beautifulfartgalaxy · 4 months
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finally finished my slightly more technical cockchafer (Melontha melontha) drawing in between dissertation work :') hope you enjoy :D
kind of inspired from the illsutrations of this little bug book (from 1951):
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"an insect book for the pocket" one of the cutest guide book names ever
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meecrowav · 2 months
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Parasitic Aasimar
Collection of Paranormal Occurrences (1372, first edition) , annotated
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fortunatefires · 9 months
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I just wanted to share some of the annotating that my sister and I have done in the diviners by Libba Bray
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ifallsurrect · 1 year
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estellamiraiauthor · 1 year
The Stars May Rise and Fall: The Annotated Re-read (Chapter 30)
Just FYI, we’re officially into the stage of this book where just about everything makes me cry. (I know, I know, I wrote the thing, I could’ve changed it! But angst just hurts soooo good!)
As always, spoilers (including spoilers for chapters beyond this one) under the cut!
They take a taxi to Shinjuku to get on the train, and Rei is visibly uncomfortable riding in a car… but there’s not really much alternative at this point, as they both recognize. I don’t think he remembers the moment of the accident, or any moments of consciousness he would’ve had immediately afterwards. The brain tends to block things like that out, but I do think he probably has a fuzzy or even unconscious memory of that moment just before, when you know it’s about to happen but it’s too late to do anything to stop it.
I would love art of Rei’s super extravagant coat in this scene, by the way… yet another one to add to the list!
The taxi driver in Hakone is sort of the opposite of the asshole doctor when it comes to microaggressions. He sees immediately that Rei has a disability and asks for his government ID, which can actually get you a lot of discounts and things like free entry into public facilities like zoos and museums, but I think Rei’s usually too proud to actively ask for those benefits very much. Up to this point, I don’t think Teru even realizes that he HAS one of those ID cards. But the taxi driver is a nice guy who wants to give them the discount, and does. BUT… then he goes and makes some well-meaning but ignorant comment about Teru and Rei spending Christmas with their girlfriends. Of course, this isn’t malicious but it’s still kind of awkward and hurtful.
They get to the hotel, and poor Rei I think is just feeling incredibly guilty, that Teru has done this kind, amazing thing for him when all he (thinks he) has done is make Teru’s life more difficult. GAH, I wish he’d just TALK to Teru because Teru doesn’t feel that way at all.
Teru also feels a little guilty for choosing a traditional Japanese room, since there’s not a lot of furniture and it’s hard for Rei to sit on the floor (and always has been (at least since Teru has known him), as established in an izakaya several chapters ago; this wasn’t directly caused by the more recent injury, so yeah, Teru COULDVE thought of that, but he’s still probably being too hard on himself. He did come up with a really thoughtful plan overall.)
I DO have art of my boys in hotel yukatas! Would REALLY love some art of the bath scene too, but I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
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So this hotel (really a ryokan, sorry, I’ve been calling it a hotel because that’s English, but it’s like a traditional Japanese style inn) has meals served in the room, which is super fancy (I think I’ve only been to places that did this twice… both in Hakone, and both as romantic weekend type things), and also super nice if you’re boyfriend’s self-conscious about eating in front of people. The server is also kind to Rei, bringing him a stool because he clearly can’t sit comfortably on the floor, and like with the taxi driver, he’s appreciative and polite. I think there are a couple of reasons behind this sort of shift in attitude. First, I think people in this rural resort town are just being a little more friendly than most people in Tokyo are, but more importantly than that, I think Rei has kind of realized that he does need to change, he does need to learn how to accept help gracefully… and he also just wants to make this trip wonderful for Teru, and he knows that means minimal drama. ❤️
Then they take a private bath in the hot spring. I have nothing really to add here, except that this is way up toward the top of my “I Want Art” list, and every single time I go to a hot spring I think of this scene. ❤️❤️❤️
And then we have the not-sex scene. By which I mean they totally have sex but it’s fade to black. Some readers liked this, some didn’t, but I ultimately think it’s better than the alternative: a sex scene written by me! 😂
I did go back and forth on whether to try to write it. The ultimate reason I didn’t was because I wanted it to be perfect for every reader. And I realize that “fade to black” in itself is not “perfect” for some readers, but I also didn’t want to ruin the whole book by having the sex scene not be right. So if you imagine it wild and kinky, it was. If you imagine it sweet and simple, then THAT’S how it was. If you’d rather not imagine it at all, that’s also completely fine.
Personally, I think it was very sweet, very careful, very full of love and consent… it’s Teru’s first time with a guy, and Rei’s first time since the accident, so I do think they take things very slow, and probably don’t get to full-on anal penetration or anything… mouths and hands? But that’s me. You’re free to imagine it (or not) however you want.
I also think it doesn’t really matter HOW it happened, just THAT it happened. I read a lot of romance novels during the editing of this (I actually hadn’t read ANY before I wrote the first draft… again, I apologize deeply to romance readers, this was never supposed to be a category romance novel!) and there definitely ARE books out there where HOW the characters have sex drives the plot or develops the relationship. And there are others where it’s not really intended to: it’s there for fun, for titillation. In this case, I think the fact THAT they have sex is the plot/character development point. We’ve seen them be caring and careful with each other up to now, and I didn’t think that showing that specifically in the bedroom would change anything. As for titillation… I honestly don’t like sex scenes that exist only for titillation as a reader, so I don’t think I’m the writer to understand what those readers want and to give it to them.
The couple of sex scenes I’ve attempted to write to date (mostly for fanfic exchanges or challenges where the prompt I got was more adult) have also been… not good. When I was a kid, if I happened to draw a picture that I really liked in black and white, I never wanted to color it because I might ruin it. I think attempting to write the sex scene here would’ve felt like trying to color something that already worked in just pencil?
I do want to sort of address one comment made by a reviewer that Rei deserved to be sexy and sexual on the page, deserved to be SHOWN being loved physically as well as emotionally and… I agree. That’s a very good point. Unfortunately… I just really don’t think my writing skills in this particular area are up to the task. It would really have to be perfect, and beautiful… and I’m not sure I could’ve done that.
And then we have the last scene, after the fade to black, where Teru decides that he’s not going to take the deal… he’s going to prioritize being with Rei. Which is exactly what Rei DOESNT want him to do. 😭
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toriandbooks · 2 years
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“Is this how it is?
Is this how it's always been?
To exist in the face of suffering and death
And somehow still keep singing?”
- Free by Florence + The Machine
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lavenderlavender · 1 year
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amo-ridere · 1 year
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The other day, in my DHL package, I got the nendoroid doll height adjustment set. As I can tell you, there's not much of change. After giving them a go, they weren't quite working out, so Satsuki goes back regular chibi height (at least, for now), while Nozomi gets the height adjustment set. As one can see, there isn't much of a change. My main issue is that the right leg didn't exactly stay joined at the knee, which is why they didn't work out well for Sats but they'll do just fine Nozomi. I might get another set & give them another go but not right now. Why'd I try them with Satsuki first? In canon, she's taller than Ryuuko and her skintone is hard to find, so I snagged those. Maybe Satsuki will get slightly taller again, maybe not. In short, the height adjustment set is "okay, but could be better" #nendoroiddollaccessories #nendoroiddoll #edited #annotated #testing #killlakill #RollingGirls #signatured #annotations https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqy5rPHNEw5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaliforniaaa12 · 2 years
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How I used to tab my books vs how I tab them now.
I love color coordinating my tabs to the cover of the book. It is so satisfying and I have the tabs only sticking out a little making it look a lot better.
I literally want to go through all my other books and fix the tabs.
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letsbelonelytogetherr · 8 months
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— Jay Vespertine; not from a book but from an actual conversation.
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Fascicule #50 is still available! 
50 fifteenth & sixteenth century books : arcane, sacred, sublime & practical. Please email me for a printed copy                     [email protected] Many of these books were on display at the Toronto Antiquarian Book show and the Boston Antiquarian Book Show, in October. TO see it before the printed copy arrives follow this link Fascicule #50 will soon be in the…
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academic-vampire · 3 months
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𝔅𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔨 𝔞𝔦𝔯.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
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I can't believe it took me so long to go back to this very important post :D <3.
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estellamiraiauthor · 1 year
The Stars May Rise and Fall: The Annotated Re-read (Chapter 22)
Welcome back for Chapter 22 of everything you never wanted to know about The Stars May Rise and Fall and had absolutely no desire to ask!
So, this chapter opens with Rei gone again, not because of a fight but because he’s gone to see Saki. The most common times to visit a grave would be on the anniversary of the death and during Obon in mid-August, but Rei doesn’t want to run into Saki’s family (who definitely didn’t like him or the supposed “influence” he had on their son), so he tends to go at other times of the year.
He’s gone for six days, and this kind of worries Teru. We never really find out specifically why it takes so long, but I don’t think there’s any particularly dramatic answer. Travel day, day spent with Saki, another travel day, day to rest and recuperate, and the next two days probably spent figuring out how he’s going to move forward with Teru while also keeping Saki’s memory alive (i.e. remembering and recording the song Saki wrote for him, along with the rest of the plans for the album).
Teru kind of wonders offhandedly if there might’ve been some kind of accident, but decides that Rei probably doesn’t drive and that a train or bus accident would’ve been on the news… this is a fairly minor line but it is something I wondered about, whether Rei would be able to drive if he wanted to. The answer is probably yes—I know quadriplegics who drive in Japan, so there are definitely accommodations available for people who can drive with adaptations (and any adaptations Rei would need would be comparatively minor) but in the end I decided that he probably would never have any desire to re-learn, so figuring out the specifics was sort of a non-issue.
The band plays one concert while Rei is gone, and Bara is there too. La Rose hasn’t officially heard back from the omnibus (various artists) CD they applied to be featured on, but Bara has the track list—his band made it, and La Rose did not. Bara calls them dated, which prompts Minori to start suggesting costume and other image changes. This also sort of ties into the time period, as 90s-style visual kei was definitely on the way out around the turn of the millennium, and a more sort of electronic sound and a different look was becoming more popular. Of course, this is directly at odds with Rei wanting to include a song that Saki wrote in the 90s as a homage to 80s metal, and this sort of sets up one of the things that will eventually lead to Minori deciding to leave the band.
Rei finally calls Teru and asks him to come over, and I really like the little scene that follows, where Rei plays Teru the unfinished recording of Saki’s song, and Teru helps him work out a drum line. This is also the first time he gets to see the other room in the apartment, which I think was probably Rei and Saki’s bedroom once upon a time. Rei doesn’t really use it anymore, and it’s full of boxes of costumes and things from his old band—including drumsticks. I think it’s really cute that Teru plays the air drums and Rei puts it into the computer on his drum pad and they do it together, combining both of their skills. (So, there’s another little moment of fluff!)
Of course, this song will be very very important in the end.
So Minori wants to record HIS song, and Rei wants to record Saki’s song, and eventually pulls out LOTS of unused music with the thought of turning it into an album. Rei is nothing if not prolific… the songs here are probably a mix of things he wrote for his old band, songs he wrote after the accident but didn’t sell them to pop stars because he was looking for the right person, and songs he wrote specifically for Teru.
The meeting with the band at the restaurant where they discuss the idea of making an album is kind of an interesting scene. Teru and Rei are the last ones there, and they arrive together. Seika, I think, figures out immediately what this means (if he hadn’t figured it out already). Of course, he’s also queer, and he knows that Teru is at least questioning… but the rest of the guys and Kiyomi are still clueless. It just doesn’t even register as a possibility to them.
Teru is super protective of Rei here… I wrote a couple of different drafts of this scene where he was protective in different ways. In one version, Minori asked Rei to write something down (an address or something? I don’t remember) and Teru grabbed the notebook and did it for him because he knew Rei was self-conscious about his handwriting. But that felt kind of forced… there was no reason Minori couldn’t just ask for the information and make a note of it himself, and he’s certainly noticed by now that Rei can’t use his hand. Instead, I had Teru pay for both of them so that Rei wouldn’t have to worry about getting the money out of his wallet (something else we’ve seen him struggle with before) in front of the band. I think this is much better, especially because Teru doesn’t have a lot of money, but is still willing to pay twice as much as everyone else to help Rei maintain his dignity.
The last important thing that happens here is when Teru walks Rei to the station before going for drinks with the band, and Rei gives him money for that and suggests that he quit his job to focus on the music. This is essentially an offer to live together for good, since without a job Teru wouldn’t be able to pay his own rent, and shows how Rei wants to take care of Teru, too. They’re both so protective of each other and I love it! Teru actually refuses here, though… he’s still got that pride about money just like Rei does about his appearance, but it sets up the circumstances for him to actually quit his job later on.
And then we get a two-month jump in time before the next chapter!
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cryptid-oh-cryptid · 1 year
I use to read this almost every other month as a young teenager. It kinda shaped me into who I was back then. I recently found it on one of my bookshelves and decided to re read it. Mind you I was 12 when read it for the first time & I got it from Dollar tree for yes a single dollar. I stopped reading it repeatedly at age 16 & am now almost 21.
Simply put, da fuq was I on when I read this?!?
I use to read about these characters who I thought were thought provoking and real. Now looking at this tattered book, I'm offended at myself for liking it.
I decided I was going to annotate it with all my thoughts and feelings. Yet I'm about 1/4 through and fuck I've been sucked in. It's like a dream like state that you feel hazing just on how things are described. I want to gaye this book & objectively I do. But nostalgic wise. I'm screwed.
If you're wondering what the book is, it's called,
' Wink, Poppy, Midnight.'
And before you go in, just know that those three words of the cover are the legal names of the tree main characters. Jesus help us.
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saydesole · 3 months
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Just patiently waiting 🍁🍂
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