#After midnight thoughts
yukipri · 1 year
Do u ever think about how humans would look if we had cat-like skin. As in, skin as baggy and loose as a cat's?? How we would have skin loose enough to connect our elbows to our torsos, how our tummy skin would be loose and wobbly enough to hang to our knees
How someone could grab the skin at the back of our necks and it would stretch like a good foot, and pulling back all that flesh would noticeably distort our faces
What if "cat boy/girl/person" didn't mean human + cat ears + tail, but baggy cat skin
do u ever think about that
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eccentricmya · 5 months
Sometimes I feel like 24 hrs format in a world of analog clocks... Having more than can belong.
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smallfry15005 · 1 year
Imagine: A clairvoyant asking a ghost for directions while their husband who-isn’t-lost-Taylor-don’t-you-dare-use-Google-maps uses the gas station restroom. The gas station attendant keeps looking at them funny but the clairvoyant is too hung over from a cross country road trip with a three hour detour to care. The ghost is thrilled to have someone to talk to.
Problem is, the ghost call-me-Marty won’t stop talking and now the clairvoyant’s husband is back and they need to pretend they didn’t-ask-for-directions-Ted-I-just-have-a-good-feeling-about-turning-left.
Marty hops into the backseat before they pull out of the station and is now teasing their golden retriever.
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verytiredbeaver · 1 year
My friends, why do I watch scary video, when I know that should I watch scary video I'll be up all night unable to sleep because of the scary contents of scary video
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wingnasty · 4 months
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early season destiel save me…… early season destiel save me early season destiel
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delta-piscium · 1 year
Steddie | 1.7k words it is (swedish) midsummer so I wrote this based on my favorite old tradition because I can and will make anything steddie, so like glad midsommar (happy midsummer)
“What are you doing?” Steve asks as he follows Eddie to the hallway where he’s frantically putting on his shoes. 
“I almost forgot,” he mutters under his breath not acknowledging Steve at all.
“Forgot what?” 
“I can’t believe I almost forgot.” 
“Eddie,” Steve says a little louder, more adamant.
He does look up at Steve then and almost looks surprised to see him. As if he’d forgotten he was there, as if they haven’t been hanging out for hours. 
“Oh,” he says. “Uhm,” he squints at Steve who waits for him to continue, to explain. He doesn’t.
“Yes?” Steve implores because he would really like an explanation. Eddie had just abruptly stood up halfway through telling Steve about some folklore he’s using in his new campaign, just cut himself off mid-sentence and walked off. Steve doesn’t think it’s especially weird or demanding of him to have questions. 
“Did you have other plans that you just now remembered?” Steve frowns, starting to feel unsure when Eddie still isn’t saying anything. It’s just past eleven at night and Steve doesn’t know what plans those would be but he had showed up unannounced earlier in the evening so it’s not impossible that Eddie had plans that Steve interrupted. 
“No, no, no,” Eddie assures him finally breaking his silence, “it’s- okay it’s a little silly but I read this thing researching and I want to try it.” 
And well, okay then.
Steve raises his eyebrows and waves his hand gesturing for Eddie to go on. 
Eddie’s cheeks turn a light pink and he resolutely looks somewhere above Steve’s shoulder instead of at him. 
“Midsummer, which is today, is supposed to be this magical night and there are all these traditions and old myths about it.” 
Eddie glances at Steve and he smiles. Tries to show he’s listening and wants to know whatever thing Eddie read about. 
“And well, okay so there’s this one tradition where you pick seven different kinds of flowers before you go to bed and then put them under your pillow and you’re supposed to dream about who you’re gonna spend your life with.” 
Steve blinks, wasn’t expecting that and doesn’t know what to say about it, so, he blinks again. 
“Maybe it’s dumb, but with all we’ve seen magic and folklore don’t seem so far-fetched and,” he shrugs, “I wanna try. And like, it’s close to midnight and I don’t know if that’s a rule but I don’t wanna risk messing it up.”
“It- huh,” Steve frowns slightly and looks at his shoes then back at Eddie. “Yeah alright, let’s do it. Can’t hurt right?” 
His voice is light, like it’s not a big deal and just a fun thing Eddie read about because that’s what it is, isn’t it? But something about it settles deep in Steve’s gut. Makes it feel important in a way he’s not sure he could explain if he tried. Maybe it’s just the fact that Eddie is getting so worked up about the possibility of dreaming about the person he’s gonna spend his life with when Steve maybe a little bit wishes it would be him, but like, only a little. 
Eddie looks at him with wide eyes like he didn’t expect Steve to want to join, like maybe he expected Steve to make fun of him for wanting to do it. But then something seems to switch in him and a slow smile spreads over his face and he gives Steve an exaggerated once over. 
“Looking to find your true love huh, Harrington?” 
“I thought you said it was the person you spend your life with, not the same as true love necessarily.” Steve quips back because technicalities are easier to argue over than answering that question, especially when Eddie is the one asking.
Eddie shrugs. “Different sources say different things, sometimes it’s true love sometimes it’s who you marry.” 
“Well, then I guess we’re both looking to find our true loves?” Steve hedges, drags Eddie down with him if they’re gonna go there. 
A soft look passes Eddie’s face before a responds, voice quieter. “Guess we are, yeah.” 
They pick their flowers in silence, something about the magic being broken if you speak. Walking around the edge of the woods behind Eddie’s trailer a couple of feet apart, every once in a while coming together or crossing paths. 
After, Steve stands in between Eddie’s trailer and his own car. Holding on to his bouquet of seven flowers unsure what to do. He could go home, he should go home, but he doesn’t want to. He did have some beers hours ago and if he was allowed to speak he’d use that as an excuse to not drive and ask Eddie to crash on his couch. Right now he can’t though so he sighs inwardly and turns to his car. 
He makes it about two steps before a hand reaches out and grips him around his free wrist stopping him. When he turns around Eddie is giving him a look that very clearly says ‘stop being stupid’ and jerks his head towards the trailer silently telling Steve to go with him. He doesn’t let go though and uses his grip on Steve to drag him along like he can’t be sure Steve will actually listen and follow. As if Steve would ever not follow Eddie. 
They quickly get ready for bed. And again when Steve walks toward the couch Eddie grabs him and shakes his head. He waves his arms around a bit like that’s supposed to explain anything but Steve isn’t too bothered about an explanation anyways and easily follows Eddie to his bedroom. 
They’ve shared a bed before but always when they’ve been drunk or high so this feels different. Steve is a little glad they can’t speak or he’s sure he’d blurt out something way too revealing about it all. 
He avoids looking at Eddie as he tucks his flowers in under his pillow, knows Eddie is doing the same next to him. Is aware of it only being an old myth from a region halfway across the world but there’s a weight to it. Something real and tangible. 
He expects it to take a while for him to fall asleep like it always does. For him to twist and turn and lay awake until the early morning. For once though, that doesn’t happen. With the weight of Eddie next to him and to the sounds of his soft breathing and small movements, Steve falls asleep.
And he dreams. He dreams of big brown eyes and bright laughter. Of wild hair and warm arms embracing him. He dreams of growing old next to someone and how every wrinkle on their face tells a story of their shared love. 
He wants to stay in the dream forever, desperately tries to hold onto it even as he floats into consciousness. He turns and groans, gets a mess of someone’s hair in his mouth and nose and that’s enough to startle him into full wakefulness. 
Eddie grumbles next to him, clearly also just waking up. Steve looks at him, with his wild hair and his big brown eyes that are slowly blinking open and of course. Of course, it was Eddie he dreamed about.
Their eyes meet and Eddie freezes. Eyes widening as he looks back at Steve. 
“Oh,” he says. 
And yeah, oh.
“Eddie?” Steve asks, unsure of how to bring it up, to ask about it. If he even should? 
He puts on a teasing smile, even though he feels like goo inside, but making it lighthearted is all he can think of because what if he’s taking this whole thing way too seriously? Jumping to conclusions? 
“Dream of anyone?” 
Eddie nods and looks away, “I did.” He says it simply, voice careful. 
And maybe it isn’t just Steve.
“Who?” He asks, dropping the teasing tone. 
Eddie swallows and looks back at Steve. “The person I wanted to dream of,” he says and it’s not really an answer but he’s looking at Steve so intently he thinks it still might be. 
He thinks about Eddie’s quiet but delighted surprise at Steve wanting to join him yesterday. About Eddie dragging him first into his trailer and then into his bed. How they’re so close on Steve’s side of the bed and Eddie must have drifted towards him in his sleep.
He bites his lip to stop his smile from spreading too wide, there’s still a chance he’s misinterpreting things, “yeah?” 
“And who would that be?” Steve asks, leaning in even closer until he feels Eddie’s small puffs of breath across his face. 
“You,” Eddie whispers but Steve hears it clearly. 
He takes a moment to bask in it, to let it wash over him before he responds.
“That’s good,” Steve tells him eventually and Eddie’s eyes are so wide and open, and so pretty, ��because I dreamt of you.” 
He knows it’s cheesy so he doesn’t give Eddie time to respond, just leans in and closes the remaining gap between them. Slots their lips together. Eddie gasps into the kiss, grabs Steve by the hair, and pulls him in. Makes all these cute noises that make Steve want and want and want. 
He shifts, goes to put his leg in between Eddie’s to move on top of him and get a better angle. But he only gets halfway before Eddie grabs his hips and twists them around. Pushes Steve flat on his back and straddles him. 
He grins down at Steve. 
“You think the Scandinavian magic worked or was it just dream psychology and wishful thinking?” 
“Does it matter?” Steve asks, way too earnestly. But like, they’ve just spent this whole time doing some true love magic so he thinks it’s fine, “got what I wanted.” 
“It’s forever though,” Eddie points out, bending down to bite at Steve’s jaw, “if we believe the old Norse people.” 
Steve hears the question there, thinks this might be Eddie’s way of asking what this means to Steve. His way of telling Steve this isn’t just a hookup for him.
“God yeah,” Steve exhales, “I fucking hope so.” 
He feels Eddie smile into his neck and grabs his hair, uses it to pull him back and steer him into another kiss. 
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fluentisonus · 1 year
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most romantic lotr quotes btw. to me
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moo-blogging · 2 months
some stuff about canon levi confessing? I picture he wouldn’t confess in words or something like that, but i’d really like to hear what you think. loved the pda story about him btw. thank u so much
Canon Levi is seen as cold, quiet, stoic, but very observant and caring toward others when you least expected it.
Nobody could tell that the infamously strict Captain Levi was in love. I mean, who had the guts to stare at his face as his eyes lingered on you slightly longer as you marched past him, or questioned that the Captain insisted you to make tea for the entire team and gave minimal comments on how you could improve your tea brewing skills. Not a single living soul saw Captain Levi in his office rehearsing the conversation he wanted to have with you before he sent Eren to get you. But in the end, he only asked you to carry the reports to Commander Erwin's office because he stuttered.
Levi didn't care about what he was wearing. He had his uniform jacket on most of the time anyway. But it caught his eyes whenever you wore a new shirt or a pair of new pants. His brows frowned when other guy cadets complimented your new clothes, but he couldn't bring himself to tell you you looked better in the old light blue shirt you got months ago.
So he did what he did best. He trained you hard. Only when you were dangling on the maneuver gear with your legs lifted from the ground, Levi could bark orders to you freely.
Go faster! Please survive.
Take sharp turns, pull back your strings and push yourself with the gas pressure! Come back with me.
Make sure you check your gas level before you get on your horse. Come back to me. Please.
Levi studied your postures, your fighting habits, and your careless mistakes. His tongue spitted the most venomous words, but his eyes pouring the deepest worries and concerns he had for you.
No, Levi couldn't say those words to you. He couldn't tell you how much he wanted to touch your skin, or hold your hands, or pull you into his arms. But when the nights got extra difficult to go through alone, Levi sat with you in silence. The fire crackling softly. Your mind somewhere else in the skies. Your body felt too heavy to move. Levi sat there, quietly replacing cold tea with warm ones, waiting patiently for you to drink it. And when you did, the warm tea flowed through your chest, and you exhaled deeply. Your shoulders finally dropped and you were ready to take on another day. Levi's heart eased too. How could you realise that he too held a breath for so long and let it go the moment you let yours go too? You wouldn't see how his brows softened when you told him you felt better and his tea soothed your soul. He said "clean up the table before breakfast, brat" but he meant "don't go where i can't follow".
It wasn't until Eren came back and awakened all the titans in the wall, Paradise Island went into a chaotic state. The Yeagerists took over the military HQ and declared that Hange and Levi had died. Heartbroken and shocked from the news, you hid away as they celebrated the beginning of a new era. You wandered into Levi's office, quietly going through his things before those untamed young cadets destroy it for no reason.
Beneath a stack of death certificates of the cadets who used to be in the same tea with Levi, you found a photograph you took in Marley. It was a group photo that Hange insisted on getting. But you noticed that there was a heart shaped hole on where your face was supposed to be. And then it hit you. Levi kept you in a locket and brought it with him to war.
Tears streamed down your face. Your heart ached and you struggled to breath. Grabbing on the edges of the photograph, you blinked the tears away, trying your best to look at Levi in the photograph. His brows were not frown, he seemed relaxed, like he had planned to keep you in the locket all this while. As if he was saying, "you found my secret, brat."
When it was all over, and the night sky was bright with stars, you sat next to Levi with his tea brewing by the side. Levi pulled the locket from his breast pocket and gently dropped it in your palm. You knew what was inside, but you were still surprised to see your face untouched even touch the locket was dented. Stuttering, Levi asked "may I..?" He needed to ask. He was a gentleman. "Yes," you needed to tell him because he deserved a clear confirmation. He rested his rough palm on yours. You leaned against his shoulder, and you both exhaled in relief.
The stars had finally aligned.
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stalebagels · 2 months
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*crawling out of the gutter to hand you these*
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mispelled · 1 year
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I've been meaning to draw this for over a year
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eiraeths · 6 months
soap falls in love too early and ghost falls in love too late
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cinematicnomad · 12 days
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.10 we are gone
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sandeewithtwoe · 1 month
Technically, if ecto bodies are the same colour as their magic, wouldn’t Killer’s be gray? Instead of red? Since his magic eye is gray…
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sondheim-girly · 2 months
the outsiders fandom loves giving pony anxiety so much smh
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fluentisonus · 11 months
it's been said (I've said this) but one of my very favorite things about legolas & gimli is the amount of privacy afforded them by the story (or maybe they afford themselves) -- the descriptions of them are largely external with few exceptions, which means that most of the most important moments between them happen either entirely off-page (e.g. all the time they spend walking in lothlorien together becoming friends; the time they spend in the glittering caves or fangorn, where we only ever see them go in or come back; the whole sequence of legolas hearing the gulls as they come to the anduin; etc etc) or told from an outsider pov, with no insight into their feelings themselves, only the things they say and do. and there's things they say and do that they've clearly discussed, but we never see it. and this means that there's this whole quiet, two-person construction of an incredibly deep relationship that will last them the rest of their lives happening sort of between the text, with us only catching glimpses of it. it's just between the two of them to the extent that the narration let alone the reader itself isn't privy to it.
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moo-blogging · 5 months
Nothing in my head but Levi blowing my hair dry.
You took a long shower. It was one of those days when you had to force yourself into the shower. Work had been hard and you were stressed out. It was finally the holiday seasons and your annual leave was approved by your manager. But you had slumped in the house for two days now, you loathed yourself for wasting your annual leaves.
You dug your fingers deep into your oily scalp for the second time. Your hair was a mess but you were determined to freshen up today. After washing your hair three times, shaving and scrubbed yourself down, you stepped out of the bathroom a new person.
Levi was waiting for you with the hairdryer in his hands. "May I give you a blow, my lady?" He smirked. You grinned and nodded.
Levi pulled the stool for you as you sat down at the dressing table. He plugged in the hair dryer and switched it on. The warm air breezed passed you. With a comb, he gently lifted your hair to the nozzle. You did your skincare routine as Levi worked on your hair.
You loved it when Levi tugged your hair like your hairdresser did. Levi learned how to do it by watching your hair getting fixed at the salon. He was a quick learner. He knew you enjoyed a good blow-dry and he was determined to give you that.
When your hair was almost dry, Levi turned the hair dryer off and reached for your hair cream. He applied an ample amount on his palm and rubbed his hands to spread the cream evenly. He ran his fingers into your hair, coating your hair nicely. He then went back to blowing your hair, ensuring every part of your head was dry.
The blow-dry ended with a kiss on your head. "You smell so amazing, Y/n." Levi inhaled your hair. "May I take you out on a date?"
You giggled, "yes, let me get changed."
Levi leaned in and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He whispered, "Can I stay while you change? I can help with the zipper..."
You giggled, knowing full well which dress he was talking about. You knew the date would be special.
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