#jimmy mcgill x gn!reader
depressopax · 6 months
Hi!!! if it's okay (and if your request is still open) I was wondering if I could request a fluff scenario for Jimmy McGill? :D where he gets all soft and loving sjdjdj can be both sfw and nsfw ... thank you !! ♡
Thank you for the request!!! <3 Been meaning to write about Jimmy for quite a while, so this was the perfect sign to do it lmaooo I was gonna do a NSFW too but realized that the SFW version was at 1K word already 💀 Will do a part 2 tho!  Oh well, enjoy these cheesy Jimmy headcanons 🥹🫶
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Jimmy McGill relationships headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || SFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None that I can think off?? Cuss words maybe, slightly angsty Jimmy lol. Reader is gender-neutral and referred to as "partner" and gn!pet-names. Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Jimmy McGill would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || NSFW version ||
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Jimmy is not good at figuring out his feelings.
That’s why it took him a while to realize he’d fallen in love with you. 
It’d take some time for him to accept what he’s feeling though.
Homeboy would be in denial at first. He’s scared to fall in love with someone, in fear of commitment and getting hurt etc…
But he’d show interest in other ways, without realizing it himself.
We’re talking about cheesy stuff: - Always looking good (and that’s not so difficult, HE GORGEOUSSSSS 👀) - Trying to impress you with his knowledge about things - Making sure to say something funny and make others laugh when you’re around, to let you know how funny and amazing he is lol - Compliments and teasing 
Noticing his attempt, you straight up ask him about it. “...Do you like me, Jimmy?” “What?? I-” … “Yes. I do.”
Once it’s said and done, he eventually asks you out on a date.
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Listen… Jimmy may be overconfident, especially when it comes to his seduction skills
However, there’s something about you that makes him nervous.
What you think about him and how he comes across matters to him.
That’s why he plans a date weeks ahead, trying to make everything perfect
He tries figuring out what you like and dislike so he can use that to make a good impression. 
He takes you out to some fancy restaurant (RIP early season Jimmy’s wallet 😭)
The date goes well and he is very smug with his effort.
After a few dates, Jimmy realizes he’s fallen for you.
At first he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want to come across as “desperate” or “needy”. 
But then again… He’s not good at hiding his true feelings.
Luckily, you feel the same and eventually you become a couple for real. 
He was the first one to say “I love you”, and did so without realizing it.
You were leaving for work or something and he just goes: “Bye, love ya!” Completely flustered when he heard what he just said.
When you say it back, he feels a wave of relief. 
After that, he makes sure to say ILY as often as he can.
He won’t shut up about you. Like ever. 
“So then my partner said…” “My partner brought me this shirt!” “I’m taking my babe out on a date tonight” And everyone else will eventually be like: 😐”Shut up”😐
He’ll refer to you as his spouse/wife/husband, watching everyone confused “You’re married?” “I will be soon” 🤭
Jimmy’s a sucker for cute pet names. And yeah, some of them are probably “cringe” but that won’t stop him 
Baby, Boo, Sugar, Sweetie, Hot stuff, Doll, Kitten (😭)
He loves it when you wear his shirts. Especially as lounge clothing or when sleeping.
Jimmy also finds matching outfits adorable. 
Would probably take you shopping for either suits/blazers or just hoodies that you can match. 
He also buys matching jewelry, towels, morning robes etc etc… He’s one of those guys 😭
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He has a picture of you standing on the desk in his office, as a way to carry the sweetheart with him all the time. 
…And also to brag about you to anyone that enters his office (but he puts the picture away when dealing with some of his unpredictable clients, homeboy is overprotective)
Speaking of being overprotective: He deals with a lot of shady people, so he’s very careful with who he chooses to trust when it comes to talking his love to you.
He prioritizes your safety over anything else. 
Ofc he’s scared for his own safety too, but pretty much puts it aside to make sure you’re safe first off. 
If danger comes up, he’d make sure to find somewhere safe for you to stay whilst he deals with it.
He would go so far as hiring a bodyguard for you tbh.
Being with him might be a struggle too
Homeboy is a bit unpredictable and impulsive
Doing stupid things is his speciality- 😭
No but literally, you’ll sometimes have to stop him from acting out on his weird revenge ideas or stuff that could get him into trouble.
“I was just gonna-” “No.” “But…” “Jimmy, no.” 
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. But you love him either ways. <3
He also likes talking shit about people with you *cough* probably Howard *cough* - sure, a bit rude - but he finds it hilarious lol 
Lot of in-jokes between you and him
Jimmy is a daydreamer and is easily distracted
Especially by you.
He sometimes gets stuck thinking about you when doing boring work.
Until Francesca tells him to pull himself together lmao
Jimmy spends all possible time together with you. 
He is ambitious and serious about work, but after you and him became a couple his priorities changed. 
He finds time to spend with you. Last thing he wants is for you to feel like he cares more about work than he does for you.
If you’re adventurous and like being outdoors, he does too.
But honestly? He prefers cuddling at home and watching movies with you.
He is not a good chef, so he buys a lot of food from restaurants and brings it home if you’ve had a long day at work.
He makes sure to be a romantic bastard too. 
Candlelit dinners, taking baths together, picnics… You name it. He loves spoiling you. 
He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but hear me out… Home-spa dates 👀
He did use to have his office at a nail salon, so he knows his way around those things
If you allow him to, he likes painting your nails - with him choosing the color
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Like I said, Jimmy enjoys cuddling you.
He has a lot of feelings, traumas etc pent up, which he dares to let out around you.
He has learnt that he can be vulnerable with you and not get judged, which he appreciates.
That’s why he loves coming home to you after a long day and simply resting in your arms.
He prefers being the little spoon - to feel protected and loved by you. <3
To summarize: It might take him a while to put the pieces together and actually confess his feelings for you - but once he does he spends every day letting you know how much you mean to him.
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I just remembered why I love Jimmy sm AHHH he deserves love and happiness <3<3 Part 2 soon!
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i don't want to talk; saul goodman
pair. saul goodman x gn!reader
summ. you and your boss are kidnapped cartel style and have a somewhat quiet moment after
gen. angst, hurt minimal comfort
wc. 1.8k+
tw. breaking bad related themes, kidnapping, guns, blood, descriptions of injuries, focus on mouth injuries, death mentions,
note. i still need to finish better call saul. old draft but i really like it.
Your wrists are freshly raw from the rope they had been bound with. You rub at them with your fingers as you twist them around, trying to massage the marks away. You sit in the arid desert on the dry, sandy ground. Your expensive, secondhand suit will suffer from the harsh minerals rubbing against the fine material. Your cheeks should be stained with tears yet none had come even face to barrel with a gun larger than the hand holding it. You were resilient in the moment, strong and silent, something you hadn't been able to be before, yet while facing death, you could finally be. Your disposition was for nothing though as you had made it out alive and yes, you were grateful but what's amazing about standing your ground and living?
The red marks on your wrists remain despite all the effort and you can only manage to sigh in disappointment. Footsteps sound behind you and you have to fight back the violent urge to turn and see who's coming. If it's your captors, goodbye; if it's your boss, well, who knows? Some would argue that it was his fault you were here but you know better, you always have. You didn't blame him and he shouldn't blame himself either, you doubt he would admit such a thing out loud anyway. You were kidnapped together, bound behind the back, bags over your heads; the whole shebang. Even behind you two, a grave dug just big enough to fit your rotting corpses but shallow so as to not show respect. What was respectable about either of you? There was nothing. There was nothing.
The footfalls stop just beside you and in a quick second, you hear the familiar groans of the older man. Saul Goodman, your boss, and he was sitting with his legs crossed like a kindergartener. You almost couldn't believe it but then again, Saul has done more unimaginable things. You look over at him, careful to not look anywhere near his face. You see his legs all crossed and his socks that peak out, you could laugh at them if you hadn't just been threatened with a barrel pressed against the roof of your mouth. You notice how high his pants come up as he sits like that, how his belt looks -too smooth to be real leather and too tacky of metal to be anything valuable. You notice the small scuff marks on his shoes that could only be from today and you wonder why his shoes are so nice and expensive but his belt isn't. You don't say anything though. (Why would you?) 
"Hey-" Saul tries to speak, genuinely too, you can tell.
You snap, "I don't want-" You lose your fire immediately, you can't even finish the damn sentence; he knows what you mean anyway. There's something in your heart that can't be mean to him. Not even now. Not after feeling the cool metal of your kidnapper's gun against your tongue and tasting your blood after your captor hit you with it. Not after sitting in the blaring heat of the sun in the middle of the desert in nowheresville USA with your arms bound behind your back and the heat weaving through your skin, waiting to coil up and take your life like the very snakes that called this place home. Not after all of that can you manage to be mean. 
You don't wonder if Saul feels bad. He does. Of course. He scoots closer, his arm touching yours. He doesn't want to freak you out. He doesn't care that much about you. You're his employee, not much more. But a shiny, purple bruise has a glare that some people -people like him- can't ignore. Right there on the left side of your face, surrounding your eye is the deepest purple Saul has ever laid his eyes on. Marks litter the bridge of your nose and it's starting to swell. Your mouth is worst of all. Blood will not stop rushing past your lips, there are cuts all over inside, a tooth was knocked out in the chaos, your tongue was cut (even just the littlest thing makes it bleed so much), and your lips are raw and scratched. It looks like someone let an animal loose inside your mouth. It's horrible. 
Saul watched it happen. Them, the people who kidnapped you both, shove a gun into your mouth like it belonged there. Twist it around and threaten you as Saul pleaded with them doing what he always does and striking a deal, persuading the audience, getting them on his side, trying to save someone; someone who he had gotten into this mess, someone he cared about -even the littlest bit. You got hit repeatedly, swung at with the gun or knuckles, a mix of the two, or a kick to the ribs. You didn't let out anything. Not a single word. You let Saul do the talking. You took the punches. That was your job in this little operation. Maybe that was always what was supposed to happen. 
You can't shake the metal that had been in your mouth. You can't shake closing your eyes and making peace and just being quiet and waiting. You don't even know what you were waiting for. Death or release or life after all of this? Freedom or pity or indentured servitude? Sweet peace or life-long guilt? It wasn't fathomable. It wouldn't be for years. 
You almost jump at the touch. Saul's finger graces your bruise. You hold back a hiss and you wonder what he's doing. There are things you know and there are things you wonder about. Saul's touch not feeling like fire against your skin is something you can only wonder about, you will never understand that -for lack of a better term- relief. You sit silently with your legs bent in front of you and your back straight waiting. For death, release, or sweet, sweet peace. You can't choose in this one. Freely, your fate is decided by one Saul Goodman. You trust him enough for that yet you wouldn't trust him with your car keys. 
You don't want to look at his face, especially not his eyes. You know what happens if you do. You can't deal with that right now. He makes that mission difficult. He takes his fingers off your bruise and places his thumb at your nose. In a strange way, it was like a medical examination or at least with the precision of one. Like he was assessing you for damage. Maybe not so medical-like after all. You wouldn't expect less from him. It almost makes you smile. He was tallying up his losses. Smart move, you think. 
He reassigns his thumb to swiping blood from your chin even as it still dribbles out. Your poor mouth; all beat up for the senselessness of it. He wants to examine your mouth, maybe see what exactly is going on in there but he finds himself at a loss (funnily enough). He can't see this looking very good. He can't imagine how you'd interpret it and he's at a crossroads. Maybe he should talk to you? But that directly disobeys your earlier word. But he's the boss? Who tells him what to do? You, you, of course. 
He's yet to see your tears from this. A normal person would be concerned. A normal person is no Saul Goodman. 
The blood seems to stop at least flowing out of your mouth but inside is a whole other story. He wipes his your-blood-stained thumb against his already bloodied shirt. His head turns as the wheels of your captors' vehicle squeak and kick up dirt creating clouds of shit he'd rather not inhale and neither would you. He flips open his phone, one bar, good enough. He flips the phone closed. He's not so scared anymore.
What you'll think of him he cannot say nor can he decide and maybe that's good. You should have your own feelings about him, he couldn't stand it if they weren't yours. Maybe he could for a while but that's not forever, it's temporary and fake; stale like potato chips that have sat in your kitchen for months now with the bag open and you mean to throw them out, you really do, but you never quite get around to it and they are always, always just left there in the end. Your feelings for him couldn't be stale potato chips. 
Maybe he should have thought it through better but those clouds of dust must have gotten to him because he presses his thumb against your bottom lip and he doesn't say anything or give you any sort of look, you just open your mouth. It's like an active warzone inside. There's blood here and a cut there, some deep indent northbound, and an empty space where a tooth should be. Your raw lip does not feel good against his thumb. He hates it actually but it stays there for a good long moment as he totals the loss of your mouth. It was like a bomb exploded and he was picking up the missing limbs. His mind entertains the idea of what you'd look like with a gold tooth, he doesn't like it. 
He lets his thumb off your lip like letting a foot off the gas and then there's eye contact. Yours meet his, his meet yours. You look empty. You look like you're about to cry. He couldn't blame you. He was probably going to go home and cry about all of this later. 
He pulls all of his limbs away from you and against himself as he sits at your side. He doesn't look at you or turn his head. He feels your head rest against his shoulder and it's like he's allowed to breathe. He lets out a deep sigh like he's been absolved of all sins. He's quiet. He hears your sobs. They are deep and powerful sobs that he can tell you need to let out. He wraps his arm around your back, maybe even holding you a little closer. 
The sun's harsh glare washes over you both. The air is dry and humid and the horizon is baking. It's like you're in an oven. You've been kidnapped and shrunk and placed in an oven with your boss because life is cruel and why shouldn't you be trapped in an oven? But you're not. Kuby is on his way to pick you both up and you're never going to speak about it again. Saul will not mention the gun in your mouth or the crying. You will not speak thanks to said gun in the mouth and you won't care to regale anyone on how you were kidnapped and beaten up and left to cry on your boss' shoulder because why would you? 
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raggedy-dxctor · 2 years
enemies to lovers w/ jimmy mcgill
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pairing(s): Jimmy mcgill/saul goodman x gn!reader
warnings: none
ok so like from the very start it's no secret that jimmy is very jealous of you? like you have a solid and secure position in a high profile firm
you constantly run into eachother on opposing sides in court and he just absolutely hates your guts
until one day, he beats you in a case for the first time and wins it, he expects tou to be angry and petty like he'd been ror years, but instead he sees a side of you he's never even considered existing. you're friendly and smile at him, offering your hand to shake in congratulations
and suddenly, you're alll he thinks about
after that case, the two of you stay ""enemies"", but something is clearly different, he returns the friendliness you offered him and you're pleasantly suprised, starting to see him differently. he walks you out of the room pretty often and conversation flows so easily as the two of tou stand outside of your respective cars, funnily enough parked right next to eachother
the two of you gravitate to a more teasing dynamic, often flirting outside of cases and he is literally whioped, he's head over heels
cannot keep his mind off you
basically talks anyone's ear off about you and everyone is just so confused because you were literally his arch nemesis like last week and now he's absolutely enamored with you
he's still very competitive though and will whine anytime you win a case against him
you start meeting up for drinks (he asked under the pretence of needing help on a case) and he didn't think he could fall more, but getting to know tou as a person rather than knowing you as a lawyer and opponent awakened something even stronger in him
shameless flirt, he literally does not let up, especially if you reciprocate, he'll go absolutely crazy
always drops in those cliche pet names, you've noticed he always used them fkr clients too ("can i help you dear?" "im sorry that happened, sweet pea, i'll help as much as i can" "trust me, gorgeous, i'm winning this case for you") , but ever since he net you it's jjst purely professional ("i will do my best to win this case for you mrs S")
he will literally show ip to court hoping, begging even, that you're opposing him that day, just so he can see you
but then that starts to become redundant when you both make a habit of meeting eachother after eachother's cases everytime
without fail, he's leaning on his car, gazing fondly at you as you rush out of the bulding and into his arms
one day, afer a particularly good case, he runs up to you and picks you up, twirling you around as the teo of you gigle in delight, when he brings you back down your faces are inches away from eachother and he shakes his head and just crashes his lips onto yours. when you immediately kiss back and wrap your arms around his shoulders he almost cries from joy
he pulls away, hands on your cheeks and professes his undying love for you
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nofoundboy · 3 years
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(in ao3 I just work with my ships)
I write only for male/nonbinary/gender non conforming readers. Transfem readers are welcome too if they want representation.
All the hcs and imagines and stuff are female and as a trans dude myself, I want to write for the ones who struggle to find things with male/gn pronouns.
If you're female I can't stop you to interact here but please, don't be disrespectful. This profile is a safe space for all the LGBTIQ+
Requests are: OPEN
Current Requests: 5
Kiss Prompt thing
Who I write for:
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Michael Myers
RZ Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Billy Lenz
Poly Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Mickey Altieri
Daniel Robitaille (Candyman)
Jesse Chromeans (Chromeskull)
Leslie Vernon
Billy Chapman
Kurt Kunkle
Josef (Creep)
Pennywise (2017 version)
Norman Bates
Tiffany Valentine
Carrie White
Martin (1977)
Ash Williams (I know he's not an slasher stfu)
Star Wars
Obi-wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Lando Carlisian
Qui-Gon Jinn
Jynn Erso
Peter Parker (any version)
Stephen Strange/Dr Strange
Otto Octavius
Arthur Harrow
Bucky Barnes
Pietro Maximoff (any version)
Joker/Arthur Fleck
Joker (Heath Ledger)
Jerome Valeska
Edward Nygma/Nashton (any version)
Oswald Cobblepot (any version)
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller's, I didn't watch the show)
Ratcatcher 2
Bruce Wayne/Batman (any version)
Clark Kent/Superman (any version except Smallville one)
Other characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Eddie Munson
Dewey Riley
Jimmy Mcgill/Saul Goodman
Hutch Mansell
Dewey Finn
Tommy Bomowski (Coach Boomer)
Jareth The Goblin King
Abe Sapiens
Jason Dean
Robert Van Helsing
Dennis Rafkin
Ships I write for
Josef x Aaron
Josef x Sara
What I write
What I don't write
Full fics (only one-shots and headcanons)
Any bathroom kink.
273 notes · View notes
depressopax · 6 months
Jimmy McGill relationship headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || NSFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill x gn!reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content. MDNI! Sub/dom dynamic. Switch Jimmy :) Degradation and cuss words. Semi-public sex. Words: 700 Summary: Dating Jimmy McGill would include… (NSFW version) English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || SFW version ||
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Being over or under you? Submissive or dominant? Doesn’t matter.
He loves dominating you just as much as he likes being dominated by you
He’s a switch but leans more towards being submissive in bed.
When “being” Jimmy, he’s definitely more of a bottom, whilst Saul is more of a top.
ALTHOUGH… If he comes home stressed or frustrated one day, he’s the type of guy to like some roughness for stress relief
Fast and rough sex whilst he tells you about his day, muttering about his own problems >>>>> Therapy
Also… 👀 Reverse it! Nothing better than you slutting him out when he’s had a rough day ;)
He likes being degraded, but PLEASE don’t forget to praise this man. He needs it. <3
Just tell him he’s a good boy and watch him melt
VERY vocal in bed, deep grunts, cuss words, moans… You name it.
If you top him, you’ll definitely earn yourself some whimpers, maybe even tears
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HEAR ME OUTTTT, brat Jimmy 👀
Usually when he doesn’t get “enough attention”
He’ll be the most annoying man ever until you give him what he wants (aka attention)
Are you busy with housework or even work? Too bad!
He’ll be all over you with kisses, dirty talking and challenging you to give him attention
Him pushing your buttons, enjoying it when you lose your patience with his bullshit.
Jimmy is only satisfied once you bring him to the bedroom, giving him exactly what he wants…
He loves it when you dominate him tbh
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He is a needy man, even when you’re out in public
He’ll always look for excuses to touch you, and to him - there’s no “wrong moments” for love.
He’s the definition of “🥺🥺” when you don’t give him attention 💀
He has no shameee
“Meet in the bathroom in 2 minutes” at a local cafe
…Or in a changing rooms at stores
You name it
He likes the thrill of getting caught. ;)
Don’t get me started on ✨office sex✨
Almost every visit to his office ends up with you bent over his desk
…Or on your knees by his chair
Fuck it, switch it up - him kneeling before you whilst you sit in his chair - both works 👀
Honestly it’s his favorite place to do it
Maybe not the most comfortable, nor hygienic place - but oh well
Once again he likes the thrill of getting caught, or knowing he has clients waiting. But they can wait. He has better things to do
He makes sure you walk away from his office feeling satisfied (and with shaky legs) <3
He’s a big fan of quickies. Why wait all day to sleep with you, when he can do it multiple times? “What do you think quickies are for??”
He’ll legit turn you on “by accident” only to ignore you later
Why? “Because I can” 
And to see you beg for him. Yep, he’s unfair
Having you beg for him to do you is just hot to him. Especially when you’re angry/frustrated
…If you did the same to him tho? He’d be close to tears. And beg without shame lmao
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When it comes to oral he prefers receiving.
That way he can lean back, close his eyes and enjoy being “taken care off” 
If you have longer hair he runs his hands through it, twirls it between his fingers and might pull it a bit.
Very loud and praising when receiving “Yes… Right there”“Fuck… You’re so good at that. So damn perfect.”“Keep going, sweetie. Take all of me in your pretty mouth.”
However, he does love giving too. 
Getting heads is nice, but there’s something rewarding about using his mouth to make you feel good. 
He’s damn passionate when giving, too. 
Slow, teasing movements
And caressing other parts of your body to make it more satisfying. 
Your moans and the praise he receives could make him go at it for hours. And he will…
Jimmy just finds it adorable when you whine and whimper from the pleasure being overwhelming.
He tries his best with aftercare, as long as he’s not too tired afterwards or if it was “just a quickie”
But he always tries to make sure you’re alright afterwards. 
appreciates cuddles afterwards
And he LOVES it when you give him aftercare after you’ve dominated him 
He falls asleep quick afterwards, but does so safely in your embrace 
Homeboy just needs love and affection basically <3
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Not really happy with this one 😭 But I hope ya guys liked it either way lol!! <3
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depressopax · 8 months
Breaking Bad/Better call Saul masterlist
I post all my work on AO3 Feel free to check it out!
Just a heads up that this blog and the fanfics are NOT spoiler free. So keep that in mind when reading my work!
I always try to write a note for my fics, including ship, gender identity and a summary for the story. And of course, a (trigger) warning list!
I try to make most of my work with gender-neutral reader, but I also write fem readers a lot, but I'm open to writing male reader too, if requested :)
Just make sure to read rules before requesting Full masterlist & WIP found here
I will write...
☆ Fluff ☆ Angst ☆ Smut ☆ NSFW/SFW headcanons ☆ One-shots ☆ Scenarios
I'm writing for...
Mike Ehrmantraut
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Dating apps (gender-neutral reader)
The things we do (gender-neutral reader)
Loving partner (gender-neutral reader)
Married life (gender-neutral reader)
Sit down (gender-neutral reader)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Relax (gender-neutral reader)
Kim Wexler
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Relationship headcanons SFW
Relationship headcanons NSFW
Fluff & angst
Good/Bad girl - Fem reader one shot
Jesse Pinkman
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Lucky ones WIP
Nacho Varga
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Relationship SFW
Relationship NSFW
Fluff & angst
Before it's too late - gn!reader
No strings attached - gn!reader
Distraction - Fem!reader
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Dating McWexler NSFW
Fluff & angst
Others/all characters
Valentine's day headcanons SFW
Dating Howard Hamlin headcanons SFW & NSFW
Dating Gus Fring headcanons SFW & NSFW
The First
I will mostly write gender-neutral or female reader, but can also write others!
Looking forward <3
Full masterlist for ALL fandoms can be found here :)
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depressopax · 9 months
Masterlist - Multifandom
I only write for 18+ characters I will mostly write gender neutral or female readers, but if wanted I can try writing for others too! :) I'm also open to requests! (Scenarios, characters, headcanons etc) PS: English is not my first language, so if I make any (spelling) mistakes, please let me know how I can improve my writing. <3
Introduction of myself can be found here!
Meet the creator
All my work is avaliable on AO3 too! More info can be found here (tumblr post)
Rules for request
Smut - ❤‍🔥 Fluff - ☁ Angst - 💔
Current fandoms I'm writing for & which characters (Only queue, for masterlist specific fandom, click the links!)
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La casa de papel Masterlist
Nairobi/Ágata Jiménez
Tokyo/Silene Oliviera
Berlin/Andrés de Fonollosa
Denver/Daniel Ramos - Relationship headcanons SFW ☁ WIP NSFW ❤‍🔥 WIP
Professor/Sergio Marquina - Relationship headcanons SFW ☁ WIP NSFW ❤‍🔥 WIP
Alicia Sierra (One) night stand ❤‍🔥 WIP
Berlin Spinoff characters
Others NSFW alphabet WIP
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Breaking Bad Masterlist
Mike Ehrmantraut Engagement/marriage HC's [request] ☁
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Kim Wexler
Jesse Pinkman - Lucky ones ☁ WIP
Nacho Varga
Others Sugar arrangement (multiple characters) ❤‍🔥WIP
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From ABQ with love, Nacho - Nacho Varga spinoff
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The Hunger Games (& TBOSAS)
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depressopax · 9 months
Being in a throuple with Jimmy and Kim would include...
Pairing: Jimmy McGill x Kim Wexler x gn!reader  Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content, age gap, authority kink, dom/sub dynamic, degradation, semi-public, cusses, secret relationship, threesome, oral (male receiving), boss x employee, polyamory, reader uses they/them Words: 1199 Summary: Being the intern at Jimmy and Kim’s law firm, until they both fall in love with you. For this scenario - let’s pretend Jimmy and Kim are still married, happy and running a law firm together lmao (These headcanons are probably not very "canon" to Jimmy and Kim's behaviour in BCS. But I've had this idea for a while and wanted to try it out) English is not my first language, so lmk if there's any grammar- and/or spelling mistakes so I can fix it and learn! :)
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You met them both when you were an intern at their company
You had heard about them both before, and was nervous yet excited to work for them.
Kim and Jimmy being the hot, power couple - you can’t tell if you want to be them… Or be with them. 
You get to do simple tasks, but once they notice your talent the couple gives you bigger tasks, in which you get to spend more time with the couple.
Kim and Jimmy fall for your wit, kindness and that smile of yours. 
They both start fantasising about you; what it’s like being with you, the dates they’d take you on, and the things they’d do to you… 
You notice something is up once they both give you extra attention at work, complimenting your outfits, making jokes and always wanting you close. 
Jimmy would get your attention by doing reckless “charmy” things around you, make sure to always have people around to laugh when he says something funny - just so you’ll know just how “funny and amazing” he is.
Kim would be more seductive and sweet. Being very close to you, helping you with tasks and teasing you by leaning close when doing so - so you can smell her sweet perfume and get a good view of her cleavage…
Out of the two of them, Kim succeeds best to seduce you. 
They both playfully flirt with you, until you flirt back, watching them both turn into blushing messes. 
The couple are very good at reading each other, so when they catch the other stare your way, they know.
Somehow, they’ve both fallen in love with you. 
Though they don’t always succeed, Kim and Jimmy try to have good communication with each other. “So… You like them?” “So do you.” “...Yea.” “What do we do now, Jimmy?”
I feel like they like trying new things, and are very experimental.
Their love for each other runs deep. The “jealousy” part in the relationship is not something that bothers them anymore.
Therefore, they openly talk about people they find hot - you, included. 
Kim and Jimmy realise that they both want you.
…And they know how to share ;)
They can tend to be selfish - doing things for their own pleasure.
But they don’t want to do that to you. Hurting you is the last thing they want.
That’s why they keep their feelings hidden from you for so long.
Like, it would take them ages to come forward and tell you.
…But observant as you are (or maybe the fact that Kim and Jimmy act like two love-drunk fools around you), you had already figured it out. 
When they tell you, they’d probably make it really awkward.
But you just find them adorable, and love knowing that the power couple - two confident and cocky lawyers - has a soft spot for you.
When they ask you on a date, you agree.
Since they both have lots of money, they take you to a fancy restaurant, spoiling you with expensive wine etc, even if you want it or not.
The three of you just click instantly. It feels right. 
…But, you being their intern causes a lot of problems. 
That’s why you have to keep the relationship a secret, to not cause drama or scandals. 
But that doesn’t stop Kim and Jimmy from being flirty and teasing you at work.
During meetings, they always make you sit between them.
…So they can tease you under the table, squeezing your thigh and making you flustered. 
Jimmy whispering dirty things to you - but making it look like he’s saying something work related. It’ll be things like: “Fuck… You look sexy in that shirt. I wanna rip it off you.”
Kim just sits besides, holding back laughter from the interactions. 
The couple likes to fluster you, making it into a competition.
…Kim dropping papers on the floor, bending down to pick them up right in front of you, giving you a view of her ass.
Once you get comfortable around them, you eventually start teasing them back. Wearing provocative clothes, biting on a pen whilst staring at the couple, bending forward to grab things and making sure your legs touch theirs when sitting down.  
Both Kim and Jimmy are pretty reckless and impulsive.
You often have to be the one to stop them from doing stupid thing; You: “No.” Jimmy: “But we were just gonna…” You: “Don’t.” Kim: “Come on! It’s just for fun!” You: “...Fuck sake!”
It doesn’t take long before Jimmy and Kim realizes that they have fallen in love with you. 
They haven really been open to polyamory earlier, but with you in the picture… They would change their mind.
If you agree to be in a throuple with them, they’d be so loving, but also really awkward at first. 
You would probably have to keep the relationship hidden for a while, and you would find another place to finish the internship.
The three of you want to do it the right way, without creating trouble or drama from the dynamic etc. 
They want you to feel comfortable, that’s why you get to control the type of relationship you want to have - sexual or romantic.
Spending a lot of time in their apartment. Watching movies, hanging out… And lots of sex of course. Now for the veryy spicy ones lmao
They are both dominant and like being in charge. 
...Especially when it's you.
At work:
Jimmy makes you give him heads in his office whilst he does paperworks. He also likes quickies during lunch, and having you stumble out of his office afterwards.
Kim having you sit in her lap/or the other way around when you do paperwork, helping you with it if needed. She would also tease you with neck kisses/having her hand in your underwear. 
They can either be really selfish - or very giving - in the bedroom.
It depends on what you’re comfortable with.
They sure can be too rough, but will check up on you regularly to make sure you’re comfortable and satisfied. 
You would probably have a safe word to use if it gets too steamy to handle.
Kim and Jimmy would make sure no one feels left out. 
…But they would probably ignore you sometimes, only focusing on each other, to make you jealous/make you beg for attention
You would probably have to address them as “Sir” and “Ma’am” when having sex. They won’t satisfy your needs until you use those titles.
Your nicknames? Probably: Pet, sweetie, brat, honey, slut, etc… 
They like degradation and praise.
Probably into the whole idea of “rewards and punishments”
If you behave well, they will treat you like a royal, making sure you’re satisfied.
But if you don’t… Be ready for a lot of teasing and overstimulation. 
Although the two of them are rough and a bit selfish, Kim and Jimmy will make sure to give you good aftercare.
There’s two of them to take care of you, after all. 
Sometimes they’ll fight over who gets to do what for you
Expect lots of cuddles, warm baths/showers, and LOTS of praise. Jimmy: “You did so well for us, sweetie.” Kim: “You know how proud you make me and Jimmy?”
GOD I'm so obsessed with Jimmy and Kim lmao 😭 I felt cringe writing this but oh well 🫶
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raggedy-dxctor · 2 years
fake dating saul goodman
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pairing(s): jimmy mcgill/saul goodman x gn!reader
warnings: none, just idiots in love
at first it's purely a thing he jokes about but then he actually considers it
like imagine the benefits if you couldn't testify against eachother!!
if you agree he gets strangely giddy and excited about it, but then catches himself and nervously chuckles
the two of you arrange to fake date for a while and then get married to make it look legit
after like a month he realises that he's actually fallen for you
he's constantly a flustered mess around you, very clearly whipped just by the way he looks at you
the way he holds you just screams in love
even when the two of you are alone, you've both naturally gravitated towards cuddling, he initiates it everytime and it's just too comforting and endearing that it's impossible to resist
goes crazy when you wear his clothes
kisses and lingering looks that give you butterflies
buys you tons of presents
has a habit of glancing over to you for approval whenever he introduces you as his partner, eventually he stops doing it and gets more comfortable, confidently introducing you as his spouse and wrapping an arm around you or kissing you
loves to watch movies with you
really loves that even if he fucks up, you're still always there, that's the only reason he prefers being in a fake relationship
i cant see him making the first move to be honest, i feel like you'd have to after like a year of pining after eachother and wanting something more
but when you do make a move and confess to him, he's easily to more affectionate one of the relationship
tells you he loves you every morning
tells you everything, he's used to being open with you
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