yesitsmewhataboutit · 6 months
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
Alpha!Shoto x Omega!Reader
➤ Part 2 to this fic - Shoto has no memory of what happened, or what he did (u can find request in part 1 comments)
Warning ⚠️: injury talk
»»——⍟——««A/n: I feel like Todoroki is OOC here…. The title sucks and I feel like the fic sucks. Why am I posting it? Who knows 😭😭but ig maybe yall will like it
Omegaverse Key
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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
You spend the rest of the night there with Todoroki. When he's asleep, you manage to slip away to put the groceries away and clean up the blood from his face and hands. By the morning, he's still out cold. You call his agency to tell them he won't be in and start making breakfast, preparing to wake him.
You walk to the couch and kneel down next to Shoto, putting your hand on his shoulder and shaking him a bit. "Sho. Sho, wake up," you say gently.
He groans, his eyes opening and chest rising as he takes a deep breath. Shoto tries to turn his head and look at you, but the second he moves, you can see the slight flitch in his face, his hand rising to his shoulder, feeling the bandage over his scent gland.
"What happened?"
"Your scent glands got infected. Do you remember yesterday at all? Or how it may have happened?"
Shoto groans. "That's the last time I use that stupid detergent from Kaminari."
"What?" you laugh.
"There was a... incident after a fight, involving some weirdly constructed slime, some dirt, and flower,” he mumbles. “Anyway, long story short, I had to wash my suit at the office, and Kaminari offered a special mix of detergent he uses. Considering his "special mix" of slime was part of how I got into that situation, it was a poor decision on my part. Must’ve had a reaction.”
You can't help but snicker a little. "Oh, Shoto." You shake your head and stand. "Come on, I made breakfast. Let's go to our room."
Shoto spends the day recovering in bed. While he's taking a nap, you begin washing the dishes from breakfast. In your own world you don't hear him walking up behind you. "Hey, Love," he says, resting his hand around your waist and leaning on your back, a normal action for him. Before you can respond, though, you feel the slight surge of pain jolt through you, him unknowingly touching the bruise on your back, making you jolt away from him.
You try to play it off, turning around and smiling at him. "Hey, how are you feeling?" You lean up to give him a kiss, but he backs away, a frown on his face.
"What was that? Are you ok?"
You turn around, shrugging like it's nothing. "Yeah. I'm fine." Shoto stands behind you, watching you closely. He raises his hand, gently touching you again. You don't react as much, but he notices how your body tightens up a little. "Y/n-"
"Shoto, I'm fine-" you begin, turning around to face him again, and as you do, you hit a glass off the counter, it shattering on the floor. "Oh, sorry!" you say, putting your hand out so he doesn't get cut.
"Y/n, be careful!" Shoto says, reaching out his hand to help you over it. You take his hand, stepping over the glass and grabbing the broom.
You and Shoto being cleaning, you'd like to believe it really was an accident and not a subconscious way to distract Shoto from your reaction. You knew he'd feel crushed if he saw the -still fresh and red- marks all over you, and you know he doesn't remember, so you decide to move on and not mention it to him until they're a bit more healed.
Three days later, Shoto is feeling better and heading back to his agency. In the area you work for, your schedule is one week on, and one week off, but the week off is set as only on-call, this's your on-call week.
You end up getting a call around two o'clock, and by the time you're done, you're tired and sore, especially where the claw and teeth marks are, your hero suit having been rubbing against them for hours. When you get home, you shrug off the top of your hero suit, figuring Shoto isn't home yet from the fight you heard he was in earlier in the day.
You stop at the counter in the kitchen, wanting to make a quick snack that you can take with you to the bedroom. You hear shuffling in the hallway, and then a voice. "Y/n." You turn around and smile.
"Oh! Hi, Shoto," you smile. You can make out his figure in the darkness, and you're hoping he can't see you clearly with only the light you turned on over the sink.
You know if he sees you, you'll be busted. You have a tank top on, but it doesn't hide what's on your shoulder.
"Hey! I was just making a snack," you say, turning around and reaching to grab your plate and turn the light off. When you turn back, he's only a few feet from you, and he stops with only inches between you. He takes one hand, taking the plate out of your hand, and at the same time reaching behind you and flicking the light back on. You can only look up at him, as his eyes focus on your shoulder and his hand slowly sets down your plate. "Y/n," he asks lowly.
"Who did this to you?"
"Sho, it's nothing," you say, trying to turn and walk away, but getting caught by his hand instinctively flying out, catching your side and again, making you flinch.
Shoto makes a face, his hand dropping away from you. "Let me see."
"Let. Me. See." You sigh in defeat, turning around and lifting your shirt. "Are those claw marks, Y/n?" The color in his eyes darkens, the color of an alpha coming out, the telling sign of anger levels rising.
"Yes, but they're not even that deep-"
"Who. Did. This."
You couldn't look at him, you didn't know what to say, how to say they were his claw marks. "They aren't that bad, Sho, it's fine."
"You're bleeding Y/n! How could you say that!"
"It's only sometimes, they're healing. How'd you know?"
"There's been blood on your shirts. It's small, not super noticeable, but not to mention every time I'd get too close or touch a certain spot you flinch. How did it Y/n? These are claw marks, deep claw marks. And a bite, that's frankly too close to your mating mark for my taste. And I know it is not from a fight, that no part of this is from a fight. What happened Y/n?"
You look down at your hands. "You did. Um, you were pretty out of it when Recovery Girl came over. So, to make sure you didn't attack her and stay still, I had you lean over me. You're body reacted automatically, it's really no big deal, Sho." You look up at him, and part of you wishes you hadn't. The anger and darkness in his eyes were replaced with hurt and sadness.
"Y/n, you- why didn't you tell me?" his voice sounds so small, so broken and it nearly breaks you.
"Cause, I knew you would beat yourself up. It's really not that bad."
"Y/n, it could get infected. Why aren't you treating them?" Shoto takes your hand and leads you to the bathroom, making you sit and take your shirt off.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," you say as he starts treating the marks on your back.
"It's alright Y/n, just please don't do this again. You need to tell me next time. Accident or not. I thought you were attacked."
You sigh again. Shoto coming around and looking at your face, his eyes meeting yours, his hand tenderly caressing your cheek as he places a kiss on your lips. "I'm sorry, Love. And I promise I'll make this up to you."
"There's really no need. I told you, I'm fine."
No, Y/n. You're my omega and I left marks on you. Lasting marks. I will make this up for you. Promise."
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fatkish · 4 months
Would you be interested in doing some HCs for a mortem omega joining up with the league of villains? The league would probably be happy to encourage the more unsavory/violent tendencies in a mortem. Plus, mortem would be able to get a good rotation set up to help with heats. Dabi has a weak constitution, I'd be worried about him. On the other hand, Spinner may be packing double trouble thanks to gecko anatomy, so awkward lizard baby could be an unexpected favorite.
A/B/O League of Villains x Mortem Omega Reader
In this, the reader is a Mortem Omega who has a healing quirk. The following is about the reader and their interactions with the members and what they think of the reader and basic life within the league.
I’d headcannon that he’s an Apex alpha like his dad (something he both loves and hates about himself)
He smells like ash and wintergreen
He was amazed at the reader’s healing abilities as well as their ferocity. They can rip ‘em apart as well as they can heal ‘em
The reader heals his scars constantly but he just gets them right back
He encourages the reader to kill those who threaten the pack
He absolutely loves seeing the omega kill people
Your very protective and loyal to your pack
He’s rough and mean during his ruts. He loves to bite and smack the reader in their most sensitive areas. He’s almost sadistic in the way he’s rough
He a pretty decent mate, he’s very possessive during his ruts and marks the reader up
He loves making the reader cry and scream as he rips orgasm after orgasm out of them during their heat, he’s definitely someone to edge the poor omega
He’s an Apex Alpha but comes off as normal alpha due to his childish personality and behavior
He has a chalky petrichor scent mixed with a slight hint of pine
The reader tends to treat him almost like a pup in the sense that they’ll nuzzle him, cuddle him and try to nourish him by making him drink their milk (Mortems can produce milk if they’re with a pup. Their bodies will produce milk even if the pup isn’t their own, as long as the Mortem believes a pup is theirs, they’ll produce and try to feed them)
He considers the reader as his player 2 and is also very possessive of them
Tomura loves the omega’s attention and doesn’t mind that the reader babies him, he’ll still fuck them during his rut
Is rough and passionate in the sense that he’s more focused on his own pleasure that the reader’s
When the reader is in heat, he’ll fuck them and make them cum on his dick as he feasts on the readers milk and makes a mess of them
Mr. Compress:
I’d headcannon that he’s an alpha
He smells like charcoal and wine
He was originally afraid of the reader unlike the others. After the reader got used to him, he lost his sense of fear
He’s the most calm during his ruts, he’s more romantic and passionate and prefers lovemaking than just sex
Is very observant and focused on the reader’s pleasure during his ruts
During the reader’s heat, he’s the most focused on the reader’s pleasure and will happily use toys on them. He’ll use his quirk and shove as many marbles up into the reader as possible and makes them count each. After he’s fit as many as possible in them, he’ll make them push them out
Some marbles will get stuck so he’ll dig them out with his skilled fingers and tongue which drives the reader mad with pleasure and overstimulation
Most likely an alpha but could also be a beta
He smells like evergreen and ocean breeze
He’s sadly the most boring of the group since he doesn’t indulge in his rut (he’s a Nomu and he doesn’t really have to but can if he wants to)
He’s gone most of the time and acts more as a patriarch alpha (old alphas in a pack who lead but don’t have sex with the omegas)
I’d strongly headcannon him as a beta since he doesn’t really have a drive and is more of a go with the flow kind of guy
He definitely doesn’t realize that he kind of holds the group together as he’s the most chill and has the least powerful scent
He smells like musk and sage
He rarely participates in sex, as he does it the least out of the other males
He does have two dicks that the reader loves riding. Part of the reason why he doesn’t do it often is because twice the dicks, come with twice the sensations. He can be very sensitive mostly acts as a fill in for the reader’s heats
Surprise, or not, he’s definitely an alpha, but I also think that one of his personalities is an omega or has an omega mindset
He smells like sweet orange and mint (his scents are contrasting like orange juice and toothpaste which most find gross but to reader it’s like a refreshing drink)
He’s actually the sweetest and most passionate of the males. He loves making the reader cum and also feeds on the reader’s milk
He’s pretty energetic and has some stamina so he’s actually one of the best at helping the reader through their heat
He’s so happy that he finally has an omega to call his own
He’s not as possessive so he’s open to sharing the reader during his ruts
An Omega. Now hear me out. She wants someone to love her the way she is. Most people reject her based on her scent and it acts as a repellent for most people
She smells like sugar and blood
The reader originally found her and decided to follow her. That’s how the reader met the league, they wanted to protect Toga so they followed her to the hideout
Toga and the reader mostly sleep and snuggle during their shared heats.
They have a shared nest that’s just for the two of them
She loves how the reader isn’t afraid to get hurt and will happily share their blood with her
Loves tag team fighting and they work well together
An Omega. Most people think she’s a beta since she’s built and has a more beta like scent but don’t be fooled, she’s a true Omega
She smells like cinnamon and spruce
The reader nests with her and Toga
The reader tried to Kill Overhaul for killing what they deemed as one of their omegas
Already has her own alpha so she leaves during the reader’s heat
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beybuniki · 1 year
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
M'love -Alpha Mate!Todoroki Shoto x Female!Omega Reader
A/n: I haven't written for my beloved Shoto in so long haha
General info:
Genre: fluff/reverse comfort \\ wc: 312 \\ female omega reader \\ posted: 03/25/24
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You and Shoto became mates right after high school. You were both broke and didn’t have the means to get your own place. The burning need to be close to one another stopped you from living separately, so you moved into Shoto’s family home. It was awkward, and constantly toxic, but it was the best you could currently do. 
You walk into the Japanese style house, taking your shoes off at the doorway. You stumble into the room you share with your beloved alpha, Shoto. He was laying in bed, asleep. You take your hero gear off before pulling on one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants.  
You sigh, inhaling the familiar scent of your alpha. You relaxed further, crawling into bed. He shifts, instinctually pulling you to his chest. You giggle softly, purring at the way his face pressed against your neck. You felt like you were in heaven.  
Shoto’s heterochromatic eyes found yours as he slowly woke up. You smile, pressing your cheek against his. “Did I wake you?” You whisper. Shoto sleepily nodded, pulling himself up to lay his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you.  
You frown slightly, Shoto usually leaned on you like this when he needed comfort, opting to pull you onto his chest most of the time. 
“Is everything alright?” You purr into his ear. His brows relax as he hears your soothing purrs.  
“Just my father...” he murmured.  
“What happened this time? Do you want to talk about it?” You kiss his forehead gently, lightly scenting him to help him relax.  
“He was just complaining about you again, m’love. Don’t worry about it though, his opinion doesn’t matter to me.” He looks up at you like you hung the moon, his warm hand finding your cheek. You lean into his touch, purring.  
“Love you.” You murmur, petting his hair soothingly. He smiles up at you, blessing you with the rare sight of his smile.  
“I love you more.”  
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Reblogs and feedback are extremely appreciated! Reblogs spread and therefore support my work while feedback help me improve and continue to write. <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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emjiroki · 7 months
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"Just-just a little bit longer" Shoto begged as he pressed his hips closer, his smoky peppermint scent layering you in a comforting warmth as he nuzzled you, your knees touching your shoulders as he held you with your back pressed against the mattress. He groaned when he felt his knot softening, slipping from your entrance along with the copious amounts of cum. He let your legs down but stayed laying on you, his face pressed into your throat. You laced your arms around his shoulders, sighing contentedly as you ran his nails across his skin. It wasn't long until he rutting his hips against you, a soft rumbling growl in his chest as his nipped your bonding mark.
"Again?" You asked with a quiet laugh, smile on your lips as he hushed you with a kiss, his lips soft and burning.
"Just wanna be inside you," Shoto whispered against your lips, sliding back in as you gasped, "so warm, so good for me, gonna be the perfect mama for our pups"
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He's on my mind sorry not sorry. I want him and Enji arguing over you and I might do that next.
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animeomegas · 1 year
Headcanons for Dabi and Todoroki (separate) with a super loving and sappy Alpha? Snuggling him whenever they can, making him breakfast in bed, absolutely disgustingly cute compliments, getting him a gift or at least some candy once week. Just a total simp.
Aww, this ask is just too cute!! <33 I live for alpha being a complete simp for their omega. Enjoy~
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Dabi has a lot of conflicting emotions about an alpha like this, and it's definitely a journey for him.
At first he thinks you're making fun of him.
Then he thinks that you're a bit pathetic tbh.
And finally, when you refuse to give up, he decides you're totally insane to be so smitten with him. He really has no idea how or why.
Eventually he just accepts that you're weird and lets you get on with it.
Of course, he finds himself slipping into loving the constant positivity and adoration, slowly but surely.
He comes back from a running some villainous errands one day, and he's aching and sore and his mind starts wandering, wondering what you're going to have set up for him.
A hot bath? A lovely homecooked meal? Pizza and a film?
He starts trying to guess, until it suddenly hits him.
He's being spoiled by an alpha who has made their desire to mate with him very, very clear, and...
He likes it. He's used to it. He doesn't want it to end.
Oh no.
He almost turns around a books it, but then he thinks about how sad and worried you'd be if he didn't go home, and shit, he's got it bad.
He opens the door slowly. He doesn't know why he can fight heroes, steal from banks and literally murder people just fine, but suddenly opening this door has his heart beating out of his chest. What's wrong with him?
He's greeted immediately with the sight of you cuddled up on the sofa with a pile of blankets and a bowl of fresh popcorn. Popcorn and a film, that's what you had planned. He was close.
Your face lit up as he came in, your beautiful smile directed to him and only him. He felt the urge to crawl into the blankets with you, and he definitely needed to get a grip on that. He'd never felt safe enough to nest before, but you were ruining everything.
"Dabi! Welcome home! I missed you so much," you said. How disgustingly domestic.
"Yeah, I'm back," he said lamely.
"I can see that. Here" -you pat the space on the sofa next to you- "I've picked out that new comedy you wanted to see. Come watch it, unless you need to shower or change first?"
Dabi shook his head, mouth dry, "No, I'm good."
"Great! Come on then!"
He blindly obeyed. This was not part of his plan, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't feel angry about it.
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At first, Todoroki is so confused. And a little embarrassed.
Why are you doing so much for him?
He knows you're in a relationship and that people do things like that sometimes, but you just seems so happy when you're doing things for him?
Is he doing enough for you? He doesn't know.
But this only lasts for a few weeks, or as long as it takes for you or Midoriya to encourage him to embrace being in a healthy, loving relationship, and then he embraces it whole-heartedly!
And it unlocks a (cute) monster.
Todoroki lives to be pampered.
You could definitely use 'my prince' as a pet name, because it absolutely fits him.
He basks in the genuine and constant affection. It makes him feel fuzzy and warm, and he's always reaching out for you.
He quickly turns from the kind of omega who only holds hands in private, to the kind that always wants to sit on your lap and fall asleep on your shoulder, no matter where he is or who is watching.
If you bring him breakfast in bed, or stroke his hair, or bring him gifts for no reason, you get that beautiful little smile from him every time.
He engages spoilt cat mode very quickly.
Todoroki is cuddly, you just have to introduce him to it and then he never gets enough.
Please cuddle him, stroke his hair, buy him soft clothes, cook him dinner, it makes him so content and happy.
At first, Todoroki is so confused. And a little embarrassed.
Why are you doing so much for him?
He knows you're in a relationship and that people do things like that sometimes, but you just seems so happy when you're doing things for him?
Is he doing enough for you? He doesn't know.
But this only lasts for a few weeks, or as long as it takes for you or Midoriya to encourage him to embrace being in a healthy, loving relationship, and then he embraces it whole-heartedly!
And it unlocks a (cute) monster.
Todoroki lives to be pampered.
You could definitely use 'my prince' as a pet name, because it absolutely fits him.
He basks in the genuine and constant affection. It makes him feel fuzzy and warm, and he's always reaching out for you.
He quickly turns from the kind of omega who only holds hands in private, to the kind that always wants to sit on your lap and fall asleep on your shoulder, no matter where he is or who is watching.
If you bring him breakfast in bed, or stroke his hair, or bring him gifts for no reason, you get that beautiful little smile from him every time.
He engages spoilt cat mode very quickly.
Todoroki is very cuddly, you just have to introduce him to it and then he never gets enough.
Please cuddle him, stroke his hair, buy him soft clothes, cook him dinner, it makes him so content and happy.
"I'm home!" you called out as you pushed open the door, carefully manoeuvring the little shopping bag you had clutched in your hand. A smile automatically bloomed on your face as you heard the tell tale sign of Shouto coming to greet you. The sound of his socked feet padding along the floor was just too cute.
"My darling boy," you cooed as Todoroki's smiling face came around the corner to greet you. You opened up your arms and he ran into them, squeezing you tightly and nuzzling his face into your shoulder. "How was your day? You must have got back from patrol about an hour ago, right?"
Shouto pulled away and pouted, "You weren't here when I got back."
"I'm sorry," you said, pressing a kiss to his nose and watching as his pout melted away. "I went past that new bakery and I couldn't resist getting you a little something."
Shouto's eyes focused on the little bag in your hand for a moment before taking your hand and bringing you through to the kitchen. You placed the bag on the counter and gently pulled out the box of macarons. The box was half red (strawberry, red velvet, and cherry) and half white (coconut, white chocolate, and cookies and cream). He opened the box slowly, eyes wide.
"They look amazing," he said breathlessly. "Half red and half white?"
"There's nothing as pretty in my opinion," you cooed, ruffling his hair. His little smile lit up the room.
Shouto picked up one of the cherry ones and fiddled around with it for a moment. Taking the hint, you took the macaron from him and held it up to his mouth.
"Open wide, darling."
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honeywinner06 · 2 months
In that hotel room...
A! Enji Todoroki x O! Male Reader
(Y/N) stared at the clock located on the wall. He became more and more impatient.
They began to meet in that hotel and almost always in the same room since they had their first meeting in the omega's office. Since it was his job to be the public relations advisor, it would be justifiable for him to be everywhere with him, to a certain extent.
And although he felt something more than that lust at the moment of being with him, Enji wanted to keep this whole "relationship" without making it known.
Despite that, he had never been late and even less so if it was the alpha who called him to meet in that room.
"Fuck it, I'm already tired. If it doesn't come, that's his problem."
Saying that, you got up and went into the bathroom to change your clothes into pijamas, that consisted in some gray shorts and a simple light blue t-shirt.
3 Hours later...
The sound of your cell phone began to fill the room with noise. When you took it, you saw that it was a call and you answered it
"Are you in your usual room?"
"Yes, I am."
"That's good. Now, wait for me there. Today I had a night shift"
"I'm tired and I suggest you don't come. Tomorrow, it's the press conference and I must arrive early to organize it."
"(Y/N), listen to me..."
"Good night, Enji."
And with that said, you hung up the call, and lay down again, hoping to fall asleep.
But those aspirations did not last long when in less than approximately half an hour, the door to the room was knocked.
"Can I help you?" You asked in a quite sarcatical way.
"Quit the mockering towards me, omega" answered the alpha with his deep voice
Your only response was rolling your eyes and then, he pounced on you and starting kissing you like a salvage.
The kiss became more and more passionate and it became even more so when he began to put one of his huge hands into your shorts and began to touch your plump and soft butt.
You let out sighs from how good it felt when he touched you and you started feel on one of your thighs, as if a small river had formed.
"You've already started to get wet down there, right? How I love being treated hard, you little omega slut."
"R-Really?" you said with a defiant and excited tone. You felt like you were melting like a snow cone in Phoenix (Yes, I made a reference to "Mrs Doubtfire" lol)
"Yes, I love that they are like that. Obedient, whether they are submissive or not. Too bad Rei would never do that with me."
The moment he said "Rei", your excitement immediately disappeared.
"W-Wait. Were you thinking about her? All of this time?"
Enji just laughed and smiled "What's wrong, omega? Does the fact that I think about my wife while fucking me make you jealous?"
"N-Not at all. Not at all" you said to turn around and avoid agreeing with him.
"Pff, typical omegas. They feel offended if you don't think about them"
"Well, leave that aside. Do you even want to do it with her or will I just be with you to satisfy you?"
"Sure, but she's very sporadic, so we don't do it much. So I have you."
"Fuck you, bastard!"
"Don't tell me you never thought about anyone else when we were doing it?" Asked the alpha trying to contain his laughter
"Of course not! I did it because I love you!"
"How naive. Well, you thought wrong, omega. I respect my wife and I wouldn't denigrate her."
"If you respected her, you would be with her, not kissing and fucking with me!"
The alpha just grabbed you by your neck and began to hang you against the wall.
"Listen to me, you whore. I do what I want and I totally respect my wife. All you are is to be my sex toy because you have an enormous ass and nothing else. You won't ever be my lover even if you were The last omega on The surface." With that said, he let go of you making you fall to the ground as you caught your lost breath.
"Now undress for me. I want to see that belly of yours totally full with my seed"
"D-Don't even think about it."
You said to get up, still weak. You took your suitcase and started to gather your things as quickly as possible.
"What are You doi..." asked before being interrupted by a cushion "Hey!"
"And don't even think about seeing me tomorrow at the conference, I'm sending you my resignation letter by mail and don't even think about seeing me in your miserable life, You piece of shit!" After that, you slammed the door as hard as possible.
"Come back here now, you fucking slut!"
So, you left that place with your suitcase in your hand, leaving the hotel and holding back your tears as much as you could.
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
an a/b/o fic where you think todoroki shouto is so unsettlingly beautiful, he has to be an omega.
until some alpha makes things uncomfortable for you, todoroki steps in, and you find out you were very, very mistaken.
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mackenziebrooks · 2 years
Imagine being with Dabi, but he’s a werewolf. An alpha at that. Alpha Dabi always needs to make sure you smell like him. Because you’re his mate and he wants his mate to have his scent. Whether he has you wear his jacket, shirt, or sweats. He needs to make sure you are covered in his scent so no other wolf wants you. So no other wolf tries anything or their dead. Dabi also makes sure you have his mating mark on your neck. Because your his precious little human. His precious little human who’s going to be stuffed full of his cock later in the night and having his warm cum fill your womb. Because alpha Dabi wants a pup, an heir and you’re going to give him one.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 8 months
Alpha!Todoroki x Omega!Reader
➤ Alpha’s are so stubborn when they’re hurt. And this one is being exceptionally more stubborn then usual
Warnings⚠️: rut mention
»»——⍟——««A/n: yall know me i love omegaverse but like 🥲i just hope my writing is still good
Omegaverse Key
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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
"Shoto, stop fighting me." He doesn't answer, continuing to squirm. "Shoto, stop." He pulls his hand from yours, squirming more. "Shoto."
Your alpha has always been a baby when it comes to getting hurt and someone needing to take care of him. This time, after a nasty battle with the latest villain all the pro heroes are trying to take down, he's left with a broken arm, broken ribs, and a fresh new cut across his chest.
The doctor ordered him bedrest be the requirement for him to return home, which he insisted on, and you promised you'd be there to take care of him. The only problem is Shoto insists on not wanting your help, being the stubborn alpha.
"Shoto. Shoto, let me change your bandge." You reach out and try again to wrap the bandage around his ribs. It's the last thing you need to do. It took you about thirty minutes to change his arm cast and fifteen to get him to swallow his pills. "Shoto," you sigh, feeling him move out of your reach again.
You sigh from frustration and sit back, crossing your arms. "Shoto, why are you being so stubborn? I'm trying to help you."
"I don't need your help," the first words he uttered since the whole ordeal started.
"Oh?" you shrug, "ok." You get up from your spot, kneeling on the bed, setting the bandage wrap on the edge, out of Shoto's reach. "Alright then, come get the bandage and re-wrap yourself," you say, crossing your arms and looking at him.
Shoto's head turns, looking at it, and then turns back. "Don't need it."
You roll your eyes, turning around. "You have actually got to be kidding me. Shoto, come on. Stop being so difficult. Just accept my help. It's not the end of the world." It's silent for a few more seconds. "For someone so hurt, you sure are moving around a lot to avoid my help."
"I wanna go in my den."
You sigh again, your head hanging low. "You cannot be serious." You get up and walk to the door. "I am going to go make dinner. And when I come back, we are going to eat, but before that, you are going to stop fighting me so I can change your bandages. Because I swear to god, Shoto, if I have to call the doctor and order a sedation drug, I will."
You walk into the kitchen, taking a breath and trying to calm down. You decide to make some quick cold soba, hoping maybe that'll be a good bribe toward him; maybe getting him to corporate. It doesn't take long, and sooner enough, you're walking back toward the bedroom again.
"Alright," you begin, setting the bowl on the nightstand and sitting next to him. "I need you to eat, and I need you to let me change your bandages otherwise I can't take you to your den Shoto. I need you to work with me."
The other reason you're so bent on getting his bandages changed and in a comfortable spot is cause his rut is due to hit soon. You can smell it, his scent stronger, and obviously his attitude is declining, but the doctor specifically told you he can't do any of those activities, not while he's still recovering.
You decide to take another approach. "Please, alpha? I need you to let me take care of you." He sighs, and you can tell if you want to do anything, this's your opportunity. You grab the bandages, start the process, and do it quickly but carefully, and finally, his bandages are changed, and you can relax. "Ya know, if I ever get hurt like this, I hope you realize I'm getting you back good."
Your clarity only lasts a few minutes, those minutes ending when a strong, musky scent bleeds through the air. His rut.
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stxrrydreamss · 2 years
Imagine this
You find yourself bleeding out after sustaining a serious injury during a mission, your life slipping away. Suddenly, Dabi dashes past you, but then abruptly halts in his tracks as he recognizes who you are. Despite your excruciating pain, he swiftly lifts you up and races with all his might to find a safe hiding place, all the while shouting, "I refuse to let you die out here, princess!"
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noahideahwrites · 6 months
May i request a todoroki × reader headcon on their first date (>^<). I love your works very muchh!! <333 and keep yearning for more of your great writings!! Fightingg!
Headcanon — Todoroki's First Date
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Notes: It's official, I only appear once every blue moon, but that's okay (not really, but we'll pretend). It's kind of short, I really struggled to write this one for some reason.
Warnings: Grammar mistakes
»» The slow-burn with Todoroki is very real, so before you even went on your first date, you would already be friends and have known each other for a long while.
»» It's important to be very clear that you two are going on a date, Todoroki can be quite dense when it comes to romance and thinks you're just going out as friends.
»» Different than other omegas, Todoroki would like to go on a date with you before officially courting. Seeing as you two are friends, he wouldn't mind "skipping" a few steps.
»» But also, he is extremely picky about courting gifts. Coming from a rich family he is used to very high-quality items, so if you are not richer than him can be quite difficult to top what he already has, that's why the dates are so important.
»» The very first date can go two ways, you're both out shopping for his courting gifts, or you're at your house simply having dinner and watching a movie.
»» The first option would happen if Todoroki is running out of certain items, that can also be considered courting items. Like blankets, plushies, pillows and etc. Shoto is a guy who only buys these things out of necessity, for his nest.
»» Do expect him to ask your opinion on everything, also pick out a few things because you want them, for when he invites you into his nest. You won't see his nest until later on in the relationship, but he is considering your comfort even before that.
»» The second option can happen after the first or can be independent, but let's consider it happened after. So it's the end of the day and you two are tired of shopping.
»» Shoto doesn't want to end this date yet, but he also doesn't want to be out and about, so you invite him to your house. You two bought dinner on the way, so you only heat it up and eat together. »» After eating you two talk a bit and decide to watch a movie. You both take showers and go watch the movie, is something to just pass the time and it's also an excuse to cuddle.
»» Todoroki would fall asleep before the middle of the movie, so it's up to you if you finish it or turn it off and also go to sleep. The next morning he would have to go back to his house unfortunately, but dates like this will happen a lot through the rest of your relationship.
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fatkish · 6 months
I have another story idea I can’t get out of my head. This story would be a Demon Slayer x MHA a/b/o story.
In a lot of a/b/o stories, you have your alpha, beta and omega. Some have Prime or Apex alphas, alphas who are stronger and more powerful than a regular alpha. And in a few, there are fecund omegas, basically the equivalent of an apex. This story would be a twist on the idea of a fecund omega.
Basically in this story idea, the reader is an Omega as was Muzan Kibutsuji. Since the dawn of humankind’s existence there were 3 secondary genders, alpha, beta and omega. Of course, there were apex alphas who were bigger and stronger than the other alphas, but they were just a subgroup of alphas. Being the lowest class and having been mistreated and used since their beginning, something inside the omegas cried out for power. Power to protect them from cruel and ruthless alphas. Hatred, rage and grief all caused by them simply being an omega.
Well this story would be different from the story line of demon slayer. Muzan was an omega, but he was mistreated and eventually something in him changed, mutated. Normally alphas and omegas could go feral but an omega would still follow an alpha’s command. Fed up by the way he was treated, muzan killed his alpha. From that point forward he continued to kill every alpha he came across. Similar occurrences happened all around the globe, and these deadly omegas were titled Mortems.
These were omegas who were bloodthirsty and primal. Not even the command from an apex, whose commands worked on alphas, betas and omegas alike, would make them submit. Their other name was alpha killers. Muzan was the first but not the last. Very few historical reports of these mutated omegas had ever been made, and not even half of them had any real evidence or facts to back up their claims. There was so little information or knowledge of these Mortems that there wasn’t even statistics about them.
Speeding forward in time to the era of quirks. An omega is born. Now normally, a Mortem would just have increased strength, senses and speed. But once quirks came into the mix, our reader is born. Basically the reader would have all the same abilities as Muzan did as a demon, but they’d be immune to sunlight since it was a quirk. They’d have the regenerative abilities, Muzan’s shapeshifting, basically every single thing Muzan could do as a demon, the reader would be able to do. Except, instead of their blood turning people into demons, the reader’s blood works as a claim. Basically if the reader’s blood comes in contact with an omega’s, even if that omega was already claimed by an alpha even an apex, their blood would destroy the claim and the bond. The reader could give their regenerative abilities to others via their blood. But in order to claim someone, the reader would have to bite someone just like a normal claim but would need to inject their blood into the mark.
The reader would have been born when quirks first emerged and was born around the same time as All for One. Mortems were thought of as mindless and purely instinct driven. People didn’t think that Mortems could communicate let alone be capable of basic intelligence.
What happens when a Mortem omega intervenes with All for One and All Might’s fight in Kamino? What happens when this Omega kills All for One and saves All Might? How will the world react when live on TV, broadcasting from Kamino, this supposed mindless and deadly being, speaks?
After having just brutally murdered All for One, the Mortem omega walks over to All Might. Having no power left and being absolutely exhausted and defenseless, All Might believes that he will be killed by this omega, as they slowly walk towards him the entire battlefield is encased in utter silence. As All Might closes his eyes fearing the inevitable, he suddenly feels a sharp pain in his side, as the scent of omega blood fills his nose. In shock, and with his instincts telling him to protect an injured omega, All Might looks down at the omega as they pull their hand back. Stunned and confused, All might looks down at his side, feeling himself being able to breathe easier and no longer feeling any pain, he questions what the omega just did, not realizing he said it out loud. The omega then points to themselves and then his side wear his scar is and utters a single word, “fix”. The omega then seemingly disappears from the scene, running at an incredible speed.
Having just witnessed proof of Mortem Omegas being capable of communication or at least this particular one, the entire world’s understanding of Mortems has been challenged. After the fight, news of this omega spreads all over the world. When looked into by Recovery girl, she tells All Might that all of his wounds had been healed. The damage that no one else could fix was gone without a trace. She explains that the omega had injected their blood into him, healing his injuries and essentially saving his life.
When news of this gets out to the public, people everywhere are wondering where this omega is, why did they save All Might, what else are they capable of, and can they be utilized? After seeing the overwhelming power as well as the omega’s healing power, alphas everywhere start to turn their attention towards finding and trying to claim this omega. Fearing that the League will try to stake claim on this omega first, there by, gaining control over them, the HPSC orders Hawks, Best Jeanist, Endeavor and every other alpha hero as well as the hero schools to prioritize the claiming of this omega. Whichever alpha claims this omega will basically be seen as the strongest alpha.
As the League’s alphas, Tomura, and Dabi, begin their hunt for this omega, the pro heroes begin to keep an eye out for the Omega. As the hunt begins, Aizawa returns home one day to the scent of an unfamiliar omega in his home. Following the scent, he walks into his bedroom seeing everything has been moved around and all the bedding and fabric like material as well as his mattress has been put in the middle of the floor and seemingly arranged into a makeshift nest. From behind him he hears a growl, turning around in a flash, he comes face to face with the infamous Kamino Mortem. They walk past him and enter their nest, growling quietly at him, he slowly leaves the room and leaves the omega be.
What does this mean? Why is this omega here, in his house. Why have they built a nest? Why does it always have to be him?
If anyone wants to use this idea, go ahead. I just need it to stop taking up space in my brain.
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emjiroki · 1 year
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My Hero Masterlist ♡
Enji Todoroki ♡
Oni's Heart Yakuza Series
Alpha Enji Short Fic
Self-indulgent Daddy kink
Enji’s Birthday
Alpha Enji x reader x Alpha Shoto pt 1
Alpha Enji x reader x Alpha Shoto pt 2
Shoto Todoroki ♡
Love You More: Alpha Shoto x Omega Reader
Dreams You Find Masterlist
Where You Belong link
Where You Belong Masterlist
Need You, Love You
Holiday Smut
Arranged Marriage drabble
Touya Todoroki ♡
Fading Light: Zombie AU
Katsuki Bakugo ♡
Katsuki x Reader 18+ short fic
Midnight Writing 18+
Eijiro Kirishima ♡
Open it Red Riot: Birthday fic
Country Boy Kirishima
Country Boy Kirishima pt 2 Rodeo Headcanons
Hitoshi Shinsou ♡
You and I? Two of a kind
Hanta Sero ♡
Say it when your sober: Sero x Reader x Shoto
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animeomegas · 1 year
Oh, fun an open askbox!!!
I gotta know, what's the vibe of aftercare from some of our mha omegas (Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, etc)
Them giving their alpha aftercare? Hmmm....
Bakugou favours physical actions over words, whether that's doing things (like making food, changing sheets, running a bath), or giving physical affection (cuddles etc.) So expect to be physically looked after if Bakugou is giving you aftercare. The vibes are 'stop trying to get up, I'm taking care of it'.
Todoroki is very cuddly if you're close enough to be having sex with him. He's like an overgrown cat, so his favourite way to give aftercare is just to lay directly on top of you until you feel better lol. The vibes are 'crushed with love'.
Kirishima goes with the flow, his style matches whatever you have communicated to him that you prefer. If he had to choose, I think he'd be very good with his words, very reassuring, good at intuiting what you might want even if you don't ask for it. The vibes are very 'whatever you want, babe'.
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cozzzynook · 1 year
Dabi is the type of omega to casually be glued to his alpha no matter how inconvenient.
This became the worlds problem when he met two alphas that matched in his clinginess. Hawks was just as clingy as Dabi and allowed the world to know he was mated and committed to a villain.
Meanwhile Tomura may not be clingy in public like the two of them were but he was their scary guard dog that dared anyone to say anything that could hurt their feelings.
They rewarded him with all the attention he greedily demanded of them, in private of course. He hated being apart of public affection like his two mates but he tolerated their behavior simply because they were his and no one was allowed to hurt who was his.
The same could be said for Hawks and Dabi who hurt anyone who tried to exclude their mate or make him feel left out.
Hawks was a terrifying predator when it came down to it and Dabi was more than happy to let his anger fester and burn anyone who challenged his wrath.
Just thinking of shigadabihawks being so different but so similar and everyone is so confused by it but oddly thinks it fitting and just has to accept it.
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