#pretty hecking fluffy really
azzo0 · 6 months
Hi! Can I request a super fluffy oneshot of Bakugo proposing to his s/o?! 🥰😭
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Affection in the Flow
Summary: Katsuki wants to ask you to marry him. He takes you on a picnic, and everything seems to be going according to plan until he trips in the water and almost loses the ring.
A/N: omg, this is my first request! I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it!
Pairing: Bakugo x gn!reader
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Bakugo stood in front of a display case, biting the inside of his cheek. This was the fourth jewelry store he dragged Kirishima to. None of the rings seemed right. He pointed his finger at a ring, and the jeweler slid the display box open, taking out the ring and putting it in a tray for Bakugo to see. He took it in his hand, inspecting the little diamond, tuning out the jewelers blabbing about its delicate cuts and from where it was mined. 
He put the ring back in the tray halfheartedly. At this rate, he was never going to buy a ring. Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder, flashing him a toothy grin, "Katsuki, you don't have to worry about the ring so much. I'm sure N/n will marry you with or without a ring." 
"I know, I know," Bakugo huffed, "I jus' want it to be special, and none of these fucking rings feel right."
Kirishima subtly glanced at the jeweler to see him sporting an offended look. Clearing his throat, he steered Bakugo out of the store, "How about we try one last store? We can come back another day if you don't like anything here."
Bakugo spent a good ten minutes shifting around, glowering at the rings on display. Just when he was going to leave and call it a day, one of the rings caught his eye. The ring had a pear-shaped sapphire with tiny diamonds outlining it. 
"Oi, Shitty Hair. Does an engagement ring have to be a diamond?" He felt almost shy asking Kirishima for advice. 
"Of course not! It can be anything. Heck, it doesn't even need to have a diamond," Kirishima replied. Bakugo looked at the jeweler and pointed at the ring so he could see it up close. It was simply beautiful, just like you. 
"I'm buying this one," he said. He fished out another ring from his pocket.
This one was your ring he'd managed to slip out of your jewellery box in the morning while you were still sound asleep. After making sure the ring was your size, he finally bought it. 
He stepped out of the store, his shoulders sagging with relief. Now, he had to set the perfect moment to ask you to marry him. 
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"Oi, are ya ready yet?!" Bakugo called from the kitchen as he packed a few sandwiches and snacks into a picnic basket. The ring was hidden away in the inner pocket of his jacket, poking him in the ribs now and then. 
"Yes," you replied, entering the kitchen, your eyes falling on the picnic basket, "We're going on a picnic?" 
"Yes." He replied, eyes running up and down your outfit. He smirked and pressed a kiss to your lips, "Lookin' pretty." 
"Thank you, Katsuki."
As he drove to the picnic spot, he gave you an ear as you talked about the randomest things, adding a few comments of his own here and there. It was an hour-long drive, given Bakugo had picked a secluded area where there wouldn't be many people. He wanted to have this moment with just you and him.
"That's so many flowers, Katsuki!" You exclaimed once you guys arrived at your destination. Eyes wide, you admired the never-ending stretch of grass and wildflowers. 
"I knew you'd like it," he said, leading you to the shade of a tree. He took the sheet from the picnic basket, laying it out on the grass. He put the picnic basket on the sheet, almost letting out a yelp when the box in his pocket poked him again. 
"Are you alright?" You asked, watching him pull on his jacket awkwardly.
"Yeah, don't worry. Just sit." He replied, taking off the jacket. He sat beside you, crossing his legs. He took in the beautiful scenery spreading in front of him. There were small flowers scattered throughout the grass like tiny specks of colourful paint on a green canvas. He could see a walking trail in the distance. Maybe you two could go and take a small walk after lunch. 
He glanced at you to see you humming as you plucked flowers from the grass and made a chain. His heart threatened to spill out from his chest at the sight of you wearing a daisy crown. He held himself from reaching for his jacket and pulling out the ring.
"Hey, Katsuki, I made you a daisy crown." You said, holding up a flower crown. 
"Hah? I ain't wearin' flowers!" 
"Why not?"
"They probably have bugs creepin' on them."
"They don't. See, I'm wearing one too. If your head feels itchy, I'll search your hair for bugs." 
Giving in, he relucantly leaned forward so you you could put the daisy crown on his head. He gritted his teeth when you whipped your phone out to take annoyingly close-up pictures of his face. 
"So cute," you batted your eyelashes at him. He simply continued staring at you, zoning out. 
"Are you really alright, Katsuki? You've been giving me weird looks today."
"I'm fine." He said, lifting the flap of the basket and handing you a sandwich, "Eat."
"If you're unwell, we can l-" The rest of your sentence was cut off by Bakugo unwrapping the sandwich and shoving it in your mouth. You glared at him as you took a bite, watching him snicker and poke your cheeks. You swatted his hand, turning your face away from his to eat peacefully. 
After lunch, you two went on a walk, Katsuki's thumb brushing over your fingers as he held your hand, wondering what your finger would like with the ring. Several times when you were asleep, he thought of sneaking the ring onto your finger. He did not do it in fear you'd wake up. 
He looked to his side to see your features basking in the green light filtered through the thick canopy of trees surrounding the walking trail. You stopped, putting a hand on his lips as you listened in concentration. The sound of flowing water was heard not far away.
"I think it's a stream," Bakugo said. He took your hand, leading you towards where he could hear the water. 
"Looks like you're right. It's a stream!" Before Bakugo could stop you, you kicked your shoes off, rolled your pants up and stepped into the cool flowing water. 
"Oi, get back here!" Bakugo yelled, "You'll slip!"
"I won't! Come on, it's so relaxing." You waved at him, motioning for him to come over. He let out a groan and removed his shoes, following you into the stream.
"Some of the stones here are fuckin' sharp," he said, "Be careful."
"Don't worry-" You slipped on a rock, almost falling face-first into the water when he caught you. 
"Don't worry," He mimicked your your voice. You puffed your cheeks out at him and tried escaping from his grip. He pulled you towards him, letting out a chuckle as he effortlessly lifted you, an arm under your head, the other under your thighs. You let out a gasp at the sudden movement, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
He looked down into your eyes, slowly inching closer until his lips brushed yours. He remembered the box, sitting in his pocket and moved out of the stream, putting you down. Clearing his throat, he unzipped his jacket, a fierce pink dusting his cheeks. 
You watched him, puzzled at first. Realisation dawned on you when he reached for something in the pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a small navy blue box. Your eyes snapped up to his face to find his intense crimson gaze already set on you. 
"Do you want to spend the rest of your life going on these stupid picnics with me?" He opened the box, revealing the sapphire ring. 
You couldn't help but laugh as tears pooled in your eyes. You looked down at the ring and up again at the man you loved fiercely. You took a step towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
"Yes, Katsuki," you nodded, "Yes, I want to spend my life going on stupid picnics with you." 
He took your face in his hands, catching your lips in a kiss. He pulled away, hands almost shivering with excitement as he took the ring in his sweaty fingers, only for it to slip out of his fingers. 
"Oh, fuck!" He yelled, stomping into the water, frantically looking for the ring. He found it flowing along with the stream and chased after it. Luckily, it got stuck in between two rocks, and he was able to get it back, "Got it!"
He turned around to walk back to you and tripped on a mossy rock. You rushed to him with concern when he remained face first in the water, "Katsuki, are you okay?!"
He sat up with the water flowing past him. He looked up at you, sporting a pout with pink ears. You giggled, taking out a leaf stuck in his hair, "You're pouting."
He grunted, standing up with the help of your hand. He opened his palm, revealing the ring, "This is not what I planned," he mumbled, "We're doin' this shit again."
He grabbed your hand, the ring still in his palm. The box had fallen somewhere while he was chasing after the ring, "Marry me."
"That sounds like an order." 
"It is." He replied cheekily. 
"Guess I have no choice." You smiled, holding your hand out for him. He slipped the ring onto your finger, and you grinned at it, admiring the blue stone outlined with little diamonds.
"I love you, Katsuki." You brought your head to his chest, letting him wrap his arms around you. 
"Love ya too, dumbass." 
You stood in his embrace for the longest time with a pleasant breeze blowing through your hair, leaves rustling around you two, and the water flowing past your ankles. He might have tripped and almost lost the ring, but it still felt perfect because it was Katsuki who put a ring on your finger. 
As long as it was him, you'd agree to marry him in a stream a hundred times in a hundred different worlds.
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buckgasms · 1 year
Doctors' Barnes and Rogers (Part 3)
Part threeeeeee! This kinda gets a bit fluffy at the end so who knows what the heck is happening but I hope you enjoy it!
Doctor kink, breeding kink, dubious doctors behaving dubiously but also sweet so..... Also pregnancy talk so please avoid if that may upset you ❤️
Part One // Part Two
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The next week you were inundated with tasks and paperwork to read over before your next session with the Doctors. Copious notes about your cycle, number of times you felt aroused in the weeks and detailed descriptions on what that consisted of.
It was a bit embarrassing to send these off every evening but Dr Barnes insisted it would be helpful. Some of your deepest fantasies, and some more recent thoughts about your recent encounter with two hot doctors. Hopefully they wouldn't judge you too much.
Dr Rogers had emailed you requesting images which you had felt even more embarrassed about, but complied in the name of science. You sent him images of your pretty pussy for the most part, but he also seemed to need pictures of your ass, breasts and even one of your mouth open. It made little sense to you but he said it was all required for the process, so you did it. The more you spoke to them and thought about having a little baby of your own you felt more desperate to get everything right and make them happy. You didn't want to risk them kicking you off the programme just because you didn't send a little picture here and there.
Eventually the date arrived where you would go through the first procedure. You felt incredibly nervous but also so excited. You still didn't quite know what the process was going to look like, but if it was anything like your check up you were quite happy with that. Dr. Barnes did say it was quite 'revolutionary' so who knows what was in store?
It was a day time appointment for a change but the whole office was completely empty. "We shut the place for today, it's a special day sweetheart" Bucky said, guiding you into his examination room, a place you were starting to look forward to being. "I'm excited, but I do feel a bit scared Doctor." You mumble as he takes your coat and hangs it up before turning to you and taking your soft hand in his warm one.
"Hey, everything is going to be fine. Steve and I are going to take such good care of you and make sure you feel great the whole time. You've trusted us this far, keep going sweetie." You smiled and squeezed his hand back nodding eagerly. "You're right, it's going to be great..."
At that moment Steve walked in and smiled at the little scene in front of him. "How are we today? Ready to make a baby?" You giggled and nodded again making them smile at you. "Oh did all my pictures come through Dr. Rogers?" You ask, heat flaring in your cheeks as you suddenly wanted to know he liked them, even though that wasn't the point!
"Oh they were marvelous, really helpful. And your little diary was also enlightening. So glad you enjoyed your time with us last time..." You thought you might die from embarrassment but they just chuckled and nudged you.
"Ok sweetie, we're gonna try and few things out today, so if it's uncomfortable just tell us, the better you feel, the more chance it has of working right?" You nod and they start moving round the room as you wait for instruction.
"Right, we need you to undress now honey and we'll get everything set up." Steve said before providing a screen for you to take your clothes off. As you did so, you could hear movement on the other side, equipment being moved and a bit of huffing from the doctors.
You peaked around the screen and watched them set up a bench, with a thin flat leather cushion. It looked quite...kinky and you couldn't help feel a twinge of excitement through your body. They turned around and caught you peeking. "Come here sweet thing, nothing to be frightened of..." Bucky said, holding out a hand for you, which you gratefully took after shuffling over, an arm over your breasts as you approached them.
"This is a sort of breeding bench. You have to lay face down on this soft cushion here and we can stimulate you from either end. We can also tilt the bench once you are inseminated to make sure it really takes. You should be nice and comfortable but if you need to move at any time, you just let us know. Any questions so far?"
"Um, how will the...insemination bit happen?" You say quietly, nibbling on your finger and looking between them. "Well we can do it two ways. Either we can use a machine, but that might be a bit uncomfortable..." Steve said, looking at your seriously and you bit your lip. "Oh, what's the other option?" He rubs your back, making your skin tingle, before brushing your hair away from your face. "Dr. Barnes and I are happy to provide samples directly. That way we can adjust to your comfort and monitor you more closely."
Your eyes widened at the thought. You'd had a little bit of first hand experience with their direct approach. They were both very well endowed and you wondered out loud, "do you think I can take you?" They both chuckled and rubbed your arms and back, "absolutely sweetheart, we've done the tests and you're perfect for us... but it's up to you of course..."
There was a beat in the air until finally you nodded. "Let's do it that way. I don't want to be uncomfortable with a machine. Are you sure that's ok?" They nodded quickly and told you it was absolutely fine with them.
"Good, that's really good honey. Are you ready to start?"
They guided you onto the bench, your breasts hung down on either side of the leather and you rested your chin on your folded arms as they positioned your legs into place. You felt remarkably relaxed for the compromising position you were in, but you were in good hands. Hands that were now running over your soft skin, squeezing gently at you making you sigh.
"Feeling good?" Bucky asks, a clear amusement in his voice as his fingers squeeze at your ass cheeks before running down your leg. "Mmm yeah, this is so comfy" you almost moan.
"Good, anything changes, let us know. We'll get started then, just relax and let us do the work."
You try and watch them but it's difficult from your position, so you decide to close your eyes and try and figure it out from the sensations. You think it's Bucky who is settled between your legs, running his hands along your upper thighs, occasionally rubbing across your folds, making you moan quietly into your arms.
Your moan becomes louder when Steve grips your nipple between his fingers and starts squeezing and twisting. In moments you are humping Bucky's hand as he rubs more vigorously along your wet slit. "Good girl, so responsive for us hmm?" Steve mutters in your ear as he pulls and tweaks at you.
"Tell me how it feels" Bucky says and you whine, "feels good...want more please?" You are begging already, but it only seems to make them happy. Steve attaches a suction cup to your breasts which makes you cry out in delight before you feel his hand brush at your hair. You manage to open your eyes as Bucky sinks a finger into your pussy, his thumb rubbing firmly at your clit. "Want something in your mouth honey?" He asks and you moan, nodding your head and reaching for him.
His cock springs free and you immediately latch on, focusing all your tension and desperation on his thick length, sucking harder than you ever had. "Jesus Christ, she's feeling needy today" Steve growls, gripping your hair tightly as he thrusts slowly in and out of your mouth.
Bucky, unable to retain his impatience anymore, slips his cock free of his boxers and lines up to your aching heat. Thanks to his excellent preparation he glides in until he is flush with your ass, and begins to rut. You are already fluttering and squeezing him like a vice as he grips your ass cheeks and spreads them open.
"That feel good baby? You like that" he mutters, testing a quick spank to your pretty cheeks as he fucks you. Pausing for air you cry out a yes, before Steve guides you back to him. Tears stream down the face as pleasure rips through your body, their unrelenting pace already making you feel like you are floating on air.
"Gonna make us a baby ain't ya? Gonna be a good girl for us and make us a daddy hmm?" Steve says through gritted teeth as he pulls out of your hungry mouth. He crouches down and presses a kiss to your sweaty forehead. "Nothing I'd like more than to see you swallow my come honey, but gotta save it for your pretty cunt right? We're gonna fill you up.."
You nod and reach your hands out for him which he takes, pressing more kisses to your messy lips. "Already drunk on cock honey? We knew you'd be the perfect little candidate. Like a little bunny ain't ya? Just made for getting fucked and full right?"
As he goads you, Bucky rams his cock faster into your aching hole, his fingers rubbing at your clit from underneath. Your hips buck at the sensations but they have you tied down just enough that any movement doesn't get you very far. "Atta girl, gonna make me come, just keep squeezing me like that sweetness" he groans. The tension builds in your stomach until one final swipe has it snapping, your orgasm ripping through you and clamping down on Bucky.
His groans mix with your wails, as you squeeze Steve's hand even tighter until you drop everything, laying there panting as your lower half twitches. When he's satisfied Bucky pulls out but you suddenly feel Steve slide in and continue the steady pace.
"Ah I can't... S'too sensitive" you cry but Bucky has taken position at your head. "Come on sweetheart, we don't want to waste any samples. You can do it. For us, I know you can..." Steve keeps his hips moving steadily, but not too rough to hurt so you can only let the pressure build again. You watch Bucky fiddle with the suction cup on your breast, the vibrations and suction getting stronger until you can't contain your scream as another powerful orgasm rips through you and Steve is filling you up.
After a moment where you think you must have stopped breathing you feel the table tilt forward and a tape is put over your sensitive pussy. "Did so well for us baby. Gonna leave you here for a bit to get that settled, then we'll do it all again."
"Again?" You cry, not knowing how you could possibly manage another round of that. They chuckle and press a little kiss each to your face. "Yes silly, don't you know it takes lots and lots of goes to make sure it all works. Today's the best day to do it. Although we might even keep you in overnight so we can keep going..."
You begin to protest but Bucky presses another kiss to your face and switches on the suction cups, cutting your voice off immediately and replaces it with a groan. "That's better" he says before providing his thumb for you to suck on which you cant resist as he pushes it passed your lips.
"Don't worry, we want to take care of you sweetheart. We know just what you need..."
After a few more rounds you needed to change position, so Bucky picked you up in his strong arms and carried you to a more comfortable couch. From there, they both spent what felt like hours fucking you full.
The idea of getting you pregnant seemed to fill them with an insatiable lust. They fucked you until your holes were aching, each flick to your clit was like agony, but you couldn't resist how good it felt either.
"Fuck sweetheart, you're milking me dry?" Steve groaned through gritted teeth, as you could only mewl in delight. "Aw has our pretty girl gone dumb for cock" Bucky mocked softly as he rubbed your clit while Steve filled you up again.
Bucky swiftly takes his place, pushing your aching pussy apart and spitting on your messy heat. "Fuck!" You cry out, already on the edge as he presses in to you. "Don't let it come out sweetheart, dont wanna waste a drop do you?" You shake your head as he slides in and out, every nerve ending on fire as he does.
"See that little bunny" Steve says, tugging at your aching heat, making your squeal. "That's a pussy being used correctly, filled with come and begging for more... Fucking perfect.."
Your whole body shakes as he keeps rubbing while Bucky groans, unable to contain his orgasm as you come yet again.
"Good girl, take it all, every drop" he moans, wrapping a hand around your throat as he fucks through his release.
Finally they decide to move you somewhere more comfortable and in the space of moving you, you fall asleep so they leave you to rest for a little while.
When you woke there was a jug of water, a bowl of fruit and a plate of sandwiches which you tucked into. While you nibbled you glanced down at your aching heat and found it puffy and overused, but not feeling at all bad about it. Your mind drifted back to when you and your ex husband had tried for a baby and you sometimes never even orgasmed, let alone felt like this. You had realised that all along he had lied to you and made you feel terrible when it was him who was the problem. But you didn't want to dwell anymore on him. It was pointless.
You took in the rest of your body, swollen nipples, little marks from their hands and lips as they had kissed, and bitten and sucked at you. You bit your lip remembering how you had written all these things in your diary to them. Clearly they had taken it very seriously, which you appreciated.
As you were beginning to wonder where they were, they arrived back into the office where they left you. There faces full of brightness at the sight of you awake.
"There's our girl! Are you feeling ok sweetie?" They both took time fussing over you, pressing your tummy for any aches, massaging your legs and hands and pressing cold stethoscopes to your chest making you giggle, as they tried to warm them up but failing.
"I feel fine I promise" you said after calming down and gripping their hands. They both leaned in a pressed a kiss to each cheek, but you felt bold and leaned over to Bucky then Steve, stealing a kiss on the lips from both of them.
"Oh sweetie, you really are perfect ain't ya?" Bucky says, pulling you back for a longer kiss before guiding you over to Steve so he could kiss you deeper, making you moan.
"Alright pretty girl, let's get you back in there, you ready?" Bucky says, squeezing your thighs and you nod eagerly. You go to stand but he tuts and slips his arms under you and picks you up, making you squeak and wrap your arms around his neck. "I gotcha" he whispers and you steal another kiss from him, feeling so safe and happy in his arms. Before you are finally released and eagerly climb into place and settle down, wiggling at the anticipation.
After a whole day they decide that the work they've done should be enough for now. They take you home in Bucky's car with Steve carrying you up to your apartment, which although you insist ksnt nessecary, you grip him tighter and lay your head on his shoulder. While Bucky unlocks your door Steve presses kisses to your forehead, all of your feeling quite happy with the amount of kisses being passed around.
Seeing the sorry state of your flat you cringe as you go inside. At least you had the forethought to tidy before you went to them the day before.
Bucky finds your pyjamas and once Steve pops down he gently helps you change as if you are precious cargo. You giggle as you tell him so and he smiles at you. "Sweetheart, you are..." He presses a hand to your tummy and you smile back "the most precious as far as we're concerned..."
Your tummy flips with something new but you decide not to worry right now. You feel exhausted despite the many naps you've had. "Ok you gotta sleep, eat and drink as much as possible. Try to leave the shower or bath until tomorrow morning if you can just to be sure." Steve says, placing a big water bottle on your side, with a bag of groceries on your kitchen table, filling up the fridge with healthy but delicious goodies.
"Ok I promise...when do you think I can do a test?" You say, as you snuggle up into your blankets. They explain that you might have to wait until next week, but if it's negative they can just keep repeating the process until it sticks.
You nod, feeling nervous but excited. They both kiss you goodbye and leave. You feel suddenly overwhelmed at the silence, having had such a crazy 24 hours of close, initmate contact. You take a big drink of water before sinking back into your pillows, your eyes fluttering closed as your mind was filled with images of them surrounding you and the pleasure that comes with it.
One week later you are waiting nervously in your bathroom, a pregnancy test perched on the sink as you nibble your finger and watch the stopwatch on your phone.
You daren't look. You've been in this position so many times before it just feels horrible. You still have 2 minutes to wait but you feel sick at the thought of what's to come. You fiddle with your phone for a moment until you decide to call Bucky.
He answers almost immediately, concern in his voice. "Hi sweetie, everything ok?" You are a little surprised at his quick answer so you stutter for a bit, which makes him even more worried. Finally you manage to choke out, "I'm fine!" You both take a breath before you restart.
"I'm waiting for a test... Got a few more minutes and I just.... I feel scared..." You say quietly, trying to ignore the tears pricking at your eyes. He sighs at the other end and you know he has a concerned look on his face still.
"It's all ok sweetness. Whatever it says we still got you alright? You don't need to worry becaise Steve and I are with you every step of the way..."
You can only nod as he talks, his warm deep voice filling you with calm. Your phone buzzes as the timer runs out and you take a deep breath. "Ok are you ready?" You say and he tells you firmly that he is and it's going to be fine.
With shaky fingers you turn the test over. A little gasp escapes your lips and he asks with a more stressed voice than he would probably like. "What does it say sweetheart?"
Finally you let out a shaky laugh.
"It's positive"
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Forced Vacation- Part 2
Part 1
Hero stirred to a cool sensation going up and down their arm. They groaned weakly as their eyes fluttered open to a shady umbrella overhead. They felt a soft surface underneath them and heard the lapping of ocean waves nearby. Then they remembered their situation. Hero sat bolt upright, but they were yanked back down.
“Hold it! You’re not going out in the sun until I’m finished!”
Hero’s head jerked to the side.
“Villain!? What the heck are you doing!?”
Villain got another helping of sunscreen out of the bottle and applied it to Hero’s other arm.
“Hooking you up to my doomsday device,” Villain said, “…what does it look like, darling?”
Hero opened their mouth, closed it, opened it again, then closed it fruitlessly. Villain chuckled, then sat them up. They started to apply more of the citrus-scented stuff to Hero’s back.
Hero blinked in confusion. They looked down at their body and saw that their suit had been replaced with swimwear. Their cheeks turned red at the thought of someone undressing them.
“Oh relax,” Villain said, “I didn’t peek.”
That made Hero feel a little bit better, but only a little bit. In a few minutes, Villain was finished. Hero went to stand up again, but Villain stopped them.
“Hero! It has to sink in for at least fifteen minutes!” Villain protested.
Hero huffed, then begrudgingly sat back down. Villain smiled.
“Good,” they said, “I hope you’re not so jumpy because you’re planning on escaping, my dear Hero.”
Hero opened their mouth to speak.
“Because if you were,” Villain continued, “you’d have a pretty hard time getting off this beach, let alone the island. I have security measures everywhere. And I know you don’t plan to swim all the way back to the city; that would be insane even for you.”
Hero scanned the beach. Various henchmen dotted the sand dunes, waiting in case they decided to try something. So they were stuck here.
“How long?” Hero grumbled.
“You still have about thirteen minutes-”
“No.” Hero shook their head, “how long are you keeping me here?”
Villain cracked an annoyingly attractive grin.
“As long as it takes, Hero. As long as it takes.”
That wasn’t an answer! Hero went to say so, but Villain shoved a straw in their mouth.
“Strawberry daquiri,” Villain explained, “go on.”
Hero eyed it suspiciously.
“Virgin- no alcohol.”
Hero still didn’t drink.
“Oh for the love of-” Villain took a small sip from the drink, “-there. Happy?”
Satisfied, Hero started to sip on the daquiri. It was so sweet and refreshing, they relaxed on the spot.
Hero dried their hair with a fluffy towel. The beach had been tolerable. Okay, it had been really fun, but they weren’t about to admit it. They had been escorted to Villain’s fancy villa at the heart of the island and had been left to shower and change. Hero had done both, and was now dressed in a loose, flowy outfit that swished in the breeze.
“Had fun, my little mermaid?” Villain smiled, leaning on the doorframe.
Hero whirled around.
“It was… it wasn’t torture,” Hero conceded.
“I would hope not, considering I had to practically drag you out of the water for lunch.”
Villain had left the beach completely soaked, but not because they had been playing in the water too. Hero may have splashed them a few times… they were completely dry now, though, and wearing a crisp button-up and shorts. Hero giggled thinking about the beach.
“Come on,” Villain nodded to the door, “you’re going to love what Chef made.”
Hero’s urge to fight was fading evermore into the back of their mind. They joined Villain and followed them to the patio where various foods and delicacies waited.
Master Tags:
@mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
Series Tags: @whump-bunny @kawaii-cakes @fangedcinnamonroll
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 8 months
hi I have literally never done this before but I saw your post just now and thought what the heck
could you write a small thing about spencer reid where reader and him are neighbours and they both have a little crush on each other but never get to interact because spencer is literally never there
until either reader or spencer's apartment floods and it's 3am so they just go to their neighbour and there's maybe a cute confession?
(feel free to add your own pizzazz I love your writing!!!) <3333
hihihi girl! request anytime! this also ended up being a lotttt longer then intended <3
warnings: none, its fluffy its cute, like rlly cute and a bit cliche.
spencer reid. that was your neighbours name. considering he was home very little, you'd only seen him a few times and you've never even spoken a word; it seemed silly how much time you spent thinking about him.
you'll admit, your a sucker for a tall brunette with glasses, who wore ties and vests, and perhaps looked just a little nerdy. it was sweet, spencer looked very sweet.
he also happens to be your next door neighbour. like literally, you open the door of your house every day, and are confronted with the site of his own house. he's right there. you've debated sliding a note under his door, or just knocking and suggesting coffee, but you've always backed out.
the opportunity however, presents itself in a slightly annoying way. in the afternoon, you arrive home and walk into your living room to discover the entire floor flooded. one quick check of the house, and you've determined the entire place is flooded.
"jesus christ." you mutter, dialing a plumber and the flood services in your city.
when they arrive, its determined your house will be unliveable for 2 days. 2 whole days.
the plumber, matt, stares at you. "apologies, lady, but your pipes are pretty busted. its gonna cost you too."
you groan, annoyed.
"oh, uh your neighbour, you should check with them. see if they've got any issues." he adds.
you stop, spencer. your neighbour. you have a reason to go talk to him. you leave the plumber, and his little team to get to work, and cross the street to spencers house.
knock. knock.
maybe he isnt home. you look at his driveway. his car is there. the door creaks, and opens, revealing spencer reid. the man himself. in all his messy hair, rumpled shirt, afternoon glory. he pushes his glasses up, staring at you, suprised.
"hi. sorry i'm-"
"y/n." he says, quickly, and then flushes.
"right." your suprised he knows your name, though you do know his. "look uhm, sorry to bother you.. but my house kind of flooded. like everywhere. so, uhh- i was just checking if your house is all good."
his eyes widen. "your entire house? is flooded?"
you nod, grimacing. "yeah.. i mean my stuffs fine, i just have to find somewhere to stay and its a pain." you say, folding your arms and sighing.
he looks at you for a moment, thoughtful.
"uh.. besides from the fact im a total stranger.. you could um, stay with me? i mean. i have a guest room, im usually out all day. i'll cook." he says, quickly. he looks at you, expecting a no.
your suprised at his offer, intrigued even. he seems safe, your not uncomfortable.. and it would save you from having to stay in some cheap hotel.
"really? i mean- are you sure?" you confirm, raising your eyebrows at him.
he nods energetically, smiling. "i mean, it would be easier for you."
you nod, smiling back.
"well.. uh come in?" he says, shuffling to the side awkwardly.
his house is delightful, with heavy linen curtains, and tall bookshelves. the house is mostly wood, with touches of green and navy. it fits him perfectly.
"nice place you have here." you say, smiling.
"thank you." he says, staring at you for a moment. you catch him, and he looks away quickly.
"do you, uhm want a coffee? we can sit for a bit if you'd like." he says, gesturing at the couches in his living room.
you nod. "black with sugar, please."
"oh- i have mine just the same." he grins, hurrying off the the kitchen, before returning with a cup for you. he sits opposite you, studying you for a moment.
"so.. spencer, how long have you lived here?" you ask.
"5 years. which.. i think is a year longer then you?" he smiles.
"correct. uh, where do you work?"
he pauses, thinking thoughtfully. "truthfully, i work in the fbi. behavioral analysis unit." he says, staring right at you.
you shuffle in your seat, suddenly aware that this possibly means he can read your every emotion, or thought.
"thats very.. impressive, but then again you do have an intelligent look to you."
he chuckles, "well, i have been told i dress the part."
you laugh, smiling at him.
"you know.. i noticed you a while ago." he says, looking down at his coffee and swirling it.
you raise an eyebrow, curious.
"how so?"
"well, if i may be bold, your very- uhm very pretty."
your eyes widen, taken aback. you flush, letting out a soft giggle.
"you think so?" you whisper, staring at him. he finally looks up at you, nodding.
"do you say that to all the women you invite into your home?" you tease.
"i don't often invite women into my home.. in fact, you might be a first. quite special." he smiles. your cheeks feel hotter.
"well, spencer, i noticed you a while ago too. your very cute. you might be just my type." you say, staring at him.
its his turn to blush, and he looks nervous, as he turns away from you, lips parting into a smile.
"perhaps a blessing in disguise your apartment being flooded.." he whispers, the smile evident in his voice.
"i mean," you chuckle. "there has been one good outcome.."
"mmm.. silver linings and all." he says, turning to look you right in the eye. its sweet, hes very sweet. you think your very much going to enjoy your next two days here... perhaps even extend your stay.
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You recently moved to a cabin in the woods for some peaceful time alone. But that is ruined when somehow a wide variety of different animals invade your space out of nowhere. Was this your Disney princess era or is there something more to it..
Also a crazy killer seems to be also on the loose as of now. And this guy who seems to be your new neighbour seems suspicious. Is there any connection?
(I kinda just had some scenarios made in my mind with the hazbin crew as animals so I decided to write them(◕ᴗ◕✿) )
Master list
CH-1: The fluffy and the winged friend
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As you turned the key,the door opened with a click. A gust of dusty air left the cabin as you opened the door. Coughing a little you started to look for the light switch with your hand. Soon you found it and turned it on as light filled the room. It was the kitchen from the looks of it. There was an old stove on the left side of the room,followed by a sink and a countertop.
On the right side was a wooden sofa. It look to be in bad shape as some of its parts had been eaten by bugs.You took a mental note to fix that later. There was a small stool beside the sofa which looked pretty okay. There was also a window above the sink. You went there and opened it to let some fresh air in. There was two more room to explore. You went in the right one.
This time it was a bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on a corner. Alongside it was your wardrobe and on the other side of the room was a chair and a table, all of which you made sure to be moved here before you came. There was a door in there too which you guessed was the bathroom. You went to the window above the table and opened it to let the sunlight in.
The other room was a bit spacious with a small fireplace and some old books with shelves in a corner. There was a lounge there too. Everything looked pretty neat for now.After finishing your tour of the cabin you took a big breath.
You used almost all the money you saved up till now to buy this cabin around the woods. You really wanted to settle down in a quiet place close to nature from your childhood and it just seemed perfect.
"Welp,time to get some unpacking done"
You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and went to the balcony where all of your stuff were left in a pile of boxes. You crouched down and picked up a box labeled 'kitchen' and started to work.
You took a break at noon to whip something up quick for lunch and rest. The rest of the unpacking was almost done by afternoon,as you didn't have much anyway. You went to get one last box that was left on the balcony. It was a bit bigger then other ones. You went to open it up,but suddenly it started to violently shake.
"What the-"
You quickly took a couple steps back. You don't remember placing something moving or vibrating in that box. At least nothing that would start moving by itself like a blender. Gulping down you you slowly inched to the box again. As you were close to touching the lid, it opened by itself. Being startled,you quickly retrieved your hands as a pair of horns poked through the box.
Suddenly that something with horns jumped in front of you from the box. It was a sheep, a small fluffy adorable sheep. Following its jump, an ashy moth also flew out from the box and sat on the sheep's horns.
You were confused as hell. How the heck did a whole ass sheep and a big moth get inside your box? It didn't seem like the boxes were open beforehand. But swatting away that confusion,you focused on what to do with the two little creatures in front of you right now.
Your cabin was surrounded by woods on one side and it was far from safe for a little sheep like it. Plus you really wanted to pet it for some reason. Deciding you'll keep it with you for however long You can. You slowly started to get close to it holding out your hand.
The sheep was looking at you curiously and started to walk over to your hand. While the moth seemed to be tensed by you almost.
Slowly the sheep was under your reach. You softly put your hand on it head and began to pet it. The sheep closed it eyes which you think meant it was enjoying it. The moth seemed to be comfortable too now. Looking closer, you noticed the moth was missing one of it's eye. There was a cross where it's left eye should be.
Normally you weren't a big fan of moths. But this one really looked pretty. You mentally cursed whichever thing that made such a cute creature look like this.
Now you slowly tried to pick up the sheep so you can carry it to your room. You had some vegetables left over that you could give to the sheep.
"Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?"
You spoke in a soft voice attempting to reassure it. But then it hit you that they wouldn't understand your language. You mentally facepalmed yourself right then for your stupidity. But to your surprise,it came closer to you and let itself be picked up. Even looking a bit happy in the process if that was possible. You heart absolutely melted at the sight of it and the soft fur. The moth flew and sat on top of your head.
"Well then, let's get going,shall we?"
You said as you walked back into the cabin with the small sheep in hand and moth on your head. At least you wouldn't feel lonely in this cabin tonight.
(A/n: just trying to get the environment figured out in this chapter and I'm not really good with it:') )
(Also this is already published in both ao3 and wattpad under the same name. But I wanted to publish it here too and see how it goes. The artwork isn't mine!!)
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demonsword586 · 9 months
Horn grinding headcanons! Niflheim
(I'm gonna be honest,this took way too long to write and I feel like I kinda missed the theme of this series with this work...I also feel like my writing was a bit off....I don't know how to feel about this one!)
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-bro paint those horns,it's impossible to find them
-he's already tired af and done with everything,so when you ask to grind on his horns....he just sighs
-he suddenly grabs you and puts you on his lap.He then puts his hand in your pants and starts using his long fingers on you while grabbing a pen with his free hand and going back to his math problems.
-He then tells you ''If you can survive a few hours of this maybe I'll let you use my horns''
-but a few hours for Gusion means a whole damn afternoon!
-That fucking tease is rubbing,pinching and fingering you with one hand while doing math with the other,looking absolutelly unfazed. Heck he's not even checking on you,even tho you're trembling in his lap after your 8 th orgasm.
-when the sun goes down so does his pen and he finally looks down at you. He gently cradles your body before throwing you on his bed
-you're still recovering from his previous torture,he's already pulling his tie off and tying your hands together with it.He lies his head on your lower stomach and looking up at you seducevlly
-you're in for a long night
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-Hmm....now he has an intresting horn.On one hand it looks pretty sharp but maybe it's just the angle...I bet the tips are actually smooth....the swirl also reminds me of a knife but I hope it's not like one....so this could either be painful or really enjoyable!
-Let's set the scene! You two are sitting on a comfy blanket on a field,moonlight shining on the two of you. As his head lays on your lap while he rambles on about a book he's reading,you stare at his very asteticlly shaped horn before getting a sudden horny idea.
-While he's talking,you sneak your hand from his hair to his horn,gently caressing it which get's a quick reaction out of him. He slowly stops talking mid sentence,his cheeks slowly turning a light shade of pink while he covers his mouth and looks away from you. ''My little star...you shoudn't touch someone's horn like this..it's very sensitive for us devils..'' he says with a meek voice,stopping a few times to cathch his breath.
-''Oh? You seem to like it tho. Maybe we could even use it for something more...intresting~'' You say in return,your voice lower then normal.
-With you touching one of his erogenous zones and suggesting something so perverted,outside even!.....let's just say he's not one to refuse you.
-The act in it's own is very sweet and fluffy. He does most of the work while also being carefull not to accidentally hurt you. He caresses your legs throughout it all. Just make sure to praise him and tell him how good you feel. He's pretty quiet,only making a few grunts and a slight whimper
-now imagine all of this but he's wearing a sailor moon costume
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-now I like this. Beautiful shape,rigged,long! That's what I want in a devil! Plus there's so much surfice and ways to grind on....
-Okay imagine that he finally comes home after being gone for days. When he returns he's all covered in blood,probably coming back from another massacre. As a good partner,you offer to help him bathe.
-Now you are running your hands through his long hair while he's soaking in the tub.As you are washing his hair,you notice his pretty horns and get an idea.
-You slide your hands down to his shoulders and softly whisper into his ear ''Andrealhus~ Can I borrow your horns please? I promise you'll enjoy it too.~''
-his breath hitches at your hot breath against his ear,he closes his eyes with a frown ''No...you'll get dirty with blood'' Now obviouslly he's just trying to make excuses! Why? Simply...he doesn't wish to hurt you. He knows how strong he is and since he spends most of his time hunting and torturing angels,he's afraid he might lose control and cause you pain.
-But you are not satisfied with that! You then slide one of your hands down his chest,softly caressing it and with the other one,you gently trace his horns ''But Andrealphus! You been gone for a week...you can't expect me to not be needy when you come back. Plus..I missed you so much! Please don't make me wait any longer~'' you whine sensually in his ear.
-Now you are really testing his limits. Screw all his morals! If you want it,you'll get it. Doesn't mean he'll be rough tho.
-As soon as he hears you pleading,he releases a long groan.He grabs your hips and gently places you in the water,right between his legs.
-Andreaplhus then starts gliding his fingers along your body. From your collarbone to your chest,down along your stomach and lower until he reaches your privates.
-When he touches your most sensitive area,which is now even more sensitive than normal cuz of your horniness,you get startled and yelp before jumping back on your feet.
-Your reaction suprises him a bit but then he smiles innocently and pulls you back near him.He grabs your leg and lifts it over his head. With his horn now between your thighs,pressed against you. With a husky voice he says ''Looks like you really did miss me. You're so sensitive today...let me guess,you been touching yourself a lot while I was out.''
-You whimper softly and nod before placing your hands on his other hrn and humping the one between your legs.
-he groans and gently holds on the flesh of your thighs,holding them firmlly enough to stop your movement. He then slowly bobs his head while making sure you stay in place
-Now you have this gigantic killing machine of a devil,melting under you,doing his best to be sweet and gentle with you while also melting uder your touch. His horns already slick with pre-milk.
-After a few minutes of soft passion,his movements start getting faster and sloppier,warning that he's close to climax.Seeing his blushing face,his quick breaths makes you feel your own orgasm approaching. You press yourself even closer to him which makes you cum first. Feeling your juices hit his horns and your knees tremble,he arrives as well,moaning your name with his soft voice
-imagine if he looked at you with that bloodthirsty smile in between the act
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Grabbing their ears and putting your face into theirs :::
A/N ::: I'm going in a little different order here because Draken has had the spotlight for ages now and it's someone else's turn lol.
C/W ::: Nothing really, just some fluffy fluff funsies.
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☛ ☛ Mitsuya
☛ Is curious as to why you're standing there holding his ears and staring him in the eyes with your face in his.
☛ Thinks it's cute how you have an expectant look in your eyes, though he's not sure for what.
☛ Tilts his head to the side and starts to ask you what the heck you're doing.
☛ Decides against it and humors you for a bit longer, just staring in your eyes.
☛ Finally leans in to kiss you on the lips - what did you expect? Your face is so close to his and he can't pass up an opportunity to kiss his girl.
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♮ ♮ Ran
♮ He's positive you've lost your fucking mind now.
♮ Why else would you be there, just staring at him and invading his space like that.
♮ Pulls you even closer than you were a few seconds after you got in his face like that.
♮ Kisses you a lot sooner than you expected him to.
♮ Discovers he likes it when you hold his ears when you two make out.
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☀ ☀ Mikey
☀ Laughs like a schoolgirl because he loves it when you get this close to him.
☀ Thinks you're being a weirdo but grabs your ears too and plays along.
☀ Tells you how much he loves you.
☀ Leans in to kiss you first.
☀ Lets go of your ears to grab your tits.
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⟹ ⟹ Draken
⟹ His ears are so grabbable that this isn't the first time you've done it. But it is the first time you find yourself intentionally grabbing his ears and just getting really close to his face.
⟹ He tells you how pretty your eyes are and that he could look at them for a really long time without getting bored.
⟹ Tries to kiss you but you wanna fuck with him for a little bit so you pull back and he's like "Ay, the hell you goin'?"
⟹ Grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap and against his body.
⟹ Kisses you harder than he usually does because he feels like you've been messing with him so he's gonna mess with you back - but in the opposite way (you won't be wondering what he's doing - his intentions are very clear).
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⋟ ⋟ Kazutora
⋟ Laughs when you do these weird little things because he thinks it's so cute that you're almost as strange as he is.
⋟ Wants to ask you what you're doing but he's afraid you'll think he's a dumbass for not automatically knowing - so you volunteer no information but you also make it clear that you're not up to anything malicious.
⋟ He will put his hands on your shoulder and lean his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.
⋟ Starts to whine about how impatient he's getting - not with you, but he is waiting for you to kiss him.
⋟ Finally is like "fuck this shit" and gives you the sweetest, love-filled kisses you've had all day.
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@viburnt @southside-otaku @viburnt @darkstarlight82 @kazutora-kurokawa @arlerts-angel @katshimizuu SHIT I'M SORRY, KAT!!! <3
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Dog Sitting Gone Wrong. | Z.CL
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— Prologue: “You hired a babysitter for your dog?” + “Daughter actually, she’s my daughter.”
— Summary: You were hired by a rich man to babysit his daughter, when you arrive you realise his daughter is a dog and you’re now dog sitting while he is out running errands.
— Genre: SMUT. Kind of Crack and Fluffy too. There is literally no Chenle smut on this platform this is a crime. Daegal is mentioned here hehe. Y/n has a slight fear of dogs. Chenle’s literally the best single dog dad ever. Things get very spicy in the kitchen… Kitchen sex, praising and use of the term ‘Pretty Slut’ in the fic.
— Notes: I love this concept I feel so proud coming up with it.
When you heard you’re hired by a rich anonymous man to babysit his kid you didn’t mean you were going to baby sit a freaking white dog that’s now sitting on the floor looking at you like you’re some burglar ready to be gnawed.
The rich man himself didn’t specify but you’re pretty sure he wrote to you a message that contains ‘daughter’ and not a ‘dog’ in the text so now you’re confused if this is the right man. You’re doubting your eyes right now too.
Who in the world hire a babysitter to look after their dog? It’s like he’s purposely trolling you but when Chenle saw your daze expression mixing in like a cocktail at a party event he realised your expression was actually true and you seem confused.
You look at the handsome man with white-ish platinum hair and beautiful pale skin matching the colour of his hair. It makes him look like a real size fairy. Your eyes spoke a lot more than your brain could ever comprehend right now because zero words can describe what you want to say.
“Where is your daughter?” You ask deadpanning at the man.
Chenle looks back at you as if it wasn’t freaking obvious it’s not like Daegal is hard to miss is she? He points his gaze down at the fluff ball in front of your figure and your eyes meet with the dog again. She really didn’t seem to like you, in fact every time you look at her Daegal seems to be sinking her teeth or at least imagining she is sinking her teeth into you.
He points out bluntly now. “Right there, that’s her.”
You want to laugh. Actually you’re not sure if you should laugh or if you should cry. You forgot to mention, you’re freaking terrified of dogs. You’ve always been terrified of dogs and heck you’re now forced to look after one? You’re not sure if the money is worth it anymore but then you remember how much he’s willing to pay you and you stand your ground; maybe the money is so worth it.
Your gaze turns back to Chenle away from his dog now. “You hired a babysitter for your dog?” You said with a confused trial you’re trying so hard not to offend this man, you are in his freaking mansion after-all. However you like to admit his house is pretty damn fancy and modern. Everything looks designed based on his own taste.
If only you were this rich that you can afford a babysitter for your own pet. Heck. He’s paying a lot of money to dog-sit this animal and you’re terrified by the idea of it.
Chenle seems to quip in to interrupt and cut you off when you called his daughter a dog. Of course he knows Daegal is a dog but she’s much more than that to him and he didn’t really like the tone you used either when saying how he hired a babysitter.
“Daughter actually, she’s my daughter.” Chenle points out to you with a little glare and you found yourself nervously sweating.
He seems pretty darn serious and protective of this small harmless dog right? Surely she is harmless. Well you hope she is because if she comes any closer to you and bites you, you might actually cry.
“Right… and I’m Shakira.” You say under your breath now sarcastically although you made sure that Chenle couldn’t hear you at all.
You turn to Daegal and then to Chenle again as you speak with a little sigh. You have no choice but to accept this situation. The money is big, you should survive a few hours and just dip to get the money after.
“So how long will you be out doing your errands?” You now ask him as you change the topic conversation around.
You need to know how long you’re going to be stuck with this dangerous beast in the house.
Chenle spoke back casually leaving you off guard. “I’ll be back at 9.50pm.” You stare at the man with widen eyes. What? That late!?
You’re left wondering what on earth does this man have to do that he’s gone for full thirteen freaking hours leaving you alone with his dog that he claims to be his daughter. Was this man even worth it? Can you stand being in this house before your own panic attack comes and says hello to you and murders you? It’s either going to be your own anxiety killing you or this bloody dog in front of you growling at each step you make with your feet.
You let out a little nervous laugh. “Haha… no problem. Yep. I can handle it.”
But the money? It’s a literal jackpot. You need it.
Chenle gives you a smile when you said you can handle it as you try to hide your doubts away from this man, all because he’s freaking loaded. Oh the things you do for money is insane. Chenle grabs his coat from the cloak hanger and puts it on. He then turns to you once more and gives you long list of instructions to do.
It seems like he put up a whole list that you can do for Daegal if anything comes up.
Which makes you nervous, why does he need a long ass list? You hate to admit but this dog lives better than you.
“Okay so Daegal likes cold waters, do not use the hot water. You need to groom her with delicate oils and brush, remember this. You can’t give her too many treats or else she might get fat I don’t want her to be too big.”
You stare into the open space as he said many more things that you will need to do for this dog and it’s almost like she’s human to him. It makes you wonder how can this dog be so pampered and loved while you have to work a 9 to 5 shift babysitting and now you’re stuck with a dog that by the way you have a rational fear of dogs; no matter the size or the breed. You’re just scared of them from very bad experiences when your childhood was going on.
You heard Chenle’s voice break off as he calls you out into reality. “Y/n you with me? Did you get everything I said to you?” He now asked you and your eyes move to watch him again and you clear your voice.
“Uh yeah, i got everything don’t worry.” You now said and nod giving him a little approval expression because you just gotta fake it till you make it right now. There’s no way you’ll remember everything he just listed on.
“Okay good, I’ll see you later. Just give me a call if you need to know anything.”
The door opens and you watch the man leave which then leaves you finally alone with the enemy in the house. You slowly turn around and see little Daegal looking quite intimidating for your own good and safety. She was on her feet stomping and growling at you now a lot more and she’s threatening to jump and attack you, god knows why and god knows why you’re trembling against a small dog like her.
You feel your voice tremble and your eyes are stuck onto the white fluffy dog as she’s watching you with every corner of your movements. She saw that you’re trying to walk around her and just make a run for it and you let out soft stutters.
“G-good doggy yeah… goooooodddd doggy…” You say with a little bit of a scared tone as you then run around the corner and make a run for it now out of the corridors at the front entrance. It was like a reception area almost.
This must be the most embarrassing thing ever. You’ve never struggled to babysit before anyone. Literally all kids love you. Animals love you. So why was Daegal chasing you and barking at you across the house that you’re running away from her? She’s literally out to get you for some weird reason.
Maybe Daegal doesn’t like you specifically? Chenle never really mentioned Daegal to ever be an aggressive dog but she really don’t like you.
You stand on the couch now with a pillow protectively like a shield when Daegal caught up in the fancy large open side living room. This modern house has at least four floors you believe, it’s freaking huge and it has a basement and attic too. It’s insane how big this house was. You’re kinda thankful because you can’t believe what would happen if there was barely any space and you’re stuck in such a small house with Daegal — might be your last time alive. But this wasn’t the case. This house is pretty huge and you have enough space to run away if Daegal ever comes at you.
Daegal takes a step forward and you push the pillow in her face. “Ah! Stay back! I swear, I have a pillow I’m not afraid to use it!” You’re just threatening a dog now and you feel stupid and kind of ridiculous. This wasn’t part of your cv job application. You didn’t put ‘I love dogs’ on there because you’re terrified of them!
The next thing you know it Daegal bite the pillow and you had to retreat back like a soldier running away from the other team during a war. You jumped off the couch and went towards the kitchen now. You find dog treats in the separate container and you desperately take a few out and when you hear Daegal running around the house looking to get you.
You found her standing in front of the kitchen marble flooring and she saw the treats in your hands which made her now seem a little more distracted and calmer.
You feel relieved because you gave her at least five pieces. Somehow you have a feeling Chenle mentioned not to overfeed Daegal…? Right? Your brain was fumbled you don’t remember, you weren’t actually listening either but it doesn’t matter anymore because Daegal wasn’t chasing you around like a freaking hound ready to kill you anymore which was great on your side.
You rub the back of your neck as you sigh in relief. “Phew close one.”
Maybe you can survive a little in this house before you can find another thing ready to sabotage you and murder you.
You decided to take a few hours of just keeping away from Daegal and giving her space while you’ll be on your phone scrolling to keep yourself busy. As the hour passed another hour went by. Now you’re stuck in the space spot on the couch for four hours. The four hours turns into five hours and you feel boredom overtake your body and your legs.
You never felt so bored before on a job.
In fact you shouldn’t be on your phone like this when you are babysitting but in fact you have no idea how to deal and take care of a dog — specifically you don’t want to approach the dog at all considering your phobia of them.
But then something smashed and fell into pieces in the background from the living room and you’re left there panicking. You quickly stand up and put your phone away on the couch. Your legs rush towards the kitchen to see Daegal chewing on a bunch of tissue paper rolls now shredding them to shrewd bits and all the saliva catching on the white paper.
You feel your face fell into a dark hole resembling a black hole from space sucking everything in. You can’t help but feel like this was your fault for not paying attention to Daegal in the first place right now.
You kneel down slowly with a spatula and poke Daegal away from the toilet rolls. She barks at the spatula and backs away when you managed to successfully wipe her away from the paper.
“Ugh… Daegal your dad is gonna murder me if he knows what you’ve done right now.” You said a little bit squeamish to see the saliva on the paper. You’re going to have to start cleaning this up.
You pick up the pieces of shredded paper and start to clean the floor by wiping it away and putting the rest into the trash bin however you then witness pieces of glass, a vase more in specific, to be broken on the kitchen floor and pieces of roses laying on the floor with a pool of water flossing the kitchen.
Your mouth never fell so fast and your jaw never dislocated so fast at the sight of the mess Daegal made.
The voice comes out as scared as a doe can be when a predator was in sight. You’re no longer scared, you’re frightened by the sight of the mess. The vase looks like an antique. God it probably costs more than your fortune and house you’re renting! Daegal really was out here trying to sabotage you or something.
Never mind if Chenle was going to murder you over toilet rolls being bitten and eaten by his daughter, well he certainly is going to kill you now over this expensive vase!
“Your dad is definitely going to murder me now when he finds out about this.”
You bite your bottom lip as you start to pick up the flowers and then putting them on the counter as you pick up the vase pieces. You suck in your breath. This is going to be terrible terrible news for Chenle. God you can’t even imagine what he’s going to say. You should say goodbye to your bank account because you’re going to be in DEBT now.
And what more? Your life fortune? Wasted. Your university loan? Oh god you can say goodbye to that too.
‘Maybe I can glue this together? He won’t know right…’ You sigh trying to fix this mess up but you know Chenle isn’t stupid.
Daegal barks when she saw your sad depressing expression because you’re literally pulling at your hair over a broken vase now and well, it looks like you’re seeing your end coming. You’re saying goodbye to everything too.
Heck you’re even planning your funeral it looks like it in your head because this vase is going to cost a lot. You bet everything in this house costs so much that even the toilet paper is probably made up of silk, god knows what.
Your eyes stare back at Daegal who’s stepping on your feet trying to get your attention. “What is it? Do you have something to say huh? Look what you did!” You said lifting one singular piece of the vase to Daegal as you start to scold her for ruining something this precious.
Daegal barks back and you scowl as you found the dog to be backchatting at you. “Because of you your dad is going to give me first class ticket to heaven. Or worse maybe hell.” You announce with a dramatic sigh and put the vase back down on the kitchen counter.
She barks again and you retort your eyes at the dog who seems to be wanting to show you something. You follow now Daegal as she was pawing at a certain cabinet and you raise your eyebrow wondering what on earth was this dog trying to show you?
You open the cabinet to fiend your curiosity and when you do you see an exact replica of the vase in the cabinet. Your eyes widen staring at Daegal.
‘Was Daegal… perhaps trying to show me this replica?’ You can’t help but think this was not a coincidence.
You stand up and grab the vase filling it up with water and then putting the flowers inside. The vase was placed back into the original spot again and you hate to admit it but it looks the exact same. It looks like the incident never ever happened.
So maybe you won’t be dying today.
The broken pieces of the previous vase would be thrown in the plastic bag and hidden in the cabinet you reckon no one’s going to look for it there. You look at Daegal who looks pretty satisfied that you replaced the vase.
Technically it was Daegal’s fault it broke but maybe it’s even more of your fault for not keeping an eye on her.
You sigh giving a small pat on Daegal’s head. “You know missy, you’re not so bad after all.” You tell her and Daegal gives a little wag on the tail.
You might be able to tolerate Daegal. Your fear around her has lessened. But that doesn’t really mean your fear of dogs is gone. Maybe Daegal is slightly more tolerable to deal with. Less intimidating now than earlier when she chased you around like you’re some intruder.
As the time went on you decide to give Daegal a little shower like Chenle told you to give her. You made the bath run a little and Daegal would be pampered with all sorts of water and such. You even gave her little bubbles which Daegal was playing with.
You hate to admit but she’s a pretty cute dog. You never really see a dog chasing bubbles before up close anyways.
After the shower you dried her off into a towel and saw that her fluffy white curls were drying quickly and giving her this mane sort of thing. You can’t help but laugh and you look around the giant bathroom. It had everything looking so expensive even the bathtub was looking so expensive and antique-like. You feel like anything you touch will cost you a fortune if you break it.
Your eyes look for bottles of oils that Chenle mentioned and the hairbrush to groom them hairs that are looking a little messy. You bring Daegal on top of the bathroom counter now and you look at her brushing her ears with her paws.
“You know they say pets look like their owners, I can kinda see what they mean by that now that I’m looking at you.”
Your voice sounds like it’s teasing Daegal as you’re now rubbing the oils around her hair and you hear the dog give a little bark wagging the tail. It’s like she’s telling you to stop teasing her and what not but you can’t help it. She does really carry Chenle’s personality with her sometimes, or maybe his entire presence sometimes.
You tilt your head grabbing the hairbrush and starts to slowly brush the dog hairs. You don’t mind to pamper Daegal anymore. You really don’t mind her. At first you were scared and it was clear Daegal didn’t quite like you.
But she seems to be pretty used to you now being in the house so you suppose it went both ways; neither of you liked one another and now you’re pretty settled.
The time goes by soon enough and you see the time was reaching nearly the 9pm mark and you’re certain you and Daegal were done with the shower. You put Daegal back down and let her run around. Meanwhile you would clean out the bathroom and then leave closing the lights.
All you have to do is now wait and what not so you can get paid and then leave. But you won’t lie you feel almost empty now that you’re reaching the end of your job shift. You’re not sure why?
You lay down on the couch and you see Daegal jumping in cuddling right next to your stomach as she seems to take a good spot close to you to fall asleep. You feel yourself falling into dreamland yourself too. Your eyelids feel heavy and you let them close to the darkness. The dreamland was calling you and you accept the sleepiness you’re feeling and so on. Your body goes down into light slumbers and with Daegal fast asleep next to you.
The time you two slept together in this position you were left feeling the most safe. You don’t usually feel this safe and you take a while to fall asleep but all it took you was to cuddle with Daegal to make you feel so sleepy that you forgot you were even falling asleep in the first place.
By the time it goes by now Chenle came home and he wonders why the house was so suspiciously quiet?
The man takes off the shoes and his jacket back to the cloak hanger and he looks around not even seeing a sign of his dog who usually comes towards the door or waits at the door for him to arrive home. When he came forward searching now in panic all of that vanished and dissolves like raindrops falling into a large pool of submerged water the minute his eyes found you and Daegal curled up sleeping together. He stops in front of the couch and lets out a surprise sigh.
He really thought something bad happened but this was surprisingly quite wholesome? Daegal never really sleeps with anyone else but Chenle. She isn’t quite fond of other people.
But she seems pretty fond of you.
Chenle moves his hand to shake your shoulders a little and your lips fell apart letting out a tiny little sigh from the groggy tiredness and your eyes open seeing Chenle’s handsome face in front of you. You slowly get up and you see Daegal is still fast asleep.
Your soft sigh as you woke up made Chenle admire you and actually he found you pretty cute when you’re asleep. “Oh… when did you get back?” You now ask a little question as you slowly begin to stand up as you leave Daegal resting on the couch.
“A few minuets ago.” Chenle explains back in reply. He follows you to the kitchen so you guys can speak a little more clearly. He finds the house to be clean and nothing to be wrong.
It looks like you handled babysitting his daughter well.
Chenle trails looking at the vase, he smiles at the flowers. “Ah good they’re blooming.” He said a little proud that the petals are blooming and you clear your voice looking away from the vase.
“Sooo, did I do a good job babysitting?” You now said wanting some validation, you know it doesn’t hurt to know if you did well or not.
Chenle looks up amused when you’re not clearly seeking some praise and he watches your eyes linger on him with little red cheeks as you feel the eye contact make you start to look flustered a little. Chenle really has a strong gaze that puts this invisible grip around your neck. Although you like it you do, it’s something no one else has over you and only Chenle. Yet you only met him today and spoke to him few times you feel some unbelievably high tension between the both of you.
He takes a step closer and you feel Chenle’s arms putting on the sides of the counter that you’re leaning against now. Chenle’s face moves a little closer to your face to speak.
“You want some praise, is that it?” Chenle now asked you and you give a little nod as your eyes couldn’t be anymore obvious you’re literally eyeing this man’s lips like they’re the only thing you want to look at. “Yeah… doesn’t hurt to hear it…” You tell him softly and he smirks leaning closer.
“Good job, Y/n.” Chenle said reconnecting lips against yours now as he kissed you a little more powerfully than he at first imagine he would. Never in your mind have you thought you’d be making out with a rich man you babysat his daughter for him. You feel a violent connection in your stomach explode like fireworks.
You loved to though. The praise he gave you when he said good job. You kiss him back now even more with your hands connecting to his face as your body was lifted on the kitchen countertop. Chenle ran his hands up against your thighs.
You feel his tongue work his way with your tongue letting them dance as if they were fire and ice. You feel your mouths move on the side some more and you tilt your head even more, Chenle’s fingers pinch at your thighs through your jeans and he rubs and squeezed then too liking how they were feeling so soft and squishy.
You let out a little groan when Chenle connects your lips into another hungry kiss when he pulled away only momentarily to keep you gasping and wanting him even more. He really knows how to play you like a fiddle. You’re growing weak and weaker the more he kisses you. You’re growing addicted.
Your breathes were panting and your voices were singing practically from how good the kiss feels and feeds on your urges to do even more. Chenle’s hands didn’t take a minute to slide his hands at your back undoing the strap between your bras as he kissed you even more.
The shirt and the bra fell off and Chenle enjoys how your breasts were already a little tight on the top. He kissed them down gently and then he saw your arms on the side take off his shirt pulling it off his body. Chenle lets you strip him clean and you connect your mouths again.
It’s like kissing wasn’t enough but you guys keep on kissing and kissing. He’s addicted to you and you’re addicted to him. That was exactly what it was.
But even if you’re addicted and you’re close enough, but you can’t get anymore closer because you’re literally pinned against each other as Chenle ran his tongue across your neck and down to your breasts licking and teasing them with his teeth, you’re practically begging to be under his skin, because you wanna be so close you’re literally as one thing. Chenle feels the eagerness inside him grow even more.
“Oh good gracious… god…”
You let out as your head leans back when Chenle cups his hands over your wet cunt as the cold countertop made the sensation even more intense and difficult to handle.
Chenle slips himself inside taking the chances now or never. He never once thought he would be fucking someone in his own kitchen, as well as that someone being the babysitter he hired. But oh well? Chenle can’t say it’s a bad thing because you made him growing hard and hard behind measures so now he’s going to relive this experience with you.
And you’re enjoying yourself he can tell when you let out a soft smile when he kissed your neck, he heard a little giggle it looks like you’re ticklish on that side and he found that quite cute of you.
“You ticklish over there?” He says softly as he brushed his lips on the same spot that made you laugh quietly.
“Yeah…” Your voice says in response was you let out a soft groan when Chenle was at the same time slowly sinking into your pussy putting in his length in the hole as you’re feeling everything become tighter and squeezing out while at the same time he’s stretching you clean.
Chenle gives him a little smirk kissing the same ticklish spot on your neck. “You know you’re pretty cute.” He tells you as he rubs your back with his hands. One hand stays on your back while the other rests on top of your thigh, you feel him keeping his hands there and you blush when he compliments you like this.
He thinks you’re cute? You feel flattered and shy.
Chenle kissed down your lips again and he loves that he made you glow red on your face, he enjoys your reactions. His pelvis slowly moves and you groan in the kiss. He can see your vibrations from your voice creek in and he swallows them all as he keeps on kissing you while he’s now starting to slowly thrust inside you.
Your lips quiver when Chenle pulls away from the kiss and you finally groan at the motions as Chenle’s focusing on thrusting in and out of you as he keeps you in place on the countertop in the kitchen. Your bodies were pushing up on one another and you feel so delicate while floating with the pleasure.
It feels like nothing you’ve quite experienced before.
But you like it a lot and you don’t want it to end. Chenle’s thrusts makes you feel like you’re floating in the sky and around without any worry in your head.
You’re enjoying this a lot more than you anticipated and it turns you on so much as Chenle’s eyes never leave your face. He seems to enjoy the eye contact and you’re staring at him resembling like a deer on the road with headlights.
He enjoys the little trembling pupils he sees in front of him and he kissed you sweetly as he runs your hair back from your face, the thrusts only pick up the pace but his kisses were so slow placed.
Chenle wants to take a picture of your flushed face everytime he thrusts inside you so deep he sees that your own mind was breaking apart because of him. Chenle will take a forever photogenic memory of this and he will always look back on it because you’re the most beautiful person he laid eyes upon this close while he’s taking you in his own kitchen.
The situation itself at hand was exciting him because he’s not usually the person to sleep with someone he met on first day. But he has a feeling you’re different. He whispers down admiring you even closer. He kissed your ticklish spot again and you flinch with groans flowing past your teeth. “You’re so pretty, pretty slut, you know that Y/n?”
You stutter out breathless. “P-pretty? Really… oh god…” you cave in when Chenle leans even deeper inside you as he tugs on your inner thighs squeezing them with his free one hand on top of your thigh.
“Mhmm… so pretty. No wonder Daegal likes you.” He whispers as he kissed your lips once again and Chenle feels himself getting closer and closer to an exit. You found yourself jerking forward against his thrusts now as your orgasm was at the door and Chenle was pumping you with full of himself inside your beautiful walls that take his shape.
You raise your eyes to the ceiling above at the bright shining lights blinding you now and you lift your arms putting one at Chenle’s shoulder as he’s cramping your bodies together.
Your highs were chased at the end together, he feels you release right after he did and your ears pick up on his low voice growing out.
Chenle takes a moment to take a look at your face again and he gives you a little smirk when he saw your eyes already looking at him, like you’re admiring how beautiful he looks too.
“I already transferred the money to your bank.” He said back and he rubs your cheek with his inner thumb.
“I’ll keep paying you the same amount if you become my permanent dog sitter. What do you say y/n?”
You never expected this job to go this way. But you found yourself agreeing to the deal, and somehow you just know this Dog Sitting Gone Wrong.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu. Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out!! <3
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Thank you wonderful fanfiction authors! You do a great part to make life wonderful. Recs below the cut (I CANNOT believe I haven't rec'ed some of these before!) Previous recs: 2018, 2020, 2022. Looks like I only do these every two years lol.
Gravity Falls
Feels Like We Only Go Backwards, by @dubsdeedubs / WDW; complete multichapter. A heartbreaking concept with a happy ending. Sad but wonderful and a really fun idea. Working out just what is happening is a great challenge, and watching the pieces fall into place with mounting consternation is awesome.
In Search of Antidotes, by @astriiformes / azhdarchidaen; complete multichapter. An awesome Historical AU, and neither Ford nor Stan go through the portal (there’s still suffering though). Bit of freakiness, bit of funniness, bit of stubbornness, bit of coolness. A very cool read! A much more classic demon-possession story than canon with its modern sci-fi overtones. The gothic sci-fi horror takes the floor here. Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, Dracula, it takes inspiration from all the best roots!
Just a Game, by @nikxation / nikxation; one-shot. Intense! High stakes! Well-written! Doesn’t mess around getting to the point, and hammers its beats into you! LOVE it! Bill holds a gun on Ford, while in Ford's own body. The tension in this is unbelievable!
An Outreached Hand, by @dubsdeedubs / WDW; incomplete multichapter. Something freakishly supernatural happened to Stan during his homeless days. It’s called Ghost Trick AU, and it’s super interesting and utterly engaging! It’ll have you tearing through it wanting to know what the heck is going on! The characters are all so intense in their own ways, and the plot is drip fed to you piece by delicious piece.
Snapshots from an Alternate Reality, by Rethira; one-shot. PORTAL STAN!! Just a short little one-shot about this alternate version of events, but incredibly cool to read. Love the writing style: it takes you through the scenes like a skipping stone, its wake mesmerising.
All Things Go, by @cantica10 / Cantica10; incomplete multichapter. A weird (in the best way) idea of a crossover between Timestuck AU (where Mabel is trapped in the past) and a Wings AU (where, you guessed it, everyone has wings). Adorable Stan and Mabel bonding, but is SO not afraid to get really dark. That being said, it’s also so sweet and fluffy, and explores the effortless love that Mabel feels for Stan, and that (broken, scared, young, sad) Stan feels for her. This is one of those fics I am compelled to keep coming back to. It’s such a full experience to read.
Snow and Pine, by @ancientstone / TheArchaeologist; incomplete series. A great concept!! Loved the idea of these two brothers being forced together by circumstances instead of intention. Some great selective description here, and the plot itself is a very fun ride. WERE. WOLF. STAN. Need I say more?
Lighthouse Keeper, by @impishnature / impish_nature; incomplete series. There’s a lot to this story; the main work is mostly a series of one-shots, with other works sprinkled between. The idea is so eerie and haunting, and the vibes are pretty different to most other things I’ve read. The instigating artwork by @sightkeeper is magnificent and Imp has managed to capture the images very well!
Triptych, by @scribefindegil / scribefindegil; one-shot. A very cool character study on Stan. Great for informing his central motivations. It's kept short and sweet, but the analysis is no less thorough for it. I loved the insight into my favourite character's life and mind. Scribe writes him so well.
Blind Faith, by pinesinthewoods; complete multichapter. Come on, how could I NOT mention this one? It's one of the many here I'm astonished not to have rec'ed earlier. Super dark, super scary, an AU where both Stan and Ford fall into the portal. Ouch, but cool. Really good, but be prepared to yell out loud in horror. This is a doozy, don’t expect a lot of happy feels going into it. That being said, it is INCREDIBLE. The structure of the story is fantastic, perfectly encapsulating the reliance each of the brothers’ needs to have on the other and how one has to step up when the other can’t. Stan and Ford are forcibly tied together in this, and they find they each mean more to the other than expected after ten years of bitterness and radio silence. A STAPLE of Gravity Falls fics.
Like They Were a Perfect Fit, by @sensitiveowl / hapful; one-shot. Aw, ow, cries. Love! Lots of tangled-up emotions and scenes that will tug at your heartstrings thinking about Ford’s life journey. Speculations on the importance of the photo that Ford is implied to have carried around with him for 30 damn years.
30 Seconds Later, by @invisibletinkerer / shayera; incomplete multichapter. Loved this to death! A really great concept executed fantastically. An AU where while it took Stan thirty years to rebuild the portal, Ford was only gone for thirty seconds. The characterisation of paranoid Ford and his interactions with the rest of his family are perfect, as is his reaction to finding himself in the future and his relationship to Stan. And Stan is wonderful in this too! A very good examination of age, aging, and the associated changes in perspective.
1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back, by @infriga / Ppleater; complete multichapter. An AU where Stan is turned into a kid in the midst of Ford’s pre-portal paranoia over Bill. It adopts the wonder and innocence that comes with youth, but still retains the darkness of Stan’s adulthood - wait, actually, his entire life has been kinda dark in this fic. This is one of those fics you can tell the author had a lot of fun with. It’s palpable in the chapter titles and the art :) The illustrations are beautiful, the story is heartfelt, and it is not at all afraid to go into some dark places. A very enjoyable, loveable, read!
The Road in Front of You, by @nicnacsnonsense / Nicnac; complete multichapter. Ford falls through a portal potty and gets dumped in Stan's path. MAN!!! This fic has a really great concept, and Nicnac’s writing is impeccable as always. A great look at Ford and Stan’s relationship post-high school, how their personalities have developed and changed, and most importantly how they reconcile the changes in each other.
Nothing a Little Sleep Can’t Fix, by AkitaFallow; one-shot. Oh MAN. WOW. Okay. A heavier look on the mark Sock Opera leaves on Dipper, featuring repercussions throughout the rest of Dipper’s summer. Absolutely, heartbreakingly, entrancing. The slow build up of the plot perfectly mimics the rising emotions that poor Dipper is struggling to keep a lid on until they inevitably explode, and watching the people who love him pick up his pieces afterwards is just golden.
Ad Infinitum, by @nicnacsnonsense / Nicnac; one-shot. My first read of the Same Coin Theory and it was awesooooooooome!!! There are so many repetitions of phrases that spark in my mind because of how great they were, and the aspects of Stan contrasted with Bill that thread through it are incredible. Kind of an unsettling concept. I couldn’t get enough. For a fic that’s all about cycling around, you'd think it'd get repetitive, but every paragraph is rich with novelty. A FEAST.
Some Sunny Day, by @anistarrose / anistarrose; complete multichapter. Another Same Coin Theory fic. The beats of the plot in this are stunning, with some truly awesome lines that left me reeling and thinking Oh SHIT that did NOT just happen!!! In the best way possible. A highly interesting story and some excellent takes on the Pines family and the world of Gravity Falls.
Towards the Sun, by @notthistimespock and pinesinthewoods; complete multichapter. EXTREME BROTHERLY FEELS. Incredible! Love the in-depth examination and speculation on Ford and Stan prefinale. A different ending for Weirdmageddon, following Ford’s journey through Stan’s mind. It gets sad, it gets scary, it gets freaky, you shed tears. Another one of those staple fics for the fandom. The story is a wild and heartrending adventure, full of imagery that stuck in my brain for years after the first time I read it.
Fisherman’s Knot, by @scribefindegil / scribefindegil; complete multichapter. MORE EXTREME BROTHERLY FEELS. Deals with postcanon adventures on the Stan’O’War II, including some reeeaaaally bad mental states/situations. Have tissues handy. I think this is generally regarded as the be-all-and-end-all of Stan twin angst. It is long, it is HEAVY, but it is also heartwarming and hopeful, and full of adventure and magic, and the kind of love it's made with really comes through.
Mob Boss Stan Pines, by Capricious_Passions; complete multichapter. A fic that you HAVE to read over again to get the complete picture. Complex and well-thought out, incredible attention to detail, but the first read will baffle you! A lot of fun trying to figure out what’s happening, and even more fun on the re-read picking up all the details you missed the first time!
Scrapbook, by Shyeye; complete multichapter. The complicated weight of grief hangs heavy over everyone in the story, and the difficulties in dealing with it are at the forefront of everyone’s minds. The depth each of these characters are written with is very much appreciated, not-so-pretty parts and all. This was a wonderful, touching, read.
Rescind, Reset, by @endae / endae; one-shot. Canon divergence where Mabel temporarily lost her life during Weirdmageddon, and the aftereffects on her and the rest of the family. It is one of the most beautiful things I’ve read, very emotionally raw. I cry every time. This incredible story is wrought with a filter of broken hearts being pieced back together as the characters live through the aftermath of their happy ending. It’s a shining, nuanced take on Mabel and how someone with her personality deals with the plot premise. I love the complexity of the emotions in this, not only from Mabel but also from the rest of the Pines as they work through their own traumas.
Safe as Houses, by @beastenraged / Beastrage; complete multichapter. If I could whistle I would! An entrancing read about the Pines family’s adventures from the perspective of their home. Some great and not too far-fetched ideas about how the Shack may have come across to its inhabitants over the years.
Greyscale, by @impishnature / impish_nature; one-shot. OH MY LORD. Incredibly touching and heartbreaking, I can’t look at this directly for fear of being emotionally blinded. Loss, and gain, and loss. Striking, powerful, so, so beautiful and painful. The aftermath of Weirdmageddon: another canon divergence where Stan lost his life. Except... Reverse Portal AU Stan stumbles across this sad dimension soon after. I swear, no fic has made me cry so hard and left me so much in shock of what the heck just happened to me. I love the look at how loss has affected the characters, and I especially love the path to recovery that is laid out for them.
Buying Gold, by @dubsdeedubs / WDW; incomplete series. Veeeery intriguing. It’s not really Same Coin Theory, but it’s a great read about the similarities between Stan and Bill and some cool speculation on Stan post-defeating Bill.
Any Family You Choose, by @nicnacsnonsense / Nicnac; incomplete multichapter. So sweet! Portal Dipper finds a young Stan Pines and decides to help him out. This concept is so wonderful, and the characterisation is blindingly clear. Keeps you guessing at the backstory!
Across the Universe, by Queen_Mab; one-shot. SUCH a great set of adventures. The multiverse really tries to hammer in its lessons sometimes, whether they stand a chance of sticking or not. Extremely well-written and fun, I devoured every word ravenously. Some scenes of Ford's portal time, with some VERY interesting encounters.
Star Wars
Anything Brighter than Even the Sun, by @hamliet / Hamliet; complete multichapter. The Rogue One crew survives and continues rebelling, as does Galen! The main focus is on Jyn and Cassian's characters and relationship, and how they navigate growing into a family. I love Jyn's character especially in this, with all those hard edges guarding a deep, deep well of passion.
Chirality, by @niobiumao3 / Niobium; complete multichapter. A Tech was CX-2 fic! It's great to see this fan theory explored, and Niobium writes so well! The plot is entrancing and has you hooked on the edge of your seat waiting for all the pieces to fall into place for our poor brainwashed guy. The way CX-2 thinks and melds with the personality of who Tech once was is beautiful and his interactions with his family and Phee are a sight to behold.
Crash Landing by @returnofahsoka / delightwrites; complete multichapter. Another Tech is CX-2 fic, can you tell this idea has a hold of me. The characters' voices in this come through SO clearly, it's insane, and the writing style is perfection. Jumbled and pained and confused and grieving, all threaded through with that little bit of hope. Wonderful.
I'll Keep You Safe (You Keep Me Strong), by @miadeardn / sheikahs; oneshot. An AU where Crosshair's chip never activates and he is as embroiled in adjusting to being on the run with a new little sister as the rest of the Batch. Just a sweet little moment between the two. Both of them are written very in-character, and it's great seeing a side of Crosshair that never came to regard his brothers as his enemies.
Talking in Defence, by @buskuta / buskuta; oneshot. An awesome look at all of Hunter's complicated feelings regarding Omega and Crosshair's relationship post-Tantiss. He's not a paragon of perfection, he's human. I can't emphasise enough how much I love this and how well he's written here.
Unyielding, by Face_of_Poe; complete multichapter. The scene immediately post-reunion between Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker, with some speculation on Crosshair's internal strife at that moment. There's a chapter for each of the remaining Batch and Wrecker's is EXCEEDINGLY well-written in my opinion. We don't get nearly enough exploration in canon or fanon about the depth of his thoughts and feelings.
Plan 100, by Face_of_Poe; complete multichapter. An awesome canon-divergence speculating on Omega and Crosshair's escape from Tantiss. The action is great, the strategy and coded communication is so sharp, and the feeling of desperation as Omega and Crosshair fight to evade recapture is fantastically taut. I especially love the small moments in this showing just how close these two have grown, and, in Crosshair's case, how little he's realised it happening. It feels very true to their characters.
Through Darkness Unknown, by @stardustandash / StardustAndAsh; complete multichapter. Holy shit the stakes are so high in this. A Tech Lives canon divergence of Omega and Crosshair's stay in Tantiss, and you can really FEEL just how helpless they all are to Hemlock's control. I absolutely love how this fic does not pull its punches, really forcing Crosshair and Omega into relying heavily on each other. There's so many great scenes in this that are seared into my brain!!
Ask Yourself, by StoneSage; complete multichapter. Omega is captured by the Empire while Crosshair's still working for them. I freaking love the complicated messiness of Crosshair's response to this- he's constantly challenged to act on the callous persona he projects, and constantly comes up short realising what he's actually willing to do to his family when it comes down to it. Very true to his character, and the quandaries Rampart presents him with a subtly terrifying. A fantastic examination of character and a great plot to go with it.
The Space in Between, by Misvet; incomplete multichapter. A series of stories focusing on the complications and dangers involved with Omega joining the Bad Batch. The writing style is great, the plots are great, the characters are great! It's all great! Just read it!
Maybe Fate Has Different Plans, by hanged_albatross; complete series. God I love this so much. Some incredibly touching and well-written moments of the Bad Batch protecting each other in a dangerous galaxy, with Omega, of course, at the centre. She is characterised so well in this, and constantly written with the idea of despite being so young, she is also no less protective of her brothers than they are of her.
Modern Batch, by kaydear; incomplete series. DUUUUDES just read this. It's such a sweet collection of stories about an alternate universe of the Bad Batch in a contemporary setting. Life is tough and complicated and full of pain, but also there are others right beside you to lean on when you need it, and so life is also full of love. I have cried multiple times while reading and re-reading this.
Skulduggery Pleasant
I Will Lay Me Down, by mcginnis; oneshot. This is perfection. A rewrite of the aftermath of the Lord Vile reveal in Death Bringer. I wish this was canon. Valkyrie and Skulduggery are PERFECTLY characterised in this scene, and the nitty-gritty of how they're both feeling is thoroughly explored and explained, and the tone of the story never once diverges from canon's- it is complicated, dark, and interspersed with ridiculous levity.
Pride and Prejudice
A New Addition, by @ralkana / Ralkana; oneshot. A great fic about Elizabeth and Darcy and childbirth, various moments in this are imprinted in my mind permanently. High emotions all over the place, incredible tension and wonderful dynamics between the two main characters and the rest of the family.
Mr Bennet Travels Through Time, by AMarguerite; oneshot. A truly great fic with a wild concept that totally works. Mr Bennet is actually from the 1990s. Weird and funny, but also touching and sad, and goes leagues towards explaining a lot of this man's quirks and contradictions. I was fully invested in this all the way through reading, and it did not disappoint. Utterly satisfying.
Once Upon a Time
The Worst, by @alchemistc / alchemistique; oneshot. The real-life dynamics of these ridiculous fairytale people had me grinning ear to ear. The mortifying ordeal of your family of fictitious characters helping you move into your college dorm as told from Henry's perspective. Love it to death.
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Who amongst the nonhuman au guys is best for cuddles? (I know some of the guys don't have cemented forms which is honestly the beauty of this au since you can always have a different version of them look but if there's different versions then which do you think would be best cuddles?)
Of course, I'm more so asking your opinion (i very much have a preference lol and that's owl harpy rook hunt because i love Rook Hunt and i want to kiss all his feathers and give him all the cuddles and affection lol)
I suppose it depends on the kind of cuddles you want, warm cuddles? Definitely Harpy Rook, Jack, Leona, and Bear Trey.
A great spot to cuddle into is under Rook's wing where it's attached, a lot of warmth comes from there and the wing surrounding you will be like a blanket.
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This is def Yuu with their harpy who's in a snuggle mood when one of the others asks if Yuu wants to do something with them. Though depending on who it is, and with how Rook is, I think he would probably offer them the other wing to snuggle under.
Only Yuu, Rook, and Vil take him up on it 😔 but Vil is always particular about things and Epel gets huffy. He's also going to use you being close as an excuse to try and preen you. Needs to make sure his mate is taken care of after all.
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Jack is a winter wolf and fluffy as heck, the man runs like a heater. Like, you could cuddle him in a situation where or stuck in a cold cave in some snowy place and be totally fine as long as this man is cuddling you.
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He can be a bit awkward about it at first, especially since he's a lot bigger than you and worried about accidentally smooshing his human. Eventually though when he gets more used to things and is more comfortable it, he might try laying on you sometimes, he gets good at distributing his weight, though admittedly he likes having you be the one to lay on top of him, another fan of using his human as a weighted plush.
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Leona is another boy who runs hot, though not fluffy like the others when it comes to the fur on him that isn't his main, he uses fancy products, and it's very soft.
Unlike Jack, Leona doesn't care too much about crushing you and finds it funny when you whine about him being too big and heavy, trying and failing to push his big ass off of you. Will rest his head on your lap, chest, tummy, and butt, and will use your whole self as a body pillow. Will randomly bite and not apologize, expect to be aggressively groomed and then bit if you try getting away.
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Trey is very warm, that green fur of his is thick, and you can comfortably sleep on the guy like a bed.
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Similar to some of the harpies, you can sort of...just sleep and even hide in there if you need to. Very comfortable and you'll definitely feel safe with him, which is what he totally wants.
Now all of this is great but oh man can it be uncomfy when the weather is hot, not to mention that isn't going to keep the clinger guys from trying to smother you. Luckily there are some boys that are cold-blooded and are good for some cooler snuggles, though admittedly if they get cold, they're gonna use your squishy human body as a heating pad.
Idia, Jamil, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Malleus.
Now Idia and Jamil aren't as cuddly as other guys on her, but I think they should be on this list because their bodies are so great for it, you can comfortably use Idia as a sort of recliner and his floofy spider butt is a good pillow.
Jamil is his own bed and is yours, also his scales, along with Mal's feel really good against the skin.
Azul, Jade, and Floyd are all clingy as heck when cuddling or sleeping but you don't have to worry about overheating. Not to mention they're pretty comfy when fully in their mer forms, especially Azul. There's more squish to them, also Azul's giant self really makes the best bed.
Oh, and another mention, Lilia and Rollo.
Lilia is great for being a little spoon that you can snuggle but also as a bed when he turns into a big bat monster. Rollo's fur and wool are very comfy.
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https-kreideprinz · 3 months
I wish that I knew, what makes you think I'm so special !
Frank Zhang x GN! Reader
. . . Now playing: Love Like You by Steven Universe (feat. Rebecca Sugar)! . .
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A/N: *cough cough* erm frank Zhang x reader where he is being a lil bit insecure about like his size and tummy but reader comforts him bc he's perfect and everything that they ever wanted. (Please there is like no frank fics I'm dying)
Notes: girly pop is STARVING. i gotchu its Frank time!! I've said this a million times but it's been four years since I've read this silly books so there will be things I will need tto fix. Please leave a comment if you notice something wrong, I'll fix it.
CW: Self depricating thoughts. Mentions of insecurites. Reader discretion is advised.
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ׂׂૢ Frank Zhang
Frank stood at the mirror, a frown on his lips as he stared at what he saw in the reflection. He pinched his sides and let out a frustrated sigh, why couldn’t he look like Jason? Or Percy – or heck even Leo? With proper bodies, worthy of being considered a demigod child.
No wonder they were all so powerful.
And so respected.
And here he was.
A son of Mars nonetheless, which in it of itself, was nothing to scoff at, but has any son of Mars ever looked this… pathetic? Pitiful? What was another synonym for downright disgusting?
Frank chewed his lip and sighed. He would never be good enough. Not to lead the Roman Legions. Not good enough for the Gods. Not good enough for Mars.
Not good enough for himself.
Frank would never be good enough for himself.
And it was - he pinched the flesh at his arms – all – he clawed at the fat from his thighs – his ugly – tears welled in his eyes as he grabbed and pulled at himself – his stupid- fucking- body’s fault.
It was all his body’s fault.
He hated himself.
Frank hated the way he looked.
He hated it. He hated it. He hated-
“Frank?” Your voice came out in a tired whisper as you slid out of bed, the morning sun – courtesy of Apollo bathed your body in a soft gold – made you look stunning as usual. Frank rubbed his arms, ignoring the way his skin was now red and irritated from all the pinching and scratching. Your soft steps padded as you walked down to meet your boyfriend in front of the mirror. “What’s wrong…” You whispered, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a soft embrace. When you buried your face against his soft chest the tears that had welled in his eyes began to stream down his cheeks.
Frank choked out a sob, pulling you closer as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “How do you not… find me gross?” He managed to get out in between gulps of air, and he pulled away to look you in the eyes, which turned out to be a mistake, since the moment he saw nothing but pure unadulterated love in your eyes, he merely broke down once more.
You carefully rubbed his back, stepping back and leading him back to bed. “Hey… hey… its ok… talk to me… What’s wrong?” You asked, keeping your voice soft and warm. Trying to get him to open up to you about his struggles. Frank sniffed, wiping his eyes and looked up at you. “You… promise not to be angry at me?” He whispered and you simply shook your head. “I promise not to be angry at you Frank. In fact, it would make me really happy if you told me what was bothering you in the first place.” You urged him slightly, running a hand through his fluffy hair.
You always did marvel at the way he managed to keep his hair so soft.
Frank took a deep breath and began, slowly telling you about how he had always struggled with the way he looked. From his body to the way he went unclaimed for a long time, to the expectations his family laid upon him, it was like no matter what he did, no-one would ever like him for him. And after he let out a shuddered sigh and wiped his eyes, he buried his face in the blanket sheets. “Why do you like me…? I mean… Why do you like me in the first place? I’m not strong like Percy or Jason… Piper’s pretty… Leo’s funny… and I’m…”
“None of those things.”
“All of those things.”
Frank froze. Did you really think so? He was all of those things?
You card your hand through his hand once more. “To me... you’re perfect.” You whispered, making Frank flush. “Tell me… show me… please…” His voice came out in a small strain.
“Show me how much you love me."
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild, @apollos-coolest-child, @too-queer-for-school, @chaotic-child-of-apollo, @vintage-wanderers
© Written By https-Kreideprinz. Do not copy, steal or translate without permission.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
a little taste | jjk
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the one with the stress-relieving lollipop.
[ ‘ a little taste ’ series masterpost ]
pairing: jungkook x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: established relationship, basically pwp!, but a lil fluffy i guess, oral seggs (m. receiving), face fooking, 0.1 second of dirty talk?, what else what else hmmmm oH it's unedited as heck lol
word count: 1.6k
note: nobody look at me after i post smut please i'm just gonna leave this here and dip ⛷ but fr time flies wtf?? it took me almost a year to post the second part of this series what have i been doing lmao. buuuuuuut yeah yk this series is for the horndawgs sOoOoOo have fun lol
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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You could tell that something was wrong the minute Jungkook walked through the door. 
From the way the door was shut a little too harshly, the sound of his keys hitting the ceramic bowl in your entryway a little too loudly. The way he came up from behind as you were cooking but his arms held you a little too tightly, like he just needed you to ground him.
He was off all throughout dinner, trying (and failing) to come up with proper responses to your attempts at making conversation.
Even now, as you snuggle up against him on the couch, you can feel the tension radiating off him. He presses absentminded kisses into your hair every now and then, but his arm around you is stiff, his jaw is perpetually clenched, his breathing a little too even like he’s trying to control it. At this point, you’re pretty sure that neither of you is really watching the TV.
“Alright, that’s it,” you say, pushing yourself away from his body to get a good look at his face. “Out with it, what’s wrong?”
Jungkook peers at you, clearly having been broken out of his train of thought. He exhales once, then pulls you back into his side. This time, he keeps you there.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he says, fingers drumming rigidly on your hips. “Just had a shitty day at work. Don’t worry about it.”
You frown slightly, trying to wiggle out of his grip but his strong arm pins you to his body. He squeezes your hips, as if telling you to hold still.
“Wanna talk about it?” you ask.
“No,” he answers, voice somewhat strained. You know he’s just simmering in there, thoughts racing, anxiety spiking.
He tends to keep things to himself because he doesn’t want to bother you with his troubles. But he’s your partner, that’s what he’s supposed to do - talk to you, let it out, work together.
When you huff out a breath, he placates you with, “Maybe in the morning.”
You’re not entirely pleased that he’s shutting you out, but this is just how he is. There’s not much you can do; Jungkook isn’t a talk-about-your-feelings kind of person. Once you remind yourself that he’ll open up when he wants to, you press a comforting kiss to his jaw in response, and he hums in appreciation.
You stay like that for a while, with the TV serving as background noise. You slip your hand under his shirt to trace odd patterns on his abs, like you often do whenever you’re cuddled up against him like this.
It’s innocent, until he does the same to you.
You’re sure he doesn’t mean to start anything, but when his fingers touch your bare skin, you have an instant lightbulb moment.
He kneads your skin like you’re a human stress ball, then loosens his grip when he remembers that you’re not.
Your hand stills on his abdomen. Lightbulb, for sure.
“Want me to make you feel better?” you ask, peeking up at him through your lashes with faux innocence.
Jungkook glances down at you, suspicious. “How?”
“Well…” Your fingers pick up where they left off, tracing his abs for a moment before they trail downward to toy with the waistband of his sweatpants. “You know how.”
He rolls his eyes at you, but his legs unconsciously (or not) spread a little wider. “I’m not even hard,” he says, even as he sinks further into the cushions of the couch, getting into position.
“I think I can fix that,” you mumble, inching closer to his face until your mouths meet. You feel him melting into the kiss, letting you take over him instead of the stress. When his tongue slips into your mouth, your hand palms him through the material of both his sweats and boxers. He rolls his hips against your hand, seeking friction as he gives you a muffled groan. You can still faintly taste the beer he had earlier after dinner. You don’t even like beer, but you love Jungkook.
“Fuck.” He throws his head back, eyes closed, bottom lip held hostage by his teeth. You lean closer to his neck, press a few kisses to the skin you find there while your hand rubs him until he hardens.
It doesn’t take very long before he grows bigger and heavier under your fingers. “Fine,” he rasps out, urging down to the carpeted floor on your knees. “I suppose you may suck my dick.”
You give him a particularly hard squeeze just for that, making him choke on a breath. “You’re not cute,” you say. He only gives you a grin in response before he lifts up his hips to help you shimmy his trousers and boxer down. He doesn’t even bother taking them off properly, just lets them pool around his ankles while he waits for you. His cock stands tall and proud, desperately begging to be touched. All because of you. All for you.
You spit into your hand, then wrap your fingers around him, slowly pumping him until precum leaks from his tip. His hips buck into your grip, silently demanding more. Impatiently, he weaves his fingers into your hair and gently guides your head to where he needs you the most.
“Y/N, c’mon, do something,” Jungkook groans, brows knitted together as he looks down at you. “Isn’t this supposed to be about me?”
“You’re right,” you say with a chuckle. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
You give the tip of his cock a kiss to emphasize your apology before you take him into your mouth, sinking down on him on your first go until he hits the back of your throat. The airy, needy moan that he lets out sounds nothing less than heavenly to your ears. If he doesn’t want to talk about his troubles, then this might as well be the next best thing.
You pull back after holding him there for a few seconds, only to start bobbing up and down his length that’s now slick with your spit, drawing continuous moans from his mouth. It boosts your ego a bit, knowing how good you’re making this gorgeous man feel.
“God, fuck,” Jungkook drawls, as his hand in your hand tightens. “Baby, can I?”
You try to give him a nod as best as you can, what with his cock shoved into your mouth like this. You look up to find him already gazing at you with that fucked out look on his face. He holds your head still, then slowly bucks his hips into your mouth experimentally so you don’t choke on it.
Although, he does want you to choke on it.
Maybe you kinda want to choke on it too.
“Let me know if it’s too much,” he says, voice rough with desire. He’s always so attractive like this, when he sounds like he wants nothing more than to completely ruin you, absolutely delectable yet somehow, still your wonderfully caring Jungkook. Your core clenches painfully around nothing as he thrusts into your mouth, not breaking eye contact even once.
You feel tears pricking every time his cock nudges its way down your throat, until your eyes are all glassy and eventually your cheeks are stained with two clear lines streaming down.
Profanities tumble from his mouth clumsily, breathlessly, that you don’t catch most of what he’s saying.
“Baby,” he keens, and that’s when you notice that his lashes are wet too. Something swells within your chest that’s akin to pride. You could laugh if you weren’t so… preoccupied. Leave it to the both of you to cry during a blowjob.
At one point, it does get a little too much, right when he was almost there. You could tell from the way his stomach clenches and his balls tighten, his teeth digging into his bottom lip in concentration. You have to hold onto his wrist and tap his bare thigh so he could ease up on you. He untangles his fingers from your hair instantly, mumbling an apology while he catches his breath. You pull away from him to inhale deeply and let your throat relax for a minute, but your hand reaches for his length again while your mouth is temporarily out of commission.
He continues to shallowly thrust into your hand as you jerk him off, determined to make him fall right over the edge of pure bliss. Even when he’s about 0.5 second away from blowing his load, Jungkook is still mindful of you. He reaches down to wipe the tears from your face, a touch which you immediately lean into gratefully.
“Fuck, I-I’m gonna come,” he grunts out when you gather more spit from your mouth to add onto his already slickened cock, making it even messier, but easier for you amp up your speed.
“Where do you want it?” you ask, thoroughly enjoying the pleasure etched on his face and the sounds you’re pulling from you.
“M-mouth,” he manages to say. “In your mouth, please.”
At that, you wrap your lips around him again. As your fingers move up and down his length, alternating between fast pumps and harder squeezes, you suck on just the tip like he’s your own Jungkook-flavored lollipop. You hum in appreciation at the taste, eager for what he has to give you.
Your name falls from his lips over and over again, like a mantra, like a cry, until he’s painting your mouth with warmth, overwhelming your tastebuds with your favorite flavor of him. You keep up with your movements until you’re sure that you’ve milked every single drop from him. When you release him from your mouth, he grabs your face and kisses you deeply. He moans, muffled against you, when he finds the residual taste of himself on your tongue.
“Love you,” you tell him, bumping your nose against his.. “Feel better now?”
“Much better,” he says, albeit a little hoarsely after the… vocal training he just received. He grins at you lazily, clearly spent and visibly more relaxed than before. “Love you too, my dream girl.”
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted april 2, 2023]
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We Are Ep.11
Part 1
*sits with half a tub of ice cream with both AC and fan on because my AC is old and needs a little help and puts my cat on Do Not Disturb mode (aka scratching his belly)*
Welcome back to my crack posting! =D
Warning: long post, and since I have like 60 screenshots, there will be a part two 😊😅
I wrote that intro before I'd watched the ep. Me as I was watching the ep was mostly incoherent screaming (so much so that my cat woke up from his nap to give me "what the hell, hooman" look).
This episode was amazing, and I loved it, and I'll probably die of too much fluff, but that won't happen before I finish watching We Are (which- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE JUST 5 EPS LEFT?!!).
I was giggling and kicking my feet (just like Peem the morning after that Prince Charming kiss) from the very first scene.
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Oh, they are so gone for each other (and I am gone for them 😭). The smiles, the trying to hear what the other is doing just across the door ah
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So, so true. As a writer that hits.
Also, I'm very glad they decided to showcase creative blocks, even if it was for a few minutes.
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Me to PhumPeem: yes, Peem, I would love to know too.
Also- I really wanna know what Ciize was doing back there 😭
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Too cute to handle 😭
Jokes (and puns) aside, this scene is quite significant. Previously, whenever Phum was seen in the vicinity of the Fine Arts building, it was only because he wanted something from Peem (yes even that scene in ep. 8, he wanted company from Peem), but now, he's just sitting there waiting for Peem. And when Peem comes down, he's pinching his cheeks right there and acting cute with him and asking what's wrong.
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And he keeps on asking, because he can see that Peem is a little moody, and not his usual self. "You're usually livelier than this."
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Phum: "Actually, I want to be water too..."
Me: No way, is this what I think it is?
Phum: "I want to be the reason you feel good."
Me: yeah, yep, that's what I thought
No but, you can't tell me Phum doesn't binge watch BLs with his beloved teddy bear. Of course he has a whole arsenal of cheesy flirting lines.
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All this time, it was always Phum telling Peem how comfortable he is around him and his friends, how fun it is.
Welp, it's Peem's turn.
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I love Phum.
This is both him asking for consent as well as making sure they're on the same page and going at the same pace (which he always does, as I'd said before).
Also, no, he wants you to get closer.
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Hear how polite and soft Q is with Toey now? Once Q knew for sure that he's allowed to show affection towards Toey as more than just a mentor/mentee, he decided to be fluffy as heck and never went back (because his love language is giving and showing through actions).
Love that for them both <3
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This is such a valid fear.
He was afraid that his love would be too much, and in the process he'd lose the person he loves again, so he thought it better to just suffer alone than confess. Not gonna lie, my heart broke just a little here. (Also, because I'm currently rewatching MSP, I'll be pulling a lot of parallels, and this reminds me of that scene where Sound tells Gun that he's afraid to confess to Win because he's pretty sure he'll get rejected).
Oh, and I keep forgetting to say this, but Satang is such an amazing actor. Watching Sound and Toey, I almost can't believe they're played by the same person.
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Phum's lethal weapon and Peem's fatal weakness 😭
Let's be honest though, no one would be able to resist that smile, those eyes and that soft, "Na, krab". Oh yeah, he used polite pronouns here by the way.
I can't always notice the shift from formal to informal or vice versa because I'm not that well-versed in the language (yet) but this was pretty obvious.
Bonus (Peem's reaction):
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Tan: flirts with his theerak non-stop 24/7 Fang: *brushes his hair a little and apologizes for making him wait* Tan: *melts into a blushing mess*
That man is so whipped.
And in this house, we stan all whipped men.
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This actually reminds me of when I was a wee baby (around 3 or 4 years old, I think) when I rescued a baby sparrow and took it to my dad and told my neigbours my dad would be able to heal it because he's a dcotor (he isn't a vet either) 😭
Also- naming a bird by another bird is so true to Pun's character.
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This so relatable oh gods 😭
Also, we got the princess carry for Pride month! Twice if we count Chain lifting Pun in the waterfall, which I totally do.
We finally get being carried to bed but realizing they're laying on top of the blankets instead of just being magically wrapped in them by morning!
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*sighs fondly* such a simp. <3
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Uh huh, you said that last time too.
Don't lie, Peem, you'd let him hug you every night.
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Is this the reason behind the NC rating?
Also, this singular line just gave me a brain worm that is making me write my first smut fic. I blame y'all for getting me into this series.
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Yes, of course, Phum, everyone believed your "snort mi mi mi".
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Don't think I didn't see your little secret smile, Peem.
(Also, I have a headcanon that Phum just loves to be the little spoon)
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Now who's hugging who, huh?
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"Go away", he says, while putting his arm around his (not) boyfriend.
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See, it was all fun till this point, but you can't be giving me this level of domestic fluff while at the same time telling me they're not even dating yet. That just doesn't work.
So, for me, from this point on, they're an old married couple <3
Frankly though, all the four couples in this series are old married couples that just don't know they're married yet.
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Toey: HELP ME!!!
Toey: I forgot to do my assignment and today's the deadline 🥺
Q: ... 😑
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You don't...?
I thought that was the perfect time to start working on it?
jk jk, kids, I'm a chronic procrastinator, please don't learn from me, learn from your P'Q
(Q reminds me so much of @desi-yearning when she scolds me after I pull an all-nighter to submit an assignment or study for an exam 😭)
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Oh. Oh.
Oh my.
I love this scene so much.
This pencil box is very very special to Q, and he's asking Toey to draw on it - something that is irriversible, as Toey himself says.
But this is Q's way of putting together both his loves. This pencil box was picked up by Toey the first time, but back then, Q only knew him as Milk Frappe Boy.
Now, he's asking Toey to do something Milk Frappe Boy would never have been able to (remember, Toey started taking an interest in art only after meeting Pencil Senior), because Pencil Senior disappeared on Milk Frappe Boy, but Q would never disappear on Toey.
On this note, I end Part 1.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow, because as much as I try to deny it, I have these pesky things called responsibilities to attend to, and it's very late here now (not past my regular bed time, but way past my ideal bed time 😭)
Thank you for reading! 😊
Here, have some pizza and a cookie🍕🍕🍪
[If you want, my previous posts: Ep. 8 Ep.9 Ep.10]
And here's Part 2
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blackypanther9 · 5 months
Nothing to be ashamed of – Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Trans!Male!Reader
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TAGLIST: @juda-the-simp
WARNING!: Smuuuuuuut, Fluffy smut, gender dysphoria (mentioned), P in V, Oral sex, fingering AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
A/N: I hope I hit the mark ! I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be like this, I hope it wasn’t too disappointing ! I can change it if there is something wrong with this ! I think I got a bit carried away.
M/n was nervous. He was very nervous. He was in a relationship with Stuart Macher and William Loomis for a long while now. They knew that M/n was a man, no matter that he had a feminine body with the wrong gender, other people didn’t accept him like that though. These two, did.
They always beat people up that misgendered M/n on purpose, heck, they even killed them ! And after a long time...M/n felt ready to have his first time with the both of them. And it made him so nervous !
And the worst ? The boys noticed while they made out with him.
“Are you still sure you want to do this ? You are shaking, M/n, Love.”, Billy asked, while Stu continued to pamper M/n’s neck with nibbles and kisses.
“I am sure, Billy. Just...nervous.”, M/n replied with a flinch.
Gosh did he hate his voice...It sounded so pathe- Billy kissed him and tore M/n out of his hate for himself. He licked M/n lips gently, asking for entrance and M/n opened his mouth. While they kissed and nibbled on M/n, the male could feel both of his Lovers getting hard. M/n would lie if he said that he wasn’t getting wet and excited himself.
The boys took off their clothes and then M/n’s. What the male didn’t expect was that Stu and Billy were in no rush at all. He...liked that.
Stu continued to kiss and nibble on M/n’s neck for a while, while Billy slid down and started to kiss and nibble M/n’s legs and thighs. Soft, gentle kisses were placed on his skin and M/n sighed in comfort. This felt...nice.
Stu started to kiss his chest and Billy ran his hands up and down M/n’s legs, while he worshipped his stomach with kisses, nibbles and soft bites. M/n moaned and he could feel himself gushing from between his legs, it was almost hurting. But Billy didn’t dare to touch that zone yet.
“You are handsome, M/n. You know that ?”, Billy asked and kissed the right side of M/n’s hips gently.
Stu stopped assaulting M/n’s chest and kissed his cheek, while M/n moaned.
“Tease, both of you.”, M/n pouted, ignoring that compliment.
He was not handsome.
Stu gave M/n a mischievous look.
“You are so adorable, our handsome, unique Lover.”, Stu said.
M/n blushed deeply. Did they really mean it ? He was unique ? M/n let out a loud moan as Billy’s mouth started to suck on M/n left nipple gently. He looked at him and Billy doubled his efforts, determined to make it bruise as a mark.
“We will cover you in marks and make you understand that we love you the way you are, M/n~ When we are done with you, you will be the most happy man on earth~”, Stuart purred and then kissed him on the lips, swallowing the male’s moans.
M/n gave a loud, yelp like moan as Billy softly bit his left nipple and then let go, satisfied that it will bruise in a few hours, then he kissed M/n’s stomach again and sucked a few hickies into the male’s skin.
“We’ll make you so pretty and you might love it so much, that you will stop caring what other people say and think of you~”, Billy purred out and gave M/n a charming smile.
Stu released M/n’s lips from his and then started to nibble and suck on M/n right nipple, before he took it into his mouth and did the same thing Billy did to M/n’s left nipple. The male moaned loudly in pleasure and whimpered in slight pain about how his pussy reacted.
Billy looked at him with a soft smile.
“Does it hurt, Baby ?”, he asked M/n.
He whimpered and nodded.
“Do you want me to take it away ?”
Again M/n nodded. Billy hummed and then lifted M/n’s hips up, making his sopping pussy face him. M/n had no idea what he was planning, but he let out a loud moan as Billy dived into his boyfriend’s cunt.
“B-Bi-Billy~! Ha~!”
Billy took his time with eating M/n out. He licked his clit gently for a while, then plunged his tongue gently into M/n’s pussy, moaning at his taste. M/n moaned louder and his hole clenched around Billy’s tongue. It felt weird, but also so good.
Stu gave one last harsh suck, that made M/n moan loudly, then he let go and went back to his neck, kissing, nibbling and sucking on it, inhaling his scent and humping the mattress.
Billy could feel how close M/n already was and the three of them agreed that each of them cums at least once. Billy didn’t had the heart to delay M/n’s first orgasm, so he continued and rubbed the bridge of his nose against M/n’s clit.
“Ha~! C-Cumming~!”, M/n warned.
“Then cum for us, Handsome~”, Stu purred and then bit M/n’s neck gently.
With a yell M/n came onto Billy’s tongue and he lapped it up like a treat, helping M/n through his orgasm, then he retreated. M/n shivered but it wasn’t enough and the boys could see it.
Billy leaned down and kissed M/n, which the male returned, wrapping his arms around Billy’s neck. While the two of them had a heated make out session, with either M/n or Billy moaning into the kisses, Stu got busy with palming himself a bit and watching.
Stu really wanted to cum inside M/n, but he didn’t know if he was ready for that, so he didn’t ask either. He will be satisfied enough if he is allowed to cum onto him and cover his cunt from the outside.
As soon as Billy parted his lips from M/n, he got off and Stu started to cover M/n in some more hickies on the stomach, leg and chest area. M/n moaned and felt how fast his arousal was built up again, Stu noticed and smiled.
“Do you want my fingers or my mouth, M/n~?”
The male was unsure. Stu had a long tongue, but what would his fingers feel like ? Maybe another time...
Stu nodded and positioned M/n and himself, then he dove in, like Billy. Stuart went deeper with his tongue than Billy did and he hit something that made M/n see starts and moan louder than before.
Billy chuckled and then kissed M/n again, who returned the kiss with a small whimper.
“I see he found our beloved’s sweet spot~ Keep hitting that spot Stu~ Our handsome Love feels really good~”
Stu listened and continued to abuse that g – spot of M/n’s, making him moan and tremble, rushing towards his second orgasm. Billy continued to kiss M/n, which made him unable to warn Stu as he came screaming into Billy’s mouth.
Stu, eager as he was, lapped it all up happily and then very carefully removed himself. He started to nuzzle M/n’s thighs and looked at Billy.
“Do you think you are ready for more ?”, Billy asked M/n.
“Like ?”
“Do you think you are ready to let us...enter you. Or is that a big no ?”, he asked gently to not spook him.
“You...won’t see me any different...right ? If I let you both...in ?”, M/n asked with insecurity.
Billy and Stu looked at each other and then moved, like they had a conversation in thoughts. Stu was by his side again, his left hand between M/n’s folds, rubbing his sensitive clit. M/n whimpered softly, while Billy slid a bit further down and gently eased a finger inside M/n, making him moan softly.
While Billy carefully worked M/n’s pussy open with his index finger and Stu rubbed his clit gently with the other, they looked at him lovingly.
“We will never see you any differently, M/n. We love you, in every sense of the word, we respect you and we wish to mark and claim you. You wanted us to be your first time, to take your virginity. We are more than happy to do so.”, Stu said with love and pride.
“Just because you have a different sex between your legs, doesn’t that mean that we see you as any less of our handsome, charming, enchanting Lover. It doesn’t matter what sex you have, to us. Nor should it matter to you. You are M/n L/n and you are unique. No matter what.”, Billy added with love.
Gently Billy added a second finger and then scissored M/n open gently, curled and uncurled his fingers, adding pleasure to M/n again, while he was also in tears from happiness. These two boys will be the death of M/n one day.
“O-okay. But...please be gentle....”, M/n said shyly.
“Inside or outside when we cum ?”
M/n was in thoughts but then decided to fuck it all.
Billy nodded.
With that he pulled his fingers out, making M/n whimper at the loss. His cunt was sopping, begging for more. Billy started to rub his cock against M/n’s slick cunt, coating it in his juices to make him slip in easier.
“It might hurt a bit, Baby.”
“I can live with a bit of pain.”, M/n replied.
Stu continued to rub M/n’s clit, to make his pussy ease up a bit. M/n was jerking slightly from the stimulation, but the boys held him in place. Ever so gently did Billy slowly enter M/n’s pussy.
M/n hissed slightly at the stretch. It hurt a bit, but he can deal with it.
“Say stop if you need a break.”, Billy reminded M/n.
“Go on.”, M/n urged.
Soon enough Billy bottomed out and M/n was surprised that it didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. Billy gave himself and M/n a small break to adjust, while Stu continued to rub lazy, slow circles into M/n’s clit. It relaxed M/n’s body slightly and whine that Billy wasn’t moving.
Billy groaned as he felt M/n clench around his cock and he looked at M/n, who seemed to be in bliss until now.
“Stu, stop playing with his clit, I don’t want him to finish without me.”, Billy said and Stu obeyed.
“Noo ! Stuey, continue !”, M/n whined as that pleasure was ripped away from him.
“Don’t worry, Darling. You will get more pleasure soon.”, Stu assured and kissed him instead.
M/n kissed back and Billy moved. At first it was slow and sensual, experimental too, but Billy found a spot and steady pace to get M/n worked up on soon enough.
“Ha~! Ah~! Billy~!”, M/n moaned as Billy thrusted in and out, hitting a sensitive spot over and over inside M/n.
Billy leaned down and started to kiss M/n and swallow all of his moans, while M/n swallowed Billy’s groans, feeling close. Stu just waited and watched, stroking himself in excitement.
“Are-ha~- you close~?”, Billy groaned out.
“Myes~”, M/n whimpered.
Billy nodded and rubbed M/n’s clit himself this time, making M/n moan loudly again and buck his hips up, which allowed Billy to get deeper inside him.
“Cum for me, Love~ I want you to cum all over my cock~”, Billy groaned out.
M/n whimpered and Billy kissed him while he continued to pleasure him. M/n got louder the closer he got with his moans and whimpers, then he came screaming into Billy’s mouth and he could feel how M/n’s juices were gushing around his cock. M/n’s walls tightened, his cunt sucking him in deeper and with one last push, Billy came deep inside M/n’s pussy, rope after rope, groaning into M/n’s mouth. M/n moaned again as he felt the warm, sticky liquid enter him.
Billy helped the both of them ride out their orgasms and as he was finished and knew that M/n calmed down too, he gently pulled out, which made M/n whine at the loss, but he knew they weren’t done yet and by how much M/n’s pussy twitched and begged for more, it he wasn’t done either.
Stu came crawling over and Billy watched M/n’s pussy intently, just like Stu. They both groaned, while M/n whimpered, as they saw Billy’s cum leaking out of his pussy. Billy couldn’t help it as he bend down and lapped it up, then kissed M/n’s clit and made out with M/n’s pussy. It was so much sensation, so much stimulation, but M/n’s body begged for more, even though this was his first time ever.
Billy’s lips touched M/n’s outer lips, his tongue inside his hole and lewd sounds were pulled from his pussy as Billy made out with his cunt. It was hot, it was sexy and M/n felt fucking good. It wasn’t rushed and he felt filled with love.
As soon as Billy was done, M/n was ready for Stu and he entered just as gently, with his right hand on M/n’s lower belly. He groaned as he bottomed out and felt his cock moving in M/n’s lower stomach. M/n whimpered and moved his hips, asking him to start to make love with him.
“I will mark you so nicely, love you so good, M/n~ You’ll never forget it~”, Stuart promised and then started moving.
Stu hit M/n’s G – spot with precision, he was gentle and slow, but his thrusts had purpose and meaning. This wasn’t rushed, nor was only lust speaking, but also love, care and a deeper understanding between these three. M/n was moaning while Stu groaned and praised M/n for being such a brave Lover to do this with them.
Billy was mostly busy with watching M/n’s reactions, in case he wanted it to stop. He was satisfied and just ran his fingers through their Lover’s hair and kissing him here and there, to let him know that Billy was still there and supported him.
It didn’t take long for M/n to be at his peak again with all the dirty talk from Stu and the doting from Billy. Billy’s kisses and his touches grounded M/n, while Stu was such a dirty mouth.
“Gonna cum so deep inside you, Baby~”
“Can’t feel you gushing around my cock like the eager boy you are~”
“You feel so good~”
“So tight~”
“So pliant~”
“Brave handsome Darling for taking my cock so well~”
“Can’t wait to fill you with my cum~”
Like, who wouldn’t get to their peak with all that filth ? Stu wasn’t far behind either, he flicked M/n’s clit a few times and he came screaming, cunt gushing around his cock. Stu moaned at the feeling of how M/n came on his cock and he knew he was at the edge. He grabbed M/n’s hips and then pulled him closer onto his rod, while he shoved inside as deep as he could.
M/n moaned a high pitched moan and bucked his hips to help Stu inside deeper, then he felt again warm liquid enter his pussy, Stu groaned and he gently rocked back and forth, fucking his cum deeper inside. Billy swallowed, finding it very erotic.
As Stu pulled out of M/n, after they were finished and both came down from their high, the two boys watched and waited for Stu’s cum to leak out. It was just a small trickle, which made Stu’s cock twitch again, knowing that his cum was in deep then.
Fuck...The two boys found that hot.
M/n looked at the two boys and they looked at him with immense love. He smiled at them. He felt truly loved and happy.
“Can we do another round ?”, Stu asked shyly.
Billy looked at Stu and then his dick, groaning in disappointment.
“You are still horny ?”, he asked.
“Don’t judge me ! So are you !”, Stu defended himself and pointed at Billy’s stiffened member.
They looked at each other and then at M/n. He swallowed, but opened his legs, encouraging them. Oh boy...this was gonna be a long night of love making for M/n, but he couldn’t ask for more. If Billy and Stu were always gonna be so sweet and caring with him, then who was he to deny ?
A/N: I think I fucked it up. Q-Q I should have left it at a cliffhanger. T-T
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ashipiko · 4 months
(PART 1 - 2.7)
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ASHI: Hmhm~ A bday Interview, huh? It looked super funsies when everyone else did it, so I’m hyped!
ASHI: I’m guessing since we’re in the Pomedorms… A Pom? But who, exactly…
ASHI: (Ahaha, as nice as Rook and Vil are, I might end up feeling the pressure a little. It’d be an honor, obvs, but #stressful…!)
ASHI: (O Magical Birthday Dice, please have mercy…!)
???: Oi, Ashi!
EPEL: Happy Birthday! You weren’t expecting me, were you?
ASHI: Waugh?! Eppy! Hahaha, what a pleasant surprise!
ASHI: I’m so stoked you’re my interviewer! Who knew I’d get so lucky?
EPEL: No need to flatter me, you know. Thank you for having me.
ASHI: Pssh, why’re you acting so uptight, Eppy? It’s just me! I like your lingo and stuff.
EPEL: I’d love to, but… We’re still in the Pomefiore dorms, you know. I never know if Vil is lurking around or not…
ASHI: Ahh, fair point. Bummer. Maybe next time!
EPEL: Ehe, maybe. Anyway, here’s my birthday present to you. I hope you enjoy.
ASHI: Only one way to find out!
ASHI: Whoa… This is so cute?! And so fluffy…! I needed something to keep me warm at Ramshackle!
ASHI: There’s even little fox ears on it! And it’s my favorite color! Eppy…!
EPEL: I told my Granny about your birthday coming up, and since she enjoyed your company so much during Harveston…
EPEL: She asked for some things that you like and stirred this up. If anything, you should be giving the thanks to her.
ASHI: I thank the entire Felmier fam! It’s so cute, I’m gonna cry…! I’m about to wear this right now!
EPEL: You’re a summer baby, Ashi! Watch out for the heat…
EPEL: And I still have a new stock of apple cider coming in too, from my family’s farm. Your presents don’t just end there, heh.
ASHI: More?! I still haven’t finished the last one you gave me…
ASHI: No sweat! We’ll just plan another hangout at Ramshackle and chug ‘em all down together~.
EPEL: Unless Ace gets jealous and barges in again. That darn simp can’t get enough of ya.
ASHI: Hehe. Maybe I should make a no-Ace sign for next time, to put on Ramshackle’s dorm. Thoughts?
EPEL: I’ll help ya make it!
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EPEL: O-Oh right, the interview. Maybe it was a little bit of a mistake pairing us up together, we keep on chatting…
ASHI: Nono! This is a Eppy W, DW!
EPEL: If you say so. First question…
EPEL: If you could take any person with you to a deserted island, who would it be? I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t take one of the ghosts or Grim, but it can’t be someone from your dorm.
ASHI: Grimmy’s great! But for survival… Ehh…
ASHI: NGL, a deserted island sounds kinda scaries, as much as I love the beach. Like yeah, I’d love to hang, but survival? Hecks naw!
EPEL: Sounds about right. You’re really like a princess.
ASHI: Mhm! If I really wanted to, I could probably get to the basics by myself if I tried. But do I wanna? No.
ASHI: It’d probably be a good idea to get paired with someone who knows what they’re doing, y’know? At the very least, I can depend on them!
EPEL: So someone who can take care of you? Leona, maybe? Since he already babies you… Alternatively, I don’t really think Ace would be the best choice, no offense.
ASHI: None taken. He deserves it. But nope! This is a fun scenario, right? I might as well go out with a bang, or someone I can have fun with.
ASHI: So, I say Floyd!
EPEL: Floyd?!
ASHI: Aye aye, cap’n! You get it, don’tcha? He’s so tall and could get all the coconuts! I think we’d have a lot of fun, too.
EPEL: I know you work at Monstro Lounge, but aren’t you scared of him still? He’s a little unpredictable, so he clashes with you.
ASHI: Well, that’s what makes him fun, right? I guess it’s all depending on his mood…
ASHI: One time we accidentally totally crashed Monstro Lounge ‘cause he freaked me out, hehe. It’s a little scary when you’re doing a closing shift and all you hear is a tiny “shriiiimpy~” in the distance.
ASHI: My fear of the dark TOTALLY kicked in then. I never screamed so loud in my entire life!
EPEL: I can imagine… Sharp teeth, glowy eyes and all.
ASHI: I tried getting back at him once too, when I blended some shiitake mushrooms into his milkshake.
ASHI: …I don’t think I’ve ever even ran that fast before, TBH.
EPEL: Ashi, this isn’t really helping your case, if I’m being honest… You’re making it sound like he’d eat you by the time someone saved you two.
ASHI: W-Well! On the other hand, he’s got that eel form that we can rely on too! If we get bored, we can just zoom on out and crash Azul’s place or something, y’know?
EPEL: I guess I see your point. Being a merman must means he could help a lot on an island…
ASHI: Yup, yup! Anyway, I think we’re good enough buds where I’m 97% sure he wouldn’t eat me!~
EPEL: Heh, classic Ashi. I guess in a way you really did think it through, even if it sounded odd at first.
ASHI: Of coursies! ♪
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EPEL: Okay, about time for our next question.
EPEL: If you were to transfer to a different dorm, which would you pick?
ASHI: Oh, a good one! I think I’ve kinda cheated with my Ramshackle prefect rights, hehe. I’m a little bit of a dorm-hopper.
ASHI: But a permanently different dorm…~ I think about it sometimes.
EPEL: Really? Which dorms?
EPEL: I think I could see you fitting in Heartslabyul, since you’re pretty good at sticking to the rules. Riddle likes you a lot too, more than he likes Ace, at least.
ASHI: Oho? Tell me more, Eppy!
EPEL: Um… I think Scarabia could fit you too. You and Kalim are sort of one and the same, don’t you see it?
ASHI: I see whatchu mean!
EPEL: Yeah. I couldn’t ever see you in anything like Savanaclaw, Ignihyde, or Diasomnia, though.
EPEL: You don’t really have an athletic, competitive, or magic drive… Ignihyde is a whole can of worms.
EPEL: I don’t think you could stand a day in that dorm, with the dark, creepy skeletons everywhere.
ASHI: Waugh… Don’t remind me, Eppy!
EPEL: Not to mention, the housewarden. As soon as you see him in person, I think the Headmaster would have to get called over for medical issues—
ASHI: Hey hey! No need to out me like that…!
EPEL: Heh, sorry Ashi. Was I right, at least?
ASHI: Hmm… yeah! Not right on the nose, though.
ASHI: I think that if I were to be in a dorm… I’d pick Pomefiore.
EPEL: I didn’t really consider it, but I could see it now that you say it. The uniform would fit you, I think.
ASHI: Yeah! And we’d get to be twinsies!
ASHI: Ashi-Eppy, the Birthday swapped duo! 5/6 and 6/5! ☆
EPEL: Heheh. You’d definitely be a shine of sunlight in here. It would be fun to hang out with you at Pomefiore.
EPEL: But you don’t use makeup, don’t you? That’d be a sure-fire way to stand out.
ASHI: Yeah, that’s be the only downside…
ASHI: And the food, right?! It looks so… appetizer-core. Defo not up my alley, I couldn’t imagine…
ASHI: But Vil and Rook are cool! At least at Pomefiore, I know there’s people that can help accommodate me and make sure I’m happy and healthy!
ASHI: Maybe instead of a potato, I can became a French fry… Sounds kinda banger, don’t you think?
EPEL: You make a funny argument.
ASHI: Life at Ramshackle can get kinda stressful, you know! I love the ghosts and all, but it’s scary sometimes…
ASHI: Grimmy thinks it’s funny to prank me, and he’ll just graze over my legs as I’m sleeping, and it’s so freaky!
ASHI: Dunno, man… It’d be nice to see him get some karma and have to keep it all up-tight at Pomefiore.
ASHI: But I guess at the end of the day, the thing that I’m missing at my dorm is the constant hustle and bustle.
EPEL: People would kill for that, you know.
ASHI: Also true~.
ASHI: Well, there’s no silence you can’t fix with a simple hangout! I can always count on you to make Ramshackle a little more lively, right Eppy?
EPEL: That’s right! The Ashi— Eh… Eppy duo can reign at Ramshackle!
ASHI: Darn right, hahaha!
ASHI: D’aww, is it already the end of the interview…?
EPEL: Yep. It’s ‘round time for yer good-luck gift!
ASHI: Wow, hometown-Eppy makes a comeback?! That doesn’t sound good for me at all—!
EPEL: Trust me, yer gonna wanna brace yerself. ‘Cause I ain’t goin’ easy on ya, even if you are a girl!
ASHI: Oh boy… Guess I shouldn’t hold back either, huh?
ASHI: …Pfft! KK, bring it on!~
EPEL: Prepare yerself!
EPEL: Happy Birthday, Ashi!
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sixxrock666 · 9 months
Can you write a Nikki Sixx imagine for new years, I know this is a late request so don’t worry about rushing you can take however long you need :)
I wasn’t sure what exactly you wanted so here’s a lot of fluff with Nikki on a new years eve. Hope you don’t mind i added a fun scene with all of the members…crossing my fingers you’ll like it :)…it is pretty short tho so sorry about that
★ new year
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You were currently on your way to the new years party the guys were talking about these past few weeks, walking with Nikki and the guys, with Nikkis hand draped over your shoulder keeping you close and warm.
You all were slightly intoxicated from the alcohol you already drank at Vinces place, so it was no surprise when Tommys shout interrupted your peaceful walk.
"Dudes there's a photo booth we've got to go in there"
Mick rolled his eyes ready to protest but Vince was already excitedly following Tommy to the booth.
"fucks sake" Mick grumbled out but ended up following them anyway like the responsible parent.
Nikki laughed to himself before pulling you along.
Ever since you started dating Nikki you became really close with the guys and you’d dare to say they were your family. They filled your days with endless laughs and happiness and you were so thankful for them despite all the casualties they caused.
Tommy was the first to get in the booth placing himself in the corner. Mick went after him along with Vince, which left Nikki the free chair in the middle. He sat down and pulled you on his lap.
Vince reached over to put in the money and start the machine up but in the process he ended up butting his hand into Nikkis head and his elbow into Micks stomach so all hell broke lose before you even got to take the picture.
Mick was letting out curse after curse, Tommy was trying to get to calm down Vince but made it worse, while Nikki stoot up, trying to get back at Vince and somehow you got pulled up along with them.
After you all calmed down you realized the pictures were already done, already taken. You caught Vinces eye, the look of pure horror on your faces... the pictures were done.
You all tried to scramble out of the small space to see what came out of this at once. Which considering the small door was a horrible idea.
You were the first to get your hands on the photos and oh god.
Somehow the first picture consisted of a blurry Tommy and Nikki launching onto Vince, then the second one was you getting pulled up by Vince with Mick looking ready to kill you all. And in the last photo you weren't really sure what was going on because all you could see were blury bodies and hands sticking out everywhere.
Suddenly Tommy snatched the picture out of your hands and just started laughing like crazy while showing it to the other guys. Heck they were crazy but you loved them so much and wouldn't trade this for anything.
Tommy carefully put the picture away and swung his arms around you and Nikki, nestling himself in the middle. Vince joined yourside ruffling your hair and Mick stuck to to Nikkis side as you made your way to your destination.
You were finally able to get away from the party with Nikki, you were both running up the stairs hand in hand while trying not to fall over, with alcohol flowing through your veins.
You two were giggling like crazy as Nikki almost threw himself at the door when you reached the top. You helped him steady himself and open the door to the roof top.
Nikki led you to the ledge and he looked absolutely breathtaking. His dyed black hair looked as fluffy as ever. The moon haze shone on his eyes making them look ethereal. His smile lit up his whole face and you felt that fuzzy feeling in your chest know he was the one. Your Nikki.
"C'mon what are you thinking so hard about love"
Nikki said as he pulled you towards him, your back to his chest with his arms wrapped around you.
"Nothing I'm just really happy" you barely whispered out. Nikki nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck and placed soft kisses along your neck, while his hands caressed your hips lovingly.
"I'm glad"
You couldn't be more happy with Nikki besides you, the rest of the boys somewhere around and the dark sky, lit up with stars all over with the muffled music coming from downstairs. You found solace in the moment.
Nikki suddenly perked up as you both heard the countdown starting.
He spun you around and looked you straight in the eyes while his face was plastered with the most sincere smile.
He placed his hand on your cheek, pulled you closer and rested his forehead momentarily against yours. The look he gave you was filled with nothing but pure love and adoration. You were his.
"4, 3, 2, 1,.."
Nikki pulled you in a sloppy kiss while holding you firm, his hands on your hip and cheek. The fireworks went off in the distance, the sound muffled but neither of you cared much because all you two could feel was each others warm skin.
He could still taste the remaining cherry cola chapstick you always used and he could feel you smile into the the kiss. He had everything he ever wanted and dang it if this won’t be the best year till now he doesn't want it.
He lightly deppened the kiss, his hands slowly moving downward towards your ass as his tongue found his place in your mouth.
When you had to catch a breath you pulled away laughing and throwing yourself on him, arms around his neck as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around before stopping and laughing along with you.
Nikki placed a short, sweet kiss on your forehead and pulled you back in the hug as his calloused hands started stroking your hair.
"fuck i love you so much" he whispered as he squeezed you thighter afraid you’d disappear.
"i love you" you said back, with the fireworks still going off.
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