#Also my sister walked and saw what I was drawing and she asked if Bunny is a girl
Content warning???? This kinda suggestive???
I don't know honestly I've never posted something openly suggestive without noticing I hope- Just.. I just wanna warn people who might be not okay with the theme-
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Aka, AbelBunny brainrot wins once again-
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: omg! it's been so long since i last wrote something for harry so it feels a bit weird but in a good way to be back. i've been spending more time offline so writing hasn't been going that fast like before, but im working on a few other stuff too! just please be patient with me, im trying my besti swear! so now enjoy this oneshot of two oblivious and stupid roommates who start sharing a bed...
pairing: Roommate!Harry x reader
word count: 8.1k
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Living with three boys has its perks but also a lot of downsides too. It’s not how you planned, you were set to move in with one of your friends from second year, but she bailed on you last minute, leaving you with no place to live when most of the houses were already taken for the next at least one year. You were bracing yourself to sleep under a bridge or something already when your heroes came along.
You went to high school with Harry Niall and Louis, but you weren’t exactly in the same friend group, just knew about each other. Then you ended up in the same Lit class freshman year with Harry and he was basically your pass into their little group. You hit it off pretty easily and you always wondered why you didn’t become friends before college. Later you had two more classes with him in the second semester and it was just all a coincidence that he found out about your living situation.
“Why don’t you move in with us?” he prompted one afternoon when you were studying together in the library.
“I’m not sharing a room with any of you, Harry,” you sighed, shaking your head.
“You wouldn’t have to. We had a fourth mate living with us but he dropped out about a month ago. You could take his bedroom.”
“Are for real? You should talk about it with the boys first, don’t you think?”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind it. They like you too and if I’m being honest, the place could use the touch of a woman,” he smirked and you just rolled your eyes, but you were incredibly thankful for the offer.
So after talking with Niall and Louis about it and once they gave their amens on the situation, you officially moved in with the three of them.
You’d be lying if you said there hasn’t been times when you thought about choosing the bridge, living with boys is not exactly a dream. They are messy, sometimes loud and oblivious about certain things women do and need. You’ll never forget Niall’s face when you packed the shelf above the toilet with your tampons and pads. The horror in his eyes as he examined all the different sizes and types.
“But why so many? I don’t get it why you need the large ones and the mini ones too,” he huffed.
“Because I vary them according to the strength of my flow.”
“Bless you,” he scoffed and just walked away.
They tend to leave their clothes around the house and they don’t always realize when it’s time to let some fresh air into the place either. Harry has a sixth sense wanting to use the bathroom when you’re in and Louis always forgets to get rid of his spoiled food from the fridge. Tini things that surely got you thinking if it was a good idea to move in with them. But then there are times when you can’t even imagine sharing a home with anyone else than these three idiots.
The way Harry always leaves you a cup of coffee on the counter when he has an early class on mondays and wednesdays, how Niall always waits for you to get home after your night shifts at the restaurant you’ve been working at, but he always just says he was watching Supernatural on TV. You love that Louis goes out of his way to get you your favorite pastry for breakfast on sundays when he goes for his morning runs. But the absolute best is that you never feel alone or bored with these three around. Something is always happening and they make sure to involve you in everything, making you feel like part of their little pack.
Tonight is Thursday and Thursdays are movie nights in your home. It’s been a tradition since the first week and you haven’t missed any of them. Sitting on the couch at your usual spot, you laugh as Niall growls in annoyance when you suggest to watch another rom-com.
“Not again!” he protests, sitting on the floor by the coffee table you and Harry thrifted a few months ago after the previous one was broken at a smaller party held in the house.
“Why? I bet Harry would love it!” you grin, glancing at the guy in talk who is now entering the room with a big bowl of popcorn.
“Of course he would, because he is a pussy! And the two of you always team up, dragging Louis with you so I can never watch something I enjoy!” Niall whines as Harry sits next to you, not too bothered by his friend’s cries.
“Come on, I bet you enjoyed Crazy, Stupid Love last week!” you laugh, remembering how he whined for the first part, then fell asleep at the end.
“Love, if you think that was enjoyment, I wouldn’t want to be your boyfriend,” Niall scoffs and you gasp at his reply.
“Hey!” you snap at him, but can’t help laughing. This is how it always goes with you and Niall, the non-stop bickering can sometimes drive Harry and Lou insane.
“Okay, so what do you want to watch?” Harry asks, throwing some popcorn into his mouth as he gets comfortable, an arm resting on the back of the couch behind you, the other one busy with the snack in his lap.
“There is this new horror I’ve been dying to see!” Niall’s blue eyes light up right away, but you’re fast to break that shine.
“Nah, no way. I’m not watching a horror movie.”
“Why not?”
“Because I fucking hate them and they scare the shit out of me.”
“That’s like the whole point!” he protests, but you shake your head no again.
“What are you fighting about again?” Louis asks, walking into the room after his quick shower, the smell of his body wash filling the room for a few moments.
“I want to watch a horror movie, but Y/N is a little baby and she doesn’t want to.”
“I’m not a baby! I just don’t enjoy watching people get killed or demons sucking the life out of someone!” Niall just rolls his eyes at your response.
“But it’s always what you or Harry wants to watch, why can’t I choose just this once?”
“That’s not true, we watch movies you like too!” you retort, but Niall gives you an unimpressed look. “We watched that crime thing, that was your choice!”
“That was three months ago, Y/N,” he sighs and as you do some quick math you realize that he is right.
“Hey, he has a point. Let’s just watch what he wants this one time, yeah?” Harry curls his arm that’s been on the back of the couch around your shoulder and he pulls you to his side, squeezing you gently.
“But I hate horrors,” you pout, knowing well that it’s already kind of settled, you lost this battle.
“It’s just a movie. And if you get scared in the night, you can sleep at mine,” he offers with a wink that surely makes your heartbeat fasten a bit.
If you’re being honest, you’ve always had a tiny crush on Harry, even back in high school, when you didn’t really know him. He was the cool guy, but not the douchebag type, more like the one that was nice to everyone and earned their respect and liking. Getting to know him just proved that he really is a great guy, but you figured he would never feel the same way about you. These three guys only saw you as their sister and that was in a way kinda worse than being friend zoned, but there’s nothing you can do about it, so you just decided to come to peace with your situation. But that doesn’t mean you don’t get flustered when you see him wander around the house in just his boxers or when he gets a little touchy with you, which happens a lot, because that’s just how he is. Hands on your shoulders, a little squeeze on your hips, the gentle touch of his fingers on your back, they happen all the time and they get your pulse up every time. You can only hope it’s not that noticeable.
Niall finally gets what he wants and you agree to watch that stupid horror movie. It doesn’t start off too bad, but it quickly escalates and makes you shudder every time the screen gets a little darker or the music is foreshadowing that something is about to happen.
“Jesus fuck!” you jump a little when the killer appears out of nowhere in the scene.
“You alright?” Harry asks, peeking down at you.
“I fucking hate this dude,” you mumble, rubbing your face with your hands, to get your shit together. Harry chuckles lightly next to you, his arm pulling you to his side close and you gladly sink against him, the warmth of his body giving you some comfort and a sense of safety.
Your eyes are on the screen, but your mind is dancing around how his fingers are delicately running up and down your arm, drawing circles and little shapes on your skin. It could put you to sleep easily, even with the woman screaming on the screen after seeing her husband get killed.
“Just imagine the guy with a funny mustache,” Harry murmurs, leaning closer to you so he doesn’t bother the other two guys with his comment. “Or maybe in a ridiculous outfit.”
“Like… in a onsie?” you ask, squinting your eyes at the screen.
“Could be, yeah,” he chuckles quietly. “Just imagine him running through the woods in a onsie with bunnies all over it.”
You can’t push your laughter down, covering your mouth with your hand so you don’t bother the others. Harry just smirks, giving you a squeeze as you’re still melted against his side on the couch, legs pulled up to your chest, while his are spread out in front of him.
“Definitely not that scary,” you giggle and Harry hums in agreement.
“Would you mind getting a fucking room, you guys? You have two, in fact!” Niall snaps at you playfully, when you start laughing again.
“Sorry, sorry!” you clear your throat, your cheeks heating up at the comment, but luckily it’s dark enough to hide your embarrassment. Niall is always quick to make dirty jokes and tease you in a way that makes you nervous, especially when it involves Harry as well. He has made plenty of comments about you and Harry since you’ve moved in, implying that the two of you sometimes act like a couple or that you should hook up. Harry is always quick to shake them off, that’s how you know he couldn’t even take the thought seriously.
At the end of the movie you feel like it wasn’t bad, not with Harry holding you close at least.
“Will you be screaming tonight, Y/N?” Niall teases you, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Either way it’s gonna be your fault.”
“I can live with that!” he laughs, bidding his goodbye before he shuts the door of his bedroom behind him.
You do your usual evening routine, get ready to bed and by the time you’re done in the bathroom all the boys have retired into their rooms. The hallway stands dark in front of you, only a tiny bit of light coming from your bedroom since you left your bedside lamp on in there, but you still can’t help the eerie feeling that washes over you. That movie didn’t sit right with you and now you have to face the aftermath of it.
Switching the lights in the bathroom off you sprint into your bedroom, pictures from the movie flashing in your mind of the killer just jumping out of nowhere. You shut the door and lean your back against it for a moment, taking a deep breath. Tonight is going to be long.
No matter how hard you try, you just can’t fall asleep. You’re way too alerted, opening your eyes at the tiniest of sounds around you, which is unfortunate, because your window is looking over the main street, unlike two other rooms in the house, that are facing the small backyard. Harry and Louis have the luck to have those rooms.
Every time you’re about to fall asleep something from the movie sneaks into your thoughts and you get scared to death. Soon, you realize you won’t be able to sleep on your own tonight.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, you wonder if Harry really meant that offer that you can sleep with him or not. Part of you is convinced it was just a joke, but when you hear someone shouting down the street you push your doubts aside and you quickly find yourself making your way to Harry’s room.
You knock on the room lightly, not wanting to wake anyone else up. The last thing you need is Niall seeing you go into Harry’s room in the middle of the night.
No answer comes from inside, but you won’t just leave it at that. Opening the door you’re facing another dark room, barely making out the furniture, but you already know the route by heart. Making it to the bed your eyes finally adjust to the darkness and you can see Harry lying on his side, sleeping peacefully. Squatting down you place a hand to his shoulder and give him a tiny shake.
“Harry?” you call out quietly, but his answer is just a huff. “Harry, it’s me,” you try again, squeezing his arm. He furrows his eyebrows before slowly blinking his eyes open, finding you in his sight.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks in that groggy, low voice you love hearing in the morning so much.
“I can’t… Did you mean that I can sleep here if I’m scared?” you ask, afraid that he might just have a good laugh and send you back to your room. For a long moment, he just blinks at you before nodding his head and you feel relief washing over you.
“Sure,” he hums.
“O-okay then I’ll bring a blanket and take the floor and--”
“Shut up, you are not sleeping on the floor,” he growls, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into bed with him as he scoots over, making you space on the mattress.
It’s a bit weird at first, lying in bed with Harry, especially because it’s just queen sized, so there’s not much space between the two of you, but it seems like Harry doesn’t mind it so why should you?
Your nerves are a lot calmer with Harry next to you, but maybe it’s still because of the movie or because you’re a bit anxious about the whole situation, you just still can’t relax enough to fall asleep.
“Y/N, no one is gonna kill you here,” Harry speaks up surprising you because you thought he has already fallen back asleep.
“I know, I know,” you whisper, trying to sound convincing, but you can’t fool anyone, especially not him.
He huffs deeply and before you could realize what’s happening, Harry’s arm is curled around your waist, pulling you against him, spooning you from behind, the warmth of his body wrapping your figure almost entirely.
“If a murderer comes, they will have to fight me first, alright? Now sleep,” he mumbles against your hair, squeezing you gently. All at once, you couldn’t care about killers and dark shadows around you, because Harry was right there, holding you tight and there was nowhere you wanted to be more than right there.
You slept like a baby. Harry’s closeness kept every nightmare away from you and the morning came with ease. Harry’s phone wakes the two of you up at eight, because he has a morning class at 9.30. The two of you are completely tangled up in each other, lying on your side facing each other, Harry’s arms are wrapped around you, while yours are hugging his waist. Groaning at the sound of his alarm, he rolls to his back to reach for the phone on the nightstand and then he finally turns it off. It’s bright outside, the darkness of the night finally long gone. You’re still groggy when Harry rolls back, his arm coming back around you like it’s the most natural thing in the world and in a sense, it feels like that. But as you both slowly wake up, you realize that you might be a little too close. Slowly but surely you let go of each other, rolling to your back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Hope I didn’t kick you in my sleep,” you smile at him, peeking over at him, hoping to break the awkwardness of the situation.
“No, don’t worry about it,” he chuckles, rubbing his eyes, before pushing himself up and off the bed. You follow him with your gaze as he steps to his dresser and grabs a pair of clean underwear. “I’ll put on a coffee while I shower, want one too?” he asks, though you know he could make one for you anyway.
“Sure, thank you,” you nod and he nods back, yawning as he walks out of the room, leaving you lying in his bed, a bit confused and kind of aching to be held by him again.
Two days pass by, everything is going as per usual, neither you nor Harry brings up that you spent the night in his bed that one particular time. Now it’s saturday and you all were planning to go out, but a sudden storm has cancelled your plans, so the evening turned into a cozy, lazy hangout instead of a wild party at some frat house.
Louis decided to work on a paper that’s due in two weeks, Niall has been relentlessly swiping on Tinder while you and Harry are spawled out on the couch, watching some shitty action movie that was on TV, since you both were too lazy to choose one and put it on. Deep down you’re a little happy you don’t have to spend the evening in a crowded, smelly house, drinking cheap alcohol.
Harry gets up from his seat to grab himself a drink just when Niall growls in annoyance.
“What is it?” you ask.
“They keep unmatching with me after we’ve talked a little!”
“Have you thought about the reason?” you smirk at him, knowing well that Niall probably isn’t the easiest to talk to, he surely takes it too far too soon.
“Well they probably don’t like that I ask them if I can go over,” he shrugs, making you laugh.
“You’d go over in the pouring rain?” Harry asks, returning to his spot on the couch. He puts his drink to the coffee table and instead of sitting into his previous position, leaning against the arm of the couch, he lies down, laying his head to your thigh, making your breath hitch for a moment.
“Of course not!” Niall rolls his eyes. “But I thought it would make them think I would do anything for them.”
“It makes you seem desperate,” Harry retorts, earning a questioning look from his friend. “What? It does!”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Yes it does,” you nod in agreement. “Going over in the middle of a storm just to fuck? Sounds like you’re having a hard time finding someone.”
“Women are so fucking complicated, and for what?!” he growls, before storming off to his bedroom, like an angsty teenager, leaving you and Harry alone.
He doesn’t move, his head stays on your thigh using it as a pillow. His curls are tickling the soft skin on your thigh and you have to fight the urge to play with his hair or scratch his scalp. You stay like this for the rest of the movie and when he gets up you almost want to pull him back.
“Alright, I’m fucked, I’m gonna go to bed,” he yawns, stretching his arms out into the air as he heads into his bedroom. “Good night, Y/N.”
“Night, Harry!” you call after him as you watch his frame disappear down the hallway.
Sighing, you slide down on the couch, cursing under your breath that you’re still so hung up on Harry. You really thought that you had it under control, but lately those damn butterflies are acting up in your stomach at everything he does.
“I’m pathetic,” you mumble under your breath just as the sky rumbles outside with a blinding lightning, making you jump with a squeak. “Shit,” you huff, already knowing that falling asleep will be a pain in the ass. Again.
You’ve always hated storms, they make you think that something bad is about to happen, a tree is about to fall into the window or a lightning will blow up the building. It’s kind of stupid, you know it, but you just can’t help it.
Tossing and turning, you jump every time a lightning flashes somewhere outside and a few seconds later the thunder rips through your whole body, almost making you fall off the bed.
“Oh God,” you let out a shaky breath. You have no idea how long it is until the Storm finally stops and you’d really like to have a good night's sleep. So pushing your anxious thoughts to the side, you get out of bed and head over to Harry’s room once again.
It’s such a deja vu from a few nights ago, as you gently knock on the door you wait again, but this time you actually get an answer.
“Yeah?” you hear him call out from inside and you slowly open the door, peeking your head inside. Harry is lying in bed, his head propped up against the headboard as he is scrolling through his phone. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks, putting the phone aside as he sits up.
“I just, I-I know it’s stupid, but I was thinking… I don’t know--”
“Y/N, just tell me, alright? Come on in,” he gestures for you and you slip into the room, closing the door behind you before sitting to the edge of the bed next to him. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t sleep during storms…” you admit, looking into his eyes, hoping he gets the hint where you want to head with it. He stares back at you for a moment before he scoots over, lifting the covers up, giving you the green light to join him.
Relieved, you climb over to him, making yourself comfortable as he wraps the blanket over you, his arm immediately coming to cradle you, this time pulling you to his chest so your head is laid upon his shoulder, a hand gently placed onto his hard chest, probably right above where his butterfly tattoo is adorning his abdomen.
This is now easily your favorite place. Safe and tight in Harry’s arms, protected from anything and everything, like you’re in a little bubble as soon as you get on his bed.
Lightning strikes outside again and you shiver a little. Harry probably notices it, because he tightens his hold around you, as if it’s his way telling you that he is here and nothing bad is gonna happen. Eventually, you’re able to shut the outside out and only focus on Harry’s warmth, the touch of his hand on your arm and his even breathing. And then finally, you drift off to sleep.
This morning is different from the previous one you spent here. There’s no alarm since it’s Sunday, neither of you have anything in particular to do, so you wake up feeling rested, the Sun shining through his half drawn in curtains, no trace of last night’s storm can be noticed from where you’re lying in bed, the sky is as clear as ever. Sometime during the night you got tangled in a way where Harry is the one now cuddling you, his head lying on your chest, hugging you as if you were a giant teddy bear, his leg thrown between yours, lightly snoring against your sleep shirt. You can only see his mop of hair and the urge to play with them is back, but this time, you give in.
Leaving one hand on his back, you move the other one to his unruly locks, gently playing with one before you comb your fingers through it, lightly scratching his scalp. Harry hums in pleasure, shifting from his dreams back to reality, but he doesn’t move, just keeps humming as you massage his scalp.
“It’s not a good morning, it’s the best,” he mumbles groggily, making you chuckle at his words.
One of his hands is flat against your ribcage and the damned butterflies start dancing when you feel his fingers gently stroke your side as you keep playing with his curls. This feels so idyllic, as if you’ve been like this forever. You wish that was true.
Groaning as he stretches, Harry rolls to his back, making you instantly miss his body pressed against yours. He rubs his eyes, sighing deep as he blinks up at the ceiling a few times, then he turns his head to the side, looking at you.
Just when he is about to say something, outside his door it sounds like someone just broke a pile of plates and it’s followed by Niall’s usual annoyed growl. You both get out of bed to go and check what happened, not even thinking about how it might appear that you both are coming from Harry’s room in the morning.
Harry flings the door open and there is Niall, collecting pieces of a plate from the floor, his breakfast scattered down the hallway as well while he curses under his breath.
“What happened?” Harry asks, picking up a bigger piece from the plate.
“Fucking tripped,” he growls back, glancing up just for a moment, then back down, but then he processes that you’re standing behind Harry, in his room, in the morning. “What the fuck are you doing in Harry’s room?” he bluntly asks, quickly forgetting about the mess he just made.
“What?” you ask nervously, your pulse quickening in an instant. Harry stands up, seemingly not too bothered by Niall’s question.
“You slept in his room?!”
“She did,” Harry answers, leaning against the doorframe.
“Wait, are you two fucking?” Niall’s eyes widen, snapping back and forth between you and Harry.
“Just because two people sleep in the same bed, doesn’t mean they are fucking, Niall,” Harry chuckles, seemingly amused by the situation that’s got your stomach knotted. Louis’ door opens and he walks out, his hair a little messy, but already dressed, a mug halfway filled with coffee in his hand.
“Wha’s this circus out here?” he asks, looking around, his eyes scanning over the mess on the floor.
“Did you know these two are fucking?” Niall asks him and Harry lets his head drop back at his words.
“Are you?” Louis simply questions and you shake your head no.
“We are not. Y/N can’t sleep in a storm so she came over to mine.”
“Funny, she doesn’t come to me when she’s scared,” Niall scoffs.
“I never came to you because you don’t understand that sleeping together doesn’t mean sex,” you retort, though your ears are practically burning from the rising anxiety inside you.
“Wait, whoa. This wasn’t the first time you two slept together?”
“She was scared after your stupid horror movie too,” Harry shrugs.
“Wow, so are you guys a thing now or what?”
“Niall!” Harry growls and you’re not entirely sure what bothers you more. Niall’s shock and interrogation or the way Harry seems so cool and unbothered, like it’s no big deal. Maybe because for him it really isn’t, it’s only about the sleeping, nothing else, even though the cuddles are a little beyond the lines of friendship.
“What? I’m just asking the important stuff! Am I not allowed to tell dirty jokes to Y/N because you’ll cut my prick off?”
“You shouldn’t tell those anyway,” Louis chimes in and you nod in agreement.
Seeing that the conversation is just getting more and more awkward with each passing moment you decide to pull yourself out of it. Pushing yourself past Harry you mumble an excuse me before rushing back into your room, the three boys eyeing you curiously as you shut the door behind you, finally putting a physical barrier between you and them.
You shouldn’t be this offended, it’s not like any promises were made and you should have known better and not fall for him more than you already did. It was silly of you to think that there was anything more behind these nights spent curled up against each other, or when you woke up tangled and melted together. It was never what you hoped it to be.
Then and there you decide it’s better if you distanced yourself from him, or at least go back to how it was before. No bed sharing, no cuddling and preferably no bitter feelings.
It all goes well, because you have a pretty busy week after that day, you always have something to do and it’s not like you spent the night with Harry randomly, so it was evident that you stayed in your room so far.
But about a week later another storm was threatening to strike. The sky was gradually darkening all afternoon and now it’s only five o’clock, but it feels like eight. It’s Sunday, you’re quite exhausted since you were working until three. Niall was out somewhere with some of his coursemates and Louis went home for the weekend, won’t be back until Tuesday. It’s just you and Harry, who’s been sprawled out on the couch in only his sweatpants while you’re making yourself an early dinner so you can go to bed soon and have a good night’s sleep.
It doesn’t take long for the rain to start pouring, you’ve just gotten out of the shower when the first thunder rips through the place, making you gasp in fear. Harry’s head snaps around, looking in your way where you’re standing at the bathroom door, a questioning look in his eyes, but he doesn’t say a word. Ignoring his gaze, you just make your way into your bedroom, not even thinking about what could be on his mind. Is he thinking about whether you’ll ask to sleep with him again or he doesn’t care about it at all?
By the time you are ready to go to bed, the storm is fully raging outside, making your insides tremble every time you see a lightning or the thunder breaks the quietness in the house. You make one last trip to the kitchen, finding Harry leaned against the counter as he eats an apple.
“Going to bed early?” he asks as you pour yourself some water.
“Mhm,” you nod, avoiding looking at him.
“Everything alright?”
“Sure, I’m just tired,” you force a small smile onto your face just when a thunder rumbles outside, making you jump. Harry is watching you curiously and kind of expectantly, but you’re doing your best ignoring it. Instead, you just grab your water and head back to your room. “Good night.”
“Night, Y/N,” he calls after you, and you can feel his burning gaze on your back right until you close the door behind you.
Your plan to sleep a good ten hours goes right out the window. It doesn’t seem like the storm is about to calm anytime soon, so you’re stuck to suffer through it on your own. You’ll be damned to go to Harry’s, that would be an instant heart break and you just can’t take that right now. Long, torturous hours pass by with you lying awake in bed and part of you wants to go running over to Harry, but you force yourself to stay. It’s not happening tonight.
You fall asleep sometime after two in the morning when the thunder and lightning have stopped. Unfortunately, you need to wake up early in the morning, so when your phone’s alarm shakes you out of your sleep, you feel like absolute shit. Dragging yourself out of bed appears to be the hardest thing right now. As you make your way out, you are met with an all too familiar figure sitting at the small dining table, two cups of coffees in front of him, one obviously made for you.
Harry’s eyes snap up at you curiously, taking in your terrible looks as you head to the bathroom.
“Morning,” you mumble under your breath.
“Good morning’,” he nods in your way and though he doesn’t say anything else, you can tell he has a few thoughts about your current state.
Once you’re done with your morning business in there you join him at the table, barely able to keep your eyes open.
“Rough night?” he asks, eyes examining your face.
“The storm?”
You don’t answer, just nod your head. He remains silent, but you can feel that he is dying to ask another question.
Why didn’t you come over?
You’re glad he doesn’t actually asks you, because you wouldn’t be able to give either a normal answer or say anything without starting to cry. Instead, you just grab your coffee and head back into your bedroom to get ready for the day.
That week on Friday all four of you are invited to a party. At first you want to cancel, but some of your friends from classes will be there too and it’s been ages since you’ve been to a great party, so you decide to tag along with the boys.
For the first half of the evening you go your separate way, spending time with people you don’t actually live with and see every day. One drink follows the other, though you make sure you don’t go farther than getting tipsy. You’re not in the mood to deal with a nasty hangover in the morning.
Sometime after your third or fourth drink you run into Niall and he pulls you into their little circle that also involves Harry. When he sees that you’ve joined them, his eyes light up and goes out of his way to get next to you.
“I haven’t seen you in ages!” he whines, slurring his words as he wraps an arm around your shoulders to keep you at his side. He is definitely drunk, that you’re sure of.
“It’s been just about two hours, Harry,” you roll your eyes, but can’t push your smile down. You’d be lying if you said you’re not enjoying having him so close. Your dynamic hasn’t been the same since you stopped sleeping in his bed. Not that it was such a regular activity, it only happened two times.
“But I missed you, I feel like we haven’t… haven’t talked in so long!” he huffs, knitting his eyebrows together. “Have you been avoiding me?” he asks leaning closer, so your conversation can somewhat be private.
“That’s silly. Of course I haven’t!”
“But it feels like that,” he pouts with glossy eyes. “You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?”
“Sure,” you nod, the bitter taste of lying filling your mouth.
“Alright, cool,” he smirks and pulling closer he kisses into your hair before he engages with the rest of the group again, keeping his arm around you as if it wasn’t a big deal.
For the rest of the evening you simply don’t leave his side and not because he doesn’t let you, but because you don’t want to. Harry is not the only one missing the other, this week you’ve noticed that even though you’ve been keeping yourself busy, your thoughts always took you back to one particular, curly haired boy. Despite everything that’s been going on, he is your friend first and foremost who you love spending time with and talking about anything and everything.
Both of you are intoxicated, Harry a bit more than you, but you’re having a blast playing beerpong or ruining Niall’s chances with girls he is trying to pick up. You’re genuinely having an amazing time and it wouldn’t be the same without Harry.
Arriving back home your little group splits, everyone using the bathroom after the other and you’re the last one in line, because you always take the longest. By the time you’re finished, Louis and Niall are both locked up in their rooms, but Harry’s door is still open, some dim lighting illuminating the hallway. As you approach it, you find him throwing his dirty clothes into the hamper, but his head perks up when he sees you.
“Good night, H,” you sigh, quite tired and in need of a good sleep, but before you could head into your own bedroom, Harry grabs your wrist and pulls you into his. “What is it?”
“Sleep here,” he simply prompts, already leading you to the bed.
“Because I want you to.”
“I-I… I don’t--” you stutter, feeling flustered from his offer.
“Come on, you can’t say no,” he tells you, already crawling under his covers and then he holds them up as the invitation.
Taking a deep breath you follow him and make yourself comfortable in your almost usual spot. Harry’s arm falls over your waist in an instant, spooning you from behind as he hums pleased. But a few moments later he lifts his head, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
“You know you can say no, right? I was just joking.” Looking back at him you give him a small smile. Even drunk he makes sure you aren’t doing anything you don’t want to, but how could you not want it? You’ve been aching to sleep next to him all week, especially after the last storm when you suffered alone in your room.
“I know, Harry.”
“Alright, okay,” he nods, his head dropping back to the pillow. “I missed this,” he mumbles with a sigh.
“Mm, sleeping alone sucks,” he hums and in a split second, your heart breaks.
Harry didn’t want to sleep with you, he just wanted to sleep with someone and you were the one there. It has nothing to do with you.
You want to blame him, you want it to be his fault that your chest is now aching, knowing that it truly doesn’t mean the same thing to him it does to you, but you know you can’t. It wouldn’t be fair, so once again, you’re left with a sinking heart wrapped up into Harry’s embrace that suddenly feels burning.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Harry.”
When the morning comes Harry is still sleeping deep beside you, an arm thrown over your waist, puffing warm air against the side of your head with every breath he exhales. Seeing him so peaceful warms your heart, but then you realize everything that happened last night, how he only used you because you were available and not because he wanted you.
You don’t want to wait for him to wake up and face him, your emotions would surely bring the best out of you. So carefully, you unwrap yourself from his hold and sneak out of his room, back into yours.
There’s no way you can face Harry right now, so before he could wake up you leave, planning on spending the day in the library, working on your assignments, hoping the school work will take your mind off of how badly you’ve been friendzoned.
Sometime after eleven Harry actually texts you asking where you went and you just tell him you have a shitload of school stuff to deal with. He asks if he can join you, but you tell him you’re with a group of your classmates, even though you’re sitting in an almost entirely empty library. He luckily doesn’t push it and leaves you to be. Hopefully he’ll be fine when you take another step away from him for a while to get your head straight and sort your emotions out.
You get home quite late, but not late enough, apparently. Because walking into the house you find the boys clearly getting ready to watch a movie.
“Just in time!” Niall beams. “Join us, Princess!” he laughs, grabbing himself a cola from the fridge.
“Oh, no, I have some things to work on--”
“Come on, you’ve been in the library all day, you can have a break!” Louis tells you and you know you won’t be left alone, they are just so persistent.
So you join them in your usual spot, which is of course next to Harry, though you’re trying to avoid his gaze that hasn’t left you since you arrived and by now you’re certain he knows you’re avoiding him. There’s a reason why he asked you last night if you’ve been doing it lately, he is not stupid, but this is not the time to deal with it.
With your inner crisis bubbling inside you, you completely forget to ask what you’re watching. A few minutes into the movie it becomes quite clear however.
“Is this a fucking horror movie again?” you ask, snapping at Niall, who just starts laughing.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Harry will gladly let you sleep in his bed tonight,” he teases, making your whole face heat up at his comment. Harry slaps his chest before he turns to you with concern filled eyes, but you pretend like you see nothing, turning back to the screen with your jaw clenched.
You’re fucked.
The movie is a fucking shitshow and leaves you traumatized. When it’s over, you think about why didn’t you just stand up and go into your room when you realized it’s another horror. For a change, this one was filled with demons and monsters that hide in the shadows, just what you need before going to bed. In the night. In a totally dark room.
Exiting the bathroom you’re already planning on watching something lighthearted and cheerful in your room, hoping that would make you forget the movie you just saw and give you the chance to actually sleep.
Walking past Harry’s room you see that it’s still open and you catch him expectantly looking at you when you appear in the doorway as you walk down the hallway, your eyes meeting for just a split second before you disappear from his sight and shut your bedroom door without a word behind you.
No matter how many random videos you watch on YouTube, some scenes from the movie are just imprinted into your mind and they have you trembling in fear. Every shadow looks like a demon or ghost, hiding in your room, ready to haunt and kill you and you’re on the verge of actually crying. It might not be only because of the movie, more like everything else that’s been bottled up inside you, added to the fear the movie has brought to you.
Shutting your eyes closed you try to take deep breaths and for a bit it actually seems to help, but that is until you hear the door opening. It gives you an instant heart attack and you can’t keep your tears back anymore.
A whimper leaves your mouth as the door opens and you can only see a shadow entering the room, totally not recognizing Harry in the dark.
“Y/N, hey, it’s just me! It’s okay!” he quickly clears, seeing how shaken up you are. He rushes over to the bed, one hand cupping your cheek, the other one finding your hand and before you could think, you grip it hard.
“You scared the living hell out of me!” you cry out, sobbing.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to check on you.”
Silence sets between the two of you that’s only momentarily broken by your shaky breaths as you try to calm yourself down.
“Why didn’t you come to mine after the movie if you were so scared?” he then asks, surprising you with how straightforward he is.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” you mumble, blinking the remaining of the tears away as Harry stares down at you intently.
“Why would you think you’d bother me? I like having you there.”
“But it’s… Doesn’t matter,” you sigh in defeat, but it just concerns him even more.
“No, tell me!”
“Harry, just go back to your room. I’ll be fine.”
“You definitely won’t and I’m not leaving until you don’t tell me what’s going on,” he protests firmly and you lose your patience to keep lying to him.
“You just wanted someone to sleep with yesterday, okay? You didn’t need me. And… I don’t want to depend on you more than I should.”
Harry stares back at you with a blank expression and you feel like this is going to be the end of your friendship. You have to come clean about your feelings and he’ll tell you that he doesn’t feel the same way. But then he speaks up and the tables turn faster than ever.
“Y/N, I wanted you to sleep with me last night. Not just anyone. You.”
“I really thought we have been on the same page, but apparently, we’re not even in the same book,” he sighs, confusing you even more. “Wasn’t it suspicious how things have been between us lately? The way we slept, the mornings, did you think these are normal things to do?”
“I-I thought that… it didn’t mean anything to you.”
“Well it did,” he replies and you breath hitches in your throat. “I was trying to take it slow, see how you’d react to everything and I thought you were feeling the same way. But then last time you didn’t come to my room when there was a storm and I thought that was your way of telling me that you want to pause whatever’s been going on.”
You’re just blinking in shock, listening to his words. This is nothing you expected.
“But then you seemed like you opened back up last night and you agreed to sleep with me, thought we were back on track, but then you were nowhere to be found in the morning, avoided me all day and now you would have rather spent the night crying here alone than to come over to me. What did I do? Just tell me, because quite frankly, I have no idea what we are doing anymore, Y/N,” he sighs, clearly tired of this insane game you’ve been playing without even knowing.
“So… you did all of this, because… you…”
“Because I like you, Y/N. But there’s a possibility it’s already way more than just a strong liking,” he admits with a soft chuckle that melts you in an instant.
“Oh god, I could cry again, but not out of fear this time,” you tell him, making him laugh as you scoot closer to him on the mattress. “I feel the same way, Harry,” you softly tell him, your hands finding the base of his neck while his hands have wandered to your waist so now he is pulling you towards him until he ends up in his lap. His face is now so close, and even in the dark, you can see the cheesy smile on his pink lips.
“You’re not saying this just to keep me here because you’re scared to be alone, right?” he asks, clearly joking, earning a wholehearted laugh from you.
“No, but I guess that would be a major benefit of it.”
“I’ll protect you from all the demons and killers under one condition,” he smirks, his face already inching closer, his nose is already touching yours.
“Yeah? And what’s that?”
“I get to kiss you.”
You barely say this one little word, his lips are already on yours, kissing you in a way that almost knocks all the air out of your lungs. You press yourself up against him, his arms curling around you, holding you tight as if he is already protecting you from everything that scares you, though you can’t really think about the stupid horror movies now that you’re kissing Harry.
He pulls you down with himself making you lie on your back as he holds himself up above you, his lips parting from your just enough so he can look into your eyes.
“How about I kiss you every time you feel scared?” he prompts, pecking your lips gently as you pull your legs up and his hips settle between your thighs, while your hands dance down his back.
“Alright, I’m in,” you smirk at him and for a moment he just stares back at you, smiling wide, in complete awe that it’s finally happening. Then he cocks his head to the side before speaking up.
“Are you still scared?”
“Very,” you nod. “I’m shaking.”
“Good,” he grins before his lips press onto yours again.
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Imagine them staying on the island and Nagito is so protective over his little siblings hhhh they're all a big family now and the Warriors love themmmm
Despite having completely forgotten all that happened to her, Nagito doesn't allow Teruteru near Kotoko unless supervised and Nagito gets scary when he's supervising so he usually just stays away (nagi knows teru wouldn't do/say anything to the children, but he's very overprotective and low-key scared that they will remember everything someday)
Ryota is Jataro's favorite. They're working on a short anime together. He sometimes does artsy stuff with Ibuki (it gets a little crazy with all the paint and glue everywhere), and Kazuichi gets along great with both him and Masaru
Masaru and Nekomaru are nearly inseparable, and he loves Akane too (she has to be supervised because she doesn't understand how climbing and jumping off buildings could be dangerous and Nagito almost died the first time he saw them hanging out)
Kotoko adores Sonia, she's being taught how to be a little princess too. They play dress up together often and have tea parties. She likes Gundham too, but it's mostly just because of his cute animals. He got her a little bunny and she dresses it up in cute little outfits
Monaka's favorite is Izuru, and she likes Imposter as well. She likes solving puzzles and coding games with Izuru (I hc it's a hobby of his, in memory of Chiaki and all), and she's programmed a few of Kazuichi's creations
Nagisa sticks with Hajime the most, he helps out with the chores and they mostly just talk. They go to the library with Nagito at least once a week and read together. Hajime and Nagito are the only ones he's not afraid of asking help from.
Nagito is all the WoH's #1 fave. Monaka and Nagisa like to just chat, read or play puzzle-like games with him. Jataro likes to draw with and on him, and Masaru loves him dearly but prefers to hang out with the others (Nagito can't keep up with all the running around). Kotoko gives him makeovers all the time, she loves his fluffy hair and compared him to her bunny (probably put the bunny on his head once to see if it'd blend into his hair). He's constantly walking around with makeup, thousands of cutesy hair pins and random hairstyles and (a bit messy) nail polish. He never takes anything off, and Kotoko is very proud of herself for making him look "adorable" (he thanks her for her hard work). They've all called him dad at least once (Nagisa also called Hajime dad one time).
Nagisa and Kotoko start secretly working together to make Nagito and Hajime start dating already, and soon all five kids are coming up with plans and scheming how to make operation komahina a success. The others on the island help out sometimes
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Cries..........this ask is everything to me hold on. This is so cute. Anon I love you (/p) your brain is so goddamn huge. I’m sobbing over literally all of the Nagisa hcs and Kotoko giving Nagito makeovers they’re all so cute
Ryota and Jataro 🥺🥺💞💖 I wonder what kinda anime it would be? My bet’s on a magical girl or mecha anime. Maybe a comedy? Idk man but I do know Ibuki and Jataro would rope Kazuichi into letting them dye his hair for him. He ends up with extra eye-searing neon strips in green and yellow. It clashes horribly with his jumpsuit and they all love it
Nagito panicking over Masaru and Akane is hilarious skfnskdnksbx I can just see him almost crying out of relief when Nekomaru finally gets them off the roof and Masaru back safely into his arms. (You clearly hear Masaru complaining about it but he does hug Nagito back.) Akane’s careful in her own way, she’s a big sister herself after all. Buuut Nagito still worries bc seeing her dangle Masaru from her bicep when they were on top of the barn was absolutely terrifying
Sonia Gundham Kotoko dynamic so real?? Gundham considers Kotoko more Nagito’s kid but he does let her run around with the Devas when asked. Also she basically just claimed one of the horses on the island and Gundham insists on teaching her how to “properly tame the dark steeds!!” (He means how to take care of them and not scare them. She’s like. 10, he doesn’t want her or the horses getting hurt.)
Also!!! Sonia and Kotoko playing dress up is so cute? I like to think they curtsey every time they see each other and it’s a little inside joke between them haha. Also them braiding each other’s hair!! Kotoko probably borrows a ton of ribbons from Sonia
Izuru and Monaca coding together!!!! I feel like she would be curious about the NWP, maybe they work on it together while Hajime rests. Also I can totally see her programming Kazu’s inventions to mess with him a bit because she thinks it’s funny how high he jumps skjfskdnksbx. He’s super suspicious of whatever she hands him now but she’s genuinely helpful a lot of the time so he isn’t too too hard on her. (She’s still not allowed to have access to any remotes though)
(Also Izuru making little games in honor of Chiaki has me so soft I’m in love—)
Nagisa calling Hajime “dad” has me 🥺🥺 your honor I am simply a sucker for these two...........him asking Hajime and Nagito for help and them only also made me kinda wanna tear up a little but me being emotional over him isn’t the point
Back to Matchmakers of Hope now huh dkfjskdnkd. I like to think Komaeda and Hajime look at each other after the kids slip up and reveal that they were trying to get the two together and both of them just snort. Their kids basically had to push them together smh
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selfie | jjk | 2
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Is this a rom-com, slice-of-life drama with unsolicited social commentary about gender stereotypes, idol music, and the meaningless meaning of the word, “adult”? Yes. But also, Jeon Jungkook shouldn’t be in love with his hyung’s little sister and he is. Shit.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of depression, anxiety, loneliness; fluff, but also frustrating because flirt already, sheesh; loons-to-lovers; non-idol!AU - oppa’s bestfriend!Jungkook x SHINee fangirl!reader
happy lunar new year!! year of the ox - jk’s lucky year <3
previous episode.
2. in which the two loons getting somewhere, only for more misunderstandings to happen.
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Is this too much?
You stared at the picture and the message. Jeon Jungkook once again. Sending a picture of himself at the gym. It was a while since the last one, so his hair was slightly longer now. Was he growing it out? Oh well, none of your business. You sent your usual reply.
You sighed and went back to your journal, only to have your phone aggressively sing ‘3 PM’ from the Animal Crossing New Leaf OST. Directly asking for a video call this time. You thinned your mouth into a line and closed your journal, sliding it out of frame before accepting the call.
Jungkook’s big brown eye filled up the screen, directly on the camera.
“Why don’t you respond like a normal person?”
“Why don’t you start conversations off like a normal person?” you shot back, placing a hand on your cheek and leaning against it. There was stationery scattered all around you, but your journal was behind the charging stand.
Jungkook withdrew his eyeball, frowning. You could see his entire face now, his long black hair tied up into a silly sprout on top of his head. He was still wearing the dark gray sweatshirt from the photo, but he seemed to be in his apartment. All you could see was the wall.
“What about the pic though? Is it too much?”
“Too much what?” you responded irritably.
He waved his hand, shaking the phone with his movement. “You know… Too, ‘Hey I work out and am attractive, pay attention to me’ much?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You’re not even looking at the camera. Or wearing a sleeveless shirt.”
He blinked at you. “Should I?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, those are things not to do. Picture is fine,” you added, shifting some pens away so you could rest your head on your forearms.
He looked uneasy for a second before the camera jostled around as he scurried to a different part of the room. You puffed your cheeks and closed your eyes, not wanting to get motion sick.
“I’ve been playing Persona 5!” Jungkook said cheerfully, making you open your eyes to see him directing the camera at his television where the Persona music was merrily playing. “Just finished Sakura Futaba’s Palace.” He switched the camera back as you smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
Jungkook seemed to spy your deflated form on your desk.
“What’s wrong?”
You breathed out. “Nothing.”
He frowned. “Doesn’t seem like nothing.”
You shrugged. “Just thinking.” Your eyes flickered to him, smirking a little. “You wouldn’t know about that, I suspect.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. Other than that, he didn’t react to your remark.
“Thinking about what?” he asked, leaning back into his gray couch. His long hair flared out, sprout blooming against the cushions.
Your eyes shifted to the pens all over your desk. To your tablet, where you had been practicing digital drawing for a little while now. Just little drawings of cute animals, no people yet. To your journal, where you had been writing your diary entry.
You said the word without thinking. It was the title of your diary entry. You hadn’t meant to say it, but it was the only thing on your mind right now. Your eyes flickered back to Jungkook, who was watching you carefully. You sighed, feeling the need to explain yourself.
“All my friends are busy with school and their jobs. Oppa is always at work or with his girlfriend. Parents are always working.”
You could feel the distance between you and your high school friends. They were chasing your dreams and you were chasing nothing at all. You weren’t distant from your brother, but you were respectful of how much time he wanted to spend with his girlfriend. She might become his future wife someday, after all. Would you have a future husband one day? You wondered what he would be like.
You shook your head and shrugged. “But I did it to myself by taking a gap year, so it can’t be helped.”
“It’s okay to feel lonely.”
Slowly, your gaze shifted back to Jungkook. He was getting up from the couch, holding the phone up as he walked to what looked like the kitchen.
“I mean, you can’t help what you feel, right?” he said as he set the phone in a cupboard and went to the fridge. “Feeling lonely isn’t some kind of crime, so you don’t need to lock it away or anything.”
Jungkook picked up a take-out container and opened it, stiffing the contents. He seemed to be debating if it was edible or not. How long had that been there? You wanted to ask but then again, you didn’t want to know. Jungkook shrugged and dumped the mysterious contents into a bowl.
“I’ll talk to you whenever you want.”
You scoffed. “Why would you do that?”
Jungkook placed the bowl in the microwave and set the timer. The machine hummed as he turned around.
“To prevent you from feeling lonely.”
A butterfly danced in your chest.
You chuckled. “Why would I want to feel annoyed instead of lonely?”
Jungkook shrugged, taking out some chopsticks. “At least you have someone to be annoyed at instead of being alone?”
Two butterflies danced in your chest.
You huffed and rested your cheek on your forearms.
“Have you been talking to your Confidants?”
“In Persona 5.”
You slapped your forehead. “Listen up, you monkey…”
“I’m an ox in the zodiac.”
“I mean your monkey gameplay…”
You began to explain the importance of Confidants in Persona to Jungkook.
That’s how you ended up in video calls with Jeon Jungkook several times a week.
He would usually start the call by sending a selfie, to which you would respond with your usual question mark. He was going to university for graphic design and worked at an electronics store part time. You, on the hand, were doing nothing. Well, not nothing, because you were clumsily learning digital art, but unless you were showering, you were always by your phone. Checking idol social media, especially SHINee. Sometimes your brother and his girlfriend asked you to accompany them to dinner, but you always declined, because being the third wheel was weird.
Also, watching your brother in love was weird.
“They always make out in front of me,” you were telling Jungkook as he asked why you weren’t at dinner earlier with your brother and his friends. Your brother had taken his girlfriend, of course. “It’s weird.”
Jungkook winced. “Yeah, I get what you mean. But I was there.”
“So what?”
Jungkook raised his hands. He was in his bed, rolling around in gray sheets. “Maybe you care?”
“I’d like to be spared watching oppa’s PDA, thanks.”
As usual, you were at your desk. This time your tablet was in front of you. You pushed the pen around, indecisively drawing lines and undoing your last action, twisting your mouth to one side, not really looking at Jungkook. He wasn’t doing anything of note, anyway.
“You don’t like PDA?”
You shrugged. “It’s whatever. I don’t really care.”
“What are you drawing?”
“Nothing good,” you sighed, putting down the tablet pen. The little cat character looked back at you, its expression the same bored and dispassionate face you usually had. You hadn’t really decided on a color for it yet. Maybe gray. That’s how you usually felt, anyway. You knew the collar color was going to be aqua though. A nod to your SHINee obsession.
“Show me.”
“Come on.”
You looked up to Jungkook’s smile. There was a radiance about it. You felt the two butterflies dancing in your ribcage once again, fluttering, fluttering. His two front teeth where just ever so slightly too large for his mouth. It was endearing, like seeing a bunny. You looked back down at the little cat you created. Maybe you would make a bunny for Jungkook.
Why would you do that?
You laughed, confusing Jungkook as you placed your hand over your mouth, eyes squinting as you chortled to yourself, trying to imagine Jungkook as a silly little bunny. Probably one that worked out too much and drank banana milk every day. Probably loved to take selfies too. A cool bunny who wrote sunglasses sometimes and was probably altruistic and interesting.
Not like you.
Your laughter died down, eyes on the cat. You picked a cat to represent you because it was lazy and didn’t do much. Spent all day sleeping and staring outside, but never actually trying. Curious about things, but never committing.
“What’s so funny?” Jungkook asked, lifting the camera and holding it above him. You saw his long black hair flare out around his head. He was casually handsome, the kind of attractive that didn’t need much to be that way.
That’s weird. Why would you think something like that?
“Your face,” you replied, missing the usual bite you usually had behind your words. “You need a trim.”
He raised his eyebrow, pursing his lips. “You don’t like long hair?”
You pointed at the phone even though he probably couldn’t tell what you were pointing at. “The ends of your hair are splitting. It’s not going to grow well at this rate.”
“Are you a secret barber or something?”
“I’m a human being who cuts her own hair,” you replied impassively, sitting back in your chair.
Jungkook looked surprised. “Really? Since when?”
“Since the last time oppa attempted to cut my hair in high school.” You cringed at the memory.
Jungkook looked apologetic and ready to burst out laughing at the same time. “He tried his best.”
“He did not,” you retorted, remembering the botched bangs and blunt shoulder length cut. It was horrible. You went to the salon afterward and had it trimmed into a short pixie cut, because you would rather be bald than look like an overgrown coconut.
“The pixie cut was cool though.”
“Eh.” You shrugged. “Too hard to cut it by myself. Need some length to hide my mistakes.”
“Your hair always looks nice though. A little messy.”
You touched the top of your head self-consciously. Maybe you should start brushing it before accepting his calls. You didn’t really brush it that often because, well, who was going to see you? You basically only brushed it when you noticed a tangle.
Jungkook was smiling at you. His dark brown eyes seemed sparkly because of the overhead lights in his bedroom. The butterflies in your ribcage circled each other, looping round and round. You made a disgruntled face, reaching up read the current time at the top of your phone.
“Don’t you have class early tomorrow? Go to sleep.”
And then you pressed the end call button.
For some reason, relief and disappointment washed over you. Relief because there was a palpitating anxiousness you felt when you looked too directly into Jungkook’s eyes. Disappointment because maybe you shouldn’t have hung up so abruptly. That was a little rude.
You noticed you had a text. From Jeon Jungkook.
Good night.
Jungkook placed his phone beside him after he sent the text. He thought about sending a selfie too, but maybe that was too much. She had just seen him seconds before, anyway.
Why had she hung up like that?
He smiled as he remembered her laugh. He liked her laugh a lot. She hid it behind her hands and her eyes always squinted when she did so, nearly making them disappear. It looked a little bit like a cat when it was purring in satisfaction. Jungkook wondered what made her laugh like that. It must have been a thought, because he could see her face changing as she observed him. When she stopped laughing, her face was different too, becoming introspective.
She looked pretty today too.
Her hair a little messy, combed through with her fingers. That’s how it looked best, he thought. She had a natural prettiness, the kind that needed no help to be that way. Every action she did seemed cute, from the way she held her pen, to the way she twisted her mouth to one side when she was working on something, to the way she touched the top of her head, lips parting in thought.
If she wanted to be a model, she probably could.
At least, Jungkook wanted to take her picture.
He frowned a little. He’d been consistently sending her selfies before calling her and she always responded with a question mark. Maybe she wasn’t used to taking selfies? Or maybe, and what was more likely, she probably didn’t even care about them.
Jungkook exhaled, flopping to his side. Should he give up? But then he remembered her face right before she looked at the time. It was like she was staring at the screen, at his face. And for a split second, he swore he saw her upper lip upturn a bit, shyness in her gaze, a bit of pink flushing her cheeks. Was it just the lightning or something? His mind playing tricks on him?
Jungkook made a weird noise and plopped his face into his pillow.
Jungkook stopped calling you.
You wondered why. You had been kind of rude to him last time. Maybe he was mad at you? Maybe he wanted an apology? But you weren’t really sure what to apologize for. And it was weird to call without a purpose, right? And besides.
You didn’t really need to apologize to Jeon Jungkook.
He wasn’t even really your friend. He was your older brother’s friend.
You chewed on your lip, staring at the last picture he sent you. He wasn’t your friend. He was… well, what was he trying to do? Why was he talking to you? Maybe he was bored. Maybe he was nosy. You did say you followed his art Instagram, so maybe he was enthralled with the idea of knowing he had a fan or something?
But you weren’t a fan, per se.
Well, a little bit. He was really talented.
But not that much!
Because Jeon Jungkook was kind of annoying. He still hadn’t returned Persona 5 to your brother. Not that your older brother noticed, at all. He never finished Persona 5 and it was mostly your game now, with how many hours you had sunk into it. Jungkook hadn’t even known about Confidants until you told him. Hmph. Didn’t he look up game guides? Well, he should. Confidants were really important to the game. They helped you with useful abilities during boss fights by developing relationships with the other characters.
You stared at the last selfie Jungkook had sent you.
You kind of wished he was looking at the camera.
Maybe you needed a Confidant. You certainly didn’t really know how to develop relationships with anyone, except maybe your older brother. But that was because he was your brother and familial responsibility. Well. Not true. Your brother was really nice to you.
That’s why you folded his underwear for him, even to this day.
Jungkook did like SHINee though.
At least that was one thing in common, right?
next episode: 3. in which only a major event can bring these two loons back together – SHINee is back!
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CONGRATS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL CLAIRE!!! I hope Ran always come to your dreams every single night 😌💖 We should discussing our fantasy about him again soon 😌
And here is me! (I edited this so I can give you a complete description about me)
I'm 8w9 INTP sp/sx sun: Leo moon: gemini, my height is 153cm and I have a petite body. Mentally ill? Yes, I am bipolar and having anorexia (more like relapsing again after surgery). When I am at my manic episode, I almost kill my family at the car-crash because I got too irritated that I pulled my sister's hair while she was driving—luckily she's a good driver or I am gonna be in jail rn 😩 When I was a kid, I used to get into some fights with boys (I won ofc) but since my father died, I tried not to get into fight ( I don't want to deal with my mother's dramatic and victim-mentality ass ) and I (gladly) never fight again after that 😌 That's why I really good at sport ( as a female I always got the highest point—even when compared to the male, I still on the top 5 on sport ) I really good on art ngl that's the reason I am at uni rn because I got scholarship (I won several art competition)! Also, I did english debate competition back then, but we were this 🤏 close to get into semi-final but bruh we defeated by 0.20 point! 🥲 I can do all those things by self-taught!
When I feel sad or miserable, I punish myself by starving myself lmao. Or I will usually get quiet and cut people around me. 
My social skills? Fine I think. I weirdly get along with a lot of people (everyone kinda knows me) but I never talk to them first. Even though I have a lot of friends, I only have one close friend ( tragic right:") )
My personality is rude—blunt in the rude way(?), I do whatever I want to because I seek freedom of expression, LOVE debating about certain issues, and surprisingly I'm quite a wise person. But, I have no jam. Right, I couldn't make any jokes since I usually use the wrong tone in my voice :( I prefer to keep my joke inside my imagination or write it down somewhere. I always try to dominate my man, but I want my man to dominate me too ( do you get what I mean here? 😭 ) I love to be alone too. I HATE loud voices, reptiles, and crowds. I'm not the type of person who easily shows my love to anyone. I think because I have a really high pride *sigh. I felt like my kin actually is Rindou Haitani. But when I took the quiz I got Kazutora, Getou, Mori, Eren, and Dio Brando (that's the funny one)
I'm working as a graphic designer. Which somehow makes me currently don't have any interest. But I love listening to music (pop-rock and r&b ) . I love watching wwe/mma and hate romance anime/movies.
I'd like JJK and Haikyuu match up, please🥺  NSFW and I want male!
—Sorry for long ask :(
Hey my sweet plum, I read your request thousand times, let me say that I got worried and a bit sad hearing what you had to face in your life. I hope your mental health, despite your bipolarism, it isn't too messed up, lot of genius such as Michelangelo suffered bipolar disorder and see what he was capable to create! Ran woke me up this weekend, he wanted company 😁
Anyway, here your escort for my birthday party:
Jujutsu Kaisen - Megumi Fushiguro
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Babe it was him or Nanamin, I opted that Megumi could be better since he has more patience than Nanami for your bratty attitude.
Megumi has the sharp mind to get through your facade, to understand your struggles and cope without problems with your rythm.
When you're manic episodes appear, he knows how to support every idea you get, even the strangest one. The first times he was worried to see you this active and in the mood to do things but now he got used to it.
Talking about these episodes, he enjoys when you're in the mood to debate with him or others.
He often suggest to watch some educative documentaries or biopic movies especially the ones that involves human rights. You get in a fiery mood when you watch it and try to explain why the things that the characthers had to endure are atrocious and illegally and how we should fight to eradicate them from the society.
Going to the other facade of the your personality, the depressive episodes are quite difficult to handle, you stay a lot in bed, you don't want to do anything.
He always brings you a cup of tea and cuddles you for hour, sometimes he gives you a paper to let you draw.
He hates when he needs to get you up for work, he knows you struggle and sometimes even cry but in the end when you get a grip you feel a little bit better.
In these cases, he brings you out for a jog or just a walk with his divine dogs or the little bunnies ready to pet.
Overall Megumi has a lot of patience with you but he's repaid when he sees the portrait and the things you cook for him, the struggle worths the prize in the end!
Haikyuu - Daichi Sawamura
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I decided you definitely need a calm but strict man in your life and Daichi is perfect for this!
In Haikyuu universe you definitely play in the female team and you met Daichi during a combined training! You're a middle blocker in your team and you can't get me think otherwise!
You are strong and Daichi is astonished to see this, but when Nekoma came for the second time in Miyagi and Kuroo got on you, to give you some advices for a better tecnique, that's where Daichi got really jealous! He saw you for first and he definitely doesn't want, that roosterhead to hit on you!
"Marv go out with me!" it wasn't a question, it was a statement "I guess asking isn't in your knowledge, but Daichi there are proper times when to ask me out. Not when I'm sweaty and in a middle of a training!" you say with sharp eyes, Kuroo laughed at your bluntness and went away, but Daichi reply "Yep, sorry I got carried away and I felt to say it know" you smirk and say "Jelous are we? Ne Daichi don't blush!".
Your relationship is pretty natural, your dates consist in training and homemade dinner
You're pretty active and energetic in Daichi's mind, that's why when you went in one of your depressive episodes he got really worried.
As Megumi he took a lot of care of you, but the difference is that he prefers that you recover from yourself, also, if you have a therapy it's really difficult for you to take it in these moments and he obliges you to eat something and help you bring down the pill.
Normally you would hate these moments, but Daichi knows really well how to handle them, comfort foods such as pizza, tacos, ice cream, sushi are there for you to help you improve your mood and somehow it helps.
When you get a bit better, you can't go out training but you definitely draw or play sports with the Wii at home, this is definitely quality time for him.
Overall it could sound strange but Daichi doesn't hate these episodes, because he can see that you can do chores or just have fun, and this is definitely a proof of strenght for him!
He definitely loves Marv the warrior girl!
I finished! Babe hope this wasn't too sad for you, but I figured out that seeing you needed fluff and comfort, thanks for opening up and join the event, if you want to help me with a little gift here this is my Ko-Fi!
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sheerfreesia007 · 3 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 11
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 11
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 7,484
Warnings: Mention of injury
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo
Author Notes: So Bunny’s life isn’t all rainbow and sunshine, I’m just trying to write relatable things into this story and loved the idea of this happening to Bunny. There’s a method to madness for putting Bunny through a little bit of pain. Jack opens up a little bit about his family finally! We get a bit of family history from both Bunny and Jack. I can’t wait to show you how I draw these two idiots closer together! Hope you enjoy!
Gif Credit: Google
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Blinking her eyes rapidly Bunny sighed softly and rubbed at them feeling how strained and tired they were. Quickly saving her work on her laptop she closes down the web design program and powers down her laptop closing the lid. She turns in her desk chair and spots Butter sleeping in the plush dog bed that she keeps in her office, his tongue as always hanging out of his mouth as he lays on his back with his feet in the air. She chuckled softly, shaking her head as she heard him snore loudly from his comfortable spot. Just then her cellphone began ringing and she saw that Jack was calling her. Furrowing her eyebrows she answered the call and pressed the phone to her ear.
“Hey Jack, everything alright?” she greeted him and heard his soft warm chuckle on the other side of the phone.
“Hey Bunny, everything’s good. Just got a few moments to kill, you got time to just chat?” he asks warmly and Bunny can feel a warmth start to develop in her chest at the idea that he just wanted to call her to talk. Brining one foot up to rest on the desk chair she leans back and gets comfortable in the chair.
“Of course, you’ve got impeccable timing Jack.” Bunny replied with a soft chuckle.
“Work dragging you down?” he asked curiously and Bunny could hear shifting in the background on his end of the call, he was probably getting comfortable himself.
“Not dragging me down, but I’ve been staring at my laptop screen for the last few hours and it’s starting to do a number on my eyes. Thankfully I was able to get a good chunk of this project planned and mapped out.” She explained easily as she snuggled further into her desk feeling the cushions sink and surround her.
“Does that normally take a long time to get done?” Jack asks and Bunny is was pleasantly surprised at his questions, normally people didn’t really care to learn about the process of designing a website.
“Depending on what the client actually wants it could take a few hours to code the links and pages to open the right way. But normally it takes about half a day to plan and map out the website.” Bunny explained in layman terms so that she wouldn’t confuse him.
“And what’s the next step after that?” Jack asked curiously. Bunny smiled as she thought about the next part of the project that she would have to work on, it was her favorite part.
“Designing the face of the website. See the planning and mapping of the website is the background work, it’s how the website is coded to work. If you click on a link and it brings you to another page that’s the mapping part of it. The design is how it looks to the client. I can make it look a certain way based on what the client has requested.” Bunny explained passionately as she started getting even more comfortable in the conversation about her work.
“What was the most outlandish website you’ve been asked to design?” Jack asks with a soft chuckle and Bunny sits for a minute to think.
“I had a client come to me and request a website be made for his young daughter. Apparently she wanted a place to be able to post all about her latest obsessions. But there was no rhyme or reason to the website, random music played on different pages and the mouse would be different shapes for different pages. And it would randomly have sparkles falling like snow on the pages. Think of that Myspace era and dial it up to thousand percent. That project gave me so many headaches I think I invested in the aspirin companies.” Bunny explained with a groan and Jack laughed loudly on the other end of the phone call.
“Oh goodness, I remember those fads. They were horrible now that we’re well past them. I’m lucky that Es wasn’t old enough for that back then otherwise I’d be tortured by all of that. What was your favorite website design?” he said as he still chuckled.
“Oh yeah she’d have loved all of that stuff. What with her love of sparkle I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten you just let her glitter her whole room.” Bunny laughed happily and Jack scoffed softly.
“Don’t you dare give her that idea! She’s already tried to convince me to let her get more sparkly items for her room. I think my eyes are constantly blinded whenever I have to walk into or even past it. Bunny, too much sparkle.” Jack bemoaned to her and Bunny burst into laughter.
“Alright, alright I won’t mention glitter to her.” Bunny conceded as she laughed delightedly. She grinned as a lull in the conversation happened naturally and they both calmed a little.
“So favorite project?” Jack asked again. And Bunny grinned as she remembered her favorite project that she worked on.
“I have an annual client who comes to me to design her family reunion website. Nice elderly lady with a very large family, I’m talking like the last reunion two years ago had I think twenty grandkids. She normally contacts me in the beginning of spring to start designing the website so that it’s ready for early summer and their reunion is towards the end of the summer. It’s a week-long event for them where they go to the family lake cabin and just spend the week doing boating activities, there’s competitions between each branch of the family and there’s nightly outdoor movies and bonfires. It’s a lovely affair and all their pictures are so funny to see when she sends them to me to place on the website. It’s my favorite project because she’s such a sweet woman and I love listening to all her stories she tells me.” Bunny said warmly as she leaned further into her desk fondly remembering all the conversations she’s had with the woman.
“Have you ever met her in person?” Jack asks curiously and Bunny’s smile falters a little bit. “I only ask because you sound like she’s gotten close to you after being a client for a while.”
“Yes, I’ve worked with her for about five years now and have met with her in person every year while working with her on the websites. We usually go out to a long lunch and just spend the day talking about life and how we’ve been and also about the project. She’s truly a wonderful woman and she’s become kind of like a surrogate mom to me since mine lives so far away. But her family reunions are always fun to hear about and all the crazy adventures they get into.” Bunny says wistfully.
“You like the outdoors Bunny?” Jack asked warmly and Bunny grins widely at the question.
“I do, my family was always big on camping when I was growing up and while I don’t get to go as much now I still love to go camping and hiking. Butter and I have done a few mountain hiking trails together.” Bunny said fondly as she remembers her adventures with Butter.
“No way! Butter can hike? I’m surprised that little sausage roll can make it up your steps every day.” Jack teases and Bunny laughs into the phone.
“It’s all fur, don't let that fiend fool you.” Bunny said in a quiet confession and Jack laughed happily.
“Do you like outdoor activities?” Bunny asked curiously and Jack’s laughter faded in her ear.
“I do but it’s a little different than your idea of outdoors. My family back in Kentucky owns a large farm and I grew up there. Worked on the farm until I went to college and whenever I had a break I would come back home and help out when I could. Unfortunately when I started my career in security I wasn’t able to come home as often and help out. But the family still has the farm and it’s prospering so they’re all doing well for themselves.” Jack explained easily and Bunny nodded her head loving that he was actually sharing some information about himself with her. “We used to go out into the pasture a lot during the summers and sleep under the stars with a small campfire. It’s one of my favorite memories about the farm and my siblings.” Jack confessed warmly and Bunny felt that warmth that had started to grow in her chest began to spread and consume her body as she listened to Jack talk about his family’s farm.
“Do you have a lot of siblings?” Bunny asked, wanting to keep the conversation going and gather as much information about Jack as she was able to. He was still a mystery to her and while she knew he was a good man and cared greatly for his daughter she still didn’t know much about him. She wanted to begin a friendship that could hopefully turn into something so much more. And while they had begun flirting and teasing each other Bunny was ready to wait to see how this relationship blossomed. After the hell that she had been put through by her ex-husband Bunny was more than happy to wait and see how a relationship now panned out.
“I’ve got two sisters, one older that’s Rebecca or Becca. She's I think a year or two older than me. Then there’s Amelia, she’s the younger one, she’s five years younger. And finally there’s the baby of the family Will, he’s the youngest but don’t tell him that sometimes he acts like the oldest out of the four of us.” Jack replied easily and Bunny could hear the affection full in his tone over the phone. She could easily tell that he loved and cared deeply for his siblings. She smiled softly as she nodded her head. “What about you? Is it just you and your sister?” Jack asked.
“Actually I’ve got three siblings. There’s Sasha that you know about, she was adopted when I was eight and she’s two years younger than me, she’s the only one of us who’s got kids. Then there’s Jake, he was adopted when I was eleven he’s three years younger. And Freddie is five years younger than me and he was adopted when I was sixteen.” Bunny said smiling as she thought back to when her siblings were adopted and the parties that were thrown.
“So you’ve been through the adoption process?” Jack asks curiously and Bunny has to stomp down the urge and desire to be Esme’s mom that she had the other night at the sleepover.
“Yeah it was a bit hectic as a kid because my parents fostered a lot of kids while growing up and it was both good and bad. The kids that we were fostering, some had some serious mental health issues, like Sasha she has horrendous panic attacks and anxiety attacks all throughout her foster life with us. She still gets it sometimes but they’re not as severe she’s told me. And Freddie has bipolar disorder that he’s managing with a team of doctors, he’s got his good days and then he’s got some really bad days. I check up on him a couple times a month just to see how he’s doing and if he needs anything.” Bunny explained feeling a dull achy pain in her chest as she talked about her siblings’ mental issues. She hated seeing them troubled and if she could take away their pain she would in a heartbeat, Sasha and Freddie were the best type of people and the fact that they had to deal with these issues pained Bunny. She knew they were dealt a hard life but she hoped that by joining her family they had found some sort of peace, and while they had told her this before she hoped it was true.
“Wow, I didn’t realize that the foster kids your parents helped were dealing with those types of issues.” Jack said solemnly.
“Yeah there were others who needed more help than my parents could offer or give and those were the ones that were either placed with another foster family or the state government eventually took custody of them. They became a ward of the state.” Bunny explained softly.
“Well I’m hoping they got the necessary care they needed wherever they ended up.” Jack said in a calm, easing voice.
“I do too.” Bunny replied easily before her mind turned back to Esme once more and the sleepover fiasco was in the forefront of her brain again. “Hey while we’re talking about this stuff. I-uh wanted to let you know that Es had a run in with Cynthia and it wasn’t pretty.” Bunny began to explain. She took a breath in and heard absolute silence on the other end of the call and for a moment she thought the call had dropped. She began to move the phone away from her ear to check when she heard Jack’s deadly calm voice speak up.
“What did Cynthia do to Esme?” he asked in such a harsh cold tone that Bunny physically shivered in her seat.
“Es got caught up in all the excitement with the other girls at the sleepover and called me Mom in front of everyone. Cynthia heard and was a bit of a nasty witch to her and to be honest I can’t remember the exact words because I only saw red and ripped her a new one for her shit talking, but anyway she said something about needing to talk to you about her hanging out with me too much that she was thinking I was her mom.” Bunny explained in a rush as she felt the white hot blind rage she felt after Cynthia snapped at Esme.
“Easy Bunny, easy.” Jack said softly and Bunny took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “Es called you mom?” Jack asked quietly and Bunny felt her heart clench suddenly at his question.
“She did. And Jack I don’t mind one bit. She just got caught up in the chaotic energy the girls were causing and it was just a slip of the tongue. Honest.” Bunny said quickly to try and ease him if he was having second thoughts of her being around Esme so much. “And I talked to Es about it. Told her it’s no big deal and that I’d be lucky to have her as a kid. But I told her what Cynthia said was uncalled for and that she didn’t have to listen to her since she was mean to Es.”
Bunny felt uneasy as if she was rambling as she tried to explain to Jack what had happened the other night and as the silence fell over the phone conversation she felt her anxiety skyrocket inside her. She tried to wait patiently for Jack to say something but when he didn’t say anything after a while she sighed softly, figuring that he’d want to put a stop to them spending so much time together.
“I understand if you don’t want me watching her anymore or taking her to yoga.” Bunny said softly and dejectedly.
“Now hang on.” Jack said suddenly and confidently. “That’s not at all what I want.” Bunny heard his firm words and she felt hope unfurl in her chest making her breath catch silently. “You have been the best thing that has happened to both Esme and myself. You’ve helped me out so much with watching her for me. And Esme has had a rough time making friends in her new neighborhood and school but you’ve done wonders for her confidence that she now has a few friends. Bunny you not being in our lives is the last thing I would want.” Jack stated vehemently and Bunny felt tears prick at her eyes. “I’m more upset that Cynthia had the nerve to say something to Es about calling you mom. I can’t believe that woman.” He said honestly and Bunny sighed softly as she nodded her head.
“Yeah Cynthia I think has it in her head that the two of you are becoming a hot item.” Bunny said thoughtfully and Jack scoffed over the phone.
“She’s married Bunny.” Jack lamented softly to her and Bunny nodded her head at his words.
“I know that, but I don’t think she cares. Ever since I’ve met her she’s always been looking for the next best thing for herself.” Bunny said truthfully.
“She’s always been like this? It’s not just because of me?” Jack asked seriously and Bunny smirked softly, seeing an opportunity for her.
“You’re handsome Jack but you’re no Mark Strong.” Bunny teased him as she grinned widely.
“Oh ho! So you dig the older men huh Bunny?” Jack teased right back and Bunny blushed deeply.
“What can I say, he's dreamy.” Bunny said dismissively and Jack laughed softly.
“Well now I know who my competition is then.” Jack said sultrily and Bunny felt desire jolt down her spine making her gasp softly.
“C-competition?” she stuttered out softly before she heard muffled talking in the background on Jack’s end of the phone call. She could hear Jack responding to whoever was with him distantly as her mind began to race with the thought that Jack was competing for her affection.
“Hey listen Bunny I’ve got to get goin’. Thanks for taking my call and chattin’ with me. Tell Es I’ll give her a call at dinner time alright?” Jack said and Bunny let out her breath slowly through her nose.
“Yeah of course. I’ll let her know. I’ve gotta start getting ready to go get her from the bus stop anyway. We’ll talk to you then.” Bunny began to quickly ramble and she cringed softly as she heard his soft chuckle.
“And yes competition. Can’t let a Brit git one over the good ol’ American boy. Talk to you later Bunny.” Jack said in a low gravelly tone that made Bunny suddenly tense with arousal as she heard his tone and words. And then the line was hung up.
Huffing softly she slouched in her chair and pulled the phone from her ear slowly. Setting it down on the desk gently she turned and saw Butter was still passed out in his bed. Running a hand through her hair Bunny sighed softly.
“That man’s got a seductive tongue.” She said softly to the quiet office and Butter huffed in his sleep making her chuckle softly. “You said it Butter.”
As soon as Esme walked down the bus steps Bunny could tell that she was feeling down. Tilting her head to the side she watched as Esme walked down the sidewalk towards. The two older girls from the last bullying instance were walking behind her giggling and whispering to each other and Bunny felt rage rush her body with red hot anger. The girls looked up from Esme’s back and both instantly stopped talking as they spotted Bunny glaring at them.
“Girls.” Bunny said stiffly as Esme came to a stop next to her and the girls both gulped silently before one hesitantly let out a smile before the two made a dash for their houses. Bunny sighed softly and looked down at Esme who was dejectedly scuffing her sneakers on the sidewalk. “Bad day at school?” Bunny asked softly.
Esme shrugged her shoulders and continued to scuff her sneakers on the sidewalk. Butter looked up at Esme curiously before head-butting her calf with his head. Esme moved a little bit before stepping to the side to avoid Butter doing that again.
“Yep, bad day at school. Why don’t we go for a walk and if you wanna talk I’m all ears. If not, it's no big deal.” Bunny said softly as she looked down at Esme. Esme shrugged her shoulders once more and Bunny nodded her head before gently holding out her hand for Esme. The little girl took a hold of it after a moment's pause and Bunny began leading her and Butter towards the main park area of the community.
The three of them walked in silence and Bunny kept her head held high not wanting to constantly look down at Esme. She was worried it’d upset the little girl more if she constantly tried to check in with her. As the three of them finish crossing the street to the park area Esme starts to slowly perk up.
“Hey Bunny?” she asks suddenly and Bunny hides her smile as much as she possibly can and looks down at the little girl at her side.
“What’s up Es?” Bunny answers in a question and Esme smiles softly at her.
“Have you ever called someone Mom who wasn’t your mom?” Esme asks softly and Bunny nods her head adamantly.
“Oh yeah! So many women.” Bunny said with wide eyes and Esme giggled softly. “I’ve called a bunch of my teachers in school Mom. Let’s see who else, oh! I called Molly’s mom that once and she wouldn’t let me live it down. Wouldn’t stop insisting she was my mom now. And then there was that time that I accidentally called Mr. Quinten dad and it was a whole big thing with him.” Bunny confessed as she sighed and rolled her eyes. Esme giggled brightly as she walked next to Bunny as she began to skip alongside her. “Look Es, there’s nothing wrong with calling someone Mom. It happens all the time.” Bunny stressed earnestly as she stopped walking and bent down to Esme’s level.
“Really?” asked the little girl as she looked at Bunny with a lost expression on her face.
“Yep. Sometimes we just forget where we are and the name just comes out. Other times we see the person we called Mom as a mother figure. It just means that you see that person as someone who you can trust and go to for anything. And I’ll let you in on a secret, come here.” Bunny said surreptitiously as she gestured Esme closer to her. “It means so much to me that you could think of me like that. And I will do my best to be there for you no matter what, understand? You’re stuck with me kiddo.” She said fondly as she nudged Esme under her chin making her giggle. Just then Esme launched herself against Bunny and Bunny caught her easily in her arms holding her close to her.
“Thanks Bunny.” Esme whispered softly.
“Any time kiddo. Any time.” Bunny said softly into the little girl’s hair. “Now what do you say to go for a walk and just hang out before we crack down on homework and then dinner?” Bunny asked hopefully that the little girl was feeling a little bit better.
“Yeah! Oh can we roll down that hill over there?” Esme asked, suddenly excited as she pointed to the medium sized hill that obscured the soccer field from view. Bunny shrugged her shoulders before grinning at Esme and taking off with Butter running besides her.
“Beat you to the top!” Bunny called and Esme shrieked with indignation as she began running as quickly as her little legs could carry her after Bunny.
“You cheated!” Esme cried as she began chasing after Bunny.
“Only if I win!” Bunny called over her shoulder laughing heartily before she began huffing dramatically as Esme caught up to her. Esme giggled as Butter barked chaotically at Bunny’s side as if he was trying to get her to pick up her pace. Once Bunny saw Esme pass her she began to overtly huff and puff as she chased the little girl up the hill.
“I win!” called Esme and began to dance in celebration as she reached the top before Bunny. Bunny made a show of bending over and gasping for breath which made Esme laugh harder. Butter hopped around Bunny barking at her and Bunny laughed softly at the dog as he did his best impression of an angry coach. “Ok, ok. Let’s do this!” cried Esme happily as she threw her back pack to the ground and began to lower herself down to the ground at the top of the hill.
“Alright you go first and then when you come up I’ll go.” Bunny instructed and Esme looked up at her gleefully. “What? You thought I wouldn’t roll down a hill? I’ll have you know I’m an expert roller.” Bunny said self-importantly and Esme burst into happy laughter before she shook her head.
“Bunny!” The little girl drew out the name in an exasperated tone and Bunny laughed softly before gesturing for Esme to go. Butter began to bark excitedly and was jumping around Bunny’s legs as Esme prepped herself to roll down the hill.
“Alright I’m gonna time ya. On your mark!” Bunny called happily and Butter began to jump more furiously around her. “Get set!” was the next call out and Esme prepared to begin rolling as Butter began barking like crazy. “Go!” called Bunny and instantly realized her mistake as Esme began rolling down the hill at a moderate speed.
Suddenly Bunny’s legs were knocked out from underneath herself as Butter took off down the hill dragging Bunny along after him. Shrieking in surprise Bunny heard a distinct crack and felt the back of her head bounce on the ground when she met the ground. Groaning in pain she raised her hand to her head before feeling her arm being jerked after Butter as he dashed down the hill after Esme. Bunny felt every hit with the ground as Butter dragged her down the hill and she moaned softly as he finally came to a stop at the base of the hill.
“Bunny!” cried Esme worriedly and Bunny peeked one eye open to stare over at the little girl as she got up and rushed over to her. Bunny could feel the aches in her body from when she had collided with the ground. Gritting her teeth and hissing softly as she shifted on the ground trying to sit up.
“I’m okay Es. Butter just got a little too excited.” Bunny began to reassure Esme as she saw the little girl’s face filled with worry and concern. Bunny set her hand down on the ground and moved to sit up on the grass. Hissing in pain Bunny quickly pulled her wrist up to her chest and clutched it there for a moment feeling the sharp pain coursing through her wrist. She laid there for a moment with her eyes shut clutching her aching wrist to her chest trying to breathe through the pain.
“Bunny?” Esme asked softly and Bunny opened her eyes to see Esme now kneeling next to her body as Butter crawled along the ground towards the two of them.
“I should be okay just banged up.” Bunny reassured her and sat up completely still keeping her wrist close to her body to limit the chance of irritating it further. Shifting on the ground to get into a better sitting position she felt a sharp twinge coming from her right ankle. Moaning softly her right hand fell to her ankle to try and steady it as pain jolted quickly up her leg making her muscles seize. “Nope, nope. Not okay. Let me just see if I can stand up for a second. Hey Es, can you come hold Butter’s leash for me?”
Es stood quickly from her kneeling spot and gently unwound Butter’s leash that was wrapped around Bunny’s left wrist and arm. She led Butter a step or two away from Bunny as she stood there watching silently with worried eyes.
Bunny rolled onto her knees and gritted her teeth as she felt the pain in her ankle begin to throb. Slowly blowing out a breath through her mouth Bunny used her left leg to push up from the ground. Taking in a few quick breaths Bunny stood on her left leg and tentatively placed her right foot down flush with the ground. Placing a little more weight on it she felt it suddenly give out and she collapsed to the ground on her knees groaning in pain at the impact.
“Definitely not okay.” she said softly and felt tears prick her eyes as the pain consumed her suddenly. Quickly blinking the tears away she looked over and saw Esme shifting on her feet with watery eyes. “Hey it’s okay. We just need to go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure I broke my ankle.”
“Oh Bunny!” Esme cried softly and Bunny shook her head as she settled back onto the ground.
“Es do you see my phone anywhere? I need to call an ambulance, I can’t stand on my right leg.” Bunny said as she began patting down her pockets not feeling her phone. Esme looked around the ground in the area that they had landed before darting over to the side where the phone laid in the grass. Bunny grimaced as she shifted on the ground and grunted softly in pain as her ankle was jostled before turning to see Esme already holding her phone to her ear. Bunny watched in surprise as Esme effortlessly called 911 for her.
“Hi, I need an ambulance to Legacy Oaks community. My babysitter fell down a hill and she can’t stand on her right leg and her left hand hurts.” Esme explained easily and Bunny tilted her head slightly at how calm Esme was as she talked to the 911 operator. “Yes she’s breathing and sitting up. We are at the main field area by the soccer field. Closest intersection is Main Street and West Legacy Boulevard. Ok hold on.” Esme relayed easily before moving closer to Bunny and holding out her phone to her. “They want to ask you some medical questions.” Esme said hurriedly as she came to Bunny’s side and handed over her phone.
“Hello?” Bunny asked, still in shock at Esme’s behavior as she watched the little girl take a seat next to her and began to coo at Butter.
“Yes ma’am, we have an ambulance on their way to you and I just need to ask a few more questions.” Said the operator and Bunny nodded her head slightly.
“Of course.” She replied as her eyes stayed glued to Esme who was sitting there rubbing Butter’s back letting her fingers drag through his fur.
“So it’s your right ankle that is injured?” asked the operator and Bunny could hear keyboard keys clacking in the background and other voices relaying information about other calls.
“I can’t put any pressure on my right ankle, my leg gives out when I try to. And my left wrist is throbbing with pain whenever I move it.” Bunny relayed to the operator and heard the clicking of the keyboard as she talked.
“Ok, I’ve already let the ambulance crew know and they are on their way. Is there any special directions for them on how to find you?” asked the operator.
“No, we’re the only ones here in the main park area. They’ll be able to see us.” Bunny said and watched as Esme looked over at her silently.
“Ok, if anything changes, call us back but the ambulance should be there shortly.” Said the operator and Bunny thanked him before hanging up the phone.
“I have to call Jeremy and see if he could come grab Butter before the ambulance gets here. Are you okay?” Bunny explained as she looked down to her cracked phone screen and pulled up Jeremy’s contact info with a little difficulty before she looked up at Esme. Placing the phone at her ear she watched Esme look at her with slightly teary eyes and a worried face.
“Hey Bun-Bun!” cheered Jeremy happily as he answered the phone after two rings.
“Hey Jer, I have to go to the hospital. I’m okay but I think I broke or sprained my ankle and wrist really badly. Es and I are at the main park with Butter, would you be able to come get Butter before the ambulance gets here?” she quickly relayed to him hoping he’d be able to help her out.
“Of course, I’m just getting ready for work so I can swing by now and grab him. No problem. Are you sure you’re okay? Is Esme okay?” he responded easily before asking about the well-being of her and Esme.
“We’re okay, I think just a little shaken up is all.” Bunny said softly as she watched Esme sniffle softly and swipe her hand under her nose.
“Okay, I’m on my way. I'll be there in two minutes.” Jeremy said quickly and Bunny said goodbye before hanging up the phone.
“Are you okay sweetheart?” Bunny asked softly as she focused fully on Esme. The little girl looked at her with such saddened eyes that Bunny felt such a severe urge to pull her close and reassure her, but when her body shifted to move closer to Esme she gritted her teeth as pain shot up her leg and arm. “C’mere.” She cooed softly to Esme and the little girl moved closer to her side and pressed gently into it resting her head on Bunny’s right shoulder. “I promise I’m okay. Just probably broken bones. No big deal, okay?” she reassured the little girl as she gently wrapped her right arm low around Esme’s lower back.
“It’s my fault.” Esme said sorrowfully in a low tone and Bunny immediately shook her head at the girl’s words.
“No it’s not sweetheart. Accidents happen and it’s more my fault.” Bunny said easily as she kept shaking her head. Esme turned to look up at her confused. “I said ready, set, go and Butter knows those are play words. So I should have known better. It’s not your fault Es. Don’t think that it is because that’s the farthest from the truth.” Bunny said adamantly as she watched Esme closely.
“But if I didn’t want to roll down the hill then this wouldn’t have happened.” Esme said softly in such a heartbroken tone that Bunny felt her heart clench in response.
“Uh if you recall I also wanted to roll down the hill missy.” Bunny teased softly and Esme scoffed softly as her shoulders slumped forward. “Hey, I’m serious. It’s not your fault that I got hurt. It was just something that happened, it’s really no one’s fault.”
“But Bunny!” Esme cried indignantly as she tried to convince Bunny once more that it was her fault.
“Look, you couldn’t have predicted that this would have happened. And it’s not like you wanted me to get hurt when we decided to roll down the hill, right? And you didn’t push me. So it is not your fault. Accidents happen, we just have to deal with them and move on. Okay?” Bunny said firmly as she stared down at Esme. “Trust me I’m not mad or upset. My bones will heal and maybe if it’s broken I’ll get a cool cast and you can draw and sign it for me.”
“But-“ Esme began again and Bunny quickly shook her head as interrupted the little girl.
“Nope. No buts. It’s no one’s fault. I won’t hear anything else about it.” Bunny insisted as she shook her head at the little girl.
“Fine, but I still feel bad.” Esme huffed out softly and Bunny smiled warmly at her.
“You can feel bad for me all you want. It’ll help me lay it on thick to Jeremy and your Dad to help me out if it’s broken.” Bunny said, nodding her head eagerly and Esme giggled softly.
“I can help you too.” Esme said cheerily and Bunny nodded exaggeratedly making Esme giggle again.
“Uh duh. You’re definitely gonna be my number one helper.” Bunny said fondly and Esme nodded her head confidently as she watched Bunny determinedly. “Oh reminds me I should call your Dad and let him know what’s going on.” She said absentmindedly when suddenly Jeremy’s bright yellow jeep pulled up to the curb and Butter started barking excitedly as he recognized the car.
Bunny sat next to Esme as the two of them watched as Jeremy hopped out of the jeep in his security guard uniform and rushed over to them. He had a concerned expression on his face as he walked over to them and his eyes were darting first around Esme and then landed on Bunny.
“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly and Bunny nodded her head as she gritted her teeth when her wrist protested with her shifting movement on the ground.
“Yeah, just banged up. Took a tumble down the hill that’s all.” Bunny said as Jeremy came to a stop standing in front of her splayed legs. He looked down at her with a soft fond look in his eyes after he heard her explanation.
“You’re always getting up to something aren’t you?” he teased softly and Bunny stuck her tongue out at him making Esme giggle softly.
“First time it’s because I wanted to roll down a hill.” Bunny retorted and Jeremy scoffed softly.
“First time for everything trouble maker.” He quipped back and Bunny laughed as she shook her head at him.
“Whatever man.” She bemoaned to him as she shifted again on the ground and gritted her teeth as pain coursed through her again.
“So what hurts and how can I help?” he asked kindly and Bunny smiled in thanks to him.
“My right ankle and leg are in a lot of pain whenever I move it and I can’t put pressure on it. And my left wrist is in a lot of pain too. Not sure but I might have a concussion too, banged my head a few times on the ground as I came down.” Bunny relayed to him and Jeremy whistled low, Bunny nodded her head in response to his whistle and gritted her teeth as a dull ache began to form in her brain.
“Man you know how to fall hard when you do huh?” Jeremy asked teasingly and Bunny chuckled at him.
“What can I say? Gotta do it right the first time right?” she asked and Jeremy shook his head at her. Just as Jeremy was moving closer to her and Esme they all spotted the ambulance driving down the street. Jeremy turned and waved them down as Bunny shifted again and felt Esme lean slightly closer to her. “I’m okay. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Bunny reassured her softly as the paramedics parked the ambulance and hopped out.
“Hey guys, she’s over here.” Jeremy said easily as he directed the paramedics to Bunny.
“Are you her husband?” asked the male paramedic as he looked from Jeremy over to Bunny and Bunny grinned as she fluttered her eyelashes at Jeremy who laughed at Bunny’s antics.
“No, just my best friend.” Jeremy said fondly as he walked over with the paramedic.
“So what happened miss?” asked the younger female paramedic who was now kneeling down at Bunny’s other side with the medical bag set on the ground next to her. Bunny watched as she looked across Bunny to Esme and smiled softly at her. “Don’t worry honey, we're going to take good care of your babysitter.”
“Got knocked down the hill by my overly excited dog.” Bunny said as she gestured with her chin to Butter who was now rolling in the grass on his back trying to get the paramedics’ attention. Both paramedics laughed at Butter and Jeremy just shook his head as Esme giggled softly. “Banged my head a couple of times on the ground, did something to my left wrist, it's throbbing in pain, and my right ankle is in a lot of pain too. Can’t put any weight on the right leg either, tried to stand up and my leg gave out.” She explained as they all looked at her and Esme who was still cuddled into her side.
“Ok, well I suggest we take you to the hospital to get your wrist and ankle checked out to see if you just sprained them or broke them. Also if you choose to let us take you we’ll check for concussion in the ambulance. We can’t force you but that’s what I suggest.” Said the female and male nodded as he stood next to Jeremy.
“Yeah, let's go to the hospital.” Bunny said, nodding her head.
“Okay, Chase, can you grab the stretcher while I start her paperwork?” the female asked as picked up her metal clipboard and began filling out the paperwork with Bunny right there. “Do you want us to take her in the ambulance as well or will your friend be taking her?” the woman asked as she nodded her head at Esme. Bunny felt Esme’s hands come up to clutch at her bicep and she leaned closer to her silently.
“She’s gonna go with me if that’s alright with you guys.” She replied and felt Esme relax against her a little bit. The woman nodded her head and winked at Esme who smiled softly and relaxed further against Bunny.
“No problem with us.” She answered with a smile and finished filling out the paperwork. Bunny’s eyes darted over to Jeremy who was walking with Chase as he wheeled the stretcher over towards them. Once it was lowered to the ground Bunny looked over at Jeremy for some help which he gladly stepped over.
“I’m gonna just lift her up onto the stretcher. It’ll be easier.” Jeremy explained as he squatted down next to Bunny and Esme. “Hey Es, do me a favor and just hold onto Butter for me while I put Bunny on the stretcher okay. Once I’m done and they load her up in the ambulance you’ll be able to get in with her.” Jeremy said softly and kindly to the little girl who was still pressed up against Bunny’s side. Bunny could see the worry flash across Esme’s face and Bunny nodded her head at her.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let them leave without you. You’re coming with me.” Bunny reassured her and Esme looked up at her with concern. “Here take my phone that way you know for sure you’re coming with me since we still gotta call your Dad and let him know what’s up.” Bunny said as she handed over her phone to Esme who quickly took it and Butter’s leash leading him a few steps away from the stretcher.
“Alright c’mon lady let’s get you up on that stretcher.” Jeremy said as he slid his arms underneath Bunny’s knees and behind her back before standing up with her cradled in his arms. Bunny gritted her teeth lightly when her ankle fell with gravity as Jeremy lifted her. “I got you sorry.” Jeremy apologized and Bunny shook her head at him.
“No worries, it's okay.” Bunny said softly as he set her down on the stretcher and Chase lifted it up gently.
“Hey call me if you guys need anything and when you get done with everything and I’ll come pick you two up. That way you won’t have to worry about anything okay?” Jeremy said as Chase began to wheel you towards the ambulance.
“Okay. You sure? I’m sure I could call a taxi or something.” Bunny said as they all began walking towards the ambulance behind her.
“Yeah, call me and I’ll come pick you up. You’re already gonna have a lot going on so just call me.” Jeremy insisted and Bunny nodded her head as she watched him turn to Esme and held his hand out for the leash. “C’mon sweetheart let’s let them get her loaded up and then I’ll help you up there.”
“Thanks Jeremy.” Esme said softly as she hung back with Jeremy as the paramedics loaded Bunny into the back of the ambulance. Once they were done Bunny looked out at Esme and gestured her up once the female paramedic got situated in the back with her.
“Alright honey you’re gonna come sit on the bench over here okay?” she said as pointed to the bench seat next to Bunny’s stretcher on her left side. Bunny watched quietly as Esme climbed into the back with Jeremy’s help and came to sit down on the bench. When she was finally settled in her seat she gripped onto the stretcher railing and watched anxiously as the woman began to get a blood pressure cuff secured on Bunny.
“Alright we’re good to go. We’ll be heading to Three Sisters’ Hospital.” Chase said easily to everyone as he began to close the back of the ambulance. Bunny smiled at Jeremy as he nodded at her and then turned to Esme trying to ease her as they began their trek to the hospital.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
SOS! My husband is wallowing in jealousy and can’t free himself! (a translated one-shot)
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I translated this one-shot, “SOS! 老公沉迷吃醋无法自拔”, written by 谢谢我知道我很可爱z on Weibo (with permission) because it’s adorable :>
She intentionally used very basic Chinese with few descriptors, so I embellished it slightly for a fuller reading experience!
I’ll be keeping the original writer updated on comments left on this work because she’s the one who deserves all the credit 💕
[ present ]
“Gavin. Gavin?” You wave your hand in front of your husband’s face. “What’s wrong? You’ve been lost in thought ever since we returned from the amusement park.”
Gavin whips his head towards you, responding flatly. “Ahem, it’s nothing. I... I need to use the washroom.”
As though he’s fleeing from something, he rises from the bed and bolts straight to the bathroom. 
“That’s strange,” you muse with a frown. Turning towards the gigantic, ridiculously soft bunny resting near the headboard, you nuzzle into its arms and a contented sigh escapes from your parted lips. “Mm, whatever.”
There’s just something comforting about plush toys. 
[ earlier today ]
The pink bunny was a prize from the amusement park.
When you and Gavin walked past the shooting game booth earlier in the day, the plush had immediately seized your attention. However, you also noticed the group of young children who were looking eager to have a go at the booth.
While having a husband from the police force would make winning an easy feat, you felt that it was embarrassing to basically snatch a lollipop from a baby.
Out of sight, out of mind, you thought to yourself.
Tearing your eyes away from that adorable and tempting plush toy, you matched Gavin’s pace. Fortunately, the array of attractions which followed provided a much needed distraction.
Halfway through a simple lunch, Gavin left to get drinks. Or at least, that’s what he claimed.
More than ten minutes had gone by since he left, and you were starting to feel worried. Just as you decided to give him a call, he walked through the doors. 
With a pink stuffed bunny in his arms.
Your eyes sparkled. 
Paying no heed to the other diners, you lunged over to him, giving him a generous kiss. Gavin’s ears remained flushed for almost half the day. 
“Gavin, you...” your words came out a little clumsily due to excitement, pressing the huge bunny to your chest, burying your chin in its softness. Your eyes flitted from the bunny to Gavin. “You didn’t ‘bully’ the kids, did you?”
He patted your hair, and you heard his gentle laugh and clear voice from the top of your head. 
“I didn’t. Most of the kids are having lunch now, so the booth was pretty much empty. Also, there are other prizes available.”
“That’s good to hear.” You clutched the bunny with one arm, then pulled Gavin back to your seats contentedly. “How did you know that I wanted this bunny?”
“Ahem,” his face was once again coloured with a reddish hue. “You kept looking at it just now.”
“That’s not true, I only looked at it for three seconds at most...” you explained, but was cut off by his following sentence. 
“And this bunny looks like you. It’s very cute.”
You quickly lowered your head, feeling your cheeks turning warm. 
“L-let’s dig in. Are there any other attractions you want to try? It’s rare for the both of us to have time after a year of being married, so we definitely have to play to our heart’s content.”
“All right, whatever you say.”
You were in an incredibly good mood when the evening set in and the two of you were ready to return home. You suggested walking home, and Gavin agreed.
As usual, he carried the bags in one hand, and took yours in the other. He noticed that you were holding the rabbit in your arm. “Let me.”
“No need, no need,” you laughed and gently waved away Gavin’s outstretched hand. “How could a strapping young lad like you carry such a childish stuffed toy?” 
You loosened your grip on his hand. 
“Here, I’ll carry it with both hands, so I won’t be tired.”
The right hand you had let go of paused for a moment. Gavin’s brows furrowed imperceptibly, but his expression smoothened out in an instant.
“All right, let’s go home.”
After reaching home, you immediately rushed into the bedroom and placed the bunny on the headboard, utterly satisfied. 
Gavin frowned when he saw this, as though he couldn't quite understand something.
“Does it need to sleep?”
You grinned broadly and responded, “It’d be much more comfortable to hug it to sleep.”
“You need to hug it while sleeping?” He questioned. 
“Bingo~ You snapped your fingers, tossing Gavin a glance, wanting to see his reaction.
You didn't expect Gavin to sit at the side of the bed wordlessly, an unreadable expression on his face. You waved your hands in front of him, but he hurriedly escaped to the bathroom.
With the door closed behind him, he whispered under his breath, too softly for you to hear. “Am I not comfortable enough?”
[ present ]
Outside, you rub your chin and mutter to yourself.
“He isn’t angry, is he? Did I say something to make him angry?” 
You sigh. 
A man’s thoughts are truly difficult to decipher.
At this moment, a familiar ringtone resounds, notifying you of an incoming message.
It’s Minor.
[Message from Minor:] Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! What happened between you and Bro Gavin?
Confused, you reply with a:
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The next thing you receive from him is a voice clip. Grabbing your wireless earpieces from the bedside table, you press ‘play’. 
From the speed at which Minor is talking, you can immediately tell that he’s incredibly frantic. 
“Argh! You have no idea how aggrieved my Bro Gavin feels! He says you’ve been giving him the cold shoulder, so he had no choice but to send me a message asking what to do if his wife’s heart has taken off with someone else. Didn’t the two of you go to the amusement park today? How could such a thing happen? Even though this is a relationship between the two of you, I was once your great deskmate and now your employee at work. Sis-in-law, I’m not trying to be judgmental, but Bro Gavin is talented, handsome, and outstanding in so many areas. How could there be a young man in the amusement park who’s even more attractive and you can’t bear to part with?”
“No, Minor...” you reply with a voice clip, your eyes fluttering shut as you pinch the bridge of your nose. “I didn’t meet any young man... And no, I didn’t give him the cold shoulder. I’ll talk to him properly, all right? In short, this is all just a misunderstanding, and we’re sorry to have made you worry.” 
After removing your earpieces, you recall the afternoon’s events and come to a conclusion:
Gavin. Is. Jealous.
And he’s jealous of a stuffed toy.
Didn’t you simply hug it in the afternoon? Didn’t you simply place it on the bed and plan to hug it at night? Does he not understand the heart of a woman? How could he get jealous over this? 
You find yourself laughing softly, recalling the forceful kiss he once gave you when you were on that blind date a few years ago.
He does look pretty cute when jealous. 
Suddenly, an idea flashes across your mind, and you know exactly how to coax him.
At this moment, Officer Gavin returns.
You instantly lean back against the bunny, pretending to be scrolling through your phone in a casual manner. “Hubby, did you have fun today?”
You seldom call him “Hubby”. 
Keeping a close eye on Gavin’s reactions, you notice that he falters in his steps once he hears the rare term of address.
“It was okay.”
“What do you mean ‘okay’? We had so much fun, and you even gave me this stuffed bunny. I’m really happy!” You place your phone to the side, looking straight at him with a grin.
Another pause.
Gavin lifts the covers and sits on the bed. “...you must be tired from today. Go to sleep.” Then, he lies down and no longer makes a sound.
Gavin’s looks really upset, you think, laughing internally. Could he be regretting winning the rabbit for me?
After laughing wildly in your heart a grand total of 800 times, you purse your lips and say, in a serious voice, “All right, let’s go to sleep.”
After switching off the lights, you settle under the covers with your back facing Gavin, squeezing the bunny to your chest.
Not too soon after, an arm slowly snakes across your waist from behind, and you can feel Gavin’s warm breaths on your ear. 
He seldom calls you "Honey”.
“Mm? What’s wrong?” you ask, feeling your heart clenching in mild guilt.
“Did you sense that... I wasn’t in a good mood today?”
“Mm... I sensed it...” you slowly turn to face him. “But since you aren’t willing to tell me about it, I won’t probe.”
He coughs lightly. 
“Could you let go of that rabbit? You’ve already... hugged it for half the day.” After speaking, he even gives you a sincere, puppy-eyed look. 
No longer able to control yourself, you burst into a stream of laughter. 
“Officer Gavin,” you twist your body slightly to place the rabbit on the bedside table. Without any obstructions, you wrap your arm around his waist. “Can I understand this as you being jealous, and jealous of a stuffed toy?”
“Ahem... I’m not.” Even in the dark, you can see a visible redness crawling up a certain person’s face.
“Liar,” you immediately plant a kiss on his cheek, and lean closer to whisper into his ear. “Your face is red.”
Chaos ensues after that. 
Gavin presses you down, the bed sinking under the weight as he leans down to kiss you - your forehead, the tip of your nose, your chin, your exposed collarbone. 
He draws back, keeping his gaze on you.
“Then I’ll admit it.”
Another kiss. This time, on the lips.
You can’t tell how long this continues, but by the time you come to your senses, your lips are slightly swollen and his fingers are fumbling to unbutton your pyjamas.
“Hey,” you swat his hands away, splaying your right hand on his firm chest. “You said that I was tired.”
With breathy laughter, he grabs your wrists and clasps them on the bed. Leaning in close to your ear, he says in a hoarse voice:
“You said that I was a liar.”
[ a while later ]
“Actually, the bunny isn’t just for you.” Gavin muses quietly, playing with the ends of your hair as you lean on his chest.
“At first, I was thinking that if you didn’t like it, we could give it to our child in the future.”
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loveyou-x3000 · 4 years
Ohhhh thanks for the Toga and Izayoi as it is so cute!!, maybe you can do Moroha being awesome and tag team fight with mum or dad?
Ok so this one... well, it got way out of hand. This isn’t quite a tag team fic like you asked -- I’m learning I go pretty off course with prompts, guys, I’m sorry -- but it is an InuYasha-and-friends-reappear-in-the-midst-of-battle-fic. None of this really lines up with what’s currently happening in Yashahime, but whatever. Nothing in Yashahime makes sense anyway!
Tag List:  @liz8080 @superpixie42 @dangerouspompadour @thebishopkate @lavendertwilight89 @sistasecbhere @thornedraven @ladycelestite @clementinesgulag @keichanz @zelink-inukag @heathersmusings @horriblehowl @animeandfilmotaku @bulba-baby @heavenin--hell @captainyukicho @rightoveryonder @hopidoodle @itsyogirlcaitlin @digital-art-monster @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons @cammysansstuff @glow–bunny @cyncyn981 @nellyvampdragon @sticky-llama-perfection @karina-inuphantom @neutronstarchild​
Prompt me!
Riku had them cornered.
Of all the bastards Moroha had ever faced, he was perhaps the biggest bastard of them all, with his smug little smirk and his pompous way of speaking, acting every inch of a lord's son that he said he was. And Moroha had met a lot of that sort, too; stupid, scrawny little lordlings who pretended they were better than her because they had money and "better blood," whatever that meant, even when they were asking for her help against the demons that scared them half to death.
The only thing that made Riku any different from them was the fact that when he picked a fight, he at least had the balls to see it through to the end. Sure, the fight he’d picked this time was against them, and if they weren’t careful he was probably going to kill one of them before sunrise, but hey-- he wasn’t relying on anyone else to do his dirty work, and Moroha could respect that.
Jumping up and back to dodge a spearing attack of rock that he'd summoned from the ground, Moroha landed in the relative safety of the of the Tree of Ages, hidden amongst its branches. He controlled the elements, so far as they could tell: he could move the ground, shape water, spark fire, and guide the wind-- though the last of those abilities didn't seem to work well when he was around Setsuna. Towa had noticed that the last time they'd fought; he’d flung a cutting gale of wind at her when Setsuna, quiet as she was, had grit her teeth and swung her naginata so high and hard that she'd blown Riku straight off the edge of a mountain, redirecting his attack back onto him with twice the efficiency.
Setsuna had always been able to shape the air for her Cyclone Burst, but that? That she’d never done before.
But now they weren't on a mountain, Setsuna was injured, and Towa was trying to protect her sister from all the attacks Riku was launching at them. They’d both been robbed of their pearls not so long ago and without them, their strength was fading fast. 
"Dammit, dammit, dammit—"
Moroha scrambled inside her pockets, withdrawing the little clamshell that held her pearl and her grandmother's lipstick. On her shoulder, Myoga jumped up and down, protesting— but she already knew everything he was saying. Yes, she wouldn't last long in a full demon state, but maybe it could give Towa the opening she needed to cut the pretty bastard down. All she had to do was distract him.
While droplets of blood dripped from her wrist and onto the tree, Moroha swiped her pinky across the red rouge. Readying herself, she took a deep breath, concentrating all her energy and—
Riku spun the wind and Setsuna spun it back, distracting her. Where one gale met the other, a glowing scar struck through the open air, and the tree beneath her feet gasped.
A tree couldn't gasp, of course, but it was trying very hard to, rocked with an energy that demanded everyone's attention. Energy pulsed beneath the pads of her bare feet and Moroha startled, clicking the clamshell shut as the Tree of Ages trembled. Myoga held on tight to her ear as she tried to steady herself, claws digging into the bark; and once she did that, the voice of the tree screamed in her ears.
"You won't be free!"
It was the Tree— that priestess, Kikyo, who apparently her mother was, or had been, or something; no one really seemed to agree on the difference and Moroha thought it was all stupid, anyway. How could someone be someone else? But Kikyo (who was not really Kikyo, and also not her mother) screamed and raged and tried with all her might to keep a seal from breaking. Someone was screaming back at her.
"You're not her, you wrinkled old bitch!"
The clamshell in her hand trembled and the well in the middle of the clearing pulsed with yoki once, then twice, reminding her of long summer days and thunderstorms. Red robes and white hair. 
Moroha had never noticed the seal before, but she noticed it now: pink and black and sickly purple, like a bruise, pulsing from an old fletching notch in the tree. Towa screamed for her, but it was too late; the notch cracked, the seal broke, and a pulse of reiki shot through her so hard it made her teeth rattle and purified the rouge right off her pinky. Riku jumped back and his and Setsuna’s winds spun out, and Towa lurched aside, trying to avoid the pink-white light that was now spilling out of the mouth of the dusty old well in the middle of the clearing.
The hate that had been embedded in the Tree of Ages - the onyrō, if the echo of a dying priestess could be called that, left there in the power of her arrow - died an abrupt, sudden death, and all the sudden everything that ghost had been trying to hold in and destroy began to break free.
"What's happening?!"
It was a scream to no one as leaves began to rain down from the branches, even though Autumn was months away. There was a sudden burst of wind then, swirling of its own accord, unguided, and new scents came in an onslaught: reiki, yōki, and something in between; pain, anguish, hate, and unbridled sorrow; storms, iron, metal, tears, and flower blossoms. All of them were mixed and strange and rainbow-colored, until the first body came soaring out of the well.
A yōkai with brown furs, jet black hair, and piercing blue eyes shot straight out of the lancing light and into the night sky, seeming to hover in the air above them before he plummeted back towards the earth. Somewhere on Kirara's back, Kohaku called out a name:
Once, there had been a battle in this clearing. Kohaku had told them as much. After all three of them had been spirited away to safety as infants, their parents and their friends had fought a strange enemy here. The only one to walk away unscathed from it had been that enemy— and Sesshomaru, whom no one had seen since. 
Everyone else had disappeared from this very spot, leaving behind only a stunned monk and his family of demon slayers.
Koga - whoever he was - cracked the ground as he landed, and Riku cursed and cursed, flinging expletives in languages she didn't even know. He held up his hands and Moroha's stomach bottomed out, feeling that strange pull that only the rainbow portal had, but a gale of wind knocked him off his feet; again, sourceless, but it dispersed his strange powers.
"What the fuck happened?!"
Then there was another voice, another scent— and it nearly sent Moroha falling out of the tree.
"I saved your life, you mangy wolf!"
A man dressed in red climbed out of the well, shining silver against the moonlight. There was a woman unconscious on his back, chin pillowed against his shoulder; another girl lay sleeping in his arms. 
Behind him, the Butterfly of Dreams fluttered up into the sky and all the light in the well faded to nothing.
"You sealed me in a tree, you flea-infested— shit!"
Koga bailed to the left to avoid a trail of fire that shot across the field and Towa slammed her sword in the ground to protect herself, letting it buffet against that wall of yoki until it extinguished itself. Setsuna's naginata fell to the ground beside her as her strength failed her, though she was far off from dying. There was something else on her face— exhaustion, maybe.
Hisui and Kohaku's voices were a mangled mess of names as Kirara brought them to the ground. Kohaku went first to the sleeping girl, taking her in his arms; Hisui went to the hanyō and the miko, wide-eyed and incredulous.
Moroha knew who they were. She couldn’t not know who they were.
“Shit,” InuYasha cursed, adjusting the unconscious Kagome on his back and drawing a sword that sang like a storm, streaking through the night like lightning. “How long has it been, Hisui?”
Moroha was frozen, gone completely silent, watching the young demon slayer speak to her Father. Myoga was gone. Kohaku tried to shake the girl in his arms awake, softly calling her name.
InuYasha waited impatiently for an answer. Eventually, Hisui found it.
“Fourteen years.”
And then there was no more time for talking as Riku attacked again, suddenly incensed, aiming the brunt of his attacks straight at Kohaku and Rin, flinging fire aside at the twins as he did. Moroha lurched when she saw Towa wasn’t going to be able to withstand the attack this time, but then the winds kicked up again, blowing the fire aside, and a scar blazed in its gale once again.
InuYasha swung Tessaiga and Riku disappeared in a burst of white light.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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23 Parents Describe Their Kids’ Creepy Imaginary Friends
1. He doesn’t have a face
“My son from the age of three always tells me about the ‘creeper man’ who lives in my mom and dad’s bedroom. He brings it up after he visits them. I made the mistake once of asking what he looks like. My son said ‘Oh, he doesn’t have a face.’”
2. “You’ll get used to killing”
“A parent of one of my students told us in a meeting that she was concerned because her son (7 years old) talked about an invisible ghost who would talk to him and play with him in his room. He said the ghost was called The Captain and was an old white guy with a beard. The kid would tell his mom that The Captain told him when he grows up his job will be to kill people, and The Captain would tell him who needed to be killed. The kid would cry and say he doesn’t want to kill when he grows up, but The Captain tells him he doesn’t have a choice and he’ll get used to killing after a while.”
3. Little girl ghost
“When my daughter was three she had an imaginary friend named Kelly who lived in her closet. Kelly sat in a little rocking chair while she slept, played with her, etc. Typical imaginary friend shit. Anyway, fast forward two years later, the wife and I are watching the new Amityville Horror (the one with Ryan Renolds) and our daughter walks out right when the dead girl goes all black eyed. Far from being disturbed she said ‘That looks like Kelly.’ ‘Kelly who?’ we say. ‘You know the dead girl that lived in my closet.’”
4. Bad rabbit
“My cousin, when she was 5, and I was 17, had a stuffed rabbit that she talked to and carried everywhere. One day she was asleep on the couch while I was watching her, and she woke up and started yelling at her rabbit for no reason. One minute she was knocked out, the next, she’s awake, glaring at her rabbit, yelling, ‘No! You can’t do that! That’s bad! Don’t do it!’ I asked her what was wrong, tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn’t listen. I finally just took the rabbit up to her room, and when I came back down she was asleep on the couch again. Fuck whatever that rabbit was planning on doing.”
5. Roger won’t be around anymore…
“My little brother’s imaginary friend, Roger, lived under our coffee table. Roger had a wife and nine kids. Roger and his family lived peacefully alongside us for three years. One day, my little brother announced that Roger wouldn’t be around anymore, since he shot and killed him and his whole family. I don’t know if he remembers any of this, but his genuine lack of remorse was very disturbing.”
6. A boy in the tree
“My folks’ farm surrounds a cemetery, and my dad and my niece were walking down there. My niece (4) looks up and says, ‘What’s that boy doing up in that tree?’ There was no boy, but she insisted there was and could describe him.”
7. The bunny man
“When I was 16, I babysat twins who were in the third grade at the time. They always spoke of a man in an Easter Bunny costume, and they were terrified of him. One day I was babysitting, and one twin was in the shower. His brother and I were sitting downstairs watching television when all of the sudden, he said, ‘You need to go check on Matt.’ Seconds later, Matt yelled, ‘He’s in here!!! He’s in here!!!’ I ran upstairs, and I had to check every room before he would calm down. I’m not sure which part of the experience freaked me out the most.”
8. Poor Shaggy
When my mom was younger she had an imaginary friend named Shaggy. When she was finished with Shaggy, she ‘chopped him up and put him in the fridge.’”
9. “Smash Daddy’s head”
“When my brother was just learning how to talk he grabbed one of those small toy hammers and crawled onto the sofa where my dad was sleeping. He then leant in close and whispered one of his first sentences… ‘Smash daddy’s head’ right into his ear.”
10. Dark angels
When my brother was little he acted like he had angels talking to him every second. One day my mom overheard him say, ‘I can’t kill him! He’s my only dad!’”
11. “That’s the man”
“My daughter used to tell me about a man who came into her room every night and put the sign of the cross on her forehead. I thought it was just a dream. Then my mother-in-law sent over some family photos. My daughter looked right at the picture of my husband’s father (who has been dead for 16 years) and said ‘That’s the man who comes into my room at night!’ My husband later told me his father would always do the sign of the cross on his forehead when he was young.”
12. Message from beyond
“My wife and I overheard my two-year-old daughter on the baby monitor wake up on Saturday morning and say, ‘What? OK I’ll tell her.’ She then got up, came into our bedroom, and told my wife, ‘Mary says you’re doing a good job.’ Mary was her grandmother that she was extremely close to that passed away.”
13. I called him Spooky Guy
“As a kid, I said that my imaginary friend was a ghost. I called him Spooky Guy and said he died in the garage of the house on the hill behind ours. I even came up with his death. He was a 16 year old who got in a car crash and walked to that house to ask to use their phone (died in the 70’s). The person lived there grabbed him and sexually abused him there and killed him. He was my imaginary friend as far back as I can remember. This scared my mom so much that she tried to look up records to see if that happened and got me a therapist.”
14. Icy wants me to tell you it will be tonight
“In high school one of my best friends had a little sister who was five or six years old. One day we stopped by his place, completely high, because he needed to get his Magic cards. While waiting for him to come downstairs his sister came up to me and said, ‘Icy told me to ask you if you know when you’re going to die.’”
I laughed nervously: morbid question, right? But I knew all about Icy, her imaginary friend. I even helped her draw a picture of him once. So I played along and said, ‘No, of course not! No one knows that. Hopefully when I’m very old.’
The girl shook her head sadly and said, ‘No, Icy wants me to tell you it’ll be tonight.’ And with that, she just walked away.”
15. It is the punishment
“I was seventeen and babysitting a friend of the family’s six-year-old boy. He’d been in bed a couple of hours and I just peeked in to check on him. He wasn’t in the bed and when I opened the door, I saw he was standing in the corner, facing the wall. creepiest fucking thing ever. I asked him what he was doing and all he did was turn around, smile, and put his finger to his lips as if to say ‘shhh.’ I asked him again what he was doing and all he says is, ‘Leave us. It is the punishment.’”
16. Keep kicking
“My grandfather had a camp on Lake Dering in New Hampshire when I was a kid. One day when I was 6 or so, I fell off of the dock and into the water. I couldn’t swim. While under, I distinctly remember seeing a little girl down there who told me to look up towards the sun and just keep kicking and I’d be fine. I swam to the surface just in time for my grandfather to swoop me up and pull me back on the dock.”
17. Nope
“When my boy was 4, his imaginary friend would sit in the corner of the room when you switched off the lights and light the room with red glowing eyes.”
18. They were both dead
“Kid I used to babysit had imaginary friends. They were dead. One had no head. One was an old lady. They were both bloody. The one with no head had insides sticking out of his neck.
I didn’t ask him questions about them because fuck that.”
19. Tracy
“When my niece was about 4 she had an imaginary friend, which I don’t remember the name of. She would blame things she did on this imaginary friend but also talked about how this friend would watch Scooby Doo with her. One day I thought, ‘Why don’t I find out more about this friend?’ So I asked her to tell me about her friend. And she said, ‘She’s a she and she’s dead.’ And I said, ‘Does she have a job?’ And she said, ‘She does what my daddy does!’ Which is that her imaginary friend was a cop. So then I said, ‘Where is your imaginary friend a police woman at?’ And she said, ‘Right next I to where my daddy is a policeman.’ But then she said, ‘I met her when I was in my mummy’s belly. She touched it when I was inside.’
A few months before my niece was born my cousin Tracy had died. She was hit by a train. She loved watching Scooby Doo and had a ton of memorabilia. She was also a cop. She was a cop in the town that is right next to the one my brother-in-law is a cop in, my niece’s ‘daddy.’ My niece’s imaginary friend was my dead cousin. There is no other way she could have known all that at the age of 4.”
20. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
“When my kid was 4, we were watching a documentary on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the TV and said, ‘That’s wrong. The boilers were on the other side. And I was right here.’ And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. ‘That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.’”
21. Emily
“When my sister was probably about 6 or 7, she had an imaginary friend named Emily. She told us Emily lived in her closet, wore an old black dress, and had long dark hair and she was the same age as my sister. My sister played with Emily constantly. My parents started noticing my sister acting weird. Just sitting in the middle of her room whispering to Emily quite a bit and acting a lot more distant towards them. I remember a very specific day, my brother was walking by her room and my sister was sitting in the middle of her room….but she turned around and hissed at him. He was scared shitless. He told me it didn’t even look like my sister. My parents ran up to her room and I could hear my sister just screaming and screaming.”
“I have no idea what happened in that room but I ran to the bottom of my stairs and the screaming stopped, I saw my parents holding my sister crying their eyes out, she was sobbing as well. I’ve asked her about it today. She’s 24 now. She told me that Emily used to tell her to do horrible things to herself. She actually used to wake up on the roof and not remember how she got there. I’m not kidding. Apparently Emily absolutely hated my parents so she turned my sister against them. She hates talking about it so I never brought up that specific night. This all happened at my old house. When we moved into a different house, Emily was gone. I’m not making any of this up. My sisters little friend was a really big deal to my family and messed things up for a long time. I’m just relieved we left that house.”
22. She floated above his bed at night
“When my younger brother was around 4, he had an imaginary friend named Victoria Meadowbrooke. He told us that she was the prettiest girl ever and she floated above his bed a night.”
23. “The Evil is coming”
“When my older daughter was two or three, she used to have a couple of imaginary friends, Dodo and DeeDee. They were typical imaginary friends. She would talk to them and play with them, and tell me about their lives.
Then one day, when she was about three, she was talking on her play phone when I walked into the room. She hung up her phone and said to me (with a completely flat voice and deadpan expression): ‘The Evil is coming.’”
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trilliastra · 4 years
Five times people didn’t know Sizhui is Lan Zhan’s son and one time they did
[POV outsider. Wangxian. Lan Sizhui & Lan Zhan feelings.]
Lan Xichen watched his brother collapse in front of him, unable to do anything but hold onto the feverish boy Wangji placed in his arms.
He doesn't deserve his position as Sect leader, Lan Xichen thinks. He doesn't deserve to be an older brother either.
How couldn't he see what was happening right in front of him? How couldn't he notice Lan Wangji's pain and confusion? His brother used to be so sure of his righteous path, following the rules, helping the weak, protecting the light, but now – Lan Xichen turns to look at the child, restless even in his sleep, so weak the doctors aren't sure he is going to make it through the night.
Who is he? Lan Xichen wants to shake his brother awake, question him, make him promise this isn't going to cause him even more pain. Who is he, Wangji? He wonders, trying not to resent his brother for keeping yet another secret. It is against the rules as a Lan and it is against his own feelings as a brother – but, how can he protect his family like this? How can he help Wangji when he keeps running away from him, hiding, going against everything they've been taught?
“A-Yuan.” Wangji groans and Lan Xichen startles, rushing to his brother's side.
“Wangji –” he tries, but Wangji's eyes are on the boy, concerned even through the pain he's obviously feeling.
“A-Yuan.” He repeats, reaching out for the boy, growing restless when he can't touch him. “A-Yuan.”
Oh. Lan Xichen closes his eyes as the tears start to fall. Oh, Wangji.
Carefully, Lan Xichen takes the boy and lays him next to his brother on the bed, Wangji holds him protectively against his chest and A-Yuan stops his little cries immediately.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen tries again, running a hand through his brother's hair softly, “who is he?”
“He's my son.” Wangji closes his eyes again, voice small and vulnerable as if he's afraid to face him.
More tears fall as Lan Xichen kneels in front of his brother's bed, reaching out for Wangji's hand. He failed him many times, added to his distrust, his need to act alone that ultimately ended up with him like this, on this bed, looking nothing like the brave, strong man, Lan Xichen knows he is. But he won't, no, he refuses – as a brother and as a Sect Leader – to cause him more pain.
“And so he is.” He says, unsure if Wangji is conscious enough to understand him, but that does not matter now, he will say it again when his brother wakes up, will write it down, carve it in stone if needed. A-Yuan shall be Lan Yuan, Lan Wangji's son, his nephew, and no one will dare say otherwise.
Lan Qiren understood the need to protect the boy, no child should suffer for the actions of their parents, Wen or not, the boy is a disciple now. He will eat their food, learn their rules, practice sword fighting and become part of their Clan. No one will question his background or cause him harm, not while Lan Qiren is alive.
But this – this is preposterous. “No.” He does not turn his back to his Sect Leader, but he glares at his nephew for the idea of Lan Wangji – a direct heir – taking care of a child, an outsider, is ridiculous. “He will go into seclusion, meditate on his mistakes and the child will be watched by the maids. It is final!”
Lan Xichen does not move. “Wangji will go into seclusion and A-Yuan will live with him.” He counters and Lan Qiren feels his head throb.
“Xichen,” he takes a deep breath, struggling to keep his voice down. Shouting is against the rules. “this is not a good idea.”
“Wangji will adopt him.” Lan Xichen interrupts. “A-Yuan is his son.”
Lan Qiren feels his eyes widen as Lan Xichen rushes to help him take a seat.
Brother, he thinks, your sons are going to kill me.
Lan Qiren only saw the boy once, when he visited Wangji at the infirmary months ago. He looked pale, too small for a child his age, as he tossed and turned on his bed.
He still looks small, but his eyes are shining and his smile is bright. The color is back on his cheeks as he runs after a butterfly. Wangji does not look up when Lan Qiren sits next to him, only keeps watching the boy laugh as his attention turns from the butterfly to a cricket.
His nephew is still in pain, he notices, as Wangji frowns, almost imperceptibly. His back is still healing, his heart and mind too, and this is absolutely, irrevocably, a bad idea.
“Wangji –” Lan Qiren starts, but a childish shriek interrupts him.
“Father!” The boy screams, pointing at something near the lake. “A frog!”
“Leave it be.” Wangji warns, gesturing for the boy to come closer. When the boy is in front of them, he turns to Lan Qiren with curious eyes, and performs an awkward bow. It is a start, he notices. “This is my uncle, Master Lan Qiren.” Wangji says. “You shall call him Master Lan.”
“Hello, Master Lan.” The boy greets, his smile is unsure now and he keeps a safe distance from Lan Qiren.
Lan Qiren inclines his head in acknowledgment and watches, surprised, as Wangji reaches out to run a hand through the boy's hair. “Remember what I told you about keeping your voice down?”
“Yelling might disturb the others.” He recites in answer and Wangji nods. “Sorry, father.”
“Try not to do it again.”
“Mnn!” He says, sitting by Wangji's legs and reaching out for the papers laid out for him. He starts drawing, humming something under his breath, and Lan Qiren notices the pride in Wangji's eyes.
He sighs, this is all he needed to see. “You are still in seclusion.” Lan Qiren says, standing up. Wangji looks at him, but keeps one protective hand on the boy's shoulder. “And your son will start attending classes with the other disciples his age as soon as possible.”
Wangji nods. “Thank you, uncle.”
“Mnn.” Lan Qiren answers, turning around and leaving father and son to enjoy their evening together.
“Make sure to give A-Yuan double portions.” Lan Qiren orders the cooks the next week. The boy is still small and will surely get tired once he starts attending classes.
Lan Xichen smiles at him, knowingly. Lan Qiren pretends not to see it.
Jingyi is six when he meets Lan Yuan and decides they are going to be best friends. A-Yuan is smart, funny and he helps Jingyi when he can't understand their lessons. Jingyi's mom says she hopes A-Yuan will be a good enough influence on him that he will finally stop questioning everything their teacher says.
When Jingyi tells A-Yuan that, his friend blushes, and confesses he hides all his questions from their teacher to ask his father later. “And your father answers them all?” Jingyi asks, surprised.
“Mnn!” A-Yuan nods, smiling.
“Your father must be really smart!” He says and A-Yuan nods again.
“He's the smartest!”
Jingyi knows everything about A-Yuan. He knows his friend is scared of the dark and hates being alone, he likes to read books and he practices his handwriting every night. Jingyi also knows A-Yuan loves butterflies and bunnies, really all kinds of animals, and that sometimes he will just keep eating until someone tells him to stop.
Some nights his friend will have nightmares and when that happens he won't come to classes the next day. Their teacher shakes his head in disappointment when that happens, muttering about excuses and spoiled child but A-Yuan confessed, once, that his father always helps him with the lessons he missed.
What Jingyi does not know, however, is A-Yuan's family. One time he asked about his mother, but when his friend replied, sadly, that she's dead, he stopped talking about it. A-Yuan lives with his father, that much he is sure, but he's not allowed to visit them, so they always say goodbye after class and A-Yuan goes home alone. It is extremely sad, according to Jingyi's mother, but A-Yuan is always smiling, so Jingyi doesn't understand what she means.
Jingyi is nine when he sees the man for the first time. He got distracted playing with his little sister and now he's late to class. He walks quickly – but does not run – and stumbles upon a man. For a moment he thinks it's Sect Leader and he is ready to bow and apologize when the man leaves quietly, face serious, and Jingyi takes a deep breath, relieved.
He forgets about the encounter as soon as his teacher orders him to write 'always be on time' five hundred times. A-Yuan shakes his head in disappointment, but his smile is fond when he looks at Jingyi.
Jingyi meets the man again later that same day, after classes are over, and he squeaks, rushing to hide behind A-Yuan. “What?” His friend asks, confused.
“Him.” He gestures towards the man – but does not point as it is forbidden – who's looking at them with the same cold expression. He's probably here to scold Jingyi for running – yes, he admits, he was running – and Jingyi shudders, wondering what horrible punishment awaits him. “He's scary!”
A-Yuan laughs softly. “Not really.” He says, taking Jingyi's hand. “Come.”
“What?” Jingyi cries out. “No, no.”
“Hanguang-jun.” A-Yuan greets. “This is my friend, Lan Jingyi.”
Oh, Jingyi blinks. This is Zewu-jun's brother. His father always talked about him with admiration.
Hanguang-jun nods and Jingyi bows deeply, equal parts confused and in awe.
A-Yuan glances up at Hanguang-jun, then looks around and, lowering his voice, tells Jingyi, “he is my father.”
Jingyi blinks, whisper a low, “woah”, and then bows again. “Nice to meet you!” When he looks up, Hanguang-jun's expression is less intimidating.
Hanguang-jun nods again, touching A-Yuan's shoulder. “We have to go.” He says, raising his hand. Curiously, Jingyi eyes the basket he's holding.
A-Yuan nods, eyes shining. “Can Jingyi come with us someday?”
“Some day.” Hanguang-jun promises and with one last wave A-Yuan takes his father's hand as they leave.
They take him to see the rabbits weeks later. While A-Yuan and Jingyi feed them, Hanguang-jun plays his guqin, stopping once in a while to pet a couple of bunnies.
“Your father is soft.” Jingyi says, amazed.
A-Yuan laughs loudly.
Oh, he's adorable, Ming Ming smiles at the Lan boy. He's looking at the bread with a serious expression, occasionally he gives her a polite smile, before looking down again.
“Do you need some help?” She asks, eventually, amused.
“Oh,” he says, “I am sorry to bother you, but – how much can I buy with this?” He shows a couple silver pieces and her eyes widen immediately. She knows the Lan Clan do not have to worry about money and this innocent boy probably never had to deal with this kind of business before.
“My dear boy,” she waves her hands, “you could buy all the bread I have for at least half of that!”
“I will take it, then.” He says, offering the money.
Ming Ming startles, shaking her head furiously. “No, no. I can't.” She starts packing the bread for him. “Here, six for a silver piece.” She says, smiling nervously.
“No, no.” The boy insists. “Take it all.” They stay at it for some time, the boy trying to give her all the pieces he has and Ming Ming refusing. Her mother taught her to be honest and just, she could use the money, actually, but she'd rather work for it and not take it from an innocent, good, boy.
“Please,” she lets out, frustrated. A crowd has started to gather around them, watching the discussion curiously. They must make a rather interesting pair, one trying to offer money and the other refusing to take it. Her husband would be laughing, if he was still alive, “I can't.”
“Six breads,” a man says, touching the boy's shoulder. Ming Ming immediately bows, blushing furiously as Hanguang-jun looks at her, “four silver pieces.”
He's trying to negotiate, she realizes, but still – it's too much. “That is four times the price, Hanguang-jun.” She argues.
“I believe it is a fair amount.” He says. “Don't you, Sizhui?”
“Yes, Hanguang-jun!” The boy – Lan Sizhui – nods immediately. He counts four silver pieces and offers them to her, expectantly.
Finally, she sighs, admitting defeat. They could argue all day, Ming Ming is sure she would, but they must go home, and well – so does she. Her mother has agreed to take care of Ming Ming's daughter while she works at the street market, but it's getting late and her mother's health isn't the same as it was years back, she needs to rest and Ming Ming, more than anyone, knows how much trouble her daughter is.
“Thank you, Hanguang-jun,” she says, exchanging the money for the bread, “and Lan Sizhui.” She adds, smiling at the child.
She watches them go, the older man holding most of the bags as Lan Sizhui reaches out for his free hand.
Later, as she's walking home, she finds them giving the bread to a small family who's been living in the streets of Gusu for a while now. The mother looks on the verge of tears while the kids start eating immediately.
Ming Ming wipes tears of her own, observing Lan Sizhui smile kindly at them.
“Can we do this again next week, father?” She hears the boy ask as they walk back to the Cloud Recesses. Hanguang-jun nods in response.
Such a sweet child could only have a great father, Ming Ming smiles, noticing how Hanguang-jun looks down at the boy like he's the most important thing in the world.
She looks forward to seeing them again.
Ouyang Zhen* isn't worried. His son is of age to join Night Hunts and he's being accompanied by none other than Sect Leader Lan, really there's no one more qualified to take care of his boy.
So he isn't worried. He is just – keeping an eye out for trouble. Yes, just that.
His wife smiles knowingly at him before she retreats to their room with a soft whisper of goodnight. She is expecting their fourth child – he is sure it will be another girl, she thinks it's going to be a boy and Zizhen just wants them to stop giving him siblings – so she should rest, even though he doubts she will be able to fall asleep tonight.
He paces around the garden, ignoring the urge to go looking for his son. Zizhen would never forgive him for showing up unannounced on his first Night Hunt away from his father, and oh, Ouyang Zhen could never stand his son being angry at him.
He's trying to convince himself to at least try to fall asleep when he notices the flare. Alarmed, he takes his sword, hands shaking, and gathers his men, rushing to his son's aid.
He's not surprised to find Hanguang-jun already there, Ouyang Zhen is surprised, though, to find him covered in blood, eyes shining with anger. He startles, scared, when the man looks at him, but chooses to ignore it for now in favor of taking his son in his arms.
“What happened?”
Zizhen is shaking, but he's not scared, Ouyang Zhen realizes, he's angry. “Sizhui was trying to help!” He says, glaring at the man whimpering on the ground as Hanguang-jun stands in front of him, sword in hand, like a wolf ready to attack.
Another Lan boy is crying, he notices, kneeling in front of his friend who's being taken care of by Sect Leader Lan. Behind them, a woman is being held by a disciple from the Jin Clan, her clothes' ripped apart and Ouyang Zhen feels sick when he realizes what exactly the men was trying to do with her**.
He's glad Hanguang-jun killed them.
Sect Leader Jiang arrives not long after, stalking towards his nephew and shielding his eyes from the bloodshed. Ouyang Zhen tries to do the same with his own son, but Zizhen pushes him away, running towards the Lan boy who's lying, unconscious, on the ground.
“Please.” That dreadful man whimpers, raising his hands. “I didn't do anything. They did.” He points at the bodies around him.
“Liar!” The crying Lan boy yells.
“You stabbed Sizhui!” Zizhen shouts.
Hanguang-jun raises Bichen, lets the tip of the sword prickle the man's neck. “Wangji!” Sect Leader Lan calls just as the man starts begging for his life. “He's awake, come!”
Ouyang Zhen has seen Hanguang-jun fight, knows what he's capable of, with or without his sword. However, he has never seen him move so fast. “A-Yuan.” He hears the man whisper, one hand on the boy's face.
“Father.” The boy answers weakly. “Is the woman safe?”
“Yes.” Hanguang-jun nods. “Yes, you saved her.”
“Good.” He says, smiling softly as the other Lan boy cries harder.
Ouyang Zhen exchanges a look of understanding with Sect Leader Jiang and then turns to the man still whimpering, surrounded by the dead bodies of his accomplices. They would have done the same, their own boys being hurt or not. Maybe worse.
“I will take him back to Cloud Recesses.” Sect Leader Lan says, looking at the man with contempt. “He will pay for his actions.” Then he adds, “we will care for the woman as well.”
He nods. “Hanguang-jun's son will be fine?” Ouyang Zhen notices Sect Leader Jiang rolls his eyes, but decides to ignore him. He knows the man dislikes Hanguang-jun, fuck, he probably dislikes every Sect Leader, but it is not his problem. They've all learned to ignore his moods at this point.
“Yes, thank you.” Sect Leader Lan answers, with a kind smile, and Ouyang Zhen sighs in relief. He gestures for his son to come closer, throws his arm over his shoulders.
“Let's go home.” He says and with one last look towards his friend, Zizhen nods.
Ouyang Zhen also looks at the Lan boy, leaning against his father's chest. He hopes he will never have to see his own son like that.
Wei Wuxian sees Lan Zhan lead Sizhui outside while the rest of the junior disciples eat  their food enthusiastically, Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi bickering over who gets the last chicken wing.
He leans against the door of the tavern, watches as father and son walk together, talking quietly. Sizhui looks at Lan Zhan with admiration and his smile widens when his father touches his hair softly.
Wei Wuxian knows Lan Zhan very well, even after thirteen years. He's an adult now, obviously, with responsibilities, and he carries himself with more certainty, but his heart and mind are the same. He does not hide his thoughts nor does he hide his feelings from the people he loves.
And it's obvious how much he loves Sizhui. From his subtle touches to his lingering glances when they were at Yi City and in danger. Wei Wuxian didn't even need to ask to have his answer, he only had to really look.
He feels sad when he thinks about A-Yuan. The boy would be Sizhui's age now, probably a strong cultivator, smart and gentle. Wei Wuxian would have taught him to fight with his sword, would have given him hugs and kisses every day until he grew old enough to start escaping his hold.
Would A-Yuan come to call him father as well?
“Thank you, father.” He hears Sizhui say, blushing, as Lan Zhan fixes his ribbon.
Wei Wuxian feels himself smiling when Lan Zhan looks at him. He isn't ready to ask about Sizhui's mother or how Lan Zhan became the father of such a special boy, but he knows he will have to face his feelings eventually, he's been in love with his friend for far too long to simply keep ignoring it.
He's got a second chance at life, he will make sure not to waste it.
“Lan Sizhui. Lan Yuan. Lan Yuan.” Wei Wuxian keeps repeating until he finally understands what his heart has been trying to tell him all along. “A-Yuan.”
“Senior Wei.” Sizhui says. “I am A-Yuan.”
Wei Wuxian cries.
“Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian whines as they get ready to bed. Nine is far too early for him, but he's learned to enjoy watching his husband sleep. “Your son wants to go on another Night Hunt tomorrow. He's becoming too much like you.”
“Our son.” Lan Zhan corrects, resting his head on Wei Wuxian's chest and closing his eyes.
“Oh.” Wei Wuxian laughs, happy, so happy, he feels his heart is about to explode. “You're right,” he takes Lan Zhan's hand, kisses his palm, “our son.”
*I don’t think we were told Ouyang Zizhen’s father’s name so I made one up for this story.
**I tagged the TW as attempted rape, but if you guys think I should tag it with another term, or maybe write it on top of the post, please let me now.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
94 for sternclay for the winter prompts??? Especially if trans stern because I love that for him:’) either nsfw or sfw, hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! Your writing is a gift
Thank you so much!  I went with NSFW, and Stern is indeed trans.
94. you overhear my ex mocking me for being single at a holiday party and introduce yourself as my SO with a kiss on the cheek but we’ve never spoken before 
The things he does to pay for culinary school. 
It’s not the catering gig that’s bothering him; he takes pride in making food at conferences and office parties better than expected. It’s the fucking red, white, and green uniforms they’re making them wear for this one. It’s hot, itchy, and he really would prefer to wear the winter sweater Thacker gave him last year. It’s rustic but festive. It’s also sitting in his car, because no one told him about these uniforms until he got here. 
You can’t spring a surprise uniform on a guy who’s 6’4 and 190 pounds. The vest digs into his stomach, the jacket is too tight, and the pants don’t cover his ankles. 
It’s too bad, this party is pretty fun to work. It’s for a big-name publisher looking to seem hip, so the band is good and the decorations don’t look like the Macy’s Parade puked all over the room. 
The meals aren’t sit down, more a five hour cocktail party with canapes on trays and a spread of food at the back. Barclay sets out a new plate of crostini, wondering if they have enough fruit for the evening, when someone taps his shoulder. 
“How can I help-”
“I need a refill.” James, his ex, smirks at him.
“Not the bartender.” Barclay picks up the empty tray. 
“I stopped being the guy to refill your drinks when you dumped me. Go ask whatever poor sap you dragged to this to do it for you.”
“Poor sap? Barclay, you sound like one of those boring mysteries you always read.”
“I’m trying not to swear, I’m at work.”
“Too bad you left me-”
“You broke up with me”
“-You could be enjoying the party instead of serving lukewarm food in a ridiculous outfit. Then again, looking like a clown suits you.”
“Man, c’mon.” Barclay can’t get into it here, James is absolutely the kind of guy who will use it to get him fired.
“Not surprised you haven’t found someone who wants to put up with your whole puppy-dog routine. What good is all that bulk if you’re just a pus-”
“There you are.” An arm snakes around Barclays waist and he freezes. James stands up straight, plastering on a smile.
“I wish I’d know ahead of time this is where you were working tonight. It feels wrong to be out mingling when you’re stuck back here. Oh well, next year.” A soft kiss lands on his cheek and in his surprise he turns to look at it’s source. 
The man is almost his height, trimmer and dressed in a black suit with a blue and silver tie. He’s blue eyed, with jet black hair slicked back and a face that puts every movie star Barclay can name to shame.
Barclay has no fucking clue who he is, or if he’s mistaking Barclay for someone else. He doesn’t seem drunk enough for that. 
“Mr. Stern, it’s an honor to meet you, I, uh, this-”
“This must be the ex you told me about, right, big guy?” Mr. Stern sets a protective hand at the small of his back.
“Uh, yeah. Babe, this is James.”
“So, where at Penguin do you work?”
“I, um, oh, look, someone is calling me. Bye, Barclay, nice seeing you again.”
The hand doesn't leave his back until James is out of sight.
“I’m sorry. He was harassing you and that seemed like the fastest way to make him stop.” Mr. Stern is still standing proud, but his voice is now softer, almost shy. 
“That’s, uh, that’s totally fine. I really appreciate the help. Kinda surprise you saw flirting as more appealing than, like, pretending to be my boss or something.”
“He’d know I wasn’t, trust me. And don’t sell yourself short, Barclay.” Blue eyes lock onto him and scan all the way to his feet, “even a bad fitting uniform can’t hide what you have you offer.”
“Th-thanks.” He’s either going to hide behind the serving tray or ask this guy to take him home and he’s not sure which will reinforce Jame’s “puppy dog” taunt more.
The other man, sensing his discomfort, steps back, “Sorry, that was inappropriate. I know better than to flirt with someone who’s at work and can’t escape. I shouldn’t keep you from doing what you need to do.”
“I get off at nine.” He thwacks the tray over his mouth, “ow. Uh, and I don’t mind talking to you. If you want to. I, uh, I don’t want you to feel like you have to spend this whole party chatting with the help instead of having fun.”
A sigh, “I should go mingle. It’s really okay if I come back?”
“Yeah.” Barclay smiles. There’s no way this guy is coming back; if he’s here single, he’ll have a date in the next five minutes. 
Fifteen minutes later, he’s standing a respectful distance away and asking Barclay how this compares to other parties he’s worked.  
“Middle-ground. It’s not the one time I got to work my friends art gallery opening, and it’s not the wedding where someone tried to deck the bride with the chocolate fountain.”
“Oh my lord.” 
“I was in the line of fire and was washing chocolate out of my beard for an hour.”
“No one at home to do it for you?” It’s not subtle, and nor is the glance he gets over the rim of a cocktail glass. 
“Some things I’d rather not ask Mama’s help on.” 
“You still live with family?” There’s no judgement in that smooth voice, just genuine curiosity.
“Oh, no, Mama’s my...I mean she’s technically my boss but she’s also my friend, almost like an older sister. I live above where I work because she owns the whole building and takes in staff rent-free when she can. It’s nice working at her place, since I can cut my hours doing this.” He gestures to the nearby table of season fare, “which does mean I missed the attempted kabob-maiming last week. Relatedly, I’m happy this isn’t an all you can drink party.”
“You and me both. Two years ago Dean Koontz threw a punch. I think it was--oh, um, excuse me, work calls.”
This time, Barclay allows himself a moment of ogling as Stern walks away.
They pick up where they left off when the other man comes back, leading Barclay to mention he’s a cook at Amnesty Lodge .
“Wait, really? I love the Lodge, the food there is incredible.”
Barclay’s skin matches his terrible red pants, “Thanks. The head chef has been letting me do more of the menu and I’m really proud of it.”
“You should be. It’s perfect, although it’s a pity you being in the kitchen means I haven’t seen you sooner.”
He tries to say thank you again, but it comes out a garbled squeak
“Was that too far?”  
“Nope. Uh, it’s uh, just that I’m out of practice flirting or, like, getting compliments. They were pretty thin on the ground in my last relationship.”
“I see.” He’s learning to watch Stern’s eyes rather than the rest of his face, which hardly ever changes from it’s calm, professional set. Said eyes drip with disapproval. 
Old habits of defending people--even ones who are dicks to him--kicks in, “I mean, he kind of has a point. No one wants to date a six foot puppy. Guys like me are supposed to be all in-charge and shit like that.”
Stern raises an eyebrow, “maybe you’re looking in the wrong places.”
“Got any ideas on where I, uh, should be looking?” He takes a half-step towards Stern, standing up straighter. Stern doesn’t move an inch, but gives him a proud smirk. The pride is directed at Barclay.
“Lots. And I’ll share them as soon as you’re off the clock.”
“Don’t I even get a hint?” Another step.
“No, Barclay, you don’t. You’ll just have to show me you can be patient.” His tone changes, laced with the promise of a hidden prize that Barclay will do anything to earn. 
He just manages to whisper out “okay” as Stern is called away again. When he comes back, Barclay setting out clean plates and more silverware. They talk about restaurants, about Barclay’s friends and all the ways he tries to help them. Barclay endeavors to not go into full begging mode in public by looking at Sterns wrists rather than literally anywhere else on his body.
“What are those things in your cufflinks?”
“The Hodag. It’s a cryptid from Northern Wisconsin, and a really excellent example of completely fabricated cryptid that nevertheless goes on to have a life of it’s own. It’s very common in small towns, since if it goes well it acts a tourist draw. In fact, there’s some indication that even the Loch Ness Monster began as just such a hoax and-” He snaps his mouth shut, clears his throat, “sorry, I try not to talk shop at these things. It, um, tends to get on people’s nerves.”
“But I wanted to hear the rest. I mean, I have a high info-dumping tolerance because of one of my friends, but also you clearly know your stuff and I have no clue about any of it so please keep talking?”
Stern’s face is full of excitement, and he grows more animated as he talks. It’s the cutest goddamn thing Barclay’s ever seen, and he saw Dr. Harris Bonkers, his friend’s rabbit, as a baby bunny in a bow-tie. 
He clocks out two minutes after nine, and Stern is waiting for him near the doors to the staging room. 
“Are those the only clothes you have with you?”
“No. I have nicer stuff in the car that I planned on wearing.”
“Go get it. Here, I’ll walk down with you so you won’t have trouble getting back in the building.”
After jogging to his car while Stern waits for him in the gold and silver tinseled lobby, the older man guides him to an elevator. He’s pretty sure Stern is older than him; he’s a big deal, but not in some sort of prodigy way, which means he needed some time to get so well-known. 
They’re so busy coming up with Cryptid-themed ice cream flavors that Barclay doesn’t notice the floor number until they step out into a darkened hall.
If Stern brought him up here so they could have a quick fuck, he’ll jump for joy. 
“My office is this way. I figure you might like changing not in front of your co-workers or in a bathroom.”
Damn it, why does he have to be considerate instead of horny?
The office Stern brings him to is modestly sized with a huge bank of windows on the one side, facing out over the city. From here he can see apartments, stores, restaurants, all lit up in festive colors, trees dotting the little boxes of light. 
Stern locks the door, leans back against it, and nods at the clothes in Barclays arms, “Put them on.”
“Here?” He eyes the wide windows, the fact that the other man makes no move to leave or turn around.
He manages, around the heart trying to hammer up his throat, “Are, uh, are you gonna watch?”
“Do you want me too?” There it is, the immediate softness in his voice, and Barclay understands that if he says no, he’ll have his privacy.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” He reaches for the vest, gets the first button and goes for the second in a hurry. 
Stern raises his hand in a ‘pause’ gesture, “Slow down.”
“Yes, yes Mr. Stern.”
A gentle laugh, “Not quite, big guy. Were we anywhere else, I’d tell you to call me Joseph. But here..” he tucks his hands casually into his front pockets, “here you call me sir.”
“Fuck”  Barclay battles himself to keep his pace slow, needing to be good but also so turned on he’s afraid he’ll start humping the furniture. He forces himself to wait a count of two between each button, gets his vest and shirt off without further instruction. Stern watches him the entire time in silent appreciation. His shoes and pants are more awkward to take off while standing, and he braces himself on the desk, not wanting to sit without permission. 
Then he’s standing there in nothing but his black boxers and the lights of town, laughter floating from the party while Stern studies him like a menu. 
“Fold every and set it on the chair.” 
He follows orders, boggles at getting hard from someone telling him to fold laundry. Jesus, Stern hasn’t even touched him. Is he even planning to? Barclay can’t decide which option he likes better. He returns to his spot in front of the desk, hands folded in front of him. 
“Should I, uh, get dressed, sir?”
Stern pushes off the door, walking casually over like a shopper regarding a display, “That depends; do you want to do back to the party with your cock hard enough to hammer nails?”  He glances down, then back up with a pointed stare. 
“N-not really.”
Stern raises an eyebrow. 
“Not really, sir.”
“Then we’ll have to do something about it.”
“Are you sure we should do it here?”
“Barclay, if we get caught, I’ll be twice as mortified as you. I’m only doing this because we’ve got this whole floor to ourselves.” He cups Barclay’s cheek and the sighs, rubbing his face against a warm palm. 
“Okay sir, I trust you.”
A moan curls up between them as Stern’s other hand runs along his chest.
“Good boy. You like to be good, don’t you, Barclay? You like taking care of people?” 
“Yes, so much sir, please, lemme be good to you.”
Joseph strokes his face, “That’s very thoughtful, Barclay. But I think it’s been awhile since someone took care of you. Would you like me to do that?”
“Please, sir.” The response is pulled from him, one of the many parts of him aching magnetically to be near to Stern. 
The other man shoves his right hand down Barclays boxers, sliding his thumb over the head once before stroking steadily up and down. 
“Holy fuck” Stern gasps, “a guy could have a lot of fun with this thing.”
“It’s all yours, sir.” 
Fuck, where did that come from?
Stern groans, tips his head to kiss across Barclays chest, murmuring as he does, “Is that what you want, Barclay? You want this” he speeds up until Barclay’s hands fly to the edge of the desk, keeping him from dropping to the floor, “to be mine?”
He whines, nodding.
Stern’s hand stops.
It starts up again, “what else do you want, big guy?” He’s still kissing all over his upper body, tone nonchalant.
“You, sir, I wanna fuck you or, or you can fuUUUck me if you want, not very good at bottoming-”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Stern lightly pinches his nipple, “what else?”
“I want to blow you, and, and FUCK, I bet you’re a fucking great kisser and I want you to fucking boss me around as much as you want, wanna wear a collar, a blue one, ohfuck” Barclay scrapes his nails along the woodgrain, “fuck, sorry, that was weird-”
“No, say more” his grip tightens and to Barclay’s surprise he’s panting, “tell me everything you want, even it’s got nothing to do with sex.”
“I want, fuck, to be tied up and told how good I am, want to wear something stealth sexy out in public, want to fuck in a cabin” his mouth is fully ahead of his mind, which is concentrated entirely in his dick right now, “want to eat at every five star place in the city, want to drag you places by that fancy tie, have a new car, buy any cookbook I see, I want, oh fuckohfuck, sir, I wanna cum please, want to so bad.”
“You can cum whenever you like, big guy. But you have to kiss me while you d-” 
He cuts Stern off with a kiss, clinging to his shoulders and pouring desperate, deep sounds down his throat. Stern kisses back with precision and a pleased moan when Barclay cums in his boxers. 
Stern eases his hand out and Barclay flops against him, face buried in his neck as he rumbles out a thank you. 
“D-do you want me to blow you, sir?”
Stern kisses below his ear, “Yes, but that’s not doable right now. Unlike you, I don't have a change of clothes, and something tells me you’re a, um,” he bites Barclays ear, “messy eater.”
“Only when I’m enjoying myself, sir.” 
“You don’t have to keep calling me that, unless it helps you come down.”
“I’m okay, Joseph. Heh” he smiles, inhales a minty cologne, “I like that name. It’s classic.”
“Thanks, I picked it myself.”
Barclay chuckles, snuggles closer while ignoring the sticky underwear. 
“You know, I can give you everything you want. If you want me to.”
“Some of those are really fucking expensive, babe.”
“You really have no clue who I am, do you?” Stern steps back, moving to the other side of the desk and pulling out a packet of wet-wipes, sliding one across to Barclay before cleaning his hands.
“A really cute guy who should let me take him to dinner?” Barclay pulls down his underwear to clean the cum from his stomach.
“Ever heard of Lucky Park?”
“No fucking way. I man, I know it’s a pen name, but there’s no fucking way, a guy who’s never off the NYT Bestseller list wouldn't fuck a nobody cook.”
“If the cook was hot and interesting to talk to he would. The kitchen skills help a little.” Stern winks
“But you wrote The Peregrine Quintent,  and Red Dust, jesus christ your stuff has been movies.”
“Now you see why James was so startled; I’m Penguins golden goose. That’s why I even have time to write books on cryptids; they know to indulge me. Plus I put out at least a book every two years for them and it always makes a fortune. Do you need to sit down? You look kind of lightheaded.”
“I’m fine, uh, just trying to make sense of it all. Also I can’t sit down unless you want my bare ass on your chair.”
“Another time. I guess you’re going commando for the rest of the party, but I think you can handle it, big guy.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” He grabs his pants and pulls them on, “holy fuck, this can’t be real, it doesn’t make sense.”
“Barclay” Stern touches his arm, “it absolutely makes sense. I had so much fun talking with you, you’re such a, um, a sweetheart. And you’re built like a wet dream. If, um, if this is too much too soon, tell me to back off but I, I’m serious. I can’t remember the last time I got butterflies like this around someone, or wanted to buy things or do things just to make them smile. You clearly look after so many people in your life; will you let me look after you, at least for a little while?”
“You really want to?”
“Unlike some people, I like big men with a gentle center. You can be my six foot puppy any time. Wait, hold on, that, um, that came out weird.” Stern giggles and Barclay, now dressed, pulls him into a kiss. 
“I get it, babe. You wanna go show me off?”
“Of course. I’ll get my camera ready; we have to record your exes reaction.” Stern kisses his cheek, “after all, maybe this will teach him to know a good man when he sees one.”
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afy2018 · 4 years
She Prefers Wine
“There is no way anyone will fall for this, Fee,” Sarah huffed from her foster mother’s couch. “I mean, why can’t I just go?”
“Because we need you to go through the back and Sarah your way into the building. Besides, this is more fun. How does she look?”
Cosima emerged from the kitchen clad in one of Sarah’s leather jackets and a tight bun to mask her dreads. Gone were her pointed glasses with contacts in place so she could still see.
She tugged a bit at the jacket, complaining, “It’s a bit tight across the chest, do you just wear these open all the time?”
“See, I told you,” Felix smirked.
“Shut up,” his sister huffed, getting up to grab her keys. “Come on, let’s go.”
They drove to the function, Sarah tucked in the trunk of Felix’s car while he and Cosima switched between various genres of house and psychedelic music, all of which would most definitely be blared in a local gay bar. She always hated these covert missions, always annoyed to be type-cast as the idiot who breaks in while Cosima was stuck behind a computer or Allison needed to annoy people to death- or bury them in her garage. Being stuck in the trunk while not the more comfortable spot she’d been stuck in- was not the worst place she has had to hide. While reliving her life escaping from Mrs. S as often as she could manage, Sarah flew into the backseats as Felix came to a stop.
“A little softer stop next time, you arse,” she blurted from the trunk.
“This is your stop,” he responded.
“Then why did I have to hide in the trunk?” she asked crawling over the seats and out the backdoor.
“Come on, get into the spirit, agent Manning!” Cosima smiled.
“Well, it worked. I’m ready to slit someone’s throat.”
“Okay, okay, less slitting throats, more grab the money and ID cards then call me when you’re ready.”
“I still don’t know why you couldn’t just come with Cosima a Cosima and drop me off in the back?” Sarah wondered with her head between them.
“Wait, is that all she’s doing? So, I didn’t have to wear this off-brand Hot Topic outfit?” Niehaus asked.
“Watch it,” she warned.
“Let me have fun. Now go, there’s probably someone snooping about here,” he ushered, getting out of the alley to park their car. “Okay, getting into character, Cos, do you remember your signal phrase?”
“North and south- mouth,” she poorly mimicked.
“You’re trying to sound like Sarah, not the Artful Dodger,” Felix huffed. “You need a new phrase.”
“Or I could just not talk?”
“Sarah never shuts her mouth, you need a phrase.”
“Fine, but… I mean people will be drunk right?”
“Probably not that drunk. Try… north and south mouth?” She repeated to his mild satisfaction. “Just stay by my side.”
“Then people would be really suspicious,” Cosima commented in her accent. “This isn’t going to work.”
“It better. Come one.”
Walking to the entrance, Cosima asked, “How did you two get into this situation?”
“It was Sarah’s fault this time.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Fine, but it was mostly her fault. So, you know Vic has some connections-”
“I thought you were all done with Vic?”
“We are, god we are,” he muttered, “They just have some money and personal information on us.”
“Wouldn’t it be better if we didn’t go in there?”
“They’ll have proof that we didn’t go into the back room.”
“But they’ll know you were in the area?”
“But we didn’t break-in.” Felix pulled out a note and knocked on the door for the bouncer to open. “I’m quite ecstatic to see you here tonight Bobby.”
“It’s been a while since you two have reared your ugly heads,” he nodded, unlocking the note and taking Felix’s banknote. “But you still remembered the password, but not my phone number?”
“Oh, see, I lost it…” he shrugged, slipping past him to follow Cosima inside.
“That’s not a great excuse,” she whispered.
“He wanted a rope bunny triad, what was I supposed to do?”
“Say no thank you?”
“I was just planning on waiting until he broke up with Mel.”
“Oh, now I get it. So, just have fun and pretend to be Sarah until she calls you?”
“That’s the plan!” he smiled, tucking his valuables into his underwear and pulling out some glow in the dark make up. “Now for the finishing touches.”
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Just adding some color, don’t be such a prude,” he scoffed as he painted her face with intricate designs.
“Fine, as long as it doesn’t include glitter.”
“I agree,” he nodded, putting the makeup back in his jacket. “I’m also glad you said that after I put this stuff on you.”
“Felix?!” she protested on their way in.
“Go have fun, Sarah, socialize and… get something to drink.”
Cosima approached the bar, feeling leering eyes on her while the bartender served his customers. She muttered her signal phrase under her breath, practicing the two she was given.
“I guess they draw in more than just college students,” a clearly familiar voice jibed.
Cosima looked just past her shoulder, catching Delphine curiously trying to read her. She kept up the ruse, the accent coming quite naturally. “We both know you’re not a bloody student, eh Delphine?”
“I guess we all have our secrets, don’t we?” Cormier sensed, cocking her head at her partner’s words. “What are you doing here?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that since you’re not even from the area. How did you hear about it?”
“I hope I’m not blowing your cover,” she whispered, sliding over a bottle of beer, watching Cosima’s reluctant reaction to it before she took a quick swig.
“Look, I’d love to flirt with you, I bet I fit right into your type, huh, but I have more important affairs to deal with.”
Delphine furrowed her brows, smirking at her cheeky demeanor now masked by the darker cockney accent her clone had. She slid her hand across her back, feeling Cosima instinctively lean into her before pulling away, grinning at how easily she broke through her cover. It was quite enthralling, seeing Cosima put on this badass act. It made her want to whisk her away as Niehaus had done with her at the Neolution speech.
Cormier tugged at the lapel of her leather jacket, fixing the durable material and finished, “Fine, I’ll leave you be, just try not to get caught, they may mistake another for you.”
Niehaus stripped off Sarah’s clothes in the backseat, struggling with her pants while her cohorts talked in the front seat.
“You’re sure no one saw you?” Felix asked his sister.
“Not a soul back there. They were having some sort of party in the break room, so I just snuck in. I saw you found a friend in there, Cos,” she directed to her clone.
“Who?” he turned around to ask.
“Oh? What was she doing there?”
“I honestly don’t know, should I ask her?”
“No, then she’d know it was you.”
“Okay,” Cosima huffed, pulling out her contact lenses. “Take a left at the next light for a shortcut. How did they even get your shit?”
The siblings glanced at one another for a few moments before Manning pressed, “Fee.”
“I may or may not have promised to be a dealer, but it was when I was eighteen.”
“I was young and bloody stupid,” he reasoned. “Look, here we are, thank you for your help tonight, we can give you a cut for your time.”
“Makeup, Cos,” Sarah reminded, wiping the remaining glitter from her cheeks and forehead.
“Why do I get myself into these situations?” she mumbled on her way. “Good night, guys.”
“You’re a good kid,” Felix noted.
Cosima shook her head in response, the door closing behind her as she jogged up the steps to her studio apartment on the sixth floor. Seeing the light bleeding out from under the door, a slight wave of relief washed over her with the scent of dinner wafting out of the room. She walked in and set her belongings in their popper place- her desk and closet- then went to the kitchenette.
“Do you deep clean your dishes?”
“Deep clean?”
“Yeah? To get the oils and the crasse off,” she casually explained, approaching with a pan. “You still have glitter on your face, Manning.”
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Whitmore Guy draws void
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word count: 2641
music: damage by partynextdoor & halsey, mad hatter by melanie martinez
Whitmore Guy masterlist 
By six the guests started arriving. Damon came first, with a bottle of wine, and nodded solemnly when Y/N reminded him she didn’t drink wine. Elena and Bonnie brought other kind of alcohol. Caroline came at six-thirty with a loud ‘I brought a cake!’
Mal, welcoming her, frowned,
“I made a cake”, he took her jacket and put it on the hanger.
“Well, there are several very deep throats here”, Y/N said. Caroline stared at her as a nasty smirk stretched Mal’s face.
“What’s in it?” he cocked his head, looking at the cake in Y/N’s hands.
“Give it to me, I’ll take it to the kitchen”.
“Don’t eat it”.
“Is there any cheese?” Bonnie screamed from the kitchen. Mal ran to her, explaining how to find cheese as he moved. Ric knocked on the door, and you could feel through the wood he was doing it because he was a brave man. Caroline let him in and returned to Y/N, leaning to her,
“The guy has crazy fixation on you”, she whispered.
“This guy?” Y/N asked, laughing, as they both eyed Alaric taking off his jacket and nodding to them.
“Where do I put this bottle of beer I brought specifically for myself?”
“To the rest of the bottles”.
“No, that guy”.
“Is anybody else coming?” Mal cried.
“Where’s Stefan?”
“He’s running late”, Elena replied. She was helping Mal bring everything out onto the table in the living room now.
“He’ll be here closer to six, asked me to express his apologies”.
Caroline’s eyebrows went up and down and she joined the rest of the company.
Mal’s cooking was a success. Damon tried really hard to keep his composure, but neither him nor Saltzman couldn’t hide the fact they enjoyed the food very much. They had to compliment him as he sat at the top of the table, his elbows on the cloth, his fingers crossed, like a mommy of the dinner, and smiled charmingly. Y/N’s been thinking about Caroline’s words. Nobody has voiced yet the thing she had her suspicions about; now that she looked at him and managed to catch his eye every time she wished, it was quite obvious. Y/N just had to think about it, and Mal turned to her, as if waiting for something. Like she was on the back of his mind at all times.
 “So, who else saw the funny FBI guys?” Mal asked after they were done with the main course and had to sit a little to let everything slide down. Y/N has lost that bet, by the way. Whatever that was called, what he did with pasta, she ate it all.
“We just spoke about them a couple of days ago”, Stefan said. He did come late, but not very significantly. He also loved the food but didn’t have too much difficulty showing it.
“And? They’re looking for a supernatural reason for the murders, aren’t they?”
“Are we really talking about this at the table?” Bonnie asked. Mal shrugged happily and gave her a look that said, give me a break.
“You know, we decided we’re just going to wait and see what they do next. We have a killer on our hands…”
“I thought Y/N said you believed it was that Caroline’s boyfriend’s sister”.
Caroline shifted on her place uncomfortably.
“Way to go, Mal”, Y/N nodded morosely.
“What did I say?”
“Come on, man, you remember, we talked about it. Be less blunt”.
He put up his hands.
“Sorry, my bad. Have you broken up?”
Damon shook his head slowly as a smirk lit his face. He was drunk on good food and the warmth of the house. Elena snickered into her plate as Caroline pressed her lips together. A little bit more time – and they would all explode into laughter, but something dinged in the kitchen.
“That’s tea. Caroline, your cake goes first”.
There was a shower of protests. Mal was all but a talk show host, extremely comfortable with the whole party of guests,
“I mean, not my fault you guys brought additional food. I told you we would have to eat it all. I don’t know why you even bother to eat in the first place, there’s like three people in here…”
“Four”, Bonnie reminded, smiling.
“What?” he already got up and paused, holding the back of his chair.
“Four people. You, me, Y/N and Ric”.
“Sure. Whatever you say, Bonnie”, he grinned.
“Come on!”
“Pine tree. This is a pine tree”.
“Where have you EVER seen a round pine tree?”
“These are needles!”
“These aren’t needles, they are splashes”.
Mal was dancing around the whiteboard (that Caroline brought the morning before, for drawing (don’t ask her where she got it from) with a black marker in his hand. There was a long black mass coming out from his artistic attempt, with various shapes and drops like dark silhouette of a body that fell from the roof. Someone saw a butterfly in it, somebody was convincing everybody it was a pine tree. Y/N thought it was something more morbid, because of the way the guy smiled when he read what he got out of the hat.
“Guts! It’s guts!”
“Y/N, chill, it’s not guts”.
Mal couldn’t speak, so he just shook his head constantly, expression of sheer pain on his face. He brushed them all off with his hand and rubbed everything off, beginning again.
“Sea! That’s sea!”
He nodded furiously, and then made the sea very wavy.
“Storm! Shipwreck!”
He pointed at the waves and then – at his marker, tapping on the board.
“Black? Is it Black Sea?”
He shook his head with disappointment.
He drew a little person in the waves, so tiny you could barely see him there, with his arms lifted like he was drowning.
“Drowning victim!”
“Insignificance of human life!”
Everybody fell silent for a moment.
“Wow, Ric, are you okay?”
Mal would be laughing his ass off if he could produce sounds.
“Okay, we give up”.
He made the person wave their tiny limbs, but saw that the company lost all threads of understanding.
“Oblivion”, he finally said like it was obvious.
“Jesus!” Elena crossed her arms on her chest. Stefan laughed out quietly, his arm around her shoulders.
“That’s dope”.
“Do we really have those words in this game?”
“I didn’t invent it”, Mal shrugged and took his place on the sofa. Caroline came in next and drew a very attractive bunny with an egg. Her ‘Easter’ was guessed very unanimously. Then, it was Y/N’s turn, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get them to guess. She was a terrible artist. She watched Mal with his head tilted as he thought carefully, piercing the whiteboard with his eyes. Finally, he exclaimed:
“Closing hour at the shop”.
There were triumphant shrieks.
He smiled happily, putting his finger to his temple.
He has tortured them for another ten minutes with an obscure drawing of a spiraling circle again. It was black, blacker than the previous one somehow, and in it eye in the center, was sheer madness. They guessed and guessed, exhausted by drunkenness of their minds, when Damon suddenly said, very gloomily,
Mal sighed contentedly, and his eyes flickered.
“Really? Why does he get these words?”
“Show me the card!” Y/N shouted, and Mal passed her the piece of paper without taking his eyes off Damon. She tried to ignore it, and read,
“Void. Wow. Are you trying to say something?”
Mal finally took his eyes off the vampire and threw the marker away.
“Okay, who wants some more cake?”
They were happy like children. You could say Mal has enchanted them with his amazing cooking and host skills.
An hour more in, and Y/N started feeling dizzy, so she started checking on everybody before she could come out to breathe in. She found Damon and Mal in the kitchen. Seeing them together was weird. They were even height, and Mal looked relaxed yet dominant, while Damon seemed like Gray earlier that day, a bit agitated, a bit ruffled. His head was cocked and he was trying to see through him. Mal was talking without even taking a moment to breathe in. He smiled charismatically and bit his lip as he said something, and Salvatore’s eyes narrowed. The rest of the voices was coming from the living room where people were obviously having a good time. Y/N didn’t know if she should intervene or let them talk. Say, Mal charges at Damon – for Martha – and then gets killed. Because Damon doesn’t take shit from anybody, he refuses to even admit it when he’s clearly wrong, about which Y/N wasn’t sure this time.
Mal turned and looked straight at her, and then Damon did the same.
“Are you fighting yet?”
“Why would we fight?” Damon asked quietly. Ever since the game, he didn’t look happiest, and he didn’t try to hide it. Mal looked at him sneakily.
“Because you killed my girlfriend. No, it’s fine, Y/N. We’re practically best friends, right?”
Damon sniffed through his nostrils, still looking at her. He didn’t say anything. Y/N backed off slowly and was stepping back until she was out of the kitchen space and in the hall.
“Where are you going?” Caroline asked as she walked through the living room to the kitchen with her empty glass in her hand.
“Need a bit of air, I think I’m too drunk”.
“You need a company?”
“Nope, I’m good”.
“Stay on the porch”, the blonde vampire smiled. Y/N couldn’t help grinning, too. She’ll be looked after until this place smothers her.
She came out on the porch and took the full lungs of sweet summer air. The street lamps were working this time, and she looked at the stars compared with the wide blinding bulbs made of glass. If every star was the size of the moon, and the moon was the size of a watermelon when you hold it in your hands, people wouldn’t even know darkness, and she would have nothing to fear, ever.
She came down to the drive and walked on casually, enjoying the air. The street was almost as good as dead: with only one house shedding the light except hers; the street of death, that’s what the locals called it.
There were light steps behind her, and even before looking, she knew it was Mal.
“Party anxiety?” he asked, leveling with her and looking up, too.
“Just breathing”.
“Exactly what I’m saying. Hey, I wanted to thank you”.
“What for?”
She looked at the guy chewing on his lip. He smiled.
“I know I seem strange. Like, I know you said it, but I know how you really feel. The way you look at me”.
Her face went hot, and she looked away, pretending she’s seeing a squirrel or a cat in the bushes.
“So, thanks for giving me time and not questioning me”.
“What are you on about?”
He shrugged.
“Well, this morning I could see I scared you. Sometimes I say things or do them in a certain way, and I can see I freak people out. But you hold on alright”, he tapped Y/N on the shoulder briefly. She pressed her lips. They stood on the middle of the road.
“And I hope you’ll tolerate me some more”.
“Did you check your place for my necklace?”
“Yes. There’s nothing there. I didn’t take it, and I’m certain of it”.
“Okay. I know you’re going through stuff”.
“Did you bring it up with Damon?”
“I told him I understand”.
“Do you?”
“Not really, but we gotta be civilized, right? I think he’s a brute, and an asshole”.
Y/N looked at the house, lit from the inside like a modest Christmas decoration.
“I don’t think he can hear me”.
“That’s not what I’m thinking”.
She shivered suddenly. In a second, the feeling was gone.
“It’s a cool party, I think you’re doing great”.
He snorted.
“Not that it’s a problem for me. I feel fine around people”.
They put their hands in the pockets simultaneously, and kept walking.
“How long has it been, since the massacre? I think I’m going mad. I’m losing time”.
“Almost two weeks”, Mal said. “But yeah, it feels like time is stretching like hell. This morning I forgot about everything completely. I got up and was like, I have to go into the town to see her. And then I was like, oh no. She’s dead”.
Y/N looked at his face. It expressed nothing.
“But I guess it passes, right? It’s better to have been loved. I can’t do anything about it, just walk here and there. Like a complete dummy. Might as well learn a lesson”.
“That’s the most adult thing I’ve heard you say ever. You creep me out for real now”.
Mal snickered.
“Imagine, though, never being loved. By anybody. Ever. That must suck balls so hard”.
She smiled, imagining that, and then it stung her, that actually. Actually. As she looked down her dark street, and even rows of streetlamps, and the black end leading nowhere, in this silence of summer night. Her eyes went dry for a second. Mal went on,
“I should consider myself lucky, because I’m a sociopath, and somebody loved me. While I’m not even supposed to have that. Not all normal people find somebody who would love them, you know”.
“Should we go back? Are you feeling okay?”
She realized Mal was looking at her, not blinking. She hummed slowly.
“I’m just imagining being alone for eternity, with not a single person caring about me. That’s really dark”.
Mal frowned, and his pretty face looked concerned.
“That’s not your case. There’s a guy somewhere who’s going crazy about you, I’m tellin’ ya”.
“That’s just a theory, of course I know that”.
He smiled.
“Great. There’s still cake left, let’s go”.
She felt cold, detached. She felt like the cord that was keeping her connected with the Earth got cut off, and she floated away, with no oxygen, and her body went apathetic. Maybe it was alcohol, but she was getting the strangest, numb feelings, filling her in like a bathtub. They returned to the house, and it didn’t get better. Maybe she was getting a quiet anxiety attack, with her heart stopping instead of racing like crazy. She didn’t even feel his hand on her shoulder as they walked into the living room. Her guests made themselves at home, and she didn’t mind, holding on to Damon’s bright-gray gaze from the corner of the room. Elena pulled her to the couch where they were playing yet another board game.
Closer to midnight, they started to drift away, complimenting Mal again and again, and seeing that Y/N was exhausted and out of it, he completely took all attention on himself, relieving her from seeing them all to the door. Y/N walked there, leaning on the wall, and smiled lazily, watching them as they were getting dressed. Damon placed a small kiss on the top of her head and disappeared silently into the night, and Ric said, see you at work, and she nodded. Caroline smelled sweet, like her cake, as they hugged, and Stefan was hard like a brick to hold. Elena shook Mal’s hand sincerely, smiling at him with her eyes glistening. Bonnie stepped to her and pretended hug her, too.
“He’s watching you sleep”, the witch whispered into her ear.
Y/N wrapped her hand around Bonnie’s waist.
She looked at Mal, running his hand through his hair as he was laughing at something Elena said.
“I touched him and I saw accidentally. You were lying in bed and Mal was watching you sleep”.
A shadow stepped away, and she sighed.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was… visiting and fell asleep when we were watching a movie”.
Bonnie stepped away, tilted her head, and her green eyes narrowed.
“It was in this house, Y/N”.
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w-h-4-t · 4 years
Random DAI Drabble: She’s Doing What?...Again?
Pairing: Female Inquisitor/Josephine Montilyet
All I’m gon say is I had fun writing my idiot OC Qunari Elf Inquisitor into a silly situation.  
Headcannon: Josephine and Leliana are the older sisters that torment their little brother Cullen.
I saw the Andrastini video of Like a Prayer and I just couldn’t help myself. It’s the best shit I’ve seen all month. 
The Drabbles also live here, on A03
The Inquisitor was not normal. Everyone had been given time to acclimatize to her behavior; Sera number 2 as people often called her. There were obvious ways in which they differed, of course. First of all, the Inquisitor wasn’t as disrespectful. Secondly, Harel could do something Sera wished she could, but couldn’t.
The Advisors, called to a War Meeting once again, filed into the broken hallway, dodging the cold breeze that filtered through the crumbling wall. Josephine and Leliana stood closely together, discussing some matter of politics or shared task.
Cullen, on the other hand, remained as quiet as usual, his hand passing nervously over his hair to ensure the curls were at maximum stylishness. A dollop of pomade would continue to be the theory he told everyone. A smirk lit the normally serious Commanders face. None shall know his hairstyling secrets. 
And from its place on his head, Cullen’s hand flew down to his sword pommel as a loud thump came from the War Room. Leliana didn’t let his jumpiness slip.
 “Well, I am certainly glad we have a brave knight here to slay the dreaded door,” she quipped, causing Josephine to hide a giggle beneath her hand.
 Much like a Mabari’s ears flatten at being scolded, so too did Cullen’s expression turn. He began sputtering, trying to get the attention off of him but alas, he failed.
 “Oh, brave knight,” Josephine started, trying her best not to let the laughter overcome her, “M-may I gift upon you, a favor, should you slay the table destroying our precious farmla-” she had withdrawn a handkerchief from her pocket, only to falter her speech midway, finally doubling over slightly in laughter, using the cloth to suppress her giggles.
 “You two are...tch.” the Commander tuts, his face sullen as he’s lovingly picked on by the two Advisors.
 Another thump comes from the War Room. 
 Cullen’s dour expression turns, lighting up in wary curiosity, “I’m not just hearing things? Am I?” he says, his brows furrowing, “There’s something going on in there,” he moves to draw his sword, “The Inquisitor could be in trouble.”
Leliana is as quick as her sharp eyes are perceptive, grabbing Cullen’s hand before it scrapes against its scabbard, “There is no need,” she says with a playful smile, “Our Inquisitor is more than fine.”
 The three stand outside the War Room as another thump comes from within, followed by two more and a string of Elvhen curses.
 “Perfectly fine,” Leliana repeats, her hand moving from the Commanders to press lightly against the door.
 Josephine, in all her inquisitive splendor, couldn’t help but be dreadfully curious as to what was happening in the War Room, something Leliana had yet to speak of. 
 Harel was not the secretive type, her love was an open book and Josephine, a prolific reader. Even so, everyone had the right to bear their little unspoken things, regardless of how painfully interesting they may be. 
 And as data collection was one of her more minor duties, Josephine still felt the urge to know things pressing her with a near pummeling force.
 “Leli,” Josephine says, leaning into the Spymaster, “What is she doing?”
 Instead of speaking, Leliana puts a finger up to her lips, her blue eyes alight with mischief, a memory of a younger, impish Orlesian came blasting through the cold shell of the current Spymaster.
 From behind the pair, the slight shuffle of armor makes itself known, causing both ladies to turn in synchronicity to give an incredulous look to the Commander. He stares like a pup, eyes big with interest as he tries his best to lessen the clinking metal.
 Leliana silently beckons him forward, her eyes wide in exasperation as he takes a few steps forward, a few loud steps. He huddles in closely, far closer than he’s ever been to the ladies and focuses his attention to the seam of the door as Leliana pushes it open.
  Through the small crack, they can all see Harel, in the space the Advisors normally stood, spinning like an out-of-control top. The window was open and the faintest sounds of music from the tavern could be heard. The Qunari elf leapt around, a thump following her landing as she danced in reckless abandon. Her style was an odd combination of lustful Rivaini swaying and formless, laughable Ferelden jigs. 
 Cullen sputtered, causing a gloved hand and a tawny hand to clap over his mouth in alarm. 
 Harel remained unperturbed as she hopped around the War Room like a Halla in heat, her hips moving, arms flailing, eyes closed, lips parted singing softly. Josephine’s eyes go wide as the horned woman bends forward, lashing her braid in a full circle before her hips follow the movement. 
 Maker’s bloody breath.
 Sweat begins to shine on her grey skin, her forehead slick and white hair, damp. She gets up on her tiptoes before completing yet another few spins, bending forward to the area where Josephine would be, her hand outstretched.
“Would you have this dance, My Lady?” Harel whispers before her face scrunches in confusion, “Wait no, will you dance with me? Would you have to dance? Fuckin’ common tongue.” 
 And at once, to everyone’s surprise, she begins a ballroom dance, her moves matching the beat of the tavern music as she holds her invisible dance partner. She sweeps around the 'ballroom' and Cullen tries, he really tries, not to laugh. 
 It’s helped by the fact there were still two hands over his mouth.  
 “Dearest Josephine, you are a splendid dancer,” the Qunari elf speaks into the air, “Ah yes, Wycome indeed robbed me of fuckin’ class but I can still move!”
 There’s a poorly hidden smile on Josephine’s face as she watches Harel spin around, her cheeks alight with a flush as she tried to suppress a small laugh. What a funny little soul her Herald was. 
 He’s intrigued, the Honnleath man, as he leans in to try and see better.
 This causes the door to open wide, a resounding creak echoing through the War Room. Not that anyone heard the squeaking hinges over the sound of Leliana and Josephine groaning and chastising Cullen. 
 All the lustrous grey faded from Harel’s skin as she let her arms drop at once; her skin ashen in embarrassment. 
“S-shanedan, my Antaam,” she sputters, trying to change the subject, “That means hi and body like a group of warriors…” she stands straight, moving quickly from her place at the War Table, “I mean, we have a Ben-Hassrath and an Ashkaari but no one needs…”
 Harel sighs as she looks away, green eyes stuck to the floor as the Advisors walk in, “How much did you see?”
 “Oh,” Josephine says with a smile, walking forward quickly, her hand coming up to brush against Harel’s shoulder, “We only just arrived.”
 “She’s lying.” Leliana said mid-cough, “We saw everything,” again poorly disguised behind a few coughs, “Who said that?” she finishes, feigning ignorance as she walks towards her usual spot. 
 Harel’s face immediately scrunches up in embarrassment, her face for once, another colour, reddening as much as her grey skin would allow. 
 “Quite a skill you've got there, Inquisitor,” Cullen mutters as he walks past her, patting her shoulder before trundling off to his spot.
 “Will you shut your fuck? Hmmmm????” Harel retorts, her eyes wide and lips pressed into a thin line.
 “Now Harel, my love, my darling little Halla,” Josephine speak just a little too sweetly, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with dancing alone,” her hand is still light in its touch, avoiding the droplets of sweat, “It is a perfectly acceptable means of expressing oneself, something you have done with… an...enviable...amount of energy.”
 Harel’s ears flatten as her mood sours just a little, “Love the way you took a pause there, Josie,” the Qunari elf crosses her arms, ignoring the music from the window, “Real show of support you are.”
 Josephine pulls the Inquisitor’s shoulder just a little, beckoning her to walk in tandem. There’s a small pout from the Antivan which shakes Harel’s bad mood just a little.
 “If you wanted to dance with me, you could always ask,” she brings up a tawny hand to pinch Harel’s cheek, “I am certainly agreeable to it. Remember Halamshiral?” the pinch turns into a soft patting, “I would have no qualms.”
 The embarrassed elf thinks, her eyes darting all over the War Room before she steps away from Josephine, spinning away before she stops, wobbling slightly, her hand outstretched, “Dance with me, Lady Montilyet?”
 A small laugh escapes Josephine as she slips her hand into Harel’s; the Qunari elf immediately presses their bodies together far closer than a waltz or a public event would allow.
 “I suppose the reports can wait,” Cullen says quietly to Leliana as he watches the pair spin around the War Room, his eyes flicking to the map,” Did you know Lake Calenhad looks like a bunny?”
 The Spymaster gives a hum of approval as she watches Harel sloppily and quickly dance with the Ambassador, bracing her legs to the ground before lifting her up in one quick motion. Harel spins her, carefully, laughing the whole time while Josephine latched onto the odd half-breed, ignoring the sweat pouring off the Inquisitor. 
 “This would make it the fifth time I’ve caught her doing this,” Leliana whispers to Cullen as Josephine begs to be put down, “You’d think by now she’d choose somewhere other than the War Room to do this.”
 The Advisors watch as Josephine is placed down with care, encircled in Harel’s arms as she tries to regain her balance, listing to the side ever so slightly; her hair in a right mess. 
 “I don’t know,” Cullen starts, a smile on his face, “I think this room could benefit from a little Rivani dancing.”
 Leliana doesn’t respond at first, a small huff of laughter escaping from beneath her hood. She steps to the side, elbowing Cullen a little, drawing a small exclamation from the Commander that’s drowned under Josephine’s and Harel’s joyous banter.
 “Don’t be a lecher.”
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mediocrebutworking · 4 years
A(n) (Un)Broken Promise by Hana Afifah Nuraini
Sunray was breaking through the leaves of an old white oak, flooding its somewhat-finger shaped leaves with abundant energies. Birds chirped, sang their orchestral concert with rhythm. Blue sky with the dense of leaves became their backdrop, no less interesting with the luxurious curtain in concert halls. From afar, the buzzing sound of a lawnmower aired. The laughter of a bunch of children in the neighbourhood, with them lively playing, gave a joyous scenery.
Little Lucy, with teddy bear swinging in her grip, stared those kids from inside her cupboard. She knew them: her neighbour’s children. Following the way they ran and hid, she knew that they were playing hide-and-seek. Pouty lips appeared; she always wanted to play together with them. But that pouty lips immediately gone, knowing that she would play in this cupboard under the old white oak, their hangout, with her lovely twin: Rosy. A huge, childish smile spread on her face.
“Rosy!” shouted the little girl inside the opened cupboard. She saw her twin, hugged a bunny doll, and ran all the way to her. Mother and Father stood in the veranda of their American typical house, observing the little runner. Rosy’s wavy hair ricocheted funnily as she ran with wide steps. Lucy looked at her twin carefully; Rosy wore a little pink gown with a bow on her back. That was in contrast with her clothing, as Lucy wore a little blue gown and bow. Their hair was tied with the same colour as their gowns. Lucy waited for her twin to arrive.
“Lucy! Huh… huh…” Rosy panted as she didn’t usually run. Her body was weaker than Lucy’s who were more athletic.
“Calm down, Rosy. Here, sit here and take a rest.” Lucy shifted a little so Rosy could sit near her inside the opened cupboard.    
“So… What are we gonna do today? I see those kids are playing hide-and-seek,” Rosy followed where Lucy was looking at.
“Mm, I don’t feel like doing hide-and-seek right now, Lucy. Too much running for me,” Rosy took teddy bear and hugged it. Teddy bear and bunny collided in her hug. “Sorry,” her eyes glanced to Lucy.
“Never mind, we can play tea party like we usually do. Now come on,” Lucy grabbed Rosy’s hand and took her to the bench near the cupboard. On the table lied many cups and a teapot, completed with artificial cakes and biscuits. Then they played as two princesses having a tea party. Mr. Teddy Bear and Mr. Bunny also attended it. In the middle of role-playing, Rosy suddenly asked, “Lucy, is it possible for us to stay the same?”
“Huh? What do you mean? I guess we will be taller in some years ahead, wouldn’t we?”
“Yeah, I mean can we keep being together like this?” Rosy stared deeply into Lucy’s eyes. Lucy smiled sweetly.
“Of course my sister, we will be happy together as always…”
Twelve years later
Lucy looked at her clock in panic. The long needle pointed at four while the shorter needle pointed at eight. It was ten minutes until the first period and Lucy hadn’t found her History notebook yet. Frantically she searched all over her desk and bookshelf, but she found nothing. Lucy stopped for a while, thinking where last she put it.
Dad’s car honked from outside. Not too long she heard him calling her. “Come on Lucy! We’re almost late!”
“I’m coming, Dad!” Lucy looked out her window to find her father stood next to the car and a girl crossed her arms with boredom. The girl looked straight at her. Her gaze as if said, “Why don’t you learn?” Seeing it, Lucy squinted and continued her searching. Her eyes shone brightly as she found the target. Quickly she grabbed her green History notebook, which was under her rug. Of course, she couldn’t find it easily. She quickly got out of her empty house. Mom had left to her restaurant.
Dad and the girl were already in the car. Lucy opened the door to the back seat and got in. Quickly the black car speeded up to their school.
“What’s wrong Lucy? You used to be quite early before going to school,” Dad asked while waiting for the traffic.
“I lost my notebook, Dad. Today, I have a History exam in the first period,”
“I see. I recalled that you already had it, right Rosy?”
The girl, who was very similar to Lucy, nodded her head. “Yeah Dad, last week. It was a piece of cake, I’m telling you, Lucy. Wanna know the questions?” Rosy smiled wittily.
Lucy snorted, “No, thanks. I’m good,” She then drowned herself on her notebook, trying to memorize the subject matters. She secretly disliked that trait of Rosy who liked to offer exam questions to her. Lucy knew that Rosy wouldn’t tell her the real question though; she just teased her. If she did tell the real questions, Lucy wouldn’t take it. Simplicity from a rival was never warmly received by Lucy.
That was right. Rival. Lucy considered her twin as a rival in achievements academically. They went to the same school from kindergarten, which was Mason Bread Schools. This school ranged from kindergarten to senior high, making rivalry between Lucy and Rosy never ended. Despite the fact that they were twins, they were quite different in terms of attitude and achievement. Rosy was like a princess, graceful, and quite polite. She was also accepted in grade A class, which explained why she already had her exam before Lucy had. She always aced every competition in their schools, whether it was Mathematic Olympic or Science Fair since they were in primary school. Her reputation as the smartest student since kindergarten was inevitable. Rosy’s positive aura always made everyone liked her, even the fierce school janitor, Ruby, really liked her. Name other positive traits, and most of them would suit with Rosy. In a shorter way, Rosy was almost perfect.
The only weakness of Rosy would be that she was weaker than Lucy. Her weak immune system often made her visit the hospital. She had to take medicine routinely to keep her health. Dad and Mom, of course, paid more attention to Rosy mainly when her schedule was so packed with competitions and exams. It was the time when Rosy would likely to get ill. Lucy didn’t have any problem with the division of attention from their parents to Rosy and her. Only that sometimes she felt a little bit lonely if the three of them left to the hospital and she was home alone.  
Lucy, on the other hand, was mostly on the second place. Either it was coincidence or not, Lucy was accepted in the regular class. That explained why her exams later than Rosy's, since the pace in A class was very fast. Previously Rosy and she enrolled for the same class: A class. It turned out that only Rosy who was accepted. To make it up, Lucy also joined the same competitions as Rosy did, but she always lost from Rosy. They always competed for their achievements, but mostly the result could be predicted: Rosy the winner and Lucy the runner-up. One plus point from Lucy was that she was more creative and artsy than Lucy, proven by many drawings she hung on their room’s wall. Other than that, Lucy always got a higher score for P.E than Rosy.
Different from her twin, Lucy had a slightly less positive aura than Rosy. Since they were kids, Lucy always acted fiercely, moreover when there are some idiots who were quite brave to annoy Rosy. She wouldn’t hesitate to beat those bullies until they collapsed. The rumour spread around the school made gangs of bullies scared to get closer to them, but still, there were some who got the nerve to face Lucy. Her sharp yet cold gaze made Lucy’s aura became more menacing. They labelled Lucy as Princess’ Bodyguard. Of course, the princess was Rosy. Lucy never burdened with that role, though. Instead, she was proud to be admitted as a strong person. Her slim but firm-built also proved that nobody didn’t want to mess with her.
Rosy was a princess in the spotlight, where everyone was cheering on her and took many pictures of her. She laughed happily with the crowds. Whereas Lucy was behind those crowds, far away from being the centre of attention. She was always enveloped by darkness. Nobody stood beside her. She was alone and lonely.
This kind of illustration in her mind made her thinking bad. Am I not good enough to be loved?
Now that Lucy entered a higher level of education, she wanted to change Rosy’s dominance. She used to be cheering on Rosy’s victory whenever she won something, and she was quite lazy to join competitions. But now, she decided to change. She wouldn’t give up. Enough with being the second as always. It was her turn to be number one.
She thought for a while. At the same time, there was a traffic jam. Many cars honked impatiently to others, asking them to move faster. Dad sighed on the front seat and Rosy just stared out of the window’s car. Lucy stared at the tree on the right side of the car. There were so many branches, making as if the tree wasn’t focused on one point. Like an abstract painting. At that very moment, she realized it.
She was just focused on academic matters when actually those weren’t her expertise. She worked very hard for Science Fair, mathematic Olympic, and biology class while actually she was better in Art class and P.E. Not that the hard work was in vain, it was just that she focused on Rosy’s abilities and forgot her own potential skills. Just like the tree she looked at, the branches were everywhere and they didn’t focus on one direction. Her laziness for not joining any art competitions or sports competitions resulted in fruit of guilt for her.
She sighed. I have wasted so many years and not proving my worth to Dad and Mom.  
After thinking for a while, Lucy finally decided. It will be quite hard to beat her academically. Maybe I’ll go with non-academically like painting or race. I can only do those kinds of things. I’ll just wait for any competitions, whether it is art or sports, it doesn’t really matter to me. I’ll just wait for my chance.
Finally, they arrived at school. The twin walked to the main building. As they walked in, the hall was quite empty. It was 8.30 sharp, time for the first period to begin. They parted in the hall.
“Break a leg, Lucy” Rosy smiled sweetly.
“Yeah, you too,”
Rosy went to the second floor to her A-class while Lucy went to the south of the hall, to her regular class. When Lucy entered her class, all the kids were already there. She looked at the surrounding and found no teacher in front of the class. She instantly remembered that Mr. Hawkins was always late in his first period.
She walked slowly to her seat and continued to read her History notebook. The noisy sound of the class as the soundtrack didn't distract her. She had just tried to catch what happened in 1492 in North America when she heard a voice.
"Morning, Lucy. You got a minute?"
Lucy lifted her head, and she found a pair of greyish eyes stared deeply into her chestnut brown. A pair of greyish eyes that she adored for so long, was in front of her. She was so still as if the black hole in those greyish balls absorbed her consciousness. Lucy's expression remained blank until three seconds later. Quickly she got back to normal.
"Morning, Oliver. What?"
"Uhm, I was wondering if you could teach me about subjects for today's examination,"
"...yeah, sure. You have just got here?”
“Yeah, I overslept again hahaha,” He stroked his blonde hair. He then fixed his posture on his turned-to-behind chair, ready to be taught.
Lucy rolled her eyes and smiled. She started to read the explanation in her notebook as normal as she could. It was Oliver Craig, her crush since she was in grade 5. They went to the same kindergarten and primary school and ended up being in the same class. Although she had known him since they were toddlers, she couldn’t stop her skipping-beat heart whenever he got too close to her. She tried her best not to sound trembling while Oliver scrutinized at her.
“Aah, I see it now. You know, I prefer to be taught by you rather than understanding Mr. Hawkins’ presentation. Yours is understandable while his is so confusing,” Oliver nodded his head after Lucy read and explained to him her note. In response, Lucy just smiled.
“Anyway, Lucy. Have you heard about the painting competition?”
“What painting competition?”
“Painting competition held by this school. Every year this school conducts art competitions, like dancing, band, sculpting, and painting. I know that you are great at painting, that’s why I recommend you to join it!” Oliver's eyes shone brightly. Lucy assumed that he wanted to join that competition as well.
“And you? You’re great at painting too, Oliver,”
“Definitely! I’ve been waiting for this since I was in junior high. Man, I’m aiming at the prize!” He shouted excitingly and punched the air.
Oliver’s spirit was contagious to Lucy. Lucy started to smile again, “What’s the prize? If it’s cool then I’m in,”
“One day trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Arts! There will be free tickets for both museums and planes and if I’m not mistaken, free dinner too! Isn’t it awesome?”
Lucy’s eyes widened. Philadelphia Museum of Arts was one of her dream places that she wanted to visit. Lucy once asked Dad to go there, but he couldn’t make it as it was quite far and he didn’t have time. And did Oliver mention about dinner too? Man, that’s great.
Mr Hawkins eventually came to the class. Oliver fixed his chair position to face the front. All kids in the class suddenly were quite. Lucy checked her watch. Mr Hawkins was late for fifteen minutes. He seemed like recovering from a bad hangover, with his eye bags which were getting darker and his exhausted face.
“Good morning, all. I’m sorry for being late. There’s some business I should take care of… And now, you guys will have an exam. Don’t worry, there will be only three out of five questions. I discount it as my apology. Now, frontier, please give these sheets to friends behind you,” Mr Hawkins said that while yawning like a cat in his table.
This is the chance that I’m waiting for, she thought to herself.
And so, when the exam was over and everyone was moving to the next class, Oliver dragged Lucy to information boards. Their eyes scanned every poster with ‘painting competition’ terms on it. Oliver’s pointed finger touched the posters on his right.
“Here it is, Mason Bread Painting Competition 2020. Let’s see… the prize… Museum and dinner, oh, it’s only for the first and second places! The third place… 24 colours of watercolour set plus sketchbook,” Oliver frowned. “Last year’s participants…. Oh my God, 157 participants? Sure this is tough,”
He crossed his arm. “What do you think, Lucy? It’s quite hard, I guess. But the prizes are worth the challenge,”
Lucy seemed determined. “I guess we have the chance, Oliver. I really want to visit the Philadelphia Museum. It has always been my dream place to visit,” She turned to Oliver. “I want to enrol to Mrs Lawrence on the second moving later. How about you?”
“I don’t know that you could be this excited,” Oliver laughed a little. “Alright, it is settled then. You and I, enrol to Mrs Lawrence on the second moving class,” He nodded, then smiled widely. “Maybe we really can visit the museum! Be prepared, Lucy!”
“Of course,” Lucy smiled. She had many hopes in her heart.
That day, she couldn’t focus on lessons after enrolling herself and Oliver to Mrs Lawrence, the Art teacher. Both of them had been Mrs Lawrence’s pets since the first meeting, and that old lady really supported them to win the competition.
“Alright, good luck you two,” said Mrs Lawrence after typing their names on the participant list.
Yeah, good luck for us, Lucy thought to herself and she unconsciously smiled. She could imagine vividly the announcement day that she won first place and Oliver got second place. They visited the museum, and strangely there were only two of them. They strolled over the museum and adored those masterpieces, with Oliver grabbing her hands. And Lucy didn’t know where the manga-ish pink and glittery atmosphere did come from, as if they were on her favourite shoujo manga. Lucy’s vast imagination suddenly brought her to a fancy candlelight dinner near the shore, with Oliver looked at her adoringly.
Lucy closed her eyes. What a view. It was so nice until she forgot that she was already in the car with Dad and Rosy. They were heading home.
Rosy, who caught her smiling, whispered, “Is there any good news?” Lucy opened her eyes and she stopped smiling. Blush on her cheeks faded instantly, and she made her face looked tough as usual.
“Nah, I just feel like I succeeded in beating Hawkins’ questions,”
“Yeah, I know you can do it,” she said so while leaning her back.
In her mind, Lucy began to plan the concept of her painting as well as the medium she wanted to use. Once they home, she went straight to their room and began to doodle on blank papers. She spent one hour to think about her painting design, and she tried to paint it with her watercolour. She was quite satisfied with the result, although it was only a rehearsal. She stared at her drawing of a golden-feathered eagle carrying an olive branch and many flying doves, carrying the same plants, surrounded it. It was relevant to the theme of the competition: “The role of Mason Bread in keeping the peace of the world”. Her school had been known to the world in educating many peacekeepers, like armies, doctors, and medical supports, as well as other great people who had a major role in peacekeeping. The golden eagle acted as the leader of the pigeons, and it was the same as Mason Bread which became the frontier of high-quality educational institutions.
Lucy smiled. This rehearsal and its philosophy might be enough for the competitions. Enough to win the first prize and win Oliver’s heart. Lucy blushed shyly while thinking like that. She couldn’t wait for the D-Day of competition.
Finally, the D-Day came. Lucy had packed her stuff in her backpack and was ready to leave. She looked at her twin who slept on her bed peacefully. She then closed the door and walked quietly to school. Dad couldn’t take her since he went out of the town to do research. Mom was busy taking care of her restaurant since there was a celebrity reviewing her workplace. The only choice for Lucy was to walk to school.
When she arrived, there are so many people there. The banner entitled “Mason Bread Creative Week” was hung on the gate. So many people carrying their art equipment: wooden log, canvas stand, and so on. She searched for the painting room amongst the crowd, and she found Oliver standing next to it. She hurried up to catch him.
The boy turned his head. “Oh! Finally, you’re here. I’ve been waiting for you. Now let’s go, they will open the competition,”
Lucy smiled. Knowing that Oliver was waiting for her warmed her heart.
The two then entered the room and sat in their seat according to their number. There was a blank, A3 sized white paper on every table. Lucy put her backpack next to the table and started to imagine her rehearsal drawing vividly in mind. The committee waited for all first group participants to enter the room. Since there were 168 participants, the competition would be held twice, in the morning and afternoon. Lucy and Oliver were registered as the morning participants.
When all morning participants were already in the room, the committee, Mrs. Lawrence started to speak with a microphone.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, since all the participants have assembled here, we are about to open the competition. Remember, you guys have 2 hours to finish it. Don’t forget the detailed requirements about the painting, like the theme, philosophy, and the medium. Well, I wish nothing but break a leg to you all. Now… begin!”  
Together with the echo of Mrs. Lawrence’s voice, Lucy focused on her drawing. Her eyes were firing with determination. She smirked.
You will see me, sister.
Three days passed and the announcement day came. Lucy couldn’t focus on every teacher’s speech. She couldn’t wait for the announcement after school. She prepared her heart for two possibilities. If she won, she would hug Oliver and kiss his cheek. She laughed a little while imagining it. But if she lost… Lucy changed her face to normal. She stopped smiling.
If I have to lose, that’s fine with me. As long as I don’t lose to her.
But her bad prediction was, unfortunately, right.
There, in the information boards, many people were gathering. There were so many people until Lucy had to push herself a little so that she could see what was happening. Oliver was in the crowd as well, but Lucy didn’t pay attention to him and focused more on the board. On the very recent posters glued by Mrs. Lawrence, there are three names of the champions. Lucy scrutinized every name.
In the third place, there was her name: Lucy-Ann Thompson.
In the second place, there was her crush’s name: Oliver Craig.
And in the first place–Lucy couldn’t believe her eyes–was her twin’s name: Rosy-Anne Thompson.
“Huh, isn’t it Rosy? Congrats, Rosy, you won again!”
“You fool, that’s not Rosy,”
“Huh, you mean, it’s Lu–I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to–,”
“So, Rosy won again, huh? She is indeed splendid,”
“Yeah, and look at the third place, it’s her twin!”
“Wow, I didn’t expect that the bodyguard will finally got the place. I mean, she’s not that ski–,”
“Ssshh! She can hear you!”
And many more comments about Rosy’s victory and her position in the third place.
Lucy couldn’t stand there any longer. She turned around and ran. Oliver who saw her running calling her. But Lucy wouldn’t stop her legs from meeting with Mrs. Lawrence. She needed to know how Rosy could win the painting competition. She rushed to Mrs. Lawrence’s office and she found no one. Instead, she found a list of painting competition participants. She read it carefully. Her name was on number 11, and she found her twin’s name on the second paper. Her twin’s number was 156. So basically Lucy was the morning participant, while Rosy was the afternoon participant.
Lucy stared at the list, still not believing that her twin really joined the competition. She never showed any ability related to art, moreover to painting. Lucy was so curious, was Rosy’s painting indeed that great until she won the competition? But only thinking about that, Lucy became so dizzy. There were too many feelings and thoughts in herself.
Well, I guess I’m not hugging and kissing him.
Lucy went straight home, without waiting for Dad to pick her up. She walked fast through little alleys and spoke nothing to anyone. She didn’t want to meet anyone, especially Rosy.  She just wanted to be alone. Once she reached home, she directly went up to the attic. The attic had been her private place when she was sad and angry. The absence of parents for taking care of Rosy made her rely on herself, including when she was down.
Lucy hugged her legs and cried in silence. Her tears wetted her knees. She still couldn’t believe that she lost to Rosy again. The worse was, she was not in second place, but in third place. Lucy wiped her tears. She thought she could beat her this time. She thought she had exerted all her abilities in art to defeat Rosy. The fact that she couldn’t go together with Oliver on the museum trip made her sad even more. It was Rosy who would go together with Oliver on that trip, not her. But still, she couldn’t believe this kind of outcome.
Why? In all possibilities, why it should be her, God? Is there any chance for me? Just a chance…
Lucy stayed still for a while. The idea of switching places was impossible. They never did it since Rosy was a sportive kid and she hated any kind of cheating act. She was rigid with rules. For her, rules existed to be obeyed. She would get what she earned, and the one who would enjoy the result was herself, not the others. So, Lucy started to believe that indeed it was her twin and her crush, who would go to the museum. There was a huge denial in her heart, but she knew that it wouldn’t help the situation became better. So she took her phone out and activated it. She inactivated it to avoid bomb chats from her parents. Soon a dozen messages popped out, and she just ignored it. She typed a message to Mom without replying to her worried messages, saying that she was sorry for not attending celebration dinner and she would come home late.
Lucy headed to a café in the area she didn’t know. It was still around neighbourhood, only that she never explored the area before. A cup of chamomile tea lied on the table and she just stared blankly at the live music. The band was good; the singer could hit the note perfectly. She was about to order another cup when she heard a voice.
“What is the bodyguard doing here without her princess?”
Lucy turned her head to the voice source. Becca, her classmate, sat not too far from her table. Her blue eyes stared Lucy haughtily. She formed a humiliating smile. “Is she fired from her job?”
“Shut up,” Lucy responded shortly and cold. She didn’t want to talk about Rosy or anything related to her. Her purpose to go there was to forget her sadness and her failure. Remembering Rosy just risen up her wound.
Becca still smiled. “May I sit there?”
“Whatever, just don’t annoy me,”
She dragged a chair in front of Lucy. “I know what you are thinking right now,” Lucy stared at her sharply. “It hurts, I understand. Knowing your crush will be going with his girlfriend–oh yeah, you can call her girlfriend–is just… pain,”
Lucy squinted. “What do you mean?” Other than that, how could she know that Oliver was her crush? And did she mention “his girlfriend”? It means… Rosy was Oliver’s girlfriend?
Becca laughed. “Come on, I know that you like him. Oliver Craig, right? I can read your expression, though. Under that thick face, I know you blushed like a soft girl,” She continued, “Unfortunately you always lose from her, even in the love life,”
Lucy gave a glare to Becca. Before Lucy hit her, Becca took out her phone and put it on the table. “Check these out,” Lucy grabbed it and she went speechless. There was a photo, and in it, she saw Oliver grabbing a girl’s hand. They smiled at each other. Swiped left, she saw Oliver kissed the girl and in the other pic, Oliver hugged her. Lucy felt like looking into a mirror when she saw the girl’s face. Who else had a similar face like her if it’s not Rosy.
“Are you kidding me?” Lucy’s voice trembled. She couldn’t believe what she saw. “How could you–“
“I took these photos yesterday. They visited a park near my house. And these are real, I’m not faking it,”
Tears were falling down from Lucy’s eyes again. How could this happen, and I know nothing about this? For how long?
“How?” Becca smiled, but there was something in her smile. Something Lucy didn’t know.
Lucy was silent for a moment.  A second later she rose up.
“Enough. What do you want from me? If you just want to mock me like that, you better get going now or I won’t restrain myself,” Lucy cracked her knuckles, staring at Becca fiercely. The addressee stared back at her without fear.
“I’m not mocking you. Instead, I want to offer you cooperation,”
Lucy’s eyebrow rose. “Cooperation?”
Becca smiled cunningly. “Yes, cooperation,”
Lucy stared at her twin who laid unconsciously on a white bed. She stood up next to the bed and observed her twin’s situation. A breathing apparatus was attached to her face and body. Rosy slept like a princess. Her sleeping face seemed sluggish, but still, her innocent aura came out as if she was still so alive.
Lucy looked at her surroundings. A nurse who periodically checked Rosy’s condition had done her job and she smiled at Lucy and her parents. She passed Mom and Dad who blankly stared at Rosy. Mom’s eyes couldn’t get more swollen; she cried for about four hours until tears didn’t come out of her eyes. Dad leaned his back to the sofa and seemed so tired. At a glance, Lucy got the impression that her parents were getting older. Lucy sighed.  
The atmosphere of this room was gloomier than Mr. Hawkins's eye bags.
A vibration in her pocket shocked Lucy. She took her phone and there was a name on the screen, calling her. She looked at her parents and got out of the room. The phone kept vibrating until she reached the hospital’s balcony and picked it up.
“How’s her condition?”
“You knew it. I don’t need to explain it,”
“Hahaha, it’s good then. Are you happy, Lucy? Everything went according to the plan,”
“Well, I…” and with that, Lucy’s mind flew to a few days earlier.
Lucy stared Becca in doubt. “Tell me what you mean,”
“Simple,” Becca said. “Let’s work together to put her to death,”
Lucy gasped. “Isn’t it too harsh?” Killing someone was never in her option when it came to hate someone.
“No,” Becca leaned her back and stared Lucy deeply. “It’s worth what she did to us,” A few seconds later Lucy caught a sorrow in her eyes.
“Lucas was my boyfriend,” Becca said before Lucy asked. “He really loved me until he met Rosy. Since their meeting, he gradually left me,”
There was silence. The music from the band filled up the gap, but the love song meant nothing to two broken-hearted girls.
“Until one day, Rosy left him. He still chased Rosy to reconcile, but Rosy didn’t want him anymore. He was so stressed and I was there for him. I tried to ensure him that she had lost her feelings to him, but he didn’t listen to me.
Next thing I knew, he died. Committing suicide. Lucas’ mom blamed me for his death. I tried to explain it to her, but she didn’t want to listen to me. She never knew that I wasn’t the cause. She never knew that her son betrayed me and I tried to keep him alive. Rosy didn’t come to his burial and she never apologizes to me or to Lucas's mom, until now,”
Becca took out a cigarette and lighted it up. The smoke flew passed Lucy’s shocked face. She finally knew that the boy named Lucas was Becca’s boyfriend. Indeed Rosy once told her that there was a crazy boy called Lucas chasing her. She recalled the shy smiles and blushing in Rosy’s face. She never knew that boy committed suicide since Rosy never told her. Lucy looked at Becca who was smoking casually. She thought for a while.
Rosy had taken her happiness. She took Mom and Dad, her friends, and her crush. She made her as if she was the unwanted child in her own house. She made her feel bad about being herself. But those pain that she felt were nothing compared to Becca’s. She never knew that Rosy, behind her good reputation, could be very cruel. She stole another woman’s man, caused him to death–indirectly–and she didn’t even apologize. She made Becca’s image very bad. Rosy… Rosy deserved to be punished.
“Alright,” Lucy eventually said. “How do we do it?”
Becca smiled. She took something out of her pocket after she turned off her cig. She clenched her fist. “I knew that you went here alone, and I decided to follow you, carrying this around.” Secretly she put it on the table with her handkerchief as the cover. It was a little glass bottle with little chunks of meat in it.  Lucy kept her posture erected. She had the feeling that the contents were forbidden and she didn’t want to make others suspicious if she looked at it closely.
“There are some tiny pieces of puffer fish’s heart in this bottle. They are very toxic, the second most powerful toxin in the world. I got it from my father’s lab. I took the one which got the least number of heart pieces of all bottles, so they didn’t notice it. Yeah, I guess,” Becca explained, seemed didn’t care.
Lucy looked at the bottle in amaze and fear. “Just put a few of these bad boys on her food, and they will put her to comma before she dies,” Becca looked at her. “Can you, Lucy?”
Lucy widened her eyes and shifted her view to the bottle. This little thing was a killer. Would she have the heart to kill her twin with this?
“Think about the pain she made for you. How she took all of the things you’ve always wanted,” Becca said while staring deeply at Lucy. “And imagine being blamed for someone’s death and being hated for it,”
Lucy thought for a while. Basically those were Becca’s problem, but she couldn’t stand what Rosy did to Becca. It was just too cruel of her.
“Follow the instruction I wrote in this paper, and you’ll be safe,”
Becca then rose from the table, and without waiting for Lucy’s agreement, she disappeared after she got out of the entrance door. Lucy stayed still in her chair. She read the little paper which was tied up with the bottle. Her eyes moved along Becca’s handwriting. She closed her eyes and opened them. Slowly she stood up and walked out of the café.
“Time to go home,” she said to herself. She had one job. Slowly she patted her pocket, where she kept the bottle.
After arrived at home, she did precisely what Becca had written. Before that, she made sure that everyone was already sleeping. She cut the heart into smaller cuts and inserted them into Rosy’s favourite wheat bread. The thickness of the bread really helped Lucy to hide the chunks. She put them inside the very upmost stack of bread; Mom had a habit to give Rosy the first and second stack of bread. Lucy could guarantee if that habit didn’t change since she had been seeing that as long as she lived in this house. Carefully she finished her job and cleaned the tools she used as clean as she could. She washed the bottle and covered it with a cloth. She would destroy it later and she had burned down the instruction paper. Quickly but quietly, Lucy went to sleep. She was both thrilled and afraid to see what would happen the next day. Obviously, she was happy to imagine Rosy and Oliver’s trip to the museum was cancelled.
She couldn't believe that she was enjoying every scene of Rosy’s poisoning the next morning.
“Hm? What is it, Lucy? Come on, just admitted that you’re happy,” a voice on the other side sounded to hold her laughter.
Lucy didn’t reply. She just smiled. “Four hours later. Am I right?”
“Yeah. Let’s say our last goodbye to her,” Lucy could hear a maniac laugh following that utterance.
Lucy hung up the phone and put it in her pocket. A view on the 7th floor of this hospital was amazing. She could see her house as well as the old white oak tree and their childhood cupboard in the backyard from this altitude. She stared at the cupboard and the bench.
Two little girls in blue and pink gowns were playing tea party and laughed happily. Lucy smiled hollowly.
“Of course my sister, we will be happy together as always…” said the girl in blue gown.
“Right, Rosy?” Lucy climbed the thick glass fence in that balcony. She smiled with her tears falling down. “You were happy, and I am happy,”
A second later a girl’s body landed on the boulevard with a loud crash. Blood flowed out of Lucy’s body.
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Cherik Moodboard: Enchanted AU
Note: This is supposed to be a little more detailed exploration of the plot bunnies I have in mind for this (though I am really happy to read that I am not the only one feeling a mighty need for such an AU). I hope to put that into fanfic one of these days, but until I find the time and muses needed… I guess this can be taken as a small preview. :)
In a magical kingdom far, far away lives a young man in a cottage in the woods. Charles is a man heading towards his personal happy ending, as does anyone. With his sister Raven, he has any intention to not only find his personal luck but also for other people. Raven and he are special – they possess a kind of magic. Charles can read people’s minds whereas his sister can change her outer appearance at will.
Charles since harbored the wish to become a teacher and wants to build a school for people like them, those with magical gifts. Westchester Castle would be perfect. And at last, the owner of the property is willing to negotiate a treaty with Charles so that he can build his school there.
However, his supposed benefactor strikes Charles as rather strange. Now meeting him for the first time in person – they conversed by letter before – he can’t read his mind. Charles believes it is due to the strange helmet Sebastian Shaw is wearing, but before he has any chance to investigate, Charles finds himself pushed into a well in Westchester’s garden, and just like that, he is gone…
Erik Lehnsherr is going about his life as a lawyer while keeping a low profile, hoping not to draw too much attention to himself or his teenage son who is busy giving him trouble instead of listening to his father. Until just recently, Erik didn’t even know Peter was his son because his mother and he fell out of touch when he moved to Poland.
Trying to make ends meet as a normal person is hard enough, but doing so as a mutant who has to keep his faster-than-lightning son from exposing them at a time when mutants are more and more under scrutiny is an entirely separate nightmare.
When Erik and Peter pass by Time Square after dinner, both are in for a surprise: A man in a medieval-looking costume runs around in the middle of the busy street, shouting at people to stop thinking. It takes Erik a moment, but then it dawns on him: that man is likely one of them, a mutant. Thus, he instructs Peter to use his lightning speed to get them out of the situation, whiplash notwithstanding.
Peter takes them back to Erik’s loft, where a still very clearly disoriented man with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes struggles with “so many voices.” Any effort of Erik’s to get the man’s personal details fail – knowing very well that the new identification laws for mutants he is desperate to dodge in court won’t do that man any favors if he just hands him over to authorities. But it’s no use.
“I like him,” Peter declares.
“He’s weird.”
In an effort to help the young man struggling with his mutation, Erik tries to calm him by instructing the, for what it seems, telepath to only focus on his thoughts. Luckily, that solves some of the problems, though sadly, it also creates more since that telepath is strong enough to dig into the darkest corners of Erik’s mind, recovering all those painful memories he put away for good.
“I am so sorry, Erik.”
“It doesn’t matter. I want to know who you are, now that you took a look around my head. So?”
“I am Charles. And I believe something is very much at disarray.”
“You don’t say.”
“I mean to say that… I seemingly ended up in the wrong world.”
As it turns out, Charles was sucked into another dimension. Erik nearly chokes on the name of the man Charles was busy making deals with. Sebastian Shaw. The man who made him into a monster. The man who killed his mother. The man he is still desperate to find and bring to justice.
However, as much as he wants revenge, Erik knows that figuring out the situation with Charles currently takes precedence.
“So we get to keep him?” Peter asks.
“You make it sound like he is a stray cat?”
“Well, he’s a stray guy, then. Though he definitely dresses fancier than the homeless guys down Time Square.”
“I would very much appreciate it if you granted me lodgings until I… well, acquainted,” Charles offers shyly. “It appears my home is in another dimension at this moment.”
Erik agrees to have Charles in his loft until they have this sorted out, though the thought of having a telepath in his home does nothing to calm his mind. After all, Charles accidentally dug in very deep already, and Erik has no intention of revisiting the memories he buried inside him.
The following days are filled with confusion foremost. Charles has some issue adjusting since cars, showers, or toasters are, to his mind, witchcraft. Though Charles seems curiously drawn to that which he doesn’t know, which only ever seems to fuel Peter to show Charles the “ways to modernity” by declaring himself Charles’s personal “reality tour guide.”
While Charles can be convinced to wear something more up-to-date to blend in better in public, his way of expression and lack of knowledge continue to get Erik into one awkward situation after the other.
When Charles starts an impromptu musical number in the park, Erik is just about to lose it, though.
Things hit another level of oddity when Peter’s mother checks in on them without letting Erik know of her surprise visit in advance, only to start making comments about how he seemingly "switched teams" after she runs into a half-naked Charles emerging from the bathroom after yet another hot shower, which he finds an “absolutely fantastic invention” they should have long since adopted in his world.
“It is so convenient!”
Despite their continuing clashes, especially once both discuss the methods of their taking on Shaw, the two have a vested interest in finding the man. After all, Charles himself has any intention to get back home to his sister, for whose safety he fears.
Unknown to them, Raven has since taken it upon herself to search for her brother after he didn’t return from his business dealings with Sebastian Shaw as he promised. And Charles always keeps his promises.
She travels to Westchester. While looking for her brother, she nearly walks in on Shaw talking to some of his minions. Raven can gather that Shaw needed to get rid of Charles because of his powerful mind that may have the power to destroy his plans of world dominion – and used Westchester as a way of luring him into a trap. Though, to Shaw’s dismay, something went wrong and Charles was not killed – as it was planned – but sent to another dimension.
“That’s the trouble with the fairytale world. Here, we can’t win – because the bad never wins here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t gather our weapons and then head back to our terrain where we most certainly can.”
One of his fellows, a blonde woman going by the name Emma Frost, is tasked to travel to that dimension and “take care of business” and ensure that Charles doesn’t get into their way a second time once they launch their plan in the other dimension.
Shaw releases a blast of energy through which Emma can travel to that dimension. Raven takes a chance and sneaks in after the blonde woman without anyone’s realization, only to find herself in the middle of Central Park, naked, blue, in her natural shape – and thus in the eye of everyone.
Unable to control her abilities, Raven has no other choice but to seek cover until she gets a hold of her magic. After all, she has to find Charles before this Emma Frost can.
Though help may soon be on the way when she runs into Hank, a young man who loves video games and tells her that she looks exactly like one of the characters of his club’s most beloved game. The group hails her like some kind of blue goddess, which Raven finds flattering, surely, but she really needs to find her brother first.
Hank volunteers to help her, arguing that she won’t have to hide at the convention he intends to visit, because everyone walks around in costumes there. He reveals to her that this is the one occasion where he also travels around in his natural shape – which is, like hers, blue. Just with a lot more fur. Raven agrees, hoping that going from there, she may have it easier to find Charles. And the prospect of being able to be herself in public, she will have to admit, is all the more intriguing.
In some other part of the city around the same time, Erik has his dear trouble taking care of a kleptomaniac teenage mutant who won’t listen to a word he says and an adult mutant who walks the earth with the curiosity of a child, leaving Erik wondering whether he truly is the only adult in the room.
But then again, Charles is from fairytale land where everyone is happy and where no bad can come to you. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to him that Charles won’t see the bad in the world when Erik witnessed it firsthand, more than once.  
Yet, there is a part of Erik that is completely enchanted by that man’s perception of the world, the happiness and hope he radiates and inspires.
Charles, for his part, finds himself both irritated and fascinated not just by this strange world but the man so kind to take him in. There is a great deal of darkness in Erik that Charles never witnessed back in his world – because it doesn’t exist where he comes from. And more than anything, he wants Erik to see the part Charles saw for himself when he accidentally looked into Erik’s mind, but Erik keeps ignoring this light – all the good in him, his love and his compassion, among many other things. Yet, Charles remains determined to show him just that magic.
In an effort to help mend the fractured relationship between Peter and Erik, Charles tries to communicate their feelings to one another, as this father-son pair fails to express what they truly think and feel. While Erik feels offended at first, he realizes that Charles is doing so with best intentions in mind – and actually succeeds to build a bridge between the two after Erik already thought he’d lose yet another child, like back in Poland.
Things take a sudden turn when Peter takes Charles to a convention in the city, so that Charles can “let the weird run wild and free” – only to run into none other than Hank and Raven.
While everyone is happily reunited, Erik is only left wondering just how many more “stray people” according to Peter he’ll have to take in. Though thankfully, Hank proves to be of help, having developed a device that would increase a telepath’s abilities so drastically that he or she could locate other mutants. Charles is thrilled by the idea, hoping that this will finally give him a chance to track down Shaw, not only for Erik’s sake but now also to make sure that Raven makes her way back home safely.
Erik, while driven to finally find Shaw after all those years, finds his mind constantly overwritten by his growing worry and care for Charles, who, to his mind, puts himself in far too much danger in an effort to find Shaw.
While Charles can’t locate Shaw thanks to the helmet, they end up with a lead on the woman Raven followed, Emma Frost. Conveniently, she hosts a ball that is supposed to be a great finale for the convention – though really just for high society – which may prove like a good opportunity to get some answers.
Thanks to Charles’s convincing, the group has no trouble getting in.
And yet, trouble lurks just behind the next corner, since they are not the only ones with special abilities – and the will to see their goals achieved.
Erik fears that he will remain right in the end – that in his world, there are no happy ending stories…
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