#And if it was and he's still not showing real interest to talk then bye not in the mood for smth like that
lucky-clover-gazette · 2 months
so i know the amandafiles sneasler rant went pretty viral on here, but the real highlights of her pokemon legends arceus playthrough were her unhinged volo-related rants. this one is probably my favorite but there were many and i will absolutely clip and transcribe (not by hand i'm not that insane) more of them if asked
transcript under the cut:
Yeah. So, um, I'm just kind of leaving the scene of the crime now. And hopefully Adaman is still interested. That's all I have to say. Yeah, that's my statement at this time. Thank you. Thank you! Yeah, mhm. Bye.
Like, what. Is Volo gonna fucking pop out at me from the shadows over here? Is anybody around to talk to me? Like, about what just happened?
(Sees Melli.) Not what I meant, but um, you know what? Fuck it, Melli, guess what just happened. So, you know that guy Volo? Basically, like, we were talking, right? It was actually going pretty well. You know, just like this nerd, and he was like, so cute and so, like, excited about history and stuff, and, like, I was really feeling that, you know, and I dunno, he was, like, my champion. He was there for me when no one else was. He, like, picked me up off the ground at my lowest point. He was always cheering me on. He was always, like, hyping me up to other people. Wouldn't that be awesome, Mellie, if like someone ever did that for you? Not that that would ever happen, of course, but, like, can you imagine, like, someone being out there being like, "yes, like, that's the one, like, that's my girl. She's been doing it like, she's working so hard." That was Volo for me.
Melli, imagine my surprise when I go up to the mountain there because—we did this whole thing. Basically, I'm an important person. You wouldn't really understand. I, like, collected all these artifacts. I thought we were going to, like, do this thing that was important to, like, the history of the world.
But turns out Volo was fucking insane. And, like, no, I truly mean that, like crazy and saying he was like, a totally different person. He had been cosplaying as a normie the entire time. He's really a serial killer, I think. He's like a lunatic, right? Like, a cringey one. He did his hair. So he, like, is obsessed with Arceus. Right. The god pokémon. And Arceus, like—have you ever seen a picture of him? I'll pull it up on my Arc Phone real quick. He's got these, like, horns that come back and stuff. Bitch, he did his HAIR like this. AHH! I know. I got, like, a little picture of it. Look at him! An entire bottle of American Crew.
He, like, totally thought he ate that, but, like, he didn't. It looked so bad, but, like, that was the least of it. He was—his eyes got crazy. He was wearing, like, bright green capris and gladiator sandals. AHH! Melli, I know. it was fucked up. You know, it's like how quickly they change when you find out, like, what they really were after and what they really want. It was stunning. Startling, Melli, it's really like—have you ever had, like, an experience like that before with a guy? Probably not, since you're so insufferable and, like, you probably have never had anyone show interest in you before, platonically or otherwise, but maybe, like, read a book or something where that happened. That happened to me. That happened to me today.
I really had a huge crush on this guy. Like, to the point where I thought he was the one, Melli, I really did. I was like, ready to leave this whole place with him. Travel the world, and I won't lie to you, um… if he had been like, "Hey, you want to be crazy together? You want to be crazy with me?" I might have done it. I might have also tried that lifestyle out for a minute. I would have tried, like, the villain arc thing out… but lucky for you, it didn't work out. Otherwise, you would have been right on the top of my list. But anyway, yeah, I ended up, like, totally embarrassing him. We did a pokémon battle and he just fucking violently lost.
And then he teamed up with, like, the satan pokémon? It was weird. And they tried their little thing. It was cute. It was very cute. You know, I have to give it—it was camp, It was cute, it was like rehearsed. There was some choreography. It was cute, but obviously they lost horribly. But anyway, yeah, that's, uh. That's how my Tuesday's going. And I'm going to stop you there, Melli, because I really don't care. This wasn't an open invitation for you to talk. I just wanted to let someone know what had just happened.
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cbrownjc · 4 months
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image credit: c2299cLance on Twitter
The above image is from the Episode 2x05 insider. And boy oh boy do I (did I?) have a question about this.
Because if that really is the book being published in the present day . . . then that pretty much upends the format of the show. Because the book being published means there is absolutely no reason for Daniel to stick around Dubai anymore IMO. Because why would he? His job is done.
And truth be told, I've long thought the interview would be finished in episode 2x08. That Daniel would finish it, and talk about heading home to being writing and editing it.
However, I never really thought he would actually leave. Because Daniel's character basically does leave the story at the end of Interview with the Vampire. And we don't see him again until Queen of the Damned, during the chase. (And we already know Season 3 is The Vampire Lestat).
But I really couldn't work out how the show could ever have that happen -- because that basically means Daniel's character leaving the show for a time. Possibly a long time, as time jumps just to account for the book being published would have to happen. And that, well . . .
See, I very much noticed how much Daniel's Parkinson's was making him shake this episode (2x05). And I in no way think Armand and Daniel are doing the Devil's Minion chase in the current day with Daniel having Parkinson's during a pandemic (which is still going on in the show's timeline). Sorry, no, not happening IMO. Because there is no damn reason for Armand to chase Daniel now, IMO. The reason Armand even did so in the first place was because he found Daniel fascinating/interesting. And well, as we just saw in episode 2x05 that already happened. It makes no sense that Armand would wait 50 freakin' years to follow up on that with a chase around the world.
So the book being published at the end of the interview always meant, to me, that it would mean bye-bye to Eric from the show. Which, I was NOT looking forward to. Because I honestly couldn't see any reason for Daniel's character to stick around, at least in Dubai, never mind the next part of the story. Especially if Lestat isn't going to be in Dubai and we might have to start doing freakin' time jumps to account for the publication of books.
And, once again, Daniel has a degenerative disease. That, once again, I noticed very well how much he was shaking from. So unless Devil's Minion really didn't happen in the past, there really was no way for Daniel to enter or be part of the story going forward. Because yes, I very much think Armand is going to be prepared to let Daniel leave Dubai and not stop him. Right now, Armand is very focused on keeping his life as it is in Dubai, and I think part of that is due to him not thinking Daniel would ever really remember anything of the past anyway.
So yeah, if that prop is for the book actually being published in the modern-day, I was already beginning to mourn Daniel leaving the show. Because from how I looked at it, I couldn't figure out any reason why his character would stay in Dubai, around these vampires anymore. Right now, if Daniel leaves Dubai, he leaves the show IMO. And probably for a good long while, given where the story is going. (With maybe Armand coming to see Daniel later at some point when he's dying to turn him or something, IDK).
And then, I was reminded -- by @nalyra-dreaming -- of this picture that Eric posted on Twitter a few months back:
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And it all began to click.
Because for a real time there, for a few weeks at least after Eric first posted this, I seriously thought that Daniel's character was going to, well die.
Between the posting of this picture by Eric as well as a few other things, no joke, I was getting a real vibe about it, that Daniel was going to die this season . . . but not stay dead of course. I just held back on talking about it because it felt so damn early, story-wise, for it to happen.
And then something during the lead-up to the more recent press events made me stop thinking Daniel would die. And that Daniel's turning still wouldn't happen for a few more seasons yet.
But now . . . if the book really is going to be published . . .
I think it's going to be published posthumously. Or, at least, posthumously to the human world.
Because why would Daniel stick around in Dubai if the book is published? As we saw in the preview for next week, he's already saying to Justin Kirk he wants to get out of this alive. The minute he's done with the interview he's leaving, make no mistake about that. So why would Daniel stay?
Well, becoming an undead vampire would do it.
So everyone who wanted Eric's Daniel to become a vampire? You might actually be getting your wish this season. Because if those books above really are real and Daniel really is publishing it in the modern-day . . . then the only reason I can think of for him to not only stay in Dubai/on the show but not visibly age -- or get sicker like Daniel very much would wrt such time jumps that would require not only a publication of such a book but for Lestat to see it, read it, etc -- is this. Daniel becomes a vampire at the end of this season.
Because otherwise, IMO? There is no other reason for his character to stick around. Not from anything else I've thought of so far at least that would make any type of sense.
And what is going to force Armand's hand into turning Daniel? (Because yes, I do still think it's going to be Armand who does it) Well, very likely this . . .
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gif credit: @hermit-frog
I already thought Daniel was going to get hurt when it came to this happening. But now I think Daniel getting hurt will be the least of it . . .
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hgfictionwriter · 6 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie stands up for you and gets you out of an uncomfortable situation. You show her your appreciation in more ways than one.
Warning: Mention of unwanted advances. Nothing graphic or violent at all on that front, but I want to be cautious. Beyond that, very consensual, very explicit smut.
A/N: This is in response to this request.
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“I told you I’m not interested.”
You cringed as the guy standing across from you continued to leer at you. You exhaled irritably as you peered around the room in search of Jessie.
You were at a media event with her for the league and though most people were lovely, this guy was ruining your night. The event was in a mixed space, so there were all types here.
Jessie was doing a segment with the team and you were mingling in the meantime, but this guy seemed to keep showing up despite the fact that you made it clear you weren’t here to pick up. And let’s be real, he wouldn’t be your type at all anyway.
“Come on. I’ll buy you a shot. Loosen up a little - it’s a party,” he insisted as he leaned down towards you.
“Hey, everything okay?”
Relief rushed through you as you heard the familiar sound of Jessie’s voice and felt her hand come up behind you to rest on your hip.
“Yeah, everything’s okay. Could be better though if you can convince your friend to have a drink with me.” He talked over you with a smirk before locking eyes with you and adding, “I promise I’ll show you a good time.”
You tensed up, ready to snap at him, but was quickly distracted by how Jessie’s hand tightened on you and she pulled you in closer. She took a step forward to stand partially in front of you, serving as a buffer between you and the guy. He towered over her, but she didn’t seem fazed.
“She said she’s not interested. Now, have a good night,” she said calmly, but with a distinct terseness in her voice.
You turned with Jessie, grateful to leave, but his patronizing laugh echoed over the din of the room.
“Oh, now I get why you don’t want to have any fun. But seriously? You think she’s going to show you a better time than me? She looks like she should still be lugging books around campus. When you want to take the training wheels off, come find me.”
You were about to round on him when Jessie beat you to it.
“Maybe if you learned how to listen to what a woman is saying to you instead of talking over her and telling her what she wants, you’d actually find someone,” she said evenly with an underlying sharpness. “Clearly, anything anyone tried to teach you about manners or respect was lost on you.”
He scoffed and she merely smiled at him. “If you’ll excuse us, my girlfriend and I are going to enjoy the rest of our evening in peace. Have a good night.”
“Right,” he said sarcastically before giving you a nod. “Like I said, come find me when you’re ready.”
Jessie tensed up, taking a step forward and holding up a hand. “Don’t speak to her that way. She’s not an object or some prize for you.” She saw him readying a retort and rolled her eyes rather than reacting further. “Come on, this is pointless,” she said softly to you as she began to usher you both away. You halted her briefly, a glint in your eye before you turned to him rather smugly.
“For the record,” you cuddled into Jessie, “your offer was pretty weak. I already get ‘fuck you through the mattress, back to back orgasms that leave you hardly able to walk’ kind of sex, so,” you looked him up and down, “I already know I’ll be having a good time tonight.” You gave a facetious wave. “Bye, now.”
This time you let Jessie usher you away and you went deep into the crowd, leaving him behind.
“Geez, you didn’t have to say all that,” Jessie mumbled, her cheeks tinged pink as her gaze flit about. “I mean, he was a total fucking jerk, but wow.”
“But babe,” you drew out the nickname, “it was too hard to resist.” You leaned in with a flirty smirk. “And it’s not like it’s untrue.”
Normally, Jessie would banter and reciprocate, but from the expression on her face she was not ready to joke.
“Are you okay?” She asked, concern clear on her face as she looked you over. You kissed her.
“I’m totally fine. Thanks to you.” You gave her a wink.
She rolled her eyes a bit but gave you a faint smile. “I know you can handle yourself, but I’m glad I could be of service.” A moment passed and she sighed, her features falling into a glower as she looked away. “God. What a jerk. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
You frowned and shook your head in mild disbelief. “You don’t need to be sorry.”
Jessie exhaled. “I should’ve shut him down faster.” Her gaze flicked over to you before dropping to the floor. “I probably should’ve just told him to fuck off.”
You frowned in deeper confusion. “What do you mean? You handled it perfectly,” you assured her as you leaned in to try and capture her gaze. She didn’t respond audibly and just offered you a nod. You could clearly see that she was in her head and making assumptions about things she shouldn’t worry about. You stepped fully in front of her and placed your hands gently on her cheeks, encouraging her to look up at you. When she did, you spoke.
“Hey. You did everything I needed and wanted you to do. If you think I want to be with someone who’s going to get all aggro and start a fight, you’re way off base.” You couldn’t help but chuckle. “If I wanted that I might as well be with that douchbag.” You nodded over her shoulder. “But I’m not. I fell in love with you because you’re kind and you’re loving and so many other wonderful things. And you’re strong when you need to be and you did just that. You saw I was uncomfortable and you not only got me out of there - no brawls or escalation - but you did that all while standing up for me, too. That’s exactly what I needed from you. I love you, Jessie. I wouldn’t change anything about you.”
Her frown faded and her expression softened, her shoulders visibly relaxing as well.
“You’re my sexy, sweet, smart girlfriend who also protects me and keeps me safe in all the ways I need,” you told her lovingly.
“Thank you,” she relented.
“Thank you,” you returned as you leaned in to give her a soft peck on the lips. She smiled into the kiss. When you pulled back she had a sweet, crooked smile on her face.
“I know you didn’t want him to get you a drink, but can I get you one?” She offered, tilting her chin up just so in the most adorable way. You kissed her again.
That evening when you two arrived back at your apartment, Jessie took your jacket and hung it up for you before coming back to you and wrapping her arms around you.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I’m really sorry you had to deal with that tonight,” she said as she searched your eyes for any indication that you were belatedly rattled or upset.
“Baby,” you kissed her, “you took great care of me. It’s okay. And I always know you’re there for me. You always make me feel safe.”
She inhaled, seeming to contemplate your answer, but nodded her acceptance.
“Okay. I love you,” she said with a kiss before resting her forehead against yours. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.”
“I’m not worried, my love,” you told her as you cupped her face and kissed her again. You leaned in again to kiss her a bit deeper. “I’m so lucky to be loved by you.” You felt her smile into the kiss as she returned it.
“Mm,” she disagreed. “I’m the lucky one.”
You pulled back, your hands now resting on her chest as you gave her a warm, but chiding look. Instead of refuting, you leaned your head down and began to softly kiss her neck. You bit back a smile as you felt her shiver.
“Did I tell you how good you look in this shirt?” Your words punctuated by kisses, idly noting how her fingers tightened on you and relaxed in time.
Jessie let out a shaky laugh. “You may have.” She subconsciously tilted her head a touch to open herself up and give you more room. You nipped at the sensitive skin there before soothing it with a lingering kiss.
“Well, what can I say? You just look that good.” You pulled back to examine her, pleased with the now hazy look in her eyes. “I can hardly believe you’re all mine.”
You closed the space between you, capturing her lips once more, harder this time as you began pushing her back towards the couch in your living room. You pushed her down onto the cushions and straddled her legs, never once breaking your kiss.
This position, coupled with her strong hands on your back and the way she leaned up to kiss you caused heat to start pooling between your legs. She hadn’t even done anything and a small moan escaped your mouth into hers. Sometimes just the mere thought of her did that to you.
You reached down and started to unbutton her shirt. She allowed you to do so as she reached up the back of your shirt to unclasp your bra with a single hand with ease. You smirked as you leaned back, supported by her as you took off your shirt and bra.
“You’re such a stud sometimes,” you teased at the proud grin on her face and the brightness in her eyes. She didn’t respond and instead leaned in and began kissing your neck as her hands roamed your back and chest. You instinctively began slowly riding against her lap at her ministrations and your hands went through her hair.
“You are so gorgeous,” she said as she continued to adore you.
She reached down and started to undo your pants, but your reached down gently to stop her. You smiled at her, already knowing the concerned look she’d be giving you before you even opened your eyes.
You cupped her face again and leaned down to kiss her deeply. You then broke away and began to get off of her all the while kissing down her neck and body.
“This is about you tonight,” you told her tenderly.
“Babe…,” she trailed off, somewhere between a question and statement.
Jessie was a giver. She went down on you, fucked you, whatever you needed. She loved pleasing you and she swore repeatedly that her getting to take you to those heights was satisfaction enough for her and she didn’t need more. But, you also knew that she still enjoyed being on the receiving end as well. Admittedly, it happened less, and Jessie never seemed dissatisfied or complained, but truly how could you not want to please her too?
“It’s your turn to lay back and relax,” you assured her as you trailed your tongue down the subtle definition of her abs. She twitched under your touch. “Let me take care of you the way you always take such good care of me.”
You dragged your nails lightly down her sides as you began to kneel in front of her.
“You’re the only one in this world for me,” you told her with quiet resolution as you undid her pants. She watched you, gaze steady, as she lifted her hips and you began to push the clothing down her muscular legs. You bit your lip as you removed the last of her clothes and took in the sight of her, settling yourself between her legs.
A pent up sigh escaped her as you began kissing up her firm thighs. You noted how her hands began to clutch and release the cushions as you took your time making your way up her legs.
“You were so sexy tonight. The way you stood up for me. I wanted to get down on my knees for you right then and there.”
Jessie let out a soft groan and you saw her bite down on her lip as she continued to watch you. Her breathing grew deeper in anticipation, her shoulders now visibly rising and falling.
You reached under her legs, giving them a single appreciative squeeze before you interlaced your fingers with hers. She immediately began to caress the back of your hand with her thumb. You looked up at her one more time.
“Why would I ever want anyone else?”
You moved in, your eyes fluttering shut as her taste was immediately on your tongue. You moaned at how wet she already was and began slowly lapping up the juices that dripped from her. You didn’t want to rush.
Right here, on your knees in front of this gorgeous, incredible woman, some primal part of your brain always took over. You wanted to make her feel so good. She deserved it. And it was a privilege for you to be here, face between her legs and able to do just that - let her know how much you wanted her, desired her, and to make her come undone. She really was the only one for you.
“Fuck,” Jessie cursed in a shuddering breath and you glanced up to see her toss her head back against the couch. Her hips lifted up as you licked up and down her folds, the unintentional strength behind her movement nearly disengaging you, but you leaned in, making sure to stay with her and now latching onto her clit.
Another soft groan worked its way up her throat and she gripped your hands so tightly it nearly hurt, but it did nothing but spur you on.
You took your time. Your head spun with arousal as Jessie just grew wetter and wetter; more for you to enjoy. You continued to eat her out, exploring her, appreciating her, and loving every moment of it. You moaned in appreciation as she writhed on the couch under your touch and mewled softly as you pleasured her. Seeing her like this was going to push you to the edge in no time.
“I love you so much,” Jessie panted, nails digging into the back of your hands.
You moaned in returned and unlaced your fingers from one of her hands. You turned your attention fully to her throbbing clit, closing your lips around it, flicking and sucking it to draw out more from her. You then traced your fingers around her sopping entrance and when ready you slid a finger inside, curling it upwards. A cry escaped her and her hips lifted off the couch to chase your touch. You smiled into her and added another finger before encouraging her to settle back down on the couch.
Soon, her cries and moans were filling the room as you pumped into her. You groaned as her hand came to rest on the back of your head. Her touch was light and tentative and you broke away momentarily to speak.
“Go ahead, baby,” you urged. “I’m all yours.”
She grunted, eyes still closed as her head rolled against the top of the couch. With your approval, her fingers dug into your hair and she began to rock her hips up into your mouth and fingers.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” you had to say before quickly returning to the task at hand. You knew you were dripping wet. With Jessie’s arousal all over you, your fingers, the way she was grinding herself into your face, the sounds she was making - how could you not be?
Jessie’s grunts filled your ears and you felt her thighs flexing around you, her fingers gripping your hair tighter. You knew what was next.
“Y/N. I’m gonna cum,” she panted. “Please don’t stop.”
There was no way you’d stop now. You kept your ministrations steady despite how her hips began to buck against you and grow erratic. It wasn’t long before a loud moan fell from her lips and her movements stilled, her entire body tensing up for a few prolonged seconds before all of the tension just melted from her body and she fell back into the couch with now slow and lingering movements as you helped her come down off her orgasm.
She released your hair and you looked up to see her place her hands upon her face. You could see the deep red of her cheeks and the sheen of sweat on her brow through her fingers.
“Oh my god,” she said, her voice muffled. You quickly wiped your face, but waited until she came to and looked down at you before slowly licking her arousal off of your fingers. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she bit her lip hard.
“Fucking hell,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips.
You kissed her thighs before you lifted yourself up and cuddled in next to her on the couch. She was so spent she could hardly put her arm around you. You kissed her cheek.
“You’re the best,” you told her. You chuckled lightly at the slow side eye she gave you.
“Yeah. I’m the best,” she said dryly as she let her head fall back against the couch again. You kissed her once more and she let out a tired sigh before shifting to rest her head against yours. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You snickered a bit and leaned forward to catch her eye and kiss her on the lips. She often worried that she was being too rough with you. “Of course not. It was fucking hot.” You ran a hand along her leg. “You know I think it’s so sexy when you get like that and when you lose control.”
She blushed. “Okay.” She cleared her throat, a cocky smirk on her face now. “Well, if this is the reward I get for chasing away losers at a bar…count me in.”
You kissed her slowly, your hand still tracing along her leg. “Well, the night’s not over yet.”
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hamlos · 2 months
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Okay! I got it!
Puzzle4 as one side/ship
It’s probably worth talking about how we initially already understand that mr puzzle is obsessed with the smg4 channel, even considering that if Mr. Puzzle wanted fame, he could definitely just capture Mr. Beast in their universe and that’s it.
But he chose the smg4 channel because he thinks.
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"It's the stupidest show that I ever seen"
Mr. puzzle can really like smg4 and be like his fan, but he wants a smg4 show to become something much better as we see. He tried to make a smg4 channel into something that he call "perfect show"
And he also think that smg4 gonna like it, but eventually nope.
"High marks from me"
Mr. puzzle is like complimenting characters in not serious style
But only mr puzzle favorite is the smg4, because he even give him a little nickname that we didn't notice.
Shiny like a star, probably.
Because Mr.puzzle power is stars
And as we can say, for Mr puzzle, smg4 is a star of the show.
Because he is powerful, he is main character and also the only character that Mr puzzle like when he is antagonist of the show.
Because of that we can see that in PuzzleVision series, Mr puzzle make smg4 as a main character or evil person.
Because that how he likes smg4, and how he want to see him in "own head"
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Mr puzzle only attention is on smg4
Yeah, basically, because smg4 is like his favorite character here.
But also, Mr. puzzle tried save smg4 life once
Like in episode "Mario the exploro"
Where after see smg4 bleeding he looked at first like he is acting and pretend that he is still just funny Italian guy but after he see that smg4 almost died he looked terrified or scared.
As I can say, Mr. puzzle actually really cares about some people who are close to him, like he really been protecting Meggy as he can and also tried cooperative with her.
Also, when he sees smg4 like almost in danger situations, he panicked, like when Meggy gets in the same dangerous situations.
It shows that actually Mr. Puzzle care about smg4 even though they are not close friends or anything else, they enemies.
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Mr puzzle is really likes a "real" smg4
Not his brainwashed state
Even if in that state smg4 is more friendly for Mr puzzle, Mr puzzle is still likes more a normal smg4, and can be scared when smg4 acts weird.
(Again, showing that he cares a little)
But only thing that Mr puzzle is don’t care is that how good smg4 feel himself, because Mr puzzle can't understand that, he get rid of own humanity and he even didn't get attention from anyone before, to know that this actually not good.
We just can say that most of the time Mr puzzle being like that with smg4 because of own ego for himself and because he doesn't really know how it's like to care about other opinions or feelings, because his own feelings doesn't get any attention from anyone.
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We can even see there that Mr puzzle Don't really care that smg4 scared, he just happy to see him and he also saying that smg4 actually bet for him to come back.
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He also feels like he wants attention not only from the audience but from smg4, too.
Because I already said that he likes a lot smg4
And want attention more from him that anyone else here in smg4 crew
That all I could say right now, guys
If you want to add something
Just reblog and add your opinion or anything interesting about puzzle4 moments.
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Shoot Your Shot
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Miles G. X Black Fem Reader
A/n: there’s tumble weeds in my brain 😭😭 so here’s a lil blurb of you shooting your shot at Miles, I found the artwork on Pinterest 🙃
WARNINGS: None , enjoy
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It was a regular Saturday in Brooklyn. The sun was out, and the streets were bustling with people. You had spent the morning getting yourself ready, making sure your baby hairs were slicked down your long nails clashing together as you worked, trying to look your best for the day ahead.
As you headed out the door, you made sure to say goodbye to your mom.
"Bye Mommy, I'll be back later," you said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay baby, be safe,".
'I will," you shouted back, running out the door to meet your friends. They were waiting for you outside, and you could feel the excitement bubbling inside you as you hugged them.
To pass the time, you headed to the park, where you and your friends planned to hang out and do nothing in particular it was just something all the teens on the block did.
As you arrived at the park, you noticed the boys were already playing basketball, their loud voices echoing throughout the park. You and your friends immediately made your way over to your usual spot, where you could watch the boys play and giggle as they dedicated shots to you and your friends, only to miss them.
You talked about your future plans, your latest crush, and all the silly things that teenagers talk about. As the day wore on, more and more people started to show up at the park, creating a lively atmosphere.
But oddly today was different. As you sat there, someone caught your eye. He was a stranger but you've seen him around before, seeing him was a rare sighting. He sat with your friends and the boys that usually flirted with you and your friends. However, he seemed uninterested, too caught up in whatever was on his phone.
You couldn't help but feel drawn to him, and you found yourself stealing glances at him whenever you could.
Your eyes flickered admiringly over his sharp jaw, full lips, and the way his light brown eyes glistened in the sun. You couldn't explain why he intrigued you so much, but you just knew you wanted to know more about him.
As the day went on, you and your friends continued to hang out at the park, but your attention was always drawn back to the stranger.
Finally, you decided to make a move and approach him taking a seat next to him.
"Hey," you said,cool and confident.
"Hey," he replied, looking up from his phone before looking back down.
"I haven't seen you around here a lot."
"Yeah, I'm not really the crowd type," he said with a shrug , not taking his eyes off of his phone.
"Well, I'm Y/n," you said, holding out your hand a smile on your face.
He looked at it for a moment before hesitantly shaking it. "Miles" he said before looking back at his phone again.
"Must be real busy," you said, trying to engage him.
"You have no idea," he replied, still focused on his phone.
You took a chance and asked to see his phone. Miles looked up at you, a questioning look in his eyes, before reluctantly handing it over.
You took the phone with a smile, feeling a rush of excitement. You entered your number and handed it back to him, hoping he would take the bait.
"Here, maybe next time I can be the distraction," you said, your heart beating fast in your chest.
Miles looked at you for a moment, studying your face, before a faint smile appeared on his lips.
"I'll keep that in mind,ma" he said, his voice low and smooth.
You got up to leave, telling your friends you had to go. Miles watched as you walked away, a small smirk on his face as he bit his lip, shaking his head at the situation. He'd never really had a girl shoot their shot at him before, and if he wasn't interested before, he definitely was now. It didn't help that you were beautiful.
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syeren · 8 months
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summary — sampo loves to rile people up, no matter who it is and what rank you are. but, once you step into his life, could he still keep up his uncaring demeanor?
genre — comedic fluff
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Sampo is an easy guy, albeit, a con-artist but a real hunk of work. If something doesn’t catch his eye within a second or stimulate his brain for more than a minute… You can say bye-bye to trying to talk to him.
Majority of people view the picture on the vacation postcard of “not-giving-a-shit” and fall in love with the idea — swimming through the clear blue waters in this mental Mediterranean sea can be more deceiving than many think. It’s a one-way ticket to losing the most important skill in life, to feel concern. He for one, couldn’t care in the slightest. It all goes to show as to why he took up the very interesting and controversial means of work in the first place.
But once he stumbled across a person completely opposite to him, he couldn’t help but feel even more irritated. Of course, it was you, with your logical and reasonable thoughts and actions. Your morals were way higher on the scale than his, and he definitely could assume your IQ and EQ followed suit. He never felt so ridiculed and threatened by your demeanour because of this aura of “coolness” and “rationality.” That was the issue, he was always the smart one— or the lack thereof. If both your brains jostled within the ring, his would be pummelled to smithereens.
He wanted to brush off this problem as per usual, forcing himself to play the “unbothered” role because his ego couldn’t handle it anymore (ahh yes, the “be the bigger person” card.) But if this were a choice between mind over matter, the latter would reign dominant. He needs to showcase his true skills, it was his only “skill” anyway.
“Hey,” Sampo called out to you while you fumbled through your satchel. You gave him a quick eyebrow raise in response.
“What’s seven times eight?” he blurted out, standing directly in front with his arms crossed over his puffed chest. Yeesh.
You, on the other hand, gave him an indescribable expression that probably amounted to confusion, irritation, and most likely concern. “What?”
“C’moonn… I don’t have all day!”
Rolling your eyes, you continued to fish out some papers from your bookbag and grumbled the answer. “Fifty-six.”
“— Riddle me this. Imagine you’re in a tough situation where your pal is crying over their partner who was absolutely shit to them. Do you, A, comfort them, B, make fun of them, or C… Listen and give advice.”
Now it was completely indescribable about what you’re feeling or thinking. You slowly looked up to meet his eyes with a blank stare. You were judging him hard.
“… A with a mix of C.”
“No, only one answer!” he protested, wagging his finger in the air.
“Then A.”
He dropped his hand and returned to the same arm-crossed position. “This isn’t fun.”
“You think you’re not having fun? This feels like an interrogation, Sampo,” you playfully snapped, closing your book bag. “The fuck was that about?”
A mere shrug was all he responded with. “Just wanted to… Figure some things out,” he vaguely responded, to which, prompted your irritation even more.
“Okay, okay! Just heard from a little bird that you’ve got a head on your shoulders,” he replied in defence. “Wanted to see if it was true or not.”
“Of course I have a head on my shoulders,” you reiterated, shaking your head in disbelief. “What? You mean like, smarter?”
Sampo nodded his head. “Precisely.”
His answer made you immediately chuckle, letting out a breathy laugh. “Shouldn’t this little questionnaire prove the point? Such dumb questions.”
“Hey! They made you think though!” he argued. “Putting you on the spot and such.”
“… Easy questions like that won’t put anyone on the spot.”
Sampo inched even closer as he let out a prideful scoff, flipping his floppy bangs back with calloused fingers. “Fine. I’ll prepare something harder then—“
“Nope,” you interrupted.
“One thing’s for certain, you are one hell of a party pooper,” he stated dejectedly, rolling his eyes as he straightened his posture. “Natasha mentioned you were smart n’ all, but how is that any good if that pretty little head of yours is full of brash comments and half-assed sarcasm.”
“Since when were you and Natasha friends?” you deadpanned, the same sarcastic tone dripping from your lips.
“We always were! Hey! Don’t give me that face!” Sampo responded but as soon as he was speaking, your figure was slowly walking away from him. You lazily waved a hand in the air without turning around.
You, 1. Sampo, 0. Try harder next time, big guy.
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depressopax · 6 months
Hi!!! if it's okay (and if your request is still open) I was wondering if I could request a fluff scenario for Jimmy McGill? :D where he gets all soft and loving sjdjdj can be both sfw and nsfw ... thank you !! ♡
Thank you for the request!!! <3 Been meaning to write about Jimmy for quite a while, so this was the perfect sign to do it lmaooo I was gonna do a NSFW too but realized that the SFW version was at 1K word already 💀 Will do a part 2 tho!  Oh well, enjoy these cheesy Jimmy headcanons 🥹🫶
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Jimmy McGill relationships headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || SFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None that I can think off?? Cuss words maybe, slightly angsty Jimmy lol. Reader is gender-neutral and referred to as "partner" and gn!pet-names. Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Jimmy McGill would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || NSFW version ||
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Jimmy is not good at figuring out his feelings.
That’s why it took him a while to realize he’d fallen in love with you. 
It’d take some time for him to accept what he’s feeling though.
Homeboy would be in denial at first. He’s scared to fall in love with someone, in fear of commitment and getting hurt etc…
But he’d show interest in other ways, without realizing it himself.
We’re talking about cheesy stuff: - Always looking good (and that’s not so difficult, HE GORGEOUSSSSS 👀) - Trying to impress you with his knowledge about things - Making sure to say something funny and make others laugh when you’re around, to let you know how funny and amazing he is lol - Compliments and teasing 
Noticing his attempt, you straight up ask him about it. “...Do you like me, Jimmy?” “What?? I-” … “Yes. I do.”
Once it’s said and done, he eventually asks you out on a date.
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Listen… Jimmy may be overconfident, especially when it comes to his seduction skills
However, there’s something about you that makes him nervous.
What you think about him and how he comes across matters to him.
That’s why he plans a date weeks ahead, trying to make everything perfect
He tries figuring out what you like and dislike so he can use that to make a good impression. 
He takes you out to some fancy restaurant (RIP early season Jimmy’s wallet 😭)
The date goes well and he is very smug with his effort.
After a few dates, Jimmy realizes he’s fallen for you.
At first he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want to come across as “desperate” or “needy”. 
But then again… He’s not good at hiding his true feelings.
Luckily, you feel the same and eventually you become a couple for real. 
He was the first one to say “I love you”, and did so without realizing it.
You were leaving for work or something and he just goes: “Bye, love ya!” Completely flustered when he heard what he just said.
When you say it back, he feels a wave of relief. 
After that, he makes sure to say ILY as often as he can.
He won’t shut up about you. Like ever. 
“So then my partner said…” “My partner brought me this shirt!” “I’m taking my babe out on a date tonight” And everyone else will eventually be like: 😐”Shut up”😐
He’ll refer to you as his spouse/wife/husband, watching everyone confused “You’re married?” “I will be soon” 🤭
Jimmy’s a sucker for cute pet names. And yeah, some of them are probably “cringe” but that won’t stop him 
Baby, Boo, Sugar, Sweetie, Hot stuff, Doll, Kitten (😭)
He loves it when you wear his shirts. Especially as lounge clothing or when sleeping.
Jimmy also finds matching outfits adorable. 
Would probably take you shopping for either suits/blazers or just hoodies that you can match. 
He also buys matching jewelry, towels, morning robes etc etc… He’s one of those guys 😭
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He has a picture of you standing on the desk in his office, as a way to carry the sweetheart with him all the time. 
…And also to brag about you to anyone that enters his office (but he puts the picture away when dealing with some of his unpredictable clients, homeboy is overprotective)
Speaking of being overprotective: He deals with a lot of shady people, so he’s very careful with who he chooses to trust when it comes to talking his love to you.
He prioritizes your safety over anything else. 
Ofc he’s scared for his own safety too, but pretty much puts it aside to make sure you’re safe first off. 
If danger comes up, he’d make sure to find somewhere safe for you to stay whilst he deals with it.
He would go so far as hiring a bodyguard for you tbh.
Being with him might be a struggle too
Homeboy is a bit unpredictable and impulsive
Doing stupid things is his speciality- 😭
No but literally, you’ll sometimes have to stop him from acting out on his weird revenge ideas or stuff that could get him into trouble.
“I was just gonna-” “No.” “But…” “Jimmy, no.” 
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. But you love him either ways. <3
He also likes talking shit about people with you *cough* probably Howard *cough* - sure, a bit rude - but he finds it hilarious lol 
Lot of in-jokes between you and him
Jimmy is a daydreamer and is easily distracted
Especially by you.
He sometimes gets stuck thinking about you when doing boring work.
Until Francesca tells him to pull himself together lmao
Jimmy spends all possible time together with you. 
He is ambitious and serious about work, but after you and him became a couple his priorities changed. 
He finds time to spend with you. Last thing he wants is for you to feel like he cares more about work than he does for you.
If you’re adventurous and like being outdoors, he does too.
But honestly? He prefers cuddling at home and watching movies with you.
He is not a good chef, so he buys a lot of food from restaurants and brings it home if you’ve had a long day at work.
He makes sure to be a romantic bastard too. 
Candlelit dinners, taking baths together, picnics… You name it. He loves spoiling you. 
He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but hear me out… Home-spa dates 👀
He did use to have his office at a nail salon, so he knows his way around those things
If you allow him to, he likes painting your nails - with him choosing the color
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Like I said, Jimmy enjoys cuddling you.
He has a lot of feelings, traumas etc pent up, which he dares to let out around you.
He has learnt that he can be vulnerable with you and not get judged, which he appreciates.
That’s why he loves coming home to you after a long day and simply resting in your arms.
He prefers being the little spoon - to feel protected and loved by you. <3
To summarize: It might take him a while to put the pieces together and actually confess his feelings for you - but once he does he spends every day letting you know how much you mean to him.
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I just remembered why I love Jimmy sm AHHH he deserves love and happiness <3<3 Part 2 soon!
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
like real people do ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: jake sully x afab!reader, smut - minors DNI, fluffy soft smut, jake being dumb fr, jealousy (are we surprised); p in v, oral fem!recieving, using spit as lube brrrrr, wc - 5,149
tawtute - sky-people ; uniltaron - dream hunt
kuru - queue ; tsaheylu - bond
comments: tbh i just started writing and got a lil excited like, anywho she was so fun to write, i missed writing for jake <333 i hope you enjoy kk bye <3
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You weren’t sure when this even started, when the frustration you had with Jake turned into longing desire. One that consumed you from the inside out and left you buzzing anytime his tail swished in frustration, or a snarky comment fell from his mouth. When he tried over and over to prove himself to you. When this strange sort of friendship the two of you had, grew into something entirely different for you.
And at first it left you feeling shameful, harboring feelings for a dreamwalker. You were sure it was not Mo’at’s intention when encouraging you to show him the ways of the Omatikaya that you would grow affections for him. When you began to reject the advances for courting from several clan members, you knew this terrible affliction was no longer fleeting. 
Jake Sully had found a way into your heart, consuming you like ivy, and as much as you tried you were unable to pluck him out. And many moon rotations had passed since the war with the tawtute, since Jake had passed through the eye of Eywa, and completed his Uniltaron, and he still had not chosen a mate. 
The clan had finally finished settling into the new encampment, a sense of normalcy finally was felt throughout your people, and unfortunately for you the talk of mates began spreading like wildfire. Heavily encouraged by the Elders, large celebrations were being held frequently, and it seemed that every other day you were being approached by one of your friends, informing you that they had mated with someone before Eywa.
It was getting harder and less acceptable for you to continuously reject suitors, and the men your age were becoming scarce. You had kept holding onto a sliver of hope that the Toruk Makto held affections for you too, because despite the way the two of you seemed to get under each other's skin, you were pulled to each other. You had lost count how many times the two of you ended up in the same place at the same time, spending hours together as you teased one another. 
Over time your annoyance melted away into one of desire, and your respect mingled with that of adoration. But you had no idea how he felt, for all you know he could only see you as a mentor who then became a friend. At best, that is probably what he considered you. 
So with the constant pressure of everyone around you and the flicker of fire that Jake had lit inside of you slowly dwindling as time went on, you began to accept the courting advances of a few of the Na’vi males your age.
That was how you found yourself in this predicament, with Jake lingering behind you as Zut’e had called for you. You knew that it wasn’t necessarily a requirement to harbor strong feelings for a mate, they were encouraged of course, but you also knew they came with time. With Tsaheylu most bonds flowed smoothly. 
And Zut’e was sweet to you, and had been expressing his interest since before the war with the tawtute. But it did not stop the way your heart twinged in sadness that it was not Jake expressing his interest for you. 
He had rummaged quickly through the small pouch attached to his loincloth, pulling out an intricately handcrafted bracelet. His hand reached out to show it to you better and your face burned darkly as you realized they matched the beads he had braided into his hair and that decorated his arm piece. A clear and obvious sign of his intentions.
“I have made you a gift.” His voice wavered lightly with nerves, and it caused a small laugh to leave your mouth. “It is very beautiful Zut’e, thank you.”
He beamed at the compliment, and it caused you to send him a smile. Your ears fluttered lightly when he grabbed your wrist cautiously. “Do you mind if I place it on you?”
You would be lying if you said the attention didn't cause your heart to flutter. It was welcomed after spending so long not receiving it from the one person you wanted. At that your mind lingered to Jake behind you, you could feel his eyes on the two of you. Stupidly you felt guilty, so you only nodded your head in the direction of Zut’e, fearing your voice would come out with uncertainty. 
Zut’e let out a quiet breath, slipping the bracelet onto your wrist before tying. Your eyes lingered onto the piece of jewelry as his fingers brushed over the beads. When he pulled away his face was burning darkly, “Well, I will let you go now.”
His eyes flicked behind you, gesturing goodbye as a sign of respect to Jake before he looked back to you. He leaned in quickly and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, your tail swished nervously behind you as he pulled away, sending you one last look before he backed away. 
You let out a nervous breath, the kiss was unexpected and you weren't sure why but you were nervous to resume your conversation with Jake.
“He couldn't wait to give you that?”
There was an edge in his tone and it caused a shiver to run down your spine, finally turning back to look at him. “I think it was sweet.”
An awkward tension was settling between the two of you quickly, and the stretch of silence was causing nerves to clamp around your throat. “I did not know he was courting you?”
His face was scrunched up with confusion and again, the guilt was consuming you, “He has been trying, for a long time now.”
Jake's tail swished lightly at the information, only giving you a curt nod as he turned from you. “Where are you going?”
“I have to train with Tsu’tey.”
You followed after him in confusion, your steps increasing as he walked faster, “But you and I always train together.”
He had continued walking until he spotted Tsu’tey, along with Takuk and Neytiri, “Not today.”
The trio were armed with weapons and your brows furrowed together even more. They were all going to train without you? They greeted the two of you, but instantly picked up on the growing tension as neither of you greeted them back. “If everyone is going, so will I.”
“You cannot tell me what to do.”
“As Olo’eyktan, I think I can. And I do not want you to go today.”
Your arms crossed over your chest as he finally turned to look at you again. The both of you refused to back down as you exchanged a heated gaze. “You are not welcome.”
Your three friends exchanged confused glances, normally when you were not around Jake was unable to shut up about you. So to witness him excluding you from the group put them all on edge.
Frustration consumed you, and angry tears rushed to your eyes, embarrassment flooding your system at the rejection. Jake’s resolve flickered for a brief moment at the site of your watery eyes. He was about to trek back, apologize for being so rude when you blinked the tears away. Your anger intensified as you hissed out your words to him, “You are an asshole!”
Jake’s ears pinned back to hear you hurl an insult towards him, and an English one at that. You turned swiftly, walking away from the four of them despite Neytiri calling out for you to stop.
Takuk was the first to break the silence that had settled after your departure, “What was that about?”
Jake’s tail swished lazily in annoyance, “Zut’e has made his intentions clear. He even had a gift ready.”
He shrugged as if to try and play it off, but the hurt was evident in how tense his voice was, and how his tail had started to move behind him almost erratically, “And it was accepted.”
Tsu’tey snorted and it caused Jake’s brows to furrow together in annoyance. “Brother, you cannot be serious.”
Neytiri called out in warning, “Tsu’tey-”
“What do you mean?”
Tsu’tey decided against speaking out against Neytiri, a smart man. Takuk groaned quietly, “There is no way you do not see it? Both of you have been so obvious with your feelings for one another.”
Neytiri shrieked, “Takuk!”
She had always been so protective over you, and she felt that the confessions should’ve been shared between the two of you, not spoiled by your friends. 
Jake felt his heart thump wildly, guilt webbing into his chest at how he spoke to you. “Should-should I go after her? Fuck!”
He was about to turn around before Neytiri hissed at him in annoyance, “You have done enough! We will train, give you time to think clearly on how you will make up for it.”
She swatted his head quickly, turning around to make her way towards the forest. Tsu’tey and Takuk snickered quietly, “It is best, you do not want to be at the receiving end of a female Na’vi’s rage.”
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Jake’s body ached from the rigorous training he had gone through, and he had been distracted the whole time, which meant he was sloppy in his execution and Tsu’tey had made him reap the consequences. He was almost positive he heard Neytiri whisper to Tsu’tey to be extra hard on him today. He knew it was due to the fact that he had upset you. 
With every step he made deeper into the encampment his muscles throbbed, and all he wanted was for the two of you to slip away into the forest, as you did every night, and talk for hours about your day. He felt a twinge of uneasiness as he remembered your altercation from earlier.
He wasn't sure if you'd even want to talk to him anymore, and he deserved it. He was being an asshole. It was not your fault you had captured the attention of someone else, and it was also not your fault that he had not acted on his feelings.
After setting everything down in his pod, he was on the search for you. If he was being completely honest, he was scared. Nerves slowly consumed him as searched high and low for you and was still unsuccessful. Much to his horror he saw you emerging from the forest, Zut’e trailing close behind.
Jake's ears flattened roughly against his head as he made his way towards the two of you. He heard a small laugh fall from your mouth at something Zut’e said and he swallowed roughly. When he was close enough to the both of you, he cleared his throat, calling out your name gently.
You paused your conversation, turning stiffly towards Jake, “Yes, Olo’eyktan Sully?”
He winced at the name, “Does that greeting not suffice? Would you like me to bow next time?”
He whined your name quietly, his face lightly coloring in embarrassment, “Stop, please.”
You only huffed quietly, turning to Zut’e, “Thank you for training with me today. I will see you later?”
Jake did not like the idea of the two of you alone in the forest, and he disliked even more so that you intended to spend more time with him. “Of course.”
The warrior bid the two of you goodbye, and thankfully opted on not kissing you goodbye. Jake doesn’t think he could handle it.
With your lips pursed, you turned back to look at him. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to see you.”
Your eyes narrowed in on him, annoyance radiating off of you as you grumbled out quietly, “Well you’ve seen me.”
You turned away and began making way towards your pod, Jake trailing behind you like a lost puppy. “Wait-”
You ignored him.
He called your name again, “Wait-god!” 
He followed you into your pod, ignoring how you scoffed as he just marched into your home. “You have no manners!”
Your nose scrunched up in annoyance as he just stood there, stupidly trying to come up with what to say, “If you are just going to stand there, please leave. I am exhausted.”
“I want to apologize.”
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to hear it. Your ego was still bruised, and it hurt more than it should. You felt like he squeezed your heart too tightly and the ache continued to linger. “What for? You make the rules around here, I am no one to go against your wishes.”
Your shoulders shrugged but the way your tail coiled around your leg let him know you were upset. 
Jake had forgotten just how stubborn you could be, and he felt like he was floundering, this was not at all how he expected for your conversation to go.
Desperately he made his way closer to you, reaching for your hands to keep you still. His eyes flickered to your wrist, and was pleasantly surprised to see you were no longer wearing the bracelet you had received from
someone else.
“Where is the bracelet?”
“I don’t know why that is any of your concern.”
His thumb lightly grazed the skin of your wrist before looking up at you. Your eyes softened as you noticed the guilt swirling in his. His eyes were always so expressive and it wore you down, you were never able to stay mad at him for long. With the way you huffed and avoided his eyes, he could tell too. “I gave it back to him.”
Jake's tail seemed to have a mind of its own as it thumped softly in excitement, “Why?” 
With the way his fingers were rubbing gently into your skin, and the close proximity to him you couldn’t think straight. The impulsive thought to spill your feelings out to him was becoming so strong, and the warmth that was radiating off of him was making you dizzy.
You wiggled your wrist out of his hold, stepping back from him as you sighed, “I just-it is not fair to string him along.”
Jake only hummed, watching you closely and it made you squirm. Nervously fidgeting as his eyes darkened to a warm honey like yellow. The tension rising in your home was so different to one you had ever felt. 
It felt hot, and made excited nerves bubble in your stomach as your eyes slowly looked over Jake, his muscles flexing lightly everywhere your eyes glazed over. Your face burned as you locked eyes with him again, and your heart began to thump nervously as he began to slowly make his way towards you. With each step he made to you, you took one back.
He slowly caged you in as your back hit against the woven wall of your home. The way he towered over you should not have excited you as much as it did. But he was so close his breath was fanning over your face, “Why would you be stringing him along?”
The amusement dripping from his tone just let you know he already knew. It was him. And in a breathless whisper, you mumbled out, “I think you already know.”
He hummed quietly, “Wanna hear you say it.”
You huffed quietly, cheeks coloring in embarrassment when his hand fell to your waist. You were crumbling under his touch, your lips parting as his fingers lightly dug into the flesh of your hip. “Since you don’t want to speak, I���ll go. I for one, am glad you rejected him.”
Not once did he break eye contact with you, “I don’t like the idea of anyone thinking they have a chance with you.”
“Why?” His eyes briefly fell down to your lips before they flicked back to your eyes, a cocky smile making its way onto his face, “Because they don’t. Because I’ve made it pretty clear to everyone but you, that you’re mine.”
A warm feeling began to pool between your legs, your tail trashed excitedly as Jake nuzzled his head between your neck. 
His teeth gently biting into the junction of your neck and a surprised cry fell from your mouth. His tongue swiped right over the skin to soothe the ache. He continued with his ministrations and the words tumbled out of your mouth as you pulled him closer, “I want you, only you.”
Jake purred against your skin and your thighs squeezed together at the feeling, eyes fluttering shut as he sucked softly against your skin. Marking the azure skin with deep purple.
A quiet whine fell from your mouth as he moved his lips from your neck, but he didn't have you waiting for long. His mouth covered yours quickly and your fingers tangled into his braids, pulling him even closer as his tongue pried your mouth open. His tongue lazily tangled with yours, and the need for oxygen was becoming less important. Now that you felt his lips against yours, you didn't think you could go without it. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head as he grunted into your mouth. His hips had started to lightly grind into you, the growing bulge digging into your lower abdomen. You fluttered around nothing, the excitement that had bloomed in your lower belly was slowly starting to consume your whole body. 
You both broke apart momentarily, taking shallow breaths to fill your lungs with air. “You sure about this?”
You bit down on your lip, nodding your head as you pressed another quick kiss to his lips. You felt him smile against you and it caused a small laugh to fall from your mouth. 
You weren’t entirely sure what you expected to happen, but it was certainly not for Jake to be kneeling in front of you. His eyes flickered up to you once again, and when you gave him a quick nod he untied your loincloth. With a nervous laugh you let him slip it off of you, parting your legs gently as he moved closer to you. He placed kisses from your hips, down to your thighs and you squirmed. Your legs instinctively tried to close anytime he sucked onto the skin of your thighs. He hummed quietly, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder and you shrieked lightly, face heating up as he locked eyes with you once more. 
His honey colored irises were barely visible at how dilated his eyes were and you felt yourself clench around nothing. “Jake-please.”
You weren’t even sure what you were begging for, but you knew the need would be satiated by his mouth. And you were correct, your head fell against the wall of your home as he reached forward and sucked on the small bud. Whimpers left your mouth as his tongue and mouth continued to slowly tether you closer to the edge, he mumbled quietly against your cunt and a loud whine of his name was punched out of you. 
He pulled his mouth away, two of his rough fingers sliding through your folds and your hips bucked, “Please-Jake please.” Your fingers dug into his scalp as one of his fingers teased at your entrance.
His finger entered you with ease and Jake smiled happily at his work, a clear sign that he was doing what he should. He was knuckle deep before he gently curled his finger inside of you and your hips stuttered. Incoherent moans falling from your mouth as he attached his mouth to the soft bud once again. Alternating between sucking softly or running his tongue through your puffy folds.
He felt you clench around his finger as he slowly eased into you a second one. You were so snug around him, sucking his fingers in every time and Jake's free hand fell to his clothed cock. Palming himself to ease the ache as he felt you slowly lose your composure.
With a final cry of his name, your muscles tightened around Jake's fingers and your release hit you so quickly. Your legs felt heavy and numb as it overtook your entire body. A blissed out laugh fell from your mouth as Jake continued slowly grinding his fingers into you through your orgasm. He pulled out gently, placing a hand to your hips to steady you as he stood up.
You felt shy under his gaze and your face flushed as he popped his two fingers into his mouth to clean off your release. Once he was satisfied he mumbled out softly, “Taste so good, Yawne.”
The affectionate name caused a smile to bloom onto your face, nuzzling into his hold as he pulled you into him. Jake was glad your face pressed into his chest as he was unsure he could ask you if you were facing him. Despite it being so obvious, there was still a small twinge of insecurity that had settled inside of him as he had not courted you in the customs of your people. “Do-do you-”
“Tsaheylu?” Finishing his sentence as you pressed a kiss to his chest and the muscle flexed gently, “Yes.”
You pulled yourself from him and pressed kisses all along his jaw, nipping gently, “Wanted to for so long, Jake.”
A breathy laugh fell from his mouth as he placed a kiss to your hair, pulling the two of you down onto the floor as you kneeled in front of each other. There was no trepidation creeping inside of you as you reached for your kuru, only excitement and giddiness as Jake reached for his own. The weight of your next coming actions made you dizzy, your queue feeling heavy in your hand as you buzzed in excitement.
Jake couldn’t fight the smile on his face as he watched you, he was squirming with excitement and happy nerves as he inched his queue closer to yours. He had been longing for this for so long, he couldn’t believe it was real. 
The soft pink tendrils fizzled at the close proximity before they tangled together. Your heart stuttered for a few seconds before a warm sensation overtook your entire body. Jake and yourself became one and you felt him infiltrate every part of you that he hadn’t. Your thoughts flowed as one, hearts beating together, he was yours, just as you were his. 
Jake blinked rapidly, he had never felt that immense and overwhelming sense of pleasure rush through him. Jake couldn’t help how rampid his thoughts were running, you looked so pretty, he was so overwhelmed by you. 
Your face flushed and a quiet laugh fell from your mouth as you heard his thoughts, and watched his tail swish lazily. 
Jake cleared his throat roughly, his face coloring in embarrassment as he realized what was happening, but nothing could top the feeling of serenity that washed over the two of you. You inched closer to him, wanting to be as close as possible.
In a swift movement Jake pulled you toward him and you clumsily fell flush against him, your breathing a little jagged at all the overwhelming feelings rushing through you, a quiet, “Hi.” fell from his mouth as you locked eyes once again. 
You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before you whispered back, “Hello, Ma’Jake.”
And that was all it took before his mouth was all over yours, wrapping you up so tightly in his arms as your body’s moved together, fitting together perfectly as he laid you down. 
His body caged yours in as he kissed you dizzy, your hands roamed his toned body and your legs fell open to grant him access to be closer. Your hands fell down to his loincloth, lightly gripping at Jake clothed cock and a moan ripped from his mouth, you swallowed the noises falling from his mouth eagerly and his hips bucked into your hand. 
The desire pooling between your legs was intensifying to have Jake falling apart by your doing. His tongue lazily tangled with yours and you pushed your palm harder onto his cock. “Yawne-fuck.”
A soft giggle left your mouth as you pulled your lips away from him, your hand moved to the knot that tied his loincloth together, making a quick movement to untie it. He helped you remove it, and assisted you as he leaned forward to untie your top. 
Your eyes fell down to his cock, your eyes widening slightly at the size and your cheeks burned. “We’ll go slow okay?”
You only nodded, not trusting your voice. He sat back on his legs, his eyes lingering on your chest before he continued to take all of you in. Your body felt hot under his stare as he gripped at your thighs, parting them even more as he pulled you closer by your legs. His fingers tentatively pressed into your clit again, lightly ghosting between your slit as he gathered some of the wetness that had settled between your legs. 
Your hips stuttered lightly, whimpering quietly before he removed his fingers and spit into his hand. Using your slick and his spit as he gripped his cock. Stroking a few times and your fingers itched to reach out and help him.
His hand continued to stroke rapidly as he leaned forward, letting his mouth wrap around your breast as he sucked gently. 
Your chest pushed into his mouth at the foreign feeling, enjoying the way he marked you all over, and the way his tongue messily swiped at your chest. He paid equal attention to the other one, shifting his hips so he rested against you. His hips rutted into you, the tip knocking into your clit and you cried out his name. Gripping at his braids to keep him on your chest. Your hips stuttered upwards, “Please Ma’Jake-”
“Mawey Syulang.”
Jake’s Na’vi was still choppy but it caused you to flutter, your cunt throbbing to hear him use your native tongue. He gripped at his cock once more, slapping it a few times against your clit before running it one last time against your slit before he gently began to push into you. 
Your mouth parted at the intrusion, squirm slightly in discomfort as he slowly pushed into you. 
Jake was so sweet about it, gently caressing your body to try and ease the ache that had settled between your legs. “Doin’ s’good for me baby.”
You let out a deep breath, letting his voice and hands soothe you. Jake grunted quietly as he felt your muscles contract and tighten against him as he finally finished sinking into you. 
You were stuffed, your breathing ragged as he stayed still to let you adjust to his size. His hands never stopped rubbing comfortably into your skin, and when you sent him a hazy smile he began to slowly pull out, pushing back in as he tried to find a pace that worked for the both of you. 
His head was dipped down as he watched where he entered you, his chest swelled with pride to see you take him so well. With every thrust your cries got louder and louder, the way his cock dragged along inside of you, pressing tightly against your cervix everything was so intense., But what made your mind go blank with pleasure was when he pushed into you to just grind his hips.
“Please-feels s’good Jake.”
You reached for him to pull him flush against you, letting your tongue fight against his as he increased the speed of his thrust. The way grunts and small whines of your name fell from his mouth only spurred you on, your cunt tightening around him as you cried out his name.
You were too dazed in the feeling of pleasure to care about how loud the two of you were being, the sound of slapping skin all melted away as his thumb pressed into your clit. Your hips rose from the floor and your lips parted as your second orgasm hit, much harder than the first and your body lightly convulsed against Jake. 
“Did so good for me, Yawne.”
He gave a few more harsh thrusts before you felt the ropes of his release coat your insides, “S’good.”
His hips stuttered lightly as you tightened around him once again, pulling out as gently as he could. Your body was spent, the ache that had settled all over you was happily welcomed. He pressed a quick kiss to your mouth before removing your kurus from each other, looking around your home. 
You were too tired to question what he was doing, so much so you hadn’t even noticed he had gotten up to retrieve a cloth. Your hips jumped lightly when he began cleaning you up with a damp cloth, “How ya’ feeling?”
With a lazy smile you nodded your head to him, “Really good.”
He laughed before cleaning himself up, scooping you into his arms as the two of you tangled together. Your ear was pressed tight against his chest and the sound of his heartbeat was slowly luling you to sleep. Jake's fingers continued to run down the expanse of your back, tracing stripes and following the tahni that littered all over you like stars.
He pressed a kiss to your temple as he pulled you in even closer, he could feel the fluttering of your eyelashes against his chest as the two of you soaked up each other's presence. Spent and happy, and with each other. He swore nothing else mattered in that moment.
He was ready to spill his heart out in a confession, though he was sure you knew how he felt after you had formed Tsaheylu, when someone cleared their throat from the outside of your pod. 
“Um-If the two of you are finished, it is time for supper.”
Tsu’tey’s voice awkwardly called out and you felt your face drop. Embarrassment flooded your system as you scrambled to sit up, “Yes-yes we will be out shortly.”
Your words were jumbled together and Jake couldn’t help but laugh as he watched you dress quickly. 
He sat back lazily, stretching his aching limbs but made no move to get up. You turned to look at him, confused when all you received back was a lazy smile.
“Come on, Jake. They will question why we are late.”
He corrected you, “Ma’Jake.”
Your face flushed softly, cupping his face as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “Ma’Jake-has a nice ring to it.”
“Only when it’s coming from you.”
Your tail shyly coiled around his leg, pressing a final kiss to his lips before you stood up, “I will leave you here.”
And he didn’t doubt it, he saw you nearing your entrance and then it was his turn to scramble for his clothes. You stifled a laugh as he clumsily dressed himself.
His fingers tangled with yours before he pulled you along, ignoring your friends as they stood not far from your home, it was no use as Tsu'tey and Takuk followed behind the two of you, snickering quietly.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 6 months
Johnny Headcanons <3
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Note: had to do it to them 😮‍💨 i decided to do a mix of romantic and random hcs cause i thought it was cutie but I did section them off from each other!! might write about tcm later on so i’ll take requests for it!!!!! @twsted-idiot :3
he definitely had a FUCK ASS haircut growing up. all those boys in that damn house did. NANCY HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS DOING 🗣️💥 she really pulled up with the scissors and said ‘alright sweetie just hold still’ and fucked up his entire life for a hot 10 years. after that no one gets near the hair…
fuck ass teeth lets be soooo real. from the amount of times he’s gotten into fights at the bar or in a street, he definitely lost/chipped a few in his prime teen years. his bottom teeth are also a lil crooked…but it’s cutie on him! our little gummy bear ❤️ (bitch has gums for days it’s ok to admit it!!)
i’ll talk abt a lot of his love languages in the romantic section but let me tell you, he’s good at pulling bitches but has trouble pulling ppl he’s ACTUALLY interested in 🗣️💥
^ what I mean by that is like. if he just wants a good fuck and a bougie dinner, trust he’ll have a bitch under his arm! but if he has someone he genuinely cares about and wants to be with, he’s more reluctant to show interest… if that makes sense.
everyone knows he has a farmer’s tan 😭 tan one second, takes off his shirt, WOAH!!! WHOS THIS WHITE MAN??? IS THAT A FUCKING GHOST??? oh no it’s just johnny’s tatas 😻
^ speaking of wish im a freckle truther so fuck you he has light freckles on his face 😮‍💨
ALCOHOLIC. REAL BAD. say bye bye to his livers 😿……but no seriously he has terrible drinking habits. practically drinks every night smh. and that’s on dealing with unbearable depression 😮‍💨
SMOKES HEAVY TOO. (johnny your lungs…😿)
idk abt yall but I think johnny’s a sweetheart to bubba….his mama taught him better than to boss him around and be an asshole like CERTAIN PEOPLE. although johnny can come off as demanding, i truly think he has the best intentions at heart when he’s interacting with bubba ❤️
kinda homophobic but gay at the same time 😮‍💨 and that’s on that TEXAN TIP 🇺🇸🦅💥 YEEEEHAW!!!
in my head i think johnny had his own room n stuff in the house up until he confronted nancy. after that and getting his eye fucked up, he wanted to be petty and sleep outside just to bother nancy. at first she didn’t care and thought he’d eventually just come back in but. he. DID NOT. instead he literally cleaned out the entire shack, found a cheap couch from some thrift store, n fucked that shit UP!!!!!! nancy was PISSED!!! 🗣️ “come back in”…..“no” type shit
loves keeping souvenirs of his victims. ESPECIALLY memorable ones. where did he get that belt? simple, really. this cute guy tried to use it as a defense mechanism! johnny strangled him with it shortly after ❤️ oh and this perfume? yeah, he found that in a REAL fighter’s purse. she was cute whenever she screamed 🌹
started driving at like. 10. nancy fucking FLIPPED OUT whenever she caught him riding around in a car as a literal CHILD. (influenced by certain people😒) but even after all her scolding, he never stopped 💀…that’s why he’s a good driver to this day!
this man loooooooooves his hunting. talking abt sum “THATS A BUTTON BUCK 🗣️” bitch no one knows what you’re talking abt be quiet. (I love him passionately)
johnny DESPISES wearing formal clothing. whether it’s some dumb church suit, dress shirt, or WHATEVER, he does NOT FW THAT SHIT ❌ the real ones know johnny walks around his house with just his boxers on…..and that’s on that country shit 🇺🇸🦅💥 (more like CUNTry)
CALLOUSED HANDS TRUTHER 💥 he definitely has some fucked up fingernails too. stained with oil n shit….SOMEONE GET HIM A PEDICURE IMMEDIATELY.
nubbins always instigates him into fighting a family member 💀 (usually sissy or the cook) talking abt sum: “she said you get noooo bitches…hot ones at least lolsies” or “he told me that he thinks you’re the weakest link of the family but yknow…” FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!! but johnny falls for it every time 😭
HATES PHYSICAL AFFECTION AT FIRST!!! I’m telling you this right now he DON’T LIKE IT!!!!! and it’s not even in the cutie ‘aw he’s touched starved’—NO. HE DON’T LIKE IT. that’s not to say his opinion won’t sway a lil depending on the person (🤭) but at first that’s a big no no with him.
^ but once he starts getting comfortable with you, it’s impossible to pry him off. always wanna hug you n kiss you n play with your hair….he’s a lil love bug fr!
terrible at handling verbal affection. like god 😭 when receiving compliments, he kinda just scoffs, says something snarky, n tries to change the subject. keep doing it? he doesn’t know what to do with himself. it eventually becomes a staring contest with him being like ‘quit that rn.’ but let’s be honest, he likes it 😮‍💨
^ in terms of GIVING IT OUT, he’s pretty good at it. words of encouragement come easy to him since he just has to give you a ‘good job’ (maybe even adding a lil pet name if he’s feeling cute) n move on with his life.
^ but complimenting your laugh? your voice? your eyes? your hair? your clothes? he does it in the slickest ways possible. never over the top or on the nose, always subtle and almost unnoticeable.
he shows his affection through gift giving. stolen flowers from sissy’s garden, stolen jewelry from…trespassers, stolen expensive clothes with suspicious gashes through the fabric, severed limbs—LMAO OFC NOT!!!!! but yes he’s very inclined to give you lil gifts here and there.
surprisingly enough, he likes teaching you stuff. whether it be something small like the mechanics of a car or something big like gutting and skinning a corpse, he enjoys being the one who shows you how to do things he knows how to do well. and when he sees that he successfully accomplished his goal of educating you, he’s happier than ever. (this is also a perfect excuse for him to call you a good girl/boy!!!!!! he’s not slick!!!!!)
pet names consist of the TEXAN WAY BABY YEEEEHAW 💥🦅🇺🇸 sweetie/sweetheart, baby/babe, honey/hun, angel face/doll face, y’know how it is. and it’s kinda cute cause throughout your relationship with him, you unlock certain pet names!!
wanna see a magic trick? 🪄 MANIPULATION! johnny is a genius when it comes to manipulating you. and trust me, you will NOT know he’s doing it.
this is really fucked up (bc HE’S fucked up) but he definitely pushes your boundaries in the beginning of the relationship. it’s kinda like a test to see what he can get away with and how you’ll react to him being an asshole. are you gonna cuss him out? are you gonna hit him? cry? run off? he wants to know.
^ and by ‘pushing the boundaries’ I mean degradation n shit. you ask him what’s wrong and he calls you a filthy whore, a mangy slut, a stupid bitch, JUST TO SEE what you’ll do.
^ the way to pass the test is STANDING UP TO HIM. that’s what he WANTS. be an asshole back!! don’t lose your shit, just one-up him. for example, call him a bitch ass momma’s boy!! that’ll have him on his KNEES!!
who said jealous? BECAUSE YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. johnny IS insecure and thinks you’ll leave him, so it’s better if you DON’T talk to anyone he could perceive as a threat. he lays off with family n shit bc he gets it, but if they ain’t related to you? bitch they better know how to fight 😮‍💨
PDA is iffy with him especially around any of the family LMAO….but if he feels threatened by a guy or god forbid JEALOUS, best believe you’ll have an arm around your waist real fast. 🤭
you better like late night drives bc this man ADORES them. whenever he wants to have a sentimental moment with you or treat you real special for a night, best believe you’ll be in his car for a good while. takes you to the PRETTIEST landscapes he knows of and just chills with you.
^ cutie till he tries scaring the shit outta you with some horrific story abt what happened there or sumn. or even…idk…..starts the hypothetical scenario of “y’know I could kill you rn and no one would be able to hear you scream LOL! 😹” johnny…..if you don’t shut the hell up….
if shit is serious, you definitely made a blood oath with him that you’ll stick with him despite everything. basically marriage imo. peak romance right there <3
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headcanons with Fenrys being your mate
Being mates with Fen
Fenrys would be an amazing mate. Maybe a bit scared at first after everything that happened with Meave but I think showing him the beauty of love would be so powerful.
He would be determined to learn everything about it and I don't mean in a weird way. Knowing what's your favorite breakfast food, what annoys you, what side of the bed you prefer and so on would bring him a sense of ease and allow him to be more attentive.
So you best believe that when you speak he is listening. You could mention the tiniest thing and he would remember it, bringing it up in a conversation after some time, making you stop and stare at him for a moment.
Fenrys loves the sound of your voice so a lot of the time when he's uneasy or had a long day he would just want to listen to you talking. He doesn't care about what. Anything that comes out of your mouth is interesting to him.
He also gets uneasy if you are away from each other for a longer period of time. Bye-bye cheeky Fenrys and hello a grumpy, cocky wolf, who flashes his teeth at any moving thing. Gavriel never fails to say that you had managed to find his soft spot and when Fenrys gets unbearable he always turns to your aid.
Physical touch is required for his existence. Maker, forbid anyone to interrupt your morning or evening cuddles. That is Fenrys time and Fenrys time only. He never really talks while you cuddle, well besides the little, "Your hair is soft", "I love your eyes", and "You're so beautiful". At awe of you and your beautiful heart at all times.
And it would just be him slowly combing his fingers through your hair. Tracing the shape of your face with his fingers or drawing patterns on your skin. After all the pain he still struggles to allow his mind to fully accept that this is real. And when words fail there's always the bond that you would gently stroke, pouring all the love through it to your mate.
But we can't forget his chatty, bubbly self. You can't tell me that he's not the first to pull you up after dinner with the family, dragging you towards the dance floor so he could spin you around. Does he have great moves? You would agree to disagree but who cares. He's there laughing at the top of his lungs while he's twirling you in his arms.
Since quality time is also a part of his love language, he often would take you away from everyone to go on a little walk. Like I bet he knows of some little cave in the woods that has a little crystal-clear waterfall and a direct view of the starry sky. And that would be your spot.
Touching back on the needing to learn everything about it, I think that at some point you two wouldn't need words to know what the other one is feeling or thinking. The bond would just keep on growing.
Oh, and you would be the only one allowed to touch his hair and braid it. And is he rocking those looks? Yes. And he's praising his mate's talent. Because jokes on all the other males, they will never have a mate like this.
His wolf form would be something he would also use freely around you. If it's one of those nights where he feels safest in it, you would just drag a blanket from the bed and nuzzle into his furs. He would fuss slightly because he wouldn't want you to get a sore back but you would just roll your eyes, "Well, I am sleeping with you so deal with it".
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part three
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A year and a few more months passed since that event, and it seemed that karma was taking its revenge.
That sweet lady who had given you a job in her real estate agency had died of a heart attack. Although at first it seemed that her children were going to take over the business, they all declared that none of them could since they already had their respective jobs. And so you were left without a job.
It was a very hard blow, not only the loss of your job, but also the death of that lady whom you considered a mother.
Although you had your savings, you hated the fact of being left without a fixed income, so you started looking for a job, but this time you had no luck. Many of the jobs were part-time, and you didn't like the idea of leaving Ryusei with someone else for so long. And the ones that weren't part-time, didn't want to hire you as soon as they heard you had a son who was almost two years old. And to top it off, none of them could offer you a salary even close to what you had when you worked at the agency.
"I don't know what to do" you said frustrated to Ieiri through the call, "Well, you always have a very reliable option to choose from" she told you, while you were preparing food for Ryusei, "Oh yeah? which one?", "You can always go back and practice as a teacher here" you let out a laugh, thinking she was joking, but you stopped when you realized she was serious, "Ieiri, it's not an option to go back, tell me, how am I going to show up at school with a two year old, who happens to look like a copy of my ex-boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, who it should be clarified also teaches there? it's crazy". Of course you had thought about going back, from the first moment you did, but you didn't have the guts to face Satoru and tell him the truth. "Y/n, are you seriously thinking of not telling him, you said it yourself, Ryu is a copy of his father and therefore, surely, he's going to have the same skills as Satoru, and that makes him the future heir of the Gojo clan", there was silence in the call and she spoke again "Besides you not only have to go back for that, you also have to claim your place in your clan, your father disappeared more than a year ago and you're still the only heir". You got a shudder when you heard that, you weren't interested in claiming anything and you didn't think it was right to do so either.
"Think about it, you know I can talk to Yaga-sensei and I'm sure he will be very happy to welcome you here again." Masamichi Yaga, besides having been your teacher, was like a dad to you, he always understood you and helped you in everything, you remembered how Satoru always bothered you saying that Yaga-sensei had a preference with you and it wasn't a lie.
"Okay, I'll think about it" you told her, "Alright, I'll call you later, say hi to my cute nephew" she replied. "When he stops eating and pays attention to me, I'll tell him you said hi" you heard her laugh on the other end of the line, "Bye Ieiri" and they both hung up.
You walked over to your son and stroked his white, slightly messy hair, but he continued to eat and watch a children's program on the TV. "Hey Ryu" he finally looked up at you, his big little eyes that seemed to reflect the sky, just like his father's, and the corner of his mouth a little smeared with food, almost killed you with tenderness, "Would you like to go live near Aunt Ieiri?" you asked him and his eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual, and a smile formed on his face, showing his little teeth, "Yes, yes!" he replied. Ryusei adored Shoko, even though he didn't know her in person, he loved talking to her on video call and loved when she sent him toys as gifts.
Even though you were so scared, you made up your mind. You were going back to Japan. You needed work and maybe it was time to face the problems you left behind when you ran away.
And mostly, it was time to tell Satoru the truth.
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Hii, I am very happy for the support I am receiving and I thank you very much🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷.
I was just dropping by to tell you that the question box is open for any request you want to ask me!
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Finally had a discussion with a friend and I've landed on why I hated Hazbin Hotel (outside of the vivziepop situation) and after bingeing it hopping from dubious illegal website to even worse more illegal website, we've finally pinpointed it.
The fucking pacing is trash.
Okay so here's the pros of this series: The designs, art style, voice actors, concepts, themes, and motivations are cool as fuck. However. The pacing single handedly ruins at least half of the actual meat of the story- what were getting is kiddie-sized packages of episodes, stuff you'd see in kids shows where there's a problem that ultimately gets resolved in the next 20 minutes. It's, frankly- bad. It's bad.
Sir Pentious could have easily had an arc in which he exists as a spy, relaying (perhaps useless, considering the silliness of his character) information and team-rocket style fails to mess things up for the hotel. The arc could have included him slowly enjoying the place, fitting in, trusting others, and ultimately doubting the plot and having a gross, emotional moment when he's found out because he doesn't want to leave- that would've made Charlie' acceptance so much more impactful to the story. It would've made Sir Pentious a more interesting, full character rather than an extra who joined the gang.
Charlie and her dad could've been a series-drawn arc in which she tries to contact her father and fails repeatedly with the idea from the original episode of meeting Adam, trying to get to the higher-ups to get a REAL meeting, only for him to show up and talk down at her idea, we needed a BUILD UP for this episode. It feels flat and unpersonal.
Vaggie being an angel. Oh my god. I need to sit down. I cannot stress how forced this felt. No blatant hints? No cliff-hanger from a previous episode implying this? Idk, perhaps from the fucking FIRST EPISODE? would've been a REALLY COOL REVEAL if we had MORE of a BUILD UP.
The pacing, man. The pacing is getting me. It's getting my ass. It's bad. It had a lot of potential. Give me the pen. Let me- listen man. It just needs a little bit of writing. I got them. Let me handle it. PleasePleasePLEASE I could do it better.
Disclaimer: I have considered that the pacing may be due to budgeting or how to push the production out but I still think the show is objectively bad pacing-wise and genuinely I do not actually care enough on why it's so poorly managed. It had some interesting characters and plot lines that result could've gone somewhere. The music in alot of it is REALLY good. I enjoy the concepts for the characters. Pacing is bad. There's no room for theorizing and cliffhangers and baited breath it's just fast and quick and over its a massive let down bye its time for me to go to bed
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shipcestuous-two · 5 months
Fallout (spoilers!)
@bourbonthesecond: The new Fallout show has canon incest. The lead has been fooling around with her cousin but breaks it off for an arranged marriage. It's apparently enough of a feature in Vault life that they have laws against it but it seems to be fairly culturally accepted. He's heartbroken and rebounds with her best friend.
Anon:  I imagine you must have gotten a number of asks about this by now but!! I just watched the Fallout show with my partners and I'm not over the canonical cousin-incest that takes place in Vault 33 lmao. Episode 1 has characters casually talking about fooling around with their cousins as kids (before moving on to "real" relationships for the sake of procreation), and the protagonist's cousin is openly in love with her. She turns him down, but to me they felt like that had more chemistry than she did with her actual love interest lol.
I really enjoyed Fallout (a couple things about it make me scratch my head but I enjoyed the ride either way) and I’ve seen it twice now. 
It’s clear that, at least in Vault 33, fooling around with your cousin is no big deal. I’m not familiar with the games, so help me out here if you know for sure, but the vaults seem to have 100-200 people if they’re full. While I can see how that would lend itself to cousins fooling around, from lack of selection, it’s also not like there wasn’t anyone else she could be with. 
Lucy states that her reproductive organs are intact and she maintains good hygiene, but she hasn’t been able to find a suitable marriage partner in their vault. 
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So, except for Chet being her cousin, and she agrees that cousins shouldn’t have children together, she considers him a suitable marriage partner. (Given their limited gene pool, cousins really shouldn’t be having children together in that context, probably. But how long before they’re all cousins anyway? Maybe it’s a pointless delaying of the inevitable.)
She tells her friend Steph that after ten years of “cousin stuff”, she’s ready for the real thing. It’s unclear if she and Chet were having sex, it kind of sounds like they weren’t doing the kind of stuff that could have gotten her pregnant. But ten years! That’s a long time. 
This whole thing was a little strange, because it’s played for laughs, but there’s just a little more to it than that. Chet is in love with Lucy, it wasn’t just fooling around for him. And Lucy says that everyone knows he’s in love with her. No one cares about that either, but they all follow the rule that she and Chet can’t marry. So that was interesting point #1. Interesting point #2 is that Chet is one of the main characters in the Vault 33. He’s secondary character overall. He could have easily just been a throw away character never mentioned again. Interesting point #3 is that Chet being in love with Lucy gets mentioned again, a couple of episodes later. In a rather sad way, when Norm suggests that Chet came with him to investigate Vault 32 because he’s still in love with Lucy and being with Norm reminds him of Lucy. It’s like, ok, make me cry. Why is this so sad!
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While it isn’t discussed explicitly after that, it’s pretty clear that Chet isn’t happy with Steph. For more than one reason, but probably mainly because he’s still in love with Lucy. 
I assume, given the circumstances, that Chet is the maternal cousin of Lucy and Norm. While Chet and Norm spent quite a few scenes together, I didn’t like that they never referenced that they were cousins, too. This is a tangent, but when Chet was sent to live in Vault 32, Norm called him a coward instead of being like, “Bye, Cousin. I’ll miss you!” But I think he was just bad at showing that he felt abandoned and that now he would be alone with all of his questions. But what I’m really getting at is that Norm had lost his mother, his father, and Lucy, and then his cousin gets sent to live in the other vault and they’ll only see each other every three years, if even. 
I also wanted to note that Norm calls Chet a coward, which was really hypocritical since we know Norm feels guilty about hiding during the big fight, but which also isn’t fair because when Lucy wanted to go to the surface, Chet wanted to go with her and she had to drug him to stop him. 
I really can’t believe that the show has a tortured canon cousins relationship, with sympathetic unrequited love and the two of them forbidden from marrying. 
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While of course Lucy has a canon love interest on the surface and likely won’t be back to Vault 33 anytime soon, it is kind of fun that her arranged marriage, her “real thing” ended up being a man who tried to kill her. It’s like, Chet is looking pretty good right now, isn’t he? 
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A/N ::: I have it bad for Bakugo right now. I pretty much worked on this all damn day. Which will explain any errors you may find. I read and reread on Google Docs but it's almost 11pm and my tired eyes can take no more. It if's horrific, please tell me so I can fix it. I hate a misspelled word. Grammatical is fine. Love grammatical errors. I do them on purpose. Now I'm rambling and need to go to bed. Enjoy! Thank you for having Baku-Flu with me.
C/W ::: Too tired to elaborate. I'll fix it tomorrow. But MINORS, LOOK DOWN AND WALK AWAY. DOWN ... AWAY. Aged up Bakugo, Sorta slow burn, playful banter, alcohol use (not much), oral {M->F}, sex, quippy conversation. The End. Like I said, I'll fix this tomorrow, objectifying Bakugo? Admiring his ass. Idk. Leave me alone.
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Hard to Get
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It wasn't long after you turned on the tv that your mind started to wander. You were thinking about your best friend's birthday party you just got home from. You were thinking about Bakugo who was there, looking so delicious. 
His neck muscles turned and twitched whenever he moved his head or swallowed something. His lips curled into a sick and tight smirk whenever he looked at you. Your stomach would drop to your pussy and it made you feel sick in the best way.
The show you were watching was of little interest. Your hands had been resting on your spread legs as you lay on the couch, rubbing your inner thighs in slow, soft circles. Unaware of just how much you were turning yourself on while mindlessly daydreaming of him. Of Bakugo, being the one who's resting between your knees, touching you so sweetly. Wishing he was the one edging you closer and closer to your release.
The clock on your mantel chimed, signaling the end of this day and the start of a new one. You had no reason to stay up so you decided to call it and go to bed. You brush your teeth. Wash your face (with cold water - one last attempt at cooling yourself off) and climb into bed.
It was an hour before you even felt tired and it pissed you off that you laid there tossing and turning for so long. Still horny. Still too stubborn to give in and bring yourself some relief. You didn't want to touch yourself. You wanted Bakugo to do it. And since he wasn't here, you were going to throw a little hissy fit that only you would know about. Whatever.
You were just nodding off in your soft blankets and warm bed when your phone lit up and a pretty little chime resonated through your dark room.
"Hey." Is all it said. You didn't recognize the number, not even a little bit. So you texted back that they have the wrong number. No one you know generally texts this late at night anyway. Putting the phone down on your nightstand you rolled over and squished yourself back down into the mattress.
"No, I don't have the wrong number. I got this from {friend's name}, y/n =)."
"Ok, so all that tells me is you're a creepy asshole who harassed my best friend and got my cell number from them. Lose it. Permanently."
"Tsktsktsk. That's no way to talk to the guy who you were making fuck me eyes at over the birthday cake. Now is it, sweetheart?"
You laughed, "{Males name}, I'm so relieved to hear from you! I thought since you were there with your wife and kids you wouldn't notice me making fuck me eyes at you. When can I see you again? WITHOUT the fam, ok? They were a real drag."
"The FUCK! You calling me a creepy asshole is real rich. It's Bakugo, dumbass."
"Who?" This was too fun.
"Oh my God, you're so annoying, y/n. Bye. YOU lose MY number PERMANENTLY!"
"Bakugo, waitttt wait wait! I'm fucking with you lol! Jesus. You're so serious all the time! What're you doing up so late? Isn't it past your bedtime?"
"I don't have a bedtime, little girl. I make my own rules, baby."
"Who you calling a little girl? I'll have you know I no longer piss the bed. Well, unintentionally, anyway."
"You love it. There's no shame when it comes to sex. The dirtier the better, I say."
"Pussy got your tongue?"
You huffed, "Pussy (Cat) got your tongue?"
Minutes passed before he said anything so you texted him again. "You typing with one hand? You know, some phones have a one-handed setting. It might be helpful for when you're ... well, using one hand for typing and one hand for something else. Just FYI. Anyway, if you're done, I'm going to try and get some sleep. I have stuff I gotta do tomorrow."
And that was the end of that conversation with Bakugo.
You woke up just the way you went to sleep: Horny. But you overslept and had some things to take care of before you could even think about doing that. Your shower was quick and way less hot than usual. The clothes you put on were loose-fitting and casual. This is what Saturday's were made for. Being comfortable, getting shit done and then spending the day lounging around.
There was one parking spot left at the post office and you were about to take it when some fucker on a motorcycle swooped in and stole it right out from underneath your tires.
"What the fuck, asshole!" You got out of your car and yelled at the person with the black, stickered helmet sitting on their shoulders. "I was going to park there, kindly move your fucking bike? Jesus."
The person came over to you and stood unnervingly close. So close to you that you had to back up against your car. "Um, personal space, dick." You pushed them away, your fingers dug into their hard chest muscles. You had to admit, with how much you've wanted to fuck lately, they felt so good. But that didn't change the fact they were a total piece of shit for taking this so far.
"You don't recognize me, little girl?"
"Little girl??" Where have you heard that recently. You narrowed your eyes and said, "{Males name}? Is that you hiding your asshole face behind the helmet?"
The man laughed and pulled his helmet off. "Yeah, yeah. It's me, {Males name}. You're a fucking idiot." He chuckled again and leaned in to hug you.
"Heyyy, Bakugo." You said in a quiet little voice. You wrapped your arms around his neck and backed yourself up the rest of the way against your car, pulling him with you. "You ..." you exhaled in his ear, "are so ..." pushing your tits into his pecs, "fucking ... mmmuch of an asshole." Pushing him away you pointed at the spot he took before you even had a chance to turn your blinker on. "I - why do you even need a whole spot? You can just leave that dumb thing on the sidewalk!"
"DON'T!" He grabbed you by the cheeks, squishing them together, causing your lips to squish out. His sudden movement and his hands so rough on you made you weak in the knees. "Don't talk about her like that. Ok?" He looked at his motorcycle and back at you.
You put your hands up, surrendering yourself to his tantrum. "S-sorry. Shit, sorry, ok?" He let go of your face and took a couple of steps back. "What did you need to do here? I can do it for you." He offered.
"I just have to ship this package and drop this in the outbox. I think I can handle it." You started to get back into your car.
"I'm sorry. Fuck. I didn't mean to ---" you shook your head at him, silently asking him to not bother with the apology.
"I get it. And you know what? Here." You tossed the small package to him and dug a $10 out of your pocket and gave that to him as well. "Thanks, parking spot stealer. Catch ya on the flipside."
He moved out of the way as you drove off without so much as a smile, a wave or even a resentful glare. 
But he waved at you.
The next time you saw Bakugo was at the coffee shop with your friend's boyfriend. You walked in and saw him with his stupid pointy blond hair and that stupid grimace on his stupid ... hot face.
You pretended to not see him even though you noticed him as soon as you walked up to the large window front.
The door chimed, signaling the entrance of a new patron. For some reason, all eyes went to you. Like you were the millionth customer or something.
Still, you kept your eyes on the floor and made your way straight to the order counter.
The cashier took your order and you were about to hand them the $9 for your fancy coffee when Bakugo swooped in and pushed your hand down so he could pay for you.
"Hey, y/n. Uh, lemme get this for ya? Let me make it up for the other day, yeah?" He tried to smile but it didn't really come across as much of a smile. More like a dominant show of teeth.
"Oh, you're ... you're here, too. I can pay for this, thanks tho---" You did your best to convince him to fuck off. But he wouldn't have any of it.
"Goddamn it, don't be an asshole. Let me buy you a coffee. C-consider this will be like a first step in our dating life, hm?" Fuck, he was hot. And he had at least one friend. Even if that friend was your best friend's boyfriend.
"Jesus, Bakugo. Fine! Fine. Pay for the damn coffee. Thanks. Thank you. Ok? You happy? I owe you now." You stepped back so he could pay. He put his hand on the curve of your waist as he moved passed you. It was fairly obvious what kind of effect it had on you. Your face turned a sweet shade of pink, your eyes blew out until they were almost all pupils. You just hoped he wouldn't see.
"You ok, y/n? You look like you're going to barf." He said.
"I'm not going to barf, you idiot. I just," you looked down the front of his body and left your eyes on his inseam.
"Y/n? you just ...?" He lifted your chin with his index finger, bent down a little and tilted his head to look into your eyes before your face was completely up.
"Huh? Wha-? Oh! I just need coffee. Just ... coffee. Can I get that to go, please? I gotta, I gotta go." You grabbed the coffee and stormed out.
"Hey! Y/n, whe- wait!" Bakugo called after you but you didn't stop. "The fuck. The actual fuck." He said to his friend.
They shrugged. "I've always thought she was a little odd." He laughed.
You called up your friend who gave him your cell number. Immediately going into your yelled speech as soon as they answered their phone.
"WHAT is wrong with you? You know, since you gave that dumbass my phone number he's been texting me and turning up everywhere I go! Did you give him my calendar too? 'Cuz I swear to fucking god, he was at the post office the other day. He stole my fucking parking spot. And then he was at the coffee shop just now. I swear to god he's everywhere now, {best friend's name}!! What have you done?"
"Who is this?" She laughed.
"Fuck, really?!" You yelled at her again. "I'm serious. He's everywhere. He's ... he's ..." You couldn't finish your thought.
"Hot as shit? You want his cock? You want his lips all over your body? You want his babiessss!? Oh my god! You want his babies!" She was in hysterics at the thought.
"You're the devil. You're really ... straight from hell. And I love you. But he's popping up in the places I frequent that I've never seen him at before."
There was silence on her end, until you heard voices in the background.
"Is {boyfriend's name} home?" You waited for her to answer you, hearing a third voice in the room. "Is Bakugo there? Jesus Christ. He's stealing you from me. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Enough was enough. Though you didn't know how friendly he had been with them in the past, you do know that Bakugo was becoming more and more a part of your life and the lives of your close friends.
Your cell rang. It was a number that you hadn't saved, but you suspected it was your new stalker.
"Hello, Bakugo?"
"Hi, pissy pants. Come over." You didn't love the nickname.
"Come over where? And no. I don't want to." You couldn't help but smile. You were really enjoying the attention he was giving you. Despite your best efforts to hate him, he was wearing you down.
"Come to your girlfriend's house. We're having an impromptu game night. Bring some shit to drink. See you in 30. And don't shower. You smell great as it is. See ya, sweetheart." And he hung up. Not even giving you a change to protest his garbage invitation to someone else's house.
"Don't shower? That's ... huh." You grabbed your keys and wallet and drove to the store to buy some shit to drink, as per his instruction.
You parked in your friend's driveway, essentially blocking Bakugo's motorcycle in between your car and their garage. You laughed at how pissed it would probably make him. A silent victory. 
A petty victory.
Walking in the front door, you saw Bakugo sitting on the couch. His legs spread, hands resting on his thighs. Just daring you to look at him. Anywhere.
"What's going on tonight?" You asked. "Asshat over here called me and told me to bring shit to drink and that it was an impromptu game night? Well, I'm here and I have the shit." Raising the bottles in your hand you showed them off to the 3 other people there.
They all cheered and came to you. Your friend and her boyfriend took the bottles and Bakugo gave you a hug. A lingering hug.
"Hi, pissy pants," he smiled devilishly at you and pressed his hips into yours and his nose into your neck.
It sends a pulse throughout your whole body. You slipped and your breath got caught in your throat. You hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Excited to see me, too? Good. I can't stop thinking about you." He said against your ear.
"I, uh ... yeah. What's up?" You patted him on the back and pushed him away, taking a deep breath when you were finally free of his grasp. "Who's ready for game night? Let's go!"
The next hour or so went by in a haze. The group of you laughing and drinking and playing some board game that was on the coffee table. You won a lot. Bakugo kept losing and it made you smile. He was a terrible loser to his core. There was no in between. At one point, he almost flipped the coffee table over. 
You were starting to get drunk. You knew it because that display of raw agitation at something so stupid made your stomach knot up. His shit coping was turning you on.
"I'll be right back." You stood and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. You walked in and turned the light on and shut the door behind you. You tried to shut it behind you but there was a foot in the way. "Jesus. Bakugo, what the fuck." You laughed.
He pushed his way in and locked the door behind him. "We're … talking."
"Now?" You asked. "I was just about to pee. You can wait." You started to walk back toward the door but he grabbed your waist and pushed you back against the sink.
"We're talking, y/n. So fucking listen."
"Ok, I'm listening. What do you want to talk about?" You smiled up at him, your lips slightly parted and your eyes set on his.
"You." He said. "You're driving me fucking insane, ya fuckin' brat. You're always walking around with those pretty tits and that fat ass, making me lose my goddamn mind. I can't stop thinking about you. Your lips, your pussy ... Fuck. I wanna taste you." His hands were all over you. Raking up and down your back, over your ass and thighs.
"Mmm, you think I have a fat ass?" You whispered. He nodded. "You're so silly, Bakugo. You think you can just say those things to me and I'll let you have me? You really think that?"
He nodded again. "I'm going to have you. And you're … gonna let me. That's how this is gonna go."
"Is it?" You laughed. "What if I say no?"
"Then I'm going to fuck you anyway. You want me to. I know it. I like games too, sometimes. I can play any ... little thing … you want. But, I'm just going to take what I want, y/n. And you're going to be begging me to keep going." He grabbed your tits and squeezed them until you moaned.
"I bet you'd love that." You exhaled.
"Fuck, I bet you would too." He pulled you in for a kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you could feel your body getting hot. Your reaction to him was just about the most primal thing you'd ever experienced. You two were drawn to each other like magnets.
"Mmm ... mm-mm." You pushed him back and put your fingers to your lips. "What are we doing, Bakugo? This ... I don't know what you think this is ... but ... I just." You shook your head. "I need to pee. So ... shoo! Go on."
"You're so full of shit. Just admit you want me as much as I want you." He licked his lips and turned around, unlocking the door and walking out. "See you in a minute." He winked at you.
You locked the door behind him and went to the toilet. You looked at yourself in the mirror. "This can't be real. This can't be fucking real." You sat down and tried to compose yourself.
The next time you saw Bakugo was at the grocery store. You were getting some groceries for the week when you heard someone behind you clearing their throat.
It was him.
"Hi, pissy pants. Fancy seeing you here, of all places."
"Ohh-kayy. You don't even fucking live in this neighborhood! What the hell are you doing over here? Seriously, Bakugo." You looked around to make sure there were people who could hear you. "I don't love you! You need to stop following me, I WILL call the police, you freak!" You couldn't stay composed any longer and started to laugh.
"Oh, ha-ha. God you're an asshole." He eventually laughed, too. "Seriously, though. You won't text me back. Why?"
You shrugged, "I dunno. You're weird."
"What do you mean by that, y/n?"
"You're ... just ... I don't know." You shook your head. "I need to get back to my shopping."
He nodded. "Yeah, I get it. I'm not what you thought I'd be. Not really. But I'm not all bad, either, y/n."
"Hmm, I don't know. I think you're ... well, maybe I've misjudged you. It's not like I really know you. But, I don't know. I'm sorry for saying you're weird. You're not weird, necessarily. I don't know." You looked at him, curious about what he'd say next.
"It's ok. I'm used to people thinking I'm an asshole. It's just ... I like you. I wanna ... I don't know." He leaned over his cart and put his chin in the palms of his hands.
"Go out with me?"
"I thought you'd never ask, y/n! This is, oh my gosh. This is all so sudden! Yes! Yes, of course I'll go out with you!" He smirked. "Let me know when, y/n. See ya later, sweetheart." He took off in the opposite direction, knowing full well you were staring at his ass.
You bit your lip and watched him walk away. "Yup, still hot. Fuck."
It was the night of your friend's boyfriend's birthday party. Bakugo had been texting you for days, trying to figure out where you'd be and what you'd be doing. You told him you'd be there. So there you were. In a pretty red dress that hugged your curves. And matched his eyes.
"Well, hello." He said as you walked up to him. "Wow, you look so fucking sexy. I love this. I love this dress. I love ... it." He was trying to contain himself.
"Oh, this old thing?" You giggled and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him onto the dance floor. "Dance with me, Bakugo!"
"I'm not really much of a dancer."
"That's disappointing. They say that men who dance are 10x's more likely to make a woman climax in bed. Or on the couch. Or the shower. Anywhere. Guess I'll dance by myself." You shrugged and laughed at your bullshit fact and the effect it had on his face.
"Oh my God, you're going to be the death of me, y/n. Come on." He put his arm around your waist and you two danced for the rest of the night.
A slow song came on and he pulled you to him. He tucked your hand against his chest and he held you close by the small of your back with his right hand. “You having fun, y/n?” He asked, looking down the front of your dress.
“Not as much fun as you, apparently. I can feel that, by the way.” You smirked, gesturing down between the two of you with your eyes. “But yeah, I am, actually. Thank you for dancing with me. You’re surprisingly not that shit at it.” 
Bakugo lay his head down on your shoulder and softly kissed your neck. "Let's get out of here." He said, his lips touching your ear as he raised his head and whispered to you. "Let's go back to your place."
You nodded. "Yes. NOW." You grabbed his hand and walked out.
Once you got to your place, you ran upstairs and put on some music. Your favorite song came on and you danced around your room for a minute before Bakugo walked in, looking at you with the most heavy, lustful eyes you've ever seen.
He slowly walked over to you and put his hands on your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. It was sweet and soft. "Y/n. How hot you are."
You shook your head, "Me? Bakugo, you are ... you are ... so fucking hot. You make me feel so ... I don't know. Like ... like I have no control over myself. You just ... you do this thing to me. It's like my whole body catches fire and then melts and I just want to ... fuck, I want to fuck you."
"I think I can make that happen." He looked at you, waiting for you to make the next move.
You pulled him over to your bed and pushed him down on it. "I'm in charge. Got it? I'm in charge." You climbed on top of him, your hands pushing his shoulders back as you straddled his waist.
"No, no you're not. But nice try." He flipped you over and held your wrists above your head. "You're mine, y/n. You're all fucking mine. I'm going to make you feel good. I'm gonna make you cum so hard, you'll be screaming my name for days because you’ll be too damn stupid to remember anything else." He smiled and kissed your neck, his hand moving down your body to your panties.
You gasped and bucked your hips up, "Fuck, Bakugo. That feels so good." Your fingers were in his hair, pulling it at the roots.
He pushed your panties to the side and slipped two fingers inside your pussy. "Jesus. You're so fucking wet, y/n. Is this for me? This wet pussy is for me? Fuck." He pumped his fingers in and out of you, his thumb rubbing your clit in slow, tight circles.
Your back arched off the bed, "God, yes, Bakugo. Fuck! Oh my fucking god, th- ... Don't … Please don't fucking stop!" You screamed.
"You gonna cum for me, baby? Huh? You gonna cum all over my fingers? I know you are. But not yet." He pulled his fingers from you, licked them clean and kissed your lips.
You grabbed his face and kissed him back, tasting yourself on his tongue. "Bakugo, I want ... lemme suck your cock."
"Hohhh fuck." He moaned. "You will, sweetheart. You will. But not right now. Right now ..." he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down around his knees. His cock was hard and throbbing.
"Oh, fuck, Bakugo." Your eyes were wide with wonder as you sat up on your elbows on the bed. The dress pooled around your waist and your panties sat haphazardly covering your cunt. None of that mattered. All you could see right now was his huge cock.
And it saw you, too.
"It's yours, y/n. It's all fucking yours. So fucking take it, you little brat." He pushed your legs apart and rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit. "Is this what you want? Huh? This big fucking cock inside of your little pussy? Is it?"
"Oh my god, Bakugo! I do, so bad." You whimpered.
"I know you do. That's why I'm going to give it to you." He pushed himself inside of you, slowly stretching you out until you were begging for more.
"More, Bakugo. Give me more. Fuck, fuck me! Oh my god!" You pulled him down on top of you, your hands clawing at his back.
"Fuck, y/n. You're so fucking tight, baby. You're so fucking wet and tight. God, this pussy is perfect. I'm going to fuck you every day, you got that?" He started to thrust faster, his hips slamming into yours with each stroke.
Your back arched up off the bed as he fucked you. You were on the edge, your orgasm building with every move he made. "Oh? Gettin' close? I guess all that dancing really paid off. I should slow the fuck down. Wouldn't want you cumming too fast now. Nnnope." He slowed to a barely discernible drag. Your eyes nearly went full white as they twisted to the back of your head.
"Ba-ku-go ... ple--- ... ya, please. You have ... to ... mmmm … oh my god." You whined as he looked at your contorting face.
"I know, baby. I know. I got you. I'll give you what you want, sweetheart. You're going to cum for me, ok?" He kissed your neck and started to speed up again, his thrusts getting deeper and deeper.
"Yes! Oh my god, don’t … don’t … hoh fuck!" You were on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall off at any moment.
He grabbed your tits, squeezing them and rolling your nipples between his fingers. "Fuck! You're so fucking sexy. I wanna taste those tits, baby." He bent down and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it as he kept fucking you.
Your hands were in his hair again, pulling and tugging as he fucked you harder and harder. Your body started to shake and your breath caught in your throat.
"I'm going to … cum, Bakugo! Fuck! Pleasepleaseplease!" You screamed as you came hard around his cock. "Oh my god! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Bakugo!"
You rode out the twitching and shaking of your body as he continued to fuck you. Dragging out more moans from you than anyone had ever bothered to do before.
His slow pace came to an even more painful stop. He kissed your neck until you were writhing below him. Begging him to do something.
Bakugo slid back until just his tip was inside of you. He looked down at where he disappeared into your body and pulled out the rest of the way. His eyes darted back up to yours and he watched you all the way until his lips were encircling your clit.
"Oh my god!" You cried out as he sucked and licked your clit, his tongue pushing in and out of your pussy. "Fuck! Bakugo!" You grabbed his hair and pulled it, the pain making him moan against you. He licked and sucked on you so sloppily that the room was filled with the sounds of wet lapping. It was loud and erotic and almost too much. But it was just enough. You were so close to cumming again that it hurt. Your body was tight. The wire bound within you was ready to snap if he hit you just right once more.
"Cum on my tongue, y/n. Cum for me, baby. Fuck, you taste so good." He said as he pushed two fingers into your pussy, pumping them in and out of you.
Your back arched and your toes curled as you came again. Your legs shaking and your hands gripping the sheets. Your hips bucked up against his face as he sucked and licked you through your orgasm.
Bakugo sat back on his knees, his cock still hard and glistening with your juices. He slowly pumped his cock as he looked down at you. "You're so fucking filthy. I could watch you cum for me all day long." He grabbed your legs and pulled you down to him so that your ass was right at the edge of the bed.
He pushed his cock into you again, this time with a sense of urgency and a need to cum himself. He fucked you hard and deep, his hips slamming into yours with every thrust. He was so close to cumming that you could see it in his face.
"Your - mngh - your face looks stupid when you're about to cum. Y'know that?" You tried to laugh but all you could do was moan at how good his cock filled you. How good it felt as it dragged inside of you.
He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue pushing into your mouth as he fucked you harder. "Oh god, y/n. You feel so fucking good. I'm going to cum in you, ok?" He moaned as he fucked you.
"Yes! Fucking cum in me ... hmm ..." You moaned as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you. "Fill me up, Bakugo. Fuck!" You screamed as you came again, your body shaking and your pussy tightening around him.
Bakugo pumped his hips a few more times before he came inside of you, his cum filling you up and spilling out onto the bed. "Oh, fuck! Y/n! Fuck!" He moaned as he kept fucking you through his orgasm.
He eventually stopped, his cock still inside of you as he collapsed on top of you, his face buried in your neck. "Oh my god, y/n. That was ... that was so fucking good." He kissed your neck and chest before he rolled over and lay next to you on the bed.
"And to think, what I said about men who dance was total bullshit."
"I knew it! I knew you were lying about that." Bakugo laughed. "You're a little shit, you know that?"
"Yeah, I know. But I got you to dance with me, though." You smiled.
"You did." He smiled back. "But you're the one in bed with me."
You looked over at him and he was flipping you off with both hands.
"Fuck you." He laughed.
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Taglist ::: @millennialmagicalgirl @callm3senpaii @darkstarlight82 (just in case it decides to work, idk! If not I'll send it to you, too.)
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asclexe · 1 month
haii….intro post…..about me……
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*flash/blink warning 4 the blinkies!
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haiiii :3 i go bye cameron which is very nicknameable so have fun with that. also call me whatever 🔥🔥
gender-wise i’m a trans agender/nonbinary freak albeit masc leaning thing, i prefer he/him and also they/them pronouns but i dont mind if u use it/its! feel free to use either! or interchangeably!! 😛im like a boy and a bug/cat person and a thing at the same time..
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aromantic asexual aplatonic lesbian faggot thing. i think girls r pretty 😍
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minor!!!!!!!!! im ageless online 4 my safety so B cool :3
star sign leo, personality type intj, white boy :\, i live in america so expect yeehaws and occasional politics, and im an atheist :3 also left-handed (i never shut up about this)! probably not neurotypical but i haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet. i might be depressed but im in school so idrc about that rn.
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interest wise, im pathetically multifandom and i reblog a lot of house md because that’s my fyp, but i also enjoy doctor who (only on s5 lol), good omens (FUCK NEIL GAIMAN FUCK HIM FUCK HIM), warrior cats (on arc 5 and no intention of reading more), dungeon meshi, six feet under (s1 still lol), yellowjackets, fnaf, thg, a series of unfortunate events, doogie howser md, moral orel (s2) and soso many many more.. (i watch a lot of shows. i’m watching hannibal next!) digesting the saw franchise atm
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for uhh music i listen to mainly tally hall/miracle musical, will wood, lemon demon, weezer, the smashing pumpkins, queen, destroy boys, chappell roan, dazey n the scouts, mitski, slipknot n mindless self indulgence n ayesha erotica n deftones n nickel creek (MONA!1!1!1!!!) + wayy more i love music
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im also a theater kid! beware.
i enjoy mundane shit like writing, drawing, cooking, baking, reading and listening to music and watching tv and then carpe diem crap like kleptomania, theater, staying up past my bedtime, hiking/outdoors shit, being alone, doing crazy shit and having fun and
i run @ask-the-ducklings and @ppth-obgyn-dept-head-real for my house md oc and i’m 1/2 of @meanwhile-on-the-road :3
ughh sum things you should know be4 you follow or follow/unfollow or moot/unmoot me/boundaries
i am a very morbid (i think abt death literally all the time. lol), negative, cynical person and i always have been and i will not absorb those positive vibes. im a hater. im also opinionated like everyone else and im obviously going to have bad takes. B nice. sometimes the fun and joyous whimsy comes out.
i use a lot of profanity and i say the ONE. one slur i can reclaim.
i will not go to therapy or get help. i’ve been in therapy and it does not help me and i do not like it. i do not want help. i’m fine. please do not tell me “go to therapy u need it” because i do not need it
i say “im going to kill myself” a lot and these are all fruitless, meaningless statements. i am not committing suicide yet, and when i do, you’ll have long forgotten me. hopefully.
pls tell me via ask box, dm etc if i say something offensive or wrong or are overcrossing your boundaries, im sorry, im bound to make mistakes or misjudge a post.
i do not tag my reblogs with the media or characters, only little comments. i also do not spoiler tag my posts. i try to trigger tag things when i can but if you want something trigger tagged pls lmk!!
i do not have a dni, because the block button (which i use pretty often ill be honest) is easier, so instead i’d say go away bigots and zionists and pedos/zoos because your fucking lame and nsfw/kink blogs and most people over 21 (unless im comfortable with it) because i’m a minor.
despite all of this, i am very friendly and will probably want to talk to you!! i luv my mutuals!
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i use #asclexeposting for all original posts + more
trying to figure out my ao3 situation but im on pinterest and discord under assclexe if you wanna hmu (B cool) and roblox as asclexe and my airbuds
old man doctor yaoi summer
house md oc
old intro
and all my other awesome mewtuals of which i have too many to tag but i love you all!!
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blinkies made in the blinkie cafe
the rest is assorted, most from pinterest?
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hostess-of-horror · 1 year
I've been binge-watching some indie horror games...
Specifically, Amanda the Adventurer and Poppy Playtime.
But I want to talk about Amanda because I have made a theory based on the lore behind it.
[Major Spoiler Warning! Plus, I will be delving into some disturbing or at least unsettling subject matter! If you feel uneasy or don't want to be spoiled, please do not proceed!]
Amanda the Adventurer is the creepy yet tragic tale of a man who had big dreams of bringing joy to local children. Still, he and his adopted daughter were manipulated by the higher-ups of a greedy corporation, which ultimately resulted in cursed VHS tapes that we the player have to solve.
Now, this interesting tidbit of lore seems pretty vague but straightforward, right? Well, it could be if there wasn't a spindly eldritch demon that attacks us when we don't do what Amanda says or mess up any of the puzzles.
We can all understand how Hameln, the corporation that got the rights to the TV show, took advantage of Rebecca Colton, the actress who played Amanda, but there's something that had been bothering me...
Why demons?
Why is Amanda the Adventurer demonic, and what were (or is) Hameln's true intentions? What was happening behind the scenes during the recording session in one of the secret tapes found in the game?
I may not have a concrete theory on this, but I have come up with two possibilities:
The CEO of Hameln struggled to get the corporation back on its feet so much that they made a deal with the Devil to do so but with a hefty cost.
Hameln, somehow, discovered that it was scientifically possible to use demonic energy from Hell and convert it into everyday objects, such as TVs (think of the video game, DOOM).
I do believe that these two theories can be one and the same, either the CEO makes the deal with the Devil and gains very strong yet evil powers or science had evolved into discovering the presence of Hell that Hameln decided to use it to their advantage. Either way, it's all fucked up.
In the recording session tape, we can hear Rebecca saying these words: "Bye yell. Bye yell. Bye yell... Pie man. Pie man. Pie man... Baa Lamb. Baa Lamb."
These words are not just some random words for Rebecca to exercise her voice with... They are the Infernal names of demons used in Satanic rituals.
"Bye Yell" is Bael, the first of the Ars Goetia and Head of the Infernal Power
"Pie Man" is Paimon, the 9th Pillar of the Ars Goetia and the Spirit of Arts, Music, and Punishment.
"Baa Lamb" is Balaam, the Hebrew devil of avarice and greed.
Hameln is tricking Rebbeca into summoning extremely powerful demons to make way for Amanda the Adventurer's "dynamic voice reaction." In other words, they're using the combination of advanced technology and Satanic rituals to create the most interactive kid's show ever to exist.
But that's not the end of it! No, it gets much worse...
In the very first secret tape we find in the game, there's a home video of a mother trying to get her daughter, Lauren downstairs for her birthday treat. But Lauren remains unresponsive, her eyes glued to Amanda the Adventurer. Once the mother tries again, she discovers that she's gone and the front door is left wide open.
Hameln's dynamic voice reaction technology is luring children into leaving their homes and brainwashing them into doing whatever it desires.
There's even a bigger picture to see here: Hameln's ultimate goal is to lead children astray from their parents and their homes in order to collect more victims. More "actors and actresses", including the unfortunate people who tried to bring light to the crimes, mean more souls for Bael, Paimon, and Balaam to consume. An insidious trade deal for money and fame...
Another theory I have is the real identity of the Entity, the demonic monster that attacks us at one of the game's endings.
Okay, I know what you're thinking, "But that's Amanda, we know this already! That's her real form! What are you talking about?" And I'd say you're right... partially.
Yes, the Entity we encounter does have some likeliness to Amanda (the little buns on its head), but I don't believe that it's really her.
In the "Everything Rots!" episode, Amanda says at she "sometimes feels [herself] rotting" but "it's far away now." Most would assume she's talking about her body rotting in some buried grave somewhere, but there's a slight detail that may suggest that's not true. Why would Amanda (or rather, Rebecca) say that "it's far away now"?
Rebecca may be stuck within the hellish VHS tapes as Amanda, but her body isn't. We mentioned the recording session tape earlier with her chanting the Infernal names, and this, I believe, contributed to the existence of the Entity. Considering that Hell and demons exist within the in-game universe of Amanda the Adventurer, chanting the names of very powerful demons would attract their attention, right?
What if Hameln, during their production of the TV show, made Rebecca continue this ritualistic "practice" via experimentation and it ended up summoning the Entity? And to add salt to the wound, Rebecca Colton, or rather her corpse, ended up possessed?
Amanda's "true form" is actually the body of a young orphan brought to life as a demon, roaming the earth to satiate its bloodlust and terrorize anyone who comes across the tapes.
Not convinced? How about this?
When the human body dies, it goes through the decaying process, which consists of five stages:
Fresh (Autolysis)
Bloat (Putrefaction)
Active Decay
Advanced Decay
Once the body gets to the Advanced Decay and Dry/Skeletonized stages, it rots away until it's a leathery, gray husk of a human being.
And what color is the Entity?
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Now there you have it! My theories and takes on Amanda the Adventurer! I may be taking on some really far stretches in some areas, but I hope you all really appreciate these theories as I did!
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