#Also sending ideas for future pics is often appreciated
satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Without the corset 💐
Treat me ~ Tip me
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chaosisalwayscrying · 3 months
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⇥ synopsis : nsfw abcs for matt!!
⇥ warnings : smut/suggestive content
⇥ masterlist !
⇥ taglist !
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A = Aftercare (how they’re like after sex)
literally the best at aftercare. argue w the wall. peppers your face with kisses and is so so gentle. pulls out slowly and immediately goes to get you a warm rag or run you a bath and cuddles you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
he loves his arms, he loves the way he can lift you and hold you against the wall or how they carry you to the bathtub and back to bed
he LOVES your boobs. biggest boob guy ever. loves laying on them and pushing his dick in between them and leaving hickeys on them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
started out using condoms but he was not a fan at all. he used them to be safe and you never complained so he figured it was what you preferred. but you both were too in the moment to remember once and you stopped using them since (dw ur on bc)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
before you got together he accidentally spied on you in the shower and gor SO HORNY that he had to leave the house so you didnt catch him masturbating 😭
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
had one body before you but it was the awkward first time so he wasnt sure what to do, but luckily you were experienced and guided him through it
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl. loves when you ride him, and loves watching your boobs bounce in his face
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
hes accidentally funny during intimate sex. theres times when stuff isnt as seriously intimate and he can make a joke or two, but hes more serious
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
trimmed, not buzzcut shaved but not a bush, perfect hair length.
has no preference to how long your hair is, as long as youre happy with it !!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
loves being romantic, rose petals on the bed, candles, the whole nine yards. wants you to feel loved and appreciated
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
only does it when you cant be with him, like on tour and in boston, uses your instagram pics OR asks you to send him nudes
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
choking, loves to choke you, and loves you be choked (we all saw him in larrays vid.)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
the van, his bed, the shower, anywhere private
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
weirdly, matt loves when you cook. it makes him think of the future, how youd be with kids, how youd look pregnant, which just makes his breeding kink act up
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
roleplay, thinks its really weird and he just cant find it hot
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
yes hes matt the munch but i think he just LOVES the sight of you with his dick shoved down your throat. hes so good at eating you out, and he could sit there for hours, but he could also watch you choke on his dick for hours
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
can do both, depends on his mood and the situation. he can go fast and rough if you ask or if hes frustrated, but if its a gentle day or in the morning, soft and slow is his go to
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
LOVES QUICKIES IN THE VAN. will literally send nick and chris in a store by themselves so you can ride him in the drivers seat. in any other place, hes 50/50
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
kind of, doesnt like the idea of being caught but DOES love doing it in mildly obvious places. wouldnt do it in a dressing room or store bathroom, but would in the bathroom of his friends house or in the van in a parking lot.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
three max, usually lasts long but sometimes he doesnt so it depends on how long he can last
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
none for himself but you own a vibrator. he uses it on you if hes feeling mean or if you convince him (it doesnt take much) he lets you use it on him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
can be unfair, and he loves to be unfair sometimes, but he also loves when youre unfair to him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
mostly low grunts or whines in your ear, but if your riding him hes not very good at being quiet. (which is why you can only do so when the house is empty)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
hates sex scenes in media 😭
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
not that girthy but hes LONGGGGGGG. he hits all the right places 😇
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
7/10, he can go a while without sex but he can get going easy
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
he can stay awake long enough to clean you both up and get your both redressed and put something on the tv, but then hes out
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⇥ TAGS !
@sturnioloshacker @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hertvgirl @cupidzsq @sturnnie @leah-loves-lilies @billkaulitz0630 @sturniolololover @stqrnstars @cicicinquistausa @tylerthecreatorsrealwife
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peachyunjinnie · 4 years
any blogs you wanna send love to? they don't have to be writers— i'm trying to prove a point here!❤️️❤️️
this is 1.5k and is officially more than most of my fics- ENJOY I GUESS??
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@ammuqwer Alice, i love you and your lovely compliments you give me all the time to hype me up :’). you are so talented and such an amazing writer and friend. i could not tell you how fUNNY YOU ARE ecila sotl uoy evol i ;)💗
@bangchanismybias i don’t even know how to tell you how much you mean to me with all the support you give me with EVERY SINGLE POST I MAKE it’s so crazy the amount of happiness you bring me when i see your name pop up with every post on my phone! love you!!!💗
@channiesmixtape woody :( ugh where the actual heck should i start? you are for real the biggest and coolest writer that i know one here and with the amazing jungwoo content you give us is just-😞 you are one of the big writers that inspired me to write as well and that was one of the best decisions i could have made on here, to switch from reader to writer! i love you and your selcas! (forreal you is a goddess)💗
@chanonymous s n e h a  m y  p u p p y  m o m  i am your problematic cutie and i love it! we don’t interact as much as we could but the times we do i really have such an amazing time to talk to you and talk about stuff that are just often talked about! i seriously learned some physics for you and i cannot believe that i did but i would do it again for you💗
@cherryeol04 CHERRY! okay, you are so cute and so adorable idK WHY BUT YOU ARE!!! you deserve so much and nothing but the absolute best! your fics are really so well written and you are one of the most underrated artists on here. you really create art on here and that’s nothing but the truth. i love you and i wish to reach your level of writing one day!💗
@doubleknot42 sky!! wow! we haven’t talked in a hot minute but your cute little outfit shows would make my day brighter and better! just to see that is so adorable and how you would thrist over Conan is so relatable! i love you so so much and i wish you nothing but the very very best!!!💗
@gabiog1me gabiiii! i know we just started talking but you are so nice and kind already! it’s actually pretty cool to see and have some black friends on here and kind of have the ability to rant over some stuff that someone with a darker skin color would understand better! and your music taste is A+!!! you are amazing and your a-z is on the way;)💗
@jisungsjheekies lin! you are really with woodles and nicole the biggest blogs that are supporting me and i could not tell you how that literally boosted my energy and my ideas to post! your appreciation posts were just something i would see every single day and would really love! you are such a great writer and your selca is WOW just WOW- love ya!!💗
@kinkywoojins SAMMY SAM! okay okay, the moment i realized that i know you hoe i was 😦 like just 😦. DESTINY IS SUCH AN AMAZING THING HAHAHA i love you mom and i love your posts! if you post again i can bet my left eyebrow i will be the first one to read the masterpiece. AND YOU ARE SO SO GORGEOUS LIKE WOW- THE DOUBLE KNOT PHOTOSHOOT WAS A WHOLE AESTHETIC- i love you so sooooo much!!💗
@lordseochangbin Mel, you are probably really one of the accounts that has the best humor. when you post some crackhead posts i just always have to lie down to calm down and not have an asthma attack and die. PLUS you are so talented! the tennis fic was fuCK so GOOD!! i am so honored to say that you my friend on here! love uuu uwu💗
@lixieslexie LEXIE! okay okay okay. you made me nearly cry when you said that you watched Ghibli movies and I COULD NOT PUT IN WORDS HOW PROUD I AM you are really so pure and such a sweetheart and you have found my softspot some way and now you are my C U T I E. i love u💗
@mrbangchannie meggie meg :) you are so precious and you are so crazy! you are an amazing writer, a beauty, crackhead humor queen and such an amazing friend! we have to talk more and send some crackhead pics cuz i need to send it to someone on here but no one would really get it tbh💀💗
@mini-meanhoe summi🥺 i can’t believe that you are FINALLY my friend and now that we are and the pics you send me of bald stray kids i really do not regret it a SINGLE bit. BUT YOUR FLIRTY ASS NEEDS TO STOP like i kinda just have a constant bellyache from laughing because you of your flirty actions- you are the death of me and i am really not minding it at all hshshhah. also your writing is so good and you have to continue cuz nabi needs more to read! i LOVE you💗
@nightshade-minho miKA i love you and you are so hardworking and i really admire you on another level. i wish i could maintain such a huge blog like yours! you are really a mAgIcAL person cuz no way a normal human being is so cute and talented. when i saw that you’re following me i shit you not i had a 20 minute happydance in my room- imma end this before i expose my cringy ass too much, i luv u💗
@particularemu nicole! we haven’t interacted really but i really had to say this if you see this or something! you are awesome! you are great! you are incredible, you are wonderful! i love you and your sometimes random hyunjin reblogs and i could not get enough of them! i love you lots💗
@starryseung ivy, i saw that the admin changed into mia so imma just say that you both are great and i really love to read the various posts and just to scroll on the dashboard to see your posts! i love you two and you two are really so special!💗
@shari-skz shari! a fellow hyunjin stan and basically my sister...? anna’s family is complicated and i am so confused with who i am related to on here bUT what was about to say is that you brighten up everyone on here so much through the many hateful and irrelevant anons! i love your child ass and i hope we can talk more in the future!💗
@vocalyunhoamelie!!!! the way we first interacted was so weird and so cool at the same time! and the anonie you gave me on your blog really just hits different🥺 and it will stay our little secret hehee i love you and i hope i can get into more of your ateez work!!!💗
@yangomangos MANGOS! mh where to start, you are so adorable and so...idk just give me cute vibes? i was the most nervous little shit to text you because you kinda seemed like a celebrity to me JHGSJHGJASHHI with all of your work being out there and just thriving! you are such a baby and i will not argue over you being a baby! i love you and i really hope we can have better days in the future!💗
@yoyo-mans haya! i really don’t even know where to start with you! you are really such a huge huge friend for me and i couldn't tell you if i would be still here without you by my side. i want you to know that you are absolutely amazing and beautiful! i love you so much and i hope we can make many memories together!💗
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alcalavicci · 4 years
(Disclaimer: if either of you wrote this and don’t want it up, send me an ask and I’ll take it down)
Lisa and Laurie meet Dean:
Laurie: Well, I started talking [to Dean at Dragon*Con] and I reminded him that Lisa brought him a book of my poems last October. At which he said, "Oh, you're Laurie." He was so kind. I gave him a copy of the new book and asked him to sign mine, which he did. Then he . . . ."
Well, he leaned over to Jay, whispered something to him and then turned back to me and said, "I'd like to take you out to dinner." He looked at Lisa and said, "I want you to come too."
Just a moment before that he handed me his drink and I took a few sips of his scotch and soda. I was bowled over by that so when he asked us to dinner, I just mumbled, "Uh, sure." He had just checked in and didn't know where we could go. Lisa jumped right in with "The Marquis Steakhouse is good!" He said, "That's what we'll do" and suddenly we had dinner reservations with Dean at the most expensive restaurant in the building. <G>
We met Dean at seven at the restaurant. He got there first and was waiting for us. We had dinner with Dean Stockwell!!! At his invitation!!!
Exactly what happened at dinner will be in future posts when we're both more coherent. We're still in the clouds. Right now I wish I had more of Dean's scotch and soda. The man drinks good scotch. He's not as picky with wine. <g>
Part I: (by Lisa)
Hello all. My turn to tell some of the tale!
Okay...As Laurie has said, We were invited, by Dean himself to dinner on Friday night. This happened within five minutes of meeting him. Dean was so impressed with Laurie's poetry that he wanted more of a chance to talk to her about it. LOL...I think I was invited along because he didn't know what else to do with me. So, while Dean and Laurie talked I gave Jay the name of the restaurant again. The Marquis Steakhouse. Jay set it up for reservations for three at 7pm.
Laurie and I left the autograph section, the "Walk Of Fame" flying higher than air and shaking out of our skin. In just under six hours we were going to be having dinner with Dean! So, we took a walk outside to get some air before we both passed out. Everything was kind of a blur. I of course was on the cell calling my sisters and telling them all about it.
I honestly don't remember a lot of what happened in those hours of waiting. If I remember correctly, that is the day I had to lay down and take a nap. Ah, I'm IMing with Laurie as I write this and she's filling me in on a bit. I went back to my room to practice breathing and she went to the connecting mall for some "alone time."
We set up a time to meet down in the Atrium at "our" table and wait for 7pm.
I went about ironing the best outfit I had brought with me and trying to get my hair just right. (A very big task for me my hair is) Okay, okay...you all don't want to hear this part of it all. On to the good stuff.
Laurie just asked me to add this..... "This was a big deal for me. I had no expectations other than meeting him and giving him the poetry. I was stunned and amazed that he could even want to spend time with us at all. I had to be alone to begin to sort it all out and begin to believe it."
(And also from Laurie....."My hair is a lost cause and I was already wearing my best blouse so all I did was make sure my breath was okay and that my shoes were tied.")
So, we meet downstairs and sit at our table trying to pretend that our world is normal and that we aren't looking for Dean to walk past. At just a few minutes to 7:00 we make our way to the restaurant which is all of hmmm...200 feet away from us.
We enter, turn the corner and there standing with his back to us is Dean. Somehow how he got past us in the atrium and made it into the restaurant ahead of us. Yes, the gall of us, we left Robert Dean Stockwell waiting.
I spoke to him and he didn't hear me. I do believe now more than ever that our guy is a wee bit hard of hearing. Calvin the Maitre'd/diningroom supervisor then let Dean know that his guests were behind him. Dean turned to us and I have no idea what words were spoken or just how we made it to our table, but we were being seated.
Laurie and I sat across from each other and Dean sat to Laurie's left and to my right.
Oh, Laurie just asked me to add in that we requested the waiter we had had our first night there, Sylvester. We wanted only the best for Dean.
So, we're all seated and notice Dean has his laptop with him. He asked me to please move to the seat across from him, to Laurie's right. LOL...He told me I could move back if I wanted to in a bit, but hey, I was across the table from him now looking into his eyes. I wasn't going anywhere! Anyway, Dean sits his laptop on the table and again says something that my air starved brain can't remember. Laurie comments to him that this is all very surreal, to which Dean replies..."It's about to become even more surreal." During all of this, our waiter and the Maitre'd are fussing all around us. Filling glasses and tending to us and, LOL, hovering over us like a couple of very hunky well-dressed buzzards not missing a thing at our table.
So, after the "even more surreal" comment from Dean, he starts to slide his laptop around and with a great amount of grace knocks his water glass over and sends it spilling my way like Niagara Falls! Laurie said Dean's face turned several shades of red. (Laurie just added this..."He was so red I thought it was apoplexy! His eyes rolled up into his head just like Al does every so often on QL.") I couldn't tell you because to busy wondering if I was going to drown. I do however remember hearing Dean say, "Great way to start off the night." Honestly, like he was worried about impressing us? He was so embarrassed. And the staff went crazy. They wanted us to switch tables, they wanted to change the table cloth. They were beside themselves.
Side note from Laurie: "Dean wasn't fussy and fretting about how fast the staff attended to him. He tried to put them at ease. There was nothing put on or self-important about him at all. He wasn't there to impress anyone - not even us. He was there because he wanted to be."
Once we convinced the staff that we were fine and the table was fine and that we would all survive, and that I would dry out at some point during the evening, Dean tried to get past his embarrassment and make us all feel at ease by joking to me, "I bet you'll never wash that shirt again because I spilled my water on it." (Please note, quotes will be off by a word or two. Remember, I was trying to remember to keep breathing at the time. Some words got past my over worked brain.) And I told him that no I wouldn't and could get a good price for it on eBay.
Okay, so back to the "even more surreal" comment from Dean… It did become very, VERY more surreal. For on Dean's handy laptop were images from his show that has just now (but not as of that night) opened in Santa Monica at the Chris Krull Gallery! No only that, but there were images that are not to be included in the new exhibit! Robert Dean Stockwell himself showed us his work! He shared them with us and studied our faces while we looked at them, with me open mouthed I'm sure, and waited for our comments on them. He was like a proud father. No, he WAS a proud father. I mean, he wanted our opinions and he listened and commented when we gave them!
Now, you ask "Why did he do this?" I thought it was because he so happy to be in a convention environment, yet have people who appreciated his art and he just had to share it. And I do believe that was part of it. But the main reason for showing them to us, to Laurie...He wanted her to see them so she could write her poetry to them as well!!!!! Get this...he said "If you want to." Like she wouldn't?!?!?! Of course Laurie was (and is honored) and not being a stupid woman she told him yes. So he told her what email address to be looking out for and let her know that he would be sending her the images!!!!!! How amazing is that? Our Laurie!!! His exact words to her were… "A lot of people write poetry. You are a true poet."
Laurie just asked me to please add this..."My heart dropped from my chest into my gut. I couldn't believe that he would share his art with me so that I could write more. It was more than a dream come true. I'm not clever enough to come up with a scenario like the one that took place in the Marquis that night."
Now, I do have to take a moment here and make a request. I sent scans to Andrea of Dean's work to put up on our website. During our meeting Dean let us know that he feels very strongly about copyright infringement. So, I need to ask that the images I sent for use on the site be pulled. The ones from the Ravens site shouldn't be a problem. But Andrea, please pull all of the ones I sent to you. I respected Dean before ever meeting him that first time back at Chiller, now, after having had this encounter with him, I also want to respect his wishes. Sorry to all for that, but it's clear when talking to him that his art is his soul. I hope you all understand why I'm requesting the ones I sent come down.
So ladies, my fingers hurt and my eyes are drooping. There is a lot more to tell you about this dinner. A lot more! I hope this will hold you over until the next mail. I'm also working very hard to get pics up for you.
More soon!
Part II:
We'll begin tonight with actual eating since that's why we met at a restaurant. The first thing you do when you sit down at a restaurant is tell the waiter, our dear Sylvester, what we'd like to drink. Lisa and I don't usually drink alcohol and I sure didn't want to get blitzed at dinner with Dean so Lisa opted for a cola and I got my usual - club soda with a lime. Dean ordered a glass of the house Merlot. Now this was an upscale place so Sylvester poured Dean half an inch of wine, showed him the bottle and waited for Dean to take a sip and approve the choice. Dean just sort of laughed and told Sylvester he just wanted a glass, not the bottle. Then Dean said, "At home I drink wine from a box. This will be fine." Yes, Dean Stockwell drinks wine from a box. <g> I love that he drinks wine from a box. Even I don't drink box wine. Lisa is IMing with me and said, "I didn't know there was such a thing!"
We had the menus in our hot little hands and Dean kept asking what we wanted to eat. Lisa picked a Petite Filet Mignon and a Herbed Double Baked Potato. I chose Lobster Bisque and Pan Seared Copper River Salmon. Dean had a big lunch so he wanted a Caesar Salad and a side dish, Sauteed Exotic Mushrooms. When Sylvester returned for our order, Dean ordered for us. He pointed to me, "She'll have. . . " Then he pointed to Lisa, "And she'll have. . . " It was so old world of him. Now, I believe myself to be a liberated woman, but it was kind of fun to have him do the ordering. I wanted to giggle, but being the always appropriate woman I am, I refrained. <g> Lisa says, "I love that he ordered for us!!! He can do it anytime he wants! Plus, when he ordered my Filet he looked at me and said 'Honey (I think it was Honey), how do you want that cooked?' And when I said how I wanted it he said 'Don't you want anything else?' and I ordered the potato."
Now this restaurant is the kind where you are served an amuse bouche, an itty bitty tiny hors d'ouevres that is eaten in one bite. That's how small it is. We were served our amuse bouch, a swirl of smoked trout mousse on a quarter-sized slice of cumcumber. Dean ate his. I ate mine and Lisa who does not eat smoked fish or green vegetables chose not to eat hers. So Dean, being ever so proper, took the little plate and began a ceremony to cut it in half for he and I to share. We toasted with our forks and chowed down on these itty bitty bits. So, not only does Dean drink wine from a box, he plays with his food. <g> Dean said he was sorry if he and I were being rude by eating in front of Lisa, but she took one of the incredible cheese biscuits and joined in.
Since Dean and I had appetizers, they came first. My lobster bisque was beautifully served with chunks of lobster on top. Dean's salad was a beautiful affair that came in an unusual bowl. It was rather large,
white ceramic and the shallow bowl was seated on a circular base on the bottom. Now the bowl part itself was tilted slightly and Sylvester placed it in front of Dean with the lower side toward him and the bowl tilting up. Well, you would have thought he was witnessing the absence of gravity or something. He examined that bowl from top to bottom, sticking his face nearly onto the table to see the bottom of it, and just behaving like a little boy seeing Santa. He was beside himself with the shape of this bowl. We weren't sure if he'd ever stop remarking about this bowl. He finally did, but it did bring about a new activity for him which I'll tell you about in a few minutes. Lisa just reminded me. She is saying. "I asked him if he wanted a pic of the bowl to use in a future image. Then a bit later he said something about it and I said I can't take it now because you moved your bread. Then he went all crazy with the piece of bread sliding it around inside his bowl."
Dean eats his salad and I have my soup and we are very happy eaters. Then we have our main courses. Lisa's potato is about the size of Idaho. My salmon could feed about three people and Dean's exotic mushrooms could keep Alice in Wonderland happy for a few weeks, lots and lots of shrooms. Dean commented on how good everything looked and he was eying my salmon. I told him the mushrooms looked good too, so we shared our food. He gave me some of his mushrooms and I cut him a piece of salmon. Lisa offered him some potato, but he doesn't eat carbs. Lisa is saying, "Dean and Laurie were in their own little food world. I could have left the table at that point and they wouldn't have noticed." Well, we would have noticed - eventually. <g> The food was really good!!! Now by eating off each other's plate, I mean exactly that. I stuck my fork into a few mushrooms on his plate and he stabbed at my salmon.
When we finished what we were able to eat, Lisa still had at least half of her steak and most of her potato left. I had at least half of my salmon. Dean wanted us to take our leftovers back to our rooms. Now, I don't usually eat fish left out unrefrigerated overnight. Lisa doesn't usually eat steak left out either, but he was so adamant about us taking the leftovers that we finally said yes just to stop him from talking. Lisa managed to convince him that she didn't want her steak and he took it saying he was going to have it for breakfast. I on the other hand got stuck with delicious, yet (by the morning) stinky fish to take with me. <g>
Sylvester asked if we wanted dessert. Dean roared laughing and sat back almost tipping his chair over. "They didn't eat what they have here!" He is easily amused and finds himself very funny. It was fun to watch him. Lisa says, "And to see him laugh like that in person, so close, oh, it does things to a girl! He has an energy, an addictive energy. And when the man is happy, when he's smiling and laughing, you have no choice but to get carried away in it."
Now, back to wine glasses. Some time during all this, Dean drank about half his glass of Merlot. Then, inspired by the tilted bowl, he started to try to balance his wine glass on the edge of the glass's base. It's hard to describe, but he wanted to balance the glass on an angle like the salad bowl. All I could think was, "First the water and now the wine is going to go!" But the man did it. He managed to balance his wine glass on its edge and he was very very proud of his whole self. Lisa says, "A big part of that is because he was sure we didn't think he could do it. After it sat there balanced for a bit, in a grand gesture he snatched it up and got the most rakish look on his face. Then he toasted us. I told him it was impressive, but the look made the whole thing work that much better. He was very happy that his 'look' was appreciated."
I'm going to let Lisa tell you the next part because she has much clearer memories of it than I do. I was just trying to shield myself. <g> From Lisa - Dean called Sylvester over to get a second glass of wine. Sylvester was beside himself because he did not want to sit another glass of wine in front of Dean until he finished his first. So they went back and forth and Sylvester won. He told Dean he would get him the second glass when Dean finished the first. Dean gave in and said it was fine. Lisa said, “He just wants to try and balance two at the same time. I know what he's after.” To which Dean calls to Sylvester..."Hey babe! I really want..." and he points to a wine glass on the table behind him..."Pour it in here." So Sylvester does. While Sylvester is getting it Dean's says..."Sometimes, one gets a challenge. And then, what do you do? You say you can't do that?" As for what we were saying? We're not sure. We were laughing too hard.
Laurie here again - The challenge was presented and Dean started working on balancing both glasses. Now he goes to the first glass and gets it balanced again. He almost spilled that glass, but he caught it before it fell over. It is not precariously sitting on its edge. I'm holding my napkin in front of me since I know he's going to spill it all like he spilled the water. Dean was having trouble getting the glass to balance since it was too full and the wine was sloshing around too much. So in this beautiful restaurant with elegantly dressed staff Dean shouts out, "Everyone stop walking!" Again, he was highly amused with himself. He licked his finger and rubbed it along the bottom of the glass. He got it balanced. So he had two wine glasses standing on their edges. Now I'm ashamed to admit this, but Lisa had faith in his unique skill, but I didn't. When he told us his record was nine I was astounded. He added, "But that was back when I had a steadier hand." Lisa says, "He was very impressed with himself. And when I told him it was good but he forgot 'the look' this time, he said...'I did the look once. I didn't need to repeat it.'"
And then just to prove the sophistication of his humor, he started to try and balance his reading glasses. He was amused by "wine glass - eye glass!" We tried not to groan. I wasn't successful. Neither was Lisa, but we also aren't sure if he was joking or not. Something tells us he was really trying to balance them! Then he joked about sipping wine from his eyeglasses.
That's about it for the actual food related stuff. We have more stories though!!! Just let us know if you want more. We could probably bore you with this for at least two of three more days. <g>
Laurie (and Lisa on AIM)
P.S. Dean did talk about his art and copyrights so I'd like to back up Lisa's request to only post art on the Sassies page that is already online from galleries where he has his shows. His art works are very dear to him.
Part III (by Lisa):
I had to sign off last night while Laurie and I were working on the last post so I'd like to add a couple of things now.
During some our conversations with Dean, we talked about happy and fun things, sad things and one thing in particular that made Dean very angry. With every new subject Dean was completely comfortable with showing his emotions on the topic. We saw him laugh without abandon, we saw sadness and compassion on his face during tough talks and we saw a blazing anger when we spoke of something that just really pee'd him off. I will never, ever forget how he opened up to us. We started out thinking we were going to have dinner with Dean Stockwell the artist and actor, but we left the restaurant after having dinner with Robert Dean Stockwell the artist, actor and above all else human being. There are not and never will be enough words for me to describe the total and complete new found respect I have for the man.
As Laurie mention, I told Dean about my Mother's passing. Now, last October when I went to Chiller my Mom sent me with a letter to give to Dean. I handed it to him and he read it and asked me to tell my Mother thank you. I later found out the my Mom, ornery little woman that she was, asked Dean to give me a kiss. LOL...He didn't of course. Well, when we were leaving Chiller for the day he did blow me a kiss. Anyway, I was telling Dean a bit about the letter during dinner. I wanted him to know Mom and the sweet, silly woman she was. He smiled when I mentioned the kiss. So, when we were leaving the restaurant Dean gave Laurie a kiss on the forehead and turned to walk away. Of course I shamelessly stopped him and pointing to my forehead asked him where mine kiss was. He turned to me and said "You don't get one there" and proceeded to give me a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly I felt another soft kiss and he whispered to me "That one's for Mom." I have to tell you, Dean and no one reading this could ever begin to know just how must that meant to me. When I went back to my room, I looked out the window over Atlanta and told Mom I got the kissed she had asked for and cried like a baby. I have no doubt Mom was sitting on a cloud, swinging her feet and clapping her hands with that big ornery grin on her face.
And on a more fun note, Dean wanted to know how fast Laurie's [wheel]chair could go. So as we were leaving the restaurant, there is this long hallway you have to walk down before you get into the hotel atrium area. Laurie and I were behind Dean and when he heard us coming he turned around and started running backwards away from Laurie and her chair. She yelled for Dean to be careful and he turned. Se no one behind him he told Laurie so. "There's no one behind me!". LOL...Laurie wasn't worried about that, she just didn't like the thought of 69 year old Dean running backwards. But I have to tell you, I had more faith in his ability to do it than I do in my own.
Okay, that's all for now from me. I have no doubt as bits and pieces come back to us we'll be sending them your way.
Later, in a different thread:
Another member: I think, if it's done the right way, "Sassies Uber Alles" (with the umlaut though) would be hysterical. Of course Dean will forget he said that, so he'll have no idea why the pin says that until someone explains it to him... :-)
Lisa: Karen, that's the true. When our dinner was over with Dean at Dragon*Con, Laurie and I both had food left on our plates (seriously...eat with Dean sitting at your table and talking to you and balancing wine glasses?...ummm...no). I had most of my steak left and Dean asked our waiter to wrap it up to go and he would have it for breakfast. The next morning when we saw him I ask him if he enjoyed his breakfast and he looked at me like I had lost my mind. Explaining just seemed to baffle him more. Got to love that man.
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cami-chats · 5 years
In Your Camera Roll
Title: In Your Camera Roll
Link: AO3
Square Filled: Sending A Dick Pic
Ship: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
Rating: Explicit
Major Tags: None
Summary: “Bucky was innocently working at home when a wrong text makes his night much more enjoyable.”
Word Count: 1841
Created for @mcukinkbingo
Full text also below 
Bucky was editing his ass off when he got a text. He didn't recognize the number, but Steve had just gotten a new phone. Last Bucky had heard, he was setting it up while also trying to move Sam's things in.
Unknown Number: :photo:
Bucky rolled his eyes. It was probably a picture of Steve drinking from Sam's favorite mug or something equally stupid and sappy, so he swiped to open it without much thought.
And a dick showed up.
Bucky blinked.
Another text came in before he had a chance to even attempt to think of a response, mostly because his mind had stalled at the picture. He was horny more often than not, mostly because he hadn't had a boyfriend in years, and he'd stopped doing hookups when he got the prosthetic because people either said that he should warn people he had a piece of technology attached to him, or they had a fetish. Either way it wasn't fun, which meant that it had been a while since someone showed him their dick with intention. He didn't appreciate the fact that this was the first text this number had ever sent him, but even jerks had nice cocks sometimes, and lord did this man have a nice one. It was leaning against his stomach, flushed and absolutely mouth watering where it curved against olive skin.
;) Then, a minute later, Oh shit.
Wrong number
I'm sorry
Please tell me you're not underage
Oh my god I'm so sorry
Bucky appreciated that, and now that he knew this was a case of wrong number and not completely unsolicited dick pics to a random number, it was pretty funny. He thought about just saying that it was fine, but, as previously mentioned, it had been so long since he'd gotten any that he was willing to take a little risk. He looked at the picture again, then shot off a text.
Nice dick man :tongue:
I don't have plans if you don't
He sent the texts before he could second guess himself, and figured that the worst case scenario was the guy turned out to be a homophobe and Bucky blocked his number.
Tell me you're not underage before I say anything else :suspicious face:
Lol if I'm underage then why did I have to make my own doctor's appointment
It was a valid question.
Now that that's over...
:smirking face: Tit for tat
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have tits. It took a minute for Bucky to find, copy, and paste the shrug emoji. With a sigh, he set his phone to the side and went back to the open document on his computer, then made a face. He'd gone over this story so many times, he wasn't sure he'd know if he had the same paragraph to start all the chapters. His phone buzzed with another message, but he ignored it, staring at the too-bright screen and trying to will himself to get back to it.
He picked up his phone. All the better for sending me a pic of your cock. Come on fuel my imagination
Shouldn't you be texting the person you meant to send that to?
What makes you think I'm not?
I mean
I'm not.
Because he's a dick
Then why were you texting him??
Good phone sex voice. Pretty sure he's saving the pics I send him for blackmail purposes but eh wouldn't be the first time that happened.
You need to find a better bed partner
You offering?
Bucky hadn't really meant for it to sound like an offer, but hell he could go for that. It had been, god going on two years since he'd had sex, a little sexting was more action than he'd seen in a while. He was a little nervous about this-- the guy was a complete stranger after all-- but what was the harm? Worst case scenario was a random guy had a few naughty texts and maybe a dick pic or two for his own collection; it's not like he knew who Bucky was or even what he looked like.
Sure am sugar. Give me a lil something and I'll give you a pic of your own :winky face:
Does my first dick pic not count as something?
That was for someone else, I want something of my own
You an ass man?
:drooling face: :peach: :peach: :peach: :heart eyes:
One min.
He probably didn't have too great of an ass, but just thinking about it was making Bucky harder. He pushed himself away from the desk, one hand clasped around his phone, the other adjusting himself through his pants. He shooed his cat-- Winter-- off his bed, and he took off in a huff for the kitchen, probably to knock pictures off the wall in protest. He threw his phone down on the newly vacated bed and started to shuck off his clothes. He paused when he got to his pants though, figuring that it was better to get a picture now, just in case that's the sort of thing this guy wanted.
He had to turn on the lights for it, and he really hoped this guy was worth it because now he was squinting uncomfortably after being in the dark for so long. He hooked a thumb in his underwear then stopped and switched hands so his prosthetic wasn't visible. He took a couple pictures and hoped one of them was decent; it's not like he had a lot of experience with this.
Just as he was about to set his phone down again, a text came through.
Bucky choked on his tongue as all his blood rushed south. He took back every single doubtful thought he'd had about this man and the quality of his ass because good lord. He had to do squats every day or something, because no one got an ass like that from sitting at a desk all day. Not to mention those boxer briefs were practically painted on, a vibrant red that clung to perfect curves.
I'm saving that pic for later
Just fyi
God knows he'd be jerking off to that picture for the foreseeable future; it was only fair to tell the guy responsible for it.
Was that enough to inspire you? :winky face:
Bucky looked through the pictures he'd taken. They looked inadequate in comparison, but he chose the one where the head of his cock was peeking out the top of his underwear and his hand could be seen cupping his balls over the fabric.
Ooo :tongue: Do I get the rest if I ask nicely?
Nah :winking face: Bucky kicked his clothes off and took another picture, his hand wrapped around the base, and sent it. He opened the photo of that marvelous backside and moved his hand over his erection slowly. "Mm." His eyes fluttered closed and he relaxed into his mattress as he teased his length. That was an ass so good he wouldn't even need to be buried inside of it for it to be wonderful. Give him a handful (and an eyeful), and he'd be good to go.
He was jerked from his imagining of what it would look like without the fabric by his phone ringing. "I swear to god if this is Steve..." He answered with a short, "What," without even looking at the number. Which, in hindsight, wasn't a well thought out idea.
The person on the other end snorted. "Wow you that nice to everyone you send dick pics too?"
Bucky blew out a breath, relaxing again. "I didn't check to see who it was. Uh, why'd you call?"
"I get off a lot better with someone's voice in my ear than just a few pics on my phone. Probably should have asked first," he mused, and Bucky chuckled.
"Don't you hang up, it's now your responsibility to talk me to an orgasm."
"Out of curiosity, do you always answer the phone when you're jerking off?"
"You overestimate how often I get phone calls. What's your name honey?"
"Tony." A pause. "This is where you tell me yours."
Bucky laughed a little. "Bucky. So Tony, come here often?"
"I hate you," Tony said, voice unbearably fond. "Tell me what you're doing."
"Jerkin' off."
"You've never done phone sex before have you," Tony said, sounding amused.
Bucky huffed, taking his hand off his erection. "Can't say I have. Shouldn't you have asked if I was any good at it before ya tried?"
"I had faith. I still have faith."
"Keep dreamin'," Bucky snorted. "I never was any good at talkin'."
"Well that's fine babe cause I can talk enough for the both of us," Tony purred. "I'm laying on my bed right now. I've got lube next to me, but I haven't really touched myself yet. What do you say, you want me to finger myself?"
"Yeah," Bucky breathed. "God that's-" his throat clicked.
He heard a noise and assumed it was the lid of the blue getting taken off. "Tell me what you're doing."
"Tony, I told you I ain't--"
"Think about how I did it," he soothed. "Told you where I was, gave you an idea for how close I was. So tell me baby, where are you right now?"
Bucky licked his lips, trying not to feel embarrassed. "I'm in my room. Uh, on my bed, layin' down. Before you called I was thinking 'bout your ass and uh touching myself."
"You got any lube?"
"I didn't grab it," he admitted, blushing a little.
Tony huffed out a laugh. "I have to do all the work around here. Grab your lube sweetie, you're saving tomorrow-you some pain now. You can thank me later, in the form of electronic roses and assurances that I'm the best you've ever had."
Bucky got to his feet while Tony was talking, padding to his bathroom and grabbing the half empty bottle-- right next to the who-am-I-kidding unopened box of condoms-- before going back to his room.
It took embarrassingly little time for Bucky to come with Tony's voice in his ear, whispering dirty things between moans and gasps as he pleasured himself, but Tony was close behind him, so he didn't feel too bad about it.
When they were both done panting, Tony said, "Okay, I'd love to stay up and have a little pillow talk, but I do actually have to get up early tomorrow."
Bucky laughed breathlessly. "Alright. Have a goodnight Tony. When you jerk off tomorrow morning, I expect you ta think of me."
"Oh I will," Tony promised. "Night sweetheart."
In the morning, Bucky texted him every flower emoji he could find, followed by Definitely the best I've ever had. Wanna spice it up a little next time? I swear I'm better in person
He didn't know how his proposal would be taken, so he waited anxiously for a reply, trying not to stare at his phone.
Name a time and a place :peach: :eggplant: :splash:
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
Dx, which dating website/app have you been using? I’ve only ever used tinder/bumble, which while popular...I feel hasn’t worked very well. All your hints and tips have been super useful about dating! Just wondered if you thought there was any difference/ importance as to what you use.
I’m a big believer that different sites work for different people. We all have different ways of relating to people and socialising, after all! So if a particular site or app doesn’t work for you, you could always try something else. I also think, based on what I’ve read and heard, that just how the sites are populated depends a lot on where you are. So you can do your research online, but you might have to learn through experience which sites work best where you are.  You’ll have to take my advice with a pinch of salt; I can only speak as a woman who happened to be looking for a guy in my specific area. It could well be that  if you’re somewhere else, or male, or LGBTQ, or don’t want quite what I want, that my experiences might be less useful. There are some interesting articles out there that compare sites, but I know a lot depends on your own circumstances.
Whilst I was on the site, I didn’t want to say which one, for personal safety and anonymity reasons. And also, I didn’t really want to advertise any one particular service just because I happened to use it. But I’ve decided now that I’ve come off the site, I can say that I was using Match, though I’m sure they all have their good points.
I deliberately chose a well populated site, because I thought a bigger user base would be pretty useful, but also I wanted to specifically use a paid site. Because I felt that a lot of the problems associated with dating sites (dick pics, creepiness, abusive replies) are exacerbated by the feeling of anonymity and a service being free. I reckoned that if people have to pay to make the most of a site, they’ll be sufficiently invested in it to behave themselves. And also that people willing to pay money to use a service like this (when there are already free services) are probably reasonably serious about their intentions. Match is one of the sites with a reputation for people looking a bit more seriously. And it worked; no dick pics, and relatively little abuse. I did get ghosted, and lots of conversations that just didn’t go anywhere, but that’s part of dating, I guess. That said, I found no shortage of guys willing to have a decent conversation or have a first date, and I met someone I wanted to see more than once, so I’d say it worked as well as I could have hoped it would. It worked well for me because it lets you write a pretty long profile for yourself, so I felt like I could put enough of myself out there to attract people I had something in common with. And in turn, I felt I could really engage with profiles where people had written about themselves; you can get a feel for someone’s personality and sense of humor, if they’ve done it well.  And it also lets you search by lots of criteria, too, so you can focus on looking through profiles that match what you’re looking for, rather than scrolling through tons of pictures of people you’ll never click with.  As for the cons, I was really unenthused by all the options for ‘winking’ ‘favouriting’  and ‘viewing’ profiles; it encourages vague behaviour rather than genuine interaction. It used to frustrate me when some men would view my profile many times, wink at me etc but just not message; if I liked them I might have made a move, but if I didn’t, it left me in an awkward situation where I couldn’t reject someone but I didn’t exactly feel comfortable with their frequent low key stalking of my profile, either. They have an option where you can pay extra to choose what kinds of profile interact with you, but since I was happy to politely refuse, igore or block, it seemed unnecessary to pay for it. I also didn’t like that it tells people when you’re online; I just used to get bombarded by guys who happened to see I’d logged in and decided to start one of those ‘hi’ conversations, but they never really work for me. Sometimes I used to log in just to get rid of my notifications, and I like the option to mull over a message and write a nice, well thought out response when I’m free, rather than feel like I’m rejecting someone because it’s 1am after a long shift and I don’t want to chat. I preferred having long, meaningful message conversations, and I preferred to talk to people who’d clearly read my profile and engaged with it, it just felt more genuine somehow. When it comes to other apps/sites, I wanted to focus on one app at a time and use it seriously, but I considered all the options before picking one. If it hadn’t worked out for me, I would probably have added another, or switched sites.  After a while, logically you’ll already have perused all the profiles you’re interested in, and either met/chatted and ruled each other out, or just won’t be interested at all, so I don’t think staying on one site for years is a good idea, unless there’s a lot of turnover. I could easily have signed up to eHarmony instead; it looks pretty similar in terms of its userbase and reputation for users who are looking for serious relationships.However, their way of running things seems to me like they control who you get ‘matched’ to, more. And I prefer to curate my experiences myself; I don’t like the idea of a site picking people out for me based on algorithms, I’d much prefer to pick for myself. I knwo all sites control your experience to a degree, but I personally prefer sites where that’s not an active selling point. I like the illusion of free will, even if it is just that. I think that if someone feels overwhelmed by choosing, eHarmony might be great, because they send people limited matches at a time, which seem to be picked based on answers to lots of questions. In contrast, I don’t actually believe the ‘matches’ Match sent me were matched at all, and I mostly ignored them in favour of curated searches and just looking up profiles of people who’d shown interest. Tinder would never work for me; I have difficulty telling faces apart. And whilst I can appreciate features, realistically speaking it takes a lot more than that to have chemistry with someone. If I’m having a good conversation, I’ll usually value that more than someone’s profile photo; because when you meet people, they often look and feel pretty different However, some people are very visual and need to feel attracted to a photo before they want to read a profile, or else they want to get to know people through chat and dates, rather than profiles and messages. Tinder also has a bit of a reputation for being a hookup app, at least here. That doesn’t mean that you can’t find someone serious on it, though it might just be a bit harder if the clientele are often expecting something else. But, other people swear by it, so I’m sure it works for someone.OKCupid is pretty popular, and it’s free. I didn’t like the idea of answering lots of questions, I much prefer freetext typing a profile that reflects me. And I didn’t want to rule people out too easily.  A lot of dating sites like having discrete tags for you to choose from, because it makes the site more searchable. I get the impression Plenty of Fish sounds like it is even more of a mixed bag; I heard that there are lots of people on it, but without the abiltiy to apply filters to find what you’re looking for, it’s easy to get swamped. I’m sure some people have success on there, though. I’ve heard good things about Coffee Meets Bagel, but I wanted to focus on one site/app at a time. And I’m not sure I like their policy of sending very few ‘matches’ at a time. I am quite a busy person, who worked best on the app in short bursts wherein I reviewed lots of profiles, which I had to because most people just won’t be what you’re looking for. If a site is only letting me access a very small number of profiles, they’d better be VERY well chosen. But even so, I’d much rather choose for myself.I’ve never looked seriously at apps like zoosk or the newer, less well-known ones. I really don’t like the idea of dating sites that are integrated into your social media presence or physical location; that’s a huge deterrent for me, especially from a safety and privacy perspective.
I did consider the Gardian’s dating app; I’m a left-leaning person, and I reckoned that I’d find a fair few people that might be similar enough to me, given that I’m in the Southeast. I heard from junior doctor colleagues that the users on that service were predominantly ‘media types’. Despite that, it’s a service I might consider if I needed to use a dating site again sometime in the future.
I think Bumble works well for ladies who like to make the first move, and guys who are secure enough in themselves that they appreciate women making the first move. It might decrease unwanted messages. I just wasn’t sure I was ready to shoulder starting all conversation starting; I did message guys first sometimes, but I prefer to be messaged first, because it allows me to gauge someone’s level of interest and intent. For me, exchanging messages is an important way of workingout  not only if you’ve got something in common, but also whether somene is willing to put in  That said, it sounds like it attracts serious
There are some apps that are… gimmickier. I’d qualify for Elite Singles (being a doctor), but honestly, I didn’t necessarily want to tie myself to a site where people define themselves by being in a well-earning profession. I don’t believe I’m better than a postman or someone who is self-employed, and I don’t define myself by having a prestigious career or degree. And I’m wary of people who are conspicouously wealthy, because quite a few of them aren’t very nice. Having gone out in London, and mixing in educated circles, I’m no stranger to the kinds of entitled self-important person that feels their money buys whatever they want; including women. I’m not saying people who do well for themselves can’t be nice. I’m just wary of pinning my hopes on an arena where the emphasis is on financial success; that’s not what is important to me. 
I’d never qualify for the ‘dating site for attractive people’, whatever it was called. I look nice enough, but I’m a perfectly normal person with no pretensions to superior attractiveness. And to be honest, I don’t think I’d meet an appropriate partner on a site where looks are your main selling point. Similarly, there are sites like Uniform dating, which aims to pair people who wear uniforms for peopel who fetishise that. But really, would I want to date someone who thought my main draw was my job? Hmm, probably not.
But in the end, I think most sites can work, if you find one that happens to work for your style of meeting people. One of my friends found a longterm relationship on Match, someone else I know got married to someone they met on Plentyoffish, and I’m fairly sure a friend of mine’s husband was found on OKCupid.I think it’s important to be as positive as possible,  and try new things if the ones you’ve tried haven’t worked out. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer, or takes lots of tries. But it’s much harder to get anywhere if you don’t try, right?
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hyuncakes · 7 years
hi i was not sure if i should send this to your main or this but since this blog is more wanna one related tag could your mutuals as points in "if kpop positions were accurate" this is the post = seokjinandtonic. tumblr. com/post/164651220236/if-kpop-positions-were-accurate i have been following both of you on your main and here and i like you to know i am a fan and your graphics inspire me
YOU ARE SOOOOO CUTE OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING OUR GRAPHICS!! And saying that we inspire you ;___; that’s so so sweet of you I literally screamed. You deserve the worlddddddd!!! This seems fun so let’s get to it!! ^^ Lillian and I are gonna combine our answers lol so if you’re tagged and are like “lool this girl isn’t even following me though???” it’s prob the other person~ :^)
the hyung you thought was a maknae
tbh I thought Ying was my age but it turned out she was 95 line!!! @ Ying I also tagged you for something else below c:
the unofficial visual
@woojiniel and @perkwoojin are so so so pretty?? Idk but these were the first two I thought of!! They have such soft, sweet visuals and I think usually in groups the official visuals are the ones with the “stronger” visuals? But once you get into the group more you start to notice that one member who’s like so so cute that you can’t believe they’re not officially labelled as a visual. 
the “not my bias, but is my bias”
Ummm probably @hwangminyeo! She’s like the member of the group that you first notice because of her visuals, and then you’re like semi-interested in that member and half keeping an eye on that member while you settle on a bias. And then once you get into the group more you find out that not only is she a visual but she also has such a cute personality? Like she’s more shy and dorky than you originally anticipated and then you fall for her double charms. (But you still gotta stay loyal to your bias lol)
the workout-aholic who basically lives in the gym and boy does it show
I’m putting Abby @hwangminyeo under here to because idk if she goes to the gym often or not but body goals 😭😭😭😭
the walking, living, breathing meme
@seonnho This is the one image I have of Jennie tbh… just one big meme (a cute one at that)!!! She makes the best textposts on her SVT blog. I love her sense of humor it’s just so…. relatable LOL. Is it because she’s a Seungkwan stan that she’s like this? It’s proven that Boo stans are the memest. I feel like she hasn’t made that many meme-y posts on here (or maybe I missed them :(( in which case I suck) but once she does 👀 Anyway I’ve talked to you like twice but I still love you c’:
I looked at the positions list before looking at Bonnie’s answers and thought Jennie would be perfect for this one and guess what… Bonnie’s already listed her LMAOOO PERFECT - Lillian
the one everyone has called “daddy” at some point
aaah no one I can think of because Daniel isn’t mutuals with us…… LOOOOL OMFG JUST KIDDDDDING (Lillian be like 😷😣🙏) Why did I even answer this one it’s so weird kfldjglkfdjgklfd
😷😣🙏 - Lillian
the ship that’s a hundred percent real and they know it
Is this even a question… @hwangminyeo and @minhwangs are the power couple!!! You always see them professing their love to each other on your dash LOL Romeong and Daliette are feeling threatened.
the short one that everyone is highkey afraid of
@minhwangs Sarah is a cutie but everyone knows that if you mess with her friends she’ll let you have it. She won’t hesitate to lash out at you if you dare insult the things and people she holds dear. So while she isn’t scary, she’s someone you don’t want to mess with once her protective side kicks in! But honestly it’s really sweet how even though she doesn’t let harsh words directed toward her bother her, she stands up for people ;___; She’s selfless that way!
the one that takes every opportunity possible to be extra as hell aka the variety king
@emperorhwangs Rui without a doubt is one of the funniest people here on Tumblr!! I love her sense of humor and even when she says the most random things like “a stick of rat deodorant” I just die laughing. I was contemplating between putting her for “the walking, living breathing meme” but I settled with this one because I associate her with Ong a lot! And we all know he’s the variety king so~ The captions in her gifs are the funniest and most extra ever, even the way she talks is super extra and funny.
the motherly one that takes care of the rest of their members and occasionally reprimands
@2hyeons Ying is more of an older sister type than the mom but she still gives off that caring vibe. She seems like the kind of sibling who barely talks to you because she’s stuck in her room all day doing work but she’ll also be there for you when you need it the most. Lowkey the kind of older sister who will call your cheating significant other over the phone just to scream at them and rat them out for hurting her little sibling loool. She’s more of an older sibling because while she takes care of you, she makes you want to take care of her too and cook her meals and check up on her once in a while to make sure she’s still sane c’:
@luminous-point Reni gives off such motherly vibes without even trying to idk why?? Not only because she’s 95 line! But she’s like your sweet hardworking mother (working hard doing translations 👍👍👍) who you always think of fondly whenever she appears on your dash. She always expresses her true feelings and stands up for what’s right, which is really difficult to do and as a result super admirable. She always has a very mature standpoint about things and avoids unnecessary drama. I feel like the dynamic is that we’re all little ducklings and she’s the mom!! But mom has to take care of herself too!!!
@p-arkwoojin and @minsbugi I put Jem & Kenia in this category because they’d make sure all the members are equally loved!! They both have huge hearts and no matter how many members make up their group(s), they’d take care of each and every one! - Lillian
the 4D member that looks cute in a sexy comeback, and sexy in a cute one
@hahasunqwoons! I think the ‘4D’ title really suits Summer even though she may not seem like it at first. But once she opens up to you, you’ll know what I mean looooool. She’s not 4D in the really wild sense but more of a lowkey kind of 4D (like Vernon!). Also I think she would fit both concepts! But she unintentionally shows reverse charms like in her Never dance cover (if you haven’t watched it yet, go watch it please. you won’t be disappointed), the song is more serious but she gives off a somewhat cute vibe! I think she could rock IOI’s Very Very Very as welllll :^) (future cover idea?)
the member who doesn’t have to worry about gravity bc they basically just flip everywhere
can’t think of anyone? :OOO
the extremely under appreciated one
ummm @kiminguy??? @guanlliver??? @lovebugi??? @wanhyun??? (Mutuals on here and our SVT blogs squad!! LOOL) I love all of them and their graphics to death I will literally make a blog and reblog all of their creations 50 million times like they deserve. Of course they all have such cute personalities dlkgjfdkj but I’ll spare you from my rambling and focus on their beautiful works~ Naomi has such soft, pastel graphics (pastels are one of my fave things in the universe) and she was one of my first favorite graphic makers in the Seventeen fandom back in the day. I followed her first and then when she followed me back I was SOOOO HAPPY OMG BC ONE OF MY FAVES NOTICED ME. Next we have Yasmin and although we haven’t talked much I really adore her graphics because they’re really unique! She uses vibrant colors and dark colors so well (a thing I’d like to learn how to do hehehe) AND also pastel graphics with vibrant coloring… a jack of all trades tbh. Next, there’s Jaymee, who I’ve been mutuals with forever on our SVT blogs but I never really got a chance to talk to until recently! (And she’s the sweetest…my one and only fan….LOOOL). Once again she works with both dark colors and pastel colors very well! Her edits and graphics have a minimalistic approach to them which I admire so so much because I always cram stuff onto a canvas and get bothered when there’s empty space in my graphics. Last but not least there’s IMA!!! My self-proclaimed little sister c’: I’ve known her for most of her time in the Seventeen tumblr community and I love seeing how her works changed over this period of time. But her works always have that special charm and uniqueness that you know right away that it’s her work! No one could imitate her style and pull it off! Inimitable seventeen carat hehe Ima always has a special place in my heart. I love her coloring style, I love her graphics style, I love her. But yea as you can tell I have much love for graphic makers and more especially underrated graphic makers! Graphic makers are a blessing to each and every fandom. Thank you.
also @tokkimingi​ like we’ve never talked before but Ale’s gifs and edits are soooo high quality and have the prettiest coloring and they deserve so so so so many more notes??? Like the Ren gifset I just reblogged….this is the kind of content that should receive 1k notes okay AAAAAH @ Ale, Lillian and I love your creations so much and you’re basically the go-to blog for NU’EST related gifs and stuff AAAAH 💕💕 
the one that finds pleasure in other members’ demise
I’m sure this goes on a lot when people tag each other in their bias wrecker posts cough when I send Bonnie black-haired Suga pics but I see @minhwangs​ and @hwangminyeo​ tagging each other in Daniel stuff sometimes and it’s so funny loool. I know you guys are Minhyun-biased but Daniel!!!!! - Lillian
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ryodan · 7 years
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
General: yes.
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Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - until they are still known for being the hottest couple at age 90
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - slow burn but the affection was all over the place
How was their first kiss? - tentative, then passionate 
Who proposed? - Sasuke without a shadow of a doubt
Who is the best man/men? - Naruto
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Ino, Temari maybe Hinata and ten ten
Who did the most planning? - Sakura
Who stressed the most? - they both stressed a lot but Sakura was pretending to be in control to ease sasuke and sasuke pretended it wasn’t freaking him out to comfort sakura
How fancy was the ceremony? - we don’t even know but i’d say a traditional Japanese type wedding Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - if sasuke saw a bitch ass village elder he would have personally kicked them out
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Who is on top? - they kind of share that really, but i’d say while sasuke is the one on top more, Sakura can be even more dominant than he is when she wants to
Who is the one to instigate things? - an even mix, sasuke instigates the act, sakura instigates new things to try out
How healthy is their sex life? - i’d say the last option but they have a kid now so they have to tone it downBarely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - i actually hc sasuke as someone who ends up being surprisingly kinky, but I don’t think they are like straight up freaky Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - they both have crazy staminas so
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - yes, they are both generous lovers
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - sasuke is not one for lewdness in public but he does show affection No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
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How many children will they have naturally? - 1 for now (thanks kishimoto u unnecessary drama loving bastard) but I hc them to have 3
How many children will they adopt? - the shin clone onions??
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - they both share the task
Who is the stricter parent? - in terms of demeanor and attitude, sasuke..in terms of safety and what to and what not to do, sakura
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - they both woke
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - they both woke..but sakura
Who is the more loved parent? - An even mix but Sarada is deffo a mama’s girl
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? since sasuke was missioning, Sakura..had that not been the case then they both would since sasuke appreciates his kids enough to bend down while he speaks to them
Who cried the most at graduation? - SAKURA..sasuke tries comforting her by talking about their kids’ future while hugging her and she just cries harder
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - sakura
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Who does the most cooking? - Sakura, but sasuke occasionally lends a hand
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - sasuke
Who does the grocery shopping? - sasuke, with a list written by sakura
How often do they bake desserts? - sakura bakes for hew own happiness, sasuke only eats the ones made with dark chocolate
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - i think both
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - sasuke
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - sakura
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - sasuke tried using his katon to cook once, but they don’t speak of that incident 
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Who cleans the room? - sasuke hates messes and is very immaculate. Sakura is a ‘method to my madness’ type person who can be cluttered but she is still organized because she knows where everything is..when it gets too messy sasuke tidies up her mess and she gets iffy 
Who is really against chores? - neither, but sakura whines sometimes and sasuke does it himself
Who cleans up after the pets? - they have a cat and cats are well behaved enough to use a litter box
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - sakura
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - sakura
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Who takes the longer showers/baths? - sakura, and occasionally sasuke when she is in there too
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - they dont have a dog
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - sakura is big on decorating so the house is decorated for all holidays 
What are their goals for the relationship? - break walls and reach each other 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - sakura, sasuke is too nice to wake her up (he secretly loves seeing her all zen and relaxed) 
Who plays the most pranks? - sakura, and sasuke finds it ‘annoying’. Sometimes, it’s narutos idea and he pouts at both of them all day. 
Thank you for sending this ask!!
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL Oct 18
Hello! Welcome to the blog :3 today we will be covering the NoMakeNoLife October 2018 box. This was one of the last few “this style” produced, so soon we’ll be getting to the brand new, remade NMNL reviews.
I hope you enjoy the review~
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It’s a little hard to see but there is a design for this cover.
“This month we are joining in on the fun and celebrating all the glamorous spookiness. Whether or not you are planning o go out as a ghoulish creature or a drop dead gorgeous creature of the night, we curated this month’s box to help make your special night more fun! You will find the items this month will make sure you are sending chills down the spines of those around you with how chillingly stunning you look. Now, are you ready to have a great Halloween? We hope you have a great night!”
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For this month, the winner of the contest could look forward to these pretty Sailor Moon green tea scented hand cream and 8-piece golden brush set, while runner-ups received a sailor moon Aroma UV gel.
The brushes are so pretty, I really wish I thought to enter this one~
Kyonshi Zombie Face Mask
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Our first item are these ever-so-popular Halloween facial masks by Pure Smile. This year we got a cute one, based on a Chinese Zombie. It’s made from collagen, vitamin E, and Hyaluronic Acid to plump and soften the skin. As you probably can tell from the picture, the forehead tag glows also; a popular gimmick of Halloween masks.
I’m not sure what the scent is meant to be, but it smells like the fourth of July to me. By that I meant, the scent of burnt/used fireworks and noise makers. That deep sort of smoky smell?
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Typical face mask with a semi-cute design and average results. The scent isn’t what I would say relaxing, but at the same time I’ve always kind of liked it so I didn’t hate it.
However, the glow feature barely works. It wasn’t opened prior to use, but it might be my fault for not using it when I got it; but I exposed it to light for probably two minutes prior to use, during use (from the rooms light, laptop, and an actual super-bright flashlight the entire time), and even after- it barely lit up. I’m pretty sure I have a different glowing one in my Kira Kira crate too, so we’ll see how they compare then.
I’d say skip this one unless you want to try a fun dressed-up mask and don’t have a scent preference.
Pokemon Nail Art or Body Tattoo
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Our next item is our first variety of the box. Subscribers could receive either this large sheet of tattoos, or a cute little sheet of nail stickers :3 they both looked really cute, but I think I’d have preferred this one since I don’t decorate my nails very often.
So on this sheet you may notice some greenish spots. This item is called NEON Body Stickers, and it occurred to me as I’m writing this “do these glow?“ and I lifted my pillow nearby and hid under it and lo and behold they do! Like extremely bright! Not only that but the gold ones are shiny metallic.
Oh, and here’s a really cruddy shot of my hand using 2 of them:
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I wanted to choose two smaller tattoo that I wouldn’t be too heartbroken over losing if I messed up or if they didn’t work, and I had to take this picture with my non-main hand... I should have thought about that before I used them.
It’s very easy to use them, you just out which one you want and remove the plastic, then place it on the desired location and soak it with a damp cloth for at least thirty seconds (but I probably did closer to 1 minute because the person I asked to help me keep an eye on the time didn’t listen...), then remove. It also suggested you give it 1 minute to dry.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
As you may (or may not) be able to tell these work extremely well :D It’s been a whole day since I put them on and there’s no sign of damage or anything (but to be fair a lot of these are like that) and I’ve washed my hands several times since application. I’m in love with the metallic gold and how shiny it is, so I can’t wait to try a few more like it, and one of the neons too!
Heart Puff Set
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Our third item is this ultra-kawaii heart makeup puff set! I love hearts and heart designs, so these are perfect for me, I made use of them as decorations until I got to the review. Plus they’re also a lot of fun to squeeze due to how bouncy they are :3
There are 10 hearts available, and they can be split into two pieces as you can see in the pic. I got 6 hot pink hearts and 4 white, so I’m assuming the mix of color is randomized.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Honestly, I have makeup puffs, but I never tend to use them. On the days I put on makeup I’m in a rush and I don’t think to get them and usually resort to my brush (also from these boxes) or fingers; otherwise I’d be using the silicone applicator I got some boxes ago.
However I did try one of these out by applying it to one cheek, while I used a finger on the other just to see if there was any sort of difference. I’m not sure if I imagined it but I applied them at the same time and it felt like the cheek I used the sponge on for the product soaked it in a lot quicker and it’s not sticky at all, but the other one still is. The skin feels a little different too.
I can’t see how this would relate to Halloween like at all- but as a cutesy makeup tool lover, I still give them a high rating. Plus you get so many and you can put them in several places, use them for decoration, and even use one for an art project if you wanted that perfect little heart shape. You even get a nice container to use afterwards.
Noyl Intensive Beauty Essence
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This is a 30ml bottle of essence made to amplify the effect of other beauty essences and replenish the moisture in the skin and keep it looking youthful. It is made with Hyaluronic Acid and has a scent- but I have no idea what it is. It’s a... sort of... generic beauty product scent?
I’ve smelled it before, but it might just be how hyaluronic acid smells? I’m not sure. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I applied this to the top of one my hands without putting anything else on and I can feel a difference between them. It’s also more shiny than the other hand, and they’re both already soft but it feels a tiny itty-bitty smidge softer, and smoother too. It also dries very quickly if you dislike stickiness, and the scent is very faint if you have any sensitivities to things like that.
I haven’t tried it with another product or anything yet, but considering what I noticed so far I’m convinced this will do well.
Witch’s Pouch Lipstick
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This is our final item of the box, and also the featured one. An elegant looking lipstick available in pinky purple or a burgundy wine, by the brand Witch’s Pouch. This glamorous brand focuses on the mysterious and mystical styling and makes enchanting beauty products; perfect for Halloween.
So as you can tell I got the pinky purple (mauve perhaps) color. Considering my two broken eye-shadow tubes I got I was kind of worried about this one, but besides the top being slightly squished there was no problems with this one.
To my surprise I also discovered that it smells like roses; one of my favorite scents.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It went on very smooth and evenly and I’m in love with the color x3 it doesn’t clash against my pale skin like I thought it might, and it has a lovely shine and you can taste the rosiness (not that I’m saying you should eat it, it just doesn’t taste bad if you should get it in your mouth).
I think it might even be a semi-stain because when you wipe it off it still lingers on the skin for a while. I touched my lips with my finger and got a small amount of product off, and after 10 minutes I took a sip from my bottle of pop and saw some of it on there, but my lips looked perfectly fine. 
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality/Pricing - 5 out of 5. The items are on the overall small side, but out of the whole box only one item is one-use, so I appreciate the fact everything else is either reusable, or comes in a large quantity.
Content - 4 out of 5. I loved almost all of the items, and the mask, the only I wasn’t too crazy about I didn’t outright hate, or even dislike.
Theme: 3 out of 5. This box is a half-theme. I like that they decorated the cover of the booklet since they don’t do it very often, but it’s so dark that it was hard to see. I wish they lightened it a little or made it more obvious. Meanwhile, 3 out of the 5 items definitely fit the Halloween vibe of the box.
Total Rank: I’ll give this one a 7 out of 10. It had a theme that it mostly matched up to, and I really, really love the lipstick! I was so surprised by how much I liked it and I'm super-excited to start using it. I really wish they would give us more makeup items like this~
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Lipstick - I wish I lived near Witch’s Pouch because I feel like this brand would be right up my alley as an aspiring gothic-lolita.
2. Pokemon Body Art - The images of Pikachu dressed up for Halloween are so cute! I also love the little zubats and I can’t get over how shiny the gold metallic ones are, and how well the neon ones glow! Don’t be surprised if you see me wearing these in future reviews.
3. Heart Puffs - I already said this but I adore the hearts and their squishiness x3
4. Beauty Essence - The bottle is very pretty, but I wish it didn’t look like my scented oils :P I’m not sure I’ll remember to use it too often... 
5. Facial Mask - I thought it was a little bit cute, but it wasn’t my favorite of the box. 
Well that will be doing it for this review :3 I hope you guys have found it interesting and I appreciate the time you took to reading/viewing it. Next up I’ll be covering the October Kira Kira crate, so until then remember to open one box of cuteness everyday!
0 notes
machinehead · 7 years
Below is a collection of the most interesting replies to my General Journal inbox and our Facebook page. There are many, many, many more great/fantastic replies in the FB thread here: https://www.facebook.com/MachineHead/posts/10154745571783823 But these are the ones that hit me the hardest for whatever reason. Reading everyone's replies made me realize that it’s been a very difficult thing to process for many of us.  I appreciate the well wishes from everyone.  Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.  Yes, it triggered something dark inside me, something closer to the surface than I realized.  Writing/talking helped me process it. Talking about it on our group-text helped a lot, talking about it with my guys at practice helped a lot.  Writing the journal helped a lot, reading you’re replies helped a lot. And so I’m sharing your replies to hopefully help anyone else struggling with this. It needs to be discussed. His suicide, depression, mental health, whatever we want to call needs to be addressed. We need to get over our uber-macho, alpha-male-society, and be able to talk about these things.  For ourselves, for our kids, for our future. My oldest son had heard Genevra and I talking about Cornell. Driving him to school 2 days ago, he asked me how he died.  I told him. He didn’t understand why someone would do that. It was tough conversation.  And my first thought was to not tell him what it meant, but then my larger fear went to "what if he feels this way already?”  And before you go, “oh kids don’t feel that way, kids are just happy all the time”, I have 2 friends who are going though it with their tween/teenagers.  So we spoke about it, and I told him "I hoped that him and Wyatt never felt that way because THAT scared me even more." It was heavy… How any parent lives through that I’ll never know. Back when the news broke, the band/crew were talking over the group-text, Phil shared something amazing with us.  It was a post from our long-time friend Steffan Chirazi.  He had posted his eloquent thoughts regarding Cornell's suicide (written before suicide was confirmed). If you read only one of the replies below, scroll to the bottom and read his. It’s well worth your time. ——————————— From: Paul Miller Subject: Re: CHRIS CORNELL To: The General Journals Yeah man. I know that's not a formal way to start a reply, but that last line, "Listen, Honor, Remember Chris Cornell"... that's the truth. Did so today.  Soundgarden was one of those bands that I listed to and enjoyed, but I didn't run it into the ground.  It was great music, and I didn't want to burn myself out on it.  It would rotate, but I'd save it for special occasions.  When "Black Hole Sun" hit MTV, I'd find myself turning the tv so that I wouldn't get sick of it, but it became unavoidable for awhile (at least here in Indiana). I appreciate your words.  They ring true here, too.  Never got that low, but my thoughts have been dark enough.  It scares me, too.  But, I want to forge ahead for my 5 year old - she is what keeps me runnin'. All the best to you, and thank you for the music through the years. I'm sure you hear people say that your music helped them through rough times.  I believe it.  It kept me focused on doing something personally productive to develop my chops as I wore out the cassette of 'Burn My Eyes' while learning to play your riffs!  So, thank you for that. Take care, Paul From: Rochelle Mangan Subject: Re: CHRIS CORNELL To: The General Journals Thank you for this, I loved reading it and am enjoying re listening to a lot of the songs and albums you mentioned with a different perspective on them (this is something I enjoy doing with music a lot, listening to things after people have told me their ideas and opinions on them etc). I just want to say though that I hate the "they had so much to live for" type comments. Even if it's done from an emotional, irrational state, I can't not say something about it. I will find it hard to express concisely and over email the many reasons why but one of the main things is this.... Mental health is hard to deal with because it's invisible, it's so easy to feel like you're a flawed person somehow rather than recognise you are actually unwell. This can mean that experiencing severe depression or whatever when everything in your life is "going great" can (in my experience) often make it so much more confusing and distressing. I'm definitely not saying it's harder to deal with if your life's great! But, if things aren't great - you've lost your job, you're struggling with a relationship etc it's easier to sort of say to yourself "well of course I'm struggling".  I feel like it's also sometimes easier for others to empathise with you if they can see some logical reasons why. It's also easier to get help from public health services (in NZ anyway). When I'm in a bad patch and I have good things happening in my life I ALWAYS find it harder to not do damaging behaviours because my external things are so at odds with what's happening internally. It's like a big war going on and it is so confusing, so exhausting, just one massive dangerous mind fuck! Anyway I hope this doesn't make you feel worse than you may already be feeling, I don't mean it to. I just feel that it's important to say these things sometimes. I know suicide can be confusing to people but as you may know, when you're there, it's not. Thank you for your ramblings and your even more amazing music. It has definitely kept me alive in a big way numerous times. Rochelle xxx From: Anita Hoeve Subject: Re: CHRIS CORNELL To: The General Journals Even though I'm a Machine Head fan from the start, and I really enjoy your journals, I don't normally respond to them. Surely you have better things to do than read all the comments, but wow, this day really sucked, didn't it? I was utterly shocked to hear about Chris' passing. Even more to learn it was suicide. Feel so sad that he felt this was the only way out. I love his voice, his music, listened to Superunknown just last week. Between all the social outpourings I read today, yours really stood out. Thank you for your story, your memories. For really taking the time to share them with us. They got to me. Take care Robb, give your kids and Genevra an extra big hug tonight. Love, Anita From: "Kondalski, Joe" Subject: RE: CHRIS CORNELL To: 'The General Journals' I was at the Fox Theater last night to see Soundgarden, here are a couple of pics from the show. We were in the front row and Chris gave us fist bumps and was very engaged  with the fans during the show. Ps- these are cell phone pics, I will send some pics from my camera later. Feel free to post this pics anywhere. From: Fábio Gil Subject: Re: CHRIS CORNELL To: The General Journals From a 34 year old fan boy trying to play it cool: if you need help, go and search for it and solve your shit, man. We all have demons and hard things we can't handle by ourselves, sometimes. So, for this fanboy, and millions around the world, for whom your TALENT and music inspires so fucking much, put yourself together and "headup". I have a band and we are looking for a proper singer for a time now, maybe a year... And you, dear Robb, your vocal approach, your melodies, ressonate in my head, pushing me to break my barriers and fears and step to the mic (I play of the guitars). This is how much you inspire me. And I'm... just one. Imagine what you do daily to your legion of fans. Is there anybody out there? Yea. There is. Always. From Portugal, with MUCH MUCH love, Fábio Gil. From: Jean-Baptiste Collinet Subject: Re: CHRIS CORNELL SPOTIFY PLAYLIST To: The General Journals Thanks for the playlist, Robb. Great choices, many almost-unknown songs. Great. Well, I tought about dropping a serious line about how Chris somehow "changed my life" (I know, that's so cliché, but I'm at loss for words, damnit). But I was too down last time you wrote about him. Not only did Chris, as a human being, kinda "redirected" me on a safer, healthier path… even if we never met (if there's heaven or hell, we may meet sometime. Let's be a hopeless optimistic-pessimist!) His music... Boy, it's just gut-tearing to think about the loss of the man who opened my mind and my ears enough to stop my technical frenzy and stage thirst for a huge while, and made me start listening instead of merely hearing. I even put aside performing for years, and I just started again maybe a few months ago. Not as a Swedish Melodeath drummer and guitarist, but as a viola da gamba soloist. Talk about a ride. It doesn't look like it, but both worlds share much more than one may think. Not sure I would have made it so far without Chris. Chris had this ability to quickly grok and understand the world and music in an unbelievably holistic way. If that's not inspiring, I don't know what is... I could go on and on, rambling. Enough. Chris has still much to "teach" us, even if he's not "there". He made me wonder if we're not the dead, wrongly thinking we're alive. How can we dare think we're right? What if the ones we think of as dead/fallen are the ones alive? Anyone has an answer to this? Jean-Baptiste Collinet @Rich Hoit I both love and hate this. I love the passion, the honesty, and the wish to not shy away from the raw and heartfelt feelings towards a fantastic front man, singer, musician, friend and man. So much respect for that. I hate the fact that it had to be written so soon 😢 Bravo, Machine Head, a great piece and a great sentiment. And thank you, Chris Cornell. @Ashley Merritt You're strong as fuck Robb because you actually wrote how you feel honestly like this, helping anyone struggling with mental illness.. it helps to know that you're not the only one and the way you feel frankly is exactly the way I do. What a trip. Being open and around good folk means everything, there's always an up after a down. Always. @Theresa Alaimo Very proud of you, Robb Flynn, Machine Head, for this tribute to Chris. A s a journalist for my magazine, Black Planet, in New Mexico, I ran for over 15 years, I too am grieving for Chris Cornell, that beautiful man with an amazing voice. During the Voivod Tour they played at a club a few blocks from my work space apartment and the promoter asked if I could steam the crab legs for Soundgarden at my place. Delivering a plate of steaming hot crab legs to the beautiful Chris and looking into his eyes, made my legs steam as well. I believe I said, "Your Majesty, I present you with steaming hot crab legs" and bowed. I was such a dork, but I was so overwhelmed by his aura. I was also at the Foundations Forum where I saw Soundgarden and met you and other great guys. I interviewed you and we all became friends and hung out with Pantera, Biohazard, Exodus, STP, Lemmy, Pearl Jam, Iron Maiden and up and coming new bands for a weekend. I still have my Scorpions beer mug they handed out from their helicopter flight, it was a great experience. Anytime you are feeling sad or depressed Robb, try to remember that you are a talented musician, a beautiful man and maybe not every woman in the world wants to fuck you, but be your friend and will listen if you need to talk. I might not ever know if you read this, Robb Flynn, but at least it's out there. We all love you and need you to stick around. We've lost too many, Dimebag, Peter Steele, Wayne Static, Scott Weiland, Layne Staley, Lemmy, just to name a few and when we barely catch our breath, then we lose another. We can't lose you too, our hearts are already broken. @Matt McDonald "And I think I'm strong, but I'm not. I'm not as strong as I project, and I'm not sure if I'm stronger than depression. Because I sink into it sometimes. And it's black. I hope I am. I need to be for my kids. For my wife... for myself." God damn that shit hit me. So personal, so profound, and so relatable. Counseling, medication, therapy... none of that is a guarantee. Whether it's a bout of sadness or full on throes of suicidal depression, sometimes the hardest part for overcoming it is simply reaching out. Be it pride, shame, guilt... find a way to overcome, find something that helps you out of the funk. Music can be so powerful, so thank you for still being here to share your deeply personal thoughts and feelings, and for continuing to make music. You never know how much it could help even just one person, I think that's reason enough to continue. Thank you! @Jennifer May It can be really hard to admit, you worry that you'll be labeled as an attention seeker or told that you just need to cowboy up and try harder to be happy. Medication is still really stigmatized and expensive, and talk therapy can seem intimidating. I'm very, very lucky and grateful that my mama works in mental health so I've had someone to help me navigate the system. RIP Chris, we lost one of the greatest today. @Phil Stein No matter how much one tries to capture the range of emotions evoked by Chris Cornell's vocals, the description falls short of what he could do and what he could convey. Let alone the beauty, poignancy and power that he could generate. It was like hearing a 5 course gourmet dinner from appetizer through dessert - it was varied and more than that delicious vocally. Thanks for the great description and memorial For Chris Robb. It's so on point and fitting. Perfectly stated!!! @Mark Garcia It's the asshole in me but I will never grieve for someone who takes their own life. I can appreciate all the words from fans and I may not have been a fan of sound garden some of the songs were worth listening to. This band as well as the grunge "sound" never resonated with me so maybe that's why as well. @Jimmy James Brute honesty again from mr Flynn. Bravo this is why we love you and machine head. Depression does fucking suck and you don't shy away from talking about it. RIP Chris Cornell! Man I was actually a big soundgarden fan back in the 90s before discovering metal. @Siri LH Thank you for your honesty and reflections! Highly interesting to read. I can relate to the sadness and the mind fuck. Soundgarden was the band that sparked my love for heavy music. I've been depressed myself and always felt comfort in listening to Chris Cornell's voice. It resonated with my mind. The darkness felt lighter when I put on a Soundgarden album. I was comforted, like someone got my mood. Whenever I've felt lost, I've put on some Soundgarden and found myself again. Soundgarden feels like the essence of my being and I will always be deeply grateful for their music, and for Cornell's voice, lyrics and mood. I've seen them live once and I smiled the whole show through. Eternal love for Chris Cornell and Soundgarden <3 My heart goes out to his loved ones. @Austin Kokel I saw them on Lollapalooza '96, and I'm glad to hear you say what I felt at that show. I was only 15, but I had Badmotorfinger and Superunknown and I absolutely loved both and was right up front. The band was definitely in a funk, and the bassist was an asshole, spitting on and insulting the crowd (and bot in the fun Ramones way I experienced an hour earlier). I try to explain their set to people now, and I can't. I'm glad to hear my 20+ year old sentiments echoed. That said, I always wondered about him after that day, but I never saw this coming either, not this far down the road. Thanks for your honesty and insight, Robb. We love you. We love Machine Fucking Head. Be strong. @J Ake Hess You've expressed so many feelings and thoughts rattling around in my head today that I just couldn't find words to put to. Cornell will always be uniquely amazing and in a class​ by himself. I was listening to his cover of Prince's Nothing Compares 2 You just last night and letting myself become entranced by his unique sound and incredible voice. Today I am sad, angry, and a bit enthralled with my own mortality. Nobody is immune and sometimes the struggle is too much for even the people with everything to live for. I can't imagine what his family is feeling today. Beyond tragic… @Steffan Chirazi No-one can be sure why he is dead, and when it is appropriate, we will know. But depression is a very, very real thing. It is a part of life, but for some, it carries deadly lows and utterly crushing weight along with a gravitational pull into darkness that many of us cannot fathom. I sometimes fight the rabbit hole. I see it, I feel it, I flirt with its edges, but then I bury my head in the dog or hug the cat or take deep breathes and get outside and find a piece of mental architecture to grab hard, fast and haul myself out. I am very lucky. I am slightly brushed with depression and anxiety, but fortunately I am always able to find the light. Fortunately I still retain enough of my natural mental antibodies to find the path out quickly and efficiently. There is no doubt that age makes that path harder to find sometimes, as a consequence of both the physical being and some of the inevitabilities which come with your 50s (such as more people in your circle dying). Others are not so lucky. It isn't because they 'don't want to' or 'aren't trying hard enough' or 'don't love their familes' or anything remotely like that. It isn't ever for the lack of trying. It is because depression (and anxiety) are a crushing, debilitating disease which this country, this planet, seems largely unable to recognize. We push people to the outer regions of anxiety and depression with no care that there are some who fall headfirst into a rabbit hole tornado and only through regular (and possibly unrecognized miracles) find themselves hurled into the escape bunker as opposed to the abyss. Yeah. Imagine that. A tornado that escalates within minutes from a slight, chilly breeze, a tornado that offers no pattern as to when it will appear. And imagine that the only help which can come your way is a bunker miraculously opening up beneath your feet and drawing you to a womb of safety until the tornado passes… ...Often, people with clinical depression will self-medicate. Not because they 'like to fucking party' but because there is no other way out. It's 'easier' to take a swig, take a pill, take a hit. It keeps the darkness in the distance and the tornado (when it pops up) is smashed into smithereens by the 'medicine’. Let me, by the way, be VERY clear. I am NOT saying he was doing ANY of that. He had his dances back in the old days, ones he has been very open about. But I thought he had left that behind. I honestly don't know but feel he had for some time. Whatever eh? Because we judge anyway. Yet we judge. We judge in all senses and all ways. Why do they do that? Why do they behave that way? Who do they think they are? Why can't they just cheer up...? Why are they being such an asshole? Yeah, cheer up will ya? You're handsome or pretty or rich or famous or successful or ALL of those things. Come on. All you gotta do is think about how much worse so many other people have it. Who do you think you are? There are people with 'real' problems out there… I heard the same shit about Cobain and Staley. Listen, does anyone really believe that they wanted to go? That they didn't with every sinew wish in their more lucid moments that they could find a way out? Of course not. Pain is one thing, emotional pain is a whole other ball of wax, but add that to a chemical equation in your DNA that can (without warning) turn your colours to black and white, your peripheral vision to a short, narrow tunnel and which leaves your light feeling cold-negative and it is clear to see that this disease is both monstrous and potentially crippling. The thing with tornados is that when you're in one, they don't afford you the 'luxury' of contemplation. Especially when it is your own chemicals, your own imbalances through no fault of your own, which rise from nowhere to envelope you in that tornado; I never heard of anyone caught in one who was able to see straight, let alone reason with themselves. Fortunately some find their way out. They discover a regular path out of the fog, and they can stick to it. That is not to judge people who cannot; every situation is different. But some simply can't. They try and try and try again. Maybe they achieve success in escaping dark moments, and maybe they eradicate self-medication and triggers from their lives with the help of great local support. However there are never guarantees. Again, I don't know why he died. I spent a little time with him here and there, enough to know that for years, there was a dark moodiness which expressed itself via his generally quiet way and rich lyrics. Later on he certainly spruced himself up, chucked in the deeper self-medications, and seemed a lot more comfortable with life than when he wrote the semi-self-ridiculing "Jesus Christ Pose" but what did I know? Apparently not much at all… ...If you see a friend struggling, if you sense or feel a friend or family member is drifting near a rabbit hole, please, check-in with them. However you have to, either directly or just create an excuse to see them, to talk to them. We are so emotionally guarded that we perhaps see it as 'intruding' or 'sticking our noses in'. Know your friends. Know your family. Be kind whenever you can with them, have a laugh or crack a shit joke. But touch base. Do it today. Much love to everyone who suffers and is either marginalized, trivialized or simply ignored. Much love to those getting assistance in their ongoing battle. Subscribe to The General Journals: http://thegeneraljournals.hosted.phplist.com/lists/?p=subscribe
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thekuroiookami · 7 years
Hey just saw your asks are open and I'm so happy excited they are!!! I have so much I'd like to request, but for now can I just get either headcannons or small drabbles of Akashi and his s/o using snapchat??? Like does he use snapchat often, keeps streaks with his s/o, post on his story?? I would have asked if you could do all of the GoM but I wasn't sure what your character limit was! Anyways, so happy you're taking asks and I'll be back in the future for many more ^^
Hello yzzy! Thanks for the ask. I have to say I’ve never used Snapchat, so if I didn’t get the spirit of it right, forgive me. And I’ve included the GoM cos why not.
·        At first he had no interest in the app, becausehe was busy, and didn’t really have a use for it. The only reason he knew itexisted was because you once got excited over a snap someone sent and fell intohis lap laughing.
·        That changed when he went on a trip and had tostay apart from you for a few days. You installed the app on his phone insecret, and then one day he woke up to a video of you telling him to wake up. Helikes the little glimpses into your day, and it doesn’t hurt that he canmessage you as well.
·        Since he’s rather obliging, it doesn’t take muchwork on your part to get him to send snaps back. When he does though, it’s likegetting ordinary photos – there’s rarely any text or stickers. Though you’renot complaining, because he looked delicious in that suit.
·        He once sent you a video when you were down. Itwas like he was psychic. He just smiled gently and said “You’re perfect to me.That’s all that counts.” You cursed Snapchat for not letting you keep theseprecious moments forever.
·        That said, he still doesn’t use it often, thoughhe does find it entertaining to watch the GoM’s antics on the group messages. Overall,he likes being an observer more than a participant. He doesn’t bother to updatea story or keep up streaks unless he’s apart from you. In that case, he’ll senda steady stream of dryly humorous yet comforting texts, with occasional snapsof things that catch his eye.
·        Would not know about any app ever if it weren’tfor you and Momoi. Like, phones are just for calling people, right?
·        That said, he quickly catches onto the more risquébenefits of Snapchat when you coerce him into using it. You regretted it almostimmediately. He sauntered off, and when he came back you were blushing like aposy because his shirtless selfie was just so sinful. Aomine was only going toscare you off his back, but he finds this more entertaining. Now you have tolive with him pestering you for similar snaps of you.
·        On a softer note, he likes it when you postphotos of your dates together on your story. He’s pretty possessive, and thisis a good way to declare you off limits. He makes sure to keep an arm aroundyou somehow from now on. It also makes him happy to see you happy with him.
·        Streaks are pretty difficult to achieve withAomine because he tends to ignore all messages when he’s playing basketball.Even worse, he has a habit of replying to all your texts at the most inconvenienttimes. You know from his wicked grin that he does it on purpose.  
·        Will shamelessly screenshot anything of yours helikes. When you ask him about it, he just shrugs and says that he wants to keepyou close. It’s a bit hard to stay offended after that.
·        If there is a photographic form of social mediaout there, Kise will have found it and tried it. It’s not surprising Snapchatis one of those. Kise especially likes the new lenses that let you add sillyexpressions to your face. Kasamatsu is less than pleased.
·        Needless to say, after you started dating, yourinbox is flooded with snaps of Kise in every pose imaginable. They alternatelymake you laugh, shake your head, and cry. You ‘accidentally’ took a screenshotof one of his more attractive pics once. Of course, he got a notification.After that, Kise’s narcissism became near impossible to put up with, and thevolume of selfies increased dramatically.
·        Unusually, he also likes to post snaps of scrumptiouslooking food. You hate him a little bit when you realize he can eat dessertsroutinely and still look the way he does.
·        He’ll never say this, but your Snapchat storywas one of the things that made him fall for you. Your optimism and smile inthe videos kept him going through some bleak days, and now he gets to see youfor real, every day.
Kiseand you have a friendly competition going on where you try to keep snappingeach other without missing a single day. Given Kise’s penchant for sending andreceiving chats, especially when you’re involved, this isn’t very difficult.You realize how long you’ve been together when you see the 100 Day emoji, andsmile to yourself. 
·        Quite enjoys using Snapchat, because he isn’tinvisible, but the evidence never stays up for long either. However, he isn’tabove pranking his friends with the occasional snap where he deliberatelymisdirects them and then sends them reproachful messages about how they didn’tnotice him.
·        A lot of his snaps are, unsurprisingly, ofNigou. Sometimes he reminds you of an overly fond parent recording their childfor posterity, only with self-destructing photos. You often wish he’d post morepictures of himself in his story so you can secretly hoard them.
·        You were the first person to unerringly spotwhere Kuroko was in any video or photo, even if he wasn’t actually in theframe. After teasing him for several days, you finally satisfied his curiosityand explained that you looked for his shadow in the pictures. He might havefallen a little deeper in love with you at that moment.
·        Doesn’t actually voice it out loud, but lovesgetting personal messages from you. It makes him feel cherished, and he likesto bask in the glow of your attention. He’s not very good at reciprocation, butyou understand that he’s not naturally demonstrative. He compensates by beingaffectionate when you meet up IRL.
·        Is actually the one with a strange knack for postingwitty stories. His penchant for deadpan commentary means that everyone visiblybraces themselves when he posts something. You were just glad Vine got taken down, or the world would never recoverfrom the shade he was capable of throwing.  
·        Takao was the one that made his account for him.He tried to take it down (because Shin_chan is an embarrassing username,nanodayo) but had no idea how. Takao was (and still is) the one that posts onhis story, mostly a picture of that day’s lucky item accompanied by hystericallaughter. Everyone started using Midorima’s story as a concise Oha-Asa.
·        When he starts dating you, he takes a littlemore interest in the app because you use it, though not that much. He doesn’t carefor social media in general. But he doesn’t mind sending the occasional snap ofhimself when you ask. These generally make you laugh because he looks so grim.
·        Also uses Snapchat to send you a forecast forthe day, and a suggestion for your lucky item. It makes his day if you textback, and he will be downright euphoric if you send a picture of you with saidlucky item.
·        There was one time Takao sneakily took a snap ofhim emerging from the shower after practice. You almost didn’t recognize himwithout glasses on. Midorima was just confused when you wouldn’t meet his eyesfor the rest of the day. He almost took you to the nurse because you were sored.
         Hisdark secret: someone once recorded a snap of you cheering from the standsduring a game. He may have saved that one because it was so cute, and it mayhave become a sort of good luck charm for him to depend on when he’s notfeeling as confident. But he’ll deny its existence if you ask him about it.“W-why would I have something like that, nanodayo?!”
·        The last person in the group to use, or evencare about Snapchat. It’s so much effort, and less worthwhile than eatingsnacks. Still, it would be even more effort to put up resistance when youinstall it on his phone, so he just grumbles and lets you do it.
·        As a consequence of this indifference, he postsnothing at all. The one time he did post something, it was unintentional. Hepushed a button with his nose when he fell asleep on the couch. You and Himurolaughed for ten minutes straight when you got a blurry mass of purple hair andsmushed cheeks in your inbox.
·        You discover that Snapchat is an effective toolfor motivating Murasakibara. Send a disappearing picture of a dessert – or evenjust chocolate – and he’s suddenly up for anything. You once posted a video ofyou slowly eating ice-cream in a café, threatening to finish it without him. Hemade a 30 minute commute in half that time.
·        He’s not above messing with other people’ssnaps, especially selfies. He takes a sadistic delight in applying terrifyingfilters to Midorima’s face, much to the annoyance of the latter. You are theonly one exempt from this treatment; you’re too adorable to mar with somethinglike that. Also, you’re quite scary when you’re mad.
·        Murasakibara would much rather just cuddle youin person than use some app, but he appreciates your efforts to make him smile.He does smile, but more at your enthusiasm than the snaps. He’s never lonelythanks to you.
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anachef · 6 years
Disney Food News This Week: Star Wars News, Mickey’s 90th Birthday, and MORE!
Happy weekend! Here’s all the Disney food news this week!
Mickey’s 90th Birthday Cupcake
Disneyland’s Festival of Holidays started is ON, and we have ALL the menus! Start planning what you’re going to eat before you go! And check out our BEST of the Fest here!
Epcot’s Festival of the Holidays kicks off today and we have all the menus! Check them out before you go!
We have a lot to share with you this week, so let’s jump right in…
Disney Food News
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance was announced as one of the new attractions in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.
Wolfgang Puck Bar & Grill soft opening date announced! Check out the menu here.
Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run is coming to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge!
New nighttime spectaculars, pavilion entertainment, and more announced for Epcot.
Get a closer look at the new Star Wars Resort coming to Disney World!
Check out the new holiday treats at The Ganachery in Disney Springs.
We have details on all the holiday treats in Disneyland’s Downtown Disney District.
Check out the New Year’s Eve dinners at Disney World and Disneyland.
We have lots of news from this weekend’s Destination D event.
Check out the Mickey Birthday Cupcakes at Gasparilla Grill and Contempo Cafe!
The Gingerbread Carousel is up at Disney’s Beach Club!
It’s time to pre-order the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining!
Check out this Steamboat Willie Heritage Mickey Mousse at the Boardwalk Bakery!
We were celebrating Mickey’s 90th Birthday in the Magic Kingdom with special treats and fun merchandise!
Check out what’s NEW at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge.
We checked out everything new at Hollywood Studios this week.
We reviewed the holiday eats at Alien Pizza Planet in Disneyland!
We have details on what’s new at the Magic Kingdom this week.
Check out everything new at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
We have details on where to find all the holiday treats in Disney Springs!
We have details on what’s new at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
We checked out the seasonal Cranberry Mousse at Disney’s Hollywood Studios!
We reviewed the holiday treats at the Grand Floridian’s Gingerbread House.
Check out the holiday treats – and cookie shots – at Disney’s Grand Californian!
The Grand Floridian’s Gingerbread House is open for the 2018 season!
Check out these fun holiday krispy treats in the Disney Parks.
We spotted some fun new merchandise at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
There’s a new Cheshire Cat cupcake of the month at All Star Music Resort.
We reviewed the holiday eats at Award Wieners in Disney California Adventure.
New latte art debuts at The Mara in Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge!
We shared details on a V.I.Passholder Pop Up event for Mickey’s birthday!
Check out the latest details about the Guardians of the Galaxy ride in Epcot.
More details were announced for the Gran Destino Tower at Disney’s Coronado Springs.
The opening season was announced for the Disney Skyliner.
More details were revealed for Epcot’s Space Restaurant!
Check out this new Churro Toffee we spotted in Disneyland.
We reviewed the Mickey Birthday Cupcake at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort.
Tambu Lounge has reopened at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort!
Check out this must-have holiday glow cube from Disneyland.
There’s a new slushie and a new dessert at Amorette’s Patisserie!
A new holiday dessert is on the menu at the 4R Cantina Barbacoa Food Truck.
Check out all the limited time treats at Disney World and Disneyland for Mickey’s 90th birthday.
We reviewed some holiday treats at Schmoozies in Disney California Adventure.
Goofy’s Candy Company is serving up gourmet cotton candy.
New DFB YouTube videos: DFB Throwdown: The Polite Pig vs. D-Luxe Burger, 10 Great Ways to Spend $50 at Disney World, What’s New at Disney World and Disneyland, and 12 Smartphone Apps You’ll Definitely Need in Disney World.
Check out all the latest Disney Food News — even the stuff we don’t mention in posts on the blog! — on our Disney Food News Pin Board, including menu updates, restaurant closures, special events, and more! We’ve got all the latest for you, so check it out before you go.
New DFB Video — 12 Smartphone Apps You’ll Definitely Need in Disney World
Have you subscribed to the DFB YouTube Channel? We’ve got FOUR brand new videos EVERY WEEK showcasing our adventures in Disney World and Disneyland! This week, we’re sharing our latest video — check it out — 12 Smartphone Apps You’ll Definitely Need in Disney World — and don’t forget to subscribe here.
Deal of the Week: Pre-Order the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining
It’s time to pre-order the DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining 2019 e-book!
Pre-Order with code WDW2019 TODAY to get:
1. 25% OFF your pre-order purchase with code WDW2019! And…
2. The fully updated 2018 Edition of the Guide immediately for FREE. Just use code WDW2019 at checkout! (We’ll send the 2019 Edition directly to your inbox as soon as it’s published after the New Year.)
Just like all DFB pre-order deals — when you pre-order your DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining e-Book, 2019 Edition today for 25% off the cover price (with code WDW2019…did we mention that?), you’ll also get our 2018 Edition immediately for FREE, so you can start planning TODAY!
With over 700 pages of full-color photos, tips on the best restaurants, an ENTIRE chapter on snacks — including the best snack credit values throughout the parks and resorts — and a full break-down of whether the Disney Dining Plan is worth it for your family, now’s the time to get started!
  What’s in the DFB Guide?
The DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full of ALL the information you need to plan the BEST Disney World vacation.
We keep ALL of our DFB Guides fully updated — which means the 2018 edition is up-to-date RIGHT NOW and the 2019 Edition will have even MORE new changes when it’s published after the New Year! This means when you pre-order the 2019 edition today you’re getting TWO fully-updated DFB Guides for the PRICE OF ONE!
We want your vacation to be stress-free!
The DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full to overflowing with tools and features to make your trip go smoothly, including:
A 5-Step Strategy for Disney Dining Planning, covering everything you need to know from budgeting and booking to kids’ meals, dining discounts, and fireworks.
A comprehensive and in-depth look at EVERY Disney World restaurant, kiosk, bar, and lounge, including our personal tips to ensure a positive and stress-free dining experience.
Four free, downloadable worksheets for planning your trip. These worksheets are designed to help you execute all the steps of planning the perfect Disney dining experience. And they’re reusable for all of your future trips!
Seven sample one-day dining itineraries for a head-start on planning.
A comprehensive index of bars and lounges WITH reviews. An often under-appreciated option for both dining and entertainment, the e-Book devotes a whole index to the topic.
The ability to be read on your mobile device or computer! It’s fully portable right in your pocket!
Here’s Just Some Of What We’ll Have Updated In Our 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining e-Book:
Fully updated menus, prices, and restaurant info for 2019 visitors
Updated details about available discounts and deals at Disney World restaurants
DFB’s own 2019 recommendations for everything from table service to counter service to snacks and more
Over 700 pages of updated Disney Dining advice, details, and information
Disney Dining Plan Analysis — Is it right for your family? Can you really save money?
NEW Disney food and restaurant photos
Updated reviews of all Disney World restaurants, kiosks, bars, and lounges including all new eateries
An updated chapter focused on one of the most popular Disney dining topics: Snacks in the theme parks and resorts
A comprehensive section of What’s NEW in Disney Food, including new restaurants, new menus, restaurant closures, and more
Mickey-Shaped Beignet in Disney World!
You can pre-order your copy today for 25% off the cover price and get the 2018 Edition immediately for FREE!! Just use code WDW2019! The 2019 Edition will be emailed to you as soon as it’s published in early 2019.
DFB Reader Finds
If you find a fun new food — or other edible awesomeness — in or around Disney, share a photo with us on facebook or twitter so we can add it to our DFB Reader Finds each Sunday.
Earlier this year we shared the DFB Cupcake Crawl and all year we’ve been hearing from readers who are attempting to complete the challenge! DFB reader Brad Philbert and his family were working on the crawl this past week and he shared some pics with us including this one of their 7th cupcake – an Olaf Cupcake in Hollywood Studios!
Way to go!
The Purple Wall in the Magic Kingdom has its own Cotton Candy and Slush, but DFB reader @bioreconstruct decided to have some fun at this week’s Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party and he paired the Holiday Cookie with the Purple Wall. It’s a good look! ;-D
The Holiday Cookie is ready for its Purple Wall selfie.
Do you have a favorite Disney Food find? Share your photos with us!
On to the Round-Up!
Mickey Fix shared this super funny – and true – Disney wine glass!
WDW for Grownups shared some Disney dining ideas when you don’t have Advance Dining Reservations.
Disney Parks Blog shared a recipe from Flavors From Fire from the Epcot Food and Wine Festival!
Disney Family shared a recipe for Cinderella’s Pumpkin Quinoa!
Don’t Miss ANY Disney Food News! Join the DFB Newsletter to get all the breaking news right in your inbox! Click here to Subscribe!
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What’s New Around Walt Disney World: October 20, 2016
from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/2PwSBe6 via https://ift.tt/LNvO3e
0 notes
kkukkung · 7 years
me whenever you don't write a tag: 😱😱😱😱😱 is she okay???
me whenever i do write a tag: is she ok
very chronologically confused personal ask compilation!
✨✨ ur so pretty ✨✨ it's actually gross how much of a crush i'm getting
PLEASTHE this is fake im fake ur fake but i love u thank u sm i feel so weird abt my soul prison ily thank u... hope ur doing well today and every other day... thank u thank u... i don’t know how to take compliments bsjfhgjk but it rly means a lot to me that anons are so kind! u guys actually make me happier ily thank u this is a Mess (tm) of a reply
annie: wha aat i dont talk like that :/ also annie: polychrome carve ur initials onto my asscheeks *diff anon
sdhfgsjk shhh... but i mean... have u seen polychrome’s photos............. u know when fansites r talented at taking photos n u can tell they’re kind of in l*ve w the person they’re taking photos of?? polychrome is one of those fansites
ive had a few close friends that were intjs and we got along really well!!! your guys' foresight (ni) brings out different ideas than what my ne produces so we always have super interesting multidimensional conversations!! like u guys can see details and i see the big picture and when u put it together 👍👍👌👌 also you guys are different but not in a way thats overwhelming?? like its always just a chill friendship where we nerd out and have fun its great!! // same anon
intps like, nvr stop thinking i lov it!! and yeth i get very hyperfixated on small things that i often miss the grand scheme of it all so intps r very good at pointing that out + we rly do complement each other a lot? the best thing is recognising that we’re both like... pretty introverted introverts (???) who need a lot of alone time and that good Space u kno..... .. seksi..... one of my fave partnerships....
we dont hate ur memes ........... u just pick the worst pics................ and adding the chaotic evil nastie kinda made me sad n ruined it for me 
omg lmao i didn’t expect a serious response to my whining shfkjg i’m not actually like..... upset that ppl don’t rb my things lol i’ll b more careful how i tag things in the future bc i get that it can come across as annoying and guilt-trippy. i understand ur point and i’m sry if my content made u uncomfortable!
Who do u think are the best group leaders in kpop?
mmmmm i think hanbin is a very good leader! sunggyu and hyorin too :> i like tough but dorky leaders? ppl who know how to adapt well to every situation, don’t hesitate to point out mistakes/are able to initiate confrontations, and always think of their team!
Three things I associate with you: pastel blue, wonhyuk and k*nks. Bonus: the ":/" thing sfgjklh. I'm Actually Sorry.
gfhsdjkhg i swear i have like... very average k*nks but im glad i’m associated w wonhyuk n pastel blue... my fav colour
wonho, extra tags, furries
Ever since you drew hyungline’s fursonas that’s all I can think about when I visit your blog. I also associate you with the sparkly heart emoji and bunnies
ik i brought this on myself but... pls know im not actually a f*rry...
Annie sñfkdhgs please do talk as much as you want, 3am or not. You know we love you and we love what you say and talking with you:(( 💕💕💕✨ (i mean you probably don't want to hear this from someone you don't know but i needed to tell you i'm sorry)
none offensive @ me but i rly don’t deserve any of u..................... this is so sweet thank u................. did u kno i lov u and i appreciate u taking the time to send this to me....?? like it rly doesn’t matter whether or not i know u! it’s the intention behind the message that matters and ur intention is very kind.... thank u sm i hope something good happens to u today 💕💕
Annie I saw one of ur tags that said u sometimes consider deleting ur blob and idek how serious U were and obviously u can do whatever u want duh but anyways i wanted to come say that I would miss u sooooo much on my dash like not even ur blob just u urself ur my fave 😭😭I just wanted to let u know!!! 💕💕💕💕
pleasthe when i get messages like this i want to keep them in my inbox nd in my heart forever i love u!!! sometimes i feel kind of ??? stressed abt this blob for no reason like ??? but i feel stressed abt everything it’s in my nature so lmao dw!!! i won’t delete anytime soon! where else would i screm abt mx 24/7 to a listening population!! this is very kind ur very very kind :( i have a lot of Issues (tm) tbh but these msgs rly make me so happy ilysm thank youuuu......... thank you for taking the time to send me smth lovely like it rly !! means a lot to me i’m bad @ expressing that but honestly ty ty ty you are very kind
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