#And I adore this cringe fail old woman
hamburgrr · 1 year
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So I know you aren’t supposed to pick favorites but if I’m honest… Raph’s my favorite turtle we made for this au. She’s actually the starting point I went off LOL. Anyways, I don’t wanna give TOO much away because she’s half of the main focus of the mini comic me and @fowlaroundtown are currently making but let’s just say home girl has been through the RINGER!!
Oh and side note. Pronouns were TRICKY on this one. Cause this Raph is trans-femme but didn’t figure that out until she was in her 20s. So I just used He/him on the 14 year old side cause she hasn’t figured it out yet??? OH WELL!!
Anyways I love her, she’s such a grumpy old butch and if y’all have any questions on her PLEASE lemme know I could talk all day. Gnight!!!
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2024 Preliminaries — The Adventure Zone — Round 2
he is literally bigfoot
Indrid Cold:
he is literally mothman. in his human!sona he wears a wifebeater and red tinted glasses. he lives in a shitty trailer and drinks exclusively eggnog. he can see the future. he is literally mothman (it bears repeating).
He’s the grim reaper AND he’s gay AND he’s a nerd
he's the grim reaper, he puts on a fake cockney accent while he's on the job because he's a fucking nerd, he tried to convince Merle he was his god and almost managed it, his first date with his future husband was a wine and pottery night at the "chug and squeeze" and he thought it was a business meeting
she is a lich she is an umbrella she is a pyromaniac. she is trans and she becomes a servant to the Raven Queen. she sees her brother for the first time in a decade and she makes fun of him for dating the grim reaper. she plays the violin and she adores her family and she loves her husband
Amber Gris:
she has extra ghost arms and punches teleporting sharks i love her
She could win tumblr sexy woman if more people knew her I stg she’s crazy she’s a lesbian she fights blinksharks with her bare hands she’s perfect
Fitzroy Maplecourt:
Introduced as quote “very sexy, very sexual” and later was confirmed as asexual so just like peak character I love him
he is a knight, he is the face of a fashion magazine modeling cloaks, he grows like a foot(??) in a magical accident, one time he accidentally turns himself into a plant in the middle of a fight. he decides to overthrow a corrupt government in his first semester of university and he fucking does it.
Montrose Pretty:
he wears a mask constantly obscuring his features and wears full-piece suits. in his free time he likes to talk to mechanical animatronics and pretend they're his family. he is a thief and a great liar. he repeatedly managed to convince multiple people that he's their long lost father to get out of trouble. he absolutely could be a deadbeat dad but isn't!
She’s an absolute shitbird. She doesn’t like potatoe chips and she hates movies. She’s a taurus, but not one of those types of tauruses. She once caught a wile fox and fed it poison! She terrible but shes also the best
Lady Elizabeth Godwin:
She’s an old Victorian lady who Dracula hit with a car so hard her body exploded and she got frankensteined to have the body of a body builder but her old Victorian lady head and she’s on a mission to kill Dracula
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teadrop-12 · 6 months
I really love the headcanons they're honestly so spot-on and very fun to read through if its not too much can I have hcs from you of my girl Dos🙏🙏🙏
YYESSS MY BELOVEDDD OMG omg u already know a lot of hcs n u made me have a lot more so ty 4 that omg
right off the bat. does not get along with kids. either that. or she is the cool mom to them. but her experience with every kid in the show says otherwise
her real name is MAYBE Dahlia.
bi. 100% bi, with a preference for women
terrible at math but good at everything else
when i said shes bi i mean like. kinda stereotypical bi. with like the leather jackets and also falling head over heels with a woman at first sight but it takes her months to actually start to like a guy
like. i adore acaiberry right.
and rizdos
but u know how dos went and infiltrated MATA and Bakar tried to flirt with her n like she was uninterested. what if like she ran into the most ethereal woman ever (geetha,,maybe i dunno,,,,just a suggestion,,,)
and that just causes her to almost fail the entire mission because of ONE OLD ASS LESBIAN
well geetha isnt that much older than her bc shes like,,,the same age as rizwan?? apparently?? but this isnt about her
owns a motorcycle. much cooler than rizwan's, like its got purple lightning on it and stuff.
if i was to compare her to a toh character shes like eda and lilith combined. like she takes wildly unnecessary risks but also completely stoic and unwavering at some.
but really she also reminds me of elle from tlou2
has a lot of jewelery, just rarely wears it
i said before she is not good with kids but her skills at makeup and being fucking awesome are what get her by. like she can get any kid to like makeup and motorcycles in three hours
really close with trez, again, thanks to you bella i have this headcanon. but like hes like her brother, maybe they grew up together?
she brags about being in a band but really she was only in it for a month (girlfailure)
never really caring unless its someone she knows like family, like MAYBE Trez, Rizwan is an exception
either she doesn't like music or she listens to heavy metal, but like with her partner she'd have their own music taste in her playlists and stuff
whoo time for some cringe dark heartwrenching headcanons!!
when she was in the numeros she was unknowingly cloned because before rizwan she was the strongest of the numeros. but that backfired bc it turned out to be a child.
and im not saying who that is because bella you know this headcanon all too well and no one else can know until i've fleshed out everything but a hint is she was homeless until MATA
like the clone ran away when she thought she'd be terminated and thats why she was homeless.
genuinely cries a lot when she thinks of losing people she loves. like she'd go in private and cry her eyes out and come back like nothing happened
when she dated jenny she had a plan in the back of her head to run away with her and off the grid from the numeros.
we all know that can't happen now
shes been through so much shit as a kid and always thought she was so mature and that she should have been able to handle it so if she ever has her own like single or adopted or with someone i dunno, she would cry because she realized she was that small and innocent once and she didn't deserve that
i hate it here
i might be projecting
i dont even have this many headcanons for my spiky haired daughter
i might be projecting on this one a little but i also got this hc from a comic by catboymoments
anyways!! i think thats all for now but if i think of any more i'll add them ilysm bella also feel free to ask anything else!!
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stranger-rants · 2 years
(3) I'm not saying that fans have to like Nancy, if she's someone they don't relate to its fine. I even agree that she is now the epitome of young white feminism, entitlement, her family republican support roots and middle class privilege. I do agree it was assholeish of her on how she treated Jonathan (while i still understand her anger towards Tom Holloway and the sexist, hostile and creepy old coworkers) she should have said sorry to him just like he apologized to her, the fact that she can't make girl friends her age besides Barb, how she treated Robin in S4 that was harsh at moments and unconsiderate i could go on..
(4) She can definitely be still up to be questioned and the talks on why the whole girlboss rep that the Duffers swear they bring but fails miserably every time. I need to add that Steve himself should also get the same exact treatment in this case. But none of his fan favorite cult sees that because he said sorry, changed for better and they all bought into his so called "character arc" which is not even a good one or not even there, they even bought the whole mediocrity of him being a "gay ally" (this even comes from me as a fanom bisexual Steve truther). It's so weird to me how he's always treated as such a catch with all this people being like "Nancy doesn't deserve Steve this and that" but maybe that there is also just me as well...
5, Last one i promise) but this whole anti and villain narrative treatment she gets from the fandom in which she does not deserve any single chance of nuances, a proper arc, her being seen or listened, chances to redeem herself and make up for her wrongdoings. The fact that they go far to literally laugh at her privacy and autonomy being technically ripped, exposed and violated, so far to the point she should be punished for her friend's death just because she had sex well, this people so give the vibe of the individuals you would never trust to openly talk about your SA/harassment/abuse situations to. Says a lot of little concerning vibes, that are just as low and bad as the anti Billy behaviour we've got to see from time to time. I do comprehend none of these characters are real but there's that; makes me cringe how this has just increased in Womens rights month and the fact these things are coming from mostly women, which is kinda sad.
I'll end my point saying that yeah, it speaks volumes.
I will say this about what female characters are owed in fandom and that’s the same level of complexity we grant to male characters. That’s what I think any character who represents a marginalized group is owed, and yes it can be frustrating when you’re not given that. It is concerning to see people buy into the Nice Guy trope and the rape culture surrounding young people, especially women and girls. It’s okay to be upset by that, even if the characters aren’t real, and to call it out as such. I personally think that Steve and Nancy are bad for each other because neither of their goals and ideals line up. That doesn’t mean Nancy is The Problem, of course. In fact, I’m tired of talking about her in relation to Steve and vice versa.
I do think this fandom’s treatment of female characters like Nancy can be hypocritical compared to their uncritical adoration of Steve who is really just some guy with a lot of money, but at the same time the way she is positioned as a gun toting “badass” young woman who gets empowering speeches from her Thatcher-loving predator of a mother is what makes her character off-putting to queer fans, many who are gay and/or trans and who’ve spoken up about how aggravating that is. It’s not just women who are critical of her character, and while you’ve already acknowledged these issues I do want to make a distinction between hate posts made by misogynists and criticisms given by people hurt by the glorified politics surrounding the Wheeler family. I know people argue that their children aren’t conservatives by association, and I get that but The Duffers don’t say or do anything meaningful to subvert or deny that.
As a character, the best thing for her would be to branch out and experience new things but she stagnates like Steve because The Duffers don’t let them grow beyond The Girlboss and The Babysitter roles they’ve designated them with. That can also lead to some of the hate she receives, but that’s a writing problem and not something that is inherently wrong with a teenage girl not having all the tools and the knowledge to make the right decisions 100% of the time… which… why should we be expecting that out of anyone anyway.
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Victorian DILF Brahms x Female Reader
Slasher Victorian AU series Featuring Brahms Heelshire.
Divider by https://firefly-graphics.tumblr.com/
Series: Don't forget who you belong to.
Chapter 1
Prompt: 79
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Brahms taps his foot under his large, dark oak desk. He taps his pencil on a stack of papers, legal documents for his clients, ranging from the mundane like Mr. Krueger complaining about his neighbor Mr. Voorhees, ranging from 'standing there, menacingly' to ' He breathed in my direction.' To the extreme as an abuse case against a young vulnerable girl named Carrie.
Brahms pinches the bridge of his nose, the paper in front of him the most important and he was to not be paid for solving the problem. He picks up the paper to re-read the sections that stuck out the most.
We are advising you on your son, Lawrence, we regret to inform you of his wild, ruckus-filled behavior. We understand that young boys have a degree of tomfoolery to them but he, Lawrence, is turning out to be one who fancies himself an urchin.
Brahms grunts, eyes scanning the page,
He recently had put candy, that was similar in appearance to the headmistresses medication.
Brahms chuckles,
He also has set up a boxing club. He charges the boys a pence a piece for admittance and takes bets against the two boys fighting.
Brahms bit his lip, his cheeks turning pink. He clears his throat as a co-worker glances his way.
His face fell as he re-read the final line.
If these behaviors fail to be corrected over the upcoming break, we recommend a crammer school for young Lawrence.
Brahms slams the paper down on the desk, he leans back in his chair, gripping the arm of the chair, "Crammer school" he seethes. Brahms made a vow to Gerti, to never let their son end up at such a place, he was to be a gentleman and a gentleman comes from a gentlemanly background. Not a Crammer school for the slow and sluggish, a Gentleman's brute offspring to be fed into the army for slaughter.
"Any plans for the night?"
Brahms snaps his head towards his co-worker, Mr. Bates.
"Any plans for the night, Brahms? Taking the maid out for another moving picture?" Mr. Bates grins and nudges Brahms's shoulder with his elbow.
"Ah, no, she's been," Brahms twirls the pencil in his fingers, "Busy."
Brahms glances at his desk, the picture of his late wife and son.
Mr. Bates's eyes follow Brahms's, "You know, I'm sure Gerti doesn't mind. Lawrence adored her, yes, I'm sure that boy is dying for a new one," He rests his clammy hand on Brahms's shoulder, "After all, a boy's best friend is his mother."
Brahms recoils, "By God, Norman, listen to yourself," Brahms brushes off Norman's hand as he stands, "A Boy needs friends his own age," He grabs his important papers, stacking them loosely, he yanks his briefcase from under the desk to slam it on his desk, "Not a mother as a friend."
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You gleefully prepare the ginger beer, the old beige and brown bottles embedded with the Heelshire name. You scan the current bottle in your hands, "1771" you read aloud, "My goodness."
You delicately place the plates on the table, humming as you admired the beautiful set. "This costs more than one week's wage." Another tentative glance, "Which is why..." You twirl in the drawing-room, "I'm getting another job!"
Your mind raced back to last week...
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The carriage ride was bumpy, every bump from a pothole to a large rock made your already uneasy stomach flip.
"Almost there, miss!" The coach called out to you, "Sorry for the ride, Daniel has made a donation to get the road fix, beautiful ain't it?"
"Yes, that's very kind of him." You opened the flyer in your hand, you read the bold letters over the top,
Apple Pickers wanted weekend work. Only at Daniel Candy's Farm
"Tis nice of him to hire those with no work history or those already with a job, ain't it?"
"Yes, that's very kind of him." You repeated. You brought your attention to the upcoming estate, the large white manor stood out among the hues of greens, from the grass to the pine and oak trees in a neat line leading to the entrance of the manor.
The coachman helped you out of the carriage, "Now, miss, memba' to curtsey and all that."
"Thank you, and thank you for being so kind."
"I only hire the best."
Your breath caught in your throat, eye bugged out to the tall man who appeared to appear as if from nowhere. You looked up, the source of the voice, the deep baritone still carried itself within you.
"My coachman, I only hire the best, shall you prove me right?" His voice was like thick honey, his onyx eyes were warm, his hand was large with not a hint of labor upon it.
You froze, swallowed a hesitant hello, hand reached for his, "It's is very nice to meet you," His hand melded in yours, his thumb rubbed the back of your hand in small delicate circles, "Mr. Robitaille"
"Daniel works just fine." He flashed a bright smile, his eyes twinkled as they stared into yours.
"Daniel," you bite your lip, "It's nice to meet you, Daniel." and curtseyed.
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He led you along a light dirt path adjacent to the abundant apple trees. The birds in the trees sang a beautiful melody, they danced between the trees, the songs becoming more jovial as you and Daniel walked.
"You'll be working for the next three weeks, Thursdays," He waved to one of the workers picking apples, "Fridays," He nodded at a male with a wheelbarrow full of apples, "and Saturdays." He placed his large hand on your upper back, "If that is alright with Mr. Heelshire?"
You squeaked at the mention of Brahms, "Ah, yes,"
"Hesitation my dear, would he not be so accepting of a free woman working where she pleases?"
You shook your head, tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "It's not that, he just..."
"He doesn't know." Daniel finished for you with a knowing laugh.
You shied away from his words, eyes took in the mass of workers, happily picking apples, chatting with one other, the made it look easy being up twenty feet high on the ladder to pick the apples.
"Pray tell," Daniel removed his hand from your upper back, "Why do you need this job?"
"Well, money." You said earnestly. "I could use the extra money is all."
"For family?" He asked, accepting an apple from one of his workers. He admired the deep red color, "A gift for Mr. Heelshire?"
You wrung your hands together. You chocked in a breath, "It's private."
Daniel stopped, a low chuckle as you had noticed he stopped. He grinned as you fiddled with your fingers, face turned to the ground, a coy smile over your delicate features.
"What's his name?" Daniel stepped to you, his baritone sent a shiver down your spine. "I'd like to hear it be spoken from such shy lips." Daniel rolled the apple in his hand, nudged it towards you, gesturing for you to take it.
You hesitated, your hands shook as you tentatively grabbed the apple. You stared at the red fruit, the color deep and rich, "His name is Daniel Cain, well, Dan, he goes by Dan."
A startled laugh erupted from Daniel. You jumped, eyes darted to the workers around you, their eyes fell upon Daniel. "Do tell, does this Dan Cain happen to be studying at University of London?"
You stammered out, "Yes,"
"How admirable. So tell me, a gift for the young man?"
"No, it's." You roll the apple in your hand, you looked up at Daniel, "A new dress, I wish to look beautiful, well," You grimaced, "At least while with him."
Daniel frowned, his hand reached for yours, you gasped as he held firm, "Pardon for being cliche, but you are already beautiful, How your hair shines in the sun, to how the sun lights up your eyes, your timid nature is quite endearing." He winked at you.
"Come," Daniel gestured, "I shall introduce you to Carrie, she'll be your site boss for the next three weeks."
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You jump from the front door slams open, Brahms shouting as he entered, "Please come to the foyer, my love."
You cringe, the nickname spills so easily from him, saying it like it was second nature, "Yes, Sir, be there soon."
"This instant, my love. I need you here."
Your eyes linger on the half-set table, too busy with your dancing and reminiscing to fully finish your job. "Coming, Sir!"
You walk out of the drawing-room, feet picking up pace as you make your way down the narrow hall, the green carpet embroidered with gold string, bought in Egypt, fairly recently. The walls a dark wood, matching the soil in the garden. The small lamps light up the hallway in a yellow hue. The walls lined with portraits of Heelshires past, their eyes unnerved you with every quick walkthrough you made through the hallway.
Brahms sighs and lets his shoulders relax as you step into view. He removes his jacket, tossing it on the coat rack, "Are the Victorian sandwiches done? Is the Ginger Beer ready?" He asks while loosening his tie, his adam's apple bobbed, "Hm?"
You wince "I was a little distracted, I'm terribly sorry, Sir."
"Brahms, we've been over this, my love, you may call me Brahms."
"Sorry, Brahms." You choke out his name, "Is there anything you need of me at this moment?" You place a warm smile over your face, eyes looking at him as he took off his custom-made shoes.
"Is it so bad for a man to want a woman to greet him when he's come after a hard day's work?" His bright smile made rock in place, heart thumping rapidly in your chest. "You know how good it feels to see your warm face as I get home?"
"I can't say I do." You answer earnestly.
"Do you not feel a sense of joy as I come home?"
You squint your eyes, gaze adverting his, you cough "Yes, I do." You look back at him, "I am simply your maid, Si-Brahms." You gesture to him to follow you down the hall, "I feel great joy when I see you come home to your...home."
"Our home. This place is just as much mine as it is yours." Brahms steps in front of you, gesturing for you to follow him. "You sleep here, eat here, are here every weekend..." He glances at the paintings in the dimly lit hall, "I mean, you must like it if you are here in your free time."
You flinch, nails scratching in the back of your hand, "Uhm, Yes."
Brahms reaches the table as he stares back at you, his eyes narrow, "Sit." He pulls out the ornate chair, his hand padding down the expensive leather, "Enjoy lunch with me."
You smooth your dress from behind as you sit, scooting up as he pushed you closer to the table. Brahms rounded the table, a jovial smile as he sat himself across from you, delicately placing a napkin on his lap.
"Now, how has your day been?" He starts, shoving a victoria sandwich in his mouth, rolling his eyes in ecstasy, "Mhm, my love this is delicious, you outdid yourself."
You giggle, shaking your head, "No, Brahms it's nothing. Just same old same old."
"You sell yourself too short." Brahms clears his throat, "This weekend," He wiped his hands of crumbs, "My son is coming home, he hasn't been excelling at school like he should be," He took a sip of the ginger beer, an approving smile after he gulped, "So I shall be sending him to a nearby crammer school."
You nod, "I'm sure in the end it'll work out for the best." He sips the beer, letting the taste linger on your tongue, "After all, probably be for the best he comes back home. I can imagine boarding school can be isolating after a death," You froze, eyes wide in panic as you glance at Brahms, "I'm so sorry." You place down the glass of beer.
Brahms laughs, the corner of his lips pulling up, "No no, don't be sorry, it's very true." He sips again, "Very true. Ever since Gerti crossed onto the other side, little Lawrence has been lost." He coughs, "He'll be more than thrilled to be home, hid loving father, his second favourite lady ready to greet him with open arms."
"This weekend?" you ask, "This Saturday?"
Brahms stills, his eyes squint, "Yes, I already said this weekend."
Your throat constricts, a burning sensation spreads throughout you. You look away, eyes catching on the ornate couch.
Brahms reaches his hand out to you, his thumb running on the back of your hand, "My love, what?" He raises his brow, leaning in, "What's the problem with Saturday?"
"I have something private to attended to." You state, eyes falling back to his, "I won't be here to greet Lawrence." You swallow, the burning searing through you, "I'm terribly sorry."
Brahms stood up, one stride and he was at your side, "Tell, why won't you be there? It mustn't be family matters, they live awfully far away, days by train." He leans in, "Something in town perhaps?"
You nod with a smile, "I shall be away this coming Friday and days thereafter, a flower picking job just a town over, the lady of the manor is allowing me room and board, very sweet of her." You sip more ginger beer, hands shaking as you brought the glass to your chapped lips.
Brahms places his large hand on your upper back, "Flower picking job?"
"What flower?"
"Excuse me?"
"What flower are you picking?" Brahms leans in closer to you, his other hand resting on the table, "I'm sure you know."
You grin at him, "Narcissus, beautiful flowers." You gulp back more ginger beer.
"That's a nice flower. Beautiful." He leans in closer, his eyes holding a critical glint. "Pray tell, how will you be picking a flower out of season?" He smiles down at you, licking his teeth, his hand clenches around yours. Your mouth agape, breath held. You choke as he leans closer to you, "I know apples are in season."
The air felt thick, the air from your lungs fell from your mouth in rapid breaths, the grandfather clock ticked, each one was felt in your spine. You jump as the grandfather clock thunders out his five pm chime.
You breathe in, "It's only for three weekends," You start, "No more than that."
Brahms chuckles, his fingers pressing into your back, "No more than that...why?" He rests his elbow on the table, chin in his palm, "Why the work when I could easily up your pay."
Your lips in a tight line, eyes dry, bugging out as you stare into his, "Savings." You lie.
Brahms slides his arm around your shoulder, his bicep flexing on the back of your neck, his hand running up and down your arm. He leans into your ear, "If by savings, do you mean Dan?"
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hyphypmic · 3 years
HypMic: Pickup Lines
Anon asked: I dunno if you done this but can you do all the boys x female reader doing pick up lines at them and their reactions? ☺☺
Sure! II’ll make this cute uwu
Smiles and then puts a hand on your head
Are you [insert anime character here]? Because you [insert something super sappy.]
He’s the type to blush then scamper away 
After that he passes you a note with a lil math equation to solve and at the end you get an “II love you.” 
He’d go the Ichiro route except he’d be more disaster
“I’ll never be Naruto. Why you ask? Because I’ll never use harem no jitsu when I have the sexiest woman alive!”
Its cringe but its cute and you love it.
You….. dummy.
Then he’d blush and then pass you a cigarette. 
“If you were a cigarette, then I’d smoke you everyday, baby.”
It comes out not as smooth as he likes but it works.
Kisses you on the cheek or on the lips 
Then he squeezes your ass or smtg and whispers something *quite* dirty
Along the lines of “You’re so cute when you do that, bet you’ll look even cuter if…”
His response would be to immediately bring you to the campsite and bring you food 
Because while he is a rapper and has a way with words, he’d rather cook you a meal (that is made of *normal* ingredients) that reminds him of you.
He fires off 6 off the bat and even brings out his mic to say it to the world
You said it once now he won’t stop coming up with at least 2 new ones everyday and honestly you love it.
He’d blush then say thank you. 
Then he’d give you one of his lucky poker chips (or one he stole and never redeemed) and just kisses you in response
Makes a haiku on the spot or an even wittier pickup line
Much like Ramuda he won’t let it drop and he never fails to amaze you with how eloquent he is with them.
He thoughtfully thinks of one and it comes out super sweet and both of you say thank you to each other. 
You’re both quite mature so you just have a good laugh and cuddle trying to think of pickup lines. 
He blushes then says sorry he can’t think of one that would be able to encompass your incredibleness
First he doesn’t get its a pickup line so he says sorry then you walk him through it and then he smiles and blushes and then tries to make one on his own 
It takes a while, maybe even a couple of days and when he says it to you he says sorry right away but you love it and kiss him after
He fires back one immediately because you know, he is experienced
He also is so comfortable with you he can even come up with silly ones for you since you are the special exemption in his fear of women.
He’d snort and laugh and then say you’re cute.
Though he’d be more smiley because you were quite adorable when you said that. 
He’s a lawyer, he has his way with words and he does make a law themed one back at you 
And the both of you end up trying to outdo each other for pickup lines but Hitoya wins and he just kisses you and he said he would love to hear more from you.
No idea what to do so he just sings his response back while he is blushing.
Its a song he’s working on and he says sorry immediately after because he didn’t really know how to respond to that.
He makes a funny one after and even builds on your pickup line to even say a sweeter one back to you while patting your head.
he never fails to make you laugh so he makes sure each one he says is sweet but silly at the same time
He doesn’t know what to say so he rubs the back of his neck and says thank you. He uses an old pickup line in response to that since he’s a lot better at convincing people than making people blush in a cute way. 
Turns red immediately and then tries to think of one
Then he remembers one that his students told him and its pretty funny so both of you get a good laugh out of it <3 
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elysianightsss · 3 years
It’s Just Business - one
Werewolf Steve Rodgers x reader series
Warnings for the series: fluffness, Bucky and Sam bickering like five year olds, smutty smut, bad language.
Part two
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“Buck, I can feel her here.” Steve spoke, his figure frozen as his wolf tried clawing his way out. Fighting to find it’s mate.
“The only people here are the servants.” His beta replied patting his shoulder. “She’ll reveal herself soon enough.”
“Dinner is served.” An old man dressed in a penguin suit said poshly dragging out each syllable. Everyone gathered around the table taking their seats.
The woman of the house whispered something to the older looking maid, though to everyone else except her husband, they all heard it as though she shouted it.
“Get my daughter down here.” The maid scurried off and the woman plastered a fake smile upon her face. A few moments of waiting later, a sweet scent of vanilla, old books and rain filled Steve’s nostrils.
I walked into the dining room my hair swaying behind me, my outfit was too revealing for my mother’s taste, I could see it in her eyes when I walked in, but I suppose that’s why I wore it. Just to see her pissed off expression, it gave me a giddy feeling inside. Flashing a smile to the participants of tonight’s show. I couldn’t wait to see how my parent’s had planned to brag today.
“I apologise for being late.” I spoke clearly, sitting down at the end of the table, opposite to my father who gave me a small nod. I returned the gesture. Food was placed in front of me and my stomach lurched at the fancy pancy sustenance.
“Would so kill for a burger.” I grumbled quietly, but a muffled snort had me looking at a brunette. He wore his hair in a low man bun, his blue eyes deep. His black shirt suited the dark demeanour he held. Blinking away from our locked gazes, I tuned into the shrill sound of my mother’s voice as she conversed with their wonderful benefactors.
That’s who this meal was for. My father, the Mayor, had only a small handful of people he trusted his affairs to. The three people sat at this dining table were some of them. They gave my father his protection against politisions that might try and weave their way into his office. The three men lead an organisation that I wanted to stay far away from, one that snuck inside other organisations and gained power from knowing their secrets.
The other two groups of people gave my father his money and his immunity to do whatever he wanted to people and get away with it. It wasn’t that my father was a bad man, he had just done certain things to get where he was now. Certain things that gave him his status as Mayor, that gave him his money, that gave him all the secrets that filled his pockets.
My parent’s invite their benefactors over for dinner frequently but I always avoided them, with the excuse of studying or extra curricular activities. However this one I couldn’t get out of, I didn’t think of an excuse quick enough. Was too tired that day and now I had to munch on leafy soup instead of my usual burger and fries from my favourite diner.
I took the chance to look around at the other two men. One was a man who I’d actually met before, once at my Father’s office. His name was Sam, he was kind and funny. Made the meeting we had to sit through bearable with his jokes and the gift of sharing my sarcastic language. His dark purple shirt made him look some what posh, though the bored look in his eyes could of made me laugh until my stomach hurt.
The third man was absolutely gorgeous. He was the kind of man I wanted. All rugged and lumberjack like. His dirty blonde hair slightly overgrown, but not enough to be able to tie it back like the brunette. His beard had me clenching my legs together at the thought of beard burn on my thighs. Damn. How can someone be so hot? I didn’t know it was physically possible for a shirt to stretch that much. The dark blue material was clinging to his body for dear life, trying desperately not to break as he moved his arm up and down gulping down the green soup.
It seemed he was trying to eat it quickly, almost getting it over and done with. Better than having to endure the rath of my mother for refusing her ‘finest’ chef’s qu’usine. He seemed to noticed me staring at him but ignored it. His eyes were blue, they reminded me of the ocean. There was something reassuring about it.
“Miss Alexandra,” I looked to my left to see Martha my personal maid, “there’s a very important call for you.” She could hardly contain her excitement, too loud that everyone heard what she said. I glanced towards my mother who nodded, instantly I was out of my seat practically jogging to answer the phone.
“Hello?” I spoke, cringing at the eagerness in my tone.
“Miss. Culling?”
“Yes this is she.”
“This is Townsend University calling about your application for a scholarship. We wanted to let you know personally that we are declining your application. We’re very sorry.” The woman sounded as if she could care less.
“Can I ask the reason why?” My lip quivered making me bite down on it hard.
“You simply have too much money Miss. Culling. I’m sure your parents can help you in securing a place here. Other than that we have no other way to help you, I apologise. Have a good evening.” She hung up after spouting her bitter train of thought.
My breath came out shaky matching my unsteady hand as I placed the phone down. Covering my mouth to stop any sobs from escaping.
“Oh my dear.” Martha wrapped her arms around my shoulders stroking a wrinkled hand through my straightened hair. “Maybe you should call your brother. Not the silly whipper snapper but the golden troublemaker.” She chuckled at the thought of the boys she basically raised. She was right.
“Little sister to what do I owe the honour?”
“Townsend University rejected me.” I fought the tears that wanted nothing more but to ruin the mascara I’d put on earlier this evening.
“Oh Alexandra. I’m so sorry. Did they say why?”
“Our parent’s money. Same as the others. How did you do it Bash?” My foot tapped against the hard wood floor waiting impatiently for some kind of way to fix my problem.
“Back when I was completing mother and father’s task, colleges only cared about having someone of title on their campus to get a higher status. Now all they care about is money.” He scoffed.
“I don’t have any other options left. Bash what do I do?” I begged him to tell me.
“Why don’t you come here for a few days? You can relax while I think of a plan. Get you out of that retched house.” I heard him flipping through a book and I knew it was his calendar.
“Are you sure Lara won’t mind?” I inquired after his pregnant wife.
“Never she adores you, you know that. Just get through the evening little sister and I’ll have a car come pick you up.” He hummed through the phone.
“Thankyou brother.” I hung up and took a series of deep breaths. I sighed making my way back inside the room.
“Who was it my dear?” Mother asked with a slight glare that if anyone else saw it, they’d assume it was motherly concern. I was not anyone else.
“Bash called.” I replied sitting down next to the lumberjack who’s eyes burned a whole in my head.
“Oh our eldest son, he is a delight.” My mother chirped.
“Isn’t he just.” I quipped under my breath. I loved my brother dearly but I couldn’t help but be slightly jealous of the affection he gained from both my parents when I had none.
“I’m staying there for a few days before finals start.” I smiled at her. She seemed to think it over for a moment before glancing at my father.
“I think it’s a good idea.” He shrugged and went back to whatever they were talking about before I came back in.
Soon dinner was over, it took far too long for my liking. My father and his benefactors retired to his office for a while. My mother on the phone to one of her stupid friends bitching about something I didn’t care to listen to. I just wanted this evening to be over.
“Miss, your father would like a word.” Omg did he know already? Did he find out I had failed? No! He couldn’t! He promised to stay out of it until the end of the year. Wiping my sweating hands on my jumpsuit, I knocked on the office door and went in.
My Father’s office wasn’t too big or too small. The double doors I stepped through were made from a dark wood like everything else. There were books covering every inch of the right wall and a window on the left one. In the middle was a big desk my stoic parent sat at. The three men scattered around the room. The brunette sat at the windowsill. The blonde stood leaning against the bookshelf. And Sam sat in the left of the two chairs sitting opposite my fathers desk. I took the right and waited expectantly.
“You’re going to stay with Steve here until the end of summer.” He gestured to the blonde from earlier. Steve Rodgers. That was it? That’s all my father had to stay.
“Why?” I wouldn’t usually question my father but something in me pushed to ask. I had a right to know.
“I said you’d be sent somewhere this year for your survival skills and this is it. Anything could happen at any moment. You could be kidnapped or this very house could be held hostage. I have be sure I’m not worrying about you in case that happens. I need to know that I can focus of the business side of it not emotion.” He grunted. As if he had any emotions at all.
“The end of summer...starting when?” My nails dug into my palms, I started to feel so angry. I was eighteen years old for Christ sake and he was sending me away like he did when I was a child to summer camps so he didn’t have to deal with me.
“After you come back from your brother‘s house.” Suddenly I never wanted to come back from Bash’s house.
“But that’s eight months.” I sputtered, this was ridiculous. He was sending me away for almost a year give or take a few months.
“You dare question me in my own home?” He leaned forward on his desk glaring me down. I had glared back before and had faced the consequences. Not this time.
“No father. I’ll start packing the second I’m home.” I lowered my head.
“Good. Now get out.” I didn’t need to be told twice. The moment the door closed behind me I ran to my room pulling a bag out from my closet, packing what I’d need for a few days away and leaving without a goodbye. The car was already waiting for me just as Bash had promised.
“Thank. You. Bash.” I grinned getting inside the black car and telling the driver to step on it. Thoughts plagued my mind while I gazed out the window at the big trees.
Why was I being sent away? Why so long? Why didn’t my parents love me enough to want me to stay? Was it my fathers idea? How the fuck was I going to make a plan to complete my parent’s task if I’m up in the forest? Was it the forest or mountains? Or both?
But the question I didn’t expect my mind to conjure up left me slapping my hand against my head to pushed it away.
Was I going to enjoy living with the big sexy lumberjack called Steve?
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little-lemon-lattes · 4 years
The Scheme
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🌛Zelda Spellman x fem! reader
—Word count: 1.9k
— Triggers: Mention of murder and burning in a non-violent context
— Summary: We have part 2 to The Set Up! You and Zelda spend a blissful day together since kissing the night before, and make the most of being together before the mortuary fills with life- and typical Spellman scheming- again!
You were on Cloud-fucking-9.
The previous evening, you and Zelda had kissed. It had been truly extraordinary, even better than the few times you had allowed your mind to indulge in that kind of imagery concerning her. You had never felt that good with anyone before; well, minding that you had neither felt for anyone like that of which you had been trying to cover for the astonishing woman.
She currently lay in the grass next to you, cheek resting tentatively on your belly, as you both just watched each other in comfortable silence. Gosh, kissing Zelda had felt SO good that it had been hard to stop at just one. Like now. Her stunningly bright and beautiful green eyes were boring into yours, but you really couldn’t tell if she was trying to send you a signal or was just unwittingly that gorgeous on the daily. Probably the latter. You also had to remind yourself that, EVEN though you two already lived under the same roof, you would take things one step at a time together. The last 24 hours with Zelda had been like a dream, and the Spellman mortuary had a new air to it now that you knew where you stood.
That morning, you had woken just before dawn (which was much earlier than you preferred), likely still on a high from the feel of Zelda’s lips. Rather than lay there attempting to force yourself back to sleep, you rose from your pillow. Perhaps it was your always-lingering insecurity pulling some strings, but it suddenly seemed desperately important to you- then and there at 4:56am- that you find a way of proving to Zelda that she hadn’t made the wrong choice opening up to you the night before. Just one more bonus of Hilda’s disappearance that weekend being that the kitchen was inevitably free, within a few minutes you had decided to make a spot of breakfast to share. You would never admit it out loud, but you were also buzzing to showcase your culinary ability; of which had been somewhat hindered by the unspoken acknowledgement that Hilda was the kitchen witch of the house.
With that, you were out of bed and clothed in a black turtleneck and mom jeans, as you put the finishing touches on a French braid: all by 5:15. THe next two hours flew by as you whipped up black coffee, almond cake, black sausage, eggs, salmon, bagels, mushroom, and tomato. You were just laying out bloody-fleshed plums and yoghurt when you heard gentle footsteps on the landing above you. Smiling softly, you stopped to admire as the woman padded down the stairs, wrapped in a silky black robe and wiping bits of sleep from her eyes. She stopped dead as she spotted the food on the table, hand still raised to her eye.
“Surprise...?” you peeped.
Zelda’s hand flopped to her side as she tilted her head adorably, treating you to a giddy smile. And you were hopeless to try not to smile right back. That there was enough to have made the last two hours worth it. “
“What’s all this, y/n?”
“I, uh... breakfast?”
Zelda couldn’t help smiling a little more at the cute way you had made it seem like a question. “I see that,” she laughed, “but why?”
You forced an expression of mock pain onto your face.
“I am hurt, Spellman, hurt! Does there have to be a reason?”
All she did was raise her eyebrows in disbelief. You supposed it was probably best to build any chance you had together on honesty.
“Okay, FINE. I just... wanted to show you that last night wasn’t a mistake, in case you were having any doubts.”
Zelda trotted, cat-like, down from her post against the railing, and came to rest just half a metre in front of you.
“Why, there was absolutely nothing of the sort. I hardly slept a wink all night; your lips have something of a memorable feel to them, if I am honest.”
And this time, it was her that closed the space between you, snaking her arms around your waist to pull you closer. One long peck later, the bubblegum-pink shade of your cheeks matched hers in perfect unison, as if in competition.
Breakfast was sweet and long, spent thigh to thigh next to each other, chatting about all the things you had been too afraid to ask each other until that point.
The rest of the day was passed laying next to one another in the winter sunshine, beneath an age-old willow tree. After what felt like just minutes since you had arrived (but had really been hours), you pointed to the sky with the hand that wasn’t clasping Zelda’s.
“Look, the sun!”
You received a lazy “hmmm” in response. Twisting to face her on your left, you couldn’t fight your sigh of content. The High Priestess was laying with her eyes closed in utter bliss, the final rays of Sunday’s sunshine dancing across those glorious lashes.
“It’s setting, Zelda. Everyone will be back soon.” you murmured to her. It was as if you had thrown a bucket of ice over her. Cloud 9 disappeared with the snapping open of her eyes. The soft expression that had occupied her visage all day visibly hardened into her more familiar, stoic one. She leapt to her feet, snatching up the open novel beside her and swinging out her hand to you with force. Time and Space closed in around you the moment you took it, and, the next thing you knew, the two of you were outside the mortuary once more.
You turned to her sharply.
“What was that about?” you demanded. Standing silent for a moment, Zelda’s ears visibly pricked. After a few more moments, she seemed appeased, and swivelled to you. Her shoulders were tense, and you took note of her fingernails digging into her palm.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I didn’t mean to be so abrupt. I just... I am enthused about where you and I are headed, y/n, and I’m terrified that others may not share my enthusiasm. I want to enjoy things as they are at present for a while longer, before having to think about who needs to be involved in our business.”
It was understandable, you supposed, and admittedly: there was a certain appeal to keeping things 007-style, like that fantastic mortal film. You relaxed a bit, and instantly felt awful for raising your voice at her.
You reached for the woman’s shoulder.
“You’re right, Zelds. I understand.”
She looked unconvinced.
“Are you sure? You have every right to want to murder me right now, if you so wished. Although, only if you were to bury me in the Cain pit...” she added as an afterthought.
You had to giggle at that one.
“You’re safe for now, Zelda,” you teased, “now, come on! I need to find a good hiding spot for scaring the BANSHEES out of them when they get back!”
Hilda, Sabrina, and Ambrose literally stomped their feet in sheer disappointment when they arrived back at the house and hadn’t caught the pair of you locked in some form of intimate embrace.
“Aw man! What will I tell my friends?! I had Roz totally excited about y/n finally getting some action... Like, she seriously admitted that she had this big crush on her when she first met her; whiiiiich definitely earned a few looks from Harvey, to say the least. The take-away from it all is that we now know exactly how fragile that guy’s ego is, YIKES, is all I can say.”
All the while, Ambrose was muttering a consistent string of “fuck”s under his breath, and Hilda was deciding whether to scald Sabrina’s ass to Hades and back.
“Sabrina!” her aunt admonished in disbelief, “how could you be so careless?! If any of this gets back to your aunt Zelda, we should consider ourselves excommunicated from her presence for good!”  
All of them fought a cringe. Sabrina looked a bit sheepish.
Hilda turned to Ambrose.
“And what about you, mister? What’s with the constant profanities?”
Ambrose took a step back from his aunt, nobody was sure whether consciously or not. “Erm...hm. Yes. Well. I-” his sputtering was resembling a car trying to start up. Ambrose’s eyes suddenly seemed unable to reach past the witches’ knees.
  “-um. Damn. Hecate, yes, I have... just lost a particularly large sum of money to one Dorian Gray.”
Hilda’s eyes were ready to pop out of her head.   “I was so unequivocally certain that our plan would work! Now where I am supposed to come up with $1000?!”
He was a little manic. The only one of the three who seemed somewhat happy about Ambrose’s situation was Sabrina, sticking a finger at him. “HA! Now that makes what I did so much better!”
Her plum-coloured lips parted with glee, and without warning, her and her travel bag had disappeared. Ambrose made a furious mental note to pour formaldehyde in her evening tea for leaving him here alone. When he had finally built up the courage to look his otherwise cheery aunt in the eyes again, a flash of fear struck him at the murderous look in hers. A low growl exited her throat.
“Well,” she snapped, “I suppose there will be no more silly little attempts on our part to play Cupid.”
As quickly as it had started, her anger dissipated, and was replaced by a certain sadness. Her mouth raised just a fraction, into a tired little smile.
“ ’just thought that Zelds could do with something nice for once. We failed. It didn’t work.”
With that, she picked up her carpet bag and shuffled off up the stairs. Ambrose watched her go, now a lone silhouette in the entrance of their home.
Or so he thought. You waited until Ambrose had moodily trudged down to the embalming room before emerging from your spot in the broom closet. Sniffling a little from all the dust- those things hadn’t been flown for years, SO old fashioned- you felt a mix of emotion at what you had just heard. You hadn’t intended on becoming an audience to some type of scheme, and especially not one of which involved you.
At first, there was embarrassment. You hadn’t realised that your feelings were apparently so obvious! Paired with the fact that Zelda’s must have been too in order to warrant such a matchmaking scheme; along with that you had truly thought that you had done a superb job at keeping it all under wraps, you were left feeling a bit stupid. But then came the funny side of it all, imagining Hilda, Ambrose, and Sabrina sneaking about like the Pink Panther and holding secret meetings about your love life. And finally came the warmth, the realisation of exactly how much the Spellmans had grown to care for you- so much that they trusted you to love Zelda as much as they did.
The whole situation was entirely too much of an opportunity to just leave alone. Grinning with total delight and schemes cooking of your own, you rematerialised in Zelda’s study at the Academy. The loud CRACK that accompanied that particular piece of magic made the woman flinch. Her brow crinkled at the sight of you in front of her great oaken desk. She was a little taken aback, and (it delighted you even more) flustered to see you there.
“Zelda. I NEED to tell you what I just heard!”
A game was now afoot.
And your opponents weren’t finished yet either.
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artisticflutter · 3 years
AU August - Day Twenty-Five: Royalty
I’LL BE ON TODAY’S PROMPT SOON. I just got tired after work yesterday that I didn’t finish its prompt either.
Series: Final Fantasy IX Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff Pairing(s): Zidagger (Zidane x Garnet) Summary: There are a few who oppose the two marrying, but they could go about it better and maybe not involve the kids. Warning: Considering the ending, I can say this is an AU still lol
Despite some objections, Queen Garnet Til Alexandros XVII married Zidane. Any grumbles and guffaws came from those that still held negative opinions of the man (he was a lowly actor, he was a thief, he’d kidnapped the current Queen! It was his fault the King of Treno was missing!), but the public was ecstatic. They loved and adored the young man who had apparently helped save the world even among other kingdoms his name was celebrated.
There was hope she would awaken from whatever ‘spell’ she’d fallen under shortly after the ceremony and do the proper thing: throw him in jail.
But five years…
And two young princesses were born…
Oh dear, it looked as though the Queen wouldn’t be disposing of the man as they hoped.
Begrudgingly, a few caved and began addressing him with the title blessed upon him by the union and Queen’s Counsel. And the moment they caved, they turned, and those brave enough to remain disgruntled by the Queen’s decision plotted, attempted, and failed to separate them. The ‘King’ had been fairly amused with their repeated tries and held the Queen back from punishing them. So, try and try again, but with their last plot, they thought there was a chance.
“... And so, you had our youngest child’s nursemaid attacked, replaced her with your servant, and attempted to terrorize her and make her think her father was a despicable monster?” Garnet reiterated as she sat on her throne, holding her hands over her once again growing stomach. If there was but one good thing about the ‘King’ to them, it was they were a fruitful couple. It would do good to give them an actual father, but the Queen was very cross.
“Your Majesty, we were only concerned. Her skills as Her Highness’s nursemaid were lacking…”
“Yes, and her recommendation was questionable.”
“So, now you question Lady Hildegarde?” Garnet inquired, her dark eyes turning colder. Looks were exchanged - they might not have known that detail. “Our nursemaid was recommended as she’s the eldest daughter of Lady Hildegarde’s own nursemaid from her childhood which I’m sure you all know.”
No one had words. A few even paled because they knew the woman in reference.
“We’re fortunate she was caught after this one attempt. Did any of you even consider our daughter’s health right now that the nursemaid was tending to at all hours?”
They… might have neglected to remember the youngest Princess was recovering from a bout with fever.
The Queen rose to her feet, thunderous fury rolling off her in waves despite her composure. “I’m done. I know you refuse to acknowledge whom I’ve decided to choose as my King, but now you put our child in danger. If she had an attack at any moment during this newest act against him, I would be considering a worse sentence!”
They cringed and ducked their heads further.
“It’s apparent you care not for the well-being of one let alone the well-being and health of this Kingdom or its neighbors. Therefore, all of your names and those of co-conspirators are ineligible to attempt courting any of our children in the future. To be so selfish, your actions have become inexcusable.”
“B-But Your Majesty, our children were born the same day! It would be auspicious to…!”
“It would have been, but no more. All of you are dismissed.”
Exchanging looks, they slowly departed; and as they did, they passed the King heading in, cradling the youngest Princess while his tail was coiled around the eldest following at his side.
“Dagger…” There was that commoner nickname she kept letting him use… “I managed to get her to take her medicine. She’ll be okay while we wait for Mary to return.”
“Thank goodness. I should have done it, but…”
“It’s okay. I needed time with her anyway, right?”
A lingering pair of eyes watched the royal couple step closer and pass the sleeping infant between hands. The Queen’s furious visage melted as she accepted her child and cradled her to her chest, kissing the little horn on her forehead. And once that was done, Zidane’s tail uncoiled and he picked up the four-year old Princess. “You did great looking out for your little sister. You’ll be the same when your new sibling’s born, right?”
A fierce bobbing head and bright smile from the little Princess was the last vision seen before the doors to the throne room closed.
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kairos-polaris · 3 years
Revelations and not so secret crushes
A little gift for @bunathebunny . Also @miraculousmelodies , like I promised
People make mistakes all the time. And it's okay! Failure is a part of progress and if you never fail, then you don't do anything at all.
One may argue that mistaking potions for milk and eating someone's special macaroons wasn't this type of mistake. "He should have been more careful," they say. But did you try to make coffee in a kitchen littered with potions while also being sleep deprived? No? Thought so.
The last paragraph was specifically written for Dick's younger brothers, Jason Todd and Tim Drake. Those two decided that it was a great idea to make fun of their dearest elder brother and his very unfortunate mistake. And even if Tim was perfectly aware of struggles that came with making coffee while being sleep deprived, he didn't have to worry that white liquid may be a potion, not milk.
But in the end Dick was very grateful for that small mistake. It has resolved several conflicts and had very unpredictable consequences.
It was morning. Just a normal winter morning. You know, when it's too dark and far too cold and you don't want to leave your bed? That was a morning like that.
Normal men don't get up at six a.m but Richard "Dick" Grayson wasn't one. And it's good, because his family was neither normal nor sane.
"Being normal is boring," his girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would say. If it were someone else, Dick would wholeheartedly agree with them while hanging upside down from the chandelier in the manor.
But because it was Marinette, Dick had to immediately assume she hasn't been sleeping or eating healthy for the last 48 hours. Usually, he was wrong, but he did enjoy taking care of her.
Another proof that shows how much Dick Grayson isn't a normal or sane man is vigilantism. You see, normal people deal with trauma by talking about it with a therapist or their friends. And do you know what did Dick do? He donned his family's colour and decided to beat up criminals. What a great idea! And Bruce Wayne allowed it because, apparently, fighting crime is an appropriate hobby for a nine-year-old boy. (Don't worry, Brucie, we know that Dick Grayson is too stubborn and he forced you to make him your sidekick, we don't blame you much)
No matter how much not normal or insane Dick was, he was a good man who wanted to help people. That's why he didn't complain to Bruce about being tired after patrols. Much.
It didn't mean he didn't complain to Marinette though. Hugs and kisses were an added bonus to her being a very good listener. But that morning Marinette was too busy to even notice him. Dick tried his hardest to swallow his disappointment. He knew how important every commission was to Marinette. It was her passion and her life.
He sighed with the most miserable expression he could muster but Marinette didn't even look up. She continued sewing and ignoring his brilliant performance. Dick huffed with annoyance. How could she ignore him when he was sitting on their bed looking so sad and exhausted and hot?
Kitchen was the best room in their apartment. It was also the safest one because of Marinette's protection charms and spells. There was always a faint smell of pastry and delicious food.
Preparing coffee was completely mechanical. His tiredness didn't let him comprehend his own actions. That's why he didn't notice the strange taste of the drink as he should have.
Dick immediately felt better after finishing his coffee. He felt like a burden was lifted from his shoulders. It made him think about Marinette. His lovely girlfriend. He wanted to, no, he craved to see her. He could bet she smelled amazing.
Marinette was still working when he entered their room (she preferred her bedroom to any office). His heart swelled with tenderness at the image before him. Marinette was biting her lip, strands of hair in her face. She was also wearing his sweater, which made him roll his eyes, because it was the very same sweater he had lost. She was so concentrated that she didn't even notice him entering their bedroom.
Dick slowly approached Marinette to not spook her. "I love you, Cupcake," he confessed out of blue. Marinette jumped at the sound of his voice making Dick cringe internally. "I'm sorry for startling you, Mari." The woman just laughed and took off her glasses. Apparently, sewing in deem light isn't good for your eyes. And how could she know that?
"No, don't be sorry. I should pay more attention to my surroundings," Marinette suddenly stopped mid sentence. "I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier, Birdy. Do you want a hug?" Dick grinned at her offer and immediately scooped her in his arms.
"I know it's been a stressful week. What do you think about staying in bed the whole day? We can watch a movie. We can watch the Ladybug one and make fun of inaccuracies. Or any other superhero movie," he ranted excitedly. Marinette laughed a little and pulled back slightly. Dick's was adorable, but Marinette had a feeling that he wouldn't appreciate her laugh.
"I have to finish this dress for Clara, you know that," Marinette sighed tiredly. She really wanted to take a break and spend the day with her boyfriend. He always knew when she was too tired to continue working. Maybe, today was a day like that?
It was unfair to keep Marinette from her passion and Dick knew it. But! He wanted to spend some time with his wonderful girlfriend. It wasn't his fault she was the cutest person he has ever met. And he still couldn't make her choose between her passion and him. Dick sighed and started moving slowly to let Marinette out.
"Hey, I didn't say no," Marinette laughed at his hopeful gaze. "Yes, I would really like to spend more time with you."
And that's how Marinette found herself suffocating in a tight grip of her boyfriend. She actually didn't mind it. Feeling his weight on her body was the best feeling ever. It reminded her that he was with her, grounded her, when she was too concentrated on her work.
Marinette didn't really focus on the movie that was playing. Something was off and she couldn't focus. Dick was talking but she couldn't understand a word so focused on her feelings.
"...Marinette? Marinette?" Dick's worried voice drew her out of haze. She could see concern in his eyes so she tried smiling as reassuring as possible. Dick didn't seem convinced but hard lines on his face relaxed a little bit.
"I'm sorry. I dozed off. Cuddling with you always makes me sleepy, you know that." Dick sighed and hugged her even tighter. "What were you talking about?"
"I wanted your opinion about the next Titan's mission. You see, Wally has offered this strategy…"
Marinette listened to his every word very attentively. His excitement was obvious in every line and small movement. He was proud of Wally and his ideas, he wanted to share it with her.
"Do you know that you've spent more time complimenting Wally than actually relaying his strategy?" Marinette asked with a teasing smile. His face and neck were immediately covered with red spots.
"I… I… I have a crush on Wally!" Dick blurted out and Marinette felt like all air from her lungs disappeared. Colour left Dick's face immediately after realising what he had said. He started babbling how much he loved her, how important she was for him, he kissed her cheeks and hands. But all Marinette could focus on was that… she had lost a bet. Jason would be unbearable for the next several weeks. Or maybe even months. Marinette shuddered at the thought.
"Marinette, please, say something. Please. I'm sorry," Dick was clearly panicking and for a moment Marinette wanted to prank him. Pretend that she was hurt and then explain that it was because of her bet with Jason. But it felt too cruel, so she took his hand and smiled reassuringly.
"I knew it," she said, and Dick's bewildered expression was worth her honesty. "And it's okay, because it's possible to love multiple people at the same time. You loving Wally doesn't mean you don't love me." Dick stayed still for a long moment before leaning to her and knocking her breath out with a kiss. Marinette tried to lean away but he chased her lips every time, continuing kissing her.
"I love you so much. I don't know what I have done to deserve someone like you, but I will keep you until the end of the Universe," he whispered into her lips when they finally pulled a part.
"I love you, too. And falling for you felt like the easiest thing in the world," she said breathlessly, making Dick snort. He let out an involuntary whine when she leaned even further away.
"Why were you so upset?" Dick asked after several minutes of silence. Marinette murmured something into his shirt but he couldn't understand a word. "Can you repeat it please? I didn't understand a word you've said."
"Because I've lost a bet," she repeated just barely louder, but thankfully Dick heard her clearly this time.
"A bet?" he asked with the most confused and bewildered expression possible.
"You see, both Jason and I knew about your crush on Wally. And one day we were bored, so we started talking about you two. Jason said that you would blurt it out during an inappropriate moment but I thought you would sit me down and explain everything. So now, because of you I will have to give Jason 10 dollars," Marinette explained, carefully gouging hir reaction.
Dick prepared himself to hear a lot of different explanations. They varied from "I was surprised and didn't know how to react" to "I am unhappy with this and everything I said was for your comfort". He did not expect that the reason for her surprise was a bet. A bet. With his brother. His brother who also knew about his crush on Wally.
"How… How did you two find out? I thought I was doing a great job concealing my baby crush."
"Oh, it was so hard! You totally don't look at him with a stupid lovesick grin. And you totally don't laugh at his stupid jokes. You don't hold hands and touch each other all the time. You don't look both at me and him when you make jokes or laugh. Oh no! You do all of that and more!" Marinette exclaimed with a fake surprise.
"...I do?" Dick asked, his voice so small. "And you really don't mind it?"
"I really don't mind. As I said before, I'm secure in our relationship and I know that you love me. Also, I really like Wally. You have a good taste," Dick's smile at her words was brighter than thousands of suns. He picked her up and started spinning her around. Marinette's laugh filled their apartment, and in that moment Dick knew everything was going to be alright.
Later, much later, Dick was panicking. Everything sounded so easy when Marinette was with him. "Just go and confess to him,"she said. "I'm sure he feels the same," Marinette said, patient as ever, when Dick was panicking about every possible negative outcome.
"What if he rejects me? What if he wants me to break up with you?" he asked Marinette then. He tugged his hair from the frustration, but Marinette just smiled and took his hands.
"If he rejects you, I will hold you until you feel better. We will eat ice cream and watch cheesy movies. And Wally is a good person, I'm sure he would never ask us to break up." Dick briefly thanked all gods for giving him Marinette before leaning in to kiss her.
"I love you," he murmured into her lips.
But now he was alone in their apartment, because, unlike him, Marinette had a job to do. Dick sighed the tenth time in a row. He didn't have to worry about Marinette's reaction to his confession, because she was the one who had asked him out. "I don't hesitate anymore," she had said with a brilliant smile.
Well, Dick knew one thing for sure: he was a coward and would never confess to Wally without Marinette being there. And he couldn't ask anyone for advice. How does one explain that they are in love with two people at the same time? Should he just google it?
His musings were interrupted by a series of long knocks and a loud voice. Was it Jason screaming. "Hey, Dickhead, asking someone to hangout with you and then not showing up is such a dick move!" Yes, that was Jason. Dick scowled before remembering that he had invited Jason and Tim to spend time together.
He grinned and leaped out of the bedroom. Hanging out with his brothers would be a perfect excuse to not confess to Wally! A great timing on their part.
"Hey, guys..!" he was rudely interrupted by a shirt thrown into his face.
"Get dressed, Dickie bird. I don't want to see proofs of you and Pixie having a healthy sexual life." Dick flushed bright red when he realized that he was naked. He ran back to his bedroom followed by both Tim's and Jason's laugh. God, how embarrassing.
Wally was bored. He felt like he could die from boredom. And the day had started so nicely. He woke up early and prepared himself a very tasty cup of tea. Wally finished every small task around his apartment. He started reading several different books but none of them piqued his interest. There was nothing interesting on TV.
Wally sighed again. And again. And again. He felt like an aristocrat, laying on his coach with a wine glass full of water in his hand. The only thing missing was a manor. And nicer clothes. And servants. And wine. Actually, a lot of things were missing.
Jason's invitation to hangout felt like a blessing. Finally, something interesting to do. His heart totally didn't flutter in his chest when he found out that Dick would be there, too. No, sir, no. Dick was his best friend and nothing more. He was also dating Marinette, Wally's another very good friend.
Wally was the first one to arrive at the bar Dick had offered to meet in. It took all of his mental strength to not start bouncing from all the energy.
"Hi, Wally," Wally's smile dimmed a little when he realized it was Jason, not Dick. "I thought Dickie would be here first. You know, considering it was his idea."
Wally nodded at Jason's words. He thought he would have at least several minutes alone with Dick, who seemed to avoid him lately. And if he did pay attention to Wally, Marinette would always be there. It wasn't a bad thing per se, because Marinette was amazing, but Wally wanted some alone time with his best bro.
"I wonder why," Wally mussed at loud. Jason smiled in agreement and started talking about neutral themes. Wally could do that. After a day of pure boredom everything was interesting.
Twenty minutes later Tim was there, but Dick was nowhere in sight. Wally frowned. Did something happen? Dick would never miss family hangouts.
"You are late, Replacement," Jason chided Tim, conveniently forgetting he himself came later. Wally laughed at the sheer hypocrisy, but it was a very Jason move.
"Well, Dick is not here, so I don't think it counts," Tim shrugged. He was holding a half-empty cup of coffee (what else could it be?) and clearly needed more sleep. Wally internally shook his head. Sleeping as little as Tim was surely wasn't good for his health. Where were Dick and Bruce looking?
"Where is Dick anyway?" Jason asked, letting out an annoyed huff. "Did he do that so Timmy and I could hang out together? Not a very smart move, because I can just leave now and he will never know."
"He could have just forgotten about it," Wally suggested. He was met with two doubtful gazes. "Yeah, it's very unlikely. Something has happened and he can't leave?"
"Why didn't he say anything then?" Jason asked. He was leaning down on the wall of the bar with a small frown. "We should call him or Marinette."
"Marinette is working so she can't know where he is. We should call Dick directly," Tim said, already holding his phone. He was the one who dialed Dick, but Dick didn't answer not after the first call, nor the second, nor the third. Wally was worried. Dick always answered when someone called. Something must have happened.
"I was right. We should go and check on him. Should we walk or should I run to his apartment?" Wally asked, worry laced in his voice.
"Let's ride. I parked my car nearby," Tim said and turned around, walking to his car. Wally looked at Jason who just shrugged and went after Tim. Well, it seemed like he didn't have a choice then.
The ride to Dick's apartment felt longer than it should have. Wally was burning from all the anxious energy. What if something has happened to Dick? What if they were too late? What if Dick just didn't want to see them? Wally didn't know what would hurt more.
The apartment's doors were locked, which was a good sign. It meant that nobody had broken inside. It also meant that they couldn't enter. Fortunately, Tim had his own key so it wasn't a problem. ("Marinette gave it to me," Tim answered Wally's silent question. "She wanted me to know that I'm always welcome here". "Oh, Pixie didn't give me my own key! Does she not want to see my handsome face?" Jason asked more dramatically than needed. Wally totally wasn't disappointed that he didn't have his own key. It didn't mean that Dick didn't trust him, right?)
The apartment was clean, no visible signs of someone breaking in. Wally looked around, trying to find some clues that would help to understand the situation. Jason yelled something, but Wally didn't pay enough attention to understand him.
Wally turned around at the sound of Dick's voice only to look away immediately. He did not expect to see Dick naked. Wally blushed, thinking about the man's muscles and biceps, small scars on his chest and arms, scratches, and hickeys… Wally paled immediately. Oh, yes, hickeys, because Dick Grayson, his best friend, was dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Wally couldn't let himself forget.
It was easier to think after Dick had left. Now, Wally didn't have to use all of his mental strength to not ogle his best friend. Wally wondered why he had reacted this way. It's not like he had never seen Dick naked before. "You saw him when you were changing. You were both naked then. But here, it's much more intimate," his traitorous mind whispered.
"I'm not waiting for the golden boy to get dressed. I'm going to the kitchen. Pixie always has something sweet there," Jason said and walked out of the living room. Wally looked at Tim who just shrugged and followed his brother. Well, it seemed like he had no choice but to go to the kitchen.
The room was full of light and delicious smells. The table was littered with numerous vials, pastry, herbs, and other things Wally couldn't identify. He breathed out, feeling more relaxed than ever, despite his complicated feelings. Marinette's presence and influence were obvious there, and she always had the way to make people feel better. She was just magic that way.
"Wally! I didn't know you were here," Dick's excited voice interrupted his thoughts. Wally didn't even hear him coming in. Do not think about his body. Do not think about his body. Do not think about his body. "I'm really sorry about forgetting our hangout. I'm deeply ashamed."
"You wish I said "it's okay, I forgive you". But I won't! I will always tease you about it, so get ready!" said Jason, while rummaging through a freezer. "Where is milk, Dickhead? I wanted to make a cup of tea for myself, but I can't find anything here."
"Oh, we ran out of milk," Dick replied easily before a panicked expression settled on his face. "Wait… If we ran out of milk, then what did I add to my coffee this morning?"
"Welp, I hope it wasn't one of Marinette's potions," Wally offered sympathetically, but one look at Dick's panicked expression hinted that it was most likely what had happened. And wasn't that funny? Judging by Jason's laugh, he also thought it was hilarious.
"We can call her and ask about the effects of that particular potion?" Tim offered, trying to be serious but burst out laughing. Dick did not appreciate the lack of concern from his brothers. What if the potion hurt him and the effects could never be reversed? "It's very funny, but we really should call Marinette. We don't know how it can affect Dick. It could be really harmful," Tim said after calming down. Even Jason stopped laughing.
They did call Marinette. It must have been the smartest decision in several hours. But she didn't answer. Calling her five more times didn't help. They just were directed to voicemail. Marinette's cheery voice telling them "Hi! You've reached Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm very sorry, but I'm busy and can't answer you right now. You can leave me a message and I will call you later! Bye!" didn't help.
"And what should we do?" Wally asked, interrupting the awkward silence. Well, it wasn't awkward per se, but Jason desperately trying and failing to suppress his laugh did make Dick feel uncomfortable.
"You can try and recall everything that happened. This way we can know how exactly the potion affected you," Tim offered with a small shrug. "Start from the morning and up until this moment."
"I was really tired after patrol last night, so I tried complaining to Marinette, but she was too busy so she ignored me. I decided to make a cup of coffee. I actually felt better after it, but I had this strange need to go and hug Marinette, tell her how much I love her." Wally totally didn't feel a pang in his chest. He wasn't jealous. He didn't want Dick to confess to him, because they were best friends and nothing more.
"What happened next? Or are you hiding something?" Seemingly innocent questions (especially, considering it was Jason who asked) flustered Dick so much he was completely red. He's so handsome…no, bad, Wally, stop. "Oh, you are hiding something."
"Marinette and I cuddled, while watching movies," Dick answered, still as red as a tomato. "And then we had sex!"
Wally wasn't jealous Wally wasn't jealous Wally wasn't jealous Wally wasn't jealous Wally wasn't… Oh, he was so jealous
This time silence was certainly awkward. Very awkward. Dick was burning from embarrassment. Wally was trying to convince himself he wasn't jealous. Tim was thinking about anything other than his brother's love life.
And only Jason was amused. The day was working out great for him. He won 10 dollars. Yes, it wasn't much, but the satisfaction of winning the bet with Marinette was worse so much more. It would be even better if Dick blurted out that he has a crush on Wally with him nearby. But it seemed that his dearest older brother would rather embarrass himself than confess.
"Is it everything? Because I think you have left out something," but Dick just glared at him. Well, time for big guns. "Were you and Pixie talking about something? Something very important? Something that will have a big influence on your relationship?" he then feigned a scandalised gasp. "Did you confess that you have cheated on her?! Did you cheat on Marinette?!"
Dick's glare was the funniest thing in the world, and Jason's snickers just made him angrier. "Nothing like! I just told her that I have a crush on Wally!" His satisfied expression slowly morphed into one of shock. "I meant to say that I had told her about my crush on Wally! No, not that! About patrol! Yes, patrol!"
"Your crush on me?" Wally asked, his voice small and soft. He clearly was shocked by Dick's confession. He looked even more surprised than Dick was. "Are you serious?"
Tim felt like he was in a tv drama. Secret crushes? Check? Oblivious main characters? Check? Mean brother Jason? Check. The drama of the reveal? Check. Friends to lovers? Check? Another love interest? Check. The only difference was Marinette. That woman certainly wasn't the "evil and annoying wife". He briefly wondered how she had reacted, but judging that Dick was still alive she was very nice.
"How unpredictable, how surprising," Jason stage whispered, leaning down to Tim. This time both Wally and Dick glared, which was somehow even more amusing. Even Tim was cackling.
"Get out of here. I… Wally and I have to talk about my stupid slip. Go!" Dick shouted, basically throwing them out of the kitchen. Tim and Jason exchanged a knowing look and burst out laughing. Knowing that it pissed Dick off made them laugh even harder.
Dick didn't know what to say or how to react. He wanted to wait for Marinette to confess to Wally. She would know what to say and how to explain his feelings better than he could ever do. Her presence would give him strength and courage. He didn't want to blurt it out. Again. He was an idiot and Wally would never like him back.
"So, you like me?" Wally asked with a nervous chuckle. His crush liked him. His crush liked him. His crush liked him. Wally could not believe it was real and he wasn't dreaming.
"I..yes. Yes, I do," Dick stated, more confident than before. "You are smart, amazing, and incredible. You have a beautiful smile that lights up every room. Your plans are brilliant, but you don't always see it. You are very important to me so yes, I like you."
Wally felt like his head was spinning from Dick's compliments and the sincerety in his eyes. Blush rised to his cheeks. He was at loss of words. How should he react?! Compliment him back?
"I… I really like you, too," Wally finally answered, his throat dry from nerves. Dick broke in a brilliant, brighter than the sun grin. "How did Marinette react to that?"
"Do you want her exact words or just generally?" Dick asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, she said that polyamory exists and that me loving you doesn't mean I love her any less," Dick answered with the same gentle smile he always had when talking about Marinette. But this time Wally didn't feel envious or jealous. Dick suddenly looked more nervous than before. "Would you date me? You don't have to date Marinette, but I don't want to break up with her, you know?"
Wally didn't know. He has heard about polyamory and open relationships before, of course. He didn't know what to do or how to act. Would he and Marinette have to share Dick? Would they have a schedule, so they could spend time with Dick? Would they have to be together all the time? But Wally did know that honesty was important in every type of relationship so he took a deep breath and explained everything to Dick.
"Well, neither I nor Marinette have the experience of dating two people at once, so we will have to figure it out. Trials and errors, you know?" Dick offered with a small 0shrug. He looked away, suddenly more nervous than before. His main concern was confessing to Wally, he didn't think how the whole thing would work. "We can try anyway."
"We can try, yeah," Wally repeated with a small smile.
"Now kiss!" Jason groaned from annoyance and lack of patience. Dick felt blush from embarrassment (the amount of times he blushed today was concerning). Jason was not affected by his glare at all. "Well, I'm waiting. Marinette wanted to see your first kiss and I promised her to take a picture," he said gesturing to his phone.
"We won't kiss on camera. We can wait for Marinette," he growled before realising that he hadn't asked Wally how he would feel. Dick could hope the sudden realisation wasn't obvious, but judging by Jason's and Tim's expressions they both have noticed. Nothing to lose then. "Would you mind kissing me with Marinette there? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Wally was silent for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. "We can try, I guess," he said before realising one very crucial detail Dick had missed. "When did you two return? Because I remember Dick throwing you out of here."
"When Dick confessed to you? I'm not sure," Tim said with the same tone one would discuss weather, not their brother's love life. Jason nodded in agreement. "Now, we can leave you two alone. Right, Jason?"
"Eh, we all have to make sacrifices for the happiness of our elder brothers," Jason said with a dramatic gasp, but nothing new, nothing new. "Let's go, Timmy, let's go. We are not welcome here." Wally could swear he had heard Tim mutter "it's not like I am the one who suggested to leave" under his breath.
"So, are we waiting for Marinette?" he asked with a nervous chuckle. God, having Dick's undivided attention and being completely alone with him was a nerve-wracking experience. Wally locked his eyes on Dick's lips. They looked even better than usual. Was it because he could kiss him now? Must be. "No, I wanted to kiss you for too long to wait even a second more," Dick murmured before leaning towards Wally.
Kissing Dick blew up his mind. It wasn't something Wally hoped would ever happen but desperately wanted to. Dick's lips were a little bit chapped, just enough to notice but not enough to make their kiss uncomfortable. Wally didn't want to lean away even for a second to take a breath. If it was his last kiss with Dick (and it certainly wasn't), he would enjoy for as long as he could.
"It was just like I imagined it," Wally blurted out when they stopped kissing. He felt breathless and higher than ever.
"So you imagined kissing me?" Dick asked with a smug smile. "Well, I am me and I'm awesome."
"Where was the confidence when you were panicking about confessing to Wally?" Dick and Wally immediately wiped their head towards the voice. There was standing Marinette with a teasing smile and a Polaroid in her hands. "Don't worry! I wasn't standing here creepily and watching you two make out! I just took a photo and left immediately. Didn't want to intrude," she explained upon noticing Dick's and Wally's reaction.
"Why did you take a photo?" asked Dick.
"For my scrapbook, my heart. I have a photo of our first kiss, our first date, from the day we moved in, and when we finally organized everything. And I wanted to have photos of every important milestone in your relationship, too," Marinette explained, while moving gracefully around the kitchen. Her chaotic moves seemed to have a complicated system Dick couldn't understand.
Wally… didn't know what to say. Sure, he knew that Marinette wasn't against their relationship, but he didn't expect her to be so supportive and kind. He felt warmth bloom in his chest. He wasn't in love with Marinette, but right at that moment, in hers and Dick's cluttered kitchen, he felt like falling for her was the easiest thing ever.
But they still had some questions for Marinette to answer.
"Marinette, you love me, right?" Dick waited for Marinette to nod in agreement before continuing talking. "I may or may not have drunk one of your potions! But it was an accident!"
Marinette sighed tiredly. Then she sighed again. And again. And again. Wally stopped counting after five consecutive sighs. She pinched the bridge of her nose before talking again. "It's okay. I shouldn't leave my potions in the kitchen if I don't want anyone to accidentally drink them. I'm not mad, not disappointed. Accidents happen and it's not your fault. I just need you to tell me from what vial you took it and how it affected you, okay?"
It didn't take long for Marinette fo realise what potion Dick had taken. And when she did, she burst out laughing. Unfortunately, Dick and Wally didn't share her knowledge of magic, so they couldn't appreciate the irony of the situation without her help.
"I've been trying to make a way to free kwami. Tbe potion you've drunk? It's a result of my experiments. It didn't free kwami but it freed you," Marinette explained before laughing again. And this time Dick and Wally did join her.
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valkyriecain · 4 years
hi, I noticed in your recent post you mentioned about the skulduggery pleasant books being written autonomously. I used to read the books years ago but I am not up to date. if I may ask you, did the author do something bad?
ok so listen there's so much to this and i have what is commonly known as Sieve Brain but im gonna recall the "highlights" in bullet points because if not we will Die Here. important factors, before new stans be calling me bitter and unjustified: i had been a fan since 2008, first met derek irl in 2010 and from that point became really close to him. i considered him a friend, and i believe he considered me the same. i worshipped him unapologetically, which he loved.
and none of this should put you off loving SP! i still hold this series very dear and still buy any new releases, though it pains me knowing derek gets the money. I just really have to distance the books from him.
here you go:
things were "fine" until the release of desolation, the second book in the demon road series (for reference, i ADORED DR. didn't just hate it out of spite because it wasn't SP). myself and other fans took issue with this book because the main character, who was a sheltered 16 year old girl, was presented in an INCREDIBLY painful scene to read where a 20 year old woman who is tending to her after she's been in a brawl and coerces Amber (protag) into kissing her. they then date. it's messy as fuck, but honestly I'd level with the age gap if it wasn't so Male Porn Fantasy and vaguely rapey. myself and another Mega Fan moonie ended up sharing private emails with derek about how we felt discomforted by this and let down by him, and after honestly emotionally draining ourselves and digging deep to be honest with a man we've never wanted to fault, his eventual conclusion was an eloquently phased "you're being over sensitive and I'm sorry you've made yourself feel like this," and refused to acknowledge any fault. that's a VERY shortened version. for myself and moonie it was really long and messy and tiresome and incredibly heartbreaking tbh.
now, i said things were "fine" but they weren't, we were just deluded as fuck. so heres a vaguely timelined bullet pointing of what happened BEFORE Creepy Lesbian and after1811. I'm sure anything I miss moonie will RB with lol her brain works a lot better than mine
•  valcain is based on dereks Ex Best Friend (much open to speculation), who was his 12 year old krav maga student when he was in his 30s, this is how they met. get on ur monocles my friends. she now seems to have nothing to do with him and no input on the books where she was previously heavily involved. in old blog posts he sexualised the IRL val when she attended an event with him, she was in her teens.
• in KOTW derek name dropped my OC (harmony blake, fact check me), at the time I was OVERJOYED. looking back, she was fucking serpine. i believe i was 17 at this time.
• myself and my own Ex BF had our chosen names dropped in LSODM (for memory). they had BOTH fucked saracen. if you missed it, derek confirmed that saracen is his self insert :^) me being a silly prick was having a jolly old time
honestly I don't remember my irl meetings with derek being overly creepy, but back then I adored him, so? idk. the one thing I remember which made me uncomfortable at the time, was myself and a couple of other mega fans who were all in a friend group got invited to his house. he had a cap shield from the first avenger and we all took turns holding it. I was wearing a t shirt and shorts, so when I held it, I said "it looks like I'm nekked behind here" because it did. and he did a little "heh" and sort of looked like he was imagining it. it was bleh. anyway
• LAURAGATE. dereks gf. she's 26. he's 40something now, whatever, who cares, right? oh wait yeah she was a 17 year old fan when they first met at a signing, that's right. he referred to her in his blog as "the blond with the legs".  they started emailing. 2013 was their First Date, I believe she'd just turned 18, or was just off being 19. I was at this signing so I can tell you how skeevy it looked. she actually queued up to see him and have her photo taken mid signing which is weird as FUCK and paints a clear picture of how fucked this situation was. there's more to this day but it's just shit garnish on diarrhea soup tbh
• derek totally distances from the Big Fan base. be this because we criticised him, because we know the gross ins and outs of his and lauras relationship or because she was feeding his greedy ego and he didn't need us any more? who knows. the fandom has taken a fucking blow without us though. i know we were cringe and terrible but we were the life of the party and honestly we added to the skulduggery brand.
that's a brief summary of lowlights. him and laura continue to be terrible people, feeding into each others worst attributes and refusing to grow as people. laura just wants to coast on his "fame" and "fortune" and keeps trying (and failing, miserably) to exploit both of these to become an influencer. derek seems fucking miserable from what I can tell but he's got a "leggy blonde" so he'll not budge, will he
ANYWAY. if you want me to expand on anything, just uh, lemme know. I will if I can
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cereusblue · 4 years
How many Hollow Knight OCs do you have by now? Probably want to know more about them!
Oh sweet jesus. So here we go. That's a question. By the way, my Hollow Knight blog is @hallowcactus
Hex and Vox (The twins, very soft. Hex is baby and Vox is salty)
Mox and Lin (Parents to the twins. Deceased in every AU.)
Lex (Lovely maroon lady who can kick some serious ass. Actually boxes in Modern AU. Climbed her way into society’s elite in GNM out of SPITE. Mel is her husband.)
Mel (Meek architect man. Scrawny as hell. Loves his wife. Do what is morally best.. always.)
Elder Yuu (Head of the Mayfly tribe. Salty old crone. Hates outsiders. but she’s a decent person somewhere under those wrinkles.)
Daze (Asshole extraordinaire and my most active character. Honestly, a spicy boi who just has a habit of making others swoon.)
Maylin (Daze's mother; absolute sweetheart but hell hath no fury like May. Powerful shaman, has direct ties to the goddess Nanu. Is the Queen of the Serpentfire dragonflies.)
Daz (Daze's father; soft spoken man with a hellish temper. Big man. Heavily armor plated, has two sets of antennas. One on his brows and another on his snooter.)
Niles (cousin to Daze. Plays guitar. Is like the awkward little sibling. He’s like a bard with no real charisma. Emulates what Daze was like as a teenager because he thought Daze was cool; Daze cringes at that but loves Niles anyway because he’s baby.)
Daze's aunt and uncle to be named
Tika (random golden colored guard who I love)
Marie (White dragonfly who runs the temple dungeon in GNM)
Ysmay (the massive scary bitch. Daze is actually terrified of her. For good reason. She doesn’t use weapons because she doesn’t need it.)
Vernon (Devil's flower mantis and the new Lord of the Garden mantis tribe)
Armen (Ghost mantis Angy old fart who somehow got a redemption arc and it's @inkbarista fault)
Neferis (original Traitor Lord)
Zeus (Another large mantis who took over for the Traitor Lord)
Greta (med student/midwife/anxious)
Nana (Elder mantis woman. Everyone’s grandma. Midwife. Medical professional for the tribe, makes herbal remedies, teas, and is an excellent cook. Beware, she will squish your cheeks. She’s Vinny’s favorite lol)
Naloo (one bad ass bitch)
Rolan (Sweet awkward boy)
Lotus (a petra who Vinny;s character impromptu adopted)
Almond (Just another baby with a need for mischief. Adopted with Lotus)
A dragon mantis I have no idea what to do with yet but I will figure it out.
Soul Santum:
Shanen (soul master)
Minerva (Big buff atlas moth Bimbo that's like everyone's favorite character lol)
Olivia (Council lady who helps run the moth tribe in GNM)
Ivan (Actual dickwad. One of them infuriating folks but doesn't do anything bad enough to get into real trouble but sometimes you wish he would just to put him behind bars.)
Minerva's parents that I have not named yet. Very conservative, stuck in their ways, hoity toity rich folks with unbelievably high expectations.
Sirenne (Siren Orchid crab spider)
Heart, Spade, Clover, and Diamond (Take a wild guess what these little bastards do? Peacock jumping spiders. Cause trouble for Hornet and run a casino.)
Rex (A jumping spider with anxiety in Modern AU and a failed assassin jackass in GNM)
Chu'mana (centipede centaur massive lady, is Angy will bite. Pride is a personality. I have trouble drawing her lol. Adopted from Inkbarista)
Vala (b... Big- carries a massive cleaver like the one Death Sword uses in Zelda Twilight Princess. Adopted from Inkbarista.)
Mora (Blueberry baby.)
Mara (Mix between Hallow, Trill, and Hex. Is their sweet little girl who grows up with Wisp. @inkbarista
Lotan (Silk/Daze's kid in Modern Au and GNM. ANGY. Will bite. Bites everything. Kin has lost 7 pairs of glasses to this little monster. He's deceivingly adorable.)
Nanu (Axolotl jesus. Massive goddess to the Serpentfire tribe of dragonflies, gave them and the damselflies their draconic traits. Eight eyes. Cryptic as hell because lets be real, she’s a goddess and that just how it be sometimes. Literally gifts her teeth to the tribe and worthy visitors to use as climbing tools and weapons.)
Void parasite
Fluke but it's a glow worm
Phantom/Phaalgun (pronounced Full-gahn. He's a Megastick. Massive stick bug. Eerily cryptic. Very scary. Works in dealing death.)
Egon (Colossal beetle who's a bitch, runs a crime ring in the City of Tears in GNM)
Mala (Grounds keeper for the Greenpath memorial in GNM)
A random ass butterfly I have no real information about other than knowing she’s anxiety incarnate and exists
Pia (Pleotomus firefly. French?? Done with everyone's shit.)
Val/Valentine. (Velvet Ant boy. Flamboyant to the fucking max, ain't afraid to shank a bitch.)
I THINK I GOT EVERYONE. I THINK. According to @abhainn-leth That’s 49 (updated!) 54 characters and I’m inclined to believe them because I do not feel like counting. If I missed any, I will be sure to add them later. I have artwork for like, a quarter of these characters lol. But if you wanna ask about specific ones, I’ll be happy to oblige with pictures if I have them and some more information lol.
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iristhemessenger · 4 years
Sugared Kisses
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles
Relationships: Felix Hauville/f.Detective
Summary: It's Felix's birthday, and Eris surprises her boyfriend with a special treat <3Pure fluff and frosting, everyone <3
                                                           ~ * ~
"Can I look yet?"
Closing the door to Felix’s bedroom behind her carefully, Eris laughed softly to herself at the needy tone in her boyfriend's voice.
He had been fairly well-behaved, all things considered. The usually energetic young agent could be patient when he wanted to be, but those moments were rare. It was just his nature. He didn't like to wait or sit still too long if he could help it. There was too much to do and see in this world, so much to catch up on compared to the natives who grew up here.
The notion had been fun at first when she had suggested it, asking him sweetly with that lovely smile of hers. So, he had obliged her, with his best attempt at a sly smile, his curiosity piqued.
Now, sitting on his bed, eyes shut tight at her request, he was starting to get antsy. As evident by the impatient tapping of his foot against the carpeted floor, his lips pursed together in an adorable pout.
“Almost - no peeking!” She warned, flipping the lights off.
Felix felt his heart begin to pound loudly in his chest, as the light behind his eyelids disappeared.
“Oooooh, all alone in the dark?” He purred, “whatever could you be planning, babe?”
“You’ll see” She teased, her voice, soft and sweet. He could never get enough of the sound of it.
He could hear her own heartbeat, the rhythmic pulsing a familiar song to his ears and he grinned.
In the darkness, he smelled the familiar scent of tempting vanilla and blood unique to her and her alone as she came closer, crossing the room in a few easy steps. Felt her in the air as she suddenly kneeled before him, settling between his legs. He bit his lip, his own building excitement almost unbearable in the growing tension, as the desire to pull her closer, to feel her soft skin against his nearly consumed him.
He did his best to resist, not wanting to ruin whatever surprise she had in store for him.
"If you just wanted me all to yourself, babe, you could have just asked…" he joked, in an attempt to distract himself. “You know I would never say no to you.”
Then he heard the strike of a match, and the smell of fire. He tensed immediately, his skin prickling at the sudden, sharp warmth in surprise.
“It’s ok,” she soothed, her tone gentle and calming. He relaxed instantly. “Trust me?”
Releasing the breath he’d been holding, Felix nodded, resolute. Eris would never hurt him, he knew. She was smart, strong, yet also warm and loving at the same time. In her arms he always felt safe and secure. “Of course, always.”
He could practically feel the smile on her face at his declaration, the sight of it clear and beautiful in his mind’s eye. She always told him his smile was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, bright as the sun, filling her with irrational happiness and joy every time.
He had been proud and flattered to hear her say so. Preening like a bird at her honeyed words, but it was her smile, her happiness, that he treasured more than anything. It made his heart flutter and swell every time, knowing her smile was for him and him alone. They hadn't been together long, but Felix was already beyond head over heels for the woman.
He still couldn’t believe she’d picked him, some days it felt like a dream. One he never wanted to wake up from if he had his way.
“Ok, open them!” She announced, after a beat of excruciating silence.
Smiling in relief, he did as she bid.
To his delight, Eris was indeed kneeling between his legs, grinning from ear to ear in the soft glow emitting from the small flame she had created.
Curiously, he cocked his head to the side as he forced himself to look away from her face, gaze trailing down to seek out the source of the glow. She was holding something out to him, small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, presented for his approval.
It was a cupcake!
With purple frosting and bright, colorful sprinkles and a little wax figure candle in the shape of an exaggerated, plump unicorn. With a bright, rainbow-colored mane, glittering with sparkles that caught in the light of the fire burning atop it’s horn.
He took it from her, smiling as he examined it. He loved when she gave him little gifts like these, as evidenced by the small shelf he had dedicated to all the knick-knacks Eris had given him whenever something interesting caught her eye. It made him giddy, knowing she had thought of him when she was out and about.
"Happy birthday!"
Felix blinked, stunned.
"Wait-what?” he stammered, confused. “You...how?"
"Nate," She explained as he struggled to form a coherent sentence. “I figure as your official girlfriend now, it’s only appropriate that I know when your birthday is, right?”
Rising from the floor, she turned on the lamp sitting on his nightstand, casting them in a delicate light as she joined him on the bed. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind, she nuzzled into the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet, citrusy scent.
"I wanted to do something special for you. I know it's last minute and you don't usually eat this kind of stuff, but it was such a cute little cake, and I hoped you’d like the candle it came with,” She chuckled. “It reminded me of you. Happy birthday, Felix.”
"Babe…" Felix trailed off, once again at a loss for words.
Once upon a time such moments were a known rarity, his chattering endless and near legendary within the Agency. But his current tongue-tied state had since become almost commonplace with Eris around, constantly throwing him off his game and rendering him speechless under the love and attention she lavished upon him in return.
Like now, for instance.
He stared at the frosted treat, as if he had never laid eyes on one before. He had, of course. But this was...
Once he had discovered the customary importance of birthdays, Felix had insisted Unit Bravo celebrate as per tradition, to Nate’s amusement, Adam’s indifference and Mason’s annoyance (the colorful balloons and party banners making him cringe) But that was them, they were a team, a family, always together.
No one he had ever been with before had ever done something like this for him in the past, had never stayed long enough or been curious enough about him to even ask. Until now. But that was it, wasn’t it? Eris was different, she wasn’t like anyone else. Not by a long shot. From the way she made him feel to all the small things she did for him that never failed to take his breath away.
Her little gifts, which she bought just because she was thinking of him , like how he thought of her. The hours they spent talking on the phone after she got off of work, sometimes putting him on speaker as she went about her business cooking or cleaning because she loved hearing his voice as much as he loved hearing her’s. The gentle touches, caressing his face in comfort, brushing her leg against his, holding his hand, relishing the simple warmth and feel of the other. The soft kisses that made his heart flutter, and the more heated touches that kindled a yearning in him like he’d felt for no other.
Felix had told her once her happiness was his happiness. Vice-versa, for Eris, his happiness was also her’s.
Their happiness, in all its dazzling warmth and sunshine, all their own.
“Thank you, babe…this is…no one has ever…” Turning to face her, sparkling amber sought deep blue, and Eris smiled at the soft, almost somber expression on the vampire’s face.
Her smile only grew as he finally returned the gesture, practically beaming like the sun itself, her sun, unable to suppress the immense happiness and elation that was coursing through him in that moment. She was incredible, and she had done this for him . “This is amazing, you're amazing, the absolute best, and I love it!”
He sighed happily, savoring the sweet brush of her lips against his cheek.
“I’m glad, now, make a wish and blow out the candle!” She instructed, his joy contagious as she giggled, turning him back to the pudgy unicorn candle, the wax beginning to run down its horn. “Ready?”
Bobbing his head enthusiastically, Felix closed his eyes to make his wish. Taking only a second before his eyes flew back open and he quickly extinguished the candle’s flame. As if blowing it out quicker would make his wish come true that much faster.
Clapping, Eris cheered. “Congratulations, you’re a year older! Your…wait, how old are you now?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know” Felix admitted with a shrug, plucking the candle off the cupcake’s surface. “We don’t celebrate birthdays in the Echo World, but I think Nate figured maybe…over 70 or 80 years old? Somewhere in that ballpark.”
Now it was her turn to blink in surprise, laughing lightly. “Oh, wow…you know I never really thought about it, but it makes sense. You’re the youngest, but Adam is over nine hundred, and Nate and Mason are both over one hundred, at least. Compared to that, I feel so…hey?!”
Before she could stop him, he took a large bite out of the sweet confection. How could he not? She had picked it out special just for him, and it did smell...interesting. The purple frosting stained and smeared over his lush lips as he pulled away to chew the mush of chocolate and raspberry filling, contemplating the taste for a moment before shivering as the flavors overwhelmed him. His sense of taste suddenly assaulted by the foreign treat’s many stimulating ingredients. Particularly, the vast amount of sweetener and sugar.
“Felix? Babe?” Eris stared at the youngest member of Unit Bravo, carefully gauging his reaction to the treat.
His eyes, beautiful and wide, were a bit dilated, and Eris held a breath. Waiting for him to spit the goop of chocolate mush out in disgust. She knew a vampire's hyper senses made it difficult to process all the different flavors and such, but she had never seen Felix actually eat anything before. Though, he had confessed to trying a few things over the years.
"Felix, babe, are you o-!" She didn't get a chance to finish as the vampire suddenly whipped around, tackling her to the mattress as his lips sought her own in an urgent, messy kiss.
Moaning, she tasted the sugar, sweet and delicious in the warmth of his mouth, with a bite of the tart berry on his tongue as it caressed her own. Hungry and wanting, the sudden burst of lust drove them both, hips bucking and hands wandering, as Felix rode the sugar high along with his own desire to touch and feel his lover.
Eris was more than happy to oblige him, writhing under Felix’s eager attentions. He was the birthday boy, after all. All she had to give or offer was his for the day, he had but to ask, and honestly, any day after. Felix, with his captivating eyes and a smile that radiated like the sun, pulling her into his orbit effortlessly, invoking feelings in her she had never experienced before for another person.
Bobby had been a train wreck, selfish and ugly under all his faux charm and lies, and any casual dalliance or date following him just hadn’t clicked. Not like this. This, between them now, was akin to the fairy tales she had adored as a child. She enjoyed those romantic stories even as an adult, but time and reality had all but turned those idyllic fantasies into just that, fantasies. Daydreams that kept her hopeful and empathetic to those around her, like Tina, hoping for the best out of the worst.
Then Felix had appeared, along with the rest of Unit Bravo, turning her world upside down in some of the worst, and best ways. Even after all of the chaos, after Murphy and the Trappers that loomed in the shadows, she would continue to happily take the worst of it all if it meant keeping Felix by her side. He chased all those things away with a simple smile her way, making everything feel so…right and good in the world. In her world.
The minutes that passed were lost to them, as they rolled about Felix’s many bed covers, gasping and groaning, laughing and loving, but finally they pulled apart. Resting their foreheads together as they were want to do, neither eager to part as Eris caught her breath and Felix basked in the buzzing of the sugar in his veins and the feel of his girlfriend, heart and pulse thundering in his ears, pressed tightly against him.
"Best day ever…" he breathed, his smile bright and content, illuminating her world in its brilliance.
“It gets even better,” She promised, feeling his grin against her neck as he trailed messy kisses along her flesh.
“Oh, yeah? I doubt it could get much better than having you here with me,” he countered, the genuineness in his voice making her heart ache and swell with unbridled happiness and other emotions too deep and complicated to name.
She really hoped he enjoyed the surprise party she and Nate had put together earlier while he’d been confined to his room, currently waiting for them both in the living room along with the rest of Unit Bravo. The image of Mason and Adam blowing balloons would forever remain etched in her memory, as well as said vampire’s displeasure at the common room’s colorful makeover (the brighter the better!) and Nate’s ringing laughter as she had tossed streamers about over their heads.
But that could all wait, she thought as she keened at his touch and fervent kisses. She would have a messy trail of purple frosting all over her face and neck, but she didn’t care. This moment was theirs, and its sweetness would linger on her tongue long after they left this room.
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dresupi · 4 years
Adore Me - Dramione
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for @evolution-of-magic​ Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger 1,556 words Rated T
I’d love to.
Draco had set a dangerous precedent.
Or at least, to him, it appeared that way. Nearly a year before, he’d been biding his time, working with Granger, and slowly showing her that he was a changed man. Or really, that he was a man with differing ideals from the snot-nosed brat of a child he had been.
Merlin, when he thought about himself in school, he visibly cringed. Never mind what happened when he saw the dark mark on his arm.  He wore long sleeves to cover it up, but sometimes, the very knowledge that it was there at all kept him up at night. He’d been working off an evil, fascist delusion, brought on by godlike worship of his father.  A father who rotted in Azkaban as he, himself, stood free.
A father who would likely never know his son’s heart. Or see his son truly happy. Draco was fine with that. Lucius deserved nothing of the sort.
But it was still there. Still heavily present as he approached Granger long ago, on that day, exactly one year before. He’d known there was a very strong possibility that she’d turn him down. But he had to try. She smelled so good, and she was so beautiful it hurt. He’d known it was imperative that he at least make the attempt.
So he’d asked Hermione Granger to dinner. Draco’s words hung stationary in the silence for what felt like ages before she responded. With a smile, she nodded. “I’d love to.”
Ever since that day Draco had felt as if he were living someone else’s life. Someone who was good. Someone who deserved to have this goddess of a woman to wake up next to every morning. Who deserved to choke down her awful pancakes that she refused to make with magic. Who deserved to have her forgiveness surround him like a warm blanket in the middle of a big freeze.
She felt warm. Her love was warmth, and he wanted nothing more than to give her something half as warm as she was.
That was why he’d planned this proposal. It wasn’t the way wix had done it, well… ever. They were usually small affairs, an agreement made in the company of both party’s parents. They’d agree upon marrying, set a date, and let their parents know all in one go.
It had become a sort of spectacle in its own way over the years, with one partner or the others’ parents trying to plan more and more opulent settings for the discussion to take place.
Pansy’s, for instance, had taken place at her parents’ holiday home in Maui. Which hadn’t necessarily won over Neville Longbottom’s grandmother, but he supposed they all got a nice holiday out of it at any rate.
But seeing as their circumstances were different than most everyone else, he had decided on a proposal to match. One that was decided more muggle in nature.
It was why he’d rented out the very same restaurant where they’d had their first dinner together exactly a year before. It was also where he’d stolen a kiss on the sidewalk outside while they said the world’s longest good night.
And it was where he was going to ask her to be his wife.
Every time he thought about it, he felt like he had bats swirling in his belly, flapping their wings and tickling him from the inside. His wife. Her husband. For the rest of their lives.
Merlin, it was a lot. Not too much, mind. It was something they’d both discussed in the way of the vaguely distant ‘someday’.  It was Draco who’d taken it upon himself to define someday as today.
He’d hired a band. Well, he’d hired a bunch of enchanted instruments to serenade them throughout the meal. It was just as good as a band.
Draco had even thought to order the same food they’d each ordered that night.
And he had a ring.
Another muggle custom that wix didn’t take part in. Well, there was a ring. But it was a ring with the family crest on it. The ring that indicated you were now under the protection of the other’s family. And both partners received one. It wasn’t anything old or antique usually. It was the trend now for the mothers to design crest rings for their child’s partner.
But considering his family were the Malfoys, he didn’t want to assume that Granger would be stepping under their canopy of protection. If anyone was being protected, it was him.
He couldn’t imagine his mother was too broken up about not designing a ring for Hermione. Not that she didn’t like her, because she did. A lot. Took her on shopping trips all the bloody time. On weekends when Draco would rather have his witch all to himself.
But his mother had gone back to her maiden name and started giving away so much of her family money left to her via inheritance, that the name Black now incited passivity, rather than heavy cringing.
Mum would likely agree with him that to place Hermione under the protection of either name would only tarnish hers.
So that left him with the ring he’d chosen from a shop in Muggle London. One he’d found thanks to Hermione’s best friend and his old nemesis, Potter.
The ring was done in rose gold, and Potter had said something about blood diamonds and wrinkled his nose in a grimace. And even though blood diamonds sounded fascinating as hell, Draco ceded to Harry’s judgment and opted for a different stone. He chose a purple one that glittered in the light, an amethyst, according to the jeweler.
He’d been very patient with Draco as he’d chosen the setting and the cut.  And now that the finished ring was in his pocket, he found he could scarcely breathe.
Hermione arrived promptly at seven but didn’t realise that he’d rented out the entire restaurant for the evening and thus, waited outside for him to arrive. The Maître-d’ informed him of this snafu, and once he went out to meet her and insisted that the restaurant was indeed open, they were swiftly seated at the table he’d chosen.
She looked around for a long moment. “You rented out the dining room.”
“You always were a clever one, Granger,” he deadpanned.
“This is the place where we first ate together,” she continued. “I obviously remember that. And since today is our anniversary, you decided to make it special?”
“Indeed.” He waited to see if she’d guess the rest of it, but instead, she took a sip of her wine and looked round.
“It’s rather quiet when there’s no one else, isn’t it?”
“Would you rather there be more noise?”
“Almost. I can hear your thoughts. I can’t make them out, but I can hear them.”
“That would make you the world’s worst legilimens.”
She peered at him but had no more guesses.  It was then that their food arrived at the table.
“Wait, I never ordered--” Her quizzical face broke into a grin when she saw what slid in front of her. “This is what we ate last time.”
“Is it?”
“It is, you romantic old sod.” She nudged him under the table with her foot.
He was going to wait until dessert arrived, but he just couldn’t any longer. He reached for her hand.
“You know you’re absolutely the best--”
“I’d love to,” she interrupted.
“What?” He frowned, looking down at her hand. What had he said?
“Move into your flat? That’s what you’re asking? I mean, I practically live there anyway--”
As much as he loved to wax poetic about Granger, she never failed to take flying leaps from the pedestal he placed her on and kick his arse on the way down.
Merlin help him, he adored her.
“You insufferable know-it-all, I’m trying to ask you to marry me, Granger.”
She froze then, looking down at their joined hands and back into his eyes. “What… here? What about your mother, and my parents? Isn’t this supposed to be--”
“A symbolic pile of garbage, yes. But instead, I thought the better way to do it would be to insult you and then propose. I nailed it, didn’t I?”
She laughed and squeezed his hand. “You absolutely did, you horrible prat.”
“So will you?”
“Will I what?” Her smile was infectious and he pulled the ring out of his pocket, holding it out to her.
“Marry me?”
“Of course I will, bloody git.” She took the ring from him and slid it on her finger. It looked fantastic, glittering in the low light. “Can I kiss you now, or will that mess up the dancing flatware bringing out our second course?”
He stood and she practically leaped into his arms, wrapping hers around him as their lips found each other almost by instinct. “Hate to break it to you, but there’s no dancing flatware.”
“Damn it all, and to think this was almost a perfect evening,” she teased.
“I love you, Hermione.”
“I love you, Draco.”
He kissed her softly once more. “I could enchant the dishes to do a little dance for you at home.”
She chuckled. “I’d rather if you did a little dance for me at home.”
“I’d love to.”
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
Start Of Something New
Hiya! Chapter 9! =) thank you for your support! Updates may slow down, as I am starting my last year of high school tomorrow! Woooo! But I hope you all enjoy this - sorry for the delay!
Hugo gently kicked open the door to his new apartment, in his arms were the last of the cardboard boxes with various different labels containing his belongings. Well, he guessed it wasn’t JUST his new apartment anymore, his boyfriend following in behind him and setting a box aside before running to get some more from his dad’s car. Varian had more belongings from him - having taken multiple days to unload his stuff alone with much help from Quirin through this process. He still couldn’t believe how much of a titan Quirin was compared to his titular son, however Varian had said he took more after his mother, and something about Quirin having served in the military of Lunaris prior to settling down in Old Corona. It was a good enough explanation for Hugo, him just accepting it at this point and not to question anything to do with the past of Varian’s family whatsoever, especially not his Aunt Adira and Uncle Hector. That pair...they terrified him to say the least, immediately giving him the most intense shovel talk of his life as soon as he met them. A shiver ran down his spine at the memory, before proceeding to unpack his last remaining boxes.
  It was now July - scorching hot sun constantly pounding down onto his back without a care in the world as its heat relentlessly cursed Corona. The town was always abnormally sunny, but this? Now Hugo was almost positive the universe was actively trying to screw him over, like it had before he began dating Varian, of course. Speaking of the boy, they’d been together for six months by now and both boys decided that it was high time they moved in together. Hugo could only sneak in a select few times before Quirin had figured out what they were doing every night, and, as much as Varian’s dad trusted him, it was probably for the best that they moved in together. He just couldn’t bear to be away from the boy for too long - call it whatever you want, abandonment issues, a troubled childhood, whatever. He just wanted to make sure he was safe at all times and the only way he felt he could be sure was with the boy’s figure sleeping in his arms. What could he say, he was a fool in love, completely enamored with his boyfriend and falling in love all over again every time they met eyes.
  They’d managed to afford a better apartment than the old one, which was an absolute ripoff by the way, though he was really going to miss the place. It was paid for quite easily too - Varian having found a job that he had yet to disclose to his boyfriend, though he was sure it had something to do with alchemy, and Donella had given him quite a generous raise out of nowhere for his ‘hard work and dedication’, though he was sure it was so he could afford a better place. It was a beautiful place too, already feeling so much like them with framed photographs along the walls of their most precious memories, such as New Year’s Eve and that one time they went to the aquarium, oh! And when they took Yong to a theme park for the first time! A chuckle ripped from Hugo’s throat as he recalled Yong pulling Varian towards the biggest coaster in the park, begging for Varian to go on with him. His face was priceless, jaw dropped at the sheer height of the thing as Nuru and Hugo passed up the offer. Varian had held onto his hand for hours after that as he and Nuru cackled, Yong, who had the time of his life, was buzzing with excitement for the rest of the day. 
  Another picture recalled the time they’d gotten matching tattoos - a small test tube on his left wrist and a beaker on Varian’s right wrist. It was a wild day - Varian’s twentieth birthday, that is. They’d just been to the coffee shop, which had become a tradition between the two on a morning to commemorate what had brought them together, when Varian, out of nowhere, had just said he wanted to do it. Hugo blindly agreed to his boyfriend’s request without a second’s thought, the pair heading through the streets to Irene’s tattoo parlour where Irene happily obliged to their requests. What Hugo hadn’t anticipated was how painful it was going to be - his hand gripping his boyfriend’s in an iron grip as he desperately tried, and failed, to hold back his shouts and strings of curses at the jolts of pain running though his body. That was an interesting birthday for Varian - Hugo silently praying his twenty-first would be less agonizingly painful than March 24th. It was coming up on October 27th, so only a few months away. He shook the thoughts from his head as he took in the rest of their apartment.
 Along the hall were five doors leading off to different rooms, the first of which being a sitting room - decorated with the mass of green and blue furniture, a common theme throughout the apartment due to their fixations on the respective colours. They blended nicely together too, just like they did. Two couches sat in the room, one pressed against the wall with the glass coffee table from the old apartment in the centre on top of a teal rug. A TV sat on a separate table in the corner at a perfect angle so you could see it when sitting on either sofa (Varian had spent hours calculating the perfect angle, Hugo determining in a few minutes that if they put it in the corner, everyone could see it to which his boyfriend had to stubbornly agree that he was right). In the other corner, a cat tower sat for the fat bastard of a cat Ruddiger who would be living with them. He swore that the cat hated him - always interrupting whenever him and Varian were attempting to get...intimate. It was annoying, him resulting most nights to just shooing it out of the room and locking the door behind him.
  Adjacent to the living room’s entrance was the kitchen, the tiled floor causing a clicking noise whenever he stepped. Varian had a strict rule of no shoes in the house, to which Hugo mostly abided to, but not today as he’d been overworked and severely undercompensated by his boyfriend, much to his disappointment. ‘Back to the kitchen’ he thought, taking his mind off the MANY ways his boyfriend could make up for all the unnecessary hard work he had to do. It was, yet again, the second largest room in the house, lined with marble counters and sleek, black cupboards. It had felt extremely out of place at first, not merging in well with their blue and green aesthetics whatsoever, but they made it work, attempting to decorate by placing a clock on the wall, a coffee machine that Rapunzel had bought them and, at last, a toaster. That was the thing Hugo was most excited about if he was being honest - having his very own toaster! Along with the coffee machine, Rapunzel had gifted the pair a variety of customised cups, plates, bowls..you name it, they most definitely had one that Rapunzel had slaved over making for hours just for them. A sweet act from a sweet girl, Hugo muttered to himself and rubbed his wrist absentmindely, his goggles hanging round his neck swaying as he strolled out of the room.
  In a straight line from the door was the bathroom, the room housing a bath, shower, sink and toilet. A green mat was laid out on one half of the room, a blue mat meeting it in the middle and spreading out the rest of the way. Another notable article was the toothbrushes that sat in the cabinet above the sink, doubling as a mirror, with a green and blue toothbrush sitting beside each other in a glass cup. Hugo took a moment to check his appearance, fixing his ruffed up blonde hair, straightening his glasses and shooting some awkward finger guns at his reflection. He cringed for a second before heading back out into the hallway, making a sharp left and through a doorway to the next room.
  Ah, yes. His and Varian’s room - a mish-mash of the two boys’ decorative decisions and personal interests. A double bed sat in the middle of the room, the covers blue as it was Varian’s turn to have made the bed, with a bedside table on either side of the bed. His table consisted of a small lamp, the book he was currently making his way through (The Tales Of Flynnigan Rider, which Varian had begged him to read for months), a picture of his absolutely adorable boyfriend and his glasses case for when he slept. Also on his side of the room (which was the left, just for the record) sat an oak desk, a grey chair tucked under it, which had the laptop Donella had gifted him placed in it, along with a cup holding his pens and pencils. Papers were stacked up above the drawers and Olivia, in her cage, sat on the opposite side, chittering softly as she slept. A wardrobe sat on his side too, one that him and Varian both shared (Varian had taken a liking, it seemed, to stealing his clothes and keeping them), it painted cyan to fit both their favourite colours. 
  Varian’s side was a whole different story, having a bedside table and a desk, along with a guitar propped against the side of the desk. Research papers were littered over the desk, Hugo hastily moving over to set them into a neat pile in the centre of his desk beside his laptop. That was sure to score him a few kisses from the younger boy - he was sure of it! Also on his boyfriend’s side were a lot more photos and posters on the wall - some of people he recognised and many of people he didn’t. For example, the ginger haired woman in the middle of many of them who had a wide smile plastered onto her face, who he swore he’d seen before in Donella’s office, however he couldn’t put a name to the face no matter how hard he’d racked his memory. She was in many of them too, holding baby Varian in her arms and standing beside Quirin, or with Varian in what looked like a makeshift lab, holding a test tube in one hand and the small boy in the other, Varian cuddling the woman close to him. Very heartwarming, however Hugo assumed his boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate him snooping around his side of the room, so he quickly headed out and to the highlight of the whole apartment, picking up his box along the way. 
  Pushing open the door to the sight of the room was always just as exhilarating for Hugo as the first time he’d been able to - his eyes meeting their makeshift lab / workshop area where they could practice their crafts expertly. He adored the room, smiling as he made his way through and dumped his box onto the counter before unpacking it. It just seemed so...them to convert the unused bedroom into their own lab space, beakers and test tubes littering the surface with microscopes and Hugo’s own toolbox sitting flush against the wall for both boys to use. He didn’t have the resources to pursue alchemy before, but meeting Varian had given him the chance to begin his research and boy howdy, he loved it! The subject was so interesting, so many different experiments to be done with ways to do it...god, he loved the subject so much. He also loved the way the other boy’s eyes lit up as he rambled about the topic to seemingly no end, his adoration on full display. It was absolutely adorable, and it helped that the couple worked together like a well-oiled machine, seamlessly sliding past each other to grab metals, acids or anything else they may need without disrupting the research at hand. It was harmonic.
  Hours later, they’d finally finished the unpacking spree and slumped down onto the sofa in a tight embrace, Ruddiger obviously attempting to break it by scratching at Hugo’s ankles. Hugo paid him no mind, shaking his foot to ward the cat away as his boyfriend watched in amusement. “I swear to god, V, your cat hates me. He might as well be a raccoon with how much trash he eats-”
  “Maybe if you didn’t bully and make him insecure, he wouldn’t hate you!” V responded, scooping the...unrealistically fat cat into a loving embrace and nuzzling his nose against his face. “Is he making you insecure, my beautiful boy..? You’re so beautiful.” he cooed, and Hugo could swear the cat was giving him a smug glare, anger bubbling in his stomach at the fact that a goddamn cat was getting more attention than he was - A goddamn obese cat was getting more attention from the love of his life, who he’d completely dedicated himself to, than he was! He let out a frustrated grunt, looking away and glaring at the wall, not even noticing his folded arms and childish pout. Varian had to hold back a full-blown laughing fit at how his boyfriend was acting, slowly placing the cat back on the floor and leaning against him. “Hugh..you look like a four-year-old with a pout like that.”
  “So what if I do? That little..thing was grinning at me! Y’know, like the smug little bastard he is! I swear he’d plotting something!” he ranted as his boyfriend moved back into a lying position, taking Hugo’s collar in his hand and pulling him down too. It wasn’t until Varian’s legs had wrapped around his waist that Hugo had noticed the position they were in, a flush creeping onto his face. “Oh so this is my compensation?”
  “I..humbly accept.” He replied, leaning down and capturing the raven haired boy’s lips with his own, the other boy letting out a whine as Hugo’s teeth nipped at his bottom lip. They continued to kiss, lost in the moment with hips rocking against each other’s until Hugo suddenly jolted back. “FUCKING CAT SCRATCHED MY BACK!” he yelped, standing immediately and completely ruining the moment they were having. Varian’s glare redirected itself to Ruddiger who was, rather smugly, licking his paw and sitting on the cushions of the other couch.
  “How about we go to bed? It's been a long day.” He comforted, resting his hand on his boyfriend’s back and already guiding him to their room. ‘And we can lock the door’ he decided not to add as he kicked the door to their room shut, instantly locking it almost on instinct. Hugo, however, seemed disinterested in their previous activities, already changing into pyjamas, much to Varian’s disappointment, though he wouldn’t admit it. It was strange though, how Ruddiger didn’t trust Hugo and kept on scratching and attacking him at any given chance. Usually the cat was docile or disinterested in people, never outright hostile. Maybe it WAS jealousy...could cats even feel jealousy? Now that was something he was gonna be thinking about all night..he muttered as he grabbed some pyjamas from the closet and began to change.
  As he finished, he sat on the bed and Hugo’s arms wrapped around his waist to pull him into a close embrace, placing gentle kisses to the back of his head in his sleepy haze. Hugo was always lovelier when he was sleepy and when they were alone, the usual sarcastic front he put up dripping away to reveal the true nature of the boy that Varian loved so much. He could be such a gentleman if he put the effort in, like when he’d go out of his way to do the mini things for Varian, such as walking him to his classes or his tutoring job with Yong and Nuru in the library, always taking his time and slowing his pace specially for Varian to keep up with him. And the one time they’d danced together in the kitchen on the night of his birthday.
  “Hugo, I’ve never done this before.” Varian had whispered, the refrigerator light being the only light in the entire kitchen, yet it was enough to show the face of the smug boy standing in front of him. He looked so handsome though, Varian just wanting to kiss that stupid look off his face. He was bowed down, some song playing throughout the small apartment as he held out his hand expectantly to the other male.
  “Goggles, I’ve heard you sing. If you can do that, you’re gonna be a-okay with dancing. Just let me take the lead and keep your eyes on me, you got that?” he questioned, Varian responding with a nod and placing his hand in Hugo’s hesitantly. He was immediately pulled flush against his chest, hands wrapping around his waist as his were encouraged to wrap around the other boy’s neck. They swayed in time with the slow serenade that echoed from the living room, the dimming light being their only source of visibility. Varian didn’t care though, he was too busy staring into the eyes of Hugo, which Hugo staring back.
  The music had long since stopped by now, the two freezing with their limbs entangled before Hugo pressed his lips against his, this kiss feeling like no other they’d had before. It felt so genuine, and so raw, and so real. Like Hugo was truly letting down his guard and letting Varian know that he only held love and affection for the other. It wasn’t full of lust or underlying passion - just a sweet kiss between two boys in the kitchen at god knows what time in the morning. And it was simple divine.
  Varian’s lips tugged into a soft smile as he cuddled against the boy sleeping soundly behind him. That night, something new had blossomed between them. Of course they’d loved each other beforehand and they knew it, but on that night, they had wordlessly sealed their love for each other. In some ways he’d miss that old apartment purely for that memory and how perfectly cliche it was - two lovers dancing in the kitchen. It sounded like an old movie trope, right? But it was so much better than that for both of them.
  Varian turned in Hugo’s grasp to face the boy and rest his head against his chest, shutting his eyes and squeezing them shut. He wasn’t gonna let this boy go, not now, not ever. He loved him more than he could ever hope to describe, from the way he had remembered Varian’s coffee order and how it always specifically needed to be vanilla, to the way that they could just be dorks, jamming out to some songs in the lab, and the way he wasn’t afraid to show Varian just how committed he was to the boy. It was all so sweet. As he drifted off the sleep, he thought to himself…
  This is the start of something new, and something beautiful.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
May I request where Haru mom is out of prison I guess. Like she try to take Haru back till she sees overhaul s/o with the kids along with haru. This is where she goes with her plan and try to stalk them. Surprisingly haru mom took Overhaul s/o and Haru and things got ugly. So kaito and kin run back home and tell them what happen. I'll let you decide how things end n.n
Jesus Christ you want TWO KILLING MACHINES in here.
You could won a trophy at your abilities of maintaining three kids from the yakusa as perfect little angels... even if sometimes they weren't.
Especially the two older ones... Kaito and Haru.
Both being the exact same copies as your husband and Kurono it was quite difficult to control them, but miracles existed. Because these two adored you.
Today you offered to look after them while Chisaki and Kurono were dealing with some things. Both seemed to be hesitant about it, but they were really too busy to argue.
Especially Hari, since he was a single parent and didn't exactly have anyone to take care of his daughter while busy...
Kai of course had to send a body guard, his paranoia was too strong, to accompany you and the kids to the park... a park.
You honestly were already used to it but still bothered it sometimes...
"Look mommy there is a playground on there!" Kaito pointed while Kin gasped in awe.
"Can we go? Can we go?" Your little girl tugged on your shirt, begging with golden shiny eyes.
"Alright. Go have fun!" You exclaimed before you noticed that Haru hadn't moved a muscle. "Ne Haru-chan? Not going?"
"Uh.. yeah is just that... I wanted to talk with you for a moment mrs Chisaki."
You looked in concern at the girl but nodded anyways, looking at the guard and calling for him, asking if he could look at your kids for a moment.
"Its a pleasure looking at Overhaul's kids madam." The guy bowed before following two dark brow haired little deviants.
"So?" Ýou crouched up to be in eye level with her and smiled "What's on your head?"
"N-Nothing much!" She waved her hands before smiling shyly "Is just that I've been thinking on asking something. Kaito is always calling my dad his uncle... so is fair if I want to call you a aunt?"
"... sweety you can call me whatever you want and I would be grateful." You said normally making her giggle.
Seing her reaction was rare but extremely worth it, after all that she's been through, you couldn't budge it. Only fell a extreme pity and concern for Kurono...
"So there are you." A woman voice spoked and those grey eyes of Haru went wide in horror, looking at the figurine behind you.
You took a peak behind you and all of your body tensed at seing the so familiar woman that tormented Kurono's and the intere yakusa's lifes for months... you remember the rage and disgust on your husband's face at having to deal with 'Chrono's mess' as he referred.
You got up quickly and stayed in front of Haru.
"May I help you miss?" You asked coldly whiel she only scoffed.
"I'm here for my daughter bitch. Go bother someone else." Haru gasped before blurting out what she shouldn't have.
"You don't have the right to speak with boss's wife like that!" She placed her hands on her mouth immediately and looked up at you apologetically.
"Ah." The woman cooed darkly before extending her hand threateningly "So I am getting what I had fought for in the end at last... how much will that husband of yours and that arrow haired man bastard will pay to have you two back?"
She used her quirk on both you and Haru and before you could black out you yelled at the kids to run, to get their Chrono and Overhaul... even despite having Haru on your side.
You heard yells before you completly blacked out...
Not this again...
"So they're finally going leave us at peace." Chrono sighed in relief as he lowered his mask down amwhile Chisaki checked numbly his phone.
No messages... weird. He told you to send at least one.
"Is my daughter ok?" Chrono asked while looking at his childhood friend, hidding his concern.
Before he could even answer the yells and cries of both his kids startled both of them, Chisaki immediately looking and noticing your absence.
"DAD! IT HAPPENED! " Kaito cried while holding a hysterical crying Kin in his arms.
"What happened?" He growled before kneeling on the ground while Chrono widened his eyes in horror at seing the desperates pleas of forgiveness of the precept.
Chrono swore he almost broked his gun with his deadly grip while Kai's eyes went dark as his vision went red.
"... you two go to your rooms and stay in there. Irinaka or Nemoto will be soon on there." He said, calm but still his wrath was evident on his voice. "Now. Kaito, it's a order."
The kid nodded, trying to not just wail in tears like.his three years old sister was doing it.
"M-Mastwr I am deeply sor-"
"I gave you one job. And you failed miserably..." he growled in the most powerful and threatening voice, making the guys shiver in fear.
Chisaki and Kurono walked past him while Kai mumbled angrily that he would deal with him later.
Not many minutes he received a call, demanding some money for the rescue. Chrono eyes went dark as he clenched his jaw in pure hatred at recognizing the voice.
"Count the seconds wrench." Was what Chisaki told her before ending the call, and grabbing his jacket while stepping out of the house with a fuming Hari behind him.
"Please tell me I am allowed to beat the shit out of that prostitute." Chrono growled while placing his mask back on and adjusting his gun.
"Do what you wish." He said, no caring that his gloves were already overhauled.
"I guess he only uses you for fucking, isn't that right missy?" She said while lifting her nose up in arrogance.
"Can you watch your vocabulary at leas?" You groaned while trying to calm down the little white haired girl "It's your own daughter in here for Christ's sake. Don't you have a heart?"
The woman laughed bitterly nefore standing uo from her chair and acting her quirk.
"This little shit, was the only thing that could grant me a better future, even if I never loved that men, he was quite good on his experiences and it was even a sweetheart but please-!" She laughed while pointing at you "We are only seeking for one thing to have those two as company right friend? Their power, their money... their glory."
You scoffed "Is this what is all about? Jesus Christ dont ever compare me with you. You're sick."
You cringed whem you noticed that you had used the exact same words as your husband but shrugged off shortly after... it was true after all.
"You think you're soo powerful and the naddest bitch of them all just because you were lucky to get the leader, right?" She grabbed one knife close to her and started to walk towards you "Tic toc for that husband and friend of his."
"... I woild actually recommend.that you didn't did that. For your own good actually." You said suddenly, making the woman laugh in sarcasm.
"Or what? I know you're quirkless so you can't exactly do mu-" she yelped before dodging one arrow coming at her upper arm.
"I warned you." You sighed before you felt the ground trembling as a wave of concrete threw you in the air while Haru on the other.
You yelped at first but immediately relaxed at falling to those comforting arms you were so used to by now.
"Angel, you're okay?" He whispered close to your ear, not even once daring to let go or ease up his hold on you.
The woman tried to grab Haru but ghis time she was shoted on the shoulder as well as a arrow sucefully cutted her left cheek, lefting her like a statue, falling miserably to the ground.
"HARU!" Chrono shouted as he went to his daughter and holded her close to his chest.
"Papa I'm so sorry!" She whimpered on his white hoddie as she cling to him "It was my fault! I told her that mrs (Y/N) was the boss's wife a-and she got the upper hand on-"
"Its not your damn fault ok? You weren't the one who asked for tjis to happen." He picked her up and walked towards you and Kai... not before stopping by a few centimeters away from the woman and whispering to his daughter to cover her ears.
"I shot you with the longest one..." he growled , staring at her dead in the eyes "Not satisfied with the prison? Congrats, because now you will just bleed until you die in this fucking basement." He walked towards you two, Chisaki letting you down bit still holding onto your waist.
"Take her outside for a bit for me? It will not take much." You looked aprehensive at him before looking at your husband.
In his face sayed absolutely nothing, only in his eyes that you could so well read it, was hinted the extreme rage, hatred and the 'I want this person to suffer until they're dead', while he slowly nodded and pushed you with his hand on your lower back outside.
You immediately covered Haru's ears while Chisaki covres yours when the sounds of a gun were echoed.
Hari got out shortly after and thanked both you and Chisaki before scooping his daughter up in his arms.
"No longer she will haunt us flower. That's for sure." He whispered to her after waiting for you two to go in the front.
You felt Kai's eyes on you, checking for any possible injuries but you only assured him with a sweet 'thank you' as you leaned your head against his chest.
You knew that by the way he didn't scoffed heartily at you but instead enveloped his arms to put you close, you weren't getting out of the Shie Hassaikai's house without his AND HIS ONLY company...
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