#Raven Reyes/you
topazy · 9 months
The fierce and broken
Pairing: Raven Reyes × reader
Warnings: Mentions of smut, swearing
Chapter: 3.01
Soon as the door to your room is closed, you peel the sweaty vest top from your body and toss it to the side. The whiteness of it had long faded into a light yellowish stain, no doubt due to your body dripping of sweat at the end of each shift and the stour that seemed to constantly cover everything in Arkadia.
You turn around to see Raven coming out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel. Although she’s smiling, you can tell she’s in pain by how her jaw tenses. It was a short distance between the bedroom and bathroom, but it took a lot out of her to walk it without her brace. Since the explosion at the dam three months prior, the pain in her hip had increased, but Raven was in denial about how bad her injury was and was refusing to talk about it. She sits on the edge of the bed, the wetness from her long hair dripping onto the bed. Although she was smiling, Raven appeared exhausted.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine, just tired.”
“Raven,” you sigh. Your girlfriend was the most stubborn person you’d ever met, and point blank refused to admit how much pain she’s in while walking. You step in front of her and ask, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
She grins, “well…” She hooks her fingers into the loop of your jeans and pulls you forward. “I can think of a couple of things that might help us both feel better.”
“Raven,” you moan as she starts to rub at your groin, putting pressure on all the right places.
She pulls you down and captures your lips with hers. She unclasps your bra, pulls it off your shoulders, and then tosses it to the side. Raven kisses your neck down to your breast and wraps her lips around one of your hardened nipples. She reaches for the zipper on your trousers, but you catch her hand. “Slow down, Reyes,” you giggle. “I need to shower before we go any further.”
She smirks, “I can join you.”
You do your best to plaster a smile on your face. Your girlfriend was the most beautiful person in the world to you, and we wanted her to join you in the shower, but we’re worried she’d hurt herself without her brace. Knowing that mentioning the pain in her leg would only piss Raven off, you kiss her on the lips and say, “You could or you could get comfy in the bed while I quickly wash the medical smell off me.”
Raven pauses slightly but shuffles up the bed. “I’ll wait, but don’t be long. You know I hate waiting.”
You both laugh at her response before quickly going for a shower.
You kiss Raven's bare shoulder. She was leaving soon to travel to Sector 7 for a mapping mission, but the thought of her going scared you since it was so close to the ice nation border.
“What’s wrong?” She asks.
“I just… This is going to sound stupid, but I feel things have been going well for so long. I guess I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
Raven brushes your hair out of your face. Since Mount Weather, you had become inseparable, Murphy was gone, Jasper was constantly wasted, and Bellamy was still trying to find his role in Arkadia since he was no longer a leader. You had developed a fear that something terrible would happen and you’d lose Raven as well. The only time you were focused on anything else was when you were working or training with Bellamy.
Raven sighs softly. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”
“Do you really believe that?”
“No,” she snorts. “But we can get through whatever bad shit happens as long as we have each other.”
You spent most of your day tending to minor medical issues, including coughs and colds, removing stitches, and dealing with contraception. You had been so busy that you hadn’t had the chance to find out exactly what had happened to Jasper on the mapping mission. Octavia only told you that they ran into three ice nation warriors, and Jasper made the situation worse, resulting in Raven and Miller killing the warriors to save their people. Hearing what happened made you feel physically sick.
Octavia also told you that the Ice Nation was looking for someone called Wanheda.
Seeing Jackson about to follow Abby, who was chasing a drunk Jasper out of the medical bay, you call out to him. “Jackson, hey!"”
He looked more stressed than usual and had large bags under his eyes. “Something wrong?”
“We are running short of supplies.” You pull a list and hand it to him. “I went through all our stores earlier, and we are dangerously low. We only have enough stitches for two minor cuts; there are hardly any painkillers left.”
You had reported this to Abby days prior, but she was so preoccupied with finding Clarke that she hadn’t noticed. Jackson rubs at his face. “What else do you still have to do?”
“I have four more implants to remove, but nothing to replace them with.”
“Okay, once you’ve finished, I want you to go around the camp and pull all the resources you can together. I’m going to need to talk to Kane about organizing another supply run. Thanks Alba.”
It looked like you’d be working another late night.
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narcissisticmf · 10 months
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persistence | bellamy blake x gn!reader
description: training with bellamy.
trigger warnings: some seductive behavior, gun usage, fluff, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: <1k
Holding the shot gun close against your right shoulder, you aimed it towards the wooden target outside. You'd been the only one training that afternoon, everyone else was at lunch. You closed your left eye and tried your best to hit the center of the target. You pulled the trigger and missed it, the bullet drove through the wood several inches away from the center.
You released a grunt and tossed the gun against the grass and dirt, frustratedly. You kicked a rock that was by your feet as you clenched your jaw. Placing your hands against your hips, you stood still for a moment, staring at the target for a while; as if it would give you the answer as to how to shoot the center of it.
"It's really not that complicated," Bellamy's voice was heard from behind you.
You parted your lips and released a soft breath, uninterested in his instruction. "I almost had it," You avoided eye contact and reached down to lift up the shot gun, holding it tightly against your shoulder again.
Bellamy stood behind you, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you for a moment. His eyes squinted subtly due to the brightness of the sun.
You pulled the trigger and missed by a hair again. You sighed, quietly.
"Hold it up again," Bellamy instructed, walking towards you.
"I don't need your help," You replied, looking back to him.
"Just hold it," He said, not phased by your attitude. You looked ahead at the target and held up the gun again. Bellamy's hands slowly moved around to your arms to fix their position. You could feel his breath fanning against your neck. The closeness caused a lump to develop in your throat, unable to speak.
"Yeah.." Bellamy cleared his throat and stepped back, awkwardly. "Like that," He nodded.
You felt your grip against the gun loosen from the sweat that produced in the palms of your hands. Swallowing thickly, you pulled yourself back into focus and closed your left eye again. Bellamy stood at your side and watched as you pulled the trigger.
The bullet swiftly moved through the red painted dot against the wood carved into a circle. You smiled widely as you stared at the hole in the middle of the target.
"I did it!" You laughed, almost baffled that you were capable of doing it. You turned to see Bellamy and he was smiling at you. That was something he didn't always do often, but when he did it was beautiful.
"I told you it wasn't that complicated," He smiled. "It's all in how you hold it."
"Thanks, Bellamy," You grinned.
He simply nodded with a smile to his lips.
a/n: hi, darlings!! so i just started watching the 100 and it's honestly so good! i hope that i captured bellamy's character well here and if i didn't, i'm sorry 😭 i'm still learning his character! love you guys mwah! — angelina
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laufire · 3 months
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STACKED100 | march 15th | “we will rise” I have had enough of your stupid little jokes.
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
-during training, midfight-
damian: i'm gonna take you out.
raven: great, it's a date!
damian: what the fuck, no, i meant that as a threat.
blue beetle, talking to beast boy: the way I see it going on a date with damian is still a great threat!
raven: see you on friday!
beast boy, to blue beetle: both sides of this conversation seam very threatening.
starfire and dick: [fangirling]
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your-dad-the-fag · 8 months
Raven (bored and and wants to cause chaos): who tops in your relationship?
Lexa (a little liar): me, I’m the commander in and out of bed
Clarke (calling her out on her bs): that’s not what happened last night babe
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bumblesimagines · 1 month
you fell asleep, and i didn't have the heart to wake you.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
you don't have to leave, you know.
Raven Reyes
you fell asleep, and i didn't have the heart to wake you.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
you don't have to leave, you know.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
Memory's foggy on the show but I tried
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As consciousness began to seep into you, your ears picked up the familiar sound of machinery whirring softly but as you strained to hear the voices of Monty and Jordan lingering around, waiting for you to awake, you realized any voices you could even pick up were muffled or distant, blocked by walls. You cracked an eye open, your blurry vision spotting the only person around sitting at a desk with what appeared to be a drill in hand. Interesting... Raven hardly ever wanted to chat with you, much less let you stay the night after 'relieving stress.' You could hardly blame the girl after everything she'd been through anyway. 
With a heavy sigh, you pushed yourself up, feeling the small bed break loudly under you. Raven glanced over her shoulder and the soft whirring stopped as she rose from the chair and set the drill aside. "Morning, sunshine." She greeted, her leg brace making her footsteps louder than normal. She glanced down at her leg with a clenched jaw, fingers trekking through her hair in silent frustration before she gave a forced smile, swallowing down whatever irritation bubbled up in her chest. "You fell asleep, and I didn't have the heart to wake you."
"You have a heart? Why didn't anyone tell me?" You grinned and she rolled her eyes but the corners of her lips still twitched upward into an amused smile. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and rolled your neck, hearing a soft pop. Grunting softly, you reached over to the pile of clothes nearby. "Let me just grab my things and I'll get out of here." 
"You don't have to leave, you know," Raven said softly, rubbing her hand into her shoulders as her eyes bounced between your face and the floor. You held your pants, blinking up at her before humming lowly and standing up. What the hell had she been given for breakfast? You wiggled your pants on and cleared your throat, offering her a small smile.
"It's fine, Raven. Bellamy's been on my ass since we got here and if I piss him off, he might just try to kill me in my sleep." 
"I handled Bellamy for you, (Y/N). I told him I needed you for something." Raven revealed, the slight nervous tremor in her voice unusual for the girl. You stared at her, lips forming silent words until you pressed your lips together and nodded, eyes flickering around the room.
"So... what am I supposed to be helping you with?"
Raven grinned at that. "I have a few things in mind."
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Chaotic Neutral
Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising
⭑ Sent down to earth with the rest of the group, only for a petty crime of trying to feed your sick mother. You had stolen someone else’s rations and a fight broke out. 
⭑ Being in the ship’s cell had hardened you somewhat, but you were able to talk to Clarke who was next door to you. 
⭑ The day you landed on earth, was the day that everything changed. 
⭑ You were no longer safe.
⭑ And so you stood behind those with loud mouths and bravado. John Murphy was the best option, and soon Bellamy was the camp leader. 
⭑ You didn’t like the others on earth, but you did take a liking to Clarke, Octavia, Wells, Jasper, and Monty. 
⭑ Slowly you became part of Clarke’s crew - 
⭑ And Bellamy seemed like such a big arch-nemesis at the time 
⭑ But over time you learned to trust each other, because you had no other choice. And when you saw that changed in Bellamy, something in you shifted. 
⭑ As a significant other, Bellamy is very protective but also very caring. 
⭑ He wants to make sure that you feel comfortable and safe at all times. 
⭑ He can get a bit jealous, but not overly. He isn’t possessive either. 
⭑ Bellamy loves cuddling. And he’s very good to cuddle as well. There’s no greater feeling than having his arms wrapped around you. Nowhere else do you feel this safe. 
⭑ Before doing anything dangerous, Bellamy cups your face in his hands and rubs his lips over your lips. And like a promise, he tells you he loves you and kisses you so deeply. 
⭑ When you’re alone together, you talk about the future and what you want. If you want kids, where you’d want to live etc. If you think of something midday, you’ll try and find each other to add it to the list. E.g., “I want a flower garden” or “I changed my mind I want to live by a lake” etc. 
⭑ He always makes sure that you’ve eaten, and if you’re hungry he’ll get you whatever you want (or whatever is closest to it). 
⭑ You share a room/tent (I mean it changes doesn’t it!) And he has minimal possessions, I mean everyone does now. But you have your little knick-knacks that you’ve created, little gifts from friends. 
⭑ The moment Bellamy fell fully in love with you, was when you had found a few of his favourite books. 
⭑ He doesn’t mind PDA. Bellamy will wait for you to sit next to him so he can hold you against his chest. 
⭑ He would really appreciate you listening to him when he opens up. Not a lot of people know a lot about Bellamy’s interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. 
⭑ He would want to marry you, or if that wasn’t possible, he would want to commit to you as much as possible. 
⭑ You do worry about him a lot. It’s in his nature to protect, defend and lead. He raised Octavia, so it’s ingrained in him to be the first to react and step up. 
⭑ He gets surprised when you remember things about him. Especially memories and other people in his life that are long gone
⭑ Bellamy teaches you skills, he doesn’t want you to have to rely on anyone. 
⭑ Doesn’t like it when other people look at you with lust in their eyes. He will move closer to you, but not be too obvious
Theme Song:
‘Davy Jones’ by Fia Oradd
Relationship Tropes:
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
Moon (mysterious, night-person, creative, introverted) (Bellamy) x Eclipse (has so much worth but doesn’t see it, initially closed-off but has the biggest heart) (You)
Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers
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okmcintyre · 7 months
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"We're gonna save our people" ☀️☀️
#the100rewatch2023, #the100rewatch
After six epic seasons of pulling levers, radio calls, bad ideas and sassy delinquents: we're almost to the finale! A big thank you to EVERYONE who has been reblogging, liking and sharing as we've rewatched this series together. Your reaction posts, edits and meta are what these events are all about! This December, we're using our trusty Discord Server to chat about the final episodes & host one last Watch-Along for 6x13. Big thanks to the wonderful @fen-ha-fuck-you for keeping discord rocking and rolling over the last few months! And a shoutout to @sometimesrosy for inspiring this idea in the first place.
DROP US A DM FOR THE DISCORD INFO TO JOIN IN! And keep tagging your posts here on tumblr as we watch through to the happy ending our faves deserve
@atheneans @sekretny @nightingalewithavoiceoflonging @astridandoddsandends @carrieeve @sometimesrosy @togetherkru @jeanie205 @kizo2703 @ninappon @bellamyblake @immortalpramheda @bellaarke @frazzled-bi @tempestaurora @johnmurphysass @brightblakes @peggysousfan @astridandoddsandends @pendragaryen @earthlords @summerchat @poppykru @raven-komskaikru @otp-armada @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @izloveshorses @geekyogicheese @isweartobreathe @natassakar @waldensblog @oswinian @itsamepigalet @bellamyschin @hazmatilda  @somewhatsunshiny @howl-kom-whitelotuskru @delicatebluebirdruins @hikarielizabethbloom@lona-v-lona @the100rewatch
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wandaslittlelove · 3 months
Protective Sister Raven
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Pairing: Clarke Griffin x Reader (brief mentions), Raven Reyes x younger sibling
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When Raven finds you and Clarke cuddling in a tent she quit literally drags you away by your ear. Even as you scream at her to let you go she stays stone cold with the only thoughts running through her head is that she would not let someone else she loved be taken by Clarke Griffin.
From there she makes sure that you and Clarke have no contact whatsoever. Even going as far to have someone watch over you at all times (Like Bellamy with Octavia in season 1). 
When she caught you talking to Clarke and your “Guard” nowhere to be seen she saw red. She screams at Clarke and tells you that you will never see her again. 
Getting upset when you refuse to talk to her and instead walk away everytime she comes up to you. 
Eventually realises her mistake and attempts to make things right. Even if that means her baby sibling is with Clarke.
Talking all her problems out with Clarke and giving her the “Big sister speech” 
Helping Clarke set up a date for the two of you
Apologizing and hugging you tight before she takes you to see Clarke
Smiling with tears in her eyes as she sees how happy you both are
Nods her head when you look back at her with a smile
Eventually going to your wedding were she threatens Clarke again
Overall Raven would be very protective over you. Having lost her parents and Finn she couldn’t stand to lose you. Even as you're married and start a family with Clarke she can’t help but want to protect you and keep you in a little bubble forever.
She would be the best older sister.
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cakeleighh · 6 months
Blue Beetle Doodle dump with an AU sprinkled in. If someone manages to understand the au, well done, you can understand the mess that is my mind.
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[please forgive any grammatical/spelling mistakes, my brain has yet to come back after it left me to be with another]
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topazy · 2 years
The fierce and broken
Pairing: Raven Reyes x reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood and violence
Chapter: 2.12
You stare down at the ground, trying to contemplate what to do next. Things had drastically gone from bad to worse. You started with Maya as she sobs over her father’s dead body. He’d been shot and killed by another Mount Weather guard.
A lump formed in the back of your throat as you thought about your own parents, and how your mom was killed for helping someone. You knew the pain she was in, but you also knew that nothing anyone said or did would help.
Hearing a clattering noise, you lift your head up and start to walk in the direction it’s coming from. You stop when Bellamy grabs hold of your shoulder and gives you a puzzled look.
“You hear that?” You whisper.
He nods, stepping in front of you and leading the way until you reach a door that requires a keycard to get on the other side. You share a look with the older boy, “What do we do?”
“See what's on the other side,” he says as he hands you the keycard and points his gun at the door. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to check in with Monty and Jasper. “Ready?”
When they all nod, you swipe the keycard, unlocking the door. You expect to see Bellamy firing his gun at an enemy, but instead you see Octavia leaping through the door and hugging him.
When she pulls back from her brother, she hugs you next. “I’m so glad you're okay.”
Your eyes land on Clarke and you notice how displeased she looks. “What the hell happened? Where’s Lexa? Where’s her army?”
Before you can ask anything else, Maya enters the room, and you notice Octavia’s happy facial expression twisting into one of anger. “It’s alright, she’s with us.”
Maya gives you a small nod. She was truly good; you just hoped there would be some way to keep her safe as well.
“Okay,” Bellamy says, getting everyone’s attention. “We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine.”
As Clarke and Bellamy try to come up with a plan to save your people, Maya’s oxygen tank begins to beep. You look at how much is left in it and say, “I thought this was a new one. It says there's only half an hour left.”
“We did just change it,” Jasper confirms.
You gulp down. You’re running out of time to save your people and Maya didn’t have much left. “I think we should split up,” you say, and everyone looks at you. “That we can find Dante and get Maya another oxygen tank.”
“She’s right,” Clarke says, pausing for a moment. “Octavia, you should go with Jasper and Maya to get another oxygen tank, while me, Bellamy, and Monty go look for Dante.”
“What about you?” Bellamy asks.
“I’ll go with you guys.”
You tense up on the spot when you hear fast approaching footsteps. You, Bellamy, Clarke, and Monty were heading towards Dante’s office, but the mount weather guards were starting to close in on you.
Bellamy’s fingers reach for his gun, but you stop him before he pulls it out of his holster. “Don’t, it will only waste time. You guys go ahead, I’ll hold them back.”
Monty looks at you as if you’ve grown a second head, “How?”
“Uh…”, I look into one of the other hallways and notice a mop and bucket lying in the hallway. “I might not be able to stop them, but I can definitely distract them.”
Getting the guards to follow you instead of them was a suicidal move, but you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if innocent lives were lost and you didn’t do everything you could to help.
Clarke grips your arm, “You don’t need to do this.”
“Yes I do. Just make sure you save our people.”
Two guards turned the corner and began running towards you with their guns drawn.You held your hands up in the air, showing you were unarmed, because you had nowhere else to run and hide.
A muffled voice came through the radios on the guards' uniforms. You couldn’t make out what the voice said, but both guards put their guns down. The one closest to you pulled his electric baton out and hit you on the legs with it twice. You screamed as the pain shot through your body, as you fell to the ground.
You are dragged into a room that reminds you of your cell on the Ark, except with more people. Your eyes lock with Wick’s. He mouths something to you, but you don’t make it out. Everyone in the room was chained to the wall, including Abby, Jasper, Harper, and Kane.
You feel your heart break as you look down at the table in the middle of the room and see Raven strapped to the table in the middle of the room looking lifeless. “Raven?” You try to get out of the grip of the guard that’s holding you back, “Raven!”
The guard throws you roughly against the wall and chains you to it. You yell at the doctor who’s hovering over Raven, “What are you doing to her?” When he doesn’t answer you, the guard chaining you up sniggers. You collide your forehead with the guard's nose, “Let her go asshole.”
The guard stumbles back and grips his nose in pain, before grunting and punching you in the face with his free hand.
Tears burn your eyes as your vision becomes blurry in your left eye. No doubt you’d have a large bruise, but you didn’t care. Out of your good eye, you can see the blood dripping from Raven’s leg, and you let out a sob as an anger you’ve never felt before travels through your body. Raven was already in so much pain from being shot that the doctor was taking bone marrow from her that it would kill her. “You’re killing her! Stop! Let her go! Take me instead. I won’t fight you; just let her go!”
Dante’s son Cage, the man who was behind all of it, ignores you and points to Abby, “put her on it.”
Both Abby and Kane begin to protest, but it does no good, as Raven was tossed aside and Abby was strapped to the table. You lift your head and look at the camera looking over the room. This was personal. Cage was hurting Abby to get at Clarke, which meant he knew she was watching at that moment.
The room is filled with Abby’s screams as the doctor begins to drill into her leg.
You are not sure how many agonising moments have passed when an alarm captures the attention of Cage, the doctor and all the guards in the room. When the guards start to cough heavily, Cage takes off running out of the room.
Clarke, Bellamy, and Monty must have found a way to save your people by letting the outside air in.
“Alba!” Octavia rushes into the room and unchains you from the wall. The moment she does, you rush by her and kneel beside Raven, who is groaning in pain.
You brush a strand of long brown hair out of her face, “hey Reyes. Long time no see.”
“Hi,” she says weakly.
Once he’s unchained, Wick helps you get Raven to her feet. When she’s up, you help her stand as you make your way through the mass hall of Mount Weather and are horrified to see all the dead bodies laying on the ground. men, women, and children. Including Maya
You feel a wave of relief wash over you when you finally reach Camp Jaha. You never thought you’d be glad to see it again.
“Wait, Jasper,” Raven says as she reaches into her backpack and pulls out his son's old goggles, which she hands to him. “I almost forgot.”
“My goggles, thank you.”
He looked so broken. You step forward and hug him. “I’m so sorry about Maya. She was good, and deserved so much better.”
Jasper said nothing but embraced your hug, which Raven joined.
You remove your head from your hands and look up to see Raven limping towards you. Since you’d returned to camp, you’d been assisting Jackson in medical to the best of your ability, but you simply didn’t have enough supplies to take everyone who was tortured in mount weathers pain away.
You sigh, knowing Raven was ignoring your medical advice in order to keep you company; “You should be resting.”
Raven rolls her eyes playfully and sits down beside you. “I didn’t want you to be on your own.”
Your mind immediately goes to all the dead people in mount weather, and you wonder how many of them died alone. When you blink away the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes, Raven links her fingers with yours.
You continue to sit in a comfortable silence as you both come to terms with everything that has just happened. The knowledge that keeps you from falling apart is that no matter how bad it gets, you still have each other.
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sickoherd · 6 months
CLARKE GRIFFIN — being in a secret relationship would include...
fluff / minor angst
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pairing: clarke griffin x reader, reader x raven (sibling like relationship)
request: "where practically reader is raven’s sibling/sister and reader has a secret relationship wth clarke as to prevent like more dangers. one day raven catches clarke and reader cuddling and how it would play out since raven is older than reader and i believe that she’d be protective of her/them considering it’s her younger sibling/sister" from @nickeverdeen
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you should have told raven, before she found out like this
you and clarke hadn't been together for very long, only since landing on earth
growing up, you and raven had always been close
she was only two years older than you, but she was like an older sister
when you were arrested, raven was heartbroken
she didn't want you to die..
but of course that never happened
you were sent to earth, where you met clarke
you quickly befriended the girl, and was a great help in setting up communications
and when raven landed, you were just over the moon
despite the threat of the grounders
even though clarke and raven didn't get on at first, you still remained close with them both
raven was wary of clarke because of finn
and clarke just felt guilty
but when clarke was hurting, and you were the one to hold her as she cried, she couldn't help but fall for you.
she knew it was wrong, so she kept it a secret
it was only on one peaceful night at arkadia that she had confessed her feelings
you had been drinking, the both of you
and it was the way that your smile lit up the room, and the way your hair shone in the lights
she just let it slip
"i love you y/n"
that sobered you up slightly
"come on princess, let's get you to bed."
you helped move her to her room, but when you turned to leave she grabbed your wrist and pulled you to her
"i do, i love you" she whispered
then she kissed you
and when you kissed back, it was the happiest moment of her life
clarke pulled you into bed with her, and she fell asleep in your arms.
the next morning, when the two of you were fully sober, you had a proper talk
you confessed to loving her too
but you both agreed that it would be better to keep it from raven, you didn't want to cause more problems
and neither of you were really prepared to go public with it, considering clarke's long list of enemies
this worked out well for a couple weeks
you would only kiss and cuddle in private, in your own rooms/tents
and you would just act like normal friends in public
minus the longing gazes from across the room
raven didn't suspect a thing
but one morning, after clarke had spent the night with you and you had fallen asleep cuddling, raven came calling
in her haste she forgot to shout your name, entering your space without thinking as she had done so many times before
however, the sight that she was greeted with...
you and clarke, naked but covered by the blanket, cuddling.
"y/n? clarke?"
bless her she was so confused
she didn't want to think that her younger sister would do something so stupid
clarke of all people?
raven knew it was only a matter of time before clarke would hurt you...
"uh, maybe i should leave? clarke uttered sheepishly, already gathering her clothes
raven threw a shirt at you, not even looking at clarke
once the blonde had left, raven started pacing in front of the bed that you sat on, now dressed
"look raven-"
"no! no y/n what the hell?" raven scolded you, "how could you keep this from me? you know how i feel about her!"
"exactly, thats why i didn't tell you. i'm sorry raven but we knew you wouldn't approve, and we weren't really ready to go public yet either."
raven was silent for an unnerving amount of time before she finally spoke
"how- how long have you been together?"
raven didn't look as angry anymore, just disappointed that you hadn't told her
"a few weeks.."
raven shook her head and and turned from you, clearly exasperated
"if she hurts you, i will kill her."
with that, the mechanic left you, and even if that wasn't complete approval, it was something
you knew you would have to make it up to her, but that would come in time. raven could never stay mad at you for long
when you told clarke she was overjoyed
but slightly nervous at the threat
of course she had no intentions of harming you, she loved you too much.
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soul-wanderer · 3 months
and a very friendly reminder that in 6x12 Abby says "I may not be your Mother, but you are my family, Raven"
she doesn't say "but you are like a daughter to me"
because Raven was never that and it's made abundantly clear in what would be some of Abby's final words to Raven
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ilguna · 1 month
could i request expired medicine #13 with raven reyes? (im sending in a couple other requests so if ur next few sound a little repetetive its just me 😭)
☼ sleeping giants (Raven Reyes) ☼
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warnings; swearing, blood mention, ehh gore, gun use, death, death mention, use of explosives.
wc; 4k
prompt; 13. "I'm not going anywhere."
notes; spoilers for s5e3.
The pod jerks as you come to a sudden stop inside of the transport ship, Eligius IV. You jolt forward, reaching your hand out to place on the metal wall to keep from bumping into it. A moment of silence consumes the group of you, adrenaline freshly pumping.
Emori lets out a sigh of relief, and possibly disappointment from her failure to properly land the ship. If it weren’t for Raven, you could be in a much worse situation right now.
“That was fun.” Murphy remarks, breathing heavily. “We should do that again sometime.”
The others sigh, you roll your eyes. You press the release latch on your helmet, carefully pulling it off your head to not smack yourself in the face with the long rubber part. Once you’ve got it resting on your lap, you look to Raven, who’s turned around in her seat to see you.
“You’re okay?” She asks, space helmet resting on the top of her thighs.
“As good as I can be.” You smile, giving her a wink.
“Okay, let’s go find that fuel.” Bellamy says, getting up from where he was sitting. He’s the first to reach the latch in the middle of the room, twisting the handle and pulling the door up. He glances at Raven. “On me.” He then begins to go down the ladder. “Suits off in the cargo hold.”
You each follow behind him one at a time, with you letting everyone else go first. You pass the helmet down to Monty, who places it off to the side, while you climb down the ladder. At the bottom, you shed the orange jumpsuit, folding it neatly and setting it in a pile on the floor, helmet on top.
The moment you step out of the ship, you can hear an alarm blaring from inside the Eligius IV. Bellamy tentatively approaches the airlock door, peering through the windows to see if there’s anyone coming in your direction.
“Come on. We got to move fast.” He says.
Echo pulls out her sword, causing the sound of metal on metal to fill up the small space. She shares a long look with Bellamy. “We don’t know what we’re walking into.”
Bellamy presses the red button for the airlock, allowing the doors to open, and the alarm to become louder. You reach for Raven, bringing her closer to you.
“That’s just annoying.” Murphy says.
“If someone was here, they’d shut it off, right?” Harper asks, Bellamy looks back at the rest of you, before heading into the hallway.
Raven pulls away from you, jogging to catch up with Emori. “Hey, not you. You should stay in the pod and run a full diagnostic check.” She looks back at it. “That was a big impact. We don’t know if we took on any damage.”
Murphy stops, turning halfway to listen in on the conversation. “I can, uh, stay back and help.” He offers.
The three of you look at him, but Emori speaks first. “How, by making stupid little jokes?”
“Don’t take it out on me because you screwed the pooch in your big debut, okay?” He turns fully, taking a step in your direction.
Bellamy comes back around, grabbing onto the back of Murphy’s shoulder to pull him away. “Hey, hey…” He motions. “Harper can help Emori. Everyone else move, now.” 
With this being mostly settled, the conversation is done. Emori heads into the ship, with Harper brushing past Murphy to join her. You keep a steady hand on Raven’s lower back, guiding her with you down the long hallways. 
Bellamy takes it easy around every corner, being sure to sweep the area with his flashlight first, and entering the space second. “This place is like a maze.” He murmurs, shuffling to a stop when you reach a door. His light fixated on the words above. “No inmates past this point.”
“Inmates?” Echo asks, face twisted.
“Prison labor.” Monty answers, causing Bellamy to look his way. “The mining missions were dangerous. They sent people they thought were disposable.”
“Sounds familiar.” Murphy says, referring to how a hundred of you got sent to the ground as a sacrifice because the Ark was running out of air. You’re still bitter about it, too, but not to his extent.
“Relax. Our ancestors were prisoners a hundred years ago.” Raven tells him, moving forward through the group, leaving you in the back. “Their descendants on that transport ship are survivors, just like us.” When she approaches the door, it opens automatically. “The bridge is this way. Come on.”
She manages to lead you through the last of the hallways effortlessly, straight to the bridge, like a moth to a flame. She’s always drawn toward electronics. The door entering the room has been ripped open with brute force, the metal has been mangled and twisted to have a gap just wide enough to slip through.
“Looks like someone forgot their key.” Echo mutters
Raven squeezes through. “Jackpot.”
Immediately, she begins to head toward the front, where she’ll be able to turn off the alarm. Bellamy isn’t as quick to move, looking around. “Something bad happened here.”
“Monty.” Raven calls.
He slips past you, hurrying to her side. “Help you access the ship’s manifest and schematics so we can find out where they keep their hydrazine?”
Yes, but first let’s kill this alarm.” She tells him.
Raven plops down in one of the seats, entering the computer and going through until she can turn off the noise. The second the silence hits, a wave of serenity comes over you, no longer anxious.
“Thank you.” Bellamy says, observing the cabinets.
Monty sits on the other side of the room, typing. “Fuel systems.” He reads, his screen lights up. “Got it.”
“Oh, Captain’s chair.” Murphy makes a face, taking a seat.
“I think that belongs to me.” You tell him, jabbing your thumb to the side to tell him to get off.
He scoffs, “In your dreams, (Y/n). You don’t have a leading bone in your body.”
“And you do?” You shoot back. 
“The ship doesn’t run on hydrazine.” Raven announces. “They could never store enough for a long-duration mission.”
“Well, what, then?” Bellamy asks.
“It looks like… hythylodium.” 
“Must be what they were mining for, incredibly efficient energy—” Monty begins.
Murphy cuts him off. “Spare me the science lesson.” You smack the side of his head. He glares at you, but continues to speak. “Can we use it to land the pod or not?”
“Sure, if you want to explode every cell in your body.” Raven rolls her eyes.
“I vote for that one.” You smile sarcastically at Murphy, moving away from the chair. Murphy gives you a mocking smile back.
“Raven.” Bellamy says, concerned.
“Don’t worry. Just because this ship doesn’t run on hydrazine doesn’t mean they don’t have any on board.” She says, typing into the computer.
“The dropship.” Monty suggests.
“Short-range transport. They’d have to have a supply for refueling.” She goes quiet for a second, waiting for the computer to respond to her requests. Then, it changes. “Boom. And the crowd goes wild.”
You come up beside her, rubbing a hand over her shoulder. She looks up at you with a smile.
“So we have a way down?” Echo asks.
“We have a way down.” Raven confirms. 
“That’s not all we have.” Monty says, looking over the control panel nearby. His eyebrows draw in, squinting his eyes briefly, and then he flicks a switch. A radio scratches as it tries to connect to the right frequency. “Lasercom.”
“I mean it, McCreary.” A female voice comes over the radio. “I’m not losing any more men today.”
You turn to look at Bellamy, finding his face twisted.
“Our radios were blocked by residual radiation on the Earth, but lasercom was designed to cut through worse atmospheric conditions than that.” Monty tells you.
“Well, can we talk to them?” Murphy asks, getting out of the chair.
“Wait. We don’t know who we’re dealing with.” Bellamy tells him, reaching to grab him. 
Raven is on her feet now, looking over the control board.
“Movement to the northwest. McCreary, do you see it?” A man asks.
“I’ve got something better than movement. I’ve got tracks.” McCreary responds.
Raven turns around suddenly, looking between you and Bellamy with wide eyes. “They’re hunting our people.”
“We don’t know that.” Murphy says.
“We know there was no one else left on the ground.” Bellamy says.
“They could still be in the bunker.” You suggest.
“That wouldn’t make any sense.” Monty shakes his head. “They wouldn’t be able to sustain it.”
“It’s just an idea.” 
“Whatever this is, Octavia can handle it.” Echo says to Bellamy, trying to reassure him.
“Move over.” Raven boots Monty from where he’s sitting.
“Wait. What are you doing?”
“Finding out who we’re dealing with.” She says, pulling up several screens to sift through the information.
“All units, be advised. Subject is armed and dangerous.” The same woman from earlier says. “We are in her backyard. She knows the terrain. Keep your eyes open.”
You share a look with Bellamy, where you shake your head slightly. 
“I see her! Moving in!”
“We’ll go south and cut her off.” McCreary advises. 
“We’re closing in!” A voice shouts, before gunshots come over the radio.
There’s a moment of silence, and then the woman comes back on. “McCreary, we heard gunfire. Report.” She orders. “I said report, McCreary.”
“Relax, Colonel.” McCreary sighs over the radio. “I told you we’d get her, and we did. She’s a feisty one. Pretty, too.”
“Good work. Bring her to me.” The Colonel tells him. “We got a lot to talk about.”
“Still don’t think it’s Octavia?” Bellamy asks you, taking a step back. “We got to get down there, now.” 
“I’ll stay up here and look for anything useful.” Raven says, sitting back in her chair, rotating around to face the rest of you. 
“Okay,” Bellamy agrees. “Monty, Murphy and Echo can go get the hydrazine. You know where to find it, right?”
Monty nods. “I’ve got it.”
The three of them take off to the dropship together once Raven gives them a general set of directions. Monty waves her off, declaring that he’ll figure it out, and then they disappear through the small gap.
The three of you sit in your own chairs, with you and Bellamy watching Raven work her magic over the systems. She siphers through the files, until she finally comes across the prisoners, which are locked behind a wall. It doesn’t take her more than a minute to break through.
Bellamy and her switch spots, allowing him to go back and forth between all three hundred of them. “Murder, murder, murder.” He reads their crimes out loud, there isn’t much of a variety. They boil down to the same thing. “Murder, arson resulting in murder, armed robbery resulting in murder.” He sighs. “Three hundred inmates, twenty-five guards, and twelve crew.”
“Relax.” Raven tells him. “Great-great-grandpappy Blake was an astronaut with how many PH.D.S?”
“Four?” Bellamy says.
“And how many do you have?” She asks, you laugh at the look on Bellamy’s face. “Oh, wait. Shut up. I got it.” She says, switching from one of the prisoner files to a screen with a long list of recordings. “The Captain’s Log.” 
“The last entry was over a hundred years ago.” You raise your eyebrows.
“Play that one.” Bellamy says.
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
She presses play, and immediately a video pops up with a man on the screen, wearing a black jumpsuit. “I have to make this fast. The ship has been compromised.” He begins quickly, Bellamy gets to his feet. “The prisoners found out about Order Eleven. They used an explosion in the starboard engine bay as a distract—”
An explosion at the door cuts him off, a flash of light coming across the video, corrupting it into static for a brief moment. On the other side of the room, by the door, you can see figures in orange coming in. The video jumps, the man facing the camera again.
“Most of the crew is already dead. They’re about to take the bridge. Listen to me!” He demands, Bellamy looks back at the damaged door. “With the engine damage, it’ll be decades, maybe longer, before they make it back home. I tried disabling cryo, but couldn’t.”
“Cryo?” You repeat, looking at Bellamy.
“That’s quite enough, Captain.” A familiar voice says, the woman from the radio. You turn your attention back to the screen.
“If Eligius makes it back to Earth, blow it out of the sky! Diyoza can’t be allowed to weaponize the cargo! Do you hear me?! I said blow it—”
A man appears behind the Captain, a knife being brandished at the camera, before it’s sliced across his neck. You watch the blood spurt out in a giant wave, and then the Captain falls to the floor, choking.
“The bridge is yours, Lieutenant.” The woman says.
“You said you wouldn’t kill the crew.” A different man says, voice low.
“I said I wouldn’t.” The woman emphasizes. You watch as the prisoners begin to fire at the crew. “You did the right thing. I won’t forget it.” Another gunshot. “Now do your job and get us the hell out of here, Lieutenant.”
There’s chatter between the inmates, and then the woman comes into the main view of the camera. Your eyes lock on her, taking in every detail of her face that you can, before she shuts off the camera. END ENTRY. The letters are bolded in a yellow pop-up.
There’s a moment of silence between you three as you take in the information. 
“He said cryo.” Raven murmurs. “He said he was trying to deactivate the cryo—” Raven gets to her feet, turning to face Bellamy, her eyes widening almost instantly. “Bellamy, look out!” 
You twist in your chair, looking for the danger. You find a large prisoner barreling into the bridge, twice the size of any of you. You get to your feet, watching as Bellamy blocks the first punch, but misses the second one. 
As you jerk forward, you wind your fist back, and then throw your entire body weight into the punch. His head knocks back, but that’s it, before he reaches to grab you, managing to place a hand on your shoulder. Bellamy comes through, back on his feet, punching the prisoner again, causing him to double over. He’s able to get one more hit in, and then he gets headbutt.
The prisoner throws him against the nearest cabinet, trying to hold him down. Raven comes up behind him, sticking her fingers into his eyes, pulling his head back. It loosens the grip on Bellamy enough to allow him to breathe, but the prisoner punches his stomach, throwing him down.
And turns his attention to Raven.
No, you think. You throw your left arm up and around his neck, pulling him into a headlock. He reaches to grab you, instinctively trying to pull you off. You tighten your grip around his neck, pulling your arm.
“Hey! Let her go!” Echo shouts.
The prisoner turns to face her, and she comes in swinging with the sword, slicing it across his stomach. You get thrown off in a fit of rage, managing to land on your hands and knees, nothing aching. She then slams the sword through his stomach, and you can see the blade come out through his back.
This has little effect on him. He kicks Echo off, she trips over the steps behind her. Bellamy reaches for a wire, pulling it free. He runs at the prisoner, looping it around his neck, and garrotting him. They struggle, with the prisoner lifting him up and spinning, But with how tight the wire is being pulled, his circulation is cut off.
He falls to his knees, eyes rolling to the back of his head, and then he falls.
The four of you sit on the floor for a minute, panting, trying to catch your breath.
“One down, two hundred and ninety-nine to go.” Raven says.
“Shit.” You breathe.
Echo gets to her feet, holding the sword at her side. “We got the hydrazine to the pod, that’s where the others are. I came here to tell you about the cryo, but it looks like you’ve got a taste of it.”
“How’d you find out?” You ask, getting up. You brush the dirt from your jeans, and then move to help Raven up.
“We found where they all are.” She says.
“Take us there.” Bellamy tells her.
She makes a face, and begins to head toward the door. The three of you follow after her, with Bellamy insisting that he takes up the rear, in case there’s any other prisoners lurking around on the Eligius IV. 
The moment you step into the cryo room, Bellamy is visibly stressed, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, looking over all the pods.
“Not too long ago, I’d have thought this was magic.” Echo says.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Raven says, playing with one of the panels. “Arthur C. Clarke.”
“How long can they live like this?” 
“Technically? Forever.” Raven says.
“Or we can kill them all right now.” Murphy’s voice comes from down the hallway, you turn in time to see him pass through the doorway. “What happened to you?”
“One of them woke up.” Echo says, standing over a pod.
“Question is how?” Bellamy asks.
“No, the question is what the hell are we waiting for?” Murphy shoots back. “I’m serious, okay. We’re all gassed up. Let’s pull the plug on this sleeping arm and go home.”
“That’s not an option; kill theirs, they kill ours.” Bellamy tells him. “Raven?”
“The pods are all jacked into the mainframe. I’m guessing they activated this one remotely from the ground, probably in response to us tripping their alarm.”
“Um,” You shake your head. “When he doesn’t check in, they’ll wake more of them.”
“I’d say that’s a good bet.” Raven agrees.
“Ergo, my ‘get the hell out of here’ plan.” Murphy says.
“Bellamy, you know what happens when these guys get to the ground.” Echo starts. “Murphy’s not wrong. This is an army.” Bellamy looks down. “I know how you feel, but it took four of us to take out one of them. Giving them reinforcements when we can stop it is a strategic mistake.”
Bellamy looks at Murphy, and he nods. When he looks at you, he sucks in a breath. “We’ve been off the ring for less than a day, and we’re already talking about murdering hundreds of people.” 
“This is not murder. It’s survival.” Murphy argues. “They die now or we die later. If Clarke was here, this wouldn’t even be—”
“Clarke’s not here!” Bellamy cuts him off.
“Exactly.” Murphy emphasizes. “She died so we could live, Bellamy. This is how we do that.”
Bellamy looks away, toward the pods.
“Maybe not.” Raven says. “We can leave them here like this, but block the signal from the ground so they can’t wake them up.”
“They have a shuttle. They can just come back up and do it themselves.” Murphy reasons.
“Can you rig it so we can kill them remotely?” Echo asks.
“It’s tricky… but possible. Why?” 
“Leverage.” Bellamy nods. “‘Put down your weapons or we pull the plug’. How long do you need to make that possible?” 
“I don’t know, but I’m on it.” Raven turns to the computer. 
“That’s my girl.” You murmur.
Bellamy rolls his eyes, and they land on Murphy, who’s walking away. “Wait. Murphy. I want to know what you think.”
“I think it’s a risk.”
“You’re right. It is. But Clark didn’t die for us to live just so we can go back to the ground and make the same mistakes.” 
Murphy throws his arms out. “What the hell? Let’s be good guys.” 
He backs out of the doorway, presumably down the hall and toward the pod again. You stick around Raven, watching as she changes the programming to allow her to be in control, taking it away from the prisoners on the ground. When she’s done, her face smooths over, and she decides to go back to the bridge.
Bellamy and Echo go to the pod to regroup, you follow behind Raven. The two of you sit in front of the system, where she pulls up the crypod control, watching the stats to make sure none of them wake up.
“What’s the matter?” You ask her.
“That’s crap.” You lean back in your seat. “That’s the face you make when there’s a tough decision.”
She presses her lips together, the sound of shuffling back you look up to see Bellamy. She sighs. “Someone has to stay up here.”
“What?” Bellamy asks, face twisting.
“With remote access to the cryo-pods blocked, we won’t be able to operate them, either.” She tells you two, wandering closer to the screen. “Pulling the plug from the ground is not an option. Someone has to stay.”
“No. No.” Bellamy hands his hands on his hips, shaking his head. “No way. Okay, we make the threat from up here on the lasercom.”
“We won’t know if they’re following through.” Raven says. “Look, I’ve played out every angle. This only works if we have eyes on the ground.”
“Fine.” Bellamy wanders away. “Show me how to do it.”
“I can’t.” Raven’s voice is very matter-of-fact. And it’s a dead giveaway of what she’s been thinking about this entire time. She’s resigned herself to being the one that stays up here. You get up from where you’re sitting. “There are nine security measures to be bypassed, and teaching you would take days, and knowing you, you’d probably still screw it up.”
“You want to stay up here?” You ask her.
“I have to.” She tells you. “It’s not a matter of want, it has to be me.”
“I am not leaving you here.” Bellamy says. 
“I’ll be fine.” She says.
“The hell you will, I’m not leaving, either.”
“Emori can get you down. That’s what I trained her for. You need to go and find your sister, and make a deal for peace with the prisoners. Once everyone’s friends, they’ll come back up for their people, and I’ll hitch a ride down with them.” She tells Bellamy, turning to look at you next. “And you need to be down there to help negotiate peace, you’re better at it than any of us. And besides, you hate it up here, remember?”
“I’m not leaving.” You tell her.
“What if the threat doesn’t work?” Bellamy asks. “You’ll be stuck up here, Raven. You’ll have to kill three hundred people. Have you thought about that?” There’s a brief silence. “No, no, we’ll come up with something else. I left Clarke behind to die, and I…” He trails off. “I’m not doing that again.”
Raven looks off to the side. “There’s an escape pod, you idiot. For the Captain and First Mate. When this is all over, if you fail, I can go down in that.” She says.
Bellamy sucks in a breath.
“Hey.” She says. “Six years ago, I promised myself I would find a way to get us back down. Guys, this is it. Please, let me get you all home.” Raven looks at you, tilting her head. 
“Bellamy, you should go to the others.” You tell him, not breaking eye contact with Raven. 
“(Y/n), please. I want you to go down there, you’ll be happier.”
“I’ll be happier up here, with you.” You tell her. “And if there is an escape pod, there won’t be an issue later on, will there?”
She hesitates. It’s only for a moment, but you catch it. She nods, “Okay.”
Bellamy begins to back away. “We’re set, then?”
“Yes.” You tell him, “Go.” You watch to make sure that he’s gone, before looking at her. 
She’s shaking her head slightly. “Don’t stay up here with me.”
“You were lying.” You call her out. “What were you lying about?”
“The escape pod.” She sighs. “You’re going to be stuck up here with me. We might die up here.”
“And if we do, I’ll be right next to you.” You tell her. “I’m not going anywhere.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!!
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
*titans playing a board game together*
beast boy: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
blue beetle: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
robin: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
raven: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
starfire: *flips the board*
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laufire · 1 month
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absolutely hilarious moment of murphy Looking At His Life and His Choices (deciding to stay on potentially hostile territory because his ex gf hurt his feelings and finding out there's no easy escape plan) but also. very lovely call back to 2x01 💖
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