#Ally Mayfair Richards x reader
marsthebabie · 7 months
Masterlist U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Wandanat x Reader
Puppy Love part 1
Little Angel
American Horror Story
Cordelia Goode
Wilhelmina Venable
Wilhelmina Venable and Cordelia Goode
Work trip
Wilhelmina Venable x Ally Mayfair-Richards
Lana Winters
Ally May-fair Richards
Billie Dean Howard
Hypodermic Sally
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Mother Miranda
RE8 Women
RE8 Women finding out your a little
Diane Sherman
Angelique Bouchard
Alma Pereruine
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lanawinters-ily · 1 year
You're My Baby, Say It To Me
Your mental health has taken a dip again. But it is okay. Mama Ally is here to pick up all the (literal) pieces.
Pairing: Ally Mayfair x Teen!Reader (Gender neutral)
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: mental health themes, collapsing, themes of s*lf-harm
Yes, if you can believe it, I did write this fic as less bad than the true story ouch.
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It was getting bad again.
Though, this time, you weren’t entirely sure if you had ever gotten better in the first place.
The feeling deep in your chest was heavy, and with every step you took, it became harder to not sink right into the floor.
Through the tile, through the foundations, through the dirt.
To bury yourself in this depression that had built up around you.
It was different this time.
You felt as if you had talked too much, shared too much. Everyone was so so worried, but even their concern didn’t seem enough.
No one could touch you when you had already blocked them off before they even tried.
University had failed. It was supposed to be a new start, but somehow you had fucked it up even more than at home.
Now that was impressive.
At least you had your mama.
It was just you and her, and she had struggled when you were gone.
The house seemed so much emptier, and she was looking forward to having you home for the holidays.
But not this early.
Unfortunately, we are beginning at the day after Ally had to collect you from university, after a friend has called her expressing serious concerns over your mental health. She had rushed straight over and bought you home without hesitation.
But you were yet to open up to her.
Ally wanted to give you space, though her maternal instincts were screaming to pull you close and hold you until every problem faded away.
She wanted you to trust her, to come to her in your time.
Perhaps that was a bad idea.
It had been another rough evening, though your emotions seemed slightly off. You couldn’t place the difference, but it made you uneasy.
Today had been good. Your mood had lifted a little, and you had even managed some low-effort chores. This kind of day was unfamiliar for you, and often didn’t have the desired effect.
After one day of slight positivity, your depression tended to come back with full force. Like, slap-in-the-face kind of force.
You had convinced yourself that this mood was different, and would last.
Well, sorry to spoil, but it did not.
As you were getting ready for bed, nausea started rising in your throat. The familiar feeling of anxiety shot through your body, not creeping up like usual, but pulsating into every limb in an instance.
This was not going to end well.
“Sweetheart, would you make me a cup of tea?” Ally’s voice called up the stairs.
Shit. You had to pull yourself together quickly, take drastic action to save face in front of your mother.
Swallowing down bile, you took a couple measured breaths and walked down the stairs.
All you had to do was boil the kettle, pour it into mugs and say goodnight to your mama.
Easy, right?
With shaky legs you stepped into the kitchen, filled up the kettle and put it on. Took out two mugs, two teabags, and a teaspoon.
It was then when things began to get hazy.
Your ears were ringing, and the kettle looked like it was floating. Spots took over and a strange grey haze coloured your usually bright kitchen
Something crashed to the ground, and it took you a couple of seconds to realise you had dropped a mug.
The last thing you heard was a distant scream of “Sweetheart?!” before everything faded to black.
“Sweetheart? Baby?”
You could hear a faint muttering. Never in your life had you felt so disorientated. Hard floor under your back, a throbbing in your head, and a sharp pain on your arm.
And who was talking?
Squeezing your eyes, you tried with all your energy to force the lids open.
“Baby? Can you hear me?”
A groan that you didn’t even recognise as your own slipped from your mouth. Eyes wandering the surroundings you realised you were on the kitchen floor, with your mother hovering over you.
She’d never looked so terrified in her life. Ally Mayfair did not do scared.
But it was different with you. Her baby.
You couldn’t speak, so just looked at her and made a noise in recognition that you could hear.
“Oh my baby.” Ally let out a huge sigh of relief at this sign.
“Stay down here for a little bit love. I don’t want you collapsing on me again, okay?”
You just blinked, pretty sure that you couldn’t even imagine sitting, let alone standing right now.
Your body felt as if you’d somehow doubled in weight, heavy heavy heavy into the ground. As if you’d break through the grey tiles and fall forever and ever.
“Sweetie.” Ally said in a somber tone, making you look back up at her.
“You were bleeding pretty badly from your wrist. I thought it was from the mug, but when I looked, I could tell it was something different.”
Sure enough, you looked to see your wrist securely bandaged.
That must have happened during the panic attack. How weird. You’d never done that without even thinking before.
Maybe that’s why it was worse than normal.
“When did this start again honey?”
Your mother peered down at you with sad brown eyes, tears peeking out from behind eyelids.
Energy was needed for this conversation, and energy was certainly not what you had in that moment.
So, you just made another noise and shrugged, hoping that Ally would sense that you wanted to move away from the subject.
“Alright love.” She squeezed your hand and sighed, looking briefly at her phone.
“You were out for about five minutes, which is not ideal darling. I called an ambulance while you were unconscious. They weren’t too concerned, but a crisis team is going to call us soon. Is that okay baby?”
Tears filled your eyes as your lip wobbled. You had really fucked up this time.
“My baby,” Ally mumbled and gently guided you up into her embrace.
She rocked you back and forth while you sniffled, not even having the energy to form sobs. You sat like that for a couple of minutes until you had quietened down.
“Let’s get you up and comfy sweetheart.” Your mama said.
As desperate as you were to move off the cold, hard floor, your body was still in shock-mode. As Ally carefully pulled you by your hands upwards, your knees buckled, sending you back towards the ground.
“Oh!” Ally gasped, grabbing you as you fell. You both ended up on the floor again.
“Let’s try that again. I can hold your weight darling, you can always lean on me.” Your mother said softly.
You knew this was a double meaning, and made a little smile in recognition. Working together, you and Ally managed to make it into the living room and she laid you on the sofa.
She sat beside you and soft hands stroked your pale face.
“We’ve got this baby. Me and you, against the world. All the bad, that’s staying outside this room. In here, it is us. I’ve got you, sweetheart. Please lean on me.”
And for the first time in a while, you felt a stir of hope in your chest.
“Thank you mama. I love you.”
“I love you baby. You’re my everything.”
Taglist: @sweetestberryofthebunch @dreamypqulson @ahsfan05
(I just tagged people who I knew wanted to read this bc my other taglist is so out of date haha)
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— soon they’ll be happiness, for now we’ll fight
summary: it's getting bad again, with relapsing and heavy feelings, and all ally can do is unconditionally love you through it all.
pairing: ally mayfair-richards x reader
warnings: self-harm, depression
word count: 1700
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You don't really remember when it got bad again, but you knew that you were seriously hurting when your arm had that stinging pain again. You couldn't say that you didn't enjoy it. That you didn't find comfort in it. Feeling as much happiness as you did lately just didn't feel right. This sadness was all that was meant for you and it was only what you deserve anyways.
Nevertheless there was still a part inside of you that tried to fight off your depression and anxiety, your horrid mindset. You wanted help, but you didn’t want to get better. You just needed someone there for you, to make you feel like everything would be okay until their arms weren't around you anymore. You needed your Ally.
After gliding the blade across the soft flesh of the inside of your arm, you went downstairs to Ally's at home office. You tried to press down the the cuts with a tissue to stop the bleeding, but it kept bubbling up with dots of blood until you eventually gave up and just let it bleed.
Your sleeves were long and your sweatshirt was dark colored so you wouldn't frighten Ally right as you walked in. You knew she had her own struggles with mental health, but never to the point that you did. She was still trying to learn to help you.
The door was already wide open so you let yourself in. Your steps were slow and not less than hesitant. You truly debated whether to do the right thing and tell her or to just run back upstairs and hurt. Ally was well aware of your struggles and always tried her best to help you through everything, but she thought you were getting better.
"Ally?" You say, voice small and vulnerable. It grasped her from the paper work that was laid out in front of her. She had been very busy since becoming the senator, but always made time for you. And she told you to come to her whenever your hurting, anyways.
"Hi, baby! C'mere," she patted her lap. She could tell that something was up with you just by your body language itself, but decided to just ignore the gut feeling.
You sat yourself on her lap but kept your arm coddled close to the front of your body. Your hair was all messy and your eyes were puffy and red from crying. You looked like a train hit you and you've never felt more disgusting.
"Ally," you said again. You were trying so hard to build up the confidence to tell her. She hummed and kissed the skin right below your ear. That, at least, made you smile a little bit. "I— It's— It's getting bad again."
It took Ally a moment to fully process what you meant, but she quickly came to realization. "Okay. Okay. Thank you for telling me. Did you hurt yourself, sweetie?" Her voice was ever so soft, but you could still hear the lingering fear hidden within her.
"Mhm. I'm sorry I didn't come to you first." You started to heavily cry again. It felt good to let the tears flow freely. She pulled your head to her chest and begin to slowly rock you back and forth. It was a comforting thing. Ally always knew how to make you feel safe and comforted.
"Baby, that's completely okay. I do want you to come to me first next time but i'm proud of you for even telling me. That's so brave of you." She kissed your head a couple times to truly show her love. You could've sworn that you felt a tear drop of hers fall onto your head too. "I want to clean them though. Is that okay, can I do that?"
Ally was always looking out for your health, whether that be physical or mental. It made you fell loved. Certainly when you could could hardly even take care of yourself. You nodded against her chest, and then she was gently pulling you up with her.
She held onto your hand the entire time to the bathroom and then helped you up onto the sink counter. Not because she thought your would run, but because she knew you were always extra needy in this state.
She looked at you deeply in the eyes and waisted until you nodded for her to pull your sleeve up. The remaining blood on the cuts smeared as she did and your arm looked nearly like a murder scene. She still had yet to show any type of disgust at it though. You loved her for that.
She cleaned away the blood with a wet wash cloth as gently as she could although it still didn't hurt you very much. You really couldn't feel much of the pain on your arms at this point.
"My love, how about a bath? It'll make you feel good." Ally knew you loved when she simply just washed and took care of you. She also knew that the water could stop the little bleeding you had left of the cuts.
You hummed again, too tired to even speak by now. She kissed your forehead and went over to the bath to start it up.
You felt bad for putting all of this on her. You felt that you should apologize for it, although you knew deep down that nothing you said could take away all this shit you caused. Your guilt grows and so does more tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this. Please don't leave me."
She quickly turned back around after the water began pouring out. Her heart broke seeing you a sobbing mess like that. She grabbed your hands and gave both knuckles a kiss. It was something she did that always earned a giggle from you, but right now it hasn't worked.
"I'm right here, darling. I'm not leaving you. Not ever. I love you too much," she rested her forehead against yours and you could feel her staring into your eyes but you didn't have the guts to meet the gaze. "And no more sorries. You've done nothing wrong, you are just human, that's all."
You let out a tired sigh and your head moved to rest on her shoulder, taking in her sweet scent that smelled like home. You were luckily to have someone so wonderful to get you through this. Otherwise, you think you would’ve been stuck in that dark hole.
She eventually helped you off of the counter and undressed you. Typically, she would get into the bath with you. You would share a romantic bubble bath together. But she knew that what you needed right now was for someone to just help you get through simple tasks.
The water was hot but not boiling. She always somehow got the perfect temperature for you. Right as you sat down, you curled up with your knees to your chest and arms around that, making yourself feel small. When the water came in contact with the cuts, it did begin to sting but you were so numb to everything that you hardly even realized it after a few moments.
Ally scrubbed some shampoo into your hair. You could've fallen asleep at the soft fingers scratching your scalp. She was so gentle and delicate with you. Sometimes you wonder if she thinks that you are just a fragile piece of glass that would shatter under a harsh touch. That's what you felt like sometimes.
She reached for the shower head and detached it to rinse the soap out of your hair after a deep scrub. "Eyes closed, sunshine." You closed your eyes and smiled at the nickname. Ally would always call you that whenever you’re feeling down or ill. She is your sunshine. You should be calling her that.
Ally began to scrub your body and lather you hair with conditioner, then repeat the process of rinsing. When completed, she helped you out of the bath and wrapped you up in a fresh, clean towel.
Instead of moving, you wrapped your arms around her for a few moments. You needed a minute of just peace before time began again. If you didn't have Ally, you would've just wallowed away in bed, never to be seen or cared about again. You were so grateful for her, and you yearned to return the favor of her kindness.
Ally brings you back into the bedroom along with bandages and antiseptic. She sits both you and herself on the bed. You stared down at the duvet, suddenly too ashamed and embarrassed. You always hated when the attention was brought back to your self harm. "Can I see them, my love?"
Instead of answering, you simply just extend your wounded arm. She takes the antiseptic and applies some to the broken skin on your arms. With the cuts now settled, it burns, but you ignore the pain. She bandages the broken skin and you, somehow, feels better now that you don't have to see the red lines.
"I am so proud of you for telling me. Words can't even express it." She lifts your arm up and places a chaste kiss to the covered cuts. You could cry again. You almost do. But you quickly blink those tears away. "Don't take it away from yourself that you told me."
She knew that your mind would betray you...but you should've came to her before you did it. You nod and give her a weak smile. She doesn't wait for a verbal response because she knows you’re too drained for that.
"How about you put some comfy clothes on and I’ll order us a pizza? We can have a lazy day and watch movies." And she knew that you hated feeling indolent over your mental health problems, so she always manages to turn it around into something more acceptable for your own mind.
“Yes! I love you," you've said it a million times before, but it just blurts out this time. It feels so real, so true, so natural. I love her, she's the one.
She giggles at you and taps your nose. You scrunch it up and she leans forward to capture your lips in a kiss. Everything hurts, but this doesn't. This is the one good thing, and for once, this type of happiness is not such a scary thing. "I love you too, my sweet girl."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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elyangelofdeath · 8 months
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paulsonsratched · 2 years
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Toy 2/4
W.V. x Reader
A/n: this is my first time writing smut. I hope this is okay! Don't k-Word me. Thanks.
TW: smut, cursing. I'm sorry but no kinky shit...yet.
You stormed out of her office your legs guiding you out of the big office complex. The second the fresh air hit the skin of your face you allowed yourself to slow down a bit. You took a deep breath.
Counting one, two, three.
Breathing out.
One, two, three.
Breathing in.
One, tw-...
You got ripped out of your counting when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n." The voice of the red head softly lingered on the shell of the ear, so soft you almost couldn't catch the melody sinking into your hearing. You slowly turned around, her hand laid still on your shoulder. It was as soft as her voice. She never was that soft. Her hands never caressed your skin slightly it was always rough. Your eyes fell onto hers. They looked soft. Or hurt? Did you disappoint her? Does she feel like you declined her bittersweet offer of her touch? You did but you didn't meant it that way.
Even though you knew you didn't do anything wrong a soft "sorry." left your mouth, a tear streaming down your face. Wilhemina grabbed your shoulder a bit firmer, still comforting. Her eyebrows furrowed softly as she looked at you in disbelief. "For what?"
Wilhemina couldn't believe her ear. Why did you apologize to her? She disappointed you. She was too rough. She always was but she also liked to push her limits. And she did. Too far.
Your mouth slightly opened, your voice shaking "I didn't mean to be rude or to disappoint you. I also know that all we have is physical and you're my boss but god Wilhemina how I would like to more know about you than what you let me see. How I would love to just ones please you."
You opened your heart trying to make her understand. Little do you know is it that what activated the little voices in the older woman's head. Wilhemina opened up by making you feel good and letting you see her anger. Unmasked. Was that emotion not worth anything?
Who the hell are you even to expect even more? "What do you expect me to do y/n? Show up on your door step with a Pizza and a bottle of wine telling you my life story?"
You looked at her in disbelief. How could she be so defensive. "I'm still your superior."
That's it.
You turned away from her walking towards your car. When you almost reached it you felt her hand grabbing your arm again. There it was again. That uncomfortable touch. You shook her up turning around looking at her with all the hurt and anger you had. You weren't able to hide it anymore. "You know what Wilhemina? Yes, that would actually be nice." With that you turned around, opened the door of the car and drove off. Letting her stand there.
You still had multiple hours to work but you couldn't care less right now and to be honest, leaving here standing there like a fool, like she did multiple times with you already made you feel somewhat empowered.
Later that evening you decided to do some self care. Self care meaning putting on the widest clothes you had, shoving at least one kilogram of chocolate in your face.
Fuck all that, we make a face mask and take care of our hair. That's not self care that's playing Barbie. Just as you shoved another handful of Toffifee's in your mouth you hear a knock on your apartment door.
Lazily you got up opening the door immediately closing it again. Shock covered your face. "One moment!" You screamed running up your stairs brushing your hair and putting on a long sweatpants over your rather revealing shorts.
You run downstairs again opening the door to look at the shocked expression of the woman you admired so much. „Wouw." her deep raspy voice said scanning you up and down before a small chuckle escaped her mouth.
You rolled your eyes. „What do you want here Wilhemina?" Her eyes lost its glimmer and immediately they bored into yours again with the most sincere expression you ever saw of her. She didn't talk but held up a pizza carton in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. THE Wilhemina Venable stood infront of your door. With a pizza. You were still angry but couldn't help the small smile forming on your face, you stepped aside motioning for her to come in. You both walked into the living room. Without saying a word she placed herself on your big dark grey couch. When she sat you both heard a noise.
She reached under her bottom pulling out an empty bag of chips. „Well darling I didn't mean for you to be unhealthy but I'm glad that's the way you cope I guess." she said with a small frown making you laugh. You let yourself fall next to her. „You are something Wilhemina Venable." you chuckled. You both started eating the pizza she brought. Spinach. You once told her how much you loved spinach.
Did she actually listen and remember that none sense?
You ate piece after piece in silence and you couldn't be mad anymore the way she was sitting so sweet next to you. You looked at her, another chuckle leaving your lips when you regarded the small spot of tomato sauce smeared over the corner of her lips. She looked at you confused. „What?" you leaned into her, your body getting closer to hers and the warmth you always felt with her inflicted your stomach. You let your fingers trace over the corner of her lip wiping the sauce off her precious face. „You too." she suddenly bursted out. You looked at her confused, finger still lingering on her face.
She seemed to understand because she resumed her phrase with a „something. You are something too." I smiled at her which she returned. Wilhemina Venable wasn't a person who smiled a lot but good lord when she did it brightened up the entire universe. „I'm sorry y/n." she continued. „What for?" I asked. She didn't had to be sorry. I knew what I got myself into. „For being so rude to you when you were nothing but understanding and nice. For taking you as if it just was your body. For taking off my anger. For not coping with a bunch of chocolate but for coping in a way that hurted you. I wanna make it up to you again."
I looked into her dark brown eyes and couldn't help but simply smile. The happiness she could inflict in me was not to describe. „Let me desire you." she whispered out, our faces still so close I could smell her perfume on her neck. My eyes twitched to her lips and up to her eyes again before she pulled me in, her soft lips finally touching mine. It felt like an explosion. Her lips immediately moved in the same rhythm as mine.
She didn't kissed as harsh as I expected a woman like her to kiss. Hell no her kisses felt like buying cotton candy at a carnival stand. Sinking your lips into the sweet treat, almost not feeling it and the second it was in your mouth it melted like pure sugar. So sweet and so mesmerizing you will always want it again. She pulled softly on my collar, pulling me impossibly closer so I got sat on her lip trying to mesmerize every movement of her lips for god knows when I will be able to feel her this close and intimate again. If in case ever.
Her hands slide down my sides erupting goosebumps on my skin till they came to a still on my hips. Wilhemina traced her nails ever so slightly up and down my hips making the goosebumps never stop. After a while it got hard to breath and she parted from my lips.
She looked at me with one more smile before giving my cheek a peck. She continued moving down to the side of my jaw, kissing along the line of my neck before finding my sweet point a slightly sucking on it. „You're mine now." she said giggling as she regarded the little hickey she made. I took her face in my hand and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. „What?" she said questioning. „Wilhemina Venable just giggled? I didn't knew that was possible!!" I exaggerate jokingly. „Oh shut up you." she said before resuming to my neck, a bit rougher this time, erupting a throaty moan from me. „I love that sound." she whispered against my neck just making me moan more.
„Lay down." she ordered me and like always I followed her order immediately but this time not with this excitement of knowing she would fuck me there and now but with butterflies going through my stomach, making it twirl by this unknown soft side of her. She laid on top of me kissing down to my breasts not giving them too much attention since she knew I didn't like that. Another thing she remembered. Seems like I'm not just a simple fuck after all.
I got shaken off my thoughts when I felt her lips caressing the end of my stomach. She looked up at me asking for permission silently which I more than gladly gave her. She took of my sweatpants. „Sweet Shorts." she said mockingly. „Please just continue Mina." I begged. „Mina hm?" She asked at the mention of her nickname. My cheeks turned red but my embarrassment was quickly forgotten when I felt her hands removing the last of my garment. She gave the insides of my thighs a kiss before repeating the action at my already swollen clit. She looked up at me.
Seeing her like that plus feeling her breath at my already erected clit was almost enough to make me burst. I decided to make a bold step and pressed her head down into my core. To my surprise she didn't pushed my hand off nor did she complain but let her tongue immediately flick over my clit.
I let my head fall back onto the pillow behind me and enjoyed the magic of my lover. After some small licks she continued in circles. At this point I probably already throbbed which she seemed to realize since she mumbled a disapproving „mhm." into my core.
Same old Wilhemina I guess.
After continuing like that for a while she suddenly violently shook her head from side to side inflicting a strong pulse onto my already close state. „I can't hold it for long anymore." I said. Wilhemina's lips lifted off my sensitive part making me pout at her. She giggled once more this evening. „Don't worry petal. I will let you have your moment." she gave another small peck to the place I needed her the most and got up my body again.
She was right over me, firey locks over her shoulder, eyes darker than ever but with so much more than lust in them. She looked like art right there and then. I couldn't help but comb through her hair. „You're incredibly beautiful." I admitted to her. „Oh shut up." was her answer. „No but I do- AH." I wanted to protest but felt her fingers rubbing vigorously on the spot I needed her so much. „I can't hold it anymore." was the last thing that I could say desperately gripping onto her shoulders. „It's okay I got you. Cum for me petal." she said taking one of my hands into hers and placing a kiss onto my temple.
I came undone with her name lingering on my lips and her smell invading my space. She put her hand flat onto my pussy not leaving it in the cold and helping getting down from my high. She looked at me lovingly stroking my hair.
„I think I'm falling in love with you y/n."
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nightshadeshadow123 · 2 years
Jealousy: part 4 (A.M-R)-(C.G)
Hey everyone that still stuck around to read this even tho I'm absolutely horrible in updating regularly but guess I'll give it another go, just wanna thank my girl for all the support too and believing in me🥰💖I love you so much my girl.
This might be a bit dark and gory at the second flashback so my apologies and can be skipped if wanted. And this chapter is longer than the others but just got lost into this chapter when writing and didn't even realize until I saw the word count but hope you all will enjoy this one and I wanna apologize for the length of this and any errors I might have made.
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Ally smiled a bit awkwardly before stepping into the room you two are staying in, she was feeling a bit nervous for an unknown reason but she shoved it down as she made her way towards you.
Cordelia looked back at you after reluctantly letting go of your hand, immediately missing the warmth of your hand in hers.
You wanted to protest when Cordelia have let go of your hand but you choose to ignore it and looked up at your girlfriend now stood in front of you, a familiar worried look in her warm brown eyes when she caught sight of your red eyes and cheeks.
"(Y/n), what's wrong my love?" Ally asked, lifting her hand up to your face slowly not to startle you suddenly, wiping away a stray tear, feeling you relax under her familiar touch.
The blonde Supreme watched the two of you, oddly finding Ally's careful and caring way with you cute and very much appreciated but she shrugged it away and instead fiddle with her hands, trying to keep her eyes away but she kept her eyes on the two of you subtly.
You took Ally's hand on your cheek in yours softly, kissing her palm that made a smile blossom on her face at your behavior that you so often did when she touched your face.
"I'm okay my angel. Just some past memories haunting me is all." You uttered softly, keeping hold of her hand as she sat down next to you, her other hand resting on your leg in a comfortable way.
Just when Ally wanted to ask if you wanted to talk about it more Myrtle knocked at the wide open door, peering in at the three of you curiously before apologizing at interrupting when the three of you looked at her direction.
"It's alright Myrtle, what is it you needed." Cordelia asked the older witch warmly.
"I just needed to talk to (Y/n), would the two of you mind if I burrow her for a while to talk?" The red haired witch asked tentatively, suddenly unsure if she should have waited instead of interrupting.
Ally let out a huff when you got up after pressing a kiss to her cheek and letting go of her hand after squeezing it gently in yours. She wanted you to stay and hope you'd talk what have made you so sad and also heard more about what you and the blonde have talked about.
Cordelia on the other hand have grabbed your other hand softly making you look at her curiously but felt relaxed when she smiled at you.
"You can go, I'll stay here and tell Ally about it. That is if you don't mind of course?" She offered every so kindly and always thoughtful with that warm caring smile that never failed in having you melted, you wondered how you haven't died of her bright smile already.
"Thank you Delia, you can tell her if you want to and keep her company a bit please." You assured, looking at Allly who is already watching the two of you.
She didn't feel as jealous as before, more curious now as she observed the two of you and how calm you are with the blonde supreme just like you are around her.
The two women watched you leave the room with Myrtle, sitting in silence for a few moments and being unsure how to start a conversation at first until Ally have built up the courage to begin talking.
"Would you mind telling me what the two of you have talked about and what and her in such a state?"
Cordelia could clearly hear the desperation and plea in Ally's voice. She can completely understand how Ally is feeling so sat down next to Ally on the bed, a sympathetic smile grazing her face this time as she observed the brunette woman.
The blonde began to tell her about what have happened and then about what the two of you have talked about that have had you so upset.
All Ally could do was sit and listen in shock, anger and lots of other emotions flooding her mind hearing what you have been through for so long, also feeling a lot of admiration and gratitude now, happy the Supreme have found you and helped you all those years ago, she shuddered at thinking what would have happened if she haven't and if you'd have even met her if the blonde haven't taken you in.
"So Mila is her older sister?" Ally asked after all the shock have worn off.
Cordelia pursed her lips together, sadness clouding her.
"She was her sister."
Ally looked to the blonde woman again at her sad words.
"What happened to her?" She questioned, unsure but she wanted to know so badly about that too.
"Mila was killed a few years ago by some witch hunters and my ex." Cordelia explained bitterly at the memory, a stabbing pain blazing through her heart when remembering your cries that night, the way you've ran over to your dying sister trying to save her to no avail while all chaos was breaking loose over the place they have held a gathering with some other witches, and how you've spiraled completely out of control after that, the multiple times you've tried taking your own life and when failing at that the times you've gotten yourself in endless danger that could have killed you if she haven't been there to have saved you.
Ally tried to swallow down the lump forming in her throat at seeing the blonde trying to stay composed and at the news of what have happened to your sister, she didn't know what she could say about this.
"After the death of Mila she completely spiraled out of control. Always getting in trouble. Parties every night with Madison, getting in trouble along with her and even having went on a spree to deal with some witch hunters, cutting, drugs, mixing with the wrong people8." Cordelia continued, explaining some details about it while they played through her head as if it happened yesterday. You and Madison have sure stirred up a big wave of trouble and haven't made it easy on her especially with her mother around too.
(Beginning of flashback)
Cordelia have checked your room to check up on you but she haven't found you in your room, only a mess of crumbled and scattered paper all over the place of your always tidy room that now is a mess, you haven't had any motivation to get up to clean, eat or anything after the recent death of your sister.
She closed the door behind her softly, her heart feeling heavy that she haven't found you in your room and worry suddenly gripping her as she made her way downstairs to where she could hear some chatter coming from in Hope's that you might have finally come out of your depressed state a bit and finally have opened to the idea of letting then help you with the grief they are all going through.
She found Zoe, Queenie, Nan and Mallory talking, no sign of you anywhere in sight when she scanned the white living room, feeling more worried and disappointed.
"Hello girls." Cordelia greeted them in her usual soft and caring voice, gaining thier attention as they all turned to her as she made her way into the living room, greeting her back and she sat down on one of the sofas across from them.
They could all see how tired she is and they were too after evening that have happened in the past week and they couldn't blame her at all, they were very concerned for their Supreme, seeing her this way is heartbreaking because she always looked so strong no matter what trouble came their way.
"Have any of you seen (Y/n)? And where is Madison? It's strange not hearing her usual snides by now when entering the room." Cordelia asked, trying to not fiddle with her hands as she interlocked them together on her lap, trying to appear strong.
"She's out with Madison tonight, they went to some type of party Madison have mentioned all week long and have managed to drag (Y/n) along with her." Queenie was the one that spoke up as the others looked between each other nervously.
The blonde slouched her shoulders, the worry crawling futher in her at hearing that you and Madison have sneaked out when she have made it clear everyone should be staying in to stay safe from any more witch hunters and dangers and also because she knows very well that partying and alcohol wasn't at all your thing and you'd much rather help her around the academy or her green house, reading books, or just listening to music alone or keep yourself entertained with video games and just rambling with her, Misty, Mallory and Queenie as they were the people you were most comfortable with.
"Where's the party they are at now." Cordelia asked after awhile, her voice suddenly sharp as she looked at the girls, waiting for them to answer.
"Madison mentioned something about a club that isn't much further from here." Queenie said nervously.
Cordelia immediately knew what club she talked about, remembering briefly how she had to drag her mother from that place once before she was the Supreme.
She have decided to not intervene this time but she definitely will be scolding you and especially Madison when you are back at the academy so she have waited.
She heard some ruckus at the front door, her eyes going to the clock that reads 3 in the morning and she immediately go over to the door, knowing it's you and Madison, a scowl on her face when she pried the door open causing you to jump a bit at the sudden noise of the door banging against the wall and the angry blonde standing in front of you with a scowl, glaring at you and Madison.
"Cordy, Hiiiiiii." Madison slurred out all drunkenly, being barely kept in a standing position by you but she could tell you both were drunk when you laughed when Maddison fell, pulling you along with her.
She definitely wasn't amused at all at this, not used to see you like this at all, angrily unfolding her arms and going over to pull you and Madison from the cold concrete floor.
"Tomorrow you both are going to get a big scolding from me."
"Chill Cordy, we were just having some funnnnn. Loosen up would you." Madison slurred on when she was back on her legs, supported by the supreme along with you.
"Yesss Cordy, loosen up." You and Madison both snickered along as the drunk blonde tries to clumsily pat at you but that resulted in her falling again when Cordelia couldn't prevent it on time especially when she was supporting two drunk people leaning against her.
"Oh for the love of." Cordelia cut herself off, glaring angrily at the two that is still laughing at Madison's fall.
"You stay here, I'll put this one in her damn room first then will get you." The Supreme pushed you up to the stairs, slowly guiding you and making sure you don't hurt yourself, pushing open your door when reaching the second floor but Nan peeked from her door after having heard the ruckus you mumbled drunkenly at the supreme about some stuff that happened and how at one point some have dared you and Maddison to makeout, she tried containing her jealousy, focusing on Nan as you dunkley waved at the mind reader witch that looks just as shocked to see you in such an unusual state.
"Nan, sorry to bother you. Would you be a dear and help Madison to her room? She's still downstairs on the floor." Cordelia asked, hoping to sound apologetic and hopefully not disturbing the other witch.
"Can't we just leave her on the floor?" Nan grumbled half jokingly as she closed her door and made her way down the stairs.
After Coredlia made sure you were safe in your bed completely asleep and left a painkiller along with water for you for the morning, knowing full well you'd wake up with hangover and killer headache she made her way downstairs to check up on Madison and Nan.
That night she was awake most of the time in her bed, being a bit disappointed in you both and also jealous of having heard about that dare you and Madison had to do, wondering if it was just drunk talk or the truth.
*Next morning*
You begrudgingly made your way downstairs, rubbing at your sore eyes and grumbling about it being too bright and the pounding headache, sitting down next to Queenie and Misty who looked at you with sympathy while Cordelia watched you in disappointment, lips in a thin line before moving her eyes to the food being served on the table.
Madison looked just a worse as you as she say across from you, kicking your leg under the table making you glare at her as you let out a groan under your breath.
"Last night was such a blast. Remember the time you lost control of your powers and almost boiled the blood of that creeper guy trying to hit on you? His face was hilarious as he didn't understand why he felt like his insides was being boiled, haven't it been for me stumbling into you he definitely would have been barbecue from the inside out." Madison snickered as you try and hide your face in shame behind your hands as the memories slowly began to piece together.
"That isn't important at all Mads, I wouldn't have done anything bad." You tried defending yourself, slowly shrinking into your seat when catching the glare of Cordelia, trying to avoid her narrowed brown eyes as you smiled sheepishly at the blonde supreme while the others just try to make small talk and not anger the blonde.
"And the time that red haired bimbo dared us to kiss, it was so good-" You kicked Madison's leg under the table harshly, your cheeks flaring red as you glared at the blonde, hoping the fire in your eyes will make her shut her mouth and safe all the embarrassment but you knew all too well she isn't one to feel embarrassed or ashamed.
You could clearly feel the anger and disappointment of Cordelia, cussing silently for having the ability to sense others emotions.
(End of flashback)
Ally gently took hold of Cordelia's hands, squeezing them making the blonde look up at her.
The older brunette smiled softly at the blonde, hoping to wipe that sad expression from her face, brows furrowing when she didn't succeeded with that as Cordelia just averted her gaze to thier hands, seemingly distracted deep in thought again, another flashback running through her mind.
(Beginning of flashback again sorry)
"Cordelia?!" Myrtle came tumbling into the room, startling the blonde supreme who turned to look at the disheveled older witch.
"Myrtle, what's all this about now?"
"It's (Y/n) and Madison." The older witch only needed to say that and Cordelia could already feel another headache forming.
"What did they do this time....again?" Cordelia sighed, rubbing at her temple in annoyance.
Myrtle only deadpanned nervously and yet worriedly and Cordelia immediately sensed that.
"Tell me what happened, is it something bad? Are the okay?" Cordelia suddenly looked concerned at Myrtle's distress.
"They went after Damian and his group. They were apparently attacked by three of his men while they were out and they have angered (Y/n) enough to went after them by mentioning her sister and Damian's name." Myrtle explained, looking at Cordelia in sympathy, knowing well that she is barely getting any rest with the whole witch hunters and being Supreme and the headmistress of the academy.
Cordelia immediately tensed at hearing that, the panic gripping at her heart as she stood up, ignoring the papers and the pen that dropped on the floor and all the others that was scattered over her desk.
"Keep the girl's safe, I have to go after them before something bad happens. I just hope that they aren't too late already." She rushed past a very worried Myrtle, immediately using the mental link between the two of you to trace you and Madison's location, using her powers to teleport her there.
She hated to admit it but she felt a bit unsteady and weak after having used her powers for that task, the stress weighed heavily on her but she wasn't going to give up easily, especially with the people she care about being in danger and especially you who she have grown a crush on with your time at the academy, the late nights of movie nights, you helping her at her greenery and just your protectiveness over everyone at the academy despite your sometimes cold demeanor to strangers but she knew that you did have a heart and care about others and she admired that endlessly, the thought of your smile and jokes and playful side is what gives her the strength to keep going and she was determined to see that sides of you again because you haven't been the same after Damian have killed your older sister that night.
Looking around she could make out that she was in a huge villa, the sun that is streaming through the windows lighting up the modern decorated
place and she could see a few bodies scattered around the living room with blood too, feeling dreadful but relaxing slightly when realizing that none was you or Madison but this urged her to move faster, her heartbeat going crazy but despite that she couldn't hear anything else, the silence making her more on edge as she stepped over more bodies while looking through rooms, stopping when she heard something at one door in the hallway, her hand lingering over the doorknob nervously at what she might find.
She gaped in shock at what she saw.
You were crying while Madison was holding you from the side, a rare softness and concern genuinely shining through at her friend, all over the big office room was more bodies and on the dark desk laid the lifeless body of Damian and she could clearly see that you have used your Thermovariance powers on him, the blisters on him being a clear give away.
Your hands that was covered in blood was shaking uncontrollably until they they rested on Madison who was still holding you, trying to calm you down as best as she could, she didn't look much better either bc she was also covered in blood and have caused just as much damage and have just as much blood on her hands from the witch hunters.
After getting over the shock Cordelia rushed over to your side, her brown eyes immediately scanning over you and Madison for any injuries until she noticed the way your body shook with sobs while Madison looked at the Supreme with a worried yet guilty look, pulling away from you and let the supreme pull you into her arms.
You tightly gripped Cordelia's black shirt in your bloodied hands while you shook, unable to control the sobs that is leaving your body as the whole event plays through your mind over and over again while Cordelia gently tries to calm you down.
"It's all okay, you are okay." She whispered in your ear gently while she rubbed at your back, one hand keeping you to her firmly, her heart breaking at hearing your sobs and the state you are in.
"The darkness. It got me!" You sobbed out, your mind screaming at you loudly, repeating over and over again that you were a murderer and that you should have been killed instead.
"No it doesn't. I've got you and you are safe." She said firmly, pulling you impossibly closer, knowing that her heartbeat would be calming you down if you felt it agaisnt you, gently rubbing your back again.
She knew you were having a hard time right now, and especially in feeling guilty now for what have happened here and she didn't blame you but she knew it was gonna happen one way or another and that the group of witch hunters would have had to be dealt with because they wouldn't have shown any mercy and would kill any witch they come across, as much as she hated to admit this she felt relieved that that was the end of Damian that have caused endless pain and death on others including your sister.
It didn't went well after that as everyone expected, it still weighted heavily on you and you couldn't stop hating yourself which have led to self harming and many more drunken nights with Madison.
(End of Flashback)
Ally looked at Cordelia with sympathy while she was talking about this, shocked by it all but also feeling sad for what you have been through and she knew this wasn't even half of it yet.
"Thank you for having looked after her when she left."
Ally looked puzzled at Cordelia, turning her dark eyes back to the blonde after having wiped some of her tears away, blushing slightly when seeing a small smile on the blonde supreme's lips.
"I should be the one being thankful for having been looked after by her instead, when we have met I was a wreck and yet she was determined to help me when she have heard what was happening with my ex wife. She didn't think I was crazy and have stayed to help me." Ally said with a smile, thinking back to that day you have met and how you haven't left her once or thought she was crazy.
"How did the two of you met for the first time anyways?" Cordelia asked curiously, her eyes on the brunette woman sitting next to her on the bed.
Ally looked down slightly, a shy smile forming on her face at the memory of that day all those time ago.
"Well to put it simple I've crashed into her on the street." She began.
"I was running from Kai and his cult of psychos my ex wife have joined that was after me, I didn't watch where I was going and when rounding a corner I've ran into her. To say she was completely bewildered and me even more scared that I was perhaps caught by one of those psychopaths is definitely a statement but when I looked up at her when she offered a hand to help me up and I saw those beautiful (e/c) eyes I knew that I've met an angel, the only thing I was able to focus on is how absolutely beautiful she looked despite the dark gloomy and dangerous streets and I've never felt more safer when I've had my hand in hers. I was so focused on her I didn't even noticed the dangers that was creeping upon me from behind but she certainly did as her eyes have stayed focused behind me while her soft hand was still in mine, despite that dark dangerous gleam that was in her beautiful eyes I didn't felt scared, was just more startled when there was screams behind me and have turned fearfully to see those clown psychos on the ground writhing in pain for no reason because I didn't see anthing that could have caused them pain but when looking back at that angel and the intensity in those eyes that have changed to a golden white glow I knew she must have done something and at first I thought I was dreaming because how on earth was I witnessing such supernatural things but her hand in mine was definitely assuring me that it was real. She didn't kill them but she have definitely left them in a lot of pain without having touched them."
Cordelia listened intently, smiling softly at hearing what the brunette thought of you being an angel, well she definitely wasn't wrong about thinking that, you were so angelic beautiful anyone would assume that you are indeed an angel and she herself have thought that endlessly when having caught sight of you doing anything, by being kindest and your utmost love and care to animals, plants and helping others at the academy or you just doing your own thing there was just something utterly otherworldly beautiful about you to her.
"After that night we became friends and she have helped me out endlessly and we have just grown closer and I couldn't ignore my not so tiny crush on her anymore until I've finally confessed and asked her out." Ally continued, a bright smile on her face this whole time and Cordelia smiled sadly now at this, not feeling jealous as much as she expected but just sad she haven't confessed her true feeling to you earlier too but she was just happy that you've finally found happiness too after everything and she admits that she is happy that Ally is making you happy and that she was so beautiful too.
When Ally looked back to the blonde she blushed when catching her eyes but tries to hide it, wondering why she felt this comfortable and shy towards her when she was jealous of her before when first meeting but she did like this feeling for some odd reason.
"What kind of powers does she all have? I only know so little about the true extent of her abilities and what each means and what they do." Ally asked awkwardly to try and hide her blush but also genuinely curious about those powers of yours.
Cordelia only smirked after noticing how nervous and shy Ally have gotten but she ignored the urge to tease her a bit like you would have definitely because of your teasy nature.
"Some of her abilities is rare and unique. She have Thermovariance which is the ability to boil others blood at any temperature she wants, I didn't even know of this ability until I've met her and her older sister. Molecular Combustion, the ability to make molecules speed up to the point that objects or beings explode. The ability to sense others emotions." Talking about that one she just wondered to herself how you haven't realized her feelings towards you but you are so oblivious sometimes.
Ally felt excited even more now about knowing more about your abilities, she couldn't wait to learn more about witches and magic.
"That sounds so interesting and intense, I wouldn't have any idea what any of those would have been with just the name of them." Ally admitted softly.
"She also have three basic ones like telekinesis, the ability to move objects at distance by mental power. Concilium, the ability to control another's mind through sheer willpower and vitalum vitalis the power to balance the scales of life and death."
After that there was just light chatter between the two about thier past and just more bits of your days at the academy and stuff like that until they were interrupted by you walking in followed by a white shadow.
Ally's eyes widen when seeing the white wolf with glowing yellow eyes standing next to you now, your hand running over the soft fur at it's neck, and she wanted to panic for for a moment at the big animal but relax when seeing that it doesn't seem like it's going to cause any danger and the way you are calm around it was definitely a confirmation of that.
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Cordelia smiled brightly when seeing you there with your familiar wolf pet and your clear happiness as you smiled at the two women after looking away from your wolf.
You entered completely and sat down next to Ally and watched as Shadow followed you closely before sniffing at your very nervous looking girlfriend, immediately grabbing her hand and squeezing it in a reassuring way to hopefully calm her down but you understand her fears because you too were scared at first of Shadow after an accident but you have grown a strong bond with the magnificent white wolf that is protective over you especially after the death of Mila.
"This is Shadow. I know a strange name for a white wolf but when my sister and I have gotten her she always followed us around like a shadow." You introduced, gently guiding Ally's hand to pet at Shadow's soft fur, smiling when she calmed down and that your wolf is liking all the attention from your girlfriend.
"She's beautiful and so soft." Ally commented after awhile, admiring the glowing yellow eyes that is scanning over her, thinking the color to be a beautiful hypnotizing color.
Cordelia watched the three of you with a strange warm feeling, thinking she could really get used to this but immediately scolding herself for thinking something like that.
"Does all the witches have a familiar pet?" Ally asked suddenly, turning to look at Cordelia after Shadow have decided to lay her head on your lap while you give her attention.
"We all do yes, everyone's familiars are somewhere around the academy and with Misty at that tiny house at the backyard near my greenhouse. Mine is wandering around here somewhere too, she's not the biggest people person like (Y/n) over there."
"Hey!" You playfully glared at the supreme, a blush dusting your cheeks while Cordelia and Ally laughed.
(Time skip to a week later)
Everything was going well at the academy and Cordelia and Ally have started getting along with each other much to your joy when seeing the two women you care about the most getting along with each other, hanging out and making jokes and Ally have even hanged out with you and Cordelia while you helped the blonde in her greenhouse, her little heaven as she called it and you definitely agreed, you adored helping her out there, the girls were certainly happy too at this seeing the Supreme being her happy old self again, knowing she took your absence way harder than they did and Ally have learnt that Cordelia's familiar is black cat with yellow eyes quite similar to your wolf but only more feline like and was also fascinated at the magic abilities and watching you and Cordelia practicing together.
In that week you've also found out why your magic have flanked out, Myrtle having claimed you were becoming more stronger with certain abilities that would temporary weaken the others but it wasn't anything to be concerned about but you all were left quite baffled at the news that you are becoming as strong as Cordelia despite not being a Supreme.
You and Ally were in bed cuddling while all the all the girls and Cordelia was asleep, it was quite late and it was an eventful day, having gone out shopping with Maddison and Queenie and just having had a big hang out say with all the girls as Cordelia suggested before you two might leave soon, she was sad to that but she tried her best hiding her sadness.
"What do you think of Cordelia and the academy?" You questioned softly while snuggling closer to Ally's warm body, your head tucked under her neck while resting on her as she played with your hair, holding you close to her.
Ally immediately felt her cheeks heating up at your sudden question, her fingers in your hair stopping for a moment before continuing, letting out a hum against your head.
"I think she's amazing, I'm glad you've had her in your life after everything that have happened. She is a light in your life and will always be, I can see clearly how much she cares about you..."You could tell she wanted to add more but she paused after that
"And as for the academy...I absolutely love it here, seeing how you all interact and learning about all the magic and many others things, and what I love the most is seeing your happiness at being here again after so long away." Ally continued and smiled contentedly while nuzzling into your hair, planting a kiss there that have you smiling as you try and snuggle to her impossibly closer.
"What do you think of Cordelia?" Ally asked this time after awhile of just holding you close.
You felt yourself blush, nervously nuzzling to your girlfriend's neck and hoping she won't feel the heat of your cheeks.
"I errrr.....I think she's a very good person. The most caring one there is and that she is a true angel."
"Is that all?" Ally asked teasingly, her hands slipping under your shirt to rub circles on your back after sending how nervous you suddenly sounded.
You just wanted to dissapear when hearing her teasing tone but being quite surprised at Ally's curiosity now.
"Maybe more. But why are you suddenly asking all these questions now? Are you still jealous of her?" You asked.
"I told you there wasn't anthing to worry about with her, she knows I have you and she wouldn't want me like that." You continued, concerned suddenly.
The the older woman only chuckled at you, squeezing your waist in comfort.
"Honey, I can clearly see like everyone else that she does want you and care about you in a very romantic way, it's obvious in even the most subtle gestures and how she looks at you."
You stayed quite for a few moments, feeling shocked but you definitely were excited but felt a little guilty at that.
"If she does then are you still jealous?"
"I was at first but having came here to visit along with you, seeing all her care, affection and concern for you have made me realized that I've come to enjoy and admire it and I have to admit that seeing the two of you together makes me feel things I thought I wouldn't and Cordelia is a gorgeous woman just like you are. And I can see you like her too, the care you have for her." Ally explained a bit shyly at this.
You felt even more shocked at that but felt butterflies in your tummy at what she admited, the blush full on your face but you were glad the light is off so she couldn't see your blush and grin on your face.
"I don't even know what to say." You chuckled nervously.
Ally hugged you tighter to her kissing your cheek when moving her head, feeling just a nervous as you are but more so at some ideas that is running through her head.
"I'm gonna admit to having a crush on her too, she's just so kind and soft. And I felt ashamed at first because I thought you might be mad."
This time you hummed, leaning up to kiss Ally on the lips, letting your lips linger over hers until you felt her smiling into the kiss before pulling away.
"You don't have to feel ashamed, I too felt ashamed at first for crushing on her and thought you might be the one getting mad." You admited nervously, relaxing when your girlfriend rubbed her soft hands over your waist to calm you down.
"Well I believe it's safe to admit that we both have a crush on her and I'm more than okay with that." Ally said after a few moments of thinking deeply, feeling relieved after saying that and smiling when she felt you nod, agreeing with her.
"I think we should explore with this don't you think?" She asked you curiously, immediately grabbing your attention again.
"What do you have in mind then?" You asked, trying to hide the eagerness in your voice, smiling when Ally let out a mischievous laugh.
"I have so many ideas and I'm sure you do too, I know you are quite the tease."
I'm so sorry for the rushed and shitty update, I just feel like I could have done better here but have putted updating out for so long and wanted to give you all something to read again after a long time of not updating here. (Y'all please forgive me but I love putting pics and gifs to make it more descriptive too at times😅)
65 notes · View notes
lazarettta · 2 years
AHS OneShots
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Cordelia x Misty & Reader I'm Not A Witch Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader The Babysitter
13 notes · View notes
stayevildarling · 2 months
American Horror Story Masterlist:
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Multiple Characters/Poly Relationships:
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader:
As the gods will
Born to die
In the name of Love
A silence so loud
Confessions in the dark ✩ Part 2
It's not like the movies ✩
Arms of an angel ✩
All is well ✩
Let her go ✩
Glimpse of us
Our years together
Tag you're it ✩
Breathe Sweetheart ✩
Do I wanna know? ✩
Falling ✩
Black Friday ✩
Everything works out in the end ✩
Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard x Reader:
Angels like you ✩
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Reader:
Never alone
I miss you, I'm sorry
Hold on ✩
Calm after the storm (without reader)
Wilhemina Venable x Sally McKenna x Reader:
A little help - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt7, Pt 8 ✩
other fandoms:
I'll crawl home to them Zelda Spellman x Cordelia x Reader
One too many secrets Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia x Reader
It all fell down Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia x Reader
Burying our memories x Wilhemina x Regina Mills Part 2
A common matter x Cordelia x Zelda Spellmann x Alma Peregrine x Reader
Sick x Mildred Ratched x Gwendolyn Briggs x Reader
Dragon meets purple x Wilhemina x Miranda Priestly x Reader- Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6
✩ = mental health, ✾ = smut, ❆ = no happy ending
44 notes · View notes
abeillefaeabeille · 2 years
Take it.
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TW: dom!Alice (not soft), mommy kink, titty washing, teasing, degradation, fingering (r receiving), scissoring, mocking, spitting, vulgarity, choking, hair-pulling... I think that's it? Let me know.
idk how many words 😭
AN: Ummmm hi :) I had written this nearly a year ago, so I decided to revise it and put it on this lovely little app :) I'm currently working on finishing my first request! Let me know how you like it! (also, if you want to be a part of my tag list let me know! There are only 25 of you but, oh well) Please be kind, but if you have any suggestions or requests, don't be scared to speak up!
MINORS DNI PLEASE!! 18+!!! It makes me extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a minor interacting, please don't!!
Oh how I missed my sweet baby. After a terrible day with Phyllis, having to pretend to be against who I really am, who I love, I'm exhausted and ready to be with y/n. Thankfully she allowed us all to go home early, and I almost sped to get to my kitten.
Running through the rain after getting out of the car, I run to our front door, giggling slightly as I get drenched. I burst through the door and see her head pop up from the couch in the living room.
Y/n beams and giggles at how soaked I am. “Alice! You’re home early, is something wrong?”
Oh, my sweet girl... she's always so caring and concerned about me. I smile wide and shake my head, chuckling as I start to strip in our mudroom.
“No sweetness, Phyllis let us leave early, thank goodness. It was getting suffocating.” I pout slightly and slide my unbuttoned blouse off, only in my bra and skirt now.
With a huff I make my way to the laundry room, hearing my baby following close behind like the cute little puppy she is. “I'm so sorry, mommy.. I’m so glad you’re home, I.. I missed you very much.”
Now, I heard what she said, but I couldn’t catch on to the shyness at the end of her sentence, I would’ve realized she meant more than just, missing me..
But unfortunately, I was so focused on getting my clothes in the wash that I didn’t notice. I just nod and grin, closing the lid on the wash before glancing at her. “Aw, mommy missed you too, sweetheart!” I say as I kiss her head, rushing to the bathroom to wash myself off.
She wasn’t getting it! All day, I’ve been waiting as patiently as I possibly could for her to get home. Last night we were so close to having play time, but mommy was just exhausted, so we stopped to just cuddle and sleep. I didn’t wanna push it, but now I can’t take it. It's been a week since I've been ruined like I need.
Following her closely, my cheeks flush from witnessing her strip from her clingy clothes, and now she’s NAKED. I don’t understand how she’s just so casual.
She’s talking about something, I hadn’t realized until I felt a hand cup my cheek. I snap out of my trance and look up to see Alice’s brows knitted in concern.
“Sweet girl, are you alright?” The pet name and her soft voice is certainly not helping the pool forming in my underwear.
I go to speak and feel how watery my mouth is, immediately making me blush. I open my mouth and then shut it, nodding as I look up at her shyly. Her eyes slightly squint and she looks down at my lips, a light smirk forming on hers.
“Oh baby, you’re drooling.” she mutters, moving her thumb to swipe over my bottom lip. I can’t stop the slight whimper that erupts in my throat, and I watch, my eyes widening as she brings her thumb to her own lips and sucks my drool off.
“Hm, nummy.”
Fuck. I feel my brows knit as I feel the urge to plead. She winks at me and then hums, softly chuckling at my demeanor. She pulls out a washcloth out of one of the cabinets and turns on the shower, stepping in but keeping the curtain open wide. I just stand there in awe as she lathers the washcloth with soap, and then uses it to wash herself.
She looks into my eyes as she washes her breast, her bottom lip hooked in between her teeth, but I don’t pay attention to that, my eyes wander down to her soapy tits.
I blush in shame when a whine slips out of me at the sight of her, the way she tilts her head up slowly, humming out a groan at the feeling of the warm water hitting her smooth skin.
After a moment she looks back at me, chuckling. “Baby, go strip and lay down in bed, I wanna have cuddles when I’m done.” She speaks so innocently, as if she hasn’t been kneading her tits right in front of me.
“But I-” I go to protest, but her eyes narrow and I feel my words get caught in my throat. “Listen to mommy, kitten. Do as I say.” she says in a soft but impossibly intimidating tone.
I immediately nod, glancing at her body one more time before backing out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. I take a deep breath, slightly shaking from what just happened.
I quickly undress, peeling my underwear off and clearly seeing the soaked patch, making me go red. I put my clothes in the laundry basket and crawl onto the bed, huffing softly as I slide under the covers to try and soften the goosebumps forming on my bare body.
I wrap my arms around my pillow and pout to myself, facing away from the bathroom door so I don’t have the urge to run back in and plead for Alice to fuck me.
I eventually zone out, listening to the shower running and Alice’s soft hums as she finishes up. I don’t even realize that it’s stopped, so as soon as I feel a hand on my shoulder I jolt and whip my head around to see Alice giggling. 
“Jumpy little thing, aren’t you? You silly girl.” Her tone makes my face flush and I scrunch my nose, turning to put my face in my pillow as I let out a few shy giggles, feeling butterflies in my tummy. 
I feel a shift in the bed and then suddenly her warm soft body is pressed into mine. Her arms wrap around my middle as she pulls me against her further, my breathing getting heavy at the feeling of her fingers stroking my lower stomach.
At the feeling of her breath hitting the back of my neck my hips wiggle slightly while squeaking out a little whine. At that she lets out a breathy chuckle as she presses her palm flat against my abdomen. 
“Stay still, my desperate little baby.” she whispers in a silky voice, immediately causing a shiver to run through me. I am breathing out my words, trying my best to stay still for her. “M-Mommy, mommy could you please..” I trail off, groaning as I feel the tightness in my chest, my shyness making me lose the words.
“Please what? What do you need mommy to do for you, baby?” she coos into my ear, and my eyes roll slightly as she strokes my earlobe with the tip of her warm tongue. 
I don’t stop myself- I can’t, starting to rock my hips against her front, feeling as if I was going to explode at any moment. I gulp and sputter before finding words.
“Fu-uck me, touch me mommy- please!” I plead out in soft whimpers, where she just responds with a hum and a sudden suck at my pulse point. I choke out a little moan, and as I do so I feel her hand slide down further to cup my mess of a cunt. 
“Oh, my poor baby is so wet, isn’t she?”
With a quick nod in response she suddenly pushes her middle finger slips through my lips and slides through them to collect the messy arousal . My eyelids flutter as I feel my head grow foggy and I moan weakly, my clit throbbing in response to her touch. 
“So responsive for mommy, so sensitive.. You can’t even handle mommy’s touch, can you? You dumb little thing.” Her voice just makes me sink deeper into her as I completely give into her.
She bends her finger and gently swirls the tip of it around my entrance. I groan out a few needy whimpers and nod my head, needing her inside of me. She slowly slips the end of her long finger into my entrance, and my response to that is simply clenching around it.
She helps me roll onto my back and presses herself onto me, looking into my eyes as she pushes her finger in further and starts to pump in and out of me slowly, curling her finger to hit my spongy spot perfectly. 
I scrunch my face and start to let out soft little moans, my eyes growing heavy as she starts to go even faster. “Fu-uck yes mommy, need more I- please!” I look at her with the widest eyes, whimpering as her eyes have grown deeper brown instead of their usually rich honey color. “My cute little baby, you want more? God, you’re such a needy slut.” She uses her free hand to suddenly grab my face, digging her fingers into my jaw while small grunts slip out of her mouth.
Alice seems so soft, she really just looks so innocent, but she’s far from. On the outside, around others, she is never in control. She’s always talked down to, or not listened to. So when she’s home she likes to be the boss, likes to be in control. Which is the best thing for me, what I’ve always needed.
“Your mouth looks dry baby, you need mommy to fix that?” I go to respond but before I can she spits right on my tongue, making me choke out a loud moan and clench roughly around her finger. 
“That was a rhetorical question, stupid whore.” She hisses, pulling her finger out before I can even react.
She brings her hand down on my puffy cunt, making me squeal in surprise. While she laughs deeply and I whine, wiggling my hips when she pulls away from me completely.
She narrows her eyes as she sits up on her knees between my legs, her soft tits bouncing slightly as she sits. 
“If you don’t stop moving, mommy will leave you right here and go sleep in the guest room.” Her soft voice is gone and what replaces it is a voice that sends a straight shock to my core. I gulp and nod rapidly, obediently freezing every muscle in my body. 
Her smile silently praises me and she leans on all fours, her body hovering over mine. She moves her face into my neck, and I immediately tilt my head back to give her room. 
“Hm, such a good girl for mommy, my obedient little kitten.” She whispers against my neck as she leaves wet little kisses all over my neck. Just as I start melting into her touch and relaxing, she bites down hard onto my neck, immediately making me whine and buck my hips up.
Her chuckle makes me freeze again, and she soothes the bite mark she just made with her tongue before clicking it while she lifts her head up. Her face gets close to mine, twisted with fake pity.
“Poor baby, you couldn’t help but move your hips when mommy nibbled on you, huh?” she says in a sickly sweet voice, making my cheeks turn deep red. She smiles with her teeth and before I can blink she’s grabbing my throat. I gasp and arch my neck, looking into her eyes with wide helpless ones. 
“M’sorry, m’sorry mommy pl-please..” I breathe out, gulping against her hand. She giggles at me and then uses her free hand to slowly pull my thigh up.
She sits up straighter while keeping her hand around my neck, positioning her hot center against mine. Her eyes flutter as they stay on mine and I can’t help but groan softly as I hear our arousal mixing together. 
I let out soft whines when she doesn’t start moving, only to hear soft hushes in response. “Shh baby, just be patient. Mommy’s gonna make us feel so so good.” She breathes out, her words making my clit twitch slightly, and my hips ache with the need to move but I wanna be good for her.
Her bottom lip slid in between her teeth, her brows furrowed together and her eyes only narrowed as she started rolling her hips so slowly. I thought I was gonna explode, she knows just what to do to make that happen, too. I almost start to tear up as she tortures me with the leisurely pace, and she sees how my face starts to scrunch up.
“Oh, is my little one gonna cry? Tsk tsk tsk, we can’t have an unhappy fucktoy, can we?” She almost sounds like she’s mocking me, but the caring tone she uses only makes me clench around nothing. 
The chuckle that comes out of her quickly turns into a gasp when my cunt suddenly contracts against her, but before I could even react to her reaction, she suddenly thrusts herself turbulently against my weeping pussy.
I instantly yelp in surprise my own hips bucking in response, which immediately just starts a mess of uncontrollable movements from the both of us. I know Alice can’t take anymore of even her own teasing, and God knows I can’t. So we just frantically hump against each other; grunts, whines, and squelching noises filling the air. 
Her hand squeezes my neck tighter, making it that much harder to breathe, but the light fuzzy feeling from the lack of oxygen only makes me feel more pleasure.
Alice leans down above me, her breath hitting my cheek. “Fuck baby, just like that- yesssss! Keep moving like that sweet girl. Mmm fuck, you’re gonna make mommy- fuck! Gonna make mommy cum all over your pretty pussy.”
 After she grunts that out in my ear I practically squeal out a whine, closing my eyes and focusing the feeling of her slightly bulging clit against my swollen one. 
I make my walls clench, knowing she’ll feel it. I was right, she starts moaning louder and throws her head up the moment I do. My face twists pleadingly, and I start to practically weep for her. “Please cum mommy, pl-please make a mess on me…” With that she lets go of my neck just to reach up and grip my hair with both of her hands.
Within minutes I feel her stomach starting to contract against mine, and then suddenly she tenses hard and groans louder than ever. 
“BABY! Fuck, fuck fuck take my cum- YES TAKE MY FUCKING CUM SLUT!” She bucks her hips harder than ever, and before I can say anything my orgasm hits me. 
I grip onto her shoulders and let out high pitched moans, my thoughts dissipating as I can only focus on our clits pulsating against each other and Alice muttering, “Take my cum.” over and over in my ear.
After riding out our shared highs, Alice hums and burrows her face in my sweaty neck, placing little kisses on my throbbing pulse point.
“Mm, that was s’good mommy,” I mumble, whimpering as I try to clamp my legs shut, but Alice’s are tangled in mine, making it impossible. “Mommy, feel sensitive..” I whisper, wrapping my arms around her neck. She only coos softly, slowly raising her head to look down at me with a small smile. 
“I know baby, let’s try to relax a little more, then we’ll have a nice, hot bubble bath, okay?” I immediately smile at the sound of that and nod slowly, giggling lightly as well. Alice grins wider and moves her hand to tuck some hair behind my ear. As she does so I can’t stop my eyes from fluttering shut, feeling so safe and satisfied in her arms. 
“Oh how I love you, my sweet baby..”
Taglist: @cthulhus-curse @blxckchxrrybxby
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marsthebabie · 7 months
Ally May-fair Richards x Reader
Ally's Pov
"Mommy! Mommy" A cute voice says. I slowly open my eyes and see my little one smiling at me. Oh gosh that smile makes me want to give her the world. I smile softly at her. "Well good morning Bunny" I say softly (I blush every time my mommy calls me that. I love that name so much) "Morning mommy" She says happily. "Is my little one hungry" I ask her. "Yes mommy , I vewy hungy" She says cutely. I smile and nod. I get up and get dressed for the day then get Y/N dressed as well.
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"Alright little one now that were all dressed what do you want for breakfast" I ask. "Pancakes p'ease" She asks. "Of course baby" I reply. She squeals and jumps up excitedly> "Yayyyy! Mommy's mak pancakes" She says jumping up and down. "Careful baby" I say giggling. We leave the bedroom. Correction I Leave the room she bounces. "Careful bunny" I say. She nods and just as she does she falls down the stairs. I go down the stairs fast as she starts sobbing. Aww my poor baby! "Baby are you okay" I ask She just cries and points the her knee. "M-M-Mommy! I has owie: She cries. I look at her knee and she has a bad rug burn. "Oh no baby" I exclaim. I pick her up and set her on the bathroom counter. I grab some anti bacterial cream and rub it on her knee. I put my hand on her cheek and she leans into my touch. "I've got you baby" I say. She sniffles. " I wub chu mommy" She says. "I love you too hun" I reply.
A/N: Sorry this one was a bit short!
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marchtomydrums · 1 year
Lesson Learned
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Ally Mayfair x Reader (mother/ daughter)
“Come on y/n just do it!” Maddison shouts at you getting impatient.
“Chill Mads if she doesn't want to do it she doesn't have to,” Queenie says.
Zoe nods as she looks at you “Don't do it y/n those things are bad for you anyways.”
Maddison rolls her eyes “You guys are such babies. It's fine. All of the older girls smoke. “
“So you do what everyone else does?” Queenie snips back.
“I'm sorry who is the cool one in this group?” Maddison asked.
“Not you!” Queenie says.
The three girls go into a frenzy of arguing back and forth as you held the rolled-up cigarette in between your fingers. It couldn't be that bad you thought to yourself.
You placed the cigarette in between your lips and you lit the end watching the first clouds of smoke roll out.
It really was like a smoke signal making all of the girls go quiet and look toward you.
Maddison smirked “Finally someone with some balls. Now inhale.” she says.
You did as she said breathing in deeply feeling the smoke fill up your lungs and blowing it out quickly.
You choke on the smoke getting caught in your chest causing you to cough loudly.
“Jesus this is awful,” you said coughing in between your words.
“You’ll get used to it,” Madison shrugs as she inhales smoothly and blows out rings of smoke toward Zoe.
“Y/n Y/M/n what on earth are you doing?!” you hear a voice shout behind you.
“Oh shit,” Queenie whispers.
You slowly turned around finding brown eyes glaring at you.
“Do you know how dangerous these things are? What they can do to your health?” she asked snatching the cigarette from you and putting it out.
“Give it to me Madison and the rest of whatever you have,” she says holding her hand out.
“You're not my mother. “ the blonde chuckles.
“She's not. But I am your supreme and I'm telling you to hand it over. Now.” Cordelia says walking up behind you.
Madison rolls her eyes as she hands over the pack she got this morning.
“You guys are ridiculous,” she complained.
“Thank you. Now all of you go to your rooms.” Cordelia shouts.
The girls quickly move past the two women heading inside. You tried to hide in the middle of them hoping to escape when you feel a hand on your shoulder pulling you back.
“Not you,” Ally says pulling you towards her.
You sighed as you watched the girls escape to their rooms. It was times like these that you wished you weren't the daughter of the supreme.
“Y/n what were you thinking?” Cordelia asked.
“I'm sorry. Madison said it wasn't a big deal. I was just trying it.”
“You know better than to listen to Madison,” Ally says.
“I know.”
“And you know how I feel about smoking,” Cordelia adds.
“But you let the older girls...”
“The older girls are just that older. They're all old enough to buy them and old enough to make their own choices. It's not a choice that I like but I can't stop them. As long as they follow the rules about keeping it outside and cleaned up that's all I can ask of them.”
“Y/n it's not a habit you want. It's nasty for your health. It makes you smell and it's extremely addicting. “ Ally adds.
“I'm sorry,” you mumbled looking down.
“Honey I know it's hard growing up and you're going to want to try things. But some things aren't worth trying. I promise you aren't missing out when it comes to these.” Cordelia says shaking the box of cigarettes.
“I know. It tastes gross and it made me cough really bad. I won't do it again.”
Your mothers smile “Good!” they both say in unison.
“But... We still have to tell Momma and I don't think she's going to let you off so easily,” Cordelia says.
Your eyes grow wide as you shake your head. “No Mom, please. Please don't tell Momma. She will kill me and Madison.”
“You know we don't keep secrets from one another.”
“I know but...please,” you begged as tears pricked your eyes.
“ I’m sorry sweetheart but you know how this works. The three of us don't hide things from one another and we all make decisions together. We will talk to her and go from there.” Cordelia says as she kisses your forehead.
Cordelia walks back into the house leaving you and Ally outside.
“Well get a good look at me Al. I’ll be dead soon.” you cried.
Ally chuckles as she shakes her head pulling you into her arms for a hug.
“Oh sweets you're not going to die. She loves you too much to kill you. Now Madison on the other hand....”
She laughs “ I'm kidding. We will talk to her sweets okay? But please promise me you won't smoke again. I love you too much to lose you. “
“I promise Al. “
“Good. I love you, sweets,” she says with a smile.
“I love you too.”
“Y/n Y/M/n!!!” you hear your redhead mother scream from inside.
“Ahh man,” you whined.
Ally chuckles as she lops her arm in yours.
“Come on sweets.”
“I'm never listening to Madison again.” you groaned as Ally all but dragged you into the house.
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— all wrapped up in mistletoe
summary: you never expected the holiday season to be the time of year for you to fall in love with the kid you babysits mother. but as the christmas spirit grows, your relationship with ally does too.
pairing: ally mayfair-richards x reader
word count: 2100
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"...And mom said we're gonna decorate the tree today, and then decorate Christmas cookies, and then watch elf!" Izzy went on and on the entire day, explaining just how his Christmas themed day would go.
It was December 18th, and surely, Ozzy was getting into the Christmas spirit even more so each day. You never got to experience a Mayfair-Richards Christmas before. You had met Ally right after the season, in January. It was nearly the anniversary to the Day you became close friends with her.
Typically, you would babysit Oz until seven while his mother worked. But she had managed to escape that place by five. You knew she did everything, after all the shit that went down with the cult, to make sure that Ozzy always came first.
Somehow, it had put a damper on your mood. It was sweet, really, how she got to spend the holiday season with her son. But it only reminded you that you are alone. You have nobody to spend Christmas with.
As Ozzy rambled about the rest of his day, keys jingled in the doorway. Eventually, Ally walked in. You turned around to stare at the older woman. Her hair only slightly tussled from the day, still in her jeans and sweater. You smiled lightly.
"Mom!" Oz said. He jumped off the couch and ran over to hug her. Without Ivy in the picture, he had become fairly close to Ally. You followed behind him but kept your distance. She still made you flustered when she came too close.
She looked over his head at you and smiled. Truly smiled. "Hi, y/n" she said, ever so soft. You could listen to her speak again and again, all day. The way she said your name; how it rolled off her tongue like melted butter. You always preferred a tranquil environment. Simply being alone with nobody to speak and annoy you. To just let you be. But with Ally, you wanted her to talk to you, to touch you, to even yell at you. Whatever it was, you just wanted to be with her.
"Hi,” you responded and suddenly hated the way your voice sounded. Hated how you looked. Hated everything. You needed to be perfect for her, if there was even a chance of her having mutual feelings for you. But then her eyes softened and smile grew deeper and all your thought bubbles blew away.
"Mom, can y/n stay and decorate with us?"
"Oz, that's alright. I don't want to intrude." Your cheeks became a deeper shade a red. He was a child; her didn't know the affect he would cause by this.
"It's okay, you're not intruding," Ally says, and as if she notices your burning hot cheeks, she steps forward and cups them with her cold hands. "I would love for you to stay and decorate. The snows coming down really hard right now, anyways. I don't want you driving home in that."
You can't tell if she truly wants you to stay, or just doesn't want to feel the guilt if you were to get into an accident. But something about the way that she brushes her thumb over the expense of your cheek and how her free hand rests on your hip gives you a better idea.
You clear your throat before speaking, for nerves had closed it up, "Alright then. Thank you." Ozzy had run back into the living room where boxes of ornaments had been waiting all day for him. Ally finally let go of you but you could still, somehow, feel where her hands were as if she left marks on you. Her eyes, however, could not leave you alone.
"How was Oz today?" Ally asked, expecting you to answer as if she hadn't stolen your breath, voice, and composure at the least.
"He was good. He couldn't stop talking about all of the comic books that he asked 'Santa' for." The older woman smiled, simple and sweet. It quickly faded and she looked down at the wooden floors, like they were the most interesting thing; she wouldn't advert her eyes elsewhere.
"You know, it's his first Christmas without Ivy...he's had some tough moments. I'm glad you're here to make it better for him." Eventually, she looked back up, gazing deep into your eyes.
"He's a good kid, i'll always be here for him. And...you too, you know, if you ever need anything." You fiddled with you fingers, nerves, once again, fluttering in your stomach. Her soft smile reoccurred.
"Thank you, sweetheart. And you'll always have a home here too." I want you to be my home.
You hadn't gotten a chance to address her comment, as the young boy was already getting antsy. "Mom, Y/n, hurry up!"
'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' filled the living room along with laughter from both you and Oz. Ally watched from afar with a gentle smile that stretched from ear to ear. "So you're telling me that Santa knocked down your whole christmas tree?" Oz asked, unsure of your story.
"I swear it! And he tried to make it up by giving me an extra chocolate bar in my stocking!" Ozzy chuckled at you as he hung up the last of the ornaments on one of the lower branches.
"How'd you not wake up?"
"I was five and absolutely terrified of him."
All of a sudden you felt arms snake around your waist, hot breath against your ear as the woman spoke, "Well I hope one of you isn't absolutely terrified of putting the star on the tree?" Ally teased. You shivered as her   breath hit the back of you neck and her Vanilla perfume coursed through your veins.
"Can y/n put it on this year?" Oz asked, turning to his mother. She had a rustic yellow star in her hand that had clearly been used for years on end.
"You sure you don't want to do it? You're way lighter than me, buddy." The tree was taller than all three of you and you surely could not emotionally handle being lifted up by Ally.
"Please? It's your first year with us!" He looked up at you with pleading eyes. You looked over at Ally, she smiled and nodded at you.
"Ozzy is right, sweetheart. It is your first year with us." She knew how to get under your skin in the best way. She was aware of the affect that she has on you.
"Alright fine," You gave in, a grin teasing at your face. You grab the star from Ally and stood in front of the tree. Her strong arms gripped your waist and your feet lifted effortlessly off the ground.
"Don't drop me, please, Ally," you said, voice trembling. You placed the big star on the top branch, pushing it further in to secure it.
"I'll try not to," her voice was airy, teasing. Once you were done, rather than putting you back down, Ally walked you over to the couch and lightly tossed you on.
"Ally!" You yelled, your laugh completely demolishing your pout. Before you could stand back up, the older woman began to relentlessly tickle your sides. "A-Al-"
"Nope, you're not getting away. This is what the star person has to endure," Behind the haze you were in from hardly being able to breathe due to laughing, you were still able to catch a glimpse of Ally biting her lip and smiling.
Eventually she began to show you mercy and let you off. You stood up once you caught your breath and fixed up your tussled hair. "Not nice," you called.
Like a child would, she stuck her tongue out at you, teasingly, then winked, "I told you, that what happens when you're the star person."
"What is that?" Ozzy asked, astonished, to his mother who had been decorating her own christmas cookie as you and the young boy both did alongside her.
She looked up at her son, a grin teasing her lips. "What do you mean? It's a gingerbread man," she said, with an airily laugh.
"Looks more like a monster," Oz remarked back. Ally dramatically gasped, placing her hand on her chest.
"Does not! Y/n, tell him."
You looked over at Oz, as if you were going to take Ally side, but then said, "I don't know, Ally," you looked down at her plate, "I mean, at least you baked the cookies well?"
"No way! You two are so mean, ganging up on me." She looked over at you, biting her lip. You assumed she tasted sweet from the frosting she had been licking off her finger and you wondered what would happen if you tested out that theory right this moment.
"Hey, don't be bitter just because Oz and I are the worlds best cookie decorators. Isn't that right, Ozzy?" You turned to the little boy and smiled. He high-fived you and vigorously nodded.
"I'll show you bitter alright," Ally said, playfully, and before you could process her actions, she had swiped red frosting across your nose. You gasped, trying to hold in your laugh by a single thread.
"Oh, you'll pay for that." You got up to wipe it off your face, planning your revenge. When you were over by the counter, you turned back around when you felt a body press against you.
"Let me help you with that." She eyed you hungrily, like she was planning her own ways to wipe that frosting off. She smirked, ravenous, however, you wouldn't let her get to you. Before she could clear you off the sweetness on your face, you reached behind yourself to grab some of the extra frosting and gently smacked her cheek with it.
"You didn't!"
"I did. Now we're even, huh?"
Ally stood completely frozen, staring at you with her mouth agape. "Uh-Uh," she said, and when you least expected it, she reach behind you and pulled the same stunt, "Now we are, darling."
"Okay, Oz is in bed. I was thinking we could watch a christmas movie and then head to bed too," Ally spoke as she walked down the stairs and over to you. You stood, leaned against the doorway, gazing at the Christmas tree you had decorated with the two of them. For once, you felt like you've found a home, a family, even if you forced yourself to believe that it was unrequited.
You turnt your body towards her, for once tonight, your body was relaxed. But the air was tight, tense, there was something flying in the air yet it was out of hands reach. Something tugging at both you and Ally's lips yet too tender to release.
She joined you in the doorway, and in the moment, her eyes didn't burn holes through your chest, making your heart burn all that faster for her. Right now, in this moment, you felt at peace and everything felt right, felt light. It was quiet, dim.
"So um," Ally begins, and almost as if you'd transferred your nerves onto her, she seems flustered, hesitant. She looked up, above you both, "Looks like we're under the mistletoe."
You don't catch on at first, too entranced at the way that the christmas lights gleamed onto her face, highlighting her sharp cheekbones and jawline. You finally looked up and noticed it. "It seems as if we are..."
Neither of you want to say it, want to make that confession, but it's almost a non-verbal request, because Ally begins leaning in closer towards you and, eventually, your tasting the vanilla frosting and eggnog from earlier. And like a greedy one would, you want more, so you take it. Your hand is feeling the warmth behind her neck to pull her closer, her own is gripping your waist to hold a steady pace.
Once air is being breathed again, you stare deep into her eyes, only mere inches apart. She's the first one to speak up, "I've been trying to resist you forever, but it's been incredibly difficult tonight."
"You haven't exactly been helping a situation," You raise a single eyebrow at her. She laughs at you, fully, and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink. She goes in for another kill, swiftly pecking your lips with a simple kiss.
"So...is this my christmas present? That I get an extremely pretty girlfriend?" Ally asks.
You grin at her, "Only if you want. I'll be generous and let you decide this year."
She rolls her eyes at your antics, but then she tugs you towards the couch with her hands and lips and that itself certainly gave you a pretty clear idea of her decision.
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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blxckchxrrybxby · 2 years
Couples Retreat
Pairing(s): Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable, Diane Sherman, Billie Dean Howard, Mildred Ratched x Gwendolyn Briggs, Ally Mayfair-Richards, Y/N, **Mentions Ivy**
summary: What happens when a Couples Retreat turns out to be more stressful than pleasurable?
wordcount: 2.02k
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“Please have your boarding pass ready. First-class boarding for Lucia, California will begin in approximately twenty minutes. Thank you.”
You huffed as you listened to the sound of the attendant over the speaker and tried your luck at calling Ivy again. A frown etched itself onto your face as your hands searched through your carry-on for your pass. The phone she had bought you laid snug between your shoulder and cheek. After a few trills, the call was sent to voicemail for the umpteenth time this morning. Usually, you weren’t the type to waste your emotions on someone’s voicemail, but you were fed up.
“Ivy, how dare you not show up for this idiotic trip that you insisted we go on! You've got ten minutes to get your ass here.” You vented in a hushed and angry tone into the microphone. You weren’t completely sure why she wasn’t returning your calls, when in fact, you both had just spent time together yesterday. It wasn’t like her to miss your calls unless she was busy working at her restaurant. Aside from that, what other responsibilities did she possess?
As you tried your best to calm your nerves, you decided to head over to one of the main windows and watch the planes take off. The air was dewy, and the sun had barely begun to rise, but thankfully, this kind of weather soothed you the most. As you leaned against the wall, your mind wandered back to Ivy.
Meanwhile—in the nearest coffee shop—two women sat, relishing in simple conversation.
“Aren’t you thrilled?” Cordelia asked, laying a comforting hand on the redhead across from her. She gazed fondly as her lover sipped the scalding black coffee and placed it down onto the coaster. With both women being punctual as ever, they managed to make it to the airport far earlier than expected. This of course allowed them to spend some well-deserved time together before the flight took off.
“To be surrounded by a bunch of paired-up imbeciles? I’m ecstatic.”
The monotonous response made the witch chuckle, “I’m sure you are. I can hear the excitement.”
With a huff, Wilhemina responded, “Why must we take the plane?” She leaned closer to her wife, whispering, “Couldn’t we use your magic?”
“Nope.” The Supreme smiled, after popping the ‘p’ rather obnoxiously. “Being around people will be good for us. You’ve rarely been out of that Godforsaken office of yours for weeks, and this may be my only chance to step away from the Coven.”
Wilhelmina mentally rolled her eyes as she sipped on her coffee again, still not fond of the idea of spending more than an hour on a plane. Surely the destination would not be worth the hassle of soothing the pain those horrid seats would cause against her back.
Noticing that her lover was far from happy, Cordelia slowly eased her foot out from her heel and grazed it across Wilhemina’s freshly shaven leg, beneath the table. “Besides…” She lowered her voice enough to match her wife’s previous whisper, “…I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”
Wilhemina froze, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention and goosebumps spread across her skin like wildfire. Her cheeks grew a shade darker, however, she remained composed; taking a moment to gaze at the blonde over her cat-eye glasses. Lust aside, the older woman hummed in response, knowing that her Delia knew best.
“Fine, but I’ll hate every moment nonetheless.” Cordelia was about to chuckle in response; however, another voice beat her to it. Her eyes skimmed over to meet the sensuous ones of Ally Mayfair-Richards. She couldn’t help but to take in the woman’s appearance. A deep scarlet pants suit and heels for a flight? How suave, she thought.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to listen.” Ally stated sincerely, laying her hand flat against her heart as she continued to stand in line, waiting for her own cup of brew.
Wilhemina eyed her. “How does one not mean to listen?” Beneath Mina’s composed expression lay a nervous heart. What if this woman heard the brief mention of Cordelia’s magic? Delia laid a comforting hand on her wife’s in order to keep the beast inside her tame.
Ally allowed her voice to drop down to its natural octave, sarcastically snapping back at Wilhemina. “I would assume it’s something synonymous with overhearing-” Delia shot the shorthaired woman a warning glare. No matter how unkind Mina could come off, she wouldn’t let just anyone speak to her in any kind of way. “-but then again, what do I know?” Ally stated, trying to save the first impression of herself with the women she had just come to meet. “I really didn’t mean to intrude, it’s just that I’m going on this stupid couples’ retreat, and my wife hasn’t shown up yet. So, when you mentioned you’ll hate every moment, I could agree.”
Cordelia lightly tapped her heel against Mina’s. Something was odd about the woman’s statement and they both knew it.
Mina tilted her head, “You’re married and… your wife didn’t ride to the airport with you? Pardon my judgment, but isn’t that a bit odd?”
Cordelia slightly arched an eyebrow, glancing at Mina through her peripheral. Pardon her judgment? Since when did she care about how people took to her critical commentary?
The woman shrugged, “Not for us. Actually, it’s pretty common. We have a son and run a restaurant, so we aren’t typically granted the luxury of being up under one another all the time.”
Wilhemina arched an eyebrow, taking the woman’s story in. Did she take the fiery redhead as a fool? A blind man could see past her lies. Her fingertips tapped lightly against the cup of coffee, which now remained half empty and cold. Her eyes scanned over the facial features of the content brunette until her doe eyes met Wilhemina’s. They stared at one another for a moment; Ally slightly shifting from side to side beginning to feel uncomfortable under the redhead’s heavy peer. It was as if she could indeed see through her.
Cordelia cleared her throat a bit, not liking the fact that her lover was suddenly so interested in a stranger they had just met. She slipped her foot into her heel and slid her chair back, standing up enough to turn to Ally. “Well, I’m sure I heard the overhead say it was almost time to board, so we’ll talk with you once we land.” Wilhemina broke eye contact at the sound of Delia’s voice and followed suit, standing with the aid of her cane.
Ally smirked, perking up a bit at the realization that she would be boarding right along with the older women, “First class as well?”
“Yes, however, I doubt we’ll be seeing much of you,” Cordelia replied, forcing a smile—and trying to hide her jealous thoughts—whilst Mina threw her coffee away. Ally momentarily backed down, noticing the tension she had caused.
Once the woman in purple returned, Cordelia laid a hand on her lower back and began to walk away, before her lover mumbled out an indifferent, “It was delightful meeting you.”
Ally bit her lip in response, not finding it necessary to smile nor acknowledge the apathetic compliment. She had plenty of time to do so later. Once the couple was out of her sight, she moved up in the line; continuing to patiently wait for her brew.
As the two lovers made their way to the appropriate gate, a very frazzled Diane Sherman fidgeted out of anxiety near the entrance of the airport.
“I-I just had it!” she stated, rummaging through her cardigan pockets.
“Mom, calm down.” Her daughter soothed over the phone. “I’m sure it’s in your carry-on. This is only your eighth time checking for it.” She giggled with sarcasm, knowing this was her mother’s first time being alone since having her. You’d think with Diane being as thorough as she was that she’d be able to keep up with her boarding pass.
Diane huffed, “Chloe, are you sure you don’t want me to stay home?”
“It’s nothing for me to head back to you.”
“There’s plenty we can do. I mean, when was the last time we saw a movie?”
“Mom! I’ll be fine, I promise. I’m capable of taking care of myself, remember?”
Diane inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled, trying her hardest to shake the anxiety dwelling within her. “Okay, okay… just remember to ca-”
“Call you every day when I wake up and every night before bed. Yes, I know, mom. Now, go enjoy yourself!”
Diane nodded to herself, “Alright. You’re right. I’ll um, call you when I land. Or maybe I’ll text you before the plane takes off-”
“Bye, mom!”
“Bye… I love you!” Diane hesitantly hung up and slipped her phone into her pants pocket; examining the large airport. It was fairly empty, yet still overwhelming to the homebody. She glanced into her carry-on and slid out her boarding pass, looking around like a lost puppy trying to find the correct gate.
As you stood by the window, figuring it was time to get ready to board, you couldn’t help but notice the poor woman. You slowly made your way over to her, offering a warm smile, “Hi… I could be completely wrong, but you seem a tad bit lost.”
Diane chuckled nervously, rubbing her neck. “Is it that obvious?”
You laughed softly and nodded, “Only a little. Is there any way that I could help you?”
“Oh, no. You don’t have to-”
“I insist.” You started empathetically, “If you’re anything like how I was when I first came to this airport… well, let’s just say I would have loved it if someone offered me help. I lost my boarding pass and almost missed my flight.”
She laughed softly, letting a bit of her nervousness subside. “I suppose a bit of help wouldn’t hurt…” She stared at you for a moment before clearing her throat and looking down at her ticket, “I um… I’m looking for gate A12?” She held the boarding pass up so you could see it more clearly.
You smiled, “Wait, are you going on the couples’ retreat as well?”
She blushed, “Oh, God no. It’s just me, myself, and I.”
You nodded understandably, “Well, either way, we’ll at least be on the same plane.” She smiled wide, bashfully biting her lip as you adjusted your carry-on, “Come. The gate isn’t too far from here.”  
She nodded and followed along as you both made your way to the gate.
As everyone in first-class began to board, you couldn’t help but feel saddened at the fact that Ivy stood you up. However, you refused to let a good, already-paid-for vacation go to waste. You stood towards the back of the line, slowly moving as first-class boarded. You noticed Diane in your peripheral standing alone. After a moment of thought, it dawned on you that Ivy wouldn’t make it, hence an extra first-class boarding pass. You quickly reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the line with you.
“Oh, I think you’re mistaken. I’m not first-class.” She stated, almost ashamedly.
You linked arms with her and smiled, “You are today.”
Once you and Diane had made it onto the plane, you smiled and offered her the window seat. She refused for a few moments until you sat near the aisle, giving her no choice but to take the window seat. She thanked you bashfully and thus a conversation accrued.
One row behind you sat Ally, who waited patiently for the plane to finish boarding. As time ticked on, she spotted the captivating redhead from earlier and her lovely blonde spouse, merely two rows ahead of her on the opposite side. She chuckled to herself and laid back, pulling out a phone. She slid in her headphones and relaxed, pressing play. Your voice echoed through the earbuds,
“Ivy, how dare you not show up for this idiotic trip that you insisted we go on! You’ve got ten minutes to get your ass here.”
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paulsonsratched · 2 years
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“It’s not there when it’s locked away”
[Billie Dean Howard x Wilhemina Venable x Reader]
TW: heavy physical and mental abuse
A/n: I seriously don’t really know what I think about this.
Tag list: @rwoolfe
When you started this entire activity that you yourself even suggested you wouldn’t have thought it’s gonna end with regret. Your two girlfriends and you finally had a day off and you and Wilhemina had to convince Billie Dean for at least an hour to finally clean out some of your cupboards and closets, completely forgetting about the fact what you hid in the very back of the old vintage closet in your hallway that you just used for decoration and to put Wilhemina’s old record player on it giving your apartment a certain shabby chic optic.
Now the three of you were sitting in front of it. You staring into the closet in shock. Wilhemina staring concerned at you. And Billie following your gaze onto the big brown carton standing in the left back corner of the piece of furniture. After some minutes Billie Dean made a step reaching out into the closet, hand almost touching the object that seemed to make your heart hurt. Just a bit more forward and her hand would have touched it if it wasn’t for you slightly grabbing it before her hand landed on the box. “Y/n?” You heard Wilhemina’s voice whisper unusually quiet next to you. The glimpse of worry clearly to hear in her almost shaking voice. Billie on the other hand tried to softly shake off your grip, trying to reach the object once me. “Don’t.” you whispered, eyes still glued to the box but it wasn’t just you who was stubborn in this relationship so Billie Dean moved further, hand now resting on the box. As she tried to slide it out of the closet you raised your voice almost screaming another “Don’t.” to the blonde woman, your gaze lingering on her now. Your girlfriends looked at you in shock for you definitely wasn’t someone who screamed. Wilhemina sometimes did when the coldness would rush over her and Billie just had that very clear and loud TV voice but you. They didn’t even knew that you were able to reach that degree of decibels.
Billie retreated her hand out of the closet, the second it was completely out you took the box out and shut the door with a loud bang almost running into the bathroom, box still in hand. Wilhemina and Billie just looked at each other still in shock, still trying to understand. They couldn’t understand. They didn’t know.
Billie stood up about to make her way to the bathroom door that the women just heard locked but before she could make her way out of the hallway she felt her auburn haired girlfriends firm grab on her wrist. “Leave her.” she said and Billie knew it was the best thing to do right now even though it hurt deeply to hear the cries and small screams coming from the bathroom. She just nodded, grabbing both of Wilhemina’s hands and helping her up gently. Billie turned to the left wanting to make her way to their living room when she again felt Wilhemina’s grab. Wilhemina slightly tugged on Billie’s arms making her front turn to her, slightly brushing over her arm, offering her a small and empathetic smile that said “I feel the same. I understand.”
Wilhemina wasn’t a woman of big words and they didn’t needed to be spoken for her girlfriends understood and loved her for what she was. She tucked a bit more on the blouse that Billie Dean was wearing bringing her into a warm hug. Enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other both of their heads turned when they heard the bathroom door unlocking and you coming out, mascara all over your tear strained face, box still in hands. “Can we go sit down?” you asked the two women with a small voice. You exactly know you needed to explain this. They wouldn’t let this slide.
Both women nodded, Wilhemina leading the both of you to the big grey couch in your living room. You sat down cross legged onto the couch, the big brown carton infront of you separating you from the two person you loved the most in this world. You took a deep breath not saying anything just motioning for Wilhemina who was sitting on the other side of the carton to go ahead and open it. “Are you sure?” She asked calmly and you just nodded. The red head reached for the box opening it’s lit looking into it. Piece after piece she took out envelopes with pictures in them, she didn’t took out the pictures yet though figuring that would be too fast for you to handle. She put them carefully on the couch. Next up she took out a red mini safe with a number code lock on it. Before she put it down both women heard you breath in sharply quickly their brown orbs landed on you, concern spreading on their faces when they saw your averted gaze, some tears spilling from your usually so sparkly eyes. “Go ahead.” You stated. “It’s 3-1-9-8-0.” you added pointing to the little safe. Wilhemina turned the black little lock to the said numbers one after another.
The little door opened and Wilhemina reached in carefully. In it was a little bunch of post it notes, hold together by a small rubber band. She reached again pulling out another envelope, this time with a name and address on it, “Wilhelmina (y/l/n)” the red head read out loud. “This is addressed to you (y/n).” She said confused in your direction. Your eyes slowly lifted meeting hers. “You remember I told you your name is very similar to a person that is extremely important to me?” Both women nodded, now seeing the name that just differs itself from a little “l” put in the middle of the name. Wilhemina took out the letter of the already ripped envelope. A sign for that you have read it before. The letter was a nice one. The woman called like one of your lovers just rambled around how her days went, how she missed the dog that seemed to just have died and how the flowers in her garden would bloom and she can’t wait to show you. The letter ended with
“I love you my sunshine. - grandma”
Billie and Wilhemina looked up. They knew your grandma was one of the people you loved the most in the world, they also knew it’s the only person of your family that to this point still doesn’t know about your sexuality, let alone you live with two middle aged women. She had her old view on things and you were afraid to love her but you knew she was a good person and your eyes always lit up when you got home from a visit from her or talked about her. But why did you hid that letter both of the women thought. As if you could see into their heads you understood. “Open the post it’s.” You said, tears starting to form in your eyes again, voice shaking.
Wilhemina handed the post it’s to Billie who took one of them. It started with “y/n!!!” Billie quietly read the small text that it consisted, eyebrows furrowing, her face turning into an expression that was rather unusual for Billie Dean Howard. She aggressively grabbed another one… and another one…and another one.
“What is it darling?” Wilhemina asked confused also realizing how the jaw of the blonde clenched and her gaze fixated itself stronger on the notes. Billie just passed the notes to Wilhemina. “Y/n!!! When I get home you cleaned up the fucking bullshit you left in the kitchen yesterday. Who can eat as much as you can also clean afterwards. Pig.”
She grabbed another one. “Y/n!!! You gonna be in trouble when I come home from work.”
Another one.
“Seriously?!!! A fucking C in English? Are you for real? I wanna see 5 pages, in your MOST BEAUTIFUL handwriting, with the sentence “I am dumb.” when I get home!”
All of those post it’s ended with one word
“~ mom.”
Wilhemina quickly threw all of the post it’s into the safe again. She felt a rush of hurt coming over her. She looked a you, carefully dragging your legs into her direction so you were sitting in her lap embracing her tightly. Billie’s nails scratched slightly over your arms, erupting goosebumps, desperately trying to give you any kind of relaxation and enjoyment. “I didn’t know…” Wilhemina said. “You couldn’t.” You simply answered. “But…” you heard Billie whisper confused, meeting her gaze over Wilhemina’s shoulder. “…you and your mom…you seem so okay…you seem like friends.” The woman stuttered together. You slowly push away from Wilhemina, looking at both of them.
“I know. We are okay…now. We got a lot of help and we are good now. But I can never forgive her for all those years. When I would do something that wouldn’t sit right with me she dragged me under the shower letting ice cold water rinse over me and threatening me that the next time she would turn it on hot. I got kicked, I got punched, I got threatened every day. And I got those post it’s. Almost every day when I got home from school I had one of these post it’s on my desk and I kept them. I kept them to remind me that what she didn’t isn’t okay but I also locked them away because I thought when I locked it away…” You stopped feeling more tears spilling. “…then it’s not there.” You felt Wilhemina’s hand on your knee while she finished your sentence. You looked at her thankful. You knew she understood you. You knew Billie did also but Wilhemina and you both lived through abuse. It was another kind of understanding. “I’m so sorry darling.” Billie said, tears spilling from her own eyes now.
“I kept the letter of my grandma in there because that’s the last letter she ever wrote me before she bought herself a smartphone and we started to just call. Her letters are precious to me. You know how much I love her.” Both of the woman nodded. “So whenever I opened the safe and wanted to read the words of my mom because I either thought I deserved it or I was mad and wanted to be more mad I saw and read her letter instead.”
Wilhemina grabbed one of the envelopes with the pictures pulling out a rather old print of baby you and your mom. Both smiling into the camera. You took it into your hand smiling while both of the women regarded you caressing your moms face on the picture.
“No one understands but I love her more than anything. It was just her and I and even though some weeks were traumatizing and hard, other weeks were full of love and joy. She always protected me and was there for me at the end of the day. I never told you because I don’t want you to judge her.”
Both women nodded. Of course they judged her because she hurt their precious baby and all three of you silently knew that but they respected it.
After some more cuddles and shared kisses between the three of you on the living room couch you packed everything in the carton again. Billie grabbed your hand, while Wilhemina opened the door of the hallway closet. You let the box slide into it’s left corner again. Someday you gonna throw it away but for now it’s just locked away.
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
smexy situations - headcanon
prompt: different kinda sorta roleplay related scenarios with your girlfriend.
includes: billie dean howard, lana winters, cordelia goode, sally mckenna, ally mayfair-richards, wilhemina venable, diane sherman, alice macray, tammy, and xandra terrell.
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☆ billie dean howard ☆
sugar mama !
• billie buys you special lingerie whenever she plans to take you to an event, sort of a signal of the roles taking place
• "spin around for me. i wanna see all of you."
• she'll pick out your clothes (or have stylists do so if it's an award show)
• opens doors and orders your meals/drinks (somehow she always knows what you want)
• the look in her eyes- immediate gay panic
• always a fun evening filled with dirty talk, explicit praise, and light degradation whispered in your ear (more than the usual)
• a night where she consistently tries to make you stammer/blush
• "Who owns you?"
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☆ lana winters ☆
artist + muse
• idk why i picture lana banana painting (like i said in the quarantine headcanon)
• i see her dabbling in watercolors or charcoal drawing, something loose to take her mind off of writers block
• it transforms from a pastime to a hobby
• she moves from landscape to still life to figure drawing
• who better to study than you, her beloved girlfriend??
• she's a bit shy asking you to pose, only because she's a perfectionist and she'd want you to like her work
• but this is lana mf winters so when she gets the nerves over with she asks you to strip and lay on the couch so she can loosely drape a sheet over you
• studying your form soon turns to admiring your figure and quickly leads to hands on exploration- in the name of art of course...
famous author + fan
• AU where your gf is a romance/fiction writer
• despite writing countless interactions this version of lana is quite the introvert so she has you accompany her to writing conventions
• you always have her sign a book for you to commemorate each event
• slip each other flirty notes when you pass her booth throughout the day
• the woman loves compliments and you lay it on thick at each event (signings, meet and greet, wine and cheese, lunch, dinner and dancing)
• obviously fans and other writers hit on her but because she's so private they don't know she has a partner
• you act like one of them before you eventually get to retire to your shared hotel room for the weekend with your favorite author
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☆ cordelia goode ☆
head mistress + teacher/student
• she didn't know being addressed as miss/mistress/ma'am was a turn on but here we are
• classic 'punishment' for your work not meeting her standards (just for fun because you'd never dissapoint your supreme)
• or a reward for work well done
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☆ sally mckenna ☆
strangers at a bar
• she uses all her best pick up lines
• loves when you play hard to get
• "Make me really work for what i already have."
• the pride she feels when you turn someone else down
(hotel) maid + guest
• oh no! you came to tidy the room and she's laying naked on the bed what ever will you do
• she goes absolutely feral for the maid costume and it's equally as satisfying when she puts it on
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☆ ally mayfair-richards ☆
nanny + parent
• starts as a joke after a day of babysitting Oz
Ally: "Thank you for keeping an eye on him, honey."
Y/n: "It's no problem."
Ally: "His camp starts next week so he'll be off during the day."
Y/n: "I really don't mind. You owe me, though."
Ally: "Do I?"
Y/n: "Would you like to know my going rate, Ms.Mayfair?"
Ally: *smirks* "Ms.Mayfair?"
Y/n: "Mhm."
Ally: "Uh huh...what would you like in return for your services?"
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☆ wilhemina venable ☆
boss + secretary ?
• starts as a way to tease her
• you hand deliver her mail to her home office...then a snack, then tea, then lunch, and linger a bit wanting some attention
Y/N: "Your afternoon tea, Miss Venable."
MINA: *smirks but doesn't look up* "You don't work for me anymore, you know."
Y/N: "Force of habit." *takes a seat*
MINA: "You're leering."
Y/N: "Admiring."
MINA: "Mhm..." *continues to type*
Y/N: *continues to stare*
MINA: "No."
Y/N: "I didn't even say anything!"
MINA: "We're not having sex on my desk. My desk is for work."
Y/N: "But you're not working right here..." *points to empty spot on the desk*
MINA: *looks at spot for a long time* "Not happening."
• you tried and that's all that matters
monarch/royalty + servant/bather
• her medieval time period books are a comfort so this feels the same for her
• when Mina has a rough day (emotionally or work related) she likes to be taken care of
• instead of closing herself off completely she sheds her clothes along with the days problems and let's you pamper her
• the roles allow her to put some distance between the weight of her emotions and fill the space with intimacy instead
• when she's finally unwinded and you're turning in for the night she may say what's wrong or a simple (yet meaningful) thank you
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☆ diane sherman ☆
repairman/handyman + home owner
• happens when you're renovating your garden/yard together
• planting flowers/pulling weeds, laying out gravel/flat stones for the walkway, repainting the benches, hanging fairy lights
• sure she helps but she often stops just to watch you
• she cheekily asks "how will i ever repay you for your hard work?"
• when you laugh she continues with the cheesy porno lines "i have no money but i'm sure there's other ways i could show my appreciation?"
• *bats her eyelashes and unclips the top of her overalls*
• leads you to the shower to get all cleaned up
• make out in between? yes. although naked time sounds nice, she wants you to relax~
• fav dinner and fav movie and maybe a little more making out and lowkey grinding on the couch with your fav (non-kidnapper) gf
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☆ alice macray ☆
the stars of your favorite movie/book
• the price of salt was a guilty pleasure book for Alice while discovering herself
• she admired and disliked parts of Carol and Therese for not only what she saw in herself but also how she wanted to be, what she wanted in her life
• it was a dream of hers to road trip with her lover like her beloved characters
• embodying Carol's class and sugar mommy energy as an almost alter ego with you makes her feel sensual, powerful...h word...
• long drives, stopping to eat in little diners, exchanging gifts, then glorious merry christmas and happy new year sex in a cute little hotel
• (all without a husband/divorce/custody battle/being stalked and recorded/a breakup!!)
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☆ tammy ☆
yoga instructor
• your girlfriend always tries to get you to do yoga with her
• she'll put on an incredibly flattering sports bra and spandex set, make smoothies, and lay out two mats
• takes a very hands on approach to guiding you into proper form for each position
• turns your hips, pushes you lower, bends your legs a little farther, runs her hand down your back
• activates praise kink: "just like that" "perfect" "there you go, honey"
one shot version
jock + nerd
• starts as a couples costume reminiscent of your relationship in high school
• tammy puts her hair in a high ponytail and wears a volleyball jersey, short shorts, and knee high socks
• you wear a classic (but lowkey hot) nerd costume
• tam tam keeps up the roles as she leads you by your clip on tie to go make out in one of the spare bedrooms during Loubbie's party
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☆ xandra terrell ☆
customer + bartender
• she loves when you come in on nights she's working late
• pretend you're a random customer like the other men and women fawning over her
• she makes sure to let you peek down her blouse when she leans over the counter to flirt with you
• will write dirty/flirty/sweet notes on the napkins delivered with your drinks depending on her mood
pool cleaner + housewife
• her actively trying to distract you while you tend to the pool
• she really leans into the cliches of this dynamic
• coyly asks you to apply her sunscreen
• brings you fresh lemonade
• tells you to keep quiet while she dips her hand in your shorts
• "wouldn't want the neighbors to hear, would you?"
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stayevildarling · 2 years
Y/N: „Stop“
Cordelia: *smiles* „Why sweetheart?“
*Y/N yawning, half asleep looking up at Cordelia as she gently trails her fingers through your hair*
Y/N: „Because you are gonna make me fall asleep“
Cordelia: *whispers* „That‘s the point darling“
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inspired by: @littlewhispersofsolitude
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