#Ancient Wyvern
alanide-arts · 6 months
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MHW sketchdump feat. some friends' OCs
(Tyrann becomes an Ecologist at some point!)
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shadowfoxsilver · 4 months
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Elemental Wyvern: Ancient Fire
On Dragon Island, there once was a thriving population of Elemental Wyverns who lived alongside the regular dragons. However, one day, the Shadow Wyvern Leader decided to wage an attack against them. He was a powerful Wyvern of the darkness, with three heads and the leader of a large group. The attack was quite strong, and unfortunately led to the near extinction of the other Elemental Wyverns! But luckily, over time, they have survived in varying habitats. The original survivors have became Ancient; Only one Ancient of each element remains now.
Ancient Elemental Wyverns are far larger than the newer generations, and remain wary of outsiders. They all hold a burning hatred for the Shadow Wyvern Leader and may attack him if he gets too close to their territory.
Ancient Fire, the Elemental Wyvern of Fire, is the largest of the Ancients and rightfully so. Considered the strongest of them all, he can only be found within volcanoes scattered across the volcanic regions of the island. He may look rather plain at a glance when away from the magma, but once he’s landed on a lava flow hidden markings light up across his horns and claws. His wings, frills, and tail tip ignite into intense purple flames that burn brightly and make it seem like his wings are pure flames. Rocky armor is scattered across his body, seemingly formed from hardened magma. Ancient fire does not breathe fire; He can shoot lava streams great distances from his mouth once he emerges from his pool. It’s difficult to take a photo of him.
Ancient Fire does not have a known nesting location as he travels across the land by entering volcanoes and exiting them. Due to his preferred habitat being a volcano, very few beings alive can visit him easily. But legends tell of a village that once sought out his blessings, offering to him a sickly human. Writings of the past explain that he pitied the inhabitants, and accepted their offering.
But while the village was blessed, the human was given a gift by the ancient Wyvern…He shared to them the magic he possessed and cured them of the cold they had caught, and told them to find the other Ancients and receive the gift of their powerful magic as well. He explained to them that once they return with proof of completion, that one more blessing would be given to them. But it is unknown if they succeeded…Though if the human did complete the task and receive the blessing, what was it? It’s a mystery.
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13skeletons · 1 year
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Scorched Earth, aka The Map That Turned Me Feral
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miamipaaaalms · 2 months
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commission from vk inspired with pixar meme
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igneouswyvern · 7 months
the zestiria timeline baffles me to no end because i know all the camlaan stuff takes place 17 years before the events of the game and i know it has to be that way because that's the only way for sorey and mikleo to have originated in camlaan. and yet. what do you mean heldalf has only been living with his curse for 17 years. what do you mean the celestial record is 21 years old. what do you mean camlaan has only been around for less than 30 years. in my head all this stuff takes place on a waaaaaay larger scale like heldalf should have been wandering the earth in solitude for at least a century right? you're telling me it only took him 17 years to give into the malevolence? what a loser. and the celestial record felt like an ancient book from a time long past when they were nerding about it in the beginning of the game. you're telling me it's barely older than sorey and mikleo themselves? and you can't just go around calling a village that existed 22 years ago and was lived in for only 5 "the origin village." like nah that thing has to have been around for at least 50 before you go calling it something as dramatic as that. idk. in the two-and-a-half-years in between playing zestiria i forgot all the lore and i had it in my head that shepherds were like a once-every-one-hundred-years deal and michael was from like ages ago and all this stuff was ancient as hell. and it feels so silly to me that it was all so recent
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We don't have a good stompy wings-are-the-hands breed, do we? The wyverns that got huge knuckles and walk with their wings? That's such a classic silhouette.
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egg-emperor · 11 months
who do you think the hottest titan is?
Wyvern 💜 big long flying scary draconic boy with tons of teeth!
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also the way the cyloop attack makes Wyvern's wrists cuffed and chained down got me thinking 👀
love how Eggman looks to be piloting a beheaded Wyvern body replaced with the Egg Mobile with a head piece and wings similar to Supreme in the MC texture pack too lol
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my man took pieces of them and made a new monster and included my favorite thing about the Wyvern, the wiggly body!
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kuramirocket · 2 years
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
Western Approach: The Still Ruins,  Viridis Walk and Inner Sanctum
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Tevinter researchers performed a magical experiment in this palace a long time ago. Their objective was to tap into the essence of the Fade, but in doing so, they created a breach through which demons started pouring out. A fail-safe built into their experiment was triggered and froze time within the place.
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
Viridis Walk
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In Viridis Walk [meaning green walk] we can see a bit the structure of the Gallows from Kirkwall as a style: Main stairs, golems at the sides of the stairs, and iconography all around to cause some impact in the moral [I suspect many items around this place are for religious purposes, so their impact on the soul is more positive than the statues of tortured slaves in Kirkwall, after all this place was meant for Tevinter mages, not for slaves]. In fact, this place looks like a garden showing with pride the rich culture of Tevinter.
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The garden has many statues and devices spread all over the place: the stone lid of Razikale Ceremony, the Horned warrior holding a sword, those diapason-like claw-like devices, golems, etc.
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All of them have a symmetrical configuration in this garden. It must have been beautiful to see, green surrounded with these metallic and stone sculptures.  I think it would have looked similar to Razikale Reach.
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On the chamber of the Inner Sanctum, we see once more two Ferelden Wyverns.
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The Inner Sanctum is an isolated chamber which decoration has two strange things in addition to the Ferelden Wyverns:  it’s door is elven [it’s an Elven Ancient Shard-based door], as the ones we saw being used by Alexius in the future, or the Ancient Temples in Frostback Mountains or Forbidden Oasis. They can only be opened with shards. This means that this Still Ruin was built around an ancient elven temple or they just brought the door from an ancient temple they may have ransacked.
The second details is at the top the door frame: there is a Tevinter symbol hiding another: a sun that belongs to Free Marches design. So far I’ve noticed, we only see it when we use the Free Marches decoration in Skyhold.
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This looks to me like a choice. Why would you bother to put an element of this nature when you can do your work easier by not putting it?
Anyway, so in this garden we have Non-Tevinter elements: a hidden Free Marches Sun, a pair of Ferelden Wyvern, and an Elven Ancient Shard-based door.
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The elven door prevents us from entering immediately, so we need to collect the shards first.
By exploring the small rooms around Viridis Walk, we get more insight of the experiment that was performed centuries ago.  Research Notes explains how Helladius thinks that they can draw energy from the Fade, even though it may causes Breaches. The power in this manipulation seems to be important. We are also informed that this experiment uses blood “of six strong” ones. Sarpedon, opposed to this experiment, keeps casting doubts about it, and trying to delay it.
When we see the shape of the shards, we realise they are of the same nature than the ones we have been collecting to open the temple in the Forbidden Oasis. 
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In another room of Viridis Walk, we find more elements of research, Tevinter paintings on the wall [exactly, the six-headed snake that seems to be related to the representation of Tevinter arcane research], and the Skull bud with sword. The reason why I think this statue belongs to Tevinter culture is because this place: Still Ruin shows all Tevinter design everywhere, and the only two statues that seem to be strange in this place are the Griffons at the entrance of the Hall of Silence and this one. We know the Venatori are the only group who had explored this ruin, but I don’t think they may have brought statues into it.  So these statues may have been here from the pre-blight time. It’s the strongest argument I have to connect this statue with Tevinter, sadly.
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Once all shards are collected, we open the door of the chamber in the middle of Viridis Walk: The Inner Sanctum.
Inner Sanctum
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Once we enter, we see the main chamber with a hole in the space and blood floating around it.
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If we look down before approaching, we find a rug that belongs to Orlais. A rug with the symbol of the De Montfort family, also called the Montfort dynasty, a noble family from Orlais with ties to Empress Celene I. This family is not that old, so it’s strange to find this symbol here. A mere reuse of assets? If it were DA2 I would not doubt it, but in DAI they have a lot of items to use in all environments, and this ruin is in particular very detailed since there is a lot of Concept Art for this and Coravacus placed with a lot of care. To place this rug carelessly in the most important part of this ruin, in the moment of “truth”, seems unlikely. There is some intention in this.
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The room is decorated with less conflicting elements: All Tevinter artefacts. These are presented in the Fade as “Temple of Dumat”, another artefact we can’t guess its function but it’s related to experiments that open access to the Fade.
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There are some kind of vessels, that resembles the design of the urns used in DAO for many purposes, and one of them was to carry Andraste’s ashes.
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For more details check Haven and the Temple of Andraste.
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And finally, we reach to the object that has stopped the breach: this hole in space and time; clearly blood magic. I like to highlight that there are tendrils of blackness spreading out of the hole. They are floating as much as the blood around it. The artefact which is causing the time stop is this staff which has a skull. We also see a person lying dead at its base, the man who triggered this fail-safe when the experiment went out of control: Sarpedon. Behind all this, there is a Veilfile rune, which is not strange; we know Tevinters knew this art already.
At the hole’s base, beside the body, we find the note  Journal on Certain Experiments, in which we read Sarpedon, the only person who seems to have been against this experiment since the beginning, activates the security measure to preserve the Western Approach from the Breach, in a time when there were no ways to seal it.
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Once we take the staff, the time-stop effect is cancelled and the bodies that have been kept in time disappear [probably as Ameridan said in the DLC, you can delay the pass of time but not escape it].  Rubble falls, bodies dies, and the breach, which has been frost in time, returns to its activity pouring new demons into the place.
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When heading back to deal with the Breach, we find a desk almost covered in rubble where we can read a curious codex: Responsible Blood Magic , which dates from before the fifth Blight. I assume it must be something from the Venatori since the Still Ruin has been closed until now. It tells us about the dangers of blood magic from a Magister point of view, questioning how much good it has when it requires the death of good people. Not the usual opinion you read among Tevinters. This shows in -game what Dorian told us once: there have been always a group of magisters who were against blood magic from old times.
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In one of the corners that usually are ignored, we find some minor loot and a rug with Templar symbols. I don’t know what to think about it. The most reasonable explanation is that this is where the Venatori were working or resting so they introduced several non-Tevinter elements to the scene [I assume this too because there is a sacrificial altar behind the rubble, a very Venatori element in most of their camps]. Because otherwise, it’s hard to explain this unless we reduce it to re-usage of assets, and I try to avoid it simply because in Art of Inquisition they keep telling us, over and over, that everything in this game has been thought and has a meaning and a tale behind it, so... I will go with that.
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As we make our way back to the Breach, and seal it for good, we can see the effects of time returning to its normal way: there are no bodies, they all turned into ashes like Ameridan, and everything is in calm again. A ruin lost to time and decay from now on.
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore ]
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kihaku-gato · 26 days
It's kind of funny seeing sis being like "you've read that much of the book already???" when it's like ???? I read chapter one a few nights ago and was in the midst of chapter 2, and the book's print is written big-
you're grossly overestimating the voraciousness of your lil bro
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olekciy · 4 months
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Scandinavian-style spoon. Materials: alder, amber.
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ADBK: Ancient Sacred Wyvern
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Epithet: The Divine Vassall of Holactie
Voice Actor: Benedict Cumberbatch
Tribe: The Fairy Kingdom
Biography: The Egyptian God Cards are a powerful trio, but they can combine together in order to make one final force against the darkness that attempts to engulf all in the Duelscape with its corrupting influence.
Enter the Lady of Creation known as Holactie, who entrusts the safety of herself and her components to select divine beings, including today's entry, Adamanta the Sacred, also known as the Ancient Sacred Wyvern.
After the exile of the Egyptian Gods, he and Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon chose to work in secret over the Duelscape, waiting for the proper time should the Gods be needed again.
He's currently the only Fairy on the Dragonian Senate, and the only Dragon-like being to serve as a commander in the Star Squad. Specifically, he works in Squad Mu, a special unit for particularly dangerous battles that require much of the Fairy Kingdom's energy.
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shadowfoxsilver · 4 months
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Elemental Wyvern: Ancient Light
A bit different from the other Ancients, she is the sister of the Shadow Wyvern Leader who survived the attack that he used long ago. Technically born as a Shadow Wyvern with feathered wings, her dark powers are much weaker than her brothers. Instead, she possessed an element of light and was the overseer of Light Wyverns though she did not see herself as their leader and let them do as they wished without worry. When her brother unleashed an attack to erase all but the shadow Wyverns, she likely was immune to the beam and survived. Much like the others, though, she hates him for what he tried. She knows he’s jealous that she has became one of the Ancients while he remains a regular Wyvern.
Long ago she banished him into the void after revealing her full power to him, but knows he would eventually escape.
Ancient Light may have dull colors, but she often surrounds herself in blinding lights that prevent you from looking directly at her. She is rumored to live inside the sun when not on earth, an eternal light against the darkness itself. A powerful force against the shadow, but considered the weakest of the Ancients due to having dual elements. Her regular form only has one head and four wings when hiding her full power. You need special lenses to stare at her when she’s outside due to her brightly shining feathers.
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sadlazzle · 10 months
ancient wyvern is a disappointing boss but i don’t think that’s news. it’s hardly a boss at all
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dreynolds · 1 year
Are ancient wyverns supposed to be like 2m/hr, or am I not supposed to get 3 onyx bolt tip drops per trip?
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darktripz · 2 years
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CTHYLLA - Madness Lie Beyond The Ancient Chamber
CTHYLLA - Stone Of Euclidean Chaos
CONIFEROUS MYST / DRAGON SPELL - Our Cathedral Within The Sky
DRAGON SPELL - Mountain Rehearsal 6/16/22
CONIFEROUS MYST - Knight of The Wyvern Covenant III
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