#And then we didn’t bc we both did a lot today and we’re tired
ocdhuacheng · 2 years
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This is so cute. She is a darling
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pinkipeachiikeen · 2 years
Signs of Love (F! HOH Reader x Toge Inumaki) VALENTINES SPECIAL
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Fem HOH reader! x Toge
words in italic bold are signed! 
Authors note: I personally am not not Hard Of Hearing, but I tried my best to write as realistically I can and I talked to an expert about how I can best go about writing this. But! she is an expert in ASL not JSL and all the signs I described were learned from youtube videos and google. I really hope that I described the actions in a way thats understandable to others since I never described a person signing before 
Tags; @taeyamayang 
word count: 3590 in total
Happy Valentines!
Also im prob gonna write a prequel at some point bc i lowkey went off script and made a paragraph a lot more detailed (and darker) than I wanted to for this upbeat fic, so if you enjoy this be on the lookout!
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(translation bank I used lol) You wouldn’t think a large anthromorphic panda would be so hard to find. But, alas i’ve spent the last twenty minutes playing a very one sided game of tag  and i’ve really had enough. “MAKI!” I call out to the green-ete, sparring on the field. 
“Yeah?” she replies, looking my way.
Yuuta, took that as his chance to try to land a hit, but Maki, as if she read his mind quickly swept him out from under his feet and he landed in a cloud of dust and a resounding ‘oof!’ 
“Sorry to catch you at a bad time.” I apologize as I make it  across the field to her. She shakes her head, “Nah, we’re finished.” she states as she dug her shoe into his chest. “Right?” Yuuta nods and taps out. I reach my hand out to pull him up. “You good?” He nods, finding balance again now that he’s upright. “I-” he wheezes, grasping his knees as he catches his breath. “I will be.” I clasp my hands together. “Well, im glad I caught you both, since I know you guys wouldn’t lie to me.” Maki raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t Yuuta lie about eating your leftover takeout the other day?” Yuuta pauses, before he nod’s guiltily . “But You can’t be upset with me! I bought you fresh takeout to make up for it and ice cream.” 
“Exactly!” I agree. “But the thing is, Maki wouldn’t lie to me, cuz she doesn’t  care enough to lie and would rather tell me straight up. You,” I point to him. “You can’t lie to me. It’s way too obvious, and besides it eats you up inside.”
He scratches the back of his neck. “Well, I guess you got me there. But what did you want to ask?”
I sigh. “Why has Toge been ignoring me? Originally he was just flaking on his lessons, but now he seems to be actively avoiding me. Hell, even Panda is running away from me now. I try not to run away from my problems, but now they are actively running away from me, so...” I throw my hands in frustration. “Any ideas?” 
“Oh he’s definitely  ignoring you.” Maki confirms. “He basically tucked and rolled out of breakfast today when you walked in.”
“I KNEW I SAW HIM!” I exclaim. “Panda just said I was seeing things, then dipped when I started asking questions.” I side eye a panicked looking Yuuta. “Like you are trying to do now.” He gulps. 
“I-im not, i just think Gojo-sensei is calling for me!” 
I roll my eyes. “Just go.”
He awkwardly nods before he books it down the training field, cronching half dried snow leaving just Maki and I to grace the field.
“You know no one was actually calling for him, right?”  Maki checks. I sigh. “Just like we all know Gojo’s currently on a mission.” I run my hands through my hair. “I’m too tired to press Yuuta on the details of whatever he’s hiding.”
“Emotionally or physically?”
I plop down on the stairs and groan. “I don’t even know what I did!” “I doubt you did anything.” she replies as she settles next to me. “Boys are dumb. That’s not anything new.” I flutter my lips. “Yeah, I know. I just thought he was special.”
Maki awkwardly pats my back. Shes never been quite good with affection in any way, but its good to see shes growing. “There, there.”
I chuckle. “That was hard for you, wasn’t it.”
“A little bit, yeah.” We share a laugh.
“Look, Y/n. Whatevers going on with Inumaki will blow over soon. You’re acting as if you guys aren’t attached to the hip 24/7.  ‘looking like middle schoolers scribbling in that stupid notebook.” she kicks a stray pebble with her foot. “ Where is it  anyway?” she asks. Shes referring to the Lisa Frank notebook we pass back and forth. It was originally for JSL notes, but then it kinda devolved into a book of memes, random notes and crude drawings of Gojo whenever we found him especially annoying. Maki and Panda have both voiced their disdain for it, but for very different reasons. Maki finds the cute and bright colors obnoxious while Panda finds the cartoon panda riding a surfboard offensive, for some odd reason, since ‘pandas don’t ride waves’. To my knowledge they don’t make bad jokes or fight curses either, but here we are. I sigh. “It’s in my room. The last time it was used he scribbled some sorry excuse why he can’t come to our JSL lesson. Maki’s eyebrows furrowed. “Wasn’t your last lesson like a week ago?” i nod. “ A week tomorrow.” She says something under her breath, too fast for me to read. I sigh. “Maki,  you know I can’t hear people when they whisper like that.” 
She shrugs me off. “It wasn’t anything important. Just saying that Inumaki is dumb. Screw him. Anyways, are you still having your lesson with him tommorrow?”
“Thats the plan. If he even shows up.” I mutter the last part under my breath.
Maki’s eyes gain a glint, one im all too familiar with. “So what do you plan on doing with him? All alone? In your room?” She breaks down every part slowly.
“Uh, study? Probably eat snacks and look at shitty memes. What we usually do.  Why?”
She shrugs. “No reason. I was just wondering if you were gonna give him his homemade chocolates then in the confines of your room or when you are giving the others their store bought chocolate.”
I furrow my brows. “What are you talking about? Tomorows not..” my voice dies out as I check the date on my phone.
Feburary 13th.
The day before Valentines Day.
“Shit, shit SHIT!” I cry, grabbing my things. “I need to finish making the choclate!” 
Makki yells something in a retort but the only thing on my mind is the half finished chocolate bento in my room waiting to be filled with white chocolate onigiri and gummy takoyaki.
Toge was my first friend at the school. I was the new kid, the last of the five of us. I felt like every bond that could be made was already made between them and that there was no room for me. I mean I felt like that everywhere I went regardless, but when you are surrounded by powerful sorcerers and a freaking panda there’s not much a person can do to feel special. I didn’t come from a powerful bloodline or anything, I was just a girl with a cursed technique, and hell that doesn’t mean much when Maki can kick ass without one. I don’t think I spoke more than three words the first few weeks I was there, which threw  off everyone, especially since Toge tended to speak leaps and bounds over me and his vocab was limited to rice ball ingredients. It also didn’t help that I  kept to myself, despite Gojo’s constant encouragement ( and by that I mean nagging) to ‘be social, makes some friends, kiddo!’ The others all tried tried to be friendly in some way or another but Toge was the only one who was consistent despite me keeping him at arms length. He approached me when I was taking a hearing break, a time when the others wouldn’t attempt to bother me and usually gave me space. I was ready to brush him off when he did something unexpected. Using his left hand he made a turning motion against his left, then pointed at me before making a circling motion using both hands, then moving his right pointer finger to his cheek. 
How are you doing today?
The motions were a bit awkward, but fluent enough to see that he practiced the motions a few times. He was signing. I immediately lit up and starting waving my hands in ways that probably didn’t even make up any coherent signs, based on the look of confusion in his eyes. I learned then that Toge only learned how to sign ‘how are you doing today’ five minutes prior when he saw me turn down my aides because he wanted to be able to communicate with me in a way I was comfortable with. 
I can’t pinpoint it exactly, but i’m pretty sure that was the moment I fell in love with him.
Or at least knew that he was gonna be someone important in my life, but hey. I’m a jujitsu sorcer. What are we if not a tad dramatic sometimes. Have you met our teacher?
It was then that I soon found out how similar Toge and I are. Our cursed technique both involved our voices (he’s able to command others to do whatever he says, and I’m able to use a sonic scream to exorcise curses),and they both have the same drawback of having an extremely sore throat after using those techniques.
But the biggest challenge we share is how our cursed techniques have  both impacted our ability to communicate traditionally. Mine took that privilege away when I was just a little girl, unaware of the ability nestled within me. His, was sealed away at birth, only to be used in dire time of need. We also both had adapted and grown despite these challenges. He can talk to othes using rice ball ingredients and I use a hearing aide to make up for the percentage of what I lost using my technique wildly.  Most importantly we both are here to train to become powerful enough to make sure our techniques can never hurt ourselves and others. So maybe one day we could see them as gifts and not a curse. That realization is what pushed us to learn sign language fluently, something I was close to and he was definitely not. We wanted to make sure we could be most efficient in the field since rice ball ingredients can inky mean so many things and my aides can only help so much. Some days are going to be worse than others and we wanted to be prepared for that.
We also thought talking shit about people in front of them would be funny too, but mainly the first reason. 
So every Tuesday afternoon since has been a designated JSL day, spent looking over notes and books we got from the library or my own personal collection. I’d say we have improved drastically since, despite how easly distracted we can both be. Especially Toge, he went from being a total beginner in JSL to being able to hold a converstatiion with little trouble. I couldn’t  be more proud of him.
Well I technically could be.
I would be a lot more proud if he was actually here.
And hadnt blown me off.
Y’know I would be less upset iif he left or note or something. But no. And he was suspiciously absent earlier this morning in class when I handed Panda and Yuuta their chocolates. Instead of getting complaints or teasing from them about how I decided to buy theirs compared to me spending hours making Toges, I got sympathetic looks instead. 
No one directly said anything, but we all knew what they were thinking. 
Poor Y/n. 
I passed the point of me just moping around feeling sorry for myself. Theres only so much hiding away under the covers in self pity a person can do without going a little stir crazy.
So now?
Now i’m just pissed.
I was about to grab the nearest throw pillow to scream about how boys are stupid and how imma wring his platinum blonde ass, hoping I wouldn’t accidently overload it with cursed energy and tear apart my room (again) when i hear a shlick from under my door. 
Slowly creeping towards the door I see that something was slid under the door.
A tiny, pocket notebook.
A tiny Lisa Frank notebook.
What the hell?
I flip the tiny notebook open to read;
Meet me at our spot? :)
Written in a glitter pen. My glitter pen he most likely stole. I scoff, rolling my eyes. Yeah, no. You don’t get to be all cute and shit after ghosting me.  But then I move my thumb to find;
Please? I’ll explain everything :) :) :)
Damn. An excessive use of smiley faces. He must be desprate. I groan to myself. I was never gonna win that anyway. Toge has be under his thumb and I bet he knows it at this point. 
I slide on my coat and shoes and head out the door.
Toge’s and I’s ‘spot’ was an abandoned gazebo on the other side of the school. We found it one day after running away from the consequences of our actions, or his actions to be exact. I’m not one for pranks, especially when it includes angering a giant panda. I don’t know why Toge thought it was a good idea to put itching powder in Pandas hairbrush (I didn’t know that Panda  used a hairbrush either, but thats for another time), he’s seen him mad enough to  rip a tree in two with just his hands (paws?). Whatever the case, Toge ripped me away  from a peaceful convo with Yuuta with a hurried “Tuna!” and a grab (yank) of my hand. I was going to resist but I knew the thumping vibrations of a pissed off Panda when I feel them so and took that as a sign to run as fast as my feet could take me and chew out Toge later. My feet just so happened to take me
I carefully step down the beaten path. The dead and dried leafage I pushed past  almost crumbled upon impact, a stark contrast to the fight they put up in the summer, scratching and ticking to our uniforms like we first found what would be our secret spot and hideaway from all the others and sometimes, the world itself. 
As I  snake down the path, avoiding larger sticks and pots of mud I see flickers of light leading me, calling me, to the gazebo
Stars? No, too bright. 
And by the looks of it, lots of them.
What is going on?
As I finally venture past the leafage my suspicions were confirmed. In front of me stood a beautiful ring of candles supported by a path leading me up the cricket old stairs into the heart of the gazebo that stood
The candles highlighting his slightly tense body making him have an otherworldly glow, his hands grasping a bouquet of flowers.
“Toge? W-what the hell is all this?” I stammer, slowly making my way to him.
“Tuna.” he hands me the bouquet, well more like stiffly shoves into my hands
“For me?”  I ask as I awkwardly grasp the bouquet. He nods. 
Then he takes a deep breath in before using his pointer finger and thumb to lightly grasp the bridge of his nose, then placing the same hand diagonally acoss his face, pushing away from him. 
I’m sorry.
He tries to keep my gaze, but his eyes keep fluttering away.
Is he.. Is he blushing? 
I’ve really been an idiot. 
He signs, moving his hand while opening his pointer and middle finger apart from each other. 
I was just so nervous that somehow you would find out about this surprise, that I avoided you.
He’s signing so flawlessly, has he been practcing without me
You mean so much to me, I really just wanted to do something big and special for you, because you deserve everything and more.
Is.. Is this a confession? My heart beat picks up faster and faster by the minute. Time feels so fast, yet impossibly slow as he signs once more.
He stalls for  a minute before moving his hans so fast that I could barely read them.  Moving his two fingers in a swirling motion then pulling them down, Toge then rubs his right hand over his fist, multiple times.
I love you. 
I  love you.  I love you. I  love you.
You see, in JSL, like Japanese, there are many ways to say I love you. To show love between friends, you bring your middle finger and thumb of your dominant hand and bring it your chest, closing them upon impact, bringing that hand down,  then pointing at the person in question. 
To confess to having feelings for another person, you point to yourself, before putting your pointer finger and thumb under your chin, then pointing to the person you are referring to. 
But to show deep passionate love, you move your fingers in a swirling motion, pull them down before using that same hand to rub your fist.
Just what Toge was doing.
“You,” I start slowly. “You love me?” His cheeks lit up in flames. 
“Bonito flakes!” My face falls for a split second before he shakes his head aggressively, “Salmon!” 
I tilt my head in confusion. “What are you trying to say? 
He grumbles,diving into his pocket to look at a crumpled piece of paper.  I squint my eyes to get a better look the paper, the candles could only illuminate so much, but from what I could see Toge made a photocopy from the back of my JSL book, specifically the signs of love. 
We haven’t went over that part yet, when did he learn this?
The page showed the three different ways a person could announce their love, shoving the page back into his pocket he tries again, starting the motions to confess, but I already knew what he meant. 
He was about to put his fingers to his chin before I tackled him in a hug, flowers long forgotten. “Tuna!” he yelps, caught off guard, before settling into my touch.
“I understand.” I clarify, slowly unzipping his collar, “And,” I add, holding his pale cheek staring into his beautiful amethyst eyes. 
“I love you, too.” I whisper, closing the distance. 
His lips were a bit chapped, but soft nonetheless and were gentle, almost shy against mine. His hand was about to move off my shoulder and to my chin before he stopped and pulled away quickly, his relaxed body stiffening into a fighting stance.
“Wha-” I say, still dazed from the kiss.
“Show yourself.” he demands to a seemingly harmless bush, his words dripping cursed energy.
Four heads then pop out of the bush in sync. 
“Panda, you idiot, you got us caught!” Maki
“Me? No way! It was totally Yuuta. He’sthe one cryling like a baby!” Panda
“What! I sniffled ONCE! How are you souless monsters not tearing up?” Yuuta
“He’s right, that was quite beautiful. My beautiful students! They grow up so fast! And Gojo?! 
“What the hell are you guys doing here!” I interrogate the four. God, where they watching the whole time? They had to have been, with half of them sporting smug faces (Maki and Gojo) and the other half embarrassed and guilty . “Who did you think planned this?” Maki retorts. My jaw drops. “B-but you said-” 
“I didn’t say shit, you just assummed.” she corrects. “But you were right, I don’t like to lie and rather be honest. But I can keep a secret.” she winks. “I’m just the only one who isnt glaringly obvious.” she side eyes he others who look away bashfully. Except for Gojo, who pipes in with “Oh, I just found out myself while they were planning and couldn’t miss missing this beautiful declaration of love.” he wipes a invisible tear for dramatic effect even though he’s wearing a blindfold.. Weirdo. Maki ignores his statement, or doesn’t give it any thought as she adds; “I’m not gonna lie, watching you two pine and whine for each other was painful though, glad you guys finally did something about it.”
“i-It wasn’t that bad!”
“Yes, it was.” they all reply in unison, even Gojo, which garners a few weird looks. 
“Hey! I’ve had to watch them give each other doe eyes in class for months!” he shares. “Why do you think I always placed them together on missions?”
“Um- Cause we work well together?” I intervene.
He shrugs. “You both work well with everyone, I was just doing the lord’s work.”
That then caused the other three to bicker and complain about who helped progress ‘their ship’ the most.
“Fish flakes…” Toge muttered. “Yeah.” I agree. “I can’t believe we associate with them.” “Salmon.” 
“Whatever!” Maki shouts over the bickering. “Now that the work is done, no matter who helped,” she eyes the other three “lets just discuss whats most important.”
I tilt my head in confusion.
“How much you suckers owe me! Pay up, losers!” 
A series of groans follow as each of them all pull out their wallets (don’t ask me where Panda got his from, I don’t know. He once pulled out a box of tissues from his fur, I stopped asking questions about what he can and can’t do after that.) “Wait a damn minute!” I exclaim. “You were betting on us?!” 
“Hey, you should be thankful! I was the only one who said you would kiss him first!” she reveals, grabbing 2000 yen from each of the guys.
“Gojo?! You too?!”
He shrugs. “Toge, you really let me down. That was my daifuku money.” he reveals sadly.”
“Bonito flakes!” he retorts, eyebrow twitching. 
I shake my head. “That is so disrespectful guys.” I state. “Welp, now that thats out of the way, Maki you better give me half.”
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 years
Nick Nelson x non-binary and Demisexual!reader
(A/N: Reader’s SEX is a girl, their gender is non-binary but they will come out later in the story, Y/n has a brother bc if they didn’t you wouldn’t be able to stop Nick and Charlie from dating each other. His name is Alex. Btw for this Truham is not an all boys school. I also changed seating and class arrangements to make the story fit, anyways let's get into the story!)
TW: LGBTQIA+, cussing, homophobia, implying sexual intercourse.
                                              Y/n’s POV
I and my family had just moved to England from California. I and my brother were always bullied we also didn’t have any friends there. Our parent's friends didn’t count. Pretty much all of our family was in England. so that’s why we moved. I’m a year 11 at Truham high school now. The people here look nice, doesn’t mean they are though. Today is my first day there though. I pop in my earbuds and start thinking about what’s gonna happen today and what I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I’m kind of gender-confused, to be honest. I’m also very confused about my sexuality. I’m just confused in general honestly. While I was walking up to the doors I accidentally bumped into this one guy. 
“oh, sorry I didn’t see you,” I said politely but not making eye contact. 
He looked at me and started smirking, “watch your step” He said while walking off bumping into my shoulder as he did it.
That pissed me off. I didn’t do anything to him. Yet at least. Then someone that was hanging out with him earlier came up to me. I didn’t want to get bullied on my first day.
Once he came up I said, “Fuck off. I just moved here and am not ready to get bullied on my first day” 
Once I said that he looked shocked and then chuckled a little.
“I’m not gonna bully you, I just came over to apologize about Harry” He explained.
“Harry?” I questioned.
“oh, um yeah. That guy that was being a douchebag to you a minute ago” He then started smiling a little bit after that.
I could feel comfort when he started smiling, I zoned out for a second looking at his gorgeous eyes. I then snapped out of it before it got awkward.
“oh uh, thanks I guess. My name’s Y/n” I said while putting my hand forward. 
“it’s no problem, and uh my name is Nick and we should probably go inside before we’re late,” he said while shaking my hand. 
“oh, shit! You’re right” I exclaimed. Quickly and sadly pulled my hand away from his. Before I started running to the forum I felt a hand on my shoulder. I could recognize those soft hands from anywhere, well now I can at least, it was Nick’s hand. 
He then said while smirking, “you wanna race there?” 
I then paused. I nodded my head he then gently shoved me out the way and started running. I started running to catch up to him. He beat me by 30 seconds. He was there chuckling while I was out of breath. We then went to Forum. We saw my brother, because of course we did. If that wasn’t great enough I sat next to my brother. Nick sat behind us, next to this one kid. I think his name was Charlie... Spring..? I think that’s his last name. I also am not sure if me and Nick our friends yet. 
Time Skip
After the last class of the day, Nick was walking with Charlie out of the class. I caught up to both of them. 
“Hey, Nick! Charlie... right?” I questioned.
He nodded gently. 
“Cool. So, Nick.” I waited patiently waited for him to respond. 
“yeah?” he replied.
“We’re friends now right?” I said while looking up at him. 
“Yeah! Unless you don’t want to be friends. Which is fine if you don’t!” He exclaimed.
I smiled in response. “Yeah I would like that! Um, ok well. I’m gonna go try and meet new people to I guess have friends?” I said while walking away.
They both waved bye to me. I was walking away to meet new people and befriend someone new. When 30 minutes later I ran into Harry again. Even if I didn’t run into him now he was still a complete dickhead. 
“Look! It’s the school's new pick-me! I also bet you have a crush on Nick, don’t you?” He and his friends snickered after he said that. 
I was already tired of him. So I punched him in the face. You could tell he was shocked. Shocked was quickly turned into anger after there was blood running right above his top lip. He kicked my shin and then pushed me to the ground. He and his friends were about to jump me, two voices were telling them to get away from me. I knew both of them. It was Alex and Nick. I couldn’t be any more grateful. 
Under my breath very quietly I said, “Thank god they’re here...”
Nick helped me up, while Alex tackled Harry and punched him multiple times before I and Nick had to pull him off. He was trying to squirm out of our grasp but he couldn’t. Even if he was my younger brother he was still protective over me. Honestly, I would’ve killed someone if they hurt my brother at all. Anyways, after Harry and his possie left, they asked me what happened. I had told them what happened. Nick had looked concerned. I could tell Alex was trying to hold in a laugh because no one else had been laughing. Honestly, I didn’t tell them EVERYTHING. The only thing I didn’t tell both of them, was when Harry had said I have a crush on Nick, I did tell them that he called me a pick me though. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and Alex did too. It was our mom, it was pretty much the end of the school day. She was wondering if we had found someone that could pick us up and take us home, if we were staying after school so we can try out for sports, or if she needs to pick us up. (A/N: pretend there were tryouts for rugby. 😭) Alex texted the group chat saying we’re staying after school for Rugby tryouts. I then texted I would stay after school with him. We told nick what that was about and he told us that he was on the rugby team and he thought it might be fun for Alex to be on the team with him. He then went off to practice and I suddenly felt upset by the time I couldn’t see him anymore, is this what it felt like when your only friend leaves? Before Alex left as well, he had told me some interesting news as well. 
“IhaveacrushonCharliebuthehasacrushonNickandIalsodontthinkimpananymore” he spit out. 
“Ok, I didn’t catch any of it except I have, Charlie, Nick, and anymore. Slow down, take a breath” I calmingly said.
He then took a few breaths then said, “I have a crush on Charlie but he has a crush on Nick and I also don’t think I’m pan anymore. Because let’s be honest when is the last time I had a crush on a girl? I mean yeah they’re pretty and all but I just don’t have appeal to girls anymore. So, yeah. I think I’m gay...” 
I gave him a big hug even though hearing that someone else has a crush on Nick hurt my heart a little for some reason. 
We didn’t catch up with Nick, but we did get there before Alex was late! It’s a win in my book, while sitting waiting for practices to start (A/N: the players are waiting in the room that I forgot the name of 👍) while waiting there this one boy who had short but shaggy hair who kept giving me a dirty look. There was a girl right next to him that made me have the same feelings that I had felt for Nick. I mean I would never, you know.. but I would wanna get to know her more and MAYBE date her. I have the same way of thinking about Nick. Am I bisexual? While I was thinking about all of this I zoned off staring at those two. Until the boy came over, after he said “hey” several times I finally snapped out of my trance and was now face-to-face with a boy who I knew wanted nothing to do with me. 
“Why were you just staring at us? And are you y/n?” The boy had said 
“Oh- um sorry I just zoned out and uh- yeah how did you know my name” I replied back.
“Charlie was talking about you earlier...” the boy mumbled. 
“Charlie Springs?” I questioned, “He’s very nice! Hopefully all good things.” 
He then rolled his eyes and walked away.
“What’s his problem” I thought to myself.
Then the girl came over to me. I could feel my heart racing, why was I acting like this? I know nothing about her! When she came over to apologize about Tao, that was the boys name who was kind of rude. Then again it was probably weird to see a girl just staring at you for no reason. She had then told me her name was Elle. 
“Y/f/n Y/l/n, but you can call me Y/n.” I said while shaking her hand and smiling.
(Y/f/n = your full name)
Time Skip to after the practice
I ran up to hug my brother I think he did really good. I’m not really sure how rugby works. I still hyped him up though because I am the best sister ever. Then this one girl came up to us, she was really pretty but I don’t feel the way I did with Elle that I am with this girl. You could tell she was subtly flirting with Alex. I noticed it then remembered what he said about his sexuality earlier. I ended the flirting by saying mom wants us home now, he knew what I was doing and he didn’t stop it. He was good looking but he didn’t like getting a lot of attention from girls. I was about to text mom to come pick us up until Nick came over to us and asked if me and him could talk. I started smiling and my heart was racing, butterflies in my stomach, sweaty palms, light goosebumps. That’s when it hit me, after reading all that romance novels I finally know what I actually am feeling this is a crush. Same thing with Elle. I very quickly snapped back to be able to talk to Nick. 
“Yeah! Sure” I answered with a bit of a shaky but un-noticeable shaky voice.
Alex looked at me, winked then went off and said, “I’m gonna go see if I can find Charlie.” 
“Ok,” I then turned back to Nick, “What do you need?”
We then walked over to a big tree that had a table with the two benches for seats. 
“What are we doing here?” I asked.
“I just want to be able to sit here and get to know you better” he replied with a smile. 
I could feel a slight blush rising on my cheeks. After he said that we talked for about 2 hours before I got a text from my mom. You guys talked about everything, everything except sexuality and gender. She was asking if tryouts were over yet. 
“Oh shit, um sorry! I forgot to tell my mom tryouts are over. My fault!” I told Nick.
“It’s fine, I get it go ahead! Who am I to keep you from talking to your mum” he answered back with his devilishly handsome smile. 
I smiled back then replied to my mom.
                                                  The texts
Hey, are the rugby tryouts over yet?   
                                          Yeah, they just ended! You can come pick us up now! 
Ok sweetheart! I’ll be there in about 25 to 30 minutes!
                                                                                                    Ok, see you soon
                                                End of texts
“my mom is gonna be here in like half an hour so I’m gonna go try and find Alex” I told Nick while I stood up. 
He stood up too, “Ok, yeah I’ll go with you if you want! I mean he was the best player today”
I smiled then told him yes he could come with me. When we found him we saw him yelling at this one guy. We also saw Charlie there who looked like he was crying. Alex then went over to Charlie and asked if he was ok then they started holding hands unknowingly. It was so cute to see my little brother act like this for someone that wasn’t family. We both stepped over there. At first Alex was very defensive thinking it was that one guy from earlier, then he realized it was just us and he chilled out. 
“Who was that guy?” I asked Charlie and Alex.
“That was Ben Hope” Nick answered, “He is or was one of my mates”
“What happened?” I then asked.
Everyone was silent, 
Nick: because he obviously didn’t know
Alex: Probably because it wasn’t his business to share
Charlie: It might’ve been very traumatic what happened.
So you just skipped over it. I then told Alex that mom said that we were gonna leave in about now 20 minutes. Charlie and Alex then let go of each others hands. 
“Ok, then lets go wait outside because I for sure need fresh air after that dickhead did that to Charlie” Alex said while walking away. 
Once we went outside I finally had the nerves to tell him something. He got on his phone after we sat down at the table.
“Alex, can I talk to you?” I mumbled
He looked up at me then turned off his phone, “yeah, sure, go ahead” he replied.
“ I think I’m demisexual...” I blurted out.
He looked shocked, but not in a ‘I don’t understand’ way. He looked shocked in a supportive way. He hugged me and told me that he supports it.  
“One more thing as well,” I took a deep breath in and then let that breath out, “I’m also non-binary!” 
He then then gave me an even bigger hug. We ended up talking the whole time before mom came to pick us up, We figured out that we could keep my name to Y/n since it was a pretty gender neutral name. We did figure out that my pronouns would be they/them. (or whatever your pronouns are <3) 
                              A couple of weeks later 
                                   (cos idk what else to put)
Harry invited everyone to his birthday party. Almost everyone kept bugging Nick how this Tara girl was going to be there. I didn’t know who that was but it stung a little to hear it. I didn’t come out to Nick, but I have come out to Charlie. He obviously supported. They were good at using my correct pronouns, but no matter what every time I saw Charlie, what Alex said stayed in the back of my mind, “he has a crush on Nick”. You could tell he did, the way he smiled when he saw Nick, Alex saw it too. It broke his heart, though Alex didn’t look at him when he came back in the room he looked embarrassed and a little upset. 
(Back to the party)
Me and Nick practically hung out the whole night. That was until he disappeared with Charlie for a while. When they disappeared together I went to go find Alex, on my way to find Alex, I see two girls kissing and I couldn’t help but stare and feel happy, but you left before they saw you staring at them. Once I finally found Alex we started walking around the humongous house. Then our legs started getting tired and we were trying to find a room that wasn’t taken by couples also enjoying the night. Then we walked into this one huge room, and we were faced with Nick and Charlie kissing. Me and Alex both froze their. Both of our hearts in pain at the sight. Alex couldn’t watch what was happening so he ran off and I could tell that he was lightly crying as he ran off. Charlie then chased after him. I on the other hand was still frozen in the doorway. I then had snapped myself out of the trance I was in. I went over to Nick and sat down next to him. 
“So, you and Charlie huh?” I asked. 
“No, it-it’s not like that.” he answered. 
“It’s okay” I quickly said back.
“No! You’ve misunderstood y/n!” he exclaimed while staring you in the eye, “I’m just trying to figure out me, I don’t even know if I like boys like that. I just, I don’t know.”
I could hear him start mumbling out I don’t knows and then other stuff you couldn’t quite place. I then realized this could be your moment to finally tell him. 
I tapped him on the shoulder, “Nick, I need to tell you something. it’s very important that you listen” You explained.
He looked at me in a way that showed me that he understood.
“Ok,” I let a big breath out that I didn’t even know I was holding, ”I’m non-binary with they/them pronouns” (or whatever your pronouns are love) “I’m also demisexual too.” 
He looked shocked. His jaw was dropped, he didn’t expect you of all people to be part of the LGBT community.
“Nick? Are you ok?” I asked when he hadn’t said anything in a minute.
 Then all he did was give me his charming smile. Then told me that he supports me. 
A couple of days later because idk what else i would even put there ( he already took the homo test)
I was walking around the halls with my earbuds in, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Nick.  “uh, Y/n can I talk to you..?” He asked.
“duh, you don’t even have to ask Nick!” I answered giving him a genuine smile.
“ok..” he had a nervous look on his face.
We went outside, where we usually sit together at.
“um so, y/n... I think I’m bisexual.” He told me.
“hey, you already know i support you!” I responded with another very genuine smile.
“I have feelings for person.” he admitted to. 
“oh? What is his name?” I asked.
“you just assume it’s a him?” he said with a gorgeous smile.
“o-oh its a her?” I stuttered.
his smile was a bit wider, “no actually it’s neither.”
You could feel butterflies in your stomach, could he be about you? Were you the person he had feelings for? 
“Who is it..?” I asked hoping it was me.
“Its- um, you.” He said with what looks like very nervous smile.
I had a blank expression. Was he fucking with me or did he actually like me? I can’t believe someone I like, actually likes me. Unfortunately for me I got lost in my thoughts and didn’t respond yet. 
“Y/n?” he said.
Snapping out of your trance, you were able to answer.
“Nick do you actually like me?” I questioned.
“Wha-? Yes I actually like you! What kind of question is that?” He told me, “You’re one of the best people I’ve ever met!” 
You smiled and hugged him, “I like you too Nick”
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clocks-are-round · 2 years
was trying to fall asleep when hit with a glorious vision
spoiler warning for the second halo show recap episode, if anyone cares lol
so according to the second halo recap video, this
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is a thing that happened in universe, at least in the semi-canon universe of rvb shorts. Simmons made a jazz album, shared it with Grif “in confidance”, and Grif pretty much told him honestly it sucked (regarding the sound— we were not given any comment on the album cover)
i’ll just let earlier today me and pals explain the shipping fodder bc my brain is too tired to rewrite
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and so, here is a thing
simmons: *angry muttering* that is the last time i take advice from tucker
tucker: simmons! wait up! love doctor, ultimate wingman, lavernius “you’re welcome” tucker checking in. so, what happened? did you bang? did you at least kiss?
simmons: for the last time, there’s nothing between me and grif. we’re just friends, and that is what we both want because he. is. not. gay. we! we are not gay. neither of us.
tucker: right, that’s why you look devastated. because you totally didn’t try to learn to play saxophone in a week to seduce grif
simmons: i didn’t-! sh-shut up!
tucker: what about the album cover? did he say anything about that?
simmons: uh. he- he laughed at it. a lot. he fell on the floor and laughed so hard i thought he was having a seizure.
tucker: well that’s not very romantic
simmons: yeah no shit.
tucker: *probably fuckin smug-ass grin*
simmons: but it wasn’t supposed to be romantic anyways! not between me and him! i just wanted feedback for uh, showing it to… females
tucker: right. sure.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
𝑨 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌
Title: 𝑨 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌
Warning(s): NSFW, not sure what other warnings ?? Pet names used, unedited (as always)
Pronouns : they/them, non specified genitalia (Or at least I tried to keep it vague)
Synopsis: What was a seemingly harmless prank turns out to cause a helluva lot of chaos.
Pairing: c!Sapnap X gn reader (Sub reader btw)
Word count: 2k
Note: simping for Sapnap hours <3 No one requested it but I suddenly got this idea and was like 'I have to write it, it's what the people would want' and I also wrote it bc Sapnap has no full fics in my masterlist yet <3
* lemme know if I've missed any warnings/tags or if you see a mistake in this fic that I can quickly change (I didn't rlly proof read, I just sorta scanned over it with my eyes)
2nd POV
You walked to the bathroom after a long day. You were held back a few hours to work overtime without warning and you’re pretty sure that you won’t be getting paid extra, you weren’t in the mood and just needed to relax with a nice shower.
You entered your bathroom and closed the door, you assumed by default that Sapnap wouldn’t bother you since he’s normally such a good roommate and he hadn’t bothered you in the bathroom before! You stripped yourself of your clothes and hung up your outfit that you were planning to wear when you get out of the shower.
You placed the clothes on your sink counter and then approached the shower, your feet were placed on the bath mat as you stood there patiently. You took a deep breath before walking in, you turned both faucets and waited for the water to warm up to a good temperature. You got underneath the water and let the shower rinse off all of the dirt and negative emotions.
You could only hear the water hitting the shower floor since most of the water plugged up your ears, you tried to wash it out but failed so you better hope that no roommate of yours comes in here and plays games while you’re basically half deaf. You grabbed the soap and lathered it in your hands, your soapy hands running over your soft skin.
You came to a pause when you thought you heard something but decided to shrug it off “what would it be anyways? It’s not like Sapnap would come in here” you thought to yourself as you continued washing up. Your hand trailed down to your nether regions and you whined a bit as you cleaned down there, you were just cleaning but your body didn’t know that and so you became a bit aroused.
You ignored the arousal and just continued to have your shower, if you were still horny later on than you’d deal with it but not now. You rinsed the soap off your body and sighed, today was a rough and tiring day but you got through it.
You turned the shower off when you were finished getting clean, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around your body. You got out onto the bathroom mat and started to dry yourself with the towel, you glanced over towards the bathroom sink and your eyes widened.
“Where the fuck did my clothes go?” You asked out loud, your eyes searching the floor just in case they may have fallen down. You groaned in annoyance and wrapped your towel around yourself securely so it wouldn’t fall and then you stomped out to your bedroom to look for the little thief.
You had a look through your drawers to quickly get dressed and confront the troublemaker but it seemed as all your clothes had mysteriously disappeared. You pulled out all the drawers and you searched all the shelves, even your closet was completely empty apart from some scattered shoes.
You whined angrily and then stomped downstairs, your feet dragging along the floor “Sapnap!” You called out to him and he came to your call “what’s up? Like the new look!” Sapnap looked up and down at your towel covered body “Oh hush up! Where’s my clothes? I know you had something to do with their disappearance!” You accused.
“What? Me? What makes you think that?!” Sapnap gasped “they couldn’t have just grown legs and ran away!” You put your hands on your hips “psh, you got me! It’s just a harmless prank..” Sapnap put his hands up in defeat “Good- great, now give them back please!” You held your hand out expectedly.
“Why? I’m liking this outfit you’ve got on right now..” Sapnap teased “oh please, do not start with the flirting again” you rolled your eyes “I can’t give your clothes back right now but feel free to borrow some of mine!” Sapnap smiled “Huh?? Why can’t you give them back?” You exclaimed “if I told you than it’d ruin the whole prank! Just borrow some of my clothes” Sapnap invited you to his wardrobe.
You pouted and entered his room, roaming his closet and just mindlessly picking some of his clothes. “What am I meant to do about my underwear? Can you at least give that back?” You asked “you don’t need underwear, if you do then just borrow some of mine” Sapnap shrugged it off. You wanted to argue with him but found that he had already turned his back to you and left.
You changed into his clothes, his baggy shirt and pants made your body look more boxed up. You tugged at the fabric and it started to cling to your body more “stupid electricity-“ you tried to get it to move away from your curves but it stayed stuck to you.
You walked out into the living room and crossed your arms “When am I supposed to be ‘getting pranked’?” You sighed “oh fuck, you’re looking hella good in my clothes, maybe I’m doin you a favor” Sapnap licked his lips quickly. You scoffed and flicked his forehead “I look good in my own clothes too, you know??” You huffed “I personally think you’d look way better without any clothes, you looked amazing in that towel earlier” Sapnap wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“You’re disgusting!” You laughed at his little flirting attempts “you know you love it, baby!” Sapnap winked “oh I do” you decided to tease back which made the tip of his ears turn slightly red “oh you do? That really warms my heart, c’mere and show me some love!” Sapnap held his arms out to you but you only pushed him away.
“Your offer is very kind but I must decline, I don’t show love to people who steal my clothes!” You told him. Sapnap lowered his head and frowned “What’re you so upset for? I was gonna get you out of your clothes anyways” he jokes around “oh be quiet!” You slap his arm playfully.
He gasps and exclaims dramatically “OUCH! I can’t believe you’ve striked me! All I did was love you and this is how you repay me??” He falls to the ground slowly and fakes his own death “may I have one final request?” He whispered and You leaned down “maybe one..” you decided to play along “can a dying man please have one final kiss?” Sapnap closed his eyes.
You decided ‘fuck it’ and leaned in, your lips pressing against his. He caressed your cheek and deepened the kiss but you were quick to pull away “hey, I don’t go making out with thieves” you smirked “Oh? Maybe you can make this ol’ criminal a good guy again, what’dya think?” Sapnap wrapped an arm around your waist.
You looked up at him and smiled “oh of course, is this thief gonna return my clothes?” You asked “only if you return mine..” Sapnap whispered and started to slowly tug at your collar “hm.. I think we have a deal” you slipped your shirt off and stood there with a bare chest “you look good, baby” Sapnap blew a kiss at you.
You slipped the rest of your clothes off and kicked them away, you were completely naked now “Shit- I can’t believe you were hiding all this from me..” Sapnap came up to you and ran his hands down your sides “my eyes are up here, play boy” you grinned. Sapnap’s eyes snapped from your body up to meet your gaze.
You leaned in and kissed him again, your mouth parting to allow his tongue entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck and panted slightly as you two were now having a heated make out session. You pulled away for air and gulped down your spit “Sapnap..” you breathed out “yes, Y/n?” He smirked.
“Take your clothes off, it’s unfair” you complained and started to pull at his clothes “calm down. I’ll take my clothes off whenever you ask, baby” Sapnap stripped himself hastily and then posed for you, your eyes narrowed as you stared at him “checking me out?” Sapnap laughed.
Your eyes couldn’t help but be attracted to the large thing hanging between his legs, his cock was huge and throbbing “oh fuck..” you muttered “what was that?” Sapnap got closer “your cock is humongous!” You shouted “haven’t I told you that before?” Sapnap kissed your neck gently as you two were speaking and taking in each other’s beautiful bodies.
His hands rubbed at your hips gently “I’ve been waiting so long for you, Y/n.. I’ve had this crazy attraction to you ever since we met, you were the only one that ever joked back with me..” Sapnap confessed “I always had a soft spot for your stupid jokes..” you whispered softly, “I KNEW IT!” Sapnap hugged you and started to pepper kisses all over your face excitedly.
“Does this mean we’re dating??” You questioned “no it means we’re mortal enemies, of course we’re dating!!” Sapnap joked around “oh wow..” you blushed softly before realizing that you two were in the middle of having sex “oh um..” your face was red.
“Do you need me to stretch you out, do a little foreplay?” Sapnap’s hands caressed your torso, his mouth leaving soft kisses on your neck which left tiny purple marks “ah.. No, I just need your cock now..” you were ready for him! Sapnap guided you to his bed and laid you down onto your back, he then crawled on top of you and smiled.
Sapnap positioned his huge throbbing cock with your tiny hole, you gasped and threw your head back when he started to slide into your slowly “does this hurt?” Sapnap asked when he saw your facial expressions “n-no! It feels so good..” you cooed.
Sapnap gripped onto your hips and started to thrust inside of you, his cock was overwhelmed by the feeling of your tight warm squishy insides. Your legs were quivering and your hands were covering your mouth, you felt embarrassed to have such loud lewd sounds spewing out of your mouth like this but it was hard to control.
Sapnap thrusted harder and faster which made you yelp, tears pricked at your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure that you were getting from his cock stretching your insides “Fuck! Gonna cum-“ you scratch his back, leaving light claw marks on his skin. Sapnap continued to fuck into you roughly “cum for me, baby..” he encouraged.
You went over the edge and came hard, your juices running down your thighs. Your head was thrown back and your eyes were rolling into the back of your head, your back arched and your legs were shaking uncontrollably from the stimulation “FUCK! I love you!-“ you then panted and whined as you tried to catch your breath after just having the best orgasm of your life.
Sapnap came shortly after, his cum leaking out of your hole and down your thighs “shit, sorry about the mess-“ you shut him up with a kiss “clean the mess. Return my clothes. Cuddle me.” You instructed as you tiredly laid down on the bed “will do! I love you too, Y/n” he gave your forehead a kiss before going to clean everything up.
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anzynai · 3 years
Itto x Gorou (Genshin Impact)
a/n: YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ONLY POST ONE FIC??? WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG.. YOUTUBER AU WITH ITTOGOROU!!! this is for angie my absolute best friend HAPPY BIRTHDAY i love you so much and we both love ittogorou youtuber aus + tickles so yknow but here you go you better enjoy it and i’m kinda tired rn bc i’m writing this late but i love you so much and you deserve the best and i hope you have an amazing week @thatonetickleblog
word count: 1.2k
warnings: tickles obv, but it’s lowkey public tickling so yknow,,, uhh but everyone’s ok with it lol
summary: [YOUTUBER AU] Gorou and Itto are filming a Q&A!! Seems like some of their subscribers have interesting questions…
“Hey bugs! Welcome to another AWESOME video!” Itto waved to the camera. “Today, we’re doing a… drumroll please!” He sent a look to Gorou, who sighed and began to pat his legs in a drum-like pattern. “…Q&A!! We asked you guys to send us questions in our last video so we’re going to be answering them now! I’m going to be joined by Gorou, my cameraman. You should already know him, you’ve seen him a couple times! Anyway, let’s get started and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and like for more amazing content from yours truly!”
Gorou inwardly sighed again. He knew what kind of fans Itto had, and he had a feeling that this particular video would be a little awkward. He planted a smile anyway, wanting to present himself as best as possible. Itto eyed him and the laptop as Gorou cleared his throat to raad the questions aloud.
“What inspired you to create your channel?” He read. It was a normal question, so he felt a little relieved but he knew he couldn’t relax too early.
“That’s an easy question!” Itto beamed, a proud smile on his face. “I love sharing my interests with the world and making other people happy. I’ve watched a lot of youtubers when I was young and they always made my day, and I wanted to do the same for others!”
Gorou smiled. Itto was always such a kind person and even if he didn’t know the man for so long, it’s obvious his words were genuine. He looked back at the laptop.
“Where are you from?”
“Oh, another easy question. Well..” Gorou sort of zoned out for the next few questions. They were plain ones that honestly.. didn’t seem all that interesting. While that was good for him, he wasn’t sure it would be good for the video.
“Oh..uh..” Gorou stumbled, upon reading the next question. Itto sent him a questioning side glance and he dismissed it, clearing his throat once more. “A-are you and Gorou together..?” He looked back at Itto to see his reaction, somewhat shyly.
“Gorou and I are always together! We’re super close!” Itto put a thumbs-up and Gorou had to resist the urge to face-palm.
“That’s.. not what they meant..” Now, Itto looked confused. Gorou would be surprised that Itto didn’t understand what the question was asking if he was anyone else.
“Oh.. then what did they mean?” Itto asked.
“N-nevermind.. next question!” Gorou said instead, deciding it would be better to let the fans figure it out overtime.. well he wasn’t completely sure.
The next questions were relatively normal. Albeit a little more interesting than the ones that were asked at the beginning, but normal enough for Gorou to let his guard down. There were two others that asked about their relationship and a few that asked about Gorou— he was surprised se people even asked about him in the first place.
Finally, when there were only one question left, Gorou let himself relax. One more and this could be over. Unfortunately for him, it seems the fans saved the worst best for last.
“Ah.. is Gorou…” Gorou started, before trailing off upon reading the question. Itto listened with full concentration, eyebrows furrowing when Gorou stopped. Nopenopenope. He felt his face flush slightly and he looked up to the camera with a crooked smile on his face. “And that’s all the questions we have! Than-“
“Waitwaitwait! Gorou, you were asking one! Finish it!” Itto accused, and the cameraman gulped. How was he going to get out of this one..? “Come on, read it, Gorou!” Itto ushered him, and Gorou blushed. After a few moments, it seemed Itto understood that he wasn’t going to read the question. He snatched the laptop from his arms, reading the question to the camera.
“Is.. Gorou ticklish? Wait, that’s it?” Itto turned around and Gorou faced his head down, embarrassed. “Well,” Itto began, an amused yet excited grin on his face. “Sure he is! You wanna see?!”
Gorou’s head whipped around to look at the youtuber in horror. What did he just say? Itto didn’t wait for an answer that he knew he wouldn’t get. He jumped on Gorou, pinning him on the bed where they were seated.
“Y-you don’t have to do this!” Gorou shouted, struggling to escape Itto’s grasp.
“Come on! The fans want to know!” Itto insisted, wiggling his fingers in front of Gorou. He chuckled at Gorou’s nervous and anticipating giggles.
“They already know!” Gorou squeezed his eyes shut, feeling more and more flustered by the minute.
“How would they know I’m lying?” Gorou almost rolled his eyes at that. Why would they think he was lying?
“They w-woHOHOHONT! Wahahait!” Gorou started before he burst into giggles when Itto started spidering his fingers across his ribs. Not a good day to wear a crop top, he soon learned.
“Tickle Tickle~!” Itto cooed, skittering his fingers and poking the areas between his ribs. Gorou tried to pull away, but the grip Itto had on him was deadly.
“P-plehehease!” Gorou screeched, shaking his head from side to side.
“You’re so ticklish! You’re so cute!” Itto gushed, as he used one hand to get Gorou’s neck.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Gorou’s face felt as hot as a jueyun chili and probably looked like it too. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t will it away. The youtuber grazed a spot on his side, likely by a accident, which erupted a loud squeak from Gorou.
A beat. Then two. After that, Itto decided it would be a good time to change spots, reaching for his sides. Wild laughter poured from the cameraman’s lips as he flailed and squirmed.
“IHIHIHITO PLEHEHEASE!” He cried, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Your laugh is so adorable!” Itto ignored him, choosing to admire his laughter. How embarrassing.. Gorou thought. Itto began to squeeze at his hips and lightly graze his tummy.
Gorou gasped then covered his mouth so hold in the shriek he almost let out because he knew he was ticklish, but this was on a completely different level. He kicked his legs and arched his back. It tickled so bad, and he felt that he was beginning to reach his limits.
“PLEHEHEASE IHIHITTO!” He shouted, panicked giggles making their way into his voice as tears pricked his eyes. “NOHOHO MOHOHORE!” Once he said that, Itto moved away from him and grinned at the camera as if nothing had happened, leaving the other a flustered, exhausted mess.
“And there you have it, folks! I’m sure this answered your question!” He laughed, before glancing at Gorou. “That was our last question! I hope you guys enjoyed the video! Make sure to like and subscribe and.. for the record, me and Gorou are together.. Anyways, bye!”
It took Gorou a few moments to process what Itto said in his outro. It was often the same old words, but when his mind zoned back in, he shot up, a shocked expression on his face.
“Wait, what?!”
Later, after the video was edited and posted, and after lots of careful consideration, he decided to take a look at the comments that he knew would be there.
dapangie: gorou’s giggles r so cute i hope u tickle him more!
jinko_love: That last part with you tickling Gorou was such an unexpected surprise! You two are so adorable!
thedivineenchantress: lolol gorou needs to be tickled more often fr
Gorou’s stomach fluttered and he felt tingles. There was lots of other comments and a fair amount of them asked for him to be tickled more often. He rolled his eyes and called these people weirdos but he couldn’t help but agree. Not that no one would ever know that..
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Would you write a Kaz Brekker request where the reader is a bookworm and a crow and basically Kaz asks the reader to read to him as his way of apologizing after a argument that was his fault?
 it ​​a/n i did something kinda similar in a 'promise of rain' blurb,, but this concept is so cute to me:)) love it sm i moved it up my request cue lol
also im a little worried this might not portray kaz superrrrr accurately bc it's been awhile so just let me know,, feedback leads to improvement:)) also kinda set this up for a part 2 bc...well youll see 
They've always said a lot of things about him, and I've always heard them. But I've never quite believed them. Sure, I get why the dark things that have flourished in the poisoned soil that is Ketterdam consider Kaz Brekker the darkest thing of all. I understand the nickname 'Dirtyhands' for the gloved criminal who has fooled each crime boss at least once. I understand each terrible thing they've said about him.
But I've never agreed with them. I've never even considered agreeing with them. Until today.
The thought that maybe everything people say about him is correct in a simple context struck me worse than the silence after our argument. It made me feel like both a fool and hypocrite. Kaz and I have had our fair share of spats over the relatively short time we've known each other, but never like this. Never so badly he stormed out of the room before I could. I squeeze the book in my lap even harder, desperate to focus on the words on the pages.
You didn't hurt him. He walked away because he decided you weren't worth the cost of his expensive time. I repeat those thoughts in my mind over and over again, letting them bitter me further. It's a lot easier to be mad than hurt. A lot easier to fuel your pain than try to understand your mistakes. Besides, tiredness is already dredging around in my chest and if I don't calm down a little I won't be able to fall asleep.
I had escalated the fight more than I should have. Knowing Kaz is like performing in a tightrope act. One must always be aware of where they're going. Watching what's in front of them without ever thinking too much about what's beneath or behind them. Today though, when I needed my balance most I chose to fall. I chose to dive, and apparently there was no net.
"Oh, you're doing that thing."
I roll my eyes at Jesper's voice as I fight down a yawn. I wipe my face with the back of my palm before turning. The burning behind my eyes never resulted in full tears, but I feel better after doing so. "What thing?"
"That terribly noble thing where you find it in yourself to take full blame for every single conflict you and boss man fall into." The slight humor in his voice is enough for me to roll my eyes again. "Between you and me, I'm sure the reason he's so angry now is because you didn't do that for once."
I press my lips together as my chin angles itself upwards slightly. "I never do that." He raises an eyebrow. The slight sympathy that colors the look is more offensive than his accusation. "If I pick and choose my battles, it's for good reason."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He shrugs once before further entering my room. I say nothing when he sits at the foot of my bed. "Oh, you know," Jesper stretches back casually, resting his back against the wall and extending his legs, "You and Kaz--Kaz and you."
Has he been drinking? Perhaps he's not here because of my unusual absence from downstairs after my fight with Kaz but because he's already too tipsy to think right. "What?"
At my confused look he grins, flashing all of his teeth with an arrogance that outshines the whiteness of them. He taps the still open book in my lap. "Let me put it in terms you'll understand." Jesper sits up a little further, amusement clear in his features. "You two make a shameful Elizabeth and Darcy--"
"Oh, shut up," I groan, glaring at him, "This isn't Pride and Prejudice. And Kaz and I," Jesper's smugness returns when I can't quite think of what I want to say, "We're barely friends--we're barely anything, let alone what you're implying."
Jesper pulls his legs up and shoves me gently. "Dearest, y/n," he ignores my glare, "You should know better than anyone that 'barely friends, barely anything' with Kaz is more than it is with anyone else?"
"That doesn't mea--"
"You two say goodnight to each other." Once. Kaz and I said good night to each other in front of Jesper once. How dare he assume it happens regularly? He's right, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with it. "You play cards with him. Not for money, not for skill--"
"It's for practice." The look Jesper gives me is enough to tell me that my defense didn't land.
Damn him for ever finding Kaz and I on one of those strange nights. One of those nights in which he lurks at the stairwell...the one that divides my room and his attic. One of those nights in which it feels like he's a phantom and I'm the only one that can really see him. A night in which we both silently find each other.
I couldn't quite believe it the first time it happened. I'm not exactly a Crow--I don't feel enough a connection to the Dregs to join them without some kind of guarantee--but I was needed for some obscure job. but I was needed for some obscure job. The Crows needed an insider who could blend into high society, and I needed a place to stay away from my father.
It worked. I worked. And with each passing day I found myself enjoying the Crows more and more. That's why I stayed. That's why I started checking the stairwell practically every night, a set of playing cards in my hand.
The first time had been awkward. I couldn't sleep and my room felt too quiet, but the rambunctious club felt too loud and a little unsafe considering the hour. So I settled for the only space in between. When Kaz found me sitting on the steps and playing a solitary card game I had been so stunned by embarrassment I just offered to deal him in. I had been more shocked when he silently accepted my offer.
"Practice?" Jesper repeats. "You were laughing, I heard you."
"That was one time--how do you know we didn't just happen to play cards together the one time you saw it?"
"Because you laughed about a play you considered 'predictable'."
Sighing, I sit up a little straighter. "I'm not having this conversation. Occasionally saying 'goodnight' to someone who lives in the same space I live in and sometimes playing cards with said person because we both happen to be up at a certain time doesn't mean anything."
"And the way he looked at the contact that was flirting with you?"
Oh...this conversation again. "For the last time, the contact wasn't flirting with me. We had to dance to blend in and when he leaned towards me to whisper in my ear...it was to tell me the intel Kaz just had to have."
"And when he tucked that strand of hair behind your ear?"
"He just wanted to sell our cove--"
"Y/n, he kissed your cheek and I'm fairly certain he would have kissed you if Kaz and I hadn't made it to the corridor at that second."
Why is everyone so obsessed with what would have never happened? The contact had been attractive, tall with fair eyes and hair. But it's not like I feel anything for him, nor would I have been so foolish during a job. A fact that Kaz refuses to believe. I'm tired of this argument...I'm just tired. This job required me to start getting ready early in the morning and lasted long into the night.
"I wouldn't have kissed him and even if I had, the fact that Kaz is so mad about feels...sexist." A stupid argument, considering that Kaz couldn't care less if the person he's working with is female, male, or anything in between because the only thing he cares about is profit. "It's a stupid thing to be mad about, but you hit on anything with a pulse at any time and--"
"I resent that--"
"For the first two weeks I was here I thought you might've been a prostitute."
I can feel him holding in a laugh. "Did you at least think I was a good prostitute?" When I glare again, he finally actually laughs. "Not the point--got it."
"Then what is the point? You're bored and obsessed with gossip so now you're shaking me for information you don't need."
"The point is you're oblivious." Rude...I move my leg in a weak attempt to push him off my bed. Jesper catches my ankle easily, ignoring my attempt at a fight. "You thought the contact was only doing his job and you don't know the real reason that Kaz blew up at you for the first time the way he blows up at everyone."
"Okay, well since you know everything, tell me why he's mad."
He lets out a sigh like he can't believe I even needed to ask that. "It's not the best look that the first time you let him pick a fight with you happens to be about some guy."
...Maybe he is drunk? "Don't be so cryptic. I don't like you enough to put up with that."
Jesper half-sighs again before pushing himself off my bed. "I'm going to pretend I think you're smart enough to piece things together from that."
"Asshole," I mumble instinctually as he walks towards my door. "Are you not telling me because I tried to push you off the bed?"
He turns when he reaches my door in order to lean against my door frame. "It's not not because of that." I should throw my book at his head. "In all seriousness, think about it. If you don't you'll either kill each other or kill me."
Ugh...he's so confusing. This time, I let him go. He leaves he door open, which is beyond annoying. I stand up to close it, promising myself I will focus on my book the second it's in my hands again. As I walk back towards my bed, my eyes land on the deck of cards on my nightstand.
Does it send a signal I don't want to send if I don't go the stairwell tonight? Do I want to send a signal? I don't know...actually, the only thing I know is that I don't want to think about this a second longer. I don't ease as I read, but my eyelids become heavier with each word they cross. I feel the weight of them as my focus slips, farther and farther away until I can no longer focus. When my eyes fall shut I can't bring myself to think or force them open.
I notice my surprised before I register that I've just woken up. Falling asleep feels so far and yet the crick in my neck confirms the obvious. Rubbing the eyes with the back of my hand, I push my book from my lap and sit up. The only indication of how much time has passed is how much my bedside candle has melted.
How long have I been asleep? How did I manage to fall asleep? I thought I was too mad at Kaz to manage anything but pouting in my room. I hadn't even decided if I wanted to talk to him.
I stand even though I haven't decided anything. I should at least change if I want to go to bed. But is leaving this alone for even longer a bad idea? I think Jesper thought so...though my conversation with him is far from clear. It's not the best look that the first time you let him pick a fight with you happens to be about some guy. I'm going to pretend I think you're smart enough to piece things together from that. What does he want me to do with that?
Maybe he was partially intoxicated and felt the need to play the role of a good friend. Or maybe this is his idea of a joke.
Whatever--regardless of Jesper, I have a choice to make. A tiny part of me hopes it's insignificant, but I know Kaz enough to know that nothing is insignificant to him. He holds onto things the way he holds onto his kruge. Perhaps I'll seek out Inej, she seems to be the best at rationalizing. Though she might be asleep by now, or on a job or...I don't even know.
How late is it? Is it late enough to be one of the few hours Kaz claims to reserve for sleep? Maybe my bad luck is still around and he's already in bed for once. Does that mean his anger will extend to tomorrow?
I shouldn't care. It's not like I'm in the wrong. Did I escalate things? Maybe a little...but I won't apologize for defending myself. Even though that makes everything a little easier. I feel stuck, like in some kind of place of half sleep. A single knock at my door is enough to make me want to jump. I rub my eyes a little more firmly in hopes of waking up more before someone sees me.
I approach the door without worry. Maybe it's not as late as I assumed. Or maybe it's really early? I open the door while still fighting against my slight disorientation. I'm so focused on acting normal, I almost don’t register the person standing at my door. 
I don’t know who I expected, or what--maybe Jesper, much more tipsy than he was before, slumped against the doorframe, only knocking because he’s too tired to push the door open. Maybe even Inej, on her way here to deliver some kind of job or notice of dismissal. But it’s nothing I could expect. It’s...Kaz. 
The Dirtyhands stands at my door, expression as hard as ever yet something behind his eyes that burns the sleep away from me. “Uh--hi.” I bite my tongue to avoid cringing at that very awkward beginning. “Are you here to kick me out yourself?” The only response I get is the slightest shift of his gaze off of my face. “No? Well then I think I’m going to bed. It’s late.” 
My tone and words are clear. Get out of my doorway, I’m in no mood to go back to arguing.  When he still doesn’t say anything, I’m emboldened by my nerves. I push the door between us without breaking eye contact. 
Before the wood can meet the doorframe, he moves his cane, wedging it between us. “Y/n.” I don’t understand the way he says my name, but I’m certain he’s never said it like that. “I...” When he’s not prompted by the uncomfortableness of silence, I raise an eyebrow, my grip on the door tightening. “What I said shouldn’t have been said.” Wait--is he admitting fault? I’m so thrown I almost melt entirely. “Not to you.” 
The addition leaves him so lowly a part of me wonders if I’ve imagined it. I’m so thrown by it I don’t even think to reply until a long second has passed. “You seemed to believe the opposite a few hours ago.” 
His lips press together for a moment. “You didn’t ask me to play cards tonight.” He took that as intentional? At least that got me some kind of apology? I keep my mouth shut, greed making me want more information. I guess he must sense my silent tugging because he head inclines slightly. “Don’t push.” 
I fight down a grin. “Push what?” His only response to stiffen further. “I’m going to tell you something as a peace offering.” That seems to intrigue him in some way. I can’t tell if it’s a good kind of interested, but I note the slight raise of his eyebrows and his intentional silence. “I didn’t chose not to ask you to play cards.” He gives me no indication of anything, which is fair...considering my vagueness. “I was mad, obviously, and in the middle of deciding on a course of action...and then I fell asleep.” 
A long pause of silence. “You fell asleep?” 
I’m not sure if his incredulous tone should offend me or not. If I wanted to lie, I’d like to think he knows me well enough to know that I’d have thought of a better excuse than that. Or at least a less embarrassing one. “Yes, it’s not that difficult to believe. Today had been long and all I wanted to do was read, but then Jesper came in to say the oddest things and then leave me to...” 
Oh--oh. I guess there’s a reason people say to ‘sleep on’ something. Because now, actively remembering Jesper’s words for the first time since I fell asleep...I understand what Jesper was implying in the oddest way possible. He meant that Kaz and I...that perhaps there is a Kaz and I in a context that’s more than just grammatical. Wow. I really had to realize this with Kaz right in front of me. 
My face feels warmer than it did before, an irrational bout of anxiety forcing me to consider that me might be able to read impossible, embarrassing thoughts from my expression alone. 
“What did Jesper say?” I’m too lost in my own spiral of confusion and panic and some feeling I can’t recognize to register how Kaz asks his question. There’s an edge to it, an odd one, but that could easily just be Kaz. 
This is most definitely the last conversation we need to be having. I’m still mad at him for his earlier dramatics. So I just shake my head, feigning an exhaustion I could lose myself in. “Nothing and everything all at once.” I resist the urge to rub my eyes again. “I’m pretty sure he was drinking, and I wasn’t really listening. I was just trying to read.” 
Kaz’s expression hardens briefly as he takes in my words, and then he exhales, nodding once with the breath. “What were you reading?” 
My lips part instinctually, ready to spew off details about the latest novel that’s captured my attention. But before I can let myself take off, the reality of the situation strikes me directly in the chest. This is not Nina, or Inej, or even Jesper after what he considers a ‘good night’. This is Kaz Brekker, the man believed to not have a soul. I’ve spoken to him before about casual things, though most of the nights in which we end up playing cards or just sitting near each other are spent in silence. But he’s never prompted me before. Not in the one topic he knows is guaranteed to turn me into an overenthusiastic, gushing fountain of poor summaries and character analysis. 
I guess this is his peace offering. This shouldn’t warm the way it does. He was still unbelievably dramatic and treated me like I’m some kind of unreliable fool. “It’s late, and you know how I can be. I’d hate to keep you for nothing more than a poor summary and honestly, an embarrassing rant about plot or characters, because there’s just nothing as frustrating as when two people so clearly care about each other and both are too stubborn and oblivious to acknowledge it.” 
Kaz’s eyebrows draw together just enough for me to be able to make out a shift of expression in the poor light. Perhaps his lingering irritation is preparing to rear its ugly head. The corner of his mouth seems to threaten to tilt upwards as Kaz angles his head to the side slightly. “I can’t imagine that position.” 
No kidding. I bite my tongue to keep the sarcastic comment and awkward laugh that would sure follow it away. “Who can? That’s like half the point of reading.” 
How can interaction feel so over and just at its beginning all at once? I press my lips together to avoid filling the silence with things I’d no doubt instantly regret. It’s easy to be mad at Kaz in the moment. Too easy. But to stay mad at him when his temper has passed and he returns with some kind of begrudging and admittedly awkward and uncertain truce is another task entirely. 
“I’ve never understood your attachment to written words.” 
“It’s not about understanding, it’s about everything else.” 
“And you say I’m cryptic.” Is he...kinda almost joking? I straighten my spine, too tired to fight and too wounded to forgive. “There’s understanding in everything, nothing can survive on sentiment alone.” 
“If you read the way I did, you’d understand.” 
His lips press together as his expression remains unwavering in its hardness. “Read to me.” 
...Interacting with Kaz in any way often leaves me feeling like I’m wandering through unknown territory. But this, this is undeniably different. So different I can’t even think of a way to react. I watch his expression as cautiously as possible. He’s purely reserved, no distinction from the look he wears during business propositions. Except there’s a tightness I can’t quite understand.
Maybe it’s because I don’t want to fight anymore. Maybe it’s because exhaustion is leaving me partially delirious. Or maybe it’s the weird feeling in my chest that I can’t quite place. That I don’t want to place. “Okay.” I shift carefully. “If for no other reason then to prove you wrong.” 
Never did I think I’d end up in the position of sitting in my bed, book in hand, with Kaz Brekker sitting next to me. But here we are. I’m so tired, I almost let out a nervous laugh when he first walked in. So brooding and tall, gripping the head of his head cane as he sits at the foot of my bed, on my pastel quilt. 
I’m glad for the excuse to keep my gaze away from him and on the words in front of me. I read out loud, feeling more and more comfortable with each page I finish. But as my inhibitions slip away, so dos my hold on consciousness. My eyelids seem to grow heavier with each word that I read. 
“You’re falling asleep.” 
I straighten my spine on instinct. “Am not.” I’m not sure why I feel the need to deny something so simple. 
“You’re impossible.” 
From him, that statement is laugh worthy. “I’m impossible? Do you not remember earlier today?” 
From the way his jaw locks, I realize that he’s in no mood to be light about this topic. I don’t understand why. It’s not like I’m the one that wronged him. “I remember your lack of focus.” 
Keeping my hands at my side to avoid rubbing my eyes, I frown. “If you want to have this argument again, fine. Jesper is more ‘distracted’ than me half the time and you’re much more lenient on him. It’s not like I was flirting with someone or gambling or doing anything but having a two second conversation. One that I needed to have to get information that you wanted.” 
The last time we fought, I had more energy to restrain myself. This could be atomic. I hold my breath, waiting for Kaz’s retaliation. He exhales, eyes not meeting mine. “Arguing with you when you’re present is exhausting enough. It’s not worth it when you’re half asleep.” 
This angers me further. I hate that he’s right. “I’m not half asleep.” He leaves it at that. I glare even harder at him, slumping further into my bed. “But for the sake of argument, I’ll drop it. Something you’re incapable of doing.” 
At that, his eyes meet mine. I try to hold his gaze, but the harder I think about not seeming tired the more exhaustion slips in. A yawn escapes me before he looks away. Great. “I know when to lie in the grass in wait.” 
Rolling my eyes, I shift back slightly. He’s incapable of being less dramatic than this. Still, I can’t imagine the effort it’s taking on his part to not start an argument. Maybe this is why Jesper spent so long implying that there may be a Kaz and I in any capacity beyond a vague kind of friendship. “I’ll admit you’re tactful.”
“Resourceful people recognize that trait in other people.” 
Blinking twice, I lower my book slightly. Am I truly exhausted, or did he just compliment me in a way? “Careful, I may start to think you find me tolerable.” 
“Let’s not exaggerate.” Okay, now I know I’m exhausted because I think he might have just attempted a joke. Rolling my eyes, I decide not to acknowledge this lightness in fear that I’ll scare it away. “Y/n?” 
I press my lips together, worried about the destruction of our peace. “Yes?” 
“What did Jesper say to you? Earlier?” I pause, slightly unsure why we’re moving backwards. 
We’re in a decent place now, and I’d hate to ruin it. I’m too half asleep to lie eloquently. And it’s not like he’s an easily convinced man. “Oh, he said it so cryptically it took me longer than it should have to understand. And it didn’t help that it was something so...well, you might find it funny. As funny as you find anything, anyways.” Wow...I’ve spent such a long time talking. Rubbing the back of my eyes, I avoid his gaze. Exhaustion and awkwardness mix in my stomach oddly. “It seemed like he was trying to imply that you and I...me and you...” Why is this a difficult thing to say? It’s not like I was implying it and Jesper’s known for his oddness. “I think Jesper was implying that there was a you and I, or at least that there could be.” I’m too lost in a haze of almost sleep to watch his reaction. I let my head rest against my headboard even further. “Isn’t that odd?” 
He’s quiet for a long second, and then he finally speaks again. “Odd, even for Jesper.” The response doesn’t satiate me...what’s that about? I exhale, deciding that feeling is tomorrow’s problem. When I blink, I decide to let my eyes stay closed. Just for a moment. The sound of something shifting is what makes my eyes squint open. Kaz is standing, his expression unreadable as he straightens. “Goodnight, y/n.” 
At that, I sit up slightly, ignoring the exhaustion behind my eyes. “I haven’t finished the chapter.” 
“You’ve convinced me of enough.” A concession? How exhausted do I seem? My lips press together as I think of my next argument. Before I can get it out, Kaz leans forward. He grabs the quilt at the end of my bed and tosses it onto my legs casually. “Goodnight, y/n.” The meaning of his repetition is clear. His word is final. 
I find enough energy to manage a glare, but I pull the quilt over my legs anyways. “Goodnight, Kaz.”
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Part Six. Movies and Speedruns
warnings: swearing, many memes word count: 3.8k (not including pictures) (wow okay ash pop off!) 
behind the screen (irl!dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Unknowingly and unintentionally, Y/n let out a big sigh as she poured a glass of water.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Naomi asked gently, coming up behind her and hugging her tightly.
Naomi hummed, a sign that she was waiting for Y/n to lead the conversation so she could follow because if it were up to Naomi, she would immediately start trash-talking Peter and she wasn't sure if that was the vibe right now or not.
Y/n shook her head in disbelief as she jumped up to sit on the counter. "He got so mad when he found out I slept over at Karl's."
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I wish you would just cut him off completely."
"I don't know. I know I should but... part of me wonders if he could ever go back to how he was when I met him. I would probably date that guy again but not who he turned out to be."
Naomi looked horrified. "No. You sound like you're considering hearing him out. No, is that a joke? He's a bad person."
"I'm not," Y/n reassured. "I'm just thinking hypothetically. Probably because I miss having someone..."
"Y/n, you have a ton of thirsty people in your mentions. If you really want someone that bad, just scroll through, land on one and I bet they're a million times better than that sack of burned potatoes."
Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled lightly. "Most of those are jokes."
"Not all of them," she teased.
"I know you're going to tell me anyway so just say it. Who specifically do you think isn't joking?"
"Dream," Naomi sang.
"Okay, crazy." Y/n reached over, staying seated on the counter as she grabbed a bowl from a cabinet on her left. She then leaned all the way right, reaching as far as she could, but couldn't quite grab a cereal box from the top of the refrigerator.
Naomi rolled her eyes as she helped, handing Y/n the box. She even went the extra step to get Y/n a spoon and the milk because she was that nice. "I'm not joking. Neither is he. Karl and I have talked about it and we both agree."
Y/n paused at her friend's words, her hand hovering over the milk that Naomi held out for her. "You guys gossip about my love life?"
Naomi set the milk next to Y/n, tired of holding it out for her. "Of course? Like we don't do that about Karl? Or you and him about me?"
She couldn't argue there.
"Karl says there's a different vibe from Dream when you join calls and I believe it. I mean, I've seen it during streams myself so I can only imagine how much more obviously in love with you he is during private calls.
"That 'vibe' is Karl's delusional mind creating things. He's too scared to talk to cameragirl so he's projecting onto Dream and I."
"Yeah, okay," Naomi agreed sarcastically.
Y/n huffed. "Besides, he's in Florida. I'm in North Carolina, in case you weren't aware."
"So you're saying if you lived in the same state, you'd date him?"
"I didn't say that." She honestly had never thought of it. Sure she liked hanging out with Dream and her stomach got butterflies when he talked directly to her and he made her smile harder than anyone ever had and he—
And she didn't like him like that. She had only officially met the guy like a week and a half ago and she didn't know what he looked like. There was no way you could catch feelings for someone without seeing them.
Naomi's expression fell again. "Distance doesn't matter, anyway."
"I swear if you say something about George I will slap you," she threatened through a smile and Naomi gave her an innocent grin back.
"If you're lonely, get on Tinder, not Peter. Or get on Dream. I have no qualms with that."
"Peter isn't even an option, Naomi." Y/n sighed, ignoring the comment about Dream.  "Also," she swallowed the last of her cereal and set the bowl down with a clank. "I'm gonna tell Peter I don't want to be friends anymore. Dream and George can be added to the list of Peter haters."
"You talked to them about it?"
She nodded. "You know how I have little gossip sessions with George? Well, Dream was there too this time."
"Well, of course Dream would hate Peter. We've established that he likes you."
"No, no, you and Karl delusionally hypothesized that."
Naomi tapped the counter methodically, a sign Y/n knew to signal that she was thinking hard. "Somehow, one day, I'll prove he does."
"Good luck."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yes," Y/n perked up. "Go pick something, I'll get blankets."
She went to her room, grabbing her favorite cuddling blankets. She started leaving her room when she heard a ding on her open desktop, signaling that she had a call incoming from Discord. Cool timing.
"I'll be just a second, Naomi!" she called across the house before dropping the blankets on her bed and sliding her headset on, answering the call from Dream. "Hi, Dream!" She sat on her chair and tucked her knees to her chest.
"Hi," he greeted sweetly. "How are you doing today?"
"Much better than when we last talked. How are you?"
"Great now that I'm talking to you," he said smoothly. Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. "Are you busy?"
"Unfortunately, yes. My roommate and I are about to watch a movie."
"Ooh, what movie?"
"Not sure yet. Any suggestions?"
"Dark Knight. Unless you wanted me to say, like, Tangled or something."
"Yeah, girls' night is exclusively princess movies. Do you know nothing?"
"Apparently," he said with a laugh.
"What's up?"
"Oh, well, I was just gonna see if you wanted to be on call later with me, George, and Sapnap while I stream speedruns, but you're hanging out with your roommate so nevermind."
"Oh," Y/n deflated. "That sounds fun."
"I can push it back if you want to be part of it. If not, that's fine. I just thought it would be cool."
"No, no, no I really do want to, but I don't want you to have to push it back. When were you planning on starting?"
"In about an hour."
"I'll just join later if you're still playing. If that's okay that I come late."
"No. You have to be on time or not at all," he joked. "Of course that's fine," he assured. "And if I'm not playing anymore, you can still join... we usually talk for forever after we play games and it's fun. I would, er, we would love for you to hang out with us."
Y/n couldn't help the large smile on her face from staying even after they hung up and she walked back into the living room with her pile of blankets. She couldn't help it even when Naomi pointed it out and asked why she was so happy.
"Oh, uh, I've been invited to join Dream and them later for a stream."
"That vague answer doesn't warrant the shit-eating grin you have."
Y/n shrugged and cuddled more into her blankets. "What movie did you pick?"
As the end credits rolled across the screen, Y/n yawned and looked over to Naomi in the dark. She was out like a light. Y/n stood up and made sure Naomi was covered in the blanket and she had a pillow. She crept back to her room and slid her headphones on, pulling up Discord where she saw the three boys' names still in a voice call.
She pulled up Twitch on her second monitor and looked for Dream's stream. It was already about an hour in. She clicked on it and her headphones echoed with the sound of George and Sapnap laughing like they said the funniest thing in the world.
"Shut up," Dream muttered. "Guys, what were the coords for the portal? Seriously, come on."
"Nobody tell him," George joked.
"Where's Bugsyyyy?" Sapnap whined. "I want her to make fun of you with us."
"Half the stuff we're making fun of him for is about his big fat crush on her so..."
"George!" Dream yelled again. "No, it's not!"
Y/n smiled as she heard that, knowing it was a joke but laughing at the way Dream laughed at the accusation. She knew it wasn't serious or else they wouldn't talk about it on stream. George and Sapnap teased a lot, but certainly, they wouldn't out someone's crush in front of a hundred thousand viewers live.
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"Oh!" Sapnap spoke out loud as George laughed loudly, both reading the text at the same time. "Speaking of..."
Dream waited for either of the two boys to elaborate but neither of them offered one. "What happened?"
"Bugsy texted us," George said off-handedly, typing a response to her. "She's coming in a second."
"What do you mean 'oh'?" Sapnap laughed.
"You guys have a groupchat?"
"Aw, jealous?" George asked.
Y/n joined at that moment, the first sentence coming from her Discord instead of Twitch being from Sapnap saying, "Would it make you more jealous to know our group name is Bugsy's Boys?"
"No, Sapnap, that's the one with Karl," George corrected. "The one with just you, me, and her is Bugsy's Boyfriends."
"I still don't approve of that, by the way," Y/n commented.
"Bugsy!!" Sapnap giggled happily. "You're finally here!"
"BUGSY!" George cheered.
"Hi guys!" Y/n laughed at the enthusiasm she was greeted with. "Hi, Dream!"
There was a few seconds of silence before, "Dream!!" George yelled right before the death screen appeared on the Twitch tab still opened on Y/n's right screen. "You idiot, what are you doing?! Why did you throw that run??"
She covered her mouth with the hoodie collar and laughed. "Off to a great start, bud."
"NO!" Dream yelled, knocking something, or somethings, off his desk. "Noooo! I didn't throw it, George, I FELL! Oh, that was going to be such a good run."
"What happened? How did you miss that huge ravine?" George asked while laughing. "It was literally right in the open. You didn't even try to use your water bucket."
"I-I was... I was distracted."
"By what? The completely open field with nothing blocking your vision?" Sapnap criticized with a laugh as well.
Y/n giggled to herself before letting her eyes trail to his chat, which was filled with the same accusations and guesses.
user5: BUGSY!
user4: imagine saying hi so cutely that you make a man fall into a ravine
user1: are they dumb? obviously bugsy saying hi made his brain short-circut
user6: guys stop it wasn't bc she said hi. it was the g i g g l e
user8: HI BUGSY
user10: how to kill a man: hire bugsy to giggle and say hi directly to him
Y/n immediately blushed and covered her face again. She really had a habit of hiding even when no one could see her.
"Oh my gosh," Dream groaned, leaving the world and starting a new one. "Oh. My. Gosh. That's so annoying. I was doing so good."
"Oh," Sapnap laughed. "I understand now."
"What? What did I miss?" George asked.
"Just read chat," Sapnap explained. "They have the answer. Dream, your chat is so smart. Thanks for solving the mystery, chat!"
"No, they aren't ri— that isn't true!" Dream defended. "Chat, shut up."
"You sure?" Y/n asked teasingly, watching as his character paused when she started talking. Was she really making him this flustered just by talking? Surely not. He was just playing into the joke. He continued playing without saying anything, which made George and Sapnap laugh more.
The subject eventually changed and the atmosphere quickly became more relaxed and chill. Tonight was not a feral night like George had texted in all caps.
"Hey George," Y/n started, biting on her hoodie string with a smile because she knew Naomi would hear this when she watched the VOD the next day. "My roommate says hello."
"Oh my gosh," he muttered, making her laugh. "Let it go."
"Wow, I guess that's one way to treat your fans..."
"Fine," he sighed. "Tell her I say hello."
"Well, not if you don't mean it," Y/n teased.
"Yeah, George, you sound so unenthusiastic?" Sapnap asked.
"He's just flustered," Dream commented. "It's okay George, you can have feelings."
"Dream, you fell into a ravine because Bugsy said hi."
"Oh, come on! That's not—I just— I missed the jump! That's it!"
"I'm not flustered or unenthusiastic, I'm just tired, okay?" George explained, ignoring Dream, a yawn spilling out of him to prove it.
Y/n smiled. "Well, you could always let me give her your number if you really want..."
"No. If she had Discord you could give her that but not my phone number."
"Wait, really?" Y/n gasped. "Seriously?"
George laughed lightly. "Yeah, sure, why not?"
"YES! Okay, a huge win for the girls. Well, a huge loss for the fangirls but a huge win for the girls of this apartment."
"Oh my gosh," he muttered and she could practically see him rubbing his face in embarrassment.
"I'll send you her hashtag when she makes one so you know who to add back."
"She's going to make an account just to talk to George?" Sapnap giggled.
"Yes, dude!" Y/n defended. "She at least wants to be his friend, let her shoot her shot!"
Dream ended the steam soon after, not being able to focus enough to beat the end on any of his runs. He had streamed for just under two hours so he seemed to be getting tired as well. George went to bed soon after and after 20 minutes of talking with Sapnap and Dream, Sapnap mysteriously disappeared.
Y/n was about to leave as well, not wanting Dream to feel obligated to stay on the call with her when he spoke up.
"Does Naomi actually like George?"
"Yeah, she does."
"Then I want him to accept her love."
Y/n laughed. "How is he with long-distance relationships?"
"Well, he and I do just fine..." Dream joked. "Oh, not what you meant. I don't know, you guys are the ones that talk about each other's love lives apparently."
"You're still bitter about that?"
"Suck it up," she laughed. "Naomi would do probably anything to date him so I doubt distance is a problem for her."
"George's sleep schedule is completely messed up, so the time difference wouldn't matter too much. And when he comes to America they can meet in person."
"Wait, he's coming to America?" Y/n gasped happily. "When?"
"There's no set date, but yeah eventually. He'll probably just come to Florida but we've all talked about having a huge meetup with a lot of our friends."
"Oh... cool..."
"Bug? You know you'd be invited to that, right?"
"Oh, really?" she smiled.
"Of course. You're part of the group now."
"Sick," she muttered to herself, but he heard.
"Bug, you're one of my favorite people, do you know that?"
She blushed. "Really?"
"You barely know me, Dream."
"Yeah, well, I know enough to know that I'm sorta attached to you."
"Attached to me? In what way?"
He suddenly sounded nervous as if his brain caught up with what his mouth was saying. "I don't know, nevermind."
"No, Dream, what do you mean?" her voice was soft and understanding and it made him feel safe.
"I just... I don't know. I care about you a lot. We met only, what, like a week or two ago, and I already worry about you a lot. Playing games doesn't feel the same anymore unless you're playing with us."
"To be fair, we have been tweeting at each other for much longer than a week or two."
"Yeah, that's true. But it's not the same as actually talking to you."
She smiled shyly. "I care about you a lot too, Clay." His name sounded strange as if it suddenly made everything much more serious. "Sorry, that just kinda slipped. I won't call you Clay if you don't want me to—"
"No, it's okay, it, uh, I like hearing you... say it. But, uh, you can call me whatever you want."
She smiled widely at the nervousness in his voice and the hard pounding of her heart. "I've heard from multiple people that you never stop talking about me."
He laughed timidly. "Maybe. Do you talk about me?"
"Ask Karl," she giggled. "My guess is yes." Her stomach felt tingly and her hands shook lightly. Why did she feel like this all of a sudden? It was late, she reasoned. That, or it was because Naomi had planted the seed of curiosity in her mind. Did Dream like her? No... right?
"I'm sorry if my chat was making you uncomfortable at the beginning when I died..."
"Don't worry, I wasn't uncomfortable."
"It was true, by the way," he paused, "what they were saying. Just... in case you were wondering."
Y/n couldn't wipe the smile off her face, which was growing painful at this point. "What, my voice makes your brain short-circut? That was one comment I saw."
Dream laughed. "More like your entire presence, but... yeah I guess so."
How is someone supposed to respond to something like that? The sweetness in his voice almost made her sick but in a good way.
And just like when he named her Minecraft flower something sweet knowing that no one would see it, why was he still playing up the joke when no one was around?
Not knowing what to say, she decided to let him in on a little secret. "If it matters, you're one of my favorite people too."
"It does."
There was a deathly moment of tense silence as if both of them were screaming to say something but neither did.
"Basically, if we do have a meet-up, I'll sue you if you don't come."
Y/n laughed. "My pockets are empty, sir, so... good luck."
He laughed and it was music to her ears.
"Are you not nervous to show everyone your face? Like, if or when we do all get together."
"Not really. Especially not if it's just to our friends. Are you?"
"Yeah," she admitted.
She sighed. "I'm sure people have me painted in a specific way in their heads and I've seen fanart of me that is way different and way more attractive than I am. I just don't want to let anyone down by not living up to their expectations."
"Bug," Dream said softly, "you couldn't let anyone down."
"You don't know that."
"You can't disappoint real friends or real fans with the way you look."
"To be clear, Dream," she laughed nervously, afraid she would sound conceited, "I don't think I'm ugly. I like the way I look. I'm happy with me. But that doesn't mean I can't still let people down."
"Different than expected doesn't mean disappointing."
His words smacked her in the gut. He was right. Reality and imagination are very different. Neither has to be better or worse than the other. She could look the complete opposite of how someone expects but that doesn't mean they will be either disappointed OR pleased. And why does it matter anyway? If she likes how she looks, who cares what other people think?
"It's also scary to think of getting recognized in public," she admitted. "Being recognized from the start is one thing because it starts off slowly with only a few people knowing your face but if the first time people see your face is when you have millions of fans, the recognition would be overwhelming."
"That's true. I don't think I would mind that much, though."
"Of course not, you're you."
"What does that mean?"
"You like the spotlight."
"I guess. Not all the time."
"Well, what about you?" she asked. "Are you afraid of people knowing what you look like?"
"No. I want to do a face reveal soon but I don't know how I would do it. I want to do it at some kind of event or something but I don't know."
"I need to schedule around when you do it because you'll break the internet. Give us content creators a warning so we can prepare to not get viewers for a week."
Dream laughed. "Oh come on."
"Twitter would just be full of the same picture of you in every single tweet."
"It won't be that big of a deal."
"Something tells me your millions and millions of subs say otherwise."
"Whatever," he said. "As if you wouldn't break the internet too."
"Maybe for a day or two. But you'd break everything for weeks."
"Sure." There was a long pause before Dream softly said, "Karl's lucky."
"How so?"
He didn't speak for a moment, almost like he wasn't prepared for that question because he didn't mean to be heard. "I wish I could know you the way he does."
"You could. He and I knew each other in person first so it's different. You and I could get there eventually."
"You think so?"
"I know so. I trust you a scary amount for someone I met weeks ago."
"I didn't mean to sound like I'm trying to pressure you into showing me your face or telling me your name. I didn't mean like he gets to know what you look like and I don't. I meant, like, I wish we could hang out in person because I prefer that over talking in Discord."
"I get it, Clay. I feel the same way," Y/n said softly. There were a few moments of silence before she spoke again.
"Oh, gosh, it's already four."
Y/n's head snapped to look at her clock, which read 3:57am. "Already?" she whispered. "Dang."
As if acknowledging the time changed the atmosphere, it suddenly felt like 4am. Her back ached from her shifting in her chair so much over the last few hours, never being able to find a good position. The house was eerily quiet and all she heard was the low hum of the heater. The house felt stale, not used to its occupants being so alert and awake at that hour.
"I should probably go to bed..."
"Yeah, me too," Dream agreed. His voice sounded tired. "Thanks for joining us, it was really fun with you."
"Thanks for inviting me. Sorry I made you die. Hopefully you'll still let me back again."
"You're always invited to barge into my streams. Actually."
Y/n giggled again and mentally slapped herself for sounding like a little kid. "Well, you too. You can interrupt my streams anytime."
"I'll hold you to that."
"Goodnight, Clay."
"Goodnight, Bug."
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @jabby16 @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk @haseulreturns @queenwastaken @peteysgf @losingvienna @bi-narystars @zero-nightshade
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jaedore · 3 years
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: jaehyun x reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: mythology!au, angst, romance
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, suggestive (just making out lol), mentions of alcohol, violence (mentions of choking)
𝐚/𝐧: if you are uncomfortable with these themes then i highly suggest you no longer interact! also, thoughts/emphasis are italicized. I'll just put the header on when I have the patience bc I felt like this is long overdue
[4.5k words]
You woke up finding your body was stiff and sore. It overpowered the pain in your wounded knees that stung with every movement of your limbs. Yesterday seemed like days ago, it felt like a fever dream. No, a nightmare. All you wanted to do was just curl up in bed, but then you remembered that your mother and you were having dinner at Jaehyun’s place. You’ve never gone to the Underworld, you didn’t hear many good things about it and that terrified you. What if Cerberus ate you? What if a wandering, lost soul stole your soul? The questions were endless and it sent you down a spiral of nervousness.
“Y/n?” Your mother softly came in, an apron hung around her neck and the aroma of breakfast food seeped into your room.
“Morning, mom,” you croaked.
“How are you feeling?”
Your mind flashed back to yesterday; Jaehyun in your room, tending your wounds, being flirtatious, or whatever. You remembered it as clear as the Fountain of Youth.
“I’m fine,” you answered, swiping the sheets away from your body to peer at the wounds.
You gently peeled back the bandage a bit only to see that the wound was almost gone. It held a faint discoloration as it was in the process of healing, but you were impressed nonetheless.
“So,” your mother began as she sat on the edge of your bed, “tonight, I was thinking about bringing a pasta dish. Or should we bring a cake? A pie maybe?”
“We can just pick up a pie from the bakery,” you brushed your hand in the air, dismissing any ideas, “it’ll be easier anyways.”
“Ah, yes. Hades does like his spicy chocolate pies,” your mother hums as she smoothes her palm against your bedsheet.
“Ugh, I don’t know how he eats that stuff,” you grumble, swinging your legs off your bed.
“Well, he is the God of the Underworld,” she raises both of her eyebrows at you, “so, what will you be doing today? It’s super nice out.”
Peering at your window, the sun shines brightly in the sky. The sky is bare of clouds and it does seem like a beautiful day today. You can imagine yourself sitting in the grass with a book in your palms. But you had more important things to do today, like beating the shit out of Maeve.
Your shoulders slump as you reply, “I’m going to go train with Mark.”
“You’re always training with that boy,” she narrows her eyes at you, “are you in love with him?”
“Mother!” You raise your voice, snapping your head to her, “No, I am not.”
Athena only laughs at your reply as she gets up and makes her way out of your room.
“Hey, Y/n?” her voice stops you before you step into the bathroom.
“Yes, mom?”
“You know you can tell me anything right?” she asks, her voice sweet and loving.
You nodded, recalling the things that happened last night at the beach. You haven’t told her and she must be worried, but you’re too drained and confused to spill it. So you spare her a small smile as you walk into the bathroom, not saying a word about what happened.
“Come on! You can hit harder!”
Annoyed at Mark’s ‘words of encouragement’, you purse your lips as you attempt to hit the boxing pad with your mitts. You were beginning to get tired, your arms burned from the repetitive movements and your knees ached as it chased after your feet. Mark hasn’t given you a break since you’ve gotten here and it’s almost been an hour of constant hitting.
Growing frustrated, you shouted in protest, “I’m done!” you throw your mitts on the dirt.
Mark sighs, seeing the frustration in your eyes, “Okay, what’s really going on?”
You exhale a short breath, “Nothing you’d be interested in,” you answer him sharply as you walk towards one of the rocks to sit on. Mark follows you closely, but quietly afraid to set off the fuming bomb of anger you always held.
“You know,” he starts, “I’ve heard a lot of mysterious things about you,” he plops right next to you.
You curl your legs up to your chest as you stare forward at the waterfall, “Like what?” you mumble, really not interested in what he’s heard because it’s all been bad stuff.
“You tell me,” Mark shrugs.
You tighten your hold on your legs, “I think someone’s out to get me,” you whisper.
Mark leans in to hear you clearer, “Maeve?” he whispers back.
You shudder, her name bringing back awful memories, “Yeah, but I’m not sure why. I have nothing that has to do with her. Sure, I provoked her on the first day, but...it wasn’t severe to draw it out this far.”
Mark’s eyebrows furrow, “What do you mean?”
You explained what happened last night at the beach party. You quivered as you retold the story from your perspective. It was a vivid nightmare that you didn’t know how to wake.
“Where is Lucas now?” Mark asked.
You fumed at the male’s name. He hasn’t texted or called you since last night. He would be the key to all of your answers, but he wouldn’t answer any of your messages or calls. Lucas was friendly, always nice, and shined bright like the sun. You just wondered what he was up to.
“I don’t know,” you sighed, picking up the mitts from the ground, “come on. We came here to train. Plus, I want to forget it all.”
Mark quickly jumps to his feet, “do you think this has anything to do with the feud between Hades, your mother, and her’s?”
You tilted your head to the side, “What feud?”
Mark smirked, “Guess you don’t know then.”
“Mark,” you lowered your voice when he dismissed your question, “what. Feud?”
“I’ll tell you if you can beat me,” he said, picking up the other pair of mitts that laid on the ground.
Storming into your house, you shouted, “Why didn’t you tell me about the feud you had with Hades and Eris?”
Taken aback, she looked at you with wide eyes, almost dropping the spoon she held, “w-what are you talking about?”
You inhaled, “Why didn’t you tell me that after the Titan War, Hades, and apparently Zeus, imprisoned Eris in Tartarus? And that you were helping them and now she’s after me, possibly because of it?”
“Who told you that?” your mother calmly put down the spoon and rubbed her palms on her thighs.
“Does that really matter right now, mom?” your voice rose in anger.
“Sit down,” she wipes her hand on a napkin, discarding it as she walks towards you, who begins to be seated at the dinner table.
“Eris and I were good friends, we trained together as kids. She was good, almost better than me, but there was always the tension of competition between us. One could only be good in the eyes of Zeus so we grew up and trained with that mindset. As we got older, we were still good friends, but there was always that silent tension between us. When the Titan war came to be, Eris rebelled and fought against us,” your mother sighed, anguish tainting the streaks of her face, “I tried everything in my power to persuade her to fight with us, to be on our side, but that’s when she said all of the things that were never said. That I was the favorite, I was the best only because I was the favorite, I was only fighting along Zeus because he favored me more than her. Not because I was good or tactful, she disregarded our training together...our friendship, the bond that we had growing up. It was stupid really, but eventually, we beat their army and imprisoned her. According to Zeus, she did more damage during the war that I wasn’t aware of. That’s why she’s imprisoned in Tartarus. I haven’t asked because she’s...she’s dead to me really.”
You leaned back in her seat, realizing that Maeve probably was only acting out of feeling because of the relationship between both of your mothers. Her mother was imprisoned in the deep abyss below the Underworld, while yours lived a perfect, rewarding life.
“Is that why we’re going to the Underworld tonight? To talk to Zeus?” you quietly asked.
Your mother nodded, “I know I should’ve told you. I’m sorry. I just didn’t think of the possibilities of her coming for you through her daughter because of me.”
You shook your head, “It’s fine. I just want this to stop,” your fingertips brushed against your neck.
“Well,” your mother sighed, peering at her watch, “you don’t really have time to get ready, so why don’t you rinse your face from the sweat, and then we’ll pick up the pie and head on down.”
Head on down. You whimpered as you stood up. And it wasn’t because of your sore legs.
As you washed your face, you wondered if Jaehyun would be eating with you guys. You recall that Hades said Jaehyun was always at the Mourning Fields talking to the souls that wandered there. There, holds the souls that wasted their souls on unrequited love. Does Jaehyun love someone? Or does he not? Then you remembered how he took up space in your room last night. His fingertips sent icicle daggers through your skin that you felt their phantom as you wiped your face on the nearby towel. With the hopes of Jaehyun not speaking to you tonight, you braced yourself on the journey of walking down into the Underworld.
You jumped back at the sound of barking. Cerberus. The three-headed dog barks at both you and your mother. No matter how powerful your mother, Athena, was, she had no power over a creature created to guard the gates of the Underworld.
“Why isn’t he coming? I rang the doorbell like five minutes ago,” your mother grumbled.
As if on cue, the gates opened and the growling sounds of Cerberus silenced in question.
“They are not the enemy or the dead, Cerberus. They’re our guests.” a voice rang above you. You found out later that the voice belonged to Hades, but you saw Jaehyun stepping out from behind the black, iron gates.
“Good evening, sorry for the wait.” Jaehyun bowed to you both.
Your mother paused, regretting the comment she made before as she saw how handsome Jaehyun was, “You’re Jaehyun, right? You grew up so well.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Tch “ma’am”. As if you actually had manners. You rolled your eyes at his sense of poise. You wonder where he learned such acts in a short amount of time.
Your mother nudged you, “do you have anything to say?” she whispered.
You inhaled a sharp breath, narrowing your eyes at the prideful male in front of you, “Thank you for having us,” you mumbled, barely nodding to him.
“Please, this way.”
Jaehyun led your mother and you towards Hades’ Palace, the stone tower tall enough to peek through the rising fog of the evening. Across the path to the left stood the Judgement Pavilion. Several souls lined up waiting for their next home where they’d be trapped forever. One of the souls snapped their eyes to you as if they knew where you stood, who you were. Their eyes were full of darkness and fury, almost consuming you into a tunnel of doom.
Jaehyun snatched your arm, his grip vice-like, “Don’t look at any soul who hasn’t been through the Judgement Pavilion, it’s their last chance to steal a living being’s soul before they’re judged into exile.” You hadn’t realized it but it was only you and Jaehyun who stood on the pavement that led you to Hades’ Palace.
You looked ahead not seeing her, “Where’s my mom?”
“She already went in. We didn’t even notice you were gone until she asked you something to only find you not behind us.”
You inhaled a sharp breath, “How long have I been standing here?”
“Around five minutes, you didn’t hear me call you?” Jaehyun’s eyebrows furrowed.
Shaking your head in denial you said, “No, I didn’t until you grabbed my arm,” you eyed down to your arm seeing that he still held you. Jaehyun’s grip loosened as he also realized that he hadn’t let go yet.
“Come on, let’s go,” his hand tightened around your arm once again as he dragged you towards the stone palace.
“I can walk myself,” you snapped at him, attempting to yank your arm from his clutch.
Jaehyun turned to you, his eyes cool and icy, sending chills down your spine, “I know,” he lowly said, “but I’m not taking my chances,” he gripped your arm again, leading you to his home.
The moonlight barely shined against the copper stone of his palace, creating sheer darkness looking like it hadn’t been touched for centuries. As unwelcoming as it felt, you could smell the complete opposite; a small scent of mint, the natural smell of tree bark, and the faintest feather of lavender. You glanced forward at Jaehyun, he hadn’t spared you look as you two made your way towards his home.
Jaehyun led you past the Asphodel Meadows, only tugging on your arm harder to bring your senses back. He was right to do so because looking at it was hypnotizing. You were even surprised that the ground-up dirt was able to grow flowers, and not knowing what kind they were, they were the most beautiful you’ve ever seen. The trees that sheltered them were bare of leaves and plants, creating a haunting aura, but it didn’t alarm you enough to look away.
“Come on,” Jaehyun tugged at you once again, this time gaining your attention.
You glared at him making you feel like some child that wasn’t able to concentrate. “What’s down there?”
He glanced back at you, mirroring your expression, “You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. Now hush, we’re almost there.”
After a few more steps, you both came to face his home. The palace was bigger than you expected as it loomed over you. It felt like you were walking into your own exile.
“I thought you got lost,” your mother called to you as you walked in with Jaehyun behind you.
“She almost did,” he mumbled as he passed you to sit at the dinner table.
“She’s always been a curious one,” your mother laughed.
“That could get you in some serious trouble, girl,” Hades walked into the room with spoons in his hand. The high-pitched cackling sound of the spoon hitting the dishes made you wince, “come sit, it’s almost time to eat.”
Obeying Hades’ words, you idly sat next to Jaehyun with shame settling in your bones because you felt embarrassed that he had to drag your ass back to his place. The skin where his hands once grasped your arm felt tingly and you couldn’t burn it from your mind. It’s not like you and Jaehyun had many encounters, or rather, pleasant encounters, but you can’t help yourself but stare at him from the corner of your eye. Jaehyun sits with poise and pride, but you can see the burden he carries in the way he slightly slouches and the exhausted sigh that wriggles from his lips.
As everyone eats, you can’t help but think what Jaehyun’s thinking about. You can tell he’s thinking about something from the tension in his brow and the small pout coming from his bottom lip. From time to time, you ignore the small moments where his arm or leg brushes against yours or when you both reach for the same dish. And there’s a sort of tension over the table as everyone silently hides their comments as their food reaches their lips.
Hades is the first to speak, “So, I’ve heard you’ve had quite the events lately,” his tone low and cautious.
You clear your throat, “Um, yes.”
You begin to tell him everything that’s happened from the start of Maeve to the event in the Phantasms Forest. Not leaving out a single detail, you didn’t even notice your hands tensing up until you felt warmth from another on top of your chilled skin. Turning to your mother, she nods to you in comfort, letting you know that you’re doing well and you’re strong for facing what you’ve been through. Hades listens closely, not reaching for his food and feeling the slight disgust from those who caused you harm. Truth be told, he knew what was happening and why it was happening to you. Slightly nodding at your mother, they both lifted themselves from their seats and walked out the door leaving you and Jaehyun alone.
You turned to the male to your right, “Where are they going?”
Jaehyun shrugs, grabbing the nearby plates, “Probably to Tartarus.”
“What?” You snapped up on your legs, immediately following him to the kitchen sink, “Why?
“I’m sure you know that’s where they’re keeping Eris,” Jaehyun spares you a glance as he begins soaking a sponge in soap.
“Yeah,” you crossed your arms, “but why are they going down there? To talk to her? What is she going to do? What are they going to do? How long is this going to take?”
Tired of the overload from your questions, Jaehyun turns to you. Unbeknown that you were leaning forward towards him as you spoke, your eyes widened as you came face to face with the hot-headed male. His eyes were a pool of darkness with a hint of brown like melted dark chocolate. You stood in front of him with your feet glued to the ground. Heat radiated off your body as you parted your lips. Jaehyun’s eyes flickered down. He sharply inhaled to only let it out as he turned away and began scrubbing the dishes again.
“Bring the dishes to me and I’ll wash them,” he said before you could turn away from him.
You clutched the collar of your shirt. What was that? Your fingers trembled around a plate when you realized that he didn’t even answer any of your problems.
Setting them on the counter next to him, you snapped, “You didn’t even reply to my questions.”
“You talk too much.”
Stunned, you purse your lips and walk away. He can clean the kitchen by himself. You sat yourself in their living room, plopping yourself on the couch. If it weren’t for the dim lamp that flickered in the far corner of the room, you would’ve walked around blindly. The walls were painted in black, the rug was black, and even the couch you sat on was black. Everything was black like a fire had torn through the palace. The only color that caught your attention was the pictures that sat on top of the unlit fireplace. Making your way towards the photos, you found family photos of Jaehyun and his parents. It looked like a regular family you would suspect in the human world, a mother and father playing with their toddler son in the park. Except it wasn’t a park and it wasn’t a regular family. The field Jaehyun played on was the Field of Asphodel, but it was beautiful, there was greenery, grass, and beautiful flowers that bloomed around little Jaehyun. You wondered what happened to the breathtaking scenery. Your eyes landed on a particular picture that made the corners of your lips lift in the slightest. There, laid little Jaehyun sleeping peacefully in the embrace of Cerberus who also laid in slumber around the little boy, sheltering him from the rain that penetrated to the Underworld. Cute. The faint blur of a finger covered the corner of the picture, you wondered who took this photo. You thought that maybe it was his mother, Persephone, who no one’s heard of for years. The last thing you heard was that Hades kidnapped her after eating six pomegranate seeds and she was forced to live six months in the Underworld and six months in the mortal world, Earth. But she hasn’t returned from her six months on Earth. And it’s been 20 years.
“No, I don’t know where she is, nor do I really care,” Jaehyun said beside you.
Jumping, you didn’t even realize he was there. Holding your chest, you panted, “I didn’t even say anything this time.”
“I know,” he glanced at you, his gaze flickering back to your lips, then lower to your neck, “but you were thinking it.”
“Come, I might have some ointment left for your neck,” Jaehyun doesn’t even give you a chance to protest.
Grabbing your wrist, you obediently follow him back into the kitchen.
“Sit,” he commands.
You look around in question, “Where the hell am I going to sit?”
Jaehyun reached up to the upper cupboard, the bottom of his shirt slightly lifting with his shoulders to reveal his back, “on the counter, of course,” you averted your eyes somewhere else when he turned to face you, “unless you want to sit on my lap,” he smirks.
You shake your head, lifting yourself on the counter. Even if you sat on the counter, you were only tall enough to meet him at eye level. Snapping the cap open, the familiar smell of mint and ginger filled your nose as he dipped two fingers in the gooey substance. A very sinful scenario flashed across your mind as he pulled those fingers back out, his digits drenched in the healing fluid. Squeezing your legs together, you cleared your throat as he crept closer to you, but that only led to Jaehyun sliding his free hand around your nape to pull you closer.
“I don’t bite,” he whispers, that smirk returning.
“I didn’t ev-”
You tensed as Jaehyun’s fingertips brushed on your skin to apply the ointment. Both of your bodies were so close to each other, the only blockage being your knees that dug into this stiff abdomen. It also didn’t help that Jaehyun’s face was incredibly close to yours. With one movement, your lips would’ve met.
“Relax,” he whispers, his eyes switching up to meet yours.
Chills shoot down your spine, a sudden heat pooled at the bottom of your stomach at the breeze of his breath. But eventually, you relaxed. Until you felt his hand on your neck rubbing circles. He repeatedly dipped those long digits of his in the ointment and reapplied it to your neck. To be honest, you thought it looked fine, it was still sore and hurt in certain places but it felt like he was lathering you in it. Once in a while, you’d wince at the pressure Jaehyun’s fingertips pressed against some of the bruises.
“Sorry,” he’d murmur. You’d thin your lips but relax as soon as he apologizes, his voice sounding sincere and gentle.
Slightly turning to the side, you let out a troubled breath, sharply inhaling another, repeating those steps over again and again until Jaehyun slowly pulled away. His warm hand slipped from your nape and your breath trembled, the cold air settling on it as soon as he pulled away. You watched him set the ointment back where he got it from, not missing the flutter of his skin that revealed the slight muscles in his lower back. Oh boy, you sighed.
Jaehyun turned back to you, “You alright?”
You nodded, “Will it still be there by tomorrow?”
Jaehyun walked to you as you stayed glued to the counter, he hummed, “Considering that you almost met death twice in the span of two days, it’ll take a few days,” he was closer once again, “just be careful,” his voice in a low whisper.
You could feel his breath brisk your cheeks. You didn’t know if it was your own heat warming you up or the faint warmth of the words that escaped his plump lips. You felt his abdomen on the curl of your knees like before and there wasn’t a way to bring them closer because it’d reveal to him what you were thinking...or feeling. Maybe you weren’t thinking clearly, maybe you were just lonely. But the longer you stayed in front of him, your desire to kiss him grew. He’s been nothing but cold and mean, but he’s been so kind and taking care of you despite his spiteful aura. You sucked in your bottom lip, stopping whatever trembling words attempted to escape from the cage of your tongue.
You sucked in a sharp breath when Jaehyun’s hands slid to your waist.
“Don’t do that,” Jaehyun brought him closer to you, prying your legs open to create space for him.
You sucked in another sharp breath, “Do what?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing.”
Jaehyun seemed to be drawing closer to you, his gaze occasionally glancing at your lips as both of your breaths began to weigh down. Closing your eyes, you swore you felt his lips brush yours until you realized he wasn’t kissing you at all, but instead lifting you until you were back on your feet. With bodies still closer than the stars were to the moon, you tipped your head up to meet his gaze. Already looking at you, Jaehyun let out a heavy sigh.
You should’ve inhaled another breath because the next second, you found yourself against Jaehyun’s lips. Those lips that were so pink and so inviting met yours. It felt like Olympus was on pause and it was just you and him. No Maeve, no darkness, nothing. A heavy sensation of peace settled in the curve of your palms as you dragged them down his chest. You gasped when he bit your lip, sucking and, licking it for permission of entrance and you immediately complied, not giving it any thought at all. Those calloused hands of his wrapped around the small of your back, pulling you closer flush against his body, against his hips. Jaehyun’s tongue danced with yours, a gasp revering the way he held you close to him, the way with each stroke, you moaned enough to satisfy him. Until he pulled away.
With panting breaths and blinking eyes scattering across yours, you could see the panic in his eyes. You could see instant regret that pooled in the darkness of his eyes, yet you couldn’t help but inhale when he stepped away, the heat of his body replaced with his familiar coldness. Your eyes follow Jaehyun as he runs out of his home. Not saying anything to you, but leaving you alone in the darkness of his home. In the Underworld. Standing alone in his kitchen, you could hear the loud beating of your heart penetrating your ears, blocking the sound of droplets from the faucet, the hum of the house, and the confusion in your breath. Your fingers fly to your lips, the feeling burns yours like a scar. Was it something you said? Was it something you did? Gulping, you frantically searched the cupboards for a cup of water, thirst reaching your throat, but instead you found a section that opened up to bottles of whisky and wine.
Even better. Finding a drying cup in the sink, you poured yourself a glass of the bronze liquid, not caring for it’s age or make. You winced as the liquid scorched your throat, coughing at the slightly burning sensation that warmed your mouth, but anything was better than the searing feeling of his lips and the pain of when he pulled away.
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
No Contact
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+another repost! i did not make any changes to this work.
summary; mark as your secret boyfriend.. but the both of you aren’t very discreet..
i was inspired by this drabble… so cute
5.1k words..
i swear i tried not to make it too long but it was so hard… also the ending is kinda funny lmfao!!!! im so funny
anw i hope you guys enjoyed this…? bc this was so so so fun to make although it’s lowkey kinda empty bc i didn’t want to make it too long!!! but yes hopefully you like it!! okkk bye!! njoy hehehehehe <3
+Day 18 3:32PM
You were holding Mark’s hands tightly, talking happily about anything and everything. 
That was why you loved Mark; he made you feel so comfortable, you could talk to him for hours and never get tired. He’s someone who you would need in a friend group to make everything less awkward. 
“And so, Yeri fell and we all laughed!” you told him, laughing at the old memory. 
You used to work as a choreographer for Red Velvet, but after a while, you decided to stop since it was affecting your studies a lot. While working with SM, you met the boys, and that was how you met the rest of NCT. 
When you didn’t get a response from Mark, you turned to look at Mark, only to find him frozen, staring ahead. 
“Mark?” you call, turning to see what he was staring at. Your eyes widened when you saw Jaehyun and Doyoung crossing the traffic light. “Oh, fuck.”
“Shit,” your boyfriend cursed, “we need to go,” he tells you, tightening his grip on your hand. 
The both of you speed walk to the opposite direction, hoping his members wouldn’t walk the same path as the both of you. Mark let out another string of curses when he saw his members walking behind them. 
Mark suddenly pulled you into a random store, trying to lose his friends. He pulled you deeper in the store, hiding the both of you from the main entrance. 
Your boyfriend was standing so close to you, the proximity making you nervous. You could feel your heart beating quickly as your cheeks flush red. Your hands going up to press them against Mark’s chest, pushing him back slightly. 
Mark didn’t notice, too distracted on finding his friends. When he noticed that he has lost his friends, he pulled away from a breathless you. His hands smoothly pull yours away from his chest. 
“I think they’re gone— wait, why are you so red?”
+Day 24 11:22PM
You were laying on the couch, playing with your phone while your boyfriend worked on some music that he has been writing for the past few days. 
“Mark~” you whine, your eyes were still stuck on your phone. You just wanted to disturb him for fun. 
Suddenly the door of the studio opened, Taeyong stumbling in as he stared at you and Mark in shock. 
“What are you doing here?” Taeyong asks you. 
“Uh…” you drag out, turning to look at your boyfriend for help. He looked at you then he quickly looked back at Taeyong. 
“I was making a new song for our Japan stage and had y/n help me with the choreography and all,” Mark explained, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. 
That was a lie. Well, not really. Mark did need help with the choreography, but at the same time he wanted you to be there to accompany him. Your presence calms him.
Taeyong remained silent as his eyes went back and forth between you and Mark.
“Should I leave?” you ask awkwardly, looking at your boyfriend then back at Taeyong. When you didn’t get a response, you stood up ready to grab your things.
The older man shook his head, “no, no, stay,” he tells you, walking further in, “I just didn’t know the both of you were so close,” he says while taking a seat next to your boyfriend. 
You let out a chuckle, “we’re close, you guys just didn’t know,”
+Day 33 9:02PM
After Taeyong found out how close Mark was with you, he wouldn’t stop inviting you to the dorm to hang out with the rest of the boys. 
“So, what movie are we watching today?” asks Taeyong as he took a seat next to Doyoung. 
You and Mark were seating next to each other. Mark was sitting at the very end while Jaehyun was sitting on the other side of you. Mark and you was sharing a blanket, your hands placed on your lap. 
“Parasite?” suggests Taeil. 
Loud whines filled the room, “we’ve all watched it, Taeil-ah,” whined Johnny. 
“Y/n, have you watched it?” asks Taeyong, turning to look at you. 
You shook your head. You were told it was pretty graphic and scary and you hated anything that has got to do with blood. 
And Mark knew that, so he would always avoid watching scary movies with you. 
“Should we watch it again? Since y/n hasn’t watched it?” suggests Taeyong, looking at the members for confirmation. The rest of the boys nod their head in agreement.
“Hyung,” your boyfriend voices out, “I don’t think—”
“No,” you quickly deny with a smile, “let’s watch it,”
Taeyong shrugs and plays the movie. 
Mark bit his lip.
A few minutes later, you felt your phone vibrate, you noticed it was Mark who has texted you. You turn to look at Jaehyun, making sure he wasn’t looking. You lowered the brightness of your phone before opening Mark’s text message. 
Markie Pooh: will you be okay?
You turn to look at Mark, but he was staring at the TV screen with a straight face. 
You bit back a smile as you typed a reply. 
You: yes, don’t worry abt me :) 
Mark quickly looked down at his phone to see your reply before keeping his phone away again. Your boyfriend let out a cough before shifting nearer to you until your shoulders were touching. 
You tried to hide your smile by looking down before looking back up, trying to keep a straight face. 
Mark had already watched the movie with the boys when it first came out. He knew when there was going to be a bloody scene. 
So, before the scene started, he had secretly reached for your hand under the blanket. 
You felt his fingers slowly reaching for yours, letting his fingers lace with yours. You tightly grip his hands, not wanting to let go. When you saw the bloody scene, your grip on your boyfriend’s hands tightened as he soothingly strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, hoping it would calm you. 
His fingers on yours distracted you from the graphic show that was playing. You were smiling like a crazy woman as Mark continued to stroke your hand with his thumb. 
“Are you… smiling?” asks Jaehyun as he turned to look at you weirdly. His question made everyone in the room to stare at you. 
Your eyes widen, shaking your head profusely. “No, I wasn’t,”
Johnny nodded, “you did, I saw you,”
At this point, Mark had already pulled his hand away from yours as he stares at you with amusement.
“I wasn’t smiling! It was a scary scene, why would I be smiling?” you ask them, crossing your arms defensively. 
Donghyuck lets out a sigh, “I think we all know y/n just loves horror,”
Taeil nodded, “yeah, she feeds of dead people,”
“Excuse me?!” you screech, throwing a pillow at Taeil, “what does that— no I don’t!”
The boys let out a roar of laughter, amused at how defensive you were acting.
Markie Pooh: you like that, huh? ;)
You looked down at your phone, letting out a soft scowl before reaching under the blanket to pinch Mark’s thigh. 
Mark let out a quiet squeal as he pushed your hand away. 
+Day 49 10:01PM
You were listening to Mark talk about his day. You couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he was; his pouty lips and chubby cheeks which you so desperately want to pinch. 
“Babe, are you listening?” Mark asks with a frown, noticing how you haven’t moved for the past few minutes. 
You nodded, “yes I am, baby,” you replied. 
Mark grins, “okay,” and he went back to talking about his best friend, Donghyuck. 
After hanging out with the boys for a couple of time, you and Donghyuck became close as well. Maybe because he was your boyfriend’s best friend, but you and him just got along so well that the both of you even started texting almost every day.
“So, what did you do today, babe?” asks Mark, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Huh? Oh, well I didn’t do anything today,” you tell him, “I cleaned my house a little bit then I took a nap,”
He puffs his cheeks out, “it’s a good thing you didn’t go out today, the air quality is really bad.”
He was always taking care of you; it always made your heart flutter. Mark was always looking out for you despite him being busy himself. Sometimes he would forget to take care of himself which always resulted in you lecturing him. 
Mark was in the middle of saying something when someone barged in his room, screaming. 
“MARK LEE!” you recognised it was Taeil’s voice. 
Mark quickly hid his phone, resting it on his chest. 
“Ah, Hyung, what are you doing here? What do you want?” you heard him ask.
You decided to mute your mic, just to be safe. 
“Why? Can’t I come in and talk to you?” asks Taeil. 
You suddenly heard a loud huff from Mark, as his phone fell off his chest and onto his white sheets. You assumed Taeil was laying on him. 
“Ah~ get out,” whined Mark, pushing the elder off him. 
You heard Taeil click his tongue. “who are you talking to? Your girlfriend?” he asks, “MARK HAS A GIRLFRIEND!” yell Taeil as you laugh out loud. 
Luckily your mic was on mute.
“I don’t have a girlfriend!” groans Mark as he stood up to push his member out of his room. He quickly locked the door before jumping back to bed, grabbing his phone. 
You unmute your mic. 
“Hi,” you giggle. 
He let out a huff, but letting out a shy smile, “Hi, so, where were we?”
+Day 57 7:57PM
Mark entered your house after taking off his shoes. He quietly took a seat at the very end couch. 
It was hard for the both of you to visit each other especially with the boys around, so you decided to have dates at your place instead. It was a good idea since no one could come over and interrupt the both of you. 
“Are you okay?” you ask Mark, noticing how he was so stiff. 
He nodded hesitantly, “it’s just…”
You waited for him to finish his sentence. 
“-awkward,” he finishes, looking up at you. 
You laugh at his words, “why?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know! I’ve never been to your place.”
Amused, you scoot closer to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his, leaning up to whisper in his ear. 
“There’s no one else here, Mark.”
You liked teasing him. You enjoyed how he would freeze up at your words. Or when his cheeks would turn a bright red colour. Or how his palms would turn a little sweaty. 
Pulling away from you, he quickly stood up, shaking his head. “No, no, that’s not what we’re going to do.” He tells you, stepping further away from you as you looked up at him in enjoyment. 
“We’re here to watch a movie,” he says, “that’s all.”
He was convincing himself. 
+Day 69 4:13PM
Marker: babe ):
You: what
Marker: I miss you ):
Marker: )))))):
You chuckled at his texts. 
Marker: what are you doingggggg
You: I’m watching a drama
You: what are you doing?
Marker: practice ):
Marker: so bored wo u here
Marker: miss your pretty face ):
You: stop it with the sad emojis!! >:(
Marker: ):
Marker: ):
Marker: ):
Marker: ))):
You: bye
You: I’m going to put my phone on dnd
Marker: nooo don’t leave me baby
Marker: okokokokok I’ll behave
You: good
Annoying boy: hehe
Annoying boy: wht are u up to babyyyy
Annoying boy: wait I already asked that
You: yes u did, u loser
Annoying boy: can I come over later?
You: y 
Annoying boy: causeee I miss u 
You: fine but not too long
You: I don’t want the boys to be all suspicious
Annoying boy: ok bb!!! I won’t hehehe ok
Annoying boy: I have to go now!!
Annoying boy: ily!! Bye bye 
You: see you later
+Day 74 2:36AM
You had one of your leg bent on Mark’s thigh, your hand resting on his chest. He has one arm around your neck for comfort. 
“Mark,” you sigh. 
Mark’s eyes were glued on his phone but let out a hum at the mention of his name. His fingers stroke your shoulder as a sign to assure you that he was listening. 
“We haven’t gone on a date in so long,” you say sadly, drawing hearts on his chest with your finger.
Mark put his phone down, “you wanna go on a date?”
You look up at him and nodded. 
When he made eye contact with you, he couldn’t help but press his lips on your forehead, “okay, but we can’t get caught,”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, pulling yourself up so you could press kisses all over his face. Mark’s face scrunch at the ticklish feeling of your lips.
“tickles,” he giggles, pulling his face away from you. 
You pout when he pulls away from you. Your eyes slowly trail off his face to his hair; your fingers automatically going up to play with the black strands. 
Fuck, Mark literally just fell in love with you. 
He enjoyed the position that the both of you were in. You- laying on top of him while he had both hands resting on your waist, staring up at you lovingly. 
“I love your black hair, Mark,” you mumble, eyes stuck on the boy’s hair. 
“Mhm,” you nod, “never dye it any other colour,” you look down at him, “or I’ll get mad,” you joke. 
He laughs, “Anything for my girl,”
Your boyfriend’s hands that was resting on your waist, went up to stroke your back softly. He put a little pressure on your back, pushing you down to capture your lips in his. 
+Day 80 11:22PM
It was another movie night with the boys.
This time it was Donghyuck who had invited you over since promotions are over. 
You walked over to sit next to Mark, but you heard Donghyuck whine your name. 
“Sit with me~”
You let out a smile, sitting next to Haechan. The boy immediately grabs your arm, wrapping it around his shoulders before cuddling against you. 
Your met Mark’s gaze from across the room. You could tell he was pissed from the way he was nibbling on his lip and clenching his fist. He looked away, typing into his phone. 
You felt your phone vibrate, knowing it was from Mark. You didn’t bother checking the message because it was too risky, especially with Haechan cuddled to your side. 
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
A few hours and lots of movies of later, the boys finally grew tired and decided to call it a night.
Since it was too late for you to head back home, the boys offered you to sleep over. You told them you would take the couch. They were a little hesitant to let a girl sleep on the couch, but you managed to convince them. 
It wasn’t like you would be sleeping on the couch anyway. 
Once you were sure that everyone was in their respective rooms, you quietly sneaked into your boyfriend’s bedroom. 
“Mark?” you whisper, opening the door quietly. 
When you saw the mop of black hair laying on the pillow, you smile, closing the door quietly, your feet padding towards the bed. 
You pull the blanket down so you could lay next to your lover. You rest your arm on his waist as you snuggle closer to him. 
“Hi handsome,” you whisper, letting out a giggle as you stare at his pretty face. A frown replaced your smile when he didn’t reply to you. “Are you okay, baby?”
Mark could only pout. You pout along with him, the hand resting on his waist going up to push away the stray hair from his face. 
“Why are you pouting?” you ask quietly, pressing a kiss to his pouty lips. 
He pouts even more, “why did you sit with Haechan just now? Why didn’t you sit with me?”
You bit back a grin that was forming, “why? Were you jealous?”
He frowns and shook his head, “no! why would I be jealous of Haechan?”
“Really?” you ask, “if you’re not jealous then I’ll sit with Haechan from now on,” you tease, your fingers now caressing his exposed chest. 
He shrugs, “fine by me,”
You suddenly stood up, letting his arm fall on your lap, “actually, I’ll even go sleep with him,” you continued to pester Mark, enjoying the way it was bothering him. 
“Hey!” he whisper-shout, his hands wrapped on your wrist, stopping you from getting out of bed, “You can’t do that!”
You chuckle, laying back down with your boyfriend, “I won’t, dummy,” you flick his forehead.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, pulling you closer until his cheeks were resting on the top of your head. 
“You’re mine. Mine only.”
+Day 89 12:35AM
The both of you were on facetime again. 
Despite being only 30 minutes apart, the both of you couldn’t meet; not wanting anyone to catch the both of you. Furthermore, you felt bad, since Mark had just finished practice, it would be tiring for him to come over your place. 
There was a sudden knock on Mark’s door. Your boyfriend hastily hid his phone and you naturally mute your mic. 
“You busy?” you heard someone ask, from the voice, you assumed it was Taeyong. 
“No,” Mark reply. 
“Were you talking to someone? Is it y/n?” asks Taeyong. 
Mark pretend to grimace at your name, “why would I be calling y/n?”
Taeyong shrugs, “we all kinda assumed you had a crush on y/n,”
“Ew,” Mark shook his head, “I’ll never like y/n,” he says, “she’s not even my type.”
You knew he was just saying that to stop the suspicions of the both of you dating but what he said actually hurts. 
“Really?” Taeyong questions, “we were so sure you would like y/n,”
“I swear, Hyung. Y/N isn’t even my type, her personality isn’t even my type,” Mark tries to persuade the older boy. 
Now that actually really hurts. 
You weren’t sure if he was just lying or saying the truth. 
You couldn’t bare to listen another second of their conversation, so you immediately hung up. 
Markie: baby
Markie: whyd u end the call haha
Markie: Taeyong’s gone call me back hehe
2 missed calls
Markie: why are you not picking up??
1 missed call
Markie: call me baaackkkk babe
Markie: did u fall asleep?? Haha
Markie: but it’s so early tho :(
Markie: I guess you’re asleep~
Markie: ok goodnight baby sleep tight dream of me :3
Markie: I love youuuuuuuu
+Day 90 12:46PM
Markie: good morning my love
Markie: can we call??
Markie: I kinda miss you haha 
1 missed call
Markie: heeyyyyy
Markie: are you ignoring me?
Markie: I didn’t want to think you were ignoring me, but I feel like you r
Markie: did I do something wrong? :/
Markie: can you tell me what it is at least?
Markie: at least we can talk it out or at least I can apologize?
Markie: babe
You: why did you say that
Markie: say what?
You: yesterday
You: what you said about me
You: tht I wasn’t your type nd all 
Markie: call me
Few seconds later, you received a call from your boyfriend. You answered the call, placing your phone on your ear. 
“I didn’t mean what I said,” he quickly says, “I just wanted to convince him that we weren’t dating,”
You were quiet for a while; you could hear Mark’s heavy breathing. You knew he was stressed with work and all, and you being sulky definitely wasn’t helping him. 
You let out a sigh, “I know.”
“Was it too much?” he asks you. 
“No,” you answer, “I just, I was just overthinking it and—”
“I get it,” he cuts you off, “don’t worry about it,”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, “I know you’re really busy and stressed over work and I’m just making you feel worse by overthinking and all—”
“Hey,” he cuts you off again, “Don’t worry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
You couldn’t help but feel sorry.
“Sorry,” you apologised again. 
“Apologize one more time and I’ll end the call,” he jokes. 
+Day 100 8:35PM
Mark hid his hands behind his back, holding the small box in his hand tightly as he faced you with a cheeky smile. 
“What do you have behind your back, Mark Lee?” you ask, squinting your eyes at him suspiciously. 
It was your 100th day together, and since the both of you couldn’t go out to celebrate, the both of you agreed to celebrate at your place instead. 
Since Mark couldn’t make it special for you, he decided to get you a present, just to make-up for all the secret dates. 
“It’s a present,” he answers cheekily. “I got you something to make up for all the secret dates,”
You pout at his words, “I’m okay with all the sneaking around, Mark,”
Your hands going up to his jaw, your thumb caressing his cheek softly. Mark loves your touches; he couldn’t help but lean into your touch. 
Tilting his head a little, he pressed a small kiss against your palm, one of his hands reaching to grab your hands in his. 
“I bought it because I think you’ll look good in it,” he tells you, pulling out the box from behind. 
You gasp when you saw the Tiffany & Co. box. 
“Mark,” you exclaim, looking up at him, “that’s expensive!”
“You haven’t even seen it yet!” he laughs. 
He slowly opens the box, showing off the elegant 18k diamond necklace. 
Your hands went up to your mouth, gasping. 
“Mark Lee,” you shook your head, “you’re fucking crazy,”
He smiles, satisfied with your reaction, “do you like it?”
“Are you crazy? It’s beautiful!” you tell him. “But all I bought for you were $15 chocolates but here you are— gifting me an 18k diamond necklace!”
Mark giggles, pulling out the necklace from it’s box. 
“Turn around,” he murmurs. You automatically turn around, pulling your hair to one side so he could easily put the necklace on you. 
He swiftly place the pretty necklace around your neck, pinning it. You turn around to face him. 
“Pretty?” you ask him, tilting your head a little. 
“Gorgeous,” he responds, a smirk playing on his lips.
Just as you were about to reply, you heard a knock on your door. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, who would come over at this timing?
Mark frowns, “did you invite someone?”
You shook your head, “No, stay here, I’ll go see who it is.”
You stood up, walking to your door, checking the peephole, finding out who is on the other side of the door. You let out a soft gasp when you saw Donghyuck standing behind the door. 
You quickly kick Mark’s shoes under the cabinet at the front door then running over to your boyfriend. 
You grabbed Mark’s arms, pulling him up. “Fuck, it’s Haechan,”
He let you pull him into your bedroom with furrowed eyebrows, “why is he here?”
You shake your head, pushing Mark into your walk-in wardrobe, “I have no idea. Stay here, I’ll try to distract him, okay?”
You didn’t even let him answer, already rushing out, making sure to close your bedroom door. 
When you opened the door, Haechan immediately walked in, whining on how you were taking forever to answer the door. 
It has been 15 minutes and Haechan still hasn’t left and Mark was growing tired and sweaty in your wardrobe.
Baby Mark: is he still there
You: yeah
Baby Mark: fuuuck
Baby Mark: tell him to leave
Baby Mark: it’s so hot in here :(
You: I’m trying!! He just won’t leave
You: are you okay in there
Baby Mark: no
You: fine just get out of the wardrobe and stay in my room
You: sorry
You: make sure u lock the door and don’t make too much noise
Baby Mark: okay
+Day 101 2:34AM
You let out a heavy sigh when Donghyuck finally left. Closing your eyes tightly, you let out another heavy breath. You could finally sit down and rest. 
Oh shit— Mark!
You ambled towards your bedroom, twisting it open, realising it wasn’t locked. 
This little shit. 
When you walked in your bedroom, you were met with your boyfriend laying on your bed, hugging one of your pillows, asleep. Your heart warmed at the sight, you felt bad making him wait for hours when it was your 100th day as a couple. 
Walking closer, you climbed in next to him. Your hands caressed his hair and his pretty face. 
“I’m sorry for making you wait for so long,” you whisper. 
You didn’t know what made you so emotional, but you couldn’t help but tear up. 
You really didn’t know why. Maybe because he had gone out of his way just to see you. And maybe because he had to wait for hours just for you and in the end both of you couldn’t celebrate the special day. 
“You’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask for—” you choked a sob, a hand going up to cover your mouth. 
Taking a deep breath, you continue, “You do so much for me and I’m always messing up.”
For once, you were thankful that your boyfriend was a heavy sleeper. 
“I love you, Mark,” you mumble, your eyes scanning his face, appreciating everything about him. “Remember that.”
After wiping your dried tears, you slide next to him, removing the pillow that was between you two. Snuggling right into his arms, your head resting on his chest while his cheek was pressed on the crown of your head. 
“I love you,” you whisper one last time before falling into a deep slumber. 
+Day 124 7:28PM
The dome was filled with loud voices, everyone was holding their green NCT lightsticks. You felt out of place, especially when you didn’t have any kind of lightstick or poster on you. 
You nervously took a seat on your assigned seat, waiting for your boyfriend to come out. 
NCT was holding a concert after a while and Taeyong had given you free tickets to support them. 
Mark had actually gotten hold of an extra ticket for you and was about to surprise you but found out that his members had already invited you. He was a little bummed out about it but shrugged it off. 
The light dimmed and the crowd started cheering. The girls around you started squealing in excitement. 
Soon, the boys started performing. When your boyfriend’s face was on the screen, you couldn’t help but grin at his cute face. 
The fans next to you would squeal and gush at how adorable your boyfriend is. You were proud that he was your boyfriend, sadly you couldn’t show him off. 
At the end of the concert, the boys lined up in the middle of the huge stage. They started thanking the fans for coming and supporting them. 
“But I think Mark is really happy today,” Jaehyun suddenly blurted out, turning to face Mark. 
The camera started zooming in to your boyfriend’s face. 
Mark’s eyes widen , confused, “what, why? Why?”
“Because his girlfriend is here!” Jaehyun screams into the mic as the boys let out a string of weird noises. 
Mark froze on the spot as everyone went crazy over the statement. 
“Okay, we will end this concert here! Thank you everyone for coming!”
Before everyone was even ready to leave, you had already run to meet your boyfriend back stage. 
Fuck, did Jaehyun actually say that?
You’re met with the sweaty boys laughing in the dressing room. 
“What the fuck was that?” you ask breathlessly as you scan each of the boys facial expression. 
“Uh oh, his girlfriend is here,” joked Johnny, staring at you with amusement. 
Mark turned to stare at the boys, “you guys knew?!”
“You guys weren’t very discreet.”
You were already standing next to your boyfriend, “how did you guys know?”
“You really think we won’t see the both of you holding hands in a public place?” scoffs Doyoung. 
Taeyong shrugs, “Mark never brings girls to the recording room.”
Your face turned red at Taeyong’s comment as Mark groans at his words. 
“And you think I wouldn’t see you guys holding hands under the blanket? Jesus,” sighs Jaehyun, rolling his eyes. 
“Fuck you,” Mark replies while Jaehyun flashes the middle finger to his friend. 
“Also, you talk way too loud y/n,” Taeil says, Taeyong immediately agreeing with him. 
“Or maybe the walls are too thin?” Taeyong questions. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, embarrassed. “So, you guys heard everything?”
“Wish we didn’t,” shrugs Johnny. 
Mark had quietly reached for your hand, a habit he had whenever he’s nervous. 
“Also, I knew Mark was at your place, that’s why I came over,” laughs Haechan. 
You had let go of Mark’s hands to stomp over to the boy, hitting his back. “Lee Donhyuck! Did you know how long he had to wait in my wardrobe?!”
Haechan rolls his eyes, “oh please, you let him out because he was sweating.”
You let out a loud gasp, “you knew that too?!”
“Which idiot would put their password as 0000?”
“You went through my phone?!” you raised your voice, hitting the boy on the back once more. 
With furrowed eyebrows you frown and let out a sigh, “now what? Everyone knows Mark has a girlfriend,”
“I checked Twitter,” Jungwoo says, “some weren’t very happy but there are many who are supportive,”
Your frown deepens. You knew this would happen. It would affect Mark’s career badly; that was the main reason the both of you kept your relationship a secret. 
You turn to look at your boyfriend who was looking incredibly stressed right now. 
“Don’t worry y/n,” assures Johnny, you turn to look at him. “Mark is one of the most experienced and hardworking people in SM, I’m sure they’ll let you both off,”
You had your arms crossed defensively, “are you okay with this, Mark?”
You were worried for your boyfriend. 
You knew how much being on stage meant to him. He would do anything to continue performing. 
“I…I think so?” he says after a minute of pure silence. 
You pout slightly at his words. 
“I just wanna rest right now, I’m tired.”
The boys quickly agree with the younger. Everyone started standing up, grabbing their bags, leaving the room. 
You stayed with your boyfriend, accompanying him.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you ask him again. 
He kept letting out sad sighs and it was concerning you. 
“Honestly,” he started, “I don’t know,” he turns to look at you. 
The palm of your hands automatically going up to stroke his back, attempting to comfort him. 
“I just… I just wanna be with you right now,”
You lean closer to him. “Okay.”
“Whatever it is,” he says, “we will go through it together.”
935 notes · View notes
atlabeth · 3 years
fever - sokka x reader
this has been sitting in my drafts half finished for 3 weeks so i thot it was prime time i actually finished it
this is kinda based off the song w dua lipa and angele so you can listen to that if you want
summary: sokka's convinced there's a mystery illness keeping you from focusing, but somehow he's completely oblivious that the only 'sick' you are is lovesick, and he's the reason you can't focus.
a/n: i have never written a sickfic. but this is like. a fake sick fic. its an idiots in love fic. i mean this is coming from mr "is he taller than me? is he better looking?" himself so. it makes sense. as usual, this is not proofread bc im a lazy mf
also im sorry for being vague with the calc but i was NOT about to do math during summer who do you think i am? ??
wc: 1.7k
warning(s): mentions of being sick and 🤢calculus 🤮 but otherwise tooth rotting fluff
How could the smartest man you knew be so, so incredibly stupid?
You thought that you were being obvious, so obviously that you were sure he knew. It was embarrassing how obvious you were.
You had met Sokka in your calculus class at the start of the new semester after you ended up sitting next to each other, and it wasn’t a stretch to say that you were immediately smitten. With eyes like the ocean and a face that had to have been crafted by the gods, you were almost too distracted to respond when he asked you for a pencil. But when he winked at you after giving his thanks, it only solidified what you had already suspected: you had known this man for all of five minutes, and you already had a crush on him.
Little did you know, it was going to turn into the most infuriating crush you had ever experienced.
You and Sokka became fast friends even though calculus was the only class you had together. Unfortunately, it was also something that you completely sucked at. Bad news, it was required for your major. Good news, Sokka was some sort of genius and offered to tutor you — Wednesdays in the library turned into a weekly occasion, and served as an opening for your calculus skills, your feelings for Sokka, and your exasperation to all grow stronger.
You normally weren’t someone to beat around the bush. If you started to like someone, you told them and dealt with whatever happened after, but something about Sokka just kept you from spilling your feelings outright. You knew that if he didn’t feel the same way, your relationship likely wouldn’t change, but there was still that tiny voice that said it’s better to stay like this in case things do go wrong — and this was the first time you listened to that voice. You simply valued your friendship too much.
But that didn’t mean you were going to be completely quiet about it — you hoped that if you did enough, he would be able to realize you liked him and do the whole process for you. A bit of a dim hope, but crushes make people do stupid things.
Things like bringing an extra coffee to every session, laughing at all his jokes (even the bad ones), sitting a little closer to him than usual, not dropping out of this wretched class so you could spend time together (it might’ve been required, but you still counted it). He didn’t make a point to object to anything, so you knew you weren’t making him uncomfortable — but you had concluded after nearly a whole semester of working and studying together that he was the most oblivious person in all of Ba Sing Se. He could teach you all kinds of formulas, but had no idea that you liked him. Grand.
Today was arguably the most important session out of any of them, seeing as your next class was the final, so it was only fitting that Sokka unknowingly made himself more interesting than any material you could’ve been working with. His arms were going to be the death of both you and your calc grade. You swore that the heat rushing to your cheeks was actually emanating off of you.
“Hey, Y/N!” Sokka grinned as he saw you and raised a hand in greeting, a sentiment you would’ve returned had it not been for the coffee cups in your hands. You settled for mirroring his grin and settled down in the seat across from him. You slid his coffee cup over, set your own down, then shrugged your bag off all before taking a seat.
“You ready to study ‘till your eyes bleed?” he asked, prompting a nervous laugh from you.
“You jest, but my eyes might actually start bleeding depending on how long we go,” you sighed. “There’s a reason I got an extra shot of espresso today.”
“Come on — by now you should know that you have nothing to worry about! I am the best teacher there is, and you got me all to yourself.”
Your eyes widened momentarily and you coughed, purposefully averting your gaze to give yourself some time to recover. Okay, he was going to make it really hard to focus today. “Let’s just get into it.”
He nodded and flipped open his notebook, beginning to talk as he rifled through his bag for a few extra things. “Okay, we’re just gonna start with going over the basics, then we’ll work our way up. There’s a couple practice problems on that page, so you can go ahead and answer those as a warmup.
You slid the notebook over in front of you and after approximately five seconds of looking at the first problem, found yourself studying Sokka rather than the material. Who could blame you? In the battle of cute tutor boy versus calculus, he was going to win every time.
He turned around and you immediately averted your eyes once again, trying to appear extremely involved, but you found that your mind was empty on anything to do with math. “Hey, uh— how do you do this first one? I’m totally blanking here.”
“We use limits in everything — this is actually something you’re really good at!” He studied you intensely and frowned. “Are you okay? Like, you’re not sick or anything, are you? You seem kinda out of it.”
You choked out a laugh and shook your head. “No, no — I’m fine. I guess I’m just a little tired.” As if to demonstrate your lie, you took a sip from your coffee and cringed internally. Love had turned you into an idiot.
He seemed to buy it as he nodded and picked up the pencil, scribbling a couple of notes as he explained the first problem to you. “Does that make sense?” You nodded and he handed the pencil back to you. “Okay — the other ones follow the same kind of process. It should be easy enough.”
You managed to get a little further in the second problem, but your lovestruck mind would not stop focusing back on Sokka every time you tried to do, well, anything. Curse him and his perfect arms, and eyes, and hairstyle, and everything.
You shook your head and set the pencil down once more, letting loose a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” Yes, you did. “I just can’t focus at all.” Because of you. You picked up your cup once more and took a sip, hoping it would do something to get you back into the math state of mind.
Sokka frowned once more as he put the back of his hand against your forehead. “God, you’re hot.” You nearly choked on your coffee as your eyes practically bulged out of their sockets — he had to know what he was doing by now — how could he not? “Like, you’re completely burning up. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, I swear— I just…” you set your cup down on the table and heaved a sigh that was a touch more exasperated than necessary. “Are you telling me you seriously haven’t noticed? Like, not a single thing this whole year?”
“I’ve noticed a lot of things this year,” he chuckled. “It’s kind of our whole job, so you’re gonna have to be a lot more specific.”
You finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Sokka, I’m not— I’m not sick! Haven’t you noticed that I’m only ever flustered, or running into things, or forgetting info, or— or just a complete idiot when I’m around you? I like you, like, a lot, and I have for an embarrassingly long time! The reason I can’t focus is because I am hopelessly attracted to you in every single way.”
His brows creased for a moment and you clamped your mouth shut, worried that you had just ruined everything. It was only after a pause that felt like a century that he finally responded, the hint of a smirk on his lips.
“Well, why didn’t you just say something?”
You stared at him, eyes wide and lips slightly parted in pure surprise before the annoyance set in. You set your jaw as your brows furrowed and you hit him lightly on the side of his arm with the back of your palm. “You can’t be serious! You— you’ve gotta be messing with me by now. I really can’t believe that you can be that smart but this oblivious!”
He finally let the grin play across his lips in full force and he shrugged nonchalantly. “I mean, I don’t know how you don’t expect me to mess with you when you scrunch up your face all cute like that every time you get mad. Besides, I started liking you after that fifth class; I offered to help you out so I could spend more time with you! I didn’t realize you felt the same way. I kinda just enjoyed the free coffee and getting to look at you all the time.”
“I can’t believe you!” you cried as you hit his other arm. “You’re telling me that I had to deal with this- this mental turmoil about whether you liked me back, while you were just enjoying the free eye candy and coffee the whole time?”
“You have nothing to worry about! I enjoyed the company far more than the coffee,” he joked, a certain twinkle in his eye. “But, you are probably out a couple twenties after all of that. So, what do you say about this Saturday, the cafe by the shoe store? My treat.”
“Damn right it’s your treat,” you shot back, though you couldn’t stop the smile forming on your face. “You owe me a lot — you have to make up for those coffees and all the emotional distress you caused.”
“Oh, I think I’ll have plenty of time to make up for lost time. After all, we do have a lot of coffee dates to get through.” And when he winked at you just like that first day, you remembered just how impossible it was to be angry at Sokka. “But first, we kinda have to get through this study date. The final’s still happening tomorrow.”
You responded with a raised brow. “This is a study date?”
Sokka shrugged and grinned. “They’ve all been study dates. You just didn’t know it.”
idiots in love idiots in love idiots In LOVe
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla: @marianne1806
271 notes · View notes
leossmoonn · 3 years
No Weakness [Spencer Reid]
pairing - spencer reid x gn!reader
type - fluff, lil angst 
request / note -  “where the reader is new to BAU and they see dead body first time, and it kinda bothers them. and spencer noticed it, even when the reader tries they best no show it (bc they’re scared it makes the look like they’re weak) so when they’re just two of them spencer tries to make them feel better and tells them its okay and it does not make them weak.” this was so fun to write, ahhh! thank you @avrilstaro for requesting <3 *not edited lol oops*
summary - you’re embarrassed after freaking out from seeing a dead body, but spencer assures you that it’s okay
warnings / includes - descriptions of mutilated body, small description of case (child kidnapper case for this fic), crying, anxiety, nausea, little fighting, food mention. you and spencer are dating in this  
*gif isn’t mine*
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“I can’t believe I didn’t get to sleep in,” you mumbled, throwing your purse down on your desk rather roughly. 
“Not like you would’ve anyways. Ariel was meowing for you five minutes before we got called in,” Spencer stated. 
“So? I would’ve fallen back asleep after,” you shrugged. “You would’ve stayed up all morning playing with her, babe,” Spencer chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes. “You don’t know that.” 
“I do! You’ve done it every morning since we got her,” Spencer argued. 
You scoffed, shaking your head at your boyfriend. You trudged over to the coffee machine, getting out a mug the size of a bowl and filling it to the brim. It was already your third cup of the day, and while it was probably unhealthy drinking that much coffee, you needed it. It was your first week on the job and you still weren’t used to waking up at five in the morning for a surprise case. This was your second case, though, so you weren’t very surprised that you were still tired. You knew you would get used to it as time went on, but you wished that your body and mind would adapt faster. 
“You’re coming on the field today.” Emily nudged your arm with a file. 
Your eyes widened and you sputtered out coffee, coughing to try and clear your throat. Emily chuckled, patting your back gently to help you. You set your coffee down, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand once you got control of your breathing.  
“W-What?” You asked, the words Emily said not processing in your brain. 
“I said you’re coming onto the field today,” she repeated. 
“B-But…” your trailed off, trying to find a reasonable explanation. “I-I wasn't supposed to be on the field for another week. I’m still technically in training.” 
“Well, part of the training is going on the field. You’re an amazing agent in the office, L/n, but you'd be even better on the field. You’re able to sympathise with the unsubs and solve the puzzles faster than most of us can, sometimes faster than your boyfriend. You’ll help us a lot better out there than in here.” 
You chuckled nervously, heat crawling up the back of your neck. “Thanks, Emily, but I’m not ready.” 
Emily rolled her eyes. “That’s what all the new agents say. You need to just get out there, and there’s no better time to do that then early in the game.”
“I guess,” you muttered, lifting your coffee cup and taking a sip. 
“You’ll be fine, Y/n. I have no doubts,” Emily smiled. 
“Thanks.” You have her a small smile. “No problem. And hey, don’t tell Spencer I said you’re better at the job than him,” she winked. 
You laughed and nodded, “I won’t, I promise.” 
She walked away, leaving you to lean against the counter and to drink the rest of your coffee before going to the briefing room. 
“So, I heard that Newbie is finally coming along with us today!” Luke exclaimed. 
“Newbie is your nickname, Newbie,” Penelope narrowed her eyes at Luke. Luke rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Anyways, you excited?”
You sat down in one of the chairs between to Luke and Matt. “Not really, if I”m being honest.” 
“Oh, why? You’ll be great!” Matt smiled. “So everyone says,” you sighed. 
“Hey, I heard you’re coming with us today. Can’t wait to have you on the field.” Spencer smiled as he walked past you. 
“Yeah, I’m excited to outsmart you, too,” you smirked. 
“Oh, Reid, looks like you have some competition!” Luke teased. 
Spencer shook his head and looked at you through his lashes. You gave him a challenging look, leaning on the table. 
“May the best agent win, Reid,” you dared. 
“Alright,” he shrugged. “Better have no weaknesses, L/n.” 
“Oh, I have none,” you smirked. Spencer replied to you with a hum, giving you an excited smile before paying attention to the case.  
Penelope and Emily delivered the case to you six, then leaving you all to pack up your things as you were going on the jet. You got out the small duffle bag of clothes you had in your car for traveling on cases, also grabbing your phone charger and the case files. You walked up onto the jet, placing your bags up over the overhead storage area. You got seated across from Tara and next to Spencer. 
You all talked about your plans to catch the unsub and where you all were assigned to. Tara, you, and Spencer were going to go to the crime scene to scope out the area. Emily and JJ would stay at the police station and work there, while Matt and Luke did witness and suspect interviews. 
You were sitting back in your chair, looking out the window and admiring the sky as the jet flew through the clouds. You still had an hour before you landed. Everyone was either sleeping or listening to music. You had thought about going back to sleep, but it seems as though the three cups of coffee you had finally kicked in.  
You regretted drinking so much coffee because now, your heart was racing and your hands were shaking. You weren’t sure if it was totally because of the caffeine or that you were nervous about being on the field for the first time, but you assumed it was a little bit of both. 
Spencer, who was seated next to you, noticed your jitteriness. He closed his book softly, setting it down on the floor next to his seat, turning to you and taking your hands in his. 
Your head snapped to him quickly, your eyes landing on his. He gave you a soft smile, beginning to rub his thumb over your knuckles. 
“You’ll do great out there, alright?” He assured. 
You sighed, turning away from the window and to him. “What if the lead I find doesn’t work? What if I can’t figure out where the unsub has the kids? O-Or what if I embarrass myself in front of the police chief?”
Spencer chuckled softly at your concerns, making you frown. 
“Don’t laugh! Hey, I bet you had all these concerns when you first joined.” 
“I did,” he admitted. “But, I learned that I worked with a team. It’s not just me doing the work, just like it’s not just you. You have seven people working with you on this. Try and relax, baby, alright? You do amazing work at the office. This won’t be any different.” 
You scoffed, “Please. It’s like, a million times different.” 
“Just try and relax,” he instructed, putting your hand up to his lips. 
You smiled widely, your heart fluttering as he kissed your hand. 
“Plus, even if it was just you working the case, I have no doubt you would figure it out quickly.” 
“Thanks, babe,” you smiled and leaned your head against the headrest. 
“Of course. I love you,” he said, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. 
“Oh, gross. You guys know I just became newly single,” Tara scoffed. 
You laughed and turned to her. “That was like, nine months ago.” 
Tara raised her brows, looking at Matt and Spencer, and back at you. “You weren’t even here back then. How do you know this?” 
“I just know things,” you winked. “Yeah, well I’m betting someone blabbed,” Tara grumbled. 
“We would never,” Matt disagreed. “Mhm,” Tara hummed, going back onto her phone. 
You smiled at you teammates and looked back at Spencer and putting your head on his shoulder. You closed your eyes for a few moments, opening your eyes again. You blinked rapidly, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You rolled your head around, your eyes settling onto Spencer who was back to reading his book. You turned your head back to the window, furrowing your brows as you noticed you weren’t up in the sky anymore. 
“Oh, good. You’re up,” Spencer spoke, putting his book away. 
“Are we here already?” You asked, your voice croaky and hoarse. 
“Yep,” he nodded. “We landed about ten minutes ago.” 
“Oh,” you frowned, sitting up and getting out of your seat. You stretched your limbs, yawning once more as you held your hand up above your head. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” You sighed. 
“You’re just so peaceful when you sleep. I couldn’t,” he explained. 
You smiled and went to get your luggage. “Thanks, Spence. But everyone is probably waiting for me now.” 
“No, it’s alright. We can’t go and see the crime scene yet anyways.” 
“How come?” You asked. “Not prepped for us,” Spencer answered. 
“Since when does a crime scene need to be prepped for the FBI?” You snorted. 
“You’d be surprised,” Spencer let out a breathy chuckle. 
You put your duffle bag over your shoulders and handing Spencer his, holding your hand out for Spencer to take. “Join me down the stairs?” 
“Of course,” he grinned, standing up and taking your hand into his and his bag.
You two walked off the jet, going over to the SUV. Spencer drove you two to the hotel where you dropped off your things, immediately going to the police station. 
“ ‘Bout time!” Matt exclaimed, seeing you two walking through the doors. 
You chuckled, “Sorry. Looks like the coffee wore off and I finally crashed.” 
“It’s alright. I think the scene is ready for you guys to look at now,” he said. 
“Great,” you smiled. 
You and Spencer found Tara, going into the SUV once again, driving to the house where the parents were killed and children taken. 
“Wow, I’ve never seen this much yellow tape in my life,” you chuckled. “Yeah. It’s definitely not an eye sore,” Tara chortled, stepping over the caution tape. 
You and Spencer followed her, going up to the police offers that were talking at the front door. 
“Hi, we’re FBI agent with the BAU. I’m Doctor Tara Lewis, this is Doctor Spencer Reid, and Agent Y/n L/n,” Tara introduced you all. 
You smiled and shook the two officer’s hand. “Nice to meet you two.” 
“Likewise. I’m Officer Santiago and this is Officer Reynolds. The parents were killed in two different places. The father in the bedroom, mother in the oldest child’s room.” 
“Lovely. Can’t wait to see,” Tara smiled sarcastically. 
“Oh, I bet. Go ahead and go in, let us know if you find anything, please,” Reynolds said. 
You nodded and stepped into the house, cringing at the heavy smell of bleach. 
“God. It’s like a hospital in here, but twenty times worse!” You held your nose. “I should’ve told Emily I needed to stay back with Penelope.” 
“Oh, this is nothing,” Spencer smirked. “Wait until you see where they all got killed.” 
“Ew, Spence!” You shrieked. “You’re supposed to protect me from all that.” 
He chuckled, “All part of the job, baby.” 
You nodded and sighed, knowing that he was right. As always. You three walked up the stairs, looking at where the father was killed. There was an enormous amount of blood of the bedsheets and some on the corner of the right nightstand, some splatters that were below on the floor. 
“So,” you started. “We’re looking at a team, right? I mean, there’s no way that the unsub could kill the father without the mom noticing.” 
“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking’,” Tara nodded. “Well, I could be possible,” Spencer contradicted.
You and Tara looked at each other, confused. 
“Yeah, how?” You asked.
 “Well,” Spencer said, walking over to the bed. “The unsub could’ve choked or suffocated the father in his sleep. I mean, there were ligature marks around his neck, right?” 
“True. And the mom was saying goodnight to her children, so she obviously didn’t see her husband get killed,” Tara added on. 
You furrowed your brows, stepped out of the parents’s bedroom, going to the child’s. 
“Yeah, but, what about the kid? I mean, wouldn’t it have screamed and fought and ran out of the house?” You asked. 
Tara looked to you, eyes widening in surprise. “Yeah, that is a good thought. So… unsub number one is killing the father while unsub number two is kidnapping the mom slash killing the child…” 
“No, that wouldn't work. Maybe it’s a group of three?” Spencer suggested. 
“Maybe,” Tara shrugged. 
You stepped into the child’s bedroom, scrunching your nose as a foul smell wafted under your nose. You walked around, covering your nose with your sleeve. You saw the blood on the bedsheets and nightstand table. 
“Looks like the unsubs all have the same MO’s,” you muttered. 
You opened the closet, seeing nothing but toys, clothes, and shoes. You closed the doors, looking around the walls, your heart sinking as you saw all the finger pantings and pictures of family and friends. You walked up to the wall, losing your balance as you tripped on a a long, soft object. 
You let out a yelp, falling on your shoulder. You groaned in pain, turning on your back while holding your injured side. You looked around for the object you tripped on, frowning as you couldn’t find it. Something pale caught the corner of your eyes. You raised your brow, getting up on your knees and moving closer. 
“What the —” You muttered, your voice getting caught in your throat as you realised it was an arm sticking out under the bed. “Oh, my —” You gasped, peering under the bed, seeing the dead body of one of the children. “Oh, my God!” You shouted, scooting back, your back hitting the wall as you stared at the lifeless body. Tears welled up in your eyes and you put your hand to your mouth, loud and broken sobs escaping your throat. 
The boy couldn’t have been more than a few days old, yet it was still lying there. You could see the lifelessness in his eyes, and still the fear. There was a slit across his throat and cheek, his upper chest red with with green and purple bruises. You felt nauseas and cold, your heart sinking all the way down past your stomach. Your body was shaking and you couldn’t tear your eyes off of the body, no matter how hard you tried. 
You heard the footsteps of your colleagues, their voices calling your name. 
“Y/n, where are — O-Oh, my God.” Spencer’s eyes widened as he saw you crying on the floor. He immediately dropped down to his knees, taking you into his arms. “What happened.” 
You were unable to move, your eyes staring wide at the body. Spencer followed your gaze, his own heart dropping down to his chest. 
“Oh, man. Um,” Spencer said, looking away from the body and to you. His heart broke as he saw you so horrified. He put his hand on your cheek gently, turning your face so you were no longer looking at the body. “Let’s get you to out of here, alright?” 
You nodded slowly, your breaths becoming laboured as you tried to calm yourself down in Spencer’s arms. He got up, taking you with him. He walked you out of the room, coming face-to-face with Tara. 
“What happened?” Tara gasped. 
“Looks like the unsubs left the older boy. Tell the police officers, I need to get Y/n out of here,” Spencer said. 
Tara looked at you, nodding without hesitation. She let you two go, Spencer walking you down the stairs slowly. You exited the house, still taking heavy breathes as the image of the boy haunted your thoughts. Spencer gently got you seated into the car, buckling you in. He went to the driver’s seat, getting in and starting to drive. 
You two sat in the silence for thirty minutes while Spencer drove around. You looked at the window the whole time, your eyes glossy and strained from crying and keeping them open. Whenever you closed your eyes, even to just blink, flashes of the dead boy raced through your mind. Spencer waited patiently for you to speak, understanding how shocked and horrified you were. 
He parked in a Burger King parking lot, sighing and looking at you. He gingerly put his hand on your shoulder, only for you to shrug him away. 
“Y/n,” he sighed. 
“No,” you grumbled. “Take me back.” 
“I think it would be smart if you took the day off. Seeing a dead body, especially a child’s and one you had no idea exited, can really throw you off. The first time I saw a dead body…. Man, I-I was sick to my stomach. I—” 
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, waving your hands in the hair. You looked at him, your chest heaving up and down. Your brows were furrowed and mouth open, your eyes glaring at him.  “Just shut up, Spencer!” 
His mouth went agape, hurt flashing though his eyes. He didn’t let your outburst  dampen his spirits, though. He knew you were embarrassed and still horrified, and that you didn’t like to feel belittled. So he gave you a small, comforting smile, taking your hands into his. You didn’t move away this time, but you avoided any and all eye contact. 
“I know how you feel, babe,” he sympathised. “Yeah, I bet,” you muttered, your voice hoarse and dry. 
He frowned and unbuckled, leaning closer to you. He put his hand on your chin, turning your head with strength and force. You eventually met his eyes, his smile dropping as he saw tears rolling down your cheeks once again, your lips pulled into a pout. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” he assured, cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away with his thumb. 
“N-No, it’s not,” you sobbed, shaking your head. “I-I’m so weak. I should’ve been ready. This is what I’ve been tra-trainging for and I suddenly turn into a freaking wuss? I-I… I… It’s so embarrassing!” You shoulders racked with sobs as you hung your head down to cry. 
“Oh, baby,” Spencer sighed, taking your head in both of his hands. He held your head up again, bringing his face close to yours. He put his forehead against yours, kissing the tip of your nose lightly. “It’s no embarrassing, alright? Your reaction was a perfectly normal reaction to seeing a dead child’s body. Honestly, if you didn’t cry and freak out, I would be worried,” he chuckled. 
You gave him a watery smile, laughing with him. “Y-Yeah, I s-suppose,” you sniffled. “B-But,” you started. “I-It makes me look weak. And I don’t want to look weak, Spence. A-All my life I’ve been told —” 
He smiled widely, leaning back so he could look you in the eyes. “You’re not weak, Y/n. You never could be, even if you tried. You’re just human, and that’s fine. It’s amazing, honestly. You know, I am so proud of you, babe.”
You frowned, “Why?”
“Because today was your first day out on the field, and you did fantastic. It can only get better from here.” 
“Y-You really think so?” You sniffed, wiping your nose with your sleeve. 
“I know so,” he nodded confidently. “And it’s okay to show weakness, Y/n. No weakness is the real weakness.” 
“Such wise words,” you laughed. He laughed with you and he shrugged. “I try.” 
You laid your head back on the headrest, looking a him through tired eyes. “Thanks, Spencer. It really means a lot.” 
He nodded with a smile. “Of course, honey. Now, why don’t you say we get something to eat, then go back to the precinct?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Sounds great.” 
He nodded and buckled himself back in, putting his hand on the gearshift and looking to you. 
“I’m proud of you, you know that?”
You smiled shyly, heat scorching your cheeks. “Yeah, I know. You’ve already told me.” 
“Just making sure you know, baby.” 
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rainieclown · 3 years
michael myers x reader - chapter two: free hostage
three sharp knocks on the door can be heard, and michael lazily looks back over. doctor loomis is standing there, and he looks furious, but michael will stand his ground for you.
tags: fast relationships bc michael is not patient at all, forbidden love, smut, public sex (kinda), fingering, degrading, michael talks more in this one bc he wants you to trust him <3
warnings: yandere themes, exhibition, violence, ptsd themes, nightmares, tazers/gun-like objects
michael stayed up despite his lazy blinks, being tired doesn't bother him. doctor loomis was sat in the room, still trying to get to you, and through michael. "they need to be in their own room, with their nurse, michael. they need to leave." the doctor says calmly, and michael blinks again at the doctor. "we need to take y/n away, you can see each other during your free period." he tries, but michael simply moves, ignoring his doctor as he turns his attention to you. you're sleeping soundly next to him, lips parted slightly as you dreamed, eyelids twitching slightly with each moment. "michael. you have to let y/n leave." loomis crosses his arms and michael shoots a glare at the older male. loomis sighs, getting up. "don't make us sedate you, michael." he warns, stepping closer to the bed carefully. the guards at the door are ready, but michael pays them no mind. "let me take them to their room." he says, gesturing to your sleeping form.
michael tenses as the doctor eases forward, reaching for you carefully. snatching the doctor's wrist is all it took, the guards rush in for loomis's safety, grabbing michael and restraining him as he tries to protect you. a needle pricks his neck and he grunts softly, reaching to pull you from loomis's grasp. you stirred, becoming discontent. michael pushes the guards off, lurching after loomis. your whimpers drive him, yet before he can reach you, he falls to his knees. "y/n!" he rasps, still trying to get to you. the guards push the brunette down, and he grunts as his eyes droop.
you wake up suddenly to miss burnham stroking your cheek softly. you move away from her, catching your breath as you recover from the nightmare. "where's michael?" you ask, searching for him. "are you alright? he didn't hurt you did he?" miss burnham asks, and you furrow your brows. "michael? no!" you shake your head. "there's bruises on your neck, are you sure?" miss burnham says, gesturing to the hickeys. your cheeks heat up as you avert her gaze. "he didn't attack me! we're friends..." you say, unsure of what status michael would give whatever was happening between you both. "hm.. alright..." miss burnham sighs, handing you your medicine. "thanks.. is michael okay?" you ask, and she nods. "he will be, they had to sedate him to keep him away from you." miss burnham replies, and you look at her with shock. "what?! is he alright?" you move to get up, trying to peer into michael's room through your window.
"yes, yes. he's fine. calm down." she rests her hand on your shoulder briefly, letting you pull away. "i wasn't a hostage, why would you sedate him?" you ask, seemingly angry now. miss burnham is taken aback. "because of safety reasons, y/n. he's high security, and you need to be in your own room." miss burnham crosses her arms. "fine." you huff, looking back out the window. "what's on my schedule?" you ask softly, spotting michael as he gets up groggily. he finds your eyes immediately and you smile at him, giving him a small wave. michael doesn't get to respond as miss burnham pulls you away from the window. "come on, first is breakfast." she says, guiding you out the door. "can i sit with michael?" you ask, and miss burnham lets out an exasperated sigh. "if that's what you want." she says softly, letting you grab food and sit at your usual table as she walks off to talk to the guards.
you spot michael walking into the cafeteria, and give him a small smile. instead of getting food, he sits in front of you, much to miss burnham's dismay. "hey, what happened?" you ask softly, glancing at miss burnham as she spoke to someone. michael doesn't answer for a moment, and you look back at him. "michael?" you tilt your head slightly, and michael smiles a bit. "you feeling okay?" he asks, deep voice rough with no use. "yeah, i'm fine." you smile, "i heard you got sedated.. what happened?" you question, glancing at miss burnham once more. "nothing. they took you out of my room. that's it." michael shrugs, but you look unsure. "are you sure? sedation sounds like it sucks." you say softly, and michael's feelings grow with the concerned look in your eye. "i'm fine." he nods, and you sigh. "if you say so.." you mumble, letting michael steal a bit of your water. "so um... about what happened yesterday..." you start awkwardly, and michael stares at you expectingly. "uh.. what is.. this?" you gesture between the two of you, and michael blinks at you. "what do you want?" he asks carefully, and you think for a second. "i.. don't know. i mean we met yesterday, but.. we- y'know." you laugh sheepishly, glancing at michael. "mhm."
"i mean.. to me, you're mine and mine only. got it?" michael says firmly, and you look back at him. "uh.. are you sure? i mean, we just met shouldn't we wait-?" you stammer slightly, face heating up. "i don't care." michael deadpans, and you huff out another small laugh. "okay.." you smile, remembering that this is in fact a mental hospital, and that michael thoughts were different to yours. "that's okay. i mean, we did have sex.." you shrug, craving the feeling of being a teenager again. "mhm." michael's smile is small, yet it's still there.
miss burnham approaches you carefully, glancing at michael. "um, y/n. it's your free period, wanna go watch a movie?" she smiles, and it's so painfully forced. you look up at your nurse with a smile. "uh, sure..! i'll be there in a second." you shrug, and miss burnham hums uneasily. "okay..!" she smiles, walking back to the door. "so, do you have a schedule yet?" you ask, and michael shakes his head. "comes in on friday but i have appointments with loomis everyday at 19:00." he shrugs. "okay.. maybe we can get away with you coming with me." you grin, offering him your hand as you get up. "we can try." michael shrugs, grabbing your hand tightly as he follows you. "uhm. y/n i don't know if he can come-..." miss burnham starts, wanting to pull you from the other patient. "but he doesn't have a schedule and he needs to settle in!" you protest, and the nurse sighs.
"fine. but you're under close watch." she says, leading the two of you to the rec room. mr addison greets you, and you smile softly, much to michael's jealousy. "what you feeling today? lady and the tramp?" he asks, and you hum. "okay." you smile, letting michael pull you from the doctor slightly. "ah, you're new here aren't you." doctor addison smiles, but receives no response. "he's not really talkative." you wave the doctor off, and he hums. "i see. that's fine." he smiles, not catching michael's glare as he lets you two go settle.
you sit on the couch, kicking your legs up as you lean against michael's side, ignoring miss burnham's shocked look. "so, do you have a favorite genre of movies?" you ask, looking up at michael. "horror, easy." he smiles, looking back at you. "oh my god, i love horror but we can't have it here." you reply, smiling. "shame, nothing beats horror." michael shrugs, not even watching the movie. "mhm, i have to say that nightmare before elm street is by far the best one i've seen so far." you say, and michael hums with a nod. "it is good, but consider the hills have eyes." he replies, and you let out a small "ahh!"
"a man of culture." you giggle, letting him drape an arm over you as miss burnham sits on another chair. "so, what're we watching?" she asks softly, glancing at michael. "lady and the tramp." you reply with a shrug as michael regresses into silence. "uhm.. y/n, may i ask you something in private before the movie starts." she gestures to the door. "um, sure?" you look at michael who lets you go reluctantly. she stands by the door with you, and mumbles to you softly. "what's going on with you two? you never let anyone touch you but he's special?" she crosses her arms, clearly suspicious of you and michael. "oh, um... it's just nice to have someone my own age around. no offence." you smile nervously, wanting to go sit down again. "hmm.. okay. but, i have to let you know that relationships are in fact prohibited in this facility." she says firmly. "i know." you nod, moving back to the couch as miss burnham sighs.
you join michael once more, letting him wrap you up in his arms, pulling you onto his lap. "you alright?" he asks quietly. "mhm. just peachy." you sigh, resting your head on his chest and trying to ignore miss burnham's look. "she giving you trouble?" he nods towards your nurse, and you sniffle slightly. "kinda, but it's okay. i'll tell you later." you say softly, not seeing michael's glares as he holds you tighter. "don't worry, she won't bother you soon enough." michael replies, practically hiding you from the staff. "she's just protective, we've been through a lot together." you mumble, wiping your eye with the ball of your palm. michael lets out a small breath at your emotional state, cradling you closer and going to kiss the top of your head. "wait, not while she's watching." you whisper, stopping michael. "why?" he furrows his brows, "because she's already suspicious of us, and romantic stuff isn't allowed here." you look at him.
"hm. i see. i'll get you later though." he teases slightly, and you giggle slightly. "c'mon, watch your movie." he says, moving one of his arms to rest behind his head. you're sitting sideways on his lap, so you could rest on him and watch the tv to avoid too much suspicion. miss burnham didn't like the position the two of you sat in, but you seemed happy, and any progress was good progress in her eyes. "this movie is so... sappy." michael mumbles to you, and you hum. "it's a classic, but nothing beats horror to he honest." you shrug. "mhm." michael agrees, his hand resting on your hip and gently stroking your thigh. "michael, she's gonna get suspicious." you say, grasping his shirt as you look up at him. "they can't stop us." he shrugs, and you fluster at his smile.
you, rest your head against him as his hand continues to caress your thigh softly, his other hand slipping between your legs. "mike-" you whisper, tensing slightly. "sh, they can only see your back so be quiet and stay still." he mumbles, acting nonchalant as his fingers rub your slit through your pants. your breath hitches as you nuzzle into his chest, fingers tightening on his shirt as he teases your clit. you let out a soft hum, voice wavering as you try to stop yourself. "shh. you don't wanna get caught do you?" michael smiles, and you whimper quietly when his hand slips into your pants.
your breathing continues to hitch as his fingertips rub fast circles on your clit, and you have to hide a small moan in his shirt. "you're such a slut, letting me do this to you." michael whispers into your ear, and you whine. "are you gonna be good for me and stay quiet or do i have to stop?" he asks, giving your clit a harsh pinch. you almost gasp at the sensation, resting your hand over michael's larger one as he continues to abuse your bud. "good slut." he whispers, "stay quiet and you can cum." he continues, eyes flickering to the screen as if he wasn't jerking you off with two members of staff in the room.
"michael please, i need more." you beg quietly, trying not to roll your hips into his hand as he chuckles softly. "such a whore for me already?" he teases, one of his fingers slipping down to your wet hole. you swallow a moan as he pushes his finger in, thumb still rubbing your clit as he curls his middle finger up into your g-spot by accident. you gasp this time, catching the attention of miss burnham. "sh." michael hisses into your ear, slowing his movements down to avoid being caught. you hum slightly, tightening your hand over his. miss burnham is still watching, you can feel it. "michael, maybe we should do this later." you mumble, looking back to the screen. "you sure?" he asks softly as he pinches your clit again just to watch you squirm.
"mmmaybe.." you arch your back, but pull it off as you just stretching before settling back. "just make it quick." you whisper, and michael instantly turns up the speed. "fuck.." you whisper, eyes fluttering closed as two more fingers slip into you whilst his thumb continues to stimulate your clit. "mm.. gonna- gonna cum soon." you whisper, grabbing his arm as his fingers roll into you, carefully so your wetness didn't make any noise. "good, cum on my fingers for me." michael replies, not even looking at you as you press your head against his collarbone. "come on, cum on my fingers like the slut you are." he prompts, and you whine as quietly as you can. "don't stop i'm so close." you try to keep quiet, biting michael's collarbone harshly as he continues to fuck you with his digits. "be a good slut and cum." he demands into your ear, and you seize up, effectively stopping his fingers as he slows his thumb down to let you ride out your high.
"fuck- that felt good.." you admit shyly, and michael chuckles, bringing his fingers up to your lips. "quick, before they see." he whispers, and you take his fingers into your mouth, suckling your cum off of them. "good slut." he teases, pulling his fingers from you to wipe off your spit on his pants. "shh." you gently slap his chest, letting him coddle you close. he chuckles slightly, not trying to stay quiet anymore since your activities ended. "get some rest, you look tired." he says softly, and you hum. "don't let me sleep too long." you say, nuzzling close before dozing off. michael looks at miss burnham, who was still staring at him. eventually, she looks away, watching the film. michael looks back to you, an adoring look in his eye as he rubs your back to soothe you into a deep sleep.
time passes slowly, and michael notices your small shuffles first. your brows are furrowed and your hands grasp the fabric of his shirt tightly as you make a small noise. at first, he didn't know what was going on, but it hit him quickly. you were having a nightmare. you hum, mumbling his name softly as you writhe slightly on his lap. "y/n, wake up." michael whispers, shaking you slightly. "mm... michael?!" you whimper, tears catching on your eyelashes. he shakes you awake quickly, hushing you. "sorry.." you sigh, sniffling. "it's alright. it happens." he says softly, tightening his hold on you. "tell me about it?" he suggests, and you shake your head. "no, i'll be alright." you huff slightly, and michael doesn't take that as an answer. "you said my name." he shrugs, and you fluster. "sorry..." you reply. "tell me what happened." he demands now, and you sigh. "it's nothing, michael, honestly." you protest, listening to his heartbeat. "tell me." he whispers, tangling his fingers with yours.
"it was... bad." you start, and michael stays quiet so you could continue. "doctor loomis was there... and he.. it was." you stammer slightly, closing your eyes with grimace. "he was kinda like... torturing you.." you breathe out, and michael hums. "that'll never happen." he says, trying to sound correct so you didn't worry when the truth was: he had no control in this hospital, and that... that terrified him. yet he couldn't worry his new darling. "i know but... it was so... surreal." you mumble, letting him squeeze your hand tightly. when you'd look back over to the tv, you saw that the movie was reaching it's climax. "i have to see what's next on my schedule..." you sigh, looking over at miss burnham who was reading a book she found nearby. you get up from michael's lap, and he follows you. "miss burnham, what's next on my schedule?" you smile at her, and she looks up and smiles back. "let me check." she says, pulling out the paper. "hmm.. aha! art therapy." she smiles, and you nod. "can-?" you can't even finish your sentence. "fine, he can come." she huffs, giving doctor addison a look. "thank you!" you chirp, leading michael to the yellow room.
"he seems to be a good influence on them." doctor addison notes, and miss burnham sighs. "mhm. i just hope there's nothing romantic going on, he is high security and i don't want them getting in trouble." she replies as the doctor approaches her. "it'll be fine. we can keep an eye on them." the doctor smiles, and miss burnham nods before leaving to follow the two of you.
"so, art therapy is quite fun for me because i get to draw what i like, how i'm feeling or what i can remember." you explain, and michael hums softly as you grab your sketchbook. "check it out, pretty neat stuff huh?" you smile, letting michael see some drawings. he hums once more, this time seemingly impressed. "good work." he offers you a small smile, handing it back to you. you grin, leading him over to your table, past doctor piers who greets you loudly. "god, who's that?" michael mumbles to you, and you sigh. "doctor piers, he's very... loud." you reply, sitting michael down in miss burnham's usual seat. "she won't mind if you sit here." you smile, kissing his cheek without thinking. michael smiles slightly as you walk away quickly to grab some art supplies, embarrassed with yourself. doctor piers approaches him, leaning on the table. "i saw that.. but i'll let it slide. it's nice to see happiness here." the bright doctor smiles, and michael huffs as he doesn't even look at the man. "not talkative huh? let me ask, do you like art?" piers continues, not catching the hint. you come back over, resting your hand on michael's shoulder to ease him from the awkward one-sided conversation.
"right... i'll leave you two to it." piers winks, walking off to his desk as miss burnham approaches. "would you like to make something, michael?" she smiles, and michael shrugs. "he can borrow a page out of my sketchbook if he wants to draw." you say, sitting down as you place your pencils down. "i'll watch." he mumbles to you, tangling his hand with what was luckily your non-dominant hand as you prepare a new page. "alright, let me know if you want to talk about any memories or anything." miss burnham smiles, sitting down and finishing her own colouring pages. michael leans against you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he watches you sketch. "can you draw a clown?" he asks softly, his breath tickling your neck. "sure." you brush your thumb idly over his knuckles as you begin adding clown makeup to the person's features. "nice." he huffs out a laugh, lips brushing against your neck slightly. "she's right there." you whisper as quietly as you can to michael who simply shrugs. "oh well.." he mumbles, still watching you draw.
"i like watching you draw." michael says softly, "thanks. your company is nice." you reply, leaning your head against his. "wanna colour him?" you ask softy, pushing your sketchbook to michael. "uh, okay." you laugh at his unsureness. "we can pick the colours, i'm thinking yellow for his ruffle collar." you say, gently tapping the drawing. "mhm, that would look good." michael agrees, catching miss burnham's affectionate gaze that was mainly focused on you. "what about his makeup? i think red for the eyes and blue for his mouth?" you suggest and michael immediately agrees. "okay, i'll let you do it." you smile, pushing the coloured pencils to him. "okay.." he hums, taking the red pencil from the box.
you watch him trace the lines carefully before colouring it in carefully, trying not to mess up your work. it was cute to see him trying for you. "that looks great." you smile, handing him the blue pencil when he was finished with the eye makeup. "do you like clowns?" you ask softly, and michael nods. "yeah, they were always my costume for halloween." he chuckles, and you smile. "that sounds nice, i was always covered in spooky makeup instead." you laugh at the memory. michael breathes out his own laugh through his nose. you look up at miss burnham who isn't paying attention, so you shyly rested your head on michael's shoulder. he hums softly, glancing at you as he continues to colour your drawing.
"you feeling alright?" he asks quietly, and you nod against him. "i'm fine." you hum, starting to sketch something else. michael watches you as he finishes the colours on the clown, adjusting his grip on your hand slightly. you continue to gently brush his knuckles with your thumb as you sketch away, letting michael doodle in the corner with a red pencil. miss burnham gets up, patting your head gently, "art therapy is almost over, make sure nothing's left out." she says to you, moving over to doctor piers. you hum softy as she leaves, pressing slightly closer to michael as he finishes his doodle. it was a knife, and you can't help but giggle. "nice knife." you joke. "thanks." he chuckles, and you feel fuzzy inside. "come on then, i'm gonna get this all put away." you smile, standing up as you manage to slip your hand from his grip.
michael sighs, getting up to help you. miss burnham seems stressed about something, resting her palm against her forehead as she sighs. you stare for a little while longer until michael moves up against your back. "come on, let's sneak off.." he suggests, pulling you away from the two adults. you shudder at his voice, putting your sketchbook away and following him out the door. the two of you track back to doctor addison's office, and michael locks the door this time.
you smile up at him, letting him pull you close and kiss you. whimpering into his mouth, you cup his face as he backs you up against the desk. hopping up onto the desk, you let michael pull your legs around him. you hum softly, letting him grind into you. "raise your hips." he instructs, and you oblige, letting him pull your pants off. "fuck- you look so good." he mumbles, giving you another kiss as he tugs down his own pants past his hips. pressing his tip into your hole makes you moan as you lay back onto the desktop. "mm- please, please give me more-!" you beg, breath hitching as he begins thrusting. michael grunts as you squeeze around him, fucking deep into you as he leans down onto you to kiss you.
"ah- michael!" you yelp, grabbing his arms as you moan. michael hushes you, pushing your shirt up to suckle dark marks onto your tits. one of your hands find his hair as his mouth finds your nipple. you whimper, your other hand moving from his arm to rub your clit. michael's hand comes up to your throat, and you hum softly, letting him give it an experimental squeeze. instead of letting him choke you, you grab his hand, tangling your fingers with his. michael makes a small noise as you twitch around him, pinning your hand next to your head. "fuck-" he grunts, other hand finding your hip to stop you from sliding up the desk. "mm! michael!" you pant, fingers moving in fast circles over your clit, bringing you closer to your climax.
"come on, i know you're close." michael says gruffly, and you writhe under him, tightening your legs around his waist so he couldn't pull all the way out- forcing him into small yet fast thrusts. "fuck.." michael grunts, his grip on your hip bruising as he pulls you closer. he adored every little "ah" you'd let out as he fucks into you, craving more. what truly catches him off guard is the way your hand comes up to rest on his face lovingly, your other hand squeezing his tightly as you cum on his dick. your thighs spasm as you moan out his name, and michael cums too, filling you up. a few bangs on the door make you jump, and you sit up and see miss burnham and doctor addison. your nurse looks pissed, but doctor addison doesn't seem to mind all that much. "unlock the door, y/n!" she yells as you scramble to pull your pants up, michael doing the same with less worry.
"sorry miss burnham!" you reply, but she doesn't seem pleased. "come here, now!" she snaps, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. doctor addison whispers something to her that you can't hear through the door. michael brings your attention back to the room you're in by grabbing your hand tightly as he unlocks the door. as soon as the click is heard, miss burnham storms in, trying to snatch you from michael. "let go of them! you're taking advantage of their vulnerability, aren't you?!" she screeches, managing to pull you from michael's grasp and hiding you behind her. "it's not like that!" you struggle as doctor addison walks in. "now now, nurse burnham. go easy on them, teens tend to do this. you were a teenager once, weren't you?" he quirks a brow, clearly amused by the situation. "oh hush, doctor. relationships are strictly forbidden in the hospital, everyone knows that." she hisses, moving you out the door.
michael isn't pleased at all, his darling was being swept away and that made his blood boil. before you can be dragged far, michael storms after you, grabbing miss burnham's hair to shove her into the wall. she wails and falls over, ankle rolling painfully in her heels. "michael, no!" you yelp, grabbing his arm tightly to prevent him from doing anything. "don't hurt her!" you beg desperately, and michael deflates slightly, wrapping you up in his arms. "i'm sorry." he whispers, kissing the top of your head as he cradles you close. "i didn't mean to scare you." he says softly as you clutch him tightly. "miss burnham, are you okay?" you ask pulling away from michael slightly. "no! get away from him!" she demands, mascara running down her pretty face as her ankle swells. doctor addison is trying to aid her as security approach the scene. michael wants to pull you away, you can tell, but you stand your ground incase he gets into anymore trouble.
"freeze!" the man yells, pulling out a tazer. you whimper at the gun like object, memories flooding back to you. michael's hold grounds you as he hides you from the guards by pushing you up against his chest, fingers gently stroking your scalp to try and soothe you as your breathing picks up and tears drip down your face. "step away from them and put your hands up!" he demands, but michael stands his ground. "i said-!" the guard squeezes the trigger, and michael doesn't even flinch as he focuses on protecting you.
"well well, causing trouble again, mr myers?" the voice of doctor loomis steps over to the scene, his clean shoes clacking against the laminate floors. michael narrows his eyes at the man, moving away with you slightly. "c'mon, hand your little partner over and solitary won't be as bad." he says, and you look up at michael. "just go with them, i'll be in my room when you come back." you smile up at him weakly through your tears, and he seems unsure. "go on, go. i don't want you getting hurt... i promise we can see each other when you're free." you say, ushering him away. reluctantly, michael goes with doctor loomis and you sit next to miss burnham, giving her a tight hug. "i'm so sorry.." you whimper as she hugs you back. "are you alright?" she asks when you pull away, cupping your face in her hands. you nod slightly with a sniffle, helping her up and letting her lean on you as doctor addison stands. "it's probably broken, which means you'll be out of commission for a little while." he suggests, sighing. "what?! but who will take care of y/n?" her eyes widen as you help her to the staff infirmary of the hospital.
when you're in your room, you feel tired and lonely. it's been a long afternoon with doctors running around to find a new carer for you while miss burnham went home to recover. most of all, you were terrified that michael was being treated unfairly. there were sick rumours of doctor loomis mistreating patients, but you'd have to wait and see.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
telepatía | reader x binsung
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a/n: hi cuties! hope ya’ll are are staying seggsy and cozy! ;) this piece is 100% self indulgent (hehe) as well as my first time writing a poly r/ship! since i’m new at it, any and all feedback is super super appreciated!! <3 
telepatía | changbin x reader x jisung 
~aka, my love note to binsung~ 
Pairing: self insert, seo changbin x female reader x han jisung 
Genre: fluff n’ smut 
Tags: poly relationship, long distance r/ship au, established r/ship au, inspired by a song au, comfort fic, lil bit emotional but that’s bc they are in looove, idiots in love, softdom!binnie, hardswitch!reader, softsub!jisung, mentions of food, explicit language, masturbation (f), dirrrrty talking, hehe soft love makin’, lowkey size and corruption kink, unprotected sex, oral (m&f), face sitting, penetration (piv and anal), double penetration (f), nipple play (m&f), fingering (f), squirting, marking, multiple orgasms, creampie, ahhh soft n’ intimate body touching, cockwarming, shower aftercare, i am so sorry i got sooooo carried away teehee 
Word count: 7.9k 
Recommended listening: telepatía by kali uchis 
Two months. Two months that had felt like eternity. 
Your pen tapped at the table to your desk as you watched the minutes pass by. To your right, your desk calendar with your little countdown smiled at you with the little doodles had drawn along with the stickers that you had decorated there. 
Five more days! 
The golden hour of the day passed by outside your window upon the city that you had been calling home for the past two months. It was gorgeous. Unreal even. Studying abroad had been harder than you had expected--although it was often exciting at other times too. There was not a day that passed when you had regretting doing it, but there were other days when you had wished you could just transport yourself right back home; even if it meant it would be for only a couple hours of so. 
During nights like these, your cramped little studio felt even more empty than usual. The colors of gold and pink would smear in the skyline along with pale pink clouds that looked softer and lusher than anything else in the world. In the springtime, the budding and green trees lined the outside of the apartment complex and birds twittering past would flutter their wings outside of your window cracked open slightly. As the days went by, the air warmed and became more humid, and smelled of luxurious primrose and hyacinths. 
Your room was dimly lit by your desk lamp, and you hadn’t bothered to turn on any other light. Pages wrinkled, and your sense of loneliness came creeping in like the cold winter that the new season had now just chased away. You didn’t want the feeling to linger, but you couldn’t help but let it. 
The sheets of your bed were cozy, much like the rest of the way that you had decorated your studio. The cream colored covers felt like silk on your legs, but where nothing compared to the touch that you craved. 
Your phone clicked on with it’s blue-white light, showing your screensaver: a beautiful sunset image of that last walk that you had taken of the two of them before you had left. 
If it were possible, you imagined that missing one person was enough to shatter a heart, but two people? 
You hugged your phone to your chest, feigning some semblance of a hug to the two of them. Your nose sniffled as it grew more stuffed, and you let your suppressed sobs fill up the space of the room. 
You were convinced that you must've been the the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the whole world: two loves of your life, two people to share it all with had been like a dream come true. It was finally something that felt like it made sense. But, to be so closely tied to two people, meant that being away from them hurt two times as much. 
You imagined them with you in your room: they loved to sandwich you in the middle of them. This was their favorite place to have you. Nothing had been warmer and safer than that. Arms and legs would be all tied together in a way that made little sense, and both of their quiet breathing would tickle at the skin of the back of your neck and your forehead. If there was anything that you had guessed you missed most, it would be falling asleep with them. “I love you’s” would be whispered, and all space between you dissapear once the down comforter would be pulled to your noses. 
No matter how hard you pretended that they were there, it was never the same. 
[it takes three to make a thing go right] binnie, sungie, me 
binnie: have you had dinner yet? please don’t forget! 
jisung: [see image] this is what we’re having for breakfast! we wish you were here with us! 
With shaking fingers you opened the picture to view Jisung’s attempts at cooking. He had been getting into it these days. You had almost wished sometimes that you had been there to try whatever he had concocted--even if it didn’t taste the best. Today it looked like he had tried to make fluffy pancakes with strawberries and cream...but they didn’t end up as fluffy as they should’ve been. Changbin was in the background of the picture making a couple finger hearts. Undoubtedly Jisung had asked him to do it for the picture: Changbin was more of the no-nonsense and stoic type with somewhat of a goofy edge. You and Jisung always knew how to make him melt. “You two are my weaknesses you know?” 
sungie: don’t stay up too late either! finish strong before you come back, okay? 
binnie: we really can’t wait to see you, five days can’t come soon enough. 
You sniffled, sitting up. Had they been there then, they wouldn’t have liked to see you cry. Although your heart stung with a sharp pain seeing them so happy together, you brought yourself back together. You knew exactly how it would’ve been: Jisung would dry your tears gently, then cuddle right up under your arm to nuzzle into your shoulder. Behind the both of you, Changbin would spread his arms wide so both of you could be wrapped up in him. 
me: i really miss you both. i miss you so, so much. i can’t wait to see you on Friday. don’t have too much fun without me until then :) 
binnie: you kidding? we’re miserable without you!! i think that we’re both going crazy. 
sungie: he’s right!! it feels so weird, it always has been these past months. 
we’re not complete without you, y/n. we miss you too sooooo much. 
and you know that bin gets crabby sometimes. when it’s just me around... 
bin: hey! the hell you mean crabby?! i’m a frickin angel!!! 
The way that you could read each of their messages in their voices brought you comfort, and you giggled a little reading the words. 
sungie: relax! i’m just trying to make her laugh. did i succeed?
me: you did sungie. :) 
bin: you forget that i’m sitting right next to you sung, you’re playing a risky game. 
sungie: ooooh he talks such big talk, are you seeing this y/n? do you see what i mean? plz come back and save me!!! 
bin: HEY 
me: binnnnn go easy on sungie. 
bin: i do!!! 
i only go rough when he asks me too ;) 
sungie: w o w 
While it did make you laugh, it still hurt a little thinking about how even with you missing, their lives still went on, they ate meals together, went to concerts, movies, out to eat, and, at the end of the day, they still had eachother to cuddle up with to sleep. It hurt even more thinking about how they still had eachother to satisfy other comforts. Of course, you were still involved over the phone and video calls too, but with thousands of miles of distance, your hands alone could never feel as mind-blowing as theirs. 
binnie: there will be plenty of that when you get back too y/n ;) sung has maybe had it too easy. 
me: hmm too easy? 
Jisung send a series of emoji stickers that all conveyed about the same message: oh my god i’m in trouble. 
binnie: anyway, jokes aside, we are really looking forward to friday. sungie and i have been talking about it and we think we just want to spend the night in if that’s okay with you? you’ll be tired too. 
As always, your boyfriends were the most considerate people in likely the whole world. You didn’t really want to be anywhere else, but just with the two of them; as close as you possibly could be. 
me: that sounds perfect. <3 
sungie: get some rest tonight!! in the morning get yourself something nice for breakfast, i can send you some money hehe 
binnie: boyfriend of the year award over here ! ! 
sungie: hey, we’re both boyfriend of the year! duh, she loves us the same??? 
me: that’s very true. 
binnie: pffff
sungie: don’t make me tackle you seo changbin, i am sitting right next to you
binnie: is that a promise? 
me: boys, boys stop fighting, you’re both boyfriend of the year. 
binnie: see? y/n, we’re a mess without you. 
sungie: changbin, you’re my boyfriend of the year too. does that make you feel better? 
binnie: maybe. 
sungie: we’re keeping y/n from getting dinner. we should shut up now. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. take care until friday! we’re almost there!!!! 
sungie: bin, i love you, but please, shut up. 
binnie: i’m joking!! sungie i’m joking. this is an equal relationship obviously. 
By now, their usual antics had left your tearstained face dry, and the corners of your mouth sore from how hard you had smiled. 
binnie: see you soon! goodnight y/n! 
sungie: night y/n <3 
You clicked your phone closed, then let your weight drop down to your pillow that held the smell of the evening air. 
“It’ll be sooner than you think.” You sighed. 
It was much too nice of a night to be doing homework, so you decided to push it off for just a couple more hours, flicking on your dinky TV set to a local station where they spoke in the language that you had been teaching to yourself for the past couple months. Here and there you could recognize a few words, but you mostly liked it for the noise. 
You pulled your thin sheet over your bare legs, merely enjoying the simplicity of the feeling over your whole body. 
there will be plenty of that when you get back home too. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. 
Two months for imagining...and you had learned to hone your skill especially, even if it didn’t feel the same. Even though missing them hurt, you could still feel the love from them from thousands of miles away. They had said themselves that they didn’t feel complete without you. 
The silky feeling sheets tickled at the hairs on your arms as your hand teased down your stomach, then toyed with the elastic of your panties under cotton shorts. You blamed it on the night being especially pleasant, or maybe it was just what you and needed at that moment. 
You wondered how much they had missed you, if they thought of you when their hands would run over each other, or perhaps even if they would imagine that you were there with them when they hold each other close, tiny gaps and moans stick on their lips while they would pleasure each other too. You in fact had thought of them: Jisung’s pretty moans and the way that Changbin liked to suck little bites into his neck. 
That spring air hushed into your window with the softness of a song, and curious fingers dipped into your folds and twitching bud which was wet to the touch. Your body jolted at the feeling of your fingers on your suddenly needy clit. Your mind ran wild thinking of the way that both of them had looked beside you, one of their hands dipping under the fabric of your panties and the other lightly twisting at your nipples too. Absentmindedly, your own hand reached to mimic the action on your breast while you remembered. Careful kisses would be pressed into your cheek and neck while they whispered adoring little praises in your ears. 
“You’re so beautiful baby, like nothing else.” 
“We love you so much. My princess, such a good girl for me, hm? You like how our hands look on you?” 
Your body shivered at the memory, and you rubbed circles into your clit, gathering your own sticky slick to rub over the sensitive bud. 
“Yes,” You whispered to the empty room. 
The golden setting sun reflected fractals of tiny rainbows into your room--just as your prism had done hanging in the window back at home. It would reflect on the stucco walls, and the colors would streak on the ceiling. You would catch sight of them laying tangled up in scattered sheets with both of their bodies prowling over you in bare skin. You could trace the curves of their shoulder blades like the edge of perfectly crested waves. A faraway warmth swelled over your body, and you rubbed harshly at your bud craving more and and more. Your legs squirmed under the sheets: much like they would when they would bow their heads to tease at your clit with interweaving tongues, sandwiched between your thighs which they would pull back with starving fingertips. You could almost hear it: the way that your slick would drip over your pussy, and how they would taste it too on each others lips in between. 
Your back arched recalling their praise. They would pull you between them once again, and fill your mouth with adoring kisses covered with multitudes of their love. Jisung would mewl little whines into your mouth, shaking from your hand wrapped around his cock, and Changbin kissed you like you were his reason for breathing: slow, languid, purposeful. He’d sigh out watching the way that you marked up Jisung’s body while pumping himself all the while. 
“Binnie. Sungie.” Their names became your anchor while your rubbed wider, then slower, then faster. Your soaked fingers plunged into your pussy while your head danced with the memories of them filling you up, rolling their hips in as deeply as thye could, kissing into your chest or the crook of your neck. You curved your fingers to tease at your g-spot, but your clit was even more impatient. 
“Do you want to cum for us princess?” 
“I’ll cum for you...” Your breath hitched in that room all by yourself. 
Your fingers wiggled back up to your clit, now hypersensitive from its lack of attention. Instantly, your orgasm built violently behind the twitching bud, and you threw your free arm back to grip into your pillow to steady yourself. Sweat had gathered on the underside of your thighs and on your back: it was a feeling so dirty that it only made your head feel lighter. It was as if they were in the room with you and you could see them clearly: enamored eyes dipped in lust that ate up your form until there was nothing left. 
“C-close.” You shuddered, now with pruned fingers encircling until you drew yourself right to the brink.
You came with a forceful heat that swept over your whole body and sent your hips jerking up into the air and toes digging into the bed. Your incisors bit harshly at your lip, and you stifled your unsteady and high pitched moans the best you possibly could. In your apartment complex, the walls were thin enough for there to be little left to the imagination. 
Your chest shook as you came down and you teased your bud, edging on overstimulation for as long as you could take it. Jisung had liked the way that you would convulse like this and Changbin would relentlessly give little slaps to your aching bud. Once you could take no more, you drew your hand back from the elastic, then you let the euphoria sweep over your body for a few moments of silence and tranquility. 
Yes, you had done it to yourself, but without their help, there was no way that you could’ve shown your body the same kind of fervent love. 
It was as if they could make love to you telepathically, even on this night when the sun was setting, and your bed was empty. 
You hadn’t expected yourself to feel nervous meeting them at the airport. Still, your heart pounded in your chest with a ridiculous rhythm. It wasn’t like you had a completely different face or had changed anything about yourself remotely  that would’ve shocked them. Still, a sense of anxiety swelled in you that was unexpected and unwarranted. Perhaps it was because it was so surreal. 
There was something odd about the airport, it was likely how industrial it all felt with chairs that were lined with thin upholstery and carpets that held all kinds of mysterious stains. But, while it was a bit of a undesirable area, it was teeming with excitement. There were patrons at the magazine stands busying themselves flipping through books and laughing at the outrageous titles, people sitting joyously at the little restaurants and several hyper children tugging the hands of exasperated parents with neck pillows clinging to their strained necks. Further down the way, there was the sign illuminated pointing to the pick up area past baggage claim. 
The air smelled overly filtered, but it was still as exhilarating. You took two escalators down and one moving walkway, then the light of the outdoors flooded the area with conveyor belts and the screens above them. 
“Y/n? Y/n!!!!” Jisung’s voice called over the busy sounds of baggage claim filled to the brim with his excitement. 
Before you got a chance to figure out where his voice had come from, your adorable boyfriend came charging at you with arms outstretched and an inhumanly large smile on his face. He scooped you up holding you so tightly that you had to teeter on your tip toes. While Jisung had a bit of a tiny frame, you never would’ve guessed from the scale of his hugs. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” He giggled out the words with a sense of disbelief, and he swung your body back and forth. “Oh my god I missed you sososo much.” 
Another set of arms peacefully wrapped around you and Jisung and squeezed you in even tighter. In one of his hands, the cellophane from a bouquet of pink roses crinkled. “It’s so nice to have you back.” Changbin cooed, then reached to pat your head with his free hand. 
 You blinked back your happy tears the best that you could. The three of you broke, and you looked at both of your boyfriends right in front of you for the first time in what felt like forever. Changbin squeezed Jisung’s shoulder while the boy wiped a couple tears for the corner of his eyes. 
You were biased, but they really were the most beautiful people in the world. 
“I-I missed you both too, more than you can imagine.” 
The two boys beamed, then presented you with your flowers. 
“‘Hope you like pink ‘cause that’s the last color that they had left.” Changbin chuckled, and you nodded profusely. 
“They’re gorgeous.” 
You decided, after two months of not seeing the damn loves of your life, you deserved to kiss them--fuck the glares that you would get.
First you grabbed Changbin by the cheeks to press a smiling kiss right into his surprised mouth, and kiss him like you were a high schooler starved for attention that was forbidden to them. Still, your boyfriend grabbed your face back, rubbing tenderly into your own cheeks. 
You winked to an equally shocked Jisung, “You next.” 
You kissed the stutters away on his lips, and then ran giddy lips over his which cracked with a smile so wide it made it a little hard to kiss him. He wrapped both of his arms around you to pull you in close and you ruffled up his caramel blond hair the best you possibly could. Beside you, Changbin chuckled out proudly. 
You had closed your eyes to kiss both of your boyfriends like they deserved. If someone had stared, well...you didn’t see it. 
Jisung was out of breath after your parted, then pushed up his glasses in his surprise. 
“That was....” 
“--Lets get home!!” You shined with a smile, then took off in front of them. “Are you coming or not??” 
Jisung decided not to subject you to his home cooking, regardless of the fact that you had said that you wanted to try it. You had ordered take-out, and ate it picnic style on the floor to your living room in front of the TV playing a movie that none of you payed attention to. Regardless of the fact that your jet lag had hit you like a truck, your pure adrenaline upon seeing them kept your eyes from becoming weary. 
The normal questions had been asked: how are you classes, how is the food there, what are the people like, what is your apartment like, have you made friends etc. You asked Changbin about how his classes were going, and how Jisung’s part-time job at the café was and about the silly little things that you used to do as three, but they now had to as two. The consensus was that doing anything as two was strange and even a little awkward at times because they had gotten so used to having you around. 
Changbin cleared the dishes, making space for you to make up your little pillow fort that you would do at times. “It felt like there was a piece missing from us. It was...really hard sometimes too.” 
“It was for me too. Out there all alone...I had never realized that a bed meant for one person would be like, the saddest thing that there is on this earth.” 
“Small bed no more!” Jisung piped, then proceeded to wrap both his arms and legs around you the best he could. “Also small shower no more.” He nuzzled into your chest. 
One of the selling points of the apartment that you shared was actually the comically large shower that it came with. During the first few weeks after you had moved in, it was as if the three of you were physically incapable of taking a shower without the others being there. Changbin joked that it was as if they had made it just for the three of you in some kind of destined way. 
“Hmmm well, I think that we should make use of that as soon as possible.” 
Jisung let out a happy little hum in agreement then angled himself up to plant a couple quick kisses on your mouth and nose. Changbin threw down your array of pillows and other blankets, draping them over chairs to make a little tent like the three of you were toddlers hidden away in your secret place. 
“Sungie sandwich!!!” Jisung suddenly gasped out, “Binnie come on!!” 
Changbin scoffed, “I guess it has been a while...can’t say no to that.” 
Jisung squealed and the two of you made space for your boyfriend to come slide himself on the other side and make a proper “Sungie sandwich.” He kissed careful lips into the crook of Jisung’s neck which made the other boy giggle out in a tizzy: not only was he sensitive there, but it would tickle him too. You reached your arms over to tangle your fingers up in Changbin’s dark locks which were just as soft as you remembered. 
“This feels so amazing.” You sighed into Jisung who had crept his hands up your shirt. 
“It does.” Changbin agreed. “We’re complete again.” 
Small bed no more was right. 
Jisung patted the middle spot, wearing only a white tee and his boxers. 
“Your spot awaits you princess.” 
“Don’t mind if I do!” 
Changbin sauntered over while he brushed his teeth, abandoning the idea of a shirt all together. 
Your eyes widened, “...Bin--” 
“--What?” He smugly smirked. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before?” 
Your other boyfriend scoffed, “He certainly knows that he’s hot, doesn’t he?” 
“He sure does.” Changbin dished out a prideful wink. 
With sarcasm laced in your voice, you turned to Jisung to say, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that while I was gone.” 
Changbin’s voice echoed from the bathroom “HE LIKED IT!” 
Jisung waved him off, settling to beckon you under the thick and cozy comforter that you had daydreamed of more than once. 
“Are you comfy?” He hushed. 
“Mmhm! Comfiest I’ve been in months.” 
Just as he always would, Jisung would wrap you up so tight that it might’ve been a little suffocating--but it wasn’t like you minded in the slightest. The top of his poofy hair smelled like grapefruits somehow, and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. The feeling of your bare legs intertwined, and there was nothing that came close to such a perfect feeling. 
Your other boyfriend clicked off the light, then engulfed the both of you with his rather strong and intimidating arms. You knew for a fact that they were nothing but cuddly and harmless. Being like this with them was what you had missed most, and it was finally yours for the taking. 
“Are you guys asleep yet?” Jisung whispered after approximately five minutes of silence. 
“No,” Changbin murmured. “What is it?” 
“I-I dunno, I can’t fall asleep, I just keep thinking...” 
You flopped over to face him, “What is it Sungie? Everything okay?” 
Your adorable boyfriend stammered, then shied under the comforter in the dark of the room. “I-I don’t know if now is the right time, but...” It was noticeable how his tone had changed; you and Changbin knew it well. Jisung’s pitch would raise and his voice would crack when he wanted something. 
Changbin leaned over to click the light back on. “Sung, you don’t have to be so coy about it. I think that Y/n and I know you better than you know yourself.” 
Jisung’s eyes widened in his embarrassment, “You what??” 
Your headstrong boyfriend sighed, “Use your words Sungie.” 
His cheeks turned rosy, then he peeped, “It’s just that it’s been a really long time and I can’t stop thinking about it, and...Bin and I didn’t really do anything for like a week cause--” 
Your head whipped in Changbin’s direction, “What?” 
Changbin nodded solemnly saying, “Let him finish.” 
“--C-cause I wanted us to wait for when you came back so it could be like, extra special? Or...something like that.” He threw the blanket over his head. “It sounds so dumb when I say it out loud.” 
You really didn’t deserve someone like Jisung. Not in this lifetime or the next. You felt your limbs practically turn to jelly to hug your shy boyfriend. 
“It’s not dumb!! Not at all!! I think that it’s so sweet! You wanted to wait for me? Oh, baby...” 
With the blanket pulled back, you held his glistening eyes with yours. He really was irresistible when he would get like this. 
“I’m assuming that you wanna stop waiting, hm?” 
Changbin joined you in leaning over the shiest of you three, then shrugged down the cotton of your loose t-shirt to paint kisses into your shoulder. In the chill of the room, the warmth contrasted beautifully. 
“Yes or no Sungie? Because I defin--” 
“--Yes! Uh--I mean, yes, but--only if you aren’t too tired or if you want to.” 
“Sungie, how can I say no to you?” You bowed your neck to press loving little kisses into his lips which still tasted faintly of mint. He immediately give into you, grabbing out to hold your neck firmly as you did so. His hips squirmed slightly, as did his legs--he always was such an impatient baby. 
Changbin scooched in closer to caress down your back as you filled your boyfriend with every single kiss that you had been waiting months to give him. 
His voice was as soft as velvet, and full of his immense love for the two of you. Seeing both of you like this made him swell with such as sense of admiration, it was as if it was a high for him. “We’ll take care of you Sungie, we’d love to.” 
Even from Changbin’s praises, Jisung’s whole body would shiver, and you could feel it on your tongue too when you had politely asked for him to allow you entrance. 
Jisung set to work pulling your shirt up over your arms once you turned to Changbin to kiss over him roughly. He had liked it more that way: a collision of lips and teeth grazing over the softer parts of your mouth, gasps getting caught in between and the heat of tongues twisting as if you were as sweet as honey. As soon as you were rid of your shirt two sets of hands greedily crept up your body to twist and pull at your nipples which had hardened in seconds. Your head fell to Changbin’s shoulder while they teased and flicked at your sensitive buds until they hurt. 
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” Changbin growled, then cradled your head to lay you down. 
“The prettiest.” Jisung agreed, then hooked his fingers under the lacy part of your underwear that you might’ve worn with the purpose of them not staying on you for long. In return, you tugged at both of their waistbands for them to do the same. Cloth hit the bedside floor, and all that was left was Jisung’s shirt which you pulled off yourself. You only had a couple moments to look in the dim lighting of the room, but both of them had already dripped lightly with pearly drips of pre-cum and their hardening dicks throbbed against the mattress. Not only was it a heavenly sight to behold, but you knew that both of them were entirely for you. 
Changbin leaned down to flick his tongue around your hardened bud, then used his hand to kneed at your other breast with his powerful grasp. Jisung pulled your face towards him with hungry little whimpers that tickled your bottom lip, so you returned the favor by pulling his with your teeth. He recoiled beautifully from the feeling, and you saw your prefect window to slither down his body and wrap your hand around his pink cock. At first, you grazed your thumb over his slit roughly. 
“Did you miss my hand on your cock Sungie? Look at you...so hard for me, so worked up...do you want it that bad, baby?” 
“Y-yes, p-please...” 
Changbin kissed his way up your neck from your breasts sparkling from his saliva, then sucked love bites onto your collarbones and the soft parts of your neck. “Angel, I want to see you with Sungie’s dick in your mouth, can you do that?” 
You nodded, reveling in Changbin’s instructions. There was something about being told exactly what to do that made you feel so pliable. Changbin knew it well. You then worked kisses down your boyfriend’s body, pausing for a moment to flick your tongue over his nipples in the way that made his whole chest flush with pink. He laughed out in his pleasure with an airy breath too. You kissed gently at first, teasing your lips over, then sucking harshly with a trailing of teeth. His back arched, and he let out a delightful “ah-fuck!” 
You finished by peppering other little marks on his chest which faded from pink to violet in a matter of seconds. 
“Babyboy, you wanna taste my cock too?” Changbin greedily rose to kneel, then pumped his fist with tiny trailing breaths. 
Jisung’s eyes turned into full moons at the sight, then nodded excitedly while angling himself correctly. You and your boyfriend exchanged prideful little glances over the other’s eagerness. The pads of your fingers traced down Jisung’s thin frame, ghosting over his flaring abs and drawing little scribbles into his ribs. Your perfect position was set between this quivering thighs which welcomed you easily, and you took his deliciously pink cock in your hand to tease at him with thick stripes. You gathered saliva on your tongue so he could feel it, then used another hand to pump at him too. 
Jisung flattened out his tongue to swirl it around his boyfriends angrily red tip and maintained eye contact as Changbin preferred. As the smallest boy dipped his head in closer, Changbin entangled his fingers with those gorgeous caramel trellises. He sighed out at the feeling of his cock hitting the back of Jisung’s throat, and groaned out lowly once he heard the other choke on it lightly. 
“Fuck baby. Just like that..” 
You then took in Jisung’s length as deeply as you could: and it was no easy feat. Where Changbin dominated in girth, Jisung made up for in length. The action sent Jisung whining helplessly on Changbin’s dick, which only drove the other boy further into his passion. 
“You take me so well Sungie.” He cooed, and pulled out for Jisung to catch a few desperate gasps. 
Your saliva gathered in the corner of your mouth, and you licked it up and down the sides of Jisung’s cock-- but only for a few moments. You swallowed him down, pushing down the back of your throat just as you had long learned how to do. Merely feeling the weight of him in your mouth sent your pussy throbbing and your legs twisting for some kind of sensation. Of course, Changbin had noticed. 
“Open your legs sweetheart.” 
You did as you were told, and his thick fingers came journeying through your soaked folds, and he toyed with your clit and slicked his fingers with your arousal. His index and middle finger circled around you: it was a sensation that you had dreamed of endlessly. 
“Mm, Bin...” You moaned onto Jisung’s cock. 
“Pretty pussy of yours must’ve missed this, hm? My fingers fucking your wet little cunt? I missed it too...” 
You tried your best to maintain your strength once you had returned to sucking off Jisung’s dick, but you only seemed to unravel further. He rutted his hips into your mouth needily--an action which teased at your gag reflex, but you were stronger than that. 
Jisung’s own slobber fell down the side of his neck which Changbin held, just so he could feel the way that he filled up his boyfriends throat. With his other hand, he dipped it further inside your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. You knew that he loved the way that your slick sounded on his fingers. In response, your helpless moans vibrated on your boyfriend’s dick. 
“Y/n, I want your mouth too.” Changbin asked gravely with hooded and darkened eyes. You knew what you had to do next. His fingers slipped out from you, and you loathed feeling so empty, but you weren’t one to disobey him either. 
Changbin made space for you to lay on your stomach next to Jisung and then tapped his wetted dick on your lips as well, leaving Jisung gasping next to you. 
“Fucking show me how much you missed me.” 
You took him in, and you had nearly forgotten how sizeable he really was. It was startling, and as soon as you took in his full length, you had to fight back tears over how thick he really was. Regardless, the way that he could stretch you out like this was purely addictive. 
“Oh...fuck--baby...” Your boyfriends voice dropped several decibels. “My babies suck my dick s-so good don’t they?” 
Jisung nodded in his wonder at you, and Changbin dipped his thumb into his mouth afterword. Jisung always did love the taste. 
Changbin caressed your full cheek, “Don’t forget to share.” 
You took a deep breath, then let Jisung take his turn again. As he did so, you resumed your work at jerking off his dripping tip, and he reached to slide between your folds with long fingers. 
With both of your adoring glances, you and Jisung kissed and lapped up the sides of your boyfriend’s dick and his eyes rolled back at the ethereal sight. 
“H-holy sh-shit--” 
Your hips buckled once Jisung let his fingers plunge inside of you and high pitched mewls sent you clawing at Changbin’s hips for balance. 
“W-wait...” Changbin pulled himself away, and you knew that he must’ve been practicing the best restraint he could. “Sungie, you wanna taste her pussy too? Taste how sweet she is?” 
Jisung smiled widely, despite being a bit of slobbery and tear-stained himself. 
“I’ve been waiting for months to!” 
You looked to Changbin for approval. 
“Sit on his face then sweetheart? Wouldn’t you like to ride his face for me?” 
You nodded in your thrill, and the bedsheets crinkled under the sound of the three of you shifting your bodies back into the proper position. 
As it often would, the windows to your room fogged with steam--even though it was a beautiful spring evening. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and some of them nearly fell off the bed. Nevertheless, you had never been cozier wrapped in the clean threads and with your sweating skin pressed against heated bodies.
Jisung firstly kissed at your wet lips, teasing and humming happily into them. He grabbed onto both of your thighs to open you further then pulled your folds apart to kiss directly on your bud--an action which sent you nearly screaming over how intense it all felt. 
“You can be loud for us baby. There’s nothing to be scared of here.” 
It was as if a switch had flipped within you, and each and every lap of Jisung’s tongue felt like the most euphoric sensation you had ever experienced. He looked utterly adorable under you with his pink and juicy tongue running stripes over your clit. Merely watching him like this was enough to bring you to your first orgasm. 
“D-don’t stop S-sung...” You rolled your hips over his lips. 
Changbin had snaked himself farther down Jisung’s body which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. He clicked the bottle of lube, then smoothed it over his length, finally aligning it over the smaller boy. Your hands grabbed out for something to hold onto: one of them within Jisung’s hair, and the other squeezing painfully into the headboard. 
“Rough or slow Sungie?” Changbin laughed out wickedly. 
“R-rough...” Jisung moaned onto your pussy, “H-hard...” 
Changbin entered your boyfriend carefully, and both of them shuddered at the feeling. The room was full of all of your eroticism, and Jisung groaned out loudly at the connection. From the sounds your orgasm drew itself out too, and it was heightened even more when Jisung moved to pump his fingers deeply into you as well. He curved his fingertips in the way that grazed your cervix, and then sent you quivering pathetically over his face. Lower, Changbin dug his fingers into his boyfriends hips slamming into him without pause, and panting haphazardly. 
“C-can yo-you cum for me??” Jisung whimpered in a way that was much too cute for his own good. 
“Yes.” You answered, then fucked your hips over his plush lips and you clenched your teeth hard against your lip “Mm-fingers, Sung--please...” 
Jisung did as he was told, and maintained his pace stimulating your g-spot then, and begging an orgasm out of your body. He himself whimpered like a puppy while he was fucked out. Had you not been focusing on your orgasm, you wished you could see it all happen. 
“Ji--fuck--” Your hips violently shook, and you came with a searing heat that locked your walls tight around his fingers and dripped even further down your shaking thighs and splattered into his delicate features. It didn’t startle him at all, but he merely licked his lips free of your slick. 
“B-Bin--” He gasped out, then you fell down in your aftershocks to watch the way that Changbin spread out your gorgeous boyfriend with sweat dripping down his chest and from his brow. 
“Ride him, baby.” Changbin immediately ordered. “I want you to cum all over his dick, got it?” 
With grabby hands, Jisung pulled you right into his chest once you had straddled him. He played with your nipples for a few fleeting moments as you got situated pushing his cock into your pussy still trembling from your last orgasm. 
It was beautiful how he could fill you up like this. It was intimacy incomparable a closeness that only you had shared with him. In fact, he had actually been somewhat of a virgin when the three of you had met, and both you and Changbin were his first time. Knowing that he had only shared this part of himself with you and your boyfriend felt intoxicating in a way. 
You flicked your hips over his length, and focused your strength on fucking him slowly compared to how relentless Changbin kept his pace at. 
“I love you baby. Jisung, I love you so much.” You held his gaze. 
Two tears fell from his cheeks--not out of sadness, but of his pure love for you. 
He begged with a quivering lip, “Please kiss me.” 
And you did. You kissed Jisung like he was as fragile as flower petals that could break with the smallest tear. You kissed his lips as sweet as candy and you kissed the last bits of your arousal away on the corners of his mouth. 
Still, “Harder...” He begged, and your hips dipped lower and quicker over him. 
“Want me to fuck you harder babyboy?” 
Changbin threw his hands on your shoulders, then ran them down your spine to feel the way that you moved over Jisung’s dick. 
“Want us to fuck you until you can’t say any more?” You tutted. 
“Fuck, Sung, you feel so--” 
“G-gonna make me cum-ngh!” 
Changbin angled the boys hip up a bit further, and the sound of skin on skin filled the room. 
You sang out the phrase, “~I didn’t hear you say it Sungie~” 
Jisung’s face screwed up, and he gasped out loud enough for the neighbors to likely hear, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. 
“Fuck me please.” 
The thickness of the air in the bedroom clouded, and you fucked your beautiful boyfriend with your tightening walls as hard and as fast as you could, right until you brought yourself to the brink of another trembling orgasm, right over his dick. Changbin gifted a stinging slap to your ass then bit kisses into your shoulder right as you came undone for the second time, and Jisung’s eyes rolled to the back of his head once he came inside you at the very same moment. Your velvet walls tightened around his ribbons of cum inside and you collapsed against his gasping chest to warm him after his release. 
Changbin set himself loose, groaning out loudly as he came too, and shook with delighted laughter that was mixed up in his happy little “oh’s.” and the hitch of his breath. His restless hands caressed every inch of your body that he could as he brought himself down, finally bowing down to kiss right into your shoulder blades and back. Jisung called out his boyfriend’s name too while he shook around him. 
You coaxed yourself free of Jisung’s dick and Changbin wondered in the way that Jisung and made a creamy mess of your pussy. He then did the same watching how his seed spilled out of Jisung as well. 
The three of your sweating bodies clambered flat onto the mattress and the room fell quiet, leaving space for your breaths and the way that the spring evening sounded outside of your window: distant car horns, the hush of the breeze, the ebb and flow of the early arrival of cicadas. 
“Are you okay?” Changbin asked the both of you with worried hands running over both of your sweating forms. 
“Y-yeah. I am.” You smiled. 
Jisung shied his flushed face with one of the bedsheets. “Me too.” 
“I think...if you’d like, maybe the three of us could kind of, sorta, I dunno, stay connected for a little bit?” Changbin smoothed down the little hairs on your arm with the gentlest touch. 
“If Y/n wants to?” 
You exhaled peacefully into both of your boyfriends arms, and gave them a little hum to say yes. Changbin carefully wetted his dick with your slick, then guided himself into you pussy with his half hard dick, and it felt like a dream. Jisung too took a bit of lube in his hand as well, then pumped his dick with a shiver to then slide himself into your ass. The two of them swept over your body with light and fleeting kisses to your neck, shoulders, cheeks, nose and lips. You stayed the same: wonderfully full, and so close to them that it must’ve been unreal. While it hurt a little how they had stretched you out, you wiggled your hips still to feel even more of it. Your boyfriends sighed out at the feeling. 
“Sweetheart, you do that any more and you’re gonna make us want to fuck you again.” Changbin scoffed. 
“What if I want you to?” You traced the way that his deep brown hair curved over his ear. “What if I want you to fuck me like this...close...slowly...?” 
“If she wants to, I want to as well.” 
Changbin held your hips firmly under the blanket, then started his slow thrusts into you with his dick that indulgently grew hard once more. 
He whispered the promise over your lips, “We can do that for you baby.” 
You don’t know how long the three of you had remained as such. Time became nothing of your concern as the night slipped on and both of them took every ounce of their time with you, slowly fucking up into your pussy and ass, the sounds of your slick renewed filled up the room. They brought out a couple more shaking orgasms from your core, each of them followed by careful kisses to soothe your shaking body. 
“Such a good girl for us.” Jisung nibbled into your ear. His hand got tangled with the sheets too where he reached around to twist your nipples between his fingers. 
“How do you want it baby? Do you want it inside?” 
Changbin’s skin filled up your palm, then you slung a leg over his hip so he could hit your g-spot perfectly. 
“Of course. Sung?” 
“--Mm-m’ close too.” 
A few more moments of your symphonic moans, and you unfolded between them: one last orgasm that was so encompassing that you had slipped right into a space so safe, that you felt as if nothing in the world could touch you. Changbin finished off with unexpectedly adorable sounding grunt, and he throbbed within you to the tune of Jisung doing the same. 
“Shit.” Jisung giggled, then nuzzled his head right into the nape of your neck. 
“How was that angel?” 
“Do you even need to ask?” 
The three of you found solace in the skin on skin of it all: three people, three bodies that could be closer than two bodies ever could.  
“Ready to clean off in our big-ass shower?” Jisung wiggled you in his giant hug. 
“Small shower no more.” 
“The problem is, who’s gonna get up first to get the water running?” 
Condensation dripped down the windows, and the curtains blew softly with the spring air invading the room and carrying the smell of flowers and the mist  lingering in grass. 
Water dripped like rain over the pink of muscles and intermingled with the iridescent drops of soap bubbles which held little rainbows in and of themselves. Hair slicked to the sides of faces, and transparent streams coursed down the simple breaths on rising chests. Steam filled up your lungs, a reminder that it was all real. 
You were here with them. It wasn’t some kind of dream that you had painted while in that room alone with yourself and the buzzing of a TV speaking in tongues that you didn’t know. 
Even though they said nothing, but rather touched your body down, you could hear their thoughts like a melody. 
They loved every bit of you, and it was written on their faces times two. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @julesinthesoop
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ohbungeegum · 3 years
Oneshot- Derek Hale
Derek Hale x reader fluff
This is extremely fluffy, I nearly puked sorry :)
(A little bit oc like but who cares :)
You and Derek have a nice Day together.
The bright morning light shone through the huge windows in the loft, waking you up softly.
You felt light breathing on your head making you you flutter your eyes oben to see you were cuddled into Dereks naked chest as he had his arms wrapped around you securely. You were clothed in Dereks T-Shirt and a pair of underwear which Derek was wearing too, speaking of lower part of the body, your legs were completely entangled in his, your leg between his and his leg draped around yours.
You enjoyed his soft breathing on your hair making little strands blow away.
You felt your nose was icy cold due to it being winter so you nuzzled more into his chest and warmed you up more, which must have woken him up a bit.
You felt him kiss the top of your head.
,,Good Morning.“
he said with a sexy morning voice.
,,Morning.“ you tried to say but it came out as a ‚mmnng‘ as your lips were muffled with his chest.
,,You’re cold“
He wrapped his arms around you tightly and rolled you so you were on top of him with him lying on his back, he spread his legs so you’d be comfortable between them, which you totally were.
He pulled the blanket more up so it covered your shoulders, nearly reaching your nose as it only covered half of his chest.
You layed there for at least half an hour with him playing with your hair until your tummy decided to be hungry and ruining the beautiful position, he chuckled:
,,no“ You said not wanting to move.
He huffed in amusement, gave you a kiss on the head and sat up with you on his lap, your head on his neck. He then wrapped your legs around his waist and stood up, his hands hold your butt so you don’t Fall, which he loved. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hung your head under his chin, still tired af.
He tried getting you to sit on the stool in the kitchen but you just held on tighter, so he gave up, making you both a sandwich while your still clinging on him like a monkey.
As soon as he was done you jumped off and swooped the plate away, he smiled and joined you on the couch watching Rick&Morty on your new flatscreen TV. The last two months were spent with you decorating the Loft to look more comfortable, Derek loved it and helped you out, even the pack went out of their way to help.
Anyway, you were sat there with a sandwich, Derek knew you were still cold so he took the fluffy blanket and wrapped you both in it.
Once you both were done Derek got some strawberries and ate them with you, then he layed down with his head on your lap, head faced upwards so he could see you grinning down at him ,,what?” He asked smiling at your dopey grin, ,,oh, just that bit of strawberry on your mouth.” You said. He tried licking it away but you couldn’t stop laughing ,,now you really look like a dog.”
He rolled his eyes and went to wipe it off with his hand but you stopped him, gripped his hand, bent down and licked away the bit of strawberry on the upper lip, you went to go back up but Derek cought you in a soft and gentle kiss, resting his now released hands on either side of your face as he caressed your cheek up to to the back of your ear.
Derek broke the kiss for air, you kissed the tip of his nose like he did with you earlier and leans back on your lap.
Derek was never really cuddly with other people around, he kinda has this badass reputation going on but never when he’s with you, he would always make sure your okay, and never leave without a kiss and a ‚i love you‘, which you absolutely adored.
There was comfortable silence of you two watching TV, enjoying each other’s company.
Derek broke the silence: ,,What do you wanna do today?“.
You turned the volume of the TV down so you could hear him better.
,,Hm, let me think about it.“
You thought while caressing Dereks hair, it was very soft, but a still a certain roughness in it.
,,What about a date?” Derek asked as he turned to look at you.
,,Ouh we haven’t had one of those in a while!“ you said excitedly.
He smiled, got up and said:,, 8 o’clock here, wear something warm and comfortable, I’ll organize the rest.” Then he walked off to who knows where.
You were happy to be spending more time with him.
You stood up and started preparing for things not knowing what to bring.
[ 9 hours later]
(In that time you went shopping with Lydia and got some dinner with her, she’s kinda your bestie to go)
You sat on the couch, grey wool jumper, black jeans and a black coat, waiting for your Prince Charming.
Finally a knock was heard from the loft door. You opened it to see Derek in also a gray hoodie and black jeans.
He smiled as he saw you ,,You manage to look perfect In anything” he said as he intertwined his hand In yours, starting to lead you down the loft. You blushed, kissed his cheek ,,well good thing we’re matching, I guess we both were going for perfect.” You said smoothly, he chuckled and led you to his beautiful camaro.
As Derek drove through the streets he intertwined his right hand with your left hand, keeping them on the gear and one hand on the wheel. The radio played a familiar tune as you slightly bounced your leg to the song.
The car ride was silent, not bad silence but peaceful silence.
You were now in a parking lot in the woods. The moonlight shone perfectly around the trees and leaves.
Derek got out of the car and went to open your door before you could. He smirked while you rolled your eyes and laughed ,,always the gentleman.“
,,always“ he replied with a smile while taking your hand once again in his, leading you to the trunk of the car.
,,Is this the scene where the loving maniacal boyfriend kills the girlfriend in cold blood and drags her body in a hole he digged? That would explain why you were preparing for so long.” You gasped loudly for dramatic flaire.
,,The boyfriend might, if he’s tempted enough by his equally loving maniacal girlfriend.“ he sassed back, quirking an eyebrow, tilting his head and looking deep into your eyes. It was a look he often did, kind of his trademark look.
You both chuckled as he resumed taking the stuff out of the trunk.
You couldn’t really guess what you both were going to do because he his the stuff in two black duffel bags, you took one duffel bag and he took the other, he didn’t bother to argue because he knew you would rather stubbornly take the bag than give both to him since he’s more than capable of taking them.
After a little walk in the woods he led you to a clearing right by a lake.
It was beautiful, there was plenty of room to sit on, the Moon reflecting elegantly against the water.
While you were gushing about the prettiness of this place you didn’t seem to notice your boyfriend building up a little tent, there even was a picnic blanket on the floor, a basket and some lights around it.
When Derek was finished building up the tent you walked up to him and threw yourself on him in a big hug throwing him in the blanket with you, he laughed and kissed your cheek.
,,This is the best Derek! Like WOW! I love you so much.” You said while peppering kisses all over his face.
,,Aw I love you so much too, you big softie.” He said with a big smirk.
,,oh shut up I was trying to be nice so fuck off, you did great.” You said getting off and sitting next to him. He laughed ,,There she is.“ .
He brought out the basket and got some bread sticks out, some wine and some fruit. We started talking and eating throughout the night.
He suddenly stood up and held his hand out. You reluctantly took it as you didn’t know what his devious mind was up to.
,,Take your clothes off”
You raised your eyebrows, not understanding what he was up to. He got out a pair of swimming trunks for him and put them on. Normally you’d be uncomfortable undressing in front of a boyfriend because you were insecure, honestly though, who isn’t? Derek knew that and always reassured you that you were the most beautiful woman on earth, that’s why Derek isn’t just any boyfriend, you felt very comfortable in your own skin around him.
,,So you knew we would go swimming but decided against packing my swimsuit?” You asked, eyebrows still raised.
,,Well I thought it would be nicer in underwear?” He said smirking.
,,For whom?”
He chuckled and walked over to you, kissing you.
He pulled your sweater up while you kissed and undid your jeans. You pulled back, stepping out of your jeans.
He led you to the water, picked you up and threw you into the icy cold water.
You gasped as you resurfaced, seeing Derek laughing as you were flailing your arms around. You tried pulling him in but it didn’t work, you splashed him a couple of times. This continued a few times, you trying to get out but that resulted in you being tossed into the water again, again and again. Soon You began to shiver, so he went in the water and held you close. You rested your head on his neck as he did the same, playing with you hair.
You sat there for a bit before you started to shiver again. He held you tight and walked out of the water with you still on him. He layed out two towels as sat you both on them. He even brought a heater!? There was a power supply in the ground, bc this place was made for camping, it was shut down but the power weirdly still works, I suspect Derek bought the property. He said he used to come here for peace and quiet, when he needed to get away. We layed on the towels and wrapped in lots of blankets, stargazing, talking, joking and remeniscing o about the past.
,,You know I love you?“ he said suddenly getting serious and staring into my eyes as he held both my hands.
,,Of course! I love you too.” You smiled and stared back into his eyes.
,,No, you don’t know how much I love you.
Every day I wake up in the morning and see your beautiful face. Every time I see you I just want to hold you and never let go. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you so I try to be with you every day. I want to protect you forever, I never want to imagine letting go of you, never!
So I’m asking you this [Y/N] [L/N], will you marry me?”
He asked as he pulled out a little box, a beautiful ring with a diamond and the Hale Triskelion on It. To say it was gorgeous was an understatement.
You had tears in your eyes. Frantically nodding and breathing out multiple ,Yes’s before you kissed him passionately.
He was had the biggest smile while you kissed, his hands on you waist as you were now between his legs.
The night went on about you both talking about the future, making plans and what not. Derek wanted kids, a lot he said, you didn’t expect that since you never really saw him as a kids person but you can definitely see why, his own little pack.
You wanted to get married with all your closest friends, even Peter should be there.
You wanted to spend the rest of your life with this man. YOUR man.
When you both realized the excitement and the thought of being husband and wife settled in you could feel the temperature of you shared blanket space increase.
You decided to go to the tent since thing were getting a little steamy.
Oh what a wonderful night.
A/N: If you want me to make a continuation of it just tell me :)
2,113 words
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binunus · 4 years
injury | cha eunwoo
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a/n ~im a simp for eunwoo, you’re a simp for eunwoo, let’s be simps for eunwoo~
LMFAO anyway this is the first week w/o true beauty and yes as much as suho’s character was a bit toxic, he was end game and that’s it !! also eunwoo bb worked so hard :’) no one can deny eunwoo’s superb acting skills alright !! and if they do they boutta catch these hands. so here’s a cute little something of basketball player!eunwoo bc im in love with him
pls watch handsome tigers or this tik tok if you wanna indulge in basketball player!eunwoo bc everyone should at least once in their life
→ pairing: basketball player!eunwoo x athletic trainer!reader
→ genre: fluff, lil angst
→ word count: 5.1k ________________________________________________
Your POV
One thing you didn’t expect when you applied to be a student athletic trainer for the university basketball team was to end up dating one of their star players, but here you were: holding hands with Cha Eunwoo–the starting shooting guard–as you two walked into the basketball court. 
He gave you a smile and a kiss to the cheek before going off to join his teammates in stretching. You let out a content sigh, watching as he happily greeted the other basketball players, and then went over to the other student trainers. 
Usually, you wouldn’t have much to do since the boys were just practicing, but there was someone new joining today, so you and the other trainers had to give her a little rundown on what she signed up for. 
“-mostly we just tape up and ice the guys if they have an injury or a muscle strain, but yeah that should be about it. Simple, right?”
The new girl nodded, eyes trained on the court as the team just started their warmups. “Who’s that? Number 97 is hot–”
“And dating y/n.” One of the male trainers, and yours and Eunwoo’s close friend, Rocky said, narrowing his eyes at the new girl as he rested his elbow on your shoulder. “So don’t even think of any ideas to–”
“Rocky,” You scolded hitting his stomach, “Don’t be rude.”
The girl gave you a once over, an uncomfortable smile on your face, as her eyes met yours. “Ah...well, you must have an amazing personality, y/n!”
You were taken aback, did she just call you ugly? You forced a laugh, trying your best not to quip back at her. Rocky, though, had no restraints, “Clearly a better one than yours.”
Before the new girl could respond, the head trainer called her over, a huge sigh of relief coming from you. Rocky clicked his tongue as he stared at her back, “She’s not going to last long with us. I don’t get why you’re so timid when others are clearly insulting you, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes at him. When it came to your friends, it was definitely Rocky and Myungjun who were not afraid to be bold about what they were thinking. “Eunwoo and I have been dating for more than a year now, you don’t think I’m used to people always saying that my boyfriend is out of my league? I just try to ignore it now Rocky c’mon, I know how Eunwoo feels about me and that’s enough.” 
“Damn hyung’s handsome face.” The younger male shook his head. You chuckled, the two of you taking a seat on the bench and conversing as the basketball practice went on. During water breaks, Eunwoo would come over to where you and Rocky were sitting, chatting it up with you two in brief increments before resuming practice. He would always pucker his lips up for a peck before leaving, which you would definitely grant and Rocky would pretend to be disgusted.
By the end of their practice, you managed to successfully avoid the new girl, waiting outside the locker room like you always do after bidding Rocky goodbye. Eunwoo smiled once he saw you, immediately draping his arm around your shoulders as he kissed your temple in greeting. “Baby, I’m hungry.”
“Mmm, you want to eat out or order in?” You asked looking up at him.
“Order in, I’m tired.” He said, the two of you already making your way to his car.
As soon as you two arrived back at Eunwoo’s apartment, he immediately plopped down on the couch. You chuckled, lightly smacking his butt, “Baby, go take a shower first, you’re sweaty.”
“Wanna take one with me?” He asked blinking his big beautiful eyes at you. You grinned, the offer was tempting, but you already took a shower earlier today and you wanted to order this food as soon as possible. Eunwoo pouted as you shook your head in rejection, getting up to go the bathroom looking like a kicked puppy. 
You turned on the television to whatever variety show was on at the moment, barely paying attention as you were looking through the food delivery app on your phone. You turned your head as Bin walked out of his bedroom, no doubt having just woken up from a nap.
“Oh? You guys are back.” He said sleepily, waving to you.
“Binnie, we’re ordering for dinner, do you want something?” You asked offering him your phone, a laugh leaving you at the boost of energy he received from the word ‘dinner’
“You know a way to man’s heart, y/n.” Bin said jokingly as he started looking through the menu. “By the way, Rocky texted me about that new trainer–rude ass bitch.”
“God you guys spread gossip faster than girls.” You said amused, “I told him earlier, I’m used to people saying stuff like that. It’s whatever.”
“I guess, but you know how sad Eunwoo will be if he finds out this is still going on?” Bin said handing you your phone back. “We’ve been telling you this since the beginning, don’t let other people’s opinions get to you. You’re attractive, y/n! And to Eunwoo, you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
You smiled, touched by his words of comfort, “Thanks Binnie, ah where would me and Eunwoo be without all of your guys’ support?”
“Nowhere because he wouldn’t have had the balls to confess to you if it wasn’t for us.” He scoffed heading to the bathroom.
“Change your mind, baby?”
“You better stay in the shower! I don’t wanna see your dick while I’m peeing.”
You laughed at their interaction, your attention shifting to the television as you patiently waited for your food and company. Within 30 minutes, the three of you were happily stuffing yourselves full with the takeout, talking up a storm while watching tv. You leaned back against the couch when you felt your stomach capacity maxed out, hands perched on your belly as you groaned, “I can’t eat anymore.”
They looked at you in amusement, Bin laughing while Eunwoo rested his hand on your knee, a fond smile on his face as he told you he’ll finish up your leftovers. The two boys then got engrossed in their own conversation of sorts, you listening quietly to the side as the food coma started to kick in. Somewhere in the midst of their conversation, you settled behind Eunwoo, legs draped next to his body as you snaked your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. He hummed, still chewing on his food as he took one of your hands and squeezed it. 
You started to zone out, their dialogue beginning to sound like a bunch of nonsensical noise. Bin looked over to where you were laying, “I think y/n’s about to knock out.” 
Your boyfriend turned his body to get a glimpse of you, grinning as you whined from the shift in movement. He changed your positions so that you were leaning next to his side, his arm around your waist as you rested your head on his shoulder. “Food coma?”
You nodded, snuggling into his side to get comfortable. Bin watched the two of you with a smile, scooping up the last of his food before clapping his hands, “Well! you guys being all cuddly is making me miss my bub...so see you lovebirds tomorrow!”
You snort, eyes still closed as you respond to him, “Aren’t they hanging out with Eunbi right now? I saw it earlier on their Instagram story.”
He shrugs, gathering up the trash, “I’m going to crash their hangout because I want to cuddle too. Have fun you two, good night sweet dreams, use protection...or not, be a little spicy!”
Eunwoo rolls his eyes as he picks up a throw pillow and chucks it at his roommate, “Alright bye Binnie.”
It takes all but five minutes before Bin leaves the apartment. The moment you two were alone, Eunwoo immediately tightened his hold, practically pulling you onto his lap as he laid you both down on the couch, spooning you from behind. You let out a smile, hands on top of his as he kissed your shoulder, “You ran a lot today baby, are your legs okay?”
He cutely nods his head, his chin lightly digging into your skin, “My calves are a bit tight, but I’ll probably just roll them out at the gym tomorrow.”
You hummed, rubbing his arm, “Do you want me to massage your legs?”
“It’s okay baby, we’re both tired. I’ll just do it tomorrow.” He said, not wanting to move from the couch any time soon. You chuckled, turning around so that you faced him, your eyes finally blinking open, “If you wait until tomorrow, your calves are gonna be stiff and sore, you might get a muscle cramp. C’mon baby.”
He kissed your nose in response, “You were literally about to knock out from a food coma five minutes ago.”
“The feeling comes and goes,” You grinned, moving to stand up from the couch. Eunwoo pouted at your absence, but followed your movement anyway, taking your hand as you led him to his bedroom. He obediently laid face down on his bed, waiting as you searched his room for the roller stick. “Can we cuddle after?”
“Yes,” You laughed, giving him a kiss before you sat down next to his legs. “Baby, this is your perk for dating an athletic trainer. I need to make sure you’re in tip top shape.”
“But rolling calves always hurt.” Eunwoo whined, already wincing as you started to apply pressure under the back of his knee. You tried to be gentle at first before really going in with stretching his calf muscles, “that’s because your calves are the tensest muscles in the body, they’re put under a lot of strain and pressure from walking and running so it hurts when you try to relax them.”
“I love when you talk medical to me,” He sighs dreamily. You roll your eyes, pressing down hard on the meat of his calves. You felt bad when Eunwoo started letting out complaints of pain, trying to talk him through it and distract him from the pressure on his legs. “Ow ow baby! It hurts!”
“I know I know, almost done baby, I promise.” You said gently, rolling the stick thoroughly over both calves a couple more times, trying to get rid of all the deep knots that accumulated in his muscles. After deciding that he’s suffered through enough with the stick, you put it to the side and began kneading the heels of your palms through his skin, stimulating his muscles gently after the harsh rolling session. Your hands slowly moved north until they landed on his shoulders, briefly massaging the knots out in his neck as well. You ended up laying next to him, cooing cutely as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “all done.”
Your boyfriend smiled, pulling you into his chest as he kissed your forehead, “thank you baby.”
“You better not ask any of the other trainers to do this for you,” You pouted, a little bubble of jealousy coming up from the earlier situation at the gym. “Except Rocky, maybe.”
Eunwoo scoffed, running his hands through your hair as he met your eyes, “I would much rather have you give me a massage than Rocky. And hey, you better not offer this treatment to the other guys too or I’ll get jealous. You’re my trainer.” 
“Deal.” You grinned hugging him tightly, all feelings of jealousy quenched.
Game days always had a specific schedule to be followed. In the morning, you two were free to do whatever you pleased, but it always ended up with the two of you procrastinating in bed until 11 am. Eunwoo always ate a high-protein high-calorie meal whenever he had games and today’s lunch was no different. After eating, the two of you began to get ready, which included showering and getting dressed.
Today you wore a simple set of jeans a black crop top, finishing your look with the university sports quarter zip, which you were required to wear for every game. After tying your hair up, you turned to your boyfriend who was just starting to dress himself. You took a seat on his bed, marveling at how attractive he looked as he slipped on his jersey and shorts. “I’ll never get over seeing you in your uniform, baby.”
He grinned, placing his arms on either side of your body as he hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. You expected it to be short and sweet, but Eunwoo had different ideas, lips still working against yours as your back gave in, laying down on the bed. You whined as one of his hands took place on your waist, rubbing at the exposed skin, “Mm, baby, we have to leave soon.”
“I know,” he said moving his lips down your jaw, “I just wanted to kiss you.”
“You can kiss me all you want after your game.” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso in a hug. He nodded, face buried in your neck as he dug his hands under your body, hugging you tightly. You hummed, caressing his hair soothingly, “Are you nervous?”
“A little, I’m always nervous before a game, baby.” Eunwoo said pressing a kiss to your collarbone, “You’ll cheer me on, right?”
“Always,” You said patting his back, “C’mon, we should start heading out soon.”
He nodded, reluctantly getting off of you and pulling your body up with him. You offered your boyfriend a cheerful smile, reaching up to fix the bangs out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks, shaking his face in between your hands, “You’re going to do amazing today baby, as always.”
Eunwoo smiled at your action, pecking your lips again before the two of you did a last-minute search around his room for your belongings. After getting all that you needed, the two of you bid Bin goodbye, telling the swimmer that you’ll see him at the court later. You took your place in the driver’s seat, wanting Eunwoo to just relax for the short drive to the gymnasium. You dropped him off at the entrance first before going to find parking, having Eunwoo arrive early was more important than your arrival anyway. 
As soon as you walked into the court, the players were already doing their stretches, your boyfriend in the midst of them all. You glanced at him briefly before greeting the other trainers, the group of you having a quick pre-game discussion of roles before being dismissed to do your own things. 
You actively try to avoid the new girl as the time draws closer to the start of the game, not wanting your energy to get dampered. By now, the other team has already arrived and the stands were slowly starting to fill up. You were seated calmly behind the bench, trying to pass the time on your phone, before your boyfriend took the space next to you, hand automatically going on top of your knee. “You ready?”
“As much as I can be,” He grinned rubbing your kneecap, “Wanna come with me to fill up my water bottle?”
You nod, you weren’t doing anything anyway. The male immediately drapes his arm over your shoulders as the two of you walk to the water station, the two of you already getting excited about your dinner plans after the game. The rest of your friends would be joining you, no doubt, as you already spotted them near the front of the student seating. 
You were in such a good mood, anticipating the start of what was going to be a good game. Your university was going against their rivals, so expectations for both teams were high. You and Eunwoo were leisurely walking back to the court, he still had a couple more minutes before he needed to join his team. 
“Hey, you’re Eunwoo, right? I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Hana, the new student trainer. You’re really good at playing!” The girl said walking up to the two of you. You immediately felt your body stiffen at her appearance, trying not to let it show to your boyfriend. He gives the new girl a polite smile, “Ah thank you.”
“If you need anything, I’ll be more than happy to help you.” She said batting her eyelashes sweetly at him. You pursed your lips tightly, jealousy easily building up inside of you. Eunwoo only laughed awkwardly, “I appreciate it, but y/n’s got everything handled when it comes to me, right baby?”
You nod, trying your hardest not to punch Hana in the face at her blatant attempt to flirt with your boyfriend right in front of you. Eunwoo noticed your discomfort immediately, removing his hand from where it was interlocked with yours before slipping it around your waist, squeezing the skin gently. “Well, it was nice meeting you Hana, but I should go back to the team...I’ll look at you when I need good luck, baby, hm?”
You manage to crack a smile, a little laugh leaving you when he puckered his lips out for a kiss. You step on your tiptoes, granting his wish quickly, before pushing him out towards the court. You turn towards Hana and give her a forced smile before searching for Rocky. 
You weren’t surprised to find him in the bleachers, sitting and chatting amongst your group of friends. You go and join them with a light feeling in your chest, greeting the other four of them with hugs.
“How are you doing y/n? You excited?” Jinjin asked as you take a seat next to him.
“Yeah! I mean the guys have a really good chance of winning this one, it’s gonna be a good game.” You smiled clasping your hands together. Rocky only scoffed as he pointed at you, “Bitch, I saw Hana approaching you and Eunwoo hyung, spill.”
You throw the younger male a joking glare, “Nothing gets past you, huh?”
Bin immediately cringed at her name, hand palming his forehead, “Oh God, what did she do?”
You shrugged passively, “She just introduced herself to him and said that if he needed anything, she’ll gladly help him or whatever.”
The boys groaned in response, Sanha reaching over Jinjin to tap your leg, “And? What did hyung say?”
“He let her down gently and said that he goes to me if he needs anything–”
“As he should!” Myungjun said indignantly, crossing his arms in annoyance. Jinjin only nodded, “Good boy.”
“If she even tries to homewreck y/n, just say the word and I’ll scream at her!” Myungjun said in all seriousness. You laugh at his claim, “thanks guys, but I think Eunwoo made it pretty obvious to her so it’s fine.”
The youngest sighed giving you a pout, “You’re too nice, y/n.”
“That’s what I’m saying,” Rocky said agreeing with Sanha, “If I was you and someone was flirting with my partner, I’d clock them right in the face.”
“Hey, I wanted to–”
“You should have,” Bin sighed, “What a shame, maybe next time.”
“I usually don’t advocate for violence, but I’d turn a blind eye for this, y/n.” Jinjin agreed. You rolled your eyes at them, “You know, as much as I love to sit here and get lectured, Rocky and I have to go down to the trainer section.”
“We’ll see you guys later!” Rocky said as the two of you stand to go to the bench, taking your seats with the other trainers–and as far away from Hana as you could. 
The game was already intense from the tip-off, both sides in a tight match to get a starting lead. The cheers from the stands were just as heightened, giving energy to both sides during baskets or free throws. Their plays started to get rougher from the beginning of the second half, more and more fouls getting called on both teams. 
You and the trainers were busy as well, assessing each player during substitutions and icing whenever they came back to the bench. By the third quarter, your team established a good six-point lead, the energy of your section high from Eunwoo’s back-to-back 3 pointers. 
You could distinctly hear Myungjun’s scream as he shouted Eunwoo’s name, a laugh coming from the bench at his volume. You hid your face in Rocky’s back, second hand embarrassment coming from the two of you at your friends’ loud cheering tactics.
You even spotted Eunwoo letting out a smile as both sides prepared for a free throw, your boyfriend giving a thumbs up to the guys in acknowledgement. His gaze then shifted onto you, your cheeks flushing as he shot you a heart-fluttering wink, a smile gluing itself onto your face.
You watched with pride as his concentration zeroed back in on the game, his team playing impeccable defense as they raced to your side of the court. After a couple back and forth relays, your team was on offense, trying to calm down the tensions as they strategized their next play.
It all happened so fast. The opponents stole the ball from your point guard, commencing a fast break. Eunwoo sped across court, the defense of your team depending on him and another player. 
He followed the instructions of his teammate well, placing his body in front of the opponent as he tried to defend your team’s basket. Unfortunately, the momentum of the other player was too much, both players roughly colliding and falling on the court. 
You gasped in horror, immediately standing up from your seat as the referee blew the whistle to stop the play. Your teeth dug into your lower lip in worry as Eunwoo remained on the floor, clutching his waist in pain as some players and the referees surrounded him. The head trainer jogged onto the court, kneeling in front of Eunwoo to ask if he was okay. 
The gymnasium was quiet, looking on to the scene that was unfolding in the center of the floor. Slowly, the trainer helped Eunwoo stand up, your boyfriend leaning his weight on the male as he limped off to the side, the coach substituting in the other shooting guard in place of Eunwoo. Both sides started clapping in respect, as they always do when someone gets injured during a play. 
The head trainer looked to the group of you, “someone help me with Eunwoo.”
Before you could even respond, Hana beat you to the chase raising her hand, “I can help.”
“y/n,” Eunwoo said, eyes only on you. The head trainer looks between you and Hana, sighing, “Decide amongst yourselves, and fast.”
“It’ll give me more experience-”
“No, I want y/n.” Eunwoo said seriously, not even giving her a chance. The head trainer ushers you over, your feet finally taking a step with the help of Rocky pushing you forward. You accidentally shove Hana out of your way as you approach Eunwoo and the trainer, taking some of your boyfriend’s weight as the three of you walk to the locker room.
Once in the locker room, the head trainer immediately started assessing Eunwoo’s waist, trying to determine whether he needed to be sent to the hospital for a scan. Quickly and quietly, you follow the trainer’s lead, offering your assistance when he needed it. All the while, you hold Eunwoo’s hand as your boyfriend was trying not to think of the pain in his lower back.
“Do you think you can walk, Eunwoo?”
“I don’t know, there’s a sharp pain in my waist if I try to turn my body.” Eunwoo said attempting to rotate his upper half.
“No no no, don’t move. Let’s get you to the hospital to make sure there isn’t anything broken.” He sighed taking out his phone to call the medical team, “y/n, I’m sure you’ll be accompanying your boyfriend. Text me Eunwoo’s updates, okay?”
You nodded, briefly leaving Eunwoo’s side to gather both his and your things. Within the next five minutes, a group of EMTs entered the locker room, lifting Eunwoo onto a stretcher and rolling him to an ambulance, you following closely behind. 
You didn’t say much on the way too the hospital, your mind too preoccupied with worry and thinking about the worst-possible scenario for your boyfriend. Even when you arrived at the hospital, Eunwoo was immediately whisked away to get some scans and X-rays done, you being escorted to the waiting room in the meantime. It seemed like forever until a nurse approached you, leading you to the room where Eunwoo was being held. 
You let out a sigh upon seeing him, almost being moved to tears as he offered you a smile, “You’re smiling? Cha Eunwoo, I oughta–”
“Baby, I’m okay.” He chuckled lightly, hand outstretched to meet yours. You frowned, putting both of your bags down to the side as you took a seat by his bedside, “Are you okay? What did the doctor say? I need to update the trainer and your coach too.”
“Nothing’s broken,” He said first, attempting to ease some of your anxiety. “The doctor said I had a nasty fall that bruised my coccyx so there’s a lot of inflammation to the area. They gave me some pain medication so I don’t really feel anything right now, but I should be discharged tomorrow. And then he gave me a referral to a chiropractor who I’ll see in about two days. But baby, I’m okay, promise.”
“You can’t play though,” You said softly, hands fiddling with his fingers, “I feel like I’m more upset than you.”
“I played hard today so I don’t regret anything.” He said simply, “it sucks that I couldn’t finish the game, but injuries are a part of being an athlete, you know that baby. Besides, from what the doctor said, I shouldn’t be out for too long, maybe just a game or two. I told him I’m in especially good hands because you’re gonna take care of me.”
You said nothing, still not fully believing that he’s taking this situation so well. “Baby...give me a smile, hm? I’ll feel much better if I see you smiling.”
Mustering up the brightest smile that you could, you finally looked up at his face. His features only softened, knowing that you were trying your best to stay strong for him, “Are you still worried?”
“Baby, you’re in the hospital.” You said as if stating the obvious, “How could I not be worried?” 
“You’re so cute being all worried about me,” He teased squeezing your hand. You scoffed, finally easing up a little at his flirting. “You laughed! I heard you laugh just now!”
“You’re annoying,” You said as you took out your phone to give the head trainer updates on Eunwoo’s condition. After you pressed send, you immediately received a call from Sanha, “Hello?”
“Is Eunwoo hyung okay?!” “Is he dying?!” “Eunwoo no he’s too young to die!”
You flinched at their loud volume, turning your phone on speaker so that you and Eunwoo could both respond to their chatter. “Guys, he’s not dying.”
“I’m okay,” He laughed taking your phone. “Hold on, did we win?”
“Are you fucking serious? That’s what you wanna know?!” Myungjun scolded into the phone. You chuckled, the guys talking over each other again as they announced they were on the way to the hospital. “They never said if we won or not.”
“I guess you’ll find out when they arrive.” You said, patting his cheek as you stood, removing your sweater. “Do you want some water, baby? I could go get some.”
He shook his head, puckering up his lips for something else. “Please? I’m injured.”
“You’re going to use this to your advantage, aren’t you?” You asked leaning down to grant him a quick kiss. “Maybe.”
After handing Eunwoo his phone, you went to the bathroom for a little bit before coming back and taking a seat on the hospital bed that he so highly encouraged. “If we get scolded by the nurse, I’m blaming it on you.”
“It’s not like you’re laying in bed with me, baby. We’ll be fine.” He said putting his hand on your thigh. He rubbed your cloth of your jeans gently, thinking to himself as you responded to messages on your phone. “Baby, you know I love you, right?”
You made a sound of confusion, looking up from your phone and meeting his eyes, “Hm? Of course I do. I love you too. Why, all of a sudden?”
“Just, when Hana was talking to us earlier and when she volunteered to try and help, I could see that you were uncomfortable.” Eunwoo said gently, “It annoyed me too, to be honest. Like what else did I need to do to show that I’m dating you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” You said stroking his hair, “I’m used to people thinking that they can steal you away just because they’re prettier than me or more handsome than me or whatever. It doesn’t bother me that much anymore, baby––and it shouldn’t bother you too.”
“That’s so fucked up, y/n, how can that not bother me?” He frowned. “You are the most attractive person in my eyes, baby. If anyone pulls this shit again, I swear I won’t let it slide.”
“I know,” You said quietly, kissing his cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Eunwoo said, “I don’t want you to ever forget that y/n, you’re mine and no one can do anything to change that.”
“Mmm, I’m lucky that you and the guys always defend me, aren’t I?” You lightly smiled, “God, you have no idea how many times Rocky cursed Hana out in the past week.”
“As he should,” Eunwoo nodded kissing the back of your hand, “see, this is why they’re my friends.”
“Speaking of our friends.” You said looking at the door, “I can hear them coming.”
Your boyfriend chuckled, both of your attentions at the door, which shortly was opened by five boisterous guys. The sound in the hospital room suddenly increasing tenfold at their appearance, all five of them crowding and fussing around the bed. You giggled, sharing a look with Eunwoo as the guys started talking all at once. He grinned, listening until the end of their rambles. Although he was injured, Eunwoo noticed that he couldn’t be feeling any happier. He had no doubt that he would have a speedy recovery, especially if you and his best friends were right by his side. _______________________________________
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