#And I hope to see more of Wukong being honest
lmk-aus-galore · 3 months
Needed to make this post because I keep seeing this-
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I keep seeing people mistake this scene where Macaque smiles at Wukong during the Specials as a sign that he forgives him.
No, he does not, he’s still trying to trust Wukong again. You can see it in the beach scene. They still bicker slighty after this scene, and during the beach scene, Macaque looks at Wukong briefly believing his words before doubting him again. Or at least still getting a bad feeling.
Macaque and Wukong are far from forgiving each other, they’re still trying to trust each other again. However Season 4 is pretty much a start.
Even though Wukong seems to like forgive Macaque, I’m pretty sure it’s because he just survived a series of self-loathing and guilt, he’s probably not fully recovered.
That being said again.
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This doesn’t prove Macaque forgave Wukong yet.
People who see this completely forget the conversation MK was having with Wukong.
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Prior to Macaque smiling at him, MK tries to lift Wukong’s spirits up, give him hope like Wukong did for him. Encourage him even. He makes a whole speech about getting Wukong back on his feet and becoming the Monkey King again.
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However, Wukong doubts it, so he looks to Macaque.
Again some people forget the whole context of this entire scene and just miss out on crucial details BECAUSE WUKONG ISN’T EVEN ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS HERE.
Wukong knows that MK is his biggest fan, that MK looks to him with rose-tinted glasses, that to a fault, the kid sees too much good in Wukong, he WANTS to believe Wukong is good, Wukong knows that’s his one flaw about his view of him.
So he doesn’t take the staff immediately after MK encourages him, instead he looks to Macaque.
Why? Because he’s asking him, Macaque KNOWS Wukong. He knows Wukong far too much than probably Wukong himself. Macaque can see his faults, his mistakes, he knows Macaque HATES him. HATES the Monkey King, he’s honest about his doubts, his views on Wukong. Despite Azure’s praise, Macaque sees him for what he is.
Prior to this scene, Wukong was suffering with the curse of the scroll, reliving his mistakes and we know one of his mistakes that is most definitely going to play in his head is the scene where he broke off with Macaque. The scene where he yells at Macaque and seemingly destroys his friendship with him forever.
‘No that’s you! You’re the one always running off! Looking for more power! More sources of immortality! You’re the one who wouldn’t quit while we were ahead! Not the Great Sage! He’s always trying to drag everyone into his mess!’ Macaque was right. It was him that lost his sights on power, on why he was even gaining power in the first place, it was him who tried bigger and bigger until he couldn’t carry the load anymore. He’s the one who was reckless, not Macaque.
And he was right, he dragged Macaque into this. And only hurt him, the brotherhood and MK by dragging them into the mess he created. By letting MK fight his battles, by letting Macaque get injured over and over again just because he wanted him to help regardless of Macaque’s opinion on the matter. He dragged the Brotherhood into this false sense of justice and power that they ended up getting killed or sealed away.
He hurt them. He hurt them as the Monkey King. All he ever did as the Monkey King was hurt people. That’s why he looks to the one guy that can tell him, tell him honestly.
He asks the one guy that hates his guts, that has every right to hate his guts.
If it was alright for him to BE that guy again.
The reckless, egotistical, self-centered Monkey King again. He asks Macaque, who so negatively views Monkey King’s role as a hero if he should BE that hero again.
He asks Macaque if MK is right. This time, This time he’ll listen. Just tell him if it’s okay for him to BE that guy, if he needs to take a step back, he will no questions asked.
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Macaque smiles at him.
He assures Wukong that he’s okay with it. Yes he can be that guy, flaws and all. He’s willing to give him that chance.
Macaque was giving Wukong not only permission but assurance that Wukong is allowed to be that hero again. The one that everyone adores and loves and the one that people NEED right now.
Only then does Wukong stand and take the staff once more.
Macaque and Wukong still need to trust each other again sure.
But this whole scene is just Wukong at his DEEPEST and LOWEST he’s ever been. The usually loud, cheery and expressive Monkey King was reduced to the unusually quiet, sad and barely even audible Wukong who had been beaten down by his guilt and shame. He can barely look at MK…he can barely raise his voice. And judging by how quiet he was he might’ve been crying until his voice gave out. Paired with Macaque holding grudges yet still reminiscing their good times together. Seeing THAT must’ve been so disturbing for him.
Again, Macaque has this view of Wukong. The same way he notices MK’s despair and loss of light, he notices Wukong’s change in personality. However, unlike MK, there’s a chance Macaque has never SEEN this side of Wukong. He’s always seen Wukong so confident and unbreakable. So much so he doesn’t hold back against him at all. But seeing THIS must’ve done something to him- like scared him, disturbed him.
And now he’s looking at him like that? He’s so low on self-esteem that he looks to the one guy that hates his guts more than anyone else for permission to be that guy again? It probably frightened him more than anyone ever realized.
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miffysrambles · 8 months
Hi,I have a request! How about a one shot of Wukong and Macaque (separate) they accidentally falling asleep cuddling together with (fem) s/o, for the first time then afterwards they can’t seem to being able to sleep well since then until they just finally snap and snatch reader away? Please and thank u!
P.s. sorry if this is a lot lol 😅
Wukong and Macaque Falling Asleep and Cuddling With S/O
(Sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy!)
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You shifted awake in your bed in the middle of the night, feeling a presence having you in their grasp as the sheets were wrapped around the both of you.
You looked over in distress in your exhausted state but quickly calmed down to see your boyfriend’s tail peeking out from the mountain of blankets he was buried under.
Smiling, you kissed his nose as you rested back in his arms, you were slightly more awake now as you remembered how you had gotten into the accidental cuddling session.
Earlier, you watched your boyfriend practically beg to stay over for the night.
Wukong had wanted to sleep over because he was, to put it in honest terms, too lazy to travel back home.
You playfully argued with him, he was the Monkey King after all! It could take him mere minutes to get back to his own house, whether he traveled by cloud or just from his speed alone.
“Yeah but why do that when there is a nice comfy couch right here? C’mooon peaches, just for tonight?” He asked you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, you eventually agreed as long as he slept on the couch.
You’re relationship was still fairly new so you wanted to take things at a standard pace and he respected your wishes.
He responded by jumping onto the couch, resting his hands behind his head as he rested his leg up on his knee while sighing, “Haha! Man, this couch really is comfy, gonna have the best sleep of my life on this thing.”
You laughed softly, he was just being courteous with you, that couch was less than comfortable. You knew from personal experience.
You grabbed a few blankets and pillows from the linen closet and threw them on him while he lay on the couch, “Wha?- Hey!”
You playfully stuck your tongue out at him, ‘If you need more from the closet, help yourself.”
He glared at you, eventually breaking into a small smile, “Oh I will! All the blankets will be out, and you will have to fold them all again!”
You grinned as you leaned down to his face and rubbed your nose against his, “Cheeky monkey…”
“You know you love me.” He responded, his tail wagging softly from the nose kiss. 
You finally helped him get to bed on the couch, saying your goodnights as you did your own bedtime routine and eventually settled under your blankets. 
It wasn’t even two hours later when you heard a knock on your door while reading a book on your phone, “Come in.” You called out to him.
“Yeahhh so funny thing (Name), that couch is super uncomfortable…” He pointed his index fingers together as he looked at the ceiling.
You grinned as you raised an eyebrow, “You lied so you could stay over didn’t you?”
You had caught him, making him laugh nervously, “Mayyyybbee?”
“And you want to sleep in here with me?”
You chuckled as you nodded, “Come on in hon, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
He beamed as he grabbed the pillows and blankets from the living room, settling down into the opposite side of the bed, making sure to give you your own space.
And that is how you got into this situation, You guess that in the middle of your sleep, you both broke the pillow barrier and started spooning each other. 
You weren’t complaining though, not in the slightest! Although you were a bit weary at first, you were now more than comfortable to do this again.
You were just not prepared for this to be a regular thing.
A few nights later, you were on the brink of sleep when you heard a tap on your bedroom window.
Groaning, you got up and opened the curtains to see Wukong on his cloud, still in his pajamas as he looked exhausted as well. 
Without saying a word when you opened the glass for him, he snatched you up and carried you to your bed.
“Wukong? What are you…” Your voice trailed off as he set you both on your bed, laying down next to you.
“I haven’t been able to sleep for a few nights since I slept over, guess I need you by my side sunshine…” he lowly chuckled as he pulled you closer to him. 
You smiled as you nuzzled into his chest, his fingers running through your hair, “Let’s make this a regular thing then.”
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His arms were wrapped around you in a protective grasp, as if he never wanted to let you go.
Macaque was fast asleep when you shifted awake, his calm gentle breaths were more of an indicator for you as usually he was on edge and his breath was more heavy.
Macaque also had a habit of mumbling in his sleep, but it was so ineligible and quiet that you could never realize what he was actually saying.
His tail was wrapped around your waist as it held you close to him, you nuzzled your face into his shoulder as you were back on the brink of dreams yourself. 
This cuddling session happened by pure accident or even coincidence, you were just sitting next to him on his couch after watching him train in his dojo.
He set his shadow staff against the wall as he let out a sigh from being clearly exhausted, sitting next to you on the worn-down cushion, “You sure you don’t want to join me? I could teach you a few self-defense moves.”
You smiled as you politely shook your head, you would love to spend more time with your boyfriend any way you could but he could be a little intense while training.
“Alright, suit yourself dollface. Guess I’ll have to keep a close eye on you then?” He grinned while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
Letting out a small laugh, you flirted back as you closed your eyes, “Guess you will.” You laid your head on his shoulder, making him hum contently. 
You both stayed in that position for a few minutes until you opened your eyes back up from the feeling of being pulled down onto the couch with him.
You looked over to see his half-lidded expression looking down at you, his lips cracking into a small smile.
You smiled back, of course, lying your head on his chest as his fingers ran through your hair and pressed small gentle kisses on your forehead. 
Your ear was pressed against his chest, hearing his heartbeat pound within him.
Ba-dump… Ba-dump… Ba-dump…
It was calm, a rare sound indeed.
“I can hear your heartbeat too y’know.”
His voice pulled you back into reality as you looked up at him, his hand caressing your face.
“I don’t need to have my ears pressed against your chest to hear yours, I can hear with the six ears and all that. Glad to hear you can relax that much around me…”
His words were genuine and affectionate, making you beam up at him as you nuzzled your cheek into his grasp,
“Of course I can, I love being around you. Even if it’s just watching you train.”
He brought your face up to his lips, pressing a loving kiss onto them.
“And I… I love you (Name).’
He had trouble saying the L word, so this moment was incredibly special to you.
“And I love you too Macaque.”
You nestled back onto his chest, making him smile down at you as he laid his head back on the armrest of the couch and closed his eyes for just a moment.
That moment turned into a cat nap, he was comfortable enough to let his guard down and actually sleep for once. 
You followed soon after, your eyes fluttering closed as you listened to the melodic sound of his heartbeat like it was a lullaby for you.
You both ended up sleeping for the rest of the evening, never once breaking the loving mutual grasp you two had created.
A few nights after, you were lying in bed struggling to fall asleep.
You were imagining his heartbeat in your mind to help, although nothing could ever beat the real thing.
You sighed as you held your pillow in your tight grasp, trying to imagine it was your boyfriend holding you in his arms.
It was not working, to say the least, it was making you miss him even more.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a shadow portal being summoned above your headboard, you looked up to see a pajama-wearing Macaque appear out of it.
He smiled down at you, “You too huh?”
You nodded as you held your arms up at him, “Mhm…” 
He happily obliged as he snatched you up in his arms, falling back onto your bed as he kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight sugarplum” He held you in his arms, your ear immediately going to his chest to hear that addicting sound as your eyes finally closed for the night.
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Hey I hope your doing well! I just wanted to say that I loved how you wrote my Request, and I’d like to show the boy some more love so can I Request First Date for Lego Monkie Kid Macaque? Have a fantastic day btwsss👋🏼👋🏼✨
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First Date: Macaque.
Word Count: 2494.
Rating: Fluff.
Content/Trigger Warnings: N/A.
Authors Notes: Say.less. This came out way longer than I expected yet left rushed? Hope you enjoy it!
“You're here early,” the voice scared you… it felt like a déjà vu moment, but you shook it off and focused on him. 
“I didn't wanna be late,” you looked at the emo monkey boy in human form and smiled a bit. 
He wore his usual puppet master outfit, but something about it this time seemed more… well-kept? Groomed, even? Right now, he had the hood down. Like last time, he looked a bit weird to you since you were more used to seeing the emo monkey boy and not emo human boy. He was handsome nonetheless, though.
“You look gorgeous,” he said as he got a look at you and you to him.
“So do you,” you said without thinking and smiled nervously. “I mean, handsome, you-”
“It’s okay,” he cut you off with a chuckle. “Thank you.”
“R-right… so, what do you have in store for me tonight?” you smiled up at him. He just stared at you with a small smile of his own before his mind finally caught up to him.
“Right, well,” he chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, you said that you wanted it to be a shadow play… so, I, um…” he cleared his throat. “I made one for you.”
“You… made one for me? Like from scratch?” you asked in both shock and curiosity.
Your entire face felt hot from the blush that took over when he said that. You’d never expect that he or anyone would make something like a play script just for you, granted this would be the second time he did. It was definitely unexpected and most flattering if you were being completely honest.
“May I?” he asked. You looked at his hand he held out for you, that charming yet mischievous smile made your heart race as you placed your hand in his.
“You may,” you replied with a small smile.
“Are you scared, (Y/n)?” he mused a bit.
“Me? Scared? Pft- don't be ridiculous,” you waved him off, which made him chuckle as he led you inside.
“Date never killed anyone,” he chuckled.
“You haven't watched enough horror movies,” you teased him. 
The theatre room was empty as he led you to and sat you down front and centre. Before you could question him on whether or not he rented out the room for just you two, he put his hood up and the lights dimmed a bit.
“Ladies and gentlemen… tonight, you're all in for a treat,” you looked at him in question before you noticed there were people in the room; you were the only one in the front. You were sure it was empty before, though, but you shook it off and zeroed in on Macaque.
“This story was made for the gorgeous creature in the front row,” he gestured to you with a grin, which made you shift a bit as people watched you. You gave him the ‘I'll kill you later’ eyes, but his grin only grew wider as his head lowered to cover his face except his mouth.
This story had everything you loved: action, mystery, tragedy, romance. It felt unlike him, but at the same time, how he told the story was breathtaking and had many on the edge of their seats. The main character was a heroine who fell in love with the villain and changed him… only for the villain to lose his life while saving her. 
The story had ended with the heroine marrying the villain who had actually faked his death in order to keep her safe from his enemies. It was an entire rollercoaster of emotions and maybe because it was written for you that you were more invested in the story than you normally would be. He took your breath away and his smile when he saw how much you were enjoying it shone brighter than Wukong. 
“Did you like it?” was the first thing he asked once everyone left, and he walked over to you.
“I loved it,” you smiled up at him. “I never would have thought that the Six Eared Macaque would be this good at writing,” you teased, which successfully made him all bashful and shy.
“I'm glad you liked it,” he chuckled a bit and sat to your left as he shifted back to his emo monkey form. “To be honest… I kinda made up the last part.”
“You mean you killed off the villain?!” you gasped dramatically and nudged him playfully with your shoulder. “You monster… how could you,” you said dramatically, which made him laugh a bit.
“But I saved him, don't hit me for that,” he chuckled as he put his hands up in mock surrender. 
“It was still pretty good, though,” you smiled, looking ahead at the stage. “You must really enjoy doing these.”
“It’s just a hobby,” he shrugged a bit. 
“Don't think you can try to be all indifferent now,” you looked at him with a smile and nudged him.
“Fine, fine… it's a hobby that I really like,” he admitted. “Especially now that I have a fan,” he looked at you with a small smirk.
“Oh really? And who said anything about me being your fan, hm?” you teased as you folded your arms.
“I had a pretty good hunch,” he said confidently. “You wouldn't have suggested our date be a shadow play if you didn't really like it… so you're obviously a fan of mine.”
“Fine, maybe I think that your shadows are pretty cool,” you smiled a bit to yourself. “I really like how well you use them to tell your stories.”
“I appreciate that,” he looked at you. 
Your smiles never seemed to disappear when you were around each other. Neither of you had ever smiled so much at anyone, especially Macaque. Yet, being with you like he was now… it brought him an odd sense of peace and made his insides and outsides feel warm and fuzzy, I mean, forgetting that he is fuzzy.  
“What do you wanna do now?” you asked without even thinking.
“Well, I could show off a bit more,” he said as he let a shadow clone appear on your right, which scared you at first. 
“Do you get cold easily?” you asked.
“I'm covered in fur, (Y/n),” he mused.
“Touché,” you shrugged as you stood up. 
You tried to ignore how cool you thought the clone was so as to not fill up his ego by letting him know how cool you thought it was. Sure, you'd seen Wukong’s clones a lot before, but that never meant that you always thought it was amazing every single time! I mean… they made clones! Yes, you have abilities too, but this wasn't about you.
“Did you want to go somewhere?” his voice brought you back to reality.
“We can go for a walk to the park, there was a full moon out,”
“Do you like the moon?” he asked with a small smile. You were too adorable for words.
“A lot,” you grinned a bit.
“Let's go for a walk, then,” he made his clone disappear into the dark void before he stood up and opened his hand again for yours. “(Y/n),”
“Yes?” you asked softly.
“Can I hold your hand while we walk?” he asked in a gentle tone that made your heart want to explode.
“Mhm,” you nodded. 
That was all you could get out as he took your hand and led you out through the back exit. Your insides were on fire, but he wasn't any different. He didn't know where that courage came from, but he was glad that he asked. Your hand was small, but it felt so warm and though it wasn't very soft. It was between smooth and rough, which showed you were a hard worker and he loved that about you.
The walk down the alley to the streets was as quiet as the night before when you waited for the others to arrive… which they never did, by the way.
“Be honest with me, Macaque,” you glanced up at him.
“Sure,” he gave a nod, curious of what you wanted his honesty on.
“Did you do something to MK and the others to make them not show up yesterday?” you raised a brow. He laughed a bit and lifted your hand he was holding to kiss the back of it.
“Guilty,” he confessed, which made you laugh a bit, not minding the hand kiss even though your heart never seemed to slow down.
“What’d you do?” you asked in amusement.
“Let's just say… I called in a few favours,” he grinned at you.
“You didn't!” you laughed. “No wonder Wukong was so pissed off.”
“Well, when I heard you were coming too, I wanted to take the chance to talk to you in private,” he confessed as he looked at you. “Of course, you know that if our buddy Wukong was there, he’d have made sure I was in another theatre entirely.”
“Point taken,” you smiled a bit. “Were you really that desperate to get me alone?” you teased.
“Talking to you in person is way better than talking on the phone or texting,” he stated.
“I guess,” you chuckled and shook your head. “Such a trickster.”
“Guilty again,” he chuckled as he let go of your hand and instead wrapped his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. “This okay?”
“Y-Yeah… it’s fine,” you said softly, face bright from all the blood rushing to your full cheeks. He smelled so good, like pinewood and some amazing cologne. His body was so warm and the fur on his wrist tickled the skin of your arm.
“You were shivering a bit,”
“No I wasn't,” you looked up at him with a smile.
“Guess my eyes aren't what they used to be,” he joked.
“Real smooth, emo boy,”
“Emo boy?” he mused.
“Yeah, emo boy,” you looked at him with a slight grin.
“If you're calling me that, then I'm freely calling you plum,” he shot back.
“Macaque,” you said, which made him chuckle.
“Nah, I'm still calling you plum,” he stated with a slight shrug before he pulled you closer to him.  
“Fine,” you sighed softly. If he was anything like Wukong, he wasn't going to stop calling you that. 
“Wasn't as long as I thought,” he smirked, referring to when you told him having nickname rights would take a long, long time.
“Hey, look,” he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “It really is a full moon,” he said and pointed to the empty sky.
You didn't know when you got to the park, mostly distracted by Macaque and his voice and his body close to yours. The view of the night sky from the park was breathtaking, you mentally thanked yourself for suggesting it. 
The rest of the night was spent with his arms wrapped securely around you to ‘keep you warm’ even though it wasn't exactly cold out. You didn't want it to end, but he didn't want to keep you outside too late. 
“I don't think I can teleport…” you glanced away with a small pout. Macaque smiled a bit at your adorable behaviour. 
“Oh really?” he mused. “Do you want me to teleport you, then?”
“Yes, please,” you looked at him with an eager grin and a childish glint in your eyes.
“I don't know, plum…” he tried to play hard to get. “It might be dangerous~”
“Danger is my middle name!” you declared, which made him laugh.
“Alright, alright, I won't make you beg,” he chuckled. “But, this transportation isn't free,”
“Oh, really?” you mused as you folded your arms. “What's the fee?”
“One kiss for one portal,” he said as he looked down at you with a small smirk.
“W-What?” you stuttered slightly, not expecting it but not surprised either.
“What? I'm sure a beautiful woman such as yourself has kissed someone before,”
“Of course I have! But that isn't the problem,” you said defensively. Sure you've kissed people in your long life… but this felt different for some reason.
“What is the problem?” he raised a brow, his smile never wavered.
“Well…” you trailed off, not really knowing what to say.
“How about… since it’s our first official date, I give you a small kiss,” he suggested. “Sound good?”
“Okay,” you nodded, you were sure you hadn't stopped blushing since he asked to hold your hand back at the theatre.
“Great…” he held that same hand while his other hand held your chin. “Can I kiss you, (Y/n)?”
“Yes…” your voice was soft, your eyes locked onto each other like you were the only beings in the universe.
“Alright,” he smiled a bit before he leaned in close, placing a kiss on your forehead before he pulled back and let your hand go. You were… flabbergasted. You never expected that… 
That tease!  You thought to yourself as you looked at him as he stretched and cracked his knuckles.
“It’s really late,” he looked at you with that cocky smirk. “I’ll need your address.”
“Oh… right,” you nodded and gave it to him, you were surprised that he knew the area.
“If you're scared, I can go with you,”
“Nope,” you shook your head as he opened the portal. Your heart was beating too fast all night for you to think about him being in your home… Alone with you. 
“Suit yourself,” he struggled with a chuckle. “If you're scared, you can close your eyes and jump in,”
“Okay…” you nodded… only for him to move it below you. “Jerk!” you yelled before you fell in and, thankfully, landed on your couch. You stared ahead and cupped your heated cheeks. “Stupid emo monkey,” you puffed your cheeks a bit before your left hand moved to touch where he kissed…
That dork… you smiled a bit to yourself.
He teleported you to your place with a smile, but when the portal closed, he frowned. He held up the hand that held onto yours most of the walk and narrowed his eyes at it. It felt cold now, his body felt cold, and he hated it. He mostly hated himself for opening his big mouth and sending you home. He hated himself for being this hung up on you… but he would never trade the feeling you gave him for the world. He wanted to be selfish and let you stay with him till the sun came up…
His fingers lifted to touch his lips and a small smirk formed. The warm touch of your skin still felt tingly against his lips, he wished he’d kissed your lips, but that was for another time. You were so nervous, and he didn't want to do something that would make you uncomfortable. He had to be patient with this and go slow… thankfully, he was a very patient emo monkey.
Silly plum…  he mused to himself.
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Hello there!! Can i headcanons for Red son, Nezha, Sun Wukong and Macaque with their fem s/o who is acting like a house wife + she's good taking care or babysit children
Hello!! Hope you like this one!!
Red Son, Nezha, Wukong and Macaque x fem! housewife! reader
Red Son
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I don't think he realizes what you're doing, at first. Like, he'd try to insist that you leave all the cleaning and cooking to the bull clones
They keep saying "You are the lover of the Prince of the Demon Bull King family, which makes you the Princess! Please, dear, leave the cleaning and such to the bots."
If you keep insisting though, he'll give in and let you what you want. He actually tries to help you out with some chores! You guys both wash the dishes and cook meals together :]
Firmly believes that she shouldn't just let you do all the hard work by yourself. You're his beloved! If you want to become their housewife, then he will become your househusband. That's how a relationship is supposed to work, right? Both parties have to do their own share of work!
So now you got a Malewife Red Son. Congrats!!
Sometimes he sees you babysit some kids and even babying some of the bull clones they made, and she has to calm himself down before their hair torches the ceiling
Red Son is sort of a romantic, and daydreams sometimes on what having a family with you is like... So seeing you be so gentle with children fuels those fantasies a whole lot
Be prepared for a marriage proposal in the near future!!
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Nezha is literally the God of Children. So if he ever sees you being so gentle with kids, he'll be so touched before joining you
Nezha never really thought about marriage or having kids of his own, so whenever he sees you act all motherly with children or acting like a housewife his face gets red
Accidentally referred to you as his wife once and got so embarrassed afterwards. Please don't bring it up he'll literally collapse /j
Has actually thought of doing those traditional chinese marriages with you if you guys ever do get married. He brings up the topic of marriage once to gouge out your reaction so he can see how you feel about it
Nezha starts to warm up to the concept of you being a housewife after a while, but that doesn't mean he'll leave all the work to you!
There's not much to do living with him anyway. He already cleans his own things and makes his own meals, so at best you only make food whenever he's tired and clean stuff he forgot to clean
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Oh, he loves it. He loves the fact that you act like his housewife so much, that bastard
He can't cook for shit, so you often make meals for him. He tries to help you out, but I think it's best if he just stays as a cooking assistant for now-
I don't think he eats anything other than peaches in his mountain, so make sure to give him a variety of food in his meals! He would be so grateful. He'd literally eat anything you make and say that it tastes better than the peaches of immortality
Wukong is also very messy. Please tell him to pick up after himself or else you're gonna be cleaning so much stuff
Believe it or not, your housewife actions actually influence him a bit! He gets you a bunch of ingredients from over the world, even mythical ones! Fully encourages your cooking and cleaning habits by gifting you things like that
The baby monkeys love you so much. So much that he told you he thinks they love you more than they love him
He doesn't mind, he agrees with them to be honest lmao
I don't think he cares much for starting a family/getting married, since you guys practically act married already! But if you want things to get official, then he'll gladly oblige
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Isn't used to people taking care of him. Whenever he wakes up to you cooking a meal just for him and cleaning up the dojo, he gets so touched that he doesn't know what to say
Mac really likes it when you act like a housewife. He loves the domestic vibes he gets when he sees you cook or clean early in the morning. Living a peaceful and loving life with you is like, his biggest dream
He wants to pay you back for all your hard work, somehow. Says a whole lot of 'thank you's and 'Aw, for me?'s, but internally he's racking his brain for any possible way to give you the same amount of love you give him
You tell him it isn't necessary, but he just really wants to show you how much he loves you! So he gives you little gifts, like an apron or some suggesting some food recipes you guys could make together
Isn't that big of a family guy, I think. He knows you babysit kids, but he stays out of the way most of the time because he thinks he might scare them. That all changes once the Hostess comes over and you guys immediately bond
It's only after hanging out with you and the hostess is that he realizes how much he'd love having a life of quiet with you. Just you and him, maybe some kids, living peacefully in a house somewhere. He brings it up to you someday, to see what you think about it, before agreeing on something
He's engaged now :]] Mac is doing mental fist pumps whenever he sees you with the ring on your finger
Hope this was good!! I actually like the way I characterized Red Son here. Nezha's was pretty short, but that's mostly because I don't know his character all that well. This was super fun to write!
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seaweedcolored · 6 months
Five Times Heavenly Idol MK's Head Bodyguard Got On His Case For Leaving... and that's it. That's all it takes to break Wukong's heart.
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These fleeting hopes we bury deep The signals mixed, pretend we cannot see I just wish I just wish that we could stay like this
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(fic under cut)
"You- you- you're the Monkey King?!" MK squawked.
The monkey demon crossed his arms, capelet and multicolored skirt fluttering from a mysteriously present explosion behind him. "The one and only! Now, where's my--"
"But there's no way!"
"I mean, you're the Heavenly Idol MK! You're my idol! I literally got the same nickname as you! You can't be the Monkey King!"
Honestly, it had more to do about all the fan letters he'd sent the Heavenly Idol and how MK felt about said idol also being his hero, and he'd rather not think about the very real possibility that that a diety like Monkey King had gone and seen all the blabber MK had to say about him. Gosh, that would be beyond embarrassing. Maybe MK should've just let the Demon Bull King stomp on him if he knew that this is where he would've ended up.
MK's blabber continued on as Monkey King-- and that was definitely, undeniably the Monkey King. Heck, MK even stepped on him in bug form! What kind of person was he?!-- watched in something akin to resignation. It was probably embarrassing to him too!! He was even checking his phon eto see how much longer he had before it was time to ditch MK!
"Hey, uh, kid? I'm going to come clean here--" Monkey King chuckled, putting away his phone. "I need to check back in with my bodyguards in like, five minutes, so jig's up. I've been watching you--"
Before MK could even begin to process what that meant, Monkey King bulldozed on.
"And I already, sorta know about the whole staff thing--can't really be a hundred percent sure because I've been kinda busy this whole time with all the photoshoots and rehearsals, but I know that you're perfect!"
"To what?"
"Be my... SUCCESSOR!"
A few hours later, while MK was having some victory noodles with his family, Mei pulled up the live feed of Heavenly Idol MK's current world tour. MK promptly choked on his noodles and wondered briefly how the Monkey King, for all his abilities, made it back to the other side of the globe within five minutes.
(Wukong didn't-- he got a scolding from the head bodyguard for it, but it was always a treat to get any form of attention, if he was going to be honest.)
"Okay, bud, let's make this quick. I gotta get back to set before my bodyguards notice," Monkey King said, hopping down from his nimbus and starting on a few warm up stretches. As per usual, he was dressed in his performance outfit, and MK would be more bothered about it if Monkey King wasn't consistently able to reintroduce him to Flower Fruit Mountain soil in the inconvenience of it.
"We don't have to do this everyday if it's inconvenient for you, Mr. Monkey King!" MK spluttered.
"Nah, don't worry about it, bud! Happy to be here!" The Monkey King stretched one more time before hiding his hands behind his back. "Let's get started, shall we?"
MK successfully lasted six minutes-- a new record.
(Wukong's head bodyguard also noticed him within a new record of ten minutes since his "bathroom break".)
"I can't believe you just up and two-timed me for Macaque! Macaque! Of everyone you could've chosen, you chose HIM!"
"I'm sorry, Monkey King. I just... I just wanted to make you proud. You're always so busy with show business and you obviously love it, so I figured that if I could learn some things on my own, you'd be proud of me."
Monkey King sighed. MK expected him to walk away then a then, bu twas instead surprised when Monkey King took a seat next to him, going so far as the wrap an arm around his shoulders and giving him a few awkward pats.
"I'm already proud of you, MK. What you've got? It's not something just anyone could have."
"That I can lift the staff?"
"Well, there's that, but I'm talking about your heart kiddo," Monkey King chuckled playfully. "Your heart is one of a kind, and it's in the right place. Everything else you're worried about? We can work on it another time."
"...Thanks, Monkey King."
At that moment, Monkey King's phone pinged with a text. He looked sheepish about it, but MK knew better than to butt further into Monkey King's idol busine--
"THAT GUY--" Monkey King jumped to his feet, growling at his screen. "He think he can just go and tell me to come back? AFTER WHAT HE DID????"
"...your bodyguard?" MK asked.
"YEAH! He's so dead to me when I get there!"
"I don't think you can go around killing your staff, Monkey King."
"Can't I? I already did it once--" MK doesn't think he wants to know the scandal behind that story. "--and he was asking me to give it my all earlier, so why can't I zip back there and show him my 'true power'. STUPID MONKEY! HMPH!"
Monkey King got on his nimbus and promptly zoomed away, probably to make good on the threat. MK didn't hear any scandals about dead Heavenly Idol staff, so MK wasn't going to think too deeply into it.
(Except, it was kinda weird that Macaque was not only a monkey, but also asked Monkey King to give it his all that day, right? Maybe not. MK was probably overthinking things. There was no way, right?)
"Hey, Monkey King, are you sure you want to be spending time here, with me, when you're still technically on tour?" MK asked, trying to distract himself from the fact that he just ate Monkey King's hair for New Year. If he promptly didn't think about it hard enough, maybe he'd delude himself into thinking that he just directly consumed good fortune or something.
Monkey King laughed. "It's no big deal, bud, really! It's my day off. No one going to be bothering us today-- THE FIREWORKS!"
"You had one job, MK, one job," Zhanshi chastised, pointedly shutting his laptop, and along it the clip of Heavenly Idol MK, dressed in full New Year Special stage outfit, flying around in a nimbus that was unmistakably the Monkey King's. The general public could be fooled into believing whatever lie the PR team comes up with, but there would be a select few who lived a touch too long or knew a bit too much who could put two on two together.
(Much like Zhanshi did, but unlike Zhanshi, would probably have less noble intentions.
But who was he kidding, his own intentions were far from noble.)
"Don't end up in public eye. We left you for one day."
"Hey, you don't get to say that!" Heavenly Idol retorted. "You did the exact same thing when you were on day-off, remember?"
Zhanshi whistled innocently and turned away from his charge on his wheelie chair.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!"
"I can and I will."
Heavenly Idol sighed in frustration. "Whatever. You need me to stay on the downlow for a bit anyway, right?"
"...That's the usual protocol, yes."
"Then I'll be off. I need to do something anyway."
"Like training your successor?"
Heavenly Idol heard the swivel of the office chair and looked back, but instead of white fur and a pair of lilac eyes, he was met with midnight locks and golden eyes, complete with three pairs of glowing ears.
If this were a conversation between the Heavenly Idol and his head bodyguard Zhanshi, then it'd be one of banter with negligible consequences. This, however, had just turned into a conversation between Monkey King and his warrior.
Wukong scoffed. "It's none of your business. Stay out of my way."
"Why couldn't you just be satisfied with what you had?! You had everything you could've ever wanted. You're stronger than anyone would ever need to be. You were happy with just the monkeys on the mountain, you were happy with just me. What happened to all that?"
Wukong watched the distorted image of his past replay in front of him for the hundred, maybe thousandth time. Maybe, of all the memories he'd gone and shattered beyond recognition, then maybe this one was probably the one he wouldn't regret breaking on purpose.
And yet...
"What happened to all your promises?! What happened to living a lazy life under the sun?! WHAT HAPPENED TO NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE EVER AGAIN?
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
Something that I think is really funny (even though I don’t know if there is any deeper meaning behind it beyond being a funny contrast) is how MK is only ever catty to Macaque. Meanwhile, as of the season 3 specials, Macaque is at his best/kindest when with MK.
I don‘t think I‘ve ever seen you talk in depth about these two? So I was wondering what your thoughts on them were (generally speaking).
I think overall, it really highlights MK's negative character arc vs Macaque's positive one. Macaque has his issues, of course, but he's also improved somewhat (being willing to help SWK in 4x11 being the prime example of that). MK on the other hand just keeps steadily going down.
And I also think that like...in a way, MK is for Macaque who Tang Sanzang was for Wukong:
"Wukong was on a path of self-destruction, we all were. But when he met the Monk, it sent him down a different path." (4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Which I think is very reminiscent of Macaque's arc in seasons 1-3. Macaque, who was very bent on revenge and wallowing in his own suffering, learns to see Wukong in a different light and the value of helping others.
"Alright Misery Kid, you were supposed to realize by now that the choices the game's giving you aren't the only choices you've got. Life isn't some pre-written thing like a video game where you ahve to do what the tutorial says. [...] Whatever point is, it's time to start making your own choices—something I wish I would have learned a lot sooner than I did." (4x10 The Jade Emperor)
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And a big part of that was MK giving him a chance in 3x13, along with MK's choice to not abandon Mei in 3x10.
So yeah! I think Macaque and MK have a pretty interesting dynamic. I also am kinda hoping that MK loses his shit on Macaque next season lol, and then from there they can both build a more sincere and honest relationship!
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prettybluebro · 1 month
How do you see Macaque and Wukong relationship? they are sundial duo (platonic for you?) or them in a romantic way? Also, I love the art you do
Hi! Sorry for the late response. I just saw this today.
That's a very interesting question. I see their relationship as something beyond romantic and platonic. Something more than just simply friends, lovers or brothers, something greater than that.
It really depends to be honest, I see past Sun Wukong's and Macaque's relationship as something greater that words can't describe it well. It's simply just pure love, not something romantic or platonic but just love. It's probably really confusing to understand because how could one love without it being platonic or romantic? How could it be something beyond? Well, for you to find that out you would have to experience the relationship with someone you love. You would think that they're someone important to you, not as a friend or partner but just someone, someone that you care so deeply about that it cross past the line of “romantic” and “platonic”.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. I just don't see enough content of queerplatonic relationships and I love these kind of relationship, it's the best kind someone could ask for. It's quite rare because the bond is special, something very precious that one should cherish once they have it.
Also, I'm glad that you love my artwork! Wished I could draw more but I've been so busy with school, work and my mental health. I've been discovering a lot of things about myself and I'm trying to process them. Really hope that I'd get to see more content of queerplatonic shadowpeach/sundial duo!
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Anyways, here's something I drew weeks ago. It's supposed to be queerplatonic by the way but you can interpret it however you want. It's supposed to be me and my best friend, whom I love lots!
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sketching-shark · 6 months
I saw your post about how you say that western interpretations of swk are just taking his goofy side and not much his violent side, but didn't you say before that western interpretations were just taking his violent side without understanding his character fully? and that he was more than just an evil/violent monkey? you said it with lmk for example, when they show in the past that wukong just wanted the powers for ambition and became ''evil'' and you said it wasn't right they interpret him like just a violent monkey
Im confused here
Complaining below, so if you (understandably lol) don't want to read all of that feel free to ignore.
My apologies for the confusion anon! And I will admit that I don't remember exactly what I wrote in this regard, though I do remember spending more time than I should have whining about both the goofiness and solely destructive aspects of SWK's character being given prominence in a lot of western interpretations lol. Maybe it was a combination of the two & me complaining of the prevalence of the "destructive meathead" interpretation of SWK? That IS a pretty common personality given to this monkey in western interpretations (see Netflix's The New Legends of Monkey & The Monkey King for example), and is a combination of goofiness & violence that shunts the "intelligent" part of "intelligent stone monkey" into the background.
THAT SAID, I am aware that I'm EXTREMELY picky in terms of Sun Wukong representations, and that it would be completely false to pretend there aren't a ton of Chinese presentations of the Monkey King that don't lean heavily towards a goofy and/or destructive characterization. Hell, I have heard and seen some pretty nasty examples of the Monkey King interpreted through the grimdark genre that ended with me hoping I manage to forget about them posthaste. And when it comes to children's media it makes sense that there would be a focus on the silly side of SWK's character. As I've said many a time before, it's not like you'd want to expose kids to a monkey running around smashing people's heads into meat patties.
I guess a lot of my personal frustrations come from the way there's a bit of a monoculturalization in the ways that western interpretations tend to lean heavily on the silly and violent sides of SWK's character while doing away with a lot of his intelligence, attempts to resolve matters through less violent means, and cutting out a lot of the actually pretty understandable reasons and contexts for why SWK does what he does in the classic. To give an example, one of the things that I find really interesting about SWK in JTTW is how he is undoubtedly a very violent monkey, BUT he's a very violent monkey in a world where many of the major power players, from the yaoguai kings to the Jade Emperor himself, are just as (if not more) violent as him. So you do for example have yaoguai like the Brotherhood of Lion Camel Ridge and the Demon Bull King being vicious man-eaters, with the Brotherhood in particular being described as living in a charnel house of human gore; the Tang Emperor, who Tang Sanzang is sworn brothers with, is literally described as a man who killed countless people to get his power, and we do actually see a lot of their ghosts his tour of Diyu; and the Jade Emperor, besides meeting out such vicious punishments as having Bai Longma hung in the sky and whipped 300 times before he was to be executed for accidentally burning some pearls, basically ordered the genocide of the Mt. Huaguoshan monkeys because Sun Wukong wouldn't surrender after stealing a bunch of immortality-granting treats that were grown/made, i.e. stuff that could all be replaced. So while SWK is definitely a vicious and frequently remorseless and ruthless monkey, this is taking place in a world where so is every other leader to a greater or lesser extent; Sun Wukong's just the most brutally honest about it. And the Monkey King seems fully aware of this and respond accordingly; his very first kill, in fact, was that of the Demon King of Confusion, who had kidnapped a lot of the children of the Mt. Huaguoshan troop. As is, you don't see SWK starting a lot of fights (he even often gives his opponents the chance to strike the first blow), but he sure is willing to escalate to get his way! Not to mention how it's ever-more painfully obvious that Tang Sanzang, who is always preaching nonviolence and compassion, would have been killed and eaten from the very start of his journey if he didn't have an ultraviolent monkey and multiple deities guarding his every step. And that dynamic does as such raise such disturbing and disturbingly relevant questions as: what chance does empathy and nonviolence have of surviving under these circumstances? What would it truly take to create a world were nonviolence and compassion are the rule of law? Can any ruler truly justify their violence based on higher purposes, or are we always dealing with a situation where might makes right? How do we persuade others, even those who can and have wield horrific violence, of the necessity of nonviolence? And does violence ultimately have a place in a world where acts of destruction take generations to heal, if they do heal at all?
IN CONCLUSION, I personally think that there's a lot of really interesting and important questions that the Monkey King and his story in Xiyouji raise, and while I am more understanding now as to why a lot of retellings don't even try to tackle half of them, I do find if frustrating that there seems like a real reluctance to even make the attempt. So you do end up with a lot of simplified versions of SWK, with a good chunk of them falling into the silly monkey, violent monkey, or silly violent monkey sides.
Like as far as lmk goes I'm kind of sad and pretty frustrated that even though they keep hinting at deeper or more understandable reasons for why their SWK is such a mess, Flying Bark now has a history of showing everyone and their mother yelling at SWK for being stupid and destructive and then going out of their way to show this monkey being stupid and destructive, and then basically waiting until the last possible second before suddenly pulling an increasingly unconvincing "maybe he doesn't suck THAT much" conclusion. Like...it's now been revealed that this dude, besides never even having a monkey yaoguai family he loved and was protecting, literally though it was a good idea to instigate a war against heaven with a grand total of 4 other guys even though that was clearly doomed to failure (vs. book SWK who was stuck waging a clearly defensive war against heaven with the entirely of his hundreds of allies and their troops), & even though it was definitely inadvertently he played a massive hand in almost exploding the entire universe with the Samadhi fire debacle. And that's to say nothing of how it increasingly seems like lego SWK is the worst Monkey King shifu out there. Could be that a lot of this is because the stakes are so much higher in Monkie Kid than they are in other stories where SWK has a tudi--as with Liu Chenxiang (who wanted the ability to fight his uncle Erlang Shen so he could free his mother Sansheng Mu) or Li Yunxiang (who was being targeted by powerful yaoguai and dragons for being Li Nezha's reincarnation & needed someone to protect him & help him control his abilities until he was ready to stand on his own), and certainly the unnamed Indian prince in the og classic (who was impressed with SWK & wanted to learn martial arts skills under him & who's life was never in danger)--but its genuinely disheartening how much Qi Xiaotian has now suffered specifically because of his shifu-tudi relationship to Sun Wukong. That's a reality that isn't even partially true in these other cases. It's the kind of thing that drives you to ask if the ever-more traumatized monkie boy would ultimately have had a happier life if the Monkey King never became part of it :(
Anyway, I hope that clears things up anon! If anything, just keep in mind that the Monkey King's character in the og classic is rich and varied enough to act as the baseline for a vast variety of interpretations and retellings, and that a lot of my complaining is about feeling that a particular retelling is going too far in its flanderization. People have come up with all sorts of characterizations for this monkey for literally centuries--and they range from a irresponsible and foolish demon to a honest and diligent holy being--but it does pay to remember what an important literary and religious figure he is, and what sorts of interesting and relevant possibilities he offers.
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squidkid15 · 8 months
I'm so validated by you bringing up Benched because Macaque starts having an honest-to-god panic attack. When he picks himself up off the floor after being electrocuted by the lantern, and realizes he can see his breath, he starts sweating & breathing really fast, and glancing around. It's one of my favorite moments. He's utterly terrified and, unlike when facing Possessed Wukong later, can't even try to hide it. He's so, so, SO scared of her & I'd love the show to give us more insight about it.
I feel like i don't see enough about it. Like Mac is never so much as phased like...almost the entire rest of the show. He jokes about the end of the world ("I'm kinda on this whole living streak right now, so we were hoping, maybe, you could call off this whole end of the world thing. Would really help us out :3"), isn't at all surprised when Wukong crashes his monologue on MK ("Monkey kiiing! Good to see ya, bud."), gives Peng shit during (another) end of the world scene, etc.
He gets a bit rattled sometimes (MK attacking him during Shadowplay/causing that flashback, Mei jumping him in the winning side (which can be debated, I'm in the camp that was all an act but ignoring that HC-), etc.) but we almost never see him scared, and certainly never terrified. The only other time is when the Mayor surprises him in Shadowplay, mac is visibly unnerved. But that's because mayor and LBD are one and the same.
He is terrified of LBD for some reason, benched is proof. Because as you say, he borders on a full panic attack, and he's bargaining for his life. That is a FAR cry from anything else we've seen from him.
So I repeat the question - what did she do to him?
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justsomewritingblog · 7 months
Not So Sweet Surprise
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Request:  any chance we could see that conversation between Sun and Ghira? Kali's probably rolling her eyes because this is just like what HER father did. :)
Requested By:  Anonymous
Pairing:  Sun Wukong x Blake Belladonna
Summary:  This is a prequel to ‘Sweet Sunset’
Warnings:  None?
A/N:  This was really fun to write.  Thanks for the request!
Word Count:  672
Sun took a deep breath, staring up at the Belladonna house.  He had thought about turning around and running, tail between his legs, but he was determined to marry Blake.  He chewed the inside of his cheek, thinking.  Before he could stop himself, his hand rose and took the doorknocker, slamming it against the wood twice.  The loud and eerie sound unnerved him, but it was too late.
The door opened, revealing Kali.  He breathed a sigh of relief, glad Ghira hadn’t answered the door.
“Hey, Mrs. B.”  He greeted.
“Sun?  What are you doing here?  Not that I’m not glad to see you.”
“Well, I was wondering if I could talk to you and your husband.”
Kali opened her mouth to respond, but it wasn’t her voice that Sun heard. “About what?”  Ghira’s voice entered the discussion, nearly scaring Sun half to death.  His eyes widened, and he stiffened like a board.
“Sir!  I was just- I was going- I was wondering- I was hoping-”
“Spit it out, man!”  Ghira ordered.
“IwaswonderingifIcouldmarryyourdaughter!”  He blurted out.  Ghira and Kali shared a look.
“One more time.”  Ghira instructed.  Sun opened his mouth.  “Slowly.”  He clarified.  Sun took a deep breath.
“I was wondering if I could marry your daughter.”  He spoke more slowly, though he still sounded uneasy and he looked like the slightest movement from Ghira would send him running.  Kali’s face held a grin, while Ghira’s remained mostly stoic.  If Sun were being honest with himself, he wanted to die.  The silence was tense, which Kali seemed to notice.
“Why don’t you come in, dear?”  She offered, gently grabbing his arm and pulling him inside.  Sun hesitantly followed, but quickened his pace, feeling Ghira’s cold eyes burning holes in the back of his head.
Once inside, Kali set him down at the table, and went to get some tea going.  Sun followed after her, afraid to be left alone with her husband.  He did his best to stay out of the way, while she got some snacks around, until she was finished and took the tray out to the table.  They sat down, Sun sitting as far away from Ghira as possible, in case he needed a running start.  Kali broke the deafening silence.
“Why don’t you start at the beginning?”  She urged softly.  Sun inhaled a deep breath.
“Okay, so I was on a ship, being chased by some of the shipmates.  I ran off, and passed your daughter, Blake, and-”
“Not that beginning, Mr. Wukong.”  Ghira interrupted.  Sun swallowed thickly.
“Right.”  He managed to get out.  “Well Blake’s just amazing.  She’s smart, fun, caring, considerate, really good at everything she does, determined, persistent, and she’s got the nicest eyes I’ve ever seen…”  He trailed off, a far-away look in his eyes.  Ghira and Kali shared a look.  Kali nodded and Ghira sighed.
“Well it sounds like you truly love her.”  Ghira noted.  Sun was brought back to the real world and looked at the large man.  “You have our blessing.”
Sun’s grin in that moment could put the actual sun to shame.  “Thank you!  I can’t even express-“
“But if you do anything to hurt her, you will wish you’d never been born.”  He warned.  Kali rolled her eyes, remembering that those were the exact words her father had told Ghira.  It clearly intimidated him, so he decided to re-use it.
Sun nodded vigorously, his grin only faltering slightly.  Nothing Ghira could say would upset him at this point.  He quickly rose to his feet and hugged Kali, who laughed and patted his back.  Sun moved to Ghira, but before he could wrap his arms around him, Ghira spoke.
“Don’t push your luck.”
Sun simply nodded before turning and running out the door, letting out little shouts of victory.  Ghira and Kali walked to the door, watching him disappear behind buildings.  Kali looked up to her husband, who had a small, fond smile on his face.  Kali smiled softly, kissing her husband on the cheek before disappearing back inside.
A/n:  Repost!
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theweirdhybrid · 1 year
-Abandoned King anon
So answering this is like [ checks watch ] two months late but I finally found a place I could watch it! I'll admit I wasn't spending a whole lotta time looking bc my brain switched to hyperfixating on TMNT instead of LMK, BUT, that doesn't mean my love for the series disappeared!
I'm actually hoping to start working on Into The Wukongverse again after I finish the season :0 I haven't seen the specials yet unfortunately, the website I'm using doesn't have them bc they're not out in english yet I don't think :(
But also, if I start work on Into The Wukongverse again, I'll be working on it alongside my ROTMNT fic "Just This Once, Everybody Lives" because I refuse to abandon that fic. I have vivid stories in my mind for both, and sure, I haven't touched ITTW in... a while, BUT I haven't stopped thinking about it this whole time! I still have the masterpost pinned for a reason! I'll have to go back and redo some of it, but I'm still working on it, I promise!
(this gets long so I'm slapping a read more on this bad boy)
So my initial thoughts when I saw how different the sworn brothers were from the original cast of brothers (i wasn't terribly surprised honestly considering how different LMK already is to the source material) was actually delight! I'd already known about the new demons, since they made book appearances (it's been... a while since I've thought deeply about LMK, I'll be honest, so some lore has slipped from my brain unfortunately) and I can't quite remember if they were part of the og brotherhood or not, but I DO know they were adversaries that Wukong fought later on! So it was really cool to see them animated like that! Makes me wonder what became of the og brotherhood members, tho.
It was honestly a little funny how Azure told MK and Mei not to draw attention to themselves and the first thing they do is try to kidnap Tripitaka after saving him from being eaten XD Honestly, these doofuses... The episodes are very fast paced, but it's understandable considering they're only eleven minutes long
And also...
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Married. Married, holy SHIT they are so married I'm not even joking LOOK AT THIS OH MY GOD also the "I'm your Tangy :(" line- HUSBANDS. MARRIED. OH MY GOD. Literally this was so fucking cute oh my goooOOOOOOOOOOOOD-
Also, the entire thing of "No, Wukong's not my dad. Pigsy's my dad." and MK denying Wukong being his dad w the "If he was my dad don't you think he would've said something by now?" and then Mei shooting back with "Yeah, because he's sooooo forthcoming with information." was AMAZING. It had me looking at my lore for the Wukongverse and going "Yeah that tracks" XD
I love knowing my JTTW history this is so fucking cool :D
In fact, depending on how canon fully reveals what's going on MK and his past, I might even be able to say I predicted it w the ITTW lore :p I never did reveal how MK came to be, but I never forgot that piece of lore, so we'll have to see how it holds up to canon, but it looks like my version of the lore is pretty similar to canon but! We'll just have to see :)
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fansids · 1 year
i am hoping that soon we'll get to see sun wukong's side of the story, maybe in the special we'll get to see more of it? but from a technical stand point at least, the crew may be limited by a lot of things, which isn't to wholy discredit any of what you're saying, cus you're absolutely right, actually! it's sort of double edged sword i guess, because some of the writing choices are a little... confusing at times but it's what they gotta do with a budget and the timeframe they have for episodes
While I agree they are limited by ten episodes per season and ten minutes per episode, I don't think this is a time issue so much as a storytelling one.
Let me use the whole thing with Macaque for example. Macaque tells his part of the story in Shadow Play. Due to his past actions in the Macaque episode and the way the Shadow Play episode is constructed, it's implied that he's either outright lying or twisting the details to put himself in a more sympathetic light.
But the notion that he's not to be 100% trusted erodes the more him and SWK interact and the more he "gets better" as a character without the story ever alluding that Mac's not telling everything. The longer his part of the story goes unchallenged along with him becoming more of a supporting figure, and the more the show adds onto SWK's list of mistakes, the more the show implies that he's actually more in right.
And if he is being honest then that just makes it even more frustrating as the show never really acknowledges how he took his anger of SWK out on an innocent party multiple times in a very personal way.
If their time and budget is really the cause of all of this then they shouldn't go in the direction of a story they can't give proper justice to. If their writing choices are confusing, regardless of why, then they should change them. It's not like their runtime was shortened, it's always been this way.
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zoguy1 · 22 days
So. Every June, I try to challenge myself by posting something for Pride Month. For the past couple years, it's been ships with cute little pride flags. This year, the priority focus will be on the Trolls Summer Gift exchange. But at the very least I'd like to show ya'll the ones I've made in the past.
2022 bundle:
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Bi Hiccup x Gay Jack. Fun fact: This was the first gay couple I've ever laid my eyes on as a young child. I saw this ship and thought "I want that kind of relationship."
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Bi Tony x Gay Rudolph Watching the 2017 movie, these two reminded me of Luca and Alberto so much.
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Aro Merida You get it? Cuz she's an archer. It's funny. Laugh.
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Bi Nan Fang x Ace Fu Yao The headcannon was based off of a fanfic I read a while ago.
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Demi Ace Xie Lian x Gay Hua Cheng. I sevearly enjoyed the series. I occasionally eat fics of these two as comfort foods.
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Pan Xu Xuan x Trans Xiao Bai White snake was basically 2 hours of "What you are doesn't matter, it's who you are that matters", THEE Pansexual anthem, and then the second movie Turned Blanca into a guy? This is cannon.
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Ace Liu Qingge x Bi Shen Yuan Imma be honest. I didn't like SVSSS very much. Yandere's are not my cup of tea. And I was really hoping Shizun would have gotten with Liu-shidi instead.
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Gay Luca x Gay Alberto I'm so glad Luberto was actually confirmed to be somewhat cannon. Though Nowadays I see Luca as bi, cuz if we're counting the concept art as apart of the lore, then Luca had a crush on both Alberto and Giulia.
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Gay Jade x Gay Katie. Kate is the first character I actually felt scene as a queer person.
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Genderfluid Shi Qingxuan I freaking love them so much. Easily my favorite character.
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Aro Nezha This kid knows chaos and only chaos.
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Pan Adam x Gray Ace Freddy I saw this crossover on DA and thought they made so much sense together. Adam the literal personification of nature, and Freddy the unification of humanity and animals.
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Non-Binary Merz x Lesbian Alice These two are OCs of mine.
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Aro Lesbian Isabela and Aro Lesbian Elsa. I ship this in a sort of queer platonic way. Like a "we don't really want to date people, but everyone thinks we're dating, and we just don't care enough to correct them." kind of way.
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Genderfluid Camilo I want the ability to shapeshift so badly.
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Pan Ao Bing x Bi Xiao Jiu Ya'll get brownie points if you know which Ao Bing this is and double points if you know who Xiao Jiu is. Lol. It was a random crossover ship I made because the company liked to crossover their medias for advertisements, and we see the adults interacting and having fun, and Nezha joins them. But we don't see the two teenagers interact at all.
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Bi Verta x Bi Li Yunxiang Another crossover ship I made up cuz I didn't see a lot of Nezha Reborn and White Snake crossovers. Which surprised me, especially after Green Snake.
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Gay Jiang Ziya x Gay Shen Gongbao These two lived in the same house together for 10 years and adopted a daughter together. I am convinced these two are a married couple.
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Bi Mirabel There was a little bisexual rainbow on her dress. That's proof enough for me. Lol.
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Lesbian Amaya x Lesbian Janai I loved seeing their dynamic in the show.
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Non-Binary Kazi I love them. I'm glad they got more attention in the show.
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Lesbian Susie x Trans Noelle "Why does Noelle have antlers. Is she trans? The Null the Null the Null the Null..."
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Non-Binary Kris I love them. They literally never said a word, and I love them.
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AroAce Krel Based on a comic I made.
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Aro Blaze Another OC.
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Aro Douxie Idk why, but I get that vibe from him.
2023 Pack:
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Furry Omni Toby x Furry Demigirl Darci The moment Darci said she didn't want people to like her just because she was a girl, I felt that in my soul.
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Bi Steve x Pan Aja I am not convinced Steve is straight.
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Pan Simon x Gay Ao Bing This ship was inspired by a youtube video that had a list of crossover ships, this being on of them. And I freaking love it.
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AroAce Sun Wukong and AroAce Tang Sanzang In Monkey King Reborn, out of everyone in the friend group, you can just tell that these two cared about each other the most. And I think that's just sweet.
Fuck. I can only have 30 images per post. I'll reblog with the rest of the 2023 pack.
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cloud-somersault · 10 months
"Macaque always just seemed so bitter, y’know? It’s like he wanted your attention all the time." i know this was a short line, but i really love it. And i feel if wukong really heard it he wouldnt be completely despairing that there is nothing to salvage. Cause yeah macaque "hates" wukong, but hes also the one that always goes out of his way to get his attention, to banter/flirt, to tackle wukong and get just really physical in their fights. Hes ultra focused on him, and in a way that is beyond just wanting to kill.
Macaque IS ultra focused on him, but we also have to remember that Wukong has been sitting on his guilt for a millennium. Even if MK had gone up to him and said honestly, "I think Macaque is really still interested in you deep down."
Wukong would not believe that because he killed Macaque...so he's utterly convinced that Macaque hates him, despises him, wants nothing to do with him. Even when he's given some candy (a genuine surprise) he's confused and then falls back into "This doesn't mean anything. He still hates me and doesn't want anything to do with me." which, fair, I mean.
I think we're missing the fundamental part of: Wukong murdering Macaque has left such a mark on his soul, it's hard for him to see their relationship in any other way. Like yeah, he's trying, but he feels like at every opportunity, Macaque has shut that down or been unresponsive. Where MK sees hope, Wukong sees none. He's just so stuck in his ways and in his thoughts.
And Macaque, while super focused on Wukong and revenge, is still mindful and aware of him at all times. And what's the explanation for that? He wouldn't be honest about it if you asked him LMFAO.
This fic really drives home how being close-minded can really hurt your growth and drown out other perspectives that can help you learn more about the world and yourself. Because there may be hope there, but Wukong can't see it. What will it take for them to?
How important is the truth to both of them? And once they know it, what will they do?
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istopaskingmemate · 10 months
Hello! I hope you are doing alright. I'd like to ask, why did you think the brazier burning of LMK SWK happens after he was beaten by Heaven, not after his stint in Havoc in Heaven? And I think, if I remember correctly, you wrote that he was executed repeatedly for several Heaven days before he was pinned under the mountain, or was it before he was burned? Genuinely curious. Drink water and eat fruits and vegetables regularly! How do you feel about the upcoming s5 of LMK?
I'm doing good! how are you?
ok so I gonna be honest haven't read the book (being dyslexis makes reading long stuff a chore) so all I know is what I see on the internet and OSP vids. from my memory it went he got capture by heaven, heaven tried and failed to execute him so they throw him in the brazier to extract the immortality from him and well burn him alive in the process, when they opened the lid Wukong jump rightly pissed and went on a murder rampage that we call the havoc in heaven, Buddha shows up to handle the monkey and traps him under the montien. So yeah it wasn't after the havoc in heaven sorry if I made that unclaer but I have trying sort talk about how in one of the season 4 flash back wukong says when he released the horse they were calling it "the havoc in heaven" as well so idk it's confusing.
as for season 5 I feel exicited and nervous. I think we'll probably going to get a more character-driven season next season. which will be amazing if they do it right. I hope it there something on Wukong and his emotion and perspective but I kinda afraid it will be from everyone but perspective. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up on any thing.
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And It's Like the Sky is New
So just found LMK and gotta say I'm loving it so far.
Got inspired by a post by @animemoonprincess who stated that I See the Light is a great Macaque redemption song. And you know what? That was very correct!
So got wrote this up cause the thought wouldn't leave my head, hope I did it justice!
AO3 link
Word Count 3K.
It started with MK just bringing around noodles, wanting to check in and hang out for a bit before continuing orders or heading to training with Wukong. It became something that earned a fond smirk when the shadow monkey heard a rickety engine would start to come through, he’d admit that much but he didn’t expect it to lead to him slowly getting brought along to group hangouts. He couldn’t fully blame it on MK though. Whenever MK invited him, Bai He, who he still couldn’t fully understand why she wanted to be near him, would turn with big eyes hoping he’d say yes. 
The two of them together were a powerful pair, bright starry eyes and grins turned towards their target.
Macaque would relent every time, saying someone needed to keep an eye Bai He still and that it wouldn’t hurt to get some air. The kids deserve a break after everything with LBD, so did he if he would be honest with himself, but he’d never say that out loud and look that soft.
The first few outings had been rough, Wukong could hardly believe that Macaque wouldn’t pick a fight with anyone while he hung around at the very edge of the group. Jokes on Wukong though, because Macaque would be on his best behavior in front of everyone.
Wukong’s fuming at the smug looks Macaque shot at him when no one else was looking was honestly the highlight to these little trips that were becoming the norm. 
Wukong almost spoiled that one trip, because of course the loud mouth would have to push and prod about Macaque quote “Coming out of his dark hole” to spend time with the ragtag misfits that would come to these gatherings. The golden monkey made one joke about MK luring him out the way one would coax a feral cat to them, and the demon just couldn’t let that stand. 
He’d thrown his counterpart into a nearby lake with a creative use of his portal, and perhaps he laughed a little too much when everyone else started freaking out when the sage didn’t immediately resurface. 
Stones don’t float and neither ‌does a stone monkey.
 It didn’t take long though before Wukong walked to the edge to pull himself out. It was well worth MK’s scolding and pout after the laughter had stopped. It was worth it too to have to stick closer to Bai He to avoid the Monkey King’s retribution.
 He had even been able to convince the dragon girl to send him the pictures she snuck of the waterlogged king too, so that was a bonus to the day. 
He ignored the feeling settling his core, that in some way this was normal and where he was meant to be. There was still too much history there for that. 
He pretended not to see the space being made for him as his world shifted.
Things kept on like that for a while, and Macaque had grown comfortable in the new routine. 
Eventually, the visits had extended to being allowed back on Flower Fruit Mountain. MK had made some mention of training with the Monkey King, and Bai He had grown curious and asked if she could come watch. MK was excited for it, and Macaque was pretty sure both were just coming up with more ways to spend time together. They’d taken quite a shine to each other. 
It wasn’t something Macaque had really wanted to risk, but secretly he’d admit he was a little soft for these two and he wasn’t about to let Bai He go basically unsupervised with Wukong and his successor. That was just inviting trouble, and Bai He coming back home having learned some kind of mischief Macaque probably didn’t want in his dojo.  
The part of him that missed his once upon a time home would never be mentioned because it didn’t matter, didn’t exist anymore.
It was tense when they both showed up at the mountain, but only for the two simians who tried to be cordial as the kids ran off to explore. Originally they sniped at each other, trading barbs until it looked like Wukong was going to throw Macaque off the mountain. It took hearing the kid’s laughter ringing across the mountainside for both to take a step back and offer a silent truce to behave for now.
They sat in silence letting them run off some excess energy before Wukong called MK back for training. Bai He coming to sit by Macaque off to the side in the shade, out of the way of any danger of stray hits. This became a routine too, evolving to the point where he and Wukong could almost have a conversation without having to fake politeness and with minimum insults. 
There was one funny moment when MK and Bai He had wandered off a bit too far, and weren’t paying enough attention to the time for MK to start his training. 
Macaque had, without thinking about an action that had become the norm in his home recently, chirped for Bai He to come back to their spot. The sharp sound had immediately caught her attention, and she beamed before running back to him apologizing as she got closer. MK’s head had snapped up at the sound as well, looking all for the world like he wanted to respond before shaking it off and going to Wukong. 
Wukong had looked surprised at the whole interaction, opening his mouth for some joke most likely before closing it with a small knowing and teasing smirk.  
Macaque had glared at him as Bai He settled at his side, keeping the look until the other monkey’s back turned and his focus was on his student. Then the shadow ruffled Bai He’s hair, offering, in his quite insightful opinion, helpful commentary to the training regimen despite Wukong’s statements to the contrary. 
The familiarity to the past was bleeding into something newer, something warmer and brighter. That was probably just some old, forgotten, sentimental part of Macaque trying to come to the surface though. 
He kept it to himself that he wasn’t stopping it from resurfacing.
Of course things would come crashing down just as soon as Macaque had grown complacent with the new routine of his life. 
Here he was hiding in the shadows again for an argument that likely could have been avoided. It’d been an offhand comment from Wukong about his ears after Macaque mentioned hearing something none of the other three could ever hope to on FFM. It had somehow struck a nerve within him, that led to a defensive retort that riled up his old friend. 
It had escalated from there, leading to insults and biting words as the fog of old emotions and wounds settled over both. Though Macaque couldn’t exactly pinpoint why he’d gotten worked up over a comment that wasn’t even an insult or tease.
He knew deep down why. He'd heard the same comment from Wukong before, back when they were friends and things were simpler. It had been like pouring ice water over his head, and made him hate how it was so easy for the Sage to act as if it was okay to be that casual again.
He’d ran away when the fight had almost escalated to blows again, hiding away in shadows that had once been his place for respite. They would never stop being a comfort, but he hadn’t realized how it had stopped being his first choice of where to stay. 
MK would look after Bai He, he’d practically adopted the girl as a sister already, and he could protect her if needed. It was the only thing Macaque had felt somewhat alright about, the guilt in his chest at leaving her notwithstanding, as he slunk into the deepest parts of the darkness he knew so well.
He stewed in his issues for all of three days before returning. It would have been sooner if not for his pride. His worry and guilt about if Bai He was okay had overshadowed everything else, but the prideful and perhaps selfish part of himself hadn’t wanted to go back so easily.
A whole new argument would’ve started if Wukong tried to scold him about it, or made some biting remark about coming back with tails between legs. Macaque almost could guarantee that whatever retort he would have been equally biting if not more. That would almost guarantee that a mountain range would be demolished if that came to pass.
When he stepped out from behind one of the many trees on the mountain, Bai He’s gasp was audible enough that one didn’t need six ears to hear it. He’d readily accepted the hug she gave him, small arms wrapped around his waist with all the strength they had. He returned the gesture, muttering quiet apologies and promises when he felt her shaking. He accepted the concerned look MK gave him, placing a hand on the kid’s shoulder as he’d hovered just in reach and offering apologies as well.
It had settled both of the kids pretty well, even if neither would really let him out of sight for the time being, but Macaque hadn’t quite been ready for the look on Wukong’s face when he’d glanced over. 
The other monkey had looked… relieved to see him return, brow drawn up in concern and eyes looking almost guilty. There was something else there that Macaque couldn’t, or wouldn’t, put a name to, but beyond a quiet ‘Welcome back’ and a look as the golden monkey took in the sight before him nothing more was said or done about the abrupt disappearance. 
Neither were quite ready to face that issue head on just yet. It would be something they’d have to tackle later.
Wukong had called off training that day, it’s not like MK would be totally focused anyway, and instead lead them to an old and familiar place hidden away on the mountain. 
The surprise Macaque felt at seeing his old stage, looking maybe not as pristine as it once had but still standing and usable, was almost overshadowed by embarrassment as Wukong explained what the area was to the confused kids.
This led immediately to requests for one of his shadow plays. 
Bai He had missed the stories he’d taken to telling her on quieter days, and was eager to hear them once again. MK had apparently enjoyed his play and abilities before he’d revealed his whole plot as well, and wanted to know what other stories were in his arsenal. 
Wukong had joined the kids in requesting a play, a smug look on his face as he needled  Macaque. But Macaque could almost swear that Wukong’s voice held a bit of longing too, though it was possible he was just imagining things.
He’d obliged, mostly because the combination of both the kids pleading and excitement was something anyone would cave to easily, ignoring the snickering of the other simian as he took to his stage and summoning his lantern to set his scene for a grand tale.
When he stepped out from the shadows at the end, it was to a loud applause and cheering from MK and Bai He, both bright and giddy in their faces and postures, which certainly boosted his ego a bit and caused a warm feeling to grow in his chest. He’d given them a long sweeping bow, ready to make some witty remark before looking up and noticing Wukong again.
He was clapping too, but his face was what caused Macaque to still as his heart traitorously skipped a beat. There was nostalgia there, something that could be expected, but it looked like he had in fact heard longing earlier because it reflected here on Wukong’s face. There was mirth dancing in golden eyes, and that earlier unnamed emotion was back too but stronger and far more pronounced. 
It was like looking at the sun again, feeling warmth after spending too long in the dark in the night. Macaque’s heart skipped another beat, and the speed at which he threw up a glamor to hide how his face was heating up was impressive. 
He offered to perform for them again once his stage was back to its proper glory since Wukong had let it turn into such a mess he’d snarked just to settle his nerves. The kids cheered, offering to help clean up the area and quickly turning to each other to discuss plans on how to make the area shine again. 
He’d reign them in later about what improvements could be made to his stage, when he wasn’t too busy trying to appear as if Wukong’s laugh and the smirk he directed back at the shadow monkey wasn’t causing his face to flush further and causing him to falter in his stance.
Macaque thought privately that perhaps, stepping out of the shadows and back into the sunlight again wasn’t so bad. Even if there was still much work to be done to repair cracks as deep as chasms.
The kids had planned a movie marathon for a rest day. Conspiring amongst themselves with their respective mentor and guardian none the wiser until they sprang it upon them. 
Normally a rest day really meant low level exercise and meditation, but the two kids had decided to shake things up and had been gathering movies and snacks for a few days before presenting their haul to both monkeys. 
Honestly, Macaque should have realized something was up when Bai He was so insistent on bringing the backpack Mei had gifted her on this trip. He had shrugged it off as just kid behavior, but looking back on it there were plenty of other signs that he’d just ignored or accepted answers that were obviously in retrospect given too quickly. 
At least he could commiserate in his obliviousness with Wukong, given that the confused look on his face was slowly morphing into one of resignation that he too had missed some pretty obvious signs of his kid sneaking around for this plan.
It wasn’t hard to accept the change of plans, though Macaque needled Wukong about it some on the way to the shack the Monkey King called a home to set up. He was the Great Sage after all, and surely he should have noticed his student’s action. Maybe his age was finally catching up to him.
The elbow to the shadow monkey’s ribs in retaliation was barely more than a nudge, and the following eye roll only got a bark of laughter in response.
It was quickly decided that Wukong’s lousy excuse for a couch was not going to be enough for this venture, and both monkeys set about making a makeshift nest out of the pillows, blankets, and other suitable materials that could be found around the home. 
Macaque vaguely wondered if they should be concerned at how quickly MK was to join in on the construction of their nest, and how he worked without being offered much guidance from either of the two actual monkeys while Bai He stayed at the side handing materials as requested.
It was likely a problem for another day though. 
Once the nest was constructed, it took little incentive for everyone to get dragged in and snacks passed around as the first movie started.
That had been around the midafternoon, and it was sunset now. The latest movie was playing, soft background noise to the scene Macaque glanced down at. 
He was pressed against Wukong’s side, head leaning against the king’s shoulder as the other’s arm rested lightly over his own shoulders. Neither had acknowledged it when they had started drifting closer, not that they really would need to as the kids had done the same as well.
MK was basically sprawled over both Wukong and Macaque’s laps, head pillowed in his mentor’s with his legs thrown over Macaque’s and sleeping quite soundly at that. Wukong’s free hand was carding through MK’s hair, banda shifted and lost a while ago to let the hair hang free, in a manner that was just on the side of unfocused enough to not be considered grooming. Macaque’s tail had at some point wrapped around MK’s ankle, and would squeeze lightly whenever the kid squirmed before settling again.
Bai He was curled with her head resting on MK’s stomach, soft breaths showing she’d also fallen asleep at some point. Macaque’s hand lightly ran through the girl’s hair, a mirror of Wukong’s own in MK’s, working gently at any tangles he found in the locks. The very tips of his claws scratched lightly at her scalp, a move he had found that for some reason had helped with nightmares after one too many sleepless nights. Bai He’s hands were wrapped loosely around Wukong’s tail, not much of a grip on the appendage but it wasn’t being moved anytime soon. 
Macaque’s legs were going numb from MK’s weight, and he wasn’t sure how MK wasn’t uncomfortable in his position with how even he was laying. Bai He’s hair was going to be a mess later and there’s no way Wukong’s legs and arm weren’t also going numb. It was overly domestic in Macaque’s humble opinion, and perhaps not too long ago he’d have snarked at Wukong for how soft he’d gotten but…
Well, he’d gotten soft too then, and he’d be one hell of a hypocrite to make a comment now as his own drowsiness was settling in. 
The quiet chuckle from Wukong had Macaque looking up, brow quirking up at the soft expression on the other’s face as he looked over the kids as well. 
Shifting just enough to get a better look at Wukong while hopefully not disturbing the kids, he quietly asked “What’s up Peaches?”
He felt his breath catch in his throat as Wukong looked back at him, expression softening even further than Macaque would’ve thought possible. Eyes glittering as gold as the setting sun, and filled with that emotion neither would yet dare to name despite knowing well enough what it was.
“Nothing just… never expected this, and I’m just a little surprised by it still. Seems a little unreal.” Was the whispered response, which only had Macaque’s brow to quirk up further and smirk to grow on his face.
“What? You never expected the kids planning a movie marathon? Given MK’s penchant for sleepovers with his friends, and making sure Bai He gets to enjoy all those same things, this feels right up their alley.” There’s a teasing lilt in Macaque’s voice, smirk only growing wider when Wukong rolls his eyes and the corner of his mouth twitches like he’s trying to fight off a smile.
“Not that. I mean…” Wukong makes a sweeping gesture with the hand formerly in MK’s hair at the three of them, making sure it’s the hand on the side Macaque can see from just as they’d all settled on that side for the same reason, before settling it back in it’s former position when MK made a noise of discontent. “This. The kids themselves, having people visit here and doing things like this just because.” 
Wukong pauses for a moment before continuing, face open and earnest in a way that makes Macaque’s chest squeeze painfully and soar at the same time. “And you being home again.”
Macaque was going to set a record for how quickly he could throw up glamors at this point. He’d had far too much practice with that move at this point that it was almost instinctive to do so when he felt the beginning of a flush on his face. He stuttered for a moment, before sighing, and sinking back down to have his head more solidly against Wukong’s shoulder.
“Guess I can understand that. Can’t say I would’ve ever expected any of this either, probably would’ve laughed in the face of anyone that suggested it.” He likely would have done more than laugh, but well no need to ruin a good mood with those thoughts.
That got another chuckle from Wukong before both fell into silence, letting the noise of a forgotten film and the world outside fill the room once more.
Macaque spared a glance outside, taking in the evening sky. The setting sun’s rays still shone brightly as the moon was rising, with the faintest light of stars showing where the day had faded to night.
The sun, the moon, and stars all together, a rare sight to see. A quick glance at the others, two sleeping kids and a king who was slipping into sleep as his head dropped to lean against Macaque’s lead to a more genuine smile to appear on the demon’s face. 
Maybe not quite that rare a sight to see, actually. 
A half asleep Wukong turned his head just enough to barely brush his lips against the other monkey’s temple as he muttered out “Missed you Plum, glad you’re back.” Before slipping into a blissfully unaware sleep alongside MK and Bai He. 
Macaque would hold that over the golden monkey’s head for weeks later, but first he needed to make sure he didn’t accidentally wake the others up as he internally screamed and his earlier blush grew to cover more of his face and even the tips of his ear. He’d never admit how long it took for him to settle his thundering heart and settle enough for sleep to claim him as well.
The last thought his dazed mind had before he drifted into dreams was that stepping out of the shadows into this light was one of the best decisions he’s made.
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