#Aki writes stuff
meownotgood · 2 months
tmi on dash. tmi alert. but every other day, I have the urge to want to buy a sex toy. but like. I've never owned one, I've never tried one, I don't know what kind to get or how big to get or even if it'd actually like it. or like where to get one? they have cute dildos at spencers but are those even made of something I should be using or is it just cheap trash lol??
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mustiels-art · 2 years
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im slow-going on this but here's the flat colors
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hayakawapartner · 9 months
aki with a s/o with chronic pain . . .
!!! this post is sfw, but minors/ageless blogs dni with this post/blog !!!
notes: gn!disabled!reader, this is self indulgent i tried to make this fitting for more general chronic pain! reader might come across as ehlers danlos-coded (is that a thing?? weird thing for me to type)
aki is already so sweet and caring with you, of course he would be helpful when your chronic pain flares up.
he notices that you’re moving a bit slower, taking shorter steps, taking a longer time to get up from your seat… and he’s immediately there to help
VERY quick to ask what you need, but he also tries to offer your usual solutions
“where does it hurt? do you need a heating pad? painkillers? tiger balm? do you want me to run a warm bath?”
if you have fluctuating mobility/occasionally use a mobility aid, he does his best to keep everything in a convenient spot for you. crutches near the bed so you can slide your arms in and get up with a bit more ease, rollator in a place where you don’t trip but it’s easy to access…
he was initially Overly Careful with you so he didn’t aggravate your pain further, but as he grows used to your needs, he’s still careful but he’s not scared of breaking you like he used to be
kisses the back of your neck while gently massaging your sore joints/muscles, murmuring soft “i love you”s and “you’re gonna be okay”s while he’s rubbing tiger balm onto your sorest spots
if he hears your joints pop he gets really nervous until you specify if it was a good/bad pop
if a spot is too sore, he won’t touch it in case he hurts you even more.
and if you just Can’t get out of bed for the day? he calls off from work to take care of you. brings you comfort food, helps you to the bathroom when you need it, makes sure you’re hydrated and taking your meds…
SPEAKING OF MEDS. this man is so good at reminding you
“did you forget to take your meds? maybe you should take them now, love. it’ll help you feel less sore.”
he’s very careful to make sure he doesn’t shame you for forgetting meds, for needing help, for being in pain. he just does whatever he can to make sure you’re okay and empathises with your complaints about your aches.
while he hates seeing you in pain during a flare-up, he becomes extra doting just to make sure your needs are met. cooks your fav comfort meal, makes sure all your pillows are soft and arranged to keep you comfy, refills your water bottle whenever it’s almost empty, etc.
he’s just so loving… aaauuuu
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minevn · 8 months
(sorry for mistakes) (Warning: mentioning psychological and physical violence, self harm) You mentioned what kind of MC will have life after the abduction, but what if the MC "breaks" after this event? Constant tantrums, screams, attempts to harm yourself or Haruto/Kage/Kei/Yani, ignoring, breaking things, etc.?
TW: mentioning psychological and physical violence, self harm
Haruto: Haruto would start to regret his actions, but you need to understand mc, he's doing all of this because he loves you and is protecting you from all those other terrible people! He can protect you from your stalker if you just stay here. He'll try to be "rational" about the entire situation and persuade you to be fine with the circumstances. I mean out of everyone else who would kidnap you, Haruto is probably the person you'd want to, you're close with him and you know he'll take care of you extremely well, of course he doesn't realize that you obviously don't want to be kidnapped at all. He would make sure to constantly supervise you to make sure you can't hurt yourself and honestly, he doesn't really care if you hurt him, he's confused on why you're hurting him when he's just trying to protect you, but he doesn't mind. Haruto is very patient with you and despite feeling guilty, he's not letting you go now that he has you.
Kage: Kage would be lost on what to do, the second you start screaming and breaking things, trying to hurt them and yourself, Kage panics, he doesn't know what to do in this situation, he didn't expect you to react like this. He starts to question himself, if he really thought this through, if they let you go now, would you still be friends with them? He'd probably make you cup noodles at first to try and calm you down and then gets sad when you don't, he'll end up just leaving you alone to give you some time to calm down. But you don't, not even as night rolls around, Kage can't sleep due to your screaming and the stress he's under from your reaction. Kage is the easiest to convince to let you go, He'll just make you promise that you'll still be friends with him, of course you could break that promise.
Kei: Kei expected your reaction, you were just kidnapped after all, who wouldn't breakdown and panic? He lets you scream and yell at him, truthfully the way you're yelling and throwing things at him has his heart pounding, he thinks you look cute when you're angry. He loves all of your expressions. He holds back his smile though since that would just make you more angry. After you're done throwing and yelling at him he leaves and gives you some time to think, he continues to have his camera's watch you so he can constantly check up on you(and stop you from hurting yourself)while he does his work. He has a very annoying pink haired client that's threatening him. Of course now that he has you, he doesn't see any use for that client and can simply get rid of it. Much like Haruto, he'll try to rationalize his actions, Kei has done even more then Haruto to help you with your stalker, and now he just seriously got rid of your problem, what more could you possibly want from Kei? He's been so nice and patient with you, why won't you just love him? Does he need to-! You're the one that keeps coming back for more, is this not what you wanted? For Kei to be your perfect boyfriend and save you from all the disgusting monsters in this world? Nonetheless, Kei will remain patient, Kei will rationalize his wrongdoings, Kei will continue to be you sweet, perfect boyfriend. I wonder how much more Kei can handle
Yani: Yani won! Yes you're panicking and freaking out and throwing and yelling and hurting yourself, but Yani won! You'll help Yani get her happy ending, won't you? C'mon just stay with her, just accept her. She'll take such good care of you, just love her and you can stop panicking, you'll see how good this was. Yani never leaves your side, not even as you yell hurtful things at them or hurt her, she continues to be by your side and comfort you as best she can(which isn't anything considering how the few weeks or week has been your worst all due to Yani) Yani makes sure you aren't hurting yourself and that you're well fed. He continues to tell you more about himself so you two can get acquainted, of course you don't care about whatever nonsense he's spewing. Yani isn't sympathetic at all towards your situation, they feel no guilt or remorse, you can learn to be happy with Yani you can learn to love Yani, you can learn all about Yani and how great they are. They really were made for you💕
The others!: If you manage to get out of captivity then all of them are aware of what happened to you. Even if you change after what happened, no one would blame you. Minato and Aki would be the ones to help you the most, both physically protecting you and being there for you physically and mentally. Aki and Jun would cut connections with Haruto and Kage and make sure that you're as far away from them as possible. You wouldn't really be allowed to be alone with how dangerous Kei and Yani are so you always have someone by your side.
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starvrses · 1 month
the urge to write oc x canon fics vs my unshakable fear of being called cringe :/
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milkfromcats · 1 year
Please fill my asks with your messy nsfw thoughts on Namor so I can write blurbs for fun. Doesn't even have to be Namor. I'm so feral over so many fictional characters. Let me just list a few...
*clears throat*
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And more.
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angstigone · 1 month
angsti.exe has stopped working and will resume from tomorrow
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inkblackorchid · 11 months
WIP Snippet 2 (Ch. 1)
“See you,” Aki said as they left, before turning to walk in the direction of the academy garage, her steps quickening as she reached Yusei, who sat on his runner, waiting.
Knowing that her friends had already left for the poetry club and that not many students usually wandered around this part of the grounds at this hour, she indulged in grabbing his face to pull him in for a kiss immediately.
When she pulled back, allowing her hands to slide down to his shoulders instead, he looked up at her with adoring eyes and a lazy smile playing around his lips. He could not have looked more handsome.
“Hey there. Had an okay day?” he greeted, gently placing his hand on her waist.
"Perfectly unremarkable," she answered, but then remembered the security car. She hesitated a moment, wondering if she should bring it up. Ultimately, she said, "Feels a bit like the day might not be so unremarkable for the city, though. Am I going crazy, or are there a lot of security patrols around right now?"
Yusei's expression immediately shifted to a more contemplative one, his brows furrowing ever so slightly. "If you were going crazy, then Crow and Jack would be, too, because they said something similar. And I've been noticing it, too. Something's weird. Crow's got a theory that something happened to put them on high alert. He's even been considering phoning Trudge about it."
Aki shook her head. "That's weird, though, isn't it? If something had happened to put sector security on edge this much, it would have made the news, wouldn't it? Maybe I should phone Carly, ask her if she knows something..."
"Jack might have already beaten you to that. He was talking about it before I left," Yusei told her, shrugging.
"Ah. Then it might be for the best that we get back to the garage, maybe. Who knows, maybe they found something out." Taking a step back, she added, "I'll go fetch my runner, then. Be right back."
When she received a nod from him, she took that as her sign to walk into the academy's runner garage, where she had to walk past the priority spots reserved for teachers and other staff first before she got to the back, where the student parking spots where.
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Taichi was definitely very worried and by Takaaki's side everyday. Just being on his feet everyday while Takaaki was forced to stay in bed resting before Takara was born. (Even after she was born.) Takaaki tried to tell him that he was going to be fine and that he can still do things around the house but Taichi is very insistent. And Takaaki can admit he finds it funny, but he sort of likes it as well.
Though he still wants to insist that Taichi let him actually do something and not lay in bed when he can still cook and do some chores. He doesn't like not being occupied...and he can only do enough word searches and crossword puzzles per day before getting absolutely bored to hell. And he finds it annoying when Taichi (who means well) forces him back into bed. So he's just begging for Taichi to let him do something around the house or he will go insane.
So they come up with an arrangement that Takaaki does some chores (ones that don't require him to do much labor of course. Especially with their kid on the way and Takaaki's body not needing to be overworked) but still gets rest. Takaaki begrudgingly agrees, grumbling as he continues his word search.
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meownotgood · 1 year
MAGS!!! HIIIIII!!! I've survived (coming to) half of the school year so far and I finally finished adjusting to school + exams =") I MISSED YOU SO MUCH ISTG IM SO HAPPY I HAVE MORE TIME TO SPEND ON TUMBLR (this also means you'll have to deal with me more now ehehe)
How have you been? I hope you've been doing great! how have your Aki's been? random but i've also noticed your recent love for Dan Heng and I would like to say that I am a fellow Dan Heng lover and enjoyer!
Anyways I can't wait to talk to you more again yayayay I love you so muchhhh <3
I've been okay!! I hope you've been well too!!! it's so nice to hear from you!!! my akis are good too, they are growing steadily... I fear I will need more space for my collection soon... lol
and omg yes, I've been so addicted to honkai star rail lately and dan heng caught my heart ever since I saw him in the beta but now that I actually get to play.... auuhgrhhh I'm obsessed... I really am obsessed with all the star rail characters though I keep wanting to write more for them hahaha
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akiwitch · 1 year
Since we only have one character intro left! (for now)
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New chapter up, enjoy 😁
“You want me to keep this,” Akito pointed at the devil in question, sitting on the sand two meters away weirdly fascinated by the crabs walking near the shore, “in the mansion?!”
“Yeah,” Tento nodded, annoyed at having to explain it one more time.
“Are you out of your damn mind?!” Akito yelled, finally feeling how the last once of his sanity not only broke, but jumped out of a window and drowned in the ocean. The kid only rolled their eyes, walking over to where the torn apart bag was. “What would I even feed it?”
“I can’t hide him at my place!” Tento reasoned, crouched down and salvaging what they could from the bag. “I live with my parents!”
“And?” Akito winced, the pain coming from his injured arm finally hitting him as the adrenaline wore off. “Why should we care that a devil is dead?”
“Human,” Tento’s head looked up at him, eyes surprisingly cold and piercing - as if they didn’t belong to human but different being. One much more cruel and merciless, “do you still want to know about those people you see in your dreams?”
“Yes,” Akito said. “I need to know who they are.”
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sentofight · 2 years
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"For I, am a shadow, and I, am the true self, and I'm you, and your me; so die with me, die with me!"
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pancake-breakfast · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Chainsaw Man (Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Angel Devil/Hayakawa Aki Characters: Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man), Hayakawa Aki Additional Tags: Touch-Starved, Angel Being Lazy About Everything, Aki Just Not Getting It, Fluff and Angst, But mostly fluff, Canon Compliant, Canon Universe, Microfic, Drabble Series: Part 6 of Drabble December 2022 Summary:
Angel tries to get around his own abilities to be closer to Aki.
A very short story for Drabble December Prompt 6: I Need You
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angstigone · 12 days
ngl I'd like to post more stuff on ao3 and in general be better active and more into writing but since i started working again, the night I am just... *switching off noises*
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inkblackorchid · 8 months
Hi. This is not a new fic. (Sorry, it's still in the works, but rest assured, it's coming!) But after talking about it off-handedly for literal months, I finally, finally went back and cleaned up the duel in Mirror. Since parts of it were genuinely pretty sloppy, some of the edits ended up being bigger than expected, so there's some new stuff that wasn't there before! Rest assured, the plot has stayed the same, though, Aki and Sherry just got a few spicy, new lines. (And I also used this opportunity to clean up a few, stray spelling errors and also sprinkle in some stuff to thematically tie this fic even tighter into the series.)
So! If you ever wanted to give this story another go (or just wanted to read a very snarky Aki VS Sherry solo duel as a sort of prelude to their canon finale duel), here you go!
Summary: Several months after seeing Divine for the last time, Aki reflects on how she's spent that time trying to fully learn to control her powers—without him. Her judgement ends up not being in her favour, and now, with the start of the WRGP just a few days away, she worries something will go terribly wrong. As she ruminates on what to do, she encounters not one, but two unexpected, but familiar people who give her a lot to think about while she tries to prepare for the match against Team Unicorn. Sequel to To Bloom or To Wilt and Chase the Sunlight. Set directly before episode 98.
And that stupid hairpiece. The power inhibitor she still couldn’t rid herself of, however much she hated the very sight of it at this point, the familiar weight still tight against her head, as usual. Right in that moment, she wanted to tear it out of her hair, to throw it away, see if she could toss it hard enough to break it completely as she did so. She wanted to cut her bangs, her hair, hack it all off just to see whether it would calm the ugly feelings inside her, whether it would bring her freedom. Years of always requesting the same cut, of habitually rolling up her hair around the hairpiece, of straightening her bangs after, satisfied when everything sat just the way Divine had suggested it should. She wanted to tear it all out, burn it away, maybe shear it off. The obvious, visual reminder of how much Divine had influenced her made her sick.
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