#that ppl could churn out in a day
yonpote · 5 months
ok i literally only did two prompts but thats it for now i will get to the ones in my inbox tomorrow ✌️✌️
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
I’ve read your Boromir fic (the first one I‘ve ever read) and it changed my brain chemistry. I can’t get it out of my head THE LONGINGGG
Could I humbly request an Aragorn x female reader fic where they are sparring or play fighting in a more private area and they land on top of each other? And it leads to a confession and smut/steam? I know, this trope is very original hehe
Could there also be some tension/ longing between them?  Or anything you have in mind, really I just want to see him hot and desperate 😭
I lᡣ𐭩ve your work and thank you 🫶🏻 Have a beautiful day 🥰
A/n: probably not my best work, Anon, but I hope you like it! I experimented with a slightly different narration style (rapidly switching back & forth between reader and Aragorn POV). I'm always astounded when ppl like my work so THANK YOU for reading and for the request <3 Word count: 1535 Content warnings: blood, implied smut, non-canon, steam, mutual pining
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** Aragorn's POV | Reader's POV **
“Your weight is off balance, y/n.” 
You looked down at your feet reflexively, huffing in frustration as you realized he was right. Across from you, your sparring partner cracked the smallest of smiles. Graciously, Aragorn waited for you to fix your stance. You imitated him - lifting the arches of your feet slightly, your body weight suspended softly on the balls of your feet and your knees bent ever so softly. You shifted your hips in small circles around your feet, testing the surety of your new stance. It certainly felt better, but there was only one way to tell. 
“Better?” you asked, raising an eyebrow in question at Aragorn.
He missed y/n’s question entirely, his eyes hovering on her hips as she swung them softly side to side. He could just barely see a sliver of the soft flesh around her hips between the waistband of her trousers and the hem of her tunic. His mouth went dry at the sight, and at the thoughts that tore across his mind like sparks. 
Shit, she was talking to him. 
“Much better, yes.” Aragorn’s eyes seemed to shift in and out of focus, a strange pained look darting across his face as if you’d disturbed him from a dream. You knew that look - you’d seen it on his face ever since the Fellowship had left Rivendell some months ago. You felt silly for continuing to pine over him when his affections were so obviously spoken for. 
“Who were you thinking of, just then?” The question slipped out before you could catch it. 
He groaned internally. Had he really been that noticeable? You’re losing your touch, you old fool, he chastised himself harshly as he lifted his sword to line with y/n’s, studiously avoiding her gaze. 
You didn’t miss the way Aragorn’s eyes never met yours. It set your stomach churning on itself in embarrassment, but you forced your face to smooth. Even if you’d tried, you doubted you could draw your gaze away from his face, so handsome in his focus.
She’s looking straight at you. She knows, obviously. 
Aragorn felt his sword rise up and collide with y/n’s blade as she parried his stroke. The sudden rush of movement and strength felt good, like a wave washing his mind free of those pesky thoughts. 
Aragorn’s strikes were stronger than you were used to, and you instantly felt your recently reclaimed balance teeter dangerously. The mixture of distracting emotions and your off-kilter weight shattered your focus. You twisted your blade to block his lateral strike a second too late, and you felt the white-hot kiss of his blade dig into the muscles on your shoulder.
You hissed in surprise, trying to clear your mind from the blind of pain. 
He felt y/n hesitate across from him - a rare feat. She was unusually well-skilled with a longsword, and it was uncommon for there to be such a clear and decisive victor in their melees. If Aragorn had held his focus a moment longer, he would have noted the blood seeping from a fresh cut in her shoulder and the uncharacteristic weakness in her sword arm. But his mind was foggy from his pride’s close brush with humiliation, and it wasn’t until he collided full-force with her that he registered something had gone wrong.
One moment, you were blinking back the burning tears of unexpected pain, and the next you were resolutely pinned under Aragorn’s body. He managed to catch the back of your head deftly and gently to keep it from slapping off the frost-chilled ground. Your initial reaction was a gasp of surprise-
-y/n gasped in pain as he landed on top of her clumsily. Barely able to piece together what had happened, he began searching her body for signs of the injury-
-Aragorn’s face twisted into concern as he pulled back from you. Instinctively, you hooked a leg around his, pinning him against you-
-he was able only to pry his upper half off of her before he felt y/n’s leg grasp him against her, the sensation unlocking memories of dreams he’d found himself tumbling into each night ever since meeting her-
-you froze, your breath caught in your throat as you felt Aragorn stiffen against you. His gaze caught yours, that same pained expression you’d seen earlier flashing in his gray eyes like a reflection of sunlight on steel-
-his body went rigid, a sudden terror seizing him as he wondered if he was hopelessly misinterpreting the pressure of y/n’s leg locked around his hips, but before he could think-
-his lips were on yours, his hand moving from the back of your neck around to your throat and to the edge of your jaw. You felt him melt down against you, the stiffness in his spine softening until he was fully prone against you, his mussed curls tickling your cheeks and forehead as you reached up with your mouth, inhaling and tasting and devouring him.
Y/n let out a soft moan of contentment, the vibrations plucking a matching string in Aragorn’s desire. He dropped his sword, his free hand coming to her waist, gliding across the oiled planes of her leathers and the rough handspun wool of her tunic. His mind felt blissfully scattered, raw need catching like wildfire as it burned away the traces of conscious thought.
Each moment that the kiss deepened you felt yourself slip a little bit further away from control. His hands roamed freely across your body as you wriggled and writhed into his touch, eager to feel the pressure of his hands on every inch of your available skin. It wasn’t until he grazed over the still-stinging (but very much forgotten) cut on your shoulder that you hesitated.
Aragorn felt the tackiness of fresh blood catch on his fingertips as he grazed over her shoulder, accompanied a moment later by a reflexive wince from y/n. He broke from her embrace, glancing down at her shoulder, the beige of her tunic stained crimson.
“Gods above, what have I done?” 
You chuckled, unwilling to let Aragorn pull away fully. 
“Ignore it,” you commanded, greedily rising up to catch his lips again. He obliged, but you could sense that concern was dulling the edges of his enthusiasm. “It’s a small cut, nothing more,” you offered, hoping he would move on and attend to your other needs. 
He groaned in frustration at his own inability to ignore the wound, but Aragorn’s attentiveness to pain - your pain, above all - wouldn’t be silenced. He broke free from her lips with some difficulty long enough to inspect the wound. She was right - it was a minor, glancing blow. Nothing that would require stitching, but perhaps a bit of rest. And cleaning, he thought with a hint of smugness. 
You caught the way his lips quirked slightly as he poked softly at your wound. 
“What could you possibly be chuckling about?” you hissed, feeling put out by his unwillingness to dive back into the kiss that had sent you to the edge of fire. 
“Your wound, m’lady. It needs attention. A good cleaning, I think.” His eyes smoldered at the last few words, the tone of his voice tightening something deep in your core. You had to stifle a bark of delight when you finally grasped his meaning. He rose from the ground, brushing grass from the front of his trousers as he extended a hand towards you. You accepted it, letting him lift you lithely from the ground. 
Y/n’s desperate gaze was practically all he could focus on, but Aragorn steadied himself with a deep inhale as he cast a self-conscious glance around. Thankfully, the rest of the Fellowship was resting uneventfully among the rolling slopes of Rohan’s Westfold, and no one seemed the wiser to your brief interlude. More extensive companionship would require greater privacy, but he didn’t balk at the feeling of her fingers twining in his as they strode with a shared understanding towards his tent. 
“I thought-”
“Lady Arwen, yes. I know what you thought,” Aragorn cut you off softly, rubbing a reassuring thumb along the back of your hand. You were surprised to hear him speak of her without a note of longing. You looked toward him with questions. “Lady Arwen and I were raised together in Rivendell. I think of her as family, nothing more. The longing you sense in me is nothing more than homesickness.” 
Aragorn had been content to let the rest of the Fellowship misinterpret his closeness with the lady Arwen for romance, although he had always resented having to keep up with the ruse with y/n. It was true that she’d be safer without his affections painting a target on her back for their enemies, but in that particular moment Aragorn found it difficult to summon anything more than impatient desire.
You chewed on the inside of your lip as he lifted the flap of his tent. Although there was no luxurious steaming bathtub inside, you did notice a well-made cot laden with soft furs. With ample room for two, you thought warmly as you stepped inside, Aragorn following closely behind you…
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dudadragneel · 6 months
Hello, guys! It's me!
Since my creativity is off the roof, I am here to gift you with another Chan Sickfic!
This one was 🍎's request!
Hi hi I’m new to ur account I get the sense that you write hurt comfort fics (thanks btw) it’s so rare to find ppl who appreciate that on here. I also saw that you take requests so I wanted to try my luck here. Can I request a fic where Chan is having a hard time with the whole long distance thing because he’s used to being w reader all the time and he’s been feeling sick and nauseous all day and so he can’t help but call reader in the middle of the night and She immediately knows something is wrong because he’d never usually call that late. She manages to get him to admit what’s wrong and tries to help him over the phone but he has to hang up to throw up. Then reader gets emotional because she can’t be with him when he feels so sick. So she drives all the way to be with him that night.
Chan had been dating you for a few good years now and despite his packed schedule, he made sure to find time to be with you as much as possible. You had offered him to live with you but he politely declined stating that the kids needed him.
He had many reasons to try to be with you as much as possible, one was because he loved you with all his heart and the other was because he felt relaxed when he was with you. You provided him the same comfort he provided to the kids, STAYs, and you.
And the good point of all this was that you lived relatively close to the dorm so it was easy to come and go to each other's house.
However, there were times when he had schedules overseas that you couldn't attend, although you tried your best to accompany him as much as possible. Sometimes you had to travel to other cities away from your house and his dorm. And these were some of the hardest for both of you.
Today was no different, you were about 1hour away from the dorm, working on a new project and messaging Chan all the time, to make sure he was okay and talk about how your days went.
It had been 3 days since you left and he was starting to feel it, being used to seeing you almost every day, and considering how overwhelmed he was with his role as a leader, it wasn't easy for him.
And the cherry on top, he didn't know if he caught a bug, or if it was the food but his stomach began feeling weird during the afternoon. He noticed it as he was working in his bedroom, and it was gurgling loudly, making him burp every once in a while, but he managed to ignore it as much as he could and continued to work.
Then came dinner time, and he was feeling a little worse than before, a slight nausea starting to build up. But he needed to eat, or the boys would suspect something was wrong and the last thing he always wanted was to worry the kids.
And just like during the afternoon, he sat through dinner managing to eat an amount of food his stomach clearly didn't want or needed at that moment.
When he was done he went back to his room and the boys went to their bedrooms to sleep, being as exhausted as always.
Again, Chan continued to work on the songs despite his now more than obvious discomfort, his stomach angry at him for eating. If you were there, you'd keep him from working and get him to relax a bit, even if he didn't tell you he was feeling a bit sick.
As the night went on, he started feeling sleepy, he could no longer pay attention to the songs, and due to that they weren't turning out the way he wanted. Remembering that one time when this same process happened and he had a panic attack, he decided to call it a night and go to bed. He knew you'd be sleeping by now so he didn't call you but sent you a good night message.
He lay down on his bed and surprisingly, despite his stomach being angry at him, he fell asleep quite fast.
But about an hour later, the mild nausea he was feeling after having dinner, had now gotten strong. He woke up but didn't move from his position, and just felt his stomach churning and noticed he was a little too sweaty for cold weather.
He lifted himself up and drank a sip of cold water before lying down again.
However, that was far from being his smartest decision in life. That sip of water proved to be the last straw as the nausea got even worse and his stomach started contracting. His mouth started filling with saliva, a clear indicator that he would eventually throw up. But he knew that that could wake up some of the boys and the last thing he needed right now was his kids being worried about him.
He squeezed his eyes and covered them with his arm, the other resting on his stomach in an attempt to ease the churning feeling. His dinner and what felt like everything he ate that day were swirling inside, apparently jumping from time to time.
He tried his best to take deep controlled breaths as you did with him before but it wasn't exactly working.
Then once more saliva took over his mouth and he started swallowing convulsively, trying to keep everything in for as long as possible.
But he barely managed to control the urge when his stomach contracted one more time making a strong statement that if he didn't go to the bathroom right now, he'd be sick in his bed.
He grabbed his phone and got up, almost immediately regretting his decision as the motion seemed to have upset him even more.
Chan made his way to the bathroom with a hand clamping his mouth as strong as he could so he didn't vomit before reaching the bathroom.
He went to the sink and grabbed the edges tightly, trying to control his body. Looking at the mirror, his face was a bit pale and his curly hair was stuck to his forehead.
He ducked his head and squeezed his eyes taking deep breaths again, swallowing down whatever it was that was threatening to come out. He didn't want to be sick.
After a few agonizing minutes, his stomach seemed to have given him a break, with the nausea decreasing a little. Sometimes he'd deal with this on his own but now, not having you there with him was just worsening the situation. He didn't like the kids seeing him sick, but with you, his walls came down a little easier. And he so desperately needed you.
Yet still reluctant, he grabbed his phone and called you.
You woke up as soon as the phone rang and upon seeing who was calling you, you knew something was really wrong. Chan would never call you in the middle of the night unless he felt really bad.
- Baby? What's wrong?
- Hey, honey. Nothing, I'm fine...I was just missing you.
You could immediately notice that he was in the bathroom.
- Chan, please be honest.
- I am being honest. I was working on some music and then I remembered you-
He was cut off by a queasy burp he managed to muffle.
- Oh sweetie. We've been through this before. You don't have to be strong all the time, you don't have to put up a front with me, you can be weak.
No matter how much he wanted to hide how he was feeling, he'd called you for a reason and he felt safe with you.
- I don't feel good...
- What's happening?
- I've been feeling nauseous since the afternoon...
- Did you throw up? I can see that you're in the bathroom.
- No. I don't want to. I don't want to wake the kids.
Again he covered a queasy burp that brought up a small amount of liquid that he managed to swallow.
- Oh honey.
He closed his eyes and swallowed hard at the awful increasing feeling of dread that he was about to throw up.
You were getting anxious seeing him like this and being away, you had so little power to help him right now but you tried.
- Hey, baby. Listen to me, take deep breaths. With me, come on.
He tried following you through the phone, as you breathed with him. But it wasn't working.
You could see his expression changing, you noticed he'd gone a little green. He closed his eyes one more time and his his face on his arm, trying to control his body and you could see his Adam's apple bobbing up and down consecutively. You feared the worst and it happened.
Chan felt hot liquid rush up his throat and hit the back of his throat and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold it in this time.
When he felt his mouth filling he hurriedly hung up and reached for the toilet spilling out his dinner and a wet burp that followed brought a thicker stream of partially digested food.
You were taken aback when he hung up and started getting stressed over the fact that you weren't there for him. Your heart was almost beating out of your chest of worry and tears started swelling up in your eyes.
You knew he wouldn't ask the kids for help and you were worried this could escalate to a worse situation.
So you made the wisest decision at the moment, grabbed your stuff, and left a note to your friend, whose house you were staying at.
You decided to take the 1hour drive in the middle of the night to be with Chan because he needed you and he would only admit it to you.
In the dorms, Chan was on his second bout of vomiting all of the meals he had that day. He had a few breaks in between the rounds of vomit.
But to his demise, one of the members woke up to get water and heard retching sounds coming from the bathroom and noticed Chan's bedroom door open.
He knew the elders wouldn't want them worrying about him but he couldn't just sit still.
- Hyung? Chan-hyung?
Changbin said softly trying to knock on the door as quietly as possible.
Chan gulped down and tried to answer.
- 'm fine- Changbin-ah.
Changbin knew he wasn't and he wanted to help but he also knew Chan would be reluctant about it.
And as if on cue, you arrived at the dorm.
- Y/n!
- Hey, Changbin.
- What's wrong with Chan hyung?
- He's not feeling well. I'll take it from here, you can go back to sleep.
You said smiling and tapping his shoulder, he obeyed you and went back to his room.
You knocked on the bathroom door.
- Honey? It's me. Can I come in?
He wanted to answer but his stomach decided that he wouldn't as he retched wetly over the toilet and you took that as a sign to enter.
When you got in, you saw Chan leaning over the toilet vomiting for what seemed to be the third time, given how sweaty and red he was.
You rushed to him and kneeled next to him, one hand holding his head and his hair out of his eyes and the other rubbing his back up and down.
He barely looked at you when another gag brought a wave of putrid brown liquid immediately followed by another one.
- Oh baby...
You gently leaned his head on your shoulder and grabbed his hand which he squeezed in return, his other hand gripping his abdomen.
- It hurts so much...
- What happened? Is anyone else sick?
- No...just me...
- It could be a stomach bug...
He suddenly hissed, squeezing your hand even more and you kissed the top of his head as your hand kept rubbing his back.
- You're gonna be okay. I'm right here with you now, okay?
- thanks...
His back started heaving up and down under your touch and you could hear his stomach gurgle loudly. He gagged a few times, clamping his mouth and still squeezing your hand to ground himself and not break down.
- Honey, I know it hurts. You need to let it out. Hm?
You said, rubbing his lower back and comforting him as much as you could.
His stomach jumped rather aggressively and he got away from your embrace reaching the toilet in time for another wave to come out. He coughed a few times until a wet retch brought up even more, the sound of liquid hitting liquid repeatedly making you grimace a little. And you could see it wasn't being easy on him, the veins on his neck were popping up and he was getting red as well.
- Breathe, honey, breathe.
You didn't stop rubbing his back not even once. He rested his head on his arm, his nose was runny and his eyes were watering.
You carefully brushed his curly hair out of his face, looking at him with gentle eyes.
- Do you think you're done?
- No...it's still churning...
- Can I go get some cold water for you?
- I don't want you to leave...
This sentence showed how much he let himself be vulnerable when he was with you, he needed you by his side.
- Okay. I won't leave.
You grabbed your phone and texted Changbin who would probably still be awake now that he knew Chan wasn't well.
- Changbin. Are you sleeping?
- No. Do you need anything?
- Can you get some cold water? Please?
- Sure. And how's Chan hyung?
- He's still vomiting. I think he might've caught a stomach bug.
- I'll be right there.
Changbin knocked on the door before entering holding a glass of cold water.
- Thank you.
- Thanks, Changbin-ah.
The leader said weakly, trying to give a faint smile, to which Changbin returned.
- Text me if you need any help.
- Will do.
You turned to face Chan who had turned green and was swallowing again and you noticed he was actually holding it in while Changbin was in there.
- Honey...you didn't need to do that...
You said as he ducked his head one more time retching up another wave of what seemed to be the food from yesterday. The mess inside the toilet was unsettling, and it was definitely not helping with the situation, as well as the stench.
You pulled him back and while still rubbing his back you flushed the toilet.
You helped him so now he wasn't kneeling anymore and was sitting down. He rested his head on his hand while you held the other and rubbed his back from side to side.
- Here, baby. Rinse your mouth and take small sips.
- Thank you...
He said with a raspy voice that seemed to be hurting his throat. He rinsed his mouth and then drank a little bit, handing you the bottle.
- How are you feeling now?
'm still nauseous...
- Do you wanna try to take something and go to the bedroom?
- Not yet... I can feel something trapped...
As if on cue, whatever it was that was stuck triggered a sequence of gagging and retching and he was leaning over the toilet again. The unproductive gags turned into productive ones, with one wave following after the other. You were seriously surprised by how there were still things to come out.
- oh sweetie, I think it's really a stomach bug.
You said rubbing his back and supporting his forehead while he proceeded to vomit a few more times, the sounds of retching, wet burps, and liquid hitting liquid taking over the bathroom.
After what seemed to be 1h hour since he ran to the bathroom, his stomach decided to give him a break, although maintained the nausea. He was exhausted, completely drained, and if you weren't there he'd probably sleep in the bathroom.
He got away from the toilet leaning all his weight on your chest.
- Honey, do you think you're done?
- I hope so...I'm still nauseous but I don't feel like throwing up, at least not now.
- Wanna go lie down?
- Yes...
But when he moved to try standing up, he noticed how dizzy he was feeling.
- Okay, okay, it's ok. Sit down and take deep breaths.
He did as you told him but he felt completely empty, like he had thrown up a week's worth of meals.
- Do you want me to get Changbin?
- No, there's no need to. Just give me a minute.
You just sat there, rubbing his back and his hand as he tried to recollect himself so he could go back to his now-so-desired bed.
A few minutes after, he was okay to stand up and go back to his bedroom. You helped him up, wrapping your arms around him to help him steady himself.
- You good?
- Yeah...
- Sure? Because if you faint I can't carry you, Babe
You said laughing a little and he chuckled back at you.
- I won't.
- Okay.
You walked slowly with him, stopping at the sink so he could brush his teeth and he ended up vomiting a thin stream of bile and stomach juice but it seemed to be the last of it.
- Let's get you to the bedroom.
You still had your arms wrapped around him as you guided him to the bedroom.
You pulled the covers and helped him lie down and then covered him.
- I'll get a hoodie for myself, okay? And a bucket, just in case.
- Okay.
You had come in such a hurry and you were clearly tired you didn't want to open your bag to get clothes, and his were more comfy and had his scent.
He was lying down looking at you, smiling at how cute you looked with his oversized hoodie.
- Come here.
He said tapping the spot on the bed next to him, with the cutest smile.
You lay down next to him, looking into his eyes, and gently caressed his hair.
- I love your curly hair.
- And I love your eyes. They are beautiful, pure, sincere.
He said as he caressed your cheek. He then grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it.
- Thank you for being here.
- I'm happy to be here.
You responded and then you told him to come closer so you could cuddle him.
- I'll be the big spoon today.
- I'm fine with that.
You kissed the top of his head, covered yourselves with the blanket, and stroked his back until he was fast asleep.
Chan was happy to have you and the kids and he could proudly say that all of you were his lifeline.
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eliwashere · 1 year
Can't Hear You
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summary: König gets a radio from you in the middle of battle. You tell him your hearing aids got busted, and he runs. tags: könig x gn!reader, hoh!reader, angst (?), fluff, pining, canon-typical violence, no use of Y/N, slightly proofread word count: 2.9k words
fyi this is my first fic on here!
and i'm also aware that hoh ppl can't join the military but i just like the feelings
requests are open !
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The ride is bumpy.
König’s sniper hood scratches the tip of his nose as the van moves along gravel, the vehicle shaking, the engine revving. The sweat-caked fabric scrapes against his lips, a familiar feeling, one that he’s gotten used to over the years here with Kortac. He leans on the wall of the vehicle, eyes scanning over his squad.
The mission had sent them to the middle of South East Asia, the humidity sticking uncomfortably to König’s skin. He hears the quiet murmurs of the squad, silently complaining about the heat. His eyes land on you, seated across from him. You have your hearing aids turned off, your eyes closed as you simply wait till the van stops or gets attacked.
Your colonel knows you like to take moments to yourself, to let the noise muffle out. Well, you’d told everyone on your first day, when you’d just been shifted from another base due to your battle-earned hearing loss.
Your first day, when you first met König.
König remembers it well.
He remembers his superiors introducing you to the team, taking an extra moment to specially mention that you were hard of hearing. It surprised him, though he didn’t let it show (he couldn't anyway). Usually, they’d let soldiers go if they lost something on the field, a limb, a sense. But he figured that maybe they had a reason to keep you around, and that intrigued him.
“Sometimes I take them off, at night or during down time,” you said, pointing to your hearing aids as the Kortac squad stared you down, whether it be to size you up or… other actions with other motives. You had clocked König in the crowd from a mile away, his head sticking up among the others like a tower in a field. He had a tilt in his head, which he held unnecessarily high. You could almost hear the whirring behind his eyes, the churning cogs in his brain, trying to figure you out.
“And so, if anyone would like to partner up with your new teammate here, it would be greatly appreciated,” your superior had said, and you almost sighed. Someone had to keep an eye out for you, in case there was a drill, or an alarm you couldn’t hear. It bothered you that you needed to be followed around, that you’d likely be assigned a caretaker, or god forbid, a roommate. You need privacy, everyone in this base needed privacy, and having to share that space with someone felt akin to an intrusion.
But of course, the military couldn’t take any chances.
When no one answered, König couldn’t say he was surprised. Nobody would want to follow someone around all day on the off chance that there was a danger to the base, and he figured that you wouldn’t want that either, especially not with total strangers.
“Alright, then I guess we’ll have to–”
“I’ll do it.”
Heads whipped back to König, who only looked at his teammates once before looking back at you. He didn’t know why he said it. Maybe he pitied you, like you were the kid that got picked last during a game, or maybe he just related to the silence that you were met with, all too familiar.
“Well, that’s settled then.”
The van came to a stop at the edge off the main gravel road, the hood of the vehicle poking into the forest. You turn your hearing aids back on, the soft hum of the world flooding back into your senses. The team filed out of the back of the van, dirt and rock crunching under your boots. König checked his rifle for the nth time, before looking over to you. You met his gaze, an unspoken understanding for you to stay close by him filtering between the two of you.
The squad started north not long after, towards the enemy base. König, as colonel, leads the team. His head is on a swivel, looking out for any stray enemy soldiers, or landmines and traps on the forest floor. He spares a half a second to glance at you, your rifle held tight in your hands, expression focused, almost unreadable. It’s the expression you wore whenever you were training with the team, the expression that engraved itself into König’s retinas during your first few days with them, with him.
To your luck, they still let you have your own quarters, but also to your luck, you had to spend every other moment out of your room with König. Protocol, you had heard him say, accent deep set into his voice. You hadn’t expected it, to be honest, for a man his stature and size to have that voice. By no means did you not like it, in fact, there was something mesmerising about it whenever he was out on the battlefield. Crazed, you would describe it, crackling, like radio static.
König never did hear your voice often, one of the many silent types in the team, him included. He’d figured he’d leave it alone, but it was rare to find someone that spoke less than he did. He found himself observing you most of the time, which he had a lot of with you.
He noticed that you spoke more with your actions than anything.
When you were tired, you’d stretch the muscles in your neck, sucking a breath in as it emits a satisfying pop.
When you were frustrated, you’d clench your jaw, or you’d press your tongue into your cheek. If it was the other teammates bothering you, especially with their volume, you’d turn off your hearing aids, which has made König chuckle on more than one occasion. You’d never hear it though, but you could see the creasing of his eyes, and you couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of your lips.
The base is fairly barren, though most of the people who are there are heavily armed by the looks of it. That means it’s easy for your team to pick them off without getting seen, but it means a longer process and a more distance between the team. König can’t help but worry when you weren’t near, your presence having been a constant in his life for months now. At base or at battle, you would be at his side. So, when he sees you more than ten feet away from him, he breathes in a little deeper.
All it takes is one mess up, one wrong move, and suddenly the base’s sirens go off, the enemy soldiers yelling and firing. On one hand, König’s annoyed, because he’s going to have to find out who messed up and come up with a way to set them straight, but he can’t deny the adrenaline that pumps through his veins as he guns down enemies like target practice. The colonel watches their bodies drop with a twisted sort of satisfaction, the chaos of the moment fueling his hands as he slams an enemy into the brick wall of the building, a sickening crack and choked wail emitting from the now limp body.
König is a soldier, has been for a long time, and this is his element, his work, his life.
The static from his radio brings him out of the moment, and he ducks behind a wall for cover as he brings the device closer to his face.
Your voice rings in his ears, and it would’ve bloomed a warmth in his chest if it wasn’t for its shakiness, the uncertainty in your tone. He doesn’t even get time to answer before you speak again.
“They…they’re broken, König. My hearing aids,” you say over the radio, ragged breaths and stutters punctuating your words. His eyes widen, but he doesn’t answer, knowing you can’t hear it anyway. He could hardly stomach the fear in your voice. You’re never scared, at least you’ve never shown it like this. But not being able to hear on the battlefield, not knowing if someone is behind you, or if a grenade had landed nearby; it scared König more than it did you.
“Nor–northern building, second floor.”
It’s all the information König needs for him to start running, sprinting to you.
It took a while for König to open up to you, four months, if anyone was counting. But König didn’t have anyone to really compare your time to, because you were the first one to ever try.
It was late in the night, König remembers. He forgot why he was even up, likely due to a nightmare, or simply the inability to even fall asleep, but he found himself in the common room, sat on the couch with a cup of tea in hand, the type that was supposed to help with sleep. He took a sip, sniper hood draped over his lap, his face exposed. The tea was warm, soothing, and König sighs through his nose as the liquid down his throat.
Training had been rather rough that day, with most of the soldiers already fast asleep by the time it hit midnight (a rarity). So, König hadn’t expected anyone to walk in, until you did, half asleep, feet dragging across the floors. You hadn’t noticed him, and he watched you open the shared fridge, pulling out the milk carton.
König hadn’t even considered the fact that his hood was off, and made no move to put it on either. He simply watched as you poured yourself half a glass, drinking it till it was gone. Your hearing aids weren’t in, he noticed, just as he noticed everything else. The scrapes on your elbow from training, the mess your hair was in, the dark circles under your half-lidded eyes… you looking right at him.
You tilted your head, empty glass in hand, the other holding the milk carton. At first glance, you had no idea who he was. Perhaps it was the sleep eating away at your brain, or the fact that he was sat in the dark, none of the lights on in the common room. But the electric blue of his eyes was familiar, and you knew.
The first thing out your lips was a hurried apology, looking away in favour of returning the carton into the fridge, placing the empty glass in the sink. You knew König never took that mask off for anyone, so to see the face under it felt like a violation of sorts on your part.
“It’s fine,” König had said, only to realise that his words couldn’t reach you, words that he was surprised he said himself. ‘It’s fine’? Was it actually fine?
Was König actually fine that you saw his face?
That your brows raised ever so slightly, surprised.
That you took a second to scan his features, despite the darkness of the room.
That your apology was so quick and so soft, that he swore his heart stopped for just a moment.
As you washed the cup in the kitchen sink, a hand finds itself on your shoulder, and you turned to face König, who was still unmasked.
To the untrained eye, he would’ve looked absolutely terrifying. Scars slashed across his features, his expression set and serious, but you saw the hesitation in his eyes, which were somehow the most expressive part of his face, yet the one feature he didn't hide.
König stood back a little, preserving your respective personal spaces as he drew his hand back to his side. You saw his lips part for a moment, as if to say something. You looked up at him, had to, because he towered over you, but you saw the indecision in his body language, and you gave him a nod.
“I can read lips,” you reassured. König heard you loud and clear, and his eyes look back into yours as he swallowed, adam’s apple moving along his neck. He thought for a moment, about what he wanted to say to you. A hard decision, considering the fact that he wanted to say everything in that moment, but he had a tendency to swirl into German if he got too carried away. So, he kept it simple.
“I don’t mind,” he said, aloud. He didn’t want to go out of his way to mouth the words to you, it felt rather condescending. But you got the message anyway, shown by the upwards curve of your lips, the single breath that you let out through your nose.
König breathed in. It was shaky, and filled his lungs to the brim. It felt like how he’d feel post-battle. The feeling of sinking emotions, of deep breathing and a mouth running dry. The feeling of pupils dilated, of his hands flexing and clenching at his side because god did he touch your shoulder just now? He didn't mean to do that.
“Are you sure?” you asked, cocking your head to the side with that slight grin, almost like you were anticipating, excited by the prospect of him wanting to share this part of him with you, one that he keeps so heavily guarded at all times. The thought made your chest ache.
Your colonel nodded, wetting his lips.
“I trust you.”
König runs incredibly fast for a bulky 6’10 man with tactical gear on and a rifle in his hands.
Fuck stealth, fuck sneaking and scouting around corners because every second he's not running is a second that you're alone and in danger. If any enemies are in his way, he simply shoots, not caring to make sure that they’re dead, he just needs them out of his fucking way.
He kicks in the door to the northern building, the sound reverberating through the building that he’s sure that you can feel. The colonel steps over the limp body of an enemy soldier, the puddle of red pooling under their lifeless corpse, soaking their camo maroon. His throat tightens when he sees your hearing aids sitting in that pool of red, or what’s left of it. Blood seeps into the shattered plastic, finding its way into the cracks, into the torn wiring of the device.
Making his way up the second floor, König catches a glimpse of the barrel of your rifle sticking out from behind a wall. Reckless on your part, but he could hardly blame you. He steps towards the corner, unsure of how to approach without startling you. The last thing he wants is for you to shoot him when he’s already so close to you; just behind a brick wall.
König found out why the military kept you around.
The first ever mission you go on together was his favourite. Before that, he’d heard the other Kortac officers talk about you, about how you'd snipe down enemies like candles on a cake, how you could scan a room in a single swipe of the eyes, how you’d saved their asses from more traps than they knew possible to put in one room.
He’d believed them, of course, because he never wanted to assume anything more than the best from you. But seeing was believing, and god, he was never more certain of anything in his life.
It was like coming face to face with an angel from a religion he didn’t know existed. He watched your steady hands, the rise and fall of your chest that held whenever you fired. You hardly missed, but when you did you’d pay it back by taking two more enemies out. König almost missed the grenade that landed by his feet, to which you kicked away before he could even react.
The two of you had to get shrapnel removed from your legs that day, but König smiles whenever he sees those scars, a reminder of you and your magnetic monstrosity.
He was right, you do try to shoot him.
König is lucky that your reflexes are just as good when retracting your rifle. He stares down at you, hands splayed and raised at his sides, firearm hitting the hard concrete floor with a cloud of dust. You’ve backed yourself into a corner where you had the best vantage point, where no one could see you through any windows or balconies. There’s a dull ache in his chest when he sees you like this, reduced to frantic breaths and wide eyes.
“König,” you say, his callsign slicing through your breathlessness as you lower your weapon. The relief sends chills down your spine, stirring together with the adrenaline in your blood; a boiling broth of feelings. You had half-expected that König didn’t hear your radio distress call, that someone had gotten to him before you’d gotten through. It was an imaginable thought, that someone would be able to take down this hulking boulder of a man, but you thought the impossible.
You watch him lower his hands, reaching them out towards you instead. You push yourself from the corner, your back killing you as you grab onto his wrists. His hands clench around nothing, the muscles in his wrists flexing under your grip.
“König, I can’t�� can’t hear you. I-I can’t–”
Without a second thought, König slips his arm from your hands and lifts his hood over his helmet.
“You’re safe,” he says aloud, making sure you have your eyes on him. Eye-black mixes with his sweat, a trail of ink running down his pale skin. He’d lowered himself to your eye-level, definitely straining his back. He holds onto your bicep, giving it a squeeze. The pressure is comforting, grounding you to reality, to König’s presence.
You nod, movements stuttered. König smiles, and so does his piercing blue eyes.
“You’re safe with me.”
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p-oisn · 8 months
✪ moot appreciation time ! tag some of your fav moots and share what you love about them ! then place this in other blogs asks !
okay I tried including as many ppl as possible but these are the ones I can list from the top of my head / interact w the most so </3
@pupicito : SUUPER CUTE ACC ??? like every mb is so unique n cool everyone should frame fish's mbs on their wall 🤕 n also so supportive like every post of theirs deserves a billion notes . alsososo thee most fun person to talk to ever 😞 js so sweet I wake up solely to look at fish's mbs they are so perfect i could talk abt them forever
@wiotas : I was acc so happy when I found out we knew each otber from like late 2022 ish i forgot ... (you knew me since my wannabe edgy phase but 😨) bc i rmb wanting to be your friend so bad bc you seemed so cool n now we're moots ?!?! you're so sweet liek omg ☹️☹️☹️ you always are so supportive n everytime you use my mbs as your theme i feel like biting into a brick wall BC WDYM you like my mbs enough to use them as your theme that's such an honour coming from you esp ?! 😞
@y-vna : DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ??? like oooh I'm so happy to have ari as a moot I don't even know what I did to deserve her 😞 n also you have such stunning jaw dropping toe curling stomach churning mbs like omg ???? giggling everytime I get an mb from from you bc it's literally like a blessing 🤞🏼🤞🏼 n js soo supportive
@jeonzio : scremaing and yelling everytime I look at your acc bc everything and I mean EVERYTHING abt is soooo pretty n pleasing to look at ?? you're soo sweet n also the cutest person ever !! idk what else to say but like live laugh love tee 🤕 I will forever cherish every single one of our interactions bc they are simply the cutest
@koosuvi : YOU'RE SOOO SUPPORTIVE SOBS I lovelovelove every single one of your compliments they make me want to start jumping around my room giggling 😞 n also you quite literally have one of THEE prettiest accs on tumblr like omg pls teach ... your mbs are always out of this world 😖😖 I love you n everything ab your blog never stop posting plz ill cry
@yeritos : JUNEEE my fav my fav my fav ☹️ the best nctzen on this app ugh there aren't enough words to describe my love for you 😞 your mbs are literally soooo gorgeous omg i was screaming n crying when you followed me back bc im literally your #1 fan . you're sososo nice n amazing n everything 🌸 I love waking up to your mbs everyday n eating my yeritos meal 🍴
@tookio : ONE OF THE BEST MOODBOARD CREATORS ON THIS APP literally no one comes close i mean it 😞 your entire account is sooo stunning like you really deserves ALLL the love in the world !! n omg how I love your comments they make my day soo much better I love you so much for that istg :(
@jaes1lvr : literally hugs n kisses to mely 🫂 /p one of my biggest supporters too n js super sweet 😞 your mbs are js sooo unique I wish I could plaster it on my forehead so everyone in the world could see them 😡😡 I will forever be grateful for your overwhelming support like omg <33
@s-heon : super cool person that i really really really admire 🤔 like omg i could talk abt how grateful I am to you for hours, days even bc you were like my biggest inspo ever while starting out n also your mbs 🔛🔝 im so happy I ever found your blog it has such a special place in my heart 🤕💓 i loev you to the moon n back .
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Hi again? Maybe ? idk 😭tumblr crashed on me while trying to submit sicktember ideas for cyno and i have no idea if it submitted or not so I’m gonna send this again and I’m so sorry if it’s a repeat 😅 I will try and keep it short tho in case it is! also! In my mind I had these set in your new Akademiya au but im open to whatever! And ofc no pressure to add all of these unless it feels right! Whatever works 🥰
Medication bribery- nari gets tasked with convincing Cyno to take himself to the birmstan after he shows up at the akademiya feverish and nauseous to a degree neither of them can handle. Cyno needs meds and fluids, but how does he convince him? Tcg cards? Or something else all together..
I didn’t mean to wake you up -Cyno stomach is sick and churning loudly Tighnari hears it begin to bother him early into their planned tcg over dinner night, but between Cynos lack of jokes and how he seems stubbornly force the meal nari made for them down, Tighnari begins to suspect the worst…Convincing him to spend the night is one thing but dealing with the savage stomach bug Cyno is coming down with is another Especially when it’s Tighnari, not Cyno, woken up in the night by the sounds of Cynos distressed insides before he himself can come too (could see this too working if a bunch of ppl had come over to play as well!)
poison/toxic - Aka The Cyno mushroom fic….He tried his best and remembered all of naris warnings he really did!
Almost all of them 
Sicktember 2024 - Prompt Alt. 02 - "I didn't mean to wake you up"
The first Sicktember fic is HERE!
I've been a lot more quiet recently than I've wanted to, what with work and being out of town and all that, but I'm still super excited to jump into my favourite challenge!
Reminder that I will be doing the challenge across both September and October, so if you're wondering why the prompt you requested isn't showing up, it's probably because it fell in the October half of the challenge.
Enough yapping! I hope everybody enjoys today's fic — the first installment of the Akademiya Days series!
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use this to talk about soft vore?
i wanna know how it can be soft or comforting pls tell me
oh my god my first anon
yes! yes i will! im actually kinda in the mood for soft comforting stuff rn so this is perfect
btw warning you now this is gonna be incredibly self indulgent (hope its not too much lol)
also i wrote this w/ g/t in mind
AAAHHH i love soft preds… maybe the prey’s having a rough day and just wants to chill, so the pred picks them up in a hand, peppering their small body with kisses, humming at their taste.. they just wanna make their prey happy! they get all squirmy, asking to be eaten so they can rest, so the pred slips them into their mouth, softly biting and tasting them, pushing them oh so softly around with their tongue, just savoring them and hoping the soft pressure calms the prey down. maybe they sit there for a bit, soaking up the nice feelings and the warmth of their pred’s mouth, comforting in ways they can't express. they lay on the pred’s soft tongue, feeling drool pile up around them, signaling the need to swallow.
hesitantly but sure the pred carefully presses the prey up to the top of their mouth, swallowing their drool that tastes like their friend, then the prey themselves.. the prey just melts at the touch, slowly making it down the pred’s throat, pressing into their body like a reassuring, full-body hug.. they savor every feeling, trying not to squirm and risk it being too much for their partner, finally slipping into the stomach. there they stretch out(hearing the pred hum in delight at the feeling), getting comfy and curling up against the so, so soft stomach walls like a cat. the prey feels saliva sticking to their clothes and hair, something that would usually be gross if it wasn't a reminder of how much they are cared for, how much they are loved, to be as close to someone as they ever could be. the prey lets a smile creep onto their features, hearing the pred mumble something about how perfect they taste, how wonderful they feel inside, how ethereal their movements feel, how fucking amazing and loved they are.. the prey digs a hand into the folds of the pred’s stomach, rubbing back in a non-verbal way of saying yes, of thank you, of i love you. maybe the pred purrs- they really needed this too, didn't they? the pred’s stomach churns around them softly, another feeling reminiscent of a hug that just makes the prey’s face go all warm. they hear their friend’s heart beat softly in time with their own, the comforting sound of their breaths luring them to a drowsy, half asleep state, the temperature reminding them of fresh blankets just out of the dryer or a nice warm bath. the soft gurgles around them only comfort them instead of worry them, knowing that their pred would never ever dream of hurting them, knowing they only want them to feel better- which has definitely been accomplished by now. the prey drifts off to the sound of quiet praise and the feeling of belly rubs from the inside, too tired to keep doing it themself, feeling so goddamn loved.
maybe later the prey gets a mini bath in the sink once they're out, pred washing them off with soap, making sure everything’s out of their hair and clothes, wrapping them up in a warm washcloth and holding them in their hand or on the pred’s chest, staring down at the prey with adoration obvious in their features. they can tell everything they did helped both parties, already planning when they could both do it again some time.
AAAHHH SORRY I GOT REALLY SAPPY THERE… platonic and romantic vore just gets me… im a sucker for soft shit like this, its what got me into vore in the first place lol- the soft touches and nonverbal reassurance is just so sweet to me, its such a show of how much ppl care abt one another, to keep someone safe INSIDE OF THEM, WHERE THEY’RE AS CLOSE AS THEY CAN BE TO EACH OTHER??? HOW IS THAT NOT ADORABLE.
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slightlyemoelephant · 7 months
i NEED to ramble about the ‘tiktok brainlets sayinf goth/punk aren’t music based subcultures’ topic from @dreamspring ‘s post because it is ITCHING my autistic little brain
they want to be part of the ‘aesthetic’ without doing any of the actual work (ie. listening to music they don’t like) or understanding where it came from. these mfs do NOT know that Crass refused to sell their records for profit and have NOT listened to a second of bela lugosi’s dead. they’re just stuck in this infuriating little trend cycle that consists of black clothes and shein chokers.
the POINT of these genres is that they aren’t intended to be digestible. they aren’t supposed to fit into a box. late stage capitalism is suppressing the meaning of subculture while churning out endless piles of consumerist junk for people to buy to call themselves alternative. you could argue that this all started during the ‘2020 tiktok alt’ phase where people started wearing demonias and listening to 100gecs. this aesthetic didn’t exist outside of the internet- it had no grounding in real life.
i’m not gonna say that the tiktok alt bunny hat demonia monster energy 100gecs bollocks is cringe because sometimes when you’re a teenager (particularly a queer one) you go through weird phases. it happens to the best of us. but what i WILL say is it sparked so much debate about ‘what counts as alt’ from bunny hats to lace code ??? (yeah ppl liked to bring that one up as some kind of gotcha or i-know-more-than-you thing).
the difference here is that goth and punk ARE and WERE real life. they started as subsections of society with attitudes, clothes, ways of living, and MUSIC. the music and clothes are expressions of attitudes and they’re too connected to separate.
it’s like this weird chicken and egg situation for them when in reality they should just get a grip and TRY listening to some of the music. TRY going to a show or doing a bit of DIY. it’s more than just a little sticker you can put on your lil peep spotify playlist.
and at the end of the day, you don’t HAVE to be a punk or a goth to have left wing views!! it’s fine if you aren’t! and you can try different things out and maybe … learn something new … outside of the tiktok hyper consumerist bubble! what!!! no way!!! it’s almost like the app is designed to monopolise your time and thoughts and categorise everything into neat little sellable aesthetics !!!
it’s all just so WANK how these ppl are afraid they might overstep or do something wrong or somehow appropriate something. if this is the case for you then KILL THE POSER IN YOUR MIND.
in conclusion: if you can’t at least TRY a LITTLE BIT to explore a subculture style in a way you’re able to (outside of the tiktok comment section) then PISS OFF you little poser. xxx
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rinhaler · 9 months
Yo! im back again. I saw ppl really liked the step daddy gojo and uncle nanamin camgirl au idea, and now i raise you: pornstar au!
set of porn videos with uncle nanamin and stepdaddy gojo that evolve into videos featuring guest stars like toji or geto or choso (and, curiously enough, sukuna) Till eventually theres a christmas special where they gangbang you. (or “stuff your stockings” as they call it here. yeah its as cheesy as one might expect with gojo lol)
The videos leading up to it have different ‘plots’, such as:
-sneaking out against gojo’s orders to go out with your friends late at night. After all, youre an adult, he cant tell you what to do. While yall are out on the streets literally every car looks like your stepdaddy’s car which makes you on edge the entire time. Until you actually see gojo pass by you guys, and uncle nanami is sitting in the car next to him. they both stare at you as they pass by (picture that zoolander meme but nervewracking and kinda exciting?)
long story short, gojo texts you to get your ass back home. You do as he says, and him and nanami punish you as they see fit
-Gojo rearranging your guts later during the day when you decide to get all dolled up and wear a cute but revealing outfit when the other men come over for bbq. Whatever you were planning worked, because you saw them eyeing you the whole time. Unfortunately for you, this didnt go unnoticed by gojo 👀
-wearing an excuse of a string bikini and standing over nanami, whos sunbathing on the recliner chair, asking him if he can pretty please help rub some sunscreen on your back (spoiler: it wasnt just your back that he ended up “””putting sunscreen”” on)
-this specific plot has been on my mind since 2020, but attending online lectures while getting plowed/eaten out, and having to hold back from moaning when youre unmuted. When you are muted, however, youre making all sorts of pretty noises. could be nanami or gojo
-hanging out with megumi and fucking his dad somehow without him noticing. Like toji eating you out while ur bent over the counter. Megumi walks in, but he cant see whats going on bc ur behind the counter. Toji, however, doesnt stop. If anything he starts doing MORE, teasing the fuck out of you knowing you cant make any noises.
Megumi asks if you’ve seen his dad, you choke out a “N-no, maybe hes in thehhh the backyard” He gives you a weird look, says okay, and then leaves the kitchen. the SECOND you hear the back door shut you let out a stream of moans for toji, whos very pleased by this whole ordeal
-This one is just straight up asking toji and geto to tag team you. And they do so, gladly. They take pictures, too
Theres definitely more but thats all i can think of at the moment. This was a super long ask, but i think you’ll enjoy it.
toodles! :))
omg sorry I took forever to answer this one I had NO idea where to start but you ate as always I love all of these. My favourite (unbiased for daddy toji ofc) the kitchen one with him EEEEEP the thought of having to try so hard to be quiet until he's out of ear shot HNNNGGGGGNGNGNGNNGNG hrrrruddhudfhusddhummmmmmmm brain is short circuiting I'm gonna d i e
these are all so good though omg you churned these ideas OUT u should write if u have a writing blog :P
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the way i wish there could be more good faith analysis and fic about billy having adopted racial prejudice from his dad and then learning to properly recognize it and grow past it in order become a better person. i wish there was more posts and fics that tackle the bullshit lucas has had to deal with as a black kid in small town indiana because the duffers never even considered it. but the sheer puritan black and white thinking and performative activism or moral virtue signaling or whatever the fuck that is so pervasive in this fandom means that even the few posts and fics that dare to try and actually tackle racism tend turn it into either a punishment narrative, are depressingly shallow about it, make it about hating and liking the 'right characters', or miss the mark entirely
like i get it, homophobia/transphobia is easier to explore and talk about for most fans. it's complex and multi-layered just like other types of oppression, but so much of fandom is queer and dedicated to shipping and labels that yeah, i can see how talking about it is just. easier for a lot of ppl. also a lot of fandom is white. and lots of white gays get weird about discussing racism in their spaces. y'know the deal, but i digress. from what i can see, very few ppl want to explore how racism affects our favorite characters and the stories they live in. i know some ppl are probably afraid of getting it wrong, or they don't know anything about it and don't feel like they should. it's like, my blorbo is queer and so am i, so why wouldn't i talk all day about that? i get it. but it honestly just means a lot when someone tries earnestly. i have read beautiful fics about trans love through hardship by cis authors and such genuine fics about connection in the face of racism's poison by white authors.
there is just SO much untapped potential in exploring lucas and max and billy and patrick and argyle and all the other characters directly and indirectly affected by bigotry and racism within the narrative that never got the acknowledgement it deserved. plus it's super weird being used as a 'gotcha!' by white fans that hate billy (as if poc fans of billy aren't capable of seeing it for the bullshit it is) or seeing lucas' treatment in the show get brushed aside like it's nothing or how argyle gets sidelined an awful lot in the fandom (and don't even get me started on how messy the classism in this fandom can be, the borderline erasure of eddie's poverty and its effects on who he is as a person in fic is insane sometimes)
anyway. idk if any of this makes sense, but i can count like maybe 3 good fics and maybe a dozen good posts about billy that actually address this in good faith and only maybe a dozen more for every other character i mentioned. and i desperately want more. i am brown and queer and i want healing and love for all of these characters and i am going to have to start churning out more of it myself at this rate.
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tau1tvec · 1 year
Hiya! With the news of TS5 I was wondering what you think about Life By You and Paralives. Paralives, I think, probably isn't for me, but the modding policy/scene in LBY makes me really nervous. Do you have any thoughts so far?
Ehhh, with how everything is in the gaming industry these days, I try to keep cautiously optimistic about anything I’m even remotely interested in, so not to get disappointed when things don’t pan out.
Between YouTubers churning out speculation vids weekly on games still deep in development, gaming articles building up unreasonably high expectations, so they can write out more articles when they aren’t met, and games feeling less like games in general by prioritizing monetization over… well everything else, it’s hard to know what will be or won’t be good anymore, especially when a lotta times I think it’s honestly just up to the player to figure out whether they’re willing to overlook a few flaws for an experience they might still find to be quite fulfilling.
Personally, I’m interested in both, but for very different reasons.
Paralives looks like it’ll be something a bit more chill, and fun to unwind with, similar to Animal Crossing. The level of customizability however will depend on whether I’ll do more with it than turn it on and check on my pixel ppl every once and a while, but considering it’s an indie game by a small dev, I’m not expecting anything on the level of The Sims from it, and that’s totally okay. It can still be greatly enjoyable, and fun to gif and blog about like many other indie games.
Life by You on the other hand is feeling a bit like the opposite, with all its supposed customization capabilities, it’s kind of overwhelming, and kind of confused as to what it is exactly. Is it a game? Is it a tool? I feel as if I won’t know until I get my hands on it, but it certainly looks like it’d be fun to mess around in, in a way that’s similar to Paradox’s other title, City Skylines, and once again that isn’t a bad thing, but I won’t lie and say I’m not also hoping it could be a spiritual successor to The Sims 3, what with its producer at the helm.
Still… The Sims 3 holds such a special place in my heart, that I know calling it that now… would likely set me up for disappointment down the road, so it’s a wait and see for me on this one.
Now as for modding, idk… I don’t know their policy, but considering this person was also behind Second Life, I can see why this might concern some people and honestly… the gates to paid mods opened a long time ago, and has only opened wider in recent years with the convenience offered from sites like Patreon. The chance to shut that gate, and keep them out of games for good has long past, thank God for pirates.
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wheezes softly okay so monstery silco au thoughts 
idk if i have a name for this au or not yet but i have a lot of loose scrambled ideas and Vibes and various atmospheric scenes floating in my head
ive no idea if any of this is quality and all i know about league lore is what i can glean from wikis and one very enthustiastic infodumping friend
i also just, really like subtle monster shit. this person is a monster but oh, they could so easily be human.
ahhh this is all just very. slapped togethor thoughts its not super coherent apologies
so bare with me
im rly fascinated with tahm kench and i know im not the only one and i see a Lot of ppl who like to associate him with silco in some way- wether silco worships him, made a deal with him, whatever, a lot ppl seem to like playing with the idea and theyre valid
to my understanding tahm kench isnt exactly limited in what he can appear as- of course theres the squat and charming catfishalligator man in his jaunty little hat but to my understanding he can take on other appareances? idk i recall reading this but i cant recall where to save my life so like for the sake of this au we’ll just assume he Can appear human if he wants to 
we also know like nothing about silco’s childhood etc so im playing fast and loose
im never sure if im of the opinion that silco had shit parents or parents who tried their best but honestly its likely a little of column a a little of column b and im rambling too much and need to get to the point
in the context of this au sil’s mom had a mysterious but charming paramour who often made her promises of wealth and good fortune and one day he just sort of vanished from her life but not without leaving her pregnant
she successfully passed off the baby as her husband's by the sheer fortune that said baby seemed to resemble her and not her paramour in the least
paramour was, obvs a this point, tahm kench
my reasoning why for he did this in the first place is mostly that hes just fucking around for shiggles- theres other reasons but im a bit scatterbrained at the moment and words to explain are not coming to me so great
silco is largely the same as he is in canon- he’s not visibly inhuman in any way, and he doesnt act much different at all. though, i suppose, in the right light, teeth can look unnaturally sharp, eyes too solidly dark like nothing human should have, etc
but he’s prone to disassociative states and cravings for Meat ideally Very Fresh and Possibly Alive Meat and they’re worse when he’s in compromised emotional or physical states
his father left/died/whatever early on leaving him largely in the care of just his mother and while she did her best rumors inevitably spread of her weirdass half feral kid, his ill temper, his strange disposition, and the massive amount of meat he seems to require
stories that he was slowly eating her out of house and home
stories that he wouldnt stop even if the only flesh she had to provide was her own
eventually, she too was gone
i dont think sil actually hurt her or attacked her in any way, but one day it was just silco, alone, with no one else, and the rumor mill churns and youve got stories about some scrawny monster that killed and ate his own mother
he and vander do end up friends as in canon, i dont doubt b/c vander took pity on this weird guy with a bad, bad reputation but a relatively skittish (if bitey, hah) personality 
like i said a lot of this au is just sort of various scenes playing out in my head- sil ends up attacking people occasionally and its a bloody fucking mess every time
hes a conniving, sneaky little schemer and any outright deals anyone makes with him always seem to fall in his favour
he has his skills, and he’s useful, and in his own way he’s a loving and devoted friend
he is still the deeply driven revolutionary we have in canon- he loves his home and his people but he’s harsh and not afraid to spill blood
the drowning incident occurs more or less the same but vander comes out of it with a lot more than just his arm wound- silco bites, and as it turns out under life or death circumstances he can be a lot less human than he’s always seemed
i dont think he knows he’s tahm kench’s offspring until the drowning incident, having some kind of “conversation” hallucination with the river king while under and learning of his parentage
ironically the shimmer he takes for his eye is a blessing- shimmer works as an appetite suppressant and as he gets older there are way, way less incidents
jinx knows her dad is weird and so does everyone working under him but for the most part its not a problem, yes the boss is fucking scary they all know this its nothing new
i think shit gets Real odd tho post-death
im not sure silco can be properly killed, not in a way that sticks right
his body gets dumped in the river and that should be the end of it, but i think perhaps there are strange sightings for years to come, mysterious disappearances of people who wander the shores alone
im playing with this ball of idea clay and having great fun with it, others can play too if they wanna
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opinated-user · 2 years
Also sponsors want vids to be uploaded on certain days/times so other than a quick/efficient editor it’d be hard for some YouTubers to churn out a vid as quick without a weeks ahead notice or so (kinda moot anyways tho wouldn’t be surprised if lily got a cut of the money ads get from auto playing) patreon aside I don’t think even YouTubers with double lilys audience would make enough without a Side job unless they live with others/really frugal lives, like other than the ppl upload daily it seems like it wouldn’t be sustainable unless ur passionate about it
that is exactly another thing that concerns me about LO and MO living together. LO might as well know how to handle her finances when she's on her own, so counting on having to provide for another full grown woman could get very complicated very quickly if MO didn't get another job.
most Youtubers diversify their income by making merch, having an online store or comissions so i honestly don't know how LO has managed until now.
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papirouge · 2 years
Whenever I see people talking about how some countries are in decline due to low natality, and then search their politics on issues like abortion I actually hope that these countries do stop existing and that ones that do value life end up being created. Also reading about Japan's past w this was gut churning
Yeah since I do understand japanese I sometimes browse their forum/SNS and it's insane the amount of women saying a child is just too expensive to have one. Japan's population is declining and aging like crazy and the dim newer generation has to bear the weight of this aging population. Many people complain their country is ruled by oldheads who are out of touch with reality. IDK if you followed up the fiasco of the Tokyo Olympics and how the Olympics bureau screwed up the initial (and quite promising) ceremony plan for a much more austere and boring ceremony (sure C0vîd changed their plans, but what was the point to straight up cancel the entertainers presence when they could simply reduce the scale/budget of their performence?).
Shit happening in Japan is very distopic and wicked and the only ppl hyping this country are racialist rightoids raving about muh crimeless ethnostate wet dream and weebs who think Japan is like anime and want to live there as rootless plants living their Yamato Japan dream à la PewDiePie who's finally settled there....only to hang out with White gaijin 💀 lmao But beside these idiots, hardly anyone wants to live through such a demographic nightmare.
I've always said Japanese entertainment culture being so rich was a cope of an IRL lifestyle that was bleak and unfulfilling. And now this whole anime/manga culture has made its way here bc the Western world is undergoing the same societal collapse that Japan did a few decades before (social isolation, gaming, parasocial relationships becoming the norm over social ones, etc.).
People with fulfilling life don't watch anime/do gaming for hours once they get home or dress up as fictional characters half their age.. (especially when 99% of these shows are stupid and intellectually regressive). This self indulgence is why many adults today behave like children and become degenerates. I got so much shit for saying that, but an anime fan over 25 years old has something wrong with them. Casual watching is ok but being obsessive with that culture is mental deficiency in action.
And yes, Japan History esp during WWII is sketchy but they have this sort of revisionism where they act like nothing much happened. It's highkey creepy to see the amount of japanese words coming straight from German (アルバイト, ワッペン etc. ) when you know the context of how this happened... 🥴 and let's not talk about the weird SS uniform memorabilia in Visual Kei They've become the submissive USA lackey post war though so I guess they made a deal to not get much trouble for that👀. I had a Chinese friend of mine who despised Japan and I think that's also the case of Koreans. Those countries mutually hate each other since centuries now anyway. Not surprised to see Westerners aligning themselves with Japan when Japan has the same history of colonialism and cultural & racial supremacism. Imperialists countries have this weird fellowship around the evilness they did lol
Even when browsing on japanese SNS I'm shocked by the casual racism of Japanese netizens especially against continental Asians. They had a field day during c0vîd dragging the Chinese, and whenever a public figure gets in trouble they happen to get suspicious about some supposed foreign ancestry ("this person always looked kinda foreign..."). Japanese netizens HATE Kiko Mizuhara because she doesn't have japanese blood (she's half Korean half USAmerican) yet immigrated in Japan with her (Korean) mom while still a baby and has become one of the most successful supermodel in Japan and oversea, but it doesn't stop them from calling her a foreigner and telling how she can't properly pull off the kimono cause she's not a pure japanese breed this kuso Zainichi imposter ùwú. I even saw one send shots at Kana Oya because she's half Japanese half Brazilian and call her a "poor Brazilian" (poor as in "no money" since Brazil is indeed a poor country but how does any of that relates to Kana personally..?). They have this weird obsession to use someone foreignness/mixedness as a diss. Interestingly, I hardly see them having the same energy against half White entertainers¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (as long as they're not half Chinese or Korean ofc lol)
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Long commenters you are amazing. Please never apologize. Seeing comments like that, for me, especially since interaction is terrible these days (and honestly most people don’t interact at all), seeing your comment is like the sun coming out after a rainy day. Never apologize. You are such a gift and I (and other writers I’m sure) adore you.
Please rant to me about what you loved
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I churn out all this work I love bc I love it but It’s depressing getting nothing back but crickets, silence…maybe a kudos, and maybe a lone reblog on a lucky week. Its why I’m always tempted to no longer share publicly. I’ll still write of course, but just go private.
It’s like giving a performance and the crowd just stares blankly back at you. Then demands more if you don’t put anything new out, or fast enough. Another issue? Updating that thing ppl keep asking for and no one reads it, no one shares - just silence. Or giving a performance, sharing a creation and getting ignored. Then people complaining that you haven’t created anything or don’t update fast enough.
Those who do comment (no matter the length, it could be an emoji), who share, who interact, who show us some love, thank you! Sharing our creations is a labor of love and extremely time consuming. It may take you 5 minutes or longer to read, to consume, but for us? It’s takes hours, days, weeks. Sometimes months. Sometimes years.
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calvatier · 8 months
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Byaer'i but I drew him without a bandana this time and he looks soo cute and omg he looks so gentle here,,,how can this lil guy be a barbarian,,,
I've never rly explored his lore much but I think I'm finally solidifying the idea that he was from Marth's clan and was kicked out for the complete opposite of what Marth did. Byaer'i was a passionate guy and he was also bold and brave, maybe his ambitions got to him and he took things a tad too far which caused his clan to banish him for their own safety 😭😭 I don't think I wanna explore the idea that he tried to take over the clan cus he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would want to usurp authority, maybe he just did some stupid stunt and past tensions regarding his behaviour finally spilled over and ppl chased him out
Poor lil guy, all he did was live life as passionately as he could
I'm still a little dry on ideas for lore rn because it's my assignment grinding week (and the next week as well) but my break is right after my assignments and it's a 6 week break so oughhh.....i can finally focus on OCs and lil projects ❤️ can't wait, I rly wanna develop my worldbuilding more
I think I shld start to be more accepting of myself when I'm unable to churn out ideas, need to remember that I'm human and not some idea machine...i always beat myself up when i cant think of a new idea for my story but honestly i think i shld stop bc i need to understand that some days and some weeks, i have other things to focus on and i can't constantly think of my worldbuilding
But I still constantly think of my OCs because,,,I'm heavily hyperfixated on them,,,they invade my every thought grahhh,,I hope they never get out of my head cus I love them lots
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