#Anti HoD
technoturian · 2 years
So I found out the lead character in the GoT spinoff is fat in the source material.
I’m a little torn, because on one hand a mess of incestuous violence is not at all the kind of representation I want, but on the other hand...
Of course they hired a thin person. She’s lusted for and loved and has sex and has power and has narrative agency and she rides freaking dragons. Of course she’s thin. They probably didn’t consider for a second they should hire a fat actress to play this fat character.
Just like they couldn’t consider for a second that Sam Vimes would want an older, taller, fatter Sybil Ramkin.
We don’t get to be the main characters. We get to be disgusting hedonists, funny best friends, “sweet” (sexless) supporters and literal DESPAIR but the cool character? The sexy character? The DESIRED character? Even if it’s written right there in the text? Just not possible.
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queerbrainrot · 2 years
House of Dragon in nutshell: Everything You Hated about Game of Thrones Ending But Make It Stretch Over 2~ Seasons
i'd honestly not recommend the show unless you're into watching yet another (rightful, hate it or not but she is) queen, who is a strong and independent fem character, be maimed, tortured and murdered in brutal way (along with almost her entire family tbh) by a male family member (with the help of his non-Targaryen fem family member) who is her challenge to the throne
like, yay, patriarchy wins, evil independent woman gets murdered so she won't 'steal' the throne from the usurper? idk
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spacerockfloater · 6 months
Being a female viewer and hating Criston Cole is deranged.
I have to get this off my chest. The blind hatred that Criston is receiving from women is insane and I’m going to explain why.
For context, I am talking about Show Criston, not Book Criston. Comparing two standalone versions of a story is silly.
I cannot wrap my head around the fact that so many women, who are the primary victims of utilitarian relationships, would ever come together and shit on Criston for enduring such a situation.
I’m sorry, but how many of you have been used by men? How many of you have been reduced to one night stands, situationships and placeholder wives? How many of you have been deemed “not good enough” to be an exclusive partner? I log into tiktok and I see NOTHING but stories of broken women who are just used for sex, money, care and whatnot by men, and then they are tossed away like worthless trash while said men continue their pursuit of the ideal woman. Being used by men just for sex and being denied the status of girlfriend, let alone wife, is probably one of the worst plagues women are experiencing in the western world because the MOMENT we were emancipated, men understood that they don’t owe us shit anymore and instead of treating us with respect, they decided to grab whatever they can and give nothing back. Do not tell me that there are women out there that are fine with this arrangement because the multiple “GWM while I tell you about the guy that was with me for 12 years and then married someone else” tell a different story, one of multiple women’s dignities being trampled by hungry men. My heart breaks for every woman (EVERY woman, cis, trans, EVERY woman) who has been called by a man she loves just for sex, for every woman whose man never wanted to be seen in public with her, for every woman who had to hear that her man is not ready for a relationship only to witness him getting engaged to another woman 2 weeks after. I hope you overcome this and become stronger and I am glad that we are finally supporting one another.
How can we then, the women who are helping other female victims rise up and speak out against this kind of abuse, push Criston down and tell him to suck it up and accept being Rhaenyra’s plaything? Have we no mercy? Are we so hungry for revenge against men that we’d want them to endure the same humiliation that we did, as if one fictional man’s suffering would bring us justice? Are we so jealous that Criston didn’t sit down and just take it like the rest of us, but instead spoke up and removed himself from that situation? Or are we so gullible that we accept what the screenwriters shove down our throats and unknowingly support the patriarchic view that if you’re being used by someone you should just accept it?
I can hear some of you arguing that “Oh, this is different because Rhaenyra is royalty!” as if being used and tossed by a powerful person somehow makes the situation any better? Would it be okay if a rich person wanted to constantly use you for sex while he keeps looking for a better woman to be by his side, just because he values his wealth and status more? Rhaenyra straight up sneered at the idea of a simple life with him. She straight up told him that HE is not worth as much as her crown. OUCH. Even though I can’t even begin to imagine the pain of being told you are not enough by your loved one, it was Rhaenyra’s right to choose what her priorities are, but WHY would he have to accept being her sidepiece? “These were different times”: does this make it any less devastating for the victim? And he was a victim because Rhaenyra still used Criston and misled him by constantly complaining about how she HATES her duties for YEARS and then luring him to break his oath. Do you think he would have still slept with her if he was aware that moments ago, Rhaenyra was begging on her knees to be fucked by Daemon and only turned to Criston because her first option was no longer available? Like, the man was contemplating having sex with her and resisted her for a good fucking while, so imagine how quickly he would have turned around and walked out that door if he had that information beforehand. You know why? Because he loved her. He loved her to the point that he broke his oath for her, the oath of a station he FOUGHT FOR IN A WAR. He shed blood and sweat and risked his life for the mere opportunity to gain that position. This was ALL he had, he came from NOTHING and he was still willing to toss it all away for Rhaenyra not once, but twice. It wasn’t just sex he wanted because we never see him have sex again after that. He became vulnerable and gave up everything that he was to be with Rhaenyra. He was willing to abandon his whole identity for her sake. Is this not what the ideal partner is? Ready to abandon everything for your shake? Everything he fought for, tooth and nail? Was he unreasonable in thinking that Rhaenyra was willing to do the same for him? Was he crazy to think that because he was ready to put everything he FOUGHT for aside for her shake, Rhaenyra would also put aside a duty she was handed and actively seem to hate for him too? Fuck no! After hearing her constant talk about how she hates her father, her duties, her refusal to wed other men, how she is trapped as a princess, how people have no idea how much it SUCKS being her, why would he not assume that she’d be willing to give it all up for him, as he’d do for her We never see Rhaenyra even TRY to be a ruler, just complain about it. Of course it would be a fucking shock to him hearing her say “Lol dude, I actually do kinda want this”.
Criston was actually the only person in the series that wanted Rhaenyra for her, not her money or crown. I’m not saying she had to follow him, it was her right to refuse him, but his willingness to lead a simple life with just her has got to mean something. And don’t give me that “he only wanted to redeem his honour by marrying her” crap, because first of all Criston nutted up and admitted everything to Alicent and was ready to face death without EVER blaming Rhaenyra for anything, and second of all, oh no, how dare a human being have ethical values and desire to live with dignity in society’s broad light rather than move in the shadows as the princess’s secret boytoy! Bad, bad Criston for feeling you have to atone for your sins. Maybe we as people have become so corrupt that we envy those who wish to walk a virtuous path in life. Or maybe y’all have become so fond of the unhinged unapologetic character trope because it feels “original” (even if it’s ridiculously overused nowadays) that you’ve actually forgotten what characters with good morals are. Like, picking your fave war criminal and rolling with them because you enjoy good drama, especially in a show that’s meant to provide entertainment, is one thing, but passionately stating that Criston had to submit to that humiliation is something else entirely.
Finally, let’s ditch the Criston being a misogynist bullshit because he had NO issue obeying Rhaenyra before their affair or Alicent. And he is ALWAYS true to himself and his values, because even after everything he endured, he did not use Alicent’s anger as an excuse to take revenge on Rhaenyra and harm her children. Criston never betrayed her, Rhaenyra used him and he walked away and he went towards the only person who seemed to spare him some sympathy and understand him and not condemn him for his crimes even if he hated himself, which is typical victim mentality. And don’t get me started on the Joffrey incident because y’all tore Cole to SHREDS for it. Joffrey had it fucking coming. You don’t go up to people’s faces, especially ones you don’t know, threaten them by telling them you know their secret, a secret that SHAMES them and burdens them to the point they’re ready to commit suicide, and all but directly call them a whore. What the fuck did he think was going to happen? They’d shake hands? Piss off. Let this be a lesson to anyone that doesn’t know how to keep their mouths shut and their noses out of other people’s business. Also, mocking his suicide attempt makes my stomach turn. Just take a moment to consider all the young women who just like him, reluctantly surrendered their virginities to men only to find out they were nothing but sex dolls in their eyes, all these girls whose trust led to their secret being spread and them getting ridiculed and slut shamed for it: how many girls have taken their own lives because they found living with such a burden unbearable?
For the love of everything you hold sacred, please wake up. The narrative that you can be used by someone powerful and you have to accept it because that’s the way things are is a man’s construct. Do not let them fool you.
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mewkwota · 1 year
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And Death is here too! This tiny little guy has been recurring in my comics because he's Dracula's right-hand-man, best-friend, whatever. He's capable of growing big, but chooses to stay "portable" by default. I attempted a few other designs on him for funsies.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
court awarded a terf piece of shit 100k because she was seemingly fired for having ‘gender critical’ views and now everyone is congratulating her. so just to say if you are a terf get the fuck off of here. And anyone who doesn’t fall into the demands of ‘gender critics’ I fucking love you and I am so glad you are here
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I have a rant about hod idk
I don't mean to be problematic (lie) but isn't Rhaenyra basically a victim of grooming (via Criston and Daemon) and abuse (via Alicent) in the books? Because correct me if I'm fucking wrong, wasn't Criston her Kingsgaurd since she was fucking SEVEN?? To quote Queen (Consort) Alicent Hightower: "Ser Criston protects the princess from her enemies, but who protects the princess from Ser Criston?" And Daemon, who was sixteen years older than her and her fucking uncle for Christ's sake, was definitely aiming for more power. And Alicent was eighteen when she married Viserys (29, I believe), and Rhaenyra at this point was being groomed to be his heir.
(I'm still wondering why Viserys had Rhaenyra still named heir even after Aegon was born, ignoring that prophecy and guilt nonsense from the show. Maybe he was already having her be groomed to be Queen and was sus of the Hightowers (although why marry one if that were the case is beyond me, especially having more boys with her) or just thought Rhaenyra would be a good queen or was a feminist (unlikely; he wanted a boy before and had no qualms in exceeding Rhaenys) or any number of reasons; I am confused and will likely remain confused) Alicent Hightower was a selfish bitch who wanted her own sons on the throne and was willing to go against the King's succession to do so. Rhaenyra and Alicent had a good relationship before Aegon was born, and then it began to sour because the King didn't name Alicent's son as heir. Now, one can always say that Rhaenyra may also be responsible for this rivalry, despising Alicent's son which gave Alicent the idea that her step-daughter might as well murder her baby brother for the throne and causing Alicent to "fight back" for the sake of her children. I would like to remind these people of one thing: 👏 RHAENYRA 👏 WAS 👏 FUCKING 👏 TEN 👏 Alicent was the adult, the stepmother. Rhaenyra was a child. A child who had lost her mother, but had welcomed her new step-mother and hoped to have a good relationship with her while learning her new duties because one day she would be Queen. She was an eight-year-old motherless child who was told she would be Queen one day with no idea of what she would lose and Otto Hightower was a scheming bastard who'd do just about anything to put his blood on the throne. I won't defend many of Rhaenyra's actions in the future, except maybe her bastard children cause let's be honest: the gay husband doesn't mind, father-in-law doesn't mind, the fucking king doesn't mind. Who cares then? Exactly. I think wanting Aemond to be "questioned sharply" was most certainly out of the line. This is the point where my sympathy for Rhaenyra begins to abscond, Aemond was ten years old. And sure, slapping and threatening her three-year-old son before shoving him into a pile of dragon droppings is pretty bad, and calling her kids bastards (I feel like she should have learned to deal with it after Luke was born and it was clear this is how her sons would be mocked forever; as horrible as it is, it's the way the world works) but he's ten. Like, come on.
(Also, I don't get the point of having the "bullying" plot added in the show when it was Viserys I mocking Aemond that caused him to want to ride Vhagar, meanwhile, Rhaenyra's sons were always hated by Alicent's cause they saw the "Strong boys" as thieves of their birthright as if Viserys hadn't made the line of succession clear and to not respect it is basically treason against the King)
Rhaenyra loses moral ground the moment she asks for a ten-year-old child to be tortured. Next up, marrying Daemon Targaryen. This, this is where she repeats her father's mistakes and now the Greens have an actual reason to fear the Blacks. Before this, any desires for the throne by Alicent's sons is talk of treason and they have no reason for Aegon to sit the throne (say for the safety of his mother and siblings) other Alicent and Otto's ambitions. Now, they have an actual reason to fear Rhaenyra. Daemon has disliked Alicent's sons because they put him further in the line of succession and he dislikes Otto and Alicent because they are as much of scheming bastards as he is, none of it has anything to do with love for anyone (except maybe Alicent, though her version of "love" doomed her children so great job). I remember Criston Cole saying something along the lines that Daemon would have Aegon and his children, Aemond, Daeron, and maybe even Helaena murdered to put his own sons on the throne. His sons, not Rhaenyra's. Not Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffery. Aegon and Viserys. This was a foolish decision by Rhaenyra, maybe she did know what Daemon would do and assumed she could put him on a leash (stupid thought, really, Daemon is an uncontrolled, rabid beast who should be put to the sword in my opinion) but she created the same succession crisis for Jacaerys in the future that her father created for her by marrying Alicent and having her sons. Her bastard sons would always receive a challenge from Daemon's son, whether they wanted the throne or not and considering the fact that Rhaenyra loved all her children regardless of who their father was, probably not. But Daemon is Daemon. Being King Consort and having a Queen Consort daughter would most certainly not do. Criston was right, Rhaenyra was officially a threat. Although in many ways I think her decision to marry Daemon was caused by the Driftmark incident, and even if not, then years of having to deal with the Greens. So in many ways they brought this on themselves.
With the exception of Rhaenyra asking for Aemond to be "questioned sharply" (he was ten, come on!) all of the shit that the Greens have to deal with are caused by their own actions. I'm not saying they deserve it, though.
Blood and Cheese was caused by Aemond killing Luke for NO FUCKING REASON even if I would personally vibe more with the revenge vibes if they'd had Aemond (or even Aegon) killed instead of literal babies like what the fuck. Still have doubts if Rhaenyra was involved in the planning remembering how wrapped up she was in her grief, but considering she wanted a ten-year-old tortured and took Mysaria on her council after the incident . . . doesn't paint a pretty picture, yes? I mean, sure, she showed mercy to Helaena and Alicent but . . . well . . .
(I mean, Pro-Rhaenyra supporters could argue that the Mysaria thing was temporary and asking Aemond to be tortured was just a threat, which I'm not discounting as impossible considering the Maesters would probably try to make Rhaenyra seem worse because that's how women in power are typically treated by historians.)
But you know what? I'm still Team Black. Fuck Jaehaerys I and his misogynistic ass for causing this clusterfuck of a succession crisis, fuck Otto and his power-hungry ass, and fuck that bitch Alicent who decided to make a ten-year-old's life miserable. Also, fuck Daemon. And Rhaenyra to some extent (child torture and child murder, hello??)
Honestly, all of this could have been avoided if they'd gone with the original line of succession and named Rhaenys queen, but noooooo Jaehaerys had to be a misogynistic bitch.
Although, as a oldtown-conspiracy-believer, I think the Dance was inevitable. Even without the conspiracy, it was unavoidable. After all, the only thing that can destroy the House of the Dragon is itself. The dragons and dragon-riders would have grown in number and there would have been a civil war anyway.
anyway, to conclude this clusterfuck of a rant: fuck the hightowers.
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beevean · 1 year
An incredibly petty nitpick, but I hated Legion in the Netflix show. It wasn't even Legion! Legion is the demon that surrounds itself with a shell of zombies that it controls. The "Legion" in NC was just a bunch of mind controlled people (not even zombies!) that were levitated (why does mind control also grant telekinesis?) into a sphere for absolutely no reason. Would it really have been so hard to just have Isaac create Legion proper instead of doing THAT to the coolest monster in the games?
And this is what the visual references amount to: all flash, but without a deeper understanding :D
To be fair, sometimes the references are cool. I didn't expect to see Gergoth or Malphas. I sure didn't expect to see the statues from the various save rooms! And I don't mind the idea of bringing back some iconic bosses, even in a shallow "look at this!" way, and from what I remember from the fight, it was pretty well done. It helps that it's by far the best part of S3E9, compared to the frankly boring Trevor&Sypha section and... whatever the fuck they did to Alucard and Hector.
But, when you take everything into account, Legion, N!Isaac's boss at the end of S3, was... a dude. A completely random, nameless, voiceless, not-foreshadowed foe that only stood in the way of N!Isaac and the solution to his bigger problem, a solution which he had learned about two episodes prior by a woman he randomly met. The magician, and Legion by default, had no meaning to him. The people that made it were just random humans that N!Isaac had no qualms in finishing off; and of course, he was too Cool to succumb to the Magician's spell, so much for a wizard who can literally levitate hundreds of people.
... lol, imagine if he had to fight Nuculais like in CoD. Now that would have been a treat. C'mon, a holy monster spawned from darkness in a blasphemous place of worship would have been perfect for your CHURCH BAD series. But that would require deeper research :P
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bogusavathepit · 2 years
General House of Dragon Thought #2
After episode 7, there were clips of interviews with the cast and Emma D’Arcy said that (paraphrasing here) Daemon and Rhaenyra are a lot alike..too alike and that would be their end.
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Book Rhaneyra is just as messy as TV Show & Book Daemon. 
But don’t get it twisted--Book Daemon is still messy and “boss”...in his own contradictory ways. But Book Daemon is also less...resplendently impressive than how the show makes him out to be before episode 10. 
Remember that threat he threw at Rhea Royce’s relative, about him going out to seize the lands and rights as his right as her widower? Yeah, that never happens. The Lady of Arryn at the time essentially told him he couldn’t do shit, so Daemon had to walk right out. But the show never lets you know that, only giving you this messy boss moment so we’re left with the impression that he actually was able to get those lands. We never know if he does, only left to assume that he does....but he actually doesn’t!
And if we go back to how Fire and Blood relates the Driftmark claim dispute, we find out that Rhaenyra was the one who ordered Daemon/her prince consort to kill Vaemond after he called her sons bastards. She was also the one who “urged her good-father [the fevered Corlys, who was still able to talk and was present] to name instead her son, Lucerys (386).” 
And nowhere in this account is it doubted that Rhaenyra was the one actively  pursued gains for herself and her sons without showing fear or stress doing it, as if it were a burden more than a desire. And more for herself than her children, though her kids well being and prestige do overlap with her own want for the throne for herself. (Love and ambition are not mutually exclusive.) There’s no Mushroom vs Septon Eustace versus anyone else to put doubt into it. It’s even corroborated by what happened next: Vaemond’s wife and kids flee to King’s Landing and ask for his aide but Viserys instead decides to mutilate them for bringing up the boys’ parentage again. 
Which means that Book Rhaenyra definitely performed her position as heir/political superior over her older, royal uncle-consort, instigating a violent political move to gain advantage. Exactly what A Song of Ice and Fire uses to illustrate the hunger and consequences of placing power above community?
Like, we’re told this is a power couple....but one person isn’t acting out their power and when we see the only event we are given where they could overtly work together for a purely political goal, instead we get Daemon choking Rhaenyra out. While the other is doing more than what they were narrated. Why? Why is Daemon given more brazen acts than his princess-wife-niece who will inherit the throne? Daemon would still look and have that badass element if he had killed Vaemond by Rhaenyra’s order, so I would have to guess that the writers had that change so that there’s some kind of reconciliation moment between Viserys and Daemon...but that could have been done in the Last Supper dinner.
Again, Rhaenyra continues her assertiveness that we glimpse in her teens into her adulthood. Her standing in this farce the greens put her in to get that claim for her son in order to have Viserys show how Jesus-like he is and how little she can actually do without him....where is she powerful again? 
Again, the show acts against itself and creates a far less nuanced plot from its predecessor.
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sliceoflove · 2 months
I swear half of the idiot antis in coffindom wouldn’t have existed if The Coffin of Andy and Leyley was a live action movie show instead of a cutesy cartoony vn game. It would’ve gotten the GOT/HOD and FITA treatment.
That said, Devon Bostick would still make the perfect Andrew Graves
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Obviously he’s probably too old now, but imagine a live action tcoaal with him as Andrew
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I don’t know who should be Ashley (I made a post with Jenna Coleman as her before) but these old photos of Devon and his (ex?) gf is very Andrew and Ashley coded
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matan4il · 9 months
Daily update post:
The IDF reported using a trap successfully against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, luring dozens of them into a building, which was known as a Hamas command center, and which was then hit. At the same time, terrorists have the option to stay alive, if they surrender. The IDF said in the past week, it has arrested and taken to Israel for investigation over 200 surrendered Hamas terrorists.
One of the arrested terrorists described how Hamas uses kids as human shields when transporting explosives.
I'm never going to stop saying this: the people who truly care about Palestinian kids should VERY MUCH care that this is how they're being used by Palestinian terrorist organizations. Using kids as terrorists is a war crime. Using kids as human shields is a war crime. If these war crimes perpetrated against Palestinian kids don't bother someone, they're not truly pro-Palestinian, they're just anti-Israel.
I mentioned in my daily update post yesterday, that the IDF can now point out the exact networks of tunnels that allowed them to transform an entire residential neighborhood, into a fighting zone. Today, the IDF shared a 3D model demonstrating the findings on the ground, in a visually clearer way, you can find it at this tweet.
If you've been following the news or my daily update posts, then you know that the Yemenite terrorist organization, funded by Iran, started by attacking "Israeli ships" (some of which had no connection to Israel), then laid a blockade to the entire Red Sea for all ships (claiming they're being attacked for sailing to Israel, even though ships headed for Egypt also sailed through this sea), prompting an international coalition of now over 20 countries, and led by the US. Today, a Liberian ship "with a connection to Israel" experienced a drones attack not too far from India. The attack caused a fire, but no person was harmed, and the Indian fleet responded to it. An Iranian official then announced that, "If the Israeli and American aggression will continue, they can expect the closure of even more maritime routes to take place."
The same Iran, which funds an international network of Islamist terrorism (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis), and which is currently threatening the global economy, not to mention is responsible for every person dead due to the war started thanks to its funding, is holding an international summit today "to help Palestine" (as if there wouldn't have been way more Palestinians alive right now, if it weren't for Iran), and people from no less than 50 countries are participating. Iran should be a pariah internationally, but it's not. That should scare all of us.
The International Red Cross has been repeatedly criticized since the beginning of the war in Gaza, for practically doing nothing for the Israeli hostages, and for having covered up for Hamas' abuse of medical facilities in Gaza. Now, the IRC is proving how seriously it takes this criticism... by appointing as its next director general a controversial senior from UNRWA, the UN agency that helps exclusively the Palestinian refugees. Beyond the clear bias that he would bring to the position, he also is a disputed figure, who had to resign from his UNRWA position, following accusations of ethical abuses there.
I keep mentioning the many fronts on which Israel is being attacked. On our northern border, Hezbollah continues to fire at and destroy Jewish towns, and the only reason you don't hear more about it, is because most civilians have been evacuated, well over 100,000 people. But civilians have been killed there, and the soldiers who are there to protect the border, have been killed as well. Yesterday, a Hezbollah rocket killed 19 years old Amit Hod Ziv (on the left below):
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And two other Israeli soldiers who were killed in Gaza yesterday are 31 years old Tal Shoa (center), and 21 years old Shay Ayali (right), who was a cadet in the officers course. They both served in unit 669, the IDF's search and rescue elite unit, which has operated in many countries around the world to save people when natural disasters strike. Unit 669 soldiers during the war risk their lives, when they go into the worst war zones, to get wounded soldiers out, give them emergency first aid, and get them to a hospital as soon as possible. Unit 669 soldiers do the same for surrendered wounded terrorists.
So far, 140 soldiers have been killed in the fighting in Gaza. In total, from Oct 7 on, 472 Israeli soldiers have been killed, including girls without combat training, who were slaughtered in their pyjamas.
This is 36 years old Lior Atias, and her 6 years old daughter Alma.
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Lior was a veterinary nurse, and a volunteer for Elem, an NGO that helps youth at risk. She was at the Nova music festival as part of her volunteer work, together with a whole team from Elem. Lior is one of three Elem volunteers, who were among the 367 Israelis massacred by Hamas there.
May all their memories be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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liaa--qb · 10 months
Helaemond theory
one thing I always was confused about, I mean do you think Aemond and Helaena could happen or there are some chances. See of course Stans/antis will say their own. Many of them will even make some rumours which might not be correct. My friend was asking something related to same topic but his question was taken down again and again by main hod reddit accounts. Idk why would they do that😑 cz It's just another silly question like other if it wasn't a real spoiler though 😕
To me I don't think this will happen at all, but now I actually want it to happen. Makers genuinely gave so many hints at it so many like I was all Daemyra before watching HOD & Aemond was just with other fem OC's. They already wasted huge chance of Helaena & Aegon as couple Not only this but I think they will not even go for showing other ships as any romantic like Jace beala, Rhaena & her husband, Jace Sara, alys Aemond. I don't think alys Aemond will be shown as any romantic either, just need of the script. So there any less chances that haelmond would happen
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
🟤Wednesday - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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🌡HEAT WARNING.. very high temps the next 3 days across Israel. The Ministry of Health called not to go on nature walks during the day.  Hydrate, don’t forget your children in the car, check your elderly.
▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. Tal Lahat, 21, from Kfar Saba - in battle in Gaza.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
▪️PUBLIC DEFENDERS OFFICE REFUSES, COURT ORDERS PUBLIC FUNDING FOR TERRORISTS.. After the public defender's refusal, judges approved publicly funded representation for the Nuchba massacring baby killing terrorists.  Court: "Every prisoner has the right to be represented by a defense attorney on behalf of the state, since the public defense is not ready to represent them, the fees will be from the state coffers."  The Ministry of Justice has not yet transferred funds, nor have they been charged due to concerns of impact on the hostages.
▪️UK EXPERTS THREATEN ISRAEL.. British experts on criminal law in The Hague in a message to Israeli officials: "A state investigative committee will assist in the legal dealings with arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant”.
🔸DEAL NEWS.. (analysis - Dr. Matza - adjusted for brevity) Negotiations, to manipulate and slow things down, have become a cycle in this war.  It is being used as a psychological, social, and political weapon against Israel. The framework is there, but the details are not.  Israel exhaustion is a goal.  
It is unlikely (Hamas leader) Sinwar will release all the hostages.  He will strike to keep some diamonds in his hands, taking advantage of lulls to recover and build up in the vacuum. 
Sinwar traps Israel in endless negotiations as part of his infinity war. Hezbollah is not ready for a settlement as long as the Gaza Strip is at war and this is how the exhaustion and the Ukrainian war of the Middle East continues when all around you see more and more the crowding of the ranks of the resistance camp.  
In contrast we see the difficulty of the West to understand (or to accept) the global processes that are happening before its eyes.
▪️US DEPT OF JUSTICE.. is interviewing survivors and families of victims of the October 7 Hamas attack to file a lawsuit against Hamas and its sponsors, including Iran and Qatar, Bloomberg reported.
▪️OVERNIGHT SUSPECTED INFILTRATION ALERTS (2).. a suspected security incident in the area of ​​the Yarmouch River and the border with Jordan, investigation ruled it out.  Another alert in Almon, Judea.  Cleared.
🟤Wednesday - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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▪️SYRIA.. Preparations for war against Israel: "Reinforcements of pro-Iranian militias have arrived in Syria, over 15,000 fighters arrived today."
▪️GOVT INCOMPETENCY - REMEMBER THAT OFFICIAL PLANE?  Israel bought and rebuilt a commercial jet to serve as an official Prime Minister / government plane, like Air Force One - named the Wing of Zion.  The PM planned to take it to the US as its first official trip… After an investment of hundreds of millions and years of preparation, the Prime Minister's Office discovered it would only be able to fly to Washington with partial capacity - due to difficulties in preparation (??). Some members of the delegation will have to travel on commercial flights.
▪️THE COUPLE KILLED BY HEZBOLLAH ROCKET FIRE YESTERDAY.. in traffic in their car, left behind 3 children.
▪️END OF THE AID PIER.. AP: The US floating pier in Gaza will be rebuilt tomorrow, will be put into use for a few days, and then will be permanently removed.
▪️PROTEST - ANTI-GOVT - ROUTE 4.. Demonstrators against the government are disrupting traffic on Route 4 to the south near Hod Hasharon. Police arrest 5.
🔥8 WILDFIRES IN THE GOLAN from Hezbollah’s rocket barrage yesterday.
♦️MASSACRE OF THE DAY.. The Palestinians reported dozens of dead and wounded in an airstrike on displaced persons' tents near a school in Khan Yunis.  The IDF reports strikes on rocket & mortar launches and Hamas leaders within the humanitarian area, but “the IDF will investigate”.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH FIRES ANTI-TANK MISSLE AT AVIVIM.. missed, but started a large fire.  Another at METULLA.
⭕The pro-Iranian militias in Iraq claimed overnight that they attacked the Orot Rabin power plant in Hadera with suicide drones. Yesterday evening they claimed that they attacked a "vital target" in Haifa.
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
how would honkai 3rd play out if otto was wearing cursed long shoes that gave him an ungodly urge to kick people on the ass and he had to fill a one kick per arc quota and he couldnt take the shoes off because he was cursed into liking them
FIRST OF ALL this is literally my favorite ask i've ever gotten so thank you. second of all i hope you dont mind how chaotic this is but i literally wrote everything down exactly as it came to mind, didnt proofread before posting, and also i barely remember half the older arcs. third of all this is a long post so readmore blast 💥
where dreams began + the end of destiny: im sorry but i genuinely dont know what he was even doing during this time. im just gonna say if any anti entropy personel was caught by schicksal they were just unfortunate enough to be the victim.
under the falling sky: you know that scene where he fucking shoots hua. when shes Not Quite Dead Yet he kicks her to add insult to injury
from the deep ocean: once again, i have zero recollection of what he was doing. does he even appear on screen? oh wait yeah in that one bubble universe where he has an orphanage or whatever. good lord i have no idea who that guy would kick. weren't theresa and children the only people there? oh i dont remember this part of the story At All. wait wasnt there a scene where joachim got mad at him or sth? for killing his father? well there you have it. out of character for that particular otto but it's time for a child to get punted
a shooting star streaking across the night: clueless. any suggestions welcome. perhaps void archives gets it, as it is the only one consistently around otto
elegy to yesterday: during world serpent's attack on the divine key testing site, otto Sees His Chance and disguises himself to infiltrate the battlefield for the sole purpose of kicking someone. all the valkyries present know its him bc of the ridiculous shoes but frankly they dont care bc hes a good distraction
here lies bellflower: yet another arc i dont remember. just like, In General. other than the parts bianka was in [yes i am a parody of myself] and the general gist of what happened. so idk </3
taixuan dream: he kicks senti in self defense. moments before being strangled
remaining flames: not really in this one is he. WAIT ACTUALLY NO wasnt his consciousness attached to some random HoD puppet to get the core???? then i guess he just kicked another one and nobody cared bc HoD puppets are just Like That
thus spoke apocalypse: as recompensation for all the confusion earlier, he gets to kick a lot in this one. first of all the false god otto boss fight is different, adding an attack. The Kick. second of all, while fighting in the space near the imaginary tree, he can finally kick as many of them as he can
following his death, afterlife-otto has to defend himself from the angry mob of all the people that died because of him Somehow. and so he gets to kick people until someone inevitably steals the shoes from him in order to reverse the roles. this goes on for eternity. The End
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kathyprior4200 · 2 months
Halos in Heavenly Boss
Halo 1: Humility – Halo of Humanity
Virtue Ruler: Archangel Gabriel (Angel Choir)
Tree of Life: Yesod
Sky color: White
 Description: reverse of Hell Rings, Halo lowest and closest to Earth, home of ex-humans, E.L.F. and Holy City, Moon energy, goal to rescue Sinners from both Hells into either Heaven. Gabriel nurtures souls with motherly energy despite being male.
Rival: Queen Lilith (Hazbin)
Halo 2: Patience – Halo of Healing
Virtue Ruler: Archangel Rapheal (Archangel Choir)
Tree of Life: Hod
Sky Color: Green
Description: healer angels and communicators, technology central, meditators, scholars, and peacemakers, Mercury energy, strategists to plan against Satan’s imp/demon army
Rival: Satan (Hazbin)
Halo 3: Temperance – Halo of Harmony
Virtue Ruler: Archangel Haniel - female (Principalities Choir)
Tree of Life: Netzach
Sky color: Teal
Description: Halo of moderation, social events, beauty and pleasures, angels protecting nations and bestowing miracles, home of artists and musicians, Venus energy
Rival: Beelzebub (Hazbin - female)
Halo 4: Charity – Halo of Harvest
Virtue Ruler: Archangel Michael (Virtues Choir)
Tree of Life: Tiferet
Sky color: Blue
Description: Halo of farming, police and order, Michael’s grand amusement park, concerts and entertainment is here, including the famous Woo-Hoo-Land water park, police and warrior angels organize and help keep order in the Halos and other realms, Sun energy
Rival: Mammon (Hazbin)
Halo 5: Chasity - Halo of Holy Relationships
Virtue Ruler: Archangel Camael (Powers Choir)
Tree of Life: Geburah
Sky color: Pink
Description: Halo of love, marriage and sacred relationships, many laws against illegal sex, relationships etc., location of Camael’s Corner, location of Camael’s anti-Asmodean cherubs who go to Earth to spread the Good News or help people move away from lust for good or bad, Mars energy
Rival: Asmodeus (Hazbin)
Halo 6: Kindness – Halo of Heart
Virtue Ruler: Archangel Zadkiel (Dominions Choir)
Tree of Life: Hesed
Sky Color: Purple
Description: opposite of Leviathan’s underwater world, this world is in the clouds and sky, Eagle Exorcist Angels are from here and sent to Warth to counteract Leviathan’s possessions of humans. Zadkiel is about justice and regulating lower spheres. Jupiter energy.
Rival: Leviathan (Hazbin)
Halo 7: Diligence – Halo of Honesty
Virtue Ruler: Zaphkiel - female (Thrones Choir)
Tree of Life: Binah
Sky Color: Gold
Description: a high-level Halo of justice and law. Many courtrooms are located here. Many angels work to counteract Belphegor’s drugs and illnesses spreading to Earth, Saturn energy.
Rival: Belphegor (Hazbin – Female)
Halo 8 and 9: Holy Spirit Halos: Hidden Higher Halos where only God and high elite have access to. Raziel, angel of knowledge rules the Cherubim and Metatron and Sandalphon both rule the highest Seraphim choir. The sky colors here are rainbow. Jesus resides here, as well as the Angelorium, opposite of the Pandemonium building. The Halos lead to the Primum Mobile where God sits. Tree of Life: Chokmah and Keter. The 72 Shem Hamephorash angels to oppose the 72 Goetia of Hazbin often reside here as well.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
I really appreciate your blog not being anti-Alicent. I feel like the fandom is so overwhelming Team Black & excusing their actions while villyfying all the Greens, so it's great to have blogs that aren't so overwhelming anti-Green.
I actually had stopped reading your GoT posts mostly as I didn't agree with a lot of your analysis, so I was surprised to find that I agree with most of your HoD analysis.
Thanks! And I do not get how anyone could be anti-Alicent, especially at this point, it's baffling that so many people are overwhelmingly against her and I sincerely think it's another instance of a fandom headcanon becoming such common knowledge that people forget that it's not actually canon, in the same vein as shit like everyone almost universally believing that Young Griff is fAegon.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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Daily Express - April 22, 1992
Credits to Roberto Macchi.
[Photo caption: CUDDLING: Paul Young and wife Stacy]
[ADMIRING: Brian May and Liza Minnelli]
Women who sparkle like Mercury
THE LADS may have been the stars of the show at the Freddie Mercury Wembley tribute. But it was the girls who glittered at the lavish party at Browns nightclub later. Flake advert girl Debbie Leng, long-standing girlfriend of Queen's Roger Taylor, topped the fashion stakes in clinging catsuit and elaborate necklace. And Paula Yates showed her husband Bob Geldof it's possible to be colourful without wearing the sofa covers. Model Stacy Smith, wife of Paul Young, was in sparkling form, and superstar Liza Minnelli found that Queen guitarist Brian May — accompanied by former EastEnders actress Anita Dobson — is one of her greatest fans.
[Photo caption: SPARKLING: Debbie Leng in catsuit and necklace]
[Photo caption: CLASHING: Chic Paula Yates and Bob Geldof]
[MRS LINDA JAMES A picture on Page 3 of yesterday's Daily Express was incorrectly captioned as Mary Austin. It was, in fact, of Mrs Linda James, who attended the Freddie Mercury tribute concert. We apologise for any embarrassment.]
First Lady of AIDS
Taylor takes on a new role
LIZ TAYLOR touched down at the airport looking slim and sensational at 60. The caption writers reached for the "age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety” quote from her most famous role — Cleopatra.
What is it that's brought the smile back to the Queen of the Nile? Putting it straight: AIDS. Her flagging reputation has been given the kiss of life by the virus.
There she was on Monday night in front of an audience of 72,000 for the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert at Wembley Stadium, giving the hammiest performance of a hammy career.
She all but went into a Bohemian Rhapsody about condoms and generally urged the youth of today to encase itself in rubber and not share needles.
"Protect yourselves," she pleaded with tremulous voice and quivering lip. "The world needs you to live.
Arguable, if the evidence of several hours of Def Leppard and all the other sound-alikes these 72,000 paid to hear were anything to go by.
“You are the best and brightest, the shining light that will illuminate a better world tomorrow…" Good grief, let's hope she didn't pay a scriptwriter for that.
Close at hand was Larry Fortensky, her seventh husband but her first from the construction industry, who now escorts her round the AIDS charity circuit on both sides of the Atlantic.
And what a party it has been for Liz ‘n’ Larry so far. Thank goodness she picked an exceptionally enlightened brickie, not one likely to share an anti-gay joke over the hod with his mates.
AIDS has given Liz a whole new starring role. After all, it has been a long time since Cleopatra.
Who said not long enough? Unlike the dewy eye, the parts dried up long ago.
Liz was forced to star in her own drama of drink, men and self-destruction. All very well, but costly in terms of drying-out fees.
And being pushed about various airports, bloated and wedged into a wheelchair, must have been losing its novelty as a photo-opportunity.
She had tried the last refuge of a Hollywood legend — bringing out your own scent and touting it round the promotional counters — when she was saved by the arrival of the incurable disease of the late 20th Century.
AND not just any old disease, but a high-profile one with a heavy presence on America's West Coast, handy for her Bel Air home. Thousands of victims in Africa but, more importantly from the PR point of view, a few glamorous names nearer to hand.
But in the case of Freddie Mercury, who died of AIDS last November, is glamour a big enough word? Should we be talking greatness here?
One of his few profundities not set to music was: "New York is Sin City. I just slut myself. My sex drive is enormous. I've got a big bed and it can sleep six."
Another shining light, eh?
Still, it has all been great PR for Liz, whose Tinseltown tiara was beginning to tarnish.
Now she's the First Lady of AIDS and she may soon be more famous for that than for getting married. And how well she looks on it.
Every cloud, as they say, has a silver lining for someone.
[Photo caption: EXIT: Liz leaving London last night with granddaughter Naomi and Larry / Picture: Dennis Stone]
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