alewaanewspaper1960 · 3 months
المثلث الفلسطيني بين التهويد والضم
المثلث الفلسطيني بين التهويد والضم   المثلث الفلسطيني بين التهويد والضم الكاتب : شمالي الهام الملخص: يدور موضوع الدراسة حول الهواجس الإسرائيلية من خطر التمدد الديمغرافى العربى على مستقبل يهودية الدولة, وأهم المواقف, والمشاريع الإسرائيلية تجاه منطقة المثلث الفلسطيني منذ عام (1949، وحتى 2020م). وتنقسم الدراسة إلى أربع محاور يسبقهما مقدمة, ويليهما خاتمة, فالمحور الأول الإطار العام للدراسة (هيكلية…
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amereid1960 · 3 months
المثلث الفلسطيني بين التهويد والضم
المثلث الفلسطيني بين التهويد والضم   المثلث الفلسطيني بين التهويد والضم الكاتب : شمالي الهام الملخص: يدور موضوع الدراسة حول الهواجس الإسرائيلية من خطر التمدد الديمغرافى العربى على مستقبل يهودية الدولة, وأهم المواقف, والمشاريع الإسرائيلية تجاه منطقة المثلث الفلسطيني منذ عام (1949، وحتى 2020م). وتنقسم الدراسة إلى أربع محاور يسبقهما مقدمة, ويليهما خاتمة, فالمحور الأول الإطار العام للدراسة (هيكلية…
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
A reminder about Palestine:
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Firstly, the existence of the country of Palestine was never in question. And secondly, as per the UK's own words in the oft-referred to "foundational" "Balfour Declaration":
Plain as day.
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nowwheresmynut · 2 months
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he quit the next day
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canidae-dyke · 21 days
I’ve said something along these lines before but I think the typical zionist narrative that “Jews are indigenous to Palestine and Palestinians aren’t because Jews lived there first” falls apart when you start comparing it to the logical conclusions you’d have to draw for some of the European equivalents.
South Slavs have only lived in the Balkans for about 1300 years, definitely a far shorter time than the Greeks were there. Does that mean they should be driven out and the territory handed to Greece? The proposition is absurd on the face of it and then you remember that the kind of people who genuinely want that are Greek fascists. Hmmmm
Magyars have only lived in Hungary for about 1200 years and they outright conquered it, but I think anyone who’s not a Central European white nationalist would also think it’d be ridiculous to kick the Magyars out of Hungary.
This is fundamentally where such an ethnonationalist sentiment leads. It is only through the inertia of imperialism and the backing of western nations that the idea that Palestinians are uniquely not indigenous to the land they’ve lived in for more than a thousand years has taken root
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odinsblog · 8 months
“That’s my history. Strange thing, that I and my family would do it again,” he said.
Safad, which is the city that my father lived there for hundreds of years, with his father and grandfather and great grandfather and so on, when a ship came from Poland with refugees, Jewish refugees from Poland and Germany, whatever, and they went to several countries first went to America, and they went to Cuba and they won't let them off.
So they came to Haifa.
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And funny enough, Haifa is a port that my great grandfather built, and they had a banner on the side of their boat saying, “We lost our homes in Germany and our hope can you, don't let us lose our hope here in your country.”
And they took them, they took two families each. Took two families and others did, and brought them to our house, to my father's house, and they lived with us for two and a half years.
And when I was, when my mother was pregnant with me, my mother went to Nazareth to her parents house.
She had me and I was nine days old when she came back to Safad to take me inside our home, and we were locked out. The fact I came back home and they won't even let us in into our home.
When my mother begged them to get a shershef or something to put around me, they wouldn't let her.
So she moved on down to the refugee camp in Syria somewhere.
—Mohamed Hadid
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henfox · 5 months
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FIRSTPRINCE AU: The Kissing Chamber (or, Marco x Elliott) "all you can do is love them... and make sure they know that you're never gonna slip away."
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onetangosierra · 4 months
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zylphiacrowley · 3 months
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"Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged." "Then have my lips the sin that they have took?" "Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again." - William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" Act 1, Scene 5
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arithmonym · 11 months
as much as i love abigail pent, i forget sometimes that she’s very much annexing the fourth house and the teens have complicated feelings about it!
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warhead · 3 months
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agentfascinateur · 16 days
Israel violating 1979 Peace Accord and slanders now Egypt
The corridor is part of a larger demilitarized zone along the entire Israel-Egypt border. Under the peace accord, each side is allowed to deploy only a small number of troops or border guards in the zone, though those numbers can be modified by mutual agreement. At the time of the accord, Israeli troops controlled Gaza, until Israel withdrew its forces and settlers in 2005.
Tunnels! Like the non-existing ones of Al Shifa Hospital where instead very real mass graves were found once Israeli forces evacuated...
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divorcedwife · 8 days
my grandpa wrote and sent us a little biography of their 99 year old neighbor, who was kicked out of his region in 1940 for being an enemy of nazi germany and spent ages 15-19 in armed resistant groups. i keep thinking about it... 15!!
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queenofglassbeliever · 5 months
Librarians fans, anyone a Percy Jackson and the Olympians fan? Do you know how Athena - a virgin goddess - has demigod children? (In PJO). Her children are concieved through the melding Athena's divine thoughts and the ingenuity of her chosen mortal partner. Athena's children are born from the head like she was. They are literally brain children.
This thought crossed my mind. Jacob "genius IQ, has several honary degrees from universities in four continents, historian, art expert, architecture expert, martial artist, speaks 9 languages and can read 12 more including Greek, mechanicallyminded" Stone, is actually the type of partner that would catch Athena's eye.
Imagine if the librarians came into work one day a there was a baby??? Just there?? In the Annex??
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elbiotipo · 5 months
My president is posting feet pics on instagram to prove his aren't small and they're clearly riddled with fungi. How is your day going.
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laurelnose · 2 months
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dark yoon ha lee give me the forbidden hajoret family backstory
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