#All I did was waste half an hour of both of our lives because I left even more confused than when I got there and now he doesn't like me 🙈
deadm0ss ¡ 5 months
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We are not doing good boys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 notes
random-imagines-blog ¡ 7 months
Imagine Arthur Curry inadvertently hurting your feelings.
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Earlier that week, he was at it again. Arthur, with his constant talk about how Atlantis is so full of adventure and excitement, when he’s not sitting on the throne anyway, so many different stories about a whole separate life that he lived down there. “You don’t get it - they almost started taking me too seriously down there!” Which sounded like the truth, because the council was always pulling him away from his fun and games - but most importantly, you. So it hurt when he would stay down there for longer than he needed, just to ride Storm around and try to race other creatures.
Yes, Arthur was the King of Atlantis, but as a human woman, you would never get to be the Queen, therefore half of his life was separated from you. He didn’t have to keep reminding you of it though - the empty bed in the morning, the dishes left in the sink, the stories he’d tell while drinking beer after beer on your couch - they did that for him.
Arthur, though he hadn’t meant to, hurt you whenever he forced you to remember that you weren’t ever going to be a part of every facet of his life, like you had invited him to be in yours.
The final blow was when he had come in three hours late for your anniversary dinner, and seemed like he had entirely forgotten about it. You had already eaten the nice dinner that you had made, changed out of the dress that you bought for this occasion into your pajamas, and were laying out by the television, watching Legally Blonde and totally agreeing with the scene where she throws the chocolates at her own television, claiming men are liars. In came Arthur, proving that point.
If the neighbors didn’t call the cops, you would be lucky at that point, because you sat up with tear tracks running down your face, and you let him have it. “Arthur, I get it, okay, you’re the King and you have all of these responsibilities and I’m so proud of you, really, I am. Your accomplishments are great, but - do you know how much it just hurts me, exhausts me, to know that … that you don’t belong with me up here, that you’ll probably fall in love with someone down there who can experience all of those things that you love and .. one day you’ll just leave me here, all alone?”
From the look on his face, he really hadn’t known a thing about how you were feeling.
“And another thing! Arthur, you missed our anniversary, to do .. what? You better have a good reason for it, for not even trying to call me because … because it broke my heart tonight,” You said, letting out a deep breath that it felt like you had been holding onto for ages. He looked surprised, and then he looked guilty and ashamed of himself, which - as bad as it sounded, made you feel validated.
“I’m sorry. Your night was wasted and - I’m really sorry for that.” Arthur hung his head down, his bushy brown hair creating a curtain around his head. Then he knelt down in front of the couch, taking both of your hands in his, stroking the back of them. When he finally looked at you, there was only apologies and love in there, and it made your heart beat faster, the sensation of what his presence had always done to you taking over again.
Arthur’s eyes were so light right then, like the ocean on a sunny day. “If there’s anything that I can do to make it up to you…”
Secretly, you had a whole list of things in your head that he could do. Arthur could get on his knees and beg your forgiveness, or he could make you dinner instead of you doing it for him, or he could bring you to the old dance-hall and give you a twirl on the dance floor like he had on one of your dates, but at the same time, you wanted him to come to these realizations on his own.
He looked so earnestly at you. He looked so ready to do anything that you would ask of him, even if it was something silly like do the chicken dance or run to the only open store on the other side of town and get your favorite snacks. For you, anything.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” You sighed, bringing his hand up to your cheek and nuzzling it softly - almost using him as a tissue to get rid of the last of your tears. He didn’t seem to mind this either, his thumb grazing under your eye to catch the smudged mascara. “Some of me wants to know what you were doing out so late, should I even ask?”
“Shit, I was being an idiot,” He admitted, looking away bashfully. “You said you might have had to work today so I spent most of the night preparing for us to celebrate tomorrow…”
Your eyes went wide as you remembered that you had told him that. That you hadn’t told him you took the night off, because you were hoping that this was going to be a surprise. He continued on. “I don’t know much beyond burgers and beers but I was at that new place downtown, the fancy one - I had to go there and talk them into giving me a reservation for tomorrow night - apparently they were booked up but for me, they’ll put in an extra table.”
Oh, you felt the love then, how could you not? You let go of his hands and flung your arms around him, holding him tight after cursing him all evening, mentally chiding yourself for doubting this amazing man for even a moment.
Requested by: Anonymous
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yuhzz ¡ 1 year
movies, deals, and feelings - k.ch x fem!reader
summary: what started as a deal, (almost) ended with a kiss.
warning: fluff. angst.
word count: 4.8k words
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Chaewon sighed before taking her shoes off and heading straight to the living room. Her phone made noise alerting that someone had texted her. She grabbed it from her pocket and deleted a certain contact without even bothering to look at the message that's been sent to her.
"God, all I want is to spend my summer peacefully, why the hell can't anyone understand that?" she grumbled and plopped herself down on the couch.
For some unknown reason, she felt like something was missing--more like someone? Chaewon thought of it deeply until suddenly, a specific person came to her mind.
"Y/n, I should call Y/n" She smiles. "Oh! Chaewon-ssi!" Chaewon's smile grew bigger as she heard the enthusiastic voice of her dear temporary lover - you.
"Can you come over and stay the night here?" Chaewon pouts.
"Our deal hasn't even started and yet you're already inviting me over to your house" you chuckled. "Well, now that you mentioned it, it is a great deal after all" Chaewon shrugged.
"It'll really help me get my chance with Yujin" She mumbled. You, on the other hand, became silent. "Hello? Y/n?"
On your side, you blankly stared at the floor. Of course, right, what were you thinking? All of this is to simply help Chaewon have her chance with Yujin.
Ahn Yujin, a person you don't even know. Well, that is until 2 days ago (Friday).
You first met Chaewon at a bar, all drunk and wasted. With the alcohol taking effect, she ended up (unknowingly and unwillingly) informing you about her oh-so-sad life where she likes this girl who doesn't even like her back.
Simply put it, is an unrequited love that hurts so badly.
So! You took her to a hotel, booked 2 rooms, and talked to her the day after. At first, she was suspicious of you. Don't worry, nothing transpired though.
Well, Chaewon did actually throw things at you but that was not really a big deal.
After quite a while, she had calmed down then and you took that chance to explain everything that had happened.
Chaewon felt guilty after that, of course. One thing eventually led to another and both of you agreed to a deal.
A deal where both of you will date temporarily.
The deal was supposed to end when summer is over (about a month and a half) but Chaewon needs to go back to Japan in 3 weeks.
So you agreed to a date for 2 weeks and a half.
The remaining days of Chaewon's stay, you will spend it cutting the ties you had with each other. Though, something tells me that wouldn't be the case for both of you.
Today is the day before the deal starts but Chaewon just felt like she needed some company.
"Y/n?" she got worried. You snapped out of your thoughts and replied, "​​​Alright alright" Chaewon smiled widely.
"Okay, I'll wait" 
Half an hour has passed and you still were not there. So, she wondered. "What's taking her so long?" She asked herself.
*Ding Dong*
She snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard the doorbell ring. Chaewon smiled and ran towards the door. She ran in so much hurry that her hair was all messed up.
"Chaewon? Did something happen?" 
She heard your voice from the other side of the door.
"Nope! Nothing happened!" she replied while trying her best to fix her hair. Suddenly, the rain started pouring.
"Omo- Chaewon-ah! It's raining, can you please let me in now???"  "Ahhh shoot" she sighed and gave up on fixing her hair to let you in.
"Hehe" She welcomed you with a giggle and oh boy did it make your heart skip a beat. Because of that, you held your heart dramatically while saying "Stop- I'm going to die because of your cuteness- Noooooo!!" 
Chaewon laughed.
"Noooooo stop it! God forbids what could happen to me! I'm too young to die you cute kid!" you continued joking.
"Stop that you idiot" She playfully hit you on your shoulder. "Alright alright- Oh! By the way, I got us pizza that's why I took too long to get here" you smiled apologetically.
"It's fine. Tell you what, why don't we eat the pizza you bought while we binge-watch Harry Potter?" Chaewon offered, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.
"Harry Potter? You mean to watch all 8 movies? Together?" you asked.
"Yeah, is there something wrong?" The latter asked, worried that you would rather do something else than watch her favorite movie series with her.
"No, not at all! I've been wanting to actually watch all 8 movies again, it's merely that I didn't have enough time back then" Chaewon sighed in relief and invited you over to the couch.
And just like that, you spent the whole night watching Harry Potter concurrently.
Fast forward to, let's say, numerous hours later (about 5 hours), Chaewon insisted that you stay.
"Why don't you stay here for the night? I mean- It's already 8pm and it's still raining outside. B-Besides! Don't couples u-usually wake up next to each other in the morning-?" Chaewon stopped ranting when she felt your teeny-tiny hands hold her shoulders to calm her down.
"Calm down, I'll stay"
The 1st Week
"Y/n-ah, wake up, hey" She shook you. No~" you complained. Chaewon sighed.
"Yah, wake up" She shook you again and again until you sat up with a grumble.
"But I still don't want to" you mumbled. "Oh, just get up, you're already awake anyway" you sighed and obliged.
After that, you talked about how you'll spend the day together, no wait.
Never mind, you actually started planning how you should spend the week together.
"How about we spend time today watching TV and ordering food and then, tomorrow we'll roam the city?" You suggested.
"Sure, I'd love that" 
After a little conversation, both of you finished planning about what to do for the rest of the week.
On the 1st day, which is today, you're going to stay home and rest to gather all the energy you need for the activities you're going to do tomorrow and the following days.
Tomorrow, you decided to roam the city whilst telling each other about your personalities, personal interests, etc. Basically, tomorrow is for introduction in order to know each other better.
On Wednesday, Arcade.
Thurday, Arcade.
Friday, Arcade.
Saturday...still Arcade.
And finally, Sunday, theme park.
Yes, you spent 3 hours planning what to do for the rest of the week and ended up with 2 days reserved for "Who" "what," "where," or "when" questions, and then 4 days for arcade, and then lastly, 1 day for theme park.
Your schedule for next week's still yet to be decided.
"Harry Potter?" Chaewon asked you.
"Eh? Again???" you were baffled.
"Why? It's fun to watch after all" She shrugged.
You sighed.
"Nope! Not Harry Potter again" You shook your head in disagreement. "What??? What are we going to watch then?" she asked, her mouth slowly forming into a pout.
"How about something funny? Kevin Hart's movies maybe?" you suggested.
"Kevin Hart? Who is he?" you couldn't react as you couldn't believe the words coming out of Chaewon's mouth.
"Seriously? You don't know Kevin Hart?" 
"Well, I did ask who he was" 
"Kevin Hart's by far one of the best actors out there! He legit rules comedy!" 
"Okay, so we're watching Harry Potter?" Chaewon easily shrugged the topic off, completely shocking you.
You, then, feigned a fake hurt expression.
"No way. We're going to watch Kevin Hart! Each and every single one of his movies!" 
"What the-! How many movies does he have anyway?!" The latter asked.
"Wha- How the heck are we supposed to finish all of that???" Chaewon asked you who got your phone out to search for something.
"Oh, don't worry about that, we can continue watching the rest tomorrow" 
"Huh? What about the schedule we planned???" 
"Oh! Right!" You exclaimed.
"See? There's no way we can finish it all-!" 
"Correction about the 50 movies, he actually has 63"
"Thank Go- Wait, what??? But-"
"Oh and don't worry about the schedule, we can do the rest of it next week or next, next week!" You exclaimed - leaving Chaewon on the couch to go fetch your laptop.
"63? How are we going to finish that? It's too impossible!" Chaewon whispered to herself. Even though it may sound too impossible, just seeing you feeling all giddy, excited, and worked up like this makes her happy.
A few minutes later, you came back with your laptop in your hands. After that, you started watching Kevin Hart's movies which started with his first one, Paper Soldiers. Every now and then, both of you would laugh out loud. There were also times when you just couldn't stop smiling until their jaws hurt.
Today sure was a happy day.
Tuesday came fast and just as promised, you continued your marathon.
Yesterday, you finished 5 movies. Today, you aim to do the same.
After your 3rd movie though, both of you agreed to watch something else. Of course, Chaewon requested to watch a Harry Potter movie to which you had no other choice but to agree (it's not like you could refuse her anyway).
The rest of the week passed by just like this.
Just the 2 of you spending your time together - side by side.
The Half of 2nd Week
"Y/n-nie" Chaewon shook you. "Wake upppppppppp! We only have 20 more of his movies to watch left" she urged you.
"But I thought you didn't like watching his movies" You mumbled sleepily.
Chaewon held your wrist and nudged you - the atmosphere suddenly getting all serious.
"Look, I really like watching Kevin Hart now, and your in-between fun facts about him but, don't you think that we might run out of time? It's the second week and yet we did nothing else but stay here and watch movies" she frowned.
"Even a day's enough for me to make your time worth a while but...if you want to, then we can do something else. Say, how about we go to the arcade today?" You wondered without having a single idea about how your words affected Chaewon.
"Oh, Chaewon-ah, why are you blushing?" You asked.
"N-Nothing. The arcade's a great idea, I'll just take a bath" And just like that, Chaewon stormed off - her cheeks as red as a tomato.
"Cute" you mumbled.
Not too long after, Chaewon finished taking a bath and was already dressed up. She wore a beige-colored oversized tee and tucked it in her ripped jeans.
"Let's go!" She exclaimed happily.
"But I'm not ready yet..." you trailed off.
"Yeah, I'm not ready yet since you used the bathroom..."
"Don't worry though, I'll be ready in a moment" you reassured her.
Not too long after (again) you came out of the bathroom, you finished taking a bath and were thinking about what to wear.
"Maybe beige too? To match her shirt?" you contemplated. "Or maybe a shirt that'll contrast what she's wearing...?"
"Lemme search" you mumbled.
"Black and warm white? But I don't have any warm white colored shirts and I don't really feel like wearing black today..."
"Y/n-ah, why are you taking so long? Did something happen to you?" The worry in her voice was too evident.
"I'm fine! It's just that I...I don't really know what to wear...?" Chaewon giggled. "Just wear anything Y/n-ah, you look pretty no matter what the outfit is after all," she said.
And your heart fluttered and your heart beat faster and you blushed madly and- "O-Ok" you stuttered.
10 minutes later, you finally finished dressing up. You wore a mustard colored tee and white shorts.
"Seriously? Shorts?" Chaewon chuckled.
"Why? What's wrong with it?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Nothing, it's just that I'm afraid you're too pretty in it" she said which made you sigh. "You're unusually cheesy today Ms. Kim. What did you eat to end up saying things like that?" you joked but when your eyes turned to Chaewon, the latter seemed a bit serious.
"Well, today's our first date as a couple after all," Said Chaewon. You were cut short on your breath after what she had said.
Oh, just why the hell are you too sweet to her today, Chaewon? She's about to die from you!
"How about we just go? I cannot take your cheesy lines anymore" you sighed. She ended up laughing.
As planned, or as decided, you went to the park first, you know? To know each other better since last week all you did was laugh while watching movies.
"So! What's your favorite color?" you asked first. "Me? Maybe pink? I don't know...I'm not really sure" Chaewon said, completely unsure.
You continued asking each other questions. Sometimes it's all about nonsense, but there were times when those nonsense questions actually made sense. You did everything to keep the interest in the air going.
But after a while, you eventually decided to call it a day after asking each other too many questions.
You went to the arcade (as scheduled) the day after. You had fun and were happy so when the clock struck 6, you had dinner and went back home.
Wednesday came and instead of spending your time in the arcade again, you went shopping.
In the midst of it though, someone came up to the two of you. A woman who looked like she was about your age too.
She first looked at Chaewon who had her hands intertwined with you. The stranger then moved her gaze to look at Chaewon's hands.
"Y/n-ah, it's done" The woman spoke and looked up to meet your eyes as if she has known you for years.
"Thanks" You mouthed. The latter nodded. You smiled before looking at Chaewon.
"Let's continue our shopping spree," you said and looked at Chaewon who looked back at you. "Okay," She said and left the woman standing in the middle of the grocery store.
"I hope you won't have your heart broken because of this, Y/n" She mumbled as she looked at Chaewon who was looking at you - eyes smiling along with her lips.
"So who was she?" Chaewon asked you for the hundredth time.
You just got inside Chaewon's car and were getting ready to leave after putting all the boxes filled, with what you bought, inside the car's trunk.
You sighed and said, "Do you really want to know who she is?" Chaewon nodded eagerly.
"She's my ex" Her shoulders dropped and her eyes lost their energy. "Her name's Yunjin, we broke up last year. The decision was mutual though since we both agreed that it'd be better for the both of us" You said and drove off the parking lot.
The rest of the ride was silent.
After getting back home, Chaewon went straight inside the room and you spent your time putting, all the things you bought, where it's supposed to be.
Chaewon, on the other hand, doesn't know why she feels like this. She feels like she's mad or something. Maybe jealousy?
The rest of the day passed by with both of you ignoring each other.
And truth to be told? In such a short time, you miss her already - all the while, silently hoping that she feels the same.
Thursday! A big day for the 2 of you.
Somehow in some way, both of you managed to act like nothing happened and put everything that happened yesterday behind you. You managed to (with the help of Yunjin) reserve yourselves a theme park. (This is the reason why she approached you yesterday inside the grocery store)
It'll just be the 2 of you alone inside a big place. Today, you'll have all the time in the world to enjoy each other's company.
You first started with the rollercoaster despite the fact that both of you are (obviously) scared of it. From there, you wasted no time enjoying the other rides as well.
The day eventually came to an end (sadly) and before saying goodbye, you decided to ride the Ferris Wheel where you'll share everything that you loved and hated throughout the week and a half that you spent with each other.
Both of you sat in front of each other.
"I'll start," She said. "I gotta be honest right?" She asked and you nodded.
"Oh, ok then..."
"...let's see. I'll start with the things I loved first"
Chaewon started sharing the things she loved, starting with how she really really loved pinching your cheeks whenever you were sleeping up until all those lovely times you spent today.
"And then, the things I hated"
Only one word - name rather - came to her mind.
"Y-Yunjin" Her cheeks turned red as she tried to avoid your teasing look. "Hey! Stop looking at me like that!" She pushed your shoulder lightly.
"Alright alright!" you laughed.
After the laughter had died down, you took the chance to say a short sentence - enough to explain what you liked and disliked.
"I loved you and hated nothing else about everything" 
*Badump* Chaewon's heart went. *Badump* Is what her heart only knows during that moment.
Right after you finished talking, the ride was over. Both of you got off and walked towards the exit. You stood right in front of each other.
Time check: 11:56 pm
'Just in time' you thought.
The remaining 4 minutes are the time that's left for you to say your goodbyes and maybe something else. Inside that 240 seconds, only you can decide whether you'd like to spend the rest of eternity together, or not.
Just 3 words are what you need to forever feel each other's warmth.
But of course.
"Thank you for everything Y/n-ah, goodbye" 
You had no other choice but to watch Chaewon's back fade away from your line of sight.
A bittersweet goodbye it is.
You both knew you needed each other - or maybe it was only you who did.
To others, it may seem like both of you met the wrong person at the wrong time.
But to you and Chaewon, you were the right person at the right time.
So, there it goes.
Another story that meets a sorrowful ending.
The Other Half of 2nd Week
This is it.
After 3 days, Chaewon's soon going back to Japan.
It's Friday today.
After she woke up, she immediately went straight to the living room to watch. Hopefully, maybe this will help her forget you.
But just as she opened the TV, a Kevin Heart movie showed up. Memories suddenly showed.
Dejavu started hitting her.
Laughter in the living room, tears of joy - you.
Chaewon ended up turning the TV off immediately. With a sigh, she went back inside her room. She was about to lie down again when she remembered your sleeping figure on it.
"Damn it" she cursed.
Gosh, she sees you in every single corner of the house. House...she used to call it home, a place where she's comfortable.
A place that used to keep her warm during the cold.
But why does it make her feel lonely now?
What have you done to her, Y/n?
Well, since this house did nothing else but remind her of you, why not go outside and take a walk? So! She did and took her jacket before going outside.
Chaewon let her feet take her anywhere.
Just anywhere but the places you both visited together. Just not somewhere she'd be reminded of you.
"3 days..." she mumbled while walking on the side of the road. "In 3 days, I'll be leaving" she sighed.
As much as she hated to admit it, she's been thinking of the life she had to return to, how she'd spend her days, how life would feel if she didn't have anyone to binge-watch movies with - a life without you.
"Well, that would suck!" she exclaimed and stretched her arms. "Gosh, where do I go?" Chaewon pondered.
She continued walking, turning right here, turning left there - it was evident that she had no clear destination.
But the moment she stopped, Chaewon found herself standing in front of the place she least expected to go to.
"Y/n's?" she mumbled as she stood still.
Why is she here? Why was she standing outside your house?
"Damn it, you're in too deep, Chaewon." She cursed and shook her head. Deciding to leave again, she gave your door one final look before taking a step away.
However, before she could even take another step, your door suddenly opened. You walked out with the plastic bag of trash in your hands, your hair tied in a messy bun, and you were wearing your pajamas still despite the time being afternoon.
Chaewon couldn't take another step. She stood still - frozen.
Though you looked least presentable in other people's eyes, for her, you were pretty.
And for just a short moment, Chaewon wanted a life filled with laughter, a life where she'd all day (every day) be watching reruns of Harry Potter and Kevin Hart movies.
For just a short moment, Chaewon wanted a life where she has you.
"You know you can't, Chaewon..." She lightly slapped herself.
"You know you can't" she sighed and walked away.
Just then, you look her way, eyes lighting up from excitement. You raised your hands to wave at her. "Ch-!" But when you were about to shout out for her name, your hands slowly dropped, your smile disappearing.
You saw the way she looked. She was frowning and her head was down.
You wanted to be there for her. You wanted to comfort her.
You wanted to run after her - hug her tight.
But something was stopping you, and you didn't know why.
2 days went by fast.
Chaewon's getting ready to leave. She's been packing up since 10 am and has been making sure that she leaves nothing behind. It's currently 12 noon.
Her flight is in two hours.
"Socks, check. Shirts, shorts, pants, jackets, all that yada yada, check. Let's see...Have I forgotten something?" She mumbled and stood up from the floor to roam the house again.
While she's doing that, you (back in your house) were feeling uneasy. "She's leaving tomorrow, what do I do?" you sighed and moved around your bed.
"Goddamn it!" You screamed on your pillow.
With a frustrated sigh, you shot up from your bed and bit the insides of your mouth.
"Maybe I should tell her about what I feel"
Yeah, you should.
"But does it have to be now, though?"
Yes, it has to be.
"Won't she reject me?"
I doubt that.
With one last sigh, you stood up from your bed and started getting ready.
After taking a bath, you wore the fanciest clothing in your wardrobe that you could find and wore it. You sprinted down the stairs and left your house in a hurry.
You ran to the nearest bus stop and got on a bus that drives along the block where Chaewon lives. In just 10 minutes, you've arrived.
Your legs were trembling and heck it became very hard to breathe!
You walked slowly towards her doorstep, breath hitching when you realized you were only moments away from knocking and meeting her face to face again.
"Here goes nothing" you breathed and knocked.
You stepped back after that and readied yourself. You waited.
And you waited...and you waited...and you waited.
But damn it she's taking too long.
"Huh..." You trailed off.
At this point, there are only two things that could possibly be happening. It's either Chaewon's not home, or she's ignoring you.
Or maybe you're just overthinking and she's busy packing up.
"Okay, let's not jump into things, maybe she's just not home" You sighed.
You continued waiting until suddenly, the door busted open revealing Chaewon who was breathing heavily and was carrying 2 suitcases. "Woah, you ok?" you asked.
"Y/n? What're you doing here?" She asked you, immediately composing herself in front of you.
Right, why are you here?
"I..." you came here with a clear purpose.
"I like..." You came here to profess your feelings.
"I'd like to see you off" but why didn't you?
"Oh...I thought it'd be something else but, thanks" she smiled at you, feeling a bit disappointed. "I'll uhh...I'll just get my stuff out here and I'm good to go. Do you want to wait for me inside or...?" She said, trying to look everywhere but your eyes.
"No! No...I'm good out here" you said and shook your hands.
"Alright. Uhm, can you please look after my stuff while I finish things up inside?" She asked you.
"Sure, sure." You shrugged and nodded your head.
"Thanks" she mumbled and fiddled with her fingers before going back inside.
Well, that was awkward.
While waiting outside, Chaewon was panicking on the other side of the door. "Calm yourself down, Chaewon. Calm yourself down" she whispered to herself and started gathering the rest of her stuff.
She spent another 20 minutes inside the house before going back outside again.
"You good to go?" you asked her. She nodded her head.
"I just have to wait for my taxi now."
"When is it arriving?"
"About 5 minutes and a half?"
Silence engulfed the two of you.
"You know, Y/n...I'll remember you," she said out of nowhere.
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"My life was mostly dull. I'd focus on nothing else but work, and I still should be doing so right now if only my boss didn't suggest I take a break for a little while."
You listened to her intently.
"And you...you certainly made my vacation better. So I'll remember you, Y/n. I'll remember you whenever I feel down because you make me smile. You'll always cross my mind whenever I see a Kevin Hart movie. I'll remember you whenever I feel cold because you make me feel warm. I'll always remember you because you touched my heart." She smiled warmly.
"I'll remember my feelings for you because I don't think I could ever find someone else like you in my life"
Your cheeks started getting warmer.
Did she just confess?
Words were caught up in your throat that not even a simple 'I like you too' could come out of your mouth.
Looks like you're in too deep too, huh?
"I thought Yujin was your crush...?" You mindlessly asked.
She laughed wholeheartedly. "Pabo" Chaewon smiled and just then the taxi arrived. You stood still in your spot, observing Chaewon and the taxi man put her luggage inside the trunk.
Once finished, Chaewon hurried back to you. "'Till next time, Y/n" She mumbled.
Chaewon seemed to want to do something but hesitated at first. Slowly, she leaned in and kissed your cheeks.
"Goodbye," You watched as she got inside the taxi.
"W-Wait! Chaewon!" You ran after her.
Before she closed the taxi’s door, she raised her eyebrows and looked at you. “Yes?” she murmured.
“Will...will I ever see you again?” you questioned her. A subtle smile appears on her face. “Well, it depends. Do you want me to stay?” she uttered and got off the car, facing you with hopeful eyes.
“But I don’t wish for you to postpone your work because of me,” you spoke lowly, your breath hitching when you noticed her eyes drift down to your lips and back to your eyes again.
“I’m sure my boss will allow me to extend my vacation.”
“Still,” she sighed.
“No, it’s too impossible for us to see each other again. There’s no telling when I’ll be able to spend time off work. Besides, we’re from 2 different countries” Chaewon looked away from you.
“Then, let’s have a deal.” you proposed.
She looked back at you, slightly intrigued. “What deal?”
“I’ll find a way. I will come to you. Tour me around Japan. Let’s have fun together. We’ll go shopping, we’ll go to the amusement park, we’ll eat together, wake up next to each other - let us be us forever. I will stay and I will go wherever you will go. I want to be with you.” you held her hands.
“That is if you want to do the same.” you shrugged.
She laughed. “What kind of deal is that? Is that even a deal?” she giggled.
“I also don’t know. Just had to find a way to be dramatic, get what I mean?” you smiled.
“Alright then, I accept your ‘deal’.” Chaewon circled her arms around your neck.
“Can I kiss you? I wanna kiss you” you told her.
“Woah, calm down your horses. Let’s take it slow”
“No buts, Y/n. Now get off me ‘cause I have to leave so that I could clean my house back in Japan before you arrive”
“Can’t you stay for a little while?”
“Can’t. My flight’s in 20 minutes, gotta leave.”
“Start packing up! I better see you in 3 hours!”
She got in the cab and left - leaving you smiling in your spot.
Looks like you’ll be able to continue your Kevin Hart movie marathon with her.
This time in Japan, of course.
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WIBTA if I made my housemates sign a cleaning chart/rota/contract thing?
So I (20F) am a student and while it's currently the summer, I am going to be living with most of the same people I lived with last year when school starts again in Sept. These are friend A (20M), friend B (20M) and friend C (23M). Friend B's girlfriend (21F) lived with us last year, but in the coming year she will be living in the same building as us but not the same flat. She will probably be an unofficial 5th housemate.
Last year there were some issues, particularly in the cleaning department. The only two people who actually clean with any kind of regularity and competency are me and A. I've been a paid cleaner before and A works in a kitchen. The problem has been that B and C will be like "I'll do it later" then forget about it. I'm not a neat freak, I'm not bothered about carpets being hoovered at a particular time or dusting being done at a particular time. I do care about having kitchens and bathrooms that aren't biohazards. B and C will leave the kitchen and bathrooms until they start growing their own microbiomes before they'll do anything without prompting. I don't want to be some helicopter housemate standing over adult men being like "time to wash the dishes" but I am running out of options.
A and I both didn't stay in our uni town over the Easter break, and when we returned there was a sink full of orange mould waiting for us. This pissed me off more than usual because I had given the kitchen a very deep clean before I left and they just let it get to that state again, and their excuse was "Well we didn't really use the kitchen we had takeaways" but the evidence spoke for itself. I ended up deep cleaning the kitchen again, and A ended up deep cleaning the bathroom.
We tried a normal rota last year, but B and C half assed their stuff. Bins (in a house that had 7 people in it, so filled very quickly) would be left to pile out of the bin into some leaning tower of trash before they would take them out, but it was "in the deadline" so we couldnt complain without looking unreasonable. Neither of them seem to understand that you need to pick things up and clean under them too to have a clean space (wiping around cups left in the kitchen instead of like...washing them), and B's girlfriend tried to argue we didn't need to replace our broken hoover because we "didn't need one" and like I'm not that particular about carpets but come on? (This also wasn't a money thing, she's got rich parents who she has a good relationship with). A and I ended up having to do the same chore after them so that it was done to a competent standard where we wouldn't get ill.
A thinks they've both never had to clean up after themselves before and genuinely don't understand what it takes to live in a hygienic environment. I think it's weaponised incompetence. B's girlfriend had the nerve to say last term "going home really puts into perspective how gross this house is in comparison" and it took all my strength not to snap that if certain people got of their arses and did something we might actually have a sanitary house.
Anyway, my idea I might be the asshole about it that I think a good motivating factor might be money. My idea is if you dont do your chore/do it poorly, and someone else has to do it again after you, you have to pay them national minimum wage for their time you wasted. Currently NMW is ÂŁ10.42 an hour. I don't actually want them to pay me and A, I want them to be motivated enough in not wanting to spend that money to be a competent housemate and clean the fucking kitchen. I sense though, that it might be too aggressive an action to take with people I'm going to be living with till next July.
Would that make me an asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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honeylations ¡ 1 year
Prompt: You attend a party in celebration of exams ending, only to find your crush being cornered by her ex boyfriend
Warnings/Notes: uni au, drinking, kissing, mentions of cheating, suggestive at the end
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“Chanelle! Y/n! Welcome to the party-“ Yeji interrupted herself upon seeing your outfit tonight. “Wohohoho look at you Kwon Y/n~ Is this really you?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, unable to hide the proud smile creeping your lips. Yeji was right though, you had decided to go all out with your look, wanting to impress everyone (more like SOMEONE) with your visuals.
“Nerdy architecture student Y/n?! No this is womaniser Y/n!!” Chanelle did jazz hands as if you were her successful experiment. Which is technically true.
Upon finding out your crush was going to be at this party, you cried to Chanelle on the phone about dressing you nicely like a doll. Of course, she was more than happy to help you despite the 3 hours it took of actually finding an outfit in your dull closet.
Chanelle was also right on the ‘nerdy architecture student’ title because every lecture, every brunch, every dinner, you stuck with the same purple Champion hoodie that Yunah got you for your birthday 3 years ago. The colour had faded and some threading came loose but you refused to wear anything else as you quoted: ‘I am attending a 2 hour lecture. Not a fashion show’.
Your friends tried to convince you by using Son Jiwoo, your campus crush, as an excuse to dress better but your buildings are on complete opposite sides of the University so what was the point? It didn’t matter.
Well now it did matter. You had your hair down for once, revealing the outgrown wolf cut that Ruka offered to trim and retouch, and Chanelle organised a simple black long sleeve button up and slacks to help scream ‘lesbian’.
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She suggested for you to wear your contacts but you remembered doing that last time while being absolutely wasted and you ended up forgetting to remove them before you passed out in bed. Wasn’t a pleasant morning afterwards, having to deal with sore blood shot eyes for the week.
“You dressed her well, Chanelle. I feel so proud of our Y/n-ie!” Yeji fake cried before letting you fully step into the loud dorm. It was dark but the little neon lights allowed you to see just how many people were here, recognising a few from your classes.
“Jiwoo is in the kitchen if you’re wondering” Funa said in your ear, making you jump.
“Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
The girl laughed and ran her hands from your shoulders down to your arms. “Wow you look great. So pretty but so handsome, rawrrr!”
What you didn’t notice was Jiwoo eyeing you from the kitchen doorway, shooting daggers at Funa who’s hands could not leave your shoulders. Taking a sip from her red cup, she walked back into the kitchen for more liquor.
“Are you drunk? You’re very handsy” You chuckled at Funa.
She gave your shoulders one last squeeze. “You work out so well, I’m jealous. And no, I’m not drunk”
You shrugged at her. “Gotta stay in shape or else the ladies won’t love me”
“Ladies? You mean Jiwoo” She winked. “Get yourself a drink, Y/n. You deserve it after studying so hard”
You nodded and bid her a goodbye before making a beeline to the kitchen that had lights on, being better for you compared to the dark noisy living room. Chanelle was already on her 5th cup, having a good chat with Minju by the drinks table. They both noticed your presence.
“Hey Y/n! I didn’t even recognise you!” Minju beamed, eyeing you from head to toe.
“I’m gonna get that a lot tonight, huh?” You smirked and poured yourself some vodka and sprite.
“Let loose Y/n-ie! Our future architect deserves a reward” Chanelle winked your way, being enough of a reason for you to chug your drink and pouring a second round.
For the next half an hour, the effects of the alcohol got you more extroverted than you usually are, talking with classmates to talking with strangers, most of them being pretty med students that marked you as their eye candy. But they weren’t Jiwoo so you turned down any offers of taking things upstairs.
Being on your god knows how much cup, you were leaning your back against the counter while chatting with Ryujin about your childhood together when Yunjin appears with her hand around Chaewon’s waist.
“Hey there, architect” Yunjin grinned.
“Hey lovebirds, enjoying the party?” You asked with a smiling Ryujin.
“Better question is, how come you’re not making any moves on Jiwoo, huh? You’re dolled up like this and not expecting to get laid?” Chaewon tilted her head at you mockingly.
“I don’t just go up to someone like that, Chae” You laughed.
The three started a whole new conversation when you looked over Yunjin’s shoulder and saw the girl you’ve been thinking of getting cornered by a guy. You sighed and took another big gulp out of your red cup, turning around to pour another. Ryujin slapped your arm
“Slow down there, Kwon. You’re gonna kill yourself”
“What’s the point. Jiwoo’s getting talked to by some dude that could’ve been me” you grumbled, drinking your new pour with ease, going straight for another.
They all looked at where Jiwoo was, Yunjin frowning as she realised the situation. “Uh, doesn’t look like she’s into it actually. She looks uncomfortable”
Throwing your eyes back to your crush, you could see Yunjin was right. Jiwoo had her shoulders up with a disgusted look while the guy was trapping her between the wall and his body.
“Isn’t that Hwan?” (OC character) Chaewon questioned.
“Didn’t they break up two months ago? What could he possibly want?” Ryujin questioned next.
“Look away” You simply huffed and set your empty cup down before walking your way to the two students.
“This is gonna be so good” Yunjin smirked, Chaewon and Ryujin joining in as a small audience.
“I’m back now, baby. It can be us again” Hwan whispered into Jiwoo’s ear, kissing at her ear before he got pushed away by your hand.
“Ever heard of consent?” You hissed.
Jiwoo could finally breathe, holding onto the back of your shirt while she hid.
“And you are?”
You gulped and thought of the first response that came to mind. “Her girlfriend. Is there a problem?”
Jiwoo’s eyes widened, clutching your shirt tighter as her heart rate quickened. Being called her girlfriend was something she dreamt of for way too long.
“Cut the bullshit. She needs a real man and I’m the closest thing to that compared to you” He jabbed a finger at your shoulder.
You took a step closer, killing him with a deathly stare that Jiwoo nor anyone hasn’t seen before, causing an uncomfortable aura around you. “Having a 3 inch dick doesn’t make you a man, Hwan”
His eye twitched before trying to reach around to grab Jiwoo but you aggressively pushed his hand away and grabbed at his polo collar. “Don’t you fucking touch what’s not yours” You growled.
Jiwoo gasped and was quick to grab onto your shoulder, trying not to distract herself from the yummy muscles she was feeling. The touch made you look at her.
“Y/n baby, please don’t. He’s not worth it”
Releasing a heavy sigh, you pushed Hwan away with your eyes piercing angrily into his. You snapped out of it when you felt arms slide up your neck, making you face Jiwoo who held you close. “Please don’t hate me for this” She whispered, not letting you question it the moment her lips pushed into yours.
Instantly closing your eyes, your hands went around her exposed waist while kissing deeply back. You opened your eyes briefly to lock eyes with an embarrassed Hwan as you squeezed Jiwoo’s waist. The man cursed under his breath and left the party.
Jiwoo gently pulled away, fixing your glasses that got wonky from the kiss. Your hands never left each other. “I’m sorry, Y/n”
“Don’t be, please. Just felt the need to save you. Who was he anyways?”
“My ex. He’s insane, don’t worry so much about him” She sighed and ran her hands over your strong shoulders.
“May I ask what happened between you two?”
“Cheated on me, that’s all. I don’t care anyways since I’m here with you. I’ve wanted you for a while now, Y/n” she smiled.
You were about to melt from the blunt confession. “Same here. I didn’t even know you knew my name”
“I’m mutual friends with Chaewon. The moment I saw you, I had to ask her for every detail”
“Stalker much” you joked, letting her head rest against your chest.
She went on her tippy toes to give light kisses under your jaw, marking it with her red lipstick. “You look so fucking good tonight. You don’t understand how crazy you made me, Y/n”
“Oh believe me, I’ve been worse”
She then placed lipstick marks on your cheek to the rest of your face. “Glad you’re out of that same purple hoodie you always wear” She giggled.
You looked at her shocked. “Hey, don’t be mean. I love that hoodie because Yunah gifted it to me!”
“If I buy you a new hoodie can you let that purple one go for once?”
“If it’s from you, I don’t mind anything”
Jiwoo shook her head from your cheesy words.
“Well Miss Son Jiwoo, how about we change this fake girlfriend thing to something real?”
She looked up at you and bit her lower lip. “Hm. If you make me forget everything tonight, I’ll consider it”
You noticed the seductive tone in her voice, easily intertwining your hands and walking towards Yeji’s spare bedroom.
“WOOOH YOU GO Y/N!” Ryujin yelled.
“GET IT BABY!!” Yunjin screamed afterwards.
A/N: Yes finally wrote for mommy Jiwoo :p I can write a smut part if y’all want😭
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paigeishere ¡ 2 years
What About Me?
Lord Tewksbury x fem!reader
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Warnings- fighting, mentions of reader wearing a dress and makeup, brief mention of blood, angst please tell me if I missed something
Part two
You are pink and Tewksbury is green
Description- date night doesn’t exactly go as planed 
It’s been rough lately. You and Tewksbury haven’t talked in days. What felt like weeks. Both of constantly working and trying to get a good amount of sleep was hard when working 14 hour days.
However, you both decided to set aside a day for each other, a date night, whether you would go out or stay in you would decide at the time but you just couldn’t live with him being away from you for so long. It was Tuesday today and the assigned date night was Friday night. Never in you entire life had 3 days ever felt so long.
2 hours.
You’ve been waiting 2 excruciating hours for him to come home or maybe a letter to arrive that said he got held at work and wouldn’t be home until later. But nothing happened. So there you were sitting in a beautiful dress, hair and makeup done perfectly, homemade dinner wasting away on the counter. You were losing hope he would even come home tonight.
At the 3.5 hour mark you had given up that he would come home in time. So you put the leftovers in the fridge, undid your hair and hopped in the shower. Gods where is he? What could be so important that he couldn’t even sent a note?
Once you got out of the shower you checked one last time to see if he was there but to no avail he wasn’t. You climbed into your shared bed and tried to fall asleep. Key word tried. Sleep never came and intrusive thoughts did. What if he’s hurt? It wouldn’t be the first time if he came in bloody. Oh my god what if he was hurt I’m laying here while he was hurt how much of a horrible person was I.
But just then you heard the door open and close. You rushed out of bed to go see him. But when you see him he looks fine. In fact he looks happier than normal.
Tewksbury oh my are you okay? You’re not hurt please tell me your not hurt?
What are you talking about love? I’m fine.
Then where were you.
With Enola.
Your stomach drops. With Enola. He was with Enola the entire time. On your day together. You were with Enola?
Uhhh yeah. Why?
Are you kidding me?! You’ve got to be joking, right? You let out a scoff.
No. What is happening right now?
Did you forget?
Forget what?
You felt tears prickle your vision. Was this what it felt like. To be heartbroken. Maybe looking back you were over exaggerating it but at the time it felt like heartbreak.
My love? Why are you crying? He walks towards you a step. You take one back. He stops with a hurt look on his face. ďżź
You really did forget didn’t you?
Forget what I’m so confused right now. He looks exhausted but you don’t care this conversation needs to happen right now.
Our date night. He remembers now. But it’s to late. Your openly letting the tears fall but won’t let your voice waver. It was today. I had a nice dinner made, your favorite dress on. All you had to do was come home. Maybe bring some flowers. I waited. 3 and a half hours for you or even a note saying you were going to be late. But I got nothing. You voice cracked. And you turn away from him trying to collect yourself You start waking to bed.
Y/n wait don’t leave we can talk about this. I’m sorry I forgot. I promised Enola that I would hang out with her and I loss track of time. I’m sorry, please forgive me. Y/n, Y/n please. But you continued on to bed.
As you laying in bed you feel Tewksbury enter the room and strip, putting on pajamas. The bed sinks in next to you. I really am sorry and I understand if you don’t forgive me right now because what I did was dumb and hurtful. But I promise I’ll make it up to you darling. Okay. Why is he like this I’m meant to be mad at him not wanting to turn around give him a hug and a kiss and forgive him already.
He slides in next to you but not quite touching you almost like he’s telling you that he’s there if you need him but wants to respect if you want space between the two of you. You both don’t sleep well that night.
If this does well enough or if I get motivation I’ll do a part 2.
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clover-system ¡ 5 months
Allow us to introduce ourselves
Half a year active, over a hundred followers, the majority of which are veteran tumblers from that one 60k note explosion, and we still haven't properly introduced ourselves. Time to fix that.
We are Clover, an endogenic plural system. That means we are multiple people sharing one brain and body, and we aren't plural because of trauma. We do not have DID. (nor do the vast majority of endos)
I am Quincy, the headmate who fronts the most. Quincy is not my real name, but it could've been, and it's an alias I've been using for a few years.
Edit 2024 August 1: Quincy split into Eliza and Mia. Eliza's egg opened easily. Mine crumbled painfully. We now share the host role and this blog. There isn't much difference between us; we both inherited Quincy's memories.
Edit September 18: I live.
There are a lot of people on here who say that it's impossible for a plural system to form without trauma, but as you may have seen from our syscourse (system discourse (expect a lot of sys- compounds)) reblogs, they rarely cite any credible sources, and that's because they're wrong. I am not a LARPer and I do not claim to have DID. This really is every hour of my life, online and offline. If you have any more questions about plurality, feel free to send me an ask.
Though if we're talking about origins, "not from trauma" is overly vague for my taste. If we're really talking about how the system formed, I prefer "dreamgenic", because everyone originated from some combination of nightdreams and immersive daydreams which I had varying levels of control over.
The second most active headmate, Victoria Penelope, has her own blog @victoria-penelope-clover. She posts more infrequently, when she's able to front/cofront/proxy, and is currently mostly focused on syscourse, with occasional slices of life. She's my older syster.
Headcount is currently in the upper teens. Some more may be mentioned occasionally but I'd rather not have a list of private details about everyone easily accessible here for anyone to see. For the most part, all you'll see every once in a while is some colored text indicating a distinct voice.
Anyway, enough plural stuff! Now for typical bio stuff!
Fleed Reddit to come here and wow Tumblr is way better. Always happy to commune with fellow Rexxitors!
For obsession I circle between Chess, Minecraft, Geometry Dash, Warrior Cats, and Undertale. Fandoms I am on the edge of getting sucked into include The Amazing Digital Circus and Death Note. I also plan to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender at some point. Ever since our syscovery, I've consumed next to no fiction for fear of more headmates.
I have a few projects in the works but I've promised myself that I won't post them publicly until I've actually made substantial progress!
No DNI! Maybe it's just because I'm not jaded by years of wasted time with unproductive trolls, but I think assuming someone is in bad faith just because they disagree with you about something heated is bad actually, partly because I've seen what happens and how long progress takes when left-of-center people generally refuse to interact with, for example, transphobes. Relatedly, I will only block you if I think you're a bot or if you really, really fuck up.
Do not be surprised if I casually shit on something you believe in without warning.
I have an ever-growing queue set to post five times per day, and I try not to post too much more than that. I also try to keep my dash at less than 100 posts per day, which is apparently uncommon here.
Reblog reblog reblog! Not just my posts, but everyone (unless you have a good reason not to, like with this intro post). Reblogs are what keep Tumblr alive! Likes do next to nothing.
That's all for now! If you have any more questions, send me an ask and I might add it to this post!
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scribensmulier ¡ 5 months
Such Nights as This
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pairing: roddy piper x f!reader
word count: 1759
warnings: mutual masturbation, phone sex, use of sex toys, daddy kink
the title is from the Roman poet Propertius describing his beloved: "while I live I am hers, hers will I be in death. But if she grants till then such nights as this to me, a single year would be a long life's span; and if she gives them often, I would never die: one night like this could make a man a god!"
When your phone rang, you didn’t hesitate for a second to answer it, knowing it would be Roddy. “Well, hello there.”
“Hey gorgeous.” His already-raspy voice was hoarse after a lengthy promo that night, and the sound swirled through your body. “How you doing tonight?”
You laid back on the bed to relax while talking. He had only been gone two days, but ever since you had moved in together and had gotten used to always having him around, his absences were all the more frustrating. The two of you caught up on everything that had happened since your last conversation (just last night), your work day and his show a couple hours earlier. 
“Babe, listen,” Roddy began, his voice deepening a touch. “I really miss you, you know that?”
“I know. I miss you a lot too. It won’t be much longer, though. It’s a short trip.”
“Yeah yeah. You know, I actually got my own room this time.”
“Yeah? That’s awesome. You don’t have to deal with anyone throwing pillows at you when you snore!”
“Ha ha, funny. But I can also do what I want. All by myself. As much as I want…”
“Roddy, you slut,” you jokingly chastised him. “With all that freedom I’m surprised you’re wasting your time talking to me.”
He lightly chuckled before continuing. “Listen, I want you to do something for me. It’s not what you think.” You paused, knowing he had more to say. “I mean, it kind of is what you think, but something else first.”
“Just tell me what it is, babe.” You couldn’t help smiling to yourself in anticipation.
“The dresser in our room. Go take a look in the bottom drawer, under the sweaters.”
What the hell did he have planned? Why did he want you to dig through a drawer? You sighed dramatically as you got up. “What am I looking for?”
“You’ll know when you see it. Trust me.” And he was right. Exactly where he had said, under the sweaters, was a small box, about half the size of a shoebox, with your name written on it in his scrawl. 
“Roddy… what is this?”
“Just open it, baby.” 
You did as instructed, and a small chuckle escaped your lips. You hadn’t known what you expected to find in the box, but in hindsight you probably should’ve expected the sex toy that now rested in your hands. “Jesus, Roddy, you got me a vibrator? And hid it from me?”
He scoffed. “Like I don’t know about your other one. This one’s for us.”
“For us? So you want me to use it on you?”
“Eh, let’s think about that some other time. Right now I want you to use it on yourself. I made sure it’s already charged.”
“Right now? Should… should I hang up?”
“Don’t ask silly questions, baby. I want to hear every little whimper you make once you turn that thing on. I’m already rock hard thinkin about it.” 
You let out a shaky breath and blinked quickly to clear your mind. Some tiny part of your brain felt nervous about the idea of using a sex toy while someone else was listening, even if that someone else was the love of your life. But some greater part of your brain smothered that thought, because you really really wanted to do this. “Alright. Do you have a specific plan for me?”
“Hmm… well you definitely should take all your clothes off. Not just your pants; everything.” As he spoke, you did what he instructed, setting the phone on speaker mode so you’d have both hands free. “Make sure you pile up the pillows and get yourself all nice and comfy.”
“What about you? Are you all nice and comfy too?”
“Of course. I’ve had my dick in my hand this whole time, just thinking about you all naked for me. Play with your nipples, pinch them a little. Do that little thing I do that you like so much.”
You knew what he meant, and you closed your eyes to imagine it was Roddy working you over instead of your own hands. As he continued his directions, you found it increasingly difficult to resist grabbing the vibrator, but you knew that the wait would be worth it. Even being in a different city, he had you obeying his every word, completely wrapped around his finger. Exactly the way you liked it.
“Alright, princess, how about you spread those gorgeous thighs for me? Don’t do anything yet, just spread ‘em. Good girl. Now just slide one finger in, and tell me how wet you are.”
“Mmm... so wet.”
“Yeah? Good. Taste yourself for me. Lick yourself off that finger and tell me how you taste.”
You moaned as you followed his command. “Tastes so good, Roddy. I wish you were here to taste it for yourself.”
Through the speaker you heard him sharply inhale. “Fuck, me too. When I get back I’m gonna make up for all this lost time. You got your special new toy ready?”
“Mmhmm.” You didn’t trust your voice; you were too caught up in the moment to be coherent.
“Good girl. Now you can turn it on, just to the first setting.” A low buzzing sound filled the room. “Nice, baby, that’s it. Go ahead and put it on that pretty pussy. Right around your clit.” 
“Oh fuck.” The words were out before you realized it. For such an average-sized toy, it certainly had some power to it. This is just the first setting? you thought to yourself. 
Roddy’s breathing sounded shaky already. “Don’t cum without me, babe,” you admonished him. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I just… you sound so good, my beautiful girl. I can picture you lying there on our bed, all soaking wet for me, playing with your clit and pretending it’s me. I know you look so fucking hot like that, baby.”
His words made you whimper. The vibrator felt great, but nothing felt as right as Roddy. “You still touching yourself?” you asked, suspecting you knew the answer already.
“Had to take a break.” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Hearing my girl had me almost ready to cum all over myself. Keep going - move it around, see how it feels on every part of your pussy, tell me about it.”
One hand was still on your breast, and you kept it there while you slowly traced the vibrator along your folds, pausing to press it to your entrance. The tease of penetration combined with the vibrating silicone drew a deep moan from you as your words failed.
“Oh I like that sound. You put it in a little bit, didn’t you?” You wordlessly agreed. “Good girl. Why don’t you work it in a little more? I bet that vibration feels so good inside you.”
All sorts of salacious utterances spilled from your lips as you slid the toy into your dripping pussy, feeling every sensation that it offered you. “Babe… please…” 
“What do you need, baby? Tell me.” 
Truthfully, you didn’t even know what you were pleading for. “I just need you, baby, I need you to fuck me.” 
“I will soon, as soon as I can. You know that. Can you do something for me?”
“Click the little button on that toy. Put it up to the next level.”
Although you weren’t thrusting or really moving it at all, the added intensity set you on edge. “Fuck, oh fuck, I’m so… oh my god it feels so good.”
“Good, I like hearing that.” You could tell from his quavering tone that he had taken himself in hand again, softly groaning as he spoke. “Take the vibrator out.”
You nearly froze in surprise. “What? Why?”
“Just do it.” You did. “Here’s what you’re going to do now. You’re going to use it on your clit, drive yourself insane, okay baby? And you’re gonna use your fingers inside to make yourself feel even better. Start with two fingers. Can you do that for me?”
Your own voice trembled as you responded. “Yes, daddy.” 
Fuck. You hadn’t meant to say that. It had slipped out two or three times before, and you knew he was into it, but it still felt like a new and unfamiliar step. 
“Oh fuck, sweetheart. I need to hear you say it again.”
This time you spoke with more confidence. “Yes, daddy.” 
“God, you better be fucking yourself right now, because I’m not gonna make it much longer, hearing that. You doing what I said?”
“Good girl. Three fingers now, okay? Three fingers for daddy.”
There were no words to describe the moan you uttered when he said that. You quickly obeyed, easily sliding a third finger into your drenched hole. With your free hand, you positioned the vibrator directly on your clit, letting it send shivering currents through your overly sensitive body. 
“You sound so sexy, baby. I’m getting so close.” You noted the changes in his breath, and knew he wasn’t exaggerating. “Get yourself there for me, I want you to cum with me.” 
“I’m… fuck I’m so close. Please.” You were all but panting into the speaker at this point, desperate for release but wanting to time it perfectly with him.
“Good girl. Make yourself cum, baby, cum for me. Cum for daddy.” He was barely able to pronounce the final word, he was so close to the precipice.
Hearing Roddy call himself daddy once more was all you needed. You cried out all manner of unholy things as an intense orgasm slammed into you. “Oh fuck daddy, I’m coming for you, fuck-”
A hoarse groan on the other end of the phone let you know that he too had reached his peak. “That’s it, baby, I’m coming for you too. I’m… fuck yeah… oh my god…”
For the next moment, the only sounds were laborious breathing and weak whimpers as you both rode out the waves of pleasure, thinking only of each other. You blindly reached out for the vibrator you had dropped in the heat of the moment, making sure to switch it off.
“I fucking love you so much, baby,” Roddy breathed into the phone. “I really do.”
“I love you too.” 
He laughed suddenly. “Best purchase ever. It felt good?”
“So fucking good,” you answered honestly, then paused. “I still miss you, though. I wish you were here.”
“Me too, baby. I’ll be back soon, though, yeah? And you can show me all your tricks with your new toy.” 
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baileys-3 ¡ 9 months
Sneak Peak:
Genny is walking across the baseball field, lost in her thoughts and not paying much attention to her surroundings. She's thinking about tomorrow and all the things she needs to get done. But before that, she has to help Tim clean up his training equipment and then pick up Mat from her neighbors. It's a relief that she lives next door to an elderly couple who are always happy to look after Mat for a few hours. Being a single mom can be tough, but it's been that way since the last year of her marriage to Rob. Not that he was much help with the kids anyway, even when they were still together.
"Hey mum. Can Blake and I throw a few more balls?" Tyler startles her out of her thoughts.
"Yeah, sure." The two boys cheer and immediately start throwing balls at each other. Even now, after training, they still haven't had enough. Which is surprising, because Tim and Lucy chased the boys around the pitch so much that they were all dripping with sweat by the end. And yet, at the end of the training session, the boys were all happy and beaming. It seemed like they couldn't believe what they were capable of. Genny doesn't want to complain about Tyler's former coach, he had a rather cozy and familiar manner, not taking the job so seriously. It's not entirely his fault though, as he only took the job out of necessity, just like his predecessors apparently did. Tim and Lucy seem to be the first to have found an approach to the boys, if the parents' conversations in the stands are to be believed. And the two of them are an amazing combination. Tim, with all his expertise and the eye that you need to have as a coach. And Lucy, who has this likeable manner and simply knows how to deal with people. And apparently also with boys of this age. She even reckons that at least half the team have developed a little crush on Lucy. Judging by the giggles. And how they sometimes turned red in the face.
During training, something fascinating happened. Genny joined Lisa, Samantha, and Anne shortly after the start of training. She realized Tim would no longer need her. As time went on, more and more parents joined them, and a lively conversation about the two new coaches and the team ensued. The parents were enthusiastic, and Genny completely understood their excitement. She had seen many training sessions, but never one like this. Some parents even asked if the two coaches could continue, or if Genny could get them interested in doing so. Genny doesn't think the chances are high because both coaches have jobs that demand a lot of time and involve overtime. However, there's no harm in trying.
When she arrives to the sides where Tim and Lucy already started tidying up, Lucy is handing Tim a baseball bat, which he stows away in the front pocket of a bag. Genny kneels down next to the small trolley they are using to transport the equipment. She picks up the helmet lying next to the trolley and starts to help tidy up. Or rather, loading the equipment onto the small trailer.
She doesn't waste time; she gets straight to the point. There's no need to beat about the bush." I think you two should co-coach. You were great together. "
Tim's rebuff comes straight away: "Oh, no, no. I'm -- I'm ready to hand over the reins entirely."
She's not at all surprised. But Lucy chimes is right away, not letting Tim quit so fast. "Not a chance."
Genny decides that this is a wonderful opportunity to push the two of them a little. She is so curious and is almost certain that there is something going on between her brother and Lucy. It's all these little signs.
"No, but seriously. I saw today why you work so well together."
And indeed! Her brother starts stuttering. That never happens to him, except when Lucy is brought up, whether directly or indirectly." I-I ... It's just, uh ..."
So, Lucy immediately jumps in, as an attempt to save Tim from total self-destruction. "We spend so much time together on..." and immediately corrects herself. Which is totally suspicious. "... out on the job."
Tim can only contribute an "Mm-hmm." Genny has to be careful not to smile too obviously. Tim doesn't know where to look at all. She's hit the bull's eye. The confirmation of this comes when Lucy suddenly changes the subject entirely.
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randomfoggytiger ¡ 11 months
"He Had Parents Who Loved Him"
(Fictober, Day 17)
Today's prompts (curtesy of my younger sister~) are: pitch, hash browns, and nightmare.
Wherein I attempt to humanize Bill Mulder; who, I believe, was a decent father before Samantha's abduction.
“Fox, did you ever play baseball with hash browns?”
If there was an award for having the dumbest little sister in all of the United States, Fox Mulder figured he would have won it by now. Maybe it just takes a while to get through the postage. 
The Mulder family was entrenched in various claimed places on the couch, eyes glued to the screen as the Red Sox progressively lost their newest game. Fox sat scrunched between his father and his sister, half-listening to his mother’s house slippers glide to and from the kitchen in her ever-increasing search for tasks that kept her away from the tv set. “I’ll never understand your father’s fathomless loyalty,” she'd said once, shaking her head as she mopped up her son’s latest spill, “He seems to like watching other people lose….” The implied too was left off; but it itched away at Fox's brain for years.  
“Stop yelling over the game, Samantha,” their dad cut in, admonishing her over the top of his son’s head. When she continued to mumble and started to wriggle, he sighed and nudged Fox. “Move over, son. I’ve got a problem to solve.” 
Both kids were delighted: Samantha launched at her father while chanting “Solve me! Solve me!”, and Fox giddily slid over, delightedly hogging the whole end seat to himself. 
Mom's slippers glided in. “Solve what, dear?” she asked, distributing the latest round of drinks and calling her son’s attention to the straw in his glass. Message received: no more spills on the living room rug. 
“Daddy’s going to solve me!” 
Fox felt his mother’s hand, which had been wiping the ketchup off his cheek, flinch. But by the time he looked up nervously, she was smiling reproachfully at the others, more amused than anxious. He must have imagined it. 
“You two,” she chuckled, dodging her husband’s inviting hand as she passed, yet again, out of the room.  
“You have to solve me, Daddy!” Samantha chanted, thrilled with this new game. 
“Sam, we’re watching baseball, not talking about hash browns,” Fox snapped, annoyed that she was monopolizing everything. Again.
Their father was always gone-- on the road, on a plane, or just plain gone-- and Samantha knew this-- wanted to be a fairy for Halloween so she could use her magic wand to wish he'd stay forever and ever and ever-- and yet she was wasting important, precious time with her useless questions.
“Fox, settle down. We’ll keep it quiet.”
Which wasn’t the point. 
“No one plays baseball with hash browns, sweetheart, because it would be too messy. You know how carefully Fox and I clean our gloves? Our shoes? Our gear?” At each question, Samantha nodded furiously. “Well, if someone tossed a hash brown to home base at ninety miles an hour--”
“Nine-tee miles?” she whispered, amazed.
Fox snorted.  Of course ninety miles.
“Yes, ninety miles an hour-- then there’d be cooked potato everywhere: on the bat, on everyone’s shoes, on all the gear, and likely all over the stadium. And if Fox were playing, your mom would be in one of those stadium seats with us--”
“And she hates getting dirty, right, Daddy?” 
"That's right. And we wouldn't want her mad on your brother's big day, now would we?"
Beaming uncontrollably with the faith his father placed in him, Fox burst from his seat, practically yelling in his excitement. "I'll be the best ball player they've seen in fifty years, Dad! And everyone will be yelling 'MULDER! MULDER!'-- and all the loser pitchers and slow pokes will watch me run right by them, feeling like they're caught in a nightmare because they can't catch--"
"Fox!” His mother's slippers glided in for the sixth time that afternoon; and she surveyed, with appalled dignity, her son stomping enthusiastically, mid-narration, on the forgotten couch pillows dumped unceremoniously on the floor. “Just what is going on here?” 
“The Sox are losing, Teena,” Dad said, waving them both back to the couch. “Fox’s just giving 'em tips."
"Well, he can give them tips without making a ruckus about it. Now Fox, come sit back down and finish the game."
He didn't bother to remind everyone that all his adoring fans would be screaming Mulder-- not Fox-- while he hit home run after home run.
But he really wanted to.
The rest of the game passed without much comment; but, as Fox soaked in the warmth of a Mulder family moment, he decided that-- maybe-- Samantha's silly little question hadn't been such a big deal, after all.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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michellemisfit ¡ 1 year
A few months ago I casually said that the @gallacrafts Cinnamon Stargazer Lilies must be in my Top 10 Most Ridiculous Bakes I’ve ever done, which led to @tsuga-of-mars asking what else is on that list… oooooh, dangerous request my dude! hahahaha
It’s taken a while because I had to get together the photographs and make decision (wow am I bad at making decisions!!! haha) but here you are…
My Top 10 Most Ridiculous/Favourite Bakes
So when I first started baking in like… 2010? I figured that if I bake cake batter directly in the mixing bowl I could make ball cakes… so that led to some exciting ball shaped fun. This was also at the same time as I realised that if you bring people ridiculously over the top cakes for their birthday, it makes them really happy… who knew?
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Ball cakes led on to foot and a half tall cakes consisting of stacked round cakes, ball cakes, and half ball cakes. For that is how you assemble a droid…. This is all very early in my cake making journey, before I’d really learnt about how important it is to fully cool cakes before stacking and decorating them. y’know, that stuff that keeps them from melting and sliding lol
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And then for a minute I got really into chocolate, and clearly developed a dislike for crockery, deciding to make chocolate doilies and chocolate bowls, to serve my chocolate mousse in and on. Fuck plates! LOL This was also when I made Ruth the most indulgent chocolate cake covered in all manners of chocolate decorations, including spelling her name in chocolate lol
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And then our friends got married and asked me whether I would make their wedding cake, because they loved my baking. Hell, yeah! Both their sets of parents are quite traditional, so while they did come to the wedding and the party afterwards, they said from the start they would only stick around for about an hour. So I thought it would be fun to have a traditional looking three tier wedding cake, for when the parents were at the party. And then when they left and it got cut, each tier turned out to be rainbow coloured! Oh, and the cake toppers are the brides made out of FIMO, in their wedding outfits, which I sourced for them, so I had the inside knowledge on that. Those little FIMO ladies have lived on their mantel piece for 11 years, which is how long they’ve been married <3
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Most of my cakes have been inspired by Ruth’s birthday, and wanting to create something new and exciting every year! Ruth loves Afternoon Tea, and I thought it would be fun to create a traditional tea… entirely out of cake! Think this was the first time where the baking started with a full page of notes beforehand. Always a good sign… lol those cucumber sandwiches are cake, by the way. The clotted cream, jam, and sugar bowl, lid, and spoon are made of icing. The jam cookies… are just cookies haha
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Then for about a minute and a half I got into mirror glaze. I watched too many YouTube video and thought it looked really cool. However I veeery quickly got over it due to a) it not actually being very difficult at all, so the challenge went out of it pretty quick, and b) how insanely wasteful it is. Not a big fan. What I was a big fan of was that 30th birthday surprise I did for my work colleague. Got into work at 6am to set it all up. Those balloons are sewn to her chair, by the way. And I’m pretty sure she still found confetti in her desk phone and drawers a week later hahaha
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And then the farm tradition of Sorry You’re Leaving cakes started, two of which will be on every Top Mys Baking list, always. I learned how to make sugar glass so we could have a greenhouse in the middle of the vegetable beds with a cat on it, a sugar glass pond with ducks, and a sugar glass “stone” path. I free hand made a goat out of icing (with sugar glass horns) and an alpaca, a pig in mud, some bees to go on some flowers, a ton of vegetables, a growing frame… there was a LOT of stuff on this cake, and it was all awesome!
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And then a year later another dear friend left the farm and I wasn’t sure how to top the previous cake… But hey! What’s better than one cake? Yes! TWO cakes lol So we have the large animal yard on one cake and the duck pond with its double fenced vegetation boarder on the other cake. This time a lot of work went into finding shop bought candy that would have the right look and texture, such as waver biscuits for animal stables, Daim bars for bark planks (for goat mountain), mikado for pond fences, twirls for wooden sleepers for raised beds, fudge for brick walls and so on, and so forth. I also free hand made cats, ducks, a turkey, goats, and marshmallow sheep FROM HELL!!! Sorry, those didn’t come out right… hahaha
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In 2017 I was diagnosed with MS, like four days before my birthday party. And I didn’t really want to celebrate, I didn’t want to spend an entire day having to tell people about my diagnosis and answering questions about MS and listening to platitudes. And then Ruth asked me if there was anything I would like? We were both massively into All the Other Ghosts at the time (a Glee AU and one of the best stories I’ve ever read) and I said that what I wanted as a AtoG party and to not tell anyone about my diagnosis until after. So that’s what happened. And it was amazing! Which then started the annual tradition of over the top themed birthday parties I threw for myself and all my friends. We had a Shadowhunters one. We had a BBC Merlin one. However the Dragon one is still one of my favourites, as it was the first time I managed to make even the sandwiches themed!!! Hahaha Also those brownies are well up there with the best stuff I’ve ever come up with. Look how cute they are!!!! And my darling friend Sonja couldn’t make it to the party, but send me the Toothless cardboard pop up in her absence <3
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And then, as I think many of you know, I got really into cookie decorating and sending decorated parcels of cookies to my friends and family during the pandemic. And that has definitely continued. Every birthday now has decorated cookies. I sent a huge bunch to my friend when she got engaged. I sent a box to my niece in Switzerland for her birthday. @f-f-podcast sent cookies out to our patrons for Christmas last year. Below is just a small selection of a truly insane number of cookies I have iced over the years!!
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Wow. If you made it all the way to the bottom of this post… congrats! Hope you enjoyed the baking madness. If you’ve not had enough yet you can see more by hitting the ‘Mys in the Kitchen’ tag. Enjoy!
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topazy ¡ 2 years
The fierce and broken
Pairing: Raven Reyes x reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood and violence
Chapter: 2.12
You stare down at the ground, trying to contemplate what to do next. Things had drastically gone from bad to worse. You started with Maya as she sobs over her father’s dead body. He’d been shot and killed by another Mount Weather guard.
A lump formed in the back of your throat as you thought about your own parents, and how your mom was killed for helping someone. You knew the pain she was in, but you also knew that nothing anyone said or did would help.
Hearing a clattering noise, you lift your head up and start to walk in the direction it’s coming from. You stop when Bellamy grabs hold of your shoulder and gives you a puzzled look.
“You hear that?” You whisper.
He nods, stepping in front of you and leading the way until you reach a door that requires a keycard to get on the other side. You share a look with the older boy, “What do we do?”
“See what's on the other side,” he says as he hands you the keycard and points his gun at the door. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to check in with Monty and Jasper. “Ready?”
When they all nod, you swipe the keycard, unlocking the door. You expect to see Bellamy firing his gun at an enemy, but instead you see Octavia leaping through the door and hugging him.
When she pulls back from her brother, she hugs you next. “I’m so glad you're okay.”
Your eyes land on Clarke and you notice how displeased she looks. “What the hell happened? Where’s Lexa? Where’s her army?”
Before you can ask anything else, Maya enters the room, and you notice Octavia’s happy facial expression twisting into one of anger. “It’s alright, she’s with us.”
Maya gives you a small nod. She was truly good; you just hoped there would be some way to keep her safe as well.
“Okay,” Bellamy says, getting everyone’s attention. “We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine.”
As Clarke and Bellamy try to come up with a plan to save your people, Maya’s oxygen tank begins to beep. You look at how much is left in it and say, “I thought this was a new one. It says there's only half an hour left.”
“We did just change it,” Jasper confirms.
You gulp down. You’re running out of time to save your people and Maya didn’t have much left. “I think we should split up,” you say, and everyone looks at you. “That we can find Dante and get Maya another oxygen tank.”
“She’s right,” Clarke says, pausing for a moment. “Octavia, you should go with Jasper and Maya to get another oxygen tank, while me, Bellamy, and Monty go look for Dante.”
“What about you?” Bellamy asks.
“I’ll go with you guys.”
You tense up on the spot when you hear fast approaching footsteps. You, Bellamy, Clarke, and Monty were heading towards Dante’s office, but the mount weather guards were starting to close in on you.
Bellamy’s fingers reach for his gun, but you stop him before he pulls it out of his holster. “Don’t, it will only waste time. You guys go ahead, I’ll hold them back.”
Monty looks at you as if you’ve grown a second head, “How?”
“Uh…”, I look into one of the other hallways and notice a mop and bucket lying in the hallway. “I might not be able to stop them, but I can definitely distract them.”
Getting the guards to follow you instead of them was a suicidal move, but you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if innocent lives were lost and you didn’t do everything you could to help.
Clarke grips your arm, “You don’t need to do this.”
“Yes I do. Just make sure you save our people.”
Two guards turned the corner and began running towards you with their guns drawn.You held your hands up in the air, showing you were unarmed, because you had nowhere else to run and hide.
A muffled voice came through the radios on the guards' uniforms. You couldn’t make out what the voice said, but both guards put their guns down. The one closest to you pulled his electric baton out and hit you on the legs with it twice. You screamed as the pain shot through your body, as you fell to the ground.
You are dragged into a room that reminds you of your cell on the Ark, except with more people. Your eyes lock with Wick’s. He mouths something to you, but you don’t make it out. Everyone in the room was chained to the wall, including Abby, Jasper, Harper, and Kane.
You feel your heart break as you look down at the table in the middle of the room and see Raven strapped to the table in the middle of the room looking lifeless. “Raven?” You try to get out of the grip of the guard that’s holding you back, “Raven!”
The guard throws you roughly against the wall and chains you to it. You yell at the doctor who’s hovering over Raven, “What are you doing to her?” When he doesn’t answer you, the guard chaining you up sniggers. You collide your forehead with the guard's nose, “Let her go asshole.”
The guard stumbles back and grips his nose in pain, before grunting and punching you in the face with his free hand.
Tears burn your eyes as your vision becomes blurry in your left eye. No doubt you’d have a large bruise, but you didn’t care. Out of your good eye, you can see the blood dripping from Raven’s leg, and you let out a sob as an anger you’ve never felt before travels through your body. Raven was already in so much pain from being shot that the doctor was taking bone marrow from her that it would kill her. “You’re killing her! Stop! Let her go! Take me instead. I won’t fight you; just let her go!”
Dante’s son Cage, the man who was behind all of it, ignores you and points to Abby, “put her on it.”
Both Abby and Kane begin to protest, but it does no good, as Raven was tossed aside and Abby was strapped to the table. You lift your head and look at the camera looking over the room. This was personal. Cage was hurting Abby to get at Clarke, which meant he knew she was watching at that moment.
The room is filled with Abby’s screams as the doctor begins to drill into her leg.
You are not sure how many agonising moments have passed when an alarm captures the attention of Cage, the doctor and all the guards in the room. When the guards start to cough heavily, Cage takes off running out of the room.
Clarke, Bellamy, and Monty must have found a way to save your people by letting the outside air in.
“Alba!” Octavia rushes into the room and unchains you from the wall. The moment she does, you rush by her and kneel beside Raven, who is groaning in pain.
You brush a strand of long brown hair out of her face, “hey Reyes. Long time no see.”
“Hi,” she says weakly.
Once he’s unchained, Wick helps you get Raven to her feet. When she’s up, you help her stand as you make your way through the mass hall of Mount Weather and are horrified to see all the dead bodies laying on the ground. men, women, and children. Including Maya
You feel a wave of relief wash over you when you finally reach Camp Jaha. You never thought you’d be glad to see it again.
“Wait, Jasper,” Raven says as she reaches into her backpack and pulls out his son's old goggles, which she hands to him. “I almost forgot.”
“My goggles, thank you.”
He looked so broken. You step forward and hug him. “I’m so sorry about Maya. She was good, and deserved so much better.”
Jasper said nothing but embraced your hug, which Raven joined.
You remove your head from your hands and look up to see Raven limping towards you. Since you’d returned to camp, you’d been assisting Jackson in medical to the best of your ability, but you simply didn’t have enough supplies to take everyone who was tortured in mount weathers pain away.
You sigh, knowing Raven was ignoring your medical advice in order to keep you company; “You should be resting.”
Raven rolls her eyes playfully and sits down beside you. “I didn’t want you to be on your own.”
Your mind immediately goes to all the dead people in mount weather, and you wonder how many of them died alone. When you blink away the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes, Raven links her fingers with yours.
You continue to sit in a comfortable silence as you both come to terms with everything that has just happened. The knowledge that keeps you from falling apart is that no matter how bad it gets, you still have each other.
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reincarnatedonthefirst ¡ 5 months
Yesterday was a success. I had the three-hour dinner date with the out-of-state client.
I started off around 8:30 AM, making calls to find a dry cleaner that could clean my date night dress by 3PM. I found a place eighteen miles from me, dropped it off, and picked it up at 3PM.
I painted my fingernails and toes before picking up the dress. My hands turned out beautifully, but my toes: not so much.
Anyhow, I got ready and I made such a good choice with that dress because it was a fcking knockout on me. The client was actually short, bald, and overweight and I very much looked like a high-paid hooker next to him at the restaurant.
Anyway, conversation was great during dinner. It turns out, we both grew up in the same city, graduated from the same college (different years because he’s in his sixties), and he sent his daughters to the same private school I went to in high school!
I still need to get used to dinner etiquette but I’m doing better. When we got to the table, I hesitated before sitting and waited for him to pull my chair out. I let him open all doors and walk in back of me. However, as usual, I forgot to remove my napkin from my lap when excusing myself from the table and it fell off my lap and onto the floor. He almost bent down to pick up for me but I made the mistake and bending over and picking it up myself. Also, I referred to the bathroom as “bathroom” instead of “ladies room” when I excused myself. I’m still rough around the edges when dining out and I need to refine my skills.
Anyhow, getting back to his hotel was a bit awkward but I did what made most sense. He was in town on business and had no car. I had my car with me so it made sense that we just drive together to the hotel in my car. He paid for my valet. We got to the hotel, though, the valet offered us a cheaper alternative for parking so we wouldn’t have to pay the overnight parking rate. I accepted the alternative parking, but in retrospect, I should have let my date handle that conversation with the valet. During dates, it’s best to let the client take the lead especially when they’re paying for everything unless the client is a fumbling, bumbling idiot.
Anyway, we got back to his room, I spent about five minutes in the bathroom, changing and preparing my nether regions for sex.
When I got out of the bathroom, he wasted no time and immediately started kissing me. He actually has a slightly effeminate tone when he speaks and he’s a very gentle person. You might even think he was gay but he is very heterosexual man. He was groping while we kissed like a man who was starving for sex.
Sex, in general, was horrific because he spent nearly an hour going down on me. He gnawed my vagina raw. It was horrible. Men have positively no clue how to perform oral on women. I just gritted my teeth and endured it. He made me cum within the first twenty minutes but only because I was moving my hips and grinding my vagina on his face. He then spent another forty minutes on a desperate mission to give me an orgasm again… It was so unnecessary. Men over fifty seem to have a preoccupation with “pleasing” women but they all suck at it like younger men.
Anyway, we finally got to penetration at the end. He lasted about a minute and a half. I was “into it” (I enjoy sex, generally, so I don’t have to “fake” anything). He was very pleased with all the intimacy in general and remarked on our “chemistry”. He said I was now his “friend” and he would have to see me again, whether or not he came back to my city or decided to fly me to him. We will see. But he was a very satisfied customer and I’m proud of what I accomplished with him, service-wise.
He walked me back to valet through the hotel. This time, I looked like even more of a high-paid hooker because I was walking next to him in this dope, sexy dress while he escorted me in a t-shirt and jeans. No one really saw us because it was late. Even if they had, I wouldn’t have cared because I do for a living what most people are too afraid or ashamed of to do and I get paid for it.
Anyway, I hope to get more dinner date clients because I enjoy dressing up and it pays well.
The most unglamorous part of the date was ending up with a swollen, raw clitoris. My vagina was so raw and tender that my pee burned it when I got home. 😑 No bueno.
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thebluestbluewords ¡ 1 year
Polyshipweek23: Monster of the Week
 The concept for this one was an AU where Mal and Evie are Knights Of Auradon, and they deal with increasingly weird monsters in improbable places every week until finally they have a menagerie of magical/weird animals they can use as an army against their enemies.
I did not get that far.
“You can’t be serious,” Mal says, leaning forward to brace herself against the table. “There’s no way in hell that a dragon that big could be hiding in some tiny cave in the middle of nowhere undetected.” 
Evie nods along with her, her deep blue curls shifting over the shining silver of her plate armor. “She’s right. With the size and feeding habits of a full grown dragon, there’s no way that it could remain undetected. Somebody is lying to you, Ben.” 
“Somebody is lying, and you’re going to look like a fool if you believe them.” Mal adds, still gripping the edge of the table. Her gloves are made of dark, strong leather, the better to temper her fire with. They creak against the wood of the meeting table. “It’s a bad idea to send us all rushing into this.” 
“I know.” 
Ben lifts a hand. “Listen to me. I know that there’s likely no dragon at all, and it’s some other creature that the farmers are mistaking for a dragon, or a kid with magic who’s messing with the locals. You know that. We both know that the danger here is minimal. But Lord Faron is very, very sure that there is a dragon living in a cave on his property, and he was kind enough to offer a very generous trade deal on his crops in exchange for the crown’s intervention on the matter of this dragon, and he’s a very advantageous ally to have.” 
Mal sighs. “You’re lucky we love you, because this is a really stupid thing to do otherwise.” 
Ben tips his head up to accept the kiss Mal drops on his forehead. “I am aware of that, yes.”
Evie sighs. She’s the one who they usually send in for political disputes like this, because she’s the one who knows how to be nice to people and not tell them to their face that they’re idiots and there’s no place for a dragon to even hide on their land. “Politics aren’t stupid, Mal,” she says impatiently. “What’s stupid is how long this is going to take us. Lord Faron lives hours away.” 
“Politics are stupid,” Mal shoots back cheerfully, breaking away from her royal boyfriend to do so, “and this would be a colossal waste of our time if you two didn’t want this farmer’s goodwill even more than he wants this so-called dragon gone.” 
Ben nods. Given the choice, he’d likely be a knight right alongside them, instead of remaining stuck in the official (read: boring) duties of the kingship. “Would you like the map of his property?” 
“Hit me.” Mal drawls, leaning over to pluck the rolled map out of his hand. 
“Gladly.” Evie says with a wicked smile, slipping forward with her gloved hand already wound up. Evie doesn’t have magic augmenting her physical strength the way that Mal does, so it’s not like the slap actually feels like much of anything through the chainmail coat hanging over Mal’s ass, but the resounding clunk of metal on chain is funny enough to make up for it. 
“Ow,” Mal deadpans, while Evie is shaking out her hand. “You’ll pay for that one later, princess.” 
“Oh, like you mind.” 
“I didn’t say that paying for it was gonna be a bad thing.” 
“Maybe I like being bad for you,” Evie says, letting the words spill out through half-parted lips that are bright, beautiful red. 
“Maybe we should pay attention to the map before someone here loses his mind.” Mal shoots back, gesturing towards Ben even though her eyes are glued to Evie’s lips. “Besides, the sooner we get this dragon dealt with the sooner we can be out of all this armor and back to training properly.”
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February Writing Challenge (2/28)
day two! *ringing cowbell* give it up for day two!!
let’s hope I can keep this up.
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Prompt: ‘Kiss’
Pairing: Jackie/Elora (Reservation Dogs)
Words: 1,998
Rating: T (not for content, just for canon-typical language)
Notes: I just love this ship your honour. I wanted to do some sweet, fluffy scenarios of giddy, nervous first kisses with your crush who you like so much - stupid, fun teenager stuff basically - but not at the same time, make it so fluffy that it doesn’t match with the actual vibe of the characters and comes of as OOC. I hope I found a good mix!
Jackie was sure she knew more about skydiving then she did about dating.
Especially first dates. The right places to go, the right things to say – fuck, she spent half an hour the day before just trying to find the right shirt to wear out! It’s stupid. Most of the time, she couldn’t give a shit what she looked like.
Not with Elora, though.
She was going fuckin’ soft, is what it was. The way that shiver ran up her spine when their shoulders brushed. How her palms sweated at the thought of wrapping Elora’s hand in hers. The fact that she actually let Elora beat her at her favourite game of air hockey, just because that pure elated smile jumping over her face meant more to Jackie then anything else.
Her brother would be taking the absolute shit our of her right now, if he could see her like this.
It was their old stomping ground they went to, actually, the games arcade her and Micah used to waste any spare coins on. Jackie ended up suggesting it to Elora, because, frankly, she’d failed to think up any other solution to a ‘first date’ and really, she thinks Elora was just as eager to get off the rez and into town.
It worked out in her favour though. The evening hours flew by, spending it battling out behind the toy wheels of racing games or over the foosball table, betting each other who could score the most in a row over at the basketball hoops (Jackie did manage to win that one). Elora tried to claim that she clearly had had enough practice to learn how to cheat, a smile threatening over her lips. Jackie rolled her eyes in return.
“Yeah yeah, I could still smoke you if you wanna go a second round – but it’s probably ‘cause you’re standing, like, a fuckin’ mile away from the hoop. You gotta, like, centre yourself better..
She barely saw the way Elora eyed her as she gestured at the dark-haired girls’ stance – and the faint glint of mirth that sparked in those deep brown eyes. Another smile flicked over her face.
What, are you gunna like..pull a Patrick Swayze to show me or somethin’?..
The off-handed line caused Jackie to stutter. Did Elora really just pull that coy, I’m-only-partially-joking line out of her fucking back pocket?? Quiet, serious, carrying-the-world-on-her-shoulders Elora Danan?
Heart hammering in her throat, Jackie dared to take a dive and gently placed her hands on both of Elora’s elbows to direct her. Elora easily followed the careful pull as Jackie re-centred her, the blonde all-too aware of how close she hung off her shoulder, so when the beat-up basketball flew through the air, it sailed through the basket.
The night starting to encroach with a heavy blue evening sky hanging over, they were headed home. Sipping on their king-size slurpees and chuckling over Elora’s story of how Bear’s mom once did actually dress him up in a bear costume for Halloween when he was five, no one wanted to admit that the night was ending – but they couldn’t live in the arcade forever, and Jackie had promised her aunt she’d have her car back by nine, and she didn’t have a single doubt that if she was even a minute behind that woman would hunt her down.
The problem with the night closing in, is that Jackie had no fucking idea how to end it.
She did the proper thing of dropping Elora off at her home, even walking her to the door. Now they stood at the cement front steps, the soft yellow of the overhead light enveloped around them, pulling them in to the circle of light so it felt as if the world was just the two of them. They both took their time, drawing each ticking second out, the giddy nervousness becoming thicker in the air. They fidgeted on the steps, a little too nervous to look the other in the eye.
“..So, uh, I..” Jackie tried to form a sentence after the deafening silence became too much “I guess uh..I guess that’s our time..”
She tried to just shrug it off, play it cool, and instead it came out way too fucking awkward. Fuck. Elora glanced back at her from where she stood before the faded front door.
“Yeah..I guess..” She echoed, as if dusted with disappointment “But, hey..um..Jackie..”
Jackie perked up with a sudden ugly twist in her stomach. The words that followed that kind of sentence, could either be golden or totally catastrophic.
Fuck I fucked it up I knew I’d fuck it up –
“I just..wanted to say how much fun I had.” Elora was smiling, that rare light shining off her “Like..the most fun in a long time..”
Shit. Jackie could’ve been struck by lightening then and there and she wouldn’t have even been mad. Elora smiling at her saying this – that was the best damn thing since she arrived in this dump of a town.
“For real?..” She asked softly, her own smile threatening to break out.
“Yeah..” Elora confirmed, a pink bloom rising over her cheeks that was far too adorable, resorting to jokingly shoving Jackie in the shoulder “Just fuckin’ take the win..”
Jackie chuckled, hearing laughter in return. The silence crept back on, but it wasn’t as scary as before. She tried not to teeter back on her heels, fists she’d shoved in her pants pockets clenching.
Just do it do it don’t be a little bitch do it –
“Cool. So, um..I...” in the end, Jackie sort of admitted defeat, head ducking down as she rubbed the back of her neck “I uh...I don’t really know..how to end these..”
“What makes you think I know?” Elora raised a brow in return, shuffling with the same nerves “I think, I mean – from what I’ve heard or whatever – there’s usually...you know..”
The terrifying, exhilarating word lay out in the air, unspoken. Jackie nodded a bit too fast, trying to swallow though her thick throat.
“Right. Yeah. I mean..we uh...just ‘cause everyone else does that or whatever doesn’t mean..– I mean, if you don’t want to..–”
“You don’t want to kiss me?” Elora broke in, her brow rising even higher. Jackie’s eyes nearly popped out.
“No! Fuck, I mean – yes! Shit, I-I just, I do, I didn’t wanna force you –”
Gentle chuckling abruptly cut her off. Elora was smiling again, eyes sparkling.
“I’m just fucking with you.”
Jackie slumped, her eyes squeezing shut in realization. Part of her wants to be mad at the heart attack she nearly had – the other part of her...had to admit that was a pretty good one. A smile started cracking over her lips.
“Fuck you too..” She muttered. Elora giggled again. “Thing is..I..”
“Look, Jackie..” the blonde re-centred herself to Elora’s warm expression, finding an almost nervous vulnerability “You’re tripping yourself up; stop sweating it. I had a good time hanging out, okay?..”
Jackie would say she was more then ‘tripping herself up’ at this rate. But Elora had a point. She nodded again, quicker, to shake off her nerves.
“Right. I’ll uh..I’ll see you tomorrow then?..”
Amazing how her inner voice sounded somewhat exactly like her brother’s...
Jackie tried to ignore it, but couldn’t completely. Because she was wussing out. Simply wishing her date goodnight and trotting off the steps, well, seemed rather lacklustre. She liked Elora a lot. This isn’t how she wanted to leave the whole thing by just kind of shoving it aside.
At the same time, she had no idea what the fuck to do. Messing it up felt like an even worse outcome then taking the cowards way out. If Elora had enjoyed the date, then maybe she should simply leave it at that.
Stop being a little bitch about it –
Elora’s voice brought her back to reality again. The dark-haired girl had now backed up to the door to lean against it, hand pressing down on the handle, hovering on her exit. She was still smiling back at Jackie, but, it was different. It didn’t have the same light, and Jackie quickly read, like a punch to the gut, the disappointment in it.
“I’ll uh..see you later..”
That was all the invitation Jackie needed to leave – instead she hovered. Partially perched on the final front doorstep, partially twisted towards where Elora was standing. Seconds slowed. Jackie felt like she was tearing in two, and didn’t want to leave Elora who was quietly pulling away like this.
She just didn’t want to mess this up and she liked her so much and she hadn’t even done this before and –
Fuck it.
Jackie suddenly jumped back up the step, rushing her way back to Elora. She barely had time to recognize the dark eyes drawing wide, before, almost as if all on it’s own, her hand effortlessly slipped around Elora’s waist to hold her in place and then her lips were over the pink ones.
Just like that.
It wasn’t like Jackie had anything to compare it to but holy shit. It was so soft. So soft she felt like she could’ve dropped to her fucking knees. Elora had initially frozen up, but before Jackie could worry about it, that tentative nature came out as she carefully moved her lips to kiss back.
The whole world slowed. Jackie could hear her heart beating out of control in her ears, and Elora’s soft breaths. Elora tasted like cherry – that bright, bursting red from her slurpee, that Jackie saw had coated her tongue when she caught Elora laughing – and, faintly, the remaining stickiness of vanilla chapstick at the corner of her mouth. It was everything more then she’d been imagining.
Fuck, I like her so much. Fuckfuckfuckfuck –
Jackie pulled away. Mostly, for air. She did her best to do it slowly, steadying them. Her eyes fluttered open – and they immediately found Elora’s big, soft brown ones. She looked about as dazed as Jackie felt. And as wonderfully so. They both could only stand there, breathing heavy, lips still hovering so close all it would take was one of them crossing the couple inches and give in again.
Fuck I gotta say something, crap –
“I..I’m..I just..” nothing was coming out, her words so jumbled it might as well be fucking alphabet soup in her brain, that her anxiety just bit down on the first comprehensible word “.....Bye.”
She spun, rushing with as much speed back down the porch steps and to the car. Elora was left there, trying to come back to reality – and smiling. Half from the kiss, and the other half because she could hear Jackie angrily hissing to herself as she scrambled to the car
“Fuck fuck what the fuck was that you asshole jesus shit –”
Jackie ripped open the car door, sitting back and smacking her palms into her forehead. She couldn’t believe herself.
What a way to both kiss the girl and run away at the same time.
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there wallowing, the porch light off and the door closed to Elora’s house. The thing that pulled her out was the sudden buzz of her phone, lighting up with a text.
Sure it was her aunt yell-texting her to hurry up and bring the car home, Jackie felt her heart knot in her throat when she saw Elora’s name.
[Elora] just so u kno, I’m game to try that a 2nd time
[Elora} as long as you don’t run away again.
[Elora] luckily I like the taste of blue raspberry.
Jackie blinked back. Then she flicked her gaze to her own slurpee cup in the holster, the battery-acid blue liquid still sloshing around in the bottom. A grin grew over her. She brought her fingers to her lips, gently, finding the sticky trace of chapstick.
She wasn’t sure how she’d make it till tomorrow without thinking about getting to kiss Elora Danan all over again.
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holly-fixation ¡ 11 months
Silver Turncoat: Ch3
Summary: As night falls, the golden child and his kidnapper set up camp. On a far away island, the golden child's abandoned duty causes consequences for the unknown P0s.
Inspired by this prompt by @im-totally-not-an-alien
Please enjoy!
Chapter 3: Small Truths
After hours of searching in the dark, the pair finally found a decent arc in the mountains. Its walls barely dented the surface of the base, but it would have to do. Both of them placed all supplies on a single pile inside the deepest corner possible. Cloud opened one of the packs and emptied every support beam, fabric cover, and anchor of the tent. 
“The tent is unnecessary,” Sephiroth explained. “We’re more likely to be spotted in something man made.”
“We’ll have to take that chance, because sleeping in those helmets is hell on your neck,” Cloud countered as he laid out the cover.
“It won’t affect my abilities.”
“What did I tell you before?” The blond assembled the support poles and matched them through their slots. “‘There’s no reason to suffer through pain if we’re not actively fighting’.”
“There’s no reason to waste resources during our first night in unknown terrain either.”
“I’m gonna pack it back up.” He almost chuckled before cringing a bit as he attached the rain fly, “Well, as long as no monsters attack it before I get the chance.”
“What’s the likelihood of that?”
Cloud shrugged.
Sephiroth said nothing before he sighed and assisted in jamming stakes into the ground.
“Thanks. Now it’s your turn.”
His knotting brows went unseen from under the helmet.
The blond rose and returned with the other tent pack.
“That’s more of a waste of resources.”
Cloud sighed. “Sephiroth, not everything needs to be efficient. I may have hijacked that helicopter but you’re not a prisoner.” There was an awkward pause before he continued carefully, “...for now, the least I can give you is some personal space.”
“...You’re doing this for my benefit?” The golden child regretted the words the moment they left his mouth, but it raised another, far more important question. “You never told me why you did this in the first place.”
They both began setting up the second tent as Cloud deflected, “I told you I would explain everything after-”
“If you still cannot provide the full explanation, then explain how taking me away from the battlefield benefits you directly or indirectly.” Sephiroth debated giving examples. Did he live in a country denying the expansion of mako energy? Did he sympathize with the enemy? Was this a way of getting back at Hojo? No matter the suggestions, the silver soldier needed to hear the truth without giving the blond an easy and falsified tale.
Cloud took a deep breath, thinking carefully about what he could reveal, about what possible angle he could take as a half truth. 
Thankfully, the boy did not push and waited in silence. 
“A powerful SOLDIER went insane and killed nearly everyone in my village, including me. Hojo showed up with security forces to clean up the mess and experimented on me and my friend, despite the fact that we both worked for Shinra and both did nothing wrong. I woke up in a mako tank. He’d take us out for these surgeries and tests and injections and gods know what else. I was barely conscious from the pain and mako poisoning. The friend broke us out and died protecting me.” The blond did not look at the boy, focusing solely on the task at hand. “That SOLDIER went crazy because of the stress Shinra put him under since the day he was born and the lies they told to keep him under control completely collapsed. I don’t want you to become that SOLDIER and do that to anyone else. I just hope that with all your battles you still have a chance to be saved…”
“Are you saying Shinra is lying to me? Why would they do that?”
“Between Hojo and everything else at Shinra, you’d be lucky to be getting half truths.”
The second tent finally stood tall. Cloud brushed the dust off his hands as Sephiroth reached for something in his pocket.
“Then tell me… Did they lie about her?” He held the small slip in front of Cloud carefully.
It was a photo of a woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a lab coat, a silver necklace, and a purple blouse. Her lips were curled in a soft smile, but her eyes were sad and empty.
Cloud couldn’t hide the look of absolute shock on his face as he supported the photo with both of his hands. Even Sephiroth saw the conflict in his eyes. “Wha… h-how did you get this?” His mako blue orbs didn’t hide this time, they stared straight into the helmet of the slitted ones.
“Professor Hojo gave it to me.”
“Who do you think this is?”
The direct accusation had Sephiroth’s lips parting in hope. “Do you recognize her? Do you really recognize her?”
Cloud nodded but continued to insist. “Yes. I do. But Sephiroth, who do you think this is?”
The boy allowed the teen to hold the photo as he removed the helmet to look at the photo clearly, a fond but pained expression in his eyes. “She’s my mother…” He spoke softly. “Her name is Jenova.”
The blond shook his head quickly, not in denial of the admission but of the dissonance with his memories. “If you knew what she looked like then why-?!” He cut himself off with a snap of his jaw.
“What are you talking about?”
He swallowed his emotions hard, scraping deep into his body with everything he had. “A half truth then…” Looking into Sephiroth’s large, innocent eyes nearly burned him. “They told you a half truth. That is your mother but her name is not Jenova.”
“But Hojo gave me the photo-”
“Her name is Lucrecia Crescent.”
Sephiroth silenced and listened to every coming detail. 
“She was a scientist at Shinra many years ago and during that time, she and Hojo had you.” Cloud plowed through his explanation without a single pause. He couldn’t slip up again but neither could he stop his rapid thoughts. “Hojo stole you away when you were born and never let her see or hold you. She tried to get to you but he never gave her the chance.”
“Where is she? Do you know where she is?” 
The naive desperation stung. “She’s…” He couldn’t hide everything from the boy. “She’s in a self induced coma.” 
Sephiroth’s heart sank.
“After all attempts to get to you failed, she fell into a deep depression. She… never got out of it.” Why couldn’t Sephiroth look away? Why didn’t he direct that despair somewhere else? Why couldn’t he keep that stupid helmet on to hide his emotions?! 
“...Can I at least see her? If you know where she is, can I at least see her? Just once?”
Cloud found himself nodding slowly. “I promise I will take you to her…” He sharply inhaled. “But we need to get to Nibelhiem first.”
“Does your friend know her too?”
Another nod. 
Another look of pained hope in response.
“And he knows how to wake her up. I can’t do it by myself.”
Sephiroth held his hands to his heart and looked down. Hopeful. Broken. Too many opposing emotions ran through his mind. There was a long moment before something constricted him tenderly.
Cloud had hugged him. 
The boy slowly moved his hands to the teen’s arms and Cloud tightened his hold. 
He felt and heard a tear splash onto the black leather of his jacket.
“...how do I know you’re telling the truth…?”
The blond rubbed his back. “Because I have nothing to gain from lying to you. But the only way I can prove it is to take you with me.”
Sephiroth slowly nodded in agreement, but he never broke the hug. Cloud decided on his own what enough comfort was before patting his back twice and releasing him from his hold.
“Come on. Let’s eat something. It’ll help.”
Sephiroth didn’t have the will to argue. He sat in the open door of his tent and wiped his eyes as Cloud went back to the supply pile. 
The blond returned with the remaining sack of sea worm skin and a few thin wooden sticks. He opened the sack and skewered three long pieces of meat. “Shoot…” Cloud glanced at Sephiroth. “Can I borrow your fire materia for a few minutes?”
Silver brows knotted. “Why do you need it…?” His voice still needed time to recover from the emotion.
“To cook the meat.”
“You can eat sea worm raw.”
“Yes you can, if you’re desperate or you hate yourself. But if you want it to actually taste okay, you have to cook it. Grilling is usually best too.”
“But you’re getting the same nutrition. There’s no benefit in eating something that tastes good.”
Cloud chuckled softly. “For all of Hojo’s research, he never looked this up?” Again, all he gained was a look of confusion. “Your body absorbs more nutrition from food you enjoy than food you don’t. An old friend always reminded me about the Wutaian food study. They made a group of Wutains the same meal, but half of them got the real meal, and the other half got this mashed up mush of the exact same meal. Same nutrition, right?”
The silver teen nodded.
“But the Wutaians that ate the mush absorbed less than half the iron of the Wutains that ate the normal meal.”
“They would need to run a control trial with the original meal first…” 
The blond smirked at his correction. “They did. Everyone absorbed the same amount of iron at first. But with the mush, they absorbed less. What changed?”
He shrugged sluggishly. “...their enjoyment…?”
Sephiroth glanced down. “That seems foolish…”
The blond shook his dandelion hair. “Call it what you want, but you can’t prove me wrong until you try it.”
A sigh left the child’s lips before he reached into his blade’s materia slots and tossed over the green orb.
Cloud immediately got to work, carefully turning the meal in one hand as the other held a steady flame below. Since the pieces were thin, they cooked fairly quickly. 
The young soldier found the stick being pressed into his hand far sooner than he expected. “You want me to eat first?”
“I promise it’s not poisoned. But last time I tried to cook multiple skewers at once like this, I set the tent on fire.”
“Cooking in a tent is a bad idea.”
“Agreed. But I wasn’t in the tent and it still went up in flames.”
Sephiroth hesitantly gripped the skewer as Cloud returned to his own tent and began assembling another for himself. The boy took the slightest nibble of the cooked creature, barely a crumb reaching his taste buds and teeth. His eyes suddenly went wide and he devoured the meal before Cloud began cooking again. He licked the remaining stick clean almost possessively, not a single speck remaining after his task was complete. 
Cloud glanced up and saw the boy staring intensely at the small spear. “Do you want another one?”
“...If we have enough, yes please.”
The blond smirked and nodded, making the golden child another simple meal without hesitation. A spark of hope fluttered in his chest that this might actually work. That this half baked, nearly impossible plan might actually go through. 
* * * 
All actions had consequences. SOLDIER’s failure to arrive on Rhadore was no exception. Whether or not the signal they sent to HeadQuarters made it was irrelevant. Rhadorans pinned the Shinra employees between the monster infested caves and their own forces in their forgotten temple. There was no escape. There was no effective last stand. The three P0s were dragged into windowless cells, the wooden gate somehow more than enough to keep them all trapped. Passive models. Project Zero. Zero loss if they died. And zero strength to escape.
Timeless hours of interrogation passed. Timeless torture for information. Timeless spills of truth, that they truly did not know what Shinra would do next.
And without any aid, why were they still blamed?
Each of the three sat against the stone walls with their hands and feet tied. 
“Well, Team… look on the brightside. If I die, I’m no longer in debt!” The blond man joked despite the cough that followed, a small splash of crimson staining his sweater. “Ah damn…”
“Easy for you to say,” A bald man countered, his tone ever serious, “you’re not the one you owe money to.”
“Does it work if I send it in my will?”
“To my family?”
“Can you two just not right now?” The one woman with them argued, glaring at them both with sharp exhausted eyes. “This isn’t funny…”
“Gotta lighten the mood somehow,” The leader argued. 
“Maybe the mood will lighten if they set us on fire next, Glenn.”
Glenn cringed but the other man spoke up.
“Lucia, don’t.”
“See what I mean?” Lucia sassed. “We can’t lose hope yet…”
“Team,” Glenn grabbed their attention with his suddenly grounded, serious tone. “...Matt. Lucia. Whatever happens to us, I’m sorry. I’m the leader and this is my responsibility. I never meant to walk you straight into danger.”
Matt closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. 
“It’s not your fault, Glenn. We got the coordinates HQ wanted but I don’t think they went through…”
A dark sigh claimed the room and silence followed. More timeless ticks of the invisible clock passed before the cell door rose and three warriors entered, each one covered head to toe in white cloaks and gray armor. 
“This is your last chance to tell the truth,” The first Rhadoran spoke coldly. The other two simply followed behind and guarded the door.
“We really know nothing else…” Glenn muttered before wincing as his hair was grabbed tightly and the Rhadoran pulled up his head.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Believe whatever you want. It is the truth.” He glared harshly at the eyes staring daggers back, but he felt himself fall behind as he thought back on his time on these islands. “But before you kill us, tell me, is there still smoke coming from the other island?”
Their expressions dropped.
“That’s all I ask… please…”
“Why do you care about the smoke?” their captor countered. 
“Just-! Is the kid okay?”
“What kid?”
“Do you think I’m making this up? The kid. The Eye of Rhadore.”
Another look of shock. The man grabbed Glenn by the collar. “What did you do to them?”
“Nothing. In fact, he helped us.”
He raised a fist, but one of the other men stopped him. “If you’re telling the truth, what’s their name?”
Glenn took a breath. “Rosen.”
At the sound of the name, they all stepped back. They glanced at each other, silently communicating what to do next. When they finally came to an agreement, they left through the door they came through, and the team was left without new wounds for the first time since their capture.
Thanks for reading!
To be continued…
Chapter list
Author’s Note: Matcha Green Tea (Matt, Glenn, and Lucia) are gonna take me some time to get used to. It’s my first time writing them but I’m excited.
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