#And they just get a gift basket from the villains with a note like “we’ll take care of things here hope you boys get well soon <3”
cryptvokeeper · 2 years
also as long as I’m makin more rise posts let the record show that i am thinking about “NYC rogues gallery puts crime on hold to help out in the aftermath of the Movie while the Mad Dogs recover” 24/7
Like I know Hypno and Warren disappear from the movie after the first act or so but I’ve decided they feel really really bad and try to help out. Warrens able to get into small spaces in collapsed buildings and stuff and check if anyones stuck inside, and then Hypno gets them out. They also use his hypnosis to make people forget they saw them so they don’t get in trouble. I think they send the turtles a nice “sorry we inadvertently let aliens invade New York” gift basket too.
Repo Mantis hauling away rubble in the aftermath. He acts like it’s just cuz it’s good valuable scrap but he’s also losing just as much scrap giving away building/repair materials and helping fix up cars and generators for folks.
the purple dragons keeping wifi/cell service alive so people can contact their families and make sure they’re safe.
Big Mama’s hotel opening its doors to both yokai and humans who lost their homes.
Meat Sweats giving out hot meals to people.
What can I say I love 9-5 villains who are like “we may be evil but we aren’t MONSTERS” ok
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britishassistant · 3 years
@emyluwinter submitted: Hi!!With you again a freelance newspaperman who writes about the reporter Yuu and the Prefect!! I am very glad that you liked my little stories so much that I wrote earlier!!! It's very encouraging that my work is appreciated.
So today will be a small addition to the latest events related to the villainy of Crowley in the form of the kidnapping of Yuu's "family" and friends,and after the final" conversation " of the Prefect with Crowley.
Because of the noise and shouting, opening the room with a spare key, several henchmen cautiously look inside. Yuu had already changed back into civilian clothes and put on extra gloves to hide the knuckles on his hands that had been cut from the blows. - Um....chief, how are you? Yuu takes a deep breath. - Your boss should call a doctor. - So we were talking about you, micro-chief, - one of the minions adds, almost in a whisper. - Huh?Why am I a micro-chef? - Yuu looked at them in confusion. - Well...it's like you've just "talked" to the leader of one of the most powerful villains in the League of Villains.. - Plus your uncle, Mr. Cruel. - Your' family ' and friends are all right. We're not crazy enough to hurt them. - I don't really want to have a walrus's heel sewn on my forehead, - one of the henchmen added ruefully. Yuu couldn't believe it. - Are they really all right? - That's right, micro-chief! But please leave before Mr. Cruel breaks us down into test tubes. We want to live. - And I have a cat at home, how can I be without it. So we'll show you to the exit. Yuu chuckles uncomfortably.It was the first time he had felt so strange. Perhaps it was a mixture of shock, fear, and despair, laced with anger and rage. But for a second, he felt all the power that Crowley held in his hands. But now all this was not necessary, only his loved ones were important.
- Thank you..no, really, I'm grateful that they're safe and sound. - Yuu felt that all these minions were no different from civilians, and they just worked wherever they wanted. And now they are worried about the fact that their superiors have made a lot of mistakes. - Your cameraman friend is a great word player! - I lost three rounds in a row to him. Minions distract Yuu with simple and cute conversations. Some of them showed their pets. Yuu was even asked to sign an autograph as their favorite reporter. They were very moved by their understanding. Although for the most part, they behaved so as not to run into even more trouble. ***
TWST Anita hugged her baby tightly. - Oh Yuu, I was worried if you were okay. - Sorry, Mom - Yuu could barely hold on, they were terribly tired for this day and the last thing they wanted to do was go back to the kidnappings and villainies. TWST Roger patted their hair affectionately. - We were tied up just for show. The rest of the time off-camera, we sat on their couch. - He won four games of cards with the guards,- Anita added, chuckling softly. - Well, they're not stupid enough to harm us.- Roger chuckled. Yuu was just glad that they were all right. Yuuken held Grimm in his arms while standing next to them. - You held out well. - I should have burned all his feathers! - Grimm snorted. - And you cheated, Yuuken! You've made up more than half the words! - No, I didn't cheat, the guards told you the words. Yuu took a deep breath, the growing panic attack quickly passed in his parents ' arms and listening to Yuuken and Grimm. Uncle Divus arrived just a few minutes before the lair to make sure they were all right. None of the minions or minions were even willing to leave shadows in his path. "I sincerely apologize, Anita, that that idiot with the feathers would do something like that. Divus said guiltily, looking at his sister. - Don't take Divvy personally, I know that neither you nor Yuu will let us offend anyone. Everything ended well. - Anita said gently. Cruel relaxed a little at the realization that there was nothing wrong with the people close to him. Looking at the tired Yuu,Kruel just silently hugged him and hugged him very tightly. - You did very well, Yuu. I'm proud of you. - Thank you, Uncle Divvy...I think this time it's over once and for all. -I heard from the guards that Prefect beat him to the intensive care unit, but I don't know how he managed to get in. Yuu chuckled mirthlessly - yes, Prefect helped me out when it was most needed. Ah...I saw him get through the vent or something. Roger swore softly. - Damn it, I wanted to get his autograph! - Roger!Why do you need an autograph? - Little kitty King even has one, I also want an autograph!
Grimm uneasily climbs onto Yuu's shoulders and rubs his head against Yuu's cheek. He watched Yuu more closely than anyone else and saw the state they were in. - Hey .. Yuu. - Yes, Grimm? - Let you take a vacation, your hands are shaking like you're not letting go of a jackhammer. - Grimm glared at Yuu. - I absolutely agree with him, Yuu. Honey, you need a break, you have black eyes and you've lost weight since the last time we met. Being under constant stress is detrimental to your health. - Div, what about that country house you were talking about the other day? - Roger immediately joined in, taking up the idea. - I'm driving, so we can all go together. - Yuuken, you'll go too, no objection,- Anita smiled softly. - Yes, ma'am. I'll just talk to my superiors about letting us go for a couple of days. - Weeks at least,- Сruel added. *** Sitting surrounded by at least 15 pups, Yuu felt like he was falling asleep, they were really too tired for everything that had happened. The quiet snuffling of the pups around him brought him back nostalgically to the time when Yuu was just learning to play the piano with his father and, due to his age and height, couldn't reach the pedals below. How he and Uncle Divus would look at all sorts of fashion magazines, and Yuu would try to draw this or that dress or suit with crayons under his uncle's guidance. Even now, he could hear his mother and father discussing something with Uncle Divvy over a bottle of wine and quiet laughter. Grimm and Juuken fell asleep in a couple of minutes lying on the couch. Grimm climbed onto Yuuken's stomach and used it as a pillow.
Only in the evening, waking up from the doorbell, Yuu sleepily opened his eyes, they slept so soundly and well that they did not even notice how one of the particularly daring and playful puppies tried to gnaw his sleeve. - Who's, Uncle Divvy? - Yuu rubbed his eyes and yawned contentedly. Cruel carried several boxes into the room. - Courier with delivery, although it is strange that no one expected a special package. - What's is Divvy? - It came in the name of Yuu. - Me? - After getting out of the trap of the puppies, Yuu looked at the boxes with a puzzled expression. They were all in his name. And then Yuu noticed several small cards attached to the boxes. In the first box were expensive bagels with filling and frosting. It was a gift from Tsunotaro with an apology that they had to go through all this and Crowley had caused them so much inconvenience.
In the boxes from Tsunotaro there was also a basket of wild roses with a very pleasant and subtle aroma. Several varieties of very delicious tea and a letter was enclosed in an envelope. - "The items are very expensive and refined. Who is this secret fan, sweety? - Anita smiled softly. - From a friend, Mom...a very kind and good friend. - Yuu pulled out the letter and sat down on a chair and began to run his eyes over the beautiful written lines. Malleus certainly tried to put all his feelings and sincere empathy into the lines. The letter was very touching and full of grace, but the one phrase that caught Yuu's attention most was the one from the villain. "If you or your loved ones need help, please contact me first. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, it doesn't matter who I have to stand up against, whether it's villainous or even heroic, I will always help you no matter what happens, my dear and sweet reporter. Your loyal friend and " pink ink was added "and the most important terrible villain" - this must have been Vanruge. ... your loyal friend and loyal fan. Enjoy your vacation, we'll probably take a break for a while, too. " At the bottom was another postscript in pink ink : "One of the minions had the temerity to fall asleep in a den with the windows open. And now in our shelter a flock of birds, rabbits, squirrels and other small creatures that need to be attached" Yuu choked on a laugh as he imagined the mighty Tsunotaro surrounded by all these cute little animals. Finally, this long day gave Yuu something good, at least they will spend a few days with their family and close friends. Finally, the long-awaited rest and a short vacation came. By the way, the bagels with stuffing that were sent were damn delicious. - To bribe me on an empty stomach, up villainy is not otherwise-Yuu grinned, finishing another bagel. Thank you for your attention!
The perfect little ending to ease the sad of the last submission!! Yuu getting away with beating up Crowley! Crowley’s henchpeople treating Yuu with more respect and kindness than birb dad does!! Yuu’s dad wanting the Prefect’s autograph!! Forcing Yuu onto a vacation because their family loves them and wants them to feel safe and happy!! Yuuken and Grim going home with them and falling asleep in the puppy pile together!! Malleus’ care package and Lilia’s additions to his note!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!
Thank you so much for sending this in!!
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amintyworld · 3 years
The Return - Dream SMP 12 Years AU
A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to another introduction to a AU idea I had with a lotta fluff and angst. May write more with this AU because I have a lot of ideas for it. Hope you enjoy and as always, if you have any questions about this AU at all, my ask box is always open, I'd love to talk about this.
By the way, for the enderman text I used this translator that my friend @griffintail uses in her work as well. It was really helpful and you guys should totally check out her work on her blog, she's awesome. - Minty
Summary: 12 years after the Bench Trio, Wilbur, Sam and Sapnap kill Dream for good and burn the revive book, the masked man returns on a plan for revenge.
TW: Blood/gore, kidnapping, torture, attempted murder, murder, implied character death, running away, denial, cursing, sympathetic dream? (He's a ghost). (Tell me if I need to tag anything else!) (Also, shippers get off my lawn please and thank you.)
Michael’s eyes narrowed as someone, a stranger he couldn’t recognize slowly approached the house. That bright green hoodie and weird mask made his instincts flare, sensing danger. He jumped down, getting out his sword as he slowly walked to greet the intruder. His Dads and Uncle Technoblade trained him well enough that a plan was already forming in his head, going over the stock he had on him in his mind, prepared for whatever the stranger was planning to do.
A golden ax hung from the masked man’s back, a smile peeking out from under that smooth porcelain-like surface that the zombie piglin couldn’t tell if it was friendly or sinister. Finally, they were about five feet apart, facing each other. Michael pulled the cloak around him slightly more as a cold wind blew through the field. “Who are you? What are you doing on Snowchester Property?”
The man just stared at him, looking at him up and down.
“Answer me, dammit!”
“Michael, right?” The masked man walked toward him casually. “I don’t believe we’ve formally met.”
“Not another step!” Michael shouted, pointing his enchanted netherite sword threateningly at the stranger, who looked almost amused at this action, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “How do you know my name?!”
“Oh, your parents didn’t tell you? We’re family.”
“Not by blood, of course. I’m more like... a friend. A family friend. Your parents and I were very close back in the day, I just came by for a visit.”
“A visit…? If you’re so close with my parents how come you haven’t visited before?”
“You know how adventuring can be - it takes up a lot of time, you know.” The masked man smiled and made Michael’s gut churn uncomfortably. “I’ve heard so much about you, Michael.” The stranger kept walking towards the teenager, his hands up casually. “It’s been so long, we should really spend some time and catch up-”
“NO! No. Stay… stay right there. Don’t… don’t you dare fucking move, you got that?!” The man stopped around three feet away from him now. “Now you either tell me your name or I’m putting this blade through your teeth.”
The man sighed. “Pity. I was really hoping to get to talk with you peacefully, Michael. You seem like a nice kid.”
Quickly and flawlessly, the masked intruder pulled out his ax and Michael quickly readied his sword, ready for a fight. What he didn’t expect was for the intruder to get some air and run up the wall of the mansion, landing down the blow with a lot more force than the zombie piglin expected, and he dug his hooves into the snow, somehow keeping himself from getting knocked over completely. Using all of his strength he pushed the intruder off, scrambling for a strength potion as the man tackled him to the ground. “Nuh-uh, that’s cheating.” Michael was quick to grab his sword and defend, moving to strike against his neck. The masked man moved to dodge, the black string of his mask getting nicked by Michael’s blade, making it begin to fall to start to reveal blonde hair and cold green eyes that were somewhat familiar to Michael, though he couldn’t figure out from where. As he hesitated, the man’s eyes flared with anger. Within seconds he’d pulled Michael’s arm against his back toward his shoulder blade, making the piglin feel like his arm was going to snap. He grunted in pain, reaching to grab his sword that got knocked into the snow when he felt the press of an ax against his neck, enough pressure to feel the sharpness of the blade. The zombie piglin could hear his heartbeat in his ears, swallowing his fear.
“I’m Dream, though I think you already know who I am.” Dream huffed against the piglin’s desperate struggle, the familiar adrenaline rushing through his veins from a victory. Of course, Michael knew the stories - his Dads and Uncle Tommy defeated that psychopath 12 years ago. They killed him, how the fuck was he alive?! The blade pressed harder against Michael’s neck as it began to draw a bit of blood. “Stop struggling.” Dream relished how much he’d missed all this, how much he’d missed being in control. “You and I are gonna have a little chat.”
Ranboo hauled his basket of carrots and potatoes beside him as he reached down to grab some of the new harvests. A snowstorm was coming in soon, and they needed to stock up for the coming colder months. Their farms grew so big that a few of them set up shop in front of the old decommissioned prison, Pandora’s Box. Twelve years ago Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy had faced that prison head-on, fighting their old allies turned foes, death at nearly every turn they took. They succeeded with a little help, burying the body a little outside of the prison walls and never looking back. The three of them faced many more trials after that, growing close as years passed and the server became peaceful as it used to be back in the beginning. The children grew up, their parents giving them the world and more, protecting them from harm, and making sure they had better than their parents ever did. Now, throwing another bright orange carrot in his basket, Ranboo couldn’t help but smile across the way at his husband, teetering up the ladder in a straw sun hat, gathering honey from their bee farm. He’d gifted the ladder a few years prior - “A little short help for my shortie”. Tubbo threatened a villain arc at the note, making everyone around the table laugh as Ranboo walked over to embrace him, his chin resting on Tubbo’s head gently as the shorter had crossed his arms with a huff. Ranboo’s heart warmed at the fond memory.
He felt happy.
FoolishG whispered to you: Ranboo he’s back.
You whisper to FoolishG: What do you mean?
You whisper to FoolishG: Who?
FoolishG whispered to you: He’s going after you first.
FoolishG whispered to you: Is Michael with you?
You whisper to FoolishG: No.
You whisper to FoolishG: You didn’t answer my question, Foolish.
FoolishG whispered to you: Michael’s in danger, you need to get to him now.
FoolishG whispered to you: Dream’s alive, Ranboo.
You whisper to FoolishG: If this is some kind of joke this isn’t funny.
You whisper to FoolishG: This isn’t funny
You whisper to FoolishG: You know how he messed with me, stop it
You whisper to FoolishG: Don’t joke about that, Foolish.
You whisper to FoolishG: Foolish answer me
You whisper to FoolishG: Foolish?
Ranboo dropped his messenger in fear as the reality of the situation began to set in, his breaths beginning to panic. No, no no no no… they killed him. They killed him, they got rid of him for good. He’s supposed to be dead, he’s supposed to be gone-!
“Ranboo?” Tubbo looked over at him with concern as he packed up the jars of honey from their bee farm. Ranboo’s silence did not help his unease. “Ranboo, what’s wrong?”
FoolishG whispered to you: Hurry, Ranboo. I don’t know how long he’ll last.
Tubbo was kneeling in front of him now, grounding him with his hands on his husband’s shoulders. “Breathe. Breathe, Ranboo. Deep breaths, you’ve got it…”
As Ranboo tried in vain to even his breaths, he held Tubbo’s hand in fear. “Dream’s back... He’s...he… he’s alive and he has Michael.”
“What?” Tubbo’s eyebrows furrowed. “But… but we burned the revive book. We killed him, I saw his body-!”
“Michael… fuck, he has Michael…” Ranboo cursed on his breath. “This is all my fault, I should’ve known-!”
“No. None of that. You can’t blame yourself for this.” Tubbo dismissed, getting up and holding his hand out toward the enderman. “We’ve killed him before, we’ll just kill him again, right? We’ll save Michael and put a stop to this for good.” As Tubbo helped Ranboo back to his feet, he moved under a tree to place the purple glowing black box that greeted the two like an old friend. An enderchest. They hadn’t needed to use it for so long. They hadn’t needed what was inside. Tubbo pulled out a familiar enchanted sword that used to plague Ranboo’s dreams. His sword. The goat hybrid took off his straw hat and with one last glance placed it inside the enderchest, his eyes focused and thinking. He felt the new weight of the sword in his hand, getting used to the weapon again. “It’ll work this time. It has to.”
“It will.” Ranboo echoed.
Will it?
Tubbo’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, looking somber, numb. When they finally killed Dream they thought it would be the last time, the last war to fight. All three of them strived and hoped for peace, for all of it to be over, to get their own happy endings. He moved to the side, pulling out his communicator from his pocket. “Grab your stuff. I’ve got to warn Tommy.”
As Ranboo grabbed his own enchanted sword and his old armor from the chest, he couldn’t help but wonder, a single thought that nagged him and wouldn’t seem to leave his mind, making his stomach sink to the floor in dread…
...What if they never killed him in the first place?
Phil closed his eyes as he sat in his chair, feeling something wrong, off in the air, something he couldn’t quite place. The room around him is silent but Phil can feel the world yelling for him, screaming for him. It’s trying to tell him something. Phil’s been alive for a long time. He’s seen the earth burst with new life, and slaughtered bodies fall to the floor, smelling nothing but the cold press of death. He’s seen it, heard it, felt it so many times it was a familiar, somewhat comforting feeling for him. It was calming, it was constant, it was natural.
So why did it…?
Phil’s eyes opened slowly, looking out the window in thought as Technoblade walked in from the snowstorm outside, a chill running through the cabin. The piglin dropped his bag of loot on the floor and began to shoulder off his snow gear to hang by the fire to dry. As Techno walked past him, moving in front of the fire to undo his braids, damp from the snow.
“Techno, something’s happening.”
“Heh?” The piglin’s ears perked up from the break in the somewhat comfortable silence they usually shared. “What… what do you mean?”
“Something’s wrong. It feels… unnatural.” Phil said, closing his eyes briefly again to focus on the feeling. “Did you see anything off while you were out?”
“Not really, the snow’s coming down so hard you can barely see a thing out there.” The piglin shrugged, the concern on his friend’s face only making a pit form in his stomach he tried to ignore. “...what’s wrong?”
“Something’s moving… breathing… it shouldn’t be.”
“Zombies, maybe?” Techno suggested. “I did see a few while I was out.”
“Maybe.” Phil agreed. “Part of me feels like something’s off, something dangerous. Like when you… you were almost…” Phil sighed. “I guess I’m just worrying over nothing again.”
“I wouldn’t say nothing - you have good instincts, Phil.”
“Battle instincts. Instincts I don’t need anymore. And here I thought you’d have a harder time adjusting to all this.” Phil scoffed.
“A lot’s been changing. With everything that happened, I don’t blame you for being a little tense, Phil. I am too.” Technoblade admitted. “Just to be safe, we can double-check when the storm passes, that way we won’t get any interference with the communicators.”
“I’d like that.” Phil smiled, moving to sit next to his friend by the fireplace. “Thanks, Techno.”
Technoblade scoffed, his mouth breaking into a smile. “Hey, don’t mention it.” The piglin ran his hands through his hair, going through a few knots before grabbing a brush. Taking a deep breath to calm the knots in his stomach, Phil moved to set the kettle on the furnace, grabbing a match to light it.
Miles away from the icy tundra, Foolish walked through the Temple of the Undying, a small teenager in their arms. He was silent as he marched, tears going down his cheeks full of emotion the god held back. His arm gently cradled the child’s head close to his chest. His heart weighed heavy with guilt, words and memories echoing in his mind of failure, of how he failed his son.
Foolish could feel presences, he could feel others watching from the shadows and corners. Every single statue and totem memorial against the wall seemed to have their gazes fixed on him as if waiting for what the god would do next. For once, Foolish didn’t know what to do.
He hadn’t even told anyone the news yet. How could he? His son was dead and it was all his fault. All because he wasn’t careful. Dream was back, he was standing there next to his son and for once he couldn’t control his anger, his panic. He tried to strike him down, but…
He still remembered every detail, how Dream had just… smiled. He wasn’t afraid. He was staring down a god, and he wasn’t afraid. Somehow, he was always one step ahead.
Lightening still sparked and clung to Foolish Jr.’s body. Foolish couldn’t help but think about how much pain he must’ve been in, how much pain he must’ve put him through. He fell to his knees in the center of the temple, gently laying his son on the floor, the beacon lighting him in a bright glow. His hands shaking, Foolish brushed a bit of hair out of Junior’s eyes, bowing his head toward the ground.
“I’m sorry…” His soft whispers echoed through the temple. “I’m so so sorry, Ra forgive me for what I’ve done…” Tears dripped down to the floor. “My little totemling…” Foolish’s eyes snapped toward the walls as the totem statue’s eyes began to softly glow, bathing the two in green light. The totem god’s eyes still wet with tears as he looked into the green eyes, a silent question on his mind. Whispers filled his ears that he couldn’t quite decipher. Suddenly, he felt it.
A pinprick in the middle of his chest, expanding throughout his body, the pain pulsing like a heartbeat. His breath hitched as drowsiness overtook him, making him feel dizzy. An essence was being slowly pulled from his body, glowing like some kind of enchantment on a weapon. Sweat built on Foolish’s brow as he struggled to keep his breaths even. Then… a stinging slice across his middle left him in a silent scream. His hand slowly reached up toward his chest, his eyes widening when he found it covered in crimson. The pain was overwhelming - it felt as if his body was torn apart and stitched back together in a matter of seconds. He scrambled to grab a health potion, downing it all and wincing at the terrible aftertaste but thankfully finally getting some relief. His eyes focused on the essence as it hung up into the air above the two, and slowly was lowered, expanding around Foolish Junior’s body.
As the green light faded, Foolish heard faint chanting, looking around for where it was coming from, trying desperately to piece together what was happening. Before Foolish had time to figure out exactly what the chanting was saying, the body shooting upwards from the ground, gasping for breath quickly grabbed his attention.
Michael didn’t know how long it was. How many hours had passed since he’d been tied to the chair? He didn’t even know if it was night or day. He sat in the middle of his parent’s bedroom, feet and hands tied expertly - he was completely and utterly trapped. With every time he struggled and strained against the bonds they cut against his skin and irritated it enough to make them bleed, almost training the piglin to try to stay as still as possible, to avoid any pain.
Dream stalked around the bedroom like a thief, searching through the closet and drawers for something or other. He’d pick up a potion, a diamond, even an ingot or two, holding them up toward the light as if to inspect them before dropping them in his bag. His gaze fell upon a picture of the family from their beach vacation a few years ago - Ranboo fell asleep with a seagull perched on his stomach. Michael remembered how much he and his father had tried to hold back their laughter enough for a selfie, only for Ranboo to wake up and scare the seagull away halfway through taking the picture. They looked so happy together.
Dream seemed unfazed by the photo, almost studying it in a sense. The gaze seemed oddly calculated, making the teen feel uneasy.
“Michael you’re a good kid, you know.” Michael’s glare bore into Dream’s mask as sticky drips of crimson spilled over his hands. “You always want to do the right thing, want to protect everyone. You shouldn’t have to be the one to fight your parent’s battles, should you?”
Michael remained silent.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Michael. I really don’t. Despite what your parents might have told you, I’m not a monster. It brings me no satisfaction to bring you pain. After all, you’ve done nothing to me.”
“So I’m giving you some free advice - take the easy way out, for both of us. All you need to do is tell me where that armor is hidden, and I’ll let you go.”
“Bullshit.” Michael spat. “I know that’s not what you want, my parents told me more than that you’re just some scary monster. You’re a power hungry lunatic.”
A smile spread across Dream’s face at Michael’s words. “A lunatic, huh?”
“You manipulated Uncle Wilbur, you tortured Uncle Tommy… you betrayed my father all because you want power! You want control over people, freeing me would have you lose the only shred of control you have left on this server, so why would you?”
“You’re a smart kid, you know that?” Dream said casually, rolling up his sleeves. “So smart…” He reached into his bag, grabbing a pair of shears that looked worn. There were initials on the leather cover that Michael couldn’t strain his eyes to see. Dream uncovered the shears, walking over toward the piglin and resting an arm on the teenager’s right side, trapping him.
Something churned in the piglin’s stomach. “What… what are you…?”
“Tell me, smart kid, do you know what it feels like to die? To feel nothing but neverending agony? To choke on your own blood as you beg for relief and warmth only to find yourself becoming colder and colder, not being able to move or even scream?”
Michael couldn’t help the fear that traveled up his spine. “I…I-”
“I wonder… would you like to find out?” The sharp end of the scissors was quickly set near the bottom of the piglin’s neck. It freaked Michael out - how calm Dream was about it all, how serious he sounded. Was he really going to kill him? The question sent his mind racing, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he felt like a trapped sheep in a wolf’s grasp. He wanted to run but he couldn’t.
“I...I just-”
“Do you know what canon lives are, Michael?” Dream asked smoothly, as if he was telling the teenager about the terrible weather. The words seemed familiar to the piglin but for some reason he was so stressed it was hard to remember anything specific. His parents never really talked about it much and usually tried to avoid the topic.
Michael thickly swallowed, acutely aware of the sharp blade against his skin. “No… no I don’t think-”
Of all the things he expected to happen in his situation, he certainly didn’t expect for the masked man to go into a small laughing fit over his answer. Michael struggled to find what exactly was funny, and a small pit of rage began to boil in his stomach, temporarily distracting the zombie piglin from the fear that the green blob seemed to pull out of him. So what if he didn’t know what those are?! Why does he care?! “Oh, I knew they couldn’t have told you everything…”
“What… what do you mean?”
“You see Michael, when someone dies they use up a canon life and respawn, until… well… they can’t anymore. Everyone has three, but a few have been used up over the years, at least when I was around.” Michael could see the beginnings of a smirk poke out from underneath Dream’s mask. “You’ve never respawned, have you?! All three lives, no deaths… oh, this could be fun…”
What… what the fuck was he suggesting?!
“Your choice - Tell me where the armor is now, or I’m going to kill you.”
The zombie piglin nervously looked around for any kind of out, something to stall. He couldn’t give up the location - Dad told him explicitly that he couldn’t reveal the location to anyone, no matter the circumstances.
Tubbo held Michael’s hands firmly in his own. “It’s evil, Michael. It used to belong to a very bad person, and he hurt a lot of people. We have to contain that evil here, for everyone’s sake. If this got into the wrong hands…” His father trailed off, not bothering to finish.
“I promise, Dad. I won’t let you down.”
Tubbo looked up at his son proudly, moving to cup his cheek with his hand fondly. “I know you won’t. You’re old enough and you’ve trained enough, you’ve earned my trust.”
He couldn’t let his father down, but…
“Five… four… three…” Dream huffed, getting impatient.
“You… you can’t just-!”
“Wrong answer.”
Michael’s memory was fuzzy after that - maybe it was because of the pain, or maybe it because he didn’t want to remember. He remembered… he remembered how his body trembled as Dream swiftly stabbed him in the chest with the shears, he remembered the tears going down his face as Dream tried to wedge the weapon deeper in the wound. And the pain… the pain was indescribable. Of course Michael had gotten hurt before - but arrows and zombie bites and broken bones could never compare to this, not by a long shot. Words left his lips so freely that he forgot exactly what he said, but when Dream twisted the scissors he whimpered.
He was mad at himself for crying and losing himself in front of his tormentor - he was giving him exactly what he wanted! Why did he just cry so easily?! Why was he being so… so weak?! He didn’t know exactly how or when the chair he was tied to flipped over, but he did remember shouting that seemed distant. He hit his head when he fell, adding to the throbbing dizziness in his skull. The pain hurt so much he wanted it to stop, please just let it stop...
He hadn’t even noticed the masked green blob left the room until a pair of dark purple eyes stared at him from the doorway. He felt himself tremble as the figure moved closer, and Michael squeezed his eyes shut, not willing to watch whatever that thing wanted to do to him next. After a tense moment of silence the piglin felt arms wrapped around him, pulling him close and his body relaxed into the touch, the familiar hum radiating throughout the stranger’s chest that always helped calm him. A hand reached up to scratch at his ears fondly, and Michael worked up the courage to open his eyes.
Two purple glowing eyes looked down at him, smiling and purring. The hair, the clothes… “Dad…?” Michael weakly croaked. The purple-eyed Ranboo smiled at him as he fondly patted his head. A loud noise erupted from his mouth, making Michael tense up in fear.
Upon seeing Michael’s distress, purple-eyed Ranboo quickly went back to sending calming purrs, holding his son’s head in his hands. Michael was so confused - what was that noise? More importantly, was his Dad okay? Ranboo’s hands drifted above the zombie piglin’s chest wound, a slight noise of discomfort coming from the back of his throat. He grit his teeth through the pain as he struggled to speak. “Dad, look, you… you gotta listen - Dream’s here, he’s gonna be back any second…”
The Ranboo-not-Ranboo’s head whipped toward the doorway at a loud crash, his grip increasing on the teenager slightly. Had his Dad even heard him? More strange noise erupted from his mouth, only increasing Michael’s concern. What was going on?
Before Michael could ask what exactly that meant, with a ‘vwoop’ the purple-eyed Ranboo disappeared. Though Michael missed the warm comfort for his pulsing pain, part of him was glad. That means his Dad must’ve heard him, he was gonna warn the others and Dream wouldn’t hurt him, that was all that mattered. The other part felt like he was six years old again trapped in his own personal nightmare, begging for his father to come back and save him and hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright. Static began to fill his ears as a slow deep sleepiness began to take over. Tears pricked at the edges of Michael’s eyes, the pulsing, burning pain becoming too much.
Just let me rest...
The door slammed open. A scream echoed.
Foolish had never seen his son so scared in his entire life. He shot up, grasping for some kind of lifeline, and Foolish didn’t hesitate to pull him close. “Dad…”
“Shh, it’s okay little totemling. Dad’s right here.” His heart felt full as he hugged his son tightly, afraid that if he let go it would all just be a dream. His son, his son was alive and breathing, his son was right here in his arms, he was okay, it was all okay-! Wet tears slipped down his face before he had the time to notice them. The totem god’s gaze shifted up towards the totem statue. The statue glared down at him, expressionless, as if nothing else needed to be said.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
“There was… there were shadows everywhere,” Junior sobbed. “It was cold and so, so scary and I didn’t know where you were, and-!”
“I’m right here, Foolish. I’m right here. It…” Foolish hesitated. How could he explain this to him? How could he tell his son that he failed him? How could he face his son and tell him the truth, that his own father had killed him? Maybe some things were better left unsaid, some truths untold. Foolish couldn’t tell you whether he avoided it to spare his son’s emotions or his own, simply that he found that he just couldn’t. “It was all just a bad dream, don’t worry. I was just waiting for you to respawn.”
Maybe he was a coward. Maybe he’d tell him the truth later, but he couldn’t face it right now. He just couldn’t. Either way, what did it matter? He got a second chance, and this time he wasn’t going to mess up. Not again.
“Wait, where’s Dream?”
Foolish couldn’t help but tense hearing those words. “...What?”
“Where’s Dream? He just came back, I can’t leave him. He’s probably somewhere scared and alone, he probably thinks I died! I’m his only friend, I gotta-!” Junior shifted, moving to get out of his father’s grip.
“Foolish. Foolish, no.” The totem god said firmly. “Dream’s dangerous. He’s done horrible things, he’s hurt so many people back when he was alive, and I won’t have you be next.” Not again.
“But… but it’s been so long, maybe he’s changed! Maybe…”
“When Wilbur came back he changed, he became a good guy again! Dream’s been dead longer than him, he’s my friend he can’t… he’s not…”
“Dream used you against me when you stepped in front to protect him. Maybe his ghost was different, but… but he’s not a ghost anymore.”
Junior pulled away from his father’s embrace. “No, no that’s not true! You were the first one to attack him, he was just standing there, Dad! He just came back, he hadn’t done anything wrong, you assumed he did. You attacked for no reason.”
“Foolish you don’t understand, the things Dream’s done-”
“He’s been dead for 12 years, Dad! 12 years, and you don’t think he’s changed?! I thought you always believed in second chances, that everyone deserves a chance to do the right thing.” Junior stated. “You didn’t even give him a chance.”
“He’s killed countless people in cold blood-”
“Haven’t you?!”
Foolish’s face fell as he looked over his hands. Static filled his ears as his mind remembered every single detail, and for a moment he swore he could feel the warm, thick blood coating his hands. No, no no no… not now… He quickly clenched his hands tightly into fists, closing his eyes, trying to block it out before it flooded back, before…
He felt arms around his neck, a warm embrace. “It’s okay, it’s okay… I’m so sorry, I’m sorry-!”
As the feeling slowly faded, he opened his eyes, finding his son’s face red and puffy from crying. He mustered a small smile, both their anger long forgotten. “Hey, hey it’s okay… I told you I’m not going anywhere, right?”
“You were… you were turning into the… I’m so sorry…” Junior’s voice was soft and quiet.
“You don’t need to be, it’s not your fault…” Foolish reassured. “You’re right. You’re right, I’ve… I’ve done horrible things too. I just don’t want him to hurt you. I want to protect you, you know that right?”
“I know.”
Junior yawned, and Foolish smiled warmly.
“Come, my little totemling. You look tired.” Foolish said, scooping up the young teenager in his arms and walking toward his son’s room. Junior tiredly smiled.
“I love you, Dad.”
Foolish leaned down and gave his son a small forehead kiss. “I love you too, Foolish. No matter what.”
“Shit, shit shit shit shit…” Tubbo mumbled, his hands shaking as he rushed over to his son, noticing the large gash in his chest. He fumbled for his bag, desperately trying to find a potion of harming.
Regen, healing, strength, swiftness…
“Fuck.” Tubbo cursed under his breath, throwing aside his satchel and rushing over toward the drawers, pulling them open, throwing things to the ground in reckless abandon. What happened to the potions?! They always had extra, then extra for the extra! He and Ranboo were always prepared, they knew how hard harming potions were to make, so where was it?!
A loud crash ripped through the halls as Enderwalk Ranboo crashed through the wooden wall of the room, wooden splinters flying everywhere. Enderwalk huffed as he staggered trying to get to his feet, letting out a loud hiss as Dream walked through the new hole in the wall, his sword out, red staining his green hoodie. He looked over the scene, catching his breath.
“Oh, you guys wanted to pull one over on me, huh?! Throw the enderman freak on me, grab Michael and leave?”
Tubbo moved to be closer to Michael, pulling out his own sword protectively as Enderwalk moved in front of both, ignoring his own slashes and blood dripping to the floor. Enderwalk Ranboo screeched, almost daring the masked man to come toward his family. Tubbo’s gaze was focused on Dream, looking him over. “Yeah, something like that. Great plan, isn’t it?”
“Actually,” Dream let out a small cough, smirking. “Actually it’s pretty stupid.”
“I’d disagree, since we have Michael, and from the looks of it, you don’t have your precious armor.”
“Oh Tubbo, all these years and you’ve learned nothing… I always have other plans.”
Tubbo’s eyes narrowed. “What do you-?”
“Looking for this?” Dream smiled, holding up a glimmering potion of harming. Enderwalk was ready to pounce, looking over at Tubbo who stood up, sword raised. “Nuh-uh-uh. Try to take it from me and I’ll smash it on the floor. All of them.” Dream moved to open the flap of his bag slightly to reveal more potions of harming. Tubbo’s face fell - all the extras, everything…
Enderwalk looked back at Tubbo, head tilted in confusion as Tubbo signaled for him to stand down. Tubbo took a deep breath - he hated this. He hated that once again, he hadn’t thought everything through, he hated that once again he failed, and most of all he hated that fact that as of this moment, his son’s life was in that green psycho's hands. Enderwalk turned to hold Michael close once again, nuzzling him and getting worried and sad when he didn’t respond. “What do you want for it?”
“You know what I want.” Dream said coldly. “I’d hurry if I were you, or it’ll be Michael’s first cannon life.”
Tubbo promised himself he wouldn’t ever subject his son to that kind of pain, that he’d protect him no matter what. He let out a defeated sigh. “Second portrait on the left in the entryway. It’s behind the painting.” Tubbo held out his hand. “Now give me the potion.”
“Tubbo, Tubbo, Tubbo… never change. Once an idiot, always an idiot, isn’t it?” Dream tossed the potion bottle over, which Tubbo quickly caught as the masked man turned and walked out of the room. Tubbo quickly rushed over toward his son, putting the potion bottle to his lips. They didn’t have much time.
Of course, it wouldn’t heal much, but it certainly was better than nothing. He looked over toward Enderwalk, gears turning in his head trying to make sure he spoke clearly enough to be understood. “⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀, ☌⟒⏁ ⏚⏃⋏⎅⏃☌⟒⌇.”
Enderwalk nodded, rushing over toward the drawers, grabbing some bandages and handing them over to Tubbo, who set down the empty potion bottle. Enderwalk looked down at Michael as Tubbo worked, focused. “⏚⏃⏚⊬ ⏃⌇⌰⟒⟒⌿. ⏚⏃⏚⊬ ⍜☍⏃⊬?”
“⌿⏃⟟⋏ ⊑⎍⍀⏁ ⏁⍜⍜ ⋔⎍☊⊑. ⌿⍜⏁⟟⍜⋏ ⊑⟒⌰⌿⟒⎅.”
Enderwalk reached to scratch and pat behind Michael’s ears. Tubbo tightened the bandages as Michael stirred. “...Dad…?”
“Michael, thank gods you’re alright!” Tubbo moved to hug his son, Enderwalk joining in, purring happily at the reunion.
“What… what happened? Where’s Dream?”
No time. “Busy. Michael, can you move..?”
Michael shifted to sit, feeling sore, tired. Small pulses of pain still wracked his body that he ignored. He moved his leg slightly, testing the waters. “I… I think so…?”
“Good. Okay.” Tubbo got up, holding out his hand and helping his son stand on shaky hooves. “I need you to run. Run toward Uncle Tommy’s.”
“Wait, what? N-no, I’m not leaving you!”
“This isn’t a choice, Michael. You have to go. Now. Before he comes back.”
Tubbo’s hands gently squeezed his son’s. “No matter what you hear or what happens, don’t stop. Don’t stop until you’re at Uncle Tommy’s and you’re safe, okay?”
“But what about you and Dad? What about Dream?”
“Don’t worry, we’ve held our own this long. We’ll meet you at Uncle Tommy’s soon, but you have to get there and get safe, okay? Don’t look back, just get there. You can do that for me, right?” Tubbo’s forehead gently bonked Michael’s. “Remember the time we got caught in the forest just as the sun was coming down?”
“Yeah. I was so scared I couldn’t move. It was my first time out at night.”
“Remember, I took your hand like this…” Tubbo slowly rubbed circles into the back of Michael’s palm. “And told you that you didn’t have to be scared, that I was gonna be right there with you. All the scary monsters, you didn’t need to be afraid because as long as you kept running, nothing could get you.”
“Dad, I don’t know if I-”
“Yes you can. I know you can, Michael. Run as fast as your hooves can carry you, I know you can do it. I know you can be brave.” Tubbo encouraged. “Get there, your father and I will be right behind you. I promise.”
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, Michael.”
“⏚⏃⏚⊬ ⍜☍⏃⊬! ⍙⊑⊬ ⏚⏃⏚⊬ ⌇⏃⎅?”
Enderwalk nuzzled with Michael as a few tears spilled down the piglin’s cheeks, and he laughed, smiling. “I love you too, Dad!”
Quickly, giving his parents one last look, Michael dashed into the hallway, heading toward the balcony and jumping down into the courtyard, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he ran through the trees toward the icy tundra. Tubbo wiped away his tears as he looked over toward his purple-eyed husband.
Tubbo cupped Enderwalk’s cheek as the enderman snuggled into the embrace. “⋔⟟☊⊑⏃⟒⌰ ⋏⍜⏁ ⌇⏃��⟒ ⊑⟒⍀⟒. ☌⍜⟟⋏☌ ⏁⍜ ⌇⏃⎎⟒ ⌿⌰⏃☊⟒.”
Enderwalk looked into Tubbo’s eyes and nodded in understanding. He moved to hold Tubbo’s face in his hands as Tubbo stilled, confused for a moment before Enderwalk pulled him down to the floor in a tight hug. Surprised at first, Tubbo returned the gesture. A loud crash erupted from below the two, followed by loud angry yells that sent shivers up Enderwalk’s spine and made him tense up.
“The flowers are really pretty today.” Ghostie smiled as he kneeled down in the daisy flower field, callused and rough hands moving to gently caress a flower.
“Yeah, spring’s coming.” Junior smiled, sitting down next to his friend.
“You… wait a minute, you’ve never seen spring before?!”
The ghost considered his friend's words for a moment, searching his own memory. “No, I… I don’t think I remember spring.” He smiled excitedly, a childlike curiosity in his eyes. “What’s it like?”
Junior settled down next to his friend, moving to pluck a flower. “Well, it’s warm, like… like hot chocolate, and flowers come back… it’s like the entire world comes alive again.” As Junior spoke, Ghostie pushed his green hood back and looked up towards the bright blue sky, noticing a small butterfly float past. His heart felt light, it was perfectly warm and bright, and something about everything around him made a smile appear on his face. “It’s perfect.”
“Oh, by the way, I’ve got something for you.” Foolish Junior smiled, reaching into his bag and pulling out a small piece of different colors of braided thread - a lime green and two different shades of blue with a small white shell at the bottom. He held it out to Ghostie. “Now we’re officially best friends!”
“What is it…?” Ghostie asked, staring down at the foreign object laid in his palm.
“It’s a friendship bracelet!” Junior beamed, pulling out a similar yellow with the same two shades of blue. When his ghost friend didn’t respond or understand when he pointed it out, just staring up at him confused, he moved to explain. “You wear it on your wrist to show that we’re friends. See? It matches mine.” The twelve year old held up his own bracelet to show his ghost friend.
“Were… were we not friends before…?”
“Of course we were, Ghostie!” Foolish Junior exclaimed. “You’re my best ghost friend in the world, after all.” He reassured his friend. “I just wanted to make it for you because I thought you’d like it. Tubbo was telling me this story the other day about these special compasses, and… and I wanted to make sure that even if we’re not always together, we’ll still have a part of each other, you know?”
“It’s pretty. Like the flowers.” Ghostie smiled. “I love it.”
“Here, let me show you how to put it on…”
Foolish Junior heard talking just beyond his room as he packed, hearing his Uncle Eret downstairs. For a second, his mind wandered to what they could possibly be talking about. After all, it was just a simple respawn. He wasn’t that hurt, Ghostie got brought back… everything was perfect! Everything was supposed to be absolutely perfect.
So why wasn’t it? The whispers and hushed tones, the way his father looked at him, clung to him in a vice grip… it wasn’t right. He wasn’t right. He knew his father wasn’t right about Ghostie, or… or was he Dream now…? Dream. It didn’t sound right, it didn’t fit him as well as ‘Ghostie’ did. The name felt so foreign on his tongue. But, if that’s what his friend wanted…
The teenager stilled as his gaze settled on the abandoned green and blue friendship bracelet left on his nightstand. He remembered how Ghostie held it with the utmost care when he handed it to him to take - “Make sure to give it back once the ritual’s all done. I don’t wanna get it dirty.” Junior remembered so clearly how Ghostie looked at him when he wasn’t transparent anymore.he called out for him with a smile, and his best friend simply turned around without saying a single word, looking around the forest.
After a moment of hesitation, he slid on Ghostie’s bracelet next to his own. He’ll give it back, he’ll reunite with Ghostie and introduce him to everyone and they’d understand. Then, they’d finally get to go swimming together like they always wanted to. They’d be together again.
All he had to do was find him.
You whisper to Dream: Meet me by the flower field tonight once the sun goes down. Be safe. We’ve gotta talk.
As his husband held his head in agony, Tubbo was quick to steady him, resting his head against his shoulder. He gently held him, adapting as he shifted every now and then. Worried thoughts filled Tubbo's head as he couldn’t help but think of the worst - it had after all been years since Ranboo had forced himself to go into that state. He was the one who pushed him, all for his plan, his 'big' plan. Eventually, Tubbo found the voice to speak. “You there, Boo?”
“I... forgot how dizzying it is…” Ranboo let out a pained chuckle against his husband’s shoulder. “How’d I do?”
“Amazing,” Tubbo smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. A few tears slid down his cheeks as he softly laughed. “Absolutely amazing.”
“Michael okay?”
“Dream roughed him up a little badly,” Tubbo sniffed, moving his hand up to wipe away his tears. “I patched him up, gave him a potion and sent him on his way toward Tommy’s.”
“That’s good.” Ranboo moved to sit up fully, holding Tubbo’s hand in his to comfort him. His smile never left his face. “So, what’s the plan now?”
“Well, Dream always told us what would happen if we crossed him.” Tubbo looked up at Ranboo. “Do you wanna come with me and find out?”
The enderman smirked playfully. “Aw, don’t tell me you tricked the poor thing…?”
“I do learn from the best.” Tubbo smiled. The door slammed open once more to reveal a very angry and pissed off Dream. Slowly, he walked over toward the couple, a golden axe drawn.
“Tubbo.” He growled.
"Dream." Tubbo smiled. "Did you find the armor?" A pair of netherite boots fell to the floor with a 'clang', the noise like thunder in the silent tense room.
“Where’s the rest of it?!”
“What, don't you like the boots?”
Dream pounced, tackling Tubbo to the ground and slowly pushing the axe blade up toward Tubbo’s neck. “Start talking you little shit.”
“Did you honestly think we’d hide all your precious armor and weapons in one spot?! Do you think after twelve years we’d still be that stupid?!” With Tubbo’s words, Dream looked like he was slapped, anger only building and rising the more he thought it over, the more he realized his mistake.
A mistake. He didn't make mistakes.
“We’ve buried them and hid the locations all around the SMP, just in case someone like you ever showed up again and tried to take us down.” Tubbo explained. “Good luck on finding the others, going through everyone on the SMP, digging through all that dirt… not to mention that as we speak Michael’s running to warn the others about you.” Tubbo’s eyes narrowed. “You’re trapped.”
He didn't make mistakes. He didn't get trapped. He was always smarter, always faster, always in control. Why wasn't he in control?!
“Checkmate, Dream.” Tubbo spat.
The words sparked a flame within Dream’s stomach, igniting his anger and destructive spirit. Choked breathing filled the room as Dream wrapped his hands around Tubbo’s throat and squeezed. How dare he… HOW DARE HE TRICK HIM?! He saw red as he slammed Tubbo’s head back down against the wooden floor, staining it crimson. Ranboo yelled and screamed in the background until Tubbo was still as a stone, unconscious.
“Get away from him!” Ranboo yelled, grabbing his sword and moving to strike. A quick slash of Dream’s yellow axe sent him to the floor as well. Struggling to keep awake, Ranboo crawled, each movement feeling like fire as it combined with his older injuries, his blood dripping to the floor. Dream watched Ranboo a moment, relishing in his struggle, the blood bringing him a deep satisfaction. Slowly, ever so slowly, he begins to walk over toward the enderman, his golden axe dripping with blood.
“I’ll admit, I didn’t expect you guys to be so sharp after all these years… but you’re still making the same mistakes.” Dream said with an oddly calm and cold tone. “You three always underestimate me. You underestimated me then, and you’re still doing it now to make yourselves feel better, to feel like you’ve won. But you haven’t.” Dream kneeled down in front of the enderman, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling his face to look at his. “I’m going to win eventually. After all, I waited a hundred and forty-four years to get out of that hell hole you three put me in. If you think a small slip up is all it takes to stop me and the plans I have…" The last thing that rang in Ranboo's head before he passed out was Dream's crazed laughter.
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(Also, I believe @yellowhearthero wanted some protective enderboo, so here you go! :D)
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lovelylapins · 6 years
au august day 1
day 1- soulmate
a few days late but we are writing for @auyeahaugust !!! a little out there with this one, i won’t lie lol
“Soulmate markings first appeared in late B.C., rising in numbers after the Roman Empire fell. The marks would be undetected until those two confessed their feelings and were originally seen as a gift from the Roman gods. At first limited to solely that part, they traveled out of the Mediterranean Sea and consumed Europe, then led to the Americas and Asia by the mid-fifteenth century. Now, can anyone tell me the chance for soulmates in today’s world?”
A hand jumps up, arm straight and sure.
“Max, go ahead.”
“A one in a hundred chance,” he says, hand lowered and pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Correct. Now, has anybody found their soulmate, or knows of someone who did?”
“My parents found each other.”
“So did mine!”
“Same over here!”
“That’s great to hear. Anybody else?”
“I did,” Mylene says, blushing. She shows off the small swan decorating her wrist, with Ivan close by displaying the matching mark on his wrist as well.
“Good for you,” Miss Bustier says, beaming at the couple. “You and Ivan must be happy to find each other so young.”
Alya nudges Marinette, who’s hand is quickly moving down the page and jotting down notes as Miss Bustier continues on with the lecture.
“Hey girl,” she whispers. “Do you think you and Adrien could have matching marks?”
Marinette blushes, pencil dropping and cheeks flushing.
“W-What! Of course not!” she exclaims, dropping her voice to not get in trouble. Her eyes flicker over to Adrien, cheeks continuing to warm up at even the thought.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” she teases. “C’mon, what hormonal teenage girl in Paris hasn’t?”
“Uh, you. You have Nino.”
“Oh yeah,” Alya says, rubbing her elbow where the mark lay. In front of them, Marinette catches sight of Nino’s as well, noticeable from a mile away. “I still can’t believe we got a phone for our mark. Doesn’t make Gen Z look any less tech addicted.”
“I think it’s cute,” Marinette defends. She looks at it closer, wishing she had a mark of her own. Darting away, her eyes land on Adrien, just for a second.
Alya picks up on it almost instantly, slapping Marinette’s shoulder.
“I knew it! You do think about it,” she says.
“Only sometimes. But can you blame me?” Marinette sighs. It would be a dream come true, but to even have it come true would mean she’d have to try and confess her feelings for him, and well, Marinette can’t even speak a sentence near him without malfunctioning.
“One day girlie. Until then, we’ll just have to break you outta your shell around him. He’d be a fool to not have you as his soulmate.”
Marinette laughs, finding it quite impossible to even think that she’ll be able to manage more than a sentence in his direction even by the time they graduate, much less let out a confession.
“Let’s get back to our notes. You know Miss Bustier is having a quiz next period on the basics of the marks.”
“Yeah, right. You know she’s bluffing every single time she says that.”
Hours later, she finds herself on top of a billboard, legs swinging to feel the emptiness under her. It’s just past sunset, and Chat’s expected to meet up with her at any minute for their patrol. It’s been peaceful so far, and she takes this moment to gawk in peace.
She’s staring across the street, hearts in her eyes as she gazes at the newest billboard on the building over, which has her classmate and crush Adrien Agreste plastered on it. He’s smirking at the camera, hand poised to rest on his chin and eyes twinkling. It’s an ad for some facial cleanser, but even without the editing he glows and shines like a child of the sun.
Marinette feels her heart swirl, cheeks already warming just by looking at him. She leans forward a bit to get closer, only realizing she’s perched on a goddamn billboard.
“Having a nice time?” she hears next to her, and Marinette nearly jumps off the billboard in that very second. Startled, she looks and catches Chat Noir only a few inches away from her, poised like he’s ready to pounce on any villain. He’s smiling at her, two rows of blindingly white teeth beaming down at her.
“Oh, you silly cat,” she says. She turns back to look at the billboard, admiring the features and wondering if it’d make a perfect new lockscreen. Marinette fumbles, trying to make up an excuse. “I-I was just looking at him because I… I wanted to buy some new face products!”
“Really? Then you might just want to clean that drool on your face,” Chat comments, raising a hand to gesture at her.
“I don’t have drool on me!” she exclaims. Marinette’s hand comes up to her mouth, touching around just to make sure there’s nothing there. Chat laughs, clearly enjoying this. Strangely, his cheeks are slightly red, something Marinette racks up to the sunset’s lighting on his face.
“Sure, sure…”
“I don’t!”
“Oh, you don’t have to deny it. There’s nothing wrong with liking a model, you know,” Adrien says, looking at the billboard of himself. He remembers that ad. He hadn’t even tried the product, just went in for some quick shoots and left with a basket of promo objects in his arms.
A part in him wonders what she’ll say, heart pitter-pattering in the hopes Ladybug, the Ladybug, might have a crush on him.
“I don’t like him,” she says, voice strong. His heart plummets off the billboard they’re on, splattering on the pavement below.
“That much, at least.”
“Really? So would you say you have a… a crush on him?” he suggests. He moves a bit closer, peering at her face for any signs.
“Why do you care so much?” Ladybug asks, eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
Adrien blinks, forgetting for a moment Ladybug doesn’t know he’s Chat.
“Oh what? Of course not!” he exclaims, pulling back from Ladybug.
“I find that hard to believe,” she scoffs. She stares at him for a minute longer, then turns to look at the sunset, fading away into darkness.
“You wouldn’t need to be jealous anyways,” Ladybug lets out. “Like he would ever like me.”
“What are you saying! You’re Ladybug! Of course, he’d love- like you.”
“But would he like me?” Ladybug laughs, hand fiddling with her hair. Adrien perks up at this, noticing Marinette usually does that too when she gets nervous. He hadn’t suspected it was a thing all girls did.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m telling you this only because I trust you.” She takes a deep breath. “I… I know him in real life.”
Adrien almost falls off the billboard, eyes widening. Ladybug doesn’t notice, eyes still trained on the sky.
“I’ve liked him as long as I can remember, but no matter how much I want to, I’ll never be able to confess to him I like him. Something’s holding me back, I guess. Isn’t that funny? Ladybug being nervous?”
“Ladybug, I- “ he starts, trying to interject. Oddly, he feels a slight tingle on his neck, something warm. At the same time, he feels a sudden realization come over him, developing faster and faster the more that she talks he wants to confirm his suspicions.
She continues on, Marinette finding a strength she hadn’t felt before surge through her. It’s like something’s compelling her to spill all right now, before she loses her courage. A soft tingle, starting out from her neck and running down her body.
“In a perfect world, I’d confess, and he’d confess back, and we’d be soulmates and live a happily ever after. But, we don’t really have a perfect world now, do we?” Marinette stops talking. The sunset’s disappeared now. She turns back to Chat, wondering what he’ll say in response to her sudden confession.
Oh, if only Adrien had been here to hear it, she thinks wistfully. Then, we could see if we were actually soulmates.
He’s still red, she notes, looking at his cheeks. A soft look has gone over his eyes, something Marinette remembers from somewhere, from someone else. He’s been biting his lip too, she notes, the normally smooth lips cracked and bleeding now from biting down so hard. And then, in a brief state of curiosity, she looks down at his neck.
Right there, almost hidden by his high collar, is a mark.
Looking back up at Chat’s face, she catches his eyes trained on something on her, the same area she had looked at. Pulling out her yoyo, she opens it to gaze into the mirror, angling it to her neck.
A mark, same as his.
“A… Adrien?”
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fanfiction-writers · 6 years
Lies and Discoveries
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi (All Might)x Reader
Words: 2k
Summary: You've been in a relationship with Toshinori Yagi for a while now, but you're just now realizing that he's been lying to you. Trying to get the truth out of the man is difficult when you can barely get ahold of him, let alone have a conversation with him...
Warnings: None
A/N: I saw a bunch of Toshinori headcannons and prompts on tumblr and decided I wanted to write something as well. Plus, I need more people to scream with regarding this show, it's my new obsession. This is also my first bnha/mha fic I've ever written and I've pretty much only seen the anime so I hope everyone's in character.
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Here was the thing about Toshinori Yagi: He was literally one of the most genuinely good people you had met. You weren’t sure how he did it all the time. He was always a gentlemen, always looking out for other people, always being good.
You could tell because that’s how your quirk worked: Your quirk was a sort of empathy quirk. You could feel others’ emotions and get a general sense of them. Further down the line as you matured, you learned that your quirk could also manipulate different emotions to an extent. While you had never wanted to be a Hero, your quirk did help you with helping the Pro Heroes with any therapy or helping them cope with any particularly horrific incidents. So after some training and obtaining a hero license, you had your own therapist gig going with some of the heroes in the city. You were honestly surprised at how many Heroes had jumped at the chance while you had worked with Recovery Girl for a short while. It had started out with just you helping your friends, but then turned into a whole operation.
Which takes you back to Toshinori Yagi.
Feeling people’s emotions could sometimes backfire. You could usually tell if people were lying. There was something to be said when you could see people’s faces and feel their emotions exuding the exact opposite when they lied.
And Toshinori Yagi, your boyfriend, lied to you a lot. It had taken a while for you to notice, though. Usually when he had to cancel on your plans, he had called you over the phone, promising another attempt at a date later. You had known he was a teacher at the infamous hero school as the go-between for All Might; meaning he was usually busy so it wasn’t a problem. Usually. Until you noticed the lies when he’d make some impromptu excuse and dart off…
 “Do you wanna cook dinner, or should I?” you asked, juggling the bags of groceries in your arms.
  Toshinori held his own bags in his arms and walked beside you with a small smile. “You can, it always tastes better when you cook it.”
 “Mm hmm,” you hum, side-eyeing him. “I think you just don’t want to cook, Toshinori.”
 He chuckled and shook his head. “I’ll set the table and do the clean-up. Promise.”  Thanks to your quirk, you could feel the general happiness practically radiate off the man as he walked beside you. You weren’t going to lie, you loved it. And loved him, but neither of you had said it yet. You could feel it from him, and you knew what you felt, so you hadn’t pushed the issue at all. Words were pretty useless to you anyway.
 Later on, you were mostly through with cooking, only finishing up the last touches. Toshinori had started to help, but had gotten a phone call while he set the table. You felt his happiness slowly seep into apprehension before he told you he had to get back to the school for something quickly and that he’d be back.
He hadn’t come back, and the plates had gotten cold with dinner before you gave up waiting. You had wrapped his plate and put it in the fridge. In the end, you had gone to bed, alone and a bit frustrated. When you had woken up, you were still alone but the kitchen was cleaned up and Toshinori was nowhere in the house. He did leave you a little note on the fridge in apology, and explaining classes were beginning earlier today so he would be gone before you woke. There was a little cheesy over exaggerated smile drawn hastily in the bottom corner that seemed to melt the aggravation away, replaced with a fondness for the humongous dork you called boyfriend.
However, the fondness soon reverted to aggravation when this happened at least four times a week. Every time you asked, Toshinori exclaimed that the kids were at it again, or he got caught up in traffic, or some other coincidental thing that happened to prevent him staying home or spending time with you.
You sighed as you put down your phone, having just gotten a quick text from him, saying he couldn’t be by to pick you up on your way home.
“Figures,” you mutter under your breath, twiddling the phone in your hand. At this point, you weren’t even surprised.
 “Let’s go see a movie tonight!” you told Toshinori, excited over the new comedy romance flick that had come out. Normally men would scoff at films like that, but Toshinori had agreed with a smile. That was back in the early stages of your relationship. You had soon found out that he was a totally hopeless romantic at heart. Another fact that you had adored about him.
 When the time came for the movie, you had been waiting outside the theater for about twenty minutes before you had given up and taken a cab home. Back to an empty house. Alone. He hadn’t even texted that time or called.
Several instances like that, little in singularity but they added to a long and annoying list of occurrences.
While sitting at your desk, you could hear the distant rumbling of some villain attack a few blocks over. Suddenly, the foundation of your building began trembling from the aftershocks of an explosion. Shrieks from some of your coworkers could be heard as everything on your desk was knocked off. There were also plenty of screams from outside in the panic of people trying to run away from the danger.
“Everyone out, quickly! We’ll be alright, just watch your step and get outside!” you shout, running outside your office. Panic and fear were nearly choking you, but it wasn’t just yours. Thankfully, your building was only two stories, so everyone made it out quickly and safely, just one person falling on the way out over some kick-knacks that had fallen. You used your quirk to help her from becoming unresponsive in her panic, getting her outside without further incident.
“Are you alright?” a cop asked, running over to you. There were several others that were herding people away from the couple of buildings that had collapsed.
“Yes, please get them somewhere safe,” you told the man before the ground shook once more. The building directly across the street collapsed after a small explosion, causing you and the cop to block your faces from the dust and debris that got sent flying. Stepping over some debris came a villain, laughing at the destruction.
“Run, go!” you tell the police officer. He hesitated only for a moment before taking the few others in your office away.
“Lookie, another Hero!” the villain clapped slowly. The villain was an older man, probably around his thirties or forties.
“What do you want?” you asked, trying to stall for time. He wasn’t close enough for you to use your quirk on him to calm him down and subdue him. You really hoped he didn’t have some crazy ass quirk that you had no hope for fighting against.
“Nice try, little Hero,” the man grinned before running at you, small knives in his hands. He didn’t seem to have any extra strengths from his quirk, neither speed nor strength, but he was still dangerous as he ran at you.
You make a mental note to thank the Pro Hero Gunhead for the lessons in self-defense over the years since he began seeing you. You made quick work of the villain, but before you could completely incapacitate him, another person grabbed you from behind and tossed you backwards.
Great, now there’s two of them, you think. He must’ve had a duplication quirk of some kind.
Facing two enemies was a bit more difficult, especially since you hadn’t had to truly fight someone in a long time. Sure, you were a Hero, but not at combat. You didn’t go leaping into danger unless you absolutely had to, knowing there were far more capable heroes out there that could fight.
Both of them came at you, wielding a blade a piece, the first one having shared with the second. You spend most of your time dodging the knife attacks, only getting cut a few times minorly. Twisting and pivoting, you keep it up for about two minutes. Eventually, you trip the two into each other, pushing your quirk to completely overtake their emotions to put them in a trance-like state. Not quite unconscious but definitely unresponsive.
You were definitely sending Gunhead a gift basket full of goodies.
“NEVER FEAR FOR I AM…Here?” All Might’s voice boomed and nearly echoed through the empty street as he leapt in and slid to where you were. His voice ended in a question when he saw you had taken the two villains down. You feel a strong rush of protectiveness and pride from the number one hero as he looked at you with his giant smile. “Well done! You’ve subdued the villain!”
“For now, but they’ll wake up soon,” you told him, feeling their muddied feelings through your quirk. “Is everyone else alright?”
“Everyone is safe and sound!” he proclaimed, giving you a big thumbs up. You feel a sudden rush of love from his emotions as he grins at you.
Before you have time to think about it, the dull connection with the villain breaks as their bodies disintegrate into nothing, leaving clothes and a pile of ashes in their wake. It was while you took a step closer that you heard the beeping.
“Shit!” you gasp, turning on your heel and running towards All Might with a shout to run. Faster than you can register what happened, you realize you were in All Might’s arms and flying through the air while smoke trailed behind the two of you.
“Are you alright?!” All Might asked sharply, setting you down and looking over you. Slightly shaky, you nod. Your breathing was quicker, and your stomach felt nauseous from flying so suddenly but you were alive and in one piece thanks to the hero. It wasn’t until you tried to take a step back to get some air that you noticed one of your legs were burned from the calf down fairly bad, adrenaline and shock preventing you from feeling it.
All Might caught you before you fell, keeping you upright and steady as you found your balance on one good leg. You felt a sharp pang of regret and anguish from All Might as he kept one hand on your back. “I’m alright,” you tell him. “It’s just a burn.” It could have been way worse if not for him, anyway. Fumbling in your pocket, you pull out your phone to see the last text message Toshinori had sent you.
“Pick up, pick up! You better be alright,” you mutter as you try to keep your balance on one leg. You feel a quick flash of surprise as All Might flinches slightly, but you didn’t have time to worry about it. “Toshinori Yagi, I swear we are going to have words when I see you next,” you grumble before trying one last time to call him. “Dammit.”
“Don’t worry,” All Might smiled, although it didn’t seem as bright as it was earlier. “No one was seriously hurt in the attacks. Just minor bruises and burns like yours.”
You purse your lips. “I hope he’s alright, he’s supposed to be at the school. He’s already going to panic when he sees my leg. Hey,” you look up at him, squinting in the light. “Is there any way you can get me to Recovery Girl really fast? Maybe she can heal it and it won’t look so bad, so he doesn’t freak out.”
A dull sadness shot through All Might’s overall relief and emotions that still felt suspiciously like love. You weren’t sure they were meant for you, so you tried to ignore his feelings. Maybe he was thinking about someone in his life… and you were keeping him from them even longer than necessary… Not to mention most people thought that your quirk was an invasion of privacy, even if sometimes you could just sense emotions without meaning too.
“Absolutely!” he agreed, smile a little brighter than before. “Hang on tight!”
Soon after, you were still being carried through the halls of U.A. despite telling the pro hero that you could walk perfectly fine, albeit not very fast. When All Might flung the door open to the nurse’s office, Recovery Girl turned quickly in surprise, most likely expecting an emergency. Instead, you gave a pitiful wave to your old friend and pointed to your burned leg.
“What happened?” she asked you, shooing All Might out of the way of the bed he set you down carefully on.
“Explosion from a bomb,” you tell her, wincing at the burnt skin. “It would’ve killed me had All Might not grabbed me. Thank you for that, by the way,” you tell All Might with a smile. He still smiled at you, though somehow he seemed sad.
“We’ll have to get rid of the dead skin first, then I should be able to heal you good as new. It was good you got to her so quickly,” Recovery Girl told the number one hero.
“Not fast enough,” All Might muttered under his breath so no could hear him.
Recovery Girl gave you another pat on the knee before leaving the room to get the necessary supplies and things she needed. “All Might, can I talk with you for a second? In the hall?”
“Oh, of course! It was nice to meet you,” All Might said to you, before following Recovery Girl out into the hall. You smile as he sent you a little wave as he shut the door. Then you laughed outright when he opened the door again almost immediately after. “I am sorry about your leg!” Recovery Girl’s hand shot out and pulled him away from the door before you could respond, so you got situated on the bed and waited for your friend to come back.
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