#Africa. Improves
samafricanreporter · 6 months
Online Reputation refers to the technique and practice implemented to take control of the online conversation, so that when people search for you or your business they come across the right and positive information. Much like your real life, it is difficult to always keep track of your online reputation. But negativity can make your business come under unconstructive search radar. This is truly unwelcomed and unappreciated. Therefore the need to avail online reputation repair agency is paramount.
The spread of online reputation management has crossed boundaries and extended overseas. Good reputation involves better consumer trust, high credibility score, less risk and more profit. Positive Online Reputation will facilitate the growth of the brand and the flow of affirmative news regarding your business will spread in your entire network. Unknown website listing sometimes adds your site links to other directories to build backlinks. But care should be taken to which directory you hit on else it might backfire. You must ensure that your business’s name is enlisted on as many well-established business directories as possible.
When can you avail the service of the reputation repair Agency?
If your company or business suffer from negative search reviews If unnecessary disruptive comments are hindering your company’s growth potential If your peers and competitors are spreading false or fake information about your brand
You want to start on a positive note and gain prominence over digital space When you need to push down bad or negative search results of your business on different listings over the web
We will aid you in devising a useful online strategy to maintain your positive reputation that will guarantee removal of bad reputation, negative search results, links, comments, and posts about your business.
We will help you by- Removing all online complaints ethically from your consumer boards Deleting all negative feeds from search engines Improving your brand’s reputation online You want to start on a positive note and gain prominence over dProviding cost-effective online reputation management (ORM)services
Getting all negative, defamatory content on search engines removed instantly
Proper maintenance of SEM rankings
Transparency in communication and dealings between customer and manufacturer
Effective and useful brand exposure that helps to drive sales Improves your service and product quality
Dismissive and obstructive information is pushed down the search engine rankings The power of the internet is immense. It can either garner positivity or negativity. One misinformation or rumour can get widespread attention even if you do not want it. One particular client who had bad experience with your brand can influence hundreds more. So you have to safeguard your brand from such negative threats and volunteer in repairing your online reputation. The task might be tedious for you, but we have years of experience in battling such problems.
Trust us, and we will serve you with best possible results.
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justanotherperson1 · 7 months
Prime Optimus: This is my Megatron.
Prime Megatron: *A stoned raving lunatic*
Bayverse Optimus: You can't be serious.
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foreskinniest · 1 month
Went to see that league of ungentlemanly warfare movie. Was meh, but VERY powerful homoeroticism. About 20 minutes in my bf turned to me and asked "when is this porn intro gonna be over"
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oldtvandcomics · 6 months
Guys, guys, GUYS! (gender neutral)
There is this new movie on Netflix, Runs In The Family (2023). GO WATCH IT.
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It's a South African dramedy about a transgender boy and his single father who go on a road trip to break his birthmother out of a hospital. Then the protagonist's drag partner hurts their foot, and THE FATHER JUMPS IN AND DOES A DUAL DRAG NUMBER WITH HIS SON.
It's this beautifully messy family story, with a wonderful father-son relationship at its heart. From South Africa. Also, it's in English, you don't even need subtitles.
Feels like something Tumblr would appreciate.
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culmaer · 4 months
#nothing is more depressing than working on my cv#because I just don't feel like I have marketable skills#and so many of the writing and research posts I come across on job sites are like ''you'll be working alongside ai''#I even saw a copywriter post that said ''you won't be doing any writing or editing. you job will be to refine and improve ai prompts#so that the ai can more consistently produce the texts we need''#like hello#the person doing that job is literally making themself more obsolete by the day#so here's the plan#I need to take any job that pays vaguely well#and use that money to either do short corses#or save up to go so my masters#that conclusion is inescapable#just. for now I'm still stuck on step 1 : finding a decent job#and (perhaps I'm being too picky) but post covid I do not want to go back into anything in the tourism industry#it's too precarious and honestly just comes down to entertaining rich people which pushes me further left every time i think about it#I considered joining the communist party. but 1) they're still part of the tripartite alliance with the anc... which is a no from me#and 2) communist révolution should spontaneously happen in industrialised countries with surplus wealth when the proletariat arise#south africa does not have surplus wealth nor class consciousness really. it's still filtered through post apartheid racial groupings#which is unhelpful because the black bourgeoisie are not our allies just because they're black#and trying to impose communism in a society without the surplus wealth didn't work out too well throughout the 20th century#so what does that leave you with#parties like cope ? plagued by the same issues as the anc ? no thank you#(I did also study politics btw which is why I've even considered these career paths)#(although I haven't worked in politics or governance since graduation so maybe that doesn't even matter anymore it's been years)#all I want is a job that pays fairly and leaves me with enough free time to do my hobbies#I do not have the grindset I'll admit that#which is why I've enjoyed the art industry#but again. it just comes down to entertaining rich people in the small galleries which is needlessly stressful#and the larger non-commercial galleries and musea aren't hiring atm...#and that's it. rant over I guess since this is the 30th tag
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
UGH containing my thoughts is so HARD
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
I did a strange and new thing today
If you click any of the links in this post you'll be able to download the Autumn - Go Within booklet, and I really hope you enjoy flipping through and using it as much as I enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it.
Many weeks ago I put together a seasonal planner. I hated it. It was nothing like the vision I had in my head. It was generic and uninspired and if I'm honest, I was ashamed of it because I knew it was not the planner that was calling for me to design it. It was the planner I thought people would want to buy, not the planner I wanted to make.
After talking about it to anyone who would listen, billing it as the next great billionaire-maker and my life's greatest work rolled into one, I abandoned it. By it I mean that draft, not the desire to design a text-based companion for intentional seasonal living, which is what brought me here.
So there I was, badly wanting to create the thing I held in my head as the perfect life-planning document for women like me (don't ask, there are not enough words in the world), yet feeling limited in my ability to do so by having to ask questions like Will other people like it? Will they pay for it? - and having to make sure that the answer is a resounding yes.
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't bring myself to care more about what other people would think than about making the documents I want to make. I want to care more about money because capitalism is a bitch and I actually haven't got it like that yet. I want to design a planner that will put every other planner out there to shame, that will sell out online and at Typo and EB, but as much as I want that (I mean, I'm not gonna lie) I want to design and develop the documents I want more. I want to partner with other women and bring shared creative visions to life. I want us all to live the lives we really want to live, not the lives capitalism forces upon us.
So I started over, following my intuition and expecting nothing, and the thing I ended up creating is this.
A booklet that supports intentional living for this season - Autumn.
Why did make this?
I find myself forced to reinvent myself (life is happening) but I refuse to become someone and something I'm not. I need support and structure to navigate this phase of my life so I put together the document I needed most. You can take a look by clicking this link.
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AI-generated image; southern hemisphere autumn (southern Africa)
I did a new and strange thing today. I put something I made out into the world.
I've been a blogger for years on various platforms, and I have been known (in my circles) as a prolific social media poster.
This is different.
This is different because I made something I like just for myself. Not for attention, not to impress anyone, not to make money or get a job, or to make someone else think that I'm worth of money and a job, but because I want to have it and enjoy it. I hope others like it and I hope that the next version is made better through feedback and engagement, but even if I never get feedback I'm still going to make more.
If Autumn is about going within then baby, I am going within and digging up and bringing me into the world (if you don't get it forget about it. Wink).
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Making this left me exhausted and exhilarated. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself because I can't believe that I made it and that I actually shared it and it has my name on it!!!
I feel breathless all of a sudden *fans self.
May beautiful things happen to you and for you.
If you click any of the links in this post you'll be able to download the Autumn - Go Within booklet, and I really hope you enjoy flipping through and using it as much as I enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it.
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littlelambii · 10 months
If there is only 1 piece of advice that you take when you start to rent, please let it be this: your rights and responsibilities as a renter are available on your local government website and landlords will try and screw you over
I've had my fair share of landlords, good, neutral, bad - it's been a ride. It's not always that they'll try screw you out of your deposit but it's so frustrating when it happens
I've had landlords try and deny me knowledge of my deposit amount because they hadn't actually kept it properly in its own account; that specific landlord didn't even know that she was legally required to keep my deposit separate but it should be incurring interest while it's in their hands. My current estate agent sends me my monthly invoice for rent and I can see that my deposit has only grown by 4 or 5 bucks because of the low interest rate, but that's perfectly legal
or tell me that I need to pay for the repainting after I move out; but after a year it's wear and tear, it's not your problem. Regardless of whether you scrub the walls completely spotless, they have to still repaint at their own cost to prep for the next people
or send me back a portion of my deposit, having gone ahead without providing me with optional quotes to make my choice on how my money is spent. Which is totally not okay. I did lose my shit and fought for it but she was a different kind of crazy so, I didn't win that fight
In preparing for my next move, I've been brushing up on the laws so I know what I can be held responsible for during the outgoing inspection
But honestly, I've heard some horror stories about landlords and it's so important to equip yourself with the tools to fight back
** these are south african laws, idk how it works anywhere else
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blackbrownfamily · 4 months
Replace White Supremacy
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if u could give one single jjk side character an abundance of fan content who would it be and why is it miguel
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primatechnosynthpop · 2 years
You know what would be fun is like a plot/character swap between rides again and goes to africa.... like Ernest showing Rene the "boomerang" he found and obviously she doesn't recognize exactly what it is because she's not a scholar but she can tell it's something interesting, maybe part of an artifact, and is like (girl who has only seen Illinois Smith and the Curse of Hitler's Brain) oh boy... getting a lot of "Illinois Smith and the Curse of Hitler's Brain" vibes from this!! And she recognizes this as her Big Chance to go on an adventure so she's like c'mon Ernest show me where you found this! And there's no real romance between them and it still ends with her realizing she wants a calmer lifestyle after all, but she does gain confidence along the way and it culminates in her coming to Ernest's rescue.
And conversely, Ernest trying to give his definitely mutual buddy Abner a yo-yo, and he's not remotely interested because it's not like it contains any valuable jewels or anything, surely, but Dr. Glencliff sees the transaction and is like oh boy time to kidnap Abner and threaten to cut him up with my cranial bone saw if Ernest doesn't hand over the jewels!! And there is a romantic arc and it actually fully plays out because while I'm at it I'm also switching around a bunch of other aspects. Well that's all
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lionheartlr · 12 days
Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, nestled in the heart of the Balkans, has a rich and tumultuous history. The region was part of the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire before becoming the medieval Bosnian Kingdom in the 12th century. The Ottoman Empire took control in the 15th century, influencing the culture and religion of the region significantly. In…
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#A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina#A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina#a visa is not required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However#adventure#africa#aiming to improve standards and align with European norms. Visa Information For many nationalities#along with the Brčko District. The country continues to navigate its post-war recovery and development#and after World War II#and architectural influences that are still visible today in cities like Sarajevo and Mostar. Political Situation Today#and baklava (sweet pastry). The culture is warm and hospitable#and Banja Luka International Airport. The country has a growing infrastructure with well-maintained roads and an expanding public transporta#and Central European influences. Must-try dishes include cevapi (grilled sausages)#and cultural tours are popular activities. Q: How affordable is accommodation in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Accommodation is affordable#and entertainment are reasonably priced#and higher education. The country boasts several universities#and historical landmarks to learn about the rich history and culture. Safety Bosnia and Herzegovina is generally safe for tourists. However#and Jajce are top destinations. Q: What activities can tourists enjoy in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Hiking#and Roman Catholicism being the major religions. This diversity is reflected in the numerous mosques#and Roman Catholicism. Q: What are some traditional foods to try in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Cevapi#and synagogues. Food and Culture Bosnian cuisine is a delightful blend of Ottoman#and University of Mostar. Education reforms are ongoing#Blagaj#Bosnia and Herzegovina came under Austro-Hungarian rule. Following World War I#Bosnia and Herzegovina is a democratic republic with a complex political structure divided into two main entities: the Federation of Bosnia#burek#burek (filled pastry)#but it&039;s advisable to carry some cash for use in smaller towns and rural areas. Top Places to Visit Sarajevo: The capital city#but it’s good to carry some cash for rural areas. Q: What are some must-visit places in Bosnia and Herzegovina? A: Sarajevo#churches#credit and debit cards are widely accepted in cities and tourist areas
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bmobeaumont · 2 months
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bworldlyminded · 4 months
"Cold Beer and a Hot Dart", the best-selling adventure memoir has been re-released!
Before smartphones or international data plans, global adventure travel required extensive pre-trip research, solid street smarts, survival ingenuity, human interaction, guidebooks, paper maps, cross-cultural knowledge, and a shit ton of luck. This compelling memoir follows Brandon Wolfe and his international companions as they navigate that world of wanderology 12,000 km/7,450 miles by land and water throughout several countries within Southeast Africa.
Brandon and his comrades find themselves evading wild animals, braving disease, encountering natural wonders, meeting unforgettable locals, and even scrambling to overcome their own stupidity to take in every dose of pure adventure. This riveting expedition explores the openness in authentic friendships, revels in the uncertainties within technology-free travel, captures the wonder of human resilience, yet also gets candid on the victories and struggles that come along with an addiction to adventure. Cold Beer and a Hot Dart is a rollicking, hedonistic coming of age story that blends excitement, heart, wit, and self-reflection into a captivating, old school backpacking journey.
Available now at https://a.co/d/euI4FGL
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gothhabiba · 5 months
no ceasefire has been called for.
the court has concluded that there is plausible immediate risk of prejudicial (i.e. significantly harmful) outcome for Gazans if measures are not taken before it reaches its final conclusion, and is calling for immediate interim measures.
some of Israel's acts "fall within the scope" of article 2 of genocide convention (preventing births, denying food and fuel) & court is ruling that Israel must not do these things, must punish incitement of genocide, implement humanitarian aid, ensure preservation of evidence
Israel must submit report about all measures taken to meet these requirements within one month; to be then sent to South Africa for comment
these rulings "create international legal obligations" for Israel (and South Africa)
calling for immedate & unconditional release of all hostages taken by Hamas.
(votes as follows: 15 votes to 2 call for Israel to stop committing acts falling under articles 2 and 3 of genocide convention
16 votes to 1 call for Israel to take measures to prevent, and punish, incitements to genocide
16 votes to 1 call for Israel to take "immediate and effective measures" to improve life in Gaza re: resources
15 votes to 2 call for Israel to preserve evidence, and take measures against destruction of evidence, relating to acts falling under acts 2 and 3 of genocide convention
15 votes to 2 call for Israel to submit a report within 1 month)
session has ended, full text will be available on the website shortly.
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liminalgoddessworld · 1 month
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bell hooks wrote: "One of the tragic ironies of contemporary Black life is that individuals succeed in acquiring material privilege often by sacrificing their positive connection to black culture and black experience."
The irony is that in striving for material success, often touted as "freedom," Black people often adopt the same values and behaviors of the systems that historically marginalized and exploited Black people, leading to a loss of cultural identity and integrity.
Could the so-called Black diamonds, the clever Blacks, the Black elite, the ones who can't relate to or identify with Blackness, the ones who don't think Blackness is a thing, the ones who will give us pause in the freedom trenches - could they have done it differently? Was a different outcome possible? Do/did they have a choice?
I think they do/did.
It would have called for an awareness of the worth of what they possessed...
But thanks to the supremacy of white hegemony...
...or do I mean the hegemony of white supremacy...
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