#Another Eden Curio
carlosyt14 · 10 months
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Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Curio
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Katana (EX Weapon: Regret)
Current character status: Released
Info (From Another Eden wiki)
He is a young man who wears the white uniform of the IDEA at the IDA School. He has the grace of a butterfly, calmness of a quiet lake, and the sharpness of a razorblade. There is a particular person he respects and has vowed to become like them. Despite his age, others recognize his abilities and he has been given the role of a leader. However, he does tend to get lost in his own curious pursuits.
All for one and one for all. - Shade type slash attack on all enemies (XL) and Inflict Pain (3 turns) and Activate Lunatic on first switch only
Transient Glory - Shade type slash attack on a single enemy (XL) and PWR and INT of all party members +35% (5 turns)
* When in any Attack Type Zone: Sword/Katana/Ax equipped characters' damage +50% (5 turns)
* When in any Elemental Zone: Wind and Shade Type attack of all party members +50% (5 turns)
Ups and Downs - Wind type slash attack on a single enemy x2 (S)
* Increase skill damage and increase number of hits when use consecutively
* x3, 225% / x4, 320% / x5, 420% (4th use onwards)
* Fever/Ultimate Skill Combo gain +20% (x1.2)
* When in Lunatic: Critical Rate for all party members +100% (1 move)
Steadfast Melody - Physical Resistance of all party members +25% (3 turns) and Restore all party members' HP 1000
Thorn Throne - Preemptive Inflict poison on all enemies (Persistent, Ignore target resistance) and inflict Break (persistent or 1 hit)
* Skill available with Regret equipped.
(Passive) Awaken Zone on activating Lunatic - When activating lunatic from basic attack skill also initiate Awaken Zone (2 turns) (once per battle)
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claeculus · 2 years
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weekly artdump
Reference for Elga's pose
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hexpresshotline · 10 months
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It’s your favourite time of day! That’s right, it’s time for another batch of casting announcements!
Jib is an artist and writer that enjoys many curios and trinkets. When he’s not distracted by your keys, he likes digging holes and jumping up and down. Their profile picture is done by the wonderful Nbaffy on Twitter.
Eden is a UX designer from Brighton. She spends her free time gaming, lost in Neverwinter with her dice, or working on digital art. You can find out more about Eden on her website: edensinclair.com
Michael Blundell is always ready to explore a new story, whether by editing written works or attempting to bring them to life. He can also be found in The Scarab Archives.
Lewis Vincent is a humanoid. He enjoys doing human things like eating, drinking, breathing, and life is strange 2.
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cuntressa · 2 years
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assorted gibberish. spoilers for dunarith’s quest line and a little of mythos(?)
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thesinpolice · 3 years
still trying to figure out the perfect balance between their story and the actual in-game events
fryecest: CROOKED HEARTBEAT, pt. X
first time here? start from the beginning
word count - 3.275
total word count - 27.450
“Mister Frye, you’re… finally awake.” Henry commented with an awkward cough when him and Evie returned to their train hideout after an eventful morning.
“I’m sure he’s had some sleep to catch up on… Since he was too busy to sleep all night.” Evie bit out, not even meeting her brother’s gaze as she motioned Henry to set down the books they went to pick up on their way. The older Assassin merely chuckled softly, unsure of what to say.
Jacob felt like hell, looked like it too. His hair dishevelled, buttons on his shirt half-undone, the jacket he threw onto himself so haphazardly – all indicative of that massive headache pounding behind his eyes.
“Nothing to be ashamed of.” Henry tried to diffuse the tension settling between them with a polite tone and another awkward laugh.
“That’s highly debatable.”
Her words seemed to bounce around the wagon, rising the temperature and seemingly sucking all the air out of that confined space.
Jacob stayed silent, his hands remained dropped to his sides. His gaze stayed fixated on Evie as he studied every little movement she made, ignoring Henry’s words and trying to piece together the puzzle that was his sister, who, pointedly, avoided meeting his wandering eyes.
“Yes, well…” Henry coughed, eyes averting to their paper findings.
“Beautiful train you've got here. Ms. MacBean was just telling me all about her. Name's Ned.” The newly arrival’s attire screamed business, from the hat atop his head, to his neatly tucked in tie, all the way down to his neatly polished shoes – he was the perfect comical opposite of Jacob at that moment in time.
Henry offered a warm smile, shook the gentleman’s hand and accepted his business card, Ned offered his allyship to the Assassins before he disappeared off the train, just as quickly as he appeared.
“Who was that?” Evie inquired, only to be met with Henry’s just as confused shrug.
“Oh, you mean... you don't know?” Jacob bit out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Jacob, don’t.” A threat said through her teeth, Evie clearly wasn’t in the mood. “Let us return to locating the Piece of Eden.” The change in tone, the softness of her voice when she addressed anyone but him was not lost on Jacob and he closed his eyes, tried to collect his thoughts behind the pounding beneath his temples.
A sharp inhale, exhale. “Don’t what?”
Evie chose to ignore. “We need to reclaim London from Starrick. Your flirting is getting us nowhere.”
It was safe to assume Mister Green’s cheeks lit up a bright red, as Evie finally swivelled towards her brother, at last looking him in the eye. “We’re searching for an important artefact.” She said through her teeth, trying to remain calm and collected.
“I didn't come to London to hunt curios!” He spat, finger accusatorily pointed at Henry, the thorn seemingly forever in his side when it came to his beloved sister. Jacob was sure, were it not for Henry pushing the incessant fantasy of finding her arcane artefacts on her, she would have been spending more of her time with him. Perhaps she would have dropped the fruitless quest all together by now, were it not for his never-ending stories.
No, Jacob never believed it, perhaps never would either.
“’First understand the dance, only then become the dancer.’?” She quoted pointedly, the impatience, the petulance, the recklessness their Father always warned him to reign in, “Oh? So you're taking over where Father left off?” he seethed at her words, her attitude ever nagging on his nerves.
“Someone has to.” The perfect little Assassin, always Father’s favourite, the goody-two-shoes, Evie could never do anything wrong. “And I’m guessing that someone is you?” He spat. “Who else?”
He snapped, unruffled his arms, closed the distance between them, “Of course, everything is always about you. You, and always you, and your fucking Piece of Eden.”, Jacob choked, his brows furrowed, he felt mad.
And she was too, just as much as him, as he provoked, her hand raised-
In a snap her wrist was caught in his hand, the other curling into a ball next to her hip. "Careful. Wouldn't want to give me a new bruise. The last one just healed." He mused.
“I’m just going to… Excuse myself…”
Henry’s presence an afterthought, Jacob pressed, leaned towards her. “Do not quote Father at me.” He seethed, the pounding in his head reaching a painful peak, “You could benefit from Father’s teachings. Look at how you’re behaving.” She spat back, eyes on his, unwavering.
“How far are you going to push this?”
Eyes glossed over, she pulled her hand out of his tight grasp, palms against his chest, she pushed him away with all the force she could muster. “Ask that question yourself.”
She breathed, exhaled, swallowed, chin held high, she stared him down, searched his eyes, before she turned around and ran off the train, into the crowd, welcoming the cold breeze, the gentle trickle of rain on her feverish cheeks as she ran, ran wherever her legs took her, as far away from Jacob she could get.
If judged by his drowsiness, a new bruise and a busted lip on his face accompanied by an annoyed scowl, one'd guess Jacob spent the night outside yet again, gambling, drinking, and punching. The warmth and shelter their hideout provided was truly the one and only reason he was at that moment willingly standing in that confined space. Well, that and the fact he was perhaps kicked out of his new favourite Whitechapel pub and couldn't escape anywhere else without the possibility of him freezing to death. Not that he’d admit that out loud.
He felt entrapped in the small space that was the main train wagon, enduring having to listen to Henry's weak attempt at being flirtatious and stealing glances at his little sister while her cheeks flushed in response was merely icing on the cake that was Jacob Frye's infamous bad temper.
Evie on the other hand, relished in the warmth like it was an invisible embrace, saving her from all that wished her harm. She felt comfortable whilst listening to Henry speaking about the clue about Lucy Thorne's Piece of Eden that she found in the stolen book. The passion in his voice drew her in, his extreme eagerness of finding the artefact in question a welcoming contrast to that of her brother who didn't fall short of reminding her how stupid she seemed in his eyes for giving such things even an ounce of her attention.
Jacob's eyes lingered on his sister's small form, he couldn't help but let his eyes roam across her body, daring to let his fantasies drown out all the noise around him. The feel of her in his arms, lips on his, forever and always, his to have and he hers-
Unfortunately, reality wasn’t as fond of reciprocating his indulgences, no matter how dearly he might wish for them to be true.
His hands balled into fists, the dull pain from all the punches he'd thrown in the previous night a welcoming numbness to the buzzing of his thoughts.
"You may have not found a Piece of Eden - but this material is invaluable." The first words the younger twin managed to catch since he arrived back on the train were that of Henry's, eagerness and anticipation at his discovery clear in his voice as his eyes scanned the paper underneath his fingers. Evie listened attentively, her brows furrowed as she failed to piece together the meaning behind Henry's words.
"Look! It says that London Assassins had found a Shroud..." He continued, his voice getting lost along the lines as he himself read the written discovery over and over again in his mind as if to remind himself it is actually true. "'The Shroud of Eden is supposed to heal even the gravest injury.' If the Assassins had found something like this surely Father would have known."
Evie's eyes scanned the pages as well, reading the discovery aloud instead of Henry as he remained baffled by what they had found and couldn't mutter a word. Her melodic voice bolted Jacob awake, made his skin crawl with some form of unreachable excitement. He perked up, listening intently to what the pair seemed to be planning, yet still remained at distance.
"There must be something we're missing…" Henry's input quietly filled the room as he, deep in thought, rushed to one of the tables and started shuffling through the papers on it. Eager, Evie wanted to follow, see exactly what the older Assassin meant and help with the knowledge she had, after all these years wanting to finally put it to good use. She had never been this close – this close to such a monumental discovery sure to be respected by the Brotherhood, yet all she could think of was how close she was to proving Jacob wrong. That her Piece of Eden was real. And just as important as she deemed it be.
“Is there anything for me to do? Or do I just leave you to your flirting?”
Evie rolled her eyes, there was that word again, his never-ceasing childishness, that she chose to ignore time and time again, turned back to Henry who, much to her surprise, turned away from her in search of something else.
“Actually…” He coughed. “This might be of interest to you.” Henry outstretched a hand, a rough sketch which Jacob hastily pulled from his hand upon crossing the room with chipped steps.
“Soothing Syrup?” He questioned upon studying the piece of paper. “Yes…” Henry turned his attention to Jacob, tucking flyaway strands of hair behind his ears. “The Soothing Syrup has become the only medicine available in Lambeth. It bears the Templar Grand Master’s name.”
Jacob cocked an eyebrow. “I believe it’s something worth investigating.” Henry continued. “About time for a visit to the doctor then.” Jacob offered one of his arrogant smirks, before he disappeared to his bedroom without another word.
Evie rolled her eyes, with an apologetic side glance, a hand on Henry’s shoulder, she tentatively trailed after her brother.
“Can you drop your comments?” Hand pressed on the door to his bedroom, she prevented him from shutting the door in her face. “You’re making Henry uncomfortable.”
“You two are making me uncomfortable.” He barked, back turned to her. “Well, you’re making me uncomfortable.”
“Do tell.”
“What were you thinking, bringing another woman here, Jacob?”
Stepped in, Evie slammed his bedroom door behind her, trying to keep her tone calm as not to alert others of their conversation – another? – though her voice broke at his name. He scoffed, turned to face her, leaning backwards onto his table like he had no care in the world. “I can barely sleep every night you’re not here, I’m scared for your life, and…”
“And what?”
“And when you’re finally here, you’re bringing random women into your bed! Fuck, I changed those sheets for you! How many have been in there?”
He challenged with a raised eyebrow, for her to continue, as if he were amused by her words, as if he were laughing at her as she shrunk under his gaze. “Why, sister dear, would you care?” He laughed, a clearly disingenuous bark of false amusement.
“Can you please start behaving, at least when Henry’s around?” She tried to swivel the topic backwards, squirming uncomfortably at their abhorrent conversation.
“Why? Am I cock blocking you?”
“God, shut up!” She snapped, arms thrown in the air. “Even if you were, that is none of your business!”
“Oh?” He stood up, strode over, brows furrowed, he balled his fists. “But mine is yours?”
Her lips parted, though Evie was unable to form the words, her mind drawing a blank, she felt heat rising in her cheeks. “It is when-“
“When, what?” Said through his teeth, it was as though anger mixed with cruel amusement coloured his features, his scowl so cold, so unfamiliar, it made her crumble into herself.
“Are you jealous?”
Choked on her own spit, Evie backed away, away from him, until her back hit the door. Her heart thundered inside her chest, “I am not jealous.”, a mumble, a whisper, as Jacob’s eyes bore into her relentlessly, his jaw clenched. “I am not! I just want my old brother back, okay?”
“And what does that mean? Hm?” He marched over. “What does that mean, Evie?” His palm punched the door next to her head, the wood creaking under his force. “Why are you so cold?” She choked, whispered.
“There is no old Jacob! This is me and this is how I’ve always been. It’s how our relationship has always been and you’re the one in denial and you know it!”
“Don’t project-“
“I admitted it to myself, question is-“ He leaned down, hand cupping her chin, he forced her to look at him. “-can you? Are you denying my feelings or are you denying yours?”
She slapped him, as hard as her muscles gave, caught him by surprise and he couldn’t stop her, not this time around.
Evie left without another word. It became apparent to her, the more she’d keep pushing, the further down the hole he would take them, and Jacob was, at that point, perhaps too far gone. An immovable force, his mind was clearly made. And Evie wasn’t sure it could be changed anymore.
It’s been the fourth time the Big Ben had announced the arrival of noon, since Jacob last spoke to his beloved sister, not that he counted, of course. It seemed to be an endless cycle of fighting and avoiding, as if they were stuck in a never-ending loop, repeating the same actions day in and day out. Perhaps, this was a type of issue none of them knew how to resolve. Though, both of them knew how to be stubborn and hold a grudge. If only had they not been so interested in always pointing out each other’s differences, perhaps they might have noticed they were one and the same. Merely different sides of the same coin.
The younger of the two had been spending his last few days with his nose buried in stacks of paper, locked away in his room for hours on end, studying the strategies and making plans for the Rooks’ next plan of attack, meticulously going over every possible outcome, every possible thing that could go wrong, so that his plans would prove fruitful in the end. He wanted to prove it to himself and to her, that he could be a competent leader. If he was to fulfil his plan of one day murdering Starrick and ending his gruesome reign over London, he needed to keep a level head, think about what he was doing and tread carefully. The only thing on his mind were his Templar targets and becoming a Master Assassin. He couldn’t afford to falter to the thoughts brimming in his subconscious, lest he might just end up exploding.
“It’s becoming concerning how used I am to seeing you sulk around Babylon Alley.” A young girl’s voice broke his train of thought. Despite his disdain towards children, the person he seemed to have been talking to the most these past few days had been no other than the little urchin, Clara O’Dea. Perhaps the striking similarity between her and his memory of Evie when they were that age gave him a sort of comfort of the old days’ nostalgia. Especially the way her hair was woven into two little pigtail braids, the way Evie’d ask him day after day to braid her hair for her, even though he had no idea how and it would always end up being a mess.
“Hmpf.” He grunted, slumped on the ground, leaning onto the wall behind him. He raised the bottle of bourbon he managed to swipe from the latest pub he paid a visit to, as if to say ‘cheers’ to the girl swaying on her feet before him and downed whatever was left of the bottle.
“Heard your train is getting a bit of a makeover.” She commented, trying to break the silence, but Jacob merely ignored her remark.
“You clearly know everything, don’t you?” He scoffed sardonically.
“And you clearly don’t know anything.” She retaliated, crossing her arms.
The little girl matched Evie in her wit too, he smiled to himself. He couldn’t help but feel pleased to have such an unusual friend keeping him company.
The Templar control in the borough of Whitechapel was slowly diminishing, day by day. With Kaylock six feet under and their growing number of allies, the influence of Starrick in East End of London was slowly weakening. Instead of red coats, you’d now be seeing green coats everywhere, protecting the weak and opposing the evil. Though the twins were already thinking ahead, carefully setting foot in other areas of London, showing no signs of stopping.
Evie had been spending her last few days taking out her frustration with her brother by asking the Rooks to assist her in combat training, even though her fighting prowess usually still outmatched her green-clothed peers.
She kept herself busy, from going all the way back to the City of London by herself, in vain hope of finding the rest of what was hiding in that chest, to spending time with Agnes, her sister and her daughter as they came to aid in the train renovations. She was also spending more time with Henry, letting his flirtatious behaviour and gentle touches distract her from her disorderly brother.
Anything she did really, was to distract herself, so she could think about anything but their last fight. Because in truth, the last thing Evie Frye wanted to do was prove her brother right and give him a reason to believe his feelings for her were justified, returned, even. She was sure his last comment was uncalled for and untrue. And if he wanted to sulk around and ignore her until she admitted such a distasteful falsehood, then she wouldn’t speak to him either, no matter how much she wanted to.
“Ah, Miss Frye! You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Evie gave a smile to the man before her, a certain lightness to her step. She was in a good mood and she found Henry’s friend Alexander good company to keep when she was feeling lonely. “Thank you again for helping me set up those fuses. I’ve already been receiving successful messages through my phonetic telegraph.”
Occupying her time with anything but her thoughts seemed like a safe bet for Evie and as she got to know Henry, so did she the many people he knew around London – one of which was one Henry proclaimed an inventor and technical expert, Alexander Graham Bell.
“So you’ve not given the name ‘telephone’ any thought then?” Evie chuckled, circling behind the counter of Alexander’s shop to look at his notes.
An intelligent, polite and welcoming young man, Aleck, in his passionate pursuit of free speech and impartial telling of the news, proved to be another useful ally to keep on their side and Evie was eager to lend her hand for anything he needed. Any enemy of Starrick’s was a friend of theirs.
Kaylock’s broken pistol turned out to be a broken rope launcher and Alexander was happy to help, procuring a practical use of getting around for the young Assassins intending to stay out of enemy sight, and in turn for his selfless helping hand, she offered Aleck her help were he in need of anything himself in the future.
credit: meeting ned & more about alexander, dialogue from this scene, mention of train renovations
read pt. XI here
|| this fanfiction was written by me. you can also read it here, if you prefer. ||
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aubergineanathema · 4 years
Wind chimes and wildflowers
Part 1 - The ruin in the clearing: Preface Part 2 - Whispers in darkness Part 3 - Käsdorf and Wulvosburg Part 4 - Secrets behind stone walls
--- Part 5. The early morning breeze was cool and wet. Dew had collected throughout the night on every rock and tree in the forest. Insects and small things drank their fill, buzzing and scurrying and given sound to the forest. Here was a swathe of nature. A place of nature untouched by either axes and scythes, or the trundling carts or shod hooves of the main roads that cut through the wilderness. Only the natural paths trodden by animals crisscrossed the thicket here, with only the occasional intrusion of human foot traffic.
Human footsteps fell lightly but clumsily upon the undergrowth now, as Ottiline waded through the copse, keeping a keen eye out for nettles and hogsbane as her great-aunt Agnise had warned her. The former would cause an irritating stinging, but the latter would cause rashes and blisters if disregarded. Her hair, too, was covered by a faded red kerchief, to prevent getting caught in any brambles in the deep of the woods. Another of her great-aunt’s suggestions.
She kept glancing upward. The canopy was too thick in most places to see the light of the sun, but every once and awhile she caught a glimpse as to the direction of the shadows, and redirected her course accordingly, heading due south. Ottiline had left early in the morning, not only to avoid the busywork chores her uncle daily thrust upon her, but also to be able to use the sun as her guide.
That was, of course, to say nothing of the most pressing reason she had decided to make this trek at all—to say nothing of the demon.
As she walked her mind wandered, and she thought of what she had seen just a few nights prior. There hadn’t been any candlelight out in the street that night, but under the light of the full moon, she knew what she had seen. A towering form, hovering about a foot about the ground. As it had approached she caught sight of an awful amalgamation of black beaks, feathers, and talons, constantly shifting across the creature, like some shadowy whirlpool of ephemeral appendages. Then, for the briefest moment as it lunged, a pale face inlaid with piercing red eyes.
The specter had haunted her nightmares for the past few evenings, but each time she had woken up in the cot beside her nephew, safe and secure in the home of her uncle. From that vantage, it seemed possible that the whole encounter had only been in her imagination. But she knew it could not have been. Her arm still bore the bruise from when it had tackled her. It had really been there, ready to tear her to shreds.
But why hadn’t it? She had no answer. She hoped this journey might provide answers. The hair on her arms prickled as stray drops of condensation clung to her. She shivered, both out of remembrance of demon, as well as the chill air around her. She thought, perhaps, she should have worn an extra layer of clothing, but she had come too far to turn back now. At least, until she had found what she was looking for. She continued her trek through the woods, with keen eyes scanning the brush for something specific.
Then, she saw it.
A simple wooden wind chime hung at about eye-level from an old oak tree. An object crafted by human hands, and a sign she as traveling in the right direction. She pushed her way through the brush over to the chime, which sung a soft hollow clamor as it swung amidst the swaying branches: one with nature.
It was covered in strange symbols that Ottiline could not read, not even when she recalled the various reading lessons she had received as a child. These were not recognizable as any language commonly taught in the city, of that she was certain. She reached out to touch the chime, muting its soft sounds for a moment to examine it more closely, mesmerized by its mystery. On the tree itself she saw a simple arrow was carved into the bark, and so she walked in that direction, with purpose, and soon passed by various other curios hanging from branches around her.
Some of these objects were made of pottery, some crafted specifically for the purpose, others cobbled together from broken pieces of old glass and twine or strips of fabric, fluttering. Some of them were clearly wind chimes, while others just seemed to catch light in just the right way, producing intricate displays of color upon the ground below. Others were made of just one polished stone, or a collection of wood, dried herbs and naked animal bones. These ones swung and made no sound at all, almost ominous in their silence, even in the daylight. Each had different symbols etched in them. Each one more mysterious than the last.
By the time she arrived in a clearing, the sun was peaking higher in the sky. The canopy opened up above her to allow ample light in the small meadow. Flowers of every color and small plants of various types grew here, clearly brought here from throughout the wilderness and cultivated for a purpose. Off to the side, a hillock rose, to about the height of a man, descending into the forest. It was unclear if this was originally a natural formation, but at some point a dwelling had been carved out of the earth. A small door and window peeked out of the side of the mound, but even these were covered in moss and ivy. A few young trees and bushes grew up from the natural roof of this dwelling, making it seem even more like part of the landscape. These trees too, of course, were adorned with wind chimes.
A small fire burned at the center of the clearing, and above it a small cauldron simmered, tended to by a stout older woman with hair color of amber, or apples. She looked to Ottiline, her expression showing no surprise at all at the sight of her visitor. She nodded and smiled slightly, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes creasing slightly, and she bid for Ottiline to approach with a gesture of her hand. 
Ottiline smiled nervously in return. She exhaled and drew in a deep breath as she realized she had been holding her breath in anticipation of how the woman might act upon seeing her. She had arrived unannounced, after all.
The woman continued to stir whatever was simmering over the fire as Ottiline approached her.
“It’s just as beautiful as before.” Ottiline said softly as she approached with awe. She did not know what compelled her to speak in such a hushed tone, but did not resist the urge. “I came here as a girl. Do you remember?”
“Of course I remember you.” The old woman smiled. “You’re Agnise’s kin, her grand-niece from Cologne. She brought you here as a girl.”
Ottiline nodded. “And you’re Genovefa. It’s an honor to meet you again.” 
The old woman smiled easily but scoffed softly, as though this place did not understand honor. She moved from the cauldron, from which the smell of anise and other spices wafted, and beckoned for Ottiline to follow her to a patch of green herbs.
Ottiline followed and watched in silence as Genovefa harvested some herbs into a basket. She wanted to ask what those herbs were, or what was in the pot simmering at the fire, but she could not seem to find her voice.
“Speak freely, child. Do not think I do not want to hear it.” Genovefa said after a long moment. She looked to Ottiline and smiled. 
“I live in Kasdorf now.” Ottiline stammered. “With my uncle.” Small talk was not why she had come here, but she did not know where else to start.
“Yes, I know.” Genovefa’s smile faded and she turned away to continue harvesting herbs. “My condolences about what happened in the city. But I am glad you’re here. I do not often get visitors anymore.” 
“I don’t see why not.” Ottiline said, refusing to linger on the subject of Cologne. “It’s a little out of the way. I guess there’s not a road, but it’s so beautiful here. Like a little Eden.”
Genovefa nodded but made no reply. Ottiline felt a bit of embarrassment rise into her cheeks at her own ramblings, but decided to continue and get to the point.
“I... I’ve been having nightmares. Sleepwalking. Aunt Agnise said you might be able to help me with my troubles.” That was not exactly how the conversation had gone, but Ottiline felt too embarrassed to tell this near-stranger she had begged her aunt for the relevant information.
“Oh of course child!” Genovefa took her basket up in her hand and turned to Ottiline, grasping her hand gently. “Are these dreams about Cologne?”
“No—not about Cologne.”
Genovefa’s expression changed slightly, her brow furrowed slightly. She looked up into Ottiline’s eyes, seemingly searching for something. “Come inside, dear. I’ll get you something to drink.” 
This has been Part 5. For more, see my Fiction Updates post.
---- If you like this or my other original work, please feel free to share with your friends (with credit of course). I would really like feedback, so don’t be shy to talk to me about it!
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tankfuel7 · 2 years
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Therefore, be sure that the capital you put into making your collection is what you can afford to lose. That method, you will make good decisions based mostly on logic, not emotion. Another approach to build your group is by conducting giveaways. You might use it to promote the number of followers on your channels or to enhance participation ranges among your users. Don’t give more than you could have, although; you’ll want the funds for some other aspects of your project. If you’ve still no idea what an NFT is (it’s a bit too much to clarify here), it’s worth your time to get lost in a YouTube rabbit gap. I gave myself a crash course on NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) over the previous month and have since launched myCrypto Art Collection. Calvin Harris Shares Preview of NFT Debut With Never-Before-Heard MusicCalvin Harris' dreamy "TECHNOFISH" NFT is a collaboration with longtime artistic companion Emil Nava. ODESZA and JapaneseDad's Debut NFT Drop Contains Five Unreleased TracksThe duo's Nifty Gateway-powered drop options three new originals and two new VIPs. On the website, the couple touted the benefits of ducks for agriculture and mentioned with their NFT collection they needed to convey the geese they increase in actual life "to the metaverse." "We saved our farm by promoting cartoon geese. It was like a fever dream," Melcher advised CNBC's Taylor Locke. The NFT collection's Twitter bio now reads, "All hatched in under 6 hours. You helped save a smol duck farm." I’d wish to thank the Orca group and @corcorarium for the chance to show the Orcanauts dream into a actuality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_optimization#Getting_indexed Shoutout to Nikhil for the join, Ori and Yutaro for taking a leap, and the complete Orca team for his or her love and assist via the entire process. This isn’t the tip of our commitments to Orcanauts, merely the start. If you’re thinking about being part of the #Orcanautical Community, you'll find your next adorable adoptee on Magic Eden. Candy is building Major League Baseball’s official NFT ecosystem where fans and collectors will have the ability to purchase, trade, and share officially-licensed NFTs to deepen their love of the game. Working with blockchain data firm Everipedia, NFT market OpenSea, and digital artists, AP will publish every one-of-a-kind piece of digital artwork on the Ethereum blockchain starting this week. Curio Cards was began on May 9, 2017, by co-founders Travis Uhrig, Thomas Hunt, and Rhett Creighton as an internet art gallery featuring completely different digital artwork buying and selling cards. It started as a enterprise enterprise, but in addition as a method to get digital artists paid for his or her work. Join 266,039 Trend Hunters with particular entry to premium content material, subject tracking and customizable instruments through our AI-powered Dashboard. Originals ventured into the Metaverse with its debut NFT collection that sold out virtually instantly. Money market necessities, analysis and data delivered to your mailbox with precision timing. By submitting this type, you conform to obtain communications, together with product information, from Campbell Soup Company. Suri, managing companion at India Internet Fund, suggests that authors must leverage this technology absolutely to have interaction directly and actively with the huge international neighborhood of readers. It offered for 1,800 SOL cryptocurrency (now price about $185,000). NFTs are distinctive digital property, corresponding to images or recordings stored on the blockchain. What, exactly, these new NFTs will be just isn't entirely clear, however each of the distinctive moments will go to public sale, whereas extra, restricted version NFTs shall be launched weekly throughout October. Issues similar to the problems Kapoor and Bailey are coping with have been arising in the NFT industry in latest times and making headlines. The METARISE™ volleyball shoe is designed to assist gamers cut-in extra easily and contains a curved shape in the heel that prevents power loss before leaping. Secondary sales occur on Opensea.io and will only be available for secondary sales. We encourage that you've a direct communication line together with your collectors to let them find out about this to ensure everyone seems to be aware that the metadata can change. You also can airdrop them to your own wallet and distribute them separately as soon as they're all in your control. The reserve value of every auction have to be met to ensure that a sale to occur. If the reserve value just isn't hit - it will be the sole discretion of DeLorean Motor Company to either proceed with the best bid, lengthen the auction or cancel the public sale. In addition to the NFT, the profitable bidder of this auction will receive an extra Riot Racers DeLorean NFT. This 1-of-1 NFT automotive can be utilized in Riot Racers recreation. More common than phishing scams, nevertheless, is theft of a special type. Some people have begun making NFTs of art that they did not create, a problem for which no simple fix has but been developed. Stephen moved the flagship location to Humble, TX with several places throughout the USA. The DeLorean Motor Company is devoted to the service, restoration and resale of DeLorean automobiles along with the continued safety and promotion of the long-lasting DeLorean model. This NFT presents a assured place in line for the impossibly potential DeLorean redux. 'While artists and athletes have taken to creating NFTs, no writer has carried out so. I wanted to change that, not least as a end result of my book, The Great Tech Game, is about how technology is altering our economic and cultural paradigms and the necessity for us to adapt. Moreover, I imagine the tech neighborhood needs to come collectively to advertise tech inclusiveness, and this will hopefully be a step towards that," Anirudh Suri was in a press release. Hyperallergic is a forum for critical, playful, and radical thinking about artwork on the earth today. Founded in 2009, Hyperallergic is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. A group of archaeologists is hoping to recuperate barrels, casks, bags, and even DNA traces of enslaved people. The first career survey of Wendy Coburn’s art work, exploring representations of gender, sexualities, materials tradition, and human-animal relations, opens February sixteen. Additional digital experiences are planned sooner or later, developed in partnership with cultural influencers. Gap Inc. is globally launching an assortment of collectible non-fungible tokens with a gamified digital experience. Non-Fungible Tokens are distinctive digital objects saved on the blockchain the place ownership may be tracked and verified. NFTs may come within the form of JPGs, GIFS, audio information, or some other digital file sort. Malfra NTFs, the works which might be created right here aren't targeted on only one project, every collection shall be from 2 to four NFTs and on the similar time the... This first-of-its-kind program will put cash into the following technology of digital shoe artists with every partnership valued up to $250,000 to build lovely digital merchandise that inspire bodily exercise. Non-fungible tokens are digital assets like bitcoin, only they’re unique and irreplaceable, like owning an original murals online. They utilize the identical authentification know-how as cryptocurrency and, similar to the digital dough, are still nebulous of their uses. While nft explained hold financial worth, others hyperlink house owners to communities or can even be worn digitally. To celebrate 10 of probably the most historic video games in franchise history, the Warriors have customized 10 Commemorative Ticket Stub NFTs. These digital collectibles deliver a number of the finest moments in Warriors historical past to life in an all-new digital format. Users can select to type or disguise specific assets on their page. As of this writing, the platform was a bit buggy so I’m guessing that they are still working out some kinks and can roll out features incrementally. Platforms are seeing exponential progress within the variety of signups and works placed on the market. The years from the top of World War I till storm clouds once once more darkened the horizon in World War II was an age of momentous progress for private aviation. During this Golden Age of aviation, Long Island, and particularly Roosevelt Field, was the middle of the aviation world. Fliers got here from everywhere in the country, indeed the world, simply to fly or be seen right here. The best aviators of the day made Roosevelt Field their house or port of call. Long Island aviation, and Roosevelt Field, in particular, was a singular place amongst American aeronautical centers. While a lot of today’s metaverse projects—including Decentraland and The Sandbox—are building on Ethereum, we’re starting to see extra motion on rival chains. Cyber, a digital reality platform, at present announced a take care of Rarible to integrate its protocol and create a virtual NFT market. Its UFC Strike NFT platform launched final month, its NFL All Day marketplace is nearing its public launch, and NBA Top Shot is trending up again. Which he used to communicate instantly with followers, to share news and his thoughts on the sport, to drop exclusive merchandise, and even to carry a discussion board that brought his fans together. Announced on Saturday across their social media pages, the "Rebirth" collection might be released later this week onNifty Gateway. While the particular contents of the collection have not yet been shared, the teaser video features a cranium common with gold equipment, which ought to give followers a good suggestion of what to expect. The Sneaky Vampire Syndicate NFT collection consists of 8,888 distinctive NFTs. Every vampire is randomly generated and has native traits and expressions. They make for good “profile pic collectibles”, although there are other benefits to discover. Every Vampire supplies entry to The Syndicate, where no mortal ever left alive. The competitors and token prizes will reside on the Algorand blockchain, an up-and-comer within the crypto space that boasts an environmentally friendlier mannequin. With Mastercard, nonetheless, Coinbase is working to classify NFTs as “digital goods,” allowing consumers to purchase the tokens with their Mastercard credit card. Sport enterprise company Division Street is opening an NFT market to help University of Oregon student-athletes build their manufacturers and connect with fans, boosters and collectors. This guide will provide statistics on The Doge Pound and present you how to purchase an NFT on this collection. This information will present statistics on CyberKongz and present you the way to buy an NFT in this collection. This guide will present statistics on Autoglyphs and present you the means to purchase an NFT in this collection. Finder makes cash from featured partners, but editorial opinions are our personal. Bitski features the rarest 6 Point Period 1/1 and permits purchases in USD. Notice of New Services and ChangesOccasionally, we may use the knowledge we collect to inform you about important changes to our website, new providers and special offers we expect you can see useful. There has by no means been a extra exciting time to work in marketing and know-how. The world was already digitising rapidly, however the pandemic has accelerated this digital transformation. Companies which were pressured to adapt to evolving buyer behaviours to survive now have an opportunity to thrive. Six characters adorn the Blackhawks residence pink jerseys while the opposite six wear the staff's highway whites to complete a full on-ice lineup of 10 skaters and two goalies. Once you’ve completed uploading your Candy Machine config using the candy-machine CLI, you'll create the actual occasion of the Candy Machine that will distribute these NFTs. Important note — if you’re using a treasury wallet that's completely different from the keypair used to create the Candy Machine, you should set the — sol-treasury-wallet CLI flag and be certain that that pockets shows up in your mint website too. You can verify the configuration of your Candy Machine with the candy-machine present command; misconfiguring this led us to delay our first launch by a couple of hours while we found out what went incorrect. We’re a gaggle of Tech artists and software program builders with a passion for creating superior digital art. The Sol Boards team is building a unique and robust Solana neighborhood. Plus, they've an incredible forty nine,000 lively members on Discord too. Konami just isn't capable of preclude the purchaser from spreading on social media the reality that the purchaser purchased the NFT nor from transferring the NFT to a 3rd celebration. A critical coverage concern to discover is the obligation, ethical or in any other case, to establish works that a computer has created. There are few technique of readily identifying works created entirely by a computer. A fully computer-generated work may doubtless be registered if an software to register a work with the USCO is submitted. Cool Cats Solana are a collection of programmatically random-generated NFTs on the Solana blockchain. Sol Baby Unicorns is a group of unique 6,888 Baby Unicorns dwelling on the Solana Blockchain. Lil Hustlaz is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) project that brings possession into the 21st century. Baby Solnauts give you membership access to a club whose advantages and choices will increase over time like NautsVerse, NautsDAO... The "right-clicker mentality" phrase spread virally after its introduction, notably amongst those that were crucial of the NFT market who used the term to flaunt the flexibility to capture digital art backed by NFT with ease. This criticism was promoted by Australian programmer Geoffrey Huntley who created "The NFT Bay", modeled after The Pirate Bay. The NFT Bay advertised a torrent file presupposed to include 19 terabytes of digital art NFT images. Huntley compared his work to an art project from Pauline Pantsdown, and hoped the location would assist educate users on what NFTs are and aren't. ERC-721 was the first normal for representing non-fungible digital property on the Ethereum blockchain. A choose quantity of KB24 NFTs shall be airdropped to our supporters, early adopters, community companions, & social media giveaways. “ DRL is made for the metaverse and the longer term international economy, where play-to-earn video games will create neighborhood, financial sustainability and authentic engagement for members around the world,” mentioned Playground Labs CEO Sam Peurifoy. The project, a collaboration with luxury fashion home Prada, is in-part a make-up for Adidas’ clumsy NFT drop final month, in which numerous fans were unable to mint the “Into the Metaverse” collectibles. Adidas will allocate 500 spots to this group for the project’s waitlist. Brands includingTaco Bell, Crockpot, Campbell's and Twitter have leaped into the ever-popularizing market, with more joining them by the day. Plus, 10% of all profits go to a charity which vegetation bushes in Peru. This collectible sequence of microphones is not solely impressed by our history, but in addition represents the dimensions and scope of how accessible we see this house becoming sooner or later." Their new NFT collection, however, is self-described as their most ambitious project but. The Clone X collection is made up of what are mainly 3D based mostly NFTs. Non-Fungible Tokens are distinctive digital objects with blockchain-managed metadata relating to their provenance and ownership. Skynet Phobia is an exclusive 1/1 NFT collection generated by our generative art algorithm. Our A.I developer has put a lot of time into optimizing the algorithm to generate the... You will be ready to withdraw your funds from your drop easily from your DropKit collection web page. This will embrace the revenue that you simply earned out of your collectors purchasing the mint minus NiftyKit fees for promoting on our platform. A latest IZEA survey discovered that ​​72% of influencers stated they are considering or are already earning money within the metaverse. BrandGraph helps manufacturers direct their advertising strategy for the longer term in the metaverse by exhibiting which NFT collections generate essentially the most buzz, who is talking, and what they are saying. Drawing from the animated fashion popular in the NFT neighborhood, this collection of ten “brokers” is a diverse light-hearted tribute to the professionals within the business finance industry. Each dealer in the collection has been individually minted on the ethereum blockchain. As the world’s leading online artwork gallery, we're uniquely positioned to introduce both artists and collectors into the world of NFTs in an environment that is curated, transparent, and welcoming. The order listed here is the order that your NFTs will mint once you launch and make your NFT collection drop page live. Upload metadata instantly in our app, or use our REST API endpoint to load all your NFT creatives and metadata. NFTs purchased on DropKit are lazy minted on demand by your consumers whenever you set your drop stay. DropKit is a customizable smart contract in your collection that is available for NiftyKit paid members. OVR is the decentralized infrastructure for the metaverse, merging physical and digital world by way of Augmented Reality, creating a new dimension the place every thing is possible. That would put the money generated by the project’s sale at over $23 million . With 30,000 NFTs within the collection at zero.2 ETH every, Adidas and companions would have revamped $23 million from at present's sale. Autograph was co-founded by Tom Brady, and on New Year’s Eve additionally spotflighted its NFTs from Brady, The Weeknd, Simone Biles, Naomi Osaka and Tiger Woods, among others. https://nftfrill.com/category/nft-collectibles-news/ includes one hundred fifty NFTs tied to their respective bottles, and shall be offered for 1.5 ETH (approximately $4,500), purchasable with Ether or by credit card. The giveaway extends related efforts the league has made all through the season to mix in style curiosity in amassing ticket stubs with its official NFT marketplace—a collaboration with Ticketmaster. NFTs, as with different blockchain securities and traditional artwork gross sales, can probably be utilized for cash laundering. Auction platforms for NFT sales could probably face regulatory stress for compliance with current anti-money laundering laws. Before NFTs, my living work have been impossible to gather in a format that supports movement -- except, of course, for personal in-person performances. With NFTs, my paintings come to life in a means that was not previously accessible to collectors. The know-how has enabled me to discover the digital realm for my video artwork with out sacrificing shortage or verifiable ownership. The majority of all the proceeds for this project will go to the artists. The beauty of proudly owning a chunk of the primary collection – each proprietor may have the prospect to randomly mint one of the ‘Legendary Bunnies’. Gucci Mane, 21 Savage, or Playboi Carti, are just a few extra names from the intensive record of major acts that have turned to Ryan Robinson in the past. ZunaNauts shall be launched exclusively on Zunaverse.io, a full blown NFT Marketplace built upon the Binance Smart Chain Network (BNB/BSC). While Ma acknowledged that ethereum's blockchain may appear extra prestigious and have extra users, he added that regardless of where you launch, it is actually concerning the neighborhood's assist. NFTs are unique digital belongings saved on a blockchain ledger which certifies the owner. There is no means for an NFT to have multiple owner, and only the licensed proprietor can sell it. After the NFT launch, we'll function the bodily works produced as part of this project on Saatchi Art. Physical artworks will be purchasable on Saatchi Art through the artists’ portfolios.
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jaytopmodelrankings · 4 years
can we know what the other top 10s before were called? just curios to know!
I’m assuming you mean my Top 10 names, if not feel free to correct me in another ask anon! I’ll just copy paste them from my notes since I’m too lazy to go and manually add them to all my lists right now, haha. I’m glad people are actually enjoying them, honestly. I thought you all would think t’s pretty dumb. I will admit that some of the cycle one titles are a bit rubbish, please don’t judge me lol! x
Cycle 1 Top 10:
Shannon’s Snake Beauty Shot— The Crowning of Juno
Elyse’s Snake Beauty Shot— Fallen Seraph
Elyse’s Nude Merit Diamond Campaign— Sapientia Potentia Est
Adrianne’s Snake Beauty Shot— Byzantium Heroine
Adrianne’s Black & White Beauty Shot— On The Cusp of Victory
Shannon’s Black & White Beauty Shot— Ambush Predator
Adrianne’s Nude Merit Diamond Campaign— Leto’s Tears
Adrianne’s Reebok Ad— Flight of Fancy
Shannon’s Reebok Ad—She’s Cheer Captain And I’m On The Bleachers
Giselle’s Snake Beauty Shot— Nebu
Cycle 2 Top 10:
Yoanna’s High Fashion Beauty Shot— Teleioi
Shandi’s Solstice Sunglasses— Sprezzatura Bellisima
April’s Garden of Eden— Izanami’s Garden of Onogoroshima
Yoanna/Shandi’s Nude Pair— Gli Innamorati
April’s Quench Underwater Nymph— Ao Guang’s Daughter
Mercedes’ Celebrity Icon— Solitude
Shandi’s Laundry by Shelli Segal— Man Suspended in The Mirror
April’s Celebrity Icon— The Lady of Zorro
Mercedes’ Garden of Eden— Mistress of Kemet
Camille’s Garden of Eden— Bird of Paradise
Cycle 3 Top 10:
Yaya’s Verragio Diamonds Tarantula Beauty Shot— Crown Jewel
Amanda’s Nivea Beauty Shot— Hebe Basileia
Eva’s Covergirl Wet Slicks Crystals Ad— Euryphaessa
Amanda’s Geisha in Kimono for T-Mobile— Amaterasu-ōmidenwa
Eva’s Geisha in Kimono for T-Mobile— Waltz of the Maiko
Eva’s Verragio Diamonds Tarantula Beauty Shot— Electrical Lure
Nicole’s Verragio Diamonds Tarantula Beauty Shot— Total Eclipse of the Heart
Amanda’s Covergirl Wet Slicks Crystals Ad— Sundrop Radiance
Toccara’s Nivea Beauty Shot— The Boleyn Onyxes
Eva’s Ford Alter-Egos— The Real Housewives of Tyra
0 notes
Twisted Creed: Chapter 11. Blighters’ Distraction.
The Streets of London.
Jacob & Evie cross the street as they run towards Mr. Green's carriage. They had the determination to take the Blighters' of Mr. Green's trail as soon as possible. They have found a new ally. They would never let this opportunity slip through their hands. Jacob reaches the carriage first as he quickly positions himself on the coachmen sit. Evie follows after him doing the same. She tries to get the reins from his hands; however, Jacob moves them out of the way. Evie gives him one stern glare "I drive better than you, sister" Evie rolls her eyes as she prepares her gun "Well then, I shall shoot them down. I'll have so much fun doing so" Jacob smile changes instantly as he gives Evie the reins. Evie's grins grow covering her expression as Jacob rolls his eyes. Evie holds onto the reins as she moves the horses slowly forward "We need to draw them away for Green" Jacob mutters to Evie as she nods to him. Jacob shoots fire to draw the attention of the Blighters around. It was an instant response on the part of the Blighters. They drove approach Mr. Green's carriage as Evie starts gaining speed forward "Here, comes trouble!" He blurts out excitement obviously shown in his expression.
Evie crosses an intersection as they are pushed to one side. A Blighters' carriage was trying to push derail them off the streets. Evie manages to bring the carriage back on track "Their carriages are easily damaged!" She screams to Jacob as he nods to her rapidly. A new Blighters' carriage appears from the right side of Mr. Green's carriage "Kaylock will rue the day..." Evie Frye tries to mutter loudly, but she was quickly unable to do so by the approaching Blighters. The Frye twins push the Blighters' carriages around anything they could. They were careful not to take civilians in their path. The Blighters were coming strong with everything they have got. It was a pushing battle back and forth "That's the fella" one of them scream as they push Mr. Green's carriage once more. Jacob and Evie manage to derail one of the carriage causing a big explosion to form. Evie manages to avoid the broken down carriage "Get'm" another Blighters scream as they close in Jacob & Evie. Evie pushes the last remaining Blighters' carriage to a building. It derails itself killing the drives instantly "They've gone" Jacob obviously announce with a grin forming on his features.
"Now to return to Mr. Green" Evie mutters calmly as she drives Mr. Green's carriage at a steady pace. Jacob has a knowing grin in his expression "Aye, Aye Captain" He mutters cheerfully as Evie rolls her eyes. She was annoyed at him "You are restlessness" Evie mutters to her brother as she drives Mr. Green's carriage "That relentlessness will see me become Master when we finish this" Jacob mutters to Evie when she crosses another intersection. Evie gives her brother one side glance "George would do nothing of the sort" Jacob rises an eyebrow towards Evie as she drives steadily "Whatever's left of the Creed would perish under your control" Evie mutters between laughs as Jacob doesn't find this very amusing. Jacob rolls his eyes "Harsh words, dear sister" The drive was certainly quite as Evie moves Mr. Green's carriage to cross a street "What's the idea with you and Mr. Green" Jacob ask Evie as she gives him a look "What do you mean?" She wonders confuse as Jacob rolls his eyes. They were quiet once more as Jacob form his words "Admit it, dear sister. You are interested in Mr. Green" Jacob blurts out to Evie as she almost runs over a civilian.
"None sense. What has gone into you, today?" Evie recovers the steady pace of Mr. Green's carriage. Jacob sighs heavily as he shakes his head "I got all the information I need" He mutters under his breath as Evie gives him a look. Evie stops the carriage for a quick second "I do hope Mister Green made it back safely" She mutters under her breath easily hear by Jacob Frye. Evie turns Mr. Green's carriage left as she resumes driving. Jacob lets out a laugh as he mocks Evie "Don't tell me you fancy the bloke already" He mutters matter of fact as Evie gives him a glare "And what do you suggest we do? If our number one source of information turns up dead?" Jacob was unable to answer Evie at once as she shakes her head. She was avoiding any other carriage or civilians walking by. At this time of day, the streets of London were full of life & sorrow. Jacob sighs heavily as he stares at his sister. Evie turns left once more as Jacob has a growing grin on his features "Starrick can't be THAT hard to find" Evie gives him an annoyed glare as Jacob ignores her. He keeps muttering about everything that must be done to take the Grant Master Templar off of power.
"I say we turn the carriage around and go find him!" Evie rolls her eyes once more "Here he goes again. When will he learn that to take the Grant Master Templar -- we need to formulate a plan first" Evie thinks to herself as Jacob wants to take the reins from her. She moves the reins away from his reach as she drives steadily towards Mr. Green curio's shop. Evie turns Mr. Green's carriage right as they are approaching Mr. Green curio's shop. Evie shakes her head as she facepalms herself mentally "This is why you aren't in charge, Jacob" Jacob's smile was replaced by a stern look. He looks at her sister sighing heavily "You should listen to reason, dear sister" Evie gives him a look as she stops the carriage. Jacob looks around then at Evie "Are we there already?" Evie shakes her head a bit irritated. She tired of him saying none sense "Listen to reason? If we ever listen to your reason. We had been dead by now" Evie mutters for only Jacob to listen. The civilians walking the streets pay no mind to the twins. Jacob rolls his eyes once more "You can't keep acting so recklessly. We have to work with Mr. Green to fight the Templars. We have to give the people London once more" Evie speaks with passion in her eyes. She wants to explain Jacob what will happen if he is not careful of his actions.
"I understand very well. There is no time to run about looking for useless artifacts" Jacob blurts out harshly as Evie stares at him. She gives him a few of her own glares "Useless artifacts? Are you crazy? haven't you seen what the Pieces of Eden are capable of" Evie mutters to Jacob as he rolls his eyes. Jacob was getting tired of Evie's dream "That's the reason why we can't use them. If the Templars are unable to control them -- what makes you think we can?" Evie stares at Jacob thinking his words carefully. She hates to admit it, but Jacob is right. She was hoping there would be a clue somewhere in how to control the Piece of Eden. She was about to give in to Jacob when something pops up in her mind. A while back, Mr. Green informs them that the mysterious girl he keeps talking about. She helps him with his study in the Piece of Eden "We do. We can, actually" Jacob was unable to say anything as he stares at his sister "What do you mean?" He questions her curiosity on his expression "Did you forgot? Mr. Green informs us a few hours ago about his old friend which help him with his study" Jacob nods his head as he remembers Mr. Green exact words.
"It seems you have won this round, Evie" Evie has a growing grin in her features as she takes the reins once more. Jacob avoids Evie's stares as he thinks of a comeback. Evie was very happy she made Jacob silence. The short drive to Mr. Green Curio's shop awoken a curiosity in Jacob's mind "I shall ask Mr. Green the first chance I get. Who is this mysterious girl? He so speaks up" Jacob thinks to himself slowly as Evie avoids a pedestrian. They were closing in the Curio's shop were Evie park Mr. Carriage on the right sidewalk. They wait patiently for people to give them space for them to get off. Jacob scratch the back of his head while Evie gives him a look. They quickly get off the coachmen sit as Jacob walks around the carriage to stand next to Evie. They walk the streets looking around making sure they were not followed. Jacob was sure they took all the Blighters before heading to the Curio's shop. Evie enters the Curio's shop before Jacob. He sighs heavily then goes into the Curio's shop.
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xshamarahx-blog · 5 years
Cricket Further than The Boundary
Cricket - Beyond the Boundary
Cricket can be a activity that had its origins in England. Since the British Empire prolonged its suzerainty in excess of territories the world over, cricket began to be performed from the colonies of England also. Now, cricket is a global game that is certainly played in a few 16 nations across the globe. Cricket is often nicknamed a 'gentleman's video game' nevertheless initially, ahead of cricket turned preferred, it had been a match which was performed predominantly by Females and children within the country where by it originated.
Gentleman's Sport?
Several think that the phrase 'gentleman's sport' is really a misnomer for cricket. What Together with the Aussies finding racial and sledging non-white gamers and gamers, usually, hurling abuses at umpires, cricket is rapidly falling from its exalted pedestal of becoming a match just for polite and civilized gentlemen. But nonetheless, the label 'gentleman's recreation' fits cricket a lot better than it satisfies soccer, which, In keeping with lots of, is the planet's most beloved 'ruffians' video game'. (Football, naturally, has not ever been identified as a 'gentleman's recreation'.) In addition to, with A growing number of Girls deciding on cricket as their vocation, It will be positively sexist to state that cricket is really a 'gentleman's sport'.
A Sport that Unites
Cricket is much more than a activity. It is a good unifying drive. When Indian and Pakistani players shake hands or slap each other's backs during or perhaps following a cricket match, the gestures are effective at bringing tears towards the eyes of the hardest of hardliners and fundamentalists. When unique nations started enjoying cricket with South Africa after South Africa publicly proclaimed its repudiation in the contemptible apartheid, a legalized practice of racial discrimination and ostracism carried out through the whites of South Africa in opposition to the blacks of the nation, it was a pink-letter working day in the historical past of cricket that bowled All people over.
With the advent in the Indian Leading League (IPL), cricket has obtained completely new Proportions. Just one IPL crew is actually a melting pot of cultures and mores with Indian, Australian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, English, South African, West Indian players taking part in in it coupled with gamers from other cricketing nations. Gamers who normally performed versus one another and who have been thought of as archrivals and opponents now Enjoy together for the same staff, forsaking their prejudices and dislikes. As boundaries of language, race and tradition vanish with camaraderie amongst newfound teammates, cricket gains a fresh and interesting encounter with every single passing working day.
It's actually not Cricket. Or could it be?
It remains the usual cricket but it has certainly long gone further than cricket. The sport has gone through A serious facelift in the last few a long time. Though 5-day exam matches are still revered, They can be out of vogue, as they final for 5 days and are typically dull. Most cricket maniacs look forward to 1-Working day Internationals (ODIs) in order to enjoy the highs and lows of the game in only one day. But ODIs too have lost their charm in the deal with of stiff Competitiveness from the Twenty20s (T20s). Cricket, It appears, is adapting by itself towards the periods to cater into the desires of impatient, frenzied lovers. Sure, you could be operate out while in the race to seize tickets, but modern-day cricket will definitely provide you with a run for your hard earned money, even if you enjoy the match on television.
Buying Cricket
Cricket, at present, is regarded as a greenfield chance for businesspeople, a fantastic investing floor that could produce terrific returns. Several real athletics aficionados think that cricket is becoming also commercial to remain a hearty recreation anymore. But several Other individuals feel that the 'enterprise' of cricket is in fact performing a lot of fantastic to the game. Putting authentic revenue into cricket is actually assisting to propagate cricket, they are saying. Genuine. Take a look at many of the other video games like hockey, polo, badminton, athletics, and so forth. with the Indian subcontinent. They're inside of a sorry condition and therefore are stagnating as a result of dearth of finances.
The Indian Premier League (IPL) has turned the cricket industry into a gold mine. Superstars, actors, and business magnates are all queuing up to get and provide players like curios at an auction, to sponsor groups and matches and to generate significant bucks. Tycoons are battling desperately for the most huge-ticket players, creating their bids shockingly superior, before the hammer arrives banging down. The stakes are extremely significant in cricket nowadays. When winners are eulogized by their owners, losers are disowned and offered off speedily. Identical to what takes place within the commodities industry!
Can a Manufacturer Ambassador be Termed a Cricketer?
Nearly all leading-rated cricket gamers have performed endorsements for products at some point or the opposite in their lives. Cricket is just not a very having to pay sport. Not less than, It's not very purchasing the best cricketers of the world, who may have lavish existence. Performing endorsements is the sole way for them to take care of their opulent ways of living. Some of these commercials can really get you stumped out. This can be specifically The main reason why Entrepreneurs use cricketers. When you see your preferred cricketer on another pitch, exhibiting or patronizing a quick-moving-purchaser-excellent (FMCG), you may perhaps actually be prompted to use the identical solution, you. So, cricketers are an excellent medium for businesses for getting their messages throughout as they make outstanding brand name ambassadors.
Adverts have their flip side also. Quite a few gamers have already been accused of constructing an excessive amount money via commercials only...and far too very little by way of cricket. They've slipped around the pitch, even though their revenue pitch has long been good. They have often been run out on the field whilst the commercials they've showcased in have offered viewers and advert companies a operate for their dollars. As their lender balances have grown fatter and fatter through model endorsements, they are actually dubbed as wicked and greedy people who are only interested in cash and not in the game or its spirit.
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Match Correcting
Wickedness in cricket was at its pinnacle through the match-repairing yrs. Speaking about it in past times tense indicates that The author sincerely hopes that match repairing definitely belongs for the past. During this tragic interval, cricketers bought their match, on their own and their international locations to bookies and Many others so as to make some speedy bucks. It was a shame! The sheer quantities of players who got caught out for this sordid affair proved that cricket was without a doubt bitten because of the devil himself. Wicked gamers would deliberately place their legs ahead of the wicket to be able to be out. Sides and groups would reduce matches and tournaments purposely due to the fact just one reduction was considerably more rewarding to them when compared to the prize funds from just one victory. Cricket, international locations and loyalties had been traded freely for difficult dollars. Cricket has never compensated as terribly as you may think it has from your episodes of match fixing. It was not The shortage of money that drove cricketers to fix matches. It had been avarice that drove them. Greed to mint and hoard dollars by hook or by criminal. Although they got out for ducks each morning and broke the hearts of devoted fans, they had been possibly congratulating themselves on the quantity of roast ducks they might have at the very best hotels with their pals that extremely night.
This is de facto Not Cricket
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Gossip columns in newspapers and Journals have sizzled with salacious tidbits from the personal lives of cricketers. Although some cricketers similar to the unwavering Sachin Tendulkar are focused on the game, other cricketers have other dedications Moreover cricket. It would demand a entire ebook to doc all their passions, which are occasionally pretty immoral and unpalatable to take a look at. However, you have the which means...? Late night functions at inns, beverages, involvement with the alternative intercourse.....So, who wins at the toss the following early morning? Not cricket. Cricket goes for the toss whilst the excesses of lifestyle supplant it. The player goes back again into the pavilion, not together with his head down correctly, but along with his arrogant head held substantial. He heads straight for the bar as well as arms of probably the most despicable member of the opposite sexual intercourse. But this kind of players have never been able to make or split documents. It's only conscientious, earnest, and dedicated players like Sachin Tendulkar that have designed data and broken records.
Cricket Performs an incredible Innings and Remains 'Not Out'
Yet, cricket continues to hold sway over present and past cricketers and in excess of A huge number of spectators with its inherent magic. A single 4 and the stadium, whether it's Centurion, Lord's or Eden, arrives crashing with applause. One 6 in addition to a terminally sick affected person viewing the match from his or her dwelling, breaks right into a smile. A century and an entire country cheers and shouts forgetting all distinctions of caste, creed, race, gender. He may not raise a finger to trends help Engage in the game but the moment he raises his index finger into the air, the umpire results in a rustic to burst with joy. Although thunder and lightning can end the sport and force individuals to thrash out Duckworth Lewis, thunderous clapping is sure to be listened to, once the sport resumes.
Cricket can be a sport, a video game that enchants hearts. Cricket matches will get really remarkable and put persons on tenterhooks. In the future Internationals and Twenty20s can really give you a coronary heart attack In case your ticker is not much too strong to face up to the scares and exhilarations of the game. Cricket is often made use of to make ties in between nations, to patch-up hostilities, for forging new bilateral and multilateral relations. Cricket binds and joins; it provides solidarity, and breaks the ice. Cricket is capable of adjusting relations between countries and international equations. Cricket transcends all boundaries. Howzat for just a game that experienced its origins inside of a grammar school of the obscure English village?
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