#but at least in april we have an anime adaption coming!
kuramirocket · 2 years
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tmntkiseki · 3 months
The post where I discuss my thoughts on the 2003 turtles and romance
Oh boy, this is easily the post I feel the most anxious about throwing into the wild just because I know topics concerning romance and shipping can be, uh, pretty touchy in online fandom spaces. But hey, you can't please everyone and one or two people have expressed curiosity regarding my thoughts on the 2003 turtles and their (entirely hypothetical) love lives, so, you know, here we are! 2003 Turtles and romance post away! Just remember that this is largely opinion-based and that if you do disagree with with me, that's fine; just be polite and respectful about it if you do decide to say something.
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So, if at least one of my previous posts is anything to go by, I am of the opinion that the 2003 turtles are pretty heavily ace coded. Are they completely uninterested in romance and/or have no desire or need for a romantic relationship? That is up to personal interpretation; what is true is that Peter Laird himself stated that the 2003 turtles do not experience attraction towards humans, a statement that is supported by a line uttered by Mikey during "More Worlds Than One," the fourth episode of the Ninja Tribunal season.
Mikey is more or less saying that he might find Chikara attractive if she were a turtle, which makes perfect sense to me! This is, after all, an iteration where the turtles' mutation didn't involve any human DNA coming into the mix (it was 100% pure Utrom ooze), so if they are capable of feeling physical attraction, it would most likely be towards other turtles, not humans. As for aliens, other mutants, and what have you, I have a sinking suspicion that if the 2003 turtles don't experience physical attraction towards humans, then they don't experience it towards non-humans as well. (I am thinking specifically of the 2003 version of Jhanna in this regard. The original comic version of "The People's Choice" did seem to imply that Donatello had become smitten with her by the end of the story, but in the Season 4 animated adaptation of the issue, his feelings towards her were deliberately left ambiguous and he just seems understandably bummed that she went home so soon at the end of the episode.)
All that said, there is a distinction to be made between being physically attracted to someone and being emotionally attracted, and that is the thing with the 2003 turtles. While they might not be able to experience physical attraction by virtue of being the only members of their species, I do think that they are capable of feeling attraction on a purely emotional level. It is easy enough to cite a couple of moments where Don becomes noticeably flustered around April (ex: the scene towards the end of "Space Invaders - Part 1" where he visibly blushes when April says she could "just kiss him"), but I would also like to bring up "Beginning of the End." The start of the episode includes a scene where Raph and Joi are talking by themselves at the back of the Tribunal's ship, and Raphael sounds a bit bashful when he asks Joi to come visit if she ever finds herself in New York. While these can be chalked up to the writers successfully sneaking in a couple of ship tease-y moments under Peter Laird's nose, it does show that romantic attraction for the 2003 turtles is possible, but it's always going to be with someone that they've developed a significant emotional bond with, which leads into my next point (as well as the more speculative section of the post.)
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Any romance involving one of the 2003 turtles would be the definition of a slow burn. Leo, Raph, Don, Mikey—it doesn't matter which of them gets landed with the romantic subplot. If their love interest is introduced early on in Season 1, they are not going to get together until the beginning of Season 3 at earliest, and that's assuming they get together at all.
The fact that the 2003 turtles only experience attraction on an emotional level does obviously does play a major factor in why a romantic subplot with any of the boys would be so long and drawn out. Attraction, for them, would not be instantaneous--there may be some innocent curiosity towards their potential love interest(s) if they have personality traits/personal skills that they personally find appealing (chemistry is so, so important, I cannot stress this enough), but for romantic feelings to take hold, they really need to know and trust the person that they're being set up with—basically, it's a "friends to lovers" situation for all of them! And how long it would take for those romantic feelings to develop is dependent on both the initial circumstances of their meeting as well as the turtle in question. For instance, Michelangelo is easily the most extroverted of the turtles personality-wise and if he meets his intended love interest under positive circumstances, romantic feelings are likely to develop significantly faster. Contrast with Raphael, who is much more cynical and thus distrustful; if his love interest initially starts out as an enemy of the turtles, they are going to need to overcome a number of hurdles before they even get to the point of being able to exist as friends, much less lovers.
Besides that, though, I would like to bring up one of the key thematic pillars of the entire TMNT franchise; family. These boys value their familial bonds so much that any love interest would need to get along with all four of the turtles, not just the one that they end up actually dating. Like can you imagine Leonardo dating someone who loves him but hates Mikey and is constantly badmouthing both him and Raph? Of course not! Leo probably wouldn't even consider getting together with them because his brothers would take priority over any romantic feelings he may have for someone. If you wanna date someone from Clan Hamato, you have to be considered a part of Clan Hamato and reasonably get along with everyone in it; no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Outside all of what I've said so far, I would say that anything else is entirely up to one's own headcanons and personal preferences for each of the individual 2003 turtles. Is Raphael the most likely turtle to end up in a romantic relationship, or Donatello? Is Leonardo romantically attracted to both men and women, or just men? Would an ideal love interest for Michelangelo be someone who shares a lot of his personality traits, or his complete polar opposite? I could go into detail for each of the 2003 turtles in terms of my own personal preferences for them—stuff like how likely they are to end up in a relationship as well as how it might play out depending on the dynamic, but this post has already gotten a bit too long for my liking and I think it's about time that I stopped.
Thank you for reading this long ramble! I'm off to make some mac n' cheese!
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 2014 anime adaptation of the 2011 manga, Your Lie in April. change & alter as needed.
"There's no one who'd ever fall in love with me."
"I'm used to being on my own now."
"Wait, shouldn't you guys be in school? ...And whose bike is this?!"
"Maybe there's only a dark road up ahead... but you still have to believe, and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit."
"Everything you say and do... it all sparkles so brightly. It's too blinding for me, and I end up closing my eyes."
"I wish time would just stand still."
"You really have a way with words sometimes."
"Your hands are happy to be touching mine."
"You should take it easy today. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you."
"A rival can make you grow far faster than being taught by someone."
"All I wanted was for you to get better. All I wanted was for you to be happy."
"I wish you would just die!"
"Setbacks come with the territory of becoming a superstar."
"We might not be able to turn in a performance that we can live with. But we're going to play."
"I have no idea what lies ahead. But I've taken the first steps."
"You wouldn't pick up no matter how many times I called you, so I'm here out of worry, you little punk!"
"The stars are so beautiful. It's like they're speaking to us."
"Oh, but I do like summer, because there are fireworks."
"Maybe... just maybe... the light can reach even the bottom of a dark ocean."
"Someday, there'll be no turning back, you know?"
"You're an artist no matter what, aren't you?"
"Your eyes sparkle now. They light up like the headlights of a car."
"It's not our style to get all emotional, right?"
"I wanted things to go on just like this."
"I'll stay with you. I'll stay by your side."
"It's not like I'm being nice to you. I'm treating you the same as always."
"It was such a wonderful day. I wish that time would just stop in its tracks."
"Your head is miles away. Let's call it a day. Go on home."
"I guess maybe we never should have met, huh?"
"You gave me so many things... isn't there anything I can do for you?"
"There's a moment when the slate gets wiped clean. All the months of agony, screaming, suffering, and struggling... there's a moment when you're rewarded for all that."
"It's so beautiful that I think I'm going to cry."
"Isn't it too thrilling for words? Watching somebody grow?"
"You walk in front of me, and I'm always behind you."
"Please give me another chance. Please give me another chance to stand by your side."
"Let's take a break, [name]. You're trying to do too much at once."
"I'm going to do my best. I don't know what the results will be, but I'm going to give it my best shot."
"You do have a soul, [name]. It's just that you're good at hiding it -- so good, you can't even find it yourself."
"What kind of feeling is this again? What do they call this kind of feeling? I think it's probably called love. I'm sure this is what they call love."
"See? Miracles can happen just like that!"
"Inside my heart, it's all chaos."
"Everybody's watching. I can't let them down."
"From the moment that we meet someone else, none of us can ever be alone. We're all connected."
"Inside me, you exist."
"At times like these, you don't listen to your head. You listen to your heart."
"Don't you think snow looks just like cherry blossom petals?"
"Do you think you'll remember me? At least a little?"
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lifblogs · 7 months
🖤🎂🎧📝🫐🪻 <3
Omg, thanks for sending this ask!
🖤 Favorite hobbies outside of your blog?
I’m a housebound nerd. It’s reading and watching TV for me! I’ve also gotten back into listening to music, which doesn’t always work out because of my TBI (sometimes makes me sick, and causes pain). Does being a cat mom count? Sometimes I’ll be on mommy duty for a couple hours a day, and I love it.
🎂 When is your birthday?
April 3rd!
🎧 Last song you listened to?
“Ahsoka - End Credits” composed by Kevin Kiner for Ahsoka.
📝 Last thing you wrote?
This. Ironically, I wrote it the night before I hit my head. :( *sigh* At least this idea is finally started, at least.)
🫐 Some place you’d love to visit?
New Zealand! Someone take me to the Shire. Also Alaska; Lyons, France (actually lots of places in France); Iceland, England, China (probably somewhere rural, like any of the mountains, or maybe Henan Province); and the Great Lakes.
🪻 What is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can you’ve successfully overcome?
Maybe some people won’t like this answer, but I’m not sure humans actually overcome hardship. What we do do is change. We adapt. It’s what we’re good at even while we hate it. So with that said, I… actually have a hard time choosing because my life has been filled with tough moments that I’ve had to work through in order to keep living. So many, to the point of even surprising a few mental health specialists. I’m sure my answer for this will be different every day, but right now I want to say seeing Loki have his first seizure and having to take him to the hospital while I unknowingly had a broken leg. I had a panic attack when I saw his seizure and how distressed he was, I saw my life literally crumbling around me. Finding out this will eventually kill him was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to acknowledge. And hearing that his bloodwork showed he was in pain from the seizure— That was one of the worst nights of my life. I didn’t sleep at all, and I was sick from my IBS and migraines and fibro because of it, and I just cried and cried. And then I went to physical therapy while he was still at the hospital, like my life was normal. We took him home that day and already his life was different, mine was different. Yet I swear I love him more every single day. I’m scarred, and I’m absolutely terrified about his future, and I’ve had to watch him have almost a hundred seizures since then. Yet I make myself as excited as possible every time I see him. I play with him as much as I can, I shower him in kisses, and cuddles, and love. I keep living with him as my baby. I cry sometimes when he’s sick, but I pull myself together for his sake. And I’ll be honest, I have no idea how I’m still here, but I am, and I think it’s for him despite the pain. So I never really overcame anything. I adapted. Loki adapted. He’s my baby, no matter what comes his way.
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swanandphoenixsong · 3 months
Off hiatus...?
So! it's been a loooong year, but it it's time to finally look back and review a little about what I've been doing...
It's officially been a year since I made these posts about my stroke (back then, I had not made any reblogs since the 23rd of June, I was hospitalized on the 26th, and I had entered rehab on July 6th. As you may note, I've been back on tumblr long since my hiatus explanation.
(However, now I look back and see I hadn't actually posted any creations - writing, art, edits, or otherwise since April of 2023. 😬Yeesh. I hope to change that during July or August. Before my stroke, I was coming home from spring semester on campus, and I was already planning to take a break from my studies for at least the summer and fall, and had hoped my writer's block would relieve itself after Father's Day and I had adapted to being home again.)
Anyway! What's been up more recently/how am I feeling? — Pretty good. Started feeling much more like myself partway in April this year, when I felt I could tap into the 'flow' of creative thoughts, for writing, and they were coming easier, and I was getting excited about getting back into it, and art, and other media. However, I decided to wait til I had some ideas planned, and to get more medical stuff handled.
I still have a lot to do over the latter half of this year, but I thought the anniversary of the hiatus post would be the best time to make an update. I'll be making other posts as well, including something to pin on my blog, until I have some new media posted.
Plans! — Of course, I’ve played various amounts of Animal Crossing, Pokémon, and other games over the past year, so I hope to share some edits/vids/experiences from them.
Art! — I eventually want to migrate my art either to Ao3, or here on tumblr, or on my own website, but basically just get it off DeviantArt or Instagram, since AI art generators are running rampant on them and other various websites. Not that my art is <that> good, but I don’t want to support websites like DA or Insta as much.
Speaking of, I will eventually be making my own website, and ‘locking’ my Ao3 to only logged in users, so that it will be less likely to be scanned by AI generators. I haven’t done it yet, but expect posts about that soon.
Writing — On the smallest scale of update, I’d revisit my first fic, Inhibitions, that I originally began in Spring of 2013 (I had forgotten I had started it in HS, 😅 sheesh!) I think I’ll be making my own comments on some of the chapters, and I’ll post about them on here as well. It’s still so important to me, as it was cathartic as I dealt with my own depression and anxiety over the near dozen years since, and I want to share part of the writing process, research, or my thoughts now.
Following that, I hope to update Aspirations soon too! Finally I’m figuring out some writer’s block, and wanted to show something for it.
Alongside, I may also have an update for my Star Wars Nouveau AU, on fanfics Aliit or Jedi Scholar soon, but am still figuring out some things on the back-burner.
Of the greatest relevance to me and to those of you in the Sandman fandom, I want to update my Sandman fic, The Nightmare of Orpheus, as again, I’m finally getting through some writer’s block, and I would like to update it before we get the “A Midsummer Night's Dream” episode (next year? Somehow sooner? Who knows?)
— as far as when I’ll actually have any updates before August, I aim to have proper goals set by my birthday, July 21st, so if I have fallen short, you can at least expect me to make a progress update then!
Thanks for reading!
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liquidstar · 2 years
Do you think it's possible that they'll adapt the what if storylines in re:zero? I am an anime only but i've heard that all the what ifs have spoilers for things that happen way later
its not impossible given the memory snow and frozen bond sidestories were adapted as ovas, but i dont think its super likely? sloth:if had a minor cameo in the anime (rem imagined it when she had her name and memories eaten) and that might be it... theres this one person on youtube thats given some spoiler-free recaps on them though. they even got subaru's english dub voice actor to be on the greed:if one lol
BUT i think that you could probably read pride:if, wrath:if, sloth:if, and greed:if without spoiling anything super major if you're caught up with at least arc 4/season 2 (but anyone can correct me if im misremembering). sloth:if actually has a continuation too but i haven't read that so idk if there are further spoilers.
avoid gluttony:if, it doesnt happen until arc 6 so that one probably wouldnt even make sense to read rn. and envy:if is the main timeline so dont worry about that one. skip lust:if (it doesnt really have much substance and was made as a joke, and technically its not even really an official what:if story anymore so hopefully in the future we get a "real" one). theres also a genderbend au from april fools last year, but i also think that one is also fairly skippable since its just... arc 1 with different names lol (also im not huge on genderbends as a whole personally so shrug).
THERES ALSO a school au, ive heard it called the vainglory:if but idk if thats official? i haven't read it but from what i know its just a reverse isekai, where the legunica characters come to earth and go to school. doesnt feel like it would have a lot of spoilers based on that premise, its probably lighthearted. and as of rn theres no melancholy:if as far as i know. unless thats what the genderbend was but i doubt it- didnt feel melancholic
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Ever-Changing Disney & Pixar Slates From 2008 to about 2016...
I'll have this here for reference as well...
Preface: DreamWorks' next film is something we know next to nothing about, and the only films on their slate are a TROLLS threequel and KUNG FU PANDA 4. A movie called MEET THE GILLMANS, per a few reports and other clues, is supposed to open before TROLLS BAND TOGETHER does... The rest of DreamWorks' slate is sparse, despite the studio reportedly having a big plan in place... So why the skittishness to say what's coming out?
I think I know why...
Anything can happen with an animated movie... Even if it's *this* close to completion. The animated adaptation of Nate Stevenson's NIMONA got shut down - alongside the studio it was being made at, Blue Sky - in February 2021 despite being 75% complete, but luckily it was revived at another studio (Annapurna) and will be completed and released this year. Henry Selick's THE SHADOW KING was maybe halfway done when Disney pulled the plug on it in mid-2012. DreamWorks halted in-production movies like ME AND MY SHADOW (shadows have bad luck in animation picture business, don't they?) and LARRIKINS. Disney threw out a 2D/CG picture with a lot of working titles, one of which was A FEW GOOD GHOSTS, despite the amount of work done on it.
The list is even longer, so I wanted to re-chronicle a weird history of Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar on here... In an age where long-term slates being laid down is commonplace.
We'll start at April of 2008...
I remember seeing this slate back in the day and thinking, "Wow, this is massive." This predated Marvel releasing gargantuan half-decade plans for interconnected movies... This was a long-term plan spanning four years from both Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar. This was a little after The Walt Disney Company's historic acquisition of Pixar in early 2006, and the subsequent installation of Pixar stalwarts John Lasseter and Ed Catmull as heads of a revitalized WDAS. Perhaps after the release of MEET THE ROBINSONS and RATATOUILLE in 2007, there was a newfound confidence in both studios.
WDAS had gone through a rough period in the early 2000s, where films either lost money due to various circumstances (THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE) or didn't get great critical reception (BROTHER BEAR)... Sometimes both. (ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE, HOME ON THE RANGE) MEET THE ROBINSONS got mixed-to-positive reception at best, and did flop at the box office. The film had cost around $100m to make, and failed to double that worldwide. It was indeed dumped by the marketing department and heads, for it was perceived as more of a band-aid ripping than the first in a line of new-fangled WDAS movies sure to win back the critical acclaim and box office glory they once possessed in the early '90s. No, that distinction would go to BOLT, as it's often pointed to as the first of the "Revival" features, or at least the first of the Lasseter/Catmull pictures.
Anyways, that same year, RATATOUILLE became another Pixar blockbuster and seemed to prove that that Emeryville studio really could do no wrong. People doubted many of their films, each new Pixar movie seemed like their first flop. Michael Eisner infamously predicted FINDING NEMO would be a flop when he had seen a rough cut of the film around a year before its eventual release and subsequent record-breaking run at the box office. By the time you got to RATATOUILLE, people jeered that this movie starring a rat (gross! disgusting!) that wants to cook would be their first dud... But it wasn't, it defied the odds and it took home the Oscar on top of that.
So you could imagine that Disney was quite confident in their animation slate going forward, from both Pixar and WDAS... And so, they laid out a slate, in addition to the films already on the release boards... (Pixar highlighted in blue, WDAS in green)
WALL-E - 6/27/2008
BOLT - 11/26/2008
UP - 5/29/2009
TOY STORY 3 - 6/18/2010
RAPUNZEL - Christmas 2010
NEWT - Summer 2011
THE BEAR AND THE BOW - Christmas 2011
CARS 2 - Summer 2012
KING OF THE ELVES - Christmas 2012
Wow... Back in 2008, that seemed like *a lot* of movies... And Pixar releasing *two films* in a calendar year? What is this sorcery??
For anyone not entirely in the loop here, THE BEAR AND THE BOW is the movie that eventually got re-named to BRAVE. KING OF THE ELVES was to be an adaptation of the Phillip K. Dick story, from BROTHER BEAR directors Aaron Blaise and the late Robert Walker.
Now, a slight adjustment was made to this slate by fall of 2008... CARS 2 had curiously traded places with NEWT, and was now opening a year earlier than expected.
Some time passes by, by mid-2009, THE BEAR AND THE BOW is now BRAVE...
A new project based on Winnie the Pooh fires up. The company has a very short-lived desire to do a full-on reboot of the franchise and get it up to speed, as it had been kinda lost in Pooh Corner for quite some time. Pigeonholed as a preschooler property more so than something to be enjoyed by the whole family... This very brief push for a brand new Winnie the Pooh results in a hand-drawn animated feature, landed in the lap of Disney Animation. It is hastily greenlit and fast-tracked for a 2011 release. WDAS now has a movie to release that year.
Then we get to the end of 2009... THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG is not the blockbuster it should've been. The first hand-drawn feature from the studio since 2004, this performance causes a very weird blowback to fairy tales within the company, in an era where they were very concerned about one single demographic... The 6-to-12 year-old boy. Keep in mind, this is the year Disney launched the channel Disney XD (replacing Toon Disney), a channel tailored to that group. Marvel was also purchased that year, too, meaning Disney-released Marvel Cinematic Universe movies that would appeal to those. Their verdict was that the movie having "Princess" in the title was what killed it, as it scared away that boy audience... Though if you ask me, PRINCESS AND THE FROG had far more outside problems going on that affected the movie than some random little Timmy not wanting to see a "girly movie".
So now, by early 2010, the mandate was... No more fairy tales, those are passe. And 2D was pretty much not coming back, either. WINNIE THE POOH was in production, yes, but it was dead on arrival. An adaptation of THE SNOW QUEEN was... Forgive the pun, *on ice*...
However, there was one movie that stood in the way... It was the next movie, too... RAPUNZEL... The movie was hastily re-titled to TANGLED, in an attempt to make it seem less "girly". I love that movie, but I always hated that title... But it's the one they went with for the domestic and UK releases. Many countries retained the RAPUNZEL title, albeit in other languages. (For example, in French, it's RAIPONCE.) TANGLED couldn't be cancelled, it was far too deep into production to have that happen to it... It was still on track for Thanksgiving of 2010. Elsewhere in the "Hat Building", KING OF THE ELVES is but dead, with Blaise and Walker having moved on to other things. WINNIE THE POOH was moved to the day the final HARRY POTTER movie was supposed to open, instead of a much more ideal early spring slot. (It was an April release in the UK and much of Europe.) Conspicuously, Pixar does not pull the plug on BRAVE, which itself is a fairy tale-inspired fantasy story with a princess in it...
Now around this time, a project called REBOOT RALPH was starting to make the rounds, and eventually it secured a release date of March 22, 2013. Why not fall 2012, where KING OF THE ELVES used to be? Well, that's because Pixar - out of nowhere - had announced that a MONSTERS, INC. 2 was in the works for a fall 2012 release... And that NEWT was outright cancelled, leaving the summer of 2012 to BRAVE. By the time TOY STORY 3 came to theaters, the slate now looked like this...
TANGLED - 11/24/2010
CARS 2 - 6/24/2011
WINNIE THE POOH - 7/15/2011
BRAVE - 6/22/2012
MONSTERS, INC. 2 - 11/2/2012 (or possibly the 16th)
REBOOT RALPH - 3/22/2013
We can see the "two Pixars a year, WDAS settles for the year after" pattern starting to take shape here...
Now we get to early 2011... MONSTERS, INC. 2 turns out to be a prequel titled MONSTERS UNIVERSITY, and REBOOT RALPH is retitled to WRECK-IT RALPH... RALPH is now a fall 2012 release, and MONSTERS U moves to summer 2013. No "two Pixars" in 2012...
TANGLED does well at the box office, proving that fairy tales aren't passe at all. At Disney Animation, THE SNOW QUEEN is put back in development, and according to the defunct insider blog Blue Sky Disney, it was put in a "production race" of sorts with KING OF THE ELVES, now under BOLT director Chris Williams. Both are competing to be the next WDAS film after the release of WRECK-IT RALPH because right around that time? There wasn't anything really else on the horizon that was in shape to go forward... Early work was being done on what would eventually become BIG HERO 6, pitches for movies that later became ZOOTOPIA and MOANA were just taking shape around this time. So it was either SNOW QUEEN or ELVES...
In August, at the inaugural D23 fan expo, Pixar announces two original movies with no titles... They are announced as THE UNTITLED PIXAR MOVIE ABOUT DINOSAURS and THE UNTITLED PIXAR MOVIE THAT TAKES YOU INSIDE THE MIND...
They are later slated for 11/27/2013 and 5/30/2014 respectively...
That is, until THE SNOW QUEEN - now baring the TANGLED-esque adjective title FROZEN - took the dinosaur movie's slot... So by the end of 2011, things looked a bit like this...
BRAVE - 6/22/2012
WRECK-IT RALPH - 11/2/2012
FROZEN - 11/27/2013
Come CinemaCon, April 2012, things are cleared up about the dinosaur and mind movies... They have titles, aaaaand release dates...
BRAVE - 6/22/2012
WRECK-IT RALPH - 11/2/2012
FROZEN - 11/27/2013
INSIDE OUT - 6/19/2015
Later in the year, two adjustments are made to this slate...
BRAVE - 6/22/2012
WRECK-IT RALPH - 11/2/2012
FROZEN - 11/27/2013
INSIDE OUT - 6/19/2015
UNTITLED PIXAR - 11/25/2015
Once again, Pixar trying to have two a year...
In April 2013, a FINDING NEMO sequel called FINDING DORY is officially confirmed to exist, and it takes the Thanksgiving 2015 slot... Also right around this time, Disney Animation confirms that their Marvel comic adaptation BIG HERO 6 is on the boards for fall 2014...
May 2013 is where things get big... This, I believe, is in response to how well WRECK-IT RALPH does for Disney Animation. The film manages to be the studio's second big hit after TANGLED, and that they were in good standing. With that, many more dates were locked for WDAS films in addition to Pixar films...
FROZEN - 11/27/2013
BIG HERO 6 - 11/7/2014
INSIDE OUT - 6/19/2015
FINDING DORY - 11/25/2015
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/17/2016
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/16/2017
UNTITLED PIXAR - 11/22/2017
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/15/2018
Talk about "eatin' good"... That was *five* whole years of new animated features to look forward to, and only folks who were in the trenches knew what was possibly coming out on those dates...
The next D23 Expo takes place, where ZOOTOPIA is revealed to the public for the first time. Later, Disney confirms that it'll be WDAS' March 2016 release. However, a little after an odd presentation... It is revealed that Pixar's THE GOOD DINOSAUR has hit a snag... The director was removed, and a month later, Pixar up and delayed the movie. THE GOOD DINOSAUR migrated to Thanksgiving 2015, kicking FINDING DORY to summer 2016... 2014 is the first year to be without a Pixar feature since 2005...
FROZEN - 11/27/2013
BIG HERO 6 - 11/7/2014
INSIDE OUT - 6/19/2015
THE GOOD DINOSAUR - 11/25/2015
ZOOTOPIA - 3/4/2016
FINDING DORY - 6/17/2016
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/16/2017
UNTITLED PIXAR - 11/22/2017
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/15/2018
All is quiet for a little while... FROZEN erupts into a blockbuster phenomenon, but Disney remains mum on what's on the horizon beyond the spring 2016 release of ZOOTOPIA. Wisely so.
During an investor's call in March, CARS 3 and INCREDIBLES 2 are confirmed to exist, but are not given release dates.
In October, during another investor's call, TOY STORY 4 is revealed and has a release date: June 16, 2017.
On the Disney Animation front that same month, MOANA is confirmed to be the studio's fall 2016 release.
BIG HERO 6 - 11/7/2014
INSIDE OUT - 6/19/2015
THE GOOD DINOSAUR - 11/25/2015
ZOOTOPIA - 3/4/2016
FINDING DORY - 6/17/2016
MOANA - 11/23/2016
TOY STORY 4 - 6/16/2017
UNTITLED PIXAR - 11/22/2017
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/15/2018
2015 means a new D23 Expo, and possibly a lot more information on what's coming from both studios...
But first, in March of 2015, Disney announces FROZEN II is happening. No date is set or implied.
At D23, COCO is revealed to be the Pixar's fall 2017 release. GIGANTIC, from Disney Animation, is announced but no release date is given. It is implied to be a spring 2018 release.
Then shortly thereafter, The Walt Disney Company announces a massive film slate encompassing all pictures - animated and live-action, Marvel and Lucasfilm...
CARS 3 is dated, taking TOY STORY 4's 6/16/2017 slot, TOY STORY 4 takes 6/15/2018. INCREDIBLES 2 is dated 6/21/2019, a WDAS film is slated for 11/27/2019... GIGANTIC is confirmed for spring 2018. Three 2020 animation releases are added, too. Wow! Two Pixars, one for 3/13/2020 and the other for 6/19/2020, and one WDAS, 11/25/2020...
THE GOOD DINOSAUR - 11/25/2015
ZOOTOPIA - 3/4/2016
FINDING DORY - 6/17/2016
MOANA - 11/23/2016
CARS 3 - 6/16/2017
COCO - 11/22/2017
GIGANTIC - 3/9/2018
TOY STORY 4 - 6/15/2018
INCREDIBLES 2 - 6/21/2019
UNTITLED PIXAR - 3/13/2020
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/19/2020
2016 comes about with a few updates...
A WRECK-IT RALPH sequel is confirmed to exist, and is slated for 3/9/2018. It pushes GIGANTIC to fall 2018.
TOY STORY 4 and INCREDIBLES 2 trade places...
By fall 2016, things are looking like this...
MOANA - 11/23/2016
CARS 3 - 6/16/2017
COCO - 11/22/2017
WRECK-IT RALPH 2 - 3/9/2018
INCREDIBLES 2 - 6/15/2018
GIGANTIC - 11/21/2018
TOY STORY 4 - 6/21/2019
UNTITLED PIXAR - 3/13/2020
UNTITLED PIXAR - 6/19/2020
One last development I'll bring up is the cancellation of GIGANTIC in fall 2017, leaving March 2018 vacant. WRECK-IT RALPH sequel, titled RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET: WRECK-IT RALPH 2 (the subtitle was removed right before its release), takes the fall 2018 slot.
Other than that, very little changed... The slate played out the way it was supposed to. INCREDIBLES 2 came out summer 2018, with RALPH 2 following in the fall. TOY STORY 4 was summer 2019, FROZEN II was fall 2019. ONWARD was spring 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some adjustments were made to the slate... But it otherwise resembles what it looked like circa late 2017. SOUL went from summer 2020 Pixar release to Christmas Day streaming release. Fall 2020 WDAS title RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON had to move to March 2021 because of that, but then the slate remained the same... Pixar's LUCA was a summer 2021 release, with WDAS' ENCANTO following in the fall. 2022, this past year, two Pixars as planned: TURNING RED in the spring, LIGHTYEAR in the summer, and one WDAS in the fall, that was STRANGE WORLD.
Their slate now?
ELEMENTAL - 6/16/2023
WISH - 11/22/2023
ELIO - 3/1/2024
INSIDE OUT 2 - 6/14/2024
Only covers this year and next year... One WDAS movie, three Pixars... And a ton of Marvel movies laid out til 2026 and AVATAR sequels into 2028... Disney's taking it easy with announcing what's on the horizon with animation... DreamWorks is doing the same... Heck, Universal's animation slate alone goes up to about mid-2024 with Illumination's DESPICABLE ME 4. A Swiss Universal slate document has various animated films slated for fall 2025 and fall 2026, but no word on those dates here in the states...
Maybe there is a reason they, and specifically Disney, don't announce long-term slates anymore... NEWT and GIGANTIC alone tell one why...
Maybe next time, I'll do DreamWorks, though that's a major-league cluster-cuss of its own. Till next time, fellas!
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2022 Gaming Wrap-Up
   What a year, huh? 2022 has had everything from international invasions and stubborn diseases to countless celebrities making a joke of themselves and more superhero shows than anyone asked for. It was basically impossible to predict what was coming next, but if one thing is for sure, the world of video game culture had an absolute banger of a year - long-anticipated sequels, several film and TV adaptations, and what seems to be the hundredth GTA 5 re-release. As we gear up for an exciting new year with plenty of promising upcoming releases, let’s take a moment to look back at 2022 and figure out just what was going on in that mess.
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JANUARY-MARCH    The year was off to a rocky start, with the announcement that E3 would once again be cancelled due to COVID concerns. These last three years have been rough for the world’s biggest gaming convention; 2020 saw the first-ever cancellation in 25 years, 2021 featured an online-only version of the event, and now it’s been cancelled for the second time. Thankfully, the Entertainment Software Association that hosts E3 stated that they planned to re-open the event for 2023, but time will tell if that remains possible by then.   In brighter news, the Steam Deck was released in February, a handheld platform for on-the-go access to Steam’s entire gaming library. Just keep an eye on the battery life - you’ll likely get only an hour or two of God of War before it hits the red. The first three months of the year also featured the release of some highly-anticipated new games: Horizon: Forbidden West continued the award-winning story of Zero Dawn, Kirby and the Forgotten Land brought a return to the cute and occasionally terrifying Dream Land, and the long-awaited Elden Ring dominated sales as the year’s best-selling title.
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APRIL-JUNE    After a hectic start to the year, things slowed down a little in the second quarter. A handful of smaller events were held in lieu of E3, starting with the Summer Games Fest, including announcements for The Callisto Protocol and Goat Simulator 3. The second Sonic the Hedgehog film was also released to positive reception, while the Halo series on Paramount+ was released to…much less positivity. It appears that video game adaptations are still hit-or-miss, but at least we’ve improved since the old 1993 live-action Super Mario Bros. movie. We don’t talk about that one.   Back to the actual games, Diablo Immortal was released in June; while it was a passably decent mobile game, it also serves as an early example of the worrying trend of microtransactions coming from Blizzard Entertainment. With extremely predatory (and concerningly effective) pay-to-win mechanics, Immortal continues to push Blizzard into their downward spiral that began last year. They’ve come a long way since the days where they were once at the height of the respected developers list, and their chances of clawing their way back up seem grim. At least LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and The Quarry brought some much-appreciated quality to this month’s games library.
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JULY-SEPTEMBER    Video game history was made at the start of the year’s second half, with the biggest leak ever: Grand Theft Auto 6. That’s right, after 9 whole years since the original release of GTA 5, we finally have concrete confirmed proof of a sequel, all thanks to a devastating leak revealing a massive new open-world map and over an hour of early gameplay. Rockstar Games confirmed the validity of the 90+ leaked videos, and went on to say that while it would not impact the game’s development, they were extremely disappointed by their hard work being revealed by some random hacker. Leaks may be fun and exciting for the fans, but developers keep things under wraps for a reason!   Back beyond the controllers, another game adaptation was started in September: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, a Netflix anime series based on Cyberpunk 2077. It was met with near-universal praise, exploring the dangerous streets of Night City in a way that the game never did with unique characters and a compelling new story. It’s a bright sign for video game adaptations, and here’s hoping it opens the way for more high-quality game series. For those that prefer the games themselves, the adorably demonic Cult of the Lamp took the roguelike genre by storm, Stray told a fascinating story through the eyes of a cute little kitty, and Splatoon 3 quickly jumped to the top of millions of Switch players’ libraries within days of release.
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OCTOBER-DECEMBER    Things always seem to ramp up in the gaming community towards the end of the year, with plenty of major new releases on top of the Game Awards that were held in early December. Two of the year’s biggest releases came out around this time; God of War: Ragnarok, the climactic follow-up to Kratos’ 2018 Norse adventure, and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet bringing one of the world’s largest franchises to its’ next generation. The massive RPG Elden Ring managed to topple the competition as 2023’s Game of the Year, while Splatoon 3 won a well-deserved Best Multiplayer Game.   Additionally, October saw the release of DC’s open-world RPG Gotham Knights, bringing co-op to the beloved Arkham series but falling short on matching its’ iconic combat mechanics. Meanwhile, Overwatch 2 launched with fun new gameplay held back by yet more of Blizzard’s monetization schemes. The bizarre combination of Super Mario with the chaotic Rabbids returned with Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, and the hair-raising survival horror of The Callisto Protocol hit the best-selling list within a week of release. Overall, the end of the year looks to be full of all kinds of exciting games, a perfect way to spend the holidays as 2022 draws to a close.
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LOOKING FORWARDS    With 2022 almost over, it’s time to make those new year’s resolutions and set our sights on the future. 2023 already has quite a few exciting new releases planned, like Spider-Man 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. On top of that, two games will be getting the silver screen adaptation treatment, including The Last of Us being turned into a HBO series starring the Mandalorion himself, Pedro Pascal, as Joel Miller. The animated Super Mario Bros. Movie also has a newly-revealed release date for April, with absolutely beautiful visuals that will faithfully bring all your favourite Mario levels straight to the big screen. If things go according to plan, we’ll also be back at E3 in 2023 after the convention’s spotty attendance in the last three years, so get ready to scramble for those tickets.
  2023 looks to be following the welcome trend of great singleplayer gaming still going strong - it’s not all about online multiplayer these days despite what it might seem, and I for one am very glad to keep playing solo all year long if I can. See you in the new year, everyone!   Happy Holidays!       - An Aussie Button-Masher
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sultanaislammow · 8 months
Exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses, medium and long videos are still the basic strategy
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Play count changed to play minutes, HE Tuber  unexpected but not so surprising.
Medium and long-form videos are still the basic product of Bilibili and its core competitiveness.
As of the first quarter of this year, Bilibili’s PUGC (Professional User Generated Content) medium- and long-form videos accounted for approximately 70% of the overall playback volume. They are still Bilibili’s most mainstream content and continue to grow.
In April this year, "Station B stopped updating trend" became a hot search topic. Although several major UP owners successively expressed their opinions, emphasizing that the reason for stopping updating was their own reasons and that the argument of stopping updating trend was not valid, it still caused the outside world to scrutinize the creative ecology of Station B.
The monetization channels for UP owners can be roughly divided into four parts: business orders, live broadcasts, incentive sharing, and charging plans.
Currently, business orders are still Ayan’s main income:
There are basically no other channels, and it is too difficult to survive on creative incentives.
Specifically, when Party A sets the price for the business order, it mainly depends on the number of fans, and some also require the average number of views.
There are many waist-up owners at Station B who have produced medium and long videos with high quality. However, how to show commercial value to brands and receive business orders like the small and medium-sized bloggers in Xiaohongshu is still a problem. The number of playback minutes may be It will be the beginning of a positive cycle.
The business model of short videos has been verified. If we can find a way to monetize medium and long videos, which is not concentrated at the top, but also the middle and tail can get a share of the pie, naturally everyone will be happy.
"Huahuo" is the official business cooperation platform of Station B. The "Huahuo UP Main Top Ranking" in March this year measured the average video playback volume, average interaction rate, etc. There is still no answer whether the number of playback minutes will lead the way in the future.
At the very least, playing minutes is more difficult to fish in troubled waters than playing times.
Story-Mode, the short video business of Bilibili, had a very low presence last night. Station B’s vertical screen short videos are more like adapting to the current situation and contributing to commercialization, but they have not yet developed their own characteristics.
However, when it comes to medium- and long-form videos, Station B can confidently emphasize its sense of community.
In his anniversary speech, Chen Rui shared three things that Station B has focused on over the past 14 years:
Good content, thoughtful UP owners, and a community of like-minded people.
He believed that these three things complemented each other, and that the UP Lord was at the center of it.
Although Bilibili has become a comprehensive video platform, when it comes to communities and circles, labels such as two-dimensional and ghost animals are still everywhere. The medium and long videos of Bilibili also represent a kind of niche professionalism to a certain extent. .
Among the many video platforms, it is difficult for Bilibili to be the fastest and the one with the most traffic, but because of its deep-rooted community culture and creativity, it is also difficult to be truly left behind. It is time for it to prove itself. .
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kaoarika · 1 year
It's been a while since I started to frequent Panini Manga MX's fb and twitter account, and I can finally say that I got my pace of muting content from them that I don't particularly care for (which is basically animanga youtubers/tiktokers and other stuff that kinda makes me cringe, lol) in twt.
Tbh I have been way out of date in getting to know which series they have been releasing or licensing and since I started to get into my manga buying habit again since past April, well. I cannot say the same for other publishers, tbh... and I think they are the ones that carry more variety of JPN publishers these days? but that's still pretty minimal in comparison to what the US does these days, but... you know... I don't think our economy can sustain much of that (still a big difference when it was the mid 2000s, however), so... well.
Sometime around the late 2010s Panini (or their social media managers, tbh) realized that there were TOO many people asking for x or y titles on their posts so, to avoid the traffic of those suggestions on posts that CLEARLY are not about that, they started to do suggestion posts, once per week, in their social media accounts.
I am definitely not sure if they TRULY 100% pay attention to them... maybe they do, who knows... at least they aren't shooting them down like certain others in public asks of tumblr circa early-to-mid 2010s... (and I mean, I did see a couple of series being shot down due to reasons... but never in a condescent manner of "you are already reading this on pirate websites, and I'm SURE you aren't going to buy these no matter what").
I'm not sure... point is, I do see suggestions that range from "anime adaptation is actually airing this season/available in streaming for a while", "other series by already published authors in Spanish", "license rescue" and so and so. I don't have to bet that some of those are "already reading these but I want to own them, too" suggestions, too. Sometimes it's a little obvious given the culture we live in, lol.
I dunno.
However, I do have a wish list of stuff that I REALLY, REALLY want to have on my hands and some of these, I have already suggested in their twt account :)
Week One
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Principal, Ikuemi Ryo
Look, from the stuff that I have read of Ikuemi... I love it. Some are a little weird, ngl, and tend to have a somewhat "dark" tone in them so, if I had a more introductory series that might not scare someone because "old" (because Ikuemi's first works are from the late 70s or very-early 80s)... I would put more "newer" stuff like Principal or her more "adult" series. Also, Principal is not exactly "too" typical school life romance, and the cast is loveable to a certain degree. (Also the covers. I want to see how the publisher's graphic design team adapts these into Spanish?)
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Cousin, Ikuemi Ryo
ORRRRR... there's Cousin. I think this was Ikuemi's only licensed series in the States, until the publisher went kaput, and I think the series is interesting on its own (and short!) about body image issues, some family trauma and a little too taboo-ish "romance" of sorts. It's complicated, just like every other Ikuemi series, I guess. So, I think of either this or Principal, lol (better be both) as introductory series of hers.
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Dame na Watashi ni Koi Shite Kudasai, Nakahara Aya
Lovely Complex has already been concluded for a little while, and somehow... somehow, that gives them the perfect excuse to publish DameKoi, which is basically the other "famous" Nakahara series. It's a fun series, from the little I have read, lol. The characters are silly and all that. It would be fun to read it all through, that's what I'm saying. More adult comedy romance series like Wotakoi, please, lol.
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Honey and Clover, Umino Chica
I haven't gotten the opportunity to read or watch this series... and somehow I THINK March Comes in Like a Lion could have a better chance (as it more known, more recent, still being published? but I say, test the waters with Umino's previous work (especially more if you want to enjoy the characters' cameos in a latter part of 3gatsu?). I know this is also licensed in English, but the physical version is out of print these days and I am not going to spend THAT much money on them.
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Minegishi-san wa Outsu-kun ni Tabesasetai (also known as Manly Appetites), by Mito
...Yeah.... I know this is licensed in English right now, too? And I could potentially get it this way... but I don't want to basically spend the double of what it may cost in Spanish? You get where I come from with this, right ;A;? (says the one that has basically spent a lot in manga in one month alone, but that's because series are now costing what an imported volume from Spain or the US might have cost me 10 years ago) I recently started to buy BL series that caught my attention, and to be honest, I just... this one is definitely under my radar of tastes, lol. I also want variety in the leads' bodies, because I do like chubby/fat guys and food, lol (and truly, I wish shoujo/josei and other romance series had diversity bodies in their leads, tbh).
I'm going to make these posts some kind of series because I don't have time to explain on Twitter WHY I want these to get licensed in physical in my country, lol. They say the sky is the limit, but I try to pick out 4-5 series each week, and sometimes I just feel like repeating my suggestions because they get drowned by other popular series (like, sure, I might want to get Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun in Spanish, too... heck, as much as I suffer with Karekano... a license rescue is also valid for those that were younger and didn't get the opportunity to collect the Vid edition from over 15 years ago, I want to get Maison Ikkoku, too? and so and so...). I also want to throw a few manhwa/webtoon suggestions here and there that, afaik, have physical versions because the missed opportunity of this market too (I think Tower of God is the only one getting published in Spanish?).
But... I sometimes feel this IS silly. It feels like screaming into a void. And there's a lot that I could suggest, just because I read something, I was moved by it... and my god, I wish I could grab it anytime I could. I know plenty might be hard to be published for one reason or another... and sometimes I don't feel like collecting over a 30+ volume series either these days (Ranma being an exception... that's the hole I dug myself into and I didn't reach half of the series, either... been on hold up for a while until they do more reprints of oop volumes) especially for space in my room.
I'm still amazed in a way how this whole manga industry situation about licenses here has changed... essentially because I have been collecting manga series since the early 2000s when there was not many options than "comic book format" and "half a volume for 20 pesos" until they FINALLY gave into the "full tankoubon"-like format. There used to be some kind of monopoly before it also went kaput in 2009, a sub-publisher also went kaput because tbh I don't think they seemed to know how to manage comics and manga licenses (and physical distribution of them, too!) a few years ago... and now there's two big book publishers that are also trying their hand at this (although their physical distribution kinda sucks because book stores and not many of them carry them as a whole; especialized animanga/comic book stores MIGHT, though). We definitely don't have the same level of economy as, say the US or Spain, but, I suppose something is something.
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otakusmart · 1 year
Park Ji-hoo, Jo Joon Young, and Choi Bo Min are Starring in Spirit Fingers K-drama
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Webtoon-based dramas are the new craze in the Hallyu world.  Many webtoon-based dramas became blockbusters.  Popular Korean dramas like Sweet home, True beauty, and All of us are dead are some worldwide blockbusters.  So, Kdrama fans are delighted to know about any new drama.  Webtoon fans are also excited to see their webtoon turn into a small screen.
Park Ji-hoo, Jo Joon Young, and Choi Bo Min come together for Spirit Fingers K-drama
Spirit fingers is a webtoon about a shy girl who is bored with her daily life.  She lacks self-confidence and wonders why she never gets asked out.  That's when the song discovers a hidden talent and gets entangled in the passionate club, which is more than just painting. Park Ji hoo will play the role of Song Woo Yeon, the shy girl who discovers her hidden talent.  Jo Joon young will portray the role of Nam Gijung; he is a handsome boy with narcissistic tendencies.  He is a part-time worker as a model in Spirit Fingers, and Choi Bo min who has yet to make his acting comeback in the role of Koo Seon Ho, the vice chairman of Spirit Fingers, the name behind the gathering of unique people. Spirit fingers will be released sometime in 2023. The drama will be produced in 12 episodes.
About Spirit fingers K-drama
Han Kyeong-Chal writes spirit finger. Han Kyeong-Chal is also the author of Our beloved summer, which also has its drama adaptation. Spirit Fingers is originally a webtoon series that was officially published in book format by Wisdom House (위즈덤하우스) from April 10, 2017, to September 3, 2020.  Spirit finger is widely famous throughout the world with its broad fan base. A lot of fans were worried about not having an anime adaptation. But at least we got a drama adaption. Fans are waiting to know what the adaptation will turn into. What do you think? A disaster? Or a super hit? Lastly, Park ji hoo-has captivated fans with her acting skills in "All of us are dead."She is becoming the most promising rookie actress.  Her latest drama," Little women " also did well. We have seen Joo Joon young in DearM, Live on, and other dramas.  So with the rookies on board, fans are delighted to know what happens next. Stay tuned for more updates. Read the full article
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donanimee · 2 years
Hello My Hero Academia fans!👋
With episodes of season six of the anime coming out and i also found out that the seventh and final season of this series( which im sad about since i wanted to see more especially how they heal and bond after the war and maybe a look of them in the future after graduation) may come April 2024 and that provived mangaka Horikoshi will end his series by December 2023. So yeah it might or might be waaaaayyy looong before we see the end of the final war, and mostly Bakugo being revived ( which its killing me! WHEN and WILL Dynamight wake up when??!!), since new chapters come out after a week passed by. And season 6 will have 25 eps in total likely running til the end of March and will adapt entirely of the PLW arc and might end on chapter 327 on the escapees arc. But the may quicken the pace of the middle cjapters and adapt them to include the star and stripe arc amd rearrange a few scenes from chapter 335 and the end the season with the revelation of the traitor.
So the season 7 will mostly be from the traitor arc to the final war battle arc. And it wouldnt be surprisimg if the season 7 starts while the manga isnt finished yet due to Studio Bones reputation with deadlines.
Also, before everything, for those who dont know the next issue comes out January 23.
And honestly, i kinda feel bat that this might be the final season since i wanted to at least have a season 8 set after the war and how life for both the characters and their world goes on and becomes and how it had affected them amd how they heal and bond after what happened. Especially Yuga Aoyama since guilt its not something that goes away and especially with his parents arrested, what will become of Endevour and Hawks after that and will they still be top heroes, and what about the ones who retired because of pressure and critisism, will they come back? And how will the Todorokis and Present Mic amd Aizawa deal and heal with the possible future of lossing their loved ones ( Touya/Dabi and Kurogiri/Oboro) once again? I really hope we get to see even of its just a bit of those in the manga and final season if possible. Maybe even a scene of Yuga sharing lunch with his classmates instead of eating alone during lunchtime
And there are still questions that may i still habe, some of the final fight: Will Bakugo wake up and when?, Is "Kurogiri" Kurogiri, Oboro, or a mix of both and which side will he choose at the end? Will he die or live? What will happed at the kid inside Tomura/AFO? Will they susceed in merguing completely or will their instability get worse? What will become of hero society in Japan after this with so much distrust, escaped criminals and big lack of heroes because of either death or retirement?
And there are a bit more questions I have and that I really want to see soon in either the manga and anime, like how much time(months or weeks) passed since Izuku left UA in April to when he came back to the final war.
But a question that really caught my eye and many had for a very long time and we hope we get to see at the end of the war: Will Shinsou join Class A or Class B? And what will his hero mame be? I especially want to hear his name since i never seen anticipation to hear an official hero name since Bakugo, oh exuse me: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, poor him since he got a different and not so good reaction that was definetly not fear or amazement to this name from both heroes and villians, except Mirio of course.
Its hard to say with the way he interacted well with both on th A vs B battle and there are many pros and cons on each side, here is a link to a list of those
Amd even of many want him to join class A, since Aizawa its his mentor, deserves more spotlight and the way he interacted and reacted to their friendliness and cheerfulness on chapter 334 (which reminded me of Aizawa with his old gang, Hizashi and Oboro and coincidentally he was called Mini Aizawa by Present Mic ), he being in class b could also be a possibility, with the effectiveness and strenght and level he is still on and because they may not want to be guided by favoritism.
And especially with the chance that someone will have to leave either class for him to join. And two of the main candidates, both by fans and in fanfic, for him to replace are either Momoma for his insanity and Mineta for being a pervert. But this recent arc also give the possibility for other that those two to leave, maybe minor characters from b or from a like Koda or Sato, and honestly i like many others dont want none of neither class, to the exception of Mineta, to leave. And the chance is high because of the space left because of Izuku leaving on April amd Bakugo's death, if he doesnt wake up, and chance of either of those two becoming quirkless because of injuries or a future sacrifice, even if its possible that Midoriya will re enroll at UA. It even be Yuga,i mean if he gets forgiven by both the school and police law and doesnt give up on his dream because of his past. And Aizawa told him during the interrogation that when the war its over he may not have a home at U.A. anymore, a friend even had the theory that he might transfer to another hero school like Shiketsu, hope that none doesnt happen, and that no one has to out for Shinso to be in.
I really hope this gets cleared and revealed soon, ans not to play favorites but i think he would be bettee in Class A becausw of their history, support and cheerfulness and would make another great rival for Izuku.
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rosecoloredmuses · 2 years
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I posted 2,657 times in 2022
That's 2,657 more posts than 2021!
1,723 posts created (65%)
934 posts reblogged (35%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,646 of my posts in 2022
#laini rambles; ooc - 755 posts
#graceful swan; tsubasa mizuno - 309 posts
#play with me; memes - 147 posts
#anon - 135 posts
#here are my friends; promo - 120 posts
#normal karate guy; seiji sagara - 107 posts
#cuties in chara studio; koikatsu pics - 79 posts
#spoiled snow white princess; hime shirayuki - 76 posts
#the power of hot food; yui nagomi - 69 posts
#becoming hope; madoka kaname - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#((while i’m being non-specific about muses i think anyone who has been around me for long enough knows which muse is most likely to do this
My Top Posts in 2022:
((I’ve had a while to gather my thoughts about it so… here are my feelings on the Magia Record anime’s ending that nobody asked for. Spoilers, obviously.
Despite Magia Record being associated with Madoka Magica, which is dark already, I feel the deaths in Magia Record’s anime were a bit… much? I don’t know, I just feel the writing was crueler than it needed to be. Sure, Yachiyo has the new group at the Mikazuki Villa and a new group of friends, but why did they have to kill off Momoko and Mifuyu, the last two other members of her old group? Even if you say she’s carrying on the hopes of her deceased friends, I think we could have done without the two additional deaths.
I can live with Alina, Touka, and Nemu dying at least. But Ui? Nope. Iroha spent the entire series looking for her and she just. Dies in the end without actually being reunited with her big sister. It just leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
And don’t get me started on the implication that Madoka died. The original game was NOT supposed to be one of Homura’s failed timelines, and her time traveling in the end makes things feel a little pointless.
And with the Doppel system presumably gone, it’s a good idea to assume that everybody died/turned into a Witch at the end. Or at least until Madokami comes in. Yaaay…
Had Magia Record not been adapted from a gacha game where all of the characters I mentioned lived, I would be feeling more positively about how things turned out. I guess I’m just like “things could have ended more happily” despite the fact that the anime already had multiple changes from the source material? I hope I’m making sense.))
15 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
((In 2015, I wrote a drabble depicting Red brainwashing Tsubasa, a moment which couldn’t have happened on-screen because the whole brainwashing thing was originally a magic anon that specified she was brainwashed by Red. Said drabble wasn’t very good. So, I’d like to rewrite that to minimize the cringy 2015ness from it and better reflect Tsubasa’s current depiction. Placing this under a cut because this will probably get long!))
The riverbank was quiet. Peaceful. It was the perfect place to sit and read while reflect on things; it was exactly what Tsubasa needed as she sat down on the bench with a book in tow. She wiped some still-fresh tears from her eyes before starting to read.
She would be fine, she told herself. She was a Precure and it was her duty to protect the innocent while keeping her identity a secret from others, she tried reminding herself. It was better to get hurt herself than let others get hurt. Even if she couldn’t reach out for help or explain her injuries to others, it was okay because it was her suffering and nobody else. She kept telling herself this, and yet…
Why was it ringing so hollow today?
A pain clenched her heart that she couldn’t describe. She thought it would go away with time, but the more she tried ignoring it, the more that ache cried out, demanding attention. But even now, Tsubasa threw her focus into her book hoping she’d feel better soon.
“SAIARK!” the cry came from somewhere far away, but it was unmistakable. As soon as it hit Tsubasa’s ears, she shot up from her seated position and closed her book. She reached for her PreChan Mirror-
Are you sure you want to do that? You’ll only get battered and beaten again.
The voice came out of nowhere and it broke Tsubasa’s train of thought. She froze. Scanning the area, she couldn’t find where the voice came from— her only companion appeared to be the hot summer sun.
“Who’s there?!” Tsubasa cried out as her body tensed up. It was clear she wasn’t alone, but who had just spoken? The voice appeared to belong to a man— one she’d never encountered before. Why was he here? Why was he talking to her like this?
You’ve gotten hurt over and over for the sake of people who don’t appreciate it. Even if you were to reach out for help, nobody would notice your pain.
There was a presence behind Tsubasa for the briefest moment. But when Tsubasa spun on her heel, there was still nobody there.
You tell yourself that it’s fine as long as the people around you are safe. That it’s for the best. So you let yourself continue to hurt as everyone continues to smile around you. But… those aren’t your true feelings, are they?
“That’s…!” Tsubasa’s eyes widened in horror as the words caught in her throat. How could she possibly answer something like this— tell this voice that he was wrong about her when she didn’t even know its owner?
You wish desperately for someone to notice you’re hurting and reach out. You want to stop feeling so alone in your battle against everything threatening the peace you so treasure. But nobody will answer your silent call. You will continue to suffer while lying to yourself repeatedly.
Tsubasa’s first instinct was to deny everything this voice was saying about her… but the words wouldn’t come out. Instead, her eyes welled with tears. As she put her hands to her face in confusion, a certain realization came upon her. One that she didn’t want to acknowledge:
On some level, this voice was completely right. She knew she wasn’t okay and wanted someone, anyone to acknowledge her. To tell her that she didn’t need to hurt anymore. That she didn’t need to be so alone anymore. But even such small comfort was beyond her.
You sacrificed your normal life to save your friend, only to be separated across cities. But even on your own, you fought. You thought you were doing a good thing by saving other people as you continued to pay the price. And to add on to your growing misery, there’s another group of heroes in town.
The voice didn’t need to name them; images of the Happiness Charge Precure flashed in her head. They were so pretty and strong… unlike herself.
Every time you look at them, you’re reminded of what you left behind in Tokyo and what you lack. Companionship… strength… support. They are everything you are not and have everything you’re too scared to admit. Seeing their happiness has only served to deepen your own despair.
“St…stop… please… stop…” The difficulty with which those words came out was disturbing. She wanted to run, but her feet stayed rooted in place as her own body was starting to betray her. Every word this voice spoke increased the pain in her heart and caused the tears to overflow even harder.
It’s unfair, is it not?
It’s so unfair!
That thought came spilling out without Tsubasa realizing it. It was undoubtedly her thought, but it was so… foreign. Where did it come from?
Those girls protect the people just like you do, yet they’re smiling while you are left crying all alone.
Why are they happy while I’m not?! Somebody please… look at me instead of them!
Once again, a strange thought forced itself into her mind. It was as if something was trying to invade her body— first it’d frozen her in place and now it was trying to change her thoughts.
Tsubasa whimpered. She knew something was horribly wrong and that the voice was doing something to her, but she was powerless to stop it— whatever this voice was, it was a power far greater than her own. She instead silently prayed that someone would somehow interrupt whatever was happening and save her. 
But help was far away.
You cannot continue like this. If your body doesn’t give out, your heart will. You’ll disappear while the people who never looked your way will continue on with their lives like nothing happened.
The thought of disappearing— dying— without anyone acknowledging her delivered a shock Tsubasa wasn’t anticipating. She… she didn’t want this to happen!
See the full post
15 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Permanent Starter Call
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((I am way too late to the party, but please like this post if you don’t mind me:
yeeting myself and my muses into your inbox without prompting
making starters for you randomly
just overall loving you
24 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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Independent Multimuse feat. Madoka Kaname
rules ❤️❤️ muses
Promo art by @turem!
28 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Amanogawa High School. On first glance, it would appear that it was just an ordinary Japanese high school with nothing notable about it. But according to the intel the Legion was able to gather, there was a type of hero residing here that did not exist in their native timeline: Kamen Riders. And one of these Kamen Riders was foolishly open with his identity.
Tsubasa stood on a nearby rooftop, watching as the unsuspecting student body went about their day. Her mission was to gather intel on Kamen Rider Fourze’s ability. She was not going to waste any more time.
“Let the future reflected in the mirror turn terrible!” Within seconds, every human that was not otherwise protected was sealed within a dark coffin-shaped mirror. “Show yourself, Saiark!”
As soon as those words were spoken, every human captured within the mirrors was turned into a Saiark, flooding the school grounds with the monsters.
“Now what will you do... Kamen Rider Fourze?!”
34 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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desuper · 2 years
Dbz s ep 42
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ĭragon Ball Z has since been followed by two sequel series: Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997) and Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018). Dragon Ball Z remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations and re-releases, including a remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Kai. The anime's popularity has also spawned numerous media and merchandise that has come to represent the majority of content within the Dragon Ball franchise. At the same time, the story parallels the life of his son, Gohan, as well as the development of his rivals, Piccolo and Vegeta.ĭue to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga chapters making up its story were initially released by Viz Media under the Dragon Ball Z title. ĭragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Son Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend the Earth against villains including aliens ( Vegeta, Frieza), androids ( Cell), and magical creatures ( Majin Buu). The series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from April 1989 to January 1996 and was later dubbed for broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Part of the Dragon Ball media franchise, it is the sequel to the 1986 Dragon Ball anime series and adapts the latter 325 chapters of the original Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama, which ran in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1988 to 1995. Even when Super ’s dropping the ball with plot and character development, there’s almost always a slice of life episode around the corner to remind fans why they love Dragon Ball : the characters.Dragon Ball Z ( Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ, Hepburn: Doragon Bōru Zetto, commonly abbreviated as DBZ) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. While the anime suffers narratively, not too unlike Dragon Ball GT, Super manages to ground itself better within the context of the series. By the time the Tournament of Power hit, Dragon Ball Super seemed to be in legitimately good shape production-wise. Starting with the Goku Black arc, however, Super managed to bring in a good bit of Dragon Ball Z ’s tension. Plagued by scheduling problems, DBS ’ early run was quite lousy and a disappointment to many fans. Still, Dragon Ball Super is quite an interesting series in its own right. The anime is been done for quite a while now, and, while we’ve had more canon animated content in the form of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, the manga has essentially taken the reins of the DBS brand for the time being. No one could have possibly expected for Dragon Ball Super to suddenly end with the Tournament of Power, yet, here we are. Uninspired, derivative, and generally filled with lackluster fight choreography, Dragon Ball GT was a lousy note to end the series’ anime continuity on. It perhaps goes without saying, but Dragon Ball GT was fairly unpopular and remains widely disliked within the fandom, even if its reputation has improved slightly within recent years. RELATED: Dragon Ball: 5 DC Heroes Piccolo Can Defeat (& 5 He Can’t) The last episode of DBZ even transitions directly into the first episode of GT with a next episode preview at the end of the former. Toei’s original animated canon for Dragon Ball consisted of the first Dragon Ball adaptation, Dragon Ball Z, and finally Dragon Ball GT. It’s worth noting that while GT is not canon to the main series, it is canon to the original anime’s continuity. Completely rooted in new material, GT would be an anime-only follow-up to the anime. In spite of the series’ decreasing popularity following the end of the manga, Toei went ahead with one last sequel series: Dragon Ball GT. Akira Toriyama may have been done with Dragon Ball by the end of the Buu arc, but Toei still wanted to milk the dragon for what it was worth.
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lascltheperfect · 2 years
When will new avatar series come out
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#When will new avatar series come out series#
Netflix is currently working on an Avatar series, but the franchise's original creators are no longer involved. Night Shyamalan, which was critically panned and is derided by fans. That should mean we see season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine by March or April 2022 on Netflix outside of the United States. For the past three years (since the show moved to NBC), Netflix has gotten new seasons in Spring the following year. Less successful, however, was a live-action adaptation directed by M. Season 7, for example, landed on Netflix UK in March 2021 whereas Netflix Canada got it in April 2021. "Creator-driven stories and characters have long been the hallmarks of Nickelodeon, and Avatar Studios is a way to give Mike and Bryan the resources and runway to open up their imaginations even more and dive deeper into the action and mythology of Avatar as we simultaneously expand upon that world and the world of content available on Paramount+ and Nickelodeon."īeyond the two existing animated series, Avatar has branched out into comic books with some success. They contribute to the happiness of a lot of individuals and this show has become much more than just a show for a.
#When will new avatar series come out series#
In a follow-up interview with writer and creator Bryan Konietzko, IGN was able to find out that the cartoon series 'is essentially done. Co-creator Michael Dante DiMartino confirmed that Book 4 will be happening. Jake Sully lives with his newfound family formed on the planet of Pandora. Avatar The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are both such fascinating shows. Heres what weve found out so far: 'The Legend of Korra' will continue for another season. "Avatar The Last Airbender and have grown at least ten-fold in popularity since their original hit runs on Nickelodeon, and Ramsey Naito and I are incredibly excited to have Mike and Bryan's genius talent on board to helm a studio devoted to expanding their characters and world into new content and formats for fans everywhere," said ViacomCBS Kids & Family president Brian Robbins. With Zoe Saldana, Chloe Coleman, Kate Winslet, Sigourney Weaver. New adventures coming to and /OKIBCC4UmE - Nickelodeon Animation February 24, 2021 We're so excited to announce the launch of Avatar Studios with co-creators Mike and Bryan! 🌊🍃🔥💨
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okayto · 3 years
Mini-Review: Mononoke
Mononoke follows a wandering character known only as the “Medicine Seller” as he encounters, combats, and subsequently destroys mononoke, a type of spirit that lingers in the human world by binding themselves to negative human emotions.
A confession: I have been mixing this show up with Gankutsuou--the avant-garde sci-fi space adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo--for YEARS because they both do really cool and visually-striking things with their art, and both came out in the mid-aughts. So it wasn’t until I was flipping through the channels on my recently-discovered Roku Live TV (there’s an MST3K channel!) and came across something called “CONtv Anime” that I paused to see what was going on.
Well, I didn’t have any idea what was going on, but heck if it didn’t look cool as beans
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Since I started watching near the end of the series (the beginning of the final set of episodes, and then I went and watched the series in order), I pulled up Wikipedia to see what background info I needed, and this is what I found helpful to know:
The Medicine Seller appeared in a previous anime, Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, doing his thing, and then spun off into his own anime, presumably because they looked at this elf and were like, no, the world needs more of him. (this is correct) 
During the time most episodes are set, only samurai were allowed to carry swords, and that’s why everyone acts so shocked when he pulls his out
No other backstory or information is needed, which is good because none is given, and since Ayakashi isn’t streaming anywhere legal, I haven’t seen his original appearance.
To be clear, I do not think it needs further explanation, as it is simply enough to have the attractive elf man wandering around being cool.
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This series hits a lot of my sweet spots, being brightly-colored and about supernatural mysteries. It’s classified as horror, but (and I say this as a Certified Wimp) nothing that would give me nightmares, and this is helped by the fact that the visuals are so symbolic.
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(I mean, it is horror, but it’s pretty horror and I enjoyed it. But if you have any squicks or triggers dealing with murder/blood/violence/pregnancy/abuse, I would recommend at least looking up episode synopses to see if it’s for you. I read episode synopses each time, partially to help me figure out what was going on initially, but also because I don’t like suspense, so knowing what was coming made the show more enjoyable for me.)
The 11-episode series features 5 different story arcs, allowing at least 2 episodes each so rather than the Medicine Seller wrapping things up quickly each time, the story and action is spread out, allowing for investigation, or flashbacks, or games, or whatever else will eventually tease the truth out of the mononoke, giving the Medicine Seller the information he needs to be able to vanquish it.
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It’s truly enjoyable just on the basis of story (see again: I like ghost stories), and also just on the basis of its visuals (the bigger the screen, the better to take it all in), but I also found the Medicine Seller a compelling character. For all that we never learn his backstory or anything, there’s just something about him...
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Okay, so by ‘compelling’ I mean he fits a specific character type I have major weaknesses for: mysterious and very pretty man, who knows a lot, has magical powers (particularly used to protect others) and long hair.
The fact that he is clearly not human is never remarked upon, nor explained. Is he really a medicine seller? Where did he get his magical sword? How does he know so much about mononoke? What else can he do?
404, answers not found, replies this show, Have you considered trying to explain every little detail is antithetical to my purpose?
And I let it go, because the show is correct: its stories are told so carefully, with an atmosphere cultivated just so, that it is enjoyable as it is, and the viewer is left to come up with their own answers, or just to let the questions percolate.
ALSO when he learns enough about the mononoke to be able to draw his sword, he transforms into a very pretty gold-themed even elfier man
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English dub? No
Visuals: HECK
Worth watching? Absolutely. Like I mentioned above, it would be worth it just based on the story, because ghost stories are fun, but the visuals absolutely take it up a notch. Besides being just plain gorgeous, they lend the show a sense of alternate reality--think a witch’s domain in Madoka Magica, where you can’t always tell what’s just part of the setting and looks weird, and what’s a dangerous creature or an illusion.
Are we really in this room, or have we crossed into another world? Are the people in the background faceless or mannequins because that’s symbolic of how they’re background characters who have no impact on the current story, or representative of how the main characters are so fixated on their own problems they don’t see others as fully people? Hot dang I loved this show.
Where to watch (April, 2021): RetroCrush, TubiTV, Crunchyroll, DVD (possibly out of print? Although still easily found online)
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