#he’s never done anything wrong in his entire life (/sarcasm)
rhiannons-bird · 3 months
I‘m only about halfway through but I need to rant
- it‘s incredible how well cassie manages to lend a unique voice to each of her characters every single time. she just doesn’t miss does she?
- lin caster is the awesomest girl. i just love her because she reminds me of other cc girls in the way that she is kind of a very typical heroine on the surface but you can actually feel her emotions and she’s very believable & flawed & human and you just can’t help rooting for her + i love her friendship with mariam
- everyone is bisexual & it’s completely normalised i love it here
- lin & conor??? apparently they are the flagship which I know because I took a peek at the tag after they had two scenes together because the ENERGY OMG
- ahh yes, conor 😌 another pretty man with issues who’s in a lot of trouble and likes to cover it up with sarcasm, pompous behaviour, fancy clothes & vanity- you just can’t help but love it
- but also he‘s the biggest prick and i want him to have some sense beat into him by everyone around him
- like he qualifies for a huge growth arc but it could also go downhill and turn into sth ugly
- anyone had a weird sense of déjà vu about him and lin after that one little excerpt about adessa and suleman? like, she’s an ashkar with probably immense magical potential let’s be real i see where this is going and he‘s a prince (future king) with marivent blood 🤔🤔🤔
- conor‘s frat boy posse make my blood boil- especially with the way they talked about antonetta in that one scene 🤢🤮
- falconet is the nicest one by far but he‘s sus as hell i know he’s up to sth 🤨 but i rly wanna like him 😭
- the ragpicker king is just a cool dude who dresses emo and has people murdered on the regular i guess i love him. he’s hot. - kaz energy but also very different at the same time. can‘t wait to see more of him. and there’s def more to him.
- also no, andreyen, i don‘t understand either what people mean about ji-an having an off putting manner i‘m pretty convinced she‘s never done anything wrong in her entire life 💗except for the murder what murder
- kel can only be described as a calmly unhinged cinnamon roll. he reminds me a little of james (especially with his „mask“) but if you orphaned him & janked up the loyalty & sluttiness by a hundred
- like fr he is so confused just running around threatening and/or kissing people wtf 😭✋🏼 he just has chemistry with everyone he interacts with lol
- kel & conor remind me of matthew & james but if there was a big power imbalance and a everything is a little more fucked up 🙃
- generally the way power & power dynamics are portrayed and handled is very interesting i like it
- antonetta has my entire heart ❤️
- I need more of her but as an individual not just through kel‘s pov, so far i’m not very big on whatever is being hinted at with her and kel
- I adore merren just like everyone else, he‘s kind of giving a weird mix of christopher/matthew/wylan and I‘m here for it. plus: autism coded character yeass
- also nice to see some jewish rep. (i did not know cassie was jewish before lol) the ashkar are really interesting (& as far as their treatment by the rest of the world goes at times infuriating😤) to read about and add a lot of depth to the world building.
- i love how we see the complexities of their culture portrayed through lin who on the one hand is deeply ingrained in it and holds/has received a lot of love & care for/from her own people while also having been wronged & ostracised by them and how both can be true simultaneously
- as someone who‘s very familiar with multiple romance languages the languages in this book are incredibly entertaining to me
- SO MANY SECRETS & political intrigue hehehe rubbing my little hands together can’t wait for all this to escalate (because it most certainly will) 😈
bottom line
I’m really glad i finally started reading this.
it took me a while to get into it & I’m still holding out on a final judgement since it seems very slow but i’m a patient reader and i appreciate a good setup.
also I want a creepy black crocodile pool in my house now.
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Not engaging because I always block these people when they pop up now but.
If you're going to complain about how Izzy fans like. Engage with/interpret the character. Maybe like. Try actually listening to what Izzy fans think about the character?
Instead of either going off of hearsay from people who don't like him/us and who want a reason to make people dislike him/us. Or actually thinking the sarcasm and hyperbole in RESPONSE to people being shitty and dumb are genuine.
Anyway yeah Izzy's a cinnamon roll who's never done anything wrong in his entire life and everyone, but specifically Ed, is so mean to him all the time for no reason and he deserves everyone's undivided love and attention at all times because he's objectively the best character - NO, the best human being - to ever exist in the past, present, AND future.
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sirowsky-stories · 2 months
The Flowers Always Know
Chapter 7 - Perfectly Awkward Things
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Description: Seeking out Marcus for answers turned out to be fruitful in more ways than one.
**Beware! Author chooses NOT to display warnings on the individual chapters of this story. Read at your own risk!**
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Word Count: 3884 (1831 words added) Masterlist (this story)
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   “My mother did what?” Marcus exclaimed in shock after you knocked on his office door and asked if he had a minute to talk, before telling him about the events of the morning.
   He’d looked so happy to see you, which had made it very difficult to remember why you’d come to visit him at all.
   “Yep. Suddenly I see why you felt the need to protect me from her. I still haven’t decided if I like her or not.”
   “I should think the answer would be ‘absolutely not’, after waking up to that,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. “But I guess now we know what she was up to yesterday.”
   “Oh, don’t get me wrong, I was fuming,” you recalled with emphasis. “I just can’t help but admire her sass.    I could’ve done without the weird questions, though. I mean, unless you’re a florist or trying to impress someone, a deep-dive into the history of their favourite flower isn’t exactly the most enticing subject.”
   But hearing that made Marcus look extremely nervous, suddenly.
   “She asked you what flowers you like?” he wondered, and he sounded as though this one topic could somehow ruin his life, which of course only made you that much more confused.
   “Yeah, do you know what that’s about?” you asked, subconsciously leaning forwards in the sofa as your curiosity peaked.
   He was sitting across from you, in an identical sofa on the other side of a coffee table, and he’d been leaning forwards the whole time you’d been there.    But he now fell back against the backrest, as if needing to be as far from you as possible.
   “Uh, it’s something she does sometimes. She loves flowers, always has. She’s got the nicest garden you’ve ever seen, and she knows everything about every flower there is.    But she has this… I don’t know… insight, maybe? Don’t ask me how the flowers are involved, cause I’ve been trying to figure that out my entire life, but she somehow just knows shit. She asks about your favourite flower and whatever response you give, it tells her something more than what you’ve actually said. Almost like it… connects her to you.    I honestly don’t know if it’s an ability or just her extensive understanding of both people and flora, but whatever it is, as far as I know, she’s only ever used it to-...”
   He cut himself off then, as if he’d been about to say something wrong, or inappropriate. He’d been looking around the room while he’d spoken, occasionally flickering back to you, but now that his gaze returned to focus fully on you… you could’ve sworn he was blushing.
   “To… what?” you tried to prompt, but he just cleared his throat and adjusted himself in the sofa.
   “Um, that’s not important right now. I’ll talk to her about staying away from you,” he dodged, and you thought about pushing him to answer, but he seemed uncomfortable enough that you decided not to.
   You’d known him long enough by now to know that he rarely avoided a subject unless there was good cause.    Plus, you already knew that any effort he made to keep his mother away from you probably wouldn’t be successful, and that thought brought you back to your original reason for coming here.
   “Hah, good luck with that,” you cautioned with thickly layered sarcasm.
   “What do you mean?”
   “Only that the point of the weird questions was apparently to assess me for a job, which she then hired me for, without telling me anything about it.    Does she even have the authority to hire people? How much pull does she have here?” you questioned, hoping to learn more about the elusive woman.
   But Marcus looked only baffled.
   “Your guess is as good as mine, really. I’ve never known what my mother does here, besides meddle in everything and bark orders at everyone.    She’s not officially employed here anymore, but given how everyone treats her, it’s safe to say she has a lot of power among the Heroics organization. So, if she wants to give you a job, you can be sure they’ll let her.    She didn’t say anything about the position at all? Not even which branch?”
   “Only that I have to be here at 7am tomorrow if I wanna take it, and the assumption I made was that it would mean I’d be working for her.    But I’m not sure about any of this.”
   His office was a surprisingly comfortable room.    The furniture was all wood, either in light colours or just lacquered so the veins and life of the trees could be seen. And while there was a good-sized desk with an ergonomic chair (the only piece of furniture which wasn’t made of wood), those were pushed into a corner, to make room for the two big, soft, moss-coloured sofas in the middle of the space, where you were now seated.
   There was a small potted plant sat in the middle of the coffee table between you. You didn’t know what type of plant it was, but it suited Marcus somehow.    Beautiful leaves, large but somewhat fragile, growing tightly to conceal the surprisingly thick and sturdy stems, and you got the distinct impression that this plant could take a lot more than anyone thought.
   Seeming more nervous again, he got up and rounded the little table to come and sit down next to you instead, and you had a feeling it was mostly to comfort himself. Not that you ever minded his proximity.
   “I really don’t know what this might be about. She’s never wanted or needed an assistant, but I can’t think of anything else she might want you to do,” he pondered, and you leaned back again so you could see him.
   “I’m just an artisan, a craftswoman. I design logo’s, sew and knit, make sculptures and ceramics, the occasional leather or metalworks. Small things for individual buyers, never anything large scale. I’ve never done anything else.”
   “Maybe she thinks we need re-branding,” he offered, probably as a joke, but at this point, you were about ready to believe anything.
   “Have you heard any discussions about something like that?”
   “Shit,” you slumped further and closed your eyes for a moment. “I don’t know what to do.”
   Abruptly restless, you opened your eyes again before getting up and starting to pace about the room, still relishing in the fact that you were even able to stand up without assistance.    But you missed the disappointed look on Marcus’ face as you left his side. And before he could object, you launched into a speech about all the things you’d been mulling over in your head while you’d cleaned your house.
   “I mean, she’s right, I need a job. It’s not like my former employer could just wait for me to get better while a third of her entire workforce was missing, with no word on whether or not I’d even be able to come back. She had to replace me; I get that.    It’s just that it’s a very difficult business to get back into, because most of them are small and privately owned and they hire people they know are good and then stick with them. I should know, I’d been with that company for a decade.    And yeah, I’ve played with the idea of maybe trying to start a business of my own, but that’s not easy, especially when I have no experience or training as a business owner or production manager. Not to mention the economics, taxes, legal crap…”
   You sighed into a grunt as you came to a stop behind the sofa across from Marcus and rested your hands on the back of it.    So much of your life still had to change before anything would have a chance to get back to some manner of normal. And it all seemed so big and difficult, and you didn’t want any more of that. You’d had more than enough of difficult to last you the rest of your life.    In that sense, being offered a job out of the blue was a gift. The problem was, you felt like there was a catch, which meant you didn’t trust it.
   “At the same time, I can’t help but feel that working here… Ugh, I don’t know,” you speculated, somehow feeling trapped. “I can’t see how I could possibly do anything here that would make me feel like I was contributing.”
   “Hey, come here, hermosa,” he suggested, patting the seat next to him.
   You brightened a bit, hearing one of his nicknames for you. You’d gotten so used to them in the past three months, the sounds of them felt like home to you now, even though you didn’t speak Spanish, beyond “hola” and “buenos dias”.    Still, you’d never dared to ask him what those names meant. You had guessed the meaning of some of the words you’d heard him say, like “felicidades” when you’d succeeded on the obstacle course, but about the nicknames, you didn’t know if he was calling you something endearing or just practical.
   Rounding the sofa you’d been standing behind, you sat back down not quite next to him, since you weren’t sure how comfortable you could be with him.    During your recovery, he’d been up close and personal with you every day, having to touch various parts of your body to help your muscles heal. But once that had ended, there was no manual for how to behave anymore. No way to know what was appropriate beyond the professional. And it wasn’t like such a thing ever came up in casual conversation.
   Once you’d settled in, he angled himself towards you, and feeling your temperature rise with his closeness, you begged for an interesting subject to pop into your head.    Fortunately, that was when you suddenly remembered the word his mother had called you when she’d spoken to you. Granted, not the most interesting topic ever, but since things were getting more awkward by the second, you decided it was as good a question as any.
   “What does ‘mujer’ mean?”
   “Woman,” he said without pause, and then cocked his head to the side, probably confused by the apparent randomness of the question. “Why do you ask?”
   “Anita called me that.”
   “Yeah, she does that. She still calls me boy. Chico, or hijo if she’s in a good mood.    She claims it’s just her way of calling it like it is, but I suspect in most cases, it’s just because she doesn’t bother to memorize people’s names,” he tutted, which almost made you snicker because it was such a Marcus thing to do.
   But there was another question burning a hole in your brain, and you were too busy fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, trying to decide if you dared to ask, to fully appreciate his adorable little tut.
   “Oh, I see,” you answered generically, while working up the courage. “Um, since we’re on the subject, I was wondering… about hermosa?”
   He responded by smiling that melting smile of his, damned near taking your breath away.
   “It means beautiful,” he softly explained, and something in his eyes turned liquid and hypnotizing.
   Shit. You just had to go there, and now you were blushing like an idiot, not knowing where to look or what to say or how to behave like a normal fucking person.    He seemed only delighted, though.
   “I’d happily call you something in English, if you’d prefer,” he offered, sounding entirely sincere and much too inviting. “Like sweetheart,” he added, barely over a whisper now.
   But you couldn’t look at him, so you didn’t know if he was being flirty or just friendly. If he was saying that he wanted you to be his sweetheart, or that he just wanted to call you that.    You couldn’t tell if your own desires were tainting what you heard to make it sound more involving and romantic than it actually was.    Coming here had been about discussing his mother and the job, not give yourself more opportunities to fall even harder for the guy.
   You had, though. You’d probably fallen for him the moment you’d first heard his voice that day in the med-chamber. Every day since then had been spent in either denial or a continued attempt to confirm that you had no shot with this man.    It had never been this difficult to be around him when you’d been recovering, even though you’d been attracted to him, because there’d been a professional barrier separating you. It was only in the last few weeks when you hadn’t really needed him anymore, it had started getting out of hand.
   Maybe because against all odds, there could be a slim chance he liked you as more than a friend as well. Or perhaps you just needed to know, either way.    For the moment, all you wanted was for the pressing awkwardness to end.
   “Uh… you can call me whatever you like,” you timidly responded, after what seemed like hours.
   “Thank you,” he replied, with a deep kind of rumbling warmth, and suddenly you had to look at him again, had to know what expression could make his voice sound like that.
   Whatever you might’ve imagined, you were totally unprepared for the desire looking back at you. It had you leaning towards him like he was a magnet.    And amazingly, the moment he realized what you were doing, he responded by quickly closing the remaining distance between you, as though he was afraid something would interrupt if he simply sat back and waited for you to get to him.
   His lips were warm and soft as they moulded to yours, eager, but not demanding, his moustache tickling you in the sweetest way. His hands came up to cradle your jaw, holding you to him with the lightest touch, sending flares of tiny electric pulses through your skin.    The rapid sensory overload had your pulse racing and your entire body flushed with the heat of arousal in the blink of an eye.
   To your own shock and disbelief, both clearly dulled by your libido for the time being, a few seconds later you found yourself clambering onto his lap and straddling him. Your own lips being every bit as demanding as his hadn’t been, and your hands rough and craving against his delicate touch.    But if he was surprised, he didn’t show it. His hands quickly found their way to your thighs and up your back instead, making you shiver with pleasure. Then a throaty grunt of a moan escaped him, and he opened his mouth, as if seeking refuge from the heat of his own body, by begging for entry into yours.
   Panting and grinding yourself against him, feeling him harden underneath you, you were suddenly snapped back to reality by the sound of the phone on his desk ringing.    You froze on his lap and pulled back to stare at him, mortified at your own reaction to what had started out as a simple kiss, literally just seconds ago. Your first kiss, no less.    He grinned as he watched your face go from arousal to panic, and his arms closed tighter around you, holding you to him, while you tried to hide your face in your hands.
   “I’m sorry, I have no idea where that came from, I’ve never done anything like this before, I don’t even know what happened…” you fumbled, wishing you could just run from the room and never come back.
   “Do I look uncomfortable to you?” Marcus smirked, obviously not bothered in the least, and quite completely missing the point.
   “No, but I-…” you tried, but he cut you off.
   “Hermosa… you can attack me any time you like. I’ve wanted to be touched by you for a long time,” he said, still grinning happily, totally oblivious to the storm which was churning inside you.
   “You don’t understand. I’m not like this,” you sighed, looking for the right words, and strangely feeling more comfortable talking about it the longer you went. “I’m not… confident, not about sex. I’ve never been the one to instigate, much less push or demand more. I don’t ever do that, it’s not in my nature.”
   Finally realizing that you weren’t just being bashful, but that your own actions were genuinely frightening you, he frowned while softening his grip around you and stroking your back soothingly.
   “Hey, don’t be scared. I’m not in any hurry with you. If you need to understand this before you’re willing to take things further, then that’s what you need to do.    Just… promise me you won’t shut me out. Please?”
   You stared at him, utterly enthralled, your hands drooping down onto his chest while you tried to process the truths behind his words.    That he was willing to take things slow even though you’d just teased him in the worst conceivable way, just so you’d be comfortable with him. But more than that, he obviously wanted to be included, to be a part of your life. Which wouldn’t matter to him unless he was looking for something long term.    Holy shit. You’d just come here to ask for his advice…
   “Y-You are real, right?” you asked him, so staggered by this revelation that you needed to make sure. “This isn’t some perfect fantasy I dreamed up, is it?”
   His smile came back even wider before he answered, and there was a happy little laughter hiding in every syllable.
   “Of course I’m real, sweetheart. You could never dream up someone so dorky.”
   “You’re not dorky,” you countered with conviction, and you guessed that it was probably the stern look on your face which made his laughter blossom.
   “According to Missy, who’s known me a lot longer than you, I am the Superdork of dorks. But I’m apparently also very lovable,” he finished with a wink, finally making you laugh too.
   “That I can agree with. And I’ll promise not to shut you out if you’ll do the same for me.”
   “Somehow, I get the feeling this is one promise that’ll be easer for me to keep than it will be for you. But I promise.”
   “You might be right, but that’s just because I haven’t had any people in my life I could rely on, ever since I was a kid,” you told him, and the mirth cooled a bit.
   You hadn’t told him anything about your family yet, and you didn’t want to, so you were relieved when he didn’t ask about them.
   “In that case, from now on, I’ll consider it my mission to make sure you always know you can lean on me,” he added to his promise, still smiling so warmly.
   “I don’t know how I can ever deserve you, but I sure as shit won’t turn you down,” you smiled back. “Thank you. For this and everything else. And I promise not to shut you out.”
   He just kept meeting your eyes with unflinching focus, and gently caressed your cheek.    You leaned into the warmth of his hand for a moment, but then you suddenly remembered exactly where you were sitting, and your cheeks began to flush under his gentle touch.
   “Um… I should maybe…” you tried, while you started working to move yourself off his lap.
   His grin widened and his eyes turned playful as he realized what you were blushing about, but he quickly offered you a helping hand to make sure you got up with your dignity intact. Thank goodness you’d opted for jeans today, rather than a skirt or dress.    He straightened himself up a bit on the sofa, and you moved to sit down across from him again, taking a breath to try to cool yourself down.
   Then you both visibly flinched when the door abruptly flung open, and Mrs. Moreno appeared on the threshold.    She didn’t even glace in your direction, keeping her eyes on her son, although she most certainly knew you were there, there was no way she didn’t see you in her periphery. But you also got the impression she’d known before even opening the door. Just like you were sure she knew that something… heated, had happened between her son and you.
   You made a mental note to check the room for cameras or microphones later, because that timing was eerily perfect.
   “Honestly, chico, what’s happened to your manners lately? You can’t even be bothered to answer the phone anymore?” she chided, and you stifled a curse trying to spill from your lips as it dawned on you that it had been her calling earlier, also with impeccable timing.
   “Wow, mom. You barge into my office without even knocking, or saying hello, being extremely rude to my guest, and yet, I’m the one with no manners? Really?” Marcus challenged, clearly truly sick of his mother’s meddling.
   She, on the other hand, was apparently immune to his retorts, completely ignoring his challenge as she turned to you instead.
   “I was not expecting you until tomorrow, but since you’re here, we might as well get started,” she declared, and then swept around and left the room while delivering a final command: “Come along, mujer.”
   “Mrs. Moreno, I-…” you tried, but she was already gone, so you sighed and looked at Marcus who just shook his head, still staring after her. “She’s the one who called? That timing was-…”
   “Don’t even go there,” he cut you off, cautioning you. “She’s omniscient, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
   You looked towards the open doorway and felt yourself frown, although if it was out of confusion or frustration you couldn’t tell.
   “I don’t know if I wanna go after her. I haven’t even decided if I want the job.”
   “Don’t let her push you around, sweetheart. If you want to take the time to think about it, you have every right to,” he reminded you, and you turned your head back to meet his gaze, scrunching your nose up at him in a childish manner.
   “I think I prefer hermosa,” you declared, which brought his grin back, but before he could reply, you heard Anita shout after you from further down the corridor. “On the other hand, I can always resign from a job I’ve already taken, so I could go find out just what it is she wants me to do, and if I don’t like it, at least I’ll know.”
   You sighed with equal parts irritation and sulkiness, then you got up and he mirrored you, cutting you off from leaving by stepping in front of you and taking your hands.
   “Remember, whatever happens, I’m here. If you need anything I’ll be there, and if you can’t find me, call me,” he reassured you, letting his hands slide up your arms and come to rest at the top of your shoulders, before he leaned in and kissed your forehead.
   “Thank you,” you said, closing your eyes and inhaling the scent of him, hoping to bring it with you for extra strength.
   Then Mrs. Moreno shouted again, louder this time, making you growl as you stepped around Marcus to follow her down the corridor.
   “If I haven’t called within the next two minutes, you can go ahead and officially declare me a saint.”
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 7 months
“Move it, Weirdo Girl.” A rough elbow jostled El aside as Jimmy Peterson, the meanest kid in the entire tenth grade, pushed past her. He was of course closely followed by his equally nasty sidekicks, Thomas and Paul, who also made a point to shove El even though she was no longer in their way.
If you wrong Losty or Losty’s favorite sibling, you will end up in a fic with a bully named after you. All three of these bullies’ names came from Dudes Who Done Us Wrong.
Oh, no. El’s heart sank. Thanksgiving with the Wheelers had been awful. It had felt like the longest day of her entire life. She was a little afraid of Ted Wheeler; he was always grouchy and he didn’t seem to like her very much, and he definitely hadn’t liked it that she was intruding on what was meant to be a day for family.
I definitely headcanon El as being more than a little afraid of Ted Wheeler! His constant sarcasm would make her feel so unbalanced and insecure.
But then, to El’s complete astonishment, Mike shoved aside his lunch tray and jumped up so abruptly that he knocked his chair over backwards. “Fine. Whatever,” he shouted. “Do what you want. You guys all saw me try, though, right? So this time when you run and tattle to Steve”— he directed this at Dustin— “make sure you tell him I don’t wanna hear any more of his fucking lectures. Tell him that I tried to be nice and she said no. I’m sick of this.”
Poor Steve will never escape Wheeler relationship drama!!! 😂
“Janie, please talk to me,” Gareth begged. “What can I do to make you feel better?” She looked up to study him as if seeing him for the first time, taking in his sweet chubby face and his kind anxious eyes, so full of concern, and she didn’t want to tell him there wasn’t anything that anyone could do to make her feel better.
“What can I do to make you feel better?” appears for the first time here, but quickly becomes a recurring theme throughout Gareth and El’s relationship— in direct contrast to Mike, who’s never particularly bothered about what’s upsetting El and if there’s anything he can do to help.
(Also I had to sneak in a “sweet chubby face” there because omg the cheeks on that boy. Gareth totally brings out my inner southern grandma.)
“Say that again,” he hissed, stepping closer, and much to El’s surprise the mean boys were actually retreating in the face of this direct challenge. “Go ahead, I fucking dare you.”
Jimmy tried to rally. “What are you gonna do about it, Junior Freak?” he retorted. “Gonna put one of your satanic curses on me?”
—chapter seven
I had a whole thing about Eddie being the original Freak and then gradually his followers being given derivative Freak nicknames by the jocks and bullies of the school. Bullies aren’t known for being creative, though, so Grant and Jeff were undoubtedly just Fat Freak and Midnight Freak, and then later Gareth as the baby of the group got the most uncreative name of all, Junior Freak. It didn’t really make sense once the other guys graduated, but it stuck regardless.
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Orie Wallace - Backstory
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CW: Contains graphic descriptions of gore and death which could be potentially upsetting.
The youngest of two sons born to a farming family of no affiliation, Orville 'Orie' Wallace as a boy was described as being quiet and clever but not without vinegar.
Having no extended family nearby, and fortunate soil for growing much of the year, the family seldom needed outside interaction, and bothered none.
Unfortunately, in spite of this, one night when Orie was barely a teenager, the wrong people would happen upon the homestead and attempt to rob them of what little they owned.
Outnumbered, Orie's father and brother were killed trying to defend all that they had-- and his mother for going at the intruders upon seeing what they'd done.
Orie, the only one to hide, was the only one to survive.
Growing up, the boys' mother and father had told them what to do and where to go should anything happen to the both of them.
Their father had an older half-brother. A good man who'd gone north to seek his fortune back before Orie had even been born. In a hollow in their bedpost, they'd hidden directions, a letter and enough physical money to get both boys up north to their uncle. Being that it was only him now, Orie bought his own passage and hid the rest in his hat for when he arrived.
In the over-a-decade since he'd gone, Jamie Wallace had become a beloved resident of the tiny town of Foundling Creek, an appraiser for the ruling Scavengers gang, lead by a Mr. Step Orlov. He researched and studied their finds, making sure they sold what ought to be sold and kept what ought to be kept.
He was older than Orie expected and had no wife or children of his own. His little home and workshop was cluttered in a way that suggested he spent his every waking hour on his work. However, once Orie arrived, with the face of his father and a bleak explanation, he gladly made room in his space for the boy.
Orie would spend the few final years of his childhood in Foundling Creek, apprenticing for his uncle and even bonding with a couple of the youths of the town, though always keeping the social circle rather small.
Not long into adulthood, he married one of these few friends, a local girl named May Harris. She was quiet and sweet, but never afraid to return his sarcasm and not one to put up with his gloom. The young couple moved into a house on an adjacent street from the shop, with Orie still working for his uncle to provide for the both of them.
The day Sally Puck arrived in Foundling Creek, May Wallace was one of the few to have reported seeing her, a frightened young woman, muddied from head-to-toe, emerging from the far fields crying and babbling nonsense. Many were fearful of her, but the Orlovs themselves insisted on sheltering her in their own home, up in the woods a ways.
Immediately after, Step Orlov, his son Lee and Sally all disappeared, the Orlov's housekeeper claiming the home had been abandoned. The town had to adapt, Jamie Wallace himself passively taking on Step's role in his stead, though the Scavengers would suffer for it.
And so, when the strange young woman reappeared nearly a year later, now living in the Orlov's old house with the housekeeper, the Orlov men still gone, umors of murder came fast, with Orie being one of the first to defend the stranger.
"If she did kill those men, may I have the honor of being among the first to go and thank her?" he asked. "Let's be honest with ourselves; nobody liked the damned Orlovs."
He even went on to support her joining the Scavengers the following year. Filling his busy uncle's shoes at the workshop, he saw how much help the gang needed since the loss of the Orlovs, despite being unable to miss them.
At home, the Wallace's had more to be concerned with. After nearly a half-decade of quiet married life, May Wallace became pregnant, something which excited the entire town nearly as much as the couple themselves.
Though they'd been preparing for the possibility of a child for a few years now, Orie still took it upon himself to put in extra time at the shop, trying to earn a bit more pay and resources to help in the coming months. (Despite his uncle's offer to simply help the young couple with his own savings, Orie wanted to work for it.)
Then, one night, as he kept himself working long after Jamie had gone up to bed and the shop had gone dark save for the singular lamp Orie worked under, he'd find himself too comforted in his work, too busy to notice an uncomfortable shift in the air, a telltale scent.
It wasn't until he could hear distant voices outside, rhythmic yet unintelligible, that he clued in to what was wrong.
Cracking open the window he'd see the moon a crimson sliver, the night sky turned to plum and the voices through the trees became clearer. Members of the Twelfth, out on parade, calling, singing and coaxing the unhearing out of hiding.
Orie woke his uncle in a panic, saying that he'd stayed later than he thought and now May was home all on her own with a bleeding sky overhead. After trying futilely to calm his nephew, tell him that they'd both be safer staying where they were, he grabbed his gun and agreed to run home with Orie to get to May.
It was only a short run, and the two men made it without drawing any unwanted attention, but when they got in, they found the house unlocked and empty.
Hopefully assuming May had caught the storm early, and gone to a friend's house so as to not be alone, Jamie and Orie would have to wait until morning to find out.
But when day broke, and townspeople unbarred their doors and went about their day, no one seemed to know where May was.  Members of the Scavengers and a few other townsfolk arranged a search party, scanning the surrounding area for the missing woman, but only found evidence of the Twelfth's little late-night excursion.
For three days they searched for her, though hope had diminished before the first day had passed. Finally, local farmer Joseph Poole let the Scavengers know that he had found poor May in the woods behind his property.
Her body had been tangled up in the shrubbery, completely pulled apart at the center, flesh and bowels draped upon twigs-- her unborn child plucked from her stomach and placed in her posed arms.
Upon being told by the Scavengers, Orie attempted to go and see her, but was held back by his uncle and Jimmy Boorman, saving him from the horrible sight.
May and the baby were buried side-by-side behind the town church. Unable to bear being alone in the house that had always been theirs, Orie moved back into the shop with Jamie, throwing himself even more into his work.
Locals tried to keep reaching out to the new widow, and he'd usually play along, but would retreat back into himself immediately after, and none could blame him.
Carrying on, only really seen for business or events, Orie was one day bringing a large bag of items in to the factory (Scavenger hq) and sitting inside waiting for the time of his meeting when a little, yellow-haired girl, no older than three, crept around the corner and stood there staring from a few feet away.
So, going into his bag, he took out a little tin train engine, pushing it across the floor to her. Taking it, her face lit up and she immediately began running it back and forth across the 2nd floor railing, getting Orie to laugh for the first time in a while.
When the girl's mother came to retrieve her, it was none other than Sally Puck. He'd heard that she'd taken in a foundling from the river a while back, but had only seen glimpses of her. Sally was apologetic, but he told her the little one had made his day.
From then on, whenever he'd visit, he'd often track down Sally somewhere in the building, giving her a toy or a book from the shop, simply saying "For your girl."
Another couple of years went by quietly, thought the town had begun to feel the effects of the Scavengers running out of resources, having Jamie Wallace taking up his second job on the field, leaving Orie to work overtime at the shop most nights.
This, unfortunately, would only get harder. One winter afternoon, a wagon full of Scavengers were expected to return after journeying to new territory.
They returned on time, alright, but in a panic, having stumbled upon a wretch mistaken for a horse. Suley, a young member of thirteen, had been thrown from the wagon and needed to be carried to the doctors, but there was worse.
Jamie Wallace was dead. They'd brought his body back to destroy it, and upon seeing it, gored in the back of the wagon, Orie merely kicked the back wheel and walked away.
Stopping him, Sally reached out asking what he needed to help at the time, to which he coldly responded 'I need to get to work, clearly.'
From there, Orie wasted no time on mourning. He took over full control of the shop, becoming the sole appraiser for the Scavengers. Friends tried for a few months to reach out, but he wouldn’t budge from his unfeeling acceptance, so everyone moved on.
As Sally Puck began to slowly take on a leadership role in the Scavengers with her out-of-the-box ideas for the gang's direction, Orie was one of her most constant supporters, and when she took the great risk of attempting to establish a business relationship with the nearby city of Opportunity, she chose Orie as one of a select few to accompany her, trusting his knowledge of physical money and trade.
Within a few years, Foundling Creek would rise to much greater power. Trading with a small city brought them a plethora of new resources, allowing them to take new territory, make new allies (as well as enemies) and better arm the Scavengers themselves.
The woman who'd appeared out of nowhere, met first with suspicion and even murder accusations, had now become a leader and even a hero to the citizens of Foundling Creek, and there was no one she trusted to do his job like she trusted Orie.
They'd become dear friends, Orie being one of few who were welcome to come around Sally's homestead uninvited and would sometimes be teased for his quick willingness to do any favour for Sally or for her three children.
Though it was difficult to break through his gloomy demeanor, he seemed to get genuine joy from Sally's kids, who absolutely adored bothering him.
He was someone Martha could always go to for help picking apart any of her large thoughts and curiosities, he allowed a young Sylvester to go out behind the shop and smash damaged or otherwise useless finds against the wall to destress (explaining that he'd done it himself a few times)-- and he had a notable bond with John Ira, who looked up to Orie and over the years asked him for help with things such as how to cut his own hair, how to shave, how to dress well, et cetera, and scared a similar, sarcastic sense of humor with Orie.
Sally even went to him a couple of times, asking him to teach her boys about 'men's things' (something he was very unhappy about having to attempt.)
By the time they were grown, they could all say Orie had been an important part of their growing up-- something the man, who'd never gotten to have children of his own, couldn't deny being touched by.
Over the decades, Orie has only become more valuable in his job. Still living alone in the shop, he often needs to be beckoned out of hiding by those who care about him, but most of the town consider him essential, even if a bit of a famous grump.
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sanityshorror · 2 years
Milos from A Serbian Film
- he's so cool looking: okay the actor is hot as fuck, okay? I will not apologize.
- everyone is wrong about the movie except me (IT'S AN AMAZING MOVIE AND WAS MADE AS A FUCK YOU TO FASCIST CENSORSHIP, FAWK YEW)
- I would have married him uh, before the events of the movie. And also told him DO NOT DO THAT FILM BOOBOO CUZ VUKMIR SUS AF
- the entire movie is deeper than it seems
- the movie got done dirty in general by people who watch things they can't handle then complain or those who literally never watch it but talk shit
- I would carry him in a handbag
- he is a horrible person even though he was a victim in the situation he still...ya know, even tho he was drugged out and forced to do that shit.. Yeeeahhh... But he knew it too and that's why he self deleted
- I'm mentally ill about the movie /pos it's a master piece
-"he's never done anything wrong in his entire life" /JOKING /SARCASM
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1. which ocs are the most touch-starved?
2. which ocs are most likely to be caught eating cheese at 3 am?
3. which ocs can, and do, go days without sleeping?
7. which ocs would feel super out of place at a formal event? which ocs are completely fine with it?
11. which ocs have to be reminded to take breaks?
22. which ocs are most flexible? which ocs are least?
28. which ocs like coffee more than tea?
33. which ocs can speak multiple languages? how many can they speak?
34. which ocs are clumsiest? which ocs are graceful?
45. which ocs have the best intuition?
50. which ocs speak fluent sarcasm?
Thank you for these!
From this list
which ocs are the most touch-starved?
Will and Jim. Neither of their families are big on touchy-feely affection, but they both are, so they're always awkward about it. Matti is a little more touch-starved during the course of the story because he misses his family's generous affection, but overall, it's Will and Jim.
which ocs are most likely to be caught eating cheese at 3 am?
Will or Matti. Their sleep schedules are totally off kilter and especially after a shift, they're likely to be very hungry. It's more likely they'd be going after any meat in the fridge than cheese, but if that's all they can find, they'll take the protein and fats.
which ocs can, and do, go days without sleeping?
Lina would do it for a story, if she is on a stakeout or has some deadline to meet. She has been known to be fueled entirely by coffee and spite for some of her bigger expose articles.
Will used to try and stay awake in self defense after some of the scarier incidents of sleepwalking. He was so afraid of what he might have done or what might have gone wrong that he tried to stay awake just to avoid having it happen again, but eventually he stopped trying because that only made things even worse when he finally did fall asleep.
which ocs would feel super out of place at a formal event? which ocs are completely fine with it?
Matti would feel incredibly out of place at anything fancy; he gets easily overwhelmed by too much noise and crowds, and since he grew up on a small farm, he doesn't feel confident interacting with people in these settings. Lina is able to blend in, even if they're not really her thing. Jim's family was fairly socially prominent, so while he's not really a fan of formal events, he's probably the one who is most likely to remember all the etiquette. Will would have to be forcibly restrained from hiding under a table to avoid dealing with the whole situation.
which ocs have to be reminded to take breaks?
Basically all of them, for different reasons.
Lina can get so wrapped up in a story she forgets everything else, and coupling that with deadlines and the serious impact of the stories she writes, it can be hard to convince her to take some time off. She kept Oreo partly because she got attached but also partly because he reminds her to take time off and deal with real life, and take him for walks which forces her to reset.
Will is just trying to keep his family from being mad at him, and get through school and get a scholarship so he can finally be out from under their thumb, so he tends to tie up all his time with either being helpful around the house or going above and beyond on his homework.
Matti ends up having times where taking a break really doesn't come up as an option. Farming tends to be very literally 'make hay while the sun shines' and if they're rushing to get a crop in before bad weather, a break isn't really in the cards unless there's enough people to tag team. If things aren't so demanding, Matti's better about resting when he needs to, but there are times he doesn't think it's an option.
Jim is slowly learning to take breaks when he needs them for his leg. He tends to overcommit to things, and then feels obligated to do them all even when he really doesn't want to. And his family never really listened to him about his physical issues, since no doctor could ever find out what they were. They eventually assumed he was faking them to get out of doing things he didn't want to, and forced him to go along to events and parties to maintain the family image and keep people from talking about him. He's slowly learning that that's not healthy, and how to set his own boundaries for what he can and cannot manage.
which ocs are most flexible? which ocs are least?
Lina and Matti are the most flexible, at least in personalities. Lina has to be, to live on the road the way she does, and Matti is just naturally the sort of person to take things as they come and deal with them.
Physically, it's Lina and Will. Matti is usually sore and stiff from farm work, and Jim's leg issues mean he's not likely to be doing anything even remotely demanding that might make him regret it the next day. Lina has been known to squeeze herself into distressingly small/cramped spaces to get what she needs for a story, and Will has more than once fallen off his bike only to jump back up and keep going like nothing even happened.
which ocs like coffee more than tea?
As the only actual human of the group, Lina is the only one who can drink coffee (or any caffeinated beverage) without severe repercussions. Everyone else either gets super weird or is basically allergic to it.
which ocs can speak multiple languages? how many can they speak?
Matti and Will both speak fluent German, it's their first language that they learned at home from their families. Lina speaks a bit of French, Italian, and can read some Russian, and she can also seamlessly imitate a lot of regional and city accents to fit in in places she goes to work on an article.
which ocs are clumsiest? which ocs are graceful?
Matti is clumsy around people. He's used to his family not really caring if there are random collisions or close contact, so he's not good at personal space. He's good around farm equipment to avoid being burned by the iron, though.
Jim is clumsy partly because of his leg acting up sometimes. He's also pretty blind without his glasses so if he doesn't leave them somewhere he can grab them first thing in the morning, he'll have to bumble through the house looking for them.
Will has random spates of just straight up lack of coordination, which is how he burned his arm as a kid. He's usually pretty okay, but some days he just spazzes out completely for no reason he can explain.
Lina is definitely the most coordinated of the group. She's good at avoiding being seen if she wants to be, and can sneak into places without getting caught.
which ocs have the best intuition?
Matti has a great instinctive sense of danger, but Lina is definitely the one with the best sense about when people are hiding something or what their true intentions are.
which ocs speak fluent sarcasm?
Answered here!
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saeculumaeterna · 11 months
“Why do you do this? You know it’s wrong yet you do it anyway. Why?” The words were spoken with a pained resignation, a hidden hope for a better option buried beneath. It would be dashed.
“Morals have no place in my work. I learned that long ago.” The ageless spoke, not taking his eyes away from the final move of this game. “Your efforts to project them onto me are pointless.”
“So you’re an emotionless automaton then.” The snippy replay came and it made Dagon want to scoff, roll his eyes at the sheer naiveté of it.
“Lie to yourself if you must. Don’t lie to me and expect me to adhere to your demanding perspective.” Their understanding was never needed nor was their compliance. This was simply inevitable.
“Forgive me for being angry about my entire species and planet about to be obliterated.” Sarcasm. How droll. “Do you feel anything about this? You’re killing billions of my people here and you’re treating it so casually!”
“Contrary to popular belief, compassion is not some alien concept to some lifeforms. It, like all emotional concepts, is embedded within all things. Alive or dead, aware or not, what have you. All is within us and everything else. None are truly emotionless nor incapable of any singular emotion.”
“Then you still know this is wrong.”
“Again, morals have no place in this. Morals are meaningless and hollow words used to force banners and lines on causes. They define them in pleasant packages, righteous justice and noble idealism. They drown out the enemy as vile and abhorrent, incapable of morality and thus unworthy of life. All sides claim this, and so the falsehood of morality lives on. Brands of delusion forced upon the ignorant and the arrogant.” He had thoughts about morality.
“I’ve travelled across every world that is, isn’t, will be, and can never be. All lifeforms upon them consider themselves the center of their universe.” Dagon finally glanced over his shoulder at his audience. “You have no idea.”
“No idea of what? Some unfathomable concept beyond my tiny mortal brain? Spare me your arrogance.”
“Hypocrisy, an unpleasant constant. You’re all the same. So zealously self-assured that your ways are the only ways of your universe. So insistent that you are the only ones capable of the very concept of understanding. Of evaluating. Of judging. When new life challenges this, you react with hateful violence. You impose your view on them, vilifying them to lionize yourselves. You are the heroes of your own story, your cause is laden in righteous justice and theirs is poisoned with foul evil.”
Absently he paused to check over his work. He was already done, perhaps he was just indulging in conversation too much to care. Unwise of him.
“That is why you both hate me yet want a peaceful option with me. You want me to stop but you don’t want me dead. You want me to be more open to your false morals, to lay down mine and accept your ways instead. It would validate you and make you feel like your were right. Like your ways were unquestionable if they worked on me. And you’d wave that banner proudly as you exterminated race after race in self-righteous arrogance.”
The room began to shake. The world was dying.
“You’d never have understood that I do this because I must. There is no grander reason that you would tolerate. it would never fit your mold, and thus it cannot coexist with your own. At the end of the day, there’s only this one difference between us.”
The ageless faced his audience, committing their crestfallen look to memory. He’d always remember.
“I simply attacked first.”
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major-fukkup · 2 years
would you mind telling me about your ocs? what are your favorite and least favorite traits of theirs? what songs fit them best? what’s their sense of humor like? this might get long lol but i want you to ramble to me
I am answering for Agent Aitch, Victor, Paradox, Raven, and Aseroth because they are my favorite little bastards (at the moment lol)
Agent Aitch (from Another World) (not a little bastard, still a favorite)
My favorite of her traits is her kindheartedness. She's the sweetest person you will ever meet. She lives to help others and will stop at nothing to defend the innocent.
BUT my least favorite trait is her tendency to blame herself when things go wrong. She feels like she should have done more. She's a real sweetheart though and she deserves the best.
Aitch's theme song is It's Time by Imagine Dragons. Other songs I associate with her include Second Chance (Shinedown), Whatever It Takes (Imagine Dragons), Bruises (Train), and Everything Moves (Bronze Radio Return).
Aitch has a fairly NORMAL sense of humor (which is somewhat strange compared to most of my other ocs). It's not edgy or dark, it's not exactly "dad joke" humor, it's pretty down to earth and I suppose probably more ironic than anything else.
Victor Stevens (originally my Cyberpunk 2077 character, but an oc now I stole him and haha age regressed him)
My favorite trait of Victor's is his childlike innocence (well. That's a debatable term lol). He believes that the world is a safe and happy place, bad things just happen sometimes, and that people as a whole are basically good, some just. Aren't. He knows nothing of safety and happiness, or course, but he thinks he does because he doesn't have anything to compare his own life to. He trusts his sister to take care of him and he doesn't really have an innate desire for anything he doesn't have (he does have kleptomaniacal tendencies but it's only ever spur of the moment and also mostly because he has no concept of personal belongings. When he takes things he doesn't consider the fact that they might belong to someone else. To him they are just there).
I suppose my least favorite of his traits is his hotheadedness. He has a one-track mind and never thinks anything through before acting. Though I think that's funny for him it's not really a great trait to have.
Victor's theme songs are You Only Live Once by Suicide Silence and Glitch by Parkway Drive.
Victor doesn't have much of a sense of humor as a child. He tends to take things pretty literally and at face value. As he gets older his sense of humor turns to basically straight sarcasm. But not really in an offensive way (unless you've made him angry). And it's actually funny sometimes.
Paradox (from Last One Standing)
My favorite of Paradox's traits is his conviction that he MUST make the world a better place. Even though that's what lands the entire population in the mess HE made of the world. His broken paradise.
He knows that with great power comes great responsibility but he doesn't realize that he has no right to the power he took over everybody.
My least favorite of his traits is probably his inability to admit that he messed up and turn around. He will fight to the bitter end to fix his mistakes, but HIS WAY, which only ends with him digging himself into a deeper hole. And of course taking everybody else with him.
The song I most associate with him is Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons. Other songs that fit his personality and life story are Viva la Vida (Coldplay), Bright Eyes (Art Garfunkel), Wrecked (Imagine Dragons), What I've Done (Linkin Park), New Divide (LP), Another Illusion (Major Moment), Demons (Imagine Dragons), Me In My Own Head (Beartooth), Dead (Major Moment), Living Your Life Like This (Major Moment), and Nothing Left To Lose (The Alan Parsons Project). Yes I have a whole playlist for him. There's more.
Paradox's sense of humor is in subtlety, irony, and sarcasm. Often at someone else's expense because he can't admit to being wrong.
Raven (from Box Factory)
My favorite trait of Raven's is their determination and courage and unwillingness to back down even in the face of danger, regardless of the personal cost.
My least favorite of their traits is their inability (or unwillingness) to process or feel their own emotions (they just repress them). They're a great listener and give good advice and they're generally happy and outgoing and makes a great friend but they make people worry about them. A lot. Sometimes. The weirdest thing about it all is that they are actually legitimately fine.
Their theme song is Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk.
Their sense of humor lies mostly in sarcasm (like Victor, not in a rude or offensive way), and irony. They make basically everything into a joke (actually that's probably how they deals with their emotions). Unless it's something that affects others negatively. They take others seriously but are lighthearted and goofy themselves and prefer to be taken as such.
Aseroth (also from Box Factory!)
My favorite trait of his is his genuineness at attempting to fit in with the earth-dwellers while he's on earth (he's a part-time soul reaper who has free access to earth, the afterlife, and the realm between and spends his off time in whichever plane he wants).
And of course his addiction to coffee is always funny. Does that count as a trait?
My least favorite of Aseroth's traits issssss I don't know I love him but I guess I'd have to say his feeling like he should have done more at times because, like Aitch, he deserves only the best.
Aseroth's theme song is If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback. There are other songs that could be associated with him but they relate to specific times in his life.
Aseroth has a pretty deep sense of humor, having been around for generations. A lot of the time his humor revolves around things he forgets humans have no way of knowing about. So when everybody turns to stare at him he just shuts up. (After he makes human friends they introduce him to the internet though and his sense of humor probably deteriorates a lot lol)
Ironically enough, one of the things he never jokes about is death. He knows the pain death brings to those who still live and takes it very seriously.
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Okay, but you know what's the best part? Ever since the show began, one of the most common criticisms towards it is that Midge is way too self-absorbed and even unlikable, and then, as it went on, it got worse and worse because she was still the same self-important, self-absorbed little girl who never ever learned and bettered herself from her mistakes. Rachel is way too cute and charismatic, but if you think about it, on paper Midge does kinda suck.
What the critics failed to notice is that the show always knew this. Midge makes everything about herself and all that goes wrong is someone else's fault, so why should *she* change over something she oughta be apologized for? Even when Shy drops her and she *knows* it was over her basically outing him at the Apollo, no, he and Reggie were overreacting and she was mad at them. When she goes to Shy's wedding, he extends an olive branch, but she refuses it because, in her head, he was the one in the wrong, not her. Never her.
She hates Sophie because Susie wasn't available to her 24/7 anymore. Now she has her own talent agency and refuses her calls. Susie has tried to put her in her place ever since they met, but she's always seen it as meaningless banter.
But then she gets banged in the head with reality and it's by Lenny. Of course. It had to be Lenny. This has zero to do with their ~feelings, mind you. It's because he is what she wants to be, he's the seasoned comedian she modeled her career after and thinks that's what the world owes her because he took her under his wing. It had to be him to tell her that the world doesn't revolve around her, that she isn't owed anything, that in order to get where she wants to be, she has to take every opportunity she gets, take the gigs and adapt her act to each situation, not the other way around. She can't afford to refuse opening for Tony fucking Bennet in 1961 because she only wants headlining gigs.
He's the only person in the entire universe that could have given her a dose of reality, because he KNOWS what it takes. Do you think she'd just stand there and take it had it been Susie telling her that kind of stuff? She'd get mad and walk out in two minutes, as she's done so many times before. But not on Lenny. She might be more important than God sometimes, but she regards him as a God ALL THE TIME. He's right. He doesn't hold his arrests as a badge of honor, nor should he. He's not proud of his mistakes, past and future. He wants her to succeed without romanticizing his life and following in *all* of his footsteps, because some of them are really, REALLY bad. This is what mentorship is about. She would never walk out on him, he *had* to walk out on her.
And the teary eyes saying "if you blow this, Midge...you'll break my fucking heart" was the most vulnerable we've ever seen him. Out with the sarcasm and quick wit and the flirting. He cares about her and likes her and loves her SO MUCH that he's willing to pull away so that maybe she'll stop trying to emulate him and find her own way. It was gorgeously sad.
When she leaves, alone, and ends up staring at Gord's big face in the entrance to his show's studio, to me it looked like, for her, to "Go forward" is to be a talk show host. All I want for season 5 is that she finally understands she has to actually work for it - especially because it's 2022 and Sam Bee and Amber Ruffin are the only female late night hosts around, but it's still a far, far cry from The Late Show or The Tonight Show - and she will find all sorts of serious hardships. And, if she's willing to do the work, Lenny will be right there by her side.
Oh, ASP, your hat-wearing weirdo beautiful bastard. Right now you have me. Just don't fuck up this final season. Please. Please. That's all I ask, because if you blow this...you'll break my fucking heart.
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thehollowprince · 2 years
Witnesses to the Hicksville incident show that Depp was the one who was abuse. Heard said the trailer was trashed but one thing was broken. Depp was so afraid of Heard and it was clear to see according to the witnesses. Jennifer Howell has testified that Heard hurt both Whitney Heard AND Depp. You want to believe a proven abuser hm? Someone who was seen with no bruises the day after she clajms Depp hit her? The woman who went on James Corden with no marks? a woman who admitted on tape she started the abuse and called Depp a coward for running away from her?
Why hello anonymous asshole.
I've never had to deal with someone like you before.
(Insert sarcasm here)
I would like to point out that, in this post HERE, which is what this ask is in response to, I never said anything in condemnation of either party. I was simply making a statement on how many fans can't seem to differentiate between fiction and reality based on their responses to the trial, and lo and behold, there you are, mere minutes after I made that post, in my inbox to prove my point.
Congratulations! That was quick even by the standards that I'm used to.
You, and those like you lurking in the tags on this website, those profiting off of it on TikTok and YouTube, the trolls of Twitter and Instagram, down to the Jack Sparrow cosplayers and fans that drove hours to stand outside the courthouse for a man they've never met, are all treating this entire thing like it's the latest season of your favorite legal drama. All the way down to how you all perceive Depp and Heard and then portray them.
Depp is your uwu baby who can do no wrong ever (despite the corroborated evidence presented during this trial) and Heard is the evil gold-digging whore who pulled a Gone Girl and ruined this man's life. And yet, Depp has been smiling and laughing the entire time, enjoying talking to his fans outside in his Jack Sparrow voice and even saying he made them all waffles.
Could you imagine if the roles were reversed?
If Amber Heard had joked with her fans outside the courthouse a d flirted with her lawyers, y'all would have crucified her, even more so than you do now.
I've seen so many posts and tweets and tiktoks about her association with this actor and that person, and how that's evidence that she's a horrible person, but the same isn't true for Depp, despite his praise for (and working with) Roman Polanski, or his long friendship with Marilyn Manson.
The double-standards are straight out of the fandom play book. You don't view them as people - you can't! You don't know them - you view them as characters.
I'm not going to respond to all of the stuff you listed there, because I, like you, am not a lawyer. Nor am I on the jury, so my opinion on the guilt or innocence of either is irrelevant.
I will take this opportunity to point out that this isn't a trial to determine whether either are guilty of abuse. This is a defamation trial. The entire purpose of this was to determine whether or not Amber's op-ed from 2018 during the height of #MeToo movement was done intentionally and maliciously to ruin Depp's career and had a effect on him recieving work. Which, given that Depp is already rumored to be in talks to star in two new movies, and the fact that the man owns his own island, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that he's not hurting financially.
I'll close this out by saying that all this trial has done so far is show how many people who say things like "always believe women" will immediately throw out that sentiment the moment it becomes inconvenient for your fandom experience.
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
Yanderes! Azul, Malleus, Riddle and Vil with the reader who returned to their universe without telling them.
Yandere! Twst boys Response to Reader Returning to their Home Universe!
this is my reminder that Yandere Tropes should stay fictional and are inherently Toxic relationships.
Mentions of: Blackmailing, threats, breaking of items
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Unreasonably, and Undoubtably pissed to the high heavens and back. Will try blackmailing, threatening, and literally use any of the power and fear-mongering he can to get Crowley to give him any information and or let him straight into your world.
Even if Crowley doesn't give him what he wants he lives by the motto of if there is a will there is a way. thus he will be finding any and all resources he can to see if he can just make a spell or something that will let him threw into your world or like will bring you back.
wouldn't be unfortunate if someone were to steal his reacher and or ruin it. what a shame indeed /sarcasm
when or if all else fails will cry in his octo pot for a long while.
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I imagine him getting very upset, pouty, and grumpy. maybe it's also now raining all the time. debates if he should abuse the very powerful magic he has to go make a portal and drag you back. but that would give his like three knights a heart attacks and raise too much suspicion, wouldn't it.
honestly gives the entire school a real reason to fear him for once, because he is basically a walking storm of unpredictable emotions. I imagine he develops a look that everyone goes if looks could kill I'd be dead.
Too restricted to really do anything about it and kind of has to suck it up. probably has days where he's still upset about it a little too much. even years, upon years later. probably concerns Lilia a little bit.
collects anything that reminds him of you now, a little bit creepy not gonna lie.
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His dorm wasn't safe for a week at least. cracked down on the rules way more than he normally does. everyone during his moody fit or pure r a g e was living in fear of him over blotting constantly. Trey managed to talk some sense into him. but really riddle took the phrase to try to put your anger into something else all wrong. didn't pick up a hobby like cross-stitch or something. nope.
so here is how we have Riddle interrogating Crowley, if not that he is suddenly abandoning his duties in a way never seen before to try and reconstruct or recreate the magic that allowed you to be here and leave here in hyper detail.
We can thank trey for going out of his way to pull Riddle to 'reality' once more and whatnot. because it's him constantly pulling riddle away from his obsession that makes it almost impossible for him to get any work done.
will be bitter and resentful for the rest of the time. so I hope you don't plan on coming back any time soon because um. Revenge is best served cold and several years late i suppose
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Had rook looking for you for d a y, maybe even a week or two. but once he hears what happened or finds out or realizes probably has the meltdown of the century. Probably broke something in said meltdown. Rip favorite makeup palette.
Probably also tries questioning Crowley about everything, if he gets no answers out of it Vil suddenly remembers if you want to do things right you have to do it yourself.
que Vil planning around his busy life to set aside time to figure out how to fix this 'temporary setback'. though I have to say he hardly has time to figure anything out, though what time he puts into isn't wasted to be honest.
definately gets more pissed when he cant get the portal to work to let him threw or to have you fall through it again or whatever. bitter, and angry tries to not let it get to his skin. but like *slaps vil* this man can hold so much a n g e r
this was a post for me to specifically bully the Yandere!twst boys and I had maybe a little too much fun with this. so thank you to whoever asked for this, thank you very much.
love the vibe of reader just being like bye bastards without telling anyone.
signed, Admin Tea
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This may be a minor gripe but something that has kind of bothered me about discussions and depictions of Dan is how often people seem to forget that Dan isn't just an older evil Danny, he's a combination of Danny and Vlad's ghost sides. Like people always talk about him like Danny threw away his humanity and turned evil but that's not even true. Sure, we can say that Dan is the result of Danny's action but that's a little unfair. (1/2)
(2/2) Him cheating on a test, coincidentally putting his loved one's in a position where they could be killed, is absolutely not his fault. Letting Vlad take away his ghost powers with a strange contraption might not have been the smartest move, but we are talking about a grieving CHILD here, of course he isn't going to make the best decisions. If anything Vlad's the one to blame here, and even then, it's not like he could predict what happened
you aren't wrong, my friend. it really isn't entirely danny's fault and the whole 'if you cheat on a test, you'll loose everything you love' moral is confused at best. i think as fandom we find it more interesting to look at danny's potential evil and moral struggle with himself. so simplifying it to be dan is a worse case scenario of danny makes the conflict less abstract.
particularly because when it comes to self blame danny isn't going to go easy on himself just because it was excusable mistakes.
i think another talking point should be how danny is the target of the time assassination more than vlad is, even though vlad is part of the evil whole. you could argue that danny is the catalyst of his friends death and vlad inventing the claw things. but vlad invented the claw things. maybe because his human side survived and acted relatively harmless from then on? or maybe it's because the observants based on the available evidence recognized danny as more of a threat. i think that fits actually, for all vlad tried to be an evil mastermind, his achievements outside of terrorizing a teenager and theft isn't particularly impressive. danny was the one who got shit done. all his fights he finished one way or another and i could see how that would bleed into dan defeating everyone.
the real question is how to we fix this. ideally we could shape this idea so it's less confused, though i do honestly find the dynamic of half danny, half vlad interesting. if for not other reason. than two half ghosts make a whole. actually that's something else to be said about dan. his self-loathing is what led him to killing his human half, another negative aspect coming from danny.
i wonder if we could frame it like fusion, from su. obviously dan isn't stable or healthy, or based on love. he's most comparable to malichite. but with less internal debate. dan took the best and worst of both of them. danny's determination, danny's fighting ability, danny's anger, danny's sarcasm, vlad's anger, vlads lack of morals, vlads schemes, vlad's control. heck, vlads desire to rule the world. i don't think we ever got that from danny.
maybe if vlad was more involved in the fight with dan it could have been used as an opportunity to compare and contrast their characters. to go we're not so different you and i. danny gets to recognize that he has that dark potential. vlad gets to be humbled by the fact that what he wants isn't good for anyone, especially himself. and to be fair, we do see some of that humbling with future vlad, but none of that character growth is given to present vlad, so, really it's just another vehicle for danny angst. it also depends on what you want to do with vlad though. he's a fascinating character and could be given redemption under the right circumstances or be a character who has the opportunity for redemption but chooses not to be redeemed every time.
that fits him and makes him both a more pathetic and despicable villain. it's hard to pity someone who ignores the opportunities to heal and grow.
as for danny, he becomes far more aware of the consequences his actions, especially his selfish and cruel ones can have. because that potential was always there. he has a history of abusing his powers. perhaps for this specific incident him abusing his powers can be something less understandable than almost cheating on a test that he couldn't study for through no fault of his own. (maybe i just have flexible morals?). maybe it could be something more character relevant, like he did something particularly vlad like, maybe he set up a prank at the nasty burger to get dash but it set off the explosion that killed his family. or maybe he did something particularly cruel and manipulative. there are better catalysts than a test. either way he recognized that he should never go that far again and strive to avoid being actively cruel.
he also has the opportunity to recognize that vlad does have a human half, even the one he's fighting everyday. he can face some conflict in it's not entirely clear what trait belongs to vlad and what trait belongs to him. he can empathize with vlad and he can recognize that situations aren't always in black in white. those who fly the highest, fall the hardest, after all.
it can be a growing experience. and while making it solely a danny goes bad and learns not to do evil kind of story. maybe we could cut vlad from the equation and just have danny face himself, full evil refection. i think exploring both vlad and danny through this fusion is far more interesting. especially because we can build on what's revealed about vlad in these episodes, in later ones. danny sees a future where vlad chills and that maybe his vlad could get their. later he see vlads past and what he lost to become who he is.
and then there's vlads turning point episodes. i don't know when motherly instinct took place but maddie fully recognizing he's a bastard and rejection him, was a turning point for his sanity, and danny helped it along. then we have danny rejecting him repeatedly, then we the clone episode, which we can all agree was a desperate move on his part, that danny once again thwarted. and we can all agree that this was the cannon turning point for his character where he stopped fighting for a family and started trying to be danny's villain. in that episode, i think danny could potentially pity vlad enough to try and reach out. he's not going to justify what vlad did and he's not going to apologize for stopping him. he went too far. he hurt danny and dani, he crossed a moral line that can't be justified even with his desperation. but if he changes...
he lost this time but if he changes, maybe they'll reach the point where they're ready to accept him.
i think the same thing could be said about his relationship with jack and maddie. if he changes, if he reaches out. if acts like less of a crazy fruitloop, his friends would be there for him. jack is still trying to be there for him, even if he's being oblivious about vlad's faults. vlads the one driving wedges into his relationships and pushing everyone away.
and that's so freaking human and understandable.it would be such a cool thing to explore with his character.
i could also see a potential arc where after valerie finds out vlad and masters are the same person she tries to get close to him, both to sus out how evil he is and to understand him as a halfa. afterall danny got her to acknowledge dani as human enough, the same would apply to vlad/plasmius, right? only he's a bad person and the more she uncovers about vlad masters the man, the more she realizes it's not the ghost half that's evil. but this is a double edged sword because, vlad is getting attached to her and encouraging her to be more evil. he's encouraging her to go darker and darker in her fight against ghosts and her fight specifically against phantom. to the point where she finally draws the line and says, i'm not doing that! boom exploring the moral ambiguity of her character and getting her to take a hard stance on her morals, because there's a line too far for her.
and boom a further breakdown of vlads character because he finally had someone outside the fentons to redeem him. she could have helped pull him out of the hole he'd been digging himself into. she wanted to help him. he got attached to her, but he and his bad decisions decided to dig himself deeper instead. so once again he's 'abandoned and betrayed'.
from that point, i think it'd be time for him to finally face jack head on. not through manipulative schemes. not through veiled threats and insults. but the full confrontation of 'i always hated you. you ruined my life. you're the reason i lost everything'. which is really just his own self loathing speaking. and jack... empathetic jack can see that vlad desperately wants help. and jack would offer it to him. jack would try to hug it out and apologize and give vlad the love and friendship vlad's been fighting to steal this whole time.
and vlad would reject it.
he'd probably lash out a jack and go into a full breakdown/world destroying attack. could finally put the stolen crown to use and try declaring himself king and embracing his megalomaniac thing and actually be a threat this time. and THAT would be our series finally. everyone teaming up to fight 'king vlad'. danny probably finding out that he's technically king because he beat pariah dark but the matter being a bit confused because he had help. val and danny trying to find the ring of rage or at least find someone who can make one. secrets are out. i imagine vlad, upon revealing himself to jack would out danny to make danny as sad and alone as him. except nope, his family still loves him and val has had the character development to come around to him. (she's still gonna punch danny for lying for so long.) the ghosts will come and help because no one wants another tyrannical kind and vlads obviously off his rocker.
ah, the could have beens
anyway, i didn't mean for this to become a full vlad character analysis and rewrite when we were supposed to be talking about dan, but hey, i'm a simple creature. i like good writing, and i have to rewrite things myself, so be it. - Hestia
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Baki Boy’s and a fearless/overly-outspoken s/o
Hi y’all! This is my very first headcanon and it’s something that just came to mind while insomnia decided sleep wasn’t allowed. Some are going to have a S/O who speaks out and acts the way they do due to past feelings of restriction and inability to do so, and some are just personality traits in general so a small TW is in order I suppose. I hope you all like it! 
At first, he had no idea how to deal with that. He was used to Kozue who would only ever speak on her feelings when pressed for them, so when he saw his S/O immediately snap back at Yujiro for his comments and general way of being unprompted, he felt a bit of fear for their safety but also a swelling of pride began to grow in his chest. 
He knew they were free spirited and spoke their mind from the beginning, what was apart of what drew Baki to them in the first place, but in the face of The Ogre? 
He was shocked to say the least and every alarm in his head was going off to get them out of there before they ended up dead, but Yujiro simply laughed, smirked at his son and gave him a dark warning.
“Don’t let them bark harder than you can bite, that might just be what puts them down.”
The longer that they spent together, the more accustomed to their general ease with saying whatever floated through their head at the time, and lack of care for the outcome of what was said/done. 
This has lead to more than a few occasions where Baki has had to pick them up and sprint away from the situation to keep from having to beat someone’s face into an unrecognizable pulp the second an advance was made in the direction of his S/O.
He comes to appreciate their honesty and finds it easier to be around them compared to other people due to the low probability of them hiding anything from him, and it being far easier for him to tell when something is wrong.
Will ask their opinions when making big decisions because he knows they have no fear going forward in life and will tell him their exact thought process regardless of whether it fits with what he’s wanting. To them, it’s what’s best not what is wanted if you’re asking their opinion.
Would support them saying whatever is on their mind/heart, but worries for their safety when he isn’t around to watch out for them.
Loves them for them regardless of if they lack the ability to keep their feelings to themselves while Baki himself is rather reserved.
To say he was surprised to have this tiny (anything is compared to him-) individual he hadn’t seen before snap at him for hogging the bench press during his routine workout at his favored gym would be an understatement. 
The man was an absolute giant who towered over even the tallest of men and could easily break most in half, yet here this tiny firecracker was getting angry at him. An interesting development indeed.
From then on, he set out to make it his mission to get to know this unique person. For someone to get his eye off of getting stronger and defeating his father is an award all it’s own, but for him to actively chase them was an entirely different thing. 
Does eventually win them over through a mixture of gentlemanly behavior and healthy sarcasm, while proving he’s a trustworthy person to hold their heart and guard it.
Jack found himself growing protective over them when he witnessed them exchanging heated words followed by blows over a dispute in a bar he miraculously found himself at the same time as them.
He decided that moment he was going to make them his, and he was going to keep them safe forever, especially from Yujiro. 
Hundred percent would do his best to keep them separate, but Yujiro, being Yujiro, would find a way to make his son’s life harder and intervene, belittling him in some way around his S/O and that would be the end of it. 
Jack thought he had seen them go off before? Oh, no, no. Not when it came to someone they care about deeply. They started spewing every insult they could think of at the red-headed Hanma giant, feeling not an ounce of fear in their body- that’s because all of it entered Jack’s the moment they opened their mouth.
Used every bit of endurance he built up to grab them and run as far as he could in as quick a pace as possible to get them to safety. 
Knows there’s no way he can change them, and that he wouldn’t want to. Their outspokenness was what made him fall for them after all. 
This man has a thing for outspoken S/O who takes charge, he may seem like an alpha male but he would instantly fold the moment his beloved gives him the look. Is not to afraid to admit this and chalks it up to his love and respect for their opinions. 
Instantly fell for them the moment they entered Shin Shin Kai in a full-blown fit, eyes raging, nostrils slightly flaring and sights set on a member of his class. Obviously they did something wrong, but when he approached to find out exactly what was going on as any teacher would, he was instantly shut down. 
“I’m not here for you, so if you don’t want your head bit off, I’d stay the fuck out of my way”
Needless to say, he was intrigued at this type of response from someone so much smaller than him, in his own father’s dojo, and after a few more prodding questions and standing in the way of what they wanted, he got the answers he was wanting as to what was going on. 
Being the relatively peaceful guy he was, Katsumi managed to calm down the situation while somehow getting a date out of the whole scenario.
 Everyone thought he was crazy for wanting to go out with someone as outspoken and rude like that, but he saw beyond that. He could see there was someone fearless and thoughtful under there, and he wanted to see what else was buried beneath the surface. 
Man, was it worth it. They didn’t fear anything it seemed, always willing to try new activities with Katsumi and his friends, be it new roller-coaster to cliff-jumping on their days off at the ocean, it didn’t matter. They were always up for it, the acts seemingly bringing them closer each time. 
He grew to love and respect them greatly, reminding them daily how much he admires their ability to speak their mind without fear and has no issue setting anyone straight regardless of who it is.
Would never admit it to their face or out loud but he really worries about them when he’s gone, knowing that not everyone can see the kind person they are inside and could easily take their words or actions the wrong way.
One of the few who actually trains his S/O in martial arts, even just the basics, to keep themselves safe when he isn’t around. 
Oh boy. 
This idiot would be voted most likely to attempt to kill his S/O for opening their mouth about how he doesn’t seem as tough as everyone is making him out to be. 
Has the hardest time out of all of the men to adapt to having a S/O who speaks whatever comes in their mind and letting him know exactly what they think of his actions, good or bad. This is not something he is used to and not being able to just leave or kill the person saying it was something that was completely new to him. 
Would be the definition of opposites attract. Doyle is known for being more reserved, keeps things to himself and generally reminds others of a cat with his observant and quiet behavior. In comes his lover who is open about her thoughts and feelings regardless of who asks, will shout and loudly express themselves when upset or frustrated, and is basically a dog personified. 
Doyle catches himself watching their surroundings more cautiously when they go out due to not knowing exactly what is going to slip out of his lovers mouth, and being fully prepared to cut the tongue out of anyone who dared breath in their direction wrong.
Eventually he learns what will set off his S/O quicker and what is the best ways to calm them down when they are feeling like they need to be heard about a certain scenario. 
He’s a very observant man, and when spending nearly everyday with a person he cares for, he will swiftly find ways to make things easier for them without their noticing. He can’t have them thinking he cares too much. 
Around the other inmates or Yujiro Hanma is the only time Doyle feels any inclination of fear, prompting a fight, flight, or freeze response to which he typically chooses the middle option with his S/O in toe. 
He would rather be viewed as a coward for fleeing with what is his than lose it because they don’t have the ability to keep their damn mouth shut for someone looking at either of them wrong. 
Would enjoy having a S/O who expresses what they’re feeling, but would hope for one who had some sentiment of common sense so he didn’t have to constantly worry. 
Probably handles them the best out of all of the boys to be honest. 
Is used to hotheaded and outspoken people himself already (*cough* Katsumi *cough*), while also having been one in his past, Retsu is the most suited to dealing with their outbursts and reckless actions due to a lack of fear. 
Likely met his S/O while in Japan for the Maximum Tournament and overheard them going off in the distance about something that was a passion of theirs that they felt had been disrespected. 
Retsu could relate given his overprotective nature in regards to his Chinese Kenpo, so when he saw them chest to chest, red-faced and still going at it while showing no signs of backing down, he knew he had to step in and defuse the situation before their beautiful/handsome face was ruined over an argument.
Has no problem with letting them rant and rave about things their passionate about or that bothered them throughout the day/week that they managed to hold in for Retsu’s sake.
Expresses his feeling the easiest out of the men except for possibly a tie with Baki, so makes it known that he worries for their safety and wants them to try their best to keep it together while they’re apart, being rewarded with whatever treat they would like followed by cuddles and a venting session. 
Comes up with different means for them to let out their frustrations with the world without having to blow up on everyone/everything that upsets them; i.e. gives them swearing coloring books to create art out of every swear word/insult they could think of.
Doesn’t want his S/O to keep things inside or to change, he just simply wants them to learn there is a time and a place for going off about things you’re passionate about, but when faced with the strongest being in the world? That is not the time, and even someone like Retsu, who believed that nothing could beat Chinese Kenpo, could recognize that.  
If things ever got heated out in public and his S/O began to argue with another person, don’t think for a second that Retsu wouldn’t break a man’s jaw for talking to his love with any kind of bass in their voice.
Loves and accepts his S/O for who they are, but is likely to help try and gently mother hen them into channeling that into a healthier outcome. 
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weenwrites · 3 years
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TFP Ultra Magnus Falling For a Human
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Pairing - Romantic Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - None
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Ah yes, welcome to confusion central, A.K.A Ultra Magnus’s processor.
He has absolutely no idea why or how he’s developed these feelings for you, and he’s internally freaking out as one would say.
The two of you were just good friends and then slowly but surely he began to feel a bit different around you. Over a couple of months the feeling began to grow stronger and stronger.
That’s when he realized that he’s got a crush on you!!
Magnus has absolutely no experience with relationships whatsoever, either with humans or Cybertronians he hasn’t been in a relationship before, even before the war!!
A good majority, if not his entire life, was completely spent around rules, authority, and training to lead the militia.
Whenever you’re around him, he tries his best not to stare at you, and keep up his professionalism and act “normal.”
Hey, hey look behind you Y/n. Come on, it’ll be funny. OOPS oh no it seems like you’ve caught him staring at you… Oh… Oh no… Note the sarcasm… Ohh nooo…
He looks like he’s probably glaring at you, as if you’ve done something wrong, but fret not!! You haven’t done anything wrong, he’s just admiring you and questioning why he’s fallen for you.
You may or may not feel extremely paranoid or nervous after that while he quickly looks away and pretends as if he wasn’t watching you.
Who knows, maybe if you’re looking at a reflective surface you might see him in the background just staring at you.
If you ever bring this up and ask about the staring, he’ll just apologize and ask for you to NEVER bring it up again. He doesn’t want to tell you the truth, nor does he want you to find out encase you don’t feel the same way. Not to mention he has a war to fight!! His life’s a bit too occupied to have a love life, not unless he tries to make the room for it.
One thing you’ll notice is that he’ll be a bit more concerned about your wellbeing more than usual, occasionally he’ll walk by and ask how you are and perhaps if you need anything before returning to the task at hand.
He’ll also ask how your day was whenever you pop up at base!! Magnus will also let you sit on his shoulder and talk with him if you ask. He’ll be very careful with you because he DOES NOT want you falling or getting hurt.
Also I swear to Primus if Wheeljack does anything dangerous or stupid with you, Magnus will be onto hIM WITHIN SECONDS AND DEMAND THAT THIS RECKLESS BEHAVIOR CEASES AT ONCE IF HE WANTS TO AVOID EXTREME PUNISHMENT- ah.
Ahem, Magnus just doesn’t want you to get hurt. He cares about you a lot, okay? <3
If there’s something that he can help you with, he’ll definitely ask if you’d like any help or assistance! Not because he thinks you aren’t capable of doing it yourself, no, you’re perfectly capable!! He does it because he wants to help you!!
There’s also the rare occasion where he’ll give you something he thought you might like. Of course in private, or while no one else is looking.
He doesn’t want anyone- ESPECIALLY WHEELJACK- knowing that he likes you. Optimus and Ratchet make the exception though because he trusts them and KNOWS that they won’t spill it to the rest of the team or possibly use it as blackmail against him or tease him incessantly about it like a certain wrecker would…
Also you most definitely will have to tell him to go take a break and recharge. He overworks himself so often and will only go take a break when Optimus, Ratchet, or you tell him to.
He won’t ever take you out on dates because 1. he’s a busy bot. 2. he doesn’t have any experience, he’s never been in a relationship before.
Neither would he ever flirt with you. He’s a bit too awkward to do that.
But if he were to try and take you out on a date, he has like a tablet pluck FULL with information about what you like. He’d also take the date VERY seriously, unless it’s just the two of you hanging out in his habsuite alone then he MIGHT just relax. Emphasis on might. Mags almost never relaxes.
Y’know he fell for you because you’re wonderful, fantastic, gorgeous/handsome/attractive, and everything else sweet and nice!!! Also no matter how you act, he still loves you!!
Don’t you ever worry about whether or not he’d really love you, because he DOES!! WITH ALL HIS SPARK!!! He loves ALL of you so, very, very much!!! Also if you say that he wouldn’t love you, you’re wrong, silly goose!! He’d love you for who you are, not what you look like!!! Even if you think yourself to be undesirable by others, that means you’re still lovable to somebody, and Magnus IS that somebody!! <3 <3 <3
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sevenmikento · 3 years
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A/N: hello!! this request sounds super lit but i am Scared of not writing their dialogue witty enough so imma just try my best! :D i hope you have a nice day as well hehe
genres: fluff, BIG angst, sort of happy ending?, tw death, tw blood and gore; 2k words
divine omniscience [Sukuna X Reader]
“Do you guys think it’s true? What Gojou-sensei said?” Nobara asks out of the blue as she casually munches on a fry that certainly was not from her tray.
“You gotta be more specific, dude,” Yuuji replies, speaking with his mouth half-full of burger. She scrunches her nose at him as she reaches for another one of Megumi’s french fries.
“Y’know when he said all that stuff about Sukuna having only one known trusted companion or whatever. I mean, everything in the texts seems pretty vague, no?”
“Yeah, ‘companion’ is not the kind of word I’d associate with someone like him.” Megumi chips in, pushing his tray closer to the girl sitting opposite him.
“Kinda wanted to ask if they meant it sexually but I swear he’ll just start giggling and wasting our time.”
The three friends continue to chatter on about their theories and interpretations of their earlier class’s contents, all the while completely unaware of the fourth party listening in–the one who is actually most knowledgeable on the topic they’re so oddly curious about.
Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that you are the one who knows the most, that is if you’re still alive. Though Sukuna doubts you died within the time he was away. You’re too smart for that.
The village chanted, faces obscured behind masks carved from wood and dyed red from the colour of the witch’s blood. Watching from within the shadows, Sukuna felt compelled to observe the ritual, having never felt such a strong surge in cursed energy in his entire existence.
He was proven to have wrongly assumed it was coming from the outraged villagers when they finally set your crucified body alight and a blanket of black cursed energy covered the area, engulfing every single one of the citizens beneath it. Bone-chilling screams and begs for mercy filled his ears, the sound muffled but satisfying to listen to nonetheless.
When the strange turn of events finally came to an end and the energy receded into your bloodied and broken body, the King of Curses himself decided that he’d finally found someone worth his time.
At the end of your torturous life as a human and the start of your existence as a newly born cursed spirit, you were honestly a little too much for Sukuna to handle. Despite having never heard of cursed energy or jujutsu sorcery, you were quick to pick up everything you needed to know and then some.
Not only were you dangerously intelligent, but you were also completely unphased by him and his raw power, no matter how much he made sure to display it–whether it be in the form of exterminating a town of people or setting a forest ablaze with just a snap of his fingers.
“Scared yet?” he would ask, a smug grin on his face. You would smile back without a hint of sarcasm or dishonesty.
“No,” you’d reply without a second thought, “because I know you will never hurt me.”
What Sukuna initially assumed was well-hidden arrogance turned out to be a mere fact you were stating. A piece of truth you’d gained due to the nature of your ever-growing curse technique. Outwardly, the King could deny it all he wanted to, he could threaten you day and night, grab your throat and tighten his grip just to prove you wrong but he would never–has never–done any harm unto you.
When he had come to accept that as the truth, he tried deluding himself into believing he kept you around merely for your wealth of knowledge and powerful supply of cursed energy. Those were, in fact, his reasons at the start of it all–they were why he even walked into the village that fateful day and used his reverse cursed technique on you.
“You can say that all you want,” you once said, reaching up to wipe the blood off his face with your sleeve while the same red substance stained your own skin, “but we both know the main reason you keep me by your side.”
He did not respond.
Instead, he scoffed and grabbed your chin with one hand before raising the other and mimicking your gesture. With an uncharacteristic tenderness, Sukuna wiped the blood off your face with his thumb as the cries of the dying soldiers around you slowly faded to nothing.
“Their name was (Y/N).” His voice echoes shortly within the confines of Yuuji’s dark bedroom.
“What?” the sorcerer blearily murmured, having been on the verge of falling asleep when the King of Curses himself decided to speak.
“My companion… though, they would have preferred the word ‘partner’... was named (Y/N).”
“Why’re you telling me this?” Yuuji groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“The inaccuracies your teachers spread to your friends are painful to listen to,” Sukuna scoffs. “Frankly, it’s insulting and disrespectful.” The cursed spirit’s choice of vocabulary throws his vessel off guard.
“... You must’ve liked them a lot, huh?” Yuuji responds, voice softer than before as he feels his initial frustration of being denied his sleep fading away. “It’s weird to imagine someone like you feeling indignant on someone else’s behalf.”
“Well,” Sukuna smirks to himself, “let’s just say they’re the only one I have any respect for in this godforsaken world.”
“He plans on betraying you,” you stated matter-of-factly, opening your eyes for the first time throughout the entire meeting.
Sukuna had called forth a few powerful cursed spirits under the pretence of forming an alliance, with his true intentions being to simply size them up and subtly intimidate them into leaving his newfound territory alone–if they valued their lives, that is. He didn’t need to tell you of his plans and he knew he didn’t have to for you to understand it completely.
The cursed spirit you’d singled out widened his eyes before his expression turned hostile. “Don’t spout bullshit! I’ve done nothing but agree with everything Sukuna-sama has said!”
Sukuna watched the events unfold silently, unable to help but feel something in his chest swell with warmth as he observed you.
“I know everything.” Your simple reply was enough to enrage the spirit who shot out of his chair and seemingly began to lunge in your direction.
“You fucking wh–!” he cried.
Where his head used to sit was a neck sliced cleanly through the middle as everyone in the room felt a gust of wind brush past their terrified faces. The only outliers were you and the perpetrator of the murder himself, both smiling as one would out on a walk on a pleasant afternoon. His skull bounces twice on the tatami flooring before it disappears alongside his body.
“That was a bit much, don’t you think, Sukuna?” The other cursed spirits practically break out in a cold sweat upon hearing you so daringly speak to the King of Curses after such a display of his power.
“That was merciful, my dear,” he responded casually, reaching out a clean hand to wipe away the droplets of blood that had reached your face. Still touching you, he turned to the others. “Does anyone else have anything to say?”
“No, they’re terrified,” you laugh when they fail to respond, all still shaking where they sat.
“Of me.”
He scrunches his nose and softly pushes your face away but a smile still creeps onto his face as he thinks to himself, ‘as they should be.’
Nobara and Megumi would find it hard to believe had the information not come directly from Yuuji’s mouth, as well as the additional mouth that had unceremoniously popped up on his cheek mid-conversation.
“You’re saying everything wrong!” Sukuna had exclaimed after making his appearance and refusing to leave until Yuuji had gotten all the facts right.
When he was finally satisfied, he still didn’t leave right away, sensing the two sorcerers wanted to know more. “Well?” He prompts. “Just ask your fucking questions already, we don’t have all day.”
“If you put it like that… then I’ll just ask it as it is and you’re not allowed to get all pissy, ‘kay?” Nobara responds. Megumi and Yuuji share a nervous glance.
“How’re you so sure they’re not dead?”
He wished he hadn’t left you on such a bad note; that he didn’t spit at your feet and push you away when you tried to stop him from leaving the temple in which you both sought refuge. He wished he’d at least bade you a proper farewell and that his last words to you didn’t consist of him questioning your abilities just so he could keep his ego intact.
As Sukuna laid dying, surrounded by Japan’s most powerful sorcerers, he realised, finally, that he would never see you again; or feel your hand wipe at his face after another victorious battle.
For the first time in his life, the King of Curses shed a tear.
The braver sorcerers scoffed, some even taunted him, assuming he was merely afraid of death, whereas the warier ones hesitated in approaching him to deliver the final blow, taken aback by the uncharacteristic gesture. Still, with his immense cursed energy forming a protective barrier around him as a last resort, the sorcerers hadn’t won the battle quite yet.
A few minutes later, in fact, they lost it.
Sukuna remains silent, pondering over Nobara’s question. As promised, he didn’t show his anger and hid his grief even better. Truth be told, he doesn’t know if you’re alive.
“I told you not to go,” you spoke, voice trembling as you rested his head in your lap, your hands wiping the blood off his face. “I told you you’d die, didn’t I? Why didn’t you listen? Why?”
The sound of your soft sobs mingled with the noise from outside the pitch-black barrier you’d placed around the both of you. The sorcerers who survived your ambush were chipping away at your cursed energy shield and it was only a matter of time before they would break through.
“Even after all I said to you before I left,” Sukuna murmurs, relishing in the feeling of your skin against his, “this is what you choose to scold me over?” He let out a weak chuckle.
“I know of your grief and regret, I know you’re sorry and I’ve long forgiven you.”
“Thank you, my (Y/N).” He turned his head to press his lips against your palm for the final time. “Now go. You have to escape before the damned sorcerers force their way in.”
“No.” Your defiant tone juxtaposed with your tear stricken face amused him. “I’ll be here to see you off and then I’ll kill them all.” You leaned forward to kiss his forehead. “I’ll wait for your return, my love.”
When Sukuna refused to answer Nobara’s question and promptly disappeared, the trio assumed that was the end of it all. As much as they wanted to leave the information behind them, they still find themselves talking about it as they wait in line at a new sushi place that opened near the school.
“Kinda weird he was so insistent on telling us everything, huh?” Yuuji remarks.
“I highly doubt that was close to everything, though.” Megumi scratches the back of his head. “It felt like he was withholding a lot, like when he didn’t answer Nobara’s question.”
“Yeah, that was pretty lame,” she says with a pout. “I really wanna know if they’re alive or not. I mean, their whole story was pretty interesting but imagine how scary it’ll be if (Y/N) was still alive and in Japan after all this time.”
“Table for three, please,” Yuuji says to the staff at the counter once it’s their turn. They stare at him for a brief moment before a happy yet somehow sinister smile stretches across their face. The jujutsu sorcerer feels his blood run cold as he feels Sukuna suddenly begin to vie for control over his body.
“Finally,” you whisper, body and soul flooded with sheer relief as tears run down your face. You reach your hand out to touch Yuuji’s face and though he tries his very hardest to turn away and run, he finds his body frozen in place. “I’ve been waiting for you, my love.”
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