#Also Im still willing to talk
pineapplemintss · 2 years
hello, the reason I deleted this blog was due to a breakdown I had and am still having. But I've had a bit of clarity during that breakdown and realized I fucked up a lot. Also me deleting had nothing to do with the callout blogs or the asks with the exception of the grooming ask I got! My mental health has always been fucky, I was feeling burnout, and the grooming anon stuff was kinda the straw that broke the camels back. I was friends with Aku and I did interact with them. I'm not gonna lie I had good times with them, they were nice to me, we had a lot of common interests, and I really wanted to see the good in them and I wanted to hear their side of things. I should have kept them blocked the first few times but I didn't. I wanted to form my own opinion about them. I shouldn't have ignored the warnings and the red flags with Aku or the shit they did. I'm not here to justify my actions and I want to take full responsibility for my actions on giving them a platform. Everyone has full rights to be disappointed and hurt by what I did. I've cut ties with Aku and deleted this blog. I deeply apologize to everyone I hurt and Aku's victims. For my own mental health I think I'm gonna keep this blog deactivated. I should have also been more open about interacting with them. That was dishonest of me, and I regret it. You don't have to forgive me, and you have all rights to be disappointed in me. I should have been more thoughtful about my actions and how they affected other people. As an abuse victim myself, I never meant to hurt anyone or put anyone in possible danger. However I still stand by the statement using my grooming as a gatcha and the anon stuff was fucking gross especially the mommy aku bit of the post. That part made me actively gag, and again me being upset about it isn't victimizing myself. You had full rights to call me out on the Aku stuff, I fucked up there and I'm willing to fully acknowledge it! But keep my grooming out of it! I don't care if it was a claim or how suspicious you thought it was. It was still a shitty one to make without proof. Saying might've or you took no joy in it doesn't make it better! I'm allowed to be upset when you use something that personal and shove it in my face. That was a low thing to do and you know it. You are right in the regard, I shouldn't have put what happened to me in my rules so much, but I have a bad habit of oversharing. It's something I've been trying to work on. Will I come back? Who knows, maybe in time! but for now, goodbye and so long. If you wanna know my personal blog, message me privately. For now, I'm gonna focus on my art👍 If I do come back, I promise to do better and work hard to fix what I've done and keep myself accountable. This apology isn't damage control or to get sympathy because that's a shitty thing to do. This is a way to take accountability for my actions.
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sade-alicious · 2 months
“byler heart to heart” “wheeler siblings heart to heart” “jancy” “og party” WHAT ABOUT JOYCE AND WILL??
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snekdood · 10 months
so uh
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for 1. most people are gonna take advantage of black friday and wont see your specific niche tumblr post, I hate to say it
2. the us isnt running out of money for war any time soon, so...
3. this is just antisemitism???????? all we need is some (((echoes))) around the us and israel and then I'd have no reason to suspect otherwise from op...............
#why in tf do you think they care that much about getting your money rn and not before in any other war?#does it. mayhaps. have something to do w jewish people being involved now?#our tax dollars go to the govt regardless and has been for years and we already have an obscene amount of funding for military shit#preeetty sure they're not concerned about getting a couple hundred tumblr users money...#and also pretty sure one could only believe that if they're paranoid about jewish ppl.................#hard not to put two and two together and figure out op is prolly antisemitic and hopefully they just dont realize it#i say hopefully they dont realize it bc thats better than someone who knows and is pretending to be a leftist still.#if anything this pause happened bc its thanksgiving and biden doesnt wanna think about it over the holidays. thats p much it.#thats the only amount of conspiracy theory im willing to believe in this situation lmao.#but that ^ still assumes that biden has some sort of control over this that he really doesnt#and i dont think netanyahu cares that much about thanksgiving tbr...#it sounds more like to me that op is seeing this from a very american centric pov and assumes everyone celebrates thanksgiving#or cares enough about it to remember the dates.... i dont think this is as planned as op is making it out to be and any insinuation#that it IS planned sounds like conspiracy theory talk to me personally. i dont think biden is hittin netanyahu up and going#'hey thursday is thanksgiving and would be the perfect time to pause so we can (((get peoples money))) out of them#asiftheUSdoesnthaveplentyalready' like i just really dont think that convo is happening lmao.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 month
why do u think people r so ashamed of loving danron??
I mean, honestly, there's a lot of reasons, which makes it kind of complicated to tackle. I can list out a few from the top of my head, based on personal experience Feeling the shame and observation of other fans
•The problematic content in the games themselves. People feel embarrassed to like the other parts of the game because of the amount of bigoted moments (and sometimes whole characters) within these games. They don't want people to think they like those parts too, so they couch their appreciation in embarrassment.
•The reputation of the fanbase. On tumblr at least, things have normalized significantly and I find this fandom a very chill place to be. But the danganronpa fandom at its peak (2012-2016ish) was RABID. Like any major tumblr fandom, there was tons of drama, discourse, and toxic fan behaviour, but DR was genuinely on another level. This is especially true because of the young average age of members of the fandom at the time. Even though thats not generally true anymore on tumblr, this fandom still has that reputation to non-fans, and so people don't want to be associated with it.
•Cringe culture. At its peak, the DR fandom on tumblr was made mostly of teens, especially younger teens. I think the earnest way young teens participate in fandom led to it being seen as cringe, just like many other fandoms. Also, even outside of its problematic content, DR's plot can be weird and, frankly, even completely ridiculous. Similar to hom/estuck, I think this esotericness adds to people's kneejerk reaction to it when hearing about it second hand.
•The tendency of tumblr to turn on popular media when the magic is gone. This is something I've noticed with a lot of tumblr's number 1 big fandoms. Once a lot of people's interest in it starts wearing off, for some reason people will pivot to hating it. It happened with T/MA a little, it happened with Und/ertale, it happened with S/U, and so many other fandoms that tumblr went crazy over initially. Maybe its because these fandoms became so vocal they started to annoy those not participating, so they started to meme and make fun of it and its fans. Then, when people start to leave as their interests change, they join in on the teasing to displace the shame they might've felt from being teased. Eventually, people usually turn around and come to appreciate the piece of media casually again. That didn't really happen with DR... probably because of the other three reasons.
DR gained this reputation of being "irredeemable, problematic, cringe media" with a toxic fanbase and never shook it off. Before I played DR, I knew nothing about it except that tumblr hated it, for some reason. I had learned literally nothing else through fandom osmosis! And I think that general feeling, that Good People who like Unproblematic Things* (*requirement of being a good person) would never touch DR with a 10 foot pole outside of to make fun of it, sticks with people.
So when people finally check it out, usually through irony-poisoned letsplays of it, and end up actually liking it, they don't know what to do with themselves. How do you balance genuinely liking this piece of media with the site-wide perception youve grown so used to? With the idea that everyone will hate you if they know you like it, that you are a bad person for even posting about it? And thats how you get everyone's first DR post having a caption essentially communicating "im so sorry for posting about dr- I know its terrible and associating myself with this game makes me look disgusting- people who've followed me up until now, please dont hate me!"
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
going insane over Dee, don't mind me:
my beloved. my Absolute beloved. the character of all time. she's basically perpetually six years old. she's technically in her fifties. she loves her brothers. she basically got raised by a man in his early twenties because universe went 'fuck you and your family in particular.' she got killed by a pink motherfucker. she fought back hard enough he had to go get help. she caused enough problems as a ghost that her murderer built a robot to contain her soul. she has (likely) killed before and probably won't hesitate to again if she has to. she and her older brother are such an iconic duo. she's a cat person. depending on how you look at it, her brother has feelings for one of the guys who murdered her. she even has a really cool fucking scarf.
Dee Kennedy my fucking BELOVED-
- dee-in-the-box
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Top 10 girls of all fucking time FOR REAL.
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quirkle2 · 6 months
the angst in your zombie au bREAKS MY HEART INTO PIECES (I LOVE IT VERY MUCH)
okay, okay, so!! if the kagebros got separated from reigen and teru when mob is still fine, i imagine that their reunion would be hEARTWRENCHING also, i'm a bit curious, would mob still be able to recognize teru and reigen? or would he thought about them as strangers?
(tbh, following your lore, i imagine mob would act a similarly like nezuko from demon slayer? but instead of little hums, his zombie sounds would more like babbling and incoherent mumbles :"D)
the reunion is fuckin AWFUL man it's SO gut-wrenching. both reigen and teru feared this for Months while looking for the brothers; pretty much the worst case scenario was that mob or ritsu or Both turned—a lot of humans prefer death over being a zombie any day, so the idea of ritsu or mob having to go through that and wander around aimlessly until starvation or smth else gets them,,,
it hurts them so much to think about. teru forces himself not to dwell on it and he's pretty good at that but reigen thinks abt it a lot and he's honestly not sure what scenario is worse. best case is that they're both alive and unturned, obviously, but what's the worst case? you'd think it's both of them getting killed, or turning, but reigen also knows that if One of them got killed/turned, the other would probably lose their mind, especially if they had to watch. the fact that they're kids makes this all three times worse and reigen has to act like he's Not worrying himself sick over the brothers while he tries to keep teru in high spirits
the reunion itself is rly fuckin gut-wrenching for them. they see mob from afar, wandered off just a bit from ritsu and tome who are just around the bend looting a place, and they book it bc ofc they do, it's mob!! but then they see how pale he is, and when he turns around they don't see that light in his eyes that's usually there and the red is dulled and dead looking,, teru almost moves in for a hug before he realizes mob looks vastly different when he Rly takes him in, and mob doesn't rly react too much besides staring at them blankly. the obvious answer is almost too horrifying to even consider, so it takes them a minute to rly,,realize what's going on
tome comes around the bend and shouts, cuz when humans and zombies mix it's usually guns pointed at zombie heads. ritsu comes running out after her and when he sees reigen and teru his thoughts go, in order: holy shit is that reigen and tero ohmygod oh my god they're alive they're alive ohmy god i could fucking cry, and ohmy god they see shige ohno oh no oh no
ritsu sounds like a lunatic when he pulls mob away from them on instinct and says that he's safe to be around and that he's "still him" and he's "not gone" and he's very aware of that. he's very, intimately aware that he sounds fuckin crazy, bc ofc he does, this is what all the crazy people in zombie movies sound like. but he doesn't care, he doesn't care if reigen or teru dismiss him as nuts—he has to make them understand that his brother is still in there somewhere
and yeah, they both kinda think that ritsu's lost his marbles a little bit, but while teru is focused on that and the fact that mob doesn't look like he's rly tuned into Anything that's happening rn, reigen is a bit more focused on the fact that both ritsu and mob look awful? they're both very skinny and very dirty, obviously barely scraping by. they're cut up and ritsu's jacket is basically blood and dirt with a little bit of green fabric mixed in. and just by the look in ritsu's eyes, reigen can tell, man ... reigen can tell ritsu is like.not okay at this point he's kinda lost it.
i think the most painful thing about this whole reunion in general is that later that night, when reigen and teru r finally like ok we get it he's,, he's still mob. we believe you (they want to believe him... [they Do believe him, later, wholeheartedly]) and they settle down someplace safe, teru asks how long mob's been like this. and ritsu has to answer "since we got separated" and they both have that to stew over while everybody else sleeps
they realize that ritsu likely watched mob turn, watched the entire process, and that process takes a long time. it's at least a week of deteriorating motor functions and cognitive skill, and the fact that ritsu stayed for that to keep mob company is .ough. and it doesn't end there bc ritsu obviously stayed after that too
given how these things usually go, ritsu probably did think about killing mob. it probably did cross his mind, bc that's basically what everybody's been told to do. kill them before they have a chance to do any more damage. and it's obvious that ritsu did not have it in him
ritsu not only did not have it in him to kill him, he didn't even have it in him to leave him there. the kid fucking took him with him. a zombie. and he's somehow made it work, for months. and the next few days are filled with watching him still treat mob like a brother and take care of him and gently steer him away from a bird he tries to follow down the wrong street.ritsu is as gentle and kind as he's ever been with his brother. and even tho they're both hungry and tired and barely making it, ritsu is doing a rly good job taking care of mob with what he's been given
the kid obviously wholeheartedly believes in a cure and that mob is still There. he's gone through the trouble to take care of him, and the grief of continuously seeing a loved one that many would consider effectively dead, to get him that cure. to get him his brother back. and mob doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress, so reigen and teru think that this path ritsu has followed is probably infinitely kinder than the mercy kill method they've been taught to do
i think they have a new respect for ritsu, after that reunion
#qktalks#anon#zombie au#and also yes!! mob Would indeed recognize them and not attack them#i've never seen demon slayer but im assuming ur talking abt the main character's ??little sister?? smth like that#but yes i adore the idea of mob saying rly weird incoherent sentences that Almost sound like real words but like slightly to the left#bein a zombie rewires ur brain completely man .his mind is struggling a lot to say what it wants to say#it takes mob a moment to rly catch onto who's in front of him during the reunion but when he does realize there Is recognition in his eyes#fun fact; if u hug zombie mob muscle memory kicks in and he hugs back!#reigen and teru don't find this out until a few days later. they're a bit.. scared of him snapping at them for a while#but once they see that mob never once snaps at ritsu Or tome they're a little more willing to get near him and touch him#teru finally hugs mob and mob hugs back and it makes teru cry VGEAYEAV#(ritsu has hugged zombie mob enough to where now mob leans into his hugs.just giving u smth to sob over)#still related to the reunion but focusing more on ritsu:#after they reunite reigen notices that ritsu has a lot more..authority in his tone. he's a lot more comfortable taking charge#but he also notices that ritsu looks Exhausted and for a while he has trouble relinquishing the lead role to reigen aka the only adult#and it's entirely bc ritsu is just so used to doing things on his own now that he Forgets he has people to lean on#so it takes a bit for him to remember he has an adult to take care of him now#bro definitely overworks himself a lot in his haste to take care of mob :(#ritsu eventually lets himself lean on reigen when he's tired#poor kid melts into that kind of care after so long of not having that and being the sole provider for him and mob#when tome came around it got easier. but that also meant it was another mouth to feed so.only a little bit easier </3
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krotiation · 10 days
whats ur opinion on wainlock
LOVE IT and love how they're written with actual depth which is honestly so rare with older couples in media in general. like two old dudes with actual development in their relationship? wainwright worrying about not being a good fit for hammerlock which makes hammerlock worry for him?? but then they say screw it, it will work out and it does??? it's very realistic and i love them for that
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Ogh!! I'm so sorry to hear that your work schedule was such poop regarding the update! If it makes you feel better, I would watch your stream regardless if I looked at the update already or not! Wouldn't say any spoilers, but I love how you perceive things regarding WH and I would no doubt love to see your reaction live regardless!
aw <3 thank you <3 i Deeply appreciate that!!
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moonlitkilljoy · 2 years
so. the line of tape. it's existence makes me lose my marbles to no end, but probably not in the way you'd expect. it's the fact that even with this clear divide they STILL spill over into the others space. i've see a lot of people talk about it as if it's this clear divide in the lab that hermann and newt steer clear from but that just isnt the case!
if it was, you'd expect the lab to look something like this layout
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but look at the actual movie
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it looks like more akin to something like this
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newt's samples, tables, and stands for his dissection tools spill over the line right into hermann's space. there's definitely room on his side of the lab for everything, he's just. spread out across the entire lab instead. AND it seems like this is what the lab usually looks like, hermann only makes to point out the entrails on his side and not the rest of newts things, it's a shared space— not a divided one. what i'm saying is that even though hermann makes a big deal out of his side of the lab versus newts side vis-à-vis the intestines, he definitely doesn't care that much about separating himself from newt OR his space from newts space in general. the way i see it, they argue and bicker a lot but ultimately they find comfort in the others presence, hermann just doesn't want to deal with potentially-hazardous kaiju intestines right by his things ^^;
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nqn · 1 month
its nearly 2 am. i am neck deep in a hyperfixation i've had since i was 6, same time sp came into my life for good.
i am, in my mind, rolling around on AU ideas and really. REALLY debating on it.
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ladytauria · 11 months
trick or treat!!! 🎃🎃🎃
(and thank you for your comments on my lil drabbles!!!! i loved reading your tags & thoughts<3<3)
(<3 i'm glad! i love reading your stuff!! it's always so good! & ty for ur tags on mine, i appreciate them sm <33333)
this is a snippet from a wip i've been working on for... i think about a year now, lol. working title is "slipping tongues" & is v loosely inspired by that one panel, where jason calls himself "daddy" while defusing a bomb xD
i shared a slightly earlier snippet of it here~
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Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of all the things he could have said—
It’s all Tim’s fault. He’s been driving Jason crazy all night. It’s Jason’s fault, of course, for agreeing to Tim’s idea all those weeks ago in the first place. He’d been complaining, again, about his nights at the lounge, and at the time… Well. He hadn’t seen how Tim playing as Hood’s arm candy could go wrong.
Big mistake.
He’d forgotten just how much effort Tim put into his undercover identities.
No, that wasn’t quite right.
Jason had been expecting Tim’s identity to cater to their audience. And in a way, it did. There was nothing threatening about his appearance, the act he put on. The amount of conversations that had taken place right in front of him, as if he wasn’t even there would be infuriating if it wasn’t playing right into their hands. But the appearance of the disguise…
That was tailored specifically to Jason.
Subtle makeup to soften his face; just enough padding to give him the illusion of curves. Small breasts, a black wig, just a bit longer than his natural hair—and jewelry to draw the eye from anything he couldn’t disguise. And—look, okay. Jason is biased. He thinks obsessive, 72 hours no sleep, wearing his rattiest clothes, caffeine-addled gremlin Tim is hot. This Tim? Dolled up in provocative outfits and sultry make-up? He’s a goner.
And Tim knows it. He walks a fine line, teasing just enough to drive Jason mad without also compromising his persona as Hood. It’s maddening… and hot as hell. Could anyone blame him, if maybe his brains were a bit addled? Or if maybe, just maybe, he wanted to turn the tables on Tim, even if just for a moment?
Jason doesn’t think so.
If Tim asks, Jason will tell him it was a slip of the tongue. He got too deep into the Hood headspace. Otherwise—they can just… forget about it. Pretend it never happened in the first place.
Yeah. That sounds good.
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lavenderjewels · 10 months
I know it’s genuinely not his fault since there’s other unforeseen factors, but watching the recent jjk episode really brings to light the unintended consequences of megumi doing literally anything in the manga. Saves yuuji—>sukuna is reincarnated. Summons Mahoraga—>the city is destroyed by sukuna to nullify it. Stays with yuuji in the culling games—>sukuna takes over megumi’s body and kills people he loves. Doesn’t consider tsumiki being a reincarnated sorcerer—>sister dies
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insinirate · 9 months
ghost ww watching postmax kv and cursing knives (just as much if not moreso than he already did while he was alive) for being grumpy, sleeping through angelic gooch, or otherwise not being the loving husband that he thinks vash deserves (not that ww thought he himself would be much better) not to mention watching vash cling to his crazy murderous brother in ww's absence
the one thing theyd ever agree on is that vash has truly Atrocious taste in men
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zestials · 6 months
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half baked early morning thoughts : when i say zestial's not a big fan of technology or certain styles , that's true --- in the modern sense & how quickly it's moving. he's like .. eighty or so years behind the mortal realm & as such most of the new(er) sinners are quite hard for him to relate to. ( save for verses where he has a specific reason to look more into it. ) give him another twenty years & he might have a landline ! his voicemail would be a horrific curse placed upon you though lbr but i think the more time that passes & the more advancements made will only further that gap.
someday i will go into detail about how zee probably helped curate a lot of what information's out & about in hell ( pride ring specifically obv. ) all those accounts digitalized had to come from somewhere & he's not above censoring to fit his needs. partly why i have some of his information redacted ( definitely not because i'm still cooking on it & trying to put ideas into words. )
occasionally he'll incorporate new things or styles into his day to day ( i,e. his personal home being a more 1800s style architecture wise vs the 1600s gothic cathedral of his base for business that's more reminiscent of the time period he was alive in. ) he just needs some time to acclimate. this includes clothing , even his hat will be changed out occasionally but the patched one is undeniably his favorite & is repaired rather than replaced. yes. he wears more than a rag & cape. yes. there are still usually ruffles, he's extra.
BUT i do think up till the 1940s/1950s he was more on-top of things , he rather enjoyed alastor's radio show , has a gramophone / record player , knows swing dance , enjoys jazz & ragtime music ( although he'll still often lean towards classical ) , not even totally opposed to a black & white film occasionally ! he's just a little petty & stubborn about moving on so quickly. there needs to be ample time to appreciate it.
wait i had to edit this. zestial pays in cash, checks, secrets, blood or sacrifices. he's like motherfucking ron swanson. this man does not use a credit card. he's probably got buried treasure.
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yonpote · 5 months
ok i literally only did two prompts but thats it for now i will get to the ones in my inbox tomorrow ✌️✌️
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maximusboltaqon · 4 months
make 2024 the year that medusa and reed richards hang out again
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