#And growing up with a lot of guy friends but seeing as like the ugly one and being one of the lads and not someone that they wanted to fuck
rose-coloredghoul · 5 months
Vent about men ig
0 notes
kooahae · 9 months
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Summary: After catching your current boyfriend cheating on you. You do what you always do- run to your childhood best friend Jeon Jungkook to ask him about a way to confront your partner, What you don’t know is that Jungkook has been thinking about something( someone)  a bit more than usual and this couldn’t have been better news for him, for both of you. MINORS DNI
Pairing:best friend to lovers, Jungkook X female reader
Warnings:cursing, arguing, cheating (not JK), a little angst, fluff, some self-reflection, toxic partner, Oc, and Jk are very raw and honest with each other. SMUT Oral ( f. Receiving) Unprotected sex (pls don’t this, just don’t.)  F*ngering, praising, big d!ck JK, overstim, tummy bulging mentioned, he finishes inside, sq***ting…tbh you’ve been warned it’s pretty smutty but it’s super sweet. 
word count:9,656
Read the next part/drabble here
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“Hey, honey I will be home late tonight after work, Don’t wait up!”
Seojun yelled from outside your bedroom, which means yet another morning waking up alone in bed. It’s always like this. Seojun and you have been together for a year and a half but he feels more like a stranger than ever. 
Time changes things. There were just way too many problems and it felt like all of them came from him. You know you played your part, but it never amounted to the same weight of issues he caused. He never tried to meet you halfway. You simply compromise, or you both argue until someone decides to take the couch. Again, it wasn’t always like this. He used to take you on dates, take photos of you, and invite you to his company dinners. He was really a good guy at first. 
The two of you started dating towards the fall semester of your junior year in college. He was a year older, so he was always showing you around in your prior academic years before you started dating. Your mutual friend Namjoon, helped the two of you grow close. Interesting that now it feels like the most distant you’ve been with anyone in your life, and that says a lot because you’re not the most extroverted person. Somehow, you let him in. You thought you had so much in common and it turns out you were wrong. Everyone around you could see how stressful and draining being with him was for you as time progressed, yet you always defended it. 
So, as you readjusted the pillow and looked up at the ceiling, you thought about how living here was becoming one of the worst things you’ve ever decided to do. The ugly truth? it was second to being in this relationship. This is not for the weak, especially when the person you love, isn’t the person you lay next to every night, and that’s if he’s even home. It’s not that Seojun is a bad person, he just isn’t him.
Your childhood best friend, Jeon Jungkook. Bless him and those sparkly eyes. He has always been a sweet soul. Simply put, He was your everything. If you had it your way -and didn’t feel like it would jeopardize your relationship as friends- you would’ve acted on it a long time ago. It’s not that you didn’t love Seojun; quite the contrary you loved him, but you weren’t in love with him anymore. You started thinking about the first time you knew you’d rather be with Jungkook. Yes, you always liked him but this was different. Last year’s beach trip with your friends, Seojun made the BIGGEST FUCKING SCENE. It was all over you having a drink-no you weren’t drunk - Yes, he’s controlling. He ended up leaving early because Jungkook stepped in. It was nice to have someone defend you like that, he always has. That’s when you realized you were falling out of love with Seojun, and that your heart still longed for Jungkook. You tried everything in your power to spice up your relationship but it just kept declining and now..here you are.
As you got up to brush your teeth and wash your face, you felt a little bitter. You lived with Jungkook up until you moved in with your boyfriend, You used to love walking into the kitchen, breakfast being cooked, and Bam waiting for you. You even liked the mornings when it was you who had to do the cooking, just to see that smile of his.
You walked into your kitchen with no Bam or Jungkook in sight- but you knew what you gave up when you moved here. You just didn’t know how much you would miss it.
As you take a look into the fridge you notice he apparently forgot it was his turn to go grocery shopping. Go figure. you decide cereal for breakfast it is. You scoffed grabbing the cereal first. You can’t believe Seojun is a milk-first person, like Seriously? What do you even have in common with him at this point? 
Your phone’s ringtone ripped you out of the ‘Seojun and I: pros and cons’ battle you have found yourself doing in the morning. You flipped your phone over to see who it was and happily answered the incoming phone call. 
“There she is!” 
“Jiminie, why are you always this excited in the morning?”
“ I’m not, you and I both know this. I happen to like my bestie though. Go shopping with me and Hobi!”  Your older brother, and best friend in one person... He’s being annoying but it’s honestly Jimin, there was no harm done here. Your older brother always cared for you too, which is why you’re so close to him. He is and has always been one of your comfort places, along with Jungkook.
“I don’t have anything else better to do, What time?”
 Jimin pursed his lips as he contemplated what time he should pick you up. “The next hour, so be ready!”
“Okay. Is Jungkook coming?” You said trying not to sound too defeated. 
“No, he thinks you hate him because you haven’t texted him back these last two weeks. I’ve talked to your best friend more than you. I know Kook is a family friend, but speaking to him this much about you in particular is killing me.” Now this one- again, no harm done here. A little bitter feeling from your side, but only because you knew he was right. 
Damn, that might be a new record for you. You’ve only ignored Jungkook four days straight before- and at that time you were in the eighth grade. He still apologizes to this day for breaking your snow globe. Even buys you one for Christmas every year now because he felt so bad. Have you really not said anything to him in two weeks?
‘Seojun could never be better than JK, you would not have to choose’ Jimin had once said.  Again, he was right. 
You eventually freed yourself from your thoughts. 
“Jimin, you and I both know, I do not hate him.” You said to your brother. 
“Then text him back.” And with that, he hung up. 
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You decided to get dressed in a basic crop tee, some baggy jeans, and your favorite pair of sneakers. You made sure to put your hair into a half up, half down with your claw clip. Grabbed your purse and then pulled it across your body. Checking for touch-ups and spraying your favorite perfume- the one Jungkook bought you seven of because it’s just ‘soooo hard’ for you to find. Another pinging sound ripped you from your thoughts. The doorbell chime going off nonstop. why are Jimin and Hobi so extra?!
“Hi. I heard the doorbell the first time” You said as you pulled the door open to be greeted by two bright smiles. 
“These are for you,” Jimin said, as he handed you flowers.
“Tiger lilies, Really?” The confusion on your face lasted for all of three seconds. You could guess what they were for. Still, you asked. “You know it’s not my birth flower, What are these for?”
“Duh. Jungkook made us bring them, he said ‘Please stop ignoring me’ or some shit like that.” Hobi stated. Jimin nodded his head to agree. 
As your finger traced a petal you spoke “He is Mr. Please love me.  Fitting” 
Looking at the flowers reminded you of something his mom used to say to you ‘Never underestimate Jungkook’s ability to make you feel special, Never underestimate his ability to make sure you think about him either. That’s the type of person my son is.’  You miss her too. You Should ask when you can grab lunch soon. Once you stop ignoring her son, the person who you love more than anyone else. Yanno…your best friend. 
 “I’m gonna go put these in some water and we can go.” You said as you tried to calm down your heartbeat. 
How can he make you blush and he isn’t even here? Why can’t Seojun make you feel like this anymore?
You walked back out to your brother and hobi. Trying to
act as normal as possible. You’re really missing him right now. You know you do and apparently so does everyone around you. 
“You’re incredibly down bad for each other. Losers.” Hobi just had to be the first to say something about it. 
“Aren’t they hyung? It’s so cute.” -and apparently Jimin just had to follow up.
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“Ooh that one, Jungkook would like that one! Wouldn’t he Chim Chim?” You asked. Your eyes bright as ever, as you looked at the light projector. 
“____ he already has how many of these?” His eyebrow raised at you. 
“But does he have this one?! I don’t think so. Hobi you agree right?”
“You know what happened last time we brought Jungkook on a shopping trip? He wouldn’t stop running his mouth about you either. Which is why,  you have to stop before we no longer invite you.” Hobi said as he teased you. 
“Whatever,  you guys are being haters. I’m gonna buy it!” You said flashing a smile, as you made your way to the purchasing counter. 
Once you were all checked out and got it gift-wrapped for him you smiled proudly to yourself. “I’m the greatest friend ever.” You said rejoining them
“You are but…you’re also a simp, just a cute one.” Your older brother grinned, patting your head.
“Anyway, we should go to the food court! I want some sprite.” Hobi said and you agreed- mostly because that bowl of cereal just didn’t do it for you this morning.  
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As you sat with them at the food table, you noticed them both staring at you. 
“Can I help you?” You asked raising your eyebrows 
“How’s your relationship?” Hobi asks you out of nowhere. 
-and that’s the question you always hate... Not because it’s going well but because your response is always a lie when you say 
 “Going good.” 
Jimin rolled his eyes and scoffed. “You’re lying and we know… because we know you. What’s going on? And yes I know something is up.”
“Well, it’s just that, when it started I thought it was great but now…”
“Now?” Hobi said as he leaned in more to pay attention as much as he could. 
“Now I feel like I’m just sleeping with a shell. We don’t hate each other or anything. We just don’t go on dates or cuddle and it’s because he’s busy.  I don’t want to be a brat about it. So… I’m just trying to be supportive.” As you stare at the people listening to you, you know you have to make it sound as good as possible. “But SeoJun will be back to normal I’m sure of I-“
“No. No. No…What do you mean you don’t go on dates? Isn’t he off every weekend?  just like you.” Jimin did not look happy as the words poured from his mouth. You get it. You’re Jimin’s younger sister so for him, this is personal. 
“Exactly, Who doesn’t take a hot girl like you on a date whenever they can?” Hobi asked as he chomped down on his fries in front of him. Jimin would have said something to his friend, but he’s been dealing with having a baby sister everyone likes forever. Plus, it’s Hobi. He’s what Jungkook is to you, to Jimin- minus the whole ‘madly in love with each other’ thing. Really good childhood friends. 
“Guys, he is just really busy. That’s why.” You don’t even know why you’re defending him but again, it’s routine at this point. 
“Busy doing what?” Hobi questioned. 
“I don’t know. Work or something. He just says don’t wait up. And I don’t. No hard feelings, yanno?” As you went to reach for your drink. You noticed Jimin had already pulled it away from you. 
“When’s the last time you slept on a couch ?” Jimin asked angrily. Jimin just like Jungkook, sometimes didn’t hold back. Today was one of those days. 
“Jimin!” You raised your voice slightly and snatched your drink back. 
“The fucking couch??!” Hobi just gave you that look he always gives Jungkook when he is being ..well when Jungkook is being himself, but you know when you get that look-He’s shaming you. 
“Hobi,  it’s not me who usually takes the couch, I don’t take it all the time. I took the couch like 4 times.” You couldn’t even make eye contact with them. It’s probably been double but you’re the type to remove yourself if he won’t. You hate yelling. It isn’t effective communication, but neither is the couch so you’re not sure why you just scaled it down like that. You just don’t want to worry your brother and Hobi. 
“Shouldn’t be dating a dumbass who would have you there instead of himself.” Jimin just wouldn’t let up.  You knew it came from a good place, so you redirected the conversation. 
“Guys, let’s just continue shopping okay..” you asked but somewhat told them so that they backed off. Seems they both got the hint. 
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“Thanks again for inviting me guys. I needed some outside time, oh and I’ll drive next time!” You say as Hobi gives you a thumbs up. 
“I’m walking you to the door, Come on.” Jimin must want to talk. You loathe when he does this. A Jimin lecture for you is worse than him yelling at you because this means he’s absolutely right about something and he knows that you know it too. 
Once you have arrived at your door, you feel Jimin staring into the back of your skull. In his defense-You’re a big part of his heart. A sister and a best friend. One who always cares about people, and expects nothing in return. You’re pure that way.  So watching you be okay with this just isn’t, and hasn’t been sitting well with him. He’s tried not to get involved because he understands his baby sister, isn’t a baby. But this is getting out of hand. 
“Listen, I didn’t mean to out your business ____ but you have got to stop letting him treat you like this. Even if some people don’t know. I do, Hobi knows, hell even Yoongi asks if you’re still together and why. You know he doesn’t like to pry. That should say something on it owns. You know who else knows? that person you keep dodging. Maybe texting him would do you some good. You know Jungkook has wanted nothing more than you happy his whole life. ” Jimin said, his face extremely serious. Why is he acting like you don’t know this already?
“Jimin, SeoJun is trying. I promise.” You exhaled and put your hand on his shoulder. Youre not doing good with your attempt at reassuring him. You can tell. 
“No, he isn’t.  If he was explain to me why today- a Saturday- he couldn’t spend time with you. Does he usually work Saturdays? Because this seems new to me. You know Namjoon works at the same office as him? No one is there today but magically he is. I know you may not want to be with Jungkook anymore or gave up on your crush. We know it sucks, and life takes us in different directions - but at least find someone who treats you closely to how he does. You deserve it. I love you.” He said as he planted a kiss on your forehead. 
You nod and hug him and as he makes his way back down the stairs he makes sure he yells “Text him!”
“Love you too chim.” You sighed as you unlocked your apartment door. 
Maybe you should go check on Seojun, he could be under a lot of stress and you’re sure with the way you two have been bickering it’s not helping. Maybe you play a bigger role in this than you think you do. 
You decided on bringing him some food, checking the time to see that it was 2:45. If you start now you could have his food to him by 4:00, which is still a good time. 
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As you pack the Tupperware with all the food you’ve made, you end up taking time to check social media before heading out. 
Jungkook posted a picture of his video game screen. That was it. You check in every time you get a chance. Just to see that he is well. Maybe Jimin and Hobi are right, Just text him, he didn’t even do anything wrong. Your boyfriend is just insecure about you and Jungkook’s friendship, but surely he didn’t deserve to be ghosted. Especially when you would rather be with him anyway. You would have told your brother and friend this earlier while out, but you just couldn’t. 
You grabbed your keys and headed to your car. The drive to his workplace felt unfamiliar. Has it really been that long? The question Jimin asked earlier still burning in your mind. When would he make time for you? Why is he working on a Saturday? You had way too many thoughts about him at this moment- all of them unsettling. 
Finally, you arrived at your destination -SeoJun’s office. you can’t help but smile seeing more than one car. Maybe Jimin was wrong. He could really just need to catch up on work. 
You approached the door, entered your boyfriend’s entry code, and walked towards the elevator. with each ting of the elevator, you felt a bit more excitement. Seojun hopefully would be happy to see you too. That would motivate you to try to do this more often, you thought to yourself. That would motivate you to put more into falling in love with him again. 
The elevator finally stops on his floor, and your feet lead you closer to his office space.  From where you’re standing, The door looks cracked which is different for him. He’s always been the type to need absolute silence and space, but then again there’s just one other person here. 
Wait a minute… Is that moaning? 
He does say he works with interesing people, but porn at work is just absurd. There’s no way anyone could be that bold. Insanity… 
exhaling deeply, calming yourself, and continuing walking. Just to see your worst fear once you approached the door.
“Right there… seojun!”
Is that his assistant ?? 
The same one he allegedly fired MONTHS AGO. The same one who you told him was mean and wouldn’t allow you entry before saying “Seojun wouldn’t be with anyone like you.”  The reason you had even been given the entry code incase she gave you attitude   It all made sense. The late nights at work were simply not late nights at work. They were late-nights spent cheating. All the times you waited up, because you were trying to save your relationship. How the fuck could he do this to you? He even wore the blazer you purchased for him when he first got employed to work this morning. What about you? What were you doing wrong? Matterfact, Why the fuck are you blaming yourself?
You dropped the food in your hand as your tears began to well up. So much for Saturday’s at work, So much for trying on your end. Scratch what you said earlier, Seojun is a bad person. You needed to get out of here and so you turned kicking the food as you did, hearing your partner’s mistake speak once last time while you hurried and moved from his sight line. 
“Is someone in the office Seojun?” Her voice irritating the life out of you. 
“It’s probably just the janitor and it’ll make him think twice before looking at my girl if he see’s me fucking her. Won’t it?” you could hear the chuckle underneath his voice. 
HIS GIRL?!! Where is she when he doesn’t feel good and starts acting like a damn toddler? She doesn’t wake up early on Mondays to iron his clothes and prep his food like you do. Has she met his mother and had to deal with her bullshit? That woman is a drag. Staying with him is a drag. All the things you’ve endured..for this. For nothing. 
His girl…that’s the last thing you heard, and It fucking sucked that everyone was right about him. 
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As you stepped into the elevator your tears just wouldn’t stop flowing down. Maybe it’s because you know you’ve been playing happy for no reason.  To be betrayed. He didn’t have one bit of decency about it either. He could have broken up with you by now…how could he continue to watch you try and make you feel like you weren’t good enough just to do this to you?
You need a hug.
You need Jungkook. 
You made your way back to your car, unlocked it, and put your phone on hands-free to dial Jungkook’s number. Except he didn’t answer. You have done it this time. Ignoring the one person who cares about you for what? Seojun?
You finally reached your house and put your keys on the kitchen counter.  You walked further inside to wash your tear-stained cheeks, and that’s when you heard a specific ringtone come through. 
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My #1 🥳🩶 : Did you really call? Did you like the flowers? Do you still hate me? For whatever reason you hate me? Without explaining? Were you calling to curse me out and finally tell me why? because I’m not ready for that. You’re kind of scary when you’re angry. I love you tho. I miss you. Im sorry for whatever i did
You hadn’t replied in over two weeks, you deserved however many questions he asked at this point
You couldn’t help but smile as you felt tears welling up, yet again. He is your superhero, you know you shouldn’t have ignored him. 
Then your phone began to ring. “No, I don’t hate you. No you didn’t do anything !” You yelled as fast as you could. Jungkook needed to know he wasn’t the problem. You made sure you told people when things weren’t their fault. Unlike someone you know you don’t mind letting people know things aren’t their fault . 
“Good, that’s literally the one thing in life that would destroy me!” Jungkook’s smile and calmness can be felt through a phone. That’s also something you love so much about him.
“What? Someone hating you?”
“No- you hating me. I couldn’t live with myself like that.”
“I’ll never hate you, and I never hated you. Can I come over? I know I owe you an apology”
“Of course, you used to live here. You used to pop up randomly too. You don’t have to ask.” His sweet soothing voice spoke through the phone. 
“I never know if you could have company or anything and I-“
“I’d make them leave even if I did…” He said cutting you off. “You’re more important to me.”
There goes your heart doing somersaults.
“I’m sorry kookie, I shouldn’t have just ignored you for two weeks.”
“You drove me insane, I’ll admit it but I’m just really fucking happy to hear your voice. Bring a bathing suit. Let’s have food, watch some bad documentaries, and swim in the hot tub. Like we used to.”
Another thing about Jungkook that’s so special. That sheer excitement to be bored with you as opposed to being bored alone. 
“Can I stay the night?” You ask, not knowing you have just made Jungkook’s heart flutter 10X the speed it does on a normal day
“Yes of course ___ ! Bam is gonna be so excited! We will see you when you get here, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You say back and then you hear the line disconnect.
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Once you’re done packing your stuff, you make sure to grab the gift you bought him earlier and head to Jungkook’s for the night. You contemplate texting Seojun but decide not to. He just shouldn’t be in the way. He shouldn’t be in your way any longer.
The drive felt like forever as you tried to keep your composure but every red light felt like more time to think about what you saw, and with that comes realizing although the cheating hurts and feels like hell- nothing feels worse than the fact for the last two weeks, 14 whole days you put Jungkook on the back burner. All because Seojun asked you to.  You listened to everything he said without considering yourself- just to walk in on him fucking someone else. You also start thinking about how you fell in love with the idea of him. You have been denying your happiness for someone who was pretending to be the hardest worker of the year. Probably presented himself as single to his coworkers besides Namjoon, who would have told your brother. Sneaking behind your back for that relationship with his little personal assistant Emma the whole fucking time. -Personal assistant my foot! 
You finally reach Jungkook’s place and walk to the door of the penthouse, entering the passcode- it’s still your birthday for the code. Jungkook always said he chooses things he likes as passcodes, no matter how silly you told him it was. 
The door opens and you hear barking, meaning you need to get a treat for someone else you’ve been neglecting. Bam immediately found you as soon as you reached for one but instead of trying to get to the treat he just whined at your feet.  You’ve been a bad friend to him too. 
“Hey hey, I’m sorry boy! I didn’t think about how this would be for you. How is my favorite dog!?” You said squatting down to pet his head and behind his ears. 
“Geez and here I thought you came over for me…What the hell are your eyes so red for?” Jungkook said tilting his head.
You swallowed and shook your head no. So, he held out his arms. “Come here princess, what happened?” He asked once more. 
“He’s a fucking cheater, and the worst part is- I didn’t confront him.” You said as you let Jungkook wrap his arms around you. You’ve missed his warmth not just physically but his aura. He’s your sunlight in a sense. 
“Fuck, that’s rough. I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to cheer you up today. Today you’re the only person who matters, not him, not whoever he was cheating with. You want to talk about it?”
You nodded your head yes “Let me change first, You said we were getting in the hot tub?”
He nodded once more and kissed your forehead. Why does it always feel so good when he does that?
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Once you’ve finished changing, You pet Bam one more time and make your way outside.  Jungkook is shirtless in front of the grill cooking what smells like the most delicious meat ever. You realize you’ve missed coming here after a long day of work and watching movies with him. You’ve missed someone even taking the time out of their day to do something for you.  
“Steak, Ramyun, veggies, and Highballs!” He says grinning at you. 
“You are the cutest person alive.” You mumble.  Not knowing Jungkook heard that too and he hurriedly turned around so you didn’t see him blush. 
He closes the top of the grill as the meat cooks climbs onto the bench surrounding the hot tub, and looks directly into your eyes. 
“You wanted to talk, and Therapist JK is here to listen!” He says
As you start to recap the events of your day with Jungkook, He feels absolutely horrible. How could he have not been there to protect you? What person cheats on you anyway? Seojun is a fucking dumbass. 
“..And the worst part is too, I tried even when I Knew I was falling out of love with him because I just couldn’t see myself giving up on him. I’m such a dummy.”
“You’re not dumb for trying to see the good in someone, maybe the act of looking for something that doesn’t exist in him was dumb- seeing it in him of all people. You know I never liked him - but you’re not dumb.” He says and takes a sip of his drink and you do the same.
“Why are you being such a good friend to me?” You ask. 
“Because I always want to be good to you. Even if you ignore me,” then gets up to check on the meat he prepared.
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You and Jungkook have been outside for hours just talking and watching the sun go down til he decided you should actually get in the hot tub. 
“The water feels so nice. Relaxing. Why would I ever have moved away when you got this damn hot tub?” You ask and look at him through your half-lidded eyes. The highballs slightly affecting you
“The hot tub should be the last reason you want to stay here..”
Jungkook pulled you by your arm closer to him and you wrapped your arms around his neck due to the speed in which he did. This wasn’t unusual just because Jungkook has always been touchy with you, but there’s so much tension. 
“Oh yeah, Bam should be reason number one. You’re right.” You giggle and Jungkook just smiles. He loves the sound of your laugh. He always knew how to get one out of you too. That made him feel really good about himself, Every time he hears it, he swears he wants to reach into his chest and hand you his heart, that still wouldn’t stop it from beating for you. 
“Say I’m reason number one.” He says looking at you and you shake your head no and try to move away but he repeats himself. This time slower. 
“_____…Say, I’m reason number one.” He is piercing through your soul with that gaze of his. So you do what he asks and tell him the truth. 
“You’re number one.” Which causes his frown to turn into the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen. The little bit of light that has decided to shine hits his lip piercing. Who made him so pretty? Why the hell are you staring so hard at him? You know why but usually you would be able to look away, and right now it feels like you can’t. He isn’t holding onto you anymore but you feel stuck. He’s so…cute. 
“Let’s drink some more!” You say and he nods. 
“A little more but not too much more, The last time we got drunk bam probably wished he was human to tell us to stop laughing so loud.” He smiles at you, a slight little nose scrunch. God, you really wish he would stop doing that.
“Hey since you’re my number 1 reason, can you play some music for us?” You ask and he nods
“As long as I’m your number one, you can have whatever you like.” You can’t help but chuckle. Only if Jungkook knew what he was doing when he said stuff like this. 
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“You look like you’re foaming at the mouth,” he says to you as he sits across from you on the outside furniture. You’re now wearing his t-shirt over your bathing suit since the air is a little chillier. Jungkook cuts up extra meat since he’s taken notice of how hungry you look.
“Hobi ate most of the fries earlier.” You say
You should see yourself, a little tipsy, in his tee, face a little puffy and reddened because you’ve been drinking. 
Jungkook thinks you’re cute.
“Eat as much as you want, I was just playing anyway.” He pushess a plate to you. 
You smile and continue to make small talk until you ask him a question he didn’t see coming.
“Kook? How do I confront him ?”
Jungkook isn’t a violent guy, he swears! He tries his best not to resort to physical violence, but when you ask him this and he thinks about how red your eyes were when you walked in…the love of his life crying her eyes out, he simply states…
“You let me beat the fuck out of him.” As stone cold as can be. 
You giggle “That is so mean! Seriously Kookie, help me?”
He raises an eyebrow “I’m not fucking joking.” His tone is more stern and serious than before, making you stop the slurping of your food and look at him.
“Kook..I’m not worth you fighting someone.” You try and argue. 
“You’re right, you’re worth more than that. Which Is why you should let me beat the fuck out of him.” You don’t know why but it’s kinda hot watching Jungkook feel the need to protect you like this. Always has been. 
For some reason, your mouth closes and you have nothing else to say. you try and think of a way to break the silence but nothing comes out.
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“Can I ask you something that’s been weighing on me?” He asks looking at you from his side of the table.
“Sure. Anything. “ you say and reach for the highball.. but yet again today, someone has snatched your drink before you can even bring it to your mouth.seriously? Whats with everyone today?
 “Didn’t you think that bam and I missed you? I know I’ve seen and heard from you, but you used to live here, why don’t you visit as much? And why did you ghost me for two weeks? You drove me insane. I know I said I was over it but it just…it just didn’t feel good.”
You swallow and it feels like the tension in the air has reached an all-time high. 
“He doesn’t like the idea of me being here for too long. I don’t know …he was complaining and I thought I was fixing it.”  You say looking down at your lap. 
Jungkook is trying to remain cool but that just struck a nerve. He’s been here through everything. How could you do something like that? Instead, he asks another question. 
“Do you miss living here____? You should move back” Your eyes meet his and you chuckle. 
“He wouldn’t like that either, plus I haven’t even confronted -.”
“Stop,” he says and you drop your utensils onto your plate and look at him. He looks serious…Jungkook is pissed. You know it. You know that face anywhere. 
“Stop what?” 
“Defending or redirecting when we all mention him. It’s annoying as fuck actually. You caught him cheating on you today. Stop defending him and just …just answer my damn question.”
“Jungkook please don’t..”
“Don’t what?” He questions you as he sits back folding his arms. Then he decides to continue. “ If he is cheating on someone as beautiful as you, He’s the biggest fucking idiot in the world. I’d never do anything that dumb.”
Maybe he has had too many highballs. 
“Duh Kookie! You’re not an idiot.” You say as you try to play it off.
“Stop playing dumb and Move back in.” He states and you can tell he wants you to but…
“Kook I can’t. That wouldn’t be something he would like. I told you already.”
“What do you like?”  He’s really catching an attitude with you right now.  You thought this night was going to be confrontation-free besides your apology, but you also know Jungkook hates being ignored. You did this to yourself. 
He starts biting his inner cheek waiting for you to answer. So you decide to look up and question him instead.“Damn Jungkook, Why does this feel like an interview?” 
You know that wasn’t fair, but Jungkook won’t let you escape. He’s made it clear he is the one asking the questions and getting answers tonight. 
“Just because he suggested it doesn’t mean you have to do everything he fucking says. I miss when you were okay with being yourself. You’re prettier that way.” Jungkook sighed as he sipped the highball in his right hand. He still isn’t raising his voice either. He just won’t budge. 
“I am okay with being myself!” You retorted.
Why is he so ballsy tonight?
“Nope. Lately…you aren’t. I haven’t seen you act on a single thing in that damn brain of yours in like 6 months. Especially if that dumbass of yours has a say.”
“Jeon Jungkook…you’re pushing it.”
“What? Mad someone is honest with you? I used to be able to do that.” He inched closer into your space and started to read your face. You knew he was right. So did he.
“How the fuck would you know what I’m thinking anyway?”
“I’ve known you your whole life. Why the fuck wouldn’t I know? You’ve also been eye-fucking me this whole time, In case you’re wondering what else I know. If it makes you feel better I wanna fuck you too. Really. Fucking. Bad. ” he said, taking another sip of his drink, raising his eyebrow and smirking.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
“Stop choosing someone else when we both can choose each other. “ he continues. 
“Jungkook I’m sorry but I don’t want to fight with you. I’ll just go. At least the fights at home, I know what I’m expecting.” Your breathing eratic because of how bold he is being. You stand to get up but Jungkook rushes to block the door that leads back inside the condo. 
“You are home. ”
“Jungkook…” you say as you search his eyes. 
“I’ll let you leave if that’s what you really want, I am not, however letting you leave this late, this dark, into the arms of a fucking cheater when I’ve been right here this whole fucking time!” He snaps some more at you looking into your eyes. 
“You’re so..” You can’t even figure out where to begin. You know he is right…wait he’s been here the whole time. He is right. 
“Fuck this.” He says and leans his head back. You watch his Adam’s apple bob and then when he looks back down at you, his tongue poking his cheek. 
“Jungkook I’m sorry.” You reach to grab his face but he just uses his right arm to pin your arm above your head still holding you against the door.
“Nuh-uh. Tell me what you want.” He presses on and you damn near melt when he licks his lips and tilts his head while waiting on your response.
“You..” You finally say. Your eyes are glossy as you search hiss and since he hasn’t said anything, even though it’s only been a few seconds since you revealed the truth, You continue. 
“I will never want anyone as much as you and I shouldn’t have even left. You’re right! You’re right! I’m so fucking sorry-“
Before you can even finish your apology, Jungkook lets your arm drop that he has been holding and places his hand on your neck bringing you closer to him and his lips envelope yours. So soft. So gentle but needy. Why do you feel like you’re on fire right now? As his tongue begs for entrance and you oblige, he pulls away just to say one thing to you.
“Thank you for apologizing. Now, let me show you how much I love you. ”  
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Jungkook never imagined your lips would be this soft.  He’s thought about it, but this was better than any analogy his brain has come up with. This is better than any kiss he has had his whole life, it’s the same for you.  This is what it’s like when it’s the right person. 
All your moans and hums into his mouth that he desperately swallows. You’re perfect for each other. You feel it throughout his kisses. 
“Jump.” He says
So you do. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he leads you into his condo. 
“Say you’re coming home, and say you want me.” He won’t take no for an answer and you’ve confessed so you’re not really in a position to lie to him. 
“I’m coming home, and I want you kook. Really. Fucking. Bad.” 
He chuckles and kisses you some more. “ You definitely didn’t deny the eye fucking.” He says and you pull away.
“Take me to your room , and actually do it.” You whisper against his ear. 
Soon you feel Jungkook placing you on his bed. The way he looks at you makes your heart stop, but you like it as much as you like him.  You’re really in love with him. 
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Jungkook joins you. Climbing his way up to you. Watching your chest rise and fall,  as you both stare into each other’s eyes. He wouldn’t want anyone more than you. He never has. You open your mouth slightly and Jungkook tilts his head in concern. 
“I want you.” Your voice, barely a whimper. 
He smiles slightly before saying  “Took you long enough, I’d make you beg…but I want you too.” The way he has been so confident all night has been leaving you soaked. He resumes his assault on your lips, then makes his way down to your neck, finding your sweet spot.
“Fuck, that feels so good.” You moan out and he slides his hands up the borrowed tee that you have on. He makes a mental note to give you whatever it is of his you want, the shirt, him, he likes the way they both look on you. 
You sit up slightly to help him remove it. He looks at you one more time asking for permission. “Touch me.” You say and that  drives him mad. The way you sound for him- so needy. 
Jungkook is quick to start kissing your collarbone and undoing your bathing suit top at the same time.
You’re not sure why you feel so nervous and vulnerable, but maybe it’s because his touch has you completely drenched and you’re trying not to make it obvious. 
He grabs one of your breasts in his hand and brings his mouth to it, sucking and licking it over and over. His teeth lightly grazing every now and then just before he lets them go with a pop. You could cum from this alone, you’re sure especially when he looks up at you the way he is right now. 
“By the time I’m done with you, you would have been convinced to stay anyway.” He says kissing your lower belly. You moan out and suddenly feel his fingers at your hips. He places kisses on each side as he begins to slide your bottoms down your legs, and sits on his knees to make sure they come off completely. 
You can barely breathe at a normal rate. Everything he is doing is so effortlessly sexy. You feel a little shy just because it’s something you’ve always dreamed of.  it’s been a while since you’ve been intimate with anyone. Your relationship eventually deprived you of that too, due to you both barely sleeping in the same room. You try to close your legs, but he is holding your ankle. He takes his time kissing his way from there up to your thigh.
“Don’t hide from me. I won’t hurt you, I’m here with you. Okay?” He says and you nod, smiling at him. 
Jungkook is thorough in making sure not a space on your skin feels neglected, your moans and breathy exhales indicate that you’re enjoying this and getting worked up. 
His fingers gently work up toward the area that craves him most and he parts your folds, then licks his lips, turning you on even more. 
“Fucking hell___, Your pussy is so pretty.” He moans and gently starts rubbing circular motions on your clit. 
“Kook, do something. I’m so wet.” You speak honestly and he has to stop himself from fucking the life out of you right there. He removes his hand and brings the finger that was circling your clit  to your lips. 
You wrap your lips around his fingers and make sure to look in his eye as he is now slightly hovering over you, between your legs. 
Jungkook’s mouth has fallen into an O shape and you hear him moan for the first time besides your kisses. The way you suck his fingers, He’ll be sure to have your lips wrap around something else, not today though. He wants to make sure you feel what he means when he says “I love you.” 
He removes his finger and bites his lip then brings it back down to your clit and resumes his circular motions. 
“Kook please do something. You’re teasing me.”
“Enjoying my view, that’s all. Trust me…I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.”
He slides a finger in and you moan as he bends down to kiss you. 
“Can you take another?” He asks in between kisses.
You nod and pull away from his lips as the other one is inserted. “I can take whatever you give me, whenever you give it to me.”
You’re driving him insane. Voice so sweet but eyes gazing at him with lust. 
“I want you to look at me the entire time.” He says as he removes his lips from yours and hears you moan out.
You don’t answer so he pushes his fingers deeply inside. “Yes. Fuck!” You moan out and he chuckles as he crawls lower onto his stomach, lifting your legs on each of his shoulders. Still managing to pump into you. 
. Jungkook removes his fingers, replacing them with his tongue to taste your juices, then flattens his tongue while his eyes roll back. He looks so pornographic and then he makes eye contact with you. His eyes are sexy and smoldering. 
“Jungkook! Oh my god!” You moan out. He loves the way his name sounds coming from you. He loves that he’s making you feel good. He loves everything about you. 
He begins flicking his tongue up and down your clit, open mouth kissing you in between. He takes his time fucking his tongue into you, watching you grasp at the bed sheets as you try to keep your focus on him. The way your eyes roll back when he rubs his face in it as he eats you out looks so good to him. He feels drunk off of you. You briefly close your eyes as you moan, but that’s when he inserts two fingers again and you both moan. Him because of how you taste and how you are doing so well for him. You, because of how full you feel, How amazing this feels for you. You know you’re close and Jungkook seems to know too. He curls his fingers and rubs you right in the spot that’ll have you coming undone, then he starts spelling his name with this tongue on your clit as your prop up on your elbows still looking at him, like he said. The pleasure becoming so much. 
“Such a good fucking girl.” He says and you feel your breath hitch. 
“Oh fuck! Jungkook I’m gonna cum!” You moan out and your head falls back, causing Jungkook to pinch at your waist with his other hand, to get you to look at him. 
“Cum for me then.”
And you do, making a mess all over his hands. You’re so fucking pretty to him, that he doesn’t stop there. He keeps going enjoying the way look so fucked out. You sound sweet too. He wants to see you like this for him, only him, as long as he can. He’ll make sure it’s forever by the time he’s done. 
Jungkook continues eating you out and watching your legs shake and quiver. Your mouth is slack and you’re saying things, but they all are pretty incoherent due to all the moaning you’re doing in between. This is exactly what you’ve wanted, better than you’ve imagined. 
“Kook.. I’m gonna cum again. You have to stop. I want you to feel good too.” You say between your moans. 
“I’m worried about you baby. You just need to let me worry about you.” He responds.
The pet name sending you over the edge as you feel a ton of pressure in your pit, you can feel your release coming. 
“Oh, my J-Jungkook!” You have to stop moaning his name like that. He’s been trying his best not to split you open and take his time with you. He remains as patient as he can as he feels how close he has you again.  He pumps the fingers he has in you just a little faster, as you squirt all over him. You can’t believe how turned on it makes him. His lips slightly opening 
“Damn, thats so fucking sexy.” He says as he makes sure to pull his fingers out and slide his fingers into his mouth. 
“You taste. So. Fucking. Good. “ he says as he moans while cleaning your juices off his hand. Looking at you before his brows furrow and his eye roll again. He knows exactly what he’s doing. 
“Kookie. Lay down. It’s my turn.” You try but He shakes his head no as he props himself on his knees.
“Help me with my shorts, then lay your ass back down. I’m not in the mood for you to be defiant about it either. I keep telling you it’s about you.”
Oh. He’s that type in bed. You’ve hit the jackpot. 
You follow the instructions given to you and help undo the strings on his shorts, then you lay back down. What you don’t expect is for him to be that big. You easily could tell he was a nice size but not this big.
“Holy fuck.” You say and he chuckles. he strokes himself in his hand. He was easily the biggest you’ve seen. Both in length and thickness. The tip of him, so red, swollen, and plump. His Head falls back just a little before he shoots his eyes back at yours.
“But you can take it, right baby? You said you can take whatever I give you.” He says as spreads the pre cum around his head. 
You nod your head, yes and he smirks. 
“Good.” He spits on your pussy and then decides to reach toward his drawer but you catch his hand. 
“I trust you. I want to feel you. All of you.” You look up at him through your lashes as you say and he nods. 
He kisses you and whispers against your lips. “If it’s too much say something.”
You shake your head no. “No, I told you I could take it all.”
He lines himself up with your entrance and slowly pushes in. You both moan at the contact.
“You’re so fucking tight. Jesus baby.” He says as he bites his lip, inching further into you. 
“Jungkook, more. ” You moan out and you both make eye contact. He kisses your forehead and then you lean up a little for a kiss. He obliges and slides further into you. He’s finally in. You fit so snugly around him, you’re so wet and warm too. 
Jungkook cups your face and looks into your eyes as he starts bottoming out of you. Missionary was a great choice he thinks to himself. You’re so beautiful underneath him. You love the way he looks at you. He moves some hair out of your face and whispers. 
“I choose you. I chose you so long ago,” As he pumps into you. Jungkook looks slightly down and can also see himself. Your tummy bulging as he pumps into you. You can’t believe it either. He’s so thick and long. Reaching places you’ve never been touched before. 
“Look at how well this pussy is taking me.” He says eyes blown out and piercing between his teeth as he bites on his lip. 
You’re a moaning mess underneath him, but you look into his eyes and pull his face to yours for a kiss. He feels so good inside you. Your walls contract whenever he slides out slightly. He loves every part of you and you love every part of him. 
“Kook you make me feel so good.” You say moaning more into the kisses you’ve both been stealing. 
“Good, that’s what I want, for you to feel good.” He continues pumping in and out but he leans up from the kiss and pushes your knees to your shoulders as he continues to pump into you. 
“Just. Like. that.” You say as your arms reach for his bicep. He loves how well you take him. You love how deep and passionate each thrust is. 
Jungkook watches as you cream all over him, he knows he won’t last long with the way you’ve been moaning his name. He needs to make you cum again first, it’s easily the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. 
You motion him back down to you and he smirks. “Can’t stop kissing me?” 
You nod your head no. “I can’t. Your right…Oh fuck! Please don’t stop.” You moan the last part out. 
“I won’t, not until this pretty pussy cums for me again.” He makes sure you understand and kisses you, just like you want. 
You start to feel that familiar buildup in your stomach and moan his name some more, you’ve damn near been chanting it now. 
“You’re close.” He says and you nod. 
“Then be a good girl, and make a mess on this dick. It’s yours anyway.” The statement has you whimpering and Jungkook starts circling his thumb on your clit as he pumps in and out of you. 
That’s when you break and he watches everything ooze out of you onto him. You have cum three times. That’s a record you think to yourself -and he still has to cum.
“You think you can be a good girl one last time and cum with me ?” He asks. 
Jungkook is going to be the death of you, but you nod yes. You just want to make him feel good too. He’s been praising you and giving you ownership this whole time. Of course, you can be a good girl for him. 
Jungkook starts going a little harder with each roll of his hips. It’s still slow and sensual, just deeper-you’re not sure how he’s even managing to do that. 
“ Yes, oh my god.  Jungkook.”
He chuckles. You’re so cute. Taking him like he’s always wanted. 
Your cum slicked walls are tight and clenching him perfectly. just about send him over the edge. He leans into your ear and whispers “Ready?” You shake your head fast. 
“Yes baby, I’m ready.” You say. Jungkook just heard you return the pet name he’s been calling you. You’re in absolute heaven, creaming his dick, slightly running down his thighs. 
“Who does this pussy belong to?” He asks and you moan out your answer. 
“You!! Kook please… cum with me.” You moan out every single word. 
That’s when you feel both your orgasms collide and kiss some more. Jungkook makes sure to watch you as he pumps more, you both ride out your highs. 
Then he collapses beside you pulling you into his chest.
“That was so good, that’s the best sex I’ve ever had.”you say and he smirks. 
“Yeah, it was. Let me get you cleaned up and get new sheets.” He says kissing your lips one more time
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You spent the rest of the night asleep on his chest, but when you wake up Jungkook is missing-that’s when you smell breakfast. Just like you remember. You go brush your teeth and wash your face seeing the gift you were supposed to hand to him in your bag. You make a mental note to give it to him this morning. once you’re finished, you then walk out to a shirtless Jungkook flipping pancakes and smiling at you.
“HI.” He says and you see Bam walking over to you.
“Good morning to you both!” You say patting Bam on the head and walking over to the person preparing breakfast. 
“I got you a gift.” You say and he raises an eyebrow. You slide it across the counter and he immediately smiles when he unwraps it. 
His smile says enough. He loves it. You know he does.
“You have perfect timing, I think I broke the one I’m currently using! Thank you, princess.”
“You’re so welcome, I’m really sorry about how I treated you. Plus this reminded me of you,” you reply and then you get up to stand with him. 
He winks at you. It’s nice to know he was on your mind. You promise to tell him every time he is now. He’s a priority and you want him to know that. 
“Listen, we should talk so just listen to me.” He says as he watches you wrap your arms around him from behind, but he turns around facing you. 
“I think Jimin, Joon, and Hobi can go get your stuff from your apartment but I want to tell you the truth. After last night, I can’t keep being your friend. I want you to know I meant every word about loving you and no- you don’t have to say it back but let me prove it to you ____ because you deserve more than your getting at h-“
You realize, It’s now your turn to cut him off and you hurry and put your lips on his to kiss him. 
“Jeon Jungkook, I love you too. After last night, I don’t want to be your friend either.”
“So...Can I be your boyfriend?” He asks you and you nod your head yes so fast earning a laugh, as he leans down to kiss you. 
He smiles at you and wraps his mouth around yours. Your arms around his neck as he explores your mouth.
“ Breakfast in bed?” You question and he immediately picks up on what you mean. 
Jungkook pulls you closer, then whispers on your lips “After last night...
Anything you want."
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Author's Note: This definitely went in a different direction than planned, but I just want to say thank you so much for reading, all feedback is welcome! I may start a Drabble series for this couple, so stay tuned.
Taglist:@kimber-koo @taesungx @jennafromhome @diorh0seokie @joyfulwobblerhoagiee
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zeldasnotes · 19 days
𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🦇
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🦇 Lilith in Capricorn wants position & status and can be shamed for demanding the same respect and position as men. Example: Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris both have this placement. Women are often expected to seek status by being a wife so women with this placement can awake a ”Wtf she think she doing?” reaction in men.
🦇 While Lilith most times shows a strong interest, fascination or even obsession with the sign or house its in or with the themes of the planet it aspects it can also show complete rejection of it & not wanting anything to do with it.
🦇 I dont know why but I never felt the need to be bitchy towards men who have their Lilith on my Moon. I get a ”you are not like other men” feeling with this aspect. They dont trigger my fight or flight response. Something very unique with this synastry aspect.
🦇 A lot of Moon conjunct Lilith people physically resemble the Moon in some way physically. Ive seen a lot of them have Moon shaped eyes or a round face & very rounded features, sometimes super shiny hair.
🦇 Lilith in the 11th house might be fixated with the ”in crowd”. Might hate them but at the same time watch them. Its giving Janis Ian from Mean Girls. They often have a past friendship with someone from the in crowd.
🦇 Lilith can show what you hate in society and feel a strong need to rebel against. Lilith 2nd house might rebel against stuff being done to their body(like vaccines),having to pay taxes, might shoplift and refuse to pay for things that are not their fault they need. Like tampoons for example.
🦇 Ive also noticed with Lilith 7th house people want to find something wrong with your partner or even convince themselves they dont love you. People might say stuff like ”He is only with you bc you have money” or something. Its like people are bothered by seeing you be loved.
🦇 Madonna is a good example of a 7th house Lilith. She is often shamed for liking younger men while its considered normal for men to be with younger women.
🦇 Lilith in Libra and the constant triangle drama??? Triangledrama EVERYWHERE. Why does every guy you meet seem to have a crazy ex or a female friend trying to get him? Or a coworker who wants him? Or a mother who competes with you?
🦇 If you have Sun conjunct Lilith you might represent what your dad dislikes about himself. You represent a part of him that he wants to keep buried deep inside himself and being close to you might remind him too much of this. This can make him your first bully.
🦇 With Lilith in the 2nd house there was often early experiences with money restricting them which lead to an inner bitterness which is often not noticed until you hear them talk about money. The reason they werent noticed by others might have been because they didnt have the clothes, phones, makeup or other material things that others had. The epitome of ”I wasnt ugly, I was just poor”
🦇 I find it interesting how many people with strong Lilith placements Ive seen literally live out the myth by being thrown out of ”the garden of Eden”. Most times thrown out by a friendsgroup, a community or neighbourhood. And this was a huge turning point in their lives.
🦇 Lilith in synastry 🤝 they confessing after 10 years they had a crush on you.
🦇 Lilith in Aries when undeveloped can make them very competetive with others of their gender especially concerning how the body looks. Comparing their bodies to others. Might have a trauma with people comparing their body to someone close to them like a sibling or even their mom growing up.
🦇 Lilith in Aries might also assert themselves and being quiet in the complete wrong situations. Might often end up thinking ”Why didnt I stand up for myself” or ”I shouldnt have overreacted”.
🦇 ”The girl he told you not to worry about” aka the one who touches his Lilith. I hate writing this but Ive seen this sooo much. Men talking shit to their girlfriend(their eve) about a woman they have Lilith synastry with.
🦇 Sun conjunct Lilith is basically like having a flashlight shining on your dark side so that everyone can see.
🦇 Lilith dominant women(women with a dominant Lilith energy in their chart no nobody is saying its your dominant planet omg) often get blamed for a mans lust for them. Might hear stuff like ”you were looking at him” ”you seduced him”.
🦇 Lilith reminds me of Saturn a little in the way that you need to learn to handle the energy which is hard but when you do it you will be so powerful and own that energy.
🦇 Having Lilith harshly aspecting Sun or Ascendant is getting shit whatever you do. Especially when its the square or opposition. Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face, people will call you crazy and aggressive if you hit back and a pussy if you dont hit back.
🦇 Lilith in the 8th house needs to understand that some things cant be controlled/hold onto. They often experienced situations in their youth where they were powerless.
🦇 Lilith in Virgo can be gossips because of their strong need to criticize. They need to say whats wrong with stuff. This can results in some verbal attacks and some very strong opinions on people.
🦇 LILITH CONJUNCT VENUS IN SYNASTRY: can mean Lilith shouldnt be attracted to Venus. Venus might not even be their type but Lilith will find them beautiful anyways. This can be very confusing for the Lilith person because Venus represent everything they shouldnt like or arent allowed to like. Lilith might be from a rich family and Venus is from a poor family for example. Can also be an age difference especially where the woman is older and the guy younger so its considered taboo. This one will be painful if Venus is in love with Lilith because Lilith often see Venus as someone socially unacceptable in some way. (10th house synastry can change this tho, because if yall have 10th house synastry he will want to parade you around like a damn trophy LOLLL). Lilith might want Venus as their side chick. They also always seem to bump into eachother when the Lilith person is in a relationship.
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ordowrites · 3 months
Yandere! Diluc being reader's secret admirer. Sending them lots incredibly expensive gifts, silently hoping that they'll eventually realize that he's the one who's been sending them. How would he feel when they guess wrong?
cw: yandere, unhealthy relationships, obsessive and possessive behaviors, mdni, minors do not interact, stalking, delusional behaviors, implied fantasy kidnapping. the writer does not condone anything that happens in this fic. mild not sfw. dark conent. gender neutral reader, but it's mentioned they wear dresses.
sorry for the wait!
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He would be hurt, to say the least - but he would hide it under a facade of a forced smile and a weak, "...I see." Anonymous gifts are anonymous for a reason but he can't help but feel as if you'd stabbed him in the gut for that.
"Are you sure it was him though?" he'd ask, doing his best to remain the proud gentleman that he is - his eyes falling on your guys' topic of conversation.
"Who else would it be? They know all the things that I like. Being my closest friend and all." You answer as if it were so obvious to everyone but him. "But what's weird is that they were confused when I thanked them for that summer dress that's fashionable in Fontaine right now."
Ah yes, that dress - he hates that dress but you sighed so longingly over it that he had to splurge just a bit for you. It's too revealing for someone like you - shows too much skin, it's too low cut, it's white and you have a hydro vision.
"How odd." he mumbles as he makes your drinks.
But then he'd imagined how pretty you would look - your skin flushed a soft red from being in the sun, how the white compliments everything, how lovely you'd look in the lace. And he couldn't resist anymore when his imagination went so far as to -
He shakes his head, clearing his mind.
The problem is, he knows that if you knew it was Diluc himself buying you these presents, you would turn them down in a heartbeat. Because you don't view him that way, you two broke up four months ago and he still thinks about it.
He considers telling you, knowing full well that you won't like what he says - knowing full well that you would insist on returning each and every gift that he'd gotten you and finally cut him from your life. So, instead, he just forces a smile while his overactive imagination goes into overtime.
Maybe one day he'll be able to hand you your presents personally - and you'll give him that bright, happy smile you used to give him when he was courting you.
"Green is not a good color on you." Kaeya says from his spot at the counter. "I don't see why you can't tell them the truth."
"We broke up four months ago," he grits out. "They said they were willing to give me a chance at friendship."
"Hm. And I suppose buying them expensive things is part of that? They never struck me as greedy or materialistic." The arguments you and Diluc had about boundaries were ones to not be forgotten - if you even sighed over something, he'd buy it for you and first, it was nice and it made you happy and eventually, it started to upset you. He doesn't know why, you tried to tell him it's because he'd go overboard and something about being "controlling". Really, an ugly word to say when he was trying to help.
"They don't know it's me." He finally says.
Kaeya clicks his tongue and shakes his head. Diluc knows how he sounds, he is aware of it - but Kaeya won't interfere.
For now, Diluc has to do his best to ignore the growing agony of your rejection and quell the envy that grows inside of him - he longs to march over to your table and correct you, to pull you out of your seat and away from everyone and keep you somewhere safe and where he can spoil you properly. And when he's able to do that, you two can have a nice, long discussion on how hurt he felt and how he just wants to help you, and that he hopes you could just give him another chance.
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marlenesluv · 9 months
Hiiiii beautiful. I an idea if you don't want to write it. that's okay. I have this imagine like charles dating an plusize (face claim : Javiera or courtney jean l just loves them ) but when they announced their relationship but she just getting a lot of hate but she just doesn't care about this hate but charles don't like this and release a statement to stop this hate. and again if you don't want to write it that's okay 💞💞
Hate doesn’t bother me. (CL)
hi, love!! and no no, i love this so much! charles is such a protective cutie, this is so sweet. i’m assuming this is a smau, if you want a fic as well, js lemme know! :) 💓
face claim: javiera
warnings: fans being mean, one fat shaming comment (dw, it’s shut down)
note: i have been fat shamed before, it’s not fun. so pls pls be kind to everyone. every single one of these beautiful humans on earth are amazing and sexc. don’t be a cunt.
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: yourbsf, charles_leclerc, and 325,828 others
y/n.user: panamá is perfect for dates, don’t ya think?
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user57: why tf did charles leclerc like this?
|> user04: he could js be friends with her? idk man
|> y/n.user: AHHHHH ILY🤎
y/n.fp: you look stunningggg
*liked by creator*
charles.fans: isn’t charles in panama??
|> char.fp: hopefully not. she is not the vibe fr
|> charles.fans: ikr?? no way she’s with him
lilymhe: ☺️☺️ pretty pretty
|> y/n.user: that’s you🤭
user19: LILY?? oh naw, i don’t need THIS tdy
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liked by: carlossainz55, y/n.user, and 915,176 others
charles_leclerc: panama is beautiful, but i can thing of something more beautiful…
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carlossainz55: hope you’re having fun this break! miss you!
|> charles_leclerc: miss you too, bro!!
user46: y/n liked this……
|> charles.fans: i knew this was gonna happen, ew
|> ferrari.fp: he is way out of her league bro….
f1updates: these comments are kinda dramatic but i live for drama
pierregasly: have fun😏
|> charles_leclerc: stop texting me.
|> pierregasly: wow. miss you too🖕
charles.editpage: he’s so hot
user10: i refuse to believe that he’s there with y/n, she’s j not pretty like his other ex’s were
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liked by: charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 469,360 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
y/n.user: wtf is a soft launch?
view comments…
user56: that was bold….
|> user03: nah cuz who tf does she think she is?
charles.fans: byeee😭 this is NOT real
charles_leclerc: we don’t know what a soft launch is😋
|> y/n.user: nopeeee
char.myhub: NOOOOO. HER BUT NOT ME???
ferrari.fanpage: she’s so ugly what is going onnnn
|> y/n.fp: she’s not tho….
|> ferrari.fanpage: she is. she’s bigger than him
|> y/n.fp: ur actually mad bc she’s not a size 0? grow tf up fr. she’s literally a MODEL, and what are you bebe?
|> ferrari.fanpage: shes a PLUS SIZED model.
|> y/n.fp: what’s ur point? you are NOT a model😭you’re fr j mad cuz she bagged charles and you didn’t. grow up
carmenmmundt: you guys are so cute
*liked by creator*
F1 Wag Updates @f1wagupdates • 3hr
Charles Leclerc, driver for Scuderia Ferrari, has officially announced his relationship with Model, Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N has always faced a certain level of hate for being a plus sized model, and with recent news relating Charles, it has only gotten worse.
We ask that you please keep rude comments to a minimum, preferably none. Keep insults to yourself, lets support Y/N and Charles. They seem like quite the happy couple.
*please note that comments on this tweet have been disabled, as we want no hate spreading through our comments*
*comments have been disabled*
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liked by: charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, and 639,013 others
y/n.user: vacation is coming to a close :( but i can’t wait to see you shine this year on the track <3
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charles_leclerc: i can’t wait to have you dressed in head to toe ferrari gear :)
|> y/n.user: i can’t wait either, my love
user71: i genuinely can not accept this
charles.fanpage: shes so ugly, pls break uppppppp
carlossainz55: excited to have a new face in the paddock! can’t wait to meet :)
|> y/n.user: awe, i can’t wait to meet either! charles rly talked you up
|> carlossainz55: he did??
|> charles_leclerc: no…
user49: this is not real this is not real this is not real
yourbsf: stunner
|> y/n.user: i miss you
|> yourbsf: i miss you sm more
your instagram story:
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seen by: charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 499,012 others
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 1,103,944 others
charles_leclerc: i don’t know what i did to gain such an angel in my life. someone who makes me smile from a simple text notification to seeing you when i wake up. i can not fathom the hate my girlfriend is receiving. you do not know her or me, don’t go around on social media like you do. i haven’t been this happy ever. don’t compare her to other people, dont belittle her, and do not leave rude comments. i am sick and tired. i love you, ma cherié. it’s a miracle that you can put up with me <3
*view comments*
*comments have been limited*
y/n.user: i love you so much. the hate doesn’t bother me as long as you’re here
|> charles_leclerc: i have no idea how nothing bothers you
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
489 notes · View notes
berry-potchy · 11 months
I went through my drafts and found this. I typed this during a moment of weakness for cliche chick flicks and fuckboy Miguel:
This is not edited and messy but I just wanted to share that I'm thinking about a very typical and silly high school coming of age romance setting with the popular broody bad boy x wallflower good girl except that Miguel is already so down bad for (obsessed with) good girl who btw is chubby and cute.
What's on my mind rn is kid Miguel and kid reader were childhood best friends/sweethearts. You were neighbors and your families were close. One day, for some reason you had to move away. This was maybe when you and Miguel were like 7. You were inconsolable during moving day and Miguel's poor little heart broke at the sight. He confessed to you then and asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes and you kissed him on the cheek and you guys hugged until your parents had to pry you off each other so you can leave. Your parents felt really bad that they had to separate you from your best friend and what they thought was pretend boyfriend but the move was a canon event.
You weren't able to keep in touch, you weren't able to make many friends in your new place either. Like you had friends but they kinda have their own separate friend groups that you're not a part of. You were kinda just there, mourning your loneliness. Growing up you always had that ugly feeling of missing out and the "what if I didn't move back then?" in the back of your head. But one day, you're already like what? Last year in high school? You get a notif on your IG that a Miguel liked a photo you posted from a few months prior (it's a rare photo of you wearing something that shows off of your curves and feeling it). It's odd. You've posted a lot more photos since then. You check the profile and it's your Miguel... but he grew up HOT. Tall, wide, jacked, but it's the same Miguel with the pretty brown eyes and dark loose curls that he now styles slicked back. You follow him thinking he won't notice because of all the pretty girls who comment on his pics but never get replied to. But he followed you back immediately and sent you a 'hey' on DM. You didn't know what to say at all so you just stared at it until he replied ':/' followed by 'see you soon. you better have something to say to me by then.'
Later that day your parents drop the bomb that you're moving back to your childhood home. Next to Miguel.
Not to get into too much plot I just really wanna think about Miguel welcoming back his girlfriend and wanting to make up for lost time which gets you super flustered by his advances and shamelessness. You can't quite tell if he's just teasing you about the girlfriend part but the flirting definitely feels for real.
Your parents telling you to keep the door open when he goes up your room to hang out and you get embarrassed, stuttering that you're not planning on doing anything sexual. Miguel however shrugs and goes "I wouldn't trust me in a room with you either. I would eat you up"
And during lunch at school you cant find a seat, you try to look for Miguel but the scary popular kids are flocking around him. He looks like he's so bored but perks up when he sees you walk by and grabs your wrist to make you sit with them. Some random girl mockingly goes "oh sorry there's no space for you here" and you feel humiliated. Miguel shuts her up with a glare and makes you sit on his lap. No one dares to speak up as he tries to feed you with the snacks from his tray. He's squeezing your thighs enjoying the feel of you on his lap while he goes "I remember you liking this (insert snack or boxed drink here) so I got you an extra one, chula"
There's really nothing else to this I just thought it was cute and had to share.
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cal-flakes · 11 months
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╰┈➤ bestfriend’s to lovers hc’s
warnings: nsfw mentions, mentions of violence.
: ̗̀➛ if y/n had to describe her friendship with rafe cameron, it would certainly be partners in crime.
: ̗̀➛ they’d been best of friends for years, ever since they met on the playground. he’d found her crying underneath the climbing frame because jason todd said she was ugly.
: ̗̀➛ for rafe, that was it. the was the moment he decided he was going to stick by her side forever, and he did.
: ̗̀➛ and you can put money on him going and beating the ever living shit out of jason todd for what he did. if anything, it became a life long vendetta, rafe never forgot what he did, not even by the time he and y/n turned 19.
: ̗̀➛ but nevertheless, it sealed the deal. he protected her life his life depended on it, and she’d attempt to keep him away from trouble.
: ̗̀➛ it was so undeniably opposites attract like you’d never seen opposites attract. y/n was just a small, harmless little girl. and rafe? well, he was rafe, a snarky little boy who enjoyed getting into trouble.
: ̗̀➛ ward and rose adored her more and more throughout the years, she was always welcome at tannyhill.
: ̗̀➛ they saw her influence on rafe, and hoped she’d knock some sense into him when she could.
: ̗̀➛ they also saw her unbelievable kindness, she was always down to help around the house if she could or if wheezie needed help with homework.
: ̗̀➛ she’d even be there when rafe wasn’t, just so she could hang out with his family.
: ̗̀➛ “you scared the shit out of me!”
: ̗̀➛ “i’m part of the furniture rafe, i’m literally always here”
: ̗̀➛ when they reached the ages of parties, alcohol, drugs and sex, they experienced everything together.
: ̗̀➛ they were each others first kiss, they did their first line of cocaine together, their first drink together, when i say everything, i mean everything.
: ̗̀➛ things got a bit sticky when it came to sex, when they were 16, rafe was already a mouth watering sight, he was tall and muscular, what girl wouldn’t want him? so there he was, a new girl on his arm
: ̗̀➛ and y/n was physically gifted too, a beautiful face and prominent curves, but she was a lot more reserved, she didn’t want to give away her virginity to just anyone.
: ̗̀➛ so when it came down to it, and she’d been made to feel insecure about it, rafe offered to be her first.
: ̗̀➛ “i..are you sure?”
: ̗̀➛ “of course i’m sure y/n”
: ̗̀➛ they both pinky promised each other it wouldn’t be weird after, and it wouldn’t ruin their friendship.
: ̗̀➛ and it didn’t, but feelings certainly blossomed after.
: ̗̀➛ the next few months we’re filled with burning jealousy and rage for one another, seeing the other flirt with other people.
: ̗̀➛ around this time, little arguments ensued as they discreetly sabotaged the others relationships.
: ̗̀➛ “did you tell rachel i had an std?”
: ̗̀➛ “what? no of course not..”
: ̗̀➛ “rafe! you can’t just beat the shit out of any boy that gets close to me!”
: ̗̀➛ “i didn’t like the look of him…”
: ̗̀➛ it wasn’t until sarah had to mediate one of their bigger arguments that they were finally confronted by their growing feelings for one another.
: ̗̀➛ “can you guys just kiss and make up already? it’s about time..”
: ̗̀➛ and that’s exactly what happened.
: ̗̀➛ as they stared at each other, the initial anger of the situation slowly dissipating, they both leaned in, their lips connecting aggressively.
: ̗̀➛ rafe’s hands lingered on her waist as her found their way onto his face, cupping his jaw as she deepened the kiss.
: ̗̀➛ “i love you, i always have..”
: ̗̀➛ the pair were even more powerful in a relationship as they were before.
: ̗̀➛ having finally admitted and confronted their feelings, they need to protect one another only grew.
: ̗̀➛ wherever y/n went, rafe was never far. whether she was working a shift at the island club, or shopping around town, he’d always be lurking, scanning the people around them for potential threats.
: ̗̀➛ she found it particularly amusing whenever someone tried to hit on her, entirely oblivious to the 6’2 giant sneaking behind them, observing his prey.
: ̗̀➛ together, they were like a punch. y/n was the swing, the split second you have to dodge the incoming impact. rafe was definitely the punch, he’d lost count of the amount of people he’d beaten to a pulp just for looking at her, never-mind attempting to talk to her.
: ̗̀➛ both of their parents would watch on in awe as the two spent time together at one another’s houses. admiring the love they had for each other at such a young age.
: ̗̀➛ and it certainly wasn’t coming to an end any time soon.
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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mikey sano, baji keisuke, mitsuya takashi, nahoya kawata x fem!reader - fluff (1.6k+)
request: so i was wondering if i could request headcanons of mikey, baii, mitsuya and nahoya dating their best friend's sister? how their rs is like, how they act around their best friend TBH U CAN WRITE IT HOWEVER U WANT i just really like this trope
nana's note: yes yes ofc!! i had a lot of fun writing this and proud of how it came out (been a while since i've felt that tbh)! i was sort of conflicted on who to choose as mitsuya and nahoya's best friend but i went for hakkai and mucho respectively LMAO I HOPE THAT'S OKAY, please enjoy!
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this is so cute because the thought of mikey dating you—draken’s sister—and draken having a crush on dating emma—mikey’s sister—??? everyone is intermingled !!! 
mikey is always mentioning it too; “oh my god aren’t we the cutest? me and y/n, and you and emma! hehehe.”
draken: MIKEY SHUT UP (while profusely blushing)
draken had almost no objection to you and mikey getting together, he really could tell all along that you had feelings for him and vice versa
the only thing that bothered your brother was how childish mikey could be at times, but with considerable thought—maybe he’s the boy you fell for because you knew you could handle it
draken’s sister ain’t no little bitch!! he didn’t raise you like that nuh uh
mikey feels no different with draken after officially labelling you his girlfriend, seriously, it’s like nothing changed
you all knew one another at a young age and practically grew up together
everyone hung out the same, even when you or emma weren’t there
draken and mikey’s bond never faltered, if anything it strengthened—the two of them now had a common goal: to make sure you were as happy as you could be
draken was happy to see you so happy with mikey, and his best friend always gushed about you to him
he tells him to stop talking about his sister all the time but finds it endearing that mikey truly loves you so much
“and then yesterday, she came to my class to give me snacks, ken-chin! your sister is the sweetest, hm?”
draken just absentmindedly hums along to his endless chatter, “alright, i’ll just tell y/n you won’t shut the hell up about her.”
mikey sometimes comes over to the brothel to hang out with you, and draken always finds it just a little bit irking to find you two in bed together
draken: MIKEY !!!!!!!!!
mikey and you: HELP ME !!!!!!!
he settles down after a bit though, patting you on the head and punching mikey in the gut for good measure
how cute of you guys <3
ohohoho chifuyu has got himself a handful juggling his best friend baji whose now dating his sister
you first met baji when your brother brought him over to your guy’s house after school; you recall him vaguely say that he was gonna invite a friend over so you needed to give them “boy time space”
you didn’t want to mingle yourself with your brother and his friends anyways and only came out of your room to grab a refill of your water
how lucky you ran into baji the minute he’s also in the kitchen, rummaging the cupboards for snacks
“i suppose you’re baji?” you speak up from behind him in an amused tone, smile growing at the shock on his face
he drops a chip bag at the sudden sound of your voice, spinning around to look you before taking a moment to really look at you—‘fuck, she’s pretty.’ he ponders to himself
“fuck, sorry,” he bends down to pick up the snack, “y-yeah, yeah—name’s baji, and you must be chifuyu’s sister?”
you fake a curtsy bow, making him laugh before telling him your name
he tests the syllables on his tongue, before giving a satisfied nod: “pretty name, say.. you wanna join your brother and me for some games? i’ll go on easy on you,” baji gives you a fanged grin
AND THAT’S HOW BAJI MADE A LAAASTING IMPRESSION ON YOU—mf got you hooked so quick, and you’re like.. chifuyu has attractive friends???? my ugly ass brother???? (sorry chifuyu ur so cute ily)
the two of you started dating months after you two met, and it was smooth sailing from then on out (minus the occasional verbal beating you gave baji because of his reckless actions—but honestly, he needed more people who could scold him)
chifuyu always gets embarrassed whenever you two show any sort of affection with him in the same room
big bro: could you like not get so touchy with ur bf im right here
gangsta chifuyu: can you guys get a different room or something 
IM SOBBING HES SO DRAMATIC—for someone who reads a lot of shoujo manga, he does not like seeing it in his best friend and sister LMAOOO
it’s all in good heart and games though, chifuyu really means no harm
why would he? you’re so happy with baji, someone he looks up to a lot and seeing you two interact can sometimes ignite a warmth in him
baji treats you as good as chifuyu would’ve expected from his captain, and if baji needed any help—chifuyu would be ready to help him whenever <3
probably the most responsible and respectful out of the whole list when dating his best friend’s (hakkai) sister
you have a big family of siblings, there’s your two brothers and yuzuha—who all have no issue of you dating toman’s third division captain
there is definitely no complaint from hakkai holy fuck 😭😭😭 he is OVER THE MOON, fucking ECSTATIC that his sister is dating THE mitsuya takashi
taiju (post-black dragons arc bc him before was horrible and embarrassing help) and yuzuha know mitsuya will treat their dear sister well, and basically saw it coming at one point
taiju noticed the way mitsuya paid extra attention to you, and looked at you as if you were the only girl in the world—he definitely had a talk with him before mitsuya confessed to you, and was happily met with mutual feelings !!
like mikey, not too much changes between hakkai and mitsuya’s relationship once you and him become a thing
possibly hakkai is… more loud? LMAO
“TAKA!!!! HOW ARE YOU??! WOW—YOU LOOK EXTREMELY HANDSOME TODAY!!” he yells from behind you, dropping you off at the mall to hang out with mitsuya
please he’s getting looks from strangers as mothers drag their kids away from the loud teen
mitsuya is SO embarrassed, and can feel your humiliation radiate off of you from afar
the two of you laugh over it every now and then during your time together, and spend a a great day away from your brother’s loud mouth
girl to girl moment, yuzuha finds it so cute when you gush to her about the things you and mitsuya did together, or the little romantic ministrations he does for you
she smiles fondly as you giggle your fucking head off LMAO
as for taiju … UH you don’t normally find yourself going to him to talk about mitsuya, it’s just not a natural impulse you have + you don’t really know how he’d react to that kind of conversation
he’s glad of it too LOL but sometimes he’ll walk past you on the couch texting someone, and realize it’s mitsuya
your big brother’ll give you a head pat, and ask if everything is going alright with you two, or just in general as a check up—he vowed not to let anyone, including himself harm his siblings (WOO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT !!!!)
you five + mitsuya’s siblings have a really cute relationship together, everyone in toman views it as one big happy family
luna and mana love you, they’re always so so thrilled when mitsuya invites you over; they particularly love playing princess with you, and of course you’re the princess in their eyes
“y/n’s so pretty in that dress! let’s get her some tea!” mana says as she brings you an empty plastic cup with imaginary tea inside—when you play along with their games and fun, it makes a flutter in mitsuya’s heart soar <3
when you told mucho that you and nahoya were officially dating, your brother honestly saw no harm in it—only that by being his best friend, mucho knew that nahoya could be a bit of a trouble maker
he can’t find any reason to object the relationship though, he knows nahoya is a good guy and would take care of you well
that doesn’t stop the stoic, big, protective front he gives when nahoya might get a bit too flirtatious with you
“hey babe,” nahoya hums, walking up to you before slithering an arm behind you to rest against your bum
he even gives it a few taps 
your brother is always so serious but you swore you saw an eyebrow twitch and a vein pop out
just as nahoya’s about to lean in and kiss your cheek, he can see that from his peripheral vision, that the one and only mucho is approaching you two—at an alarmingly fast pace too
help nahoya’s face is like ¿( ̄O ̄)? when he sees him coming towards y'all
“what are you doing?” you fight a smile as you look up at your brother, stone face and all
“um, i was gonna to kiss my girlfriend buddy.” nahoya grins, teasing his friend
“that’s my sister.” 
“and she’s also my girlfriend.”
“but, that’s my sister.”
IT’S A GAME OF TAG BETWEEN THEM LMAO—nahoya’s like “what—does it expect me not to kiss you??”
“maybe not in front of him babe?”
“oh.” (-o-)
nahoya takes your advice to not make out with you 24/7 and mucho greatly appreciates it
especially when he comes over, mucho does not wanna walk into that LMAO
other than that, the two go strong—and since nahoya comes over more often, the two of them get to spend more time together outside of toman
it’s really sweet, until they start beating each other up over who won in mario kart <3
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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ratsonastick · 5 months
No Damsel In Distress
Luke Castellan x Reader
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Inspired by Meg and Hercules relationship
You put up a big fight, but in the end, you still fall for him.
You truly thought your heart had learned its lesson, especially that day when you watched your crush run off with one of the Aphrodite girls that night. You knew that compared to her you were ugly but the way that boy talked to you had you thinking maybe there was a chance. 
So, from that day on you cut all ties with having a crush on anyone at Camp, and yet at the mention of his name, you feel a sudden tug. 
Luke Castellan, head of the Hermes cabin, has been a boy you've tried to avoid ever since you arrived at camp one year after him. He was charming, a boy every girl swooned for, and yet you always tried (Still do) to tell yourself something about him was unsettling. 
Whenever your friends caught you sneaking glances they'd say something like “You guys would be so cute … ugh imagine the best swordsman and archer on campus together” but you would cut them off saying he would never date a girl like you. 
But it wasn’t until one day did you truly started to second-guess yourself (once again) 
“Hey do you need help with that?” a voice startled you, causing you to rock back and forth on the small bench you were using to try and get the bow and arrow string in the weapon closet. You turned around and there he was standing with all his glory. 
He had a smug smile on his face, and his hands were on his hips as he looked up to you, “What?” 
He smiled at you and lifted one of his hands to point at the shelf “Help you reach that?” you looked back at the shelf that you were sure he could reach quickly if he took your place on the bench, but being stubborn you shook your head, “I'm good” 
You turned your head back around, standing on the tip of your toes once more to try and reach the box, and the bench slowly rocked once more with your movements. “You know this could be a lot quicker if I could just take your spot…” he stated which made you a bit annoyed. 
You put your heels down turning around to look at him, but with the fast movements, the bench slowly rocked more causing you to lose balance. He quickly came to your side giving you something to hold on to as he wrapped his arms around your legs so you wouldn't fall back “I got you” He smiled while looking up at you. 
You helped onto his shoulders, a small burning feeling growing on your face “Fine” 
“Fine what.” he asked looking at you which made you sigh “Fine you can help me” he smiled and released his grip on your legs sticking out his hand for you to hold on to as he stepped down, but you ignored it “I'm no damsel in distress I don't need you to help me anymore then this,” you grumbled. 
“Someone’s sassy” he mumbled, which made you roll your eyes as he stood on the bench quickly reaching for the box for you. He took a step down and turned towards you sticking out the box “Here you are” 
“Thanks” You grabbed it and walked out of the closet, he smiled and put his hands in his pocket, walking out right after you “How come I never see you around?” he asked to speed up to walk next to you. “I don't know” you mumbled, struggling slightly to open the box since it still had tape on it. You reached for your dagger but it wasn't there which caused you to let out an annoyed groan. 
Luke took the box from your hand which made you let out a gasp, he took his knife and sliced the tape open, folding back the cardboard pieces and handing it back to you. 
“I feel like there's a reason … Do you not like me?” You shook your head, taking out the rope as you walked back to the archery field, tossing the box into a nearby trash. “I don't hate you” 
“That sounded convincing.” He smiled as he looked out into the distance “I'm just busy …” You thought for a moment, that made sense. 
He clicked his tongue and shook his head “You're lying” 
“Fine! I don’t like how you always feel the need to help people, like oh! This random girl can't reach a box, let me help her!” you sighed, waving your hands around frustrated. 
“It's called being a good person,” He said in a cocky voice ‘While sometimes you do not have to be” he nodded his head slowly “okay next time  I see a damsel in distress I'll ask if she needs help before even though I had been watching her for about 10 minutes struggling” 
“I'm not a damsel” you stopped walking and turned to face him, but then it clicked “Wait … why were you watching me?” 
He stopped and looked down at you, his hands in his pockets and he shrugged his shoulders. “I've seen you around, but we've never talked,” he stated, which is true, many people have heard your name but never seen you. 
“Okay, but that doesn't mean you just had to come talk to me” you furrowed your brows as you looked up at him, playing with the rope in your hand.
“Why do you always have to have a reason?” He asked which made a small shy smile appear on your face as you looked off into the distance “I don't know” 
He kept his gaze on you, a small smile on his face, almost like he knew how you felt. 
Ever since that day, you both had this back-and-forth relationship, it was bickering in a friendly way. And even though you tried to be secretive about your life, somehow Luke managed to figure it all out. 
It was one specific day when things started to change “Y/n” he spoke, walking up behind you “Luke” you muttered softly looking ahead at the path. 
“Wanna go out with me?” he asked in what sounded to you like a teasing tone, so you smiled and shook your head “Luke what.”
He grabbed your shoulder and spun you so you faced him, his face was serious, and a piece of his hair fell by his eyes. “Will you go out with me?” he asked again, this time he spoke in a monotone voice so it sounded serious. 
“Luke … what?” you asked again, getting confused. “Y/n I don’t know how to make it any more simpler than it already is …. Will … you … go …” you cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth. 
“Luke I’m not slow, I know what you are asking but why?” this question made his face light up, but you could sense a small worry still. 
“I don't know … I guess I kinda like you?” 
“You guess?”
“I Know” he spoke up with more confidence in his voice. 
He brushed the hair out of his face and kept his gaze on you “I like you … you challenge me, and aren't just like the others where you try to flaunt your beauty and all your special skills. And you especially don't just talk to me to get with me.” 
You paused for a moment before sighing, but a small smile formed on your lips “Fine…”
“Fine, what?” he tested you, the smiling growing, making small creases form under his eyes and at the corner of his lips. “Fine, I will go out with you.” 
“Well don't make it sound like an inconvenience there buddy.” He teased which made you quickly laugh, covering your mouth. 
He kept his eyes on you, and you had a feeling that the look he gave you was different than the ones you've received from your past crushes
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stardustloserdoll · 7 months
Omg imagine being the girl kaulitz triplet who’s like a guitarist in the band as well >_<
this is such a good one 🤭
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kaulitz triplets
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growing up with them was so fun, yes they were a little bit annoying but you loved your brothers
once tom learned how to play guitar he taught you how to play since he knew you always wanted to learn how to
when you do your solos they are so proud of you and have big smiles on their faces
when you guys were younger, for your birthday. tom and bill saved up money to buy you the guitar you wanted🙁
they have a such a soft side for you and always support you in anything and are always there for you
gustav loves baking cakes for you when it’s your birthday and he makes it all nice and pretty for you. but makes bills and toms ugly😭
you guys got into a lot of trouble in school and you got suspended a looott
before you met gustav and georg you guys had your own little band
you guys usually just played in the garage and made up random songs just practicing
you guys decided you needed something else for the band and that’s when you met georg and gustav thus becoming devilish!
you all got along so well and became best friends fast, later on becoming.. tokio hotel!
you and tom took the best selfies together
you and tom would fight with each other a lot though
people love when you do your guitar solos
you’re a fashion icon too everyone loves your outfits
before every show the three of you do this handshake that you guys have always done since you were kids and it’s kinda like a good luck charm and to cure the nerves
expect them to always be teasing and bothering you especially if you have a crush
bill is more kind to you than tom and teases you less
you and bill usually work together to write songs and are usually up late practicing the songs
you and georg are always messing around with tom and always annoying him
you and tom would have a contest to see who can eat the most and you both end up losing because you guys get tummy aches and throw up 😭
y’all smoke weed together but tom smokes it all
going on vacation with them is so fun too
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
『Best friends to lovers trope + first kiss』
Characters: Souma Kanzaki, Yuta Aoi, Suou Tsukasa, Himeru, Kohaku Oukawa, Kanata Shinkai, Arashi Narukami, Hiyori Tomoe, Ritsu Sakuma and Ibara Saegusa.
C/w: fluff, jealousy (?), somewhat angst depending on some parts like (i can’t really specify since it’s up to the readers pov 🥲) , long post ?? (Ten characters meaning more scrolling if you see it that way?), Madara’s a chismoso in Kohaku’s part (snitch; I swear he did it cause Kohaku wasn’t making a move LMAO) it’s just cute and kisses rahh i love fluff (not proofread my bad) [WHY IS HIYORI’S PART SO LONG HELLO im not biased i swear] ugly cried making Ritsu’s part help. 3.5k words woah-
A/n: hello everyone :3 first off I wanna say tysm for the support in my last post!! I didn’t think it a lot of people would like it but im glad you guys enjoyed it, it made my day seeing all the support <3! And second, I’m working on those requests I PROMISEE (atp spam me to motivate me pls /hj), and I will be posting the remaining parts of the series “Kissing/Making out + hcs” soon as well, writers block really is making me not post 😭 but anyways!! Hope y’all enjoy this super cute trope >:3
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Souma Kanzaki✰
Your absolute best friend in the marine bio club, he loves researching about cute creatures and taking care of them too!! Souma isn’t really focused on romance, he’s really glad to have found friends like you and Adonis. But, why was he feeling some sort of way around you? Your smile was so soft, he felt his heart beat at the thought of it, and how warm your personality was with him. He was scared to even confess because you’ve been such a good friend to him that he really doesn’t want to ruin that friendship.
But its not like you have hinted anything towards him. It’s always been Adonis or Kanata, hell, even Kaoru, he wants you to look at him for once, just once and say you love him. Souma started to doubt whether or not to tell you, when suddenly as he opened his locker, saw an envelope with your name in it, addressed to him. He decided on going to the place you mentioned in your letter, seeing you there with a smile.
“Y/n…do you feel what I feel? I really enjoy your presence, but I can’t help but feel I want to be more than your friend, perhaps a partner? If you want to stay as friends then I understand-“
With that, you kissed him, he felt like his world was just surrounded by you and just you both. As you parted away, Souma blushed a bit, smiling brightly but slightly embarrassed as you spoke
“I love you too Souma, I’ve been waiting to say those words to you”
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Yuta Aoi✰
Let’s face it, you’re friends with Yuta and best friends with Hinata. He hates feeling like a second option towards you when Hinata isn’t there. Of course, you share moments like any good friend would, talking and spending time together. But it was all about Hinata; Hinata this, Hinata that. Yuta started growing feelings of jealousy for a while, but he couldn’t just go to his brothers best friend and admit of their crush, opening his heart out there and waiting for it to be held or acepted, anything but crushed.
Yuta knew he had to act one day or another, it can’t stay like this when you’re just there, being so kind to him even if he felt like a filler for when Hinata wasn’t there. Until one day, his brother found out about his crush, and promised him that he wasn’t interested in you, after all, Hinata felt like you were the sister they never had. After that day, Yuta saw things clearly, not blinded by the silly jealousy towards his brother and now focusing on winning your heart. Eventually, he invited you out to hang out together, which could be considered a date but he liked saying they were only going out as friends. Right after ending the date, Yuta held your hands softly, sighing before speaking.
“So, I wanna thank you for accepting my invite um to go out..but I also want to say something important-“
You cut him off by kissing him, he stood still, a bit in shock while his heart felt like it was about to burst.
“I like you too Yuta..sorry if I made you feel in any way less than your brother, you’re very important to me, you both are”
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Suou Tsukasa✰
Your friendship began with your father’s company partnering up with Tsukasa’s. You both instantly clicked having somewhat same interests, going to cafe’s around japan whenever your families traveled to other cities. Suou loves going to Yumenosaki Academy with you, it’s a routine going in and out and after school, taking you to the sweet fan club. It’s no surprise when the members of the club ask if you’re dating, to which Suou just blushes and denies it. Perhaps he was developing feelings for you?
No it couldn’t be, you were his best friend, and childhood one too. Kohaku had seen Suou doubtful at times and comforted him, encouraging his cousin to give it a try if he truly loved you. Even if things wouldn’t be the same after, Suou was really going to give this a try. The following days consisted of him acting more affectionate and close with you, gifting you small things like your favorite sweets even jewelry as well. To the point where you confronted him about all the sudden coddling.
“Okay Suou listen I appreciate the gifts and the kindness, but..is there a reason why you’re doing this? I mean- wait, you’re definitely hidding something right? Come on I know you and I’ve done so my entire life, it can’t be that bad-“
Suou leaned forward, kissing you softly as he had felt brave in that moment, soon pulling away muttering a small apology as he sighed
“I-I’m sorry, I really love your company and your sweet personality, you’ve showed me how to love and feel loved. I truly hope you feel the same as I do”
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After the incident regarding his brother, Kaname, Himeru learned everything about his brother. People didn’t find him strange, or acting weird when referring to himself in third person, after all Himeru knew how to blend in well with the crowd. Except for one person, you. Knowing Kaname well had it’s things, like predicting what things he wanted to do or talk about in the moment, even sharing class schedules with each other, so you knew he was not Kaname, but instead his brother who he had mentioned briefly before Himeru had come in as ‘him’. Still, Himeru had that side of him that made you look at him in another light.
Of course, he was portraying as his brother but, something about Himeru was just so different, he was more mature, rationalized everything and serious in a way that made you like him? He was kind and gentle with you, almost sickening, but in a good way. A year passed by and Himeru invited you to see his brother, how the incident had left him in a state of coma, tears were shed that day, and a lot. But you knew how much trust and care he had in you. So when he pulled you aside as you walked towards the place he’d ask you to meet him at, you weren’t surprised at what he said.
“Himeru hopes this is enough appropriate to aproach you this way. Himeru asked for you to meet him here, Himeru is thankful for that…would you be willing to give Himeru the opportunity to show you how much ‘I’ love you?”
You smiled, one he loved seeing so frequently. He placed his arms around you in a comforting way, kissing you softly while smiling
“Yes Himeru, I love you, not because you’re ‘impersonating’ your brother but, because i fell in love with the real you, the real Himeru thats under that façade”
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Kohaku Oukawa✰
Being part of whatever Madara dragged him into, wasn’t easy, especially with making acquaintances rather than his unit mates and Madara himself, not to mention his cousin Suou who is somewhat friends with you. He can’t even recall the time you both met, perhaps his cousin introduced you or he had seen you around the Reimei dormitories. Even if Kohaku didn’t attend school, he looked forward in meeting you in the hallways of the dorms. His conversations being short and direct but well mannered, he seemed to have taken a liking to you.
Or more like a slight fling of trust towards you since you knew his cousin and friends well. It wasn’t like him when he offered you to join him and share some of his favorite sweets or chatting online when you didn’t have time to hang out, always ending up with photos of Kohaku and the thing he was so busy at. Sometimes it would be photos of him at the practice studio or helping Madara out with something, they were really cute, but he didn’t have to know that, right? Then he suggested you both went out, taking you to his favorite shops and cafe’s filled with pastries from around the world, sharing a bite of the (favorite pastry) you were eating as he spoke, now having the opportunity to do so since you were both in a much more secluded area.
“Hey so..would it be alright if I..confessed? Okay no I’m not gonna beat around the bush, I like you, a lot. I talked this with Madara and he said i should tell you since honesty is important and”
He stopped, looking at you briefly after you had kissed him momentarily on the lips, he stared for a bit before snapping back into reality, coughing a bit as he averted his eyes across the room, trying to hide the embarrassment he felt because you liked him back and kissed him, even though he wanted to do so first
“Perhaps a little birdy might’ve told me something like that before…however the answer is still the same, I like you too Kohaku, thank you for being honest, I really like that about you too”
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Kanata Shinakai✰
You both met thanks to Madara and Ryuusetai. Since you worked with Madara on some missions, you actually knew Kanata when he was proclaimed to be a ‘god’. The shinkai cult was a very harsh one but, after Madara had saved Kanata, he was in your ‘debt’. But it never felt that way to either of you, Kanata is your best friend, one that always drags you towards any nearby water or anything you both enjoy. He really likes spending time with you and will not back off if you tell him he’s “too clingy”. People always say you were like platonic soulmates, but you’d always denied it with a small blush on your face.
However, feelings started to develop when he would always go towards you in need of help or advice, even saying good morning before anyone else, you were first and it made you feel something whenever he smiled at you or dragged you into the cold water of the fountain. Kaoru was the first to notice your feelings whenever you came by the marine bio club, cheeks a bit pink as Kanata hugged you. It was kinda obvious of how much you liked each other but were oblivious to it. Till one day, he invited you out to meet him in one of his favorite spots, laying out a blanket with some of your favorite snacks, looking at the ocean in front of you as he held your hand under the afternoon sun.
“I think I’m developing ‘feelings’ for you~ Y/n~, do you ‘like’ me too~?”
Smiling, he knew to take that as a sign to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as you parted away slowly, taking the time to admire his features and how the wind moved his hair slightly
“I love you Kanata, it feels like we’re destined to be with one another”
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Arashi Narukami✰
The cool stylish best friend you were so proud to have. Arashi knew the best skin care products and even gave you tips from time to time. She was the best to go to if you had any problems about anything. You both met at one of her regular make up stores to go to in the daily, she just so happened to love your fit and exchanged numbers. Arashi invites you to a couple of her shootings sometimes, looking your way when she’s posing or winking and the staff is quite positive that you’re dating each other. To which Arashi has no objection to but you’re almost sure she’s teasing you.
Besides you both have been friends for a couple of years, it’s nothing serious…or so you thought. Arashi had arranged a dinner after her regular model shootings and invited you, alone. Which caused some doubts because she would normally invite the rest of the Knights with you to eat together, especially for dinner. Upon entering the restaurant, placing your orders and sitting down, Arashi took out what seemed to be a box, you almost thought she was asking you to marry her but as she opened it, there were two rings, almost equal, she smiled and seemed a bit bashful as she spoke.
“You know I’m not really used to any of this but, I like you Y/n, I saw these rings and thought why not use them as promise rings? I hope you like it~!”
You smiled and held her hand as she kissed your cheek softly, then moving to kiss your lips briefly. Arashi then placed the ring on your finger as you did to her’s too. Many people thought it was an engagement and congratulated you both, even if it wasn’t, you ended up getting free dessert and a wonderful time with her
“I like you too Arashi! What just happened feels like something out of a fairytale, it was so romantic, thank you for the wonderful time~!”
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Hiyori Tomoe✰
Your 'archnemesis’ that turned into your best friend. Hiyori really didn’t get along well with you, especially when you hanged around with Jun most of the time, talking about similar interests as he watched you both from the sidelines while he waited for Jun to finish his conversation. It wasn’t fair whenever Jun opt to spend more time with you rather than him and his dog Bloody Mary. However one time, Jun went off with Makoto, leaving you alone with Hiyori and his dog, he then realized how kind you were with everything, especially Bloody Mary. After that day you both became the most inseparable of friends. Always giving you tips on your wardrobe and going out to get lunch or a cup of coffee to start the day. When he invited you to his concerts and events, you were always there, first row cheering him on as he looked at you from the stage. Something about seeing you so cheery in the crowd made his heart flutter, he felt so loved and cherished by his best friend.
Although he wouldn’t consider that anymore, it had developed into a crush throughout the weeks, leaning into your touch more as you both linked arms or his arm around your shoulder. He trusted you with some of his worries and inquires, always looking forward to your advice whenever he felt down or lost. He eventually ranted towards Nagisa and Bloody Mary, to which Nagisa pretty much replied with “be honest with them, you never know unless you say something”. Nagisa was right, he had to do whatever it took to say how he was feeling and Hiyori wasn’t backing down on this. It was when he had the idea to confess after one of his concerts with Eve, after briefly finishing and the majority of the people had left, he requested for your presence in his dressing room, escorted by one of the bodyguards Ibara had hired for the concert. Soon entering his dressing room and seeing flowers everywhere, even a small rose petal line leading directly towards Hiyori as he smiled and held a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“Hiyori! Wow it’s so beautiful..but, why all this commotion? I mean I love it but-“
You felt his lips against yours briefly, a soft giggle leaving his lips as he leaned towards you once more, catching you by surprise again
“My dearest Y/n! I must admit you’ve caught my eye, and I have developed feelings for you, I hope you truly feel the same”
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Ritsu Sakuma✰
Ritsu had admired you from afar for quite some time now, noticing how happy you were with his brother and unit, too busy to even notice his presence whenever he was sleeping nearby, but that all changed once his brother had invited you over to dinner at their home. That’s how the friendship became to grow, you both shared similar tastes, music and even things like sleeping. He was your best friend since then and has been for a couple of months. Unfortunately, since he still holds a grudge against his brother Rei, you were kinda forced to choose between them, although not necessarily since you’d seen Rei almost everyday and Ritsu too, separated from each other. He opened himself up to you, telling Y/n how he felt like his brother had abandoned him at one point and how he didn’t want to feel that ever again, to which you had promised to stay by his side no matter what.
Soon, friendly cuddles were a thing under his favorite spot at the garden before going to the tea club. It felt like a routine; waking up, going to school, spending time with Ritsu and so on. Whenever he saw you with his brother, he really wasn’t jealous, just annoyed and bothered at the sight of Rei touching your arm slightly, whenever that happened he always approached you and placed his arm linked with yours as he waited for you both to finish said conversation. Feelings started to grow when he saw you waking up from one of your usual naps together, the way you slowly opened your eyes and how the sun softly graced your face, you looked like a sleeping angel, quite literally. He took it upon himself to confess the very day you both graduated, the last time you would’ve seen each other if it weren’t for his plans. Ritsu had pulled you aside, taking you to your usual spot as you both smile, a bit tearful at the sight of not being able to come back and share moments with each other but that’s when Ritsu held your hand softly
“Y/n..I want to apologize for how late this confession came to be but..I love you, I don’t want to let go of you just yet, or ever..please stay with me”
Ritsu asked as you smiled, his hands now on your cheeks as you pulled him in for a kiss, it felt so right to share such intimate moment with your now lover as he pulled back, looking at you dumbfounded for a moment as you spoke
“I love you more Ritsu~ I can’t wait to find more spots under trees so we can spend all the time in the world cuddling together”
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Ibara Saegusa✰
The protective best friend who doesn’t like anyone coming near you. He’s always been like that, since day one of your friendship. Ibara at first offered you to work with him since the job was open to be his assistant. Then it turned into late night talks and drinking some coffee in the morning before attending to important stuff that he realized he had actually found a friend for the first time in ever. Apart from Eden and Adam if that counts, he really felt at ease around you. His work became less heavy and less dull, thanks to the help of a kind friend like you and the company he had every day, he seemed to be in a better mood each week. In business meetings or Eden/Adam practices, he’s always keeping an eye on you, if anyone makes you uncomfortable or your well-being overall. Even attending his lectures, he felt happy seeing you taking notes and being so attentive when he told his speeches.
It’s so weird seeing that he prioritizes your friendship over his work a few times like taking you to lunch or spending time doing whatever you both want. It caused some curiosity between the members of Eden since Ibara would always be swarming in work and the progress of their units. They sincerely have to thank you for letting him see his soft spot, his sweet side to all that workaholic Ibara. It was quite refreshing to be honest, seeing him so at ease and the strees and burden from over the years were at much calm now beside you. It was love, he couldn’t imagine a life without you, Ibara imagined the day where he would wake up beside you, smiling softly as he kissed you so dearly in the morning. He thought that those “daydreams” of you both spending time together was normal, but he was just really catching feelings. After a long time of consideration, he decided to take you out to a very exclusive dinner, one which the entire restaurant was worth more than the entire ensemble square. He sat in front of you, letting you choose a variety of dishes before grabbing your hand and speaking
“I’ll keep this short and simple, I really love your company, and I can’t help but wish more of it, more of your touch..if you catch what I mean..please don’t keep me waiting, the thought of being rejected is harsh but I’d rather know that- mmmphf-!”
He felt himself turn red, cheeks flaired with a pink hue as he felt your lips against his, his face was priceless. Chapped but so soft against yours, he didn’t want to let go, even for a catch of air, however when you did, your hands linked as you smiled
“I love you as well Ibara, don’t stress over something that was already expected from the both of us~”
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blazingstar400 · 3 months
[Clavell trying to understand everyone better]
Clavell: Tell me about your friend group, Florian.
Florian: If I explain all that we’re gonna be here for a while… where do I even start?
Florian: Hm… well… I guess I can go ahead and start with Carmine. She’s tough, smart, hot-headed, hard to read, and scary as heck sometimes. But I think she’s secretly nice.
Carmine: Tell me who has me for Secret Santa.
Juliana: What? Noooo! That takes all the fun out of it!
Carmine: *glares daggers at her*
Juliana: It’s me. I got you a scarf. It’s blue and ugly. I can return it if you wan—
Carmine, snatches the gift before she can finish: Well now it’s my blue and ugly scarf! Back off!!
[End of flashback]
Florian: Next I guess is Nemona. She’s hyperactive. Not the most brilliant, but she works harder than anyone else. She doesn’t have the best aim or grip on things though.
[Flashback, Nemona unwraps a muffin, then drops it on the ground.]
Nemona: Awww shoot! My muffin!
[As she picks it up, she smacks her head on the table.]
Nemona: Ow! My head! My muffin and my head!
[End of flashback]
Florian: Penny’s probably the most brilliant when it comes to tech and stuff. She was the Leader of Team Star. Gets underestimated because of her looks, so she’s always trying to prove she’s tough.
[Flashback, Penny puts hot sauce on her sandwich. She looks up to see Florian watching her.]
Penny: You think I can’t handle this much hot sauce? I can handle way more than this. *she empties the hot sauce on her sandwich and takes a bite*
Penny, in agony: In... your... face.
Florian: ...I never said anything…
[End of flashback]
Clavell: What about Arven?
Florian: Arven’s probably like the big brother of our group. And he cooks for all of us. If it weren’t for him we’d probably all eat unhealthy or starve…
Kieran: *is eating a chocolate bar*
Arven: *quickly snatches it out of his grasp and crushes it*
Kieran, now slightly annoyed: Hey!! I was eating that!!
Arven: Not on my watch!! You have been eating nothing but chocolate and candy for the past few days! Don’t you know how unhealthy that is??
Arven, bringing out a well seasoned salad: Here! This would be a lot better for you to eat!
Kieran: *looks down at the salad with a disgusted/grumpy look*
[End of flashback]
Florian: Kieran is the shy and sweet one in our group but at the same time… he’s also really emo and edgy. Also, I think he’s secretly down bad for Juliana but he’s in complete denial. He’d probably kill me if he figures out I told you so just don’t tell him I said that…
Meanwhile, Kieran is in his room petting Furret but suddenly pauses: Why do I feel like Florian is out there somewhere… telling my deepest, darkest secret?
Clavell: And Juliana?
Florian: Juliana’s the strongest trainer in our group. Also, she’s the one with the purest heart. Loves music, helping others, saving the world, stopping then forgiving bad guys, and solving puzzles. The only puzzle she hasn’t seemed to solved though... is how to grow up.
Florian: Stay here while I get more supplies for our up coming trip okay?
Juliana, beaming: Don’t worry, Florian! I’m not going anywhere!
Florian, closing his eyes and sighing: You better. This store is like a maze. So just stick close to me so you don’t get lost okay?
Florian: …
Florian: Okay?
Florian: …
Florian, opening his eyes: …Juliana?
[He sees Juliana rushing off in the distance after a butterfly]
Juliana: Heeeey!! Come back here!!
Florian, watching with an unamused look: I should have known…
[End of flashback]
Florian: And finally there’s me. I’m really just a typical average person. Not much to say about me.
Florian: Honestly, I feel like I’m the only normal person in my friend group….
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crushedsweets · 6 months
It’s that time of year so I gotta ask;
What Christmas gifts do you see the Creeps getting for each other if they did or were capable of celebrating Christmas?
btw: the proxies, natalie, nina, and jack are often in contact
liu, jeff, ben, jane, sally, lulu, and ann do their own thing with their own families (or theyre undead and cant comprehend time passing.. or have nobody...etc)
brian would try to get something small for a lot of the creeps (the proxies, natalie, jack, nina). candy, candles, lighters, watches, pocket knives, etc
tim might give cards but like... he'd only get brian and maybe toby a real gift, again something like cologne or whatever 'manly' shit LOL. gloves etc
toby would try to get something bigger for his friends. he's petty so he'd get tim something like socks. but he'd steal makeup for nina, a bike he would fix up and paint for natalie, CDs and tapes and stuff for jack, hoodies and hats for Kate. he'd buy brian a gag shirt every goddamn year. something with a stupid quote or ugly photo. every. year. brian eats it up everytime. also gets ben gag gifts, but really cheap ones cuz he..doesnt really use anything... but he likes to laugh
kate doesn't get anyone anything, but she like. cries really easily when she receives something. not like bawling 'OMG THANK U' but like she sniffles and has to walk away (if they don't hug her first) and then come back to say thanks. toby thinks its hilarious so he'd never leave her out even if she doesn't get him something
jack would have to ask nina and natalie if he could use their address to order gifts from amazon with his dark web money..... natalie is a safer bet, but he doesnt trust her not to open her and toby's gift, so he sends that to nina, then ninas gift to natalie, and its kind of a pain in the ass. but he's hella awkward and just outright is like 'can you guys just tell me what you want' so he'll get them exactly what they ask for. even if its kind of expensive. he makes plenty of money ...
natalie only buys stuff for toby, nina, and jack. but she'll get cards for jeff, ben, and kate. she spends a lot of time in thrift stores to get toby and nina stuff specifically for their style and size, and would even learn to do basic tailoring (like hemming) for it. she'd also paint something for/with nina, but she'd feel awkward doing it for toby. she'd get jack candles and pillows and like.. stuff to make his cabin feel/smell nice. since he can't really see it. ALSO AUDIO BOOKS FOR HIM.
nina goes all out. she's broke as fuck during november/december cuz of it. she's buying expensive jewelry, perfume/cologne, hoodies, shoes, consoles. she was fucking SPOILED growing up by her dad, and loves giving it back. one year she'd be dramatic as fuck and buy a whole ass console for kate and toby at the cabin. then realize toby and kate now wont text her back cuz theyre fucking gaming. LMFAOOOO . she'd make a ton of kandi and paint shirts and write letters and stuff.
liu would buy nina something nice, flowers and earrings and hair products and stuff. he'd mail jane+mary a card and chocolates, visit his parents graves and go see some cousins/aunts/grandparents for the holidays. he'd be out of state for the holidays, every time. he can't stand to spend the holidays alone
jane goes all out with her family too. she spends christmas eve with her family(and brings mary), aka her grandparents and aunts/uncles. she spends christmas day with mary's family. she would send liu a card back out of respect. she'd also spoil sally. sally is completely content spending christmas alone while jane goes to mary's family, but jane sets up netflix and toys and dresses and stuff for her.
sally lives with jane/mary fulltime, but she refuses to go anywhere other than the forest and jane's house. she'll draw cards for jane and mary every year and help them decorate. jane is grateful for sally, since she doesn't know if she'd have it in her to decorate without a child's joy motivating her
jeff doesnt do shit. he gets kinda depressed and hangs out with ben. might snag a card and some chocolates for natalie, MAYBE. if he's still "with" nina, he'll steal random stuff for her but not take into account her actual tastes. but him and ben just sit around and game while jeff smokes and eats hella . LOL
ann, lulu, sadie, and dina don't celebrate at all. again, they're stuck in timeloops or constant hazes, or have legitimately no interest in the holiday
extra random stuff:
nina forces kate, toby, and natalie into ice skating every year. photo booths, driving to see christmas lights.
toby tries forcing everyone to go over to jack's cabin ..cuz he doesn't wanna invite them to his LMFAOOOO. he says it's nina and brian's idea, but he's the one who sets the date and texts invites. him, jack, and natalie put together some dinner and everyone just kinda hangs out and eats.
nina decorates the fuck out of her apartment and goes to toby's cabin to put up some stuff. she hangs mistle toe and literally nobody listens to the 'rule' but she's always like "omg...kateeee...you and i just so happen to be under the mistle toe... >.<... what now..?" LMFAOOO
anyway merry christmas and happy holidays guys :) have a good day luv u
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
Top 5 hard and top 5 easy placements to have in a chart?😇
These are just my personal observations and wont be true for everyone! ⚠️
Sun Square Neptune: Very very hard time to see themselves and situations in their lives as they really are. Can create a lot of issues with reality. They prefer to see stuff as they want them to be. Some of the top funny comments Ive heard in my life was from people with this aspect. One guy with this aspect told me he is one of the most fit men in our country(not true ofc). My friend with this aspect told me ”People know Im tough and people dont want to test me etc” shes known to be a coward. Another one I know with this aspect constantly thinks people are jealous of her.
Moon Conjunct/Square/Opposite Pluto: This one makes it feel like someone is constantly attacking the persons emotional life. Constant crisis, paranoia, control issues. Makes it feels like life their inner life is a warzone. They become obsessed with others easily and people play mindgames with them a lot. Constant psychic attacks too. They have strong reactions to women and women have strong reactions to them.
Chiron conjunct personal planets: Pain, pain and more pain. Its like you can never win where you have Chiron. Extreme insecurity and sometimes even self hate concerning whatever it touches. Raw pain.
Venus Square Ascendant: It might seem shallow of me to pick this one but seriously going through life not being your own type is not easy. These people have a lot of focus on how others look to make up for how ugly they feel themselves. They look up to the glamorous and beautiful people out there and suffer with overidealizing people who have the look they want OR with hating on the people who have the look they want. Can suffer from a really bad self esteem and a lot of envy.
Dejanira/Chiron conjunct Ascendant: These asteroids conjunct Ascendant can make a person be attacked by others a lot. Dejanira conjunct Ascendant especially can make a person have a very vulnerable look which can make bullies attack. They can look like they are scared. They grow up hating this and become overly bitchy or aggressive to make up for it. They can have a hard time being outside alone because they are constantly afraid of being attacked. I know someone with this aspect and she refuse to even go to the gym alone.
Venus in the 1st house: Well liked and they are naturally friendly. They have that perfect behaviour in a way that makes them come across as nice but not too nice. They know how to present themselves. It seems like whatever they want they get. Life is on their side.
Venus conjunct Jupiter: Luck with social connections, love, money and self esteem, like can it get better than that?
Mercury trine Pluto: Super intelligent but without the paranoia like with the hard aspects. These people see things exactly like they are. They wont go through as much pain as others because they naturally know what kind of people and situations to stay away from. They know when its time to leave the party. They know when to talk and when to be quiet.
Venus conjunct Mars: Well liked and popular. Extremely good at the social game. Good relationship with the opposite sex. THE popularity aspect. Their charm makes them able to get away with anything.
Moon trine Saturn: Emotional maturity. Wise. Self control. These people think before they do stuff. They dont get all riled up and start screaming at you infront of everyone, no these people know how to handle any situation with grace. Able to stay calm in any situation. They can be very calculating too.
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ellabehavior · 11 months
You’re on your own kid ~ Rafe Cameron ☼
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Summary: Rafe and you have been best friends since you were young. However, now that he got his new girlfriend you suddenly realized that you could possibly like him more than simply as a friend.
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of drinking
A/N: Its been a while yall, but i’m back!! I hope y’all enjoy :)! ( i hateee this but i hope y’all love)
angst to soft!
Summer went away,
You’ve been best friends with Rafe since as long as you can remember, but last summer was the summer where everything changed.
The summer before your first year of college.
School was back up and you were also starting to look at Rafe with a different eye. He was taller, tanner, smarter, he’s growing up.
Still the yearning stays.
Everytime you’d pass Rafe in the hallway hed give you a short smile but never really acknowledge you.
You missed last summer when you guys would hang out everyday, tell eachothers every little secret, and have the best deep conversations at 2am.
You knew at this moment that things might never be the same again.
I play it cool with the best of them.
For the first time in months Rafe contacted you, he invited you to go to a party with a lot of people from your school.
When you arrived, that’s when you seen him with her.
He had his arm around her neck and her long blonde hair rested on his lower arm.
I wait patiently, he’s gonna notice me.
“It’s ok, It’s ok” You whisper quietly while gaining the courage to go up and talk to Rafe.
As you walk up to him he gives you a half-hug due to the blonde on his right.
“Hey Y/N i haven’t seen you in a while.” He grins.
“Yeahhh, I guess i’ve been busy yknow with all the test and s-” Immediately you get cut off by a high pitched voice.
“Rafeyyy cmon let’s go play some games this is boring.” She says with a pout.
“Mkay babe. Bye Y/n” The boy said walking away without a glance at you.
It’s ok we’re the best of friends, anyways…
About a week after the party Rafe finally calls to check up on you.
“Hey y/n.” He drowsily says .
“Rafe? It’s 1:00am what are you calling me for?” You voice concerningly
“I just miss my bestie that’s all” He laughs.
I hear it in your voice,
You're smoking with your boys.
I touch my phone as if it's your face.
“Rafe are you high right now?” You almost shout.
“Yes, Maybe, No.” He giggles.
“Rafe do you need me to come get you?”
You rush to grab your keys and your wallet to go pick Rafe up.
“No i’m here with my girlfriend.” He says.
You stop in your tracks, immediately getting a sick feeling in your stomach as soon as those words come out from his mouth.
“Oh Okay, we’ll I’ll talk to you some other time okay?” You suggest.
And with that he hangs up the phone without a goodbye.
I didn't choose this town,
I dream of getting out.
There's just one who could make me stay,
All my days.
As a kid you and Rafe would always talk about how when you guys were 25 you’d move to London together, and to this day that’s still your biggest dream.
You hate this place, it’s full of people who will be rude to you just based off of how you grew up.
Surprisingly Rafe is now dating one of those girls, Lily.
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
I waited ages to see you there
I search the party of better bodies
Just to learn that you never cared
You promised yourself after last time you would never go to another college party, but here you find yourself at one that Rafe invited you to.
You would be lying if you said you’re here because you wanted to party, you’re waiting to see him.
You see Lily off in the crowd dancing, She’s perfect. You understand why Rafe would pick her. Her hair flows perfectly in the wind, her makeup is never less than flawless, and even though you want to tell yourself that she’s ugly, she’s one of the prettiest girls you’ve ever seen.
As you study Lily you see Rafe come up from behind her and hug her.
You're on your own, kid
You always have been
The whole night Rafe didn’t even bat a single eye at you, so you left.
I see the great escape
So long, Daisy May
I picked the petals, he loves me not
Something different bloomed
Writing in my room
I play my songs in the parking lot
I'll run away
You tried to distance yourself ever since the party, finally realizing this crush is starting to form into something you don’t need right now.
It’s been exactly 2 weeks since you’ve gone no contact with Rafe and if there were 20 stages of grief, you’ve been through 30.
All you want to do is call him, text him, or tell yourself that maybe he’s just using Lily as a distraction because he really likes you.
“Why is it never me.”
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
I called a taxi to take me there
I search the party of better bodies
Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare
It’s a cycle.
Another party, Another slap in the face.
You can see the other girls also looking at Lily wishing they could be with Rafe.
The realization kills you to know that it’ll probably never be you in that spot with all these options he has.
You're on your own, kid,
You always have been.
It’s a drunken night, and you’ll definitely regret this.
“Rafeyyy babyyy” you slur.
“Y/N? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?” You can tell he is worried in his tone.
“I don’t like her. She’s rude, you deserve better.”
There is a long pause and then you hear someone speak, “He’s never liked you babe. You’re nothing compared to me, and you know that.”
The phone hung up.
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this
I hosted parties and starved my body
Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
It’s been hard to do anything since the altercation.
Eating, Getting up, Going to class, Socializing, and pretty much everything feels like a chore.
You’ve tried so hard to get his attention yet he never seemed to care.
And of course as a mean girl, Lily decided to tell everyone about what you said to Rafe. Of course he apologized for what she said, and for what happened but that didn’t stop the whole school for coming at you for a whole week.
The jokes weren't funny, I took the money
My friends from home don't know what to say
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown
And I saw something they can't take away
You received a text message late at night, usual for Rafe.
Rafe: Hey, i’m so sorry for what Lily caused. You’re my best friend and I realized nothing is worth loosing that, me and her are over now after a long talk.. Can we please hang out? I miss you.
Fuck. This is what you’ve been longing for all these months and it finally is here.
You: Yeah sure, Sleepover? my place tmmrw? ;)
Rafe: Ofc. I miss you. Cya.
Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned
Everything you lose is a step you take
So make the friendship bracelets
Take the moment and taste it
You've got no reason to be afraid
The anxiety levels are high waiting for Rafe to come over, it’s been so long since you’ve had a real conversation through all this time of him being with Lily.
You start to wonder if he still likes Starwars, or if his favorite dancing song is 22 by Taylor Swift.
You then hear a knock on the door.
You're on your own, kid
“Hey!! Can I come in” he says.
“Of course.”
Then the catching up, the apology’s, and the stories start up.
It’s just like last summer.
Yeah, you can face this
While Rafe is telling one of his stories, you start to feel a pit of anxiety in your stomach because you know what you have to do.
You’ve gotten ready for this moment, practiced it in the mirror about 50 times to make sure your facial expressions, or your tone doesn’t sound too weird.
You're on your own, kid
“Rafe.” You stop him mid conversation.
“Yes?” he says with a quirk of his eyebrows.
“All these months i’ve been so distant but really all I wanted was to be near you, since last summer you’ve been the only thing on my mind and maybe you don’t feel the same way but-“
He cuts you off with a kiss to your lips.
“I’ve been waiting since the 8th grade for you to say that” He says as he pulls away.
“So all that practicing in the mirror was for nothing?” you giggle.
“Guess so.”
You always have been
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
hello hello! I was wondering if you had any winged aus tucked away? the latest post I could find (though goodness knows tumblr’s search feature is iffy) was from 2019 and I was curious about an updated list if it isn’t too much trouble!
Hey Lovely!
You are correct, it's been a LONG time since I've put a new list together... I don't have any new personal recs (been a LONG time since I've read them), so what I'm going to do is do a tag search on my MFL list and put together a nice fresh list of fics suggested to me by you guys! Please note that I have NOT read any of the fics on this list so I'm probably wrong somewhere, LOL. They're not ALL winglock, for sure, but if anyone has anything relevant that they can add to this list, please do! Enjoy!
See also:
Winglock / Angels / Demons (Updated Apr 2022)
Sherlock x  Good Omens Crossovers (Updated Apr 2022)
The Detective and the Demon by oreganotea (G, 2,389 w., 1 Ch. || Supernatural Elements || Pre-Slash, Urban Fantasy, Demons, Humour, Friendship) – “Every demon on record is described as either monstrously terrifying or breathtakingly beautiful,” Sherlock says. “I have never heard of a demon with a forgettable face and a propensity for ugly jumpers.” The demon looks down at his jumper. Okay, so it might not be the most flattering article of clothing in the world, but it sure looks a hell of a lot more comfortable than Sherlock’s two-sizes-too-small shirt.
The Babadook by CatieBrie (T, 6,886 w., 1 Ch. || Babadook Fusion || Post-TRF, Horror, Demonic Possession, Violence, Halloween, Grief, Angst with Happy Ending) – “A children’s book,” John mutters as he flips it open. The pages are scrawled with beautiful charcoal lines and thick black ink. The cover, bright red, edges the open pages and something tugs at the back of John’s brain. It’s a familiar feeling, black and tarrish and thick in his thoughts. He shakes it off and picks the book up off his bed, turning so that he can sit on the edge and spread the book out across his knees. If it’s in a word or it’s in a look, you can’t get rid of the Babadook. He turns the page, ignoring the pressure building beneath his chest. There’s a closet on one page; paper doors meant to be opened by the reader flutter as John reads the text on the other page.
In The Arms Of The Angel by Watermelonsmellinfellon (M, 8,585 w., 3 Ch. || Fallen Angel AU || Friendship, Angels/Wings, BAMF John, Trust, Fluff, Romance, Eventual Happy Ending) – The human population possesses the ability to grow feathers from their spines, but less than even five million at a time ever actually grow any. A feather for a life. Every life saved, earned a feather. The feathers would overlap each other, until there was finally enough to create a wing and if some were lucky, two wings.
The Soldier And The Demon by LipstickDaddy (G, 8,998 w., 6 Ch. || Victorian / Demon AU || Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Soldier John, Demon Sherlock, Domestic Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Protective John, Protective Sherlock, Happy Ending) – Johnlock/Kuroshitsuji AU - 1879. Captain John H Watson of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers is dying from a near-fatal gunshot wound in the Kandahar desert; until a demon saves his life. There’s a catch, though; one day, his saviour will eat his soul.
You Don't Need Wings to Fly by Laiquilasse (T, 11,326 w., 11 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Bullying, Angels, Suicidal Ideation, Christmas) – John, an angel, is sent from Heaven to help a desperate Sherlock Holmes by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.
Tattered by SrebrnaFH (M, 15,857 w., 6 Ch. || Winglock || Family, Childhood, Society, Abuse, Electricity, Hurt John / Sherlock, Protective John, No Smut, Bullying, Sudden Relationship Change) – John visits Baker Street without any warning and gets an eyeful.
On Feathers and Bacon Sandwiches by Kryptaria(T, 21,092 w., 8 Ch. || Winglock AU || Demon John, Asexual Sherlock) – No one has ever stayed with Sherlock longer than a month. At least, no human. Fortunately, John Watson isn't about to let the little things - like biohazardous experiments and the constant threat of danger - get in the way of his friendship with a very special, very brilliant man like Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Feathers 'verse
The 13th Book by meet_me_in_samarra (T, 24,491 w., 13 Ch. || Magical Realism Winglock AU || Enemies to Friends, Friendship, Witty Banter, Interspecies Bromance, Demon Sherlock) – Summoning a demon was actually quite simple if you could avoid getting killed in the process. Therefore, only the powerful, the desperate or the stupid would attempt it. John Watson was likely the first, definitely the second but hopefully not one of the third kind.
This Is Family by SaraStarchild (T, 39,840 w., 16 Ch. || Hereditary AU || Psychological Horror, Body Horror, Demonic Possession, POV Third Person Limited, Protective Mycroft, Cults, Mycroft Whump, Sherlock Whump, Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Retelling) – When the Holmes family's secretive mother and matriarch, Ellen Holmes, passes away, the family she leaves behind – father Martin, sons Mycroft and Sherlock, and daughter Eurus – begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. The more they discover, the more they find themselves trying to outrun the sinister fate they seem to have inherited. This is, pretty much, a word-for-word retelling of the 2018 Ari Aster film, Hereditary. Part 1 of Sherlock Halloween Stories
Though the brightest fell by BeMyGoldfish (M, 41,243 w., 7 Ch. || Celestial AU || Post THoB, Soulmates, Guardian Angels, Demons, Mystrade, Background Johnlock) –  In his office, Mycroft (the Archangel) tries to recruit Greg (the ‘ex-angel’ mortal) on a celestial mission to save Sherlock from what he wants most. "This is some elaborate joke cooked up by your brother as revenge for me not asking him to help on the Islington Exsanguinations, isn't it? How did he get you in on it, Mycroft? Did he hide your trouser press? Or threaten to expose your secret ciggie habit to your mum? This isn't funny. It's weird and obscure, but it is not funny.”
Trapped by Gem_Gem & harrylee94 (M, 41,311 w., 3 Ch. || Demon John AU || Demon John, Mild Gore, POV Sherlock, Mild Homophobic Language, Kiss, Bonding) – During his most recent case, Sherlock finds himself in the hands of the very people he had been trying to pursue. This mistake lands him in a cell, already occupied by a strange man who calls himself John. But who is John? And why does he look so... hungry? Part 3 of the Bonded by Words Stories series
Murderous Imprint by MojoFlower (E, 52,634 w., 24 Ch. || Winglock || Organ Theft, Imprinting, First Kiss / Time, Whump, Torture, Blow Jobs, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Case Fic, Magical Realism) – Sherlock should be focusing on the series of brutal vivisections Lestrade has brought to him. Instead he's distracted by a most amazing and unexpected experimental opportunity from the basement apartment of 221C. Will he figure out the one in time to stop the other? And does he need help in order to do it? Part 1 of the Hatch series
Not English But Angels by orphan_account (E, 203,251 w., 15 Ch. || Twisted Canon, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Minor Character Death) – A sort-of canon, sort-of AU fic in which I twist and supplement canon to weave it into a new story in which Sherlock and John come from different worlds and nothing is quite what it seems.
The Posthumous Game by S_IRIS (E, 58,695+ w., 12/19 Ch. || WiP || Supernatural Elements AU || S4 Fix It, Crack, Humour, Fluff, Demonic Possession, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss/Time, Sherlock Whump, Hurt Comfort, Hallucinations) – A Season 4 fix-it fic where Jim Moriarty really is dead but comes back as a demon to haunt Sherlock. The only problem is Jim is a total newbie at demonic possession so he tries to make-do and ends up making Johnlock happen. Only, it doesn’t happen the way you’d think.
Hellfire by HarleysCompass (E, 66,660+ w., 19/? Ch. || WiP || Fallen Angel AU || Biblical References, BAMF John, Sexual Content, Fallen Angel John) – In 1880 Dr. John H. Watson dies on foreign soil. The next thing he knows he's wandering the planes of Heaven. After betraying God, John is cast out, employed by the devil, and protecting a sociopath of a human with a penchant for trouble and pissing off Angels. 
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