#Agricultural Aircrafts Industry
sayruq · 2 months
I figured I should list setbacks and consequences (including signs of internal collapse) faced by Israel in the past couple of months. I'll make this as chronological as possible. Add any you think I missed.
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While Hezbollah targets Haifa, Golan Heights, and new settlements
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Gaza continues to punish the invading army
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More and more western publications are forced to admit that Israel cannot defeat the Palestinian resistance
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“This is a very high number that encompasses many sectors. About 77 percent of the businesses that have been closed since the beginning of the war, which make up about 35,000 businesses, are small businesses with up to five employees, and are the most vulnerable in the economy,” Yoel Amir, CEO of Israeli information services and credit risk management firm, CofaceBdi, told Maariv. The report adds that “the most vulnerable industries are the construction industry, and as a result also the entire ecosystem that operates around it: ceramics, air conditioning, aluminum, building materials, and more – All of these were significantly damaged,” according to CofaceBdi’s risk ratings. The trade sector has also been severely affected. This includes the service sector and industries including fashion, furniture, housewares, entertainment, transport, and tourism. Israel is in a situation where “there is almost no foreign tourism,” the report said, adding that “damage to businesses is all over the country, and almost no sector has been spared.” This includes the agriculture sector, which is based mainly in the south and the north – both considered active combat zones due to the threat posed by the Palestinian resistance and Lebanon’s Hezbollah – whose support front against Israel has significantly contributed to the downfall of the economy. The CofaceBdi CEO estimates that 60,000 Israeli businesses are expected to be shut down by the end of 2024.
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ICYMI, Yemen's armed forces have said they got a direct hit on Eisenhower, a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, forcing it to leave the Red Sea
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Israel's attack on Yemen is playing a role in bringing Yemen's civil war to an end.
Etc, etc.
The point of this post is to encourage everyone who reads it. Keep talking about Gaza, keep boycotting, keep protesting, keep resisting.
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infiniteglitterfall · 2 months
I keep thinking about a post or a comment I saw months ago that basically said, "if this isn't a genocide then why haven't I seen any photos of Israel on fire"
So here are some photos of Israel on fire.
Starting with the obvious:
October 7th, 2023. Hamas attacked 21 towns. Be'eri, Kfar Aza, Re'im, and Nir Oz were essentially burned to the ground; it will take years to rebuild them.
Satellite images during the attack show fires burning all over.
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On October 7, Israel’s farming industry lost approximately 40% of its workforce and 30% of its physical area when the nation’s agricultural center became a warzone and the site of mass death and destruction.
The war forced thousands of people in Israel’s north and south to abandon their homes, leaving hundreds of acres of farmland to lie fallow while the IDF secured the area from further Hamas attacks.
Devastating losses About 20% of Israel’s agricultural land is located in the Gaza border area.... 75% of the vegetables consumed in Israel usually come from the Gaza border region, plus 20% of the fruit and 6.5% of the milk. Meanwhile, Israel’s northern region — which has been facing increasing rocket attacks from Hezbollah in Lebanon — accounts for a third of the country’s agricultural land, and according to the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry, about 73% of its domestic egg production is concentrated in the Galilee and Golan regions.
Hezbollah's rocket attacks upon Israeli civilian areas, and Hamas rocket attacks from Lebanon, have caused massive fires across northern Israel.
The elimination of Israel has been a primary goal for Hezbollah, just as it is for Hamas and its affiliated groups.
Unlike Hamas, which targets Jews per se and cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to explain why, Hezbollah's reasoning follows that of the dictatorship of Iran:
"God, according to Hezbollah theology, cursed all Jews as blasphemers damned for all time and throughout history. Hezbollah, as well as the political/religious leaders of Iran, believe that the destruction of Israel will bring about the 'reappearance of the Imam (the Shiite Islamic Messiah).'"
Fire and brimstone it is, I guess.
Nature and Parks Authority says that some 80,000 dunams (20,000 acres) in the Upper Galilee and Golan Heights have gone up in flames since the start of the month.
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The Katzrin fire in early June:
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Since the fighting erupted, the total scorched area in Israel is three times greater than the area consumed by the two greatest fires in Israeli history: the Sha'ar Hagai blaze west of Jerusalem in 1995, and the Mount Carmel forest fire in 2010. In each of those blazes, some 20,000 to 25,000 dunams of forest went up in smoke.
The total area burnt down now is also three times the combined area incinerated in 2016 when extreme weather conditions caused a wave of fires that consumed some 41,000 dunams. A similar size of woodland and forest also burned down during the Second Lebanon War. In 2019, a huge blaze consumed large swaths of central Israel's Mevo Modi'im community.
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According to a Haaretz analysis of satellite images, which matches with estimates by authorities, some 210,000 dunams (about 52,000 acres) of land burned down in Israel and Lebanon: about 150,000 dunams in Israel from Hezbollah attacks and Israel Defense Forces anti-aircraft fire, and around 60,000 dunams in Lebanon. The burned-down areas in Israel stretch over a large area in the Galilee and Golan Heights, while in Lebanon they are concentrated near the border – due to the Israeli military policy of setting deliberate fire to [complex fortified] areas there in order to keep Hezbollah combatants away and to damage the vegetation that provides them with cover.
...These included trenches, bunkers, rocket-launching positions and arms storage sites.
June 4:
'If the fire spreads to the mountain – everything changes': Residents try to survive amid Hezbollah rockets
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As rockets rain on their homes and wreak havoc, some Israelis believe the government's lackluster response shows it has forfeited the north to terrorists. "This is Hezbollah's new strategy – intentionally firing on open areas to ignite fires and burn the north," says former mayor.
Gay Eyal, the security officer of the Golan Regional Council, hasn't slept a wink since yesterday. More than 20 communities in the north, including two evacuated towns of Avivim and Dovev, fall under his wide purview.
"It seems this is the new method of the enemy: They see and hear what's happening – they understand burning the north is more effective," Eyal stated grimly. "We're coming off a night of fires. And this morning another blaze started in the Yir'on Forest. Our biggest fear is the fire spreading to Mount Meron. If that mountain ignites, all the communities of Meron, Safsufa, and the Galilee panhandle will be in danger." Eyal claims they prepared in advance, positioning 24 water trailer rigs of 1,000 liters each in every community. "It's a drop in the bucket. We geared up this past year with many water trailers to assist with firefighting, but it's not enough. We're working with fire stations in Safed, Kiryat Shmona, Tiberias, and Carmiel – our council is dealing with four fire stations. The firefighters are doing everything they can, working ceaselessly. They're tearing themselves apart, but the fire is spreading like a field of thorns."
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...Another resident from the north who was out all night at the various fire scenes also tells Israel Hayom this morning: "It's impossible to describe what we went through here last night. Everything burned, an entire region was ablaze. I drove between the fruit orchards, between communities as the fires raged, and my heart burned. The feeling is terrible, of destruction. There's no way to explain the feeling of people watching their life's work burning before their eyes."
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June 12:
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Hezbollah launched some 215 rockets and several more missiles and drones at northern Israel on Wednesday, in what it said was a response to the killing of a senior commander in the terror group by an Israeli airstrike a night earlier.
The successive Hezbollah attacks began on Wednesday morning with a barrage of at least 90 rockets fired at several [CIVILIAN] areas in northern Israel, including Tiberias — for the first time amid the war — Safed and Rosh Pina, sending tens of thousands of people to shelters, as Jewish Israelis celebrated the Shavuot holiday.
The Israel Defense Forces said another 70 rockets were then launched at the Mount Meron area, home to a sensitive air traffic control base. Ten more rockets were fired at the northern community of Zar’it, and an anti-tank guided missile struck a factory of the Plasan armored vehicle manufacturer in Kibbutz Sasa, causing damage. Later in the morning, a drone launched from Lebanon detonated in an open area near the northern community of Zivon, local authorities said. Several more rockets were fired in the afternoon hours at the upper and western Galilee areas.
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mllemaenad · 1 month
I'm not convinced the Commonwealth forces represent the majority of the Eastern Brotherhood, but the mention of their expanded reach in the Eastern Seaboard has me wondering whether they might be in a similar situation to the NCR in New Vegas - trying to claim too much territory with too few men.
Eh. I don't know. I really think that might be most of them, and the reason I think that is tied to your thought.
The first reason I think this might be most of the Eastern Brotherhood is, well, the Prydwen itself. Maintaining even the ship itself over long distances must be a massive undertaking and we know Ingram is battling with engineering problems:
Fr: Proctor Ingram IG-444PR To: Elder Maxson MX-001E As you know, in order to get the Prydwen rapidly to the Commonwealth, I had my engineering team pull her older power plant and replace it with an updated fusion plant we pulled from that aircraft carrier wreckage. I was able to squeeze almost one hundred percent efficiency from the new reactor, but the system is burning through our coolant supply faster than expected. As we've been docked over the airport, I've been able to deactivate the main engines to cool down the reactor, but we're still eating up coolant when we're in hover mode. We're eventually going to hit a point where we'll run out of coolant. If that happens, we'll need to put the Prydwen on the ground. I desperately need your help if you want to prevent that from happening. I'll be certain to provide you with the details at our next briefing. – Arthur Maxson's Terminal, Prydwen Concerns, Fallout 4
That takes people. But more than that, the Prydwen is not a fighting ship. It's built to haul people.
Now the Prydwen might be a big beast, but she's not built for fighting. – Proctor Ingram Dialogue, Fallout 4 Have you ever seen anything like that? The airship? God, they must have an entire army on that thing. – Piper Dialogue, Fallout 4
This is a giant sky bus. You're meant to pack a tonne of knights into it to do your fighting for you, because it's durable, but it can't shoot or manoeuvre. And we do know that the Brotherhood did bring quite a lot of knights with them, both because it's integral to their stated intention of picking a fight with the Institute, and because we see a lot of them in spawns and random encounters. Once the Prydwen arrives, Brotherhood knights are a reasonably common sight in the Commonwealth.
That brings me to the second reason I think this is most of them: they've recently come from the Capital Wasteland and ... well ... how many soldiers do we think that region can even support? Armies, so the saying goes, march on their stomachs. And, well, you've seen the Capital Wasteland, right? In Fallout 3 the population was scattered, miniscule, and in several settlements actively described as dwindling. Nor were they exactly winning on the agriculture front.
I keep thinking of the Giant Bag of Stuff in the Fallout TV series.
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You don't get a knight without a squire and a Giant Bag of Stuff.
I get that the visual is supposed to be funny, but I think it's also worth paying attention to what they're saying about the Brotherhood here. Historically, knights have typically been the most expensive soldiers on the field. You don't get knights without a massive support system behind them. Every time you see a squad of knights wandering around in Fallout 4, think of all the squires, initiates and scribes who must exist to cook and clean, maintain their power armour, their clothing, and the ship itself – and do all the other stuff necessary to support those guys having the freedom to stand around and be rude to you when you walk by them on the road.
Of course you can only expect so much realism from a video game. I don't expect a Fallout game to show me a fully fledged textiles industry unless that's important to the plot. But that doesn't mean those people don't exist. If they're hauling a bunch of knights around, they're also hauling a bunch of support staff around.
I just don't think the Capital Wasteland could support significantly more than one airship full of these idiots. You can be generous and assume that Project Purity could have improved the agricultural situation a bit. You can also say that, once the airship was built, it would have allowed them to extend their reach – and potentially gain access to more food and other supplies over a wider area. Sure.
But on the first point, it almost seems as though the opposite is true: there are enough characters recurring between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 to give the impression that maybe the exodus out of the Capital Wasteland isn't slowing as much as one might like. And on the second ... well, neither Point Lookout nor the Pitt looked well equipped to support an army either. I don't think there's a secret resource-rich area just out of sight. I think this is pretty much it.
So, to the third reason: well, there's your thought. Do I think the Brotherhood is overextending itself here like the NCR did in New Vegas? Well. Nah. Because the NCR is a government and the Brotherhood of Steel is not.
Take an example you'll find really early in Fallout: New Vegas – the Powder Gangers. From their presence you can learn several things.
The NCR has a justice system that includes incarceration – which in itself requires all the resources to feed, clothe, house and guard all of those people for the term of their sentence.
As the Powder Gangers are supposed to be maintaining the railroad, we also know they have public works projects – for which they've elected to use prison labour
Presumably there are instances of this system still functioning as intended closer to the capital.
Out on the frontier, however, they lack the resources to maintain it: the prisoners have escaped, and thus the NCR has lost control of both its penal system and its public works project. They have overextended themselves.
Yeah. The thing is ... I don't think the Brotherhood is doing any of that. It's not in their nature.
We've had people go rogue, though, and start helping people. One chapter had a small civil war over it. We take our isolationism seriously. – Veronica Dialogue, Fallout: New Vegas
Even the considerably more open Lyons Brotherhood was still pretty damn isolationist. They're not present in any of the settlements in the Capital Wasteland, and you can't get into the Citadel until the Enclave create bigger problems for everyone as part of the The Waters of Life quest. And one thing that we know for sure is that this "helping people" idea pretty well died out with the reintegration of the Outcasts.
I don't think they're out there repairing roads or laying pipes to get water out to the settlements faster. I don't think they're working with the various governments in the region to establish law and order. It's not their thing. The Brotherhood really only works to benefit the Brotherhood.
Fr: Proctor Teagan TG-477PR To: Lancer-Captain Kells KS-390LC Now that we've arrived in the Commonwealth, I'd like to establish trade relations with the locals. I'm going to need a standard sweep and retrieve team and one of our vertibirds in order to make that happen. There are several caravans that roam the Commonwealth, and we'll use the vertibirds to track them. If any of the caravans gets jumped, we can swoop in and lend a hand to let them know that we're the friendly eye in the sky. Since you can't normally buy that kind of protection from mercenaries, we'll be certain to get the best prices and values for trades. I've used the same tactic in the Capital Wasteland and it worked wonders. Out here, with the threat of the Institute looming over their heads, we'll have these merchants eating out of our hands. – Captain Kells's Terminal, Fallout 4
The noteworthy thing here is that this is an initiative thought up by the quartermaster in order to get better prices, and it's something that he came up with back in the Capital Wasteland. Teagan doesn't have principles or anything: he'll also happily send you to extort supplies from the local farmers. He's open to any and all tactics to keep the Brotherhood well supplied ... and has learned that one big gesture can earn you a lifelong discount. There is no standard Brotherhood policy to protect the trade caravans. There isn't in the Commonwealth, and there wasn't in the Capital Wasteland. They don't care. Teagan just wants a coupon.
Okay, but one might reasonably ask, what about this?
Aftermath Elder Maxson reigns supreme in the Capital Wasteland, and his authority and influence have been spreading across the Eastern Seaboard, thanks in no small part by the mobility afforded by the Prydwen. He has the full support of the Elders back on the West Coast, who have proudly reported that they've begun eradicating cults that have popped up, worshipping Maxson as though he's some kind of god. Maxson himself is almost offended by the idea of being referred to as a deity, as it goes against everything he believes in. Arthur Maxson is happy to be one thing… the perfect human specimen, an example of everything a human being can achieve. Assisted, even enhanced, by advanced technology, but still very much human. – Quinlan's Terminal, The Rise of Elder Maxson, Fallout 4
Do I think this is pure bullshit after all? Well, no. I think it just means that when the Brotherhood say they "reign supreme", you have to remember that they are wildly uninterested in doing the work of government.
They've never shown significant interest in holding or maintaining territory, and they typically piggyback on the success of the surrounding area. In the original Fallout they are confined to their Lost Hills bunker. There are growing settlements in California, but the situation is still pretty precarious. By Fallout 2 they have a number of small bunkers scattered across multiple settlements. The region has stabilised significantly. Oh, sure, there are a range of problems: raiders and slavers and drugs and corruption. But prosperity is on the rise. When the NCR is established, we know there is a state named after Roger Maxson – but that the Brotherhood neither rules it, nor is part of the NCR. Later, of course, they come into conflict with the NCR.
So what does "reigning supreme" in the Capital Wasteland mean? Well, I think it means that Arthur can fly up and down the coast in his ridiculous airship untroubled. I think he can send knights into pre-war ruins to search for tech with no difficulty, that he can kill super mutants and ghouls (whether peaceful or no) with impunity, and that he can compel settlements to hand over food or any interesting technology.
I don't think they're overreaching because I don't think they're really holding anything, at least outside their personal bases. They're just flying around bullying people. And the region is not organised enough to successfully resist. If they were doing anything else, I doubt they'd have as much support from the West Coast Brotherhood. This, however, is very much in line with traditional Brotherhood goals.
I think it's reasonable to assume that they left a garrison to guard some of the more interesting pieces they had hold of in the Capital Wasteland – Project Purity, the Operation: Anchorage simulation, the presidential metro and whatever is left at Adams Air Force Base. But ... I also think it's at least possible that they didn't.
Why? Because they packed the stupid robot. They packed the stupid robot even though it's broken. Again. It's worth remembering that the Brotherhood ... doesn't care all that much about Project Purity, and to the extent that they did care, it was Owyn Lyons's initiative. Lyons was willing to provide security for James's team while they worked ... but he devoted not one scribe to working on it after James left. The outcasts, on the other hand, are less interested in the simulation tech than they are in the weapons and armour completing it can unlock.
What do the Brotherhood care about? Liberty Prime. They love Liberty Prime. They spent years tinkering with the fucking thing while the wasteland fell to raiders, super mutants and rampant radiation. Then it worked for ten minutes and broke again. And they hauled it to the Commonwealth to fix again.
You might reasonably object – this sounds like lunacy! Project Purity is the big scientific breakthrough in the Capital Wasteland. Replicate that in any area with a water problem and you've solved one of the biggest barriers to rebuilding. Sure. But that's what Veronica keeps trying to tell us, in New Vegas. The Brotherhood doesn't really care about any of that. They want to find better weapons and armour, and ideally big shouty, shooty, robots that they can hoard and use against people they don't like.
They don't innovate any more than they govern.
So I think – rationally, they probably should have left a garrison. And maybe they did. But maybe they didn't. Because they packed the only thing they found in the Capital Wasteland that they really thought was cool.
Now, that doesn't mean I don't think they ran into trouble. We know they did. That is, in fact, the plot of Fallout 4. When they arrive in the Commonwealth they encounter an organisation prosperous enough, and technologically advanced enough, to resist them: namely the Institute. Depending on the player's actions they may also find the Minutemen and Railroad in solid shape.
Now, obviously, player choice comes into it here. You can back the Brotherhood and lead them to victory, but equally you can back any of the other factions and take them down. The Brotherhood in 2287 have a massive airship, some power armour and a stupid broken robot – but they have no allies or resources to lean on.
So, yeah, I do think that's most of them in Fallout 4. And I don't think they can overreach the way the NCR did because they aren't a government. They're an isolationist military cult with a deeply ambivalent relationship to technology. They aren't trying to govern and improve swathes of land, they're just bothering people. But what this means is that a sufficiently determined group of people armed with laser muskets can in fact kick their arses.
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
🔅Wed morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
( Update 1 of 2 )
.. North - Hezbollah
ROCKETS at Gesher HaZiv, Nahariya, Sa'ar, Hanita, Ya'ara, Metzuba, Shlomi, Betzet, Lehman
ROCKETS at Margaliot
ROCKETS at Even Menachem, Zarit, Netua, Fassuta, Shomera, Shtula
ROCKETS at Alkosh, Matat, Netua, Fassuta, Hurfeish 
Interceptions without alarm reported over the Kinerret
.. South East - Iranian Shia Militias of Iraq
SUICIDE DRONE at Kushi Rimon
.. South West - Hamas
ROCKETS at Kissufim
▪️TERROR - KOCHAV YAIR.. ramming attack - 4 policemen were injured and the terrorist was shot dead.
▪️VIOLENT ANTI-GOVT PROTESTS JERUSALEM.. MK Zeev Elkin:  Hard pictures in Jerusalem. There is no place for breaking the law and harming the police! There is no place for police violence and excessive use of force!  Please stop! We are not enemies to each other. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran are the enemies! We are in the middle of a war against a murderous enemy who wants to destroy all of us, the supporters of the government and its opponents.
Head of Shin Bet.. “The violent discourse on the Internet and some of the scenes we saw tonight in Jerusalem, go beyond the accepted rules of protest, harm the ability to maintain public order, may lead to violent friction with the security forces, hinder them from fulfilling their duties and even harm secure individuals.
There is a clear line between a legitimate protest and a violent and illegal protest. This is a worrisome trend that may lead to dangerous areas that should not be reached."
And our enemy watches Al Jazeera and laughs.
▪️IDEAS.. Head of Yisrael Beitenu, former Minister of Defense, MK Avigdor Lieberman:
"The Israeli government must make two immediate decisions:
1. In the security field, there is no justification for purchasing aircraft for a total amount of approximately NIS 35 billion. It is impossible for militias in sandals to be able to launch cruise missiles and UAVs (suicide drones) towards Israel, while in order to attack in Yemen, the Israel needs to put an entire squadron into the air for a flight thousands of kilometers south.
Therefore, instead of purchasing airplanes for approximately 35 billion shekels, you can purchase airplanes for approximately 20 billion shekels, and invest 10 billion shekels in establishing an effective missile force that will meet the security challenges, and five billion shekels to strengthen the land army.
2. In the economic field, we must immediately bring to Israel about a quarter of a million foreign workers, who are needed in the construction, industry, agriculture and hotel industries.
After almost half a year of war, it's time to change mindsets.”
( Update 2 of 2 )
.. North - Hezbollah
ROCKETS at Alkosh, Matat, Netua, Fassuta, Hurfeish 
▪️CEASEFIRE LEAKS.. The Lebanese Al Mayadeen from a "senior source in the resistance": The new proposal submitted by Israel today does not provide an answer to the main issues that Hamas insists on and therefore there is no progress in the talks.
Al-Arabiya: Israel showed some flexibility proposing establishing 3 safe crossings to the north of the strip, but demanded health checks on the hostages in return.
▪️MORE INFO ON ARAVAH DRONE ATTACK.. At around 1 a.m., a suspected drone flying from the eastern direction entered Israeli airspace in the Arabah region, just north of Eilat, according to the IDF.
The "suspicious aerial target" set off sirens at a popular roadside store in the area.
The IDF says it fired an interceptor missile at the target, although it is not clear if it was shot down. (Fabien)
▪️MORE INFO ON THE RAMMING ATTACK.. a 26-year-old man from the Arab city of Tira rammed his vehicle into four cops near the town of Kochav Yair, police say. One of the officers was seriously wounded.
The assailant then fled to a nearby West Bank checkpoint, where he allegedly tried to stab the guards there. The guards at the Eliyahu Crossing returned fire, killing the suspect.
His family: our son has mental disorders. It was not on a nationalistic basis.
▪️IRANIAN SHIA MILITIA SAYS ATTACKED HAIFA?  The Shia militias in Iraq claim: We attacked the airport in Haifa early in the morning with a UAV.  No such attack.
▪️PASSOVER ECONOMY.. Min. Of Economy found a 32% gap between expensive and discount grocery chains on the ‘average basket of Passover foods’.  It also noted an overall 4% increase from last year.
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theaceofwords · 4 months
Like. We do very much all understand that Russia is trying to interfere in all western elections, right? Russia, China, and Iran have ideological and territorial goals which they cannot realise in the existing global status quo.
Russia wants Ukraine (and really I think they want as much of Europe as they can get). They want to own it, stomp out everybody who fights back, and force them all to speak Russian. But they know also that the EU (and, I guess, NATO, the e bugs of the situation) will supply Ukraine with weapons as long as they keep fighting (which I also think is monstrous, frankly, but that's another thread).
China's government wants Taiwan. The US has been one of Taiwan's most vehement allies (which. you know. not always a good thing), but until recently it was taken as a simple fact that any move China made towards Taiwan would get stomped into the channel by the nearest US aircraft carrier.
Iran's leadership wants more regional control--they sponsor a variety of, let's say passionate nongovernmental activists, throughout the surrounding nations, and their current government is pretty strongly opposed to "modern" (Western) values like freedom of speech, human rights, etc. They're also pretty boxed-in by nations which are propped up by oil money, mostly US oil money.
These nations are coordinating. We know this for a fact; in the most obvious example, Russia is using Iranian drones and Chinese manufacturing to supply its ongoing violence against Ukraine. They all understand that their foreign policy objectives are perfectly compatible, and in fact more than compatible, are mutually reinforcing--because the cases of Ukraine and Taiwan are analogous, these industrial/agricultural centers which are not ostensibly part of regional alliances but which have been trying to join the modern world for decades.
But here's the thing. Now we have these hard-right political movements brewing throughout Europe and the Americas. Not by accident--hard-right groups are coordinating and sharing notes in south, central, and north America, as well as in the EU. And these hard-right political parties are not at all interested in the status quo of Western force projection--they take an isolationist, authoritarian view of foreign policy where the great powers do what they like and the small countries deal with it and are absorbed.
Russia, China, Iran, and the smaller, shittier nations that work with them (the governments of which are shut out of the modern world largely for being such shitbag authoritarian despots that even the US can't swallow working with them)--these nations all recognize that their best chance to achieve their goals is to help the hard right win in Europe. In America. Everywhere. Anywhere they can get someone into party who, like Trump, will refuse to honor treaties with Ukraine and Taiwan--who will go on record saying that he doesn't give a shit about Europe, that the US should pull out of NATO.
This is the state of the world. Do you understand that this is the state of the world? This is why Russia/China are pushing such massive disinformation on the internet, why there is so much pro-PRC and pro-Russian brigading on reddit and Twitter and Tumblr. It's not because they're nebulously evil Red Threats that we think are malevolent for no reason. They have extremely specific policy goals which they cannot achieve without a shift in the current world order. This means they have a strong interest in changing the world order as quickly and radically as possible.
These relationships are not the matter of speculation. These are not my personal conspiracy theories, they are facts. The A to B in this situation is extraordinarily clear.
The internet is not a neutral ground. There are hostile actors here who have decided that the internet is one of the best means by which to realise goals which are antithetical to free, open, and civilized society. You cannot take information here at face value. You must do your own research, confirm facts across multiple sources with different interests, draw and hold your own convictions and change your opinions when the evidence dictates it.
And above all else, do not be taken in by the idea that the world is awful and nothing can be done to save it. That nihilism is being pushed upon you. If you believe the world can do nothing, there is no point in defending Ukraine. If you believe the world is beyond saving, there's no reason to recognize Taiwan. If you believe both sides are awful, there is no point to pressing for Palestinian statehood.
Apathy does not serve a brighter tomorrow--because the world never remains good. It is made good every day by the effort of billions. The world we live in is the result of centuries of people giving their lives to push the needle further to peace. To international cooperation and understanding.
Get your head in the game. It's the only game going around here. You're playing whether you like it or not, so you might as well know who you're playing against.
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pastel-charm-14 · 7 months
‿‿‿‿sustainable aviation fuel‿‿‿‿
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so i'm doing something a bit different this post. i want to talk about ✨sustainable aviation fuel✨, or SAF.
picture this: you're sitting in your window seat, watching fluffy clouds drift by as your plane cruises at 30,000 feet. but instead of worrying about your carbon footprint, you can breathe easy knowing that you're flying with sustainable aviation fuel, a game-changer in the fight against climate change.
so, what exactly is sustainable aviation fuel? in simple terms, it's a cleaner, greener alternative to traditional jet fuel, made from renewable sources like plant oils, agricultural waste, and even recycled cooking grease. unlike fossil fuels, which release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, SAF produces significantly fewer emissions, helping to mitigate the environmental impact of air travel.
but the benefits don't stop there. by investing in sustainable aviation fuel, airlines can reduce their reliance on finite fossil fuels, minimize their carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable future for aviation. plus, SAF can be seamlessly integrated into existing aircraft and infrastructure, making it a practical and scalable solution for the industry.
one of the most exciting aspects of sustainable aviation fuel is its potential to drive innovation and collaboration across the aviation sector. airlines, manufacturers, government agencies, and environmental organizations are joining forces to develop new technologies, improve production processes, and accelerate the adoption of SAF on a global scale.
as consumers, we also play a crucial role in shaping the future of aviation. by choosing airlines that prioritize sustainability and advocating for policies that support the development and use of sustainable aviation fuel, we can drive positive change and encourage the industry to embrace cleaner, greener practices.
so think about it a little the next time you take a flight. we can all fly while protecting the planet we call home :)
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grox6401 · 1 year
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This is my first neighbourhood creation, all required CC included, but you need to check with hoodchecker better, because some sim's wants are lost, I don't know does that version in download files have, so just do some checks. Enjoy~~~
Backstory : At the first, the Ilgring was an asylum settlement established by some simlish fugitives wants free and some hawaiian immigrants wants to keep their traditions, The Ilgring Town lies near the hill lives a lot of llamas, and its soil goods for agricultural. The Ilgring only uses four years to become the trading center of the whole Sim Nation, during the Simlish Civil War, the Ilgring becomes the important base of Southern Leagues, after the Simlish Civil Wars, the Sim Nation liberated all black slaves, many of farms closed, lot of people moves to Simcity and Dragon's Valley, some people stays at Ilgring and started to develop on industry and economy, The Ilgring uses two hundred years to become the economy center of Sim Nation, at 2033 year, the Simlish local business head Landgraab and the Sulanian business head Mahi'ai leave from the Ilgring together, cause economic collapsition of Ilgring, lots of companies closed causes lots of people moves to Oasis Landing, Miniopolis, Magictown, Luckypalms and Simcity, especially asians lives in the central area, but some peoples still stay in Ilgring until now.
CC Used :
Castaway Stories CC Bundle by MTSDJ
Custom Plane Liveries made by me
CS Tribal Clothes by MTSDJ
Airplanes by crocobaura
SimAir Prototype Aircraft by crocobaur
Download Link: http://simfileshare.net/folder/190556/
Attention : Youʻll need a camera hack to play some household, because they livesnear the side of the hood. And I have forget a cc on a sim has not included, link : Mod The Sims - More Eye Colors in Maxis' Style - geneticized
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
What Was Japan’s Lost Decade? How Did It Happen?
What Was Japan’s Lost Decade? How Did It Happen? (December 12, 2022) Japan, stuck in a liquidity trap, faced a particularly deep economic crisis between 1991 and 2001.
What Was Japan’s Lost Decade?
Between 1991 and 2001, Japan’s once red-hot economy was in trouble. An asset bubble had formed in both its housing and stock markets, and when the Bank of Japan implemented a series of steep interest rate hikes as a way to tame inflationary pressures, you could almost hear the bubble pop.
Japan’s stock market tanked, and asset prices fell. Several big banks, which were overleveraged with speculative investments, either failed outright or needed to be bailed out by the government. Businesses folded, and unemployment rose. Japan became mired in a decade-long recession.
The country was actually experiencing a liquidity trap: It seemed like everything Japan’s central bank did to help didn’t work. Interest rates were cut, but fearful for the future, Japan’s citizens sat on their savings instead of spending them.
The government tried instituting large-scale public works projects, similar to what U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt implemented during the Great Depression, but that only increased Japan’s budget deficit. Finally, its central bank injected huge supplies of yen into the markets through quantitative easing, which lasted for five years. This, along with the resultant inflation, effectively got Japan’s citizens spending again, and the country began a slow recovery.
What Caused Japan’s Lost Decade?
The poster child of 20th-century economic growth, Japan had transformed itself from a largely agricultural nation in the 1960s to the world’s second-largest economy by the 1980s. Japan had figured out ways to make high-quality products cheaply, and these products found their way all over the world.
People sported Sony Walkmans on the street and drove Japanese cars around town. Kids watched Japanese cartoons on Japanese-made televisions. Movies like Shogun dominated the box office, and corporate success manuals extolled the virtues of “Japan, Inc.” Everyone wanted to know Japan’s secret.
A lot of it had to do with how Japan’s businesses were structured. They followed the traditional concept of the keiretsu, a close-knit network of business interests centered around a main bank. These groups took majority shareholder interests in one another instead of being financed through stocks or bonds, and as such, this “socially controlled” investment provided the perfect conditions to nurture, test, and perfect new ideas before they were brought to the larger market.
One well-known keiretsu is the Mitsubishi Group, composed of the MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and the Mitsubishi Corporation. Together, it employs over 80,000 people in the automotive, energy, chemicals, and food industries—essentially acting as its own supply chain.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the Japanese Ministry of International Trade & Industry allowed easy credit to the keiretsu, in addition to a period of protection from foreign competition, so that their businesses would have time to become cost-effective production powerhouses. Once they gained dominance in their respective industries, the businesses would embark on export programs, which is how Japan’s electronics, computer, automotive, and aircraft industries grew so quickly.
Growing hand-in-hand with Japan’s successful businesses was a booming stock market. The Nikkei Stock Average hit an all-time high of 38,916 on December 29, 1989. In addition, real estate grew incredibly valuable—commercial land prices rose over 300% between 1985 and 1991, and it was said that one square mile in Tokyo’s government center was worth more than the entire state of California. A bubble had formed; that was plain to see.
As asset prices grew, so did speculation, particularly in real estate, which was financed largely by corporate stock profits. Banks were lending and not looking twice. Sometimes, collateral was not even required.
Depositors thought they were in safe hands because Japan’s banks were backed by the government, and in turn, the banks believed the government wouldn’t let them fail, so they bundled these deposits into packages of ever-higher rates of interest and risk, and sold them to speculators.
Worried about inflationary pressures, and attempting to quell the bubble, the Bank of Japan began a series of steep interest rate increases from 2.5% to 4.25% at the end of 1989, and then to 6% in 1990. But since rising rates made borrowing more expensive, speculators quickly defaulted on their investments.
Several of Japan’s biggest keiretsu banks began to fail, threatening to take entire industries down with them. The stock market nosedived. By December 1990—just one year from its all-time height—the Nikkei had lost over 43% of its value.
What Happened During Japan’s Lost Decade?
Between 1991 and 2001, Japan’s economy entered a deep recession. GDP declined, and borrowers became insolvent. Big banks failed, including the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank, the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, and Nippon Credit Bank. The days of easy credit from banking networks were long gone, and to a large effect, the keiretsu unraveled.
Some businesses went under; in others, production simply slowed, but they lost their competitive edge as a result. The country, which once had guaranteed employment for life, now struggled with unemployment—which affected recent grads and young workers most significantly.
Consumer confidence plummeted, demand declined, and deflation took hold—it was a dangerous mix.
How Did Japan Recover From Its Lost Decade?
It seemed like everything Japan’s central bank tried to do to help didn’t work: Interest rates were slashed to zero, and kept there for a very long time; still, the recession continued. Land prices dropped 15% in some of Japan’s largest cities, which meant that homeowners owed more than their homes were worth.
The Japanese government tried to instill confidence through large-scale stimulus packages. It built new roads and bridges, even when they weren’t completely necessary, and by doing so, created new jobs. These efforts helped boost the economy, but it wasn’t enough to lift it out of the malaise—in fact, they just added to the country’s deficit in the long run.
What finally helped was the quantitative easing program Japan’s central bank began in 2001, which would last until 2006. By 2003, GDP reached a healthy 2% clip, and exports grew once again, due in large part to China’s emergence into the global marketplace, since many of China’s products depended on Japanese parts.
What Lessons Can Other Economies Learn from Japan’s Lost Decade?
The 2007–2008 Financial Crisis had shades of Japan’s Lost Decade written all over it: This time, the asset bubble was created by the U.S. housing market, fueled by toxic subprime mortgages. When the Federal Reserve began a series of interest rate hikes, many subprime borrowers, whose loans were tied to adjustable-rate mortgages, quickly saw their monthly bills shoot up, and millions of homeowners defaulted as a result.
Banks had made profits by pooling these loans into mortgage-backed securities, which were traded by investment banks around the world, and as the mortgages imploded, a series of dominoes began to fall, which affected investors up the ranks of the securities markets: Banks experienced a credit crunch, and investment banks, such as Lehman Brothers, declared insolvency. The crisis affected financial markets around the world and would usher in the Great Recession.
With Ben Bernanke at the helm, the Federal Reserve took notes from past crises and acted swiftly—and by doing so, some say Bernanke helped to avoid deflation and the economic stagnation that had plagued Japan for so long.
The Fed cut the Fed funds rate to 0% for an unprecedented 6-year period between 2008 and 2014. It also implemented a series of quantitative easing measures. The U.S. Congress approved a $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), which provided emergency aid to banks as well as underwater borrowers. In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was passed, safeguarding consumers from predatory home lenders and limiting banks to the amount of speculative trading they could undertake.
The U.S. economy was jump-started again by the middle of 2009—quite a speedy turnaround compared to Japan’s.
Related links below
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The Lingering Tragedy of Japan’s Lost Generation by Roland Kelts (on Tetsuya Yamgami and the "lost generation") US, Philippines, Japan set to hold first-ever joint naval drills (2023) Japan to join Salaknib drills between PH, US armies (2023) Even in South Korea, Few Know Extent of Rev. Moon’s Empire (1988) US-Funding in Post-War Japan Why do these Japanese UC women agree to these brokered marriages?
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Kyiv Independent Ukraine Daily: Monday, December 5
World Bank: Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction to cost up to 600 billion euros. World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Anna Bjerde told Austrian newspaper Die Press that the cost of rebuilding Ukraine’s infrastructure damaged or completely destroyed by Russia since Feb. 24 will cost from 500 to 600 billion euros ($527 billion to $632 billion).
KSE: Russia has stolen, destroyed $1.9 billion worth of agricultural products in Ukraine. The estimated 2.8 million metric tons of grain and 1.2 million tons of oil seeds were destroyed or stolen because of Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to the Center for Food and Land Use Research of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE).
Ukraine’s military: Russia uses prohibited chemical weapons against Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian Naval Forces reported on Dec. 4 that Russian troops had used Soviet-made K-51 tear gas grenades against Ukrainian soldiers fighting in the east of the country.
General Staff: Ukraine repels Russian attacks near 13 settlements in Luhansk, Donetsk oblasts. Over the past day, Russian forces launched seven missiles, 32 airstrikes, and over 50 MLRS attacks against Ukraine, the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces reported on Dec. 5. Ukrainian forces carried out 18 strikes on the areas of concentration of troops, weapons and military equipment and one strike on the positions of Russia’s anti-aircraft missile system over the same period, the General Staff said. The Ukrainian military also shot down one Ka-52 helicopter and four UAVs.
General Staff: Russia postpones civilian surgeries in occupied Donetsk due to rising number of wounded troops. Due to heavy Russian losses, hospitals in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are over capacity, the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces reported on Dec. 4. As a result, scheduled civilian operations are being postponed indefinitely. Around 300 wounded Russian troops have been transferred to occupied Novopskov in Luhansk Oblast, according to the General Staff.
General Staff: Russia forces elderly people to receive Russian passports in occupied Kherson Oblast. Russian forces in occupied Skadovsk are forcing pensioners to get Russian passports in order to receive their payments, the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces reported on Dec. 4.
UK Defense Ministry: Keeping tacit approval of war among population likely to be ‘increasingly difficult for Kremlin.’ In its update on Dec. 4, the U.K. Defense Ministry cited the recent polling that shows that Russian public support for the war against Ukraine is "falling significantly."
Official: Kyiv to go back to having only planned power cuts 'soon.' Scheduled outages will be an improvement for the city that has been living with unpredictable emergency power cuts since Russia's latest mass attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure on Nov. 23.
Electricity, water supply largely restored in recently liberated Kherson. Kherson Oblast Governor Yaroslav Yanushevych reported on Dec.4 that electricity has already been restored to 85% of households -- almost 113,000 consumers. He expects the water supply to soon be restored for 70% of citizens once the pumping station resumes operation.
The human cost of Russia’s war
Interior Ministry: Russia has killed over 9,400 civilians since start of full-scale war. First Deputy Interior Minister Yevhen Yenin said on Dec. 4 that 451 children are among those killed in Russia’s full-scale war. An additional 6,800 civilians have been wounded.
Russian forces attack 8 Ukrainian regions over the past day, killing 2. One civilian was killed in the eastern Donetsk Oblast and one in the southern Kherson Oblast.
Official: Russian shelling kills civilian in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Russian shelling of Pokrovsk community near the city of Nikopol killed one civilian on Dec. 4, according to Mykola Lukashuk, the head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Council.
Governor: Russian attack on Kryvyi Rih kills 1, injures 3. As a result of a missile attack on the city’s industrial enterprise overnight on Dec. 5, one employee was killed, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Governor Valentyn Reznichenko reported on Telegram. Three more people were injured, he added. All of them are being treated at a local hospital. Russian forces also struck Dnipropetrovsk Oblast’s Nikopol District with heavy artillery and shelled the Marhanets community, Reznichenko said. There were no casualties, according to the governor.
Media: Five Georgian soldiers fighting for Ukraine killed in Donetsk Oblast. Citing a Georgian soldier, Georgian media outlet Mtavari reported that five soldiers were killed during a 10-hour-long battle near the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast.
Ukraine's military estimates 50-100 Russian troops are killed in Bakhmut sector daily. Additionally, just as many Russian troops get wounded daily, according to Serhii Cherevatyi, spokesman of the Operational Command "East" of Ukraine's Armed Forces.
General Staff: Russia has lost 91,150 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24. The General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces reported on Dec. 4 that Russia had also lost 2,922 tanks, 5,892 armored fighting vehicles, 4,479 vehicles and fuel tanks, 1,908 artillery systems, 395 multiple launch rocket systems, 210 air defense systems, 281 airplanes, 263 helicopters, 1,573 drones, and 16 boats.
International response
Lithuania sends artillery rounds to Ukraine. Lithuania’s Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas announced a new delivery of 155 mm artillery shells from Lithuania on Dec. 4.
Germany expects new wave of Ukrainian refugees as winter looms. Miguel Berger, Germany’s Ambassador to the U.K., said the country expects a new wave of Ukrainian refugees in the coming weeks, as Russia's attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure may force more people to flee the country.
In other news
Infrastructure Ministry: 9 cargo ships with grain bound for African nations leave Ukraine. Ships carrying 336,000 tons of grain left Odesa on Dec. 3 and 4, CNN reported, citing Ukraine’s Interior Ministry. Vessels carrying grain left Ukraine as part of the “Grain from Ukraine” program.
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6nikhilum6 · 1 day
Revamped Solapur Airport to Accommodate Over 4 Lakh Passengers Annually
Solapur, 25th September 2024: Solapur, renowned for its textile industry and agricultural produce, is poised for a significant boost with the recent development of its airport. The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has upgraded the existing Solapur Airfield at a cost of Rs. 64.95 crores, transforming it into a facility capable of handling Q-400 and BCH-1900D aircraft under Visual Flight Rules…
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forblogmostly · 2 days
Balu Forge Industries Expands Into Advanced Precision Engineering with Acquisition of 7-Axis CNC Machines
Balu Forge Industries Ltd (BFIL), a prominent player in the manufacturing of crankshafts and forged components, has made a significant leap forward in its strategic journey. On September 24, 2024, BFIL proudly announced its acquisition of advanced 7-Axis CNC machining technology, a key milestone that positions the company among an elite category of precision engineering firms worldwide. This move marks a pivotal shift for BFIL, reaffirming its commitment to transforming from a traditional forging company into a precision engineering leader that provides value-added, fully machined products.
The acquisition of the 7-Axis CNC machines is a game-changing development for BFIL, equipping the company with enhanced capabilities to serve critical industries such as aerospace, defense, railways, and oil & gas. With the ability to machine parts up to 3 meters in length, these advanced CNC machines offer unparalleled precision, allowing BFIL to produce highly intricate components from various alloys, including aluminum and titanium. This technological enhancement empowers the company to diversify its product portfolio and enter new sectors that demand rigorous precision and complex engineering solutions.
Commenting on this strategic move, Trimaan Chandock, Executive Director of BFIL, expressed the company's excitement about the acquisition. "We are pleased to share with all our stakeholders that your company has entered a very niche area of precision machining where only a handful of companies exist globally. This acquisition is a testament to our larger strategy of moving away from being a pure forging player to a precision engineering company. We stay true to our vision of offering highly critical solutions for niche industries, and this latest acquisition strengthens our ability to serve sectors such as aerospace and defense with even greater efficiency."
The acquisition of the 7-Axis CNC machines is part of BFIL’s broader strategy to elevate its capabilities and cater to the evolving demands of high-precision industries. By integrating these machines into its production infrastructure, BFIL can now manufacture components that require highly specialized engineering, such as turbine parts, aircraft frames, engine components, and landing gear for the aerospace industry. In the defense sector, the company can now produce critical components for weapon systems and vehicles. For railways, BFIL will be able to supply precision locomotive parts and track components. Additionally, the oil and gas industry will benefit from BFIL’s enhanced ability to produce complex components like valve bodies and pump parts.
This strategic expansion into precision engineering is in line with BFIL’s vision of becoming a global leader in the production of fully machined parts for industries that demand the highest level of quality and reliability. The introduction of 7-Axis CNC technology will enable BFIL to machine complex geometries with greater accuracy and flexibility, improve material utilization, and reduce the number of setups required for production. This, in turn, will result in higher efficiency and reduced lead times, further solidifying BFIL’s competitive edge in the global market.
For BFIL, this acquisition is not just a technological upgrade; it is a crucial step in the company’s long-term growth strategy. Over the years, BFIL has steadily built a reputation for delivering high-quality forged and machined components to some of the world’s most demanding industries. The company’s fully integrated forging and machining infrastructure, combined with its global distribution network, has positioned BFIL as a trusted partner for manufacturers of light vehicles, agricultural equipment, commercial vehicles, power generation systems, ships, and locomotives. With the addition of advanced CNC machining capabilities, BFIL is poised to expand its reach even further into new markets and industries.
Founded in 1989, BFIL has consistently demonstrated its ability to adapt to industry changes and embrace new technologies. The company’s product portfolio, which ranges from components weighing as little as 1 kilogram to massive parts up to 1,000 kilograms, reflects its versatility and commitment to meeting the diverse needs of its customers. In recent years, BFIL has also aligned its production capabilities with the latest emission regulations and the growing demand for new energy vehicles, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of innovation in the automotive and industrial sectors.
As BFIL embarks on this new chapter, the company remains focused on its core values of quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. The acquisition of 7-Axis CNC machines underscores BFIL’s determination to continue evolving and expanding its offerings in line with global industry trends. By investing in cutting-edge technology, BFIL is positioning itself to take on new challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the aerospace, defense, railways, and oil & gas sectors.
This development also highlights BFIL’s unwavering commitment to its customers, who rely on the company for precision-engineered components that meet the highest standards of performance and reliability. With the introduction of 7-Axis CNC machining technology, BFIL is better equipped than ever to deliver on its promise of providing advanced, fully machined products that meet the most stringent requirements of its clients worldwide.
For further information about Balu Forge Industries Ltd and its wide range of products and services, visit their official website. BFIL continues to set new benchmarks in precision engineering, and with this latest acquisition, the company is well on its way to cementing its position as a global leader in the industry.
About Balu Forge Industries Ltd
Incorporated in 1989, Balu Forge Industries Ltd (BFIL) is a leading Indian precision engineering company engaged in the manufacturing of fully finished and semi-finished crankshafts and forged components. With a fully integrated forging and machining infrastructure, BFIL offers a wide range of products for industries including automotive, aerospace, defense, railways, and oil & gas. The company’s global distribution network spans more than 80 countries, serving some of the world’s most renowned manufacturers and suppliers. BFIL remains committed to delivering high-quality, precision-engineered products that meet the evolving needs of its customers across various industries.
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mordormr · 2 days
The Aerial Imaging Industry: Transforming Perspectives and Applications
The Aerial Imaging Market is projected to be valued at USD 2.9 billion in 2024 and is anticipated to grow to USD 6.36 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.98% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
Aerial imaging has revolutionized the way we capture and analyze visual data from above. Leveraging advanced technologies such as drones, satellites, and aircraft, the aerial imaging industry offers a comprehensive view of landscapes, structures, and environments. With applications spanning various sectors, from agriculture to urban planning, the market for aerial imaging is on an upward trajectory. In this blog, we’ll explore the key trends and factors shaping the aerial imaging industry.
1. Growing Demand Across Industries
The demand for aerial imaging is expanding rapidly across multiple industries. In agriculture, farmers utilize aerial imagery for precision farming, enabling them to monitor crop health, assess soil conditions, and optimize yields. Similarly, in construction and real estate, aerial imaging provides invaluable data for site assessments, project management, and property marketing. The ability to visualize large areas quickly and accurately has made aerial imaging a preferred tool in these sectors.
2. Technological Advancements in Imaging
The advancement of imaging technologies plays a crucial role in the growth of the aerial imaging market. High-resolution cameras, multispectral sensors, and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology are enhancing the quality and accuracy of aerial imagery. Drones equipped with these technologies can capture detailed images and data from various angles, allowing for in-depth analysis and informed decision-making. This technological evolution is driving increased adoption of aerial imaging solutions.
3. Integration of AI and Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being integrated into aerial imaging solutions to enhance data processing and analysis. These technologies enable automated image recognition, anomaly detection, and predictive analytics, allowing users to derive actionable insights from aerial imagery quickly. As the volume of data captured increases, AI-driven tools are becoming essential for efficiently managing and interpreting this information.
4. Regulatory Developments and Challenges
While the aerial imaging industry is flourishing, it faces regulatory challenges, particularly concerning drone operations. As more businesses adopt drone technology for aerial imaging, governments are implementing regulations to ensure safety and privacy. Navigating these regulatory landscapes is crucial for companies operating in this space, as compliance can affect operational efficiency and market access.
5. Rising Interest in Environmental Monitoring
Aerial imaging is increasingly being used for environmental monitoring and conservation efforts. Organizations utilize aerial imagery to track deforestation, monitor wildlife habitats, and assess the impact of climate change. This trend is driven by the growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection, prompting various stakeholders to leverage aerial imaging for more effective monitoring and decision-making.
6. Urban Planning and Smart Cities
In urban planning, aerial imaging plays a pivotal role in the development of smart cities. Planners and local governments use aerial imagery to analyze urban landscapes, assess infrastructure needs, and plan for future growth. The ability to visualize urban areas from above facilitates better planning decisions, resource allocation, and the design of sustainable communities.
7. Market Outlook and Future Trends
The future of the aerial imaging industry looks promising, with continued growth driven by technological advancements and expanding applications. The increasing adoption of drone technology for commercial use, coupled with advancements in imaging capabilities, will further fuel market expansion. Additionally, as industries increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, the demand for high-quality aerial imagery will continue to rise.
The aerial imaging industry is at the forefront of innovation, offering transformative solutions across various sectors. With its growing applications in agriculture, construction, environmental monitoring, and urban planning, aerial imaging is reshaping how we view and interact with our world. As technology continues to advance, the potential for aerial imaging to drive efficiency, sustainability, and informed decision-making will only increase, positioning it as a critical component in the future of visual data analysis.
As businesses and organizations seek to leverage aerial imaging for competitive advantage, staying informed about industry trends and technological developments will be essential for success in this rapidly evolving market.
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mavdrones · 13 days
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Exploring the Diverse Applications of Drones These Days
Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are used for a wide variety of applications across different fields due to their versatility, efficiency, and ability to reach places that might be difficult or dangerous for humans.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of why drones are used:
1. Aerial Photography and Videography
Drones are popular in the media industry for capturing stunning aerial shots and videos. These would either be difficult or too expensive to achieve with traditional methods. They allow filmmakers, photographers, and content creators to get unique perspectives. They help capture landscapes, monitor live events, and stream real-time footage.
2. Agriculture
In agriculture, drones are used for precision farming. They can quickly survey large tracts of land. This provides detailed images and data on crop health, soil conditions, and irrigation needs. This helps farmers optimize resource use, monitor crop growth, and detect problems like pest infestations early.
3. Delivery Services
Drone delivery services are being investigated by businesses like UPS and Amazon in order to deliver goods right to customers' doorsteps. Drones can bypass traffic, reduce delivery times, and reach remote or difficult-to-access areas. This makes them a promising solution for fast and efficient delivery.
4. Surveillance and Security
Drones are frequently utilized in security and surveillance operations. Law enforcement agencies use them to monitor public areas, manage large crowds, and even aid in search and rescue operations. In private security, drones are employed to patrol large properties, monitor perimeters, and provide real-time alerts.
5. Environmental Monitoring
Environmental agencies use drones to monitor wildlife, track deforestation, survey endangered species, and assess the health of ecosystems. Drones can swiftly cover wide areas and gather data. The collected data helps in conservation efforts, tracking climate change, and managing natural resources.
6. Disaster Management
Drones play a crucial role in disaster management. After natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes, drones are deployed to assess damage, locate survivors, and deliver essential supplies. They can reach areas that are inaccessible by road or too dangerous for rescue teams. They are therefore extremely useful in emergency situations.
7. Construction and Infrastructure Inspection
Drones are utilized in the construction sector to survey construction sites, track developments, and examine buildings. They provide high-resolution images and 3D models. This helps engineers and architects with planning and safety assessments. Drones also inspect hard-to-reach infrastructure like bridges, power lines, and pipelines. This ensures safety without putting workers at risk.
8. Scientific Research
Drones are increasingly used in scientific research to collect data in areas like geology, archaeology, and meteorology. They can gather samples, monitor volcanic activity, map remote areas, and track weather patterns. This provides scientists with valuable insights that would be difficult to obtain otherwise.
9. Entertainment and Sports
In sports, drones are used to capture live footage, track players, and enhance the viewing experience for fans. They are also used in drone racing, an emerging sport where participants pilot drones through obstacle courses at high speeds.
10. Military Applications
Originally developed for military use, drones are still widely used in defense for reconnaissance, surveillance, and targeted strikes. They provide intelligence, monitor enemy movements, and carry out missions that would be too risky for manned aircraft.
11. Personal and Recreational Use
Drones have become popular among hobbyists for recreational flying, racing, and aerial photography. Personal drones are often used for fun, but they can also be equipped with cameras and sensors for more advanced applications.
12. Telecommunications
Drones are being used to provide temporary mobile network coverage in remote or disaster-stricken areas. They can act as flying cell towers, ensuring connectivity when traditional infrastructure is damaged or unavailable.
13. Surveying and Mapping
In surveying and mapping, drones are used to create detailed 3D maps and models of terrain. This is particularly useful in areas like mining, archaeology, and urban planning, where accurate topographical data is essential.
The versatility of drones makes them an indispensable tool in many industries. Their ability to reach remote areas, collect detailed data, and perform tasks efficiently and safely has led to widespread adoption across various fields, from agriculture to entertainment. As technology advances, the potential uses of drones will continue to expand, making them even more integral to our daily lives. TO EXPLORE WORLD-CLASS QUALITY DRONES, VISIT OUR WEBSITE MAVDRONES.COM.
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secretstalks · 14 days
MGH Group's perspective on trade and freight capacity issues
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Anis Ahmed, the Founder and Group CEO of MGH Group, a prominent freight and logistics firm, underscores the significant air cargo potential between India and China. This potential is driven by the strong demand from Chinese exporters for the Indian market. However, the trade flow is predominantly one-sided, with Indian airlines often returning from China with empty cargo holds.
“You can’t change much because Indian exporters aren’t selling to China, but the Chinese are eager to sell everything to India,” Ahmed noted in a recent interview. MGH Group, which serves as a general sales agent for ocean carriers and airlines and provides comprehensive logistics solutions, manages air freight operations from China to India through its alliance with IndiGo, India’s largest airline.
Ahmed pointed out that MGH’s operations in China are crucial for managing these shipments, but challenges persist. “There isn’t enough capacity available for air freight to support the online business from China to India. India doesn’t send much to China, so when the aircraft return, they are often empty,” he explained.
Chinese freight carriers such as SF Express and YTO Cargo handle most of the freight flights from China to India. Recently, IndiGo has started offering freighter services between Kolkata and Ezhou in Hubei Province, China. MGH utilizes both IndiGo and Chinese freighter companies for cargo transport.
“IndiGo is our gold standard. We aim to integrate with their network wherever possible. We’re connecting service belts for agriculture and industry that require faster transportation,” Ahmed added.
Despite the promising logistics opportunities, the bilateral relationship between India and China remains strained. Tensions have persisted since deadly clashes erupted along the Line of Actual Control in May 2020. Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has consistently emphasized that normalizing relations with China is contingent on achieving peace and tranquility at the border.
Ahmed, originally from Bangladesh and now based in Singapore, believes that for India to become a significant global supply chain hub, major players in the air freight industry need to emerge, particularly in the realm of cargo transport to and from India.
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equipexpress · 14 days
Autel UK Vehicle Diagnostics Tools Benefits
In the current world of rapid change technology is at the forefront of innovation across a broad variety of industries. In the field of automobile diagnostics Autel UK stands out as a reliable brand that is that is known for its cutting-edge diagnostic tools.
However, the power of Autel UK Vehicle Diagnostics doesn't stop at the automotive industry. Its wide array of diagnostic tools has applications in a variety of industries, resulting in efficiency, accuracy and cost savings.
In this page, we'll look at the ways that the Autel Diagnostics Equipment UK can benefit different industries that go beyond automotive.
Agriculture and Farming: Precision for Productivity
Precision in agriculture is crucial in the field of agriculture. Autel UK's diagnostic tools may be used to check and troubleshoot mechanical systems of agricultural equipment. From harvesters to tractors these tools will ensure that your farming equipment is running at maximum efficiency, reducing downtime while increasing yields of crops.
Construction and Heavy Machinery: Reliability on the Jobsite
Heavy machinery and construction are the foundation in the development of infrastructure. Autel's diagnostic tools aid in maintaining and repair equipment, such as bulldozers, excavators, and cranes. The timely diagnosis ensures that these machines work effectively on the job site, reducing expensive delays.
Marine and Boating: Smooth Sailing Ahead
The marine sector is awash with diagnostic instruments are crucial for maintaining vessels and boats. Autel UK's diagnostic equipment may be used to diagnose problems with engines as well as electronic systems. In ensuring that vessels are in top shape, Autel contributes to safe and efficient maritime operations.
Aviation: Precision in the Skies
In the aviation field security is of paramount importance in the aviation industry. Autel's diagnostic tools will aid in the maintenance and diagnosis on aircraft's systems. Through providing accurate information on the health of an aircraft they improve security and prevent problems that may compromise flight safety.
Manufacturing: Minimizing Downtime
In factories when downtime is a factor, it can lead to huge losses. Autel UK's diagnostic instruments are employed to maintain machines, robots as well as automated systems. Rapid diagnosis and quick repairs ensure that production lines run efficiently.
Healthcare: Equipment Reliability
Healthcare facilities and hospitals rely on a variety of imaging and diagnostic equipment. Autel's diagnostic tools are able to aid in maintaining and servicing the equipment, making sure they are in good working order for the care of patients.
Energy and Utilities: Ensuring Uninterrupted Services
The sector of utilities and energy is dependent on a wide array of machines and systems. Autel UK's diagnostic tools may be used for maintenance planning which reduces the possibility of costly breakdowns, and providing uninterrupted service to customers.
Telecommunications: Keeping Communication Flowing
In the telecommunications industry the network equipment and infrastructure need regular care. Autel's diagnostic tools aid techs in finding and solving problems quickly, which ensures consistent and reliable communication.
Conclusion: Autel UK's Versatility Across Industries
The range Vehicle Diagnostic Equipment for Sale, goes too far beyond the auto industry. From healthcare to agriculture and aviation to construction and everywhere between the tools help improve the efficiency, reliability and security across a variety of sectors.
As technology advances, Autel UK remains an important partner to help various sectors run efficiently and economically which ultimately benefits both consumers and businesses.
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dorleco · 15 days
Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
September 11, 2024
by dorleco
with no comment
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Autonomous aerial vehicles, or drones, have become more and more popular in recent years because of their versatility and range of applications. These unmanned aircraft are being used for a variety of commercial and civilian purposes, replacing their military function. This introduction will discuss the key characteristics of AAVs, including their types, parts, applications, and some of the challenges they provide.
1. Various AAV varieties
There are many different types of autonomous aerial vehicles, each designed for certain scenarios and goals. The most prevalent classifications are:
Multirotor Drones: These drones stand out for their agility, controllability, and stability. They frequently have four or more rotors. They are often used for aerial photography, surveillance, and short-distance delivery.
Fixed-Wing Drones: Drones with fixed wings and propellers are known as fixed-wing drones, and they resemble traditional airplanes. Because they work better over long distances, they are often used for tasks like mapping, farming, and aerial surveying.
Hybrid Drones: Combining elements of fixed-wing and multirotor designs, hybrid drones offer flexibility for a range of applications. They can take off and land vertically like multi-rotors and fly ahead effectively like fixed-wing aircraft.
Single-rotor and coaxial helicopters: These drones are less common, but they are excellent at a range of specialized tasks, such as aerial filming and heavy lifting.
2. Essential Components:
The components of autonomous aerial vehicles are as follows:
Propulsion System: The motors, rotors, or engines that provide the drone with lift and forward motion make up its propulsion system. An onboard computer called the flight controller sets the speed of each motor or rotor to stabilize and manage the drone’s flight.
GPS receiver: helps with independent navigation and provides position data.
Sensors: A range of sensors, such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, barometers, and obstacle avoidance sensors, are installed on drones to guarantee steady flight and collision avoidance.
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Communication System: Using radio waves, drones are remotely operated and often communicate with other drones or ground stations to coordinate missions.
Power Source: The majority of drones run on rechargeable lithium-polymer or lithium-ion batteries.
3. Application
There are several applications for autonomous aerial vehicles across multiple industries, such as:
Photography and Videography: Examples of photography and videography include aerial photography and cinematography for motion pictures, real estate, and events.
Agriculture: agriculture, including crop monitoring, pesticide application, and precision farming. Search and rescue: Aiding in the search for those who have gone missing and offering catastrophe relief.
Inspection of Infrastructure: Examination of the infrastructure, encompassing power lines, pipelines, and bridges.
Environmental monitoring: Monitoring the environment involves keeping a watch on animals, climate change, and deforestation.
Package Delivery: Drone delivery is a potential future for companies such as UPS and Amazon.
Surveillance and security: Monitoring large areas for reasons of safety.
Surveying and mapping: taking measurements of the area and creating intricate 3D maps.
4. Difficulties
As they advance, autonomous aerial vehicles must overcome the following challenges:
Regulation: Operating a drone can be difficult in different areas due to varying laws and regulations.
Safety: Mishaps that endanger persons and property can be caused by collisions, issues, and loss of control.
Privacy Concerns: One of the main concerns is the potential for invasive spying.
Airspace Management: Drone flight paths need to be synchronized with other aircraft to avoid collisions.
Battery Life: The duration and range of flight for most drones are restricted by a short battery life.
Effect on the environment: Noise pollution and environmental issues could be issues, especially in urban areas.
Benefits of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
Unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones or autonomous aerial vehicles, provide several benefits in a range of industries and uses. Several advantages of autonomous aerial vehicles include the following:
Economical: Compared to traditional methods, AAVs may often finish tasks at a lower cost. In agriculture, for example, drones may be able to monitor crops and apply pesticides more precisely, reducing the need for costly machinery and human labor.
Time Efficiency: AAVs can do tasks quickly and successfully. For instance, in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional methods, they may scan vast tracts of land, assess infrastructure, or conduct aerial photography.
Safety: By deploying AAVs in hazardous or difficult-to-reach areas, the risk to human workers is minimized. They can, for example, conduct risky search and rescue operations and examine pipelines and electrical cables.
Environmental Benefits: Drones are less harmful to the environment than conventional airplanes or ground vehicles. Because they use electric power sources more often, emit fewer pollutants, and make less noise, they are more environmentally friendly.
Precision and Accuracy: AAVs’ exceptional precision and accuracy in task execution are crucial in sectors like agriculture, where accurate crop spraying and monitoring can increase yields and reduce waste. Drones can continuously monitor an area, enhancing security and monitoring capabilities through remote sensing and surveillance. They work in border security, wildlife monitoring, and disaster management.
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Flexibility and Adaptability: Because AAVs may be equipped with a wide range of sensors and payloads, they can be used in a variety of applications. They don’t need to be set much differently for different tasks. Drones are a useful tool in disaster relief efforts because they can be swiftly deployed to devastated areas to assess damage, locate survivors, and deliver essential supplies. They are necessary tools for conducting search and rescue missions.
Drawbacks of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
Drones, sometimes known as autonomous aerial vehicles, or AAVs, have several benefits but also some drawbacks and challenges. It is essential to understand these limitations to operate drones responsibly. Some disadvantages of AAV are as follows:
Regulatory Obstacles: AAVs are subject to strict regulations in several countries. These rules address things like required licenses, no-fly zones, and flying altitude. These rules may be challenging to follow, especially for industrial and recreational users.
Safety Issues: Drones can present a risk to people’s safety both above and below the surface. When inexperienced pilots accidentally create accidents, including crashes with other planes or buildings, they run the risk of putting persons and property in danger.
Privacy Concerns: People’s personal space may be invaded by drones equipped with cameras and other sensors. Unauthorized surveillance and the collection of personal data are important concerns. Finding a balance between the benefits of drones and people’s right to privacy can be challenging.
Limited Payload Capacity: Most consumer-grade drones have a payload capacity that prevents them from performing certain tasks, such as transporting big objects or huge scientific apparatus.
Restricted Battery Life: The average consumer drone’s battery lasts between twenty and forty minutes. This reduces their functioning time and range and makes frequent recharge necessary.
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Weather Sensitivity: Unfavourable weather conditions, including as strong winds, persistent rain, and extremely high temperatures, may limit a drone’s ability to fly safely and effectively.
Maintenance and Repairs: Drones need regular upkeep, and any problems could call for expensive fixes. Delays and higher costs could result from this.
Complex Operation: Although drones are becoming easier to handle, they still need a certain amount of expertise to operate properly. It could be challenging for beginners to operate and fly a drone.
In conclusion, autonomous aerial vehicles, or drones as they are more popularly known, have proven to be adaptable instruments with a broad range of uses and the capacity to completely alter several sectors. AAVs provide clear and compelling advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, safety, and environmental benefits. These gadgets have the potential to completely transform a variety of industries, including emergency response, surveillance, infrastructure inspection, and agriculture.
Autonomous aerial vehicles do have certain limitations and difficulties, nevertheless. Consideration and appropriate use are required due to operational constraints, safety concerns, privacy difficulties, and regulatory complications.
The success of AAVs in the future hinges on finding a sensible middle ground between overcoming these challenges and realizing their full potential. Our lives will continue to involve drones more and more as laws and technology advance. Emphasizing education, moral behavior, and responsible governance is essential to maximizing the benefits that autonomous aerial vehicles (AAVs) have to offer. Drones can be truly revolutionary tools if used properly, improving productivity, security, and our capacity to see and engage with the world from novel angles.
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