#All the girls that work there r hot hippies
braen-cill · 11 months
I've got an interview at my local head shop tomorrow I'm manifesting so hard. Gonna wake up tomorrow to do sum rituals 4 good luck pls keep me in ur prayers and sacrifices witchblr <3
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giornosaiyaman · 1 year
Ahsoka and Teen Rebellion
Here’s a really interesting fact about good ol Papa George Lucas. He’s a hippie-a scion of 50′s hot rod culture specifically- who loves teen rebellion.  No Seriously.
“My father thought I was going to turn into a beatnik….I’ve always had a basic dislike of authority figures, a fear and resentment of grown ups.”
https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/politics-behind-original-star-wars/ Before SW, George directed American Graffiti: an early 60′s teen comedy that celebrates-and critiques-greasers, street racing, underage drinking, pranks, and rock n roll.
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During that movie, a teenager, played by Ron Howard, tells his teacher to kiss a duck…without consequences.
Also, George let’s another teenager-played by Richard Dreyfuss, to vandalize an occupied cop car without consequences.
ANH is about a bunch of college hippies sticking it to the man…in space.
During Jedi, Obi tells Luke he has no choice but to kill Vader, to resolve conflict with violence. Rather than obey Obi, Luke disobeys him, chooses to save Vader with peace and love and succeeds!
So what does any of this have to do with good ol snips?
To begin with, GEORGE assigned Ahsoka to Anakin.
“[With Ahsoka] I wanted to develop a character who would help Anakin settle down. He's a wild child after [Attack of the Clones]. He and Obi Wan don't get along. So we wanted to look at how Anakin and Ahsoka become friends, partners, a team. When you become a parent or you become a teacher you have to become more respnsible. I wanted to force Anakin into that role of responsibility, into that juxtaposition. I have a couple of daughters so I have experience with that situation. I said instead of a guy let's make her a girl. Teenage girls are just as hard to deal with as teenage boys are.”
 If we interpret  Snips’ story through the context of George’s perspective, something becomes clear. I don’t think a single Star Wars character, save for Hayden’s version of Anakin, embodies George’s  love of teen rebellion-and his resentment of grown ups as well as Ahsoka.
Ahsoka is hotheaded, impulsive and of course defiant. She hates being treated like a kid, fears punishment, and constantly butts heads with the adults in her life. She constantly trash talks adult authority figures-Anakin, Grievous, Hondo, Tarkin, Palpatine, Obi wan, Vizla etc.
During Malevolence, Ahsoka saves Plo by defying the council. During cloak of Darkness, Snips saves Luminara by defying her. During heroes on both sides, she agrees to break the law with Padme for the sake of peace. During that same episode, one could say she metaphorically sneaks out of her home-the republic-and meets a boy in the process-Lux. She saves the citadel mission by defying Anakin. During the Padawan lost arc, she kills an aggressive father figure. During the youngling arc, Ahsoka straight up tells the kids “sometimes doing the right thing means bending the rules”. All of this subtext climaxes during her big arc in season 5. In this arc, she runs away from and defies a system of adult authority that wants to “unfairly” punish her. During this arc, Ahsoka defies Anakin when he tells her to come back. And the arc ends with her individuating from her primary caregiver-Anakin.
In my opinion, this rebellious subtext gives Ahsoka’s heroic feats a truly awe inspiring quality. As a kid, watching her made you feel like even the world’s biggest “brat”-an unruly child-could step up to the plate and deliver.
Unfortunately, all of this subtext only works when you are a teenager. Growing up means realizing that your actions have consequences and that all the rules teens stereotypically hate exist to keep people safe. Therefore, impulsive hotheaded, “rebels” like Ahsoka, or Korra, or KLK’s Ryuko Matoi, or LWA’s Akko, simply don’t fly in the real world.
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confortaleza · 2 years
JULIAN “JILL” SATO ( he/they ) is a NON-BINARY, TWENTY SIX year old ZEHR’S BY THE SEA EMPLOYEE who has been living in Moorbrooke for TWENTY FOUR years. They were born on OCTOBER 15 and right now, they are currently residing in MAPLE COURT. It has been said that they look suspiciously like BOOBOO STEWART and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose WEVE GOT THE POWER by GORILLAZ. ( cielo, 25, mst, she/her
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b a s i c s
full name : julian “jill” sato sexual orientation : demisexual  occupation: drummer of the leftovers. greenhouse worker  +amiable +loyal + jocular   -sensitive -dumb -secretive
h i s t o r y  s u m m a r y
tw: mention of homelessness, tw: mention of juvie
jill became homeless at the age of 16 when their  mother decided to abandon them. they didn’t know their father, so jill was truly on their own. so they took their time to backpack the country before landing in new york. they got in a lot of freaking trouble there and short story long, they ended up getting arrested and sent to an orphanage after spending a year in juvie. came back to moorbrooke cus they missed his pals. they never graduated high school. instead got their GED when they were like 20. only a handful of people knows about that part of jill’s life, because it’s not something they like to flaunt. those two years were traumatizing for jill  but they are trying to move past it. their dream? to become a farmer lol. knows a lot about agriculture, so they are working up the courage to go to college for it
h i s t o r y
w a n t e d. c o n n e c t i o n s
ASTRID - girls night + jill. someone braid his hair, paint his nails, do face masks with him. PLEASE POPPYSEED- someone hurt him pls like maybe he has a crush on your DANDELION  - he does a lot of community service! maybe someone who plants trees with him on the weekends POISON IVY - someone who sees how dumb jill is and literally takes advantage of it lol like they are making him do drug runs and jill is deadass like “im delivering a package for my friend!” MAGNOLIA - uptown girl having the hots for the hippie drummer boy and vice versa lol  ASPEN - camping buddies! someone who loves the outdoors as much as jill does or someone who hates it but likes jill enough to try it out SPIDER LILY - an ex!  I’m flexible with anything tbh like maybe they broke up before jill left town, or because they were spending too much time with the band, or maybe they couldn't stand what a pushover they were lol anything does FORGET ME NOT - childhood friends, the few that know what the hell happened with jill. maybe it’s
e x t r a s
- hippie love child -not the sharpest tool in the shed, bless their heart 
-but at the same time they are!they just dont believe in themselves! -definitely the sweetest! people pleaser is their  middle name  -feel free to be super mean to them lol they wont catch it lol they would 100% think you’re joking  - befriending jill is like, adopting an oversized puppy. - would totally throw hands if someone was mean to their friend though. - if there is one thing this kid can’t stand is littering - loves plants! has a million in their  little studio. takes it upon himself to water any of the plants surrounding the complex building. lowkey started a mini garden in the backyard after begging the landlords  - is high 90% of the time. doesn’t like to drink though.  - they make their own cigarettes out of lavender.  -a camping/hiking god. knows the best spots and is always looking for road trip buddies  -they are the drummer in ryan’s band and they love it!! they got hella strong arms lol - a very anxious person underneath all those smiles. has trouble sleeping by myself cus it reminds him of those two years. - has a cocker spaniel mix dog named clover! absolutely loves her! she’s a support animal!
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gowithgabby · 3 years
Remember the Daze.
Character BIO(s):
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Kylie Julien McCarthy
17 years old
Born on September 2nd
Nickname: Ky pronounced like “Kai” (by everyone) Kay-Jay (only by Sav and Jessa), Jewels (by Noah)
Goals: Yale, aspiring to be a Doctor
Interests: Reading, Baking, Beach Days, Mathematics, Literature, Pizza
Crushing on Noah Collins, her best friend since Kindergarten
Summary: One of the best students at Laguna Beach High School, Kylie is articulate, well spoken, mannered, good at multitasking, fairly great at planning, and organized. The kid has a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. A straight A student, member of the school decathlon team, the senior class VP. Kylie is very sweet, honorable, and level headed often acting as the voice of reason in the female portion of her friends. Kylie was born to a successful lawyer, George McCarthy and his partner, Christopher Julien, a ambitious magazine editor. They used a surrogate to have their children, Kylie does know of her birth mother and maintains a relationship with her but she loves her fathers very much. She has a little sister named Violet, who is starting her freshman year at Laguna Beach HS. In all of her 17 years, Kylie has been very complacent in her actions. This year, she is hoping to take the big step in really getting what she wants. She just hopes that it doesn’t blow up in her face. 
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Noah Joseph Collins
18 years old
Born on June 27th
Nickname: Joey, Jojo (Only by Kylie and his mom)
Goals: Yale, aspiring to be a Lawyer
Interests: Listening to music before his time, Pizza, Video Games, Reading, Writing, Debating, and Traveling.
Crushing on Kylie McCarthy, his best friend since Kindergarten
Summary: You might think Kylie is the best student at Laguna, but Noah is her academic rival. While he is on the basketball team, he doesn’t care much for the glory that sports brings, not neglecting his athletic skills. He prefers to bury himself with books, educating himself and enriching his mind. You would think him and Kylie would be trying to tear each other down to be the best but it’s actually the exact opposite, they work off each other and build together. This is mainly due to being each other’s best friends since kindergarten, having fond memories of each other. Noah split his lunch with Kylie when she forgot hers on their first day and they’ve been tight ever since. He has dreams of Yale, his father’s alma mater. He is gifted, the editor of the school’s newspaper and he is the senior class President. He is the son of New York Times best selling author, Layla Shaw-Collins and her equally successful husband, Duane Collins, who made his wealth being the most sought out talent agent in LA. He has an older brother named Aaron whom is starting his junior year at Cornell and an older sister named Luna who is a sophomore at Spelman college, a historic black college.
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Savanna Wyatt Birkhart
17 years old
Born on October 31st
Nickname: Sav, Savvy, Wyatt (by Ethan)  
Goal: UCLA, aspiring to be a Model
Interests: Modeling, Singing, Cheerleading, Bonfires, Volunteering, Traveling, Shopping, Horror Movies, Yoga, Romance Movies, Makeup, Sage, Hot Wings, Indian Food.
Dating Levi James, boyfriend of 4 years. Crushing on her best friend, Ethan Mahoney (possibly)
Summary: What’s to say about Savanna Birkhart that hasn’t been said already?, dubbed the golden girl of her senior class due to her being head cheerleader and girlfriend of arrogant, Levi, the football star. She makes good grades to keep her GPA somewhat untouchable, she dreams of UCLA. Daughter of Carter Birkhart, a successful property realtor and his award winning actress wife, Farrah Sayers-Birkhart. From the time that the biracial girl was placed in her mother’s arms as a baby, she was genetically “blessed”, taking the best of both parents. Doomed to be popular of her face and wealth, don’t think she feeds into the stereotype of high school. Far from entitled and spoiled, she’s openly friendly, down to earth, charitable, honest, warm, caring, and very naive…especially when it comes to her boyfriend, Levi. Everyone is friends with Sav, she’s a good person to be around. She has an older brother named Silas, who is climbing the ladder to be a PR agent in LA, alma mater of USC and she has a 10 year old younger brother named Six, who was born on Christmas Day. Lately, she’s been finding herself in a somewhat love triangle, between her boyfriend whom she loves and her best friend, Ethan, who she also loves but she’s not sure if it’s friendly love or something more. She’s best friends with Ethan, Cali, Kylie, Noah, and Jessa but gets along with everyone fairly well.
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Levi Nathaniel James
18 years old
Born on May 15th
Nickname: LJ
Goal(s): winning the state championship, Stanford, aspires to be CEO of his father’s company
Interests: Partying, Drinking, Working out, Having Sex, Traveling, Sushi, Indian Food, Sports
Dating Savanna Birkhart, girlfriend of 4 years. Unbeknownst to his naive girlfriend, he tends to cheat on her when he goes on family trips or with his dad out of town. He does love her but sometimes he cheats.
Summary: Born to a pair of sun-kissed blonde power couple, Levi is the son of Fortune 500 - Forbes listed CEO of JamesCo, William James and his former model turned socialite wife, Uma Peterson-James. From the day that he was born, Levi has been told that he is powerful, he has money and a lot of it. There hasn’t been anything he wasn’t given, awarded, provided. Textbook jock, Levi excelled in football (mainly), basketball, lacrosse, soccer, and surfs in his free time. He’s QB of the football team and he relishes in the fact that he has Sav on his arm, he’s perfect and he only wants the best for his ego. He mainly focuses on his girlfriend, sex, parties (lots of them), drinking, and sports. He is not the best friend you would want however, very few outside of their friend group knows how he got Sav, by betraying his former best friend from childhood, Ethan, who still harbors a love for Savanna. Recently, he’s been noticing Ethan’s less than quiet advances on Sav. He doesn’t like it, but he has also been holding in secrets from his girlfriend, his cheating and a deeper one that might not only fuck up his relationship with Savanna but destroy the bonds that are deep rooted with their friend group. Levi does have a softer side that only his parents, Savanna, and his sister get to see. He has a little sister named Chelsie, who is a gymnastics prodigy in the making at only 12 years old. He’s best friends with Talan, he’s friends with everyone but he doesn’t care too much for Ethan still being accepted in their group of friends.
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Maia Genevieve Langley
18 years old
Born on July 5th
Nickname: Mai, Langley
Goal: Juilliard, aspiring to be an Actress
Interests: Flowers, Hot Girls, Cute Boys, Designing, Makeup, Sneakers, Cupcakes, Acting, Slumber Parties, and experimenting with different hair colors
Crushing on Bodhi Desai and her female classmate, Hanna Richardson
Summary: Everything about Maia screams sensitive, mainly Kylie’s best friends but she does hold close friendships with everyone in the group, Maia is overly sensitive, fiercely loyal, a ride or die friend, and occasionally shy. A little bit on the hyperactive side, openly bisexual and her parents are okay with it, modern day hippies…what can you say?! She had her first same sex experience with a girl at summer camp when she was in the 7th grade. Her friends do tend to walk on eggshells with her due to her over-sensitivity to avoid triggering her. A flair for the dramatics, Maia knows her name will be in lights one day. She wanted to just move to LA and not go to college but her parents are still a little old-fashioned and want her to be educated and perfect her craft before she attempts the struggling actress thing. She was born to a Japanese-American Self help guru named Mina Sato-Langley and a English father named Jeremiah Langley, he was a footballer in England before transitioning to the states and settling into ESPN anchor fame. Maia is the eldest of four children, having two younger identical twin brothers named Hunter and Finn Langley, who are freshmen at Laguna Beach high school. She has a younger sister named Bay Langley who is 6 years old, Maia was 12 years old when her sister was born, she was a what you call a “surprise” baby. Maia has spent the last four years in awe of Bodhi but he doesn’t pick up on her flirtatious banter or he ignores it to avoid hurting her feelings.
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Bodhi Abraham Desai
18 years old
Born on March 19th
Nickname: Bo
Goal: Cornell, this school is said to have the best culinary arts program; aspiring to be a Chef with his own restaurant
Interests: Mixology, Baking, Cooking, Soul Music, R&B, Comic Books, Alternative music, Old movies, joking
Crushing on Cali Hernandez
Summary: Known as the Lovable Goofball, Bodhi is down to earth, laidback, friendly, and most of all, silly. He is the son of British Indian award winning Bollywood turned Hollywood actor named Deepak Desai and his acclaimed Screenwriter wife, welsh-Irish wife, Alys Davies-Desai. He has a younger sister named Billie, named after his parents love for Billie Holiday, who is 11 years old. Bodhi dreams of being a chef one day with a restaurant similar to Wolfgang or Gordon, his culinary idols. He would love to take his culinary skills abroad and studying in France, India, Italy, and many other countries. He is quite skilled in mixology, teaching himself the art of mixing drinks from YouTube and picking up tricks from hired bartenders at his parents parties and events. He makes decent grades enough to make his parents proud, he excels in chemistry having a love for science since he was in elementary school. He surfs in his alone time and is a beast on the beach when it comes to frisbee and volleyball. He’s best friends with Noah and Ethan. Close friend with everyone else in the group.
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Calista Pilar Hernandez
17 years old
Born on December 31st, a New Year’s Eve baby
Nickname: Cali
Goal: UCLA or USC, aspiring to be a Decorator
Interests: Shopping, Makeup, Vlogging, Chinese Food, Boba Tea, Cheerleading, Beach Nights, Partying.
Dating Talan Everett, boyfriend of 4 years. Crushing on someone in the group but refusing to say it
Summary: Calista is the hot-headed BFF to Savanna Birkhart, while they’re both cheerleaders and share some interests, but ultimately are opposite, where Savanna is down to earth and warm, Cali tends to come off as spoiled and cold. Outspoken, brash, a slick mouth and sarcasm stewed to perfection. Do not call her a spicy Latina, she hates the way Hollywood has stereotyped women with attitude. She’s fiery and will let you know about your wrongs, proud of her heritage. She’s of Mexican-Cuban descent and Swedish through her mother. Cali has a younger brother named Javi, who is a sophomore at Laguna Beach High. Raised by her single father, Javier Hernandez Sr, a famous architect that made his wealth building homes and iconic businesses for the elite. Her mother, Enya Nilsson was a influential fashion designer with several collections, one even named after her daughter, Calista. She lost her mom at 8 years old, making her father a widow. He buried himself into his work and left his cards accessibly to his kids, Cali stepped up and helped her various nannies with her younger brother who was only 6 when their mom died. Like her best friend, she’s sexually active with her boyfriend, Talan. She and Savanna were already going to be best friends, due to their mothers. Enya and Farrah being friends. Farrah even walked on the runway for her designer friend a few times, somehow falling pregnant with their daughters weirdly around the same time. She’s been having issues with her boyfriend, Talan lately.
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Talan Gray Everett
18 years old
Born on April 10th
Nickname: Tal
Goal: Wharton Business School, aspires to be Advertising Executive
Interests: Drawing, Gardening, Growing his own Weed strains, Smoking pot, Surfing, Painting, Working out
Dating Cali Hernandez, girlfriend of 4 years. Crushing on Jessa Filipov, his best friend of 6 years.
Summary: Talan is by far the most reliable guy next to Noah in his group of his friends. Son of A-List Party Planner, Britney Westin-Everett and successful Nightclub-Exotic Strip owning Mogul, Alan Everett. Talan has a younger sister named, Serena who is 15 years old and a sophomore at Laguna Beach HS and a older half brother on his father’s side, Gilliam, nicknamed Gill, who’s a senior at NYU. Talan spends his days smoking weed, drawing, surfing, skate-boarding, playing volleyball, and mainly keeping his GF, Cali and his best friend, Jessa from ripping each other’s hair out. While he knows Cali is not always a BITCH on wheels and Jessa is not only known for her body count, he doesn’t understand why the young women don’t care to much for him having the other in his life. He often wonders had his life would have been different if he chose Jessa over Cali back in the summer of 9th grade. Would Cali even still be his friend?. He knows they’re both different outside of school and when they’re alone with him. Don’t let his pot smoking ways fool you, Talan is very articulate, calculated, wise…even honorable. He has a green-thumb and he frequently grows his own cannabis in grow houses on the shores of Laguna. He does plan on going to study business. He’s a skilled artist and creative with everything. He’s sexually active and you would think with how close he is with Jessa, he cheated on Cali. But he has not, he’s been extremely faithful to his girlfriend, he does love her. Even though lately they have been on murky waters.
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Jessa Beatrix Filipov
17 years old
Born on September 23rd
Nickname: J, JJ, Jess, Bea
Goal: NYU or FIT, aspires to be a Stylist
Interests: Dancing, Twerking, Parties, Salads, Gyros, Burgers, Cheerleading, Beach Days, Themed parties, Hip Hop, Pop music
Crushing on Talan Everett, her best friend of 6 years. Despite him having a GF, Cali
Summary: Jessa was not born in Laguna Beach, Cali will let you and everyone know this information. But she was born in the Nation’s capital to a pair of Bulgarian-American parents, her mother was a high society debutante, Petia Alferov-Filipov and her father, Darian Filipov, was the son of a Oil tycoon who was working his way to senator in his state of DC. However her high society days were cut short when her parents were killed in a car crash when she was 12 years old. Not having any family that was willingly to take her in on the east coast, Jessa was placed in care with her paternal aunt, Yoana Filipov, who was 23 years old at the time. Her aunt is old enough to be her older sister and is not much of a guardian. Her aunt is an heiress who doesn’t need to work, naturally she let her niece do whatever she wants. Only showing up to parent-guardian type things if it’s really needed, signing permission slips and sending her niece money. Jessa quickly made friends in the first few weeks of moving to LB, quickly making her debut as the 10th friend in their group of 9. Jessa “grew up and out” developing physically before the other girls in the group, making her unwisely the first one to adhere to her sexual exploration and interests. She briefly dated Noah, even took his virginity in 9th grade before letting him go as he continued to love Kylie from afar. She does not believe in labels or dating unless she’s really in love and she’s only been in love with one person, Talan for as long as she can remember. A cheerleader, a party girl, and sexually liberated (her words), Jessa is not everyone’s cup of tea…mainly Cali’s. She and Cali actually share a lot in common, both being confident in their looks on the outside but insecure on the inside, sexually active, slick mouthed and sharp tongued, you would think they’d be the best of friends…but they aren’t and Talan is the reason. Plus she also never really like Cali due to her attitude and spoiled demeanor and ability to keep secrets and lie, she is however best friends with Sav and Maia and occasionally Kylie, as she respects the girl’s morals and values to wait. She’s got a good heart and she does believe in love, having seen it firsthand with her parents. She doesn’t want to rush into something that will bite her in the ass. Until it’s something real, mainly with Talan, she doesn’t want a relationship, keeping it casual.
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Ethan Lewis Mahoney
18 years old
Born on April 22nd
Nickname: E, Ma-Honey (by Sav…a childhood nickname because she mispronounced his surname in pre-K) and Mahone (by Sav and Noah)
Goal: NYFA or USA, aspires to be a director
Interests: Photography, Smoking Weed, Directing, Writing, Making Films, Comic Books, Hot Wings, Tacos, Horror Movies, and Spicy Foods
Crushing on Savanna Birkhart, his best friend since Pre-K.
Summary: Ethan prefers to spend his time, directing school plays, photographing things, his muse is often Savanna, often taking a lot of her photos for her portfolio. But he’s not a creep about it, she asks him and he obliges because he loves her and knows that she will be a phenomenal model one day. He works for the school newspaper as the head photographer after Noah asked him to when his OG photographer graduated two years ago. While no desires to be a sports guy, Ethan does enjoy watching them. He’s more on the artistic side, preferring to be on the opposing side like behind his lenses or making the productions. He’s the son of Celebrity Chef, Eleanor White (formerly Mahoney) and her philandering Award winning Actor ex husband, Lyle Mahoney. Ethan is the middle of three children that the couple bore before divorcing, he has an older sister named Isla Mahoney who’s currently working at Vogue as a social media advisor, and he has a younger brother named Noel Mahoney who’s the same as age as Sav’s younger brother, Six. He has dated in the past and even had sex a few times, but none of them compared…compared to Savanna. She’s been the object of his affection since he was in preschool, he loved her even before he knew what love was. They even shared their first kiss together. Ethan was right on track with own planning tactics to telling Savanna how he felt until Levi happened. Levi was at one point his best friend, he swooped in and asserted his claim on Savanna, buying her off with lavish gifts and court side seats. He didn’t blame Sav, Levi gave her a story of lies that he always been in love with her and he was too scared to make a move, the gifts didn’t get her…the lies of Levi did. From then on, Ethan had to watch the girl of his dreams be paraded around like a trophy by his former best friend. Things have been rocky ever since, with both guys only getting along for the sake of Savanna. But he wants it’s to be different especially after he hears some interesting news about Levi’s infidelity…he’s just hoping Savanna will believe him and not Levi.
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ohmysparkle · 3 years
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Dearly beloved Sparkle, what is it you write?
Absolute nonsense.
Stories - very plot driven, actually developed stories. The work I write here will mostly feature male idols. Some of the things I write do not focus on the featured idol because that’s not the point of my writing. I don’t really like to say I write “for” NCT and Stray Kids because they are not the reason I write or what I’m writing for. I like to write funky stories and these are my little muses that I fold in according to what I want, but most of the time my stories I write about them.
Smut - ok I write lots of this. Guilty as charged. Female reader, because I am a woman and I want to write about the experiences I want to immerse in, based on my previous experiences and my fantasies, including all the things I am able to associate with my anatomy. I draw heavily on things I can relate to/experience, and I don’t want to misrepresent anything that I have no knowledge of.
I make stupid cat edits sometimes too.
Oh, great and beloved Mistress Sparkle, what kind of smut do you write?
I write involving several tropes and elements. I like to have lots of setting to any sort of sex scene, and sex isn't just about actions, as many people write. I like reasoning and justifying, delving deep into why people like certain things, why kinks are gratifying and fulfilling. The things we enjoy in sex aren’t just because they feel good. The most rewarding sexual practices answer to things that are fundamentally psychological. Degradation isn’t hot “just because”, getting choked and spanked doesn’t actually feel good as a stand alone activity - so why do they feel good in certain sexual scenarios?
Most people do things just on the surface, don’t really explore themselves and their feelings, or those of their partner. We live in a superficial world and never question the why’s and the significance of things. The majority of the smut I read is very exploitative, and replicates tropes because (and this is evident in the way it’s written) the writer has been told that X or Y trope or kink is good and they ‘should’ represent it as the peak of sex.
Sex is very poorly represented in this circle, and its always boiled down to binary sub/dom dynamics, aaaand that’s not what happens in the real world nor what I think is most enjoyable in fantasies. Sure, power dynamics are there, but it doesn’t always have to be center stage, nor does it have to be a zero sum thing. It’s all very fluid and flexible, and people unfortunately learn about sex in a way that’s very odd to me. So I try to show different elements that are realistically represented, with all of those emotional components that show us why something feels oh so good.
I primarily enjoy soft femdom. And no, contrary to what you’ve read, the end goal of femdom isn’t latex and whips and chains (even though that sounds great). I am comfortable with most kinks and practices, except those which are evidently immoral. I’m pretty open and I’m not going to act all puritanical and judge anyone.
However, I am very uncomfortable with scenarios where there would be a female insert in a very submissive role with harsh elements like bondage/restriction, impact play, and degradation. You can talk to me about it and we can talk about it in a conversation - but my issue comes with people expecting me to write this or demanding it. I don’t have to explain why, just refrain from doing so because I don’t like it.
Oh wise Sparkle, what groups/members do you like to incorporate in your writings?
For now, I’ve included NCT and Stray Kids. There are several members I like to include in certain things depending on the type of dynamic/scenario I can see them being compatible with. That means, I won’t write everything for everyone - except maybe Hyunjin because I could make all of my writings about my Mr. Sexy Spaghetti Man.
I won’t write for all members, especially not ones that are younger or that I don’t get creative vibes with.
Sparkle, why are you Sparkle?
Because the internet is where we have fun and I can’t be a cat in real life despite wanting to. But in all honesty, I think it’s cute and I don’t really want people to know of me as a person on here. I might have had some TMI slips here and there, like revealing my (formerly) very hot (pre-covid) face, but I don’t want anyone to know much about me here. There is only one person here who knows my name and it was an ACCIDENT.
Sparkle, can you tell us about yourself?
Ok, maybe a little.
I’m in my early-mid-20s. I’m a former hot girl turned quarantine potato, honestly I used to be so hot. Enjoy your 21st year of life as it were the last because after that all of the hangovers and bad mistakes leave a scar on your soul and you’ll get wrinkly and less cool.
Other than my gorge k-boys I love all sorts of pop divas. I adore RuPaul’s Drag Race, cats, coffee (iced, bitter, and black, like my frigid heart), Britney Spears, history, economics, languages. I like nature stuff in general, plants, animals, things like kayaking and hiking when I’m not in potato mode.
My hobbies include crafts like sewing and embroidery, assembling miniature houses, watching freaky movies, finding cat memes, and crying.
I have a concerning obsession with horror films and zombies.
What kind of music does Sparkle listen to with her furry ears?
My music taste varies. It’s either the soundtrack of the life of an anti-war Woodstock hippie or a Studio 54 frequent Halstonette. 60s/70s/80s. I like R&B, soul, jazz (not that nyc white people elevator jazz, but the real jazz), disco, glam rock, classic rock, pop rock, whatever the hell you’d use to describe David Bowie and his unicorn space trips, that stuff Prince did that probably made lots of babies, and Queen.
I adore pop divas - Britney above all. I really like the Weeknd too.
K-pop isn’t what I listen to the most and there are veeeery few songs that I listen to and go “omg wow”. I actually enjoy girl groups more than boy groups.
Precious Sparkle, do you take requests?
Sort of/not really. Feel free to drop an idea/request and I’ll elaborate on it if it’s something I’d like to write. I won’t write everything. I also don’t like receiving a bullet list of steps to follow and what to include that are followed up by “when are you going to do my request?”.
Some of my series have been a result of requests, or I answer them as minifics. Maybe I’ll tweak some of the things you include.
That’s all folks.
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heart-inked · 3 years
Warning: really long post I made because I’m bored, if you’re not bored you’re allowed to skip.
You are female
You received a gift on Valentine’s Day
You have been hit on at work
You have watched someone shoplift
You have eaten simply out of boredom
You are ticklish
You have thrown up in a public place
You had something remind you of your ex that made you miss them
You have been out of the country within the last six months
You have been a designated driver
You have played spin the bottle
You have played strip poker
You have been skinny dipping
You have been TP’d
You have been in a cemetery at midnight
You have made a prank phone call
You have pretended to be your mom/dad on the phone
You have snuck into a movie without paying
You have stolen a street sign of some sort
You have been to Walmart in the past 24 hours
You drive a blue vehicle
You have a some point in time had blonde highlights
You have liked someone and never told them
You have told someone you liked them and was rejected
You have been liked someone you didn’t expect
Your parents are divorced
Both or one of your parents are now married to different people
Your grandma is over 80
You have a tattoo most people don’t know about
You have a tattoo
You have a tramp stamp
You have a tribal tattoo
You have piercings other than your ears
You have your nose pierced
You have your belly button pierced
You have a Monroe piercing
You have gauges that stretch your ear lobes - not anymore but I used to
You have had a crush on a sibling’s friend
You have had a crush on a friend’s sibling
You work 30+ hours a week if school counts towards it
You have received a phone call within the last hour
You were named after someone else
You were born between April & September of your birth year
You were born before 1994
You were born before 1990
You were born before 1986
Your last name has more than five letters
Your last name begins with a ‘C’
Your last name begins with an ‘L’
Your last name begins with an ‘S’
Your middle name begins with a ‘N’
Your middle name begins with an ‘R’
Your middle name begins with a ‘D’
Your first name begins with a ‘B’
Your first name begins with a ‘H’
Your first name begins with a ‘Z’
You prefer taking showers to taking baths
You haven taken a foreign language class
You have taken an art class
You have taken a music class
You own a denim jacket
You own a pair of skinny jeans
You own something tie dyed
You own a ‘little black dress’
You have had to have your pet put to sleep
You know someone who had a late miscarriage
You know someone under 20 who passed away from cancer
You know someone with an eating disorder
You know someone who cuts
You have had your hair down to your waist
You have shaved your head
You have had a mohawk
You have dyed your hair blue
You would get your nipples pierced for $100
You would kiss someone 20 years older than you for $50
You would drink a bottle of hot sauce for $20
You have gone to a dance without a date
You know five people under twenty with children
You have considered joining the military
You are in the military
You are out of high school
You are an Aries
You are a Saggittarius
You are a Pisces
You can tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue
You have dated someone who had a child
You have dated someone five year younger than you
You have dated someone five years older than you
You have dated a friend’s ex
You have been in a relationship longer than three years
You are currently single
You are currently engaged
You have kissed someone last New Years
You have worked on a Christmas Eve
You have worked 3rd shift
Your school mascot is an animal
You are wearing something red
You have been to the doctor in the past 3 months
You have been cheated on
You have been told you have beautiful eyes
You have burned yourself with a curling iron/straightner
You have gotten the urge to cry at a random moment
You know how to cook well
You hate having to get up any earlier than noon
You are a night owl
You are a morning person
You have flashed someone
You have an older brother
You have a younger sister
You have a half sibling
You know sign language
You have been to Chicago
You have been to Las Vegas
You have been to Miami
You live in Arkansas
You live in Texas
You have ridden in a small vehicle with 10+ people crammed in it
You have been somewhere and had your ride leave without you
You have accepted a ride home from someone you barely knew
You were in a relationship at this time one year ago
You were in a relationship six months ago
You were in a relationship one month ago
You have bought helium balloons just to make funny noises with them
You have gotten a speeding ticket
You own a t-shirt that supports your favorite band
You have won free tickets to a concert
You have won money from scratch-off cards
You have bought cigarettes when you were underage
You use hairspray daily
You have argued with someone today
You believe in love at first sight
You are a vegan
You have played with an Ouija board
You have visited somewhere said to be ‘haunted’
You drive a vehicle newer than 2006
You own a digital camera
You have taken photographs of yourself simply because you were bored
If you could you’d spend a week in the 1920s
You would rather vacation over a ski resort than a beach house
You have been on a cruise in the Carribean
You are lactose intolerant
You sunburn easily
You have freckles
You have a birthmark
You have questioned your beliefs
You have questioned your sexuality
You are emancipated from your parents
You live on your own
You live with your boyfriend/girlfriend
You live with at least 3 roommates
Your mom was a teen when she had you
You are adopted
You have considered adoption in your future
You want more than four kids
You don’t want any kids
You have children already
You model your life after someone you look up to
You have had a crush on a celebrity
You still have beanie babies from when it was all rage
You watch a certain TV show regularly
You know the Lord’s Prayer by heart
You didn’t pass the first time you took your drivers test
You remember exactly where you were and what you were doing on 9/11
You have had a detention
You know how to knit
You can drive a stick shift
You have broke a curfew
You have graffiti-ed something
You own an umbrella
You are dating the last person you kissed
You have kissed someone in the last 24 hours
You have kissed more than 3 people in the last year
Your last missed call was from a relative
You have driven somewhere today
You know someone who works at McDonalds
You are diabetic
You are hypoglemic
You wear glasses/contacts
You have braces
You are pregnant
You are wearing shorts
You are wearing at least three pieces of jewelry
You have let someone use you, even when you knew they were
You have done something you really regret
You have told someone something you really wish you could take back
You have done something that ruined a friendship
You are on non-speaking terms with a relative
You have taken back an ex
You have dumped someone and later thought if it was the right thing
You have broken someone’s heart
You have had your heart broken
You have ignored someone who liked you in favor of someone you liked more
You have been hit on by the same sex
You prefer a hook up with no strings attached over a relationship
You have received a love letter
You have had a secret admirer
You know someone with the same birthday as you
You know someone with the same birth year as you
You have been told you look like a certain celebrity
You are taller than your mom
You are taller than your dad
You are a legal adult
Your favorite season is Winter
Your favorite color is green
Your favorite number is 7
Your favorite animal is a panda
You saw your favorite movie in theaters
You have been to a concert of your favorite band
You have a cold at the moment
You have visited all 50 states
You have walked around town after midnight
You have been stuck on a ferris wheel when it started raining
You have been in a tornado
You have been in a hurricane
You have thrown up in a restaurant
You couldn’t live without caffeine
You have been to the emergency room more than 5 times
You have slept more than 24 hours in one sleep session
You have received a compliment today
You have given someone a false number so they couldn’t call you
You have convinced someone you had a twin
You have convinced someone you had a sibling that didn’t really exist
You have gotten in the car and drove somewhere with no destination in mind
You have taken the long way home just so that you could jam out to some tunes
You have considered taking up a hippie-care-free lifestyle
You have seriously considered legally changing your name
You have walked around in your underwear while you were home alone
You have gambled online
You have fallen for someone you told yourself you wouldn’t fall for
You have smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in a matter of hours
You have drank so much you blacked out
You have been bit by a snake
You have been bit by a dog
You wish at 11:11
You have found a four leaf clover
You pick up pennies for good luck
You don’t really believe in luck
You have remained good friends with an ex
You have been a flower girl/ring bearer at a wedding
You have been a best man/maid of honor at a wedding
You have been to a funeral this year
You have been to a baby shower this year
You have been to a bachelor/bachelorette party this year
You have been to a 21st party this year
You have been to a graduation party this year
You have been to a going away party this year
You love the smell of fresh cut grass
You have seen a sunset and stayed awake to see the sunrise
You have borrowed someone’s coat/sweater and forgot to give it back
You have used an excuse (cold, scared, etc) to get to cuddle with someone
You have died in a dream
You have gotten a call from someone and wondered how they got your number
You have laughed out loud to something you were thinking of
You have gotten lost and ended up in a completely different destination
You have run out of gas before
You have done something just because you knew you weren’t supposed to
You have been grounded for longer than a month
You receive an allowance
You have babysat more than one child under 10 at a time
You have called in sick to work because you had a hangover
You have stared at the dots on your ceiling and saw pictures of them
You have stayed longer than 3 days in the hospital (psychiatric)
You have pretended to be someone you weren’t for someone else
You have danced in front of the mirror in private
You have dialed a wrong number and it turned out to be someone you knew
You have been to the Atlantic ocean
You have told someone you were fine when you weren’t
You have copied someone else’s work
You have read an entire book in one sitting
You have spent more than $100 on one pair of jeans
You have taken gymnastics
You have taken a karate class
You have written something on a dollar bill
You have eaten peanut butter right out of the jar
You feel like you have no life because you completed this
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onlyyyariii · 3 years
The Beginning
I’m hoping to make two more parts to this, called The Middle, and The End.
I was walking through the mall when I suddenly bumped into someone.
"Ow," I yelled as they shoulder checked me, "watch where you're going f****r."
I glance behind me at the man, he has dark hair and hazel eyes. The man next to him seems to look identical, just a bit taller and more muscular.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. It won't happen again." He says, staring at me.
"Yeah it better not."
I sit on a bench and continue to eat my salad. I love being at the mall. Many of the employees here are very helpful. They don't care about what size you are either. I also love watching the many different types of people that walk by me. The goths, the stoners, the popular girls who love nothing more than getting mani pedis and buying new dresses. Then there's the frat boys who try to throw compliments at me. I'm sorry frat boys, but you're not my type.
"Oh hey, it's the girl who bumped into me."
I look up to see the same guy from before, his clone by his side.
"Hey, you shoulder checked me."
He sits down beside me and his twin sits on my other side.
"What do you want?" I ask, setting my fork in the plastic bowl along with my salad.
"Your name."
"What? No, f**k that. I want yours first. How do I know you don't want to kill me?"
"First off I'm 23 years old, I don't want to kill anyone. But to appease you, I'm Ethan and that's my twin brother Grayson."
I glance between the two, "So does Grayson talk?"
"Of course he does why-"
I turn towards Grayson effectively cutting Ethan off, "Hi Grayson, I'm Liana. Liana Summers it's very nice to meet you."
He smiles and grabs hand brining it up to his lips, "Hi Liana, I'm Grayson but you could call me Gray."
"Uh hello? I was talking first."
I turn back towards Ethan, "I'm sorry sir but could you shut up? I'm trying to talk to my new friend here."
His jaw drops and Grayson giggles.
"Well I was going to ask you out-"
"My answer would be no."
"How come?" Ethan's smile drops slightly.
"I don't even know you. All I know is that you're Ethan and you have a twin brother and you guys are 23 years old."
"Okay... my favorite color is yellow, I'm dairy free, I'm also vegan. Grayson and I like to work out a lot. We're YouTubers, we got popular from vine. Our channel name is the Dolan Twins if you want to check it out."
"Hmm okay we'll see."
"What about the date?"
"You know nothing about me...?" I question, wondering why someone would want to go out with someone they know absolutely nothing about.
"Then tell me, tell me about you."
I smile, "Okay, my favorite color is purple. I'm vegan as well. I'm not some famous hot YouTuber, but I get by. I'm 22 and I work as a photographer. I've always liked make up so I wanted to start a YouTube channel for my make up videos."
"When's your birthday?" Grayson asks.
"It's in December. December 28th."
"Ours is the 16th."
"Oh, that's cool."
"So," Ethan starts as I turn to look at him, "can we go out now? Please."
I smile, "Fine but only one date. That's it."
"Yes," he jumps up off the bench, "here give me your phone."
I pull out my phone and unlock it. He takes it and starts typing away. He hands it back to me about three minutes later.
"D**n what took so long to add your number?"
"I made you follow my socials too."
"Oh my god. Are you serious? Your fan girls are going to come after me."
"Nah, I doubt it. I'll follow you back when we get home."
"Okay," I say, standing up.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Home. I have a shoot tomorrow."
"For yourself or are you taking the pictures?"
"Both," I smile and start walking away, "see ya guys. Bye Gray!"
The date was set for later this afternoon and I couldn't help but feel jittery. I worked out for 3 hours this morning hoping my body was a bit more defined for tonight. No, I'm not going to sleep with the guy on the first date. I just don't want him to think I'm ugly. I'm currently watching one of their YouTube videos. I have been watching them almost daily since Ethan had told me about the channel. Ethan and I talk a lot too. We mostly call, I don't really have the time to text. Only in between shoots, I usually text Grayson and call Ethan. I'm also trying to decide on what to wear tonight. I want to look enticing, like, you get me? I want him to look at me and want to f**k me but like understand that he doesn't get to. Is that mean? My thoughts are cut off by the phone ringing.
"Hello?" I say answering the phone.
"Heyyy Li."
"Oh hey Ethan, aren't you like coming in an hour and a half?"
"Change of plans."
"Oh," I suddenly find myself disappointed. He doesn't want to go out with me anymore? I was kind of excited.
"No! I'm not cancelling on you! I'm coming a little earlier if that's okay. Grayson just brought a girl in the house and he's like signaling for me to leave so I-"
"Oh no, you're fine! You could come to my apartment I guess. I'll text you the address."
"Okay," he chuckles, "thanks."
"Yeah of course."
"Hey, um would you just like dress comfortably?"
"Um, how do you mean?"
"I don't want to give it away but like sweatpants or shorts and a T-shirt or something."
"Oh," where could we be going, "sure."
"Alright I'm sure you'll look hot either way."
I giggle, "Thanks."
"Okay, just lemme know the address I'll be there soon."
He hangs up and I text him my address. (Top is her outfit without the sweater) I hurry and get dressed before Ethan gets here. I do a no make-up make up look. I just put on some mascara and a shiny chapstick. The door bell rings as I'm putting my socks on. I finish slipping the sock over my heel and open the door.
"Hi," Ethan says smiling.
"Hey, uh come on in." I smile and motion behind me.
I walk over and sit on my couch to finish putting on my shoes. I look up to see Ethan holding a picture of my ex boyfriend and I.
"Who's this?" He asks, looking at me.
"Um that was my ex."
"How come you still have the picture up?"
"I just haven't gotten rid of it yet. Most of his stuff is in my closet. I can't bring myself to look at it."
"Do you mind me asking what happened?"
I look around and suddenly his jacket is hanging on the hook and he's walking through the door.
"Hey baby, I'm home. Who's this?" He says, looking at Ethan.
I wipe away the tear that trails down my face and turn back towards Ethan, "Yeah, I'll tell you. Um follow me to my bedroom, if that's alright with you."
I get up and walk to my bedroom, I hear footsteps behind me letting me know Ethan is following me. I sit on my bed and he looks around at all the pictures hanging on my memorial wall.
"Who are all these people?"
"They were my friends."
He turns towards me with a confused look on his face, "Were?"
"They died two years ago," I grab one of the pictures off the wall and point to the people in it, "this is Morgan and Xavier, they were my friends from elementary school. They got engaged a few days before the accident. This is Aliyah and Marina, they became our friends in middle school. Then those two right there are Richie and me. We were dating and planning on getting married but then the accident happened."
I look at him trying to process everything. He looks up at my face and wipes away the tears that are running down my cheeks. I haven't been on a date since I was with Richie but being here with Ethan feels right.
"What was the accident?" He asks, his hand still on my cheek.
"We were in Minnesota, we went for a skiing trip. It was just the six of us. Morgan had this big hippie van that she had just bought. It was older but worked just fine. On our way up the mountain the tires slipped. The car flipped multiple times. When I woke up there was this terrible ringing in my ears. I look around at my friends and they were all still passed out. I crawled out and had to go farther down the mountain to get service. I called for an ambulance and when they arrived they picked me up and we drove back to my friends. Aliyah, Richie, and Morgan has all climbed out of the car but Xavier and Marina were still in the same positions I left them in. I tried to pull them out but they wouldn't move. I found out later that they'd hit their heads when we flipped and their brains swelled. They died during the time I left them there. I should've helped them it's all my fault that they're dead and I-"
Ethan pulls me into his arms and I bury my face in his neck, "Shhh it's okay. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't your fault. You can't blame that on yourself."
He places a kiss on my forehead. I find the strength to pull myself together as I tell him the rest of the story.
"Aliyah and Morgan has pulled Richie out from underneath the car. He had a broke leg, arm, and his ribs were cracked. They told me he had severe damage to his brain. He had to undergo serious brain surgery. Aliyah broke her nose, ankle, and her hand. The bones were shattered. Morgan didn't die until last year. She found out she had cancer, stage four. There was nothing she could do about it because it was too late. Aliyah was murdered a few months after the accident. Richie, after the surgery, forgot who I was. It was hard getting him to remember me again, when he did it was the day before he died. He remembered me and then we had a moment. He asked me to marry him and I didn't care that I was only twenty I said yes. I told him I would come back the next day but that night I got a call. The hospital called me at two in the morning and told me he went brain dead. I was his emergency contact and the only family he had around. They told me that after I had left that day he signed a DNR. I was heartbroken but I had to decide whether or not to pull the plug and I did. He wouldn't have wanted to stay alive like that. All I have from the accident is scars. Internal and external. There's scars on my back from the broken glass, I climbed out the window so I could call for help. It scraped open my back and I had to get stitches. I- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be dropping all of this on you we haven't even gone on our first date yet I-"
"I'm completely fine with it. I want to know about your life. You would've told me sometime anyways right?"
I look back up at him, "Yeah I guess you're right."
"Hey, how about we just stay here tonight? We could watch a movie, have popcorn. I'll make you a vegan dinner?"
I smile and wipe the rest of the tears off of my cheeks, "That sounds nice, however Grayson told me you're not the best cook."
"Not the- oh he's gonna get it."
"Okay," I giggle, "we could make it together."
"That sounds perfect."
Tell me if you guys want the next two parts lol, I didn’t write them yet but I would love to.
Taglist: @grantzarrr @fangdolan @luxplsr @blindedbythelightt @rhyrhy462 @333dolans
Message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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musicalhqsgossip · 4 years
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                                         BLAST001: PARTY RECAP EDITION
is london done painting the town already ? over the weekend, we had some townies singing the blues while some were playing fast and loose with each other ! i’m surprised no one’s been convinced to elope and all that jazz. want the latest scoop on KARYN’S PARTY to be completely comprehensible ? look no further chickies, we’ve got the NITTY GRITTY RECAP right here ! all you gotta do is keep reading...
jack was totally trying to make kat jealous, and i’m tempted to say it kinda WORKED ? wonder how anna b feels about being used though... poor thing didn’t seem to have the night of her life. sulked much, dear ? i hate to admit it, but she and jack were kinda cute. it’s all fun and games... r i g h t ?
maureen was the center of attention as usual, but i knew that “ LOVE TRIANGLE “ would be back to bite her in the ( amazing ) ASS. inviting both mark and joanne ? you know what they say -- one can take the girl out of hicksville...
that hottie made out with moritz on a total WHIM ! she barely had to a s k before he was launching at her face ! is that desperation i smell, or just maureen working her unexplainable magic ? 
looks like maureen and claude went home together to close out the night. who knew the dirty hippie was such a smooth talker ?
speaking of claude, what was he on ( this time ) ? it’s a good thing mark was there to help his friend out, that boy was sweating like a SINNER in church and we were a l l there for it ! seemed to bring up some bad memories for both of them, though... 
and what about our sweet favorite, mark ? he may have been too drunk to remember, but him going home ( blacked out ) with anna b is imprinted in our minds ! hopefully that pair won’t r e g r e t anything come morning... he was also spotted flirting up a storm with aliz -- turns out mark has a type, and it’s spelled Q-U-E-E-N. but there’s NO WAY our queens would ever fight over a B O Y... right ?
julia was spotted on the roof with hero, at the bar with joaquin and on the dancefloor with jamie ! she deserves a HOTTIE to snuggle up to, but i worry jamie’s still too h u n g u p on his ex-wife to make a move.
talking about her -- oof, jamie and cathy got awkward as h e l l... can we blame them, who doesn’t get nervous in front of a hot ex ? 
talking about exes... i spied with my little eye one emmett forrest and elle woods skipping the party T O G E T H E R. was that kiss a hint to them getting back together ? i would be lying if i said i’m not ROOTING for them... oops !
and the list of exes running into each other doesn’t end. have y’all seen melchior and davey ? at least these two get along just fine -- so wholesome, sweet, and totally NOT what people come to gossip about !
what people DO like to gossip about is davey making out with tough guy spot -- all but confirming this is a rebound from his little crush on jack. dare i say it... spot can do better ?
les and crutchie broke up, then cried to their friends in the middle of it all, then made up. talking about a whirlwind in a glass of water... but hey -- LOVE that for them ! wholesome, sweet, NEXT !
and how could we forget how wholesome allie and alvin were ? that boy’s got A LOT on his mind and heavy weight on his shoulders, it’s good to see his best gal pal sticking by him no matter what ! i bet she gives the best hugs ( or would he be wanting more ? oh c’mon -- as if it’s a secret... ).
lets not forget about our HOSTESS -- karyn got it on too, chickies ! lest we forget it’s her party, we saw her getting some v e r y special attention from j.d. as they disappeared for a few hours... 
glad to see j.d. spent more time talking with cady than kissing her this time around. but i doubt that couple would work out if she found out about his one night stand with her PLASTIC friend.
talking about our little sleep-a-round -- did j.d. seriously think confessing his crime to spot was a good idea ? spot didn’t seem b o t h e r e d at all, which is totally not worrying at all. i wouldn’t trust either of those boys as far as i can THROW them !
also, pull out the wedding bells, folks ! phoenix and annabeth finally got together, officially. yet all i can think about is where was grover during all of this ? i would certainly want know if i were to be third wheeling the whole party. maybe he can be best man -- T W I C E, aha.
mimi was on her phone part of time, drunk texting roger ! if she can’t get him out of the house, i don’t know WHAT WILL !
and lets not end on a high note ( yes, you read that right ) -- what is going on with reese and wendy ? seems like our big bad jets leader has a serious case of the w e n d i e s. i wonder how pedro got back home without his little bird. perhaps he s t a y e d the night ELSEWHERE.
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def-sol · 5 years
21 questions and tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @dark-muse-iris thank you lovely!
1. Nickname: Ruby because I don’t like my real name which is my grandmothers, my mom origionally wanted to name me Ruby but switched it when my dad said no. I plan on legally changing it to Ruby eventually.
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Height: 5′0
4. Hogwarts: Slytherin
5. Last thing I googled: “Prodigal Son next episode” because I wanted to know if there’s one more episode before the finale
6. Favourite musicians: Monsta X, ATEEZ, Dir En Grey, My Chemical Romance, G-Dragon, EXO, Blackbear, Got7, Sunmi, Sik-K, DPR Live, Trevor Hall, The GazettE, BVNDIT, Shinee (solo works included), WayV, NCT, Twice, Loona, Pristin V (r.i.p), HINAPIA, and a shitton more
7. Song(s) stuck in my head: SOSO by WINNER
8. Following: 166 though I think a lot of them have left at this point
9. Followers: 115 but based on interaction activity like 9 that 115 will drop when I comb through to report more of the P*rnbots
10. Do you get asks: Nope maybe twice a year
11. Amount of sleep: 3 - 10 hours depending on if the moon is out, my menstrual cycle or if I’ve had caffeine
12. What are you wearing: Black tanktop, my white Cloud9 hoodie that I got during season 5 of LoL and fuzzy purple pjama pants with silverish outlines of bears
13. Dream Job: Something that sustains the way I want to live without causing harm to my physical and mental wellbeing
14. Dream trip: Portugal, Spain to find any roots of my ancestery, South Korea, Japan, the countryside of France, wherever I can see aurora borealis, I want to eat good and immerse myself in different cultures
15. Instruments: Drums. Took lessons for 8 years or something close to that but have always been shy about it so don’t look at me if I play
16. Languages: English and the Korean alphabet though I want to get back into learning it, I also need to start picking up French for easier employment when I’m in Canada
17. 10 favourite songs right now:
Everyday by Perfume
Embarrassed by Kennie
Guard You by Miyavi
Orbit by Nao
U R by Monsta X (okay it’s actually the entire album)
Love Talk by WayV
Unless I’m With You by Jackson Wang
Other People by Amber Liu
Dozing Green by Dir En Grey
18. If you were an animal, what would you be: I’ve been compared to a panda and sloth often but a black cat would be cool, maybe a witch companion could be a good life
19. Favorite food: dolsot bibimbap I know it’s considered “basic” but it’s delicious and makes my stomach feel good, my mom’s chicken n’ dumplings that’s actually more of a casserole than a soup but with an amazing homemade biscuit top, Western North Carolina style bbq sandwiches
20. Random fact: Despite my dad being a chef and my mother a baker neither actually taught me how to do either so I had to teach myself though it seems I’m a much better baker than chef
21. My aesthetic: Soft yet can kill you. It really depends on the day, one day it can be hot goth gf the next is soft library girl then hippy. My closet is mostly black, purple and red form fitting things with my shoes either being black knee high combat boots or sk8-hi classic black and white vans. If I ever make enough money a dark sultry goddess out to steal your girl is my goal aesthetic. Red lipsticks of all shades, getting into purples and kinda want to try some blues and black. My glasses soften my apperance a lot but I’m lazy and contacts are EXPENSIVE.
I don’t want to bother 21 people so I’ll just tag a few: @miss-noo-na @countrysundae @amazzjin @softhoures @dearmingki
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thisguyatthemovies · 5 years
All you zombies
Title: “Zombieland: Double Tap”
 Release date: Oct. 18, 2019
Starring: Woody Harrrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Rosario Dawson, Zoey Deutch, Luke Wilson, Thomas Middleditch, Avan Jogia
Directed by: Ruben Fleischer
Run time: 1 hour, 39 minutes
Rated: R
What it’s about: In the sequel to 2009’s “Zombieland,” four adults encounter evolved and resilient zombies as they try to survive as a makeshift family.
 How I saw it: If you are a fan of the 2009 zombie apocalypse action comedy “Zombieland,” the decade-later sequel, “Zombieland: Double Tap,” is welcome if long overdue (it was held up for years in development), and you’ll likely embrace the similarities between the two. If you did not like the original, nothing in the sequel will change your mind. If you could take or leave the first entry, you are likely to choose the latter with the follow-up.  
“Zombieland: Double Tap” doesn’t stray far from the formula that worked with the first film (both directed by Ruben Fleischer), and that is both advantageous and problematic. The core cast – Woody Harrelson as Tallahassee, Jesse Eisenberg as Columbus, Emma Stone as Wichita and Abigail Breslin as Little Rock – is the same, and what they do in this movie is exactly what they did in the first film: kill as many zombies as they can while avoiding getting eaten by them after a virus has turned the United States into a nation of the undead. The tone is the same – snarky, gory, hip, fun, a little bit young adult soap opera, perhaps a lot full of itself. Again, Eisenberg’s Columbus narrates throughout, and his rules for surviving the zombie apocalypse are referenced often through visuals. While that familiarity is good news to those who waited anxiously 10 years for the sequel, it also means the second go-round doesn’t feel as fresh or lively as the original. And because of that, it simply can’t clear the high bar set by the first film.
Let’s play a little catch-up if you haven’t seen “Zombieland.” Tallahassee is a 50-something wild man who takes great pleasure in finding original and increasingly violent ways of killing zombies. Columbus is a nerdy 30-something who lives by his plethora of rules and has overcome his awkwardness enough to strike up a romance with the hot girl, Wichita. Little Rock is her teen sister. In the original, Tallahassee becomes a (questionable) father figure for Little Rock. They mostly kill zombies between time spent forming bonds with each other. 
“Zombieland: Double Tap” opens with the four living in the vacated White House. Columbus wants to marry a hesitant Wichita, and Little Rock (now a young adult) longs for companionship from someone her own age. Despite their relatively safe fortress, they must deal with zombies that are getting stronger, faster and more difficult to kill. Just what they are up against becomes more apparent when Wichita and Little Rock decide to skip town, with Little Rock eventually running off with a pacifist hippie musician (Avan Jogia). Tallahassee, Columbus and Wichita set out to find Little Rock, and much graphic killing of zombies ensues. 
A few new characters are introduced this time, with mixed results. Zoey Deutch is a fun, welcome addition, though she is as annoying (purposely) as she is hilarious as Madison, a stereotypical dumb blonde who has been surviving by hiding in a freezer. She and Columbus hook up when Wichita is briefly out of the picture, and the script – by holdovers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick and newcomer Dave Callahan – gets a lot of mileage out of Wichita’s jealousy and Madison’s cluelessness. Rosario Dawson doesn’t get much screen time but proves to be Tallahassee’s equal (and love interest) as Nevada, a woman who runs an Elvis-themed motel and is handy behind the wheel of a monster truck. But Luke Wilson and Thomas Middleditch seem tacked on as zombie hunters who are doppelgangers for Tallahassee and Columbus. They depart as quickly as they arrive and bog down a film that was just starting to overcome the melodrama of the set-up. They also help make the sequel a full 11 minutes longer than the economical original. 
The by-the-numbers nature of the sequel really starts to show during the climactic scene, this time taking place in a hippie commune where no one believes in violence and all guns are melted – which works well until hundreds of zombies converge on the commune. The finale has all the requisite gore, and it’s still a good time, but it just doesn’t have the same oomph as the final scene in the first “Zombieland” movie. And it is, of course, followed by a heaping helping of sentimentality as we are reminded that even when fighting zombies, family means everything.
Make sure to stick around. A mid-credits scene with a familiar face just might be the best part of “Zombieland: Double Tap.” It certainly provides the funniest moments, and that’s not meant as a slight to rest of the movie, which, despite its lack of originality, has more than its share of laughs. 
My score: 65 out of 100
Should you see it? If you like zombies and snark, yes. But if you haven’t seen the original “Zombieland” movie, check it out first. If it’s not your thing, maybe don’t proceed to the sequel. 
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Let Me Take A Stab At This
Musicals described in one sentence by me:
Newsies: Sad boy gives up friends for loneliness (You heard it here first. Ten cents a pape)
Bonnie and Clyde: Is you can’t be an actress, rob with your boyfriend to get attention
The Last Five Years: Marriage drains you, but dating is forever
Book of Mormon: Why be happy when you can be m O R M O N
The Lion King: Sad lion gives up family for loneliness and loves desert life. Also Hamlet
Aladdin: Where did the fucking monkey go?
Little Women: Call me Jo, first feminist
Wicked: racism? at? its? worst?
Rent: MimiiiiIIIIIIII and aids and not paying for things
Mamma Mia: let’s get married so I can meet my father
Heathers: it’s survival of the fittest in high school with hot people and a fucking weird kid you’re oddly attracted to
Be More Chill: it’s not survival of the fittest. it’s MICHAEL IN THE BATHROOM BY HIMSELFFFFF
Once on this Island: Longest. Fucking. Bedtime. Story. Ever. But. Good.
Willy Wonka: it’s survival of the fittest but make it candy
Falsettos: Gay, gay, gay, gay, straight, straight, jewish
Company: pardonmeiseverybodyherebecauseifeverybody’sherei’dliketothankyouallforcomingtothewedding...
Passion: Love is beautiful until you fuck her to death
Jesus Christ Superstar: Judas was ACTUALLY better than you think
Hamilton: REVOLUTION and the aftermath. plus ya feminist trio and an affair
Les Mis: REVOLTUION and the beforemath. except for an unfortunate love triangle but it works of for (some of) them
Phantom of the Opera: she should have ended up with the P... shut up. shut the fuck up.
In the Heights: Hispanic Hamilton right? wrong. so so wrong. 96,000!!!
21 Chump Street: yes, let me trick innocent young but into selling me weed so I can arrest him
Mean Girls: Modern heathers right? wrong. so so wrong. No death, but there is a REVENGE PARTY. A PARTY THAT ENDS...
Cats: cats. I know nothing else and I don’t wish to
Anastasia: how did you leave your child behind, shitty grandma...
Grease: virgins are losers. even when they date popular guys.
Hairspray: who said they couldn’t take on both improper body imagery and racism?
Hair: not to be confused with the above but hippies. that’s it
Kinky Boots: drag queen rights
Tuck Everlasting: living forever sucks; wanna join?
Waitress: cheating is only okay when he’s mean, I think
Dear Evan Hansen: Sad boi leaves loneliness for friends, but lies to get there, so is it really a win?
Legally Blonde: it’s pretty much the movie just with bangin music
Spring Awakening: where are your parents?
Little Shop of Horros: fEED ME SEYMOUR. That’s all I know
Percy Jackson: underrated and super close to the book
Chicago: If you can’t be a famous actress, M•U•R•D•E•R
Bye Bye Birdie: If you get the chance to kiss a famous person, do it
Teen Beach: this qualifies OKAY. LEAVE IT ALONE
Cinderella: you know the story. this is not my fucking job
Clueless: This happened I guess?
The Prom: gay prom...prom gay... grom... pray...
Hadestown: Myth but make it jazzy
Beetlejuice: Dead people get rid of dead people that’s how it works
Matilda: Good child likes the library
Oliver!: Sad boy who doesn’t know he is sad takes on homelessness and death
Singing in the Rain: Girls with high voices are not to be taken seriously under any circumstances
La La Land: Dating sucks, so live your life without him/her
High School Musical: why be popular when you can do THEATRE
Sound of Music: Singing makes me sad until it doesn’t?
Seussical: who let this be a musical? what the hell?
Rock of Ages: How to make a musical without a music writer
School of Rock: Jack Black
Peter Pan: we designed the lead male to only be sung by females *SNEAK 100*
Jersey Boys: Italian Mafia Boys Can Sing, a musical
Urinetown: Sometimes, our government does know what’s best, even if we don’t understand it
Rocky Horror Picture Show: A Sexy Horror Musical? Someone was definitely on crack but hey it worked out I guess
Avenue Q: Sexy Sesame Street. Or Sexy Muppets. Whatever Floats your Boat.
The King and I: this was a movie right?
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frenchiestan · 6 years
14x01 Reactions
I couldn’t get any livestreams to work last night but I really REALLY wanted to liveblog it so I’m just gonna make a post about it instead. If i like this i’ll probably do it whenever i miss an episode airing! Anyhoo, enjoy watching me die slowly in text form
First shot Sam driving Baby??!? Are you kidding me?? r u d e
also bearded Sam *drooling*
i never knew what Muslim prayers said before and they’re super close to Catholic ones. i love that. it makes sense i just never knew 
Jensen speaking other languages was not a kink i knew i had...
I’m literally terrified of him this is amazing
and that vOICE
peace and love *cries*
anyways new favorite antagonist alert 
so reminiscent of season 9 i love it
hippy hunter guy is a snack i ain’t gonne lie...don’t judge me 
girl same 
god i am never gonna get over bearded Sam
Sammy it’s okay everything always works out...sort of??!?
do you think Sam is jealous of hippy hunter’s hair and beard and that’s the real reason he’s not shaving??
teach her to do it!
also i love Maggie, i hope she sticks around
you are not good Samuel, go sleep!
Jack and Bobby boxing is officially the most pure thing
his hair is so fluffy. i love my soft son
Bobby always speaking words of wisdom :’))))
i already hate this guy...even if his shoes are nice
Cas looks soooooo good
wow a fashionable demon...wild
this demon knows what’s up lmao
cas and dean are definitely joined at the everything ;)))))
“your life” 
“i’ll speak slower”
sassy cassy coming out but not to play
oh damn oh damn
kick all their asses baby i’ll hold your trenchcoat
DANNEEL *a million heart eyes emojis*
dude we got a view of true form.....niiiiiiiiiiice
“oh god” “people keep calling me that” yas i love him
I love the lighting in this scene
the way he said pretty...
if Anael wants love I volunteer
i’m still curious how this whole “not many angels left” thing is going to play
they are worth saving shut your face
hey can i uh....get some jack and cas interactions please
sammy and jackie :’))
yup still not over the beard
get Jack a tv in his room or something
or just decorate it in general it’s so drab
uuuummmmmm who the fuc kis that
what the hell??!?
Nick!?!? wtf
oh wow i’m so torn bc on the one hand this is intriguing but on the other....
how is he alive tho. seriously how is that possible
Nick asking the questions we all have
that explanation seems...thin
idk i’m sure it’ll be useful for the show
even when beat up and bleeding Cas just oozes with “I’m done with your shit”
i like the new gang
Maggie wearing overalls oh boy oh boy be still my gay heart
JACK!?!?! He wants to save his Dad 
he just wants to help and prove he’s still useful even without his powers both to others and to himself and i can’t wait to see him learn he’s not just useful as a weapon but as a part of the family to thanks for coming to my ted talk
I feel like Sam is going into warrior/leader mode to not lose anyone else
i don’t give a shit about your backstory demon dude...just get stabby stabbed already
Sam shush she needs to believe it’s going to be okay too
can we please just have our little family back together again please??
Mary is so worried about him...me too girl
the demon that gets to pat down Sam got the best gig. do you think they drew straws to see who got to do it?
“the shoulders. the hair” same guy same
sex hair cas alert hey-oh
Sam TOWERS over Kip goddamn
“what do you want” should’ve been the title 
“i don’t care” so much sass in this episode i love it
“i want the crowley deal” bro you are NOT WORTHY
“you’re not crowley” THANK YOU SAM
also i love that the boys are just the unspoken leaders of hunters 
like they get all the deals with the expectation that all other hunters will follow suit or something
pls demon you’re weak get outta town
you should be afraid of him homie
i want sammy to just straight up punch this dude in the face
wait is maggie in overalls AND camo?? she’s gay. sorry guys i don’t make the rules
i love my parents storming in to save the day
i knew it was coming and i still yelled when they burst in
all the slow mos are so aesthetic
like yes please give me Mary slowly smashing a glass into that demons head. it is very important. for science.
Jack don’t bring on confrontation you’re not ready!!!!
Maggie is gonna be a badass hunter by the end it’s gonna be awesome
Mary and Bobby have such different teaching styles. 
Bobby: learning takes time, don’t rush into things, *insert words of wisdom here*
Mary: here take this, you totally know how to use it right? now go kill something and have fun!
yay the demon got stabby stabbed!!!
anyone else super turned on by sam telling all those demons what’s up?
boyking!sam back in action
a beer is no an icepack sam
casually talking to Ketch on the phone...how things change
Sastiel moment :’)
they’re both so hot...it’s distracting
he’s do anything!! 
Bobby called her sunshine!!! 
one: awww so cute
two: where have we heard that before?? hmmmmmm??
“to be fair we all got punched in the face” !!!! i’m crying he’s the funniest angel in the garrison dsdfvbnmsf 
Cas has matured emotionally so much it makes me cry
Jack, being a weapon is not you’re only use!!!
“i have nothing” “you have me” these aren’t tears i’m just sweating from my eyes
i was denied a hug in that scene and i’m bitter
lol sam had a silver money clip....john mulaney would be proud
dude he recognized her voice so quickly
Michael’s eyes are just devoid of all emotion...it’s crazy how does jensen even do that??
this episode be like “angels and demons and vampires oh my”
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fenweak · 6 years
hockey? what hockey? a 1988 fic rec
Where Jonny and/or Pat are ordinary guys with ordinary jobs and they still fall in love. Because self-help is reading AUs. ★ are personal faves
short: ~2k words
medium: 2k-20k words
long: 20k-60k
novel length : 60k~
Actors & Performers
It'll Take You Up or Down (chatfic) by puckling - former child actor!Pat
like a heartbeat drives you mad ★- teen | medium | actor!Pat, agent Jonny | pretend relationship
When the Stars Align by liveinfury - teen | medium | rival actors Pat and Jon
88 Dates - medium | actor Pat, accountant Jonny | The Bachelor AU
warm hands series by Caivallon  ★ - explicit | long | ballet dancer Pat | 
you got a look in your eyes by elenamichaels - explicit | medium | ballet dancer Pat
mime out by hazel - explicit | medium | mime!Jonny, office guy Pat
Pavlov? It Rings a Bell by conformityissuicide - mature | medium | Pat is a dog-trainer
The Bee's Knees by dragons_and_angels - gen | medium | beekeeper Pat
Shell Out by jezziejay - short | Pat works at a pet store, office guy Jonny
good things come to those who bait by thundersquall ★ - teen | medium | fishermen Jon and Pat | hilarity | ft. sid/geno
perfect match by thundersquall - explicit | long | architect Pat, lawyer Jon | online dating
private passions secret storms series by CoffeeKristin, Frosting50 - explicit | novel length | architect Jon, stay at home dad Pat | mpreg, infidelity
This Is What A Love Song Sounds Like by fourfreedoms ★  - explicit | medium | architect Pat, startup guy Jon | highschool reunion AU
the kazer dick cake fic of shame and glory series by Celly1995 - explicit | long |  baker!Pat | awkward post-hookup encounter
No Assembly Required ★ - mature | medium | baker Pat, flower shop owner Jon | mail order bride AU
a real grind by thisissirius - teen | medium | Starbucks barista Pat
coffee's for closers - explicit | medium | coffeeshop owner Pat, Jon is the customer he's crushing on
Cool Beans, Bro - explicit | long | Pat owns a coffee shop named "Stanley (cup)", office guy Jon | ft. barista Segs
like a caffeine rush by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - teen | medium | cafe owner stat genius Pat | soul bond
Looking for a rhythm like you by tictactoews - explicit | medium | cafe owner Jon, teacher Pat
Morning Commute by CoffeeKristin - gen | short | barista at a deli Pat, office guy Jon
sounds like hallelujah by fadeastride - mature | medium | Starbucks barista Pat, lawyer Jon | the one where he always gets Jon's name wrong
Today's Special by jonnyhustle - teen | short | Starbucks barista Pat
(when the moon hits your eye) Like a Big Pizza Lie by jezziejay  ★ - teen | medium | barista Jon, student architect /restorator Pat | in Rome!
Bartender/ Clubs
Body Shots - explicit | medium | bartender Pat
Beer League MVP (among other things) - teen | medium | bartender Pat | misunderstandings
Just What I Ordered by phuckphace - mature | medium | bartender Jonny
ShimmerGlisten by Frosting50 - explicit | short | bar owner Pat, office guy Jonny
The Barrister and the Bartender by AnthemGlass - explicit | medium | bartender Pat, lawyer Jon
The Places You Will Be From by eberbae, hatrickane   ★ - explicit | novel length | bartenders Pat and Jon | enemies to lovers
too dark in this bar tonight by midnightrambles - mature | medium | bottle server Pat
more under the cut
If You Were Real by toewsyourheart - explicit | medium | caddy!Pat, Prince Jonny
off green mulligan by Pinkmanite - explicit | medium | caddy!Pat
all we can eat - mature | medium | chef/restaurateur Jonny, food critic!pat
so i let my walls come down, down by thundersquall ★ - explicit | medium | chef/restaurateur Jonny
Entrepreneur/Shop Owner
53rd Street Shinny by taliahale - teen | medium | rival hockey store owners jonny and pat | You've Got Mail AU
Baby, It's Hot Outside by toewsyourheart ★ - gen | medium | popsicle vendor!pat, editor!jonny
Hot Diggity Dog by creampuffer - teen | medium | hotdog stand owner!Pat | office guy Jonny
Home Grown or Five Times Jonny Read Patrick’s Sign (and One Time Patrick Read Jonny’s) by CoffeeKristin - teen | medium | plant nursery owner!Pat
Locally Sourced or Five Times Jonny Didn't Want Kaner's Sausage (and One Time He Did) by CoffeeKristin ★ - teen | medium | rival farmer's market concessionaires AU | pat sells gourmet sausages, jon sells the healthy stuff 
The face he can't forget by CoffeeKristin - explicit | long | fishing shop owner Jonny | Notting Hill AU
Whole Hearted by CoffeeKristin - gen | Pat runs his dad's pretzel shop, Jon owns a hippie chiropractic center
"Will It Blend?" series by Celly1995 ★ - explicit | long | smoothie shop owner Jon
Every Little Thing He Does (is magic) by jezziejay (WIP) - teen | long | hippie shop owner Jon, local police chief Kaner | 
farmer au series by toewsyourheart ★ - medium | farmer Jonny, police Pat | Jonny's organic corn is missing
the road less traveled by thundersquall - medium | farm owner Jonny
Hide Your Face So The World Will Never Find You (Paper Faces On Parade) by huntersandangels - mature | long | farm owner Jonny, rich guy in disguise Pat
how the heat series by allthebros - explicit | medium | farmhands Jon and Pat | a/b/o
state of grace - explicit | long | farm owner Jon, horse trainer Pat | estranged childhood sweethearts
Wild Stallions: A Love Story - explicit | medium | ranch workers Pat and Jon
(You) Turn The Temperature Higher by hawkeytime ★ - teen | medium | volunteer firefighter Jon
firefighter!Jonny AU ficlet - short | firefighter Jon
Flight Attendant
Sky High or Five Times Jonny Didn't Join the Mile High Club (And One Time He Did) by CoffeeKristin - explicit | medium | flight attendant!Pat, business
Home Improvement (?)
Between the Pipes - explicit | medium | home renovator Jonny, teacher Pat | reality TV
how does your garden grow? - teen | medium | landscaper!Jonny, app developer!Pat
Cozy Windmill Inn series ★ by ukiyo91 - mature | long | Jonny runs a b&b, Pat is a theater actor
[Buzz]Feed My Flame by toewsyourheart - mature | medium | buzzfeed writer!Pat, book editor! Jonny
nobody quite like you by rightnow - explicit | medium | reporter Pat
say something by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - mature | medium | war journalist Pat, Prince Jon in the military
Strung Out on Heaven's High (hitting an all-time low) by jezziejay ★ - mature | long | beat reporter! Kaner
You Give Love A Bad Name - explicit | medium | sex columnist Jon, sex shop worker Pat
anorgasmic girl!Kaner tag by fourfreedoms  - explicit | medium | follow up here | writers Pat and Jon | rule!63
bona fides series by demotu - explicit | medium | lawyer!Jonny | one night stand
Carve His Name With Pride - long | paralegal!Jonny| mpreg | the one where they have a son who becomes an NHL goalie
Halifax Privateers series by electrumqueen  - mature | novel length | lawyer Jonny, media guy Pat | they came out as teens and never got drafted AU
safe to shore by empathapathique ★ - explicit | medium | lawyer Jonny, writer Pat | or, the estranged husbands AU | angst
this will be our year (took a long time to come) by hazel - mature | medium | lawyers jon and pat
kiss and ride in the cta, podfic by exmanhater  - explicit | medium |  librarian Jon, law student Pat | meet cute at the CTA
This Love Is Be and End All, podfic by exmanhater - teen | medium | librarian Pat | the one with the Blackhawks Book Club
We Could Turn the Pages - gen | medium | librarian Jon who gives Pat a hard time
Patrick Kane does not date models - short | photographer Pat, model Jon
That's Fashion, Baby by anilad - mature | medium | male models Jon and Pat
Model!Jonny series by CitrusVanille - teen | medium | male model Jon
You Make It Look Good  ★ - explicit | long | model Jon, photographer Pat
Medical Professionals
baby, be with me (so happily) - medium | midwife!Pat, not a hockey player Jon  | Pat assists on the birth of Jon's nephew
we were in flames ★ - long | mature | MD Jon, musician Pat | college sweethearts
Bad Case of Loving You by ukiyo91, yukonecho  ★- mature | medium | team doctor!Jonny 
I was told love is blind (but he can see fine, when he's looking at me) by  Aria_Masterson1153 - sports physician Pat | massage porn
Muscle Stim by sahiya ★- explicit | medium | physical therapist Jon
Taut by hatrickane - explicit | medium | physical therapist Jon
The Fifth Time’s the Charm - mature | medium | athletic trainer Pat
Theoretical Maximum Tolerated Dose by fourfreedoms  ★ - explicit | medium | MDs Jon and Pat in a research hospital
untold stories of the er series by toewsyourheart - teen | medium | RN Pat, MD Jonny
Won't You Swim With Me? by midnightrambles - gen | medium | MD Pat
Got Your Back by Prialee  (WIP) - teen | long | RN Pat, law student Jonny who has cancer | 50/50 AU
and live honorably - teen | medium | army!Pat | coming home
Scratch Lottery Ticket Life by dedougal - teen | medium | peace-keeping force Pat and Jon
So Lift Those Heavy Eyelids by SimoneClouseau ★ - explicit | medium | fighter pilots Jon and Pat | alien invasion | open ending
all my edges are exposed - mature | medium | army Pat and Jon | generation kill AU
Your Faded Arrangements by ukiyo91 - mature | medium | war vet Jon
trace your path between the stars by thundersquall  ★ - explicit | medium | space military a/b/o!!!!
About Today by ukiyo91, yukonecho  - explicit | medium | rock star pat, manager Jonny
concentrating on falling apart ★ - mature | medium | rival rock band stars Jonny and Pat | angst
Cup Champs by my99centdreams - explicit | long | jon and pat are in a rock band
Notes in a Minor Cord by Bellaphant - teen | medium | popstar Pat, bodyguard Jonny
throw caution to the wind (and start over again) - teen | medium | street musician Jon
In My Blood and In My Bones + Nothing Sweet or Gentle by fourfreedoms - explicit | medium | nanny Jon, band guitarist Pat
(Generic) Office Guys
the show goes on by hazel  ★ - explicit | medium | officemates Jon and Pat, they’re in data entry | podfic
Waiting Room by heartstrings - teen | medium |  officemates Jon and Pat, web designer Pat, graphic designer Jon | post-anesthesia shenanigans
Same Time, Same Place by brutti_ma_buoni- explicit | medium | office guy Jonny, in the plastics business
Police & Agents
a bad case of loving you series (unfinished WIP) - long | CIA agents Jonny and Pat
A Real Actual Live Cop by jonnyhustle - teen | medium | police!jonny, Kaner thinks he's a stripper
Go, Johnny, Go - explicit | medium | police!Jonny | speeding ticket shenanigans
i'm bound to walk away these blues by leah k (blinkiesays) ★ - mature | medium | police!Pat, mountie!Jonny | inter-country buddy cop fic, ft. TJ Oshie
It Always Feels Like Somebody's Watching Me by Mullsandmutts - mature | long | police!Pat | whodunit
Make His Brown Eyes Blue ★ by jezziejay - teen | medium | FBI agent Jonny, thief Patrick | can't recommend this fic highly enough
maybe all you need is someone to trust by alwaysbuddy - mature | medium | secret agents AU | kingsman AU
Perfect Pull by MajaLi - mature | medium | police Jon and Pat | coffee-related romance
tell me something I need to know - mature | medium | police Jon, prostitute (?) Kaner
first gentleman of canada tag by kanerboo  ★ - Prime Minister of Canada Jon, First Gentleman Kaner | established relationship
The Minister and Foreign Affairs by jezziejay - teen | medium | Canadian Minister for Sport Jon, tea guy Patrick | Love Actually AU
Be Thou My Ally by ingenius ★- explicit | medium | priest of Aphrodite!Pat | +podfic
Double Bind by blue_spruce ★ - mature | long | priest Pat | angst
Secretaries & Assitants
his executive assistant! by hazel - mature | medium | exec. assistant! Jon, genius millionaire engineer Pat
deep in my bones, I can feel you (take me back to a time only we knew) by gasmsinc - explicit | long | secretary to the mob!Patrick, mob boss Jonny
we're looking for something dumb to do by hatrickane - mature | medium | assistant Pat, publisher Jonny | The Proposal AU
Ice-cream Castles in the Air by jezziejay ★ - mature | long | personal assistant to a  football player Pat, entrepreneur Jon | sweet home alabama AU | bah gawd have your tissues ready for this one
Strip Clubs, Sex Work & Porn
baby, you could have whatever you like by jessus - teen | medium | street hooker Pat, high-class escort Jon
i don't play hard to get (i play to get you hard) by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - explicit | medium | pornstars Jon and Pat
I'm So Glad You Called by bergamotandbone (corpsereviver2) ★ - mature | short | phone sex worker Pat, roomie Jonny
Julia Roberts Sits in a Throne of Lies (abandoned WIP) - nc-17 | long | rentboy Jonny | still very funny
never ever learned to read or write so well - explicit | medium | rentboy Jonny
The Past We Left Behind by PensToTheEnd - explicit | long | runaway rentboy Pat
Oh, Pool Boy! by RRsummers - explicit | medium | porn stars Jon and Pat
amateur porn
pictures of lily by gasmsinc - medium | porn stars Jon and Pat
Talk Dirty to Me by liveinfury (lotionbottle) - explicit | medium | phone sex operator Pat
The Way You Drink Your Coffee by sabrina_il (marina) - explicit | long | professional dom Pat
we were made to win by heartstrings ★ - explicit | long | attempt at amateur porn | best friends to lovers
Make You Crazy Over My Touch by liveinfury - explicit | long | porn star Jon, fluffer Pat
Candy Kane, podfic by rscreighton - businessman Jon, stripper Pat
Just Another Love Story - explicit | medium | pole boy Pat
Romance Can Blossom Any Old Time by Celly1995 - mature | long | retail elves Jon and Pat
Sale Agreed by jezziejay - medium | salesman Pat | Jon is in love with his vacuum cleaner
I have Died Everyday by jezziejay - medium | part-time cashiers Jon and Pat | pretend relationship
what i did on my summer vacation by hazel - explicit | medium | summertime emporium cashiers Jon and Pat
the kids are alright - explicit | long | Pat works at a sporting goods store, peewee coach Jonny
Other Services
Baby, You Can Wash My Car or Five Times Jonny Doesn't Get His Car Washed (and One Time He Does) by CoffeeKristin - teen | medium | car wash guy Pat, reg office guy Jon
move the pieces until we fit - explicit | long | supermarket cashier/waiter Pat | angst
Try to Know the Unavoidable Thing - explicit | long | small town waiter Pat
Salon Personnel
Chicago MoHawks ★ - gen | medium | barber!Jonny
Provenance by fourfreedoms ★ - mature | medium | vampire tailor Jonny
Expected Result by hatrickane ★ - mature | medium | software/app guy Pat, client Jonny
had to start somewhere - explicit | medium | video game developer!Pat, millionaire philantropist Jonny | hookups
Elementary by Mythisea - explicit | medium | elementary school teacher Jon, community volunteer Pat
22 by aohatsu - teen | medium | teacher Jon | bodyswitching, soulmates
keep buying the stars by medusacascade22 - explicit | medium | high school teacher Jon, student Pat
Like Dropped Puffapod Beans by allthebros - teen | short | (Hogwarts) professors Jon and Pat
Banned by Vitula - teen | medium | explicit | teacher Jonny | they meet in an online forum
so show me family series by livingoutofcases, rightnow - mature | long | kindergarten teacher Pat
the one with the baby yentas series by forochel  - explicit | long | kindergarten teacher Pat
The Reeducation of Misters Kane and Toews by jezziejay ★  - teen | medium | teacher Jon | ft. guest star Derek Jeter |  + bonus timestamp
A Story With Intrigue by Frosting50 - 5 imagined times Patrick and Jonny meet (cute) in alternate universes, and one time it happens for real.
For fic inquiries. Rec me fic? Happy reading!
286 notes · View notes
themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 7X7 The Mentalists
This Week has been ABSOLUTELY dfa;os'ias, I am Tired, and my schedule is WACK, but
eh...I think I need an episode here, comfort shitshow here we go
ah yes angsty Sam
ah a medium
ouija board
man literally nothing good happens on a ouija board
there is science somewhere in there
huh what was her reaction
what was that face
sir the important papers?
this is not going to go well
uh oh
vengeful spirit?
oh god why are you ANGERING THE SPIRIT
oh boy actual spirit signs
he's stealing a car? huh?
he looks so disgruntled
bruh where's the Impala, isn't the impala always with Dean?
I was gonna say they should call Cas and then I remembered :(
ah he notices the lil know..fake psychic stuff
ooo vibe
he's gonna say something incredibly out of pocket isn't he
this is a fun themed cafe tbh
"special of the day: you" LMAO
ah hippies
Sam's gonna be a lil bitch about this
I miss Pamela
I miss Missouri
"virile manifestation of the divine"
...it is a little bit like Sam cares too little and Dean cares too much
"we're not the winchesters, lmaooo we get that a lot"
"we're completely harmless" LMAO
"energies" "completely gentle"
what the actual fuck is going on
"I'm Russian, I can spot the law"
ooo a necklace that passes down the next of kin through fake psychics? interesting
"he broke my spoon" he's so huffy
they're literally both so huffy
"It's an honest living"
ah she's a profiler
body language
"I've got a open mind"
oh they're FUN tho
she's also a nonbeliever like he was, but they both kinda read people? I think?
Sam sorry bud ur third wheeling gain
"we did NOT know"
b r u h can you maybe chill
like yes I know I'm supposed to find this sad, but it's so funny how they're like "oh we can work together and bury things" AND THEN EVERYONE LITERALLY READS THEM LIKE A BOOK AHAHAHAAAA
ah man not the Russian
oh god not the fork
oh god nonono
I have no idea what the hell the tone is supposed to be anymore
"agEnT bouRNe"
"chest full of cutlery" lmaooo
"it's either this or los angeles" (in terms of policing)
they're both different kinds of cynical ha
they stopped talking like FBI agents
self recognition through the other yada yada
is lily dale really like this
"I hate this town" of COURSE YOU DO DEAN OF C O U R SE
this is not sarcastic it's literally everything he would hate
"family is a pain in the ass anyhow" LMAOOO
"thank the spirits" Ma'am this is a wendy's
"now will that be cash or credit"
it really must be lucrative
huh oh there we go vision of death
ah accent gone
and she called the girl, who brought Dean
they're all kinda phony
ah the camera
there we go caught on camera
ah chokes from behind
two am huh
oooo and she gives people visions of their death interesting interesting
heh sibling acts
the costume design is really cool though, honestly the concept is kinda cool
lmaooo ham fisted "sibling acts never work"
...the campbells
ah they were gay
bro the adr in that one bit sucks
"no magic powers(full of crap) but took care of her younger sibling with Magic" aka Dean and Sam
"you lied to me and killed my friend" ok finally mention her
bruh and you didn't kill Sam
"That's what family does, the dirty work"
he is kind of acting like a dick though
what if one warns and the other doesn't
Dean doesn't want the powers lmao
Always the fucking lighter
that was a fun design though
aw they're vibing that's fun
aw she'll stay with her
ah yay dies right in front of her
ah of course Dean hug
good sis bad sis
aw he's mad he killed an innocent ghost
they really focus on Dean I swear to god
ah the questioning
she was smiling ah jesus christ
ah they're doing it in the morning
ah the juicy lighter
ope bones are gone
the headliners of a specific carnival?
top psychic dogs
ah it's her next of course
ah sand circle
"does it hurt 'em"
"never thought about it"
Ah here we go
find the bones before she kills them
this is like genuinely creepy tho
ooo vibes
ah a gun
"I hate when they do that" LMAOO
ooo the dual monologue
real thing isn't pretty or entertaining ok
"I can't pay my rent"
Is...is there a cultural appropriation thing in there
he missed
wasn't Sam also a psychic
ah the yellow teeth
bro poor Melanie jesus
"he was boning her"
it was right there
heh she got him
"I wish I had better weeks
bruh his eyes are SO GREEN wow
wow one episode to get over Amy huh
no Dean is not ok
"ever since cas, I'm having a hard time trusting anybody" UH
"we're poster kids of functional family life"
1. horror. Ok here's the thing. It's less vibe-y, but it's clear as day, it really drives home the mundanity of the horror. Like it could happen to anyone is the thing, and since the thing is bright, lit normally, it drives it home. Seriously I think the horror(when done well) works better.
2. Dean and melanie. Listen. He understood her bright-eyed questions and considered them better not because she was hot(let me have this) but because they were both skeptics. Like bright eyes without the bright eyes, yk?
altho third wheel Sam lmao
3. concept. Listen the concept of a cursed locket, but then it's the sister ghost and then the other sister was really fun! like it was an actual mystery, and lily dale itself(being a town of frauds, Dean feeling like fraud, Sam having to be the one that confronts the real psychic) was excellent, I liked that concept.
they were annoying as shit to deal with tho.
4. reading people! I just like that the whole idea was based on reading people(something neither of those fuckers can do) and how they, with the lies and repression, were uncomfy with it. I thought that was neat.
5. the cultural...appropriation? Like it kinda reads as "I wasn't as Flashy or Palatable so I starve and everyone else gets to be fine and profit off of what's fake versions of mine. Like..you can make the reading. The way it was done makes me uncomfy, but also that's a kind of real reading.
6. Sam(and Amy?). IT felt like Sam forgot about the fact that Amy was his friend and was more angry that Dean lied to him. But his lil Huff was in character and made sense for Anger Issues Winchester.
7. Dean's spiral(CAS). Dean's guilt spiral and trust spiral literally after Cas? Like the man is fucked, Ellen from beyond the grave is trying to tell him to shut up, and it's basically...entirely hinging on Cas and his feeling of doubt and insecurity there.
Bro I'm sorry but what the fuck even when he's not here he's here
0 notes
pep-perr · 6 years
all of them. you won't do it coward.
is this a fucking challenge. I won’t back down bitch you asked for it so here you go
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbianI’m nowhere near bold enough to wake her up wtf. With some girls that’s like, a death wish or something. 
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbianOnly have seen like, one episode, but I liked it and was debating on watching more or not. I didn’t even know what Twin Peaks was but meh. I’ll pass.
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbianI LOVE BOTH BUT PIT BULLS ARE WONDERFUL
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbiani can’t do spicy at all unless i want death
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbianbut hey, I’m biased greatly because I just find white lilies really pretty
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbianit looks really nice, okay?
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbianokay maybe not strictly, but why go to D.D or Starbucks if there is a perfectly good local cafe nearby???
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbianalthough both are very very nice, waking up for the first one can be annoying
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or Maya Angelou lesbianokay this was a lot harder of a choice than it should have been, because I both like and dislike poems from both of them, and honestly they are about equal??
10. Dark sexy ball gown lesbian or cute bright ball gown lesbianuh I guess?? I don’t wear ball gowns at all, so like. idk. but darker colors always suited me more no matter what it is so?? I guess this works
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbiancRONCH. GREEN PART AND ALL.
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbianshorts are dumb.
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbiantbh neither I guess??  but this’ll do
14. Band lesbian or orchestra lesbianI don’t play in either, but orchestras always play really good and I enjoy going to their concerts
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbianfuck choir
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbianspin spin~
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbianalthough now I’m curious about the other option that’s so specific what the fuck
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbianno particular reason why outside of the fact that I like to bike
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbianalready answered
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbianBiology is still super neat though and I’ll probably randomly spout facts from either one. Although I personally would call myself a Geology lesbian. rocks. 
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbianI haven’t fucking watched Cartoon Network in years hhh. And even then, it was only for Pokemon.
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian….spiders scary
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbianoh fuck after looking them up they are both hot 
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbianMy friend Taylor let me use hers once, and oh my god I love them
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbianTENTS ARE A MUST FOR CAMPING!!
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian:^)
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbianI at least kinda remember how to ice skate
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbianfirst one at christmas time, second one every other time of the year.
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbianAlready answered
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbianneither I’m too young to drink >:0
31. Write her poems lesbian or bake her cookies lesbianunless we want the house burnt down
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian(no comment)((because I legitimately don’t have an opinion I’ve done neither??))
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbianI’LL FIGHT ANY BASTARD, OR ANY THING THAT I NEED TO. 
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbianalthough tbh I could see the first one happening aha..
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbianEspecially if it’s not store bought. Tie dying is fun
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbianlove the little guys. snakes are neat, but f r o g s
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”uwualthough I don’t send memes that often, I do on occasion.
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbiannever seen any star wars movie, and don’t plan to
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian…idk who the other group is sorry
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbiannot a big fan of pink in general
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbianboth, but berry is always a nice change of pace!!
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbianI still have a few around here somewhere
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbiani wanna go there so bad
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbiannot many know that I’m a sucker for jazz, but tbh I kind of am. 
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbianshh
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbianAlready Answered
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbianAlready Answered
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbianI OWN SO MANY AND I LOVE THEM ALL.
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbianto an extent I’m always afraid of being judged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nothing extreme
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbianBoth, but I definitely would say the first one more than I would the second.
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kylorenpunk · 6 years
Because I’m a jerk how about all 99? :P
I hate you Mason. 1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? Burnin Up by jonas brothers
Faith by George Michael 
Without Love from the Hairspray Movie Soundtrack 
TKO By Justin Timberlake 
Mirrors by Justin Timberlake
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gal Gadot
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “When you’re ready, let me know, and I’ll see how well you’ve done.” - Brisinger
4: What do you think about most? Depends on the day 
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? “Oh yeah.” Shout out to Nic
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with clothes
7: What’s your strangest talent? That I don’t have a talent
8: Girls… are great and valid; Boys… are great and valid
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Not that I know of
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? I was in middle school. Accidentally farted in the middle of the room in girl scouts trying to be cool doing that. Haven’t done it since.
11: Do you have any strange phobias? Hate crowded places, don’t like stuff with a bunch of holes, hate snakes, mainly claustrophobia and social phobia
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? a nasal spray
13: What’s your religion? very loose catholic
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Walking, exploring a place, talking on the phone 
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind it. Don’t like how I look in photos I didn’t take myself.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Shinedown
17: What was the last lie you told? That I would be getting decorations for something today. I meant it when I said it tho. 
18: Do you believe in karma? Yes. I believe what you put out into the world is what you receive. Whether or not that is specifically karma who knows. 
19: What does your URL mean? It means Kylo Ren is a little bitch and that The Last Jedi never existed
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? W: overthinking S: Passion
21: Who is your celebrity crush? Chris Pine atm
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope. It makes playing Never Have I Ever really easy
23: How do you vent your anger? Talking to a friend, posting on a sub social media account
24: Do you have a collection of anything? Fairies, makeup, wonder woman and batman items
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Phone. Conversation is more natural and unfiltered
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Very much so yes
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Styrofoam - I love the sound of my fan or the sound of someone laughing
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?What if I stayed in my first school
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and Yes
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. R: makeup drawer         L: Wall 
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? Air. I smell air. Miss me with that hippie shit
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? A club in Tampa
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East Coast.
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Justin Timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? 42
36: Define Art. Anything you want it to be
37: Do you believe in luck? Sort of?
38: What’s the weather like right now? Cooler side. Kinda nice tho
39: What time is it? 1:20 am. Fuck you.
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes and no
41: What was the last book you read? Still in the middle of Brisinger bc I am forever cursed to never finish that series. No spoilers
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? No
43: Do you have any nicknames? Kari, Rina, Lord of the Universe
44: What was the last film you saw? Just came back from seeing Game Night. It was good.
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Sprained my ankle one time.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes! He died. 
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Kakashi tbh
48: What’s your sexual orientation? Straight 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Yep that I was falsely in love with someone I was not.
50: Do you believe in magic? No. 
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes
52: What is your astrological sign? Cancer. I’m an emotional bitch.
53: Do you save money or spend it? Both
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Candy for a movie
55: Love or lust? Love. 100%
56: In a relationship? Not at the moment
57: How many relationships have you had? Official? One. Non official? 3
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I tried. No.
59: Where were you yesterday? School, work and home
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My blanket
61: Are you wearing socks right now? Nope. Bare feet. 
62: What’s your favourite animal? Meerkat
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? That’s manipulation I don’t encourage that spam snapchat with selfies
64: Where is your best friend? Hopefully sleeping bc it’s nearly fucking 2am
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. how about no 
66: What is your heritage? Hispanic
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Sleeping like I should be doing right now
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Pussy
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? I am a child of God. 
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes I would love another hot mess friend. 
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Call someone nearby to help and explain the situation
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) family and close friends b) go see all the people I want to see c) of course who doesn’t fear death
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. In order to love you need trust so love. 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Burnin Up by the Jonas Brothers or Get Low by Lil Jon 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Not happening
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust, Love and Communication 
77: How can I win your heart? Win my family’s heart
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Yes bc there are less social restrictions
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To leave the first school - also to go to San Antonio last summer
80: What size shoes do you wear? 8-9
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? She loved Wonder Woman.
82: What is your favourite word? Fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. family
84: What is a saying you say a lot? “Listen”
85: What’s the last song you listened to? Say Something by JT
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Pink, Black, Green
87: What is your current desktop picture? Picture of Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street reading a muppets version of harry potter 
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? The asshole in power in Venezuela
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Depends on who it is 
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Cry because mummies have been a fear since childhood
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Photographic memory when needed
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Either a very recent Saturday. Or a moment in San Antonio where I was just in the hotel room being the happiest I had felt in years.
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Ever riding Falcon’s Fury
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Nick Jonas despite knowing it would be awful 
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
New York or Chicago
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not atm
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
Yep. Tried swallowing pen ink and it made me puke
98: Ever been on a plane? 
Yep this past summer
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Be kind to one another. 
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