#And with how bad my mental state is rn I really do not wanna see that-
colorfulpaintspills · 3 months
Rq to my moots
Specifically TWO of em (you know who you are-/silly)
I am
NOT reblogging all of ur posts and reblogs bc I'm some obsessed weirdo
I am REBLOGGING all of ur posts and reblogs bc I'm too scared to look at Actually tumblr right now bc the last few times I did, it gave me panic attacks with what I was Seeing/srs
Does that make sense? Probably not, but that is my honest to god reason and I am
SO Sorry for spamming ur inbox every morning-/gen
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acgoose · 4 months
Hi, me again. I'm the chick that posted the whole: "how did you guys realize you were trans" post. Thank you for the replies and reblogs and your own stories, a lot of the stuff you guys were saying was really kinda scarily relatable.
And I think I'm coming to the conclusion I might be a trans man. I literally yearn to be a guy so freaking bad.
And it's like, I feel like I'm gonna explode. I've related to a lot of things people have said, the internalized misogyny, being referred to as the opposite gender, I mean shit, I remember actively trying to make myself look more masculine and low-key fucking loving it, but also hating it because holy shit, this is wrong, I should be doing this, I'm a chick, I'm supposed to be a girl, why do I wanna be a guy??! The guilt was insane.
I think it was harder for me to figure this out because of how much I like being a girl(in a sense) and how much I like makeup and wearing dresses. And as much as I like being a chick, I also hate it, I hate the feminization, I hate having to force it on myself because it feels weird. I like wearing dresses that make me look smexy but I hate wearing dresses when it's with the intent of making myself a girl. I like wearing makeup because it makes me look pretty, but I hate wearing makeup in the act to try and look and present myself as a girl.
Am I trans? I definitely think so. Am I 100% positive about it? No, because I still have doubts that this is actually who I am, though I think that's the part of me that's still trying to hang onto girlhood and go right back into the closet. I think right now is actually a great time for me since I'm actually in one of the best mental states of my life, to actually start trying this out. And if it's not for me, T is always reversible, and there's like 100 genders I can go through and see what I agree with more than what I think I am: a trans man.
Anyways, thank you silly people on my tippity tappity phone on the silly app. Thank you for the replies and low-key making me feel a lot better about this.
Also if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about and are wondering what I'm yapping about, my original post will be linked. If you're wondering too, take a look at the comments and reblogs, they really helped me out. Have a good day! Someone loves ya ♥️
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stopscammingartists · 2 months
hello, this is gothgator. i know it's probably very difficult to prove that i am but the only thing i can think of to do so is to tell my friend miraikowai to vouch that i'm sending this because i don't wanna use my tumblr blog handle to send an ask cause for my own safety i want to keep my internet activity private and separate from my furry nsfw stuff and also because i have loads of people stalking me rn. but i really appreciate the support i've received from other victims of glip/eevee/etc. i deleted my twitter cause of the harassment and stuff yes but also i just did not want to be in a community of people who have for years been slandering me and doing their best to make me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome because i've spoken out about samael and supported a victim of their groomer partner khato. like, i used to say that people fucking loathed me but never gave a reason because it was all based on this and it would make them look terrible (which, they are terrible) but after all this and seeing many people go mask off they finally understood. i am struggling financially right now because i'm disabled (physically and mentally) and currently fighting the state over whether i deserve disability income or not, and doing commissions is currently my only income source. and committing social suicide and leaving public social media in those spaces for my own mental health and safety has made my already meager income significantly lesser. that and the trauma i'm going through currently and having to have cut people off for breaching my trust and leaking/giving things out to people after they convinced me i could trust them basically makes me never want to talk to most people anymore. i still have sam and laura and their whole gang making up shit about me and pretending that they're being harassed when they have such a bigger support system than i ever had and are projecting onto me. also sam saying that they've apologized or taken accountability for hurting people is a complete and utter lie because any attempts at me or anyone sending an olive branch was denied or ignored.
but i guess most people just wanna stomp out and silence anyone who might have something to say about their perfect little wholesome horny kink community because it 'ruins the magic' like its disneyworld or some shit. but basically i don't want to have anything to do with people like this or a community like this although i'm appreciative of the people who've listened to me and showed support instead of doing the easy thing of just ignoring it while rting some vaguely-worded condescending post about how witch hunts are bad or how people shouldn't obsess over whether people online are pure or evil or some bullshit even though there's loads of proof on your blog. they just don't want to see it.
It's okay, I believe you are who you say you are.
I....frankly don't blame you for wanting to move on like that.
I wish I had better things to say, it's fucked up what they did to you and I wish no one had this sort of power over anyone.
Guys please support Goth Gator on Kofi:
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kulemii · 5 months
one thing i can't stand about spending more time on here is that i worry more about being likeable. i worry that people will think im too harsh or bitchy whenever i decide to open my fat mouth about something. and after some time, it's like it's all i can think about.
i know i have bad takes some times- we all do to somebody. that's just part of there being 7+ billion mfs on the planet. i don't necessarily intend harm but i know i'll hurt someone eventually. but should i always keep my opinions to myself or police myself to avoid offending people like i used to when i first started this blog? (hell even then, that didn't keep people from not liking me lmao)
i know that no matter what i do, not everyone will like me. i know that. but when i spend more time here, im more concious of the people that can see what i say and how they might interpret it and i get anxious. i've had more fun since i started doing whatever i want here but i feel too, like i've been a bit of a menace to tumblr society 😭
idk. that's a big part of why i don't tag my rants when it's about specific things. i dont need a wide range of people seeing it. i just wanna get it all off my chest sometimes and then boom, move on. this place really is like a diary to me. but i worry that im not considerate enough of the people that can see it.. hmm :/ i guess that's why too i've heavily been considering moving blogs and if people still wanna follow me after that they can but ya know. i say all the time that i want people to unfollow me if i've become offputting, but i feel like people might feel awkward about it bc they hardly ever do.
im aware too that my current mental state has alot to do with why i'm even freaking out about this rn. bipolar 1 and ocd is such a bullshit combo bro i swear- i oughta give my brain a two piece for that
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blackmambaboobs · 2 years
(platonic please:D) Mercs with someone who makes dumb jokes like "hey are you a d3ath cause i want you rn" or something like that
I hate that I laughed at that joke- Snort Also, I would totally make that joke- TF2 Mercs X Gender Neutral Reader Dumb Jokes Headcanons (Platonic): Scout: -At first, he's really concerned. Like, uh, you good?? But once you explain that you're joking and don't wanna actually die he calms down and even laughs with you! -The more dumb jokes you make the funnier they are to him, both your and his sense of humor is so broken, oh my God- -It honestly becomes an inside joke for the both of you to make the dumbest joke and see who can make the other piss themselves from laughing. Spy: -He'll roll his eyes and scoff with a smile. You won't get much of a reaction from him unless you really catch him off guard. -You once made a really bad joke that was so stupid that it made him snort (everyone makes fun of him for it to this very day). -The dumber your jokes get, he swears he's losing brain cells because of you. Soldier: -He yells "Are you okay?!" when you make a joke like that so loud that Medic hears and comes rushing over wondering what happened (you had to explain you just made a really bad joke). -Very confused by your jokes, but laughs regardless. -Tries to make his jokes, but that usually end up not making sense (which, in the end, makes you laugh anyways). Sniper: -Gives you a concerned look, but realizes you're joking and chuckles at the dumb joke. -You make a game to see which dumb joke of yours makes him laugh the hardest. -Makes dumb jokes of his own and God, they're so corny- Medic: -Knows your mental health background and sense of humor so he isn't worried and instead cackles with you. -His Doves will purr if you make dumb jokes and puns that have to do with them. -He makes some jokes that make others concerned, but you know he's joking and laugh with him. -Also, be careful making jokes if you're in the surgery room with him, he might fuck up someone's organs from laughing- Heavy: -Gives you such a concerning look?? Like, huh?? You have to explain to him that you're perfectly fine and are just making stupid ass jokes. -His sense of humor isn't like yours, so you often have to find other dumb jokes to make to make him bust out laughing. -His laughter is deep and rumbly, so it echoes off the walls of the base. -Heavy was in surgery and heard you make a dumb joke outside of the surgery room and scared the shit out of Medic while he was fixing his organs- Engineer: -Not really his type of jokes, but you do get a chuckle out of him! -His jokes are dad jokes, prove me wrong (you can't). -You find good ol' dad jokes that make him laugh so hard he slaps his knee while wheezing like a smoker. -His dad jokes often make everyone groan (except Pyro) because of how stupid they are. Pyro: -Worries at first, but realizes you're joking and claps while laughing! -You both make the corniest, dumbest jokes that you Guys have had 20 minute laugh sessions because of them. -Likes to test their jokes on their stuffies and see which ones laugh (they all do, 'cause Pyro vision). -Your jokes cheer them up so much when they're down!! Demoman: -Your jokes either make him laugh cry or just cry, there's no in between- -In his drunken state (which is most of the time), your jokes make him piss himself from laughing. -He makes jokes, but they're usually in his drunken state, so they don't make much sense (but they're funny because of it). -Your jokes also cheer him up when he's down and always looks forward to the next one!
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hamausagi · 1 month
What is your nickname?
i don't really have one these days, but i suppose jake or august are still two of my favorite names i go by ^^
When is your birthday?
10/21/03 <3
What was your longest relationship?
1 year and 2 months (ended) (thank god)
What is your favorite book?
six of crows - leigh bardugo !
What is something you're insecure about?
the way i speak LMAO i cringe so much hearing my own voice or hearing the things i say. i feel like im so socially awkward and i hate it so bad 😭😭😭
5 Male celebrity crushes
uhhhhhh i dont rlly keep up with celebs like at all anymore but i used to be literally head over heels for chris pine when i was younger HELP
5 Female celebrity crushes
ZENDAYA and maybe saorise ronan ???? (help me i dont rlly care abt celebs)
What is your dream job?
concept/character artist for a game company !!!! (and to make my own games) (which i am currently working on)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
finding out about my dream college last september after literally never knowing about it prior (besides a friend making an offhand comment abt it in like. 2017 that i forgot abt), finishing a portfolio in less than 2 months, and getting accepted LMAO
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
i used to play indoor and outdoor soccer year round, my indoor team competed in a lot of big brackets for the state (i now play no sports and i can barely go up more than 2 flights of stairs or run more than a few meters without dying) (thank you asthma and anemia 💪)
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
highs: FINSHED MY FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE WAHOOOO passed all my classes 🔥 made some new friends :D (and regained some old)
lows: uhhhhh mental health struggles mostly
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
i reeeeeaaalllyyyy really wanna go to japan so bad. im literally japanese and ive never been there, and i have family there ive never met that i want to see
How do you de-stress?
sleeping, drawing, playing some games, bothering the bf, gams with friends (unless its helldivers) (then i am stressed more)
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
pinterest my beloved <3
Describe yourself in one sentence.
good intentions, but poor execution
What do you think makes you attractive?
uhhhhh i have big eyes, smallish waist ???? i really try and prioritize other people (help i rlly dont know how to answer this)
What is something you're really good at?
drawing :3
What is something you're really bad at?
cooking LOL (im trying to get better)
A time that you told a lie.
telling the kid in my prj group that it was okay after he apologized for being literally the worst group member i have ever worked with (he literally did NOTHING and almost cost us the project several times)
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
bearded dragons can puff their eyes out along with puffing their chins when they get scared or feel threatened (thanks to ron for scaring the absolute shit out of me one day) (i thought he was dying)
Who knows you the best?
either my bf or my irl best friend :3
What is your most prized possession?
a wooden box my dad mae me a really really long time ago. that or this little sterling silver flip flop necklace my grandpa gave me a few years before he died when i was a kid
What is your longest friendship?
with my irl bsf, been friends 13 years now
When did you first feel like an adult?
either when my dad finally started actually swearing when talking to me or when i changed my car's oil myself for the first time
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
played soccer for like 11 years and did archery for 5 :3
How are you feeling right now?
im really tired and my cramps are killing me 👍 but im chillin
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl even tho i rlly wish i was an early bird so bad. no matter when i go to bed or how many hrs of sleep i get its so hard to wake up before 9 am bro
Do you believe in love at first sight?
for ocs? yes. irl? absolutely not
Favorite song lyrics right now?
literally loving all the lyrics in a feeling - whxami but more specifically i am thinking abt waiting room - phoebe bridgers "if you were a teacher, i would fail your class take it over and over til you noticed me if you were a waiting room, i would never see a doctor i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed"
also saw a robin edit to espresso - sabrina carpenter and now my brain is IM WORKING LAAAAATEEEE CAUSE IM A SINGERRRRRRR
What does self care look like for you?
taking showers and making myself food. i hate actually taking showers but the post shower untainted clean feeling is so unmatched bro its the best
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
RONEN, wave to earth, and two door cinema club
What makes you nervous?
meeting friends of friends (meeting new people is fine but its scarier if someone i know is introducing me), going to people's houses that i don't know very well
What’s a pet peeve you have?
trying to talk to someone but getting dry ass responses or no response at all
What will always make you cry?
bro. those tiktoks that are like. "if you know yourself which one are you picking". oh my god. those destroy me so bad
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
i honestly have zero idea bro 😭😭 if im meeting people at school im probably a little overwhelming (im loud asf at school) but if like. im meeting my friends parents or my bfs friends. i am a ghost
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rad-lightning-boy · 10 months
what exactly did frank iero do. other than problematic tweets that he made in like 2009 (over a decade ago). like people intentionally try to engage with him in a way where he gives them ‘sass’ or rubs them and that’s his brand
TW. harassment, suicide, self harm, cyber bullying, death threats
Before I get into it, I'm really glad that someone asked about this because I've been meaning to make a post about it. Thanks for asking about it.
I'd recommend checking out @ patheticjunkievampire on Instagram (and possibly twitter? I'm not completely sure if they've said much about it on there) they mostly talk about that incident when frank made a tweet saying smth along the lines of "is you see any accounts saying that they're me reply with "STRANGER DANGER"".
Tumblr media
The account he was referring to (patheticvampirejunkie) was literally just posting MCR themed photography- they never claimed to be frank and yet he sent his entire fanbase to essentially harass this person (again, all they did was post photography.)
If you go back and check their first post, a lot of the comments are just "STRANGER DANGER". I know that might not seem like a lot rn but it gets worse.
They posted a lot on their story after they finished the set (I'm not sure what the word for that is. The MCR themed photos they did all counted down from 64 (the beginning) to 1 (the end)) they talked about how the MCR fandom and specifically frank Stans have made their mental health significantly worse than it was when they started posting.
They would post screenshots of interactions they've had with Frank Stans and it's sickening. They received death threats, and messages like "you should kill yourself" and ppl would tell them to cut themselves.
Patheticjunkievampire has also stated before that they've struggles with suicide and self harm in the past, so the fact that these hardcore stans used this against them is sick.
A few people reached out to patheticjunkievampire and told them about experiences they've personally had with Frank. This person gave a platform to people who have had bad experiences with him (ik you cant tell whether someone is a dick or not purely based of some people's experiences, but there were a lot and they were all relatively similar. So to me, these stories that people shared seemed extremely possible since the things he did just suddenly seemed like something he would do.)
The frank stans didn't like that this person was giving a chance for people who had bad experiences with him to express their feelings. They received so much hate for simply saying their opinion.
This all took place on Instagram and Twitter. Obviously depending on what platform you use and engage with MCR content, you're gonna be around different people. The ppl on Tumblr seem way more accepting and open to criticism of their fav band, the ppl on twitter and Instagram are way different.
In my opinion it's kinda weird that frank hasn't really said anything about it. He's literally always online, how tf has he not even heard of any of this??
Another thing I just wanna add (doesn't have anything to do with patheticjunkievampire but I still think it's worth adding) frank sold a bunch of his old stuff. Which isn't inherently bad or anything but...
He was advertising a bunch of old clothes and instruments he had during the MCR era, so he was clearly targeting his fans (his young fans). He was advertising extremely old shitty clothes (that you can find way cheaper literally anywhere else) and he sold them for like X4 (at least) of the original prices. He claimed (for the instruments at least) that he wanted to know that they were being played, because he obviously can't play all those instruments at once.
In that case, if the main reason that he was getting rid of all these instruments... Why didn't he just donate them?? Why did he have to heavily advertise his store to his fans and then sell all his old ratty shitty clothes for such a huge profit? Just doesn't seem ethical to me tbh...
My main problem with Frank is that he, not only, picks on people on twitter, but he makes that kind of behaviour acceptable. By not apologizing or taking accountability for these things, he makes this behaviour (harassment, death threats, cyber bullying, telling ppl to kill themselves or hurt themselves) an okay thing to do. His fans are so toxic and will defend him so much to the point where if you literally just say that you don't like him, they will harass and spam you with really triggering things.
I really hope this clears that up. He's definitely done other things but I couldn't remember them- if anyone has anything else to add please do.
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sorey for being a bit. scary on main. i just finished madk vol. 3 which is finally out in english and i was so excited for it but the ending is a near closed-loop cyclical ending which always really bothers me n puts me in a state in nihilistic anxiety/dissociation idk but also. it just makes me wanna feel things again. i wanna stop taking my meds. ive had the upped dose for a week ish now n its bringing back my paranoia which should settle in a week tops but it's bothering me bc it means i cant listen to tma bc that's creepy enough to set it off. sorry i swear my mental health has actually been better these last couple of days im slowly regaining mental functionality to an extent but i keep slipping and falling and i just. don't have the spoons to figure out every problem i have and address them enough to be functional again. like there's the attachment problems w my ex which keep coming back every time i feel like jm getting over them, the chronic exhaustion and general symptoms of pots, my meds fucking with me, general depression but also manic episodes, the fact im way over budget but my mum wants me to get her a 60 quid fountain pen for her birthday/mothers day and im not going to be there to see her around that time anyway sso i have even less of an excuse to cheap out. and ive been committedly lying abt my mental state to my parents to convince them im getting better than i was at xmas even tho im worse bc my mum will come up here and invade my uni life if she realises how bad i am doing
ah yeah i hate when fiction leads to like a major dissociative bit especially bc i love to use media as an escape when im floating out my body and then it goes and makes it worse and sets off a chain reaction of pent up shittiness? the absolute worst fr
not to sound like an overbearing parent but pls take ur meds !!!!! ik it sucks rn getting thru the adjustment phase but think of how things will change once u get used to them! u may not notice a crazy positive change right away but think of the small things. like u can listen to tma again once ur adapted to ur meds!! even if it’s something small that gets u thru daily tasks like that. u could take ur pills in the morning and be like “this is for u martin”
and oh god ex drama we both know that one well. idk if it would help but maybe if every time u have a like thought abt them that makes u feel any way that’s great just text me ur thoughts to try and get them out yk. like how i texted u like “the voices!!” when i was talking abt my ex like the other week pls feel free to do that back if u think it would help
and exhaustion and depression suck man i wish i had some like quippy little tip or smthn for u there but i’m suffering right there with u on those. and maybe just the thought that we’re going thru that together could help? holding ur hand thru the horrors <3
and oh man money problems r the worse omg. ik u said the pen is like 60 quid and mothers day is coming up so idk what ur like personal budget is looking like but me when i’m trying to make bigger purchases is i set aside a few bucks a day like just a few dollars $2 or $3 nothing that seems like a lot just a little snack or drink price but somthing that adds up a decent bit when done for a few days straight and u have like two ish weeks till then right? so u could make a decent dent with that plan
and hey i’m all for lying to parents but i think u shoukd consider the possibility that u may need to ask for help at one point even tho that’s so hard and ur mom will get all up in ur business but maybe it could help. or u could think of ur daily life like ur mom is there or nearby as a way to like watch urself and try to control what ur doing if that makes sense?
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hello friend it was me the shy anon who asked you about the message app and how you inspired me 🥺 (you dont have to post this if you dont want to, completely up to you!!) but the amount of your scenarios/fake texts of skz, those honestly got me thru a rough time these past few weeks and it pulled me out of a mental state that made me feel like things are worth fighting for and moving forward despite the darkness ;v;
i’m new to fake text aus and it’s because of you (and a few others) that made me want to get back into making reader inserts (maybe on a new blog on tumblr LOL) to make others smile and hopefully feel as happy as i did; honestly im probably rambling rn and not making any sense but tl;dr you’re an amazing, creative person and your works helped me during a bad time to the point where i wanna be a similar light to others too 🥹🫶🏼 thank you for being you 💗thank you for taking the time to read my message 💖🫶🏼
(pls do let me know if i can be added to any future taglists of yours for skz works but if not its okay 🥰 the priority is you knowing the face behind the anon)
Omg hello friend 🥰🥰🥰
I am so glad I could be that for you 🥺 messages like these are what keep me going and posting even when I feel like throwing in the towel. (And my Prismatic Chaos fam but shh that's a secret)
I'm so excited to see what you come up with !!! It really warms my heart that I could help you in some way 🥺💕🥺💕
And yes you can absolutely be added to my Stray Kids taglist 🥺💕
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godeatersblog · 6 months
I hope one day I can come to terms that I won’t be able to experience anything w/those I love n care for. I hope one day I can emotionally and mentally prepare for when me and my family n friends are at an age where we won’t be healthy. It’s getting close. My aunt somehow got a miracle and no longer has cancer and it wasn’t too tough of a fight but it’s just so scary. I see my uncle’s, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. Shit even my own dogs and my dad are at a constant state of change and it scares me because I see the age on their face and it makes me think about how many years I have left with them and even 40 years seems like such a small amount of time. I hope before my dad passes away, I can show to him I can take care of myself and him as well. I wasn’t the best daughter these past couple years and I really wanna make up for it; especially because he’s the only parent I have and he may not be the best dad but he’s doing his best with what he knows. I can tell he cares and that he’s trying. Same with my sister, I hope one day I can build up a better relationship with her because she’s the only other person connecting me directly to mom. I’m not a very good person myself now that I look at it but regardless of if I am bad, it doesn’t mean I can’t change. I can feel my ideals and beliefs shaping themselves even more so than ever. I’m confused rn. I’m lost. I’m scared. I’m terrified of the idea that one day there won’t be a world for me to experience. One day it’ll most likely be an eternal slumber and I won’t ever experience anything ever again. And that makes me scared because I am such a loving person that I always want to be with those I love. And then another part of me is a little scared as well at the idea of what if it doesn’t end after we die? What if we experience something terrifying? I know it’s just an irrational thought but I can’t help but let my thoughts run amok. I guess that’s what makes me human but I really cannot fathom the idea that one day, I won’t be able to see Allen or Ryan. I won’t be able to call up krissy or the discord group to play ow. I can’t eat delicious foods. It’s all so sad but yet I also feel relieved at the thought that if death is just an endless slumber, i won’t have to do anything anymore. No more thinking either. I’ll become stardust once more as we all once started in this world. I hope me, my family and my friends remain healthy for the rest of our lives. I don’t want any of us to experience pain.
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s0larb4by · 1 year
Dude, I hate life so much right now. I hate where I'm at, I hate where things are going and how things are going. I hate that I keep spending so much on food and stupid stuff not even on clothing, I hate that my bank balance is decreasing. I hate that I've lost so many people that I've always wanted to have in my life on a long term basis. I hate the people I have around me. I hate how I'm turning to be. I hate that I'm depressed and that I'm not taking care of my body at all and most of all, I hate that I'm in April 2022, I wanna go back to August 2021 or even Jan 2021 so fucking bad. I wanna go back in time to redo every single thing, man. I hate shit so much right now. I hate the nightmares I've been getting, I hate that most of my manifestations haven't been coming to fruition. I hate that I'm really fucking indecisive. I hate that I'm dumb and can't get myself to learn or become street smart whatsoever. I hate where I'm at in life and how I am so much rn.
I would be more than grateful if you could help me or guide me with restarting manifestation, revising almost every single thing and becoming successful with it all, learning to manipulate time in order to go back in time, getting a really good bank balance out of thin air, getting everything and anything that I want, please. I really need the help. Please help me out.
Hey :) sorry for taking a literal year to reply, lol.
For one, please consider therapy. Your mental health always comes first. If you haven’t talked to a therapist or some other mental health professional about this, please do. You don’t have to deal with this stuff on your own, and it’s not a failing on your part by any means. You’re not dumb, you’re just struggling at the moment and that isn’t your fault. You’re dealing with a lot and it’s okay to be overwhelmed but it’s not okay to bear the weight of all of it by yourself. In my personal experience, talking to a therapist has been really useful for me in understanding how my own thoughts and feelings work, and it has really helped me when it comes to processing and dealing with some of the more difficult or upsetting things that I have had to go through. I mention my own experience because you sound a lot like me. As someone with ADHD I’ve also spent most of my life feeling dumb, feeling like I’m lacking common sense (that street smart shit), feeling depressed and anxious for most of the same reasons you are, being impulsive as shit, etc. Idk if you’ve been diagnosed, but if not do consider. It helps to know that you’re not a useless being but just someone with a brain that works differently, and had to grow up without the resources to live in a world controlled by people who’s brains work opposite of yours. Getting help works. When you have a safe space to process all of these feelings and situations, and are given tools to handle them, it gives you a much clearer mind to then think about manifestations. I’m just saying. And the way I see things, you already have all of your desires, it’s just a matter of shifting to the state of seeing it all. Since you have all your stuff, is it not better to take care of yourself? There’s nobody more important than you.
Two, usually when I used to feel similar to this I would go back to the basics. Consider reading/listening to Neville and Edward Art or Joseph Murphy I think his name, something similar, and leave loa social media alone. It causes a lot of confusion and out of confusion comes disorder in the mine. Hence why I’m never here. (Sorry for replying so late again 😭💀) When I do this, I can usually think clearer and my mind feels more at ease, I feel more confident in what I’m doing and I can get into the states I want to better. I’ve also heard guided meditations and meditation in general are helpful as well, and although I’m by no means even an intermediate in that, I think you should try it out.
Give yourself grace, OP. You’re being mad hard on yourself. Instead, take time to take care of yourself. It’s not a race. Do it not because you want to “fix” yourself as soon as possible, but because you deserve love and care—especially from yourself. You’re not dumb, you’re not stupid, you’re not dirty, you’re not worthless. You’ve got this, okay? I believe in you. I hope I was able to help, even if it was only a little bit :’)
Sending you hugs 🫂
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my mom still doesnt get that her forcing me to believe in god rn is making shit worse. i told her that the problems is her forcing me all the time to pray and become religious when in fact it just reminds me of before and is triggering me. she wont fucking understand that ill deal with religion once ive finished fixing my shit up. yk what she said to me? she said she's not gonna stop forcing me to become a christian cause she firmly believes its the only way to fix me. see? shes so closed minded and then expects me to become better. why not try listening to my reason that her forcing me to become religious just fucks me up even more? like bro ill be a christian when i want to but not now okay? cant she fucking understand that?
she kept forcing me to tell her what i hate sm about her cause she wants to be a better mom, and when i finally said its because of her forcing me to be religious, she says right into my face without any intentions of listening to my reasons that she wont stop it. she said shes gonna stop for a while, but once im mentally stable after therapy, she's gonna force me again. i cant with her anymore. i bet shes gonna go crying and controlling me if ever i become an atheist or maybe a different religion cause shes so obsessed with me getting saved and for me to go to heaven cause she loves me.
and you wanna know whats worse? i cant leave this house til i get a job cause i dont wanna starve either and i dont know a single shit on how to live and feed myself. i cant even cross the streets or buy things by myself cause she has always been gatekeeping me.
and then earlier she vents right into my face again that she's sorry she couldnt raise me like a great mom would. shes sorry that she couldnt support me. shes sorry cause she said her parents didnt give her any of those too. now im guilt tripped again and im supposed to feel sorry for her and understand her again? im supposed to suck it up one more time and get traumatized even further cause my parents are mentally unstable? am i supposed to pretend to do what she wants again just so i can escape from her nagging all the time? like she wont stop unless i do what she wants. but i cant leave this house either cause how the hell am i gonna eat? where am i gonna sleep?
she said shes gonna give me a link to a therapist that she might give me to, but at this state?? i dont actually know... my dads already closed himself off from us and theyre fighting bc of money again. its impossible that my dad would even be giving us something to pay for my therapy, so im not gonna get my hopes up.
and also whenever my mom argues with my dad, she doesnt shut up about god either. i kinda understand my dad why he just shuts himself off cause my mom's too close minded. my dads got issues too, like alot. but my moms just not someone you should really be arguing with cause she doesnt really stop talking about god.
when i tried confronting her that she's the problem and that her not shutting up about god was the thing making me feel worse, she said i was disrespecting god. see? i hate it so much honestly.
i dont wanna hear anymore of her and i dont want her trying to help me with this. its not helping i swear, but she insists and never gets tired of forcing god to me. i already told her im not ready to deal with that and asked her to stop. she said she'd temporarily stop and i hate it. she has no plans of stopping it.
im really just so sick of me being the bad example every bible study they do. im sick of them telling me my life was fucked up cause i never prayed. im sick of them. and i dont wanna hear anything about the bible anymore til ive recovered cause it just reminds me every time that my family sees me as some kind of demon. they see my rage as a symbol that the devil has control of me. its so fucking annoying. it was originally grief that i couldnt let out cause my mom shuts me up every time i break down. she forced me to suck up and not cry, so i ended up turning my sadness into this uncontrollable rage. this rage of mine was built up and was in me for years BECAUSE OF HER. AND NOW SHE TELLS ME THAT IF I DONT LET GO OF THAT RAGE IT WILL RUIN ME? WHO THE FUCK WAS THE REASON I GOT THIS RAGE HUH?
she said shes aware she was a bad parent before but shes asking for a second chance. she said i shouldnt shut myself off from her just because of what happened. actually she said she'd understand it that ill never forgive her, but it would be alot better for both of us if i wouldnt be so scared of fixing this with her...
that actually made me kinda regret what i did to you. yeah i was hurt a lot but by cutting you off from my life just made me more miserable, which wouldnt have happened if i tried fixing it with you. if i didnt shut you off and gave you a chance to fix it, then i wouldnt be drowning in my own sadness. im sorry if this is annoying cause i always dont know how to deal with my problems. im sorry if im still so conflicted right now and asking if i can come back to you when youve already let go and ive already hurt you by saying that im leaving. im really sorry for asking this but if you'd ever read this i wish i can come back. i wont forget that youve hurt me and broke my trust, but mistakes happen. i shouldnt be too sensitive and closing myself every time something happens. i know its too late but if it would really be fine if i come back...
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mossyythoughts · 2 years
hi again!! tysm for doing my request(the yanfei one), i loved it! if it isn't much trouble, could i request yanfei with a reader who doesn't show negative emotions and one day she just finds them having a mental breakdown and how does she comfort her,please? have a lovely and take care<33
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Sunshine is More Important
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but rain isn’t all too bad, i suppose.
w/ Yanfei!
Teyvat College! au
CW/Info: Mental Breakdown, Physical touch, Overall mental health topics, food mentions, I’ve also never experienced having a mental breakdown- but I have had a loved one have one so it might be a bit like… overall and i’m sorry :(
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How did she find you?
She was probably just dropping by to say hi, maybe invite you out to eat if you were feeling up to it
When she knocked though, she got increasingly concerned when she heard sobbing
She didn’t barge in, it’s more like she hastily made her way to your room and peeked her head inside the door
She instantly was very worried for your state of well being, rushing to your side to see if you’re alright
She generally would just hold you very close
Despite your protests because you might get your tears on her outfit, or that you’re a mess right now
She just wants to show you the warmth that you always show her
(She ofc would also leave you alone if you really really insisted, but she’s not easily convinced)
So she hugs you close, allowing you to continue crying or to ground yourself
I’m gonna be completely honest, she’s not used to doing things like this so she may be a tad bit stiff
She doesn’t know if she’s being overbearing, or if she is overstepping, so she just waits for you to let it out.
Or, after your sobs turn into sniffles she might hesitantly ask if you were willing to talk about it.
But! She is used to listening, so if you want someone to listen to your troubles, Yanfei is your girl!
If you’re somewhere that’s not very comfortable, will subtly guide you to like a chair or anywhere else
After listening…
She’s not sure if you wanted to rant or if you wanted her to name a few solutions so she just outright asks
If you need solutions, she’ll tell you some ways to ease you into showing more negative emotions
She’ll reassure you that negative emotions are still emotions
Whatever emotions you’re feeling are valid, and if you really need to, you can talk to her at any time!
No matter if you believe it’s big or small, it’s big enough to bother you! She wants to ease your state of mind even if it’s just you ranting for about 2 minutes.
If you just want her to listen to you rant, she’ll comfort you afterwards, offering words of support
She wants you to know that if you’re struggling you can always come to her, because she wants to be there for you just like you have been there for her.
Afterwards :)
She’ll probably hug you for a moment and ask in a very sincere tone if you’re alright
Depending on your answer, she’ll either comfort you some more or get you some water and maybe make you some food
She wants to make it clear that you can depend on her
It won’t be anything too heavy, she doesn’t wanna make you overwhelmed !!
Just a little snack to not only get your strength back, but also show that she cares
She’ll probably not know what to do afterwards to be honest
Might stand there awkwardly for a moment before asking if you would like to get some fresh air !!
Very concerned, but not too overbearing despite her thinking she is
Her hugs are very warm, considering her pyro vision
If you did get tears/snot on her outfit, won’t bring it up or be upset about it, she doesn’t really care all that much !! Your well-being is more important than a single shirt
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i also love yanfei requests stan yanfei or else 🤬🤬🤬🤬
ANYWAYS IM LIKE SOOKOEJDJSJXJ HYPERFIXATED ON THE SONIC MOVIES RN LIKE I JUST WATCHED THE 2ND MOVIE AND I IMMEDIATELY CHANGED MY TWITTER PROFILE TO KNUCKLES AND MY SISTER CHANGED HERS TO TAILS (it honestly should be the other way around because i’m younger and i definitely love tails more than my sister but whatever 😒😒😒😒)
also i love these requests ty for sending them 😭😭 i normally only really do venti and other characters i have (and use) but since these yanfei requests are coming in i put my klee build on her and YANFEI IS HITTING NUMBERS AND I LOVE HER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ty for requesting again I LOVE YOUR REQUESTS YOU HAVE SUCH GOOD IDEAS ❤️❤️
wow that was long whoopsies 😭😭
have a wonderful day readers !!
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azucanela · 4 years
ack anon with the dress hcs here- tysvm for those!! my heart~ ok so another random idea i just needed to share but bakugou/deku/todoroki first frenchie kiss with their s.o. and neither of them have much experience 😖 lots of fluffy awkwardness y'know? idk. again go ahead and add on but don't stress yourself!
[ft. bakugo katsuki, izuku midoriya, todoroki shouto]
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SUMMARY: someone decides to bring of french kissing and as expected; its chaotic.
WORD COUNT: french kissing? nothing explicit, very mildly suggestive
WARNINGS: kissing, maybe second hand embarrassment but i doubt it, awkward situations
A/N: my search history is “how to french kiss now” which is the main reason i held off on doing this one ajkshdkjah also this is my first time writing for our boy deku so uhhhh be kind to me, also anon you are now dress anon also i tried something new because i couldn’t bring myself to write full scenarios also i can’t write for midoriya i TRIED BUT I THINK HIS IS BAD
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lol this is funny
this is peak comedy right here
hes gonna be so embarrassed but hes gonna try to act like hes completely unaffected by everything that is going on
i feel like he knows what french kissing is and has definitely thought about french kisses with you but he would never bring it up because it embarrassing for him
he might just randomly try it and place you in a complete state of shock, like y’all are just making out and— whoops would you look at that somehow you two are now french kissing! wonder how that happened... 
if you ask him he will flat out deny you the first time around because he is embarrassed, but keep trying!! after a few attempts he’s gonna claim to be annoyed but it’s actually because he wants to
“Hey Katuski, you know what we should do—”
Bakugou slams the textbook that laid on his lap shut, a sound reverberating through the library the two had gone two, which earned him a strict glare from the librarian seated at the front desk. His eyes narrowed as they look to Y/N, “if you say French kissing, I swear I will break up with you right now.”
Despite his harsh words, Y/N can see the pink blush that dusts his cheeks as they lean forward on their arm, tilting their head at him innocently as they reply, “actually, I was thinking we could go see a movie later.” Their words only worsen the blush on Bakugou’s cheeks, causing him to snap his head away in an attempt to salvage some of his reputation, “but that works too.” 
“Shut up you damn nerd.” The boy grumbles, brows furrowing as he leans back in his seat, looking away as he says, “if it’ll get you to stop asking then I guess we can try it.” Y/N is about to open their mouth to reply but Bakugou quickly adds, “only once though! Damn nerd...”
A grin finds its way onto Y/N’s face and they nod slowly, “great.”
“I hate you.”
honestly i feel like he would lowkey be bad at it the first time around and bakugou is the type of person where if he tries something and isn’t good at it immediately he either avoids this activity entirely or tirelessly works to improve his skill
luckily for you this happens to be a skill that bakugou wants to improve, alot because for some reason you wanted to try this and if he’s not good at it then whats the point
regardless the first time around is like a solid 6.75/10 sorry bakugou oops, you tried, but i feel like he’s already a really like aggressive and like harsh kisser so this is just gonna make things a mess
he can be soft sometimes tho i swear
i feel like he would get good at it after some ~practice~ but even then its a rare occurrence to french kiss with bakugou, its really intimate and he saves it for special occasions or when hes bored lol
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OH YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AND DO THIS like apologize, apologize rn for the stress you are about to cause him
if you try to initiate a french kiss with izuku here, you NEED to tell him ahead of time or else things will go south very very fast. he’s going to panic because this is new and he does not understand what is happened oh my-
give him a heads up whenever you want to try something new, so when you pull this while kissing him he’s going to pull away like what a r e you d o i n g 
once you tell him he’s gonna be like let’s do this tomorrow, and then will spend the rest of the day RESEARCHING how to french kiss properly, like he’s on wikihow and everything this boy wants to treat you right and is going to make sure you enjoy it
which is when when y’all finally french kiss he is going to be good at it okay, he’ll learn every strategy possible and then he will be a PRO like you’re probably going to be shocked for a hot minute because wait when did he have the time to get good at this—
you’re definitely his first partner and he had no experience prior to you but he trained himself because going into any anything blind and without a plan places him in a state of distress
this was a PLANNED EVENT it was like a date except without all the date stuff just french kissing, like he texts you “hey lets try that thing you wanted to try...” all shy and stuff like he literally took five minutes to actually send the text, and you are trying to figure out what that thing is because deku do you mean like the coffee shop ?? what ??
you make him specify and he nearly dies but its fine its fine, when he finally gets his point across you’re like okay! cool!
overall its a pretty nice experience, i feel like he would be really gentle with you per usual but it was also probably really awkward like homeboy fr sat you down on the bed and just stared at you with bright red cheeks for like
a really hot minute
Y/N brow raised as they stared at Izuku, who’s eyes had pierced into their head since they’d sat down. Oddly enough, Y/N found his meticulous planning of this to just make the situation more awkward, it had done nothing to relieve the burning sensation in their cheeks. But Y/N had a feeling that only one of them could flustered about this or else everything would fall apart rather quickly. It had also been their idea in the first place so, there was that factor too.
“Are you alright, Izuku—”
“FINE. I—I’m fine, I mean.” He cleared his throat as he sat across from them, his cheeks a bright red color as Y/N tilted their head at his antics.
A small laugh escaped them, “If you don’t want to do this Izuku, we don’t have to.” He’d always been easily flustered, so Y/N couldn’t say his reaction came as a shock, but he’d agreed to it nonetheless just yesterday.
This seemed to bring the boy back to reality as he shook his head, “no... I want to.” He straightened in his seat, looking away from Y/N as he tried to collect himself.
A grin spread across Y/N’s face as they leaned closer to Izuku, “fantastic.” Their words only served to fluster Izuku further, though Y/N could feel their cheeks warming as well. 
french kissing will not be a regular occurrence, izuku feels embarrassed whenever it happens, he gets shy, all around a very rare thing for him that will only occur if you initiate it, but PLEASE let him know ahead of time, he needs to mentally prepare himself
he enjoys it though 
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why am i laughing rn
okay but like shouto probably discovers it online entirely by accident or like hears kaminari talking about it and decides he should educate himself because hes fluent in french and knows alot about the culture of france because of all the tutors his father hired so why doesn’t he know what this elusive french kissing his? 
shouto is also fluent in kissing he honestly just really enjoys kissing you, he doesn’t know why but its probably because hes touch starved and just likes intimacy like that but he never really knew how much he liked physical touch until he actually experience it [in a positive way] and also you are SOFT :D
regardless shouto is the one who brings it up and honestly you are gonna be shocked because how did this clueless bb find out about that??? sir??? who is teaching you these things?
“You want to do what?” 
Y/N couldn’t help the shock that flooded them as they stared at their boyfriend, Shouto Todoroki, who sat with his legs crossed before them on the bed as he replied, “French kissing.” The boy in question repeated, tilting his head at them as he watched her reaction.
Y/N shook their head in an attempt to clear their thoughts as they looked back up at him, meeting his eyes, “who taught you about that?” In the past, Y/N had been forced to explain... certain subjects to Shouto because of things he’d overheard in conversations or seen online. Sometimes it was entirely innocent and other times, well it wasn’t. This time around, it seemed Shouto had took it upon himself to learn, rather than asking Y/N. 
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.” Come his response, brows furrowing at her question, “however, if its not something you’re interested in then—”
“I didn’t say that!” And Y/N couldn’t help how their cheeks warmed at how quickly they cut him off, hands coming to their face in embarrassment.
the internet and unintentionally kaminari, or maybe intentionally 
he doesn’t do any research in fact, he might not even bring it up, next time he sees you in a private space, he’s just gonna start kissing you and you’re probably gonna be like aight bet thats chill this is normal
UNTIL he just grabs your thigh and in the shock your mouth gapes open and SHOUTO STRIKES
honestly i feel like he would be ridiculously good at french kissing for no reason, i don’t know why, i have no explanation, he’s just good at it 
its a talent
of all the boys he is the least embarrassed he has no shame, its just natural curiosity right? whatever happens happens. it is literally so annoying how UNFAZED HE IS
probably really liked it because hes a touchy kinda guy, so this will become a more frequent thing when you two are in private, he just enjoys it 
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via asks or replies]
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alittlequad · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @daydreamstew it was so nice to see <33
Emoji(s) or pic that represents your mental state at the moment:
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Very out of context but it’s a whole mood lol
What’s one good thing that happened in your life recently? Big or small!: My nephew, mum, sister in law and I all have covid so it’s been a long week. About an hour ago we heard a knock at the door and opened it to find my sister and other nephew at the gate. They had brought us ramen for dinner and it’s my favourite right now so it was such a good surprise. It was so lovely to see them in person, cannot wait to hug them when we’re all better 😊
Currently watching?: I have been watching married at first sight with my mum and SIL every night for a few weeks now, it’s very addictive lol. I have also been really loving The Cleaning Lady, got back into Outlander, and my cousin got me into Brooklyn 99 as well. Other than that I’ve been watching a lot of sports, it’s the World Championships this week for Figure Skating so I apologise in advance for my spam, although my top two favs aren’t competing so it may not be as bad 😅
Song stuck in your head rn: We Don’t Talk About Bruno from Encanto - blame the nephew for this one lol
Last text you sent: I sent a link to a very cool arcade bar that’s opening this week to someone I work with.
Your ideal breakfast: I’m very much a pancake person 🥞
The GG moment that lives in your head rent-free: 20 questions 🥲
Take this opportunity to shoutout one (or a few) fanworks or their creators that you adore: I very much love @sdktrs12 ‘s gifs. They are always so pretty.
And I adore @inyoursheets poetic writing that never fails to make me FEEL 🥲
How has being in the GG fandom impacted you? creatively? friendships? etc.?: Well it was what inspired me to get back into art, and it has given me such an outlet these past few years. I do not know where I would be now without that impact. Also, I’ve ‘met’ so many amazing people on here. Some of which have been more supportive of me than the people I used to think were my best friends, over the last few months. Very grateful for my little circle ❤️
Tagging: @daydreamstew because I wanna know what YOU have been up to! ❤️ also @juuuunaaaaoooo @jade-marie @icanthearyoufromhereplease @mitavalia @whiskeyjack @misshazelevers20 and anyone else who wants to, I’m not as active as I used to be so I have no idea who’s still here 😅
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animated-moon · 3 years
dating oikawa hcs
warnings: oikawa being a pretty boy
a/n: the things i’d do to be his friend 😪😪
» you were actually the manager of karasuno (oh no)
» during their joint practice oikawa tried to talk to you because you didn’t really seem like a bad person and in fact he thinks you’re quite interesting based off on the interactions you had with the team
» but also because he noticed that you were staring at him 50% of the time (i mean who wouldn’t)
» so when you were handing out the bottles to both the teams he was like “hii karasuno’s manager-chan :D”
» and you were like “who are you”
» oiks:🗿
» “i’m the captain of aoba johsai, oikawa tooru! hello :D”
» “ohhhh you’re haji’s best friend, right?”
» oiks: 😀😄😀 bcus you called iwa “haji”?????
» turns out you were staring at iwa the entire time
» you were distant relatives but he didn’t know that
» immediately turns to iwa with tHaT (😒) look
» “i didn’t know you knew iwa-chan?”
» “oh, it’s fine. how would you have known?” and you unintentionally gave him a sly smirk and then he misunderstood EVERYTHING
» “oh. okay. sorry.” *walks away stoically*
» when you disappeared he was like “iWA-CHANNNN YOU DIDN’T TELL US YOU HAD A CUTE S/O!!!”
» poor iwa was so confused because he ain’t got no hoes and oikawa was shaking him too much for him to process anything
» then at this point you appeared again and handed iwa’s bottle to him and oikawa gave you the 👁👁 look until you started speaking
» “oh yea, tell aunt i said hi. we haven’t talked in a long while.”
» oikawa: 🤨☝️
» “aunt?”
» *iwa realizes who the cute s/o oikawa was talking about is* “tHEY’RE MY COUSIN YOU-”
» after the practice you and iwa caught up w each other before they left and the entire team started bombing iwa with questions about his cute cousin
» oikawa was strangely quiet but iwa didn’t question it
» meanwhile in oikawa’s brain:
» “this is betrayal and i will not talk to him any longer”
» “wait no he’s my best friend”
» “well not anymore 😤😤”
» lowkey a petty king 
» after that though, when you went to hang out w iwa you began seeing oikawa more and more
» and the thing is it wasn’t even on purpose- he just appeared at all the right places at the right times
» but oikawa also found himself intrigued by you because you showed no sign of swooning over him like other people did
» everyone would like a breath of fresh air, but he wanted more than just a breath (me failing to be deep)
» asked iwa for your number and got it along with multiple death threats in case oiks was up to no good
» as you started talking, you slowly caught feelings because he was actually really really sweet, albeit a little narcissistic
» he also provides really good comfort when you’re upset and not in the slightest insensitive of your emotions
» he caught feelings because once he accidentally overshared and unloaded all his frustrations in your chat
» he thought you’d not wanna be his friend anymore after finding out what a horrible human being he was under his happy, smiley mask :(
» but that truth only made you stick by his side even more
» when the karasuno vs seijoh match came y’alls were really close already so that made you ???
» you really wanna support karasuno but oiks!!! you knew just how much it would mean to oikawa if he defeated kageyama
» on the actual day you stood w karasuno but you had secretly given oiks a good luck charm and pecked his cheek before running away
» you saw him stare at you and caress his cheek and literally flamed up
» he really wanted to win the match to assure himself that he was better than kageyama and also, your hope was with him, so how could he lose?
» when the match ended and he lost tho, he was so, so, so, upset and his self destructive thoughts came crashing down
» you rushed out to find him outside the stadium on the brink of tears
» the first thing he said when he saw you was “sorry”
» ????
» “sorry i couldn’t live up to your standards and win the game”
» well that hurts
» you took after iwa’s trait of not being able to express your feelings so you just hugged him. tightly.
» “it’s not your fault.”
» with that he broke down and continued to for the next half hour or so
» after he stopped crying you guys just sat in silence and he was basically rethinking his life choices
» which was when he spontaneously held your hand and leaned in closer to you
» you: ?$/9;&294&48,!’!&!-&/&;&,@/“”-&:$,!:)?3&;)
» then he just waited for you to close the gap and obvs you got the meaning and did it
» you both were lost in a kiss when
» “...🙂...rUN (Y/N)-CHAN-”
» but after that you hunted him down at seijoh and talked it all out w him
» congradulashions you got yourself a boyfie 🕺✨
» iwa was 🤬🤬 but at the same time 🥺🤲✨🤩🥳
» no one at karasuno knew you were dating oikawa
» so when he came to karasuno to fetch you for your date, a riot started
» hinata was shaking you because “y/N-SAN YOU WERE DATING THE GREAT KING?”
» kageyama: *death glaring oikawa*
» tanaka and noya busy threatening oikawa to treat you right or they’ll [redacted]
» suga and daichi trying to calm everyone down (suga actually went to ask you about it after because he got a lil curious)
» tsukki, narita and ennoshita: 👬🏻🧍🏼‍♂️ we been knew tho
» yams: the only one congratulating you two to last long (asahi came later because he was lowkey scared of you people)
» kinoshita: *proud smile and thumbs up from afar*
» oikawa just enjoying this riot and kidnapping you when he finally had the chance to
» being with oikawa naturally gave you tons of unwanted attention
» about 90% of his fans gave you murderous glares when you walked past
» and you guys had at least 10 arguments (big and small) about his fans being too friendly or HIM being too friendly
» he always apologizes after because he knows just how insecure he made you :(
» a big sweetheart and cutie <3
» he isn’t afraid to show you affection so pda is fine but he never goes overboard or embarrass you in public (actually he might but)
» loves to tangle your arms or hands together!! it gives him a sense of security
» likes to nuzzle his head into your neck
» he’ll always hover around you when you’re in school so that you don’t get assaulted by any of his crazy fans
» shows and brags to everyone about how YOU’RE his s/o and how amazing you are
» makes narcissistic comments sometimes but it’s lowkey funny
» iwa’s always being THAT brother and making sure oikawa don’t do no funny things to you
» makki and mattsun also became your best friends and you started hanging out with the seijoh 4 a lot more often
» he has a lot of nightmares and his mental health is as bad as the state of my room rn so please comfort him
» i think he secretly has inferiority complex
» love him or i’ll [redacted]
» not a lot of big dates normally because he’s very preoccupied by volleyball
» so usually arcades?? or park dates?? or even just shopping
» he’s trying his bestest best to fit you to his schedule and shove things away to make space for you because he didn’t wanna make you feel neglected 😭🤲💖
» tbh i think the reason he broke up with his girlfriend (the one mentioned in the anime) is either bcus of fan issues or bcus he neglected her
» he doesn’t want you to go through that pain so he always tries to make time for you
» when you both occasionally go on a big date, he’s all dressed up and treats you like royalty
» on days when he don’t feel so good, it’s the other way around
» i believe you force him to have a lot of stay-home self care dates because he ALWAYS overworks himself
» he cries sometimes because of how grateful he is for you not leaving him bcus he felt like he wasn’t really giving you the amount of love you gave to him ;(
» once he was overworking himself again and you surprised him with tickets to the new planetarium and he almost cried (actually he might’ve but just for the dramatic effect)
» very affectionate and absolutely adores you
» might spew some poisonous words sometimes (when he’s really really pissed) but he really really didn’t mean it
» love him
» appreciate him
» and he’ll do the same for you <3
» 10/10!! in my early haikyuu days (before i saw tendou) i used to have so many thoughts about this manz ;(
- fin <3
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