#Answered in February 2024
tampatom12 · 4 months
your top 5 favorite Gronkady moments?
Anon, this question was both extremely easy and also extremely hard to answer!!!!
Each of these moments means so much to me. They define who they are to each other and furthermore, show how much they truly love one another. 🥺🥹🤧💞
But first, before I get into the moments...!!
If you're new here to my blog or to the NFL fandom in general and don't understand the term "Gronkady":
Gronkady is the ship name for Rob "Gronk" Gronkowski and Tom Brady, two people who used to play for the New England Patriots and then the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
As you will see below, their history together is legendary!!
Now, onto the moments themselves. 🤩🥳🔥💯💥
I have decided to start with number five and count backwards to my ultimate Tom and Rob moment.
I also have four other bonus moments in mind that are just as important, but simply didn't make the Top Five overall...let me know if y'all wanna find out what those are!!
So now, without further ado, here are my
Top Five Gronkady Moments!!!!
5). The first time they met!
Rob has told this story multiple times to a variety of sources over the years and he always tells it the same way:
He was in the locker room, taping up his ankle. Tom came over to him, held out his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Tom."
Instead of saying, "Yeah, I know," or worse, not saying anything at all, Rob said back, "And I'm Rob! Nice to meet you, man!"
This simple interaction between them may not seem like much, but it was the conversation that stated it all, even though at this point, they still had to formally begin building their relationship on and off the field.
4). Rob's video edit/tribute that he posted back when Tom retired for the first time!
This video contains so many wonderful highlights of the public time that they spent together!!
It also features key but underrated moments between them. (Like when Rob says hi to Tom when he's in the parade and is *so* happy that Tom got number six!)
Additionally, it a visual representation of what their bond has been like over the years!
The entire thing is set to Queen's "You're My Best Friend"!!!!!
Here it is for you to see for yourself on Rob's Insta page and here it is on YouTube.
(((I highly recommend looking at his caption on the Insta post!! ⬇️)))
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3). The time that they were at a Boston Red Sox game together!
This short clip is so damn chaotic in the best possible way. It is simply SO. THEM. through and through!!
We also got this amazing photo out of that specific day!! :D🥺🥹🤧😍🥰
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One of the things that I think about the most when it comes to iconic couples is how they all seem to have a little catch-phrase that is theirs and theirs alone.
For Tom and Rob, this catch-phrase is Bad Boys for Life.
It all started back in 2019 for the 2018 season after the Patriots won the NFC championship game against the Kansas City Chiefs.
Tom posted this to his Insta page and though I didn't see it when he first posted it because I wasn't at all a fan of his, when I did finally see it, something about it changed me. Them being all showboaty but also silly *and* alone yet together like this is the stuff that fanfics get written about. 💗💓💞
And real quick, just to clarify, "alone yet together" means that they weren't around anyone else in that video but that they were still together as a couple!!
✨Anyway, now that that's cleared up welcome back to the feature presentation!!:✨
So furthermore, the chosen song and it's lyrics are super important for that moment.
Aside from the key one of "Bad Boy for Life", there's also "We ain't goin' nowhere; we can't be stopped now".
Realistically, I know that this is a reference to the entire team and how they all can't be stopped now/aren't going anywhere now that they have won everything except for the Super Bowl at that point.
However, it is worth reading into and noting that Tom and Rob are the only ones who made a video like this.
They could have chosen anyone else to do that with and yet...!!! They decided to exclusivelymake that video with each other. (((Insert the screeching cat emoji, AHHHHHHHH emoji, all the Kermit heart emojis here)))
Not only that, but it is important to me to note that Tom is the one who is holding the phone/camera and is doing the recording. He clearly *wanted* to be in that moment, making a firm memory of his time and opportunity with Rob.
Of course the editing/song part of it all came later, but I don't feel like Tom would have let his social media people choose that song if he didn't feel that it fully fit the moment. He wanted that song to be a part of their legacy just as much as he wanted the world to see them together like how they are within that video.
They remade it in 2021!! 🤩🥳🔥💯🙌🏻💞:
✨✨So now, the moment you all have been waiting for...
Here is my ULTIMATE Gronkady moment!!!✨✨
1). Absolutely everything about them together Tampa!!
As I'm sure all of you can tell based on my url alone, I LOVE the Tampa version of Tom SO MUCH.
I've said this before but I don't care; I'm sayin' it again:
Tom was very much a difference person in Tampa than what he had been in New England. His work ethic and overall beliefs/philosophies were the same, BUT he also began to show the public more of his true, easy-going personality from the moment that he arrived in Tampa. He clearly felt free to have more fun than what he ever had before and he wasn't afraid to show it.
And it's not like he didn't have lots of fun in New England because I know that he did.
But there was just something about him moving to a year-round sunshine-filled climate that set off who he had secretly been all along and who he wanted to be moving forward.
Basically, he still worked hard and had just as much fun in Tampa as what he had in New England, but Tampa offered him up a new chance to be more easy-going and super goofy at times!!
✨All of that having been said, to get back into the Gronkady of it all:✨
As we all (probably) know, Rob retired for the first time in 2019, after he and the Patriots had won the 2019 Super Bowl for the 2018 season. He left New England and went on to do retired football guy things while Tom suffered through one of the Patriots worst years ever.
Now, fast forward to March of 2020. Tom has announced that he's leaving New England and is going to, out of all of the teams within the NFL, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
A month later, in April of 2020, Rob announces that he is officially coming out of retirement to play with Tom on the Buccaneers.
Alright, and now...
This is the part of the story that everyone still isn't so sure about because both men have had conflicting takes on it.
Not conflicting bad, just conflicting in the sense that for some reason, they don't want the public to find out the behind-the-scenes details of what was really said between them.
They want to keep that part of it private/to themselves, and as much as the nosy person in me needs to know what went down for real, I also completely respect them saving a part of this story just for themselves. 🥺🥹🤧💗
All of the above having been said...!!
While the main theory about how they reunited is still up for debate, what many think to have happened is that Tom asked Rob to come back and play with him. Did they have discussions between each other about all of this beforehand? Probably. Will we, the general public, ever know for sure if this was the case? Most likely not.
At the end of the day, the bottom line is this:
Rob was fully in retirement, happy to be free of all of the responsibilities that come with being an active NFL player, when all of a sudden, his non-brother best friend and bad boy partner for life decides to leave New England and head south.
No matter how it happened or what they may or may not talked about before hand, Rob literally came. out. of. retirement (!!!!!!!!!!!) just so that he could play football with Tom again. 🥺🥹😭🤧😍🥰🧡🤍
Why else would he have done that if he wasn't at least a little bit in love with Tom?!
The game had always been very hard on Rob's body; he had so many injuries throughout the first part of his career. 😔😥
By all means, it would have made sense for him to simply stay retired while rooting Tom on from the sidelines.
But he didn't. He wanted to reunite with "the only quarterback he ever wanted to play for" in a place that was far away from New England, both geographically as well as culturally.
Them reuniting in Tampa proves how deep their bond is and how much they admire, trust and respect each other.
Additionally, aside from playing together again, they got to make some extremely cute and fun videos together!!!
This video series are a big reason that got me to see and understand Tom and Rob as more than "Tom Brady (™️)" and "Rob 'GRONK!' Gronkowski".
It is important that they agreed to make this video series in the first place and is a true testament to their commitment to have fun and be free with each other in their new home. 🥺🥹🤧💞
So there you have it!!
My Top Five Gronkady Moments!!!! 🤩🥰🥳🔥💯💥🙌🏻💗
I hope that this gives you a good idea of what Tom and Rob are all about and how much they mean to each other!! :D
Also, thank you so much for your patience!!! I received this ask back in November and meant to answer it then but then got distracted by other life things. 😔
I definitely appreciate that you asked about them though, as it has given me an opportunity to talk about some of my favorite people!!! 💞
So once again, thank you, anon!!
We can definitely talk more sometime if you want to!! ☺️
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brian-in-finance · 4 months
Have you seen the nasty attacks on Cait from Sam's fans after she won The Saturn Award while he didn't? What's your opinion on this?
Thanks for asking for my opinion, Anon. 😃
Wait a minute… nasty attacks? That makes NO sense.
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Why would anyone attack Caitríona for winning the 2024 Saturn Award for Best Actress in a Television Series? She won the same award in 2021, and in 2015 and 2016, she won Best Actress on Television, and was nominated for best actress four other times.
Sam was nominated for the 2024 Best Actor in a Television Series award. He’s been nominated eight times, winning in 2019. Interestingly, he was nominated as a supporting actor in 2015.
All their combined 16 nominations were for Outlander. The show itself won 2024’s Best Action/Adventure/Thriller Television Series, one of the eight “show” categories.
The 2024 Saturn Awards offered 11 acting awards: five for film, six for television (Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Younger Performer, and only in the TV category, Featured Guest Star).
Neither Caitríona nor Sam would qualify as supporting, younger, or guest star. Caitríona would not qualify for actor; Sam would not qualify for actress. Duh.
So why would anyone attack Caitríona for winning an award for which Sam could not, would not qualify?
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Are you thinking I missed your point, Anon? 😂 I didn’t.
Yes, I saw chatter and whingeing on Tumblr and other sites. I’m aware some people said nasty things. I’m reminded of a child’s birthday party where a non-birthday sibling throws a tantrum when the birthday sibling opens a particular gift.
“Why does she get Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes LEGO and I get nothing?! 😫”
I think comparing apples to oranges never makes sense. I think both nominations and wins deserve recognition. I think tearing down one person to build up another person is childish and shortsighted.
I think the people involved in these conversations care a lot more about the Saturn Awards than either Caitríona or Sam does.
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Remember… I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either. — Jack Benny
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months
>:(((( I have a phonecall today that I have to answer, and ofc some other random phone call came in and I answered bc thought it was that. >:((( it wasn’t and now today’s total is going to be 2 phone calls. this is my nightmare
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sunshineandlyrics · 4 months
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catastrxblues · 4 months
💗🌷🌼 ✨This is the you are amazing award. Send it to ten bloggers you think are wonderful or just take a moment to bask in your own awesomeness! ✨ 🌼🌷💗
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ryanguzmansource · 4 months
The latest video of Ryan is from frames_by_claudio :)
So it is! Thank you!
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
Not really a question persay...
But just wanted to mention that your blog is like one of my Meccas. It's organized and kind and your posts are magnificent and... ok ok I'm gonna stop gushing, but you are incredible. One of the first blogs that felt cozy and approachable, I guess. I'm still much too shy to interact often but it's very apparent.
I guess that's it. Slipping back into the abyss...
Hope the new year is treating you well 🙂
Oh my… Thank you, sweet anon… Thank you for your many kind words. I deeply appreciate them. Really, this ask has made my day ♥️. I am honored that my blog makes you feel cozy and approachable. Being shy is completely valid. Your feelings are valid. You are always more than welcome to interact, whether it’s asks or through my DMs! I love hearing from you sweet anon!! I hope you’re doing well. And thank you, I hope the new year is treating you well as well. Have a lovely day/night!! 💞💞💞
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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pondphuwin · 1 year
im glad im not the only person manifesting a p'aof pondphuwin show. if i can manifest a p'aof jimmysea show surely we can manifest this too
we need to start a movement!!! p'aof pondphuwin series 2024!!!
especially knowing that p'aof was a producer on futs and (i think) was part of the casting process for that show, i would LOVE to see what kind of characters and story he would cast them in now as a director. ppw have shown such a range going from futs to nlmg, i just really want to see more of them in general.
also i love your url !! so excited for more jimmysea this year <3
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sophiamcdougall · 6 months
You're a reasonably informed person on the internet. You've experienced things like no longer being able to get files off an old storage device, media you've downloaded suddenly going poof, sites and forums with troves full of people's thoughts and ideas vanishing forever. You've heard of cybercrime. You've read articles about lost media. You have at least a basic understanding that digital data is vulnerable, is what I'm saying. I'm guessing that you're also aware that history is, you know... important? And that it's an ongoing study, requiring ... data about how people live? And that it's not just about stanning celebrities that happen to be dead? Congratulations, you are significantly better-informed than the British government! So they're currently like "Oh hai can we destroy all these historical documents pls? To save money? Because we'll digitise them first so it's fine! That'll be easy, cheap and reliable -- right? These wills from the 1850s will totally be fine for another 170 years as a PNG or whatever, yeah? We didn't need to do an impact assesment about this because it's clearly win-win! We'd keep the physical wills of Famous People™ though because Famous People™ actually matter, unlike you plebs. We don't think there are any equalities implications about this, either! Also the only examples of Famous People™ we can think of are all white and rich, only one is a woman and she got famous because of the guy she married. Kisses!"
Yes, this is the same Government that's like "Oh no removing a statue of slave trader is erasing history :(" You have, however, until 23 February 2024 to politely inquire of them what the fuck they are smoking. And they will have to publish a summary of the responses they receive. And it will look kind of bad if the feedback is well-argued, informative and overwhelmingly negative and they go ahead and do it anyway. I currently edit documents including responses to consultations like (but significantly less insane) than this one. Responses do actually matter. I would particularly encourage British people/people based in the UK to do this, but as far as I can see it doesn't say you have to be either. If you are, say, a historian or an archivist, or someone who specialises in digital data do say so and draw on your expertise in your answers. This isn't a question of filling out a form. You have to manually compose an email answering the 12 questions in the consultation paper at the link above. I'll put my own answers under the fold. Note -- I never know if I'm being too rude in these sorts of things. You probably shouldn't be ruder than I have been.
Please do not copy and paste any of this: that would defeat the purpose. This isn't a petition, they need to see a range of individual responses. But it may give you a jumping-off point.
Question 1: Should the current law providing for the inspection of wills be preserved?
Yes. Our ability to understand our shared past is a fundamental aspect of our heritage. It is not possible for any authority to know in advance what future insights they are supporting or impeding by their treatment of material evidence. Safeguarding the historical record for future generations should be considered an extremely important duty.
Question 2: Are there any reforms you would suggest to the current law enabling wills to be inspected?
Question 3: Are there any reasons why the High Court should store original paper will documents on a permanent basis, as opposed to just retaining a digitised copy of that material?
Yes. I am amazed that the recent cyber attack on the British Library, which has effectively paralysed it completely, not been sufficient to answer this question for you.  I also refer you to the fate of the Domesday Project. Digital storage is useful and can help more people access information; however, it is also inherently fragile. Malice, accident, or eventual inevitable obsolescence not merely might occur, but absolutely should be expected. It is ludicrously naive and reflects a truly unpardonable ignorance to assume that information preserved only in digital form is somehow inviolable and safe, or that a physical document once digitised, never need be digitised again..At absolute minimum, it should be understood as certain that at least some of any digital-only archive will eventually be permanently lost. It is not remotely implausible that all of it would be. Preserving the physical documents provides a crucial failsafe. It also allows any errors in reproduction -- also inevitable-- to be, eventually, seen and corrected. Note that maintaining, upgrading and replacing digital infrastructure is not free, easy or reliable. Over the long term, risks to the data concerned can only accumulate.
"Unlike the methods for preserving analog documents that have been honed over millennia, there is no deep precedence to look to regarding the management of digital records. As such, the processing, long-term storage, and distribution potential of archival digital data are highly unresolved issues. [..] the more digital data is migrated, translated, and re-compressed into new formats, the more room there is for information to be lost, be it at the microbit-level of preservation. Any failure to contend with the instability of digital storage mediums, hardware obsolescence, and software obsolescence thus meets a terminal end—the definitive loss of information. The common belief that digital data is safe so long as it is backed up according to the 3-2-1 rule (3 copies on 2 different formats with 1 copy saved off site) belies the fact that it is fundamentally unclear how long digital information can or will remain intact. What is certain is that its unique vulnerabilities do become more pertinent with age."  -- James Boyda, On Loss in the 21st Century: Digital Decay and the Archive, Introduction.
Question 4: Do you agree that after a certain time original paper documents (from 1858 onwards) may be destroyed (other than for famous individuals)? Are there any alternatives, involving the public or private sector, you can suggest to their being destroyed?
Absolutely not. And I would have hoped we were past the "great man" theory of history. Firstly, you do not know which figures will still be considered "famous" in the future and which currently obscure individuals may deserve and eventually receive greater attention. I note that of the three figures you mention here as notable enough to have their wills preserved, all are white, the majority are male (the one woman having achieved fame through marriage) and all were wealthy at the time of their death. Any such approach will certainly cull evidence of the lives of women, people of colour and the poor from the historical record, and send a clear message about whose lives you consider worth remembering.
Secondly, the famous and successsful are only a small part of our history. Understanding the realities that shaped our past and continue to mould our present requires evidence of the lives of so-called "ordinary people"!
Did you even speak to any historians before coming up with this idea?
Entrusting the documents to the private sector would be similarly disastrous. What happens when a private company goes bust or decides that preserving this material is no longer profitable? What reasonable person, confronted with our crumbling privatised water infrastructure, would willingly consign any part of our heritage to a similar fate?
Question 5: Do you agree that there is equivalence between paper and digital copies of wills so that the ECA 2000 can be used?
No. And it raises serious questions about the skill and knowledge base within HMCTS and the government that the very basic concepts of data loss and the digital dark age appear to be unknown to you. I also refer you to the Domesday Project.
Question 6: Are there any other matters directly related to the retention of digital or paper wills that are not covered by the proposed exercise of the powers in the ECA 2000 that you consider are necessary?
Destroying the physical documents will always be an unforgivable dereliction of legal and moral duty.
Question 7: If the Government pursues preserving permanently only a digital copy of a will document, should it seek to reform the primary legislation by introducing a Bill or do so under the ECA 2000?
Destroying the physical documents will always be an unforgivable dereliction of legal and moral duty.
Question 8: If the Government moves to digital only copies of original will documents, what do you think the retention period for the original paper wills should be? Please give reasons and state what you believe the minimum retention period should be and whether you consider the Government’s suggestion of 25 years to be reasonable.
There is no good version of this plan. The physical documents should be preserved.
Question 9: Do you agree with the principle that wills of famous people should be preserved in the original paper form for historic interest?
This question betrays deep ignorance of what "historic interest" actually is. The study of history is not simply glorified celebrity gossip. If anything, the physical wills of currently famous people could be considered more expendable as it is likely that their contents are so widely diffused as to be relatively "safe", whereas the wills of so-called "ordinary people" will, especially in aggregate, provide insights that have not yet been explored.
Question 10: Do you have any initial suggestions on the criteria which should be adopted for identifying famous/historic figures whose original paper will document should be preserved permanently?
Abandon this entire lamentable plan. As previously discussed, you do not and cannot know who will be considered "famous" in the future, and fame is a profoundly flawed criterion of historical significance.
Question 11: Do you agree that the Probate Registries should only permanently retain wills and codicils from the documents submitted in support of a probate application? Please explain, if setting out the case for retention of any other documents.
No, all the documents should be preserved indefinitely.
Question 12: Do you agree that we have correctly identified the range and extent of the equalities impacts under each of these proposals set out in this consultation? Please give reasons and supply evidence of further equalities impacts as appropriate.
No. You appear to have neglected equalities impacts entirely. As discussed, in your drive to prioritise "famous people", your plan will certainly prioritise the white, wealthy and mostly the male, as your "Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin and Princess Diana" examples amply indicate. This plan will create a two-tier system where evidence of the lives of the privileged is carefully preserved while information regarding people of colour, women, the working class and other disadvantaged groups is disproportionately abandoned to digital decay and eventual loss. Current and future historians from, or specialising in the history of minority groups will be especially impoverished by this.  
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usagiblackrose · 4 months
Aw, thank you!! 🥺☺️💖❤️
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blackprivilege · 4 months
I have a movie list now, in no particular order, these are movies I have on my computer I want to watch:
Hellboy (the original not 2019 - I’ve seen this movie and i like Hellboy but I had watched it when I was a kid so it’d be fun to check out now)
The Watermelon Woman (when I first heard of it, it was from a negative perspective, then the second time it was used as a positive example for a video project I had to do in one of my classes last year, but I still haven’t seen it myself, and so I want to be able to judge it on its own)
Do the Right Thing (haven’t seen or heard a thing abt it (outside of its known status of course, I live under a rock many a time), all I really know is that it’s a Spike Lee joint so 👍🏽)
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months
what are your favorite hobbies & interests? :)
Ooh thanks for the ask !! :D
I don’t know if u can count going on walks as a hobby, but if u can then that’s definitely one of the favorites. ”I’m gonna go for a walk about this” is my solution to every problem ever
Going to the gym, and also running (altho recently been kinda very inconsistent lol, and running is a spring/summer/autumn thing; huge props to ppl who run all year around in the snow & icy roads, but I’m not one of them)
Painting!! it’s a very inconsistent one also; can have months where I don’t paint even a little bit. My favorite thing especially is drinking a bottle of red wine and painting; that’s the chillest time ever lol
I wanna say reading but lately been in a slump lol (it’s hard to carve out time bc u can’t just read for like 30mins; needs to be at least couple hours bc that’s what it’s gonna be when u get invested, no matter the cost to ur life)
Wine :D been going to a bunch of wine tastings & went to a wine course with my mom last year
Also whiskey, have gone to a tasting and joined a whiskey club but honestly I know nothing abt it, …yet (someday I intend to become as annoying with it as I’m with wine), I just like to drink it lol
Chess (been trying to learn with very bad success)
Idk which category this would go but ballet. I used to dance for like 12 years, and I’ve been wanting to start again for the past like 3 years, but haven’t yet built up the nerve/time/money. It’s on the ”hobby wishlist” (as is also pottery)
this is sort of a weird one and not like something anyone actually does (I think?) but I’d love to grow mushrooms. Like a mushroom garden. Or like a plotted plant but instead of like a green nice lil’ plant, it’s a mushroom. (this doesn’t count as an interest I don’t think?? I’m just very fascinated by mushrooms/fungi bc like what the fuck those are so varied and sometimes hella weird, sort of gross but in a satisfying way idk)
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cardierreh15 · 4 months
Happy Valentine's day Cardi !!!
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you are paws-itively amazing, thank you for being you, don't ever change, ily 😘💜✨💘🥰🧡💌💙🎀💛
Awwwww, I can’t take these 😭🥺 Happy Valentine’s Day lovebug 🌸
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writer-of-passion · 4 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! 💛
Thank you for this! 💜
1.) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë are my all time favorite romance books.
2.) I've been learning how to draw more and how to use watercolors.
3.) I have a giant, purple, pen collection.
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aryapooja0501 · 4 months
Wordle Hints and Answer #970 – February 14, 2024
Hello Wordle enthusiasts! If you’re here, chances are you’re facing the daily challenge of cracking The Wordle Hints and Answer #970 February 14, 2024, and you need a helping hand. Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s dive straight into the details and uncover the solution to today’s word, keeping it simple and to the point.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 months
Stray Kids Reaction || You Were Clingy And Suddenly You Aren't
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PAIRING: Skz x GN!Reader 
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
You hadn’t even meant to overhear the conversation the boys were having but you had and ever since you’d distanced yourself from Chan, giving him space, major space even. You'd stopped showing up at the dorms after work and you stopped going to spend time with Chan at the studios on your days off. You didn't want to be around him if you were too clingy, or overbearing to him and you panicked.
"You're ignoring me and I hate it," Chan said bluntly as he sat across from you at the cafe you would frequent. You forced yourself to look up from the book you'd been trying to read and frowned seeing him standing there.
"What?" You were sure he was supposed to be in practice right now and yet here he was panting and staring at you.
"You're ignoring me, did I do something wrong?" His voice broke as he pulled out a chair and sat down across from you,
"What? No...N-No, I'm just giving you space." You smiled weakly, shutting your book and looking up at him. You didn't want to get into this in the middle of a cafe but you also didn't want to go back to the dorms with him and risk another comment from Seungmin.
"When have I ever said I needed space?" He chuckled at you but you didn't find any of this funny, you were a little stressed that he didn't see you the same way you saw yourself right now.
"You haven't but I realise how overbearing I am right now-"
"What are you talking about?" His hand clasped yours in his grip and he ran his thumb over your skin, your heart picking up as you let out a small whimper. 
"Seungmin said he never sees us apart and I realised how tiring that must be for you." You shrugged, trying to take your hand back but Chan gripped you a little tighter,
"Yn." He whispered, his voice laced with sympathy,
"I'm sorry if I'm too much sometimes, I just...I like spending time with you." Tears were beginning to roll down your cheeks even though you hadn't meant to cry, everything you'd been bottling up finally overflowing,
"And I love spending time with you, it doesn't matter what Seungmin said." He mumbled, moving to the spot right next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Let's go home, okay? I missed you and I have some cuddling with you to catch up on." He smirked a little making your whole body heat as you nodded at him, quickly kissing his cheek.
After you'd heard Chan say to Minho that you were "Around each other all the time." you'd stopped going around as much. It wasn't anything personal but you didn't want to be too much for Minho, or the others. You worried they'd find you annoying if you were too clingy with your boyfriend and so you took some steps back.
"Yn? I know you can hear me...Just talk to me, did I do something wrong?" Minho pleaded through the door of your apartment. You hadn't responded to him all day and he was beginning to worry you were in a fight without him realising you were in a fight.
"I'm going to use the emergency key if you don't answer." He warned before you sighed, unlocking the door and stepping to the side to let him in.
"Are you sick? Did we have a fight and I didn't notice?" He laughed weakly as he made his way to your sofa and sat down, a clear sign that he wasn't going to go anywhere any time soon so you shut the door and sat across from him.
"So then what's going on?" He hated overthinking and that was all he'd managed to do ever since you'd disappeared on him and gone quiet.
"I'm giving you some space." You offered as if he'd asked for it but he frowned, shaking his head,
"Space? Why?"
"I feel like I'm overbearing sometimes and I worry I'm around you too much." You'd been overthinking it ever since you'd heard Chan and now you worried if you came on too strong with Minho he'd leave.
"Baby, I enjoy spending time with you." He reached out to touch you but you shifted away from him.
"I know you say that but I feel like I'm too clingy and I should just give you some space."
"But I don't need that, I need my beautiful and amazing partner by my side, always." He whispered as you sniffled a little, tears running down your cheeks as you stared back at him,
"I just don't want you to think I'm smothering you." As soon as he heard you say that he dragged you onto the sofa beside him,
"You could never smother me, if there was ever an issue we would talk about it, don't pull away from me." He begged, his hand running over your cheek as he rid your face of the tears,
"Trust me, baby, we're good." He tells you as he wraps you in the tightest hug he could manage, your body relaxing a little as you finally felt close to him again.
"I never see you two without each other." The words had seemed so casual coming from Minho's lips and yet you suddenly felt as though your whole world was coming apart around you. 
"Yn? You going home?" Changbin frowned as he walked into his bedroom to find you packing up your things. After you'd heard Minho you knew it was time to give Changbin some space.
"I thought you were staying here tonight."
"Yeah, I just, I thought I should give you some space." You shrugged it off, doing your best to stay as calm and rational as possible but your mind kept going back to your past relationships. Whenever you got too clingy things would go sideways and they'd split with you and you didn't want that with Changbin.
"Space?" He frowned and stood beside you,
"I've been clingy lately and I don't want to smother you, so I'm going to head home." You folded up your last bit of clothing but Changbin was just as confused as he was when he started this conversation
"Smother me? Yn, you could never smother me...Where is this coming from?" He put his hand on your shoulder trying to make you look at him but you didn't, you knew if you did you'd give up and stay all night.
"I just worry that I'm always around and it's probably too much for you. I don't want to be that kind of a partner to you."
"Yn." He stilled your hands on your bag, 
"I love having you around, you make everything better and you're not too much." He hated that you could ever think such a thing when he thought the entire world of you,
"But in my last relationships, things were too much and I don't want to end up pushing you away." You whispered, your voice cracking a little as Changbin held your face in his hands.
"I get that, but we're different. Okay? I don't want you to distance yourself from me because of some bonehead in the past." You stare at him a little unsure of what to do.
"We can spend the night here and then you'll see how much I need you around." He whispered as you nodded a little, your cheeks heating as he kissed you softly.
Hyunjin knew that there was something wrong the moment you'd stopped replying to him over text and then when you cancelled most of your plans he knew he had to do something to make you feel better.
"What...What are you doing here?" You questioned your boyfriend as you walked into your apartment to see him cooking for you.
"You're home early, damn, this was supposed to be done for when you came in." He brushed his hands down his apron and hugged you tightly, you hugged him back but frowned at him.
"What was?"
"Dinner." He gestured to the oven behind him which was filled with food.
"I noticed you were being distant and I wanted to come over and do something nice for you." He smiled warmly but you just felt guilty that he'd come all the way out here to do this for you.
"Is everything okay?" He asked as he went back to stirring whatever it was on the hob but you looked down at the floor. Everything was fine until Changbin mentioned that he never saw you apart from one another and you realised you needed to give Hyunjin space.
"I'm just worried I might be too clingy...or overbearing," You shrugged, scratching the back of your neck as Hyunjin froze.
"Clingy and overbearing? What would give you that thought?" He stopped what he was doing, moving the food off the heat.
"I love our time together," He added, worry started to seep into him as he thought about it.
"I know you say that now but I don't want you to feel suffocated or that I'm always around." Within seconds Hyunjin was in front of you and frowning,
"Yn, being with you is the best part of my day, you're never suffocating to me." He smiled a little.
"But we're never apart and I don't want you to get sick of me." You sniffled a little but Hyunjin kissed you softly, wrapping his arms around you.
"If there is one thing in this world I can promise you, it's that I would neve ever get sick of you." He explained, you hesitated for a second a little unsure of what to do but you smiled weakly.
"You're sure?" You quizzed before he nodded, kissing your cheek.
"We can talk more over dinner, but I promise you I don't want or need you to put space between us," He told you, kissing the top of your head and going back to cooking.
Ever since last week, Jisung had noticed something changing with you and he was beginning to worry he'd done something that might have upset you. Even now as you walked together on the beach he could sense something was wrong. You weren't holding his hand or onto his arm like you usually would and you weren't asking him to go on rides with you or to play some fair games when you would pass by them.
"Is everything okay? With us...I mean." He usually wasn't upfront with his feelings but ever since the two of you had started seeing one another he'd been getting better at it,
"Yeah." It was obviously a lie and Jisung frowned at you, stopping still and making you look at him.
"What's going on?" He stared at you and you knew he wasn't going to stop asking unless you told him the truth which worried you more than you cared to admit.
"Do you think we're around each other too much?" You finally asked making Jisung's eyebrows knit together in a frown.
"No? Why?" He shook his head at you but you looked away from him,
"It was something Felix mentioned...T-That we're never apart and I worry that-"
"You're clingy?" He finished for you and you nodded a little before he sighed and kissed your cheek.
"You're not clingy at all, you know I love having you around right?" He stares at you and smiles a little.
"You make me feel less anxious, you make me feel like a whole other person when I'm with you and I never want space." He told you simply, bringing you into his arms and smiling as you cuddled into him.
"You promise you'll come to me in the future if you start to worry again?" He quizzed and you nodded your head, kissing him quickly as you continued your walk on the beach front.
As you rounded the corner of your apartment building you frowned finding Felix standing there knocking on your door.
"Felix? I thought we cancelled tonight." You said as you walked closer to him but something was off, you could see he'd been crying and it instantly made you worry.
"Are we okay? Are you breaking up with me?" He sniffled, you quickly ushered him into your apartment not wanting to get any unwanted attention from your neighbours and you shut the door.
"Breaking up? What? No." You mumbled shaking your head at him.
"You've been so distant and then J-Jisung said it meant you were going to break things off with me."
"Jisung is wrong." You grumbled, you and Jisung weren't exactly seeing eye to eye after you'd heard him mention to Felix how clingy you were.
"So then what's going on? Did I do something to upset you?"
"No, Lix." You sighed sitting next to him on the sofa.
"I overheard Jisung talk about me and he mentioned how we're never apart and I just...I thought I was giving you space." You shrugged it off and Felix sighed, clearly frustrated.
"I'm sorry you heard him say that but....for the record, I assure you that I don't find you clingy...I love you so much," He smiled warmly at you but you looked down at the floor.
"I don't want to be a burden," Your head was slowly tilted up to look at Felix and you smiled weakly.
"You're not a burden, Yn. I'll talk to Jisung and clear this up but don't let his dumb words affect us," He told you sternly before kissing you softly and standing up.
"Where are you going?" You frowned as he stretched a little,
"To talk to Jisung."
"No. Stay and cuddle I missed you," You laughed, dragging him back to you, he could talk to Jisung another time, right now it was just you and him.
Seungmin hadn't always been the best at expressing himself when it came to your relationship but he always felt as though he'd done a pretty good job up until now. Now he had no idea what was wrong and if he'd done something to upset you since you'd just distanced yourself from him. 
"Seungmin? What are you doing here?" You whispered as you turned around to find your boyfriend in your office, somewhere he shouldn't have been if he didn't want to get noticed. You quickly shut and locked your door, pulling the blinds down.
"I had to see you, we've barely spent any time together."
"I've been busy." You lied looking down at the floor but Seungmin wasn't going to take some bullshit for an excuse he needed to know what was going on.
"You've been acting distant for weeks, what's going on?"
"I just figured you needed some space." Seungmin waited for you to say something else but when you didn't he frowned even more at you.
"Why would I need space?" He stared down at you as you sat at your desk,
"I've been a little annoying and clingy lately and I didn't want to keep bothering you."
"When have you ever bothered me? Where would you even get such an idea?" He sat across from you and narrowed his eyes a little, he was like a human lie detector and you knew you wouldn't be able to hide anything from him.
"Jeongin mentioned how we're never apart and I just- I thought you might get annoyed with me." You explained before Seungmin stared at you as though you had a second head.
"Baby, you're not annoying, you never could be...ever, I don't ever want you to feel like that." He moved quickly to kneel by your side and he took your hands in his, kissing them softly.
"I love you...Okay? You're important to me and I want us to be able to talk if things ever bother us," He offered and you nodded, quickly kissing him and smiling to yourself.
"I promise to come to you in the future," He nodded and kisses you again, deeper this time,
It was a quiet night in until Jeongin showed up at your door, usually Friday nights were reserved for the two of you to spend time together but you'd been acting differently lately and it was starting to worry him. Especially tonight when you cancelled on him seemingly to do nothing at home.
"You're acting weird and I'm worried," Jeongin explained as he stood in your apartment, you refused to look at him instead choosing to stare at the TV with a drama playing on it.
"Yn, talk to me." He begged as he sat across from you on the coffee table. Sighin you looked at him, you hesitated in telling him everything but you knew he'd never leave if you didn't spill your guts to him.
"I'm sorry if I've been distant...I just-" You sighed, you didn't even know where to start with any of this.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I just want to understand what's going on. Is something or someone bothering you?" He stared at you with concern written all over his face and you sighed,.
"Lately I've just been feeling like maybe I'm too clingy and then I heard Minho mention that we're never apart and it just...it drove home what I was already feeling," You mumbled, playing with the sleeves of your shirt as jeongin stared at you.
"Clingy? You're not clingy at all, nowhere near." He mumbled, quickly moving to sit beside you.
"I don't know, I heard what Minho said and then at work, I heard people talking about their relationships and I just...I thought I was being a burden." Jeongin reached out and took your hands in his.
"You're not and never will be a burden to me, Yn. I love you and want you in my life."
"I don't want to ever smoother you or make you feel trapped with me." You added and he smiled at you,.
"Okay, but communication is key. Shutting me out and putting space between us won't let us fix what's going on. We need to talk it through together." He squeezed your hands a little and you nodded, you knew he was right deep down and you kissed him softly.
"I promise to talk if anything bothers me again," You whispered before the two of you cuddled together on the sofa for a while.
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