#Apple for parrot
tiktokparrot · 7 months
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harkthorn · 7 months
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He's not an owl, but he's still superb 🪶
(An older pic from some years back; I wanted a reference for a drawing)
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applecherry108 · 5 months
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violetcheekedconure · 2 years
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voidbirds · 1 year
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My ma found these tiny apples
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tinkaqueer · 4 months
Saying that the 'paraphile agenda' is to go after kids because SOME members of the community did revolting things is exactly like right wingers saying that is the goal of the 'trans agenda' for the exact same reason.
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Disney Villain Recruiters Personalities: Part 10
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The lady of the lamp! The sorceress of the sands! Our very own diamond in the rough!
Bust out those magic wands, carpets, and lamps for:
Faja (or Farja)!
For those of you who don't know, the Disney Villain Recruiters was a Tokyo Disneyland-only show held every Halloween. Basically, the minions of famous Disney villains come to our world to try and tempt us to join their villain bosses.
- By the way, they are not the sons, daughters, or genderbent versions of the villains. They are just minions.
- Also! I do not speak Japanese. Thankfully, there were a few that had English subtitles, but not a lot. These are just my interpretations of her based on the videos I've seen, along with my own personal ideas about his character. So, let's get started!
Faja (Farja)🌹
Another recruiter who is believed to have animal origins (that being a parrot) Faja was either found by Jafar as an abused pet, or she was found as an orphaned street rat by the sorcerer, not too dissimilar of Aladdin or Jafar's own origins. Regardless, Faja is eternally grateful to her master for his good deed and vows to serve him. If the Aladdin game "Nasira's Revenge" is taken as canon, I believe it is plausible that Faja was taken in by Nasira and mostly raised by her, hence why Faja wasn't present in the movies. Either that, or Faja was kept secret by Jafar and was instructed to aid in his plans and study magic in the background so as to not be discovered by the enemy.
If the former situation occurs in which Nasira takes Faja in as an apprentice instead, then Faja would grow to admire Jafar from his sister's stories about him, possibly learning more about his early years, and becoming more sympathetic and understanding of his schemes, striving to do whatever it takes to help him take his rightful place as sultan and earn his respect, despite the reality that he may not care for her at all.
Faja is a proud and passionate soul, who's bad temper and chatterbox nature conjures trouble up for her, much to her and other's dismay. She is very over the top and dramatic, being known to get easily frustrated, especially towards herself or anyone for having messed up anything important to her. As noted by Jack Heart, Faja has a temper to match the Queen of Hearts, although not nearly as scary, as her getting wildly upset, messing up a potion or magical stunt, as well as her general clumsiness has been seen as a source of entertainment among her fellow recruiters.
Despite her spitfire attitude, however, Faja has a softer side, being described as one of the silliest members of the team. She's one of the few who actually laughs at Jack's terrible jokes or puns and actively participates in games or activities with the crowd. Similarly to Lady Hock, she has a soft spot for children, even if she has significantly less patience for them than her pirate friend. She may panic or outright flee the scene when a child cries or frustrates her, but she will stay when they're calm and want to play with her or see a magic trick. Faja has been noted to become emotional if a child wishes to see her in particular, as regardless of backstory, she was never wanted by anyone growing up.
Evidently, Faja is also extremely empathetic, knowing when one of her coworkers needs help, but she will not see to the problem directly, instead asking for assistance from the others. Although if the desired person is unavailable, she will do the best she can to help them on her own. She might show her compassion in the form of food and different types of flowers, making their favorite dishes or snacks, or making a bouquet of flowers corresponding to their emotions so they might feel better. It's so NOT subtle, and she will absolutely deny any goodwill intentions she may have, but the others are appreciative nonetheless.
Jafar: If Jafar himself takes Faja in as an apprentice, then the two would have an almost father-daughter relationship. He is the calming force to her temperment, similarly to Iago. Faja adores him and strives to make him proud of her, even if she flounders along the way. She understands his desire to be more than a street rat, as they both were dealt an awful hand in life, growing up in poverty. He doesn't allow her to become too close to him, not wanting his image to falter in her eyes. He just tells her enough for him to manipulate her further. And although she is rather clumsy and hot-headed, Jafar sees her potential and trains her in becoming a sorceress. However, when Faja learns of Iago's betrayal, even cornering the bird to get some answers, Faja becomes...torn. She believes that she still owes Jafar her life after saving her long ago, but...even if the bird was annoying, Iago was her friend. All three of them were in this together, and now Jafar's become far more twisted than she could ever imagine him being. Faja is deeply afraid of losing what she had, and even helps to bring Jafar back a few times, but she doesn't know how long she can keep this up.
Iago: Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. Kind of. Their relationship is a bit tumultuous, to say the least. They ironically find each other annoying and have a bit of a rivalry for Jafar's attention. Problem is, due to Faja's clumsiness and temper, and Iago's status as the sorcerer's right-hand (or winged) man, Jafar is likely to trust Iago with the more serious tasks than Faja, which, of course, leads to more insults and bragging from Iago's side. Despite that, they do have some semblance of trust, having been stuck with one another for so long. Once she returns home and hears of Iago's treachery, she's reluctant, but she listens to him, having learned to have more patience in her time away from Agrabah. And while Faja does what she can to aid in Jafar's return, she gains a new perspective of her master. If Iago, the sorcerer's most trusted confidant, betrayed him after what he put the parrot through, what does that mean for her? Should Faja join Iago on the side of good, she and Iago would have a LONG talk about what they had been through and perhaps come to the conclusion that they should put their past's aside and start anew. Together, as true friends.
Aladdin: As any minion of a villain would, Faja hates Aladdin with a fiery passion. How dare this boy ruin her master's chance of achieving his dream with his own goal of finding happiness, wanting a loving family of his own.....and hoping to be seen as more than a street rat.....huh. That sounds awfully familiar, now, doesn't it? Over the course of the recruitment program, Faja realizes that she, Aladdin, and Jafar have a lot in common, but are all so completely different. Faja's anger issues stem from a lack of attention, stress, and internalized hatred for herself as a result of her poor upbringing. Aladdin, however, was in the same boat but looks at the world with a positive outlook and hope for the future. And that is, admittedly, very admirable. If Faja takes a turn for the better and redeems herself, Aladdin would gladly have Faja live in the palace as their court magician, and help the impoverished citizens of Agrabah, as friends!
Apple Poison: As much as she despises him for calling her magic a "pathetic imitation," Faja does respect Apple to a certain extent. However, she's not afraid of telling him exactly what she thinks of him, though Apple himself admires her honesty, despite how annoying she may get. Plus, she actually does her job well enough, so he can say at least that much. Though, he is guilty of escalating her anger for his own amusement, while she obliviously falls for his mind tricks. But, Apple can see how how hard she works to perfect her magic, however flawed it might be, and will give her some pointers where he can. In return, if Apple feels particularly stressed out on certain days, Faja will bake apple pies for him to keep him from whining. It's very sweet!
Jack Heart: Most of the time, these two have fun with each other. They tease, they trick, they play fight, just having a grand ol time! But then Jack uses her magic and potions for crazy stunts and pranks, sometimes on the others, but a lot of times on her. That's where the trouble starts. "Fajako" is NOT happy. It's bad enough that he wastes her ingredients, but he didn't even ask! He just barges in like he owns the place and "borrows" what he can find! Other than that, they have a fairly good relationship. They're both the silly and spontaneous types, so when they get together, it's a blast! AND! They can both agree with how insufferable Apple can be, so they join forces to take him down. It hardly ever works, but the fun is all that counts, right?
Malfie (Malfi): Ah, the group narcissist, wonderful... These two are, unsurprisingly, very sassy towards each other. So much so that they have their own stage segment called "Villain Sassoon," in which these two engage in pure, unadulterated wise cracks and cocky comebacks. It's glorious. And also extremely fun and/or annoying to their colleagues. In all seriousness, Malfie is a big thorn in Faja's side, sometimes literally. Similarly to Apple, Malfie is also quite experienced in magic, and he will make fun of Faja's failures at any chance he gets. Unlike Apple, though, Malfie doesn't have the patience nor the attention span to help her, and if he does, it's purely by accident. In spite of their differences, they have a surprising amount in common. Putting aside the fact that Faja might also be a bird, they both understand what it's like to be rejected by society, or in Malfie's case, by your own family. Eventually, the hostility towards each other dies down, and they start to have a more friendly, yet still teasing relationship. Someone needs to put that guy's ego in check!
Eight Foot Joe: As stated before, other than Ms. Hades, Joe struggles when talking to women, and Faja's constant loud outbursts don't soothe him in the least. Unlike the others, he doesn't laugh or mock her when she screws up her magic or clumsily falls or knocks something over, he just gets tired and annoyed at her. He honestly just pities her more than anything. As someone who slinks in the background and overworks himself to the point of exhaustion for the sake of perfecting whatever work needs to be done, the fact that she's so clumsy, over the top, and very much front and center, he mostly steers clear away from dealing with that. Faja, on the other hand, views him as grumpy and socially inept. However, as they are kind of forced to interact on a day to day basis, he becomes more sympathetic to her plight and, along with Apple, helps Faja with her magic, specifically potions. He's no genius on the subject by any means, but he has seen Ursula's work over a thousand times and has dabbled in potions himself, so he makes for a decent teacher. As thanks, she'll cook him his favorite meal and keep her complaints about him to a minimum. Well, it's a start!
Mr. Dalmatia: As a buddy of Jack and someone who's also been slighted by Apple, Faja has been deemed by Dalma as an honoray member of their squad! Although she won't participate in most of their pranks, being a bit more mature than them (sometimes), she will indulge the two from time to time if the idea peaks her interest. The two might squabble once in a while as a result of he and Jack taking Faja's stuff without permission, purposely making her extremely angry for the fun of it, or Dalma's dog tendencies acting up, but they have a fairly good relationship. She's like his clumsy, drama queen big sister that he never knew he wanted!
Pretty Scar (Mzuri): Two peas in a pod, these two. Faja often complains about PS's annoying, cutesy act, but she is equally guilty of frustrating and pestering the other recruiters with her outbursts, so who's the hypocrite here? Like everyone else, though, Mzuri grows on Faja, and the hyena's genuine curiosity of her magic ignites the wannabe sorceress pride, something fierce, and she can't help but show off her skills. Faja appreciates the enthusiasm, and she begins to see Pretty Scar as her little sister. Having been rejected by their respective societies, with Mzuri getting very little food, the young hyena is beyond thankful for Faja's delicious cooking, of which Faja has to make extra, knowing Mzuri's large appetite.
Ms. Hades: One of Faja's great friends, Ms. Hades has shown to be the primary recruiter, aside from Lady Hock, who can successfully calm Faja down. Faja admires Ms. H for her calm and collective approach to everything, having an almost regal presence every time she speaks, reminding Faja of her master. Although, unlike Jafar, Ms. Hades sees Faja as an equal, and despite the bird-lady's temper, Ms. H doesn't shame or belittle her for expressing her emotions openly, which is a breath of fresh air for Faja, and she is very grateful of MH for her understanding. Thanks in part to Ms. Hades, Lady Hock, and Veil's more calming personalities, as well as general experience with guests, the other recruiters, and the program overall, Faja matures and gains more patience for people and herself. Ms. H is known for seeing an obstacle with reason, and that kind of energy has definitely rubbed off on her. That doesn't mean Faja isn't scared of Ms. H though. On the rare occasion that the fire maiden is quietly seething with rage, while this may give Faja the opportunity to repay MH for all those times she's stopped her from doing something she might regret, don't think that such a task will be easy. If all else fails, run for the hills!
Veil: Another good friend of hers, Veil gives Faja the opportunity to comfort and help someone else for a change. Due to Veil's social ineptitude, Faja works as a guide to understanding social skills and cues. While not a chatterbox like her friend, Veil does enjoy conversations with Faja and somehow gaining a friend in this crazy world. Even though Faja is not as motherly as Ms. Hades, she has some big sister energy in her, and is often Veil's second person to go to when she's upset. When Veil comes to Faja for support, Faja allows Veil to rest her head on her shoulder and sit in silence. Should Veil still be in a downer mood, Faja will cook and bake Veil's favorite meal and dessert, and create a beautiful center piece made up of her favorite flowers. They both know what it's like to feel unloved, so Faja will do everything she can to help her friend feel better.
Lady Hock (Hook): Faja is always in awe of Lady Hock's charisma and zest for life. These two are more like sisters, the female versions of Jack and Dalma, that's how close they are. While appearing calm and collected, Hock enjoys chaos as much as anyone else. This lassie loves magic, on account of living on an island across a star, so any mishaps or wacky shenanigans that occur due to Faja's or anyone else's mistake is just a fun time to be had. Should Jack, Dalma, Apple, or any of the other recruiters cross the line, the following pranks should be an expected consequence. These two have so much fun together, they've described each other as the siblings they truly needed in their early lives.
Overall: Faja is a spirited and determined young woman who may be a source of mockery in the group, but whose eager and secretly tender nature makes it easy to love her. While she may deny caring for most of her fellow recruiters in any capacity at first, they eventually filled the whole in her heart that she'd been pretending wasn't there.
With Iago and Aladdin's influence on the other side, it's only a matter of time before Faja lets go of her master and his petty and psychopathic ideals of glory and worship. The only question is: Will Faja be strong enough to break free of Jafar's emotional hold on her? Or will she, too, remain trapped?
Author's Note: Thank you so much for joining me on this long journey! I really hope these pages were helpful for newcomers or just people in the fandom who wanted a clearer grasp at the recruiters' personalities.
Of course, this isn't the end of me talking about them, and I even have a plan to go back and rewrite a few of my earlier pages because I honestly hate how I wrote them.
But for now, thank you all again for your patience, and I'll see you guys later! Byeee! 💗💗
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silly-cheese-rat · 1 year
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PIRATES of Silicon Valley :-)
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hotniatheron · 1 year
Who the FUCK is Solomon Little
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aria0fgold · 2 months
My two stupid (affectionately) pet birds.
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The Green Idiot kept flying away when I was trying to get it to sit so I was like: Okay, in the Hole you go. I'm going to bury you alive as punishment.
Difficult took nearly a WHOLE STACK of seeds to tame so it gets that name and uhh... it has Amnesia now too, kinda my fault... The Allay is called Apple and she knows there's Something Wrong with Difficult.
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tiktokparrot · 5 months
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sinjones · 9 months
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violetcheekedconure · 2 years
beeper eatin an apple watchin warrior nun
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bonecouch · 11 months
they keep shitting out minecraft updates but they have yet to add actual apple trees
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zarifzara18 · 1 year
What is the time frame for parakeet mating?
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Although parakeets are physically capable of reproducing as early as 6 months old, this should not be permitted until they are at least 10 months old. A younger bird won't be able to provide for its young well. There is no need to rush because once they are grown, men and females can reproduce for four and six years, respectively.
How do parakeets produce offspring?
Female parakeets typically lay their eggs within a few days of mating. Like many other bird species, parakeets frequently lay one egg every other day until all of them have been placed. There are typically four to eight eggs in each clutch, though this might vary.
Are parakeets mated for amusement?
It is not "casual sex" for birds. They pick or construct a nest, choose or court a mate, and engage in sexual activity for reproduction rather than amusement.
Can parakeets breed inside of cages?
Parakeets can be colony bred, but a walk-in aviary is required. Give them no nest box and get rid of anything they try to use as a nest if you don't want them to reproduce. To be safe, you should take the other pair out if the female begins to lay eggs on the cage floor.
Are parakeets aware of the death of their mate?
Budgies mourn the loss of their mate or companion in the same way that humans and a variety of other animals do.
Can two female parakeets mate with one male parakeet?
Be Ready for Possible Coupling (and Consequences) You should provide them a breeding box because two of them might end up becoming a couple. If two of the birds pair up, they might engage in combat with the third bird. If they do, you'll need to take that third bird away and find her a friend.
When a male is absent, can parakeets lay eggs?
Egg-laying is a normal, seasonal process for wild birds and breeding birds. However, even without a male present, female pet birds can still lay eggs. Even after being incubated, such eggs are sterile and will not hatch.
How long can parakeets carry eggs?
The hen will lay four to eight eggs, one every other day, and each egg must be incubated for 18 days (sometimes for a little longer) before hatching. Occasionally, she won't master full-time incubation until the second egg has been laid. After 23 days, any egg that hasn't hatched will not hatch.
Male parakeets do they lay eggs?
Both sexes contribute to the care of the chicks and the incubation of the eggs. They occasionally alternate sitting on the eggs, and on occasion the male may assist the female by feeding her just as her mate is doing. His primary concern, if you took him away, would be getting back to his partner and eggs or chicks.
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chaostheparrot · 2 years
ughhh I'm so fucking mad they put me on antipsychotics and now I can't bust a nut anymore
I can't get aroused, I can't maintain arousal, I finish weak
and this is apparently "normal" for the pill I'm on 🥺🥺🥺
my paranoia and delusions are finally under control but I'm never going to nut again 😔😔😔
never again will I know the peace of a post-nut good nights sleep
THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
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