. The neighbourhood he had moved into was affectionately called Diadem East. 
Diadem East was surrounded by a large bay, which, in turn, separated it from Diadem West. Diadem East and Diadem West were similar in the fact that they were obscenely rich. Even though both had enough wealth to buy the island of New York, Diadem West looked down on Diadem East because of generational wealth. Diadem West had come from old money - long lines of families that treated life like a simple game of chess and they could move others like pawns. Diadem East were those who only recently came into money and spent it freely and without care.
Lorenzo had moved to Diadem East in hopes of getting away from his overbearing parents, and it helped that his cousin lived right across the bay in Diadem West. 
Y/n Pucey was a recent newlywed to Adrian Pucey. Lorenzo hadn’t been able to make it to the wedding, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to see his baby cousin married to a man fifteen years older than her. Y/n had always been Lorenzo’s favourite cousin; she was a bubbling, carefree girl, probably due to the fact that from birth, she had no restrictions with her father’s money. Now that she was married to the pretentious Pucey family, Lorenzo doubted she was familiar with the word ‘no’. 
What Lorenzo did doubt, however, was Y/n’s happiness. He remembered a time, back when she was nineteen, that he had visited her over summer break. She told him tales of a man that had captured her heart. Lorenzo remembered how Y/n’s eyes gleamed and her cheeks burned with her extensive smiling. He remembered laughing with Y/n in the sunroom, saying, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so happy.”
“I’m in love, Enzo,” she had replied simply. 
Needless to say, Lorenzo couldn’t wait to see his cousin again. He also couldn’t wait to return to a normal sleep schedule, given that his new neighbour wouldn’t stop having parties every single night that blasted light and music into Lorenzo’s bedroom window. It wasn’t until Thursday at four pm when a butler knocked on Lorenzo’s back door, holding a silver plate with a letter positioned on it. “Can I help you?” Enzo asked slowly, leaning on the door frame.
“Mister Riddle requests your presence on Friday night for a party he is throwing,” the butler said. 
“Mister… Riddle?” Enzo reiterated. “I’m sorry, who?”
“Your neighbour, Mister Mattheo Riddle,” the butler explained. “He wanted to welcome you into the neighbourhood.”
“Right,” Enzo trailed off. “I’ll be there.”
“Mister Riddle looks forward to making your acquaintance.”
The next day, Enzo drove up to Diadem West, the hilltop Pucey Manor looming over everything. As soon as Enzo finished driving up the winding gravel road, the front door swung open dramatically. Y/n stood there, arms flung wide. “Darling Enzo!” she squealed. “Oh, how I’ve missed you!” 
“My sweet cousin!” Enzo called back, bounding up the steps. He whirled Y/n up in his arms, swinging her back and forth, much to her delight. Her sundress flared around them in a swirling dance. “How have you been?”
“Lively,” Y/n answered simply. “How are those back home? You must tell me everything.”
Enzo flung his head back and said dramatically, “they miss you dearly, loving cousin. When I passed through town, everyone wept when they heard I was to see you. Jealous men came running down from their houses and begged me to take them with you. Mothers sobbed and cried out how they wished their daughters would turn out like you. Children dashed through the streets, racing after my carriage with joy.”
“They did?” Y/n beamed, gripping onto Enzo’s arms. “I do miss them, you know. Perhaps I should visit next summer.”
“They would all love to see you,” Enzo stated plainly. “Yet I have a question for you. Do you know of-”
“Lorenzo Berkshire,” a voice boomed from the front door. “What’s a man like you doing in these parts?”
Enzo stared up at Adrian Pucey, the esteemed husband of Y/n. “Adrian,” Enzo peeled himself away from Y/n and sauntered up the steps. “It’s nice to see you again.” He held out his hand for the man to shake.
“Get in here, good pal.” Adrian clapped Enzo’s hand and pulled him into a rough hug. Enzo let out a huff of air as he collided with Adrian’s chest. “Wonderful to see you as well. Tell me, how’s the stock business going?” Adrian placed a nonnegotiable hand on Enzo’s shoulder and led him inside the Pucey mansion. Y/n let out a noise of surprise and hurried in after them, determined not to be left behind. 
“Good, good.” Enzo made senseless conversation with Adrian as he tried to take in the curated house he was in. All the doors and windows were open, letting in a soft breeze and the stinging smell of the bay water. The curtains fluttered around Y/n as she walked, her eyes cautiously on her cousin and husband. No matter how she acted, Lorenzo knew of the whip sharp mind that Y/n had.
“And you know where he’s living, Adrian?” Y/n cut in, moving to recline gracefully on the settee. “In Diadem East!” 
Adrian’s brows rose and he turned to Enzo as the men sat on the couch. “Why not buy a house here? Hell, you’re welcome to stay in our guest room. Anything for a relative.”
“No, please.” Enzo held a hand up. “I’m perfectly fine on my own and I don’t want to intrude. It’s a nice, cosy house looking over the bay. In fact, if I look towards the right, I can see the end of your pier.”
“Really?” Y/n lit up, head turning towards Enzo. “How sweet. It’s almost as if we’re neighbours.”
“Speaking of neighbours,” Enzo took this opportunity to ask, “my own seems to be very eccentric.”
Adrian chuckled and poured himself some whiskey. “How so? Do you want any?” He gestured to the whiskey.
“No, but thank you.” Enzo adjusted in his seat and crossed his legs. “My neighbour throws these obscene parties almost every single night. I’m convinced that if it weren’t for the trees, I wouldn’t be able to get any sleep.” Y/n stretched out her legs and leaned her head back until it was resting on the arm of the chair. “But the oddest thing happened - he invited me to one tonight.”
“Really?” Adrian sipped his drink. “And who is this poseur?”
“A Mister Riddle.”
Y/n’s lips parted and, almost in slow motion, her eyes flickered to Lorenzo before going back to staring out the window to the gleaming blue water outside. “Riddle?” she murmured. Adrian glanced at her and Enzo’s brows furrowed. “I mean, there must be a thousand Riddles… why, in fact, just last month, I was introduced to a Ryder. Which is like Riddle, I guess.”
“Y/n, are you alright?” Enzo asked softly.
“Yes, are you well?” Adrian added on.
“I’m sure I’m fine,” Y/n said. “Perhaps just lightheaded. I’m going to go lay down now.” Her hand flit to her collarbone where a small chain was tucked under her dress.
“Okay.” Enzo stared after her, admittedly worried about his cousin, before standing and adjusting his suit. “Well, I'm afraid I have to go. Mustn’t be late to this fellow’s party.”
“Of course.” Adrian stood as well, in common courtesy, knowing that the two men had nothing in common or nothing to do with each other without Y/n as the mediator. “Riddle…” the man muttered. “I could’ve sworn I heard that name somewhere.”
“It’s a common name, you know.” Enzo chuckled as he swiped out the door. 
“Yes, I’m sure.” Adrian closed the door behind Enzo almost as an afterthought.
“What do you want, my darling? Anything you wish and I will make it happen.”
“I’m happy with just you, Matty.”
“That’s not a good enough answer, and you know it. Now, I’m going to ask again: what do you want?”
“… I… I want a big house. Overlooking the water so our kids can play in the water.”
“Our kids, hm?”
“Oh, yes, Matty. Our kids.”
“Alright. And what else?”
“Hmm… and a big ballroom that we can dance in. And all the paintings will be our favourites. And big parties for every occasion. Perhaps a pool. Or a sunroom. And the largest bedroom ever.”
“Is that all?”
“As long as I have you, Matty, that’s all I ask.”
While everyone else arrived to Riddle’s party in new and shining cars, Enzo simply walked. People of all backgrounds were streaming in the doors and Enzo was pushed into the unrelenting mob of partygoers. Enzo shoved his way to the first butler he saw and presented his invitation. “Uh, yes. I have this invitation here…” 
The butler glanced down at the letter and said stoically, “you needn’t one.”
“Pardon?” Enzo had never been to a party where he didn’t need to be invited. 
“The guests come and go as they please - per Mister Riddle’s orders.”
“Alright,” Enzo pursed his lips together and nodded awkwardly. “Thank you. Do you know where I could find Mister Riddle?”
“No, sir,” the butler replied. “He likes to socialise with his attendees and be in the throng of things. He likes to make sure that everyone is comfortable and having a good time.”
Enzo hummed and nodded in thanks before allowing himself to be swept up in the current. He was carried further into the opulent mansion and Lorenzo needed to remind himself to close his mouth at the palatial nature of it all. 
Practically every surface was plated with gold or made of marble. The ballroom opened up to a balcony that overlooked a large pool which was currently populated with dozens of people. On the other side of the ballroom, a large sunroom was occupied by a throng of people, cigarette smoke wisping up through the open roof. The stars were obscured by not only the smoke, but by the fact that every light in the mansion was turned on. Marble stairs led down to another open room which held a stage and a band whose music filtered up throughout the rooms. Congressmen, celebrities, and random people off the street were packed into the house, booze and drugs were passed around and waiters tried to filter through the crowd to hand out refreshments and food.
As he passed, Enzo heard tidbits of conversations about their host. “Did you know he was a bootlegger?”
“No, no, I heard he fought in the last war.”
“Well, whatever it is, it’s all terribly romantic.”
“Well, I thought that he was chasing a girl-”
Enzo managed to fight his way to the balcony and snag a glass of champagne on his way. He sighed in relief at finding a bubble of air to himself. A man dressed in a finely pressed suit jostled into him and quickly apologised. “Terribly sorry, old friend,” the man said. “I didn’t see you there. It’s a rowdy party tonight, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Enzo replied loudly. “Is it usually like this?”
“Unfortunately,” the man grinned. “Although few frequent. I always find that many people come once and then never return.”
“You seem like you know an awful lot about Mister Riddle’s parties. Do you come here often?”
“Yes,” the man tsked. “As hard as I try, I can’t pull myself away from this old mansion. Something always draws me back. Did you know that Mattheo Riddle built this house from scratch?”
“I did not.”
“Yes,” the man laughed, his lips curing up. “Of course, he didn’t build the actual thing, but he bought the land and drew up the blueprints years ago. Six, to be exact.”
“Why is that?”
“No one knows for sure. There’s a lot of rumours circulating around Riddle.”
Enzo shouted over the music, “I was actually invited by Mister Riddle himself. But his butler seemed surprised by that.”
“Yes, it is very rare that one is personally invited to these gatherings.”
“Do you know where I could find him? Mister Riddle, I mean.” Enzo took a sip of his champagne.
The man laughed again and raised his own champagne glass. A smirk coiled up on his face and he said simply, “why, you’re talking to him, old friend. I am Mattheo Riddle.”
The party noise faded in Enzo’s ears. “Oh. I’m so sorry.” His hand shot out for Riddle to shake. “I didn’t mean to be rude. Pardon me, Mister Riddle.”
Mattheo Riddle shook Enzo’s hand, still grinning. His eyes held a mix of anticipation and happiness. Those who were close to Mattheo Riddle - which, really, was no one - had never seen such joy on Mattheo’s face. “Oh, call me Riddle. Or better yet, Mattheo. I feel as if I already know you, old friend. And, seeing as we’re neighbours, I hope to get to know you even better. How would you like to join me in my study?”
Enzo raised a brow and cliched his champagne fluke. “May I ask what for?”
“Oh, well, to tell you my life story, after all.” Mattheo clapped a hand on Enzo’s shoulder, much like Adrian had hours earlier. But unlike Adrian, Enzo found himself agreeing to go along with this man he only met today. 
Mattheo led Enzo down the hallway and nodded to a butler who was standing guard over an oak door. The butler opened the door up to Mattheo’s study, which was more of a library. The library was a much different aesthetic than the rest of the house. While the mansion next to Enzo’s little cottage was energetic and extravagant, Mattheo’s library was dark and cosy. Instead of gold and marble, it was made of oak and the flickering flames of candles.
“An impressive collection,” Enzo commented, glancing around the room at the rows of books.
“Why, thank you,” Mattheo replied. “It overlooks the bay, you see?” He pointed towards the window that, true to his word, was directly facing the large water. 
Enzo peered out the window and huffed a laugh when he saw Y/n’s house staring back at him. “That’s my cousin's house,” Enzo glanced back at Mattheo to see his gaze locked on the Pucey mansion. 
“I know,” Mattheo said quietly. 
“You know?” Lorenzo repeated questioningly. 
“Yeah,” Mattheo nodded. “You’ve heard rumours of me.” It wasn’t a question. Before Enzo could answer, Matthei continued, “but I can assure you, only one of those is true, old friend. I am… a helpless romantic.” Mattheo chuckled lowly, a sad layer in his eyes. Instead of sitting behind his large desk, Mattheo opted to lounge on a couch and Enzo sat in a loveseat next to him. 
“What do you mean by that?” 
“About… eight years ago I met this girl. God, she was absolutely perfect.” Mattheo gazed out at Diadem West. “I have been bereft of her for so many years… And I finally hope to make it up to her. I’ve become the man that will be good enough for her archaic parents.”
“Where did you meet her?” Enzo asked quietly.
“I was visiting her hometown one day, eight years ago. And I just…” Mattheo took a moment to wet his chapped lips. “She had all other eyes on her. She was simply walking down the street, yet she drew everyone to her. And when I was blessed enough to hold her in my arms… to kiss her lips is better than heaven.”
“May I guess her name?” Enzo’s smile grew larger. “Is this lovely, captivating woman my cousin, Y/n Pucey?”
“How did you know?” Mattheo’s voice was airy and wistful.
“Many men have tripped over their feet just to take a glance at my cousin. She is not only beautiful, holding the Berkshire genes, but witty, magnetic, and gentle.” Enzo finished his champagne and lit a cigar that Mattheo had offered him. “And, well, she might have mentioned you once or twice. She was in love with you when she was nineteen. Perhaps she still is.” Mattheo’s eyes snapped to Enzo. “Then she was married to Adrian Pucey. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that you’re living right across from her.”
“Yes, I’m aware of all that,” Mattheo stated. “But nothing has been an accident, Mister Berkshire. There’s a reason why I host parties every weekend, why I keep the lights on every night, why my home is directly across from hers, and why you, her cousin, is renting next to me.”
Enzo scrutinised this stranger across from him. “You’re obsessed with my cousin,” he stated, somewhat disgustedly. 
“No,” Mattheo whispered. “I’m in love with your cousin. I have always been in love with her - in all ways. And she is me. Mention my name around her and you’ll see.”
“I have,” Enzo admitted. “She looked as if she’d seen a ghost. But she also looked guilty, Riddle. She’s married. She has a life. She wants children.” Mattheo’s jaw jumped as Enzo continued, “you can’t rip her away from that. It’s been years, Riddle. She hasn’t seen you for years.”
“I know…” Mattheo trailed off. “But just to see her again would fulfil any wish of mine. I have a vow I need to make due on. I- uh, I was wondering if you could invite her over for tea. And I could drop by. Just one day.” Mattheo’s eyes felt dry and he quickly blinked. 
Enzo sighed deeply and after a long moment, said, “okay. Tuesday? At three?”
A weight lifted off of Mattheo’s shoulders. He now had all the time in the world. In his eyes, everything was finally falling into place. Mattheo would finally get to be happy again. “That sounds absolutely perfect.”
Tuesday was outrageously cloudy. Lorenzo could hardly see the sun as he drove back to his house. As he pulled into his driveway, he came to see an ostentatious green Rolls-Royce convertible that was blocking his drive. Enzo stared defeatedly at the car for a long moment, knowing exactly whose it was. 
Mattheo Riddle leaned on the hood and proceeded to wave at Enzo as if the man wasn’t hours too early to tea. 
“You have a watch, don’t you?” Enzo called out, getting out of his car. 
“I couldn’t wait,” Mattheo admitted. “I had nothing else to do today - well, that’s not true. I in fact cancelled some meetings that were set to take place today, but no worries.”
“You cancelled - you know what? Nevermind. Look, Riddle, I sure hope you know what you’re doing. Y/n… she’s changed from when you met her.” Enzo couldn’t look at his neighbour as he unlocked his door. Mattheo followed in after him, glancing around courteously, as if the real reason he was here wasn’t sending waves of nerves through his stomach. Enzo glanced back at Mattheo and moved to the kitchen to make some tea. Mattheo followed after him, his gait slow. “She used to believe that she could live any way she wanted,” Enzo continued. “But then she met Adrian.”
“Hm.” Mattheo made a low noise in his throat, fingers reaching out to play with the teacups that hung from a shelf. 
“She’s not… unhappy with Adrian,” Enzo tried to explain. “But she’s putting her happiness aside for the grandeur of life.” 
“I could give her that grandeur,” Mattheo muttered. 
“Do you know how people back home would treat her if they found out she got divorced from Adrian Pucey just to marry a man who is rumoured to be a bootlegger?” Enzo asked, aghast. He roughly swallowed and said quietly, “I’m sorry. That was out of line.” 
“No, no,” Mattheo waved him off, still seemingly fascinated by Enzo’s teacups. “It’s perfectly in line. You make a valid point. Though I can assure you, I am not a bootlegger. Far from it.”
“Then what is your line of work?” 
“Never you mind. When is Y/n coming?” Mattheo turned to Enzo, changing the topic at an alarming speed. The teacups were long forgotten.
Enzo exhaled and dunked a teabag in the teapot. “She said she’ll be arriving around three. However, that means that she’ll either be arriving at two-fifteen on account of wanting to escape Adrian, or she’ll arrive at four-thirty because Adrian needs something from her.”
“Let’s hope it’s the former,” Mattheo growled.
As if on cue, the two men heard the rumbling of a car approaching. The air in the room stilled. Mattheo’s face dropped and he turned pale, staring at the door. They heard Y/n’s honey voice call out, “Lorenzo!” Enzo quickly came to his senses and rushed to open the door. Y/n was driving up, waving her hat enthusiastically in one hand. A smile split on Enzo’s face as he rushed over to help her out of her car. “I must say, I was wary when you asked me to visit without Adrian,” Y/n chatted as Enzo escorted her into the house. “I couldn’t possibly think of anything you would need from me.”
“Can’t I just ask you over for tea?” Enzo chuckled. “Does everything I do need malicious intent?”
“Based on your past, yes.”
Enzo rolled his eyes playfully. After he took Y/n’s coat and hat, his eyes darted around his house, but he couldn’t find one trace of Mattheo anywhere. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll… I’ll grab the tea,” Enzo muttered. He moved to his kitchen, and seeing his back door ajar, he shoved it open. “Where are you going?!” he cried out to Mattheo who was currently halfway across the lawn.
Mattheo spun back to Enzo, fear deeply rooted in his expression. “I can’t,” he whispered after he jogged back to Enzo. “I can’t do it. You’re absolutely right. She... she has a life. And probably doesn’t even remember me. It would be cruel to subject her to such emotions. I don’t want to cause her any harm.”
Enzo shook his head. “I will not have invited my cousin to tea under false pretences,” he said slowly and firmly. “You owe this to her,” he added. 
A droplet of rain fell from a passing cloud and fell faster and faster until it splattered on Mattheo’s wrist. The water was absorbed by the cuff of Mattheo’s shift, but a small bit of the water rolled down onto his hand and drifted its way down to Mattheo’s ring finger. A thin gold band sat snug there. “Do you know what a pyrrhic victory means?” 
“Yes.” Enzo frowned inquisitively. “It’s victory that cost the victor more than it did the defeated. But what does that have to do with Y/n?”
“My love for Y/n has cost me everything,” Mattheo muttered. “But she is everything. I'm used to people hating me for my wealth and how reserved I am. What I'm used to isn't people's love. And now, my love is with Y/n and I'm not letting anyone ruin that or take it away from me.” More raindrops began falling from the sky until a gentle pitter-patter could be heard all around them.
“So why don’t you come in and tell her that?” Enzo asked, gesturing towards his door. 
Mattheo’s jaw jumped but he nodded, giving in. He shuffled through the door and into the living room where Y/n sat. Enzo grinned to himself and shut the door behind them before hearing Y/n gasp and the sound of a glass breaking. Enzo cursed to himself, knowing one of his precious teacups had now lost its life.
“M- Matty?” Y/n murmured, eyes wide. “Oh- oh, dear.” She stared down at the broken teacup on the carpet and bent down, hands shuddering. Mattheo crouched down as well, maintaining eye contact with Y/n the entire way. Y/n shook her head and focused on cleaning up her mess. Enzo noticed her whole body was trembling and he took a step forward as if to console her. Mattheo beat him to the punch. He grasped her forearms and helped her up, leaving the teacup behind. Y/n sniffed and repeated, “Matty?”
“Yeah, darling. It’s me,” Mattheo murmured, stepping closer to her. His hold on her arms softened and his cheek brushed against her forehead. 
Y/n exhaled shakily. “What are you doing here?” she whispered, tipping her head to lean into a more intimate position with Mattheo. Enzo slid out of the room, smirking faintly.
“I live next to Enzo,” Mattheo said, neither one bothering to look for Y/n’s cousin. 
Y/n chuckled humourlessly. “Tell me the real reason, Matty. I know you better than this.”
Mattheo smiled - the truest smile Enzo had ever seen on his neighbour’s face (not that Enzo was watching from the next room) - and leaned down to bump his nose against hers. “I could never hide anything from you. Not that I ever would, but I digress.” Mattheo reached down and gently lifted Y/n’s hand to his lips. He pressed featherlight kisses along her fingertips and confessed, “a year after you married Adrian, I built a house across the bay. The mansion whose windows are alight every single night with fireworks going off every weekend… that’s me, darling. Trying to get you to even glance over at me. Renting the neighbouring cabin to your cousin… that’s me. Every little detail, down to my car, is so I can see you again.”
“You did all that for me?” Y/n ran a soft thumb over Mattheo’s jawline, making the man shiver. 
“And I will do so much more,” Mattheo promised. “I am yours, my love. Always in all ways.”
Y/n sat curled in Mattheo’s lap. The pair was under a tree on a picnic blanket, far from the L/n Villa. “I’m sorry I couldn’t spend my birthday with you, Matty,” Y/n murmured to him. “I know you had a surprise for me.”
“It’s alright, darling,” Mattheo whispered back, dragging his fingers through Y/n’s hair. “I know nineteen is a monumental birthday for your family.”
“But now you have me all to yourself,” Y/n lightly laughed, turning to grin at her lover. “What was the surprise you had for me? You’ve been awfully suspicious these past few days, Matty.”
Mattheo hummed, looking to the sky and rhythmically tapping his fingers against you. “Well, I don’t know, my love,” he teased. “What could I possibly get the most perfect girl for her birthday?” After your protests, he continued, not before kissing your temple. “I got you my heart,” he whispered. Out from his pocket, he pulled a thin chain. Dangling teasingly from the chain was a golden ring. “So I can be with you always,” Mattheo explained quietly. 
Tears pricked at Y/n’s eyes as she gently took the necklace from him and thread the chain through her fingers. “You… you’re being serious right now?” Her focus was drawn to Mattheo’s own ring finger, where she noticed a new, immortal band lay proudly. “Are you…?”
“Only for you,” Mattheo reassured her. “Don’t worry. It’s my way of showing my devotion.” He twisted the necklace around her neck, clipping it there. 
“Only for me?”
“Always in all ways,” Mattheo vowed.
Y/n frequented outings with her friends much more often as of late. Adrian only sent Y/n away with a half-committed kiss on the cheek and eyes fixated on his golfing or his business contracts. Y/n would get in her car (or Enzo’s if he was feeling nice), and drive down to Mattheo’s mansion. Most days, there would be other cars there, waiting for Riddle’s house to open to party. They would be carrying booze and wearing all fashions of clothes, and when they would walk up to his door only to be turned away, they would pout and groan. Mattheo’s house wasn’t blazing his lights anymore, nor were there any fireworks crackling each weekend. His car was kept parked in his garage and his smile was constant. 
The first time Y/n had gone over to Mattheo’s mansion, so conveniently and coincidentally located across from hers, she had been in awe. “It’s exquisite!” she had exclaimed. She had run all over the house, marvelling at the floors and the ceilings, dragging Mattheo along behind her. Mattheo laughed loudly, his joy echoing off the walls. Of course, all of the art decorating his walls was accented to Y/n’s taste and the colour palette was exactly as Y/n had hoped for all those years ago. 
“Dance with me,” she beckoned Mattheo one day, already spinning on the deserted dance floor. Mattheo would lock the doors to his manor and keep out the partiers forever and always if it meant he could see Y/n on his dance floor, waiting for him. 
Mattheo stared at her, his eyes bright with love. He swept her up in his arms, pressing her close, and they danced to nonexistent music. Y/n rested her head on Mattheo’s chest and whispered, “this is nice.”
“This is very nice, indeed. I hope to do it more often.”
Y/n’s fingers gripped onto Mattheo’s shoulders. “Matty…” she whispered. “You know my feelings for you. But I- Adrian-”
“Please don’t speak his name,” Mattheo pleaded. “And I know about him. But I don’t care about him. Please tell me you don’t care about him either.”
“He is my husband, Mattheo.”
“That doesn’t mean you care about him.” Y/n took a breath and stepped slowly back from Mattheo. His mouth parted slowly and desperation filled his eyes. His hands reached out in anguish. “Please, my love. Don’t do this.”
“I will never love him as much as I love you,” Y/n clarified gently. “But I don’t hate him, either. Over the years, I have come to care for him. It’s a complicated feeling, Mattheo, I’m sure you understand.”
“Marry me,” Mattheo suddenly declared. “I promise, my dearest, I will give you all and more.”
“It’s not fair to Adrian,” Y/n protested, her hands dropped to her sides. “We don’t live in a life where one can just divorce their spouse to pursue another. You know of the rigidity and the silent rules that if we don’t follow, the exile we face.”
“Exile of what?” Mattheo cried, helplessness in his voice. “You can move in here. I can give you the life we dreamed of.”
“The life I dreamed of included my parents and my loved ones,” Y/n objected. “Not an isolated life with only one of the many I love.”
“Anyone you love can come visit you if they want,” Mattheo offered. “I won’t push anyone away. I just want you.”
“You know they won’t visit,” Y/n’s voice broke. “You know people will ridicule us. And I am so sorry, Matty, but I don’t know if I could live with that.” Mattheo didn’t speak for a long moment, staring at Y/n’s neck. “What’s wrong?” she eventually demanded. “Do I have something on my collar?”
“No,” Mattheo murmured softly. “It’s just… you kept it.” He pointed to Y/n’s neck and reached out to finger the chain around Y/n’s neck. The woman couldn’t help but shiver under his light touch. “You kept it,” he repeated. Carefully, as if afraid he might break her, Mattheo lifted the hidden necklace that was tucked under Y/n’s dress. “My ring.”
“I couldn’t bear to get rid of it,” Y/n’s breath hitched and she swallowed back tears. “I’ve never taken it off. Even- even on my wedding day.”
Beside himself, Mattheo chuckled, though it quickly turned to a gasp for breath. “So even when he made love to you, you always kept my ring around your neck?” Tears slipped down his cheeks and Y/n reached up to quickly wipe them away. 
“I don’t want you thinking about that,” Y/n muttered, shaking her head at the absurdness of it all. “Please… just be here with me.”
“I’m here,” Mattheo could hardly get a couple words out. He pulled her close to him and pressed a firm kiss on her forehead. “You still haven’t said no to my proposal.”
Y/n laughed loudly. “I didn’t think you were being serious.”
“With you, I am always serious,” Mattheo grinned, bending down to look her in the eye. “And that wasn’t an answer. Why are you avoiding the question, darling?”
Y/n sighed, a coy smile on her lips. “Would I simply leave Adrian? What of my things? Adrian would come looking for me, you know?”
“I would buy you whatever you’re missing a thousand times over.” Mattheo stared at Y/n, his eyes holding all the tenderness that a lover was supposed to have. “I would protect you and Adrian would never know where you are. He will never harm you, I promise.” 
Y/n tapped Mattheo’s chest thrice and hummed. Mattheo’s heart fluttered and his lips brushed against her temple. Silently, he begged all the gods he knew of that Y/n would agree to be with him. His lips moved wordlessly, pleading, before Y/n said, “I will call you tomorrow, Matty. I’m sure Adrian already knows of our endeavours, but give me one night to collect my thoughts. Can you give me that much?”
“Of course, my love. Whatever you need.” He kissed Y/n’s forehead again. “Always in all ways.”
“Always in all ways,” Y/n repeated.
“Where are you going?”
Y/n’s shoulders tensed and she slowly turned around to face Adrian. A packed bag was on her bed. “Enzo, the sweetling cousin he is, invited me to stay with him,” she said. “I thought it would be fun to spend a night in East Diadem. To see how others live.”
“You? In East Diadem?” Adrian chortled a laugh. “And why, pray tell, would you do that?” 
“Because I love my cousin,” Y/n reiterated firmly. “Are you forbidding me to see my family?”
Adrian’s head hung and he shook his head. “I may be rich, but I’m not stupid.” He hesitated before stating, “I know about Riddle.”
“My old friend?” Y/n asked smoothly. “Yes, he was a friend of Enzo’s. That’s how I met him, you know.” She cleared her throat and zipped up her bag. 
“You’re fucking him, aren’t you?” Adrian then suddenly shouted out, his hair flying out of place and his face turning red. “He’s fucking my wife, that bastard! Why, I should- I outta- you bitch!” He growled and whirled around, dragging a hand through his hair. 
“Adrian.” Y/n held up her hands, trying to soothe his emotions. It was the only way she learned how. “I haven’t been unfaithful to you, I promise. I made a vow on our wedding day and I have since upheld it.”
Adrian grunted and demanded, “so tell me you love me.”
Y/n swallowed. “I- I love you, Adrian. Just not in the way you want me to.”
Her husband let out a yell of frustration and slammed his hands down on the back of an armchair. Y/n flinched. After a tense moment, he hissed out, “go, then. Leave me.” His voice rose to a crescendo and he shouted out, “but know that I will never let you back into this life again! No one will ever let you step inside Diadem West without rumours and hatred trailing behind you.” He let his voice drop and as Y/n shuffled back, he raised his head and looked at her, pleadingly. “I want to make you stay,” Adrian whispered. “I want to tell you all the ways I love you. But… But I think we both know I can’t.” He took a step towards her and held a hand out as if he wanted to cup her face in his palm. “You are so beautiful, Y/n,” he muttered. “But he makes you feel alive. You- you deserve that.”
“So do you, Adrian,” Y/n choked out. 
“I know,” he nodded once, conceding. “I know.”
It took four weeks for Y/n to officially move into the house across the bay. Immediately, she had sought out her cousin and stayed with him for some time. She spent many of those days sitting out on the lawn, staring out to the bay and her old house. Her hair would whip across her face and sometimes, Mattheo would come and sit a couple feet away from her, not saying a word. Mattheo knew she was experiencing the eroding feeling of guilt. He didn’t dare disturb her thoughts if, eventually, it would lead to him. What’s a couple more weeks when he had been waiting years?
Then, one day, Y/n turned towards Mattheo and said, “you promised to love me always and in all ways.” 
Mattheo’s head whipped toward her. The shame in his eyes was deep. “Yes,” he uttered.
“I think I’m ready to take you up on your offer.” 
Mattheo broke into a smile.
A year later, the pair was married. The band that had been around Y/n’s neck was now around her finger. Y/n’s parents refused to attend and she had spent the night crying in Mattheo’s arms. Enzo had taken the place of her father and walked her down the aisle. The wedding was sparse and while Mattheo’s aunt had come to offer her congratulations, as had one of Y/n’s old friends, the couple knew that their life would be a lonely one until they either made new friends or Y/n’s old friends in Diadem West came around. But they were happy. 
Grand parties weren’t a frequent occurrence, though every month or so, Mattheo threw a celebration for an unimportant holiday, simply to show Y/n off. He finally had the pleasure to kiss her in a room full of people and not be ridiculed. However, parties weren’t needed. As long as Mattheo woke up with Y/n in his arms, he would call it the most wonderful day ever. 
And when years had passed and their children would move out to begin their own endeavours, the house would lay empty. After decades had gone by and the mansion was simply a statement of extravagant wealth and the jubilance of society, people would wander in the house, marvelling at the gold and marble. Whispers would echo the hallways of the great love story that transpired within its walls. A large, dusty old portrait of the couple still hung above the fireplace, their eyes holding as much love as there was water in the bay.
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t1oui · 5 months
draco malfoy who did not become prince of slytherin on his first day at hogwarts, because that role was already taken.
percy weasley is the last person any outside would expect to run their house. a blood traitor with old robes and no money, no status. but a boy with ambitions and cunning to rival even his elders, one who understands the plight of those expected to be in slytherin and especially those expected to be the opposite.
when draco arrives, percy is a prefect. he wears the same robes his older brothers have, as his parents do not waste their money on their family's biggest disappointment, but he sends letters with an owl named hermes that was gifted to him by the siblings who still believe he's worth it. percy sits beside a boy named marcus flint, and both of them smile and shake the hand of every new first year. their dormmates, two boys named adrian pucey and theodore nott, do the same from across the table.
when draco comes back from christmas break shaking, when he flinches at every raised voice, percy wraps an arm around him and tells his newest snake the same thing marcus told him when he was a first year: "you got the best house."
slytherins are not friends with ravenclaws or hufflepuffs, and they certainly aren't buddying up with gryffindors. their own headmaster does everything in his power to discredit them.
"dumbledore may be brave," percy says, "but we're smarter. here in slytherin, we're a family." here, he doesn't say, we're stronger. he doesn't say it, but it's heavily implied.
severus snape is draco's godfather, percy's favorite teacher, and when a gryffindor girl named hermione accuses him of cursing harry potter, percy does everything he can to prove them wrong.
during draco's second year, muggleborns are being petrified, and draco's father is up to something. he spends his evenings in the dungeons, sobbing into his godfather's cloak, wishing he had the power to make this all better. the morning after harry potter saves ginny weasley, percy's younger sister, from the chamber of secrets, percy sits beside draco and tells him, "don't fret over things being out of your control. knowledge is power, draco. use it."
draco is fourteen when percy leaves, fourteen the first time he comes to hogwarts and the only flashes of red hair are seated at the gryffindor table. fourteen when he becomes slytherin's prince, the head of the family, the one who takes younger students under his wing. he isn't a prefect, not yet, but he is a leader.
knowledge is power, percy told him. draco uses it.
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ravenclaws-stuff · 1 month
Harry Potter Head cannons pt 3
Slytherin Boys Edition
Draco Malfoy
Love Language: Gift giving, acts of services
Not good with communicating but is trying his best to get better for you
Always reads with you
Sneaks you into his dorm at night
Will write to his mom about you
Big gifts!
Theodore Nott
Love Language: Gift giving, acts of services
Started out with big gifts but after many arguments, he gives small gifts
Loves dancing with you
Appreciates you when you make him dinner after a long day of work
Will make you a bath every night
Blaise Zabini
Love Language: gift giving, physical touch
Always touching you (hand holding, arm around shoulder, hand on thigh)
Buys you special snacks
Takes you in fancy vacations
Loves when you take him to the muggle movies
Adrian Pucey
Love language: gift giving, physical touch
Keeps you a secret at first.
Scared of his parents reaction
Walks with his hand on your back
Would eat with you at any table, to prove how much he loves you
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pbielik · 4 months
era Golden Trio
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loverssfevers · 1 year
tw adrian pucey fluff
imagine sitting in a window seat in your common room with adrian sharing a packet of chocolates from honeydukes.
you laugh as he does a second by second recap of how miles fell flat on his back in the courtyard after slipping on the morning ice. his eyes go wide in excitement then shut as he leans back onto the seat laughing and remembering the moment. You hit his leg playfully telling him ‘stop he’s probably so embarrassed’ but your smile hasn’t faded and you plop another chocolate in your mouth to conceal it.
it goes quiet and it’s comfortable.
you ask him about his sisters, if they’re well. he glances away for a second, a small but sad smile on his face. he misses them you can tell. but he replies his two older sisters have only just started at their jobs and his youngest is excited to start at Hogwarts next year.
‘will she be a Slytherin too?’ you ask
‘what if she's not?’
he pauses for a moment. he never thought about that being a possibility. his whole family were a long line of Slytherins but he shrugs ‘she’s still my sister, I’ll support her regardless’
‘well if she gets sorted into my house I’ll look after her’
he smiles ‘I'll know she’s in good hands then’
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hannshines · 1 year
This is probably the hardest post I've ever done and as usual pt. 1 because they only let me post 10 images.
In general they are just fancast of important people involved in the couple in my opinion (a lot of text in the Oliver and Marcus one).
I like variety so an apology if there are like three people for just one.
Pt.1 (here):
Pt.2: Gryffindor's
Marcus Flint - @ tsokkur This man will always be my first opcion, but I have a love hate relationship with him because he has a baby face and most of his content is silly goofy pictures 😩 / Miguel Fersou (Corporally speaking this man is very Marcus Flint, about his face I give him a 7/10.)
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Adrian Pucey - Mateo Lara /Christopher Volz / Xolo Maridueña
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Daphne Greengrass - Jessica Alexander / Isabelle Heikins
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Graham Montague - Marlon Pendlebury
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Lucian Bole - Desire Mía @ des.qua
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Cassius Warrington - @ maxbarczak
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Theodore Nott - Lorenzo Zurzolo
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Astoria Greengrass - Millie Brady / Zoia Mossour
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Miles Bletchey - Brandon @ brandon.idk
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Sally Anne Perks - Olesia Demina / Isabella molloy
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nauticalparamour · 5 months
Writing Update
Going to try to do these a little differently from now on... I'll probably just edit and then reblog moving forward. Here is the update as of September 2024:
All Too Soon — Salazar x Hermione. My poor neglected WIP. Hermione finds a time portal in Hogwarts that takes her to the time of the Founders after midnight. I've got this fully plotted out, but the updates are slow going. | 5/10
Tribulations — Alfred Nott x Hermione. AU Was meant to be a one-shot set in the Trials Universe where Tom sends Alfie to deal with Hermione, instead of himself. But, it's turned into something massive, and I assume it's going to be around the same length as the original, but slow and unusual updates, seeing as I'm just writing when other obligations are fulfilled. It's turned into one chapter per ritual. | 2/9
Pretend to be Nice — Cassius Warrington x Hermione. One-shot where Ministry workers Cassius and Hermione have to interface with one another | October?
Linen & Curls — After ending up unexpectedly in 1977, Hermione learns that there is more to her than she knew. Embraced by the Black family, how will she handle living under their rules, especially when they insist there is no way for her to go back to her proper time? Or, are they just wanting to keep her as a useful pawn, to further the family's aims? Rabastan x Hermione. Sloooow Burn. Time travel AU multi-chapter | 32/58
Arms Full of Lullabies — Theo x Hermione. A little epistolary story that I am mostly mentioning because I miss the pairing | Winter/Spring?
Bigger Boys & Stolen Sweethearts — Marcus x Hermione. Updating the grammar and posting to AO3 for Marcus May | Complete
Red Right Hand — OC x Hermione, Time Travel AU, Hermione Raises Tom. Light rewrite/grammar update and posting to AO3 | 2/45
Season of the Witch — Draco x Hermione, Football AU, Non-Magical AU, Or Is It? I'm still plotting this one out, but I am guessing it will be 15-20 chapters. | Winter/Spring
I’d love to hear if you have any of these you are really looking forward to 💕 Or, are there any pairings that you have been missing?
You can see what was completed since last time below the cut:
Trials — Tom x Hermione | Complete
One Point Perspective — Marcus x Hermione | Complete
Think Twice — Marcus x Hermione | Complete
Sleeper — Theo x Hermione | Complete
Undercovers — Fenrir x Hermione | Complete
Go Away — Lucius x Hermione | Complete
Informants — Fenrir x Hermione | Complete
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citruswriter · 3 months
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 2
❤ = Original Actor
💙 = Fancast
💘 = OC
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Gregory Goyle 💙 Draco Malfoy ❤ Vincent Crabbe 💙
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Blaise Zabini 💙 Pansy Parkinson 💙
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Tom Riddle ❤ Mattheo Riddle 💘 Theodore Nott 💘💙
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Lorenzo Berkshire 💘 Adrian Pucey 💙 Lucian Bole 💙💘
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ill-heart · 2 years
Marcus: I don’t get it! 
Adrian: What’s the matters, Marcus? 
Marcus: It’s Wood! I’ve tried everything I could think of to get his attention and respect! I mean, I tried the death staring method, then I challenged him at every fricking match of Quidditch! I even threw a bludger in his direction and sent him to the infirmary after he smiled at me! Not to even mention my scarying grin when our eyes met! 
Marcus: How could I possibly made my affection anymore obvious ?!
Adrian: Well... Have you considered maybe just talking to him ?
Marcus: Have I what now ?
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