#Another one is he would enjoy marshmallows that are burnt as fuck
pyxscythe · 10 months
Girl dinner (being asked to ask random little questions about c!lincu to enable going on about little details about him)
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jo-harrington · 11 months
For the AASB blurb game - this was a very tough decision for me. The obvious answer for me would be Bigfoot, of course, but I've decided to take a different and less traveled path.
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This is the Loveland Frogman, a well known Ohio cryptid from - you guessed it - Loveland, Ohio. I would love to know about any possible interactions our Knight may have had with this green fellow.
Oh buddy, HOOTIE! WE ARE IN FOR IT THIS TIME. I was really hoping that you were gonna drop this one specifically. It's not the sexiest...ahem...but...
Please enjoy a little summertime fun. If a name is unfamiliar to you, it's because they are who I lovingly refer to as "Corroded Coffin 1.0" AKA the boys that Eddie grew up with before they left him behind. They always show up in one of my stories or another.
Haven't ready Heaven yet? Find it here. And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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August 1984
Eddie hated goodbyes.
After his mom died, he got it in his head that it was because he said goodbye to her at the drop-off that morning that she never came home.
Wayne had held him for hours as he begged and cried and pleaded for whatever power that was in the universe, whatever God, to just bring her back. To start the day over so he could say "see you later" instead of goodbye.
But there were no merciful Gods, and no do-overs. Once something was put out into the world, it couldn't be taken back.
So he didn't say goodbye anymore. Sometimes he didn't say anything at all. A clap on the shoulder could do just as much as any words could.
And now, as his friends were about to leave on the most harrowing of journeys--college--he decided a "good luck" party was more important than a "goodbye."
It was nearing the end of summer now, still as humid as ever. Belongings were already packed into boxes and last minute trips were taken to Kmart and the Bed Bath and Beyond out by Muncie Mall to grab dorm essentials. Textbooks were purchased and summer jobs abandoned with the empty promise of shifts given during holiday breaks.
Mickey and his parents would hit the road for such-and-such University in the morning, and instead of letting him sleep in his comfortable bed for the last time, Eddie made the whole gang sleep under the stars out by Lover's Lake.
Of course, like any camp out or sleepover, there was no real sleep happening. Instead you were all stuffing yourselves with burnt marshmallows, sipping rapidly-warming beer, and scaring each other shitless with ghost stories and other tall tales.
Well, trying to at least.
"...so they say, if you put baby powder on the back of the car and you sit on the train tracks, your car will roll off the tracks themselves and you can see the handprints of the ghosts in the baby powder."
The boys all boo'd and threw marshmallows at Dave, who flinched and defended himself.
"A ghost train dude? Really?"
"It's not a ghost train, it's ghost kids!"
"If I wanted to fall asleep I would have just stayed home."
Eddie felt you shake under his arm as you giggled at their antics. Dave's eyes immediately zeroed in on you.
"You too?" he whined, and Eddie didn't know whether or not he should feel a little proud that the younger boys wanted to impress you too.
"Your story was good, Davey," you insisted. "Not as scary as we were all expecting, though."
"Alright, what kind of story do you have then?" Jack challenged you from across the fire.
"Probably not a good one."
"You're a fucking liar," Eddie scoffed, hoping that it would get you to be a little braver and tell the gang one of the many stories you told him. You shifted to look at him with a big smile and warning eyes. He simply ignored you and turned to the already-captivated audience.
"She's a liar," he repeated. "Before she came to Hawkins, she was driving through Ohio and pulled over to ask a group of people who were on the side of the road for directions and when one of them got closer...it was a Frog Man."
All of the stories of the night had been tall tales meant to shock; even so, the boys instantly lost their minds.
"What the fuck?"
"What do you mean a Frog Man? He was a frog...and a man?"
"What did he look like!"
"AND," he continued proudly. "She maintained eye contact the whole time and when he blinked it went--"
"Shut up Eddie!" You slapped your hand over his mouth before he could keep talking and he licked your palm to get you to release him. You turned back to the boys sheepishly. "Ok it was late and it was dark and when I told Eddie this story I might have been exaggerating because I was a little high."
Ok. That might have been true. Eddie had coerced you into smoking. But, he knew even under the influence, you were not typically one to lie. In fact, it just got you to loosen up more. Spill some of your many secrets.
Just not the ones he was dying to know deep down.
Still, the boys started to ask their questions.
"Ok so was it a frog man or was it not?"
"You know the kids book Frog and Toad? Just like that but no little vest."
"Did he ribbit?"
"He didn't...but one of his buddies for sure did."
"Did you get out of the car?"
"Well, no that wouldn't have been smart," you laughed judgmentally as if that was the most odd and dangerous thing being said all night. "But it was the middle of the night. I just needed to know how to get back onto the highway."
The discussion progressed, more amongst the others than you and Eddie, about the logistics of the Frog Man and his Frog Friends, and what they might do if they ever crossed paths with them.
You snuggled back into Eddie's embrace and watched them, the two of you making comments occasionally, especially as they started debating whether the Frog Man would walk like normal or if he would hop.
"Ok. What else have you seen though?" Jeff finally piped up and shuffled a little closer. "Or what did you think you've seen? A ghost, a vampire...a hellhound or something?"
"Uhh..." You tripped over your words and reached up to fiddle with the cross on your necklace. "Well nothing like that but..."
Eddie knew that little tell of yours, how you couldn't stop playing with your necklace when you were nervous. Restless. It was sudden and unexpected and he frowned.
Why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
He pressed a kiss to your temple and said a few words of encouragement.
You took a deep breath and went along with your next story, something much more elaborate and cryptic, falling into the theme of the night. And you didn't once reach for your necklace again.
But as the festivities began to wind down, and everyone started to doze off, Eddie couldn't help but wonder...
They were just stories. Weren't they?
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Trip Back Home
Hoi!!! This is the second chapter for me and @jkknight98 AU where making together! I really hope all of you enjoy it!
TW- Mention of child neglect and bullying
Tommy woke up with a jolt as he heard loud thunder ringing throughout the cave he and the giants where staying in, he quickly climbed out of Techno's cape (which he had been using as a bed) and moved closer to the pink haired Giant. He squeezed his way underneath Techno's hand desperately trying to block out the thunder as it continued to rage outside.
The blonde yelped as the giant fingers slowly curled around him and he was slowly lifted up into the air, he curled up into a ball as he was held in front of a giant red eye that looked directly at him. "Kid…what are you doing up this late?"
Tommy looked away from Techno desperately trying to hide his fear and stop himself from flinching as more thunder went off outside, he quickly came up with a good lie. "I-I thought something touched me in my sleep! I thought it might have been a centipede so I came over to you hoping you would scare it off!"
"Oh…ok" Tommy grabbed onto Techno's shirt as he was placed on the giant shoulder and watched him start shaking out his cape, shaking out a few small bugs that had crawled into the cape and quickly scared away. Techno started making the cape back into a nice little bed.
"There. Now go back to bed run-" Tommy screamed as he heard more thunder go off and hid behind some of Techno's hair, he took in deep breaths desperately trying to calm down as a giant hand slowly wrapped around him and pulled him out of Techno's hair. Tommy looked up at the giant trembling and sniffling.
Techno gently set the kid back down in his cape and grabbed their flint & steel getting their campfire set back up, he kicked his brother in the side instantly waking the avian up and earning an annoyed squawk from him. He looked over at Tommy and quickly set up looking a bit annoyed.
'Fuck now there going to make fun of him and get mad at him for waking everyone up and-' 
"Techno I'm making some s'mores, ask the child if he wants any." Wilbur grumbled out as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a giant bag of fluffy marshmallows and a few bars of chocolate, Tommy watched closely as the giant grabbed a nearby stick and stuck a few marshmallows on it, starting to hold it over they're small campfire.
The blonde suddenly felt something poke his back and looked up at Techno slowly nodding his head and confirming he did in fact want some s'mores, he watched as Techno copied Wilbur getting a few marshmallows on a stick and starting to roast them as well, snuggled into the cape around him watching as the marshmallows slowly turned a golden brown. The sweet smell of burnt sugar was very strong as one of the marshmallows fell into the fire and just continued burning.
"Why did the kid wake up?" Wilbur asked as he placed the marshmallows between his two graham crackers and piece of chocolate, he looked over at Tommy as he took a bite out of the s'more showing off his sharp pointy teeth. "Did the child have a lil nightmare?"
Tommy quickly set up in the cape glaring back at the giant avian "I am not a child! And I didn't have a fucking nightmare dickhead!"
The two giants just stared down at Tommy a bit surprised with his outburst, Techno started chuckling as Wilbur just continued glaring daggers at Tommy.
"Don't raise your voice at me human." Wilbur growled out as he started making another s'more.
Techno just continued chuckling as he placed a giant s'more down in front of Tommy and began making his own smore "Oh don't be mean to the kid, you shouldn't have provoked him in the first place."
"Provoked- I was just asking him a question!" Wilbur growled out.
"Well also insulting him." Techno pointed out carefully setting this more he had made down in front of Tommy, he watched closely as the kid claimed out of his cape and broke off small chunks of the Giants more quickly gobbling it down.
Wilbur finished making his own s'more and started grumbling as he ate it still glaring at Tommy, the avian softened his gaze a little when he saw the kid flinch at the loud thunder outside. Great, the kid is scared of thunder. Fantastic.
"Don't eat so fast, your s'mores are not going to run off on you." Techno commented as he gently grabbed the back of Tommy's shirt and pulled him away from the Giants, hoping to get the kid to slow down.
Tommy didn't really listen and just continued making grabby hands at his food, his sugar high already kicking in "But I want itttttt! I've never gotten to eat food like this! Please? Please please please!?"
Techno just stared at the kid with a neutral expression as he begrudging let the kid go and watch as Tommy basically dove into his Giants more only his lower half sticking out of the gooey marshmallow as he ate it from the inside out, the piglin shook his head at the site as Wilbur started quietly chuckling trying to hide the small smile on his face.
Well Tommy devoured his s'more Techno and Wilbur quietly chatted with each other in a language the human didn't know, if his face wasn't stuffed with s'mores Tommy would probably be curious of what they were talking about but he was starting to get way too whacked on sugar to care.
"You have to admit he is far too skinny for his own good Wilbur, he looks like a twig for crying out loud!" Techno growled out in frustration talking in piglin. "That is not a healthy size for any human and you know it. You've seen some of the humans Me and Dream have captured and none of them looked as scrawny as the kid."
"Well to be honest that's not a fair comparison for the kid considering those humans were giant hunters…but I guess you do make a good point, especially when you watch him eat he's acting like his food is going to just disappear from under him!" Wilbur added, sparing a small glass towards Tommy and wrinkling his nose up in disgust as he watched the kid playing out of the s'more covered in marshmallows and now starting to eat the cracker, he quickly looked away from the kid shivering in disgust.
"Still. The kid obviously didn't come from the best place if they let him get that skinny." Techno grumbled a bit looking over at the kid and noticing that they were now exploring the cave a little, probably trying to wear off some energy from the sugar.
"Or he's just skinny for a human, how about we just ask the kid instead of talking about it? It might actually get us somewhere." Wilbur commented as he saw from the corner of his eye the kid looking at his bag and admiring the small emerald hanging off of it. The avian cleared his throat quickly getting the kids attention and switching back over to the human tongue. "So Tommy, where are you originally from?"
The blonde looked a bit startled at the question and stared down at the ground not answering for a few minutes "I-I'm from the woods-"
"Don't lie to us now, human. We can tell you were in a town at some point with how much you reek of other humans, so just tell us the truth." Wilbur demanded a small glare forming on his face.
"Fine- I can from a small town on the outskirts of the woods, it sucked ass there so I ran away into the woods hoping to find a better place to live." Tommy blurted out crossing his arms and glaring back at Wilbur, his face turning a bit red out of frustration.
The avian found the small outburst a bite funny and decided to see if he could maybe get a bigger one. "Oh yeah? Is that why you're so scrawny? Were you guys having a food shortage or something?"
Tommy's face became even more red as he moved a bit closer to Wilbur, The blonde started yelling profanities as he protested loudly. "I am not scrawny! It's not my fault the kids at the orphanage would steal my food plates whenever I looked away or get me in trouble so I wasn't given anything!"
Wilbur's smirk quickly faded away as a look of concern crossed his face and Techno quickly reached over scooping the kid up into his hands and bringing them close to his chest, the piglin started doing his best to comfort the human as they squared around in his hands quietly yelling protest but eventually giving up. Wilbur flinched as his brother looked up at him with a harsh glare.
The brunettes simply looked away, staring at the ground and grumbling under his breath, he didn't mean to bring up bad memories for the kid! He just…
Once Tommy had calmed down a bit and they had cleaned the marshmallow off of his clothes and hair everyone decided to go back to sleep, Wilbur stayed up a bit later than everyone else watching the small human as they quickly fell asleep.
Wilbur jolted out of his sleeping bag his ears twitching as he looked around the cave frantically, he looked over at his brother relieved to see him still sleeping but felt the feathers on his neck stand up when he didn't see the human curled up in his brother's cape. Fuck did the kid make a run for it?
The avian quietly got out of his sleeping bag taking a few steps out of the cave they were staying in and straining his ears trying to listen for anything to indicate where the kid had gone, Wilbur snapped his head when you heard a tiny scream and quickly took off towards it. That human better have not gotten himself killed.
It only took a few minutes for the small scream to become much louder as Wilbur got closer and closer to the human and what looks like a horde of gemfurems, and right in the middle of it was the small human- why the fuck does he his lucky emerald!?
Wilbur growled loudly as he took a few steps towards the horde getting the gemfurems attention instantly and watches as Tommy started running towards him, he went completely still as the kid hid behind one of his legs and the gemfurem tried chasing after him. Wilbur screeched loudly warning the gemfurem to back off.
Wilbur slowly reached down towards the ground scooping up the small human and bringing them up to his chest, he continued growling at the gemfurem watching as they started to cower and a few ran off. Prime he hated these knock off dragons lizards.
Once Wilbur felt like he was a good distance from the gemfurem he slowly turned around starting to walk back towards the cave they were staying in, he felt a shiver go down his spine when he felt something wet in his hand and looked down at the human and saw them crying…
"Why are you leaking? Did you get hurt or something?" Wilbur asked, using his clawed thumb to wipe at the kids face and getting rid of some of his tears.
"N-No! A-And I'm not crying! Your s-stupid bird eyes are playing a t-trick on you!" Tommy yelled, shoving at the appendage still holding the emerald close to his chest. Wilbur scoffed as he gently took the emerald away from the kid with no resistance from the human.
"Mhm sure they are, why were you out here with my emerald?" Wilbur pride as they walked back into the cave and he walked over to a sleeping bag sitting down on it.
"Those stupid lizards stole it! I was trying to get it back but then a bunch of them showed up and- and-" Tommy tried explaining as he continued to cry, seeming to be quite overwhelmed at the moment, Wilbur brought the kid close to his chest and gently rubbed his back trying to help him calm down.
"Take deep breaths kid, your safe now" Wilbur chirped moving the human away from his chest and staring down at them in his hands, fucking hell humans where small.
Tommy took in several deep breaths slowly starting to calm down and wiping the tears off his face, Wilbur chirped at the human a few more times as he slowly laid down on his sleeping bag and set the young human down on his pillow.
"I'm sorry for not waking you up, I thought I could get the emerald back on my own" Tommy yawned out as he laid down on the soft pillow. "Are you mad at me..?"
Wilbur shook his head, resting his hand over the small human with a smile on his face "Nope I'm not mad at all, quite frankly I'm impressed. It was pretty brave of you to run off just to get my emerald back."
Tommy smiled back at Wilbur as he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep, the avian brought the human close to his face and nuzzled his nose into their chest wanting to make sure they wouldn't be able to run off again.
Maybe having this human around wouldn't be such a bad thing.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
for tour content, maybe you could do an imagine that’s like a series of small moments like little interactions on stage or picking tour outfits or nights in the tour bus/airplane ! just little domestic things <3
i’m going to do this because i have so many weird ideas and just no way of putting them all together ! ;
Grilled Cheese Conversations
The tour bus smelt like it was on fire.
You had been sitting in the living room with Harry for a couple of hours, both of you just skimming through photos from the Met Gala together - judging obviously, before Harry announced he wanted to make himself some food and so left for the kitchen.
He’d been in there for 45 minutes now and the smells that were diffusing from their smelt bloody awful. Harry could cook really extravagant foods, like caviar and lobster, but when it came to something as simple as making a sandwich he was absolutely terrible for some reason. The point was proven when he walked back into the room with a burnt coal looking sandwich.
“What, is that?” You laughed, still sitting with your phone in your hand and waiting for him to come back so you could continue judging these Met outfits together.
“It’s a grilled cheese sandwich?” He spoke as if you were dumb and you should have known that instantly. He walked over to you, sitting down next to you and resting the plate on the table in front of him.
“No, that’s a piece of char.” You raised your eyebrows disapprovingly and watched as he scowled at you for being mean to his culinary skills.
“Well i’m sure it’ll taste great.” He looked smug, up until he took a bite from the cheesy melted - burnt - bread. As soon as the food touched his tongue he was quick to spit it back out again, you groaning in disgust. He pushed the plate away and looked at it in anger. “45 bloody minutes and it tastes of burnt wood.”
“I’m not even going to ask why you know that.” You raised your hands and laughed, watching as he turned to scowl at you again. He had quite the angry face when he wanted to. “Sorry, alright! Do you want me to go make you one?” You asked, sitting up to go and make him one if he wanted.
Harry pulled you into his lap so you were sat with your back to his front, his arms looping around your waist tightly to keep you with him. His chin rested on your shoulder and he kissed your cheek because he could. “No. Stay w’me.” He got all cuddly and soft and you loved it when Harry was like this. He was like a life-size version of your stuffed teddy bear you used to sleep with at night - all cute and cuddly.
“Okay, okay.” You calmed him when he thought you were just going to get up and go. “Let’s judge some people again.” You pulled out your phone and opened it to a twitter account which had posted all of them.
“Where did we get up to?” Harry asked, fiddling with the skin on your stomach as his hands snaked beneath your hoodie.
“Um, Kim K.” You clicked on the image of her and tried to hold back the laugh. It was a dreadful outfit and highly meme worthy, so you’ve heard.
“Well…” Harry sighed, reaching his own hand to swipe seeing as he didn’t have anything more to say on this particular one.
“Billie looked beautiful.” You smiled as Billie’s huge dress came on display, looking a fluffy pink marshmallow dream. She looked very Monroe with her makeup and you were always so shocked when people told you her age, because she looked so mature.
“She must’ve taken inspiration from Marilyn Monroe.” Harry added, nodding in approval of Billie’s outfit.
“More so than bloody Addison Rae.” You laughed, thinking about how far that had been from the truth.
“Addison who?” Harry asked and it made you smile and turn your head around to look at him. He looked down at you, noticing the cheeky glint in your eyes and couldn’t help but steal a glance at your beautiful lips.
“This is why I love you.” You sighed happily and gave him a kiss on the lips, cupping his cheek to direct him better. You were only going for a peck, but Harry made it that you got the full taste of him and kissed you for a minute longer. He felt perfect against you and you really did just simply love him.
“Yeah,” Harry broke from the kiss for a brief moment to tell you something important, “and I love you.”
All Things Sparkles
It was an hour before the Dallas show and Harry was getting ready for another big show.
Dallas were known for being crazy and you were so excited for the energy they’d bring for Harry tonight. Harry always enjoyed the shows more when the crowd was actually ecstatic to be there and he knew Dallas wouldn’t let him down.
He was putting on his silk trousers, Lambert just to the side as he was ironing the shirt to get rid of all its crinkles. Your Harry currently looked so funny in his Gucci silk trousers, his bright yellow socks with bananas all over them, his suspenders hanging down by his sides and no shirt on as of yet. It was the socks that really pieced everything together. He had just had his hair and makeup done, just needing to get dressed before he was completely ready.
He was really glowing tonight. It made you happy to see him like this.
You were watching him through the vanity mirror as you touched up your own makeup, adding highlighter to the areas you wanted to shine a little brighter. You also started adding some gems around your eyes, wanting to be a bit different tonight along with your glittery eye shadow that you didn’t normally do. You were glueing your gems when you felt your boyfriends presence behind you, the heat of his bare chest radiating against the skin of your back.
“You look stunning, m’love.” You looked up through the vanity to catch his gaze, he smiled and you smiled back.
“Thank you. Not too bad looking y’self.” You cheekily replied, motioning towards his bare chest. “Are y’going to be keeping that out all night?” You asked, being hopeful that he would, because fuck it was hot, but also wouldn’t, because you wanted this part of him all to yourself.
“You’d like that wouldn’t y’yeah.” He squinted his eyes at you and nodded, a clear sign that no his tits were not going to be out for Dallas. “Up.” He spoke, lifting you up from under your armpits and walking around the chair so that he could sit down himself. He plonked you right back on top of his lap and watched as you leant forwards to add another gem to the corner of your eye.
“Y’putting me off.” You whined, your ass leaning right back onto the hard of his cock. He couldn’t keep soft around you, that was his kryptonite.
“Oh i’m sorry. It’s not like m’girlfriend is just sitting there looking ridiculously beautiful and yet so innocent.” He leaned forwards to whisper the rest of his words, because they were only for you. “Just look so fuckable right now.”
You had to bite your tongue from turning around and shoving it down his throat, because god did his words make you want to jump his bones. “Shut up, before y’get us both in trouble.” You wiggled your ass back over his cock as you sat back to admire the work of the gems brightening up around your eyes.
“Then stop being a fuckin’ tease.” He grabbed your hips and stopped your from moving anymore. You just smiled and put the lid back on the glue before it went everywhere, especially over Harry’s expensive clothing - even the banana socks were £17.
You looked at him through the mirror to find him already looking at you. You blushed quietly as you watched him take in your beauty. It was quite hard to get over just how ethereal he looked tonight and it made you so feral knowing he was all yours and only yours. Looking down at the gems you got an idea.
“Do y’want me to put some gems on y’too?” You asked, pointing to the ones around your eyes and thinking that he’d looked even prettier with some around his.
“Only if i’m matching w’you yeah.” Harry nodded excitedly. You got up from the chair and swizzled yourself around until you were sat back on his lap, only this time straddling him. You were so close to him now that it was getting ridiculously harder to stop yourself from taking him here and now. You leant down, instead, and gave him a lasting kiss on the skin covering his heart. Your lips lingered there for a moment, before you moved back up to see him already staring down. He smiled when he saw the stain of your lipstick printed over where his heart beat. “I proper love you, Y/N.” He smiled and cupped your chin in his fingers to bring your lips to him.
“No!” Lambert shouted, making you two pause. “You two’ll never stop if you start, so don’t start until after the bloody show.” He rolled his eyes and continued with his ironing, making you and Harry chuckle feeling like high-school kids.
“Okay, now stay still.” You spoke as you glued the first gem and held it steady against the corner of his eye. He wanted to keep his eyes open to keep looking at you, because that’s all he ever wanted to do, but you instructed him to close them just to be on the safer side. It went on easy, sticking to the outer corner of his eye, in a soft white colour that matched his trousers. Yours were the same creamy white colour to match the colour of your dress.
“Do I look pretty yet?” Harry asked rhetorically, but you replied anyways.
“Y’look pretty always.” You kissed the top of his nose whilst you glued the other gem. He closed his eyes as you told him to, but he still smiled at your words. You concentrated as you stuck the gem to the corner of the other eye and sat back to make sure they were even. Harry opened his eyes to see you making sure they looked good. “S’perfect.”
“Like you then.” He hummed in appreciation of you.
“Let’s see then.” Lambert asked, making you both turn in the chair to face him and you readjusting yourself so you were sat back against his chest. “Oh yes! Okay this is photo worthy.” Lambert took out his phone and held it up to face you both, making sure you could see the gems.
“I don’t even have a shirt on!” Harry exclaimed, but held you close anyways as you smiled for the photos and his words making you belly laugh. You posed more seriously for a few and then took a few silly ones to. Your favourite one, though, was one where you were laughing so happily and Harry was looking at you and smiling in awe over you.
He set it as his lock screen. You set it as yours. It would stay that way until your new favourite photos became your wedding day photos.
Sign Of The Times
Tonight was the first Love on Tour show you were attending, only having missed opening night in Las Vegas.
Harry knew that you were coming, but you’d told him to source you out within the crowds because you wanted a full fan experience. You’d gotten the all-clear from Harry’s security, allowing your from backstage and straight through into the cherry pit. You had your lanyard and your sign ready, as fans started to pile in. You were originally going to go straight to the barricade, but you thought the fans deserved that more than you so you hung back and stayed the ends of the crowds.
A few fans spotted you and came up to asking for photos, so you did. Posing with your mask on was weird because you still smiled underneath the mask even though it wouldn’t be seen in the photo. Some fans asked whether they could stay and dance with you ask night to which you were so happy for, because dancing alone would’ve been embarrassing even for you.
The intro for golden started and the crowds were deafening, but all you could think about was your boyfriend and his challenge to spot you within the crowds. Golden and Carolina came and went, you dancing like a crazed fan along with all your new friends. Everyone was so happy and some were even crying tears of joy.
There was just love, love, love, everywhere.
Harry came to his first pause and took a quick drink since he was already quite hot and the altitude in Denver was crazy.
“Good evening Denver!” He shouted into the mic, waiting for the screams of his fans to uproar and then settle before speaking on, “The altitude is crazy here. I’ve barely done anything and I can’t breathe!” He spoke, making you slightly anxious for him but you knew he would be okay because he had an oxygen tank on stage. “Now, m’girlfriend is somewhere here tonight and i’ve gotta find Y/N before I lose the challenge.”
The fans around you started screaming that you were here and the message kept on getting passed down the crowds until they reached the front. Harry was walking around your side of the stage until he met the fans at the front saying that you were behind them. Harry held his hand over his eyes to help him find you better and you held up your sign to help him. Your sign had taken you all of 5 minutes to doodle, but the message was clear;
“I want a kiss from the one in suspenders.”
“There y’are.” He laughed when he saw your sign, dropping his mic and leaning over himself to catch his breathe from the belly laugh that he just let out. You smiled when you saw him laugh, the fans around you screaming and thanking you for making him be this way. Harry stood up and looked at you, messing with his earpiece so he could hear the arena better.
“Kiss me!” You shouted and the people around you were also shouting for him to kiss you. Even with masks on Harry could clearly understand the message.
“I wanna kiss you but I can’t!” He spoke through his mic and his voice echoed throughout the arena, making everyone scream and you simply blush. You knew he couldn’t come and just give you a kiss, it would be too dangerous, but he sent you loads of blown kisses instead and you kept them all. You sent your own back and he stuffed them all in his back pocket, before moving on to his next song before he got told off.
“Damn, he really loved you.” One of your new fans friends says next to you and all you could think was; yeah, yeah he does.
My Only Angel*
For four hours he had been gone.
Four hours since he was in this hotel room with you. Four hours since you had first started acting like a brat. Four hours since he’d gotten fed up of our attitude and tied you up and left a vibrator pulsing against your clit. Four hours since your first orgasm, four minutes since your last.
The whole time Harry had been on stage, all he could think about was you being bound tight in his hotel room and dripping wet from the number of orgasms you would’ve had. He knew you’d never be able to hold yourself for four hours, so he didn’t say you couldn’t cum only he forgot to mention that the number of times that you did cum would be the number of times he denied you later on in the evening. Harry had gotten especially hard performing Only Angel, because that was your song that he’d written for you and then fucked you countless times to. Fans noticed, but put it down to the adrenaline of being onstage rather than the thought of his girlfriend being tied up and overstimulated back in his hotel room.
You just came down from the high of another orgasm when Harry walked through the door. You sighed when you saw him, thinking this would finally be it and he’d let you go free now you’ve suffered your punishment. That was wishful thinking, however.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there.” Harry pretended, wanting to tease you as much as possible, as he walked past you and hung his jacket on the back of a chair.
“H-harry.” You sighed, squeezing your eyes when you moved and felt the vibrator hit and new and exciting angle. You moaned quietly and had to suppress the embarrassing cries you wanted to let out.
“Yes?” Harry moved so he was standing at the edge of the bed, undoing the buttons on his shirt one-by-one. He looked so hot with his sleeves rolled and the suspenders already dropped down to his sides.
“I-I please s-st- enough.” You whimpered, pulling on the restraints to try and stop it yourself but you’d already tried that one too many times and nothing has come of it.
Your wrists were slightly red and bruised from all the tugging you’d been doing and Harry noticed that as he peeled away his shirt from his body. He threw the silk shirt somewhere else in the room and walked over to the right side of the bed, sitting down to get a closer look at your wrists. He leant down to give it a gentle rub and a kiss. You sighed in delight at the feeling of his cool lips burn against your flaming skin. Harry sat up and tilted your face to the side so you could face him, slight tears in your eyes. He looked at you for a few moments, taking in the shear beauty of you and your glorious body, before making sure you were alright.
“What’s your colour, baby?” He asked you gently, stroking your cheek and then running his thumb along your bottom lip with a soft pull.
“G-green.” You nodded and he smiled, leaning in to kiss you on your desperate lips. You basked in the taste of him, closing your eyes like you needed to save this moment to memory forever. You loved him like this, when he was dominant with you. He let you be submissive like you wanted to be.
“That’s my good girl.” He leaned back from you and moved onto the bed more, straddling your bare body. The silk of his pants felt erotic against your hot skin and you moaned at the dreamy sensation. He ran his large, ringed, hands up and down your body, feeling every curve and crevice. He massaged your boobs lightly in his hands, up and down your stomach and to your inner thighs behind him. You hummed at the feeling, gasping when Harry finally turned off the vibrator and moved it away from you. You felt lighter from freedom all of a sudden.
“T-hank you.” You breathed out, opening your eyes to meet his electric green ones. Wow, he looked beautiful - still slightly sweaty and hot from his concert.
“Don’t thank me yet, angel.” He grinned as he took down his trousers and pants, pushing them to the floor with his foot.
He didn’t even wait for you to register what was going on before he slipped himself inside of you. You loved the feeling so greatly, but your clit was still so sensitive. You shuddered as he picked up his pace and thrusted into you harder and harder, faster and faster. The sound of his skin slapping against yours, made you arch your back and your toes curl and then feeling if him so deep inside of you was enough to make you cum already, again.
“Feel s-so good.” You looked at him and saw the desire within his eyes. He was so full of lust right now, because the sight of you tied up with him pounding into you is better than simply imagining it. Nothing could feel more euphoric than this, both of you were sure of that.
“Yeah? Feel me all around you? So perfect f’me. M’beautiful angel.” Harry moaned out, cupping one of his hands around your throat and pushing you deeper into the mattress, whilst his other hand went to cup your breasts and give them the devotion they deserved.
Everything felt everywhere.
His rocks became sloppier as he reached his high, yours approaching much sooner than you thought it would. You were surprised you actually had anything left in you. His cock hit a spot inside of you that made you scream out and he felt you collapse around him all at once, causing his own release to quickly follow. He continued to fuck you through your release and bent himself over to press his lips to yours. He felt and tasted amazing, you couldn’t get enough. It would never be enough.
“Love you so much.” You spoke the best you could and Harry released his hand from your throat, leaning down to kiss it softly. He reached over to your hands to untie them afterwards, giving them both a few kisses over your wrists when he saw the harsh marks. Your arms were so tired that they just fell to your sides, but Harry kept on touching you softly; stroking your messy hair away from your face and caressing your cheek softly as if he hadn’t just fucked you raw. He kept his face close to you as he whispered the words that would stay imprinted on your heart forever.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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*Lets go camping*
For yours and Drew’s 2 year anniversary, he takes you on a week vacation of nothing but Camping in a national forest with a huge waterfall. It was hard for you to enjoy it at first because of the heat and bugs and just outside in general, but Drew knew how to quickly change your mind on the trip, especially when the sun was setting .
* this is extra extra long with EXTRA smut. Fair warning. 18 AND OLDER.
“ ughhhh” *smack*-
“ ughhhh” *smack*-
Drew chuckled as he watched you sit in your foldable chair by the fire he had going, smacking your arm as another mosquito landed on you. “ God I hate this shit” you mumbled under your breath as you went swinging at another bug on your thigh.
“ c’mon baby it’s only our first day , give it some time it’ll warm up to ya” he stated as he snapped a twig over his leg, placing the two pieces in his fire wood pile.
“ yeah well you could’ve picked like an RV or something “ you stated halfway joking. He shook his head walking over towards you.
“ that completely defeats the purpose of camping princess “ he replied before leaning down pecking your lips.
“ mmm you’re lucky you’re so hot” you moaned out looking at his shirtless body glistening in the sunlight.
“ cmon put your tennis shoes on baby, I want to show you something but it’s gonna be a walk” he stated as he filled his book bag up with water bottles.
“ you’re just trying to kill me arent you” you scoffed as you slid your tennis shoes on before zipping the tent back up. You were semi familiar with North Carolina from being with Drew for two years but Drew always surprised you with different locations he had managed to scope out throughout his teenage and early college years. You were a good 2 miles deep in the woods where Drew decided was a good spot for camping . You didn’t like it because you were so far away from his truck and the road itself, but he swore he had camped there before and knew the area like the back of his hand.
“ we’ll if we’re on the news in two weeks for a bear attack, I hope you know I WILL haunt you in the afterlife” you said walking over to him as he patiently waited for you, propped up against a tree.
“ oh baby I got stuff for cases like that, but I’ve never seen a bear before out here and I’ve been out here more than I can count “ he stated , plopping one of his baseball caps on your head.
“ hm my own personal Tarzan” you joked running your hand down his toned chest. “ so sexy”
“ you hear that?” Drew beamed excitedly while standing on a huge fallen tree. You sighed heavily , leaning over placing your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath.
“ yeah I can hear my own lungs collapsing” you exclaimed leaning up against the tree he was standing on. He chuckled at how dramatic you were before shaking his head.
“ no princess the water” he stated turning his head to the right of him.
“ ooohhh finally” you beamed climbing up the tree , walking down towards where Drew stood.
“ c’mon princess you’ll love it” he exclaimed grabbing your hand, helping you down the tree. Within a few more minutes the water was extremely loud, and you were for sure it was going to be a waterfall that you would be coming up to.
“ there it is” Drew beamed excitedly, reaching his arm out. You gasped at the sight. It was Huge and the view itself was definitely worth the walk it took to get there.
“ come on “ Drew said tugging on your hand pulling you towards the water. You both stood on the edge, standing on big flat rocks that lined the edge of the river . “ let’s swim” Drew said before kicking his shoes off.
“ my bathing suit is at the tent” you said frowning.
“ no one will be anywhere near here just wear your underwear.” He said as he pulled his black shorts down, his tight gray briefs outlining his figure.
“ the thing is” you started as you pulled your Jean shorts down, wiggling your bottom out, your pink cheekers prominently making your bottom really stand out. You smirked as you watched Drew’s face as you pulled your padded tank top over your head, completely flashing Drew as you had no bra on. “ I don’t have a bra “
“ whewww” Drew replied, his eyes staring at your perky nipples. You grinned seductively as you walked backwards into the water.
“ you coming Daddy?” You purred out, running your hands over the water as you continued to walk backwards. Drew went to respond when all of a sudden he heard a squeal come from your lips as you completely sank under water.
“ oh my god it drops off!” You screamed after you popped back out of water swimming your way back to where you could reach. Drew’s face was red from laughing so hard before he walked into the water towards you.
“ come here beautiful “ he said pulling you towards him by your waist. Your breasts were pressed tightly up against his chest as you wrapped your legs around his waste , your arms going around his shoulders.
“ I know I complained a lot today, but it’s really beautiful out here and I’m really enjoying our time together” you stated, the splashes from the waterfall spraying you and Drew slightly.
“ mm me to too baby” he beamed. You giggled as you felt him starting to grow up under you, pressing against your core.
“ oh Drew” you chuckled out, “ we’ve never had sex in the water before” you whispered to him before leaning down for a kiss. Drew’s large hands squeezed your bottom as you nibbled on his bottom lip, feeling his cock jump against you.
“ you so fuckinf sexy y/n” he groaned, lifting your hips up against his shaft, making you moan out to the friction. “ you just don’t know what you do to me.”
“ yeah? Wanna show me baby?” you moaned out rubbing your nose against his. Drew quickly pulled your panties to the side, pulling himself out of his boxers before sliding himself into you at a quick pace. You gasped out loudly, your mouth opening wide as Drew stretched you out. Despite being in the water, Drews huge member had you moaning loudly as you were grinding your hips up and down his cock, his hands gripping your ass to help hold you up.
“ your pussy feels so good on me princess” Drew groaned out, his breath shaky as you both moved at a fast pace. You threw your head back moaning loudly , tugging on the back of his hair as his plump lips landed on your neck, his hands gripping so tight against your hips as he aggressively moved them up and down his body, surely to leave bruises by morning. You looked down, watching his huge biceps flex with each movement, his shoulders tensing each time he lifted you.
“ oh fuck baby” he groaned out, his hips bucking foward as he pulled you down , going deep in you.
“ you’re gonna make me cum Drew” you cried out, squeezing tightly against his body as you felt the tingling feeling in the bottom of of your stomach , needing to release on Drew.
“ cum on daddy’s dick princess” Drew huffed out, his jaw opened wide breathing heavily as he watched you unfold over him.
“ oh god!” You screamed out as you felt your clit pulsing, your walls clenching around Drew. Just the sight itself sent him over. You bit your bottom lip as you heard him moan a low ‘ fuck’ in your ear as he road out his climax.
Once Drew’s movements stopped, his arms slid up to around your back , holding you tightly against him while he placed sloppy kids along your collar bone and neck, eventually making their way to your lips.
“That was nice” you beamed, grinning as he still held you up.
“ it was “ he said pecking your lips before lowering you back down, your feet landing on the mossy rocks below .
“ I’m kind of hungry now “ you chuckled, floating on your back.
“ okay we’ll swim for a few and then go back okay? “ Drew said while fixing himself back into his briefs.
“ mhm” you said closing your eyes, moving your hands gently in the water as you floated around theswimming hole on your back .
“ do you bring all of your girlfriends here?” You joked. You jumped as you felt water splash on your face . “ Drew! “ you yelled out as you lifted your head out of the water looking at him.
“ I’ve only had like 2 before you and I never brought them here “ he stated before rolling his eyes. He hated when you would say stuff like that even though he knew you meant it as a joke.
“ I wouldn’t have cared if you did baby” you said swimming over to him.
“ that so ?” He questioned smirking at you. You grinned before jumping out of the water, leaping onto him causing you both to fall over and land under water.
For the next hour it had become a full blown wrestle match between you and Drew. Most of the time it was you getting tossed in the water but you did manage to get him a few times.
You both got dressed quietly , just enjoying the peaceful sight of nature.
“ you ready princess?” Drew asked as you slipped on your shoe, standing up and brushing your bottom off.
“ yup!” You stated, walking over towards him.
“ that’s so nasty” you replied as you watched Drew eat a burnt marshmallow.
“ it’s so good” he muffled out, sucking some of the marshmallow off his thumb. You raised an eyebrow at him before placing your golden brown marshmallow in your mouth, a string of it falling down your chin.
“ let me get it” Drew suggested before taking his finger, wiping the string of sticky mess off your chin. You bit your bottom lip as you watched him stick his finger in his mouth licking it off, the same way he did back at home when he would lick your juices off his finger after fingering you.
“ stop” you said shaking your head looking over at the fire.
“ what’s the matter baby?” Drew said , his deep voice making you shiver. Drew smirked as he watched you close your eyes . He knew exactly what you were thinking about, and his actions were intentional too.
“ that make you think of something?” He said softly , leaning towards you, The lake water smell lingering off of him. You grinned biting your lip, feeling those oh-so familiar tingles in the pit of your stomach. You looked over at him slightly, your eyes glistening Under your lashes from the fire. You both stared intensely at each other for a second before you looked back at the fire, Drew’s cocky smirk still plastered over his face.
“ if you wanted me to take you into the tent and fuck you , all you had to do was ask” he said, causing you to choke on the marshmallow you had just swallowed, your eyes widen with shock. He laughed slightly at your reaction before standing up, his prominent bulge in line with your eyes.
“ c’mon princess” he spoke, reaching his hand out for yours. Your teeth found their way to your bottom lip once again as you let him pull you up from your chair , excitement rushing through you.
It was dark in the tent, orange lights shining through from the fire. “ take em off princess” he demandedt , tugging on your biker shorts . You laid your bottom on his pillow as you lifted your hips, sliding down your shorts and panties in front of him teasingly, watching him stare profoundly at your now heated core. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling the friction before Drew’s large hands spread them back open.
“ relax” he said softly, before leaning down, placing warm soft kisses on your inner thigh. You sighed heavily, closing your eyes as you felt his lips continue to trail down your thigh until they were placed on your clit, sucking slightly .
The only noises resonating through the tent was the sound of crickets, the fire popping, and your moans as you felt Drew’s tongue running up and down your slit, his thumb rubbing circles against you.
“ you taste so good princess” he spoke out against you, his hot breath blowing against you. You bucked your hips up, needing more. Drew smirked before inserting his middle and ring finger, curving them inwards as he pressed them in and out of you at a fast pace.
“Drew” you moaned out, leaning your head back against the pillows in pure bliss .
“ what princess” he responded looking up at you, his fingers still moving at the same pace. “ tell me what you want”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him with your legs wide open.
“ I want you to fuck me Drew” you replied, breathing heavily. Drew immediately hovered himself over you, his lips pressing against yours at a fast and rough pace, his tongue moving against yours. You moaned out against his lips as you felt one of his hands massage around your nipple, cupping them in his large hands. Shortly after he lifted his hips up some to push down his basketball shorts before pumping himself a few times , pressing the tip against your clit. You gasped at the feeling, grinding your hips up needing more.
Drew didn’t hesitate to satisfy you by pushing himself in you, letting out a deep groan as he felt your tight walls around him. He quickly lifted your thigh over his arms, pushing your knees close to your head as he quickened his pace, the sound of slapping skin echoing through the woods.
“ oh fuck Drew” you cried out in pure bliss. Drew pounded in you fast and hard, exactly how you liked it, you watched as his hair moved back and forth against his forehead as he looked down, watching his self move in and out of you.
“ so tight baby” he groaned out. You reached up placing both your hands on the back of his neck, bringing him down to kiss you, His long thick cock stretching you to unfathomable measures.
“ oh god yes baby” you moaned out, feeling yourself getting close. You reached down placing your hands on his lower back , digging your nails in causing him to hiss. “ don’t stop baby I’m close” you said, almost yelling out. Drew leaned up, propping your legs together , placing your feet over his shoulders.
“ fuck princess” he groaned out as he started rocking his hips back and forth at the same previous fast pace again, causing you to throb around him.
“ I’m cumming Drew baby “ you yelled out, leaning your head back. Just the sight of you with your head laid back against his pillows and your back arched, your hands holding your bouncing tits made him come undone, hitting his climax as well. Drew thrusts became rough and irregular before they slowed down eventually coming to a stop.
“ holy fuck” he said out of breath before laying down next to you. You laughed slightly as you felt your clit pulsing from your climax before rolling over laying your head against his chest .
“ you always fuck me so good” you said looking up at him as he brushed his sweaty hair back.
“ oh yeah? “ he responded before kissing your forehead. It didn’t take long before the both of you fell asleep to the sound of the night.
It was the last night before you and Drew were going to pack up and go back home . Your whole week had been filled with nothing but laughter, adventures and a lot of sex.
It was late at night, a light rain shower falling over you both. drew was rolled over fast asleep from your hiking trip you had today, while you held the flashlight over one of your books reading it when you heard rustling against the leaves beside your tent. You sat for a second , looking up from your book waiting to hear something. After a few seconds of silence except for rain drops dropping from the tree leaves, you went back to reading your book. It wasn’t long afterwards until you heard it again, this time it was closer and sounded like it was walking towards you. You froze, clicking your flash light off, your heart beginning to race. You started tapping on Drew’s back as you continued to hear moving , fear running through you.
“ hmm?” Drew groaned out but you quickly leaned over him shushing him, placing your hand over his mouth. Drew leaned over trying to look at you but it was pitch black since the rain shower had put your fire out.
“ something out here” you whispered softly. Drew sat up, feeling your body trembling against him. He sat and listened for a second, waiting to hear something.
“ it was probably a raccoon or something” he reassured, only seconds later to be proven wrong as you both heard a growling noise. Your small figure couldn’t scoot any closer to Him than youalready were but your fear made you want to crawl in Drew and hide.
“ fuck” Drew mumbled under his breath , realizing his accusations were wrong. Drew grabbed the flash light from you turning it back on before he reached into his book bag, grabbing the gun his father gave to him for the trip. You knew he had brought it, it was for absolute emergencies- but it really freaked you out that he felt the need to use it at this point.
“ Drew don’t” you pleaded as he leaned up , reaching for the zipper to the door.
“ princess I need to see what it is” he replied looking back at you. You shook your head frantically tugging on his arm.
“ what if it’s a bear?” You replied.
“ we’ll I’d at least want to be prepared and not be stuck in the tent” he stated. You really didn’t want him to go out there but you knew Drew was stubborn to an extent and would probably go anyways.
“ Drew, it’s not safe okay. We’ll just stay awake until whatever it is goes away “ he sat for a second, contemplating. “ please I’m begging you Drew” he sighed before scooting back , wrapping you up in the blanket.
“ fine princess” he said . “ go back to sleep I’ll stay up” . You laid down next to him, while he rubbed his hand over your thigh , quickly putting you to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of bird chirping, and the sun shining through the side of the tent . You stretched slightly before leaning over , to see Drew asleep with the flashlight still turned on. You grinned before leaning down and giving him a kiss on the lips.
“Drew wake up” you said pushing slightly on his shoulders .
“ hmm?” He groggily replied , looking over at you.
“ we’ve gotta start loading stuff up in the car “ you relied. It didn’t take him long to get up , helping you grab a few things before getting up out of the tent.
“ oh wow” you exclaimed, noticing the massive bear tracks along side your tent and the fire place. Drew stared at the paw prints for a second before looking at you grinning.
“ Drew you realize you were going to be battling a full from bear if you would’ve went out there last night?” You replied in shock.
“ and you saved me from being that stupid so thank you” he said kissing your lips before going back to the tent, rolling up the sleeping bags.
It was quiet for the next hour as you and him both packed stuff up and walked back for a good mile to his truck, loading things up.
“ so” he said as you strapped yourself in.
“ so “ you responded looking up at him.
“ besides the bear fear last night, did you enjoy your trip” you grinned at him nodding.
“ I really really enjoyed it baby” you said leaning over to kiss him. “ and I enjoyed the sex” you laughed out.
“ oh yeah?” He responded raising an eyebrow. You grinned before sitting back in your chair.
“ want to have one last hoorah before we leave the woods?” He said, leaning towards you.
“ oh Drew” you responded before unbuckling yourself, leaning towards him.
As usual, feedback greatly appreciated ❤️
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 3 years
Game Night
Summary: Bucky and you are basically enemies. That’s the only word you can think of to describe it. What else would it be?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, unprotected sex (do not do this irl), smut, slight angst
I really love a good enemies to lovers at the moment and wanted to give it a go. Let me know what you think. As always, enjoy! xx
‘How about truth or dare?’ Wanda suggested innocently, earning her a series of exasperated groans. You threw your head back in playful annoyance, a drawn out ‘Wandaaa’ leaving your vodka - tasting lips. ‘I meant more like monopoly, or something a group of horny teenagers wouldn’t play’ Tony sighed, throwing back the last of his whiskey, followed immediately by ‘Steve it would mean so much to me if you would get me another bottle of this’.
Meanwhile, you noticed the one and only piece of shit Bucky narrow his icy blue eyes at you from across the table you were all crowded around. You mimicked his expression before turning towards Wanda as you rolled your eyes. You could practically feel his eyes delving deep holes through your back. ‘I say we play. I’ve had at least...’ at this point you held up your hands in front of your face as you counted on your fingers like a dumb child, Wanda raising her eyebrow. ‘...like at least, enough shots to be drunk so I won’t remember this anyway’ you shrugged as you reached for the bottle of vodka only for Sam to pull it just out of your reach. ‘Sam...’ you tried to bargain but Tony’s loud voice cut you off as he spoke, cradling his 4th glass of whiskey delivered so gracefully unto him by a frowning Steve. 
‘As the leader of this group of fucks, I decree that I go first. Capsicle, truth or dare’ he asked pointedly, gesturing to Steve with his glass. ‘You guys are so immature...truth, if I must’ he replied gloomily, taking a tender sip of his orange juice. ‘Are you a virgin?’ he simply asked, earning an uncontrollable giggle from you and Wanda. Before Steve even opened his mouth, Tony added quickly with a smirk ‘a virgin is someone who has never fucked anyone, by the way. Oh, and fucking is what you want to do to y/n. I know you don’t always know all the current lingo, old man, but...’ Steve answered quickly before Tony could continue embarrassing him, and you choked on the wine that had magically appeared in your hand. ‘No, Tony. I’m not, and I’m going to bed’. Steve got up and straightened his shirt, placing his glass gently on an Avengers branded coaster, heading out for the night to his floor of the compound. You didn’t notice the slight frown which flickered over Bucky’s face as you kissed Steve on the cheek as you said goodnight. But you also didn’t notice Tony and Sam fighting over the last bottle of whiskey, so who can blame you.
You played a few more rounds of truth or dare as the night grew dark and the others grew tired. After the first few rounds Sam and Tony got up and left, soon followed by Wanda who was drunk beyond words. You hugged her affectionately before helping her to the elevator and going back to sit down. You forgot Bucky was there.
You groaned dramatically as Bucky smirked at you, collapsing dizzily onto the leather couch and tipping the last bit of vodka you had retrieved from Sam’s grasp down your throat. ‘Fuck off, Barnes’ you seethed. ‘Don’t you have some people to kill?’. He chuckled to himself, pushing himself up from the floor to stand up and cross his arms. ‘Don’t you have some validation to seek from literally everyone?’ he taunted, staring your right in the eyes. You looked down. The bitch knew very well you only wanted validation because when you were trained in an abusive institute not so different from hydra, the only thing that kept you alive was their validation, and he knew that he could get under your skin with ease. But you refused to show it. You looked up and found his opal eyes again.
‘It was my turn, wasn’t it? Truth or dare, asshole?’ you asked, chucking the empty bottle of vodka at him. He caught it swiftly with his vibranium arm, walking over to you and leaning down to place the bottle beside you on the couch, face inches away from you. ‘Dare’ he whispered, leaning back and moving to stand in front of you. He smelt like burnt marshmallows, fiery whiskey and rain. You mentally slapped yourself and reminded your brain how much you hated him.
‘I dare you to stop being such a little bitch’ you stood up, staring up at him with flames in your eyes. ‘Maybe if you didn’t act like such a brat all the fucking time, I wouldn’t have to be’ he mocked, tilting his head to await your reaction. The sheer amount of hate your felt for him at this moment, together with the large quantities of alcohol running through your veins, gave you a dangerous confidence boost. ‘Maybe if you weren’t a little pussy who lost his arm and sanity to some weird scientists because he fell off a train, knew how to fuck let alone talk to girls and didn’t make every single person who he meets want to run away and scream, I wouldn’t act like a brat all the fucking time’. Well shit.
You were breathing raggedly, chest rising rapidly up and down, hands balled up in two tight fists by your side. Bucky’s eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open, a flicker off hurt passing over his handsome features. He shook his head and sighed. ‘Shouldn’t have said that, y/n’. ‘What do you mEEEAAN’ you yelped as he moved to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, as if you were weightless. You kicked him in the chest, hard. ‘Put me down right the fuck now Bucky before I...’ he reached his room and threw you down on his bed, shutting the door behind him. ‘Before you what, hm? Because let me tell you something, darling. I think you don’t hate me. No, you just know I don’t want to sleep with you unlike Steve, Sam and Tony and it hurts. It hurts your precious little ego. But if it stops you from acting like a little bitch all the damn time, I guess I can fuck the bitch out of you’ He climbed onto the bed, as you crawled back, until your back was against the headboard and you were cage in between the wall and the super soldier in front of you. ‘Would you like that, doll?’
You gulped nervously, averting your eyes only for Bucky to grab your chin both roughly and gently at the same time and lift your head up so you were staring him in the eyes. ‘So now you go all quiet on me’ he taunted. You could hardly breath. Your mind was telling you that you hated him with all your heart, but your heart was telling you to get this man’s dick inside of you. Before you could silence the tell - tale beat of your heart, Bucky leant in and kissed you roughly. Your body relaxed into the kiss, and your hands subconsciously flew up to tangle in his chestnut locks. He was actually a really good kisser. You pulled away. You reached a hand out to unbutton his jeans, but Bucky caught your wrist. He chuckled to himself, metal hand gently wrapping around your throat. ‘So now you want me to fuck you? Thought you said I didn’t know how?’ he asked as a small whine escaped your throat, feeling your core burn in desire. You furrowed your brows and frowned at him. He squeezed at your neck. ‘Use your words, doll, or I’ll just leave you here as the pathetic mess you are’ he threatened, eyes clouding with lust and desire.
‘Holy shit Bucky, just fuck me already or fuck off’ you cried out. He didn’t need telling twice. He released your throat, using both hands to undress you in an instant before removing his own shirt and jeans. He hooked a finger in the band of your panties and slid them down your legs, over your heels and onto the floor behind him. He took a moment to gaze longingly at your naked and vulnerable body, muttering an almost inaudible ‘beautiful’. All that was left between your pussy and his dick was the boxers he was wearing. As soon as he took them off, your eyes widened, and you felt your cheeks redden. ‘That’s not going to fit’ you said, a sort of breathless whisper.
Bucky leaned in, kissing you deeply and sliding his tongue into your mouth. You almost screamed when you felt his fingers encircle your clit, moaning into his mouth. ‘I still...fuck...hate you’ you grumbled as you felt his hard on brush against your inner thigh. He rolled his eyes as you did earlier, dipping his head slightly to kiss your neck, expertly sucking on your sweet spot, marking you up with hickies. He slowly inserted a finger, followed shortly by two. They only slightly stretched you out, and you clawed at his back as he moved them faster and faster, curling them slightly to hit your g - spot. ‘B...Bucky, I’m gonn... gonna cum’ you moaned, pulling his head eagerly as you kissed him desperately. Bucky kept up with his rapid pace, bringing you right to the edge. You felt the pleasure build up and up until you were ready to cum, and that is obviously when Bucky decided to pull his fingers away completely. ‘What the FUCK’ you screamed, sitting up in surprise, legs squeezing together from the sudden lack of friction. He covered your mouth to silence your cries, and leaned in real close. ‘If I give you the most mind blowing sex of your life, and I stop treating you like a piece of shit, will you stop acting like a bitch?’ he asked, pushing you back down onto the bed, removing his hand when he was done talking. ‘For fucks sake Barnes, yes. Fucking yes. Now please fuck me’. you whined.
‘It would be my pleasure’. He slammed into your now lubricated pussy, stretching you all the way out. It burned, but at the same time it felt like nothing you had ever felt before. Not a single man you had ever been with had been this big, but you wouldn’t want Bucky to know that.
He moaned in your ear, causing you to clench down hard, and Bucky started to thrust quickly chasing his own orgasm. He continued to circle your clit with his thumb as he slammed into you over and over and over again until he had you chanting his name like a prayer along with a generous string of obscene curses. He lifted your legs onto his shoulders to angle himself so that he was repeatedly hitting your g spot and your orgasm finally hit you like a truck. ‘oh SHit Bucky fucking christ holy fucking shit’ you gasped out as Bucky thrusted deeply into you, cumming deep inside. You felt your legs shake as your eyes rolled into the back of your head in ecstacy, Bucky’s hand finding your mouth to at least try to quiten some of your moans. Although he had stilled inside of you, filling you to the brim, he continued to rub at your clit as he worked you though your orgasm. Your mind was filled with ecstasy and you could see stars. You both came down from your high eventually, Bucky collapsing in a sweaty heap beside you.
He pulled you into his body protectively, feeling his softening dick rest against your back. His arm was secured tightly around your waist, and you felt your heavy eyes shut as his warm breath on your neck comforted you. ‘Still hate me now?’ he asked, kissing the top of your head gently. ‘I’ll consider tolerating you for now. Ask me again tomorrow night’ you giggled sleepily in response. ‘Why tomorrow night?’ Bucky whispered as he also felt his own eyes close, a wave of exaughstion sweeping over his muscular body. ‘After we fuck again, of course, and again the night after that, and the night after that, and every night after that.’
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Vibrations per minute ↬ P.P
AN: Based on this post ehehe. (Also 223 followers?! I’m not crying you are ಥ‿ಥ Beta read by my baby sis @parkerpeter24​ <3<3
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➳ Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
➳ Warnings: smut (semi public), vibrator, minors dni
➳ WC: 1.8k +
➳ Masterlist || Taglist
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Peter Parker was not who he looked to be. He was the kind of guy who impressed parents with his bambi eyes and A+ academic performances, but at the same time, he could be a little shit and tease the fuck out of you. For example-
Bets were a naturally occurring event in the Avengers compound, whether it was between Sam and Bucky about who could eat the most number of marshmallows in one go or between Tony and Peter on who could digest more amount of coffee in the least amount of time (both of which landed them in the medbay). 
So maybe placing a bet with your boyfriend may not have been your most intelligent choice. You were a smart woman, you should have known better than to place a bet with Spider-Man, especially if the bet included cardio. 
And now you were facing the consequences. 
You were sitting in the post mission debriefing room, thighs clenched as you saw your boyfriend trying (and failing) to hide his shit eating smirk. You felt the vibrations inside you once again, a little faster than before. Suppressing a moan, you tried to glare murder at him without letting the others know. 
Puffing your cheeks, you slid down the chair, hands folded on your chest. You were pretty sure your cheeks were blood red with the amount of heat you felt.
"Y/N are you sure you're alright? You look a little flushed." Steve asked, shifting to look at you from where he was besides You. He looked concerned.
"Uh- yeah- yeah I'm good. Just exhausted." You stuttered a response. Huffing, you tried to discreetly rub your stomach from clenching. A little whimper escaped your throat, which you quickly suppressed by picking up the glass of water and chugging down some.
Sam looked at you weirdly, the others not paying attention as Nick Fury asked them questions. 
"Miss Stark if you think you're going to get out of debriefing because your little boyfriend and father are sitting here, you're wrong. Please pay attention" Fury said, looking at you with his pirate eye, before turning around and muttering, "I swear sometimes they behave like school children."
You gave Bucky and Sam a glare as they snickered. 
"I'm sorry, I'll- uhh- I'll pay more attention. I'm just, my tummy hurts." You whimpered, flushing when you realised you had said "tummy" in front of the Avengers. 
"Well you better take care of the tummy ache. Don't want you to poo all over here." Peter smirked, your jaw dropping at how rude the little shit was. How unfortunate would it be when he finds out someone had burnt his Kylo Ren special edition figurine? 
"Fuck you asshat." You seethe, your glare intensifying when he increased the rate of vibrations using the phone app he was holding under the desk.
"Y/N, Peter, enough of this, now listen to what Pirate here has to say before he asks you to skedaddle back to your nursery." Your dad says, rolling his eyes at your childish banter.
You wanted to get out of there. Right away, because you couldn't take the shudders in between your legs anymore, or you would orgasm right there, in front of everyone. 
So to get back at them, you raised your hand like you were in elementary school, asking the teacher for permission, "May I go to the washroom? I wanna poo." You ask innocently, smirking when Fury widened his eyes.
Averting your eyes to your boyfriend, you silently conveyed your message, hoping that he got what you were up to. 
Ignoring the laughter of the babies in the Avengers' bodies, you stood up abruptly before he could change the settings anymore, walking stiffly to the bathroom.
"That was kind of mean of me." Peter finally said when you were out of his vision. 
"Yeah kid, I would've kicked your ass if I didn't know that she would do it before me." Tony snarked, curling his lips and shaking his head before going back to the dossier in front of him.
"You should go and apologise to her Pete. She looked upset." Steve piped in, his disappointed eyebrowsTM showing their way.
"She's in the toilet and he's a horny teenager, you really want him to go right now?" Sam said.
"Ew Sam, get your gutter brain out of here!" Peter defended, not meaning what he said.
In fact he was going to do just that. The entire time during the mission, you had been teasing him one way or another, whether it was landing in certain poses or just touching him every chance you get.
The bet was just an opportunity for him to get back at you for leaving him hot and bothered, dreaming about you all night in that tiny lingerie with spider prints on them.
“Yeah Sam, get out of here.” Natasha joked. Before he could witness the counter arguments though, he left the room, leaving a very noisy meeting room and a very frustrated Nick Fury. 
He found you in the bathroom stalls near the cafeteria. It was the women's bathroom but no one was around this time of the night, so he entered it. 
He could hear your moans and pants, your arousal hitting his nostrils as he tried to hyperfixate on you. His jeans suddenly felt strained at his… web shooter area. 
Opening the bathroom door, he clenched his fists. You were standing there, vibrator out of you and your finger inside, eyes scrunched as you threw your head back, not even noticing him enter.
"Why are you touching yourself?" He growled, smirking innocently when you jerked up, eyes taking a lustful look that sent his blood rushing south. 
"It's your fault. You were the one who made me horny in the middle of those boomers." You gritted. 
Your hand was poised on your waist now, legs still spread apart, your pussy on display. 
Grabbing you by your ass, he picked you up and slammed you against the wall, kissing your jaw, "Just seeking revenge." He mumbled  
"Oh oh Petey- revenge for what?" You moaned, arching your back as he undressed you, grabbing your now unclothed boob and sucking on one nipple, twisting the other with his fingers.
Moaning at the sensation of the cool tiles, you dug your fingers at his back, your wet pussy throbbing for a feel of his dick.
"You did it on purpose didn't you? Showing off during missions?" He sucked at your skin, leaving it tender and brushed, "you know how hot you look while you kick ass?" 
He unbuttoned his pants, letting his dick slip out with his boxers. His length never ceased to amaze you, the thick organ making your mouth water. You imagined it slipping into you, your thighs slipping wider on instinct.
He saw the look you were giving him, his lustful eyes full of mirth and desperation. Without waiting any further, he slipped out a condom from his discarded jeans' pocket, sliding his dick into your wet entrance, your ass hitting the wall as he pushed into your walls. 
Throwing your head back, you hissed as your walls clenched around him.
"You get, you get turned on when I kick ass?" You panted, grabbing his hair in desperation to the coiling in your gut, "Fuck I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna come Pete." 
"Well what are you waiting for princess?" He nibs your ear, squeezing your breasts to his now naked chest. You shuddered at the coolness of his body, he's always been cold to touch. 
"Fuck princess, feel so good." His mouth was slack, his thrusts getting harder as he shoved into you, "so tight for me. Enjoying my cock in your pussy eh?"
"Yes! Oh- I love it Pete I love it!" Hitting your head on his chest, you pinched his nipple, making him groan and hit your stomach, the slapping sound echoing in the bathroom.
"Say it louder pretty girl" 
"Why?" You whined, "I should get back to you for using the vibrator but I'm having too much fun." 
You groaned, Your eyes scrunched when his thrusts started to slow down, his senses too overloaded to work together with his stamina.
"Yeah you're needy aren't you?" He said, out of breath from your little meet. He set you down, wiping off your cum using the tissue paper, flushing it off in the toilet. 
He took a minute to just admire you. Your body was shining from sweat, your breath coming out in short pants. You were completely naked, breasts out to the display. He flushed when you smirked at him, you had caught him staring. Not that you minded.
"My beautiful girl." He said, voice husky from strain as he closed the distance between you both, holding you in his arms. 
You laid your head on his chest, rubbing your cheeks against his pectorals. You could hear his racing heart, chuckling when you saw heat rising up his chest to his neck and then face. 
"Why are you blushing? We literally just fucked." You laughed, tracing circles on his collarbones. He looked ethereal from where you were standing, perfectly sculpted by a skillful sculptor. 
"Because you're amazing and I can't believe you're my girl." He said. 
"Mmhm,” You nodded against him, “Also, do you always keep a condom in your pocket?" 
There were many reasons as to why you keep around Peter, and one of them is that he's an amazing chef. Living with his aunt and uncle, he and Ben had been the main source of home cooked meals, because Aunt May was never good at cooking. 
You saw him standing in the kitchen, flipping pancakes while he hummed to some melody. You didn't mind, you could stare at him all day. Thankfully, none of the Avengers were awake yet (but they would be. They're huge fans of his food) 
"Morning." You smile, wrapping your hands around his waist, placing your head on his back.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked, moving around as you clung to him like a koala. Giggling, you wrapped your legs around his waist, jumping on his back like a potato sack. 
"Mmhm, the best sleep I've had in a long while." You mumble, words muffled by his back.
"Is that so?" He asked. 
Hearing shuffling noises, you quickly jumped off of him, fixing your t-shirt and sitting on the dining table.
You saw as Steve and Sam entered the kitchen, Natasha soon following suit. Clint had left for his home early that morning, wanting to meet Laura and his kids as soon as he could. 
You smiled at each of them, nodding a good morning and helping them sort a plate. 
You were arranging the plates when you heard a choked gasp. Alarmed at the sound, you looked up at Steve's horrified expression, looking at where he was pointing a finger.
"What?" You asked, biting your lips.
"That- is that a hickey?!?" 
Slapping your neck, you let the plate clatter on the table, ignoring Peter's scrambled replies. You saw Bucky entering from the corner of your eye, unable to formulate a coherent answer.
"Oh my god, Bucky they totally fucked yesterday!" 
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Page dividers by @cicicantblog​
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may i request nagito asking out his best friend while theyre students in hope's peak?
Mod Mikan’s note: Here you go, darling! I did this in the form of a headcanon since it was easier for me to format the sequence of events, so I apologize if you wanted a drabble. I hope this suffices! 
-Before you and Nagito were a couple, you were best friends! 
-Nagito never really had any close friends before, aside from Hajime, and sometimes Chiaki. After all, his luck was unpredictable, he could’ve ended up hurting his loved ones
-But that didn’t stop you from sitting next to the adorable, marshmallow haired boy on that faithful day
-You were walking along the halls of the prestigious institution, admiring the intricate designed moldings and sunlight that passed through the glass windows. Looking around for room 312, you still couldn’t shake yourself off from this dram
-You, (Y/N) (L/N), was now known as the ultimate (Y/T). You were guaranteed success in the future. You were in Hope Peak’s academy--could this get any better? 
-With a gasp of relief, you managed to find your first period classroom, a few students sitting in their seats. With your hands slightly shaking, you powered through your anxiety, walking inside the classroom. Before you could pull out a chair from the first empty desk you could find, you were stopped by another hand
-”Excuse me?! What the hell do you think you’re doing near MY desk, you fucking piece of pig barf?!” 
-You looked up, seeing a petite girl that looked like she was visiting from the elementary program. However, her nasty attitude was the aspect of her that caught your eye. Though...not in a good way
-”Huh? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m new here. Is this your desk?” I asked her, trying to fan out the flames that she lit from her stubborn, hot-headed persona. The blond scoffed and yanked the chair away from me 
-”You’re new? CLEARLY! Yes, this is my goddamn desk! Anyone with a brain can realize that. I don’t care who you are, but since you pissed me off, you can go sit with the hope obsessed whatever over there!” With a flick of a pointed finger, she presented a cute boy with cloud like hair, reading a book at his desk. I cocked my brow, turning my attention from the male back to the childlike girl
-”Eh? And who made you the keeper of the seats?” I shot back at her, every word of the second statement laced with some sass. With your hands placed on your hips, the blond just crossed her arms, staring at you challengingly 
-”Ugh, I feel even less talented just looking at you! If you wanna save yourself from total embarrassment AND from being treated even worse than Tsumiki, then get out of my sight!” 
-Followed by an eye roll, you whizzed passed the bratty girl. You only sat next to the boy she previously pointed you because it was the only open seat that was the farthest away from her. Well, you probably know who you aren’t going to call for missed notes 
-With the thud of your bag hitting the wood floor underneath your new desk, you sat down near the cute boy. He closed his book, turning to you. Before you could say hello, he beat you to the punch. However, his first words towards you shocked you even more than the spoiled girl you first met 
-”Oh, you must be the new student I heard about. (Y/N) (L/N), the ultimate (Y/T), right? Well, my name is Nagito Komeada, the ultimate lucky student. I know my talent isn’t really that great compared to yours. And my trashy presence is probably boring you right now. Don’t worry. I’ll go so you don’t have to feel embarrassed being near me,” 
-.......................Was everyone at Hope Peak’s academy this weird? 
-As the white haired male gathered his things, you frowned, thinking that you were destined to be an outcast here. You already made an enemy without even saying much, and now you just pushed away a potential friend
-As you let out a depressed sigh, the pale boy couldn’t help but frown to. He stopped picking up his things, placing them back on his desk. He sat down again, apologizing for making you feel bad 
-”Huh? Oh, I’m sorry. Did you...actually want to get to know me?” He asked you, making you nod. This made his foregoing cheerful smile form again on his face, as he turned his whole body towards you
-”I’m so flattered someone with such a hopeful talent wants to talk with a worthless human being like me! You said it was your first day at this school, right? Maybe I can show you around during lunch if you want,” He offered. At first, his harsh view of himself baffled you a bit. Not really the most appropriate way of introducing yourself to someone. Nevertheless, you shrugged this fact off and accepted his offer to show you around school 
-From that day forward, Nagito Komeada became your best friend
-Before you two started dating, you use to do everything together. The only things that changed after you guys were a couple was a few pet names here and there and kissing/hand-holding 
-Nagito tried to keep his distance as much as he could after showing you around. After all, everything went smoothly after he showed you around school. It was screaming for bad luck to occur not only to him, but to you to! 
-How dare trash like him tarnish an innocent, loving ultimate like yourself with his despair inducing luck cycle? It was foolish of him to think that he could ever have the honor of calling an ultimate like yourself a close friend. He would only cause you trouble--be a burden
-Yeah, like that was going to stop you
-You basically sat near Nagito during class time, lunch, after school activities, and even walked home together. While Nagito tried to end your conversations as soon as possible, you were skeptical. Didn’t he like you? Or...was it just pity that he just chose to stay in his seat near you on your first day? 
-His distance between you was quickly closed when he explained his luck cycle to you during cleaning time. He ended his reasoning with a sigh, preparing for you to leave and never talk to him again. He even had a few suggestions on moving desks in class
-But what you said startled the pale boy 
-”I’d like you see your bad luck try to tear us apart. I don’t know what it’ll bring for us in the future, but I do know one thing: I’ll never leave your side, Nagito. I enjoy being around you and nothing can change that”
-From that day, Nagito’s attitude did a whole one eighty and you two became inseperable
-Was it really possible for someone as disgusting as him to be friends with an ultimate? Going over to each other’s places to do homework, watching bad movies and eating slightly burnt baked cookies, laughing at terrible jokes inside jokes no one else would understand.....
-No......Nagito knew he didn’t even deserve to think about you in such a way. But the infamous lucky student could help but grow...an even more intimate bond with you. He already braced himself for a rejection, mentally preparing himself for the utmost despair that would flood his heart. Could he even work up the courage to tell you these strong feelings? Was he being selfish? He already felt greedy enough for keeping you away from hanging out with the other ultimates--that’s where you belonged. Not with mere trash like him. 
-He pushed his luck keeping you as his best friend. To have you as his lover? His true source of hope in his life? C’mon Komeada....be realistic here. You were meant to be alone and die alone! Your luck cycle will always be a constant reminder of that! 
-Perhaps....it wouldn’t hurt to try it? After all, where there is despair, there will be hope that will rise from it! The day when you and Nagito were suppose to try a new outdoor cafe but it rained? You offered to make your own coffee and pastries at your house! The day when you and Nagito took a walk in the park and you broke your leg because you didn’t see that sidewalk crack? Nagito was by your side through the whole doctor’s trip and he managed to cheer you up by buying you a lot of snacks from the vending machine
-Like.....when he placed only not even 200 yen into the vending machine, it glitched and gave him five baggies of chips instead of one 
-Maybe his good luck would be on his side and you would accept his feelings! Then he could turn his fantasies into the reality. All you needed to do was say yes and he’d give you the world! You’d be his precious angel of hope, his darling love, his ultimate luck charm
-.......But that would just be too convenient. It would be too good to be true. Bad luck.....good luck.....which would one overpower the other and make it all worth it
-Obviously good luck! Hope conquers all after all! You weren’t a mere stepping stone like Nagito was. You were an ultimate after all! A pure symbol of hope! To him, you were a shining ray of hope, the angel that provided him light into his dark life. He wanted needed you more so than ever. It was now or never, Nagito. I can’t keep relying on my luck. Especially for something as important as this. This will all be determined by (Y/N)’s feelings. After all, they’re not that kind of person to never talk to their friend again after a love confession.....right? 
-”Eh? Komeada-kun, are you okay?” 
-Nagito was snapped out of his thoughts, as he turned to his best friend. The ultimate let out a sigh, gripping the backpack strap that was slinged across their shoulders even tighter. The ultimate (Y/T) knew that her best friend was known for being a bit...absorbed in his thoughts
-”Honestly Nagito, did you even listen to what I was saying?” The question slipped from a pair of soft lips, a hint of annoyance laced each word. The duo kept walking away from the school, back to Nagito’s home. Hangouts were usually at his house for obvious reasons. His parents were dead and he was basically all alone. It must get pretty boring with just himself in such a big house. He also had more money than an average person spends in their lifetime, so that was also a bonus
-Nagito almost found himself lost in thought yet again, smiling to himself. He would’ve been in tears if you agreed to move in with him after just a few months of dating. He knew that you two were still in high school, but just imagine how perfect it would be. He wouldn’t have to worry about being lonely, he wouldn’t have to worry about if you were safe and happy, he wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. Just you and him--just the way he liked it
-The (H/C) student noticed Nagito’s small smiile, and cocked their brow. They snapped a pair of (S/C) fingers in his face, literally snapping him out of his personal trance for a second time
-”Nagito, what is up? You’ve been spacing off and mumbling to yourself for the past few weeks. Is...everything okay?” His best friend asked him, as Nagito pulled out his house key, sliding the metal into the lock. The turning of gears signaled that the large estate was unlocked, and with a gentle push of the double doors, both teenagers entered
-”Oh, I appreciate the concern, (Y/N), but it’s nothing to fuss over. I’ve....actually been deep in thought about...a certain someone lately,” The white haired male admitted, shutting the door behind him. (Y/N)’s furrowed brows became raised him shock and somewhat cheekiness. They never took Nagito for the type of fall in love. Not that he was cold or unemotional, but he never interacted with anyone besides them, Hajime, or somewhat, Chiaki. And he never showed any romantic interest in either of them. Who could he possible have on his mind? 
-”Oh? Is that so?” The Ultimate (Y/T) curved a smirk upon their lips, as they walked closer to the skinny boy. With the thud of a second backpack joining Nagito’s onto the floor, (Y/N) took a seat on the leather couch, the playful smirk never leaving their adorable face “And, may I ask, who is this lucky someone that is on your mind?”
-”Well.....they....um....they’re really beautiful, dedicated and skilled at their talent, and even manages to outshine all the other ultimates. They’re truly optimistic, joyful, and a wonder to be around. I think I may love them more than hope itself,” He blushed, the small smile creeping back onto his face. (Y/N) chuckled lightly, crossing their legs along with their arms
-”Wow, they must really be something if you love them that much. Can I get a name along with that lovey-dovey description though?” (Y/N) tried to pry Nagito even deeper, impatient to know who stole their best friend’s heart. Who knows? Maybe they can even play matchmaker for the lovebirds! 
-Nagito took this small window of time to form a small plan. It seemed simple enough and maybe some bad luck would be prevented if he took a more...passive approach into expressing his feelings. His small smile was replaced with his usual cheerful, bright one, as he dug through his just discarded backpack on the floor
-”Actually....I think it would be better if I wrote it down...” Nagito stated, producing a marble notebook and pencil in his hands. (Y/N) was about to say something, but Nagito seemed eager to write down the note to his friend. He sat down on the opposite end of the couch, scribbling on a random, clean page in the notebook. The ripping of the paper and folding of it signaled that he was done, as he handed the message to his best friend
-”Looks like you’re taking all the precautions you can, Nagito. But I promise you that it’s just us here,” (Y/N) chuckled and winked at him before taking the slip of paper from him. Nagito grinned joyously, both figuratively and physically on the edge of his seat. As the (H/C) haired student folded out the creases from the once pleated paper, the words bewildered them for a second
-Will you be my one and only hope, (Y/N)?
-With a turn of their head from the paper to Nagito’s blushing face, he grinned bashfully at them, hoping he didn’t ruin things between them. He was about to say something along the lines of “I know trash like me doesn’t deserve you...” but his open mouth was covered with an index finger being placed perpendicular towards it
-”Nagito, if you even think about calling yourself trash, I will hide all your bagels! And to answer your questions....I would love to be your hope,” The smirk that was on their face was softened into a compassionate smile. Nagito felt the weight being lifted from his chest as was about to hug (Y/N) out of relief and happiness, but thought for a split second that he was going to push it, tainting their beautiful skin with his garbage touch
-Well, not like he had much of a choice, as you pulled him into a hug, staying like that for a long time
-It was that day where Nagito felt his dark world being filled with the light of hope that was you. Slowly and slowly you helped him crawl out of his despairing world and showed him the hope that you had to offer. You gave him your love and so much more--something he was yearning for for his whole entire life. He had his own hope
-Nagito never wants to stop being with you. For the first time in in his life....
-He knows what love is
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notmymainblog · 3 years
A Sirius Black x reader angst where he's always flirting with other girls and one day she's had enough and breaks up with him. its only then that he realises how much he loves and needs her, but she doesn't want him anymore. angst ending for sirius, but maybe reader could have a new good relationship or something?
Ok, so this is good but also like horrible. Like if I weren’t me, I would cringe at this (i honestly still kinda do). I’ve had a tough time writing at all but a harder time writing Sirius because an angry blow torch and hand mannequin boy are stuck rent-free in my mind. So I um...mixed fandoms I CAN'T HELP IT OK this is what you get for giving me creative freedom ig 🙄  , But I will get through the requests.  
And at your request i will also rewrite this if you want LMAO
Master list
To use:
Download obvi. Click the icon (upper right by the search bar) in the first box to enter your name. If you did it correctly y/n should read as your actual name. Under that it will say something along the lines of “need to change something other than y/n?” there you can change anything you want.y/h/c and y/h don't work together so please enter y/ho if you're inputting your Hogwarts house
TW: Oh baby, get ready, kidnapping, semi-forced sex (coercion?) asshole Sirius, self-harm? Like scratching? Stupid fic that sucks, yandere Sirius which, yes, deserves a warning and a big one at that. Death threats, lol. Me simping for a psycho who desperately needs Chapstick.
Here's a song I like!
It wasn't anything new. Not at all. It shouldn't be normal like this. But it was. Everyone wanted Sirius. Everyone. You often asked yourself why he chose you, but you had never come up with an answer, and neither had he. Sirius always laughed it off. Made a dumb joke. It was pointless.
Almost everything was pointless with Sirius. Making plans, sitting together, being partners in class, and it was incredibly pointless to try and object to sex.
It was always “oh, but y/n I need you so bad baby. Look at how hard I am. Just for you. So hard it fucking hurts. Oh y/n please, ”
So you always gave in. Before you were dating, every sexual exploit Sirius had was public knowledge. But he never told anyone about you. Most of the school didn't even know you were dating.
It was normal for Sirius to wink at a girl, put a hand on her thigh, compliment her before tucking her hair behind her ear, “I'm just joking y/n. I'm not fucking them. Don't be so dramatic.”
“You're not dramatic y/n, ” is what literally anyone else would say if you told them about it. But you didn't. Hell, not even the pillow you cried into knew why.
You had decided enough was enough.
“Sirius, we need to talk, love, ” you said as he tried to pull your shirt off.
He smirked “ooohh, I get it. You want to hear how fucking hard I am for you, how pretty you sound moaning my name?” he chuckled.
“N-no, I want to talk about something else, ” you whispered
“What? Do you have a piss kink or something?” he asked.
“No, Sirius, not everything is about sex!” you said, much louder than you intended to.
He nodded, “so it's your period, huh? It's ok, you can still blow me, ” he shrugged.
“No! It's about you being all over the other girls. All. The. Damn. Time. Every time I see you, a girl is hanging on your shoulder.” you said.
“Oh my god, y/n, you are the most dramatic woman I've ever met. Have you never had a friendly conversation before?” he scoffed.
“I've had plenty of conversations with other boys, and I didn't have my hand on their thigh the entire conversation,” you said.
“God, just calm down; why are you so emotional?” he sighed.
“why aren't you so emotional. Why aren't you worried that you made me sad? Do you even care?” you sniffled.
“Of course I care, but hon, we need to move past this. It's stupid, and I haven't really done anything wrong. It's fine, ” Sirius smiled, pulling at the waistband of your pants.
“Get off me, ” you groaned, pushing him away by his head.
“Ow ow ow y/n the hair! That hurts!” he whined.
You gave it an extra tug before storming into your dorm.
By the end of the night, your pillow was wet with tears and sticky with snot. You threw the cover off of it before washing your face. The cold water felt heavenly against your watery, itchy eyes and irritated nose. A couple of shaky deep breaths stilled your cries as you fell into the sweet release of sleep.
However, the morning was hell. The whispers and laughter were horrible. The sympathetic looks were even worse.
‘I don't need to be coddled; I'm not made of glass.’ you huffed to yourself.
You sat down at the y/ho table and began to eat. You felt a hot presence next to you.
“Hello, Dabi, ” you said dully.
“Hey princess, finally ditched dog breath, I see, ” he said with a grin.
“Yeah, why do you care?” you asked, stabbing your pancake aggressively.
“Because I take broken girls and manipulate them into doing whatever I want over a week because I'm so good at gaslighting. Got that from my dad, ” he winks.
Your brain loaded for a second, “excuse me, you what?”
“You heard me, sugar. But we both know you're much too smart and much too pretty for it,” Dabi said, leaning in.
“This is literally part of gaslighting Dabi, ” you laughed.
“Shut up, or it won't work, ” he whispered.
“Ah, alright, I'm so flattered that I'm special and your feelings are real, ” you said in a robotic voice.
“Ha!” he laughed, “you're not bad y/n we should be friends, ” he said.
You nodded, smiling, “alright.” making friends had always been hard for you so to have this opportunity fall in your lap was a blessing.
“Um, but my other friend is-” he started.
“Weird?” you interrupted.
“Um yeah, you could say that. Not to Tomura's face, but you could say that” he smiled
(and that ^^ is what happens when you forget to turn the writer's block sub back on)
A couple of days passed. Tomura kept to himself mostly. Calling him and Dabi friends was a stretch; they were enemies who enjoyed each other's company was the best way to describe it.
However, when Tomura did come around for the first time, he was obviously anxious, taking off his gloves and scratching his neck more than usual, leaving red marks.
(we need to have soft Tomura moments, but cannonly he would be a Slytherin and act the part, but I just need more of him being baby)
At one point, you simply yanked his hand away from his neck (by his arm, obviously). He stared at you, and for a second, you thought you were done for.
But his look turned to one of adoration, and he hasn't left you alone since. No one had done anything like that for him, which was... Surprising since it was literally the bare minimum. Nevertheless, he followed you around like a lost puppy dog.
He ate with you, read with you, partnered up with you (leaving a very annoyed Dabi to fend for himself). You could've easily discouraged him by ignoring him, but you felt bad for him. If you were honest, it felt good for someone to finally need you. And he really was a sweet boy. He just needed someone to talk to.
And not in a hurl-playful-insults type of way. He would talk to you about his hobbies, his favorite muggle games, everything. It made your heart warm. He kept his gloves on a lot more which made teachers and students alike sigh in relief.
Usually, he'd leave at least one hand free as a sort of “ill disintegrate your ass if you piss me off” way. But he wanted to be careful around you.
“y/n?” he said, sitting beside you.
“Yes, Tomura?” you smiled, closing your book. You learned quickly that if you weren't giving him your undivided attention, he would get discouraged and moody.
“There's a dance on Friday, ” he said, looking at you.
You really didn't understand where this was going. Sirius has never asked you to dance. He just got ready and dragged you with him until he found another girl to dance with.
You nodded, “yeah are you taking someone?”
“N-no, but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” he asked timidly.
“Id love to, anything for you, my friend ” you smiled.
It was rare that someone gave him something he wanted without the threat of instant death. Even if it was just as friends, he was thrilled.
“And I, ” Dabi interrupted, “ want both of you to hang out with me. Because everyone else is “scared ill light them on fire”? What bullshit, ” he muttered.
“You would, Mr. anger issues. They have a good reason to be sacred. Most of us don't want to be toasted like a marshmallow, ” Tomura shot back, beginning to engage in their usual banter.
And so the night ended with laughter, but for Sirius, things hadn't been as fun.
“You miss her! Admit it!” James cried.
Sirius punched the wall, “yes! Yes, I fucking do, James! Ok! I get it! But her new “friends” will literally cremate me if I get close to her! And one of them is basically obsessed with her.” he huffed, “such a creep, ”
Remus grabbed Sirius by the shoulders, “I'm a nice guy, but Sirius, you did this to yourself. Even after she told you about how she felt you made...you made...” he pinched the bridge of his nose, “I still can't believe you made a fucking period joke!”
“Jeez, Rem, it wasn't a joke, ” he said.
“Sirius, ” James said, “that's even worse,”
“Even James knows what he's doing, Sirius!” Remus cried, “ladies-man, my ass, you don't know what you're doing!”
“Girls like assholes, ” he shrugged. “I was born for this, ”
“At least he's self-aware, ” Remus muttered
“If she liked assholes like you, Sirius, she’d be fucking Dabi right now, ” James said.
“Make it up to her, ” Remus said, pushing him out of the room, “like right now!”
Sirius muttered something about a ‘burnt piece of toast looking man’ before sulking down the stairs.
He dragged his feet to the y/ho common room. The girls were like mosquitoes; they were bearable at first, but now they were really fucking annoying.
Sirius let out an audible sigh when he saw you weren't there, alerting everyone of his presence. And so the mosquitoes swarmed him again.
“Oh my god, get off, ” he finally groaned, pushing away from the group of pouting girls.
He dragged his feet up the stairs to your dorm, peeking in to make sure your personal blow torch wasn't there. What he did see pissed him off. More than anything ever had.
There you were with Shigaraki dabbing lotion on the scratches and taking care of him. He should be the only one you took care of. Him and only him. Hell, he would kill the wrinkly bastard if he had to. Take him away so you would only fall for him. Only him. He'd get rid of Dabi too. It didn't fucking matter to him.
The only thing that stopped him was the realization that, in a way, he sounded just like his parents—mindless killing. He swallowed his pride and knocked on the door.
“What's up, you fiery bastard?” you called to who you assume was Dabi.
“A fiery what?” Sirius called back.
You tensed, and Tomura placed a gloved hand on yours, squeezing softly.
“Come in, ” you said glumly.
“Hey, um, I just came in here to apologize and see if you wanted to go to that dance with me?” he asked.
Tomura reached a hand to his neck, but before he could start, you grabbed his arm again.
“Hey, what did we talk about? No scratching. I don't want you hurting yourself, Tomu, ” you said quietly.
The nickname hit him like a truck; he loved it. He loved it more than anything on earth. He loved you more than anything on earth- no, more than anything in any galaxy.
“Sirius, I’m already taking someone to the dance. And they're a lot nicer than you. So, kindly, fuck off.”
His eyes widened, and his mouth almost dropped open, “who?” he said.
“None of your business, ” you scowled.
“They'll never love you the way I did, sweetie. You know that. I'm the only one who could really love you.” he cooed.
Tomura was filled with rage, but he clenched his hand at his side instead of scratching. He didn't want to disappoint you.
“Y-you love me?” you whisper.
“Of course I do baby, I love my girl more than anything on earth, ” he smiled, but it never reached his eyes.
“Whos gonna love you better than I can, huh?” he asked, “nobody, that's who, ”
His lips moved of his own accord, “You're wrong, ” Tomura said.
“Oh yeah?” he growled, “who? Blow torch boy?”
“No, ” he said, standing up and taking a breath, “me, ”
Sirius just looked at him and laughed, “please, you'll fucking kill her. Literally. What will she do with gloved hands? They can't touch you like mine do, baby, ”
That snapped you right out of your trance, “oops, I must have forgotten that you're missing a brain, Black. You only think with your dick, which, by the way, isn't even that great.”
“And for your information, as long as he has one finger covered, he can touch me, ” you huffed, standing up as well.
This was it, the moment Shigaraki had waited for; it should have been more romantic and without your ex, but still, this was it. Someone cleared their throat from behind Sirius.
“You're blocking the door, dog breath. Get out of the way or say goodbye to your eyebrows, ” Dabi said.
He moved reluctantly, and Dabi flopped down on your bed.
“If you're gonna take this asshole back, you should gimme a chance. I bet I fuck better than him, ” he smirked.
“We’ll talk later without these assholes—astronomy tower. 3:00 am,” Sirius mumbled before shutting the door.
You wrapped your arms around Tomura, rubbing his back.
“I'm not going. Don't worry, ” you said, knowing how anxious Tomura was.
He nodded and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.
“Wait, wait, wait a fucking minute. Did I miss a season? Can I have a fucking recap?” Dabi groaned.
And so, you talked late into the night with an arm around Tomura and a very angry Dabi who was sent into the bathroom to take a cold shower after almost burning your bed.
Sirius waited for over an hour for you at the tower. He stomped on the roses, pulling off each petal before throwing them off the tower.
“Those assholes, ” he growled, breathing heavily, “I'll kill them. I'll fucking kill them both of them, ” he rambles for a good thirty minutes before stomping down the stairs.
He slammed the door to his dorm open.
“She didn't fucking show that fucking asshole stole her from me, and I'm gonna kill them both of them and make her all mine, ” he rambled.
“Merlin Siri, calm down. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life in Azkaban (😳), you'd better get ahold of yourself.” James yawned.
“For the love of god, go to fucking sleep, Sirius. She's not vanishing tomorrow.” Remus groaned.
“You're a genius!” Sirius shouted.
“Oh my god. Sirius, no. Bad dog. Don't kidnap girls you like... Or well are obsessed with. Love is a stretch, ” Remus said, going back to sleep.
But come morning, you were not, in fact, at breakfast.
Sirius almost vomited when he saw you with your arms around Tomura. Tomura Shigaraki, the perpetual thorn in his side. He carefully lifted you and carried you to a small closet no one but him even knew about before binding and gagging you. He thought it was so sweet. Waking up slowly, not knowing where you are.
When you're y/e/c eyes met his, your face contorted into disgust. It broke his heart to watch his brainwashed little girl so mad at him.
He stroked your cheek, “Oh baby girl, I hope you can clear your mind from all the silly things they told you. It would be lovely if it were before the dance, but... A two-day timeframe may not do the trick.” he tutted, placing a kiss on your nose.
You tried to squirm away but just backed yourself into a corner. Sirius muttered a silencing charm before removing the gag.
“Dabi is gonna burn you to bits, Sirius, ” you growled.
“Whatever makes you happy, my love, you are allowed to think. Even if you're oh so wrong. Even if I know they don't care for you the way I do, ” he cooed.
“Oh my god, Tomura is gonna flip, ” you said, “shit, I hope he's ok, I hope he doesn't think I just left him, ” tears brimmed your eyes.
“What if he hurts himself? Oh god, Sirius, please let me go, ” you pleaded.
“No can do, sweetheart, ” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips as you tried to turn away.
It felt like days, even though it was only a couple of hours. Sirius kept telling you that only he loved you. How a silly little girl like you could never survive without him. That no one else wanted you this way.
But finally, after dozens of prayers to whoever's listening, James and Remus opened the door.
“What are you doing here?” Sirius cried, “you'll ruin it! Everything I've worked for! You weren't even supposed to know where we were!”
“We have a fucking map, Sirius. This is so creepy. You're so creepy. Get out of here, man.” Said James as he pulled him out by his hair.
Remus made quick work of the knots before setting you free. After giving them both two quick hugs, you rushed to breakfast. Your eyes scanned the hall for light blue or spiky black hair. You found the latter first.
“Hey Dabi, where's Tomura, ” you asked.
“Wouldn't you like to know, ” he sneered over his coffee.
“Yes, I would like to fucking know flame boy, ” you said.
“How can you just leave in the middle of the night and demand to know where he is?” he said, slamming a fist on the table.
“Cause I was taken from my bed by a psycho and spent the last couple hours trapped in a closet!” you whisper shouted, showing him the rope marks.
“I'm gonna incinerate him; he's in your dorm still. Didn't wanna leave.” Dabi whispered.
The walk back to the y/ho dorms felt excruciatingly long. When you finally burst through the door, your heart broke. There was Tomura nearly shaking, crying softly with bleeding scratches on his neck.
You crouched in front of him, reaching up to touch his face before he grabbed your arm.
“You left, ” he whispered, “was it for him? Please just tell the truth,”
“I didn't want to Tomu, ” you said, “He took me, and I couldn't stop him. He put me in a closet, and the whole time, I was thinking about you nonstop. I was worried, and I missed you. I just wanted you. You make me feel so safe, darling,”
He pulled you into his chest by your arm; you never realized how strong he was. He made slow circles on your back with his finger.
“It's ok, ” he whispered, “it's ok, ” he too saw the marks from the rope on your wrist.
(how do I fucking end this. Do I kill off Sirius? AH, I know).
The days felt shorter with Dabi and Tomura by your side. Suddenly it was the day of the dance. You woke up to soft kisses on the back of your neck.
“Good morning, love, ” you said sleepily.
“Good morning to you too, y/n, ” he whispered.
The day went by quickly; the teachers gave up on teaching, and before you know it, you were slipping on your dress.
Your hands clenched into fists as you walked past Sirius, feeling his eyes on you. You were too scared to tell anyone. And who would they believe? The golden boy who was the purest kindest family member, or you?
You felt his eyes on you as a burnt and stapled arm wrapped around your shoulders. He pointed to a very nervous Tomura.
“Please, for the love of god y/n calm the man down, ” he said.
The closer you got, the more you blushed; he was amazing. He was the most beautiful boy you’d ever seen. You stopped in your tracks as a girl stopped to talk to him.
This was it; it was the end; it was happening again. But instead, Tomura shook his head, and the girl walked away. You ran over to him (as fast as your shoes allowed) and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You pressed a soft kiss to his neck, “you're so amazing, ” you whispered
His arms wrapped around your waist, “I'm happy you think so, my dear, ” he smiled.
And you spent the night dancing as Sirius broke the glass he was holding in his hand. But he'd get you again someday, he knew it.
This was long. This was pathetic. This was horrible. The was unrealistic. This was cringe-worthy. This was dramatic. I should probably make a side account. It all started with a playlist on my recommended and idk which mental illness caused this or if I'm just dramatic, but my brain immediately latched on to this burnt piece of toast, and after watching the show, this wrinkly psycho. It's been hard to write, period. But also hard to write Sirius, but I will power through, I promise.
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ddagent · 3 years
Jaime tries to surprise Brienne for Valentine’s Day with a romantic dinner in her apartment and has to contend with her curious pet cat.
Thank you for the prompt, Anon! I hope you enjoy my take on it. 
Jaime quickly realised why Brienne did not allow people back into her apartment. 
Ever since Brienne had started at King’s Landing University a year ago, it had been a running joke. At first, they’d assumed she was shy. Recently returning from an archaeological dig in Ancient Valyria, Professor Tarth was competent if not compelling. But as the year had gone on and she had insistently turned down offers to host the weekly moderation-slash-potluck, a different kind of pot had started. Bodies in the freezer, a partner she didn’t want anyone to meet, truly horrendous taste in furniture...these theories and many more were bandied about by the department. Jaime had never much cared until he and Brienne had grown closer and yet...still no invitation. 
He could see why now. 
“Hello...” he murmured in a low voice to the half-foot tall dragon that had backed him into a corner. “Aren’t you a...pretty thing.”
In truth, the dragon was reminiscent of the beautiful drawings Jaime and his brother, Tyrion, had poured over as children. Black, bottomless eyes; scales the colour of molten gold that shifted red in the light. It was a thing of beauty – and power. He had worked on sites where the dragons of old had decimated the population. He had dug up the bodies of the Dragon Queen’s victims near Highgarden; had examined the shields burnt black with flame. But this was not the fully-fledged dragons that had resurged during the War of the Three Queens. This was barely bigger than a cat. 
“Now, now, little one,” he said, rising to his feet slowly. “I am just going to take a step towards the door and go home. That’s all.”
But as he turned towards Brienne’s front door, abandoning the groceries he had brought to make a romantic Maiden’s Day feast, he realised there was more than one. Two other dragons stood in his path. The first had blue scales almost the same shade of Brienne’s eyes; the other was jet black and seemed to stare into Jaime’s very soul. He edged forwards towards the door, hoping he could evade them, when his foot caught on the rug. 
Sprawling across the floor, Jaime’s head hit hardwood. As six dragons focussed into three, he watched with terror as they approached his face. “Oh, fuck.” He didn’t want to die like this. Didn’t want Brienne to come home and find him half-eaten by her pets. He’d wanted her to come home from her late class to a romantic dinner. Music, sunflowers, wine. Three little words he’d wanted to say for some time...
“Don’t eat me.”
Brienne checked her phone as she got off the tube and began the slow walk to her apartment. She usually kept her phone off during seminars and one of her students, Podrick, had drawn her into conversation all the way from campus to her home at Visenya’s Hill. But now she was free to look at her phone and the string of messages from Jaime. She’d disliked him immensely at first; found him rude and arrogant if blindingly attractive. But he had a romantic heart under his armour, and she’d found herself softening as they co-taught a class on romanticism in the Dragon Age. 
Jaime ♥: Missed you today in class, Professor. Someone was talking smack about the Blue Knight and I almost, almost sent him to your class so he could learn something.  Jaime ♥: But then I realised, if anyone’s getting sent to your class, it’s going to be ME.  Jaime ♥: Hope your last class goes okay.  Jaime ♥: Oh, and Happy Maiden’s Day, Professor. Want to talk about the historical development of the day as a romantic holiday with our clothes off? 
Brienne laughed, shaking her head at her Jaime. With her late class and his six am tutorials, neither had pushed to make plans. But if Jaime wanted her to come over, she certainly would oblige. 
Jaime ♥: There’s a romantic surprise waiting at your apartment, Professor. You should come and unwrap it ;)
Eyes widening, Brienne stared at Jaime’s last message. “No, no, no, no, no...” Shoving her phone back into her bag, Brienne sprinted the last few streets to her apartment. 
While taking part in a dig in Ancient Valyria, Brienne had uncovered three dragon eggs perfectly preserved. The dig’s leader, a particularly odious man by the name of Randyll Tarly, had declared them nothing more than tourist trash. He’d encouraged her to throw them aside. Something had called to Brienne, however, and she’d kept the eggs. Vindication and validation had quickly followed. 
Along with three carnivorous pets. 
Pushing her way through the front door of her apartment building, Brienne skipped the lift and threw herself up the three flights of stairs. Her place was at the far end of the corridor; light and soft music floating underneath the door. Maybe he hadn’t found them. Maybe they’d remained in the spare bedroom with the chew toys. Maybe—
“Here we go, Gerion; that’s a good boy. How does that taste?”
Brienne stepped into her apartment to find Jaime Lannister cooking a romantic meal with her three dragons sitting atop the counter. Gerion, with his golden scales, jumped up to catch the pieces of steak Jaime was throwing from the pan. Elenei, who reminded Brienne of the waters of Tarth, had her head in Jaime’s oven glove. Galladon was butting a sunflower from a nearby bouquet with his head. 
“Brienne!” He grinned, threw another slice of steak to Gerion to catch, before crossing the distance to take her hands in his. “First of all, I want to apologise for breaking into your apartment. I thought it would be charming and romantic.”
“You can see why I haven’t invited anyone round.”
“Of course. I honestly thought they were going to eat me to start with. But then they just started licking my face and chewing on my shoelaces, and here we are.” He rubbed his thumbs over the inside of her wrists and placed a featherlight kiss to her lips. “Happy Maiden’s Day, Brienne. There’s half-eaten flowers on the kitchen island and dinner is nearly ready.”
Brienne nodded, approaching the scene with trepidation, as Jaime returned to the stove. A romantic dinner for two had been set up in the living room: candles, romantic music, an expensive bottle of wine. Sunflowers lay strewn across the floor, and half of their dinner looked like it had been devoured by her dragons. Brienne’s journals, detailing their growth and activities, lay open near the sink. Jaime had clearly done his reading. 
“Now, Elenei, I’m going to need those gloves back. I’m not impervious to heat or fire.” The dragon playfully nipped at Jaime’s fingers before jumping down from the kitchen top to attack Jaime’s expensive loafers. “Gerion, I can’t feed you any more; I’m sorry. But if you’re a good boy, I’ll let you have some marshmallows later.” 
“You brought marshmallows?”
Jaime nodded. “And other things we could dip in chocolate. Thought it would be romantic.”
As he ushered Galladon off the counter so he could plate their dinner, Brienne was overwhelmed by how lucky she was. Anyone else would have called the Gold Cloaks. But not Jaime. He treated them as if they were just exotic pets that Brienne had around the house rather than the fire-breathing, life-destroying monsters they would grow up to be. He smiled at her, as warm as always, and pulled out a seat for her to take at their romantic table for two. 
“I love you.”
Jaime’s grin split from ear to ear. Her dragons, who had seemingly taken to Jaime quicker than she had, puffed in approval. “I love you, too.”
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
After Hours
Bryan Kneef x Reader. NSFW. For holiday bingo: very, very loosely “ugly sweater.” But it’s my bingo, sooo, c’est la vie. Follow-up to “The Trip” and “The Trip, Pt. 2.” Bryan makes good on a promise to reader.
WC: 3010 
You were surprised when you and Bryan flew back into Chicago that he did not make immediately good on his promise to fuck you in the office. In fact, it seemed that Bryan was done with you – he was all business in the office, no pleasure. You watched with secret jealousy and longing as he flirted and charmed everyone in the office – with the exception of Diane, of course. You even tried to dress a little nicer in the office, in hopes that he would notice. You tried to even bring up a novice mistake Diane had made in court and it was met with a curt smile and raised brows that screamed ‘are we done here?’
That all changed one late evening in the Firm’s copy center. A partner in your own right, you had your own stockpile of paralegals to call on handle whatever you needed. But it was late – and it was the holidays. Unlike other attorneys, it felt cruel to keep them burning the midnight oil. You had worked for asshole bosses like that when you were a paralegal many moons ago and you always vowed to not do that if you ever became an attorney.
You were fiddling around the printer, nary a soul in sight. The overhead lighting was awfully bright and it was emanating a hum. The monstrous printer was jammed and you could not figure out why it was still jammed even though you had removed the stuck paper. Your heels ached and throbbed from the day and with not even an afterthought, you took them off, leaving your feet bare – but still in stockings.
Your frustration was mounting and you decided to kick the machine, which somehow kickstarted the machine back to life, spitting out an obscene amount of pages as if it were confetti. You hit stop and gathered the paper from the floor. Finding some useable pages, you pumped the air victoriously before going back to your office. You remained sans shoes, enjoying how the floor felt against your feet. You spotted a ‘wet floor’ sign ahead and with a weary sigh, you slipped your heels back on, groaning.
Your heels clacked down the hallway to your office, echoing loudly with each step on the marbled floor. You paused in your step, when you realized despite your dim office and surroundings, that Bryan was in your office. He was leaning against the doorway, waiting with a drink in one hand and a cigar in another.
“Bryan? What are you doing here?” You asked, pushing past him. You stood at your desk, and continued to bind your courtesy copies, so it could be picked up by the messenger in the morning and be hand delivered to court.
Bryan cocked his head and swept his eyes over you, taking in your form. Your shirt was untucked from your pencil skirt, but it was not long enough to hide your form, with shapely and curvy hips and thighs. Bryan had been with his share of women – and men – but there was something about a person with curves that he was always a sucker for. There was something about how a bit softer they were, the way a pair of thicker thighs would feel against his hands as his hips crashed against them – something the way a pair of big tits spilled over his hands as his mouth nipped and sucked on them. He loved watching their tits bounce as they rode him or how his fingers sunk into their luscious hips as he took them from behind.
And ever since you and he fucked at the conference, which basically was almost every night until you both flew home, he could not get you out of his mind. He tried to keep things back to business but even weeks later, there you were still, from work meetings to partner votes.
At one meeting in particular, he sat next to you and he had to will himself to not slip his hand up your dress from under the desk. That then led to the image of you under his desk sucking him off. He ended up having to take matters into his own hands and rub one out that afternoon in his office.
He took notice at how you upped your appearance – skirts that hugged your shapely hips and (in his opinion, ugly) sweaters with a v-neck which showed off the swells of your tits. Your lips were always decorated in some kind of bold color and he could imagine those soft pillowy lips around his cock. The promise in Florida haunted him and he decided to make good on those words.
“I was on a settlement call with Tokyo when I noticed your office lights. I never see you here this late.” Bryan replied, his voice low and gravelly. The smell of the cigar burning – which to you smelled like coffee and surprisingly burnt marshmallow filled the air. The combination of that and his cologne sent your senses into overdrive.
“I am finishing up on some courtesy copies and then heading home.” You replied, continuing to work, avoiding his eyes.
“There’s a hundred paralegals in this place – you should offload that to one of them.” Bryan replied, taking a sip of his drink. He shut the door behind him before sitting down in front of your desk and kicking his legs up.
You shot him a look. “It’s fine – it’s humbling at least. You should always know how to do the mundane tasks – it makes you a better manager when you can relate to your subordinates.”
Bryan rolled his eyes and puffed on his cigar. “Sure, whatever you say.”
“Are you here to just antagonize me or…?” You asked, now placing your hands on your hips. You gave him an unyielding glare to which he responded with a dangerous smile. Your glare softened, feeling very much like prey being hunted. You swallowed hard, feeling your stomach knot up.
“What if it’s or?” Bryan asked, his voice laced with lust. He swung his legs off the desk and placed the drink and cigar on your desk before standing and walking over to you. A sound rumbled from his chest and you froze in your spot as he took place behind you.
Your eyes met his. There was palpable tension and you’d wonder who’d crack first. You got your answer quickly as he pressed himself lewdly against your buttocks; you could feel his hard bulge.
Bryan’s large hands gripped the tops of your arms and he nuzzled your neck, his beard tickling your skin and further heightening the feelings of arousal that were beginning to stir. You let out a soft sigh in response, nearly sinking back into him. 
“Remember what I said in Florida?” Bryan whispered into your ear. He nipped your ear playfully which caused you to shudder. His mouth found the slope of your neck and he sucked a deep mark on your skin, before using his teeth to nip some more. Your eyes fluttered shut..
“Yes.” You half moaned. You could feel your heartbeat and pulse quicken as Bryan soothed the bruised skin with his warm, wet tongue.
Bryan ran his hands down your arms and then to the curves of your hips trailing down until he got to the hem. Your breathing began to quicken in anticipation of what he’d do next. Bryan let out a growl as he pushed up your skirt and discovered you were wearing stockings with peacock feather lace tops which were held up with blush colored garters. Finishing the look was a matching blush pink thong panty.
“My, my… is this for me?” Bryan murmured against your skin. You slowly turned around and looked down, meeting his eyes, which were blown with lust.
“Yes. It’s all for you.” You admitted, averting your eyes briefly.
Bryan stood and faced you, using his index finger to tilt your face to his. “I fucking knew it.” Bryan whispered. “Your daddy’s little slut Y/N.”
“Yes, daddy.” You replied weakly, dizzy with desire.
Bryan pulled you into a kiss. Your mouths mashed against one another’s, your tongues rolling around and exploring each other’s mouths. You could taste the alcohol and cigar smoke and you moaned as he sucked in your bottom lip. You ran your hands through his thick hair and his hands grabbed at your ass, rolling the fat between his fingers.
“Is this what you want?” Bryan asked as he pressed your body closer to his; you could feel his erection against your stomach.
You ran your hands down to his collar and tugged him down. Bryan followed your lead as you hoisted yourself onto your desk, not caring at all that that objects on your desk fell over to the floor. Bryan made quick work of undoing the buttons of your blouse and spreading it open. His hand ran down your sternum before he reached down to the cups of your bra, your breasts popping out. His mouth immediately latched onto a nipple, rolling his tongue over a hardened bud. He used his free hand to pinch and roll your other nipple. Your head lolled at the sensations, your body was warm with increasing desire. He switched his mouth to your other nipple, sucking and nipping harder than he did to the other one, causing you to whine.
“I need to hear it Y/N. Or this all stops.” Bryan growled against your flesh before using his teeth to graze a nipple.
“Yes.” You finally managed to choke the words to describe your assent. “Fuck me.”
Bryan stood straight, his eyes taking in your appearance. Your hair was fanned out on the desk, your tits exposed, and your skirt pushed up to your waist, legs spread. The garter straps were strained along your skin as the elasticity was pushed to its limits. He undid the hooks and then stretched your legs wider. He felt his some primal urge swell deep inside at the very noticeable wet spot on your panties.
He bent down so that he was on his knees; his breath was warm against your soaking cunt, and you were desperate to relieve the aching in between your legs. He cupped your clothed pussy with his palm. “You’re so wet.” Bryan noted, a pleased lilt in his voice. He slipped a finger in and he let out his own groan of satisfaction at how easily it sunk in. Your cunt gripped his finger tightly and you sighed in relief at the feeling of his finger stroke you. 
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, your back arching off the desk at the sensation. Bryan’s tongue lapped one long hard strip from your opening up to your clit, the wet, warm muscle circling your bundle of nerves before his lips closed around it.  You groaned, murmuring Bryan’s name with praise. You grabbed at your own flesh, pinching and tugging on your nipples, as you felt your orgasm begin to build.
Now two fingers pressed at your core, slowly sinking inside, curling them and stroking your sweet spot while his thumb rubbed your clit. You couldn’t think straight, all you could focus on was the orgasm that was bubbling in the pit of your stomach and desperate for release. Your chest was heaving, a light sweat breaking out everywhere.
Bryan worked your orgasm alternating with his mouth and fingers. You were on the edge teetering, just about to let go and fall off. He could feel you clenching around his fingers. Bryan’s hot mouth was back to abusing your clit with such vigor.  
“Oh god, oh god, I am going to cum!” You sobbed. His fingers curled to your g-spot again, and the feeling was even more intense than usual.
“Come for me like a good girl.” Bryan commanded. Your body obediently obeyed. You wailed his name as you fell apart, this orgasm different from any other you had, practically shooting out. Your pussy clenched over his fingers and a warm, wet liquid emanated from your body.
Bryan groaned, as he buried his face against you before sucking your clit once more, coming off with a wet squelch. You lay there shuddering, completely dazed at what just happened. Bryan pulled you up and kissed you hard. His beard was soaked and you could smell and taste yourself on his beard.
“Never made a woman squirt before. That was fucking hot.” Bryan rumbled, as lecherous grin spread over his bearded mouth.
“Is that what it was?” You asked, reaching up to touch his soaked beard in amazement.
Bryan nodded. “I have watched enough porn to know that was definitely that.” You leaned up to kiss Bryan again. He kissed you softly this time as he undid the buckle of his pants. Bryan’s lips remained on yours as he used his hands to push down his pants and boxers, releasing his hard cock. You moved to bend and return the favor, but Bryan shook his head. He waved his index finger around. “On your back, facing me.”
You gave him a curious look but did as told. Your head was to the edge of the desk and watched near upside down as Bryan pumped his cock. The air was erotically charged; seeing his hard cock – knowing you were the reason it was the way it was – made you feel powerful. Some cum wept out and he used that as lubrication as he pumped his cock. You bit your lip once more to stifle a moan as you snaked your own hand down to rub your clitoris.
Bryan ended with his head near your head; his cock sticking up gloriously straight in the air. It gave him a beautiful if upside-down view of your face and breasts. You leaned your head over the edge and he leaned forward into your mouth. Bryan thrusted in and out your mouth, relishing in the feel of your tongue on his erection. His cock felt heavy and delicious, stretching your mouth. Bryan cupped your breasts again as he continued thrusting in and out of your mouth. You sucked the pre-cum that dripped out from the slit in the head of his cock. The salty taste flooded your mouth. Bryan grunted as your tongue, soft and warm, swiveled over his cock. You licked every ridge and meaty vein before you hollowed your cheeks to suck him harder. You spread your legs wantonly and continued to pump your fingers, in and out and in again.
Bryan grunted as he leaned further to cover your hand, guiding you as you pleasured yourself. You slipped your fingers out and Bryan sucked them clean before slipping his thick fingers in, replacing yours. You moaned against his cock once and the vibrations caused Bryan’s hips to jerk in response. Your hands wrapped against the backs of his thighs. You could feel him getting close - the sinewy muscles in his thighs were twitching and trembling. Bryan stumbled backwards, leaving your mouth and aching pussy empty.  
You let out a sound of frustration as Bryan walked over to the other side. You thought he’d might climb the desk and fuck you, but instead, he pulled you down to standing. You felt light-head as the blood rushed back down from your head. He pulled down your panties and he began to stroke himself against your soaked pussy. Over and over he rubbed his cock along your folds and swollen cit. It was rousing and lewd, the filthy act of him using you to get himself off, as if you were his own personal sex doll. You hooked your arms around his neck and began to undulate your hips, rubbing yourself equally on his thick, hard cock. It didn’t take long and Bryan groaned, shuddering against you as he came along your mound and panties in thick, hot, white, creamy ropes.
Bryan took a step back to survey the damage done – there you were, standing with your tits hanging out, your hair askew, and your panties ruined with your release as well as his. Bryan gathered some of his release onto his finger and offered it to you. You sucked in his finger, as if you were mimicking the blow job you had just given him. Your want and desire had grown exponentially and your pussy ached to be filled up and wrecked by his monster cock.
“In due time.” Bryan spoke. “We’ll continue at the New Years party.”
“Excuse me?” You asked. “We’re not…?”
Another grin appeared. Bryan reached and pulled up your panties until they were back on and he rubbed your clothed mound, that was full of his cum and your own messy release.
Bryan stood back and tucked himself. He pressed one last kiss to your lips. “New Year’s. I’ll pick you up at 7.”
You nodded. “Okay.” Seeing your disappointed look, Bryan kissed you once more. “Good girls get rewarded with daddy’s cum. So be good for me. Or else.”
Arousal shot through your body at his promise and threat. “Ok daddy.”
“Good.” Bryan replied with a wink. He turned to leave, with a very certain swag in his walk. You were now alone, in complete disarray of the evening’s events. But you had to admit, having his come in your panties made you feel completely defiled; you could hardly wait for New Year’s Eve.
Soon enough.
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @caked-crusader @rachelxwayne @prurientpuddlejumper @lv7867 @permanentlydizzy @bisexual-dreamer02 @madamsnape921 @averyhotchner @teamsladsandgents
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Jolly sailor bold || K.H
Summary: What if the unbelievable beauty of a man caught an ettention of a mythical species?
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Siren 
Words: I’ll let you know ( 2958 )
Genre: Miscellaneous, Fluff
⚠  mythical creature!au ⚠
A/N: This is something different, I hope you enjoy 💖
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ᴄʀ: ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱʙᴀʙᴇᴇ
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 'my jolly sailor bold’
  Hongjoong’s heard perked up as he looked around for the exquisite song. He stopped for a second and became more attentive to all the sounds surrounding him, trying to listen once more to the beautiful voice, but all he could discern was the sound of the leaves hitting against each other.
   “Hongjoong what are you doing?”
   The aforementioned male snapped back to reality and his gaze locked on his friend, who stared at him with a confused expression. 
   “You didn’t hear that?”
   Seonghwa cocked his head to the side, as if asking ‘hear what?’. Hongjoong sighed and looked down at the ground, as he resumed his walk.
   “Nevermind, let’s just head back…”
   Seonghwa gave him a judging look but walked alongside him anyway. 
    The younger male couldn’t take the melody off of his head as they headed back to camp. It was so… perfect. It was a lullaby-like song that anyone would be enticed and hypnotized by. There was no reason for the man to feel like this, he had heard beautiful voices countless times during his career, so why did he want to hear that particular one, over, and over and over again?
    As the night went on and the sky became painted with stars, he slowly became more addicted to the song.
    “Hongjoong what the fuck are you singing? You’ve been singing that one line for hours now.” Yeosang asked as he threw more fire in the wood.
    The short male was brought back to reality, and he pouted as he realized his marshmallow was way past burnt. He sighed and threw the soft snack into the fire.
    “I don’t know, I heard someone sing it…” He explained, as he placed another marshmallow on his stick and approached it to the firepit.
    The rest of the members didn’t quite appreciate the ominosity of Hongjoong’s statement.
    “You heard someone sing it? Like, here? In the middle of the woods? Should we be scared?” Wooyoung asked, moving his hands in circles, gesturing to all of the area surrounding them.
     Yunho reassuringly placed his palm on Wooyoung’s thigh, and squeezed it.
    “Don’t worry, we’re fine. This lake is famous for being big, a lot of people come by.”
   Wooyoung looked at the older male and pursed his lips together, as he nodded slowly. His eyes focused back on the fire.
    “I guess you’re right.”
    There were a couple of seconds of silence, before Seonghwa spoke up, remembering the scene from before.
     “Was it that what you heard when we were coming back here from the van?”
     “Yeah, it’s weird but it sounded like it came from the lake…” Hongjoong replied, recollecting all of the details from the afternoon.
     Jongho furrowed his eyebrows.
    “The lake? It’s October, who would go for a dip in the middle of Autumn?”
    “You know as much as me, but it was a girl’s voice and-”
    “Oh, that’s what this is about, a girl.” San joked, poking his older friend’s side. 
    Surely enough, San earned a slap to the back of the head for mocking him like that. Hongjoong, on the other hand, sighed and stood up.
    “I think I’m going to sleep, I’m tired of having this song in my head playing on repeat, good night.” He said, finally, as he popped one last marshmallow in his mouth, then licking all of the remainings off of his fingers.
    He went into the tent he shared with Seonghwa and Mingi (he had lost rock, paper, scissors and to his dismay, that would mean they would have to sleep alongside the messy, fidgety giant) and laid on the not-so-comfortable thin mattress they had brought for the sake of Mingi’s back. 
    Hongjoong groaned as he laid on his side and pulled the sleeping bag over his body. 
    “Ok now, sleep.” The male mumbled to himself.
    And after a long day of cooking, setting up camp, and carrying things back and forward from the van, the tiredness got the best of him and he fell asleep in no time. The deep slumber lasted no longer than three hours, however. 
     He woke up suddenly and sat up straight in the mattress. It was completely dark. The light from the fire outside was no more and he was met with two sleeping bodies beside him. Hongjoong was wide awake, and the voice that had relentlessly haunted his thoughts now called for him with the continuation of the beautiful song he yearned to hear again. There was no explaining what got over him, but Hongjoong just… followed the voice. And, as if it was controlling him, the male quietly exited the tent and walked through the thick wooded area. 
    All that could be heard were the gusts of wind whistling in the air, some night-birds chirping, and the sound of Hongjoong’s heavy footsteps stepping on dry leaves and sticks. He unknowingly headed to the shore of the lake, and just then, the song got louder and louder, as if it was approaching him. 
   Hongjoong stared at the sparkling moonlit water, and he could swear he saw an enormous fish dive into it, the moonlight reflecting off of its tail. He closed his eyes and breathed in the cold air that hit his face. 
    “My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold there is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold…”
   This… sound. It wasn’t a song anymore, it was and addicting sound that pulled Hongjoong closer and closer. He stepped forward slowly until he fell. 
   His foot slipped on the muddy edge of the land and he fell into the icy water, and just then, it was as if he had woken up from a trance. Hongjoong’s previous calm demeanor was long gone and he was now choking on the sweet water, flailing his arms around in stress and despair. He had difficulty to breathe and it was as if he had forgotten how to swim. Soon enough, he lost all strength in his body, and his vision became blurry. His body started sinking, and he saw less and less. Before everything went dark, however, he felt himself being pulled farther down, but there was nothing he could do.
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  “There he is!” 
   Hongjoong woke up, shivering and in pain, covered in dirt and leaves. He rolled his body so he’d be facing up, but he couldn’t move. Three boys circled around him, and Hongjoong weakly opened his eyes, just to close them again after the extreme sunlight hit his puffy, red eyes.
    “Hongjoong are you okay!? What happened!?” Seonghwa asked, carefully observing his body, afraid that if he touched him, he’d be hurting his leader.
    The older male only got a couple of coughs in response, as Hongjoong couldn’t bring himself to reply. Seonghwa and Jongho exchanged worried glances, before the latter delicately picked up the older, bridal style, and walked back to camp slowly. Once they arrived all eyes turned to them, relieved that they had found Hongjoong, but concerned about his state. 
    Yeosang looked at Yunho, who had also gone with the duo, with a questioning look. The taller shrugged, as none of them knew what had happened. 
    Jongho laid his leader back onto his mattress, and he immediately clung onto the warm sleeping bag.
    They were all worried sick for Hongjoong, but they didn’t want to bother him then. They left the boy and went to sit around the extinguished fire pit. All seven of them were silent. No one could guess what happened. Why did he leave in the middle of the night, why was he by the river, why were his clothes damp, and why couldn’t he move?
    A couple of hours passed until Hongjoong gave another sign of life. 
    The boys were chatting when they were cut off by a loud groan, and some shuffling inside the tent. Seonghwa immediately stood up and walked towards Hongjoong, but when he got near the tent the younger male walked out, limping slightly. 
    “Hey, hey, calm down, I’ll help you out…” 
    Seonghwa put Hongjoong’s arm around his own shoulders and his arm around the smaller’s waist, as he helped him walk to the nearest chair.
    “Hongjoong what happened!?” Mingi questioned as soon as Hongjoong was comfortable.
    The latter threw his head back and sighed. 
    “I… I don’t know. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and walking towards the lake for some reason, I slipped and fell… After that, it’s all blank.” Hongjoong told them, as he recalled the previous night’s events.
    “Why would you go to the lake at night?” Wooyoung asked. 
    “I said I don’t fucking know!” He replied bluntly, becoming frustrated at himself, for not knowing what had happened after desperately trying to remeber the details of his near death experience. 
    It was silent for a while. None of them felt like talking and the small camping trip had kind of been ruined. 
    Hongjoong moved his legs and immediately winced in pain, as his ankles started aching. He found this weird… He could have sprained an ankle, but both?
   He bent over and pulled his joggers up until his calves. His eyes widened, as he noticed a continuous purple mark on his legs, almost as if something had been tightly wrapped around them. The male instantly became afraid, what the fuck had happened!? 
   Hongjoong hid it as quickly as he unraveled it. He really didn’t feel like getting bombarded with questions he didn’t know the answer to.
    His leg wouldn’t stay still. Even though it hurt, he kept bouncing it up and down, biting his lip and staring at the floor, desperately searching for an explanation.
    A fish.
    It could have been a fish. 
    No, it couldn’t… Whatever fish was big enough to do that to his legs, certainly wouldn’t leave him alive. And how would a fish drag him to the shore?
    A person? 
   A person around the sea would explain the singing he had heard!
    But how would they see him? He remembers going down in the lake, how could someone spot him, in the dead of the night, with no light but the moon’s to help them drag Hongjoong out of the lake?
   The situation was slowly driving Hongjoong insane…
   He stood up and started limping towards the infamouslake, however, he was stopped by Yeosang who wouldn’t let him walk another step.
    “Woah woah, where are you going?” 
    Hongjoong sighed and hung his head low.
    “I need to be alone…”
    The boy noticed how Yeosang looked towards the rest of the members, as if asking for permission to let him pass.
    “Come on I’m not a kid… What happened was an accident, I can take care of myself!”
    Much against their will, the boys let him go for his walk. 
    Hongjoong walked for a couple of minutes until he reached his destination. He looked at the shiny water, that had a mix of green and blue colours. 
   He clenched his fists beside his body.
   “Who are you!? What did you do to me!? What the fuck is happening!? Why can no one hear you, why did I come out here, what even are you!?” He yelled out, in pure despair. 
   He was left there, with tears in his eyes and breathing heavily..
   As if on cue, a fishtail popped out of the water. A beautiful, pearly white tail with hues of blue. Hongjoong’s eyes widened.
   It was huge. 
   The water started moving, and there was a trail rapidly heading towards him. Hongjoong stepped back quickly. He tripped on his feet, as he wasn’t in the best of conditions, and winced as he fell on his butt, but it didn’t stop him from backing up against a nearby tree. 
   From the water, a woman-like creature shyly emerged.
   Hongjoong’s eyes were fixated on her. 
   She was of an unbelievable beauty. Big, shiny eyes, completely white, sandy blonde, wavy hair that fell down to her elbows, small lips that always seemed to be puckering, and a sharp chin and jawline. There were small pearls and algae in her entangled hair, and Hongjoong noticed shiny scales coming up her neck.
    She tilted her head slightly, as if waiting for Hongjoong to do something, but he didn’t budge.
    “My jolly sailor boat…” 
    Although she didn’t sing it, she simply said those words, he perfectly recognized them, as they had been playing over and over on his head.
    “Is it… It is! It’s you! B-but what are you!?” 
    There was no correct way to react. He was panicking, he was nervous, yet he was mesmerized and fascinated. 
    She smiled, flaunting her sharp teeth, and showed her enormous tail.
    “A mermaid…” Hongjoong concluded.
    The woman laughed, and somehow even her laugh sounded melodic.
    “A Siren.” She corrected.
    Hongjoong wondered what the difference was, but he didn’t dare ask. He really didn’t want to see what the sharp teeth were for.
    He pulled up his pants once more.
    “D-did you do this?” He asked.
    She nodded, although she looked apologetic.
    “I don’t get it. Were you… going to eat me? Were you going to kill me? Why did you do this?”
    The Siren was silent. She obviously wasn’t of many words… Hongjoong didn’t push it, but he also didn’t say anything else.
    “I was going to…” The gills on her neck flexed as she swallowed.
    “Well, why didn’t you?”
    The questioned amused her. The woman figured that he would run the second he found out about her past intentions, but he remained where he was…
    “Your face.”
    Hongjoong cocked an eyebrow, not quite understand what she meant. He brought his fingers up to his own face, caressing it confusedly.
    “You’re… beautiful. Out of all the men I’ve lured, out of all the men I��ve tricked, I’ve never seen one quite like you. Your features resemble ones of a siren, if I’m being honest. Puckered lips, perfectly shaped nope, sharp jawline… I fell in love with your face, I couldn’t kill you as I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to see you ever again.”
    He was clearly taken aback by the whole situation, but very, very flattered. 
   The two exchanged fiery glances, not sure of what to do next. 
    “My heart is pierced by Cupid…” She began, making Hongjoong close his eyes and lean in, as if that would make him hear better “... I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold.”
    Yes, that was it, that was definitely it. That was the hypnotizing melody he yearned to listen to once more. When he opened his eyes, the Siren was holding herself up, with her torso fully out of the water. Hongjoong could see the membranes between her fingers, the long, threatening fingernails, and the white and blue-ish fins perking out of her arms, moving up and down. 
     “Does my body interest you?” She asked. 
    Hongjoong smirked and carefully approached the Siren.
    “It amazes me…”
    He was a little hesitant as he came closer, but the Siren reassured him.
    “I won’t hurt you, if I wanted to I would have done so.”
    She was right. Hongjoong crawled in her direction, until they were close enough so he could smell the sea in her hair. He knelt in front of the creature, admiring her delicate features up close. Her body and features were all lengthy and scary, but her face, the important element to lure in her prey, that was unbearably alluring. 
     “What’s your name, sailor?” The Siren asked as she inched closer.
     Hongjoong mimicked her actions, and he could soon feel her breathing hitting against his skin.
     “I’m Hongjoong.”
     The Siren ran her fingers up Hongjoong’s half-exposed arm. He expected for it to feel… wet and fishy. But it felt just like another human.
     “I have never kissed a human before…”
     “Well, I’ve never kissed a Siren before…”
    The woman smiled slightly at the joke. When their lips brushed past each other, they pulled away slightly. It was as if there was a spark as they touched… They approached once more, this time fully connecting their lips in what could only be described as the ghastliest, most beautiful kiss. 
     It was as if they belonged like that, astray from their own species, in each other’s embrace. But they knew it wasn’t true. 
    Somehow Hongjoong wasn’t scared when he pulled away and stared into those white eyes. He actually found an odd beauty in them.
    The romantic escapade was cut off by a yelling voice in the distance.
    The male looked behind him. His friend couldn’t be seen, but the sound of leaves and sticks cracking and breaking became louder by the second. 
     “Don’t go!” Hongjoong begged.
     “I mustn’t be seen… Please don’t speak of me!” 
     Hongjoong didn’t want to let her go… He had just found her!
     “Will… Will we see each other again?”
     The woman smiled fondly and she backed away in the water.
     “Come visit me, and call for Aglaope once you reach the lake.”
    Hongjoong only nodded as he watched her sink in the clear blue water.
    “I’ll be thinking of you, my sailor…”
    She completely disappeared, just as Yunho got to his friend.
    “We started getting worried Joong… Let’s head back, this place doesn’t bring great memories.”
    Yunho helped Hongjoong up, who just let himself be maneuvered by the older man, as he was too fixated in the lake.
    They both started walking away, with a casual chatter. 
     Before they left, however, Hongjoong glanced over his shoulder, and he saw the beautiful coloured tail, illuminated by the rays of the sun, wave in the distance. Not a goodbye, but a ‘until some day’.
     And Hongjoong smiled, restlessly awaiting the day when he could come back.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @succulentpk​
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xbaepsae · 4 years
the ebb and flow | part four
“In the five years you’ve known him, you’ve never really stopped to notice how much he has changed. Long gone is that awkward thirteen-year-old boy.”
[demigod!jeongguk x demigod!reader]
genre: percy jackson!au, mythology!au, demigod!au, enemies to lovers!au
word count: 1.9k
rating: pg-13
warnings: the usual character tension, nothing really too crazy...besides a shirtless jk lol
a/n: omg i love this chapter so much! eeek. it’s just very exciting imo lol. hope you all enjoy :) xoxo
→ series masterlist!
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the fifth summer – in which you come to a realization
“How come I’ve barely seen you these last few days?”
It’s the third day of you fulfilling out your punishment with Jeongguk, and surprisingly it hasn’t been that awful. When you both are busy cleaning, you guys rarely talk. There is just always so much to be done, it leaves little room for conversation. But this is ideal anyway; the less you have to interact with Jeongguk, the better.
Looking up from your lunch, you see Haru blinking at you. She’s the head counselor for Aphrodite’s cabin now. “Oh, hey. What’s up?”
Even though she’s technically not supposed to, she takes a seat at your table anyway and gives you a concerned look. However, on her pretty face, even concern looks beautiful. “There’s a rumor going around that your cabin got in trouble.”
You freeze. “Who did you hear that from?”
“I heard some of the younger Aphrodite girls gossiping last night,” Haru says, “and they mentioned your name and Jeongguk’s.”
“Oh,” you don’t even know what to say. Styx. If the Aphrodite cabin knew, then everyone is bound to find out sooner or later. “Yeah, it’s a long story.”
Haru cocks her head. “Well, good thing I’m a great listener.”
As one of your closest friends here, Haru knows much about the history between you and Jeongguk. When you tell her about the attempted capture the flag game and how you’re stuck cleaning stables with your enemy, you can tell she’s struggling not to laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing,” she lets out a giggle. “This is all just too perfect.”
“What do you mean?” you ask, getting up to throw the rest of your meal as an offering. Walking out of the dining pavilion, Haru follows you closely behind.
“What I mean is,” she begins, looping her arm through yours, “that I can’t be the only one here who notices something.”
You have zero idea what she’s talking about. “Notice what?”
Haru suddenly forces you to stop in your tracks, angling your body towards the volleyball courts. “Notice that.”
Narrowing your gaze towards that direction, you notice there are a number of people there—especially girls. Rarely does a large crowd like that gather during this time of day; it’s the afternoon and an incredibly hot summer in Long Island this year. Your eyes move from the crowd to the players, and that’s when you see what Haru was talking about. You realize Ares’s cabin is playing against Poseidon’s, which means Jeongguk is—
“Why does he have to be so hot without a shirt on?” Haru muses, fanning herself.
From this angle, you can see the way his shorts ride dangerously low on his hips and the sweat that glistens across his skin. His hair has grown considerably long recently, and he has to continuously brush it back to reveal his eyes. As he moves to receive the ball and jumps to land a spike, you can understand why the girls are looking at him like he’s a god and not just a half-blood.
In the five years you’ve known him, you’ve never really stopped to notice how much he has changed. Long gone is that awkward thirteen-year-old boy. Obviously, training here at Camp Half-Blood makes campers leaner and more muscular, but Jeongguk looks…good—really good—which you hate to even think about.
“He looks okay,” you manage to say before you tear your eyes away from him.
Beside you, Haru huffs. “You’re so lame, y/n. Can’t even admit that Jeongguk is hot.”
“He’s annoying, that’s what he is.”
“Whatever you say,” she rolls her eyes. “I think he looks especially delicious these days.”
After you drop Haru off at Cabin Ten, you walk towards yours and proceed to finish some summer work. Well, it’s not really work per se, but more like something you just really wanted to do. Since you’re going to college in New Rome this fall and majoring in architecture, you’ve been redesigning a few buildings and even creating your own. Like most Athena children, you love creating and can’t wait to see what your future holds in the field.
You are so caught up in your work that you don’t even notice that much of the day has already passed by, and you should probably grab a quick dinner before heading to the stables. As you rush through dinner, a few of your half-siblings bring up your punishment, clearly feeling bad that you’re the one who’s taken responsibility for everything.
“As head counselor, I had to,” you explain.
“Yeah, but it’s not really fair,” one of them says. “I mean, we all wanted to give Poseidon’s cabin a run for their money.”
“They’re all so arrogant since their godly parent is one of the big three.”
“Zeus and Hades campers are the same.”
You listen as your cabin begins complaining about all the other cabins and their various faults, but their voices fade when Jeongguk passes by your table. He’s walking with Jimin and gives you a look that you can’t decipher. But before you can delve too deeply in it, Aphrodite’s table calls him over. Flashing them his signature smirk, he leaves without another glance.
“How’s it been having to work with him?” Namjoon sets his plate right in front of you, breaking your attention away from Jeongguk.
You shrug. “He’s an asshole, but it actually hasn’t been that bad. Could honestly be worse.”
“Think you’ll last the rest of your punishment?”
“I hope so,” you sip from your goblet. “Or else Chiron is going to have my ass, and not to mention Mr. D is supposed to come back next week.”
“Oh yeah,” Namjoon muses like he forgot that the god of wine runs the camp. You don’t blame him—you often forget that too. “Where is he anyway?”
Thinking back to the head counselor meeting you had a few weeks ago, you try to remember what Chiron had told you all. “I think he just had some business to take care of in Olympus. You know, twelve stuff. Meetings perhaps?”
Namjoon nods before you tell him that you have to leave. “I’ll see you guys at the campfire later.”
“Sure; see ya.”
You finish your portion of the stables quick—cleaning has gotten easier as the days have gone by—and wait outside the stables.
It’s not like you want to wait for Jeongguk’s slow ass, but you have the key anyway and there’s no way you trust him enough to just leave it. So, you settle for watching the last remnants of the sunset in the sky. From here, you can begin to make out the smoke from the nightly campfire. And slowly, the smell of burnt marshmallows begins to fill your lungs and thought brings a smile to your face. 
For a moment, you’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t even realize that Jeongguk is already beside you. When you realize that he’s awfully close to you, a gasp leaves your lips. “Holy Styx, you scared me!”
You except him to respond with something snarky, but he doesn’t. Instead, he begins to walk away, and you frantically attempt to lock the gate and follow him. On the way to the campfire, you stay a few feet behind Jeongguk, and you can’t help but think about Haru’s words from earlier today.
As much as it pisses you off, Jeongguk is super attractive these days. However, although he looks good, you can’t get over his attitude that often clouds your judgement. He’s a pain in the ass, and you can’t wait for the rest of the punishment to fly by.
When you both arrive at the campfire, the singing has already begun. Well, the singing by Apollo’s cabin at least. You try to get as far away from Jeongguk as possible, finding a seat beside Min Yoongi, son of Hades. The pale boy gives you a weird look, probably wondering why you’re sitting beside him.
“What in Zeus’s name do you think you’re doing?” he asks, confirming your thoughts.
You feign innocence. “What do you mean?”
“Y/n, you never sit here.”
He is partially correct—you usually sit beside your own cabin or Haru—but you two are friends…right? You voice this thought to him, but Yoongi just rolls his eyes—clearly not enthused by you or Hoseok’s lyre playing. “Oh, don’t be like that, Yoongi. We are friends.”
“What have you been doing with Jeongguk?” he suddenly changes the subject, and everyone’s singing seems to fade into the background. “You two aren’t…sneaking around, are you?”
The suggestive look on Yoongi’s face would be hilarious any other moment—because he rarely shows any emotion—but you choke at his assumption instead. “Oh gods no. Why would I do something like that?”
“Beats me,” Yoongi shrugs. “All I know is you both look suspicious as fuck.”
“Well, you’re wrong,” you huff, “Jeongguk and I aren’t sneaking around. That’s disgusting.”
“Then what are you two doing coming to the campfire together?” If Yoongi doesn’t know about your punishment, then most people probably don’t know either. That brings you a little relief.
Although you don’t want everyone to know, you also don’t mind telling Yoongi. As a Hades kid, he mostly keeps to himself anyway. So, you answer his question and reveal that you actually got in trouble, which is why you’ve been spending extra time with the son of Poseidon.
“So, yeah, Chiron’s making us build teamwork skills,” you practically spit out.
Yoongi hums, eyes moving from you to glance at the fire. You take a moment to observe him, glancing at his dark hair and dark clothes. How does he manage to get away with not wearing the camp t-shirt? Maybe he just doesn’t care.
“Interesting,” is all he says.
“How so?”
Yoongi doesn’t answer your question; instead, he asks, “So, how’s it been building teamwork skills with Jeongguk?”
“I mean,” you begin, “it could be worse, I guess. Jeongguk and I usually fight all the time; but we really haven’t these last few days.”
“That’s some progress, yes?”
You nod. “I suppose.”
“Think you’ll hate the poor kid forever?” Turning your head to face him, you notice a weird expression in his eyes. You don’t really know what it means.
“I don’t know,” you answer truthfully. “Forever’s a long time.”
Silence passes between you after that, the both of you paying attention to Chiron’s announcements. Afterwards, more music is played, and more singing is done—some campers even get up to dance with the nymphs. Eventually, the night ends and everyone slowly begins to walk back to their cabins. You’re about to join Namjoon and the rest of Athena’s cabin when Yoongi’s voice holds you back.
“I think you should give Jeongguk a chance.”
You raise a brow at that. Is he being serious? “What?”
“He’s not as horrible as you make him seem,” Yoongi says, which causes you to roll your eyes. “I’m serious.”
“Are we talking about the same person?” You almost want to laugh. Where is this even coming from? “Because if so, you have a really different perception of Jeongguk than I do.”
“Maybe I do because I’m a child of the Big Three too, which means I empathize with him; but at the same time, you’ve only seen one side of Jeongguk—the side you want to see. The side he shows when you two are at odds.”
You think about this for a moment, but quickly shake your head. “I don’t know, Yoongi.”
“Trust me,” he says before leaving you to stand there all alone.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
More headcanons to help me work through the dreaded writer's block! Hope you guys don't mind it's a bit slow right now, I plan on posting another tonight and hopefully I'll be able to get to some asks once my brain is no longer fried
Dwayne Headcanons
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When he was responsible for Laddie, Dwayne would often take him out to the boardwalk whenever Star was busy. Sometimes he’d even choose to take him along even if they were with Star just to hang with the munchkin
If anyone told him he was too short Dwayne would hypnotize them into letting him one. He wasn't exactly worried about the kid being flung from the roller coaster, he could easily catch him if it happened. It felt awesome impressing him at the strength test, just watching him jump up and down as the attendant handed him a giant blue monkey which of course he'd give to Laddie. The boy was such a hyper, sunny child it was hard not to laugh when this spritely eight year old would play a water gun game and yell “this is a load of bullshit” when he lost. Well, he did grow up around four teenage guys, two having the worst language you could imagine. David used the word "fuck" like it was going out of style. At one point some lady in her thirties tried to lecture Laddie about watching his language, to which Dwayne had immediately stepped in after he said “piss off lady”. Again he had to choke back a laugh, pushing the kid behind him before this lady throttled him. To save face Dwayne feigned some half assed “shame on you” to Laddie just so she would piss off, and then ushered him away- for an ice cream sundae. Granted while he couldn’t condone a kid cussing up a storm, he did find it utterly hilarious watching this uppity chick squawk like a hen in outrage.
“Seriously though I don’t know where the hell you learned all that from-”
“Paul taught me.”
“Yeah, well, Paul probably isn’t the best guy to copy, kiddo. "
Chinese food isn’t his favorite, but he knows it’s Markos so he doesn’t complain when they have it at least once a week. Actually, his favorite is probably Hispanic. Many forget much of California was once Mexico, and as such the culture still thrived even into the early 1900s. Santa Carla flourished, and between pick pocketing gigs and heavy labor on the docks, Dwayne could always count on there being fresh tortillas for a few dollars after a long day. Elotes with extra chili powder, huarache, freshly brewed horchata on ice? Utterly delicious! Nothing can compare to freshly made tamales by a sweet abuela in a tiny food truck cooing to you in Spanish. Even he can blush when they pinch his cheeks gushing about what a skinny man he is. Paul and Marko love it as well and will often tag along when Dwayne goes to Mama Rosa’s, although he often has to elbow Paul in the gut because he’ll flirt with the cooks in the back into getting a free taco.
“Ay, Paul, mi angelito querido cielito, you’re skin and bones!”
“Well, I always skip a meal before coming here, abuela. Your cooking is too epic to have anything else in my stomach!”
“Dude, will you stop flirting with that poor woman before you give her a heart attack, you ass?”
Dwayne had a brother many years ago who was lost after being caught in direct sunlight during the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Since then on April 18th he holds a small memorial for his brother Jasper, who died pulling the curtains shut to shield them from the sun. Some years David, Paul and Marko will join him, silently drinking to their fallen friend. It's a rare moment of seriousness for these wild boys, sitting beside an altar crudely constructed atop a wooden crate, draped over with the jacket once worn by Jasper that survived the flames. Decorated in worn candles melted by decades of use, a bottle of rum from over eighty years ago still untouched with an empty shot glass beside it caked in dust and cobwebs, worn flowers shriveled into darkened husks, a glass of blood they keep freshly filled with each visit, feathers of birds to help carry him to the sky. Every time he adds something new, a gift from every era. Recently he brought Jasper a Def Leppard vinyl record, propped against a sketch of his brother drawn before his passing by an admirer who had died long ago. Paul left a little toy motorcycle for him, Marko brought an old pocket watch he found at an antique store that bore a striking resemblance to one he had admired long ago, and David brought him a hunting knife
“You would’ve loved hair bands, Jas. Everything’s changed now, its crazy. It sucks you never got a bike of your own,” Dwayne would say, sitting in the dark with only the tender flicker of candles brushing away the dark. Never again would he let the sun take him. It was the darkest, deepest cave in the hotel. And there, Dwayne spoke more than he ever does outside “Horses were cool, but it’s better to have something that doesn’t stop every time it takes a shit, you know?”
Unfortunately Dwayne sucks at video games. It’s not that he doesn’t get it, but he has the worst gamer rage. Now, Dwayne doesn’t often get legitimately mad, but when he’s been playing the same god damn stupid water level for the past hour and a half just to be killed by a squid-! Well, lets just say Paul practically dove to catch the controller before it was chucked at the tv, and cue a dirty look towards Dwayne for nearly smashing his “baby”. He wasn’t about to have him break ANOTHER controller. Yeah that wasn’t the first. At this point he’s content just watching from afar and sometimes back seat gaming when Marko is going the wrong way. He’s not nearly as bad as David who will openly call someone stupid after dying. 
Dwayne is definitely the type to nap after a long night. Truthfully he misses when he could just lay out in the sun like a lizard on a hot rock after a long day, it’d feel incredible. Instead he’s resorted to a hot water bottle or a heating pad. Yeah, he loves hot weather. Summertime is his favorite time, just savoring the toasted air blowing in his face on rides over the beaches. Sometimes he’ll try to wake up early to watch the sunset from within the cave, although it’s burnt him on more than one occasion he will still try to get a glimpse. Winter is the worst for him, he hates, absolutely despises the cold. Even though he doesn't technically get cold anymore, everything seems to die away in the winter leaving only twisted branches and grey skies. David may enjoy all that gloomy melancholy but not him.
One wouldn’t assume Dwayne to have much of a sweet tooth. That’s because they’re wrong. While he isn’t into the marshmallow caramel double candy bars deep fried and dipped in chocolate like Marko or Laddie, he has a serious weakness for chocolate. Like, a major weakness. Paul is still searching for his stash, tucked away somewhere secret in the hotel. Any time he thinks he’s close to finding it, Dwayne moves it again.
“Dude, sharing is fucking caring you greedy bastard”
“Get your own candy asshole, why do you think I keep my stash hidden from you guys?”
Now the whole hoity toity fancy chocolate isn’t what appeals to him. He can certainly appreciate a well made chunk of dark chocolate sprinkled with chili powder, but he’ll settle for a cheap bar snatched from a gas station. Most sweets weigh heavy on him, but chocolate is such a unique medium that can be changed into almost anything, appealing to every taste imaginable. Sweet, savory, spicy, bitter, semi-sweet, rich, dense, light. Chocolate cake, chocolate doughnut, hot chocolate, fudge, and of course the traditional candy bar. You make him a mug of Mexican hot chocolate and he is putty in your hands. You couldn’t necessarily bribe him with food. But you could certainly butter him up to suggestions when he’s crunching down on a candy bar. Paul knows this, and at this point Dwayne knows this guy has royally fucked up if he comes up to him with a stack of chocolate bars.
“Heeeeey, Dwayne, buddy, old pal, chum, lookie what I found, all for you man how cool is that?”
“....,” Dwayne glances up from his book at the handful of chocolate and slowly lowers it with a firm sigh. “What the hell did you do now?”
“Wha-Whaaa-? Oh! Okay, wow. Woooow. Offend much? I go out of my way- I mean, can’t a guy just, you know, do something nice for his best friend-?”
“Paul. What. did. you. do?”  
“Okay okay, well you see David made me go fill up his stupid bike, and there was this hot chick at the gas station, I mean perfect fuckin ten man, she had the biggest frickin tits- okay anyway! Well, next thing I know the keys are gone, the chick's gone, the fuckin bike- You gotta help me man he’s gonna fucking kill me and dance on my grave!”
Of course Dwayne will help… in exchange for twice the chocolate. Like I said, it won’t always work as a bribe, but it’ll certainly help your cause if you go in with some incentive.
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birdsandspades · 4 years
Teenage Dirtbag - Chapter 1
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- You and Todoroki were exact opposites. He was clean cut, driven, focused on his future. You were to most a burnout kid, spending your time at the skate park. But opposites attract right? Or was it birds of a feather flock together? Whatever it may be, you would have fun finding out. 
(Soft Todoroki paired with skate kid Y/N.)
Word Count - 1,665
-Not going to lie, I don’t know how to feel about this one. I wrote the chapter rundowns months ago and ended up really wanting to try it out tonight. If this doesn’t do well so be it. I atleast got punk todoroki out of my system. 
Todoroki looked up at the light peaking through the tree leaves, burnt orange and rusty yellow blurring together as he squinted at the sunrays bleeding through.  
The wind picked up, blowing a few off the lower branches. They glided along the ground, catching on the points of others as they slowed to a stop. 
A crisp crunch sounded under his shoes, crushed footprints trailing behind him as he walked the covered sidewalks of the park. 
It was brisk out, Todoroki pulling the sleeve of his coat over his exposed hands as another gust of wind blew past him. A perfect day for a walk.
It was quiet out, no one in sight as he continued the same loop around the perimeter of the school fence. A lazy afternoon, just cold enough to keep most indoors. 
But not cold enough he thought, the sound of footsteps beating behind him. He turned around, scowling at the approaching group of people. He opened his mouth to protest, quickly turning to pleas as you ran towards him, eyes glued on the group behind you. 
You collided with the boy, teetering backwards as you looked up his padded form. A black wall of insulated coat, deadpanned as he looked between you and the fast approaching girls. 
You frantically looked around the park, eyes fixing on the tree a few steps off the path. You grabbed at the strangers chest, pulling him behind the tree. You gave him a firm shove, holding him against the trunk, his eyes shooting open as you pressed a hand over his mouth. 
You lifted a finger to your lips, pressing against him as the group of girls ran past. 
“Did you see what way she went?” One questioned, the other shaking her head before running ahead.
You waited a moment, your grip on Todoroki easing as the group disappeared down the trail. You took a step back, giving the angry boy an awkward smile. “Close call huh, sorry about that.”
Todoroki pushed past you, moving back to the trail.
“Um, so what's your name?” You ran after the boy, slowing down to match his pace down the sidewalk.
“Todoroki Shoto.” He said rather curtly, eyes fixed ahead of him.
“Todoroki, super sorry about running into you like that. Wrong place, wrong time.” You laughed, rubbing the back of your head. 
He stayed quiet, not sparring you a glance.
“So...do you go to UA?” You pointed to the nearby buildings over the fence, just a stone's throw away.
“Yes.” He was blunt, clearly not one for conversation. Todoroki picked up his pace, trying his best to walk ahead of you.
“No way, I recognize you now! You froze over half the stadium at the sports festival!” You yelled after him, running to catch up.
“Yes.” His favorite one word answer. 
“You're like super powerful, I should have just had you scare off those girls.” You laughed, craning your neck to see his face.
He didn’t laugh, the corners of his mouth forming a perfectly straight line.
“Well, my names L/N F/N!” You offered him a hand as you walked, flashing him a smile.
Todoroki stopped abruptly, turning towards you. “I’m sorry, but I should really be getting back to school. Goodbye.” He gave you a forced smile, waving as he walked the other way.
“Ok, bye!” You shouted, lifting your hand slightly.  
That was the first day you met Todoroki Shoto, the first time you felt it.
You had been going to the park everyday for what seemed like weeks, all in hopes of seeing Todoroki one more time. It had been slow, the gradual picking away at your sanity. You thought of him at first late at night, only in the early hours of the morning that were devoted to overthinking. But those thoughts multiplied, and those as well until every second of your day was dedicated to thinking about the two toned boy who could have cared less about meeting you.
He was otherworldly to you, a complete mystery. A top student at UA, a powerful quirk, a dysfunctional family (you did your research.) You wanted to know more about him, to see more. A smile, a laugh, a reaction. Just something to appease the monkey in your brain that was screaming for you to try your hand at another chance meeting. That was the stupid reason you were sat down on this particular bench in the park, folding into yourself as you shivered. It was cold, really fucking cold. The autumn chill was definitely doing it's part this time of year. 
You looked down the path, the same one you walked with Todoroki that day. Your feet planted firmly on your skateboard as you rolled it back and forth underneath you. You had been doing this almost everyday after school, shyly nodding at everyone that passed by. You had hoped that if you saw him here once, he would eventually come back. But that just hadn’t been the case. 
You had seen an abundance of people, one that reminded you of a head of broccoli, another that resembled an angry pomeranian, even a troll doll. But still, never the peppermint hair you were searching for. 
You didn’t know why you were so infatuated with seeing the boy again, he was for the most part a stranger. But you felt a semblance of something deep inside as he walked down the path in front of you. Hands in his pockets as he looked up at the changing leaves. There he was, clad in the same blackened marshmallow coat.
“Todoroki!” You waved your hand at him, catching his attention. You picked up your skateboard, running to catch him.
“Hi!” You smiled, watching as he continued walking. You followed after him, keeping pace as he trudged through the fallen leaves on the sidewalk.
You walked for a bit in silence. To a passerby you would look like too friends, going for a stroll on a Friday evening. But it was far from that, the uncomfortable tension visible in his shoulders.
“What are you doing here? I only ever see UA students at this park.” He was the first to break the silence, speaking so nonchalant it almost threw you off balance.
He was right, it was practically UA’s park, lying just on the border of the notorious hero school. 
“What! Can’t I enjoy a nice walk in the park? Why are you here?” You acted offended, your tone borderline fake. 
“I like to get out of my dorm room after school…” Todoroki pointed towards the buildings on campus, unphased by your panicky question.
“You live on campus?” You had heard about them moving the students into the dorms, but that was only a few days ago. Had they really moved that fast?
“Yeah, that one. I live on the top floor.” He pointed again, singling in on his window. You looked harmless enough, what was the worst that could happen by answering your prying questions.
“Ahh,...cool.” You shuffled along beside him. Silence falling between the two of you again. 
“I’ve never seen you before.” Todoroki looked your way, the same stoic look on his face as before. He seemed to have a knack for breaking the ice. 
“Oh um, I don’t go to UA if that's what you're asking. I go to a smaller school on the other side of the city.” You shoved your hands in your pocket, looking at the top of the school building.
“Are you quirkless?” Todoroki stopped, something tinting his features. Was it sadness, confusion, annoyance. You couldn’t quite tell as he looked over you.
“Oh no, I have a quirk! I just didn’t make it into a good school. I failed most of the entrance exams, probably because I don’t study.” You laughed, shrugging awkwardly.
“You should study.” Todoroki frowned, walking off again.
“I know that! I just don’t really like to…” You trailed off as he spoke.
“You and I are very different in the way.” He muddled his words, shrinking into his coat as the wind picked up.
“What are you carrying?” He nodded his head towards the board in your hands, eyeing the bright designs painted on the wood. 
“My skateboard?” You lifted it into view, giving him a confused look.
“Oh.” His curious eyes told you this was the first time he had seen something like that in person. 
“Do you know how to ride one?” You questioned, giving him an amused smile.
“No.” He shook his head, pushing his hands into his plush pockets.
The bell tower chimed as the clock turned to 9:00, Todoroki stopping at the front of the school gates.
“I have a curfew, I should go back to the school now. It was nice seeing you again, take care.” He gave you a brief nod, walking through the school gates. 
“Yeah! It was nice seeing you too! I’ll see you later?” You shouted after him, stopping at the edge of the gate. He had a way of leaving that would leave anyone shell shocked.
“Maybe.” He gave you a brief smile, it quickly disappearing as the gates of the school closed. The tower chiming one last time, the ring echoing throughout the park. You saw it, that momentary flash of happiness. It all seemed to click. 
You had been pining after that smile since the day you saw him almost a month ago. That strange boost of serotonin hitting your brain just right as you thought about it gracing his face. You were drawn to him. He was to you, your complete opposite. You could see that from just your two interactions. But something told you he was cut from the same cloth, that sad look in his eyes pulling at you to dig deeper. You wanted to get to know this boy, make him happy. He deserved it, you just knew it. 
You were going to do it, you were going to see him tonight.
Next Chapter
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“Be Mine”- A Sunshine AU Drabble
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Han Jisung (Stray Kids)
Word Count: 2,500
Warnings: Language, some mentions of smut, it’s mostly cute
Genre: Married Life AU
Notes: Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!
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“Is that the best you can do?” I groaned, fixing Hyunjin with what I hoped mimicked the effect of Jeongin’s notorious puppy dog eyes.
Instead, my best friend and business partner scoffed, grabbing a towel to wipe away the flower painting the side of his cheek. “What the hell did you expect? You tell me to bake your husband a cake an hour before we’re supposed to close!”
I winced at his tone, realizing that Hyunjin's frustrations were completely warranted. But I was growing increasingly desperate, especially while the clock continued to tick away in the background. Because, like the forgetful idiot that I was, I totally missed the giant heart circling today’s date on the calendar in my bedroom. 
In my defense, I was completely disoriented after Jisung woke me up between my legs this morning, tongue circling against my clit with urgent movements. It was the first sign that I should’ve been paying more attention as opposed to losing myself to a well-deserved orgasm. "Happy Valentine’s day, Y/N,” Jisung said with an arrogant smirk, clearly proud of his early morning efforts.
Of course, there was also the additional surprise of pancakes waiting for me in the kitchen. My plate was stacked high with the doughy breakfast food shaped into misformed little hearts. Bless his soul, but Jisung was definitely inept when it came to cooking. 
I ate quietly, trying to ignore the way Jisung watched me from the counter, cheeks squished between his palms. “It’s good,” I lied to him, trying my best not to choke on the burnt edges, but it was worth it to see Jisung’s face light up with his beautiful smile.
“Baby,” Jisung had finally stopped me on my way out the door, pulling me into a passionate kiss. “I’ll see you later tonight. I have something special planned for you.”
Fuck. My. Life.
“Hyunjin, I’m so screwed,” I groaned, pulling the tiny cake closer to me. “Thank you for this.”
“Y/N forgot Valentine’s Day again,” Hyunjin sighed, reaching behind him to undo the strings holding his apron together. “What a surprise.”
I glared at him because I was determined not to make a repeat of last year when Jisung had spent a fortune on a new pair of earrings to offer as a gift for the cheesy Holiday. I remember accepting them hesitantly, wondering why my husband felt the need to buy me jewelry. “What’s this for?” I had chuckled, feeling my heart sink in my chest when I recognized the familiar look of disappointment in Jisung’s eyes. 
“It’s a stupid holiday,” I muttered. “I don’t understand why Jisung even likes it so much.”
“He’s a hopeless romantic,” Hyunjin said, tone rising dramatically. “But yours truly will celebrate at home. Alone. With a case of beer and a bag of stale pretzels.”
“Good for you, Jinnie,” I teased him, patting his shoulder while he glared at me from the corner of his eye. “Close up shop, yeah? I have to run through the streets begging someone to sell me some flowers.”
“Whatever, Y/N,” Hyunjin said. “You should be more grateful that you have someone to celebrate this hellish day with.”
“I’m beyond grateful,” I said, rolling my eyes as I dismissed him curtly, wrapping my jacket tighter around my shoulders when I walked outside.
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I felt like a complete imbecile driving through the empty streets of the city, looking out my windows for any familiar sign of those ridiculous flower stands that popped up rampantly around this time every year. Yet, another obvious warning that I had blatantly ignored which could’ve saved me a lot of grief when it came to pleasing my husband. For once in my life, I’d like to feel more prepared for Valentine’s Day because Jisung enjoyed it so much and I always felt obligated to entertain the things he liked even if I didn’t share his enthusiasm.
“Aha!” I cheered triumphantly when I spotted a bright neon pink cart set up outside an empty diner. I parked my car as close as possible, locking the door behind me before approaching the stand with determination. 
“Evening,” the owner greeted me with a faint hint of amusement which I chose to ignore as I scoured my few pathetic choices.
“I guess I’ll have those,” I said, indicating my hand in the direction of a modest bundle of flowers that definitely had been turned over by countless other patrons who had probably enjoyed a much more vibrant selection.
“Of course,” the man agreed. “That’ll be fifty dollars.”
“Fifty dollars!” I exclaimed, frowning at the wilting bundle of roses. “What the hell?”
“Valentine’s day is almost over,” the man shrugged. “It’s about time for the really desperate ones to come out.”
“I’m not desperate!” I lied, muttering under my breath as I reached into my wallet. “Just give me the damn bouquet.”
The man smirked, snatching my money while handing me the saddest excuse for Valentine’s Day flowers I had ever seen. Still, at least it would be something thoughtful to give Jisung as I hurried back to my car. I had about half an hour to make it home since my husband had insisted on making dinner for the two of us, something I protested whole-heartedly because Jisung was a nightmare in my kitchen. However, regardless of my protests, nothing could stop Jisung when he was set on doing something. I could only hope that he managed to keep the heat on medium when he was cooking Ramen.
I reached back into my coat pocket for my discarded keys, growling when I realized that a parking ticket was stuck underneath my windshield wiper. “Fuck,” I cursed, groping for the door handle of my car before gently placing the flowers down in the front seat. I glared at the ticket before tossing it on top of the dashboard. “Who the hell is patrolling the meters this late at night?” 
Of course, there was nobody present to address my grievances, leaving me to stew quietly by myself as I maneuvered my car onto the highway. 
Ever since I could remember, my husband always insisted on celebrating Valentine’s day with the most passionate displays of declaring the modest “I love yous” we always shared on our way out the door in the mornings. I had never properly understood his obsession with the Holiday as I made no secret of my own dislike for the commercialized occasion. I mean, who does Walmart actually think they are by charging over three dollars for a box of marshmallows with chocolate on top?
Distracted by my unpleasant brooding, I turned off the exit ramp without remembering the brand new traffic light the state had recently built to control rowdy teenagers who liked to handle the curve at maximum speed. The bright red of the light caught me completely off-guard and I slammed on breaks instinctively, realizing too late that the jarring movement had sent my precious cake careening into the floorboard. 
“NO!” I cried, resisting the urge to bang my head against the steering wheel when I looked down and saw Jisung’s cake had tragically been completely destroyed, flowers joining the terrible mess that would be impossible to clean. “What the actual hell,” I bemoaned, searching for a spare tissue to try and at least clean the icing from my leather seats. 
When the light turned green, I eased out into the intersection knowing that I now had nothing to give Jisung for Valentine’s Day. The thought was rightfully sobering and I pulled into our apartment complex with a heavy heart because there was no back-up plan waiting to save me. I was left with nothing and my husband would suffer the consequences of yet another year of my poor planning. 
As soon as the ignition was off, I did my best to reform the cake and gather the flowers together. It was pathetic, both their appearance and my blatant disregard for appropriate planning. “I’m sorry, Jisung,” I whispered into the cold night air, holding the pathetic excuse for a cake tightly in my arms as I entered our building. 
I wrestled with my keys at the front door, managing to catch the lock before using my foot to help me inside with what was left of my Valentine's Day surprise. With a deep sigh, I placed the cake and flowers on our side table, studying them as I tried not to imagine Jisung’s reaction to my gifts. “Y/N!” he sang, peeking his head out of the kitchen wearing an adorable smile. “Guess what?”
“Hmm?” I feigned noncommittally, hanging up my coat before fidgeting with the cake and flowers on the side table. 
“I made dinner!” Jisung said. “And I didn’t burn the kitchen down.”
“I’m proud of you, babe,” I told him sadly, wondering if the Universe was conspiring against me in its determination to ruin my marriage on the one day of the year meant to celebrate love.
“How was your day?” Jisung asked from the kitchen.
“Fine,” I grimaced. “What about you?”
“It was interesting,” Jisung said. “Come here for a second. I want you to look at the cards my kids made for me.”
I put on my best smile, accepting a kiss from Jisung before my husband was ushering me against the counter. “Aren’t they adorable?” he asked, shuffling through the tiny Valentine’s cards decorated with a variety of familiar cartoon characters. 
“I Dumble-ADORE you,” Jisung giggled, handing me the Harry Potter themed card. It reminded me distantly of my own childhood where I would drag my mother through the grocery store, determined to find the best box of childish cards for my classmates.
“To the most handsomest teacher,” I read, offering Jisung a mischievous look. “Does this little Sarah have a crush on you?”
“She’s just a kid,” Jisung said, fingers nimbly massaging the skin at the back of my neck. 
“It’s okay,” I grinned. “I understand her opinion.”
“Is that so?” Jisung questioned, pulling me in closer from his grip around my waist, offering me a searing kiss that ignited a familiar desire to bend over the nearest piece of furniture for my husband. “Dinner’s ready,” he said, releasing me despite my whine as he started to arrange our plates. I wasn’t surprised to see that Jisung had created a romantic set-up in the dining room complete with a pastel-pink tablecloth decorated with our finest wine glasses and cutlery. There were even a few lit candles arranged with the centerpiece. 
“You worked hard, I see.”
Jisung offered me a sheepish smile. “Do you not like it?”
“Of course I like it, babe,” I said, taking a seat next to him at the table. “I know you did your best.”
Jisung filled my plate with a steamy offering of whatever delicious concoction he had somehow created. “It’s some kind of pasta.”
“You don’t know?” I questioned, enjoying the way Jisung’s ears turned red at the accusation.
“Changbin might have helped.”
“Hmmm,” I giggled, reaching for the wine bottle. “Does that really count, Sungie?”
“Well, I bought the wine myself.”
“And I’m so very proud of you for it.”
I carefully poured us both a glass, sipping the delicate liquid. “An appropriate choice.”
“Yeah? Minho recommended it.”
“Jisung,” I laughed. “I feel deceived.”
 “Don’t worry,” Jisung reassured me. “Your present was completely my idea!”
I stuffed another bite of food into my mouth at the mention of a gift. “Oh?”
“I think you’ll love it,” Jisung said, obviously very excited at whatever thoughtful present he likely purchased for me again this year. Unlike my unsuitable offering still sitting on the side table.
Jisung continued to fill the majority of our conversation, talking about a new assistant principal at his Elementary school. Meanwhile, I tried to maintain a neutral expression, hoping that Jisung wouldn’t notice how nervous I was about whatever he had planned to give me that would pale in comparison to my wrecked cake and dying flowers. But I was naturally a bad gift giver, you could ask any of our closest friends. They would all recount a similar nightmarish scenario involving my inability to understand the basic mechanics behind the concept of exchanging gifts.
“Join me in the bedroom,” Jisung eventually said, gathering our plates together while I tried not to hyperventilate.
I stood up to fix my skirt, returning to the foyer to find the cake and flowers waiting for me mockingly. I grabbed both meager selections, managing the walk of shame to our shared bedroom at the other end of the hallway. Soft music played from inside and I briefly entertained the idea of a fully naked Jisung splayed out across our bed like some kind of filthy pornography.
But I probably wouldn’t get laid after Jisung saw my cake and flowers.
“Sungie,” I said, stepping inside the room only to find Jisung fully-clothed and waiting next to our dresser with hands behind his back. 
“Babe,” he said, smile contorting into a frown as he realized what I was balancing precariously between my hands. 
“I’m sorry,” I sighed in defeat. “I got you a cake and flowers but they didn’t survive the trip home.”
I gently deposited the cake and flowers on our desk. “Y/N...”
“I ruined it again,” I cried, falling back against the bed before he could finish his sentence. “Jesus, Sungie, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I tried so hard to make this special for you, but I always manage to ruin everything.”
“Baby,” Jisung said, crawling onto the mattress next to me. “What are you talking about?”
“The stupid cake and flowers!” I exclaimed, covering my eyes with my hands. “I just don’t understand,” I sighed. “I mean, I guess it’s alright, but I don’t really get why you love Valentine’s day so much.”
Jisung smiled, thumb brushing across my lower lip. “February 14th,” Jisung said. “The day Y/N told me that she loved me for the first time.”
I froze at his unexpected explanation, my next deprecating sentence dying as soon as my lips were forming the words. “What?”
“Babe,” Jisung sighed fondly, leaning down so that we were at eye level. “I don’t really care about the gifts, but I always make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day because it means so much to me. It would be enough for me if we just sat together on the couch all day and watched those sappy soap operas you like.”
I didn’t realize I was crying at his tender resolution until his fingers were carefully capturing each successive drop. “Jisung, why the hell are you determined to turn me into mush?”
Jisung chuckled, kissing my forehead with affection. “Honestly, it wouldn’t be Y/N if she was actually organized,” Jisung said, fingers carding through my hair while I leaned against his chest. “And, for the record, I actually like the cake and flowers, even if they weren’t necessary.”
“Don’t lie to me,” I mumbled against his shirt. “They’re both terrible.”
“I would never lie to you,” Jisung gasped with feigned outrage while I rolled over on top of him, planting my hands on either side of my head. “Are you interested in what I got for you?”
I nodded eagerly, allowing him to rise slowly with one hand maintaining a grip around my waist. He reached behind him for the discarded box and held it out for my awaiting hands. I gasped when I realized what was waiting inside, shimmering brilliantly under the lights. “It’s sort of like a replacement,” he said, nodding to the wedding ring I wore on my finger, compliments of a very nice discount Jisung received at the pawnshop. He had been so embarrassed when he offered it to me back then, promising to find something better in the future. But even now I made sure to tell Jisung that I loved both rings equally because they came from him and that’s all I cared about. “Beautiful,” he declared when I slipped it on next to my other ring. “Happy Valentine’s day, Y/N,” Jisung murmured soothingly.
And I sighed happily in return. “Happy Valentine’s day, Sungie.”
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