#And I think they'll be actual drawings and not the edit drawings I've been doing.
nosferatufaggot · 3 months
Becky Botsford jr high version is such a coin toss because I could totally see her leaning HEARD into academics and wanting to be taken seriously.........but you also cannot tell me she isn't wearing an alicorn onesie to sleep each night.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
*cracks knuckles* @paper-lilypie
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and brainrot. I've been sketching these ideas out for like, a year. And done nothing with them until this point
this has been festering. in my mind.
*note: I didn't get around to drawing it, but I imagine Sun, Moon, and Y/n say their vows at the Bell place thingie that I need to reread in the fic. Y'know, the place Moon climbs up to, to get away from y/n. Yeh they declare their love up there and smoochies*
I should really reread that bit actually lol
Before moving forward, I'm gonna rant about outfits
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this is the outfit that I base Sun and Moon's wedding look on because I just think it fits so well. I share this so you guys see the vision and forgive my inexperience with drawing these folds
Cool? cool.
Also, I went through several variations of what Y/n would wear before settling on this bc nothing that came up when I searched "gender neutral wedding gear" really fit
Wanted a mix between gown and suit and y'know this ended up being more suit but I like it a lot so we're going with that. It also came to me in a vision so that has to say something.
(Ok but I did envision Y/n having a dress similar to this one character's dress in Bad Guys but I couldn't draw it so I scrapped it)
(ok some details stayed but most of the concept had to go)
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so like- you see it right?
Btw. All of them (including guests) have pockets. just. to ease your mind.
ok back to actually drawn wedding shenanigans
Because, there are many, wedding shenanigans
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Y'know the trend of smashing wedding cake into the bride/groom/wedded partner's face right?
There's no way this wouldn't escalate and y/n wouldn't enlist their siblings in the chaos.
They'll get like- one or two good wedding pics before this.
the cake tasted good tho
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Let me just say. I am so proud of how I did these hands I'm oogling my own art I did so good GHGHHHHHHFDS
I like??? Want to do more?????
cuties shenanigans below they are obnoxious and they know it
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By the way by the way you may notice the flower dress
I WILL be getting around to Lily x DCA STUFF I WILL
Tho I got busy and had a really hard time drawing/finishing sketches when I did have time so. I chose to post what I have so far so it's out before November ends
well Ig u are safe
for nowwwww
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Bouquet toss real
fun fact I initially wanted to draw Sun, Moon, and Copper y/n tossing the bouquet together
but their arm lengths would NOT make that work kjfdkljsdklj
so y/n tosses the bouquet bc they are the specialest
(Or they won the round of monopoly)
(who's to say)
(we don't talk about game night)
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But all three of them are the criminal. masterminds. They planned this from the start. Holly and Chica HAD NO CHANCE after the role they played in getting Y/N AND SUN AND MOON together.
I think this video would also be something cute that I could see happening for their wedding lol
Y/n and the daycare attendants hand the bouquet to Holly and then she gets proposed to by Chica
Anyway I still have a whole list of wedding shenanigans I need to draw
Sarah and Yao being some because when I tried before I couldn't sketch them out to my liking.
And the more CCRT gets expanded on, the more I'm sure will be present in their wedding since there are only 3 chapters out so far and enough art for me to make my guesses dlkkldsf
I'm sure there are plenty of fun things that can be included into this wedding, or edited, once more is revealed of the characters and their relationships
and who would be wedding guests is a little more up in the air, for instance and... who'd be able to show up in the first place considering unknown state of... living
(*cough cough*-Glamrock Foxy-*cough cough*)
...and being on good terms! thats.. important too. y'know moon and foxy weren't really exes but it may still be a bit awkward if he got invited y'know yknow
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einsatzzz · 2 months
[Project] (KH)Re:born!!!
I've been wanting to do a pinned post talking/rambling about my projects, so I'll do it now while I've still got some free time!
Anyway, for various reasons including wanting to keep it simple (for goldfish brain reasons), @amiahoshi and I decided to call this project "Katekyo Hitman Re:born!!!". We call it either Re:born!!! or KHRe for short. I also tried editing a title logo out of it some time ago (inspired from the og logo) for whenever it will be necessary!
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Actually, I've just been tagging posts under this project under #khre (since mid-2023) because when I type #khr, I'll immediately remember to also type #khre. Anyway, more info below! (Ein from the future: it will be long)
Note: For any typos/grammatical mistakes, sorry not sorry this is just me rambling, so no beta we die like Tsuna did every time Reborn shoots him in Daily Life Arc.
TLDR: This project has become like my creative sandbox playground. The KHR brainrot is still going VERY STRONG, and has been for the past two years. I can't believe I didn't discover this series earlier. I am so normal about KHR.
It's also inspired from T//oky//o Gh//oul's title, where it had "T//G:re". And it really just emphasizes the "Re" on "Reborn", meaning "again, do over".
In KHR, besides being named after our fave baby hitman Reborn, this concept also connects to a lot of the themes in the show, especially with Tsuna and his Dying Will Mode. Then there's also the whole Vongola 10th generation, who seem like the reincarnation or the "second coming" of the Vongola 1st generation. I'm sure there are others I haven't noticed yet or just forgot to mention here!
Anyway, KHRe is sort of a similar universe to canon, but not exactly the same. There will be additional characters, which are mostly our OCs from the Oniyanagi yakuza family for now, then there will also be modifications/additions to the story/lore as well (e.g. certain arcs/chapters will be rearranged, certain events will happen earlier). Tsuna retains his protagonist role in KHRe as well (im so fond of him), but he will also be joined in this role by the twin bosses from Oniyanagi, Kana and Kurumi.
Kana and Kurumi's addition here really puts the emphasis on the "Re", because their individual overarching stories provide more interpretations to the word itself "Reborn", which adds onto Tsuna's.
The tldr of the premise so far is that Oniyanagi and Vongola are business partners, so shortly after Tsuna met Reborn and Gokudera, the twins and Yui (their right-hand man) transferred to Namimori. This is so that they can help each other to grow and with their respective training as well to become future bosses of their Family (Tsuna doesn't want to become one of course! lol).
Along with Kana & Kurumi, three of their guardians (incldg Yui) tagged along with their move to Namimori, while two of them remained in their previous city of residence (Tokyo). In their guardian line-up, they currently have an empty seat for the Sun Guardian and they're still actively looking for the one fit for it. Perhaps they'll find them in Namimori? (Spoilers: Yes, they will. Their full line-up is here.)
So far, the major ambitious projects I have under this one are as follows:
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Oniyanagi Wiki: This is a wiki site I made in Miraheze. I'll put it in public mode once I finish cleaning up Kurumi's character profile. We plan on compiling all character/group/story infos here for KHRe, which will also include AUs and alternate timelines. If there will be a lot of story divergence with certain canon characters, we'll also make a page for them there too (from the top of my head, so far, it will be Tsuna, Hibari, Enma, Kyoko & Haru). This is the project I've made most progress on so far, I learned a fair amount about making wiki pages hahaha.
KHRe Webcomic: A webcomic that features KHRe's story. Just like canon, it starts with Daily Life Arc. Right now, I'm just thinking of drawing intro chapters for Kurumi, Yui and then Kana for it. But I'm also tempted to just go full-fledged webcomic retelling of majority of KHRe lol like just for deadass committing to the bit. I just really think it will help me improve my art a lot because it will force me to draw other stuff I haven't tried to seriously learn how to draw before (like have you seen the improvement in TOG Webtoon's art style??! Damn...I want that too.) KHRe also has stories that continue past KHR's final arc. I want that high school, TYL and alternate future timeline content too y'know! I think I want to finish drawing at least one chapter by Q4 2024, I'll have a lot of time to focus on this after my exam on June.
Into the Looking Glass: This is a Horror RPGMaker game in the planning stage and it features a prequel story for Kurumi's childhood (around 8-9 years old). Long story short, it does follow the classic formula of a small kid exploring a scary/creepy place by themselves. Don't worry, she will also have a companion or two here! (So...just like Ib.) The title is very much still subject to change, but I referenced Alice in Wonderland for it. Because it's Baby Kurumi (Alice) stumbling in an otherworldly place (Wonderland) and the events that take place moving forward changes her life. I already have a plot and ending(s) in mind, just need to write a script. This will take a very long time to complete, but I wanna finish it eventually because I'm also a big fan of Horror RPGMaker games and I've always wanted to make one (this is my chance! I alr have a story! Just need to write and execute it!). Here's a very old concept art of the baby! I'll draw a new updated one when I get the time (the only biggest change here will probably just be the eye pupils, which really isn't much).
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KHRe Test Game (no title yet): Less ambitious than previous three. This will be a very short RPGMaker Game with Tsuna as MC. This is just me testing and learning the features of RPGMaker before I go do more work for Into the Looking Glass. The game is just about Tsuna being invited to the Ninomiya Estate by Kurumi and he has a very "fun" time there 😂👍✨ (just like a normal Daily Life Arc episode~). It won't be horror, but maybe for Tsuna it will be 😀 So far, I managed to make a map for Tsuna's room (and some other parts of the Sawada Residence) for the intro scene hehe
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As for other projects that are less ambitious and more doable in a shorter time, I do have MV Projects for KHRe plus a few shorts (like this one) I plan on drawing them in. I listed my priorities here (along with the major projects) and will try to update when I can (ideally, at least monthly...but definitely not for June 💀).
That's all for now! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK!! (seriously...because this turned out so much longer than I thought it would be 🗿...I will now proceed to hide under the rock again).
Any questions are always welcome and very very appreciated! 👀✨I really just love talking about this series, OCs (mine and others') and my projects!
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silviakundera · 2 months
I'm nervous about all of these upcoming dramas that chronicle the life of a female character like legend of jewelry and flourished peony I left like blossoms of adversity could've used more episodes most of the great shows that depict this kind of story like Story of Ming lan and Story of Yanxi palace are 70 plus episodes because you need the room to slowly build up your story and characters but now every cdrama has to be 40 eps or less and that's really not how you do art you can't just confine every single story into a specific number of episodes the writing/pace/development will always suffer
I think we are right to be very concerned about dramas already filmed that now have to be edited down to 40 episodes. When done with due care, I think they can still be very worth watching (it's the supporting characters that will suffer but likely not the story of the female lead; they'll slice down the secondary couple and SML.) But if the production team isn't preoccupied with quality and/or isn't given the budget for a good editor to invest the time to get it right... 🙈
For the dramas not yet filmed, I honestly am fairly confident. Competent directors and screenwriters can certainly draw on their creativity to tell a full & satisfying story in 40 forty-five minute episodes. We have seen how cdrama artists can still flourish despite constraints. Short dramas like Butterflied Lover and Provoke, which created compelling stories with little budget & screentime. Censored queer dramas that tell a second story between the lines.
There are 2 common set ups for tv production:
[1] the multi season storytelling style that plots a portion of the story bit by bit. You get the beginning arc - maybe the story continues; maybe it's cancelled. You get another arc - maybe the story continues; maybe a major actor doesn't renew so their character suddenly is eliminated from the narrative; maybe it's cancelled. You get another arc... You maybe get an ending?? (prayers up!) Which often doesn't resemble the writer's original vision, because of casting changes or because another show aired their idea first, or because the writer's opinion on a ship or character changed due to interactions with fans (positive or negative).
[2] a complete story is filmed, with a beginning-middle-end, and it's released as a whole 22 or 34 or 40 episodes.
I'll be honest, after many years of experiencing type 1... I am so, so over it. I will take some annoying limitations and a constraint of 40 episodes any damn day if you can deliver me a coherent narrative that delivers an arc that is solidly closed - where I actually get to experience the complete vision. That's my personal preference for how to do art as television.
I think it's wonderful that in the last few years, through kdramas and cdramas, I've been able to enjoy so many complete stories centered around the growth of a strong female character. And I don't take that for granted. So let's think positive, my anon friend. Bring it on!
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winslowat3am · 2 years
How to gain 800 + new followers in less than a week? I WANT MORE FOLLOWERS bc I wanna sell commission 🎭🎨🖌️🤩
I don't know, my blog just goes haywire with new followers randomly, there's always a surge when I'm gone. I did the math & it was over eight hundred people & counting, within a few days. I'm not sure where they're coming from or what's drawing them here, it can't be YouTube or IG cause I don't have my Tumblr linked there, it's like someone opened a gate & they all ran through. Oh my God, maybe they sniffed out my secret stash of Tumblr snacks & came to take them! Oh my actual God. 🙈🙊 Ever since I said my parents named me after Winnie the Pooh & Winslow Homer it's been more chaotic than usual, so have the asks. Beats me. 😂 But I've always had a generally chaotic blog, energy wise. Lol, just do what those spam blogs do & advertise your shop to death between posts (even though people will probably find it's annoying). Edit: Actually, don't do that. Just post more, I guess? Finesse the tags. I don't know. I've only had my blog for a year, I still don't really get Tumblr, y'know? 🤔 I'm not even fully awake, it's really early, lmao. I just got up to pee cause my wife's wild movements jerked me, woke up to her death gripping my hair, think she was snuggling with it & then she said "hello?" in her sleep in my ear 💀 (wonder what she was dreaming about?). I'm sorry I'm not much help this morning. 😔 But hey. 👋☺️ Enjoy some Winnie & Kanga & Roo (this is me handing you flowers)! *Sits decoy snacks out for new followers* Now they'll be distracted away from my secret stash of deliciosity. 😏
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tf2-plus2 · 10 months
Hi there! Welcome to the pinned post!
So what's this blog for? It's where I get to share my silly and non-silly headcanons, ideas, theories, and OCs for Team Fortress 2! I will have at least 2 OCs in the cast, but that number may grow (... maybe, they'll probably be NPCs if I actually make any more...)
So let's lay some ground rules and basic info, yeah?
Is this an ask, RP, or fanfic sort of blog?
Yes. Just yes. I've been running blogs like this for a literal 10 years at this point that are part story driven, part RP with other peoples' muses, and part ask. It's my bread and butter lol.
Are you games or comics based?
A bit of both, mostly comics based because I'm coming in super late and the comics are silly and I love the shenanigans in them
Silly? Angst? Absolutely batshit nonsense?
Generally a mix of all three. This series is based in nonsense, but has potential for angst (which I'm a big sucker for). So expect half a dozen of one and six of the other.
Is there a story here or?
Much like the two above questions, yes and no. I'm more or less inserting my own characters into the lore and sharing how I feel that affects events in the way I understand them. To that end, there's really only a Team RED and a Team BLU, but I may make mention of other teams aside from Fortress (given they're mentioned in the comics, it isn't a stretch!). And I have an idea for handling how I think the comics would have ended, but we'll get to that in time.
Be respectful. Remember that I am 25+ years old (yeah, yeah, I'm old), and I'm honestly iffy on many minors interacting here (if I post any NSFW writing, it'll be tagged, but that's a BIG IF), but I can't control what others do. This is actually one of 2 big fandom project blogs I run, with the other being on an unannounced hiatus, and I will draw for this blog occasionally but that does take time.
Also we will have no hate here, cringe or not, this blog is to have fun, either for me or for those interacting. This is the only blog to this account and I am not shy about using the block button. That said, I am friendly, I am down for sharing my steam to queue up every now and then, and I do play games aside from TF2 that people might want to join me for. Remember the first rule and it'll be good! ^^
Who's on this blog?
Mostly, just the 9 Mercs and my two OCs, Retriever and Assassin (hence the blog name!) But, I am a sucker for writing multimuse and I'm sort of sharing a storyline, so expect others to pop up such as Pauling, Saxton, NPC OCs, the Mann Bros, etc. I'm getting a handle for the characters, so bare with me, but it's fun for me so far!
Yes. Refer to the rules about no hate. Specifically two OCxCanon ships with RetrieverxSniper and AssassinxScout, and I'm a HeavyxMedic shipper. That's what I have so far, and that list may grow over time as I get more of a feel for how I write these characters (also later there will be ZhannaxSoldier).
And who are you?
You can call me Cherry, or Cherena. As said, I am 25+, she/they pronouns (interchangeable), and a self taught artist who primarily uses traditional mediums (I'm branching into digital, slowly). If asked, I may share my main and other big project blog. And honestly? I've learned to just be cringe and free, so yes I know and I don't care (edit; I forgot to tag my main, it's @cherry-blxssxm-chaos)
Anyways, have fun! Be respectful! Remember to use common sense, and don't shy from asking questions or interacting!
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mymarifae · 2 years
i've been reading your fic and i really adore your writing!! im trying to get better at it myself right now do you have any tips?
oh thank you !!!! that makes me happy i'm glad people like it so much despite the absolute silliness and seeming ooc-ness of it... (bc yeah i Know what happens in the first chapter seems bizarre for toya to do. only thing i can tell you irt That is chapter four is titled "in which An decides she wants to run over Toya with a bicycle") BUT UM anyway. advice...
hm. a big part of learning to become a better writer finding your inner voice. and i can't exactly help you with that aspect. but i suppose i have some suggestions for what to keep in mind when writing...?
- first and foremost: read (and write!) things other than fanfiction. there's nothing wrong with fanfic. it's fun and it's a unique form of literature and i think it does deserve love and respect or whatever. but when it comes to fanfic, you're going into these stories already familiar with the characters and the settings, even in the case of a huge AU riddled with OCs. it doesn't require you to stretch your imagination very far. it's important to expose yourself to other kinds of literature, too, so you can learn from them and improve your imagination and critical thinking skills
- show, don't tell - but don't be overly descriptive either. when you write, you must trust your reader to work with you and use their own knowledge to make your story come to life - writing is a team effort between You and anyone who may read your words! people know grass is green, the sky is blue, trees are... trees, etc. unless you're describing a world where these things aren't true, you. don't need to spend time establishing them. you can write the word "forest" and your readers will know what to imagine. and as tempting as it may be to, for example, flex your prose skills to describe the gorgeous gradient of a romantic sunset for 3 paragraphs, unless it serves to move the story forward or reflect your characters' emotions and thoughts, you don't need to. and i strongly recommend just cutting anything like that out because i guarantee people will just skim or skip over it all together.
overly detailed descriptions will come off as patronizing and alienate your reader. draw their attention to the things that matter - they'll fill in the rest. trust me.
- simple language is not a bad thing. don't pull out a thesaurus. don't fucking do it. put it back. you don't need to replace every instance of "said", "big", or...whatever simple word that some tumblr user told you is #bad to use too frequently in your writing. now if you've said the word Big like 28 times within two paragraphs and it wasn't on purpose, you probably need to revise .
but like. seriously. use the words already in your vocabulary. your readers will notice when you've used a thesaurus for a "fancier" synonym. and if you want to expand your vocabulary because you genuinely feel like your word choice is stale, go read some books (not fanfiction)
- in the instance of said especially. don't fret too much over how often you use it. it's like a filler word. it helps break up strings of dialogue so your reader can keep track of who is saying what. if you're constantly trying to find words to use instead of 'said' when said literally works perfectly fine, you're not going to get anything done AND your dialogue is going to come out as clunky and awkward because of unnecessary words being shoved where they don't belong
it's a fine line between letting your readers read a conversation between characters peacefully and actually overusing the word said. but you'll get the hang of it
- the first thing you write down will suck. you will not be happy with it. read this and accept it right now. too many people get hung up over first drafts riddled with mistakes. just write and get the basics of the story down before you lose it - you can go back and edit and revise any time and as many times as you need.
- learn grammar rules, and then learn that grammar is arbitrary and you can break these rules whenever you want for the impact. you'll notice in and what's a little kiss between bros? i've done this a few times. idr all of them anymore but like
But Toya really really really really does not need to know about that.
obviously commas are Supposed to go in between each of those really's. but i didn't put them because a comma denotes a slight pause and i didn't want a slight pause and smushing them all together like "reallyreallyreallyreally" would have been too fast. don't go overboard (but there are exceptions even to this so...?) but remember you're allowed flexibility with words and punctuation and sentence and paragraph structure
- writing is hard. don't be discouraged when the words don't come out. you're manipulating language to conjure consistent images in different people's heads. this is an incredibly difficult thing to do. be patient with yourself. if you have to write something insanely bare bones to establish a point before moving onto the next one, then like... do it.
i'm serious. and what's a little kiss between bros? was like. not even joking, the part i call chapter 2 now started off as "Mizuki gets to school and after talking to Toya, they figure out Akito is on the roof. They go there and confront him."
and then i moved onto their conversation, which came out pretty okay the first time. the beginning of chapter two, up until akito and mizuki begin talking, is like... 2.4k words. it started off as a mere 23. this is what i mean when i say just... write the first draft without worrying about how it looks. put down what needs to happen, and you can pretty it up later. you can pretty it up 15 times if you need to
- have fun. or else.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
11 and 35 please!
hooray more distractions!!
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
If I may be an asshole for a second -- I believe in that rule big time for other people, but I hardly ever follow it myself. But this is why, to be less assholey (I hope): I very very very rarely write any darlings! I hardly ever write pretty sentences just because they'll be so pretty, gosh and golly. In general actually I feel like my sentences are specifically not pretty, because I'm trying to get out of the writing's way and just let it. Like, be there. Most of the time, from me writing something to y'all seeing it, there has been basically zero editing (although, more on that later), so there are hardly any assassinations and therefore no darlings to haunt the bardo, as it were. I maybe ought to edit more, but...
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
...following up from the last answer, I pretty much only edit-as-I-go and very very rarely rewrite or do a major rehaul on anything. I also pretty much only write chronologically, from sentence one to The End, and I think that's part of why -- it's VERY VERY RARE that I can write what happens next without having an entirely solid handle on what came before, so everything has to be pretty much nailed in place for me to be able to move on. I also generally have a sense of where I'm going, or at least I won't come up with a different conclusion than one that follows from the beginning, and therefore don't have to rework the beginning for a new ending I've just come up with to make sense.
This means, of course, that sometimes when I'm writing I end up with a fic that isn't exactly what I set out to write -- or that could have had adjustments to go another way -- or where sometimes the conclusion that a reader might draw isn't exactly the one I was hoping they'd get. But I don't... care? And the reason I don't care is that I operate on the "many pots" theory of art as much as possible: I'm not aiming for some Perfect Creation, but rather an iterative process of writing and writing and writing again, and through the writing we find out what we think. So this particular fic went that direction. Shrug! The next fic can go another direction. I'm just never going to be one of those people who fretfully rewrites a paragraph five times to make sure it's Just Right. (Another reason I can't do original work -- I would murder an editor. Get away from my paragraph! It's telling this story. If we change it, we'd be telling something else.)
(still proctoring, still in need of distraction from how i increasingly need to pee -- let's chat about writing)
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wastelandhell · 1 year
I wanna say I'm in love with your mods! You and other modders like Radbeetle have given me the inspiration to pursue modding Fallout 4 but there's so many things I want to learn to do, I don't know where to begin. Is Photoshop really worth the money getting it? You got any advice for a beginner? Thank you and have a great day! Sorry for the double asks I'm just so 🥺 at your mods
Oh thank you! I don't know if i'd even put myself in the same lane as radbeetle, their work was what got me into modding in the first place! An absolute gem in the fo4 community.
Making mods is kinda nebulous, theres many different ways to approach it, I think I've really only scratched the surface. The best thing to do is figure out what you want to make and then work backwards to figure out what you have to learn to get there. I spent a lot of time just digging through the files of mods that I wanted to emulate to see how they did things. Also learning general 3d/gamedev, since that all applies to making meshes for fallout.
Here's a list of tools I use that I put together a while ago for someone with a similar question.
I started out with simple things like editing textures to learn how the files/shaders work. Making outfit mashups to learn how to use 3d tools. Making compatibility patches to learn how to use xEdit.
I think the best advice for a beginner is... start small. Start with something that you can reasonably accomplish, maybe a couple simple colour edits or some outfit conversions. I see so many people jump in thinking they'll be able to do these massive quest projects and just burn themselves out when they realize they can't. Modding involves a lot of problem solving and menial boring work.
There isn't a huge community like there is for skyrim, so you're going to have to be pretty self-sufficient. Don't be scared to ask people questions, but don't be discouraged if they don't have the time to help you. If you ever need help on a project feel free to shoot me an ask and I may be able to send you in the right direction.
In re:Photoshop, that's really up to you and how useful you find it. I've been using ps almost daily for 15+ years and it's my ride-or-die, but I do a lot of image editing and drawing for both my work and personal projects. It does have a free trial, but if you have the know-how, just pirate it. Stealing from adobe is always ethical. I pay for it because I am a clown and I actually use the cloud features for work. I'm sure there are free alternatives, I know a lot of people use GIMP, but I've only used ps.
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tehuti88-art · 3 months
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3/29/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Major DeVries (no first name ever given. He's been renamed from Dupries, as I have a family with that name in another storyline, plus DeVries was originally his name anyway. He's an abandoned character from the previous reboot and helps Camo get the Trench Rats started. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he's a big imposing guy, but pretty easygoing, so I tried to portray that.
I also have been wanting to point out the start of an attempted reboot of a childhood imaginary world of mine, The Animals. Here are the four concept sketches I've made so far of the characters based on little plastic animals I played with as a child: Kitten, Turtle, Mrs. Cow, and Bunny. I explain them a bit on Toyhou.se. Hopefully more to come.
TUMBLR EDIT: Okies! I said in Sgt. Major Revell's entry that I might revert Dupries's name back to DeVries, so now I have. A wrong set right. He appears under his correct name, DeVries, in an early version of Genesis; normally I would here include the relevant excerpt, except nothing in the text really illustrates DeVries that well as a character; it's just painfully cringey text featuring a VERY out-of-character Camo negotiating (well...demanding) the formation of the battalion while DeVries repeatedly expresses doubt yet throws up his hands and gives in, seemingly convinced they're all gonna die anyway. ("They'll never make it," he even says to an unnamed major who sticks up for Camo.) DeVries remains reasonably skeptical in the newest version of things, but isn't the wishy-wash previously depicted. He's still largely undeveloped though I've learned at least one detail about his character, maybe a few. He doesn't play a role in the vast majority of the story so I'm not that motivated to develop him much at present.
DeVries, as I said, is a big, imposing guy, tall and muscular and intimidating. Turns out he's not much of a fighting man, though; similar to Major Jäger on the German side, he's more of a bureaucrat, spending his time behind a desk or negotiating with superiors. Jäger did actually engage in combat (in the Waffen-SS), though I'm not sure I can say the same about DeVries; I don't THINK he fought in the Great War, but I can't say positively. (Camo and Revell are Great War veterans; Drake, Evans, and Beaudry are too young to have served.) So DeVries is more of a pencil pusher than anything, but he's good at what he does, and similar to Jäger with Project Doomsday, he plays a big role in getting the Trench Rats concept off the ground.
Despite his physical appearance, he's pretty much a gentle giant, laid back and easy to approach, not prone to anger or insult unlike the volatile Revell (who I'm pretty sure by now is a war criminal who massacred an entire family--after doing something even more vile--and got away with it). He's not a pushover, however, and still needs strong convincing that sending an entire battalion into enemy territory before the US has even officially gotten involved, just to rescue a handful of Americans who shouldn't really have been there either, is a prudent idea. The fact that Camo intends the battalion to take even further action, namely, establish a base and actively meddle with Nazi efforts to create a super soldier, makes DeVries chafe, yet Evans and Beaudry manage to convince him it's worth the trouble (while Revell does everything in his power to sabotage these efforts).
The main detail that's since emerged about DeVries's personal character is that, despite his decent (if unglamorous) military reputation, he's a really sh*tty husband. At the time of Genesis taking place, his wife is pregnant and ready to give birth at pretty much any moment. Meanwhile, DeVries is frequently picking up random women he meets in bars and social gatherings and taking them back to his hotel room to spend the night. He's not abusive, he's not manipulative or actively a jerk, he expresses love every time he and his wife meet (he's often busy at work and spends little time at home) and he's excited at the prospect of having a child, but he is really not a monogamous person. I'm not entirely sure if this behavior started with his wife's pregnancy or if he was just always this way, but either way, it's pretty douchey.
There's a proposed scene where Evans shows up at DeVries's hotel room early one morning and knocks. A scantily clad woman answers and both of them gasp at each other before she ducks back behind the door (obviously having expected room service or something); Evans awkwardly explains he's there to speak to DeVries, and the woman says from behind the door that he's still sleeping but she'll wake him. Evans waits. A moment later the woman, fully dressed now, exits with a meek "Excuse me," and hastens off on her way. Right after, a second woman exits--"Excuse me"--and hurries off after her. Evans waits another moment; the door opens and he turns to address DeVries, yet a third woman exits, blushing--"Pardon me!"--and goes on her way. Then DeVries calls out. Thoroughly flustered by now, Evans peeks in; DeVries is alone, adjusting his collar and cuffs, and addresses him perfectly normally as if nothing weird just happened, though he's surprised to see Evans there so early. Evans doesn't bother saying a word about whatever had happened before he arrived; he's far too embarrassed, and lets out a sigh after DeVries heads off before him, disappointed in the extracurricular activities of teh straights.
He meets DeVries's wife...uh...Mrs. DeVries?...later on when she shows up at the base, belly out to there, so that his first reaction is to offer her a seat. He knew DeVries is married but he's never met her before, plus, he had no idea she's like twelve months pregnant; he's instantly dismayed as soon as she introduces herself. She mentions how she's just stopped by to see her husband as he's dreadfully busy and gets so little time to come home; it's obvious she has no clue WHAT has him so busy, she sincerely believes it's just his work. Evans feels like crud but doesn't enlighten her, as he knows it's not his place to get involved, though he feels a twinge disgruntled that a guy who has such a loving and devoted mate at home--with a kid on the way, no less--would be so ungrateful as to fool around all the time. A happy marriage, the prospect of raising a family, is something that's beyond Evans's reach, so yeah, he's a little bitter about DeVries's behavior. Especially since DeVries is otherwise such an upstanding guy, plus Evans depends on his good graces. He never leaks a word to the wife, and she never suspects.
Exactly how the situation with DeVries's messing around, if it stops at all after his child is born, or if wifey ever does find out, is never explained, as the story moves on to Germany after Camo and the other characters. It could be resolved in one of the many sidestories, I guess.
As I was taking a break tending to other things, a POSSIBLE plot point likely involving DeVries seeped into my head. It's not certain yet as there are potential plot conflicts I haven't checked for, plus it's a tad implausible, but here it is. I already mentioned that Revell's role has clarified as he committed an atrocious war crime against a civilian family in the Great War (it was going to be a German family, Revell's "defense" being they were just filthy Krauts who deserved what they got, but seeing as none of this fighting appears to have occurred on German soil I'm unsure how I'd manage that); most of the higher-ups know all about this, yet it's hushed up to avoid damaging morale, and Revell escapes any serious punishment. Somehow, for some reason, years later Evans comes across these allegations and tries to blow the whistle; this is likely the reason Revell targets Camo, Drake, and the Trench Rats plan, recognizing that it's important to Evans. DeVries, who Evans has been appealing to about forming the battalion, finally takes a private moment to set him straight (so to speak): Everyone from back then knows what Revell did, he got away with it, and there's nothing Evans can do. He mentions how he himself tried, but lacked the influence to do anything meaningful; Revell has powerful allies. He bluntly tells Evans that he can either tank his own career and accomplish exactly nothing trying to go after Revell, or he can put all his energy behind getting the Trench Rats off the ground--he can't do both. He's going to need all the support he can get if he wants to help Camo, and if he keeps targeting Revell, that'll never happen.
Evans, of course, is torn; without going into detail about the particulars, he explains the dilemma to Drake, who shares it with Camo. Camo leaves the decision in Drake's hands, deeming him to be in the best position to choose whether the Trench Rats are worth it, at the expense of justice for a family. Although also conflicted, Drake chooses the Trench Rats, with the reasoning that hopefully they'll save lives that would otherwise be lost and then it would all be for nothing. He does hint, however, that perhaps justice can be sought for the murdered family in the future.
Unknown to them all...DeVries, during his own failed efforts to seek justice or at least recognition for Revell's victims, did manage to accomplish something, though it won't go into effect for quite some time yet. Let's rewind, to right before that first small American unit was sent into Germany for reconnaissance reasons, the same unit the Trench Rats are formed to rescue. DeVries has a file of incriminating info on Revell but he already tried to get the word out, just as he later tells Evans, and it went nowhere. He may have pull, but he doesn't have pull here. He decides he'll put this file someplace safe where it faces little risk of being destroyed. At the VERY very least, the file will be brought to light in the future, so even if Revell still ends up unpunished, his victims won't be forgotten.
DeVries approaches one of the members of the unit which is about to head out, speaks with him privately. Points out how he's good at keeping his head down, going unnoticed, and has no known family or contacts who could compromise him over such things. He gives him the file; the PFC asks what it is, and DeVries says it's none of his concern, he's not involved, just that as soon as his unit gets established, to tuck it away safely somewhere it won't be too readily found. It'll almost certainly be located at some point in the future, and then maybe there will be a modicum of justice of some sort. The PFC asks no more questions, just takes the file, and when the unit heads off to Germany it goes along with him. He keeps hold of it the whole time he and the unit are pinned down by relentless German gunfire. After their rescue by the Trench Rats, when the members of the unit are incorporated into the battalion and promoted and given codenames, he's assigned a room and bunk in the newly erected Headquarters; he inspects the small space, locating all the little nooks and crannies, and finally settles on a space concealed above a ceiling beam; he tucks the file in here. Within days, he forgets all about Revell's file.
It's only after the second war's end that Lance Corporal Mahogany Rat, searching for something else, discovers the file stashed away in LC Teal Rat's former private quarters.
[DeVries 2024 [‎Friday, ‎March ‎29, ‎2024, ‏‎12:00:18 AM]]
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uppercase-disgrace · 11 months
As I've been writing my second book, I've started being able to concretely explain something that I've been thinking about for a couple months. I don't know if this is something that a lot of people experience, but I've noticed as I write things it's rare for me to view it as anything more than Just Something I Do
I think there's a tendency for people who create (writing/art in general) to talk about it the same way that people talk about divine inspiration or the right of kings- something distinct, unasailable, intrinsic to every creator as a matter of course. People have a tendency to mythologize it, talk about it as though it's something magical and impossible. I think this tends to be because a lot of the people talking about creating tend to create themselves.
But I find that I view writing (at least my own writing) as just something I do. I have a lot of hobbies, and even more that I want to learn how to do. I am an amateur taxidermist, I draw, I write, I sing, I've written music, I enjoy doing ASMR. I want to learn how to book bind, how to garden, how to graphic design typography, how to play the guitar, how to pin insects, how to edit videos. One of the things that I find so exciting about life is that I will have the opportunity to do all those things as I continue through it.
All these hobbies are part of what I do, but I don't wrap my identity up in my ability to do it. Is having written a book an easy interesting fact that I can tell people at job onboarding? Yes. But I believe that I get the exact same amount of joy out of writing that an electrician gets when they see a well-organized board, or a scientist gets when their lab comes out with perfect results. The satisfaction at a turn of phrase, the joy of completion, the pride of a well crafted climax, making a friend laugh- all these things are wonderful, and are part of the reason I write.
But I don't feel some divine inspiration to write above all else. I don't experience the push that other creators seem to, like they'll die if they don't write something down right when they have an idea. I like to write, and I do it because it satisfies me, but the only thing that keeps me doing it instead of any other creative activity is the fact that I know how to do it and I enjoy it. I don't think that if I gave up writing and switched entirely to another medium, my life would be ultimately that much worse.
And I think it's weird when people talk about writing as if they've been hit by lightnight- that they just have to get the words out or they won't be able to properly exist. I'm sure it happens- sure that the "writerly experience" is actually based in reality. I don't know. I just kinda wanted to throw this out there in case there were other people who write the same way I do- with determination, and to finish, but not out of some particular Need.
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fbfh · 2 years
Eddie Munson x reader dating hcs
wc: 1.5k
genre: fluff, some very minor hurt/comfort (eddie is a little insecure), some making out
warnings: Eddie's a little insecure but so am I, kissing and making out, eddie being eddie, brief implications of eddie having been bullied in the beginning but nothing too bad, he copes through humor and being a manic pixie dream boy, kisses n cuddles
a/n: I......... want to kiss eddie........ so fucking bad......... this got way out of hand but I'm not complaining doom days (this got out of hand edition) starts playing
tags: @yesv01 @hopefullhearts @littlewinter1917 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl  @Sad-brunnettee
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This boy
He's weird
He's a weirdo
He doesn't fit in and he doesn't want to fit in
You ever see him without that stupid hellfire club shirt or that stupid vest or that stupid jacket?
That's weird
Fr though 
Being an Outcast and a Freak is something he's really embraced 
It started as a coping mechanism 
Over time it really became a huge part of his personality 
But under that weaponized nonconformity 
Eddie is the most compassionate, sweet, tender motherfucker you will ever meet
Did you see how fast he started opening up to chrissy????
Once he spots the slightest glimmer of individuality in you
Oh boy 
Get ready for him to latch onto you 
And he has such a unique charm 
It makes it so easy to open up to him
And he loves that
His favorite way to bond is "let's tell each other all our weird secret interests and thoughts we could never say to anyone else"
You know like,, late night sleepover talk??
That level of conversation 
That's what it feels like talking with Eddie
That level of emotional intimacy and openness and introspection????
Impossible to find in anyone else
And Jesus fucking christ 
He is so ready to clown and break out the theatrics to make you smile
(Again,,, talking with chrissy in the woods for five minutes and he’s stunting like that ) 
The closer you get
The more conversations you have with him
The more attached he gets
In spite of what he thinks
Or hopes
He falls fast 
And when he gets a crush on you???? 
Oh boy
Everything I've just said times like
Whatever you like to do
If it's something he can come support you in
He's absolutely going to
Any kind of recital or practice or game or performance
He'll be there
Even if it's "not his usual scene"
He'll pretend to reluctantly compromise his social code to come see you
But he’s actually really excited 
Like SO fucking pumped
He starts dragging the rest of the hellfire club with him
Soon you have a gaggle of gothy punky nerds cheering you on at all your events
They'll even make banners
And OH BOY you'd better believe they're making t shirts
If what you do is more single player 
Videogames, books, art, writing
Congratulations you now have a buddy for all of it
Eddie will happily spend hours at book stores and arcades with you
He'll watch you write and draw for hours, not bored for a single second 
And Jesus christ he'll have you laughing way more than you expected to 
You almost got kicked out of the library once bc of him
He may or may not have been doing hilariously inaccurate impressions of literary characters 
Anyway you scrambled out of there before the librarians could yell at you
Good times
The thing is
It's super fucking obvious to everyone that Eddie is majorly in love with you
He's crushing HARD
it's obvious to everyone except him
I'm begging you to take the initiative and kiss him already
Murray Bauman would say the exact same thing
Bc when you do
When you're laughing together and he’s looking at you with that fond look of his 
And you just bite the bullet and grab his face and plant the biggest kiss on his lips
It takes a second for his brain to load
But when it does
The floodgates open 
And he is over fucking whelmed by what he feels for you
How badly he desires you
Within seconds he'll be pinning you against the nearest surface and kissing the life out of you 
I won't let this escalate too much here that'll be for the relationship and intimacy hcs lol
When you finally pull apart and warm air fans over your faces as you both try to catch your breath
And he’s looking at you with the most enamored lovestruck look
His brain is totally fried from the way you just kissed him, the way he got to kiss you
But he’s still struggling desperately to put it into words
How he feels about you
Just put him out of his misery
"So…" you pant, "we going out now, or what?"
He giggles at your words
"Yes. Yes yes yes."
He's already kissing you more
For a while you keep things sort of lowkey between you
Just bc it's still sort of new yk
Smwn said Eddie a "are you mad at me" type of boyfriend
And yes yes he is
Thank you tumblr user moonlane 
 Bc after a few days of that he’s going to start panicking
He's going to convince himself that you don't want to be seen with Eddie "the freak" Munson in public
Or anywhere
So as soon as you notice him acting weird
You'll either be able to pick up on it immediately or just straight up ask him what's going on
And with how emotionally intimate this man is????? 
He can’t not talk to you
He'll fess up in a way that's just a little goofy
Deflecting with humor and all
So after you give him plenty of reassurance and smooches 
The next time you're at school and you pass by the hellfire club's table on the way to your friends
You stop by to say hi and give him a smooch
You confirm you'll catch up later and he's like yeah totally
If anyone tries to give either of you shit for it????? Bold of them to try 
By the end of the week he finds out you've been singing his praises to your friends
Talking about how sweet he is, how happy he makes you, how good he is to you 
And yeah he's a little weird but that's not a bad thing!! He's so cool and unique and endearing and you love him for that
Motherfucker he has never felt more secure with himself or a relationship before
No one really understands it but they don't have to!!! You're obviously really happy together and that's all that matters!!
Now that you've been dating for a while
Congratulations!! You're the official mom and co monarch of the hellfire club
You now have free access to all meetings 
And the very rare and coveted privilege of Eddie telling you all his plans and spoilers for campaigns
Wherever your understanding of dnd is
Anywhere from total expert to utterly hopeless
You'll listen to Eddie ramble about dnd for hours
God he's so cute when he gets excited like that!!!! 
If you get a better grasp of it over time
Even if you just remember two or three rules
His heart will SOAR
Oh my god sitting on his lap while he plays dnd???? 🥺🥺🥺
Literally everyone in the hellfire club is so jelly of you
They have no idea how Eddie pulled you
He doesn't either tbh
If anyone flirts with you 
You better BELIEVE he'll pull rank
God he's so cute
All the other nerds at school are jelly of yall too
Now every single nerd at school has a crush on you
Good luck dealing with that
Whenever he gets in one of his moods
You can 180 that shit so fast
The party and the other underclassmen in the club LOVE YOU FOR THAT
Also cause you're hot
Sometimes you're like hey kid why do you look so stressed
He's like UH EDDIE SAID-
You're like he said what??? Ima go talk to him
They're terrified
You pull Eddie into a janitor's closet and give him some smooches and are like
Be nice to the freshman
They're trying their best
Eddie:.... ‘,:/
(Insert a whole lot more smooching)
Eddie:.... Well I guess you've convinced me <3
Every time he gets in one of his moods the freshman just approach you in a little pack
They're like um excuse us my liege 
You're like relax guys I'll talk to him
Cue more kissing
It’s practically routine by now
He’s so much happier since you got together
Like he’s still completely himself
He just seems a lot happier??
And now when he’s going on his lunch room tangents
Traipsing across the hellfire club table and calling out all the societal bullshit fabricating all the little cliques and status quo at hawkins high
He’ll call out all the different groups, pausing when he gets to your friend group
“...Except you.” he states with that unmistakable fond look on his face
You blow him a little kiss
He catches it, and puts it in his pocket, causing you to giggle
The he continues his tangent
So yeah
Dating Eddie is a delightful adventure
You will literally never be bored or not giggling and entertained
You just feel so seen with him 
So heard
And so does he
It really is a wonderful relationship you two have
Cherish him, reassure him, cover him in cuddles and kisses and dnd references
Amazing boyfriend
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bondsmagii · 2 years
You probably haven’t heard yet, but yesterday Dr. Bright was permanently banned from the SCP Wiki for being a sexual predator. In short, the anti-harassment team were sent a huge collection of evidence and testimonies from over the years and after some debate finally decided that it was worth it to ban him. It should have been done years ago, but still, it’s worth celebrating.
I can't believe I had to go all the way to KiwiFarms just to find a screenshot proving this but yeah, looks to be the case. I do think staff could make this a little easier to find or make some kind of actual announcement about it, considering I wouldn't put it past Bright to keep trying to coast on his "fame" to draw in more minors, but I doubt that'll happen. staff know they were complicit for years, and they likely don't want the backlash. for what it's worth, everyone: lots of staff knew Bright is a paedophile; several joined or encouraged him; nobody did anything about it for years, and when victims spoke out they were harassed, shamed, called liars, and banned, before becoming the butt of jokes in staff circles. all SCP staff are bastards, etc.
I've known this report was in the works for a while, but I am pleasantly surprised that it was completed and used. I myself have witnessed/heard of Bright being inappropriate to people as young as 14, to the point where he had to be removed from the Discord server; I've also heard testimony from many victims who had either been disbelieved or were too scared to come forward because of the treatment of previous victims. it's been my opinion for years that Bright needs serious help to manage their sexual desires, because it seems to dominate their life to the extent that they can't seem to control themselves around high school kids. practically every word that comes out of their mouth is sexual.
I'm of the firm belief that Bright's "retirement" a while ago was actually them being asked to step down quietly in an attempt to either avoid a scandal or distance the wiki from Bright's actions, and I stand by that now. SCP staff have frequently covered for Bright's predatory behaviour and sexual abuse of minors, and they're only acting now, when they think they have the best chance of slipping under the radar. Bright has committed serious offences here: not only have tbey harrased minors, they've also proportioned them, shared sexual content with them, and if a minor has shared nudes with Bright, Bright is also in possession of child pornography. if the wiki gave a damn, they'd be reporting this pervert to the authories. Bright needs to be locked up. I doubt they'll stop abusing minors just because the wiki gave them a ceremonial ban.
EDIT: taking this information out of the tags actually because it's important. online identities of Bright's I know:
aliases: Bright, Dr Bright, AdminBright, The Duckman, Duckman, Cap'n Duckman, Duckworth
reddit: TheArgentOne
tiktok: capnduckman
tumblr: iamnotadamnedmonkey
deviantart: talljacksoe
avoid this freak. check your accounts to make sure you don't follow/they aren't following you. especially check if you post a lot about the character Dr Bright, are in high school and/or have recently turned 18, and especially if you cosplay/post pictures of yourself. stay safe out there.
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maxkirin · 3 years
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How to Set a Creative Goal
I'm going to be blunt here: a lot of creative people tend self-sabotage by giving themselves goals that are (1) not healthy and (2) completely unrealistic. I know because that used to be me.
I like to lead by example, so I'm going to give you my easiest, quickest, most successful guide for how to set your goal; regardless of whether you want to write a novel, edit said novel, pick up drawing, or learn an instrument.
1 - A Matter of Time
Ask yourself the following question:
"What is the least amount of time I can spend on this project every day?"
You read that right. Not "the most time" or "what you can spend on average." We're talking LEAST here. What is the least amount of time you can spend every day? Two hours? One hour? Twenty minutes? That's good, and that's enough.
Take it from someone who's been doing this for a while, who's made all the mistakes, and who's had to learn and re-learn this:
Consistency is Power.
The person who consistently works on their passions, every day, will not only grow faster, and finish more things, but also just be happier.
I know our human brain hates to wait; we want things to be ready yesterday, we want to see growth in a matter of minutes, but this is just not how life works. Being impatient only leads to burn out, take it from me. I learned that the (very) hard way.
So, again, ask yourself the question above and consider the LEAST amount of time you can spend on your craft every day.
Got it? Good. This is your goal. Now comes the hard part.
2 - The Making of a Habit
You may think that working on something only 50 minutes a day is not enough to actually get better, but that's actually how I practiced drawing. And you've all seen how far I've come. That's consistency, baby—but that isn't the only benefit of doing something every day!
The more you teach your brain to do something the less friction there is whenever you want to do said thing. It's just science. Writing can seem daunting, scary even, but the only way to change that is by consistently facing the blank page.
It gets easier. It'll never be automatic, you're never going to write a book in one sitting, but it is going to get less hard. Less harrowing. Some days you'll sit down and your allotted time will fly by.
It's wonderful.
That being said, the target is to work on your project everyday—because that'll help you make it into a habit faster—but don't stress out if you miss a day. Life happens. Whatever you do, try to miss as few days as possible. Keep a calendar, post about it on social media, tell people that you're challenging yourself. They'll take you more seriously.
3 - Appreciate Life
Your creative projects shouldn't impede your life, they should be a part of your life. That is why we practice them daily, and we spend a healthy amount of time on them. If 2020 taught me anything, it is that you have to take care of yourself. We are a system, a machine with many components, and when you don't take care of one the whole suffers.
That's why it bears repeating.
The best creative goal is one that you can achieve consistently with ease, every day, so that it can function as a part of your life.
That's the trick right there. I can tell you from experience that I used to think my writing, and my art, where separate to the act of living. I did those things, and then I did the living. And I shouldn't have to tell you, but that was such a mistake.
Spending a little bit of time on your passions every day is good enough.
And if you think it's not, remember that I don't give advice I don't follow myself. So far this year I've written AND edited two novels. All without burning myself, without rushing, and while taking the time to appreciate life.
Take that for what it's worth. 🐰🌻
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bilgisticallykosher · 3 years
How The Sides Celebrate Chanukah
In honor of how many Jewish fanders followed me recently (like...two) here's some Chanukah headcanons under the cut! Also please check out this art for Sides in Chanukah sweaters!!!
Creativitwins have contests on coming up with new dreidel song verses.
Patton tries a different latke variation every year. Always one ingredient that's a bit weird, though.
(Look I see your Patton's a good cook headcanons and I raise you The Man Put Cumin In Spaghetti.)
((That being said I've done some fun twists on latkes, hit me up.))
He also keeps trying to make a sufganilatke each year. The less said about them, the better.
Logan corrects anyone whenever they use the word 'menorah' as opposed to 'channukiah '.
Virgil says "Let's get lit" every night without fail. (Roman: You've never smoked a weed in your life.)
Janus spells Chanukah differently every single time.
So many Chanukah songs. So many different tunes.
Logan gets into the history of the holiday and what lead up to it and we played dreidel so that the Greeks didn't know we were studying Torah, because our belief is what actually led to the holiday in the first place-
Patton also tries different fillings in the sufganiyot "No Remus you can't have Hydrogen Peroxide in your doughnut" and they turn out not bad. They do generally prefer the originals, except for one side who really seems to enjoy the orange marmalade version...
Remus loves regaling everyone with the bloodier Chanukah history. The battle of the Maccabees, the deaths, and Yehudit totally got the Assyrian general drunk on wine and cheese and cut off his f&$#ing head!
Someone uses the phrase "Jewish Xmas" around Logan once.
They did not survive.
(Okay not really, but He Went Off.)
Debates about the best condiment on latkes are commonplace.
Remus, having been forbidden from suggesting anything otherwise inedible, still always gets banned from the conversation.
They'll tolerate "egg salad," but they draw the line at "fermented spoiled fish skin".
Patton and Janus wear "ugly" Chanukah sweaters, but Patton legitimately thinks they're nice, why do people keep calling them ugly?
Logan has a chart of the Shammai lighting. He never does it, but he has it, and just... looks at it. Soon.
EDIT THIS CAME UP IRL, Logan sees someone say that Chanukah ended the previous night when it is. It is still Chanukah. It's the last day of Chanukah, you have been talking about it in chat more than I have, ffs, why do you not know this, this is basic stuff, why are you talking so much about Chanukah when you don't even-
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
PJ Giveaway to The Parents
🇵🇷Me: What's up guys! I'm finally coming again during the last week of April 2022 for at least bringing you this secret art trade to share. However, I've been waiting for few days after getting this done. You see its something to do with my iPad Mini device that I normally used for working digital artworks through PicsArt. Even though back in few weeks of what I've been said to my iPad Mini device was fine, but unfortunately afterwards was getting worse or frustrated as I'm trying to go through my progress with these drawings; at least managed to get it done from yesterday. Nevertheless, It'll be tough to go back with my upcoming digital drawings for the future; though not what you think it was "harsh." The reason is that if you already know was the iPad Mini's storage data. It happens whether downloading apps or taken photos/videos, but getting too much will cause some space of what you had left. So much so in fact that it would hard to get through my art progress while I was at PicsArt. Though I'll explain that later after sharing this secret art trade request that my P-Pal hopefully take it will.
🐰🖌Maxwell: In it, you'll see mom and dad are with the Speedster parents while giving away their own personal pajamas to give each other. This is something that we happen to have with our Speedster friends and Cude when giving away our clothes; especially the Autumn/Winter and pajamas kind from few years.
🐰👊💥May: Yeah. Though having them decided to give away their own personal pjs was an unexpected surprise for the first time when doing so.
🦊⚽️Sam: Well we won't forget the time from last year's Christmas when they give away their own clothes as gifts to the Speedster parents; even if was a silly idea due to our creator friend's suggestion.
Link Here
🇵🇷Me: Yeah, but at least nothing too much, right? I'm hoping they would've brought their own pajamas though. So here I am as this is my P-Pal's request that I'm happy to delivered. Though I look hard from sources for their pajamas designs so that I can make drafts in full details. Good things that I eventually found it by getting through archives; especially both on our blogs from mine and to my P-Pal's.
Link Here #2
Link Here #3
🐰🖌Maxwell: Yeah I do remember those from your past Christmas art posts you two been shared years ago. Not bad giving their designs though; especially from our mom and dad in their festive Christmas theme kind. 🎅🎄Though don't be confused with our dad's pajama pants with a belt on it. It just the design meant to look like an actual belt.
🇵🇷Me: Yup. Nevertheless, I'm hopeful once my P-Pal sees this that they're gonna be fine in their own personal PJs for keeps. Let's see how Rita and Bonn would react.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Who knows? Maybe someday if they'll gonna give away their own clothes to my parents soon. Just saying though. Not bad seeing them in their PJs at least. 👍🏼
🇵🇷Me: By the way, as I told when getting through my art progress, I had a hard time that took me few days for this month to handle while my iPad's storage was full.
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🇵🇷Me: As you can see that screenshot ⬆️I took from yesterday before while getting everything done at 7 P.M. This is a notification appears on screen pop up everytime it prevents me to continue forward with my art progress while I'm at PicsArt app; unless if I would to free some space at time. Though at least I had other options by exit out and back then repeat til my iPad still had some space storage left to continue through progress. However it takes longer about few days that I would expected to be.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Yeah. Seems like it while your iPad's storage data was still full. If only there's something you could do while someday you can get a newer iPad device for Chirstmas this year.
🇵🇷Me: That would be great if it means to continue my plans of my upcoming art posts aside doing traditional style in the future or something. However, I do have one thing to share that I’m gonna save it for another time; at least during the early days of May before continuing forward. For now though, hope you’ll enjoy this art post I’ve been saving from my P-Pal’s request. 👍
🐰🎤Windy and 🐰📚🍌Scottie created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Rita and Bonn Speedster created by my P-Pal; @murumokirby360
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