#Are Human Snack Foods REALLY Bad For Birds
tiktokparrot · 6 months
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mrsjellymunson · 2 months
🌸🌼 One Fine Day 🌼🌸
Adapted from this ask from @celestialbat for the @steddiemicrofic June 1-year anniversary prompt, ‘one’. WC: 1,111. Rating: G. CW: tooth-rotting fluff, romance, flirting, mentions of food (no actual eating) and Eddie’s difficult childhood (not detailed).
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed that one day could mean so much.
He and Steve haven’t been together long, and haven't really even gone on a proper ‘date’. But Eddie’s decided: today's the day.
He’s not usually one for cuteness and grand romantic gestures - he’d usually take someone to The Hideout, or spend time in his van out by Lover’s Lake. Not because he doesn’t want to, more because he doesn’t know how to, and prefers to keep things simple rather than run the risk of embarrassing himself.
But with Steve, everything’s different.
Before Steve, he reckons he wouldn’t’ve known how to be romantic if his life had depended on it. But now, he’s finding he loves to do things to make Steve laugh, to make him blush, even just to make him smile, and he doesn’t even care if he makes himself look like an idiot while he does it.
So today, he’s packed up as much of a romantic picnic as he can manage. He’s borrowed a basket and cooler from Robin, along with some tips on what to pack, after he admitted he was just going to get Twinkies, chips and Mountain Dew from Melvald’s. She’s even let him raid her fridge for a few things.
He’s shaken out the blankets from the back of his van, and has borrowed a few pillows from the trailer, so they’ll both have something comfortable to sit on. He’s brought camping plates and cutlery, usually reserved for Wayne’s fishing trips, so Steve doesn’t have to pick things out of packets like Eddie usually would, and purchased some of Steve’s favourite name-brand soda (rather than the store equivalent). He’s discovered he and Wayne don’t own napkins, so he’s Origami-ed some kitchen paper into bird-like shapes so they stand up on their own - fancy.
Steve assumes Eddie’s just taking the pair of them to the local park, perhaps picking something up from Benny’s on the way, but Eddie surprises him, swinging the van along one of the exit roads to a ‘secret spot’ outside of town.
It’s down a quiet lane, a pretty meadow filled with tall grass and wildflowers. And it’s beautiful.
Eddie doesn’t mention that he used to come here with his mom. It’s not far from the house they used to live in, and she’d bring him here when things got really bad with Al. Sometimes they’d even camp out under the stars. It was one place where Eddie felt safe.
Maybe he’ll tell Steve about it one day.
He grabs Steve’s hand and unnecessarily helps him down from the cab with a gallant, “This way, sweetheart”, and insists on carrying everything himself, even though Steve offers to help. (And, as Steve suspected he would, he almost trips twice.)
Eddie chooses a patch that’s more grass than flowers, explaining to Steve that, “I don’t want to hurt them”, and lays everything out on the well-loved blanket.
Steve can’t believe he’s gone to all this effort. There’s cold meats and cheeses, small tomatoes, carrot batons, berries, nuts, apple slices and a few grapes. And because Eddie can’t forego the snack food, there’s also pretzels, breadsticks and, yes, chips.
Steve thinks it’s wonderful; thinks Eddie’s wonderful. And the two of them spend an idyllic afternoon snacking and chatting and laughing and playing with each other’s fingers and tracing their fingertips up and down each other’s arms.
Steve asks about Eddie’s tattoos, and Eddie enjoys telling Steve the stories behind them. He makes up outrageous tales about the creatures and how they fought for their places on his human canvas, occasionally lifting his shirt and enjoying the way Steve’s eyes glitter as they roam his torso.
Once most of the food is gone, Steve helps Eddie to pack away the leftovers and encourages him to lie down, insisting he deserves a rest after all he’s done today.
Eddie smiles softly at him, and says he will, but,
“Only if I can choose the best pillow in the state.”
Confused, Steve glances around at the worn cushions brought from the trailer, and Eddie smirks as he drops down onto his elbows and wriggles backwards to place his messy mop into Steve’s lap. He moves his head back and forth a couple of times, settling, humming to himself, mumbling,
“Mmmm, definitely the best pillow in the state. Wait, the country! No, I’m so stupid, of course I mean the whole entire world!”
Steve chuckles down at him and the corners of his honeyed eyes crinkle as Eddie peeps up with those coffee coloured pools Steve adores so much.
Steve enjoys the weight and warmth of Eddie resting against him, and runs his fingers through Eddie’s bangs. They talk about everything and nothing, and Eddie begins to doze in the afternoon sun. He stirs a little as Steve periodically leans to one side, but thinks nothing of it.
He rouses as he feels Steve playing with his hair again, and thinks he might just be in paradise. Surely, there’s no earthly reason why the two of them couldn’t stay like this forever?
But then something unfamiliar tickles his cheek, and he opens one eye to see Steve leaning over him, examining a small yellow flower with a long stem before cocking his head sideways and appraising Eddie, squinting a little.
Placing it carefully into Eddie’s hair between an orange and red bloom, and just above a tiny purple one, Eddie sees the tip of Steve’s tongue emerge from between his teeth as he adjusts it before leaning back and admiring his handiwork.
Eddie brings a hand gently up to his hairline, careful not to dislodge anything, and discovers he has quite an array of blooms adorning his waves.
Steve reaches into his bag and pulls out his Polaroid camera, wanting to capture Eddie’s beautiful visage. Taking a couple of snaps, he places them face down on the blanket to develop as Eddie gleefully makes grabby hands, wanting to take one of his own. He hadn’t realised Steve had brought it, and he’s not missing this opportunity.
Steve won’t know it, but the sun that’s dipping low behind him is giving him a glorious golden halo that Eddie thinks makes him look like an ethereal, heavenly being. If he can capture even a tenth of that in a photo, he thinks he’ll keep it close to his heart forever.
Eddie’s convinced this is definitely the best picnic, and possibly the best afternoon, of his life. He wonders whether Steve feels the same.
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed how much romance he actually had in him, or that one day could mean so much.
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Thanks so much for reading!!
My masterlist
Tagging my general list (open): @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @guiltyasquinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @sheneedsrocknroll92 @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @maedesculpaeusoubi @kurdtbean
Reblogging divider by @strangergraphics 💚💚
And how could I possibly pass up yet another opportunity to reshare this beautiful and rather gloriously appropriate piece of art by @themultiverseofmars 😉😘 YES I AM OBSESSED, WHAT OF IT HUH? HUH??
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lazyneonrabbitt · 5 months
Rules of nature
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Daryl gets hurt on a simple hunting trip and reader patches him up.
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You waved Daryl off with Hunter on your arm. You learned last time that having him stand next to you as his dad walked through the gate was a bad idea, having to pry him off Daryl's leg with way more effort thsn you both hoped. This time everything went way smoother and you were walking back home soon after the gate was closed.
Daryl walked until the gate was no longer visible, heading out to one of his personal stash boxes to hide his clothes in as he shifted for the hunt.
He made his rounds and quickly found a deer big enough to be his only catch and he'd be satisfied. He treaded lightly, staying low to the ground and making sure he stayed out of the deer's view. The greenery he stalked through was thick and his most of his figure well, he couldn't even see his own frontpaws.
He had the deer right where he wanted it and readied himself to jump. He lowered hhis body, legs positioned right, stepped in to jump and howled out in pain.
The second he put his front paw forward to jump he had hit something and was hit with a sharp pain through his whole jaw and muzzle.
He hit a porcupine. Daryl was so focused on the deer he hadn't sniffed out the creature hidden in the overgrown forest plants. As soon ashe ducked down and his paw hit the animal it jumped. The sharp quills on its back piercing akin and detaching from the smaller animal that now ran for its life as the large predator was distracted by the pain.
The deer was long forgotten as he tried to pull out the quills that got stuck in his face but his large paws couldn't get a grip. They were staying in.
With that came the problem of not being able to shift back into his human form, so whatever he hunted had to be dropped off near the gate in hopes someone would find it before it rotted, and a group was soon traveling so he could get help with his problem.
He shook out his fur, hoping hs'd dislodge some of the quills but only hurting himsslf more in the process. His loud whine surely scaring off any game nearby.
His best option now was to head off to a different location and try to catch something small for himeself to eat. Even a single fish would be enough for now but it was getting dark already and he mentally cursed at himself for being so careless and getting hurt. He'd prefer going home to you now with the disappointing news of having no food than wait, get help and shift back.
He'd risk it if he knew who was on the lookout shift right now, if he guessed wrong and an Alexandrian sas him come out of the treeline he'd be shot on sight.
His only option now was find food. He had go keep up his strength if he had to stay shifted, he needed to eat something.
Sticking to the lower greenery now he spotted a bird on a low branch. He could get it if he stayed low up til his jump point. He pounced and managed to catch it between his jaws, hurting himself so bad in thr process he ruined his landing and dropped hard on his side. The bird pressed into the spines that pierced through his lip and even the smallest bit of pressure hurt too much so chewing was out of the question.
He put up his best effort to pluck the bird clean in small bits, but he tore more to shreds then he left to eat. Werewolves and delicate handlings did not go hand in hand..
If he couldn't eat he'd have to sleep to conserve energy. He made his way up a sturdy tree, he'd stalk out to the main roads in the morning.
Sunrise woke him up, hopping out of the tree and slowly making his way to the roads. With his rumbling stomach he had no chance of finding and snacking on something in the meantime, but it made staying away from walkers a lot more difficult. On his way he had to fight some off, getting his hindleg caught on a vine in the process and having to limp the rest of the way after killing the walkers.
Now he was hungry and hurt even worse. He really needed someone to find him. His hid in the treeline, laying down and keeping his ears open for any sign of cars and horses, but when the sun was up at its highest he still hadn't seen anyone.
The sunlight was harsh, it warmed his fur but only made him more thirsty over time.
He waited and waited, nightfall coming and going. The sounds of crickets filled the air and he dreamed of snatching some off the greenery with how hungry he was.
Another morning came and he still hadn't seen anyone, growing desperate and worried about his family. He promised to be back soon as always but had been stuck out there for way longer than he had hoped. He needed to get home.
He'd have to hide as much as he could, but set out to the gate anyways. Staying low and out of sight was hard enough on his empty stomach, and the racing anxiety he had over who would be on watch made focusing even harder.
He made it to the abandoned houses undetected and got a glance at the watch.
A relieved huff left him as he stepped onto the road and kept his eyes on her, earning a shocked gasp before she disappeared. The sounds of her going down the stairs rung in his ears before the gate was shoved open and she came running to his aid. "Holy crap, Daryl! What happened to you?" He could only whine in response as she led him through the gate, for which she was met with quite the resistance from the original Alexandrians.
"This is outrageous!" Screamed onw woman, as a man followed up. "Anyone can just go around and break rules now?"
"I thought we made it clear we don't want that monster in here." The commotion had summoned Abraham, who easily shot down each and every comment as he helped Daryl home and up the porch steps.
There was a knock on the door just as you came downstairs. You weren't expecting anyone, but in this world that meant nothing anymore. You saw the blurred image of Abraham through the glass and opened the door for him.
"Hi, what bri-- Oh my god." You sank to your knees opun seeing your partner. Careful not to touch the spines stuck in his face you went to carress his fur, tears flowing freely without a care who saw them.
"Need anything from the doc? Gimme a list and I'm off." You thanked the man but shook your head no, having everything you needed in the house.
It was a sad scene, watching Daryl limp inside and lay down on the large rug in the middle of the living room.
He listened to your steps going into the kitchen and rummaginf through the cabinets. Then a metal object being filled with water, and then the clattering of tools.
"Relax, baby. I'm on my way." You held the bowl of water as steady aa possible, setting it down next to your injured partner. He looked horrible, so tired and weak.
You took some kichen towels, not wanting to waste time by running up to the bathroom. It was clear in his eyes how much he was hurting, if you didn't have to patxh him up yourself you'd probably cry your eyes out.
"I'm sorry, this is gonna hurt.." he watched as you picked up tongs and placed them around a single quill, close to Daryl's skin and pulled it out. He yelped in response and you apologised profusely, bending down to press a kiss to his forehead as you continued to pluck the quills from his chin. His soft whines continuing throughout the process. "I know, I know. But you'll be all good when it's over."
With all the quills removed from his lower jaw you moved on to his snout, carefully lifting his lip to see which ones had pierced all the way through.
"Alright, I'm gonna pull these ones out from the inside, it should hurt less." With one hand holding his lip up you pulled the quill through in one smooth motion, this time earning a less hurt reaction from Daryl. "See? That was a lot less bad!" Your little cheer only made him roll his eyes at you, but still moved his paw to squeeze your thigh in thanks.
You let out a soft laugh. "Don't thank me yet, we still got some left and those look deep." With a soft rub on his ear you continued, taking out the ones from the inside of his lip first before methodically moving from his nose towards the back of his jaw. There were some that got stuck crooked and dug deep, needing a strong pull and got a loud cry out of him each time. "Yeah, I'm not so nice anymore now huh." You frowned at his hurt expression, wanting nothing more than to cuddle him but his wounds were barely healing due to his malnutrition.
With a quick kiss to his forehead you got up and dug through the fridge for you dinner meats, handing them over. "Can you chew?"
He tried a piece and winced as he bit down, the pressure hurting the punctures.
So that was a no.
You went back to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and cutting board, chopping up the meat into small pieces Daryl could swallow whole. He instantly ate and hummed in satisfaction, slowly feeling the skin on his face knit back together and feel the muscle in his leg tingle as it healed.
Even after all the time you had spent with him, you still watched him heal in awe.
"Can you walk?" You watched Daryl as he slowly sat up, testing the strength of his legs and noddig as he kept up his weight. "You should go rest in bed while I go pick up Hunter from Rick's place and see if I can get some extra meat." You made sure he got up the stairs in one piece and rested in the bed before heading back downstairs and out.
Retrieving Hunter was an easy job, having him jump up in your arms as soon as he saw you at the door. You made sure to thank Rick and Michonne again for letting him sleep over and play with Judith.
Your trip to the pantry took a little longer than planned with Hunter insisting on paddin along with you on his little legs, but in the end you succeeded in getting an extra ration of meat for dinner.
Back home you dumped the meat in the fridge and wasted no time getting back up thr stairs with Hunter hot on your heels as he sniffed out his dad. He even made it past you and beat you to the bedroom, climbing onto the bed and crawling between Daryl's arms and nuzzled against his chest.
"Ahw, hey.. that's where I wanted to go." There was a soft murmur before Daryl moved and took Hunter in one arm, moving to make space for you.
With you against his chest and Hunter against yours it was clear you weren't going anywhere until dinnertime.
But that was fine. No matter who came fhrough that door, you were going to spend today in bed making sure your partner healed and rested enough to shift back.
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musekicker · 16 days
Set in the Bill wins au, A moment where Ford literally can't disobey orders.
Day.. well who really knew what day number is was with time under Bill's control? But it had been awhile since Bill had gotten everything he wanted. His henchmanics spreading their mayhem through the world. Bill often times joining them. Though he did have a reason to return to the Fearamid often.
His captive human.
Ford was not taking the loss of everything he knew and his gilded cage treatment well at all. The human was still stubborn even after everything. It would be endearing if it were not so frustrating.
Bill however had a plan to break a bit of that stubbornness. And it was in Bill's secret alcohol and snack stash. The really good shit he kept away from his friends.
He had access to a large variety of fun treats and drinks really. What was it about not needing to actually eat or drink that made the act of doing either feel so hedonistic? Maybe it was the use of resources that Bill just did not need.
In any case, Bill was seeking out a particular brand of drink tonight. And when Bill found the stormy purple bottle with equally purple liquid, he stroked the side of the bottle. Dark thoughts about the fun he could had tonight with his favorite human.
Getting Ford to drink the stuff wasn't that hard. Not when using his powers to make the drink look just like water. And though at first Ford had tried refusing food at drink, enough threats pointed at Ford's trapped in a dream bubble had convinced him to just eat and drink what was given him.
The effects of the drink were fast, Ford's world suddenly swaying a bit.
"Bill... what did you do?" Ford asked, correctly guessing that Bill had done something.
"Oh, that would be the drink working on you." Bill said.
Looking at the glass again, Ford saw that the liquid was purple. He dropped the glass in terror. Bill made the glass disappear before it could hit the floor and break.
"It.. I thought it was water. You told me-" Ford said.
"I tell you a lot of things Sixer. Doesn't make most of them true." Bill said. "But here is the truth now. What you just drank is referred to as "Bird song wine". Called that because drinking that makes you do and say anything the first person you see tells you to. Fun little interrogation tool."
"I just took one sip.." Ford said, sounding just a touch forlorn.
"All it takes." Bill said with a touch of glee.
"If you had this, why did you bother with torturing me and using my family as a way to get me to tell you the equation?" Ford asked.
"A good question! Good to know your brain hasn't gone stagnate yet." Bill said.
Ford looked up at Bill to give him a sour laced glare. Bill continued.
"The answer to that question is that it takes a while to brew. Even with my powers sometimes you got to wait. But you got the first taste of this batch. Feel honored!" Bill said.
Ford's glare did not break off of Bill. Bill didn't care.
What he did care about was getting to the fun.
"Get on your knees." Bill told Ford.
The words had a instant effect. Even as Ford opened his mouth to tell Bill what he could do with these orders, Ford found his legs starting to shake. To the point that they seemed ready to give out from under him. He had to kneel or risk falling right onto his face.
Once his knees touched the floor Ford made a attempt to get up despite his still shaking legs.
"Stay on your knees." Bill ordered.
Now Ford's legs were no longer shaking. Instead they felt so heavy. Impossible to move. The shape of Bill's eye, somewhat half lidded like a content cat, showed just how very pleased Bill was by this.
To Ford, it was starting to sink in how bad this was. A great number of things could happen here. Ford couldn't do much to stop any of it before. But being unable to fight any of the abuse that was coming his way was terrifying. He tried not to gulp as he stared at Bill.
"That was a easy one. And you did it so fast I'll reward you with another easy one." Bill said.
Bill floated closer to Ford. Ford tried to rise from the floor once more but still heavy legs. He suspected it would be that way until Bill gave a order that would conflict with or over rule the last order. Or the effect of the drink wore off. Whichever came first.
Now Bill was right in front of Ford. For a moment Bill took in the sight. The his hand went towards Ford's face...
The stopped just short of touching. The back of his hand was now presented to Ford.
"Kiss my hand." Bill said.
Ford grit his teeth at the order. It would not matter how much the thought of such a tender act given to his bitter enemy made him want to spit bile. The back of Bill's hand was waiting.
"Any time now, Sixer." Bill said in a slightly sing song fashion.
The fight to disobey the order did not last much longer. Even when he closed his eyes to avoid looking at Bill's hand the pain was a constant, thrumming feeling in his head. Finally he could not stand the pain any longer.
Almost carefully he took up Bill's hand in his. A incline of Ford's head and his lips were at the back of Bill's hand.
Bill felt what acted as blood for him rush. He hadn't expected such a simple, soft act to affect him like this. Even if the act was only because of a drink. It brought a slightly more red hue to his normal yellow.
Ford meanwhile tested the power of the drink a bit. He had had to kiss Bill's hand because of it. But would it stop him from doing something more. Before Bill knew what was happening, Ford's teeth bit into Bill's hand. Bill yelped and pulled back.
Ford had bit down hard enough to draw blood. Black with golden specks blood was now smeared on Ford's face. And the taste of Bill's blood was in his mouth. It made Ford think of nightmares, stars, and oddly enough a touch of cinnamon.
He really wished he could wash his mouth out right now. But as it was, the blood was already beginning to dry on his lips. Bill was still looking at the bite wound. Though not for very long as the wound was already healing. Once the wound was gone Bill looked at Ford.
Ford expected rage or to be hurt back for his attack. The number of things Bill could do to him without killing him was staggering. His mind was close to spiraling when he realized something.
Bill was laughing.
"A little more bite to you then I remember. I love that." Bill cackled.
Bill then leaned in, his eye focused on Ford and only Ford. Then that eye opened to a toothy maw. The sight made Ford freeze. He had mental images of Bill biting off something like a hand or-
"I'll return the favor soon enough." Bill promised through the eye mouth. "Mark you up more so everyone knows you are mine."
A dark moment that Ford did not doubt would be revisited later if he stayed trapped in Bill's grip. In the next moment Bill's eye turned back to normal. Or as normal enough as anything was for Bill.
Then Bill gripped Ford's chin. Ford didn't bother trying to bite again. There was clearly no point in the action.
Bill seemed to be thinking. Probably coming up with the next order. Ford had the fear that Bill's next order would be something more invasive. More then how the kissing Bill's hand had felt. Though he knew that was still a fairly tame demand.
Ford was stared at so long that Bill was starting to feel awkward. Then Bill's eye lit up literally. Bill had come up with something. Ford went stiff, knowing something bad was coming. But the next words that came out of Bill were not expected.
"Now, tell me the truth, Sixer. How much did you miss me?" Bill asked.
The feeling of pain was there almost immediately. As if the magic at work sensed that Ford would put up more of a fight at this order. And he did fight it. Enough that Ford's hands and teeth clenched.
It was more then the wanting to not obey any orders given from Bill. It was because he knew what words would come out of his mouth. Even though he hated Bill so much that the thought of him made Ford's blood boil, there were old, strong emotions mixed in.
Ford would had rather died then letting Bill know any of that information.
That said, it hurt. A acid like burning sensation that started from the back of his throat. And the longer he tried to keep his mouth shut the further the pain spread.
"Come on Sixer, I know you can do it." Bill said in a tone that just felt like a smirk.
"You really want to know how I feel? Fine!" Ford hissed. "You were the center of my universe. My sun. I thought that you were my muse. I... I thought you were my friend! So that... that I do miss." Ford said.
Bill had knew Ford could get very poetic. And Bill had heard many things in his time of existence. But this, oh this was the sweetest thing that he had ever heard.
The wistful look in Bill's eye must had sparked thoughts of how much Bill had really betrayed Ford. Because Ford's next words were said with such venom behind them.
"But that was the past! It doesn't mean anything now." Ford insisted.
Of course Ford had to add that. As hollow as it felt after all he had just said.
"Oh, but it does to me." Bill said.
Bill's grip grew tighter as sharp claws grew from his fingers. Ford tried not to yelp as the claws dug into skin. Ford was bleeding from those claw tip wounds. Bill idly thought about tasting that blood, licking it off his claws. But first, he had a point to make.
"This could go on and on you know? I could drug all your food and drink, order you to eat it even though you know full well that the drugs are in there. You wouldn't ever be able to fight me ever again." Bill continued.
Ford's back and shoulders grew stiff at those words.
"Not on staying here with me. And certainly not on any activities that I've been wanting to do with you for so long."
Bill's words had dark promises behind them. He finally let go of Ford's chin, long enough to make his eye a mouth again, licking the blood off his claws as he had thought about. Ford made a expression of disgust.
This time when Bill floated closer, Ford made a attempt to push Bill away. The action made Bill's eye narrow just a bit. The song bird wine did not last that long it seemed. Not nearly as long as Bill would had liked. As it was now, Ford was not strong enough to break the control fully but getting close.
This particular fun was soon to end.
Bill could easily just make Ford drink more of the drink, that wonderful cocktail. Maybe even up the amount of the Bird Song wine that went into the mix. If he was going to go down that road he would have to start having a large amount of the stuff made. That would take time.
That was okay. Bill could still have so much fun with Ford. He had Ford where he wanted him. And if time still existed, he would have all the time in the world.
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mcrcki · 8 months
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here i come with another MASSIVE event plotting / starter call (this time with over 20 characters bc who even am i) !! before i get too much into event stuff, i just wanna put up some housekeeping things so i'm not just repeating myself over and over in the discord : i will be dropping almost all of my pre-event threads. meaning, i will only be keeping the thread if it is an active plot that needs to be continued because we aren't at a place to infer the ending. i am just so utterly overwhelmed with my number of drafts that i really need to just start fresh, so i'll be using this as my chance to spam the heck out of y'all's calls and get way more threads that i actually have muse for. i'm sorry if we had a thread you really wanted to continue, i just need a fresh start. now for housekeeping for my call, as always this will be capped. i wanna write with everyone but i can't if i get a million requests from one person so!! the cap is three starters per writer!! blind date starters will not count towards that cap. otherwise, please LIKE for plotting messages, and REPLY for starters (pls specify muses unless previously discussed!!)!
in the meantime, if you wanna see what my clowns are wearing, please follow this link to my pinterest :))
alani tiure | star wars | blind date w. cami o'connell ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : imma be so for real and say that they think they're absolutely too good for this lmao, their dad is a crime lord in the city, and really they're just here to take advantage of some free drinks and maybe check in on some clients. her date is going to have to be okay with her being slightly stuck up but will absolutely be down for some dancing despite it. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sofia robbin sloan torres, ellie williams, cami o'connell
beatrice | over the garden wall | date w. wirt ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : going with her favorite boy loser, wirt. definitely here just for the free party and to do something fun, now that she's human again she's taking advantage of all the things they missed out on as a bird. will definitely be here to make friends, they're a little rude at times but i promise they're kind when you get past the kind of rude exterior !!! down for shenanigans !! potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : xiao chiye
branwen | a court of thorns and roses | blind date w. enola holmes ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : winnie LOVES THIS, she hasn't gotten to have fun in pretty dresses in ages, she was still young the last time they were able to have any kind of formal party so they're really enjoying this. she wants to see everything this party has to offer so she'll be dragging her date around everywhere, wanting to take it all in potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : he xuan
daniela dimitrescu | resident evil | blind date w. jeremy smith ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : ok tbh, daniela only came to this and signed up for a blind date to possibly grab an easy snack. they're a man-eating monster idk what anyone expected here. but tbh, once they saw the girl she's actually simping over (and will not make a move yet for one reason or another) they're going to be flirting and going so far to make her jealous, it doesn't matter with who tbh. also open to some absolute chaos if you wanna do something Bad potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date (for murder purposes)
starters : myri tiure, henry creel
danika fendyr | crescent city | flying solo ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : listen danika like.. just got here, she's just getting used to the city and her memories again with her friends, since so much happened back home. she's spending the majority of her time crashing her bestie's date, for various reasons, but will be out on the floor dancing and drinking as much as she wants, enjoying the hell out of a free party potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : bryce quinlan, apple caramela, hunt athalar
elain archeron | a court of thorns and roses | date w. lucien vanserra ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : this is elain's first ball in the city, and she's very much looking forward to a night where she can just dress up in a beautiful dress and dance with her husband. things have been... rough with her family unit so she's just happy to let loose a little bit and enjoy everyone's company and dance the night away potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : lu junyi, lucien vanserra
evangeline ennar | throne of glass | blind date w. choi nam ra ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : evangeline grew up in a high fantasy world, getting dressed up in fancy clothes for a ball is all she could've hoped for coming here, and now she's old enough to really enjoy it, she is going to be having the best time for real. will be helping her mom glare at her not dad, but other than that, she would love some friends so just dance around with all night potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : choi nam ra, aedion ashryver
kaya dura | star wars | blind date w. lola flemming ( 2 / 4 )
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they/she pronouns : kaya is not really in the dating and dancing mood, they are still getting over their ex after a very hard breakup, where her ex killed her and all that fun stuff. so, they're really trying to like.. get themselves out there and get over her, so they signed up for this blind date and are forcing themselves out into public again. will probably get drunk for the first time and just want to forget everything to have fun potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : kaiden monsula, kasil monsula
keelan cardulo | fourth wing | date w. mira sorrengail ( 0 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : lowkey her and mira's first public appearance as a couple, especially after everything that happened back home that resulted in keelan's death, she is very much looking forward to getting to dance with their girlfriend and just enjoy that. is a bit anti social if they don't know you, so when mira is inevitably somewhere else, find them hanging to the shadows potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters :
leia organa | star wars | date w. han solo ( 3 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : mom and dad night out!!! leia's a mom of six now, and while ya know four of the six are adults with some having children of their own, and the other 2 are less than six months old, she just wants to have a little fun. the past year has been.. hard. and despite being the president and having to be here for this ball, she would so much rather be home right now, avoiding all the memories that valentine's day now brings out in her mind. last year was the worst night of her life and she will in fact be drinking a lot to forget all that bastilla did a year ago. #thereturnoffloorgana potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : din djarin, ahsoka tano, winter celchu
louise vance | harry potter | date w. thea hughes ( 4 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : a party???? hell yeah lou is gonna be there, they love this whole vibe. will 100% be testing the limits of security and trying to ride the t rex skeletons and any other shenanigans they can get into. they're here with their best friend in the whole world, thea, and they're definitely just friends, if you see them slow dancing really close that's just what besties do potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : thea hughes, emmeline vance, bucky barnes, willie
marlene mckinnon | harry potter | flying solo ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : marlene lowkey is working this, and will be having fun but trying to stay focused on her job. she's unaware currently so, they'll just be hanging around with whoever is kind of hiding in the outskirts of the party, could absolutely be convinced to dance/will flirt given the chance, but mostly just here to have a fun day at work potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : dora tonks, esther mckinnon
morrigan | a court of thorns and roses | date w. cassandra dimitrescu ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : this thing with cassandra has been a bit of a whirlwind romance, and she's found herself really swept up in the other, and will absolutely be spending a lot of her time in their arms. but considering how her family life has been lately, she will also be checking in on family and doing what she can to make sure reporters aren't going too wild with everything going on with rhys and her family. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : cassandra dimitrescu, rhysand
omega archeron | star wars | date w. kirei monsula ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : if i had a nickel for every time one of my muses is on a date with their best friend and convincing themselves it's not a date, i'd have 2 nickels-- anyways, omega will be here, fulfilling her role as senator archeron's messy as hell kid, and drunk as shit nearly getting kicked out for shenanigans around the maze, and also perhaps drunkenly making out with their best friend kirei that they've been pining after for years. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : hunter
rosemary winters | resident evil | flying solo ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : now for my girl that knows she's in love with her best friend but her best friend doesn't know her and is here with another girl!!!!! honestly rose will be in a corner getting so drunk, glaring daggers at mouse's date and wanting nothing more than to be the one dancing with them. please come try to drag them out of this slump they are sulking HARD potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : lyra ayala
rowena ravenclaw | harry potter | date w. hunter ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : rowena is uneasy after the last masquerade that happened in the city, and last valentine's day, and will be spending a fair amount of time at hunter's side until she realizes that this is actually safe, that things are normal and she can cut loose a little. will be spending a lot of time dancing and mingling, happy to talk to anyone who needs some friendly conversation, even if she may just info dump at you. is VERY excited that this is at the museum and may spend more time wandering the exhibits than actually dancing. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : arnold
sella palpatine | star wars | date w. allana solo ( 4 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : oh sella is LIVING FOR THIS. valentine's day is her fucking holiday and she will be making up for how hellish the last one was. considering the fact that her and allana have yet to have a single good date on a holiday, she is going to be spending as much time as possible making her girlfriend twirl her around the dance floor. if anyone needs a dancing partner, sella will also let you spin her :)) she is just here to get a little tipsy and enjoy all the love in the air potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : rey palpatine, steve rogers, sion val palpatine, allana solo
sophie hatter | howl's moving castle | date w. howl pendragon
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she/they pronouns : once again, sophie has been dragged to one of these parties because their husband loves these things far more than she does. howl dressed them, and as long as he agreed to a babysitter, sophie agreed to come to this. they are not the biggest dancer, a bit too self conscious to put themselves out there like that, she doesn't like drawing attention to herself. which is difficult when your husband is wearing a glittery pink suit but... potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : cindy moon
sorrel blackbeak | throne of glass | flying solo ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : i am planning on letting sorrel get their memories back during the event so she's going to be having a little bit of a time trying to find the rest of the thirteen and reunite now that her memories are back. once that's sorted though, she will be a little anti social but if someone asked her to dance, they're not one to say no. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : asterin blackbeak, manon blackbeak
tatum riley | scream '96 | blind date w. conrad fisher ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : tatum is just trying to put herself out there, to enjoy some good things in the city, even if she's a little on edge with just throwing herself into a blind date roulette, she knows she's gotta get out of her comfort zone so she's going to make the most of this party and enjoy the heck out of it. even if that means someone's gotta drive her ass home cause she's gonna be gone potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sam carpenter, jake wheeler
vesta starkos | star wars | blind date w. riley matthews ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : listen vesta is unaware and super normal right now, and she wants to dance with a pretty girl. even if she's a little sus of all the people who keep staring at her like they know her, they just wanna dance and have a little fun, to cut loose instead of thinking about school. is up for some shenanigans and drunken adventures if people are down potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : ramona flowers
victoria sutherland | twilight | date w. james witherdale ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : vic will never pass up an opportunity to dress sexy and dance on her mate, she has absolutely zero shame and does not care who is watching them. she also loves to use these events as a perfect little hunting ground. vic will probably be upset that it's not turning into a nightmare but, she can make it a nightmare if she really gets that bored. until then? she will be annoyingly hanging all over her mate all night. potential plots ➛ drinking (not alcohol) || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date (for a drink ;) )
starters : heidi volturi, bella swan
violet sorrengail | fourth wing | date w. xaden riorson ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : did violet show up to this ball 90 minutes late, looking very flushed? yes. is she going to talk about it at all? absolutely not, her siblings are here and her friends can infer what's going on. now that she's here, vi will be happy to dance and enjoy the party with her friends and just get a few moments of normalcy considering the ticking timebomb her life has turned into, she is going to be savoring any moment of normal young adulthood with her family and friends thank you potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sgaeyl, xaden riorson
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Murder Drones Fanfic - Nightmares
The drone quarters in the rundown wing of the Elliott Manor were quiet at this time of night, Louisa and James had long since gone to bed so there were no direct orders to obey, and the night workers were busy in the manor.
J sat in the shared room she had with N. She loathed having to share a space with him, but they were both built by Tessa so they didn't have a choice. She sat on her recharge-station bed reading one of her favourites which was Wolf of Wall Street.
N was busy already sleeping, slightly giggling in his sleep as he was dreaming of puppy dogs while on his own charger bed.
J scowled at N's giggles and set down her book, but as soon as she did, she could hear rapid footsteps coming down the hall... and... crying? The ponytailed worker drone got off of her bed and opened the door to see who was making all that noise, worried they'd awaken the other workers. She saw Tessa, who was now 9 years old, running towards the door, tears streaming down her face.
The ebony haired girl ran straight into J's arms and started crying louder.
J hugged Tessa back and rubbed the darling Elliott girl's back. "There there, Tessa, I'm here."
N was pulled awake by the sound and looked over. "Oh no, Miss Tessa!" he exclaimed before he ran over too.
J stopped hugging Tessa and knelt down slightly so she was lower than Tessa to be more comforting. She held Tessa's right hand as she inquired in a gentle voice, "What happened, do you wanna tell me?"
The curly haired butler-bot took his handkerchief out of his pocket and offered it to Tessa to dry her tears.
Tessa accepted the little yellow pocket square and wiped the tears from her grey eyes. She whimpered like a frightened puppy, "I had a really bad dream. I... I was in the place with the statues... and Mother was trying to find me..." She hugged the both of her drones tightly as she cried, "And then there was this monster with cameras and claws... I... I screamed for Father, and you two but no one was there." She hugged N and J tighter, if they could breathe, they wouldn't be able to.
N soothed reassuringly, "That sounds really scary, do you want some milk and cookies?"
Tessa let go of them and nodded quietly.
J stood up and helped Tessa onto her shoulders. "Come on, little princess, let's go get you a snack."
Tessa held onto the top of J's head carefully, she giggled as her favourite worker drone carried her.
N ran after, trying to keep up.
The three headed to the kitchen, letting Tessa sit on the counter like she liked to do when her parents weren't home.
N brought Tessa some dark chocolate chip and cinnamon cookies and a glass of milk.
J smiled slightly seeing her favourite human ecstatic to be gobbling up cookies like she had never seen food before.
Tessa chugged the milk and then giggled as she pointed out to N and J, "Look, I have a moustache! A milk moustache!" She made a silly face.
N laughed at Tessa's silliness.
"You feeling better yet?" J asked, she was still worried about Tessa.
"Can we stay up until morning?" the girl in the green nightgown asked worriedly, "I don't wanna sleep if I'm going to have bad dreams."
The silver haired maid hopped up onto the counter next to Tessa and gently informed while holding the little girl's hands comfortingly, "Tessa, you need sleep. You're not a robot, you have to take care of yourself."
"I'm scared, J... I'm really scared," Tessa admitted, her voice wavering with the sound of tears about to return.
N chimed in, "What if we had a sleepover? We stay in your room for the night and keep the nightmares away,"
J raised a digital eyebrow in annoyance and bemusement. "We?"
Tessa's eyes twinkled, blinking her tears away, her frown crept into a smile. "Please, J-bird. If both of you are there, then I'll feel extra-extra safe."
J didn't want to be around N, but, Tessa's wants were far more important to her. She patted the girl on the back and responded, "Tell ya what, N and I will sit on either side of you, then no bad dreams can sneak up and get you."
N nodded happily.
The walk back up to Tessa's room was quiet but very happy. Tessa walked in the middle of the hallway, N holding her left hand and J holding her right hand.
Tessa let go of her drones' hands when they got back to her bedroom, she ran over to her bookshelf of taxidemy birds and pat them one by one on the head, she then went to her bed and put on the faerie lights in the canopy by pressing a button on the wall.
J sat down on the bed next to Tessa on her right side, reassuring gently, "We're going to be right here if you need us, Tessa."
N trilled as he sat on the girl's right side, "Yep, just squeeze our hand REAL tight if you have another nightmare, and we'll wake up and give you a biiiig hug."
J smiled at N, not a malicious or fake smile, but a genuine one. She was glad that she had someone else in that moment to help Tessa.
Tessa got back under her fluffy blanket with glow in the dark star print before she glanced to both of them. "Can you two sit closer?"
N and J moved closer to Tessa, sitting on either side of their favourite human.
Tessa yawned and softly trilled, "Thank you, both of you," before she rested her head on the pillow. Her choppy elbow length hair, that she had cropped herself a couple months ago, was fanned out around her head like an onyx halo. The last thing she heard before she drifted fully off to sleep was her two drones' voices.
"Sweet dreams, little sunshine" N whispered.
"We're always going to be here for you, princess," J soothed.
N and J looked at each other, both smiling happily. J responded in a whisper, "Sometimes we make a pretty good team, just don't get used to it."
N whisper giggled, "It's ok, I understand. But, anything for Miss Tessa."
Tessa didn't have any more bad dreams that night, she dreamed of having a picnic in the sun with N and J out in the garden, going to the swing by the graveyard, and going to the gazebo at the overlook to watch birds.
N and J stayed the whole night by Tessa's side, like two loyal guard dogs.
The End.
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oscurascout · 12 days
Bad Sanses Adventures
Natural Resort
Note - I know there is not a lot of dialogue but I'm getting use to it, I'm trying to "act" or think like them (obviously not canon), but still enjoy!
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One thing Horror liked to do is watch TV while cooking. He didn’t care what was on; he just enjoyed having some background noise.
Today, as he was preparing dinner, a program started playing. Horror sat down for a bit, waiting for the soup to boil, and focused on the program. It was about a resort where you could spend a few days in nature, engaging in outdoor and inside activities like hiking, swimming, crafts, music and much more.
“Maybe I should tell the others; we do need a break,” Horror thought as he finished dinner. As he was setting the table, everyone came down to eat. Soon, everyone was enjoying the delicious food that Horror had made. While Killer talked about his favorite anime. Horror decided it was time to share his idea.
Horror - “Umm, could we .. go to a, natural resort?”
Everyone looked at Horror, confused.
Killer - “Why? Not that I don’t want to, but why that place?”
Horror - “I saw it, .. on TV while cooking, .. I think it’s, .. nice place to rest, .. there are other activities too.”
Nightmare - *looking at Horror and then back at his food* “Mmm, it does sound nice. This weekend, we will go. You guys deserve it.”
Horror smiled and accompanied Dust as he served himself more food.
Dust - *smiling* “This is very good, Horror. Is it your personal recipe?”
Horror nodded, and they continued their conversation. The weekend arrived, and the gang was getting ready for their little vacation.
Nightmare - *in the living room, calling out* “Is everyone ready?!”
He turned around and sensed how Killer and Dust teleported, Horror appeared a little later. Nightmare opened a portal, and they all stepped through. As soon as they arrived in the lobby, all the humans and monsters started to walk away quickly, some even running. Everyone fled from the lobby as fast as possible.
Nightmare ignored them and stepped in front of the receptionist, who was shaking with fear.
Nightmare - *sighed* “I have a reservation under the name 'Night'”
The receptionist quickly nodded and began searching for their reservation. Dust looked around; he and Papyrus liked the place. It had a very relaxing atmosphere.
Papyrus - *floating around* “Brother, this place is amazing! We should really leave the suggestions to Horror.”
Dust - “Killer has good ones too.”
Nightmare - “Come on, let’s go.”
Everyone quickly caught up to Nightmare. They arrived at their luxurious room, which featured four beds, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a mini living room.
Killer - *excited* “Wow! This is sooo cool!”
Nightmare - “Don't get too excited; you're sleeping outside.”
Killer - *surprised* “Huh?!”
Nightmare chuckled while the others laughed. Killer pout, out of spite, he chose the best bed, which had a great view.
Nightmare - “You guys can go ahead and enjoy the activities.”
Horror - *worry* “What about you, Night?”
Nightmare - “I need to check on some things. I'll enjoy myself after I finish.”
The trio nodded and ran outside: Horror dressed in hiking clothes and equipped with gear, Dust carrying fishing equipment, and Killer wearing his swim clothes.
Horror thanked the park employee, who quickly ran away, and began walking up the trail. He had a camera with him—something Nightmare had gifted him. He took pictures of everything; to him, everything was fascinating, from the blue birds to the little black bugs. He smiled and took a break near a river, sitting down under a tree and relaxing in the shade.
Just as he was about to take out a snack, he looked up and saw a deer. He quickly grabbed his camera and snapped a shot, smiling at the picture.
Dust wandered around the fishing area, searching for a good, quiet spot. Papyrus guided him to a lovely spot beneath a tree. Dust cast his fishing line and settled down under the tree. However, as soon as he sat, the little bell on his fishing rod rang.
Papyrus - *excited* “Brother, quick!“
Dust hurried to the fishing line and began pulling on it. He fought long and hard, but in the end, he succeeded. He placed the fish in a bucket filled with ice, recast his line, and approached his resting spot again, but before he could sit down, the little bell rang again. Dust sighed and rushed back to the fishing line as his brother cheered for him.
Killer was led to a spot where guest could swim underwater and see the beautiful scenery. He put on his goggles and jumped in, swimming toward the bottom. He looked around, admiring the variety of fish and coral.
As he swam further, he spotted a manta ray. Excited, he quickly swam toward it, gliding on top of the manta ray while being careful not to harm or disturbed the creature. He eventually swam to another part of the ocean, where he discovered some very unusual and beautiful coral.
Nightmare, after finishing some business, headed to the kayaking area. He had never tried kayaking before, but he thought it would be a nice experience. He climbed into his kayak and started paddling. It took him a while, but he soon got the hang of it.
As he looked around at the scenery, he enjoyed himself, occasionally glancing down at the crystal-clear water. He dipped his hands into the water, relishing at the cool sensation. Soon, someone else would also be able to enjoy this peacefulness.
One by one, the skeletons returned to their room, with Horror being the last to arrive. He had gotten off the trail and gotten a bit lost but soon found his way back. They all shared stories about their experiences and eventually fell asleep after an exhausting but exciting day.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Mothzuku part 1
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“Uh, h-hi?” Hitoshi squeaked, pressing himself further against one of the crappy wooden walls to the tree house. It didn’t help much, since there was only one room in the treehouse and it was definitely not fit for more than three people at a time. Not to mention the giant gaping hole in the wall that was used as a door.
The creature merely stared at him with wide, green eyes. It chittered a bit, dropping the food it was snacking on- Hitoshi’s box of strawberry pop tarts, and slowly made its way towards Hitoshi. “No-no no no no!” Hitoshi panicked. Kicking his feet uselessly out to keep the creature back and put distance between them. “D-don’t eat me, p-please!”
Hitoshi had only found the stupid treehouse on accident, wandering around in the forest near his current foster parent’s house. Needless to say, he’d rather spend time at the treehouse than with the people who put him in a muzzle. He had put snacks and blankets up there, along with anything he didn’t want the foster parents or other kids finding. 
Over the past week he’d noticed some snacks going missing but he just thought it was some wild animal. Hitoshi didn’t think squirrels knew how to open boxes so he put the snacks in a locked box but the snacks kept disappearing. He figured it must be one of the kids from his foster house but not-not something like this.
The creature was covered in dark feathers except most of his face, and in the dark he couldn’t make out much else besides the fact that it was a human, he thinks, around his age, with wings and no clothes (though it was covered in feathers so Hitoshi supposes it didn’t really need clothes). Now after staying in the treehouse to catch whoever was stealing his food he’d come across a terrifying eldritch creature crawling through the gap of a door from the roof and dropping down into the treehouse to go straight to his box of snacks and start eating. Hitoshi was so terrified he was about to get killed to even try to stop them from eating his snacks. 
“He-hey stop! Please please don't come any closer!” Hitoshi exclaimed, trying to be quiet but also trying to scare it off. He wasn’t sure what to do or if-if his quirk would even work here. Could it understand him? So far it would only make noises like a bird or, or a squirrel? He wasn’t sure. 
Thankfully, the creature stopped coming closer to him and froze about two feet away from Hitoshi. Breathing hard, Hitoshi didn’t let himself relax. He’d almost contemplated throwing his shoe at it to get it to leave, but if this was some kind of animal then he’d feel pretty bad since it hadn’t really done anything to him…yet. 
It chittered at him again and sat on its hind legs, or human legs? Hitoshi couldn’t tell. He was kind of freaking out, and tilted its head to the side. Hitoshi just stared back, trying to ease his racing heart. 
“Are you-can you understand me?” Hitoshi asked. It said nothing in reply, only leaning forward curiously at the noises Hitoshi made, like it was the first time it had heard words. Hitoshi sighed. Despite feeling terrified not even a minute before, he was starting to relate the creature to a confused puppy. A confused puppy with sharp nails and teeth and wings. “Is-is this your treehouse?” Hitoshi gestured to the space around them. 
It’s big green eyes followed the motion, and it chittered back at him in response. Oddly enough, that counted as a response to his quirk and the creature’s eyes went from expressive and curious to blank. “Ho-holy shit,” Hitoshi breathed, relaxing just a bit. 
He wouldn’t let his guard down entirely but, the fact that he could brainwash it meant it was actually…a human. Hitoshi frowned. “How long have you been out here? In the forest?”
Nothing in response. Okay, so maybe it didn’t understand him. Hitoshi sighed. “Will you hurt me?” Hitoshi asked, trying to put more ‘intent’ and feelings into his words than the actual words. He got a chirp back and sighed again. Right, neither one knew what the other was saying. Hitoshi ran a hand down his face in exasperation. 
“Alright, I’m going to let you go now...” Hitoshi warned, “Just…just stay calm and don’t kill me. Please.” He added as an afterthought.  After a second of pondering over if he should actually let the creature go rather than bring him to the authorities, he figured better to get it over with now than try to figure out something else. 
Immediately upon release, the creature's eyes widened and it scrambled to the other side of the treehouse. Hitoshi stared in shock as the creature huddled behind the box of food. It eyed him in confusion and hesitance, looking a bit shaken by the whole thing. Shinsou swallowed nervously. “S-sorry,” He said, when it seemed like the creature wouldn’t attack him for brainwashing him. 
The creature studied him for a moment before chittering softly. It seemed to forget it was wary of him the moment its eyes landed on the half eaten pop tart on the ground. It slowly meandered to it and picked it up, munching silently on its hind legs and watching Hitoshi. 
Nervously, Hitoshi slowly sat up on his knees, gathering the courage to move a little. The creature didn’t pause in its light snacking, but watched Hitoshi out of the corner of its eye. The only thing he could hear was the light crunching of the poptart and their breathing. Hitoshi’s breath was heavy, calming down from panic and the creature’s was soft and light, pausing every now and then with each bite. Soon enough the creature was done with the pop tart and Hitoshi froze in his attempts at standing up, ending up in a half crouch as the creature licked its fingers and stared towards him. 
Hitoshi stayed where he was at while the creature picked up something from the ground and slowly made its way to him. His breath froze in his chest as the creature came closer, more hesitant than before. It paused about two feet away from Hitoshi like last time, and looked from him to the spot in between them. 
“Um…are…you-” Hitoshi started, but was cut off when the creature came forward, scaring Hitoshi into falling onto his butt. Neither one took their eyes off each other as the creature came as close as it dared, then slowly placed something on the ground directly in front of the purple haired teen, then backed off a few feet with a satisfied look. Confused, Hitoshi stared at the creature for a second longer before bending over to pick up the item. 
Hitoshi huffed in amusement at what was another packet of pop tarts, still in its tin foil packaging. “You want me to eat this too?” Hitoshi asked, opening it. The creature seemed to brighten in awe as Hitoshi easily opened the package and took out one of the pop tarts. “Okay.” 
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The creature beamed at him when he took a bite of the strawberry pop tart, making Hitoshi smile a bit too. He thought maybe the pop tart was a sort of peace offering. It felt..nice, to be able to talk to at least someone, no matter how weird it was. Sure, it was strange, but could any other kid say they shared pop tarts with Mothman in a treehouse at 2 am? Hitoshi sure could.  
The creature chittered and leaned forward a bit, but leaned back again. Hitoshi bit his poptart, and took out the other poptart in the bag and held it out towards the creature. It took a second for them to see what was going on but immediately brightened at the gesture. It scampered over and gently took the pop tart, staying within arms reach of Hitoshi while they ate in sync. Hitoshi watched the creature's eyes dart from his shoes to his hands to his hair in awe. 
When they were both finished with their snack, the creature hesitantly held out its hand, just like Hitoshi did with the poptart. “Please don’t bite me,” Hitoshi murmured, but reached his hand out to it nonetheless.  In the instant their hands were less than an inch apart, the creature snatched his hand, causing Hitsoshi to yelp in surprise, but held still as the creature just gently examined his hand. Hitoshi leaned forward onto his knees, getting more comfortable while keeping his hand in the creature’s. 
“You really are just a kid, aren’t you?” Hitoshi murmured, and the creature looked to him with bright eyes and chirped before going back to looking at his hand. He, because Hitoshi is assuming he’s a boy for now, brought Hitoshi’s hand to his face, pulling lightly on his fingers, and sniffed him. Peeking at Hitoshi first, he stuck his tongue out lightly and quickly licked him, then frowning. Hitoshi squinted at the action, but let the boy do what he wanted. 
“Is this the first time you’ve seen a person before?” Hitoshi asked. The kid brought their hands to each other, and the kid chirped, looking between their conjoined hands and Hitoshi like he’d just discovered something. Htoshi huffed in amusement. “Yeah, we both have similar hands,” He said. 
After a moment, the boy grew tired of his hand and turned towards Hitoshi’s sleeve, feeling the texture of his hoodie. Hitoshi shivered as the boy’s cold hands went under his sleeve for a moment, but didn’t say anything. Despite the weird situation, he was kind of having fun. It was like discovering something new that no one else has known before. 
Hitoshi wondered how long the kid had been out here. He seemed unable to communicate, other than in chirps and chittering, but he looked human. Hitoshi assumed he had a mutation quirk that made him look like, well, like Mothman. Maybe the kid had been abandoned out in the woods and just lived out there. It was a pretty big area, Hitoshi reasoned it was probably big enough for a kid to survive on their own for years without anyone knowing. He briefly wondered how the kid had gotten food before he felt a hand on his hair. 
Hitoshi snapped back to reality to see the kid looking at him worriedly and petting his hair. Was he….trying to comfort Hitoshi? He thought. Despite the strangeness, he did feel comforted. That, and it was pretty cold out. “Are you cold?” Hitoshi asked, starting to feel very concerned for this feral child. 
The boy chirped for a second before attempting a rattled, “‘od?” that surprised Hitoshi more than it probably should. His voice was rough with disuse but Hitoshi could tell he was a boy his age, or maybe younger.
“You can talk?” Hitoshi asked. “Or…try to talk?” He said, tilting his head at the boy. The kid mimicked him, tilting his head in the same direction with amusement and anticipation in his eyes. 
Hitoshi thought for a moment before pointing at himself. “Hitoshi,” He stated. 
The green eyed boy pointed at himself too, mimicking Hitoshi and said, “Oshee” in a hesitant voice. Hitoshi shook his head, and gently used the boy’s hand to point to himself rather than the boy. He repeated himself, and pointed again at himself. 
Green eyes brightened in something like recognition and he pointed to Hitoshi and said “H’oh-shi.” and smiled brightly at him. Hitoshi smiled and nodded, thinking it was close enough. 
“Yeah,” Hitoshi said, pointing back at himself. “I’m Hitoshi. And you are?” He asked, pointing to the boy. 
It took a few tries before the boy finally got it, but seemed to think of his name. It sent a funny, sad feeling through Hitoshi’s chest at the fact that the boy didn’t really have a name. “Z- zu,” The kid mumbled before looking up to Hitoshi and pointing to himself with an exclamation of “Zu!” 
“Alright,” Hitosh chuckled, pointing to himself first and repeating “Hitoshi” and pointing his finger at the boy and saying “Zu,” which made Zu smile and wiggle a little in place in excitement. 
Over the next few months, that’s how they lived. Hitoshi would go to school, come home, and go straight to the treehouse. He was now fourteen, and was trying for the hero course at UA. He hoped he could tell someone there about Zu so he could get help. Hitoshi knew that as is, no one would take him seriously and the one time he tried he’d been stuck in a closet for two days as punishment for ‘making stuff up’. 
UA seemed like his only hope to get Zu some help. Maybe even reunite him with his family, wherever they were. The past few months, Hitoshi had done his best to make sure the feral boy had food and water, and plenty of blankets at night. The last one was there just in case, since Hitoshi found out later that Zu slept while he was at school. It was hard for Hitoshi though, because he couldn't really afford much, and he reluctantly learned that Zu ate wild animals and didn't need to rely on him for food. While gross, it did make things easier. 
            Zu was also learning how to talk. It was… slow-going, but Hitoshi counted anything as a win at this point because Hitoshi also had no idea how to teach someone how to speak a whole new language. 
There were a lot of things Hitoshi wasn’t sure how to teach him. Teaching Zu animals and plants and about the ocean or mountains was easy with books, but he had no idea how to explain anything else. Zu hardly knew how to talk, how was he supposed to teach him math or history or politics or even quirks? Heroes were easy to explain, but Hitoshi wasn’t even sure Zu understood exactly what heroes were. The most he could grasp was that they save people and fight bad guys. 
Hitoshi liked to think they were best friends at this point. He’d bring over anything he thought Zu would find interesting, and told him about his day, and taught him a bit more words before going back to the foster house for dinner. Their days repeated like that, and Hitoshi found himself collecting children’s books wherever he could to help Zu learn. For some reason, the green eyed boy loved books, and any bright colored toy he could get his hands on. He especially loved hearing about the hero stories Hitoshi told him, even if he couldn’t understand all of it. 
It was nice, their little routine. Even if Zu occasionally brought him a dead animal, despite Hitoshi telling him he couldn’t eat them like Zu did. He almost had a heart attack when Zu took a bite of a squirrel in front of him. They were lucky Zu hadn’t gotten sick so far. He occasionally wasn’t feeling good, but nothing like a fever or anything. They hadn’t been through winter yet though, so Hitoshi had stocked up on medicine just in case. He’d also tried to get Zu to wear clothes, but the wings didn’t really allow the shirts to fit, and Zu did not like pants. At all. For some reason socks were okay though. Zu mentioned something about cold feet once, but Hitoshi saw him wearing socks on his hands once, so he just doesn’t question it anymore. 
Hitoshi was sure to keep Zu a secret from everyone as best he could. He didn’t want anyone hurting him, or throwing him in some shitty foster home or mental hospital) like himself. No, Hitoshi was setting his sights on UA, and their reputation for employing only trustworthy heroes. No way was he going through the trouble of trying to tell people about it again unless he was absolutely sure they could help Zu. 
Hitoshi took a breath, climbing into the treehouse. “Hey Zu!” He called. 
The mountain of blankets in the corner rustled a bit before a familiar head of curls popped out. “H’oshi!” Zu cheered, leaving the blankets behind in favor of jumping to pull Hitoshi into a hug. 
“I missed you too,” Hitoshi laughed. He took off his backpack and put it on the ground. Zu untangled himself from Hitoshi to run to the corner where they’d kept a stack of books and a box of toys and knick-knacks. 
Seconds later, Zu reappeared at Hitoshi’s side with a book and pleading eyes. “Read? Please?”
“Yeah okay,” Hitoshi said, getting comfy on the ground. Zu handed him a stuffed cat to keep in his lap during storytime, and had a purple frog in his own lap. That was a storytime tradition of theirs, something Zu started because the animals made him feel calm and he liked petting it idly. Zu assumed he needed one too, so they both got one every once in a while. Hitoshi figured letting the boy do things that comforted him was a good thing. He had taken to reading parenting books at the library, and they said to encourage creativity and independence sometimes, so he figured it was good for him. Again, he wasn’t really sure what to do in some situations, but they managed to find some common ground.
They rarely had disagreements, but those usually came down to Zu or Hitoshi being frustrated at not being able to communicate what they want to with the other person. But Zu had come a long way from the eldritch monster he’d first assumed he was. He was now reading picture books without help. For the most part. But he knew most of the words now, so that was good. He mostly had trouble with adjectives and actions now, and the occasional noun. 
Art was a fun subject Hitoshi had tried with him. Zu loved crayons, and now almost every inch of the treehouse was filled with papers of watercolor or crayon drawings. It made hItoshi smile, and also made the feeling of guilt churn in his stomach. He could be getting Zu help and he could live a normal life if Hitoshi could just gather the courage to seek out proper help for the boy. He just couldn’t find it in himself to do it. Not after the last two times he tried. UA was his last resort. He didn’t want anyone hurting his friend. 
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
[cws: starvation/food insecurity, fantasy racism, psychiatric abuse, ableism, and Upsetting Pictures.]
one thing that fucks me up immensely about pericles before and after the asylum is how fucking skinny he is.
like. as much as obviously the two designs are Very Inconsistent in general which annoys me, look at him pre-timeskip. look at how he's shaped.
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his head and face are way smoother and rounder, both in front and back, and the space between his cheekbones and his eyebrow ridge is filled in; his body is rounder in general and his belly is noticeably between his thighs when he's standing up; he has kind of a chubby butt; his chin and neck are softer and wider around, which you can really see with the width of the scarf compared to his shoulders and the angle where it meets his head. it comes up in front of his face more because there's not as much of an angle with his chin to hold it down.
now. compare all those things to this.
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and like, you could argue some of these design differences are tiny things to zero in on in a show that's as loose with its models as sdmi is. but present-day pericles' design is pretty obviously supposed to be unsettling because he's physically built to be a Cute Roumb Little Mascot Creature--so much so that the framework has managed to stick around a little in spite of everything--and has become gaunt and haggard anyway. and you could also argue that the body type changes are just thanks to aging twenty years (and i don't doubt that's contributed).
except. he spent those twenty years in an asylum where the other inmates we see look like this.
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(fun little fact that @thecottageinthedark pointed out also: remember how he literally got caught at one point because he couldn't stop eating sunflower seeds, even during a heist? a high-fat, high-calorie snack for birds? you know, exactly the kind of thing a starving person who finally has proper access to food would be wolfing down?)
did i mention that this happened in a (fantasy) racially segregated prison, which is technically an asylum so the inmates can be kept there indefinitely, because in an actual prison you're required to have a sentence? did i mention that none of the human characters we see in human prison look any less healthy during or afterward, and on top of that are allowed to move around and socialize? did i mention the absolutely horrific treatment of the asylum inmates is implied to be despite the fact that the (physically abusive!) guard is playing up how dangerous and malicious they are? (you know. except for pericles 🙃)
did i mention the man who got pericles imprisoned--who he had not only done nothing to beforehand, but had helped--says he was there to 'live out the rest of his miserable parrot life in a cage, where he belonged,' and not only do none of the characters we're supposed to side with have anything to say about that, but the audience is clearly supposed to agree with him too?
(did i mention said man--who was in on the crime, singular, that pericles went to prison for!--spends those twenty years living a life of luxury in power while abusing the child he kidnapped as a baby and held hostage his entire life, and when we see him in prison he is not only chilling out and helping the authorities but reading a newspaper?)
did i mention the part where by the time we meet pericles he hasn't spoken in years?
like. man the 'ooooo scary evil abused asylum crazies' trope is bad enough, even when they pretend to lampshade it for a minute before playing it straight; i don't know how they added in All That and made him emaciated and expected no one to find it heartbreaking or even sympathetic. i don't care how bad he was before the asylum (and dear god was he ever), that is horrifying and no one deserves it. god damn.
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tunashei · 1 year
First impressions of Animoprhs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 7: The Stranger
I often think how you'd REALLY react if you were faced with something paranormal or magical, because it wouldn't just be the monster or ghost or superhero you have to contend with - but your entire knowledge of the universe flipping on it's head. Legit consider how insane you'd go if you found out monsters were *really* real. And they do this to a random person in the start of most books! Ha.
Kind of surprised they consider a human-alien relationship with any sort of seriousness. How progressive. But then there's been a few hints towards Rachel liking Tobias and he's...a bird. Rachel is very open minded.
Somehow I have my doubts Rachel will move away. The clue is the 47 books that come after this.
Man I feel for Tobias, having to spend the rest of his life as a hawk while potentially watching his friends move on. It's not like he can make new friends. Also how long does he even live? Does he have a hawk lifespan now of 10-15 years?
Rachel wants more firepower and she skips the POLAR BEARS? GIRL. Those things are fucking terrifying! Though I did do a bit of research and turns out when Polar Bears and Grizzlies compete for food it's usually the Polar Bears that leave.
Also I have a hard time believing a bear has more 'firepower' than an elephant. Bit easier to move around and get into places as a bear though.
Still can't get over the frequent use of the slang 'hooked up' to mean meeting. Very different meaning nowadays.
The mental image of them fitting pretty much a centaur into a dressing room is very funny.
Wow. Stopping time definitely blindsided me. This Ellimist is like a god?? Was not expecting that.
The descriptions when the Ellimist is showing off the beauty of earth make me very sad I will likely not get to experience it. It's so sad to know coral reefs exist out there, beauty unparalleled, and you can't simply go and see them. Not without money. It's a cruel joke that we're placed on such an amazing planet and yet how little of it we'll see.
Man this is a genuinely tough decision. I really like Cassie's perspective, that humans are now the endangered animals potentially rejecting the one thing that could save them. Honestly if what seemed like a literal god told me the fight is unwinnable I'd probably give in and tell them to take me to a new planet.
Aaaand now the kids are getting eaten alive. I LOVE the amount of traumatising scenarios in these books. Main reason I started em. Feel a bit bad for the Taxon, imagine eating some innocuous snack and it swells up and bursts you from the inside.
Ax has a thing for cutting off people's arms.
You're the second largest carnivore on land Rachel, Polar Bears got you beat.
Also Rachel totally just murdered a bunch of human people.
Now...time travel? Hm not a big fan of time travel.
Damn the Yeerks invested in free, superfast and wide-covering public transport? I'd vote for them.
This is why I don't like time travel. Is it deterministic? Can it be changed? Boggles the mind. The implication is they refuse the Ellimist's offer and stay and fight, and lose, and Rachel becomes a controller. But why would Ax being there mean the future has changed? Did future-Rachel lie about there being six humans to Visser-Three? Why?
PFFFF I'm sorry but as horrifying as the idea of them killing and consuming Tobias after being infected and turned into controllers is, it's also like Disney-level villainy.
If this is the future and it can be changed, why can't Visser-Three kill them? Sure he wouldn't have controller Rachel so the future would be different but the goal of invading would work?
Well this is looking bleak.
I wonder who is keeping Ellimists in check that they even need rules.
Surprisingly quick and efficient mission! And that's the end of that one. A bit confusing, but I wonder if the Ellimist stuff will get clearer later on.
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Just thought about Lilia's inability to cook combined with Kaiju AU (although potential emetophobia warning jic
Does he pick out gross-but-edible foods? Does he mash up a bunch of different stuff into a paste because some pesky little hatchlings will sometimes pick out the tastiest parts of food and refuse the rest unless it's all together? Does he try feed them similarly to how birds feed their kin? (like... Parent birds with baby birds, ya'know? Except indirectly because he massive)
I'm curious about your take on it lol
WARNING: Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) mentioned, but not discussed in detail!
Hoo boy, I think it’s hilarious how no matter which AU Lilia is in, he is just that bad at cooking. Even Malleus mentioned this when he was in the Culinary Chef event! 😂
Anyway, something I’d like to point out is that when Kaiju are born/hatched, they already have their starter baby teeth that help them eat and can start hunting live prey (like baby crocodiles and alligators!) that their parents/guardians bring them or even small (to them) bugs to chase and pounce on! So, they don’t really require milk or…well, being fed the way birds and penguins feed their babies. After all, these guys are meant to be the ultimate survivalist species! (Next to humans or water bears/tardigrades anyway…possibly even more so)
But yeah, so he’s going to be one of those ones who—much like Nevermore/Crowley and Crewelfang/Crewel—he does bring home food to feed his adopted children…only for Malleus to sneak in and bring the younger ones more fulfilling (and non-potentially-lethal) food after distracting him, destroying the evidence with the pools of lava nearby. Malleus may be young still, but he managed to help raise Silver and Sebek to teen/adult Kaiju-hood!
You are right in that when it comes to the younger of the Kaiju pups, he will mash up fruits with roots. After all, a growing Kaiju needs good, healthy foods that will make them stronger!...unfortunately, he doesn’t quite grasp the fact that most Kaiju can’t stomach some of the things he considers “good”.
“If it doesn’t kill me, then it’s safe for young hatchlings, right?”
Lilia…no. Stop. Silver passed out from your cooking in the game, don’t make it worse in this AU!
Anyway, so yeah, Lilia may try to feed Yuu and Grim when it’s Diasomnia’s turn to “cub-sit” (aka when none of the Alpha Titans/the staff—still thinking of a proper name for these guys as a pack are able to do it). Using a rock to mash up the food, it looks like a mix of toxic sludge—making it impossible to tell what it used to be made of even by smell! If it hadn’t been for the fact that Yuu and Grim watched him make it, they might’ve assumed the worst. >A<;
Luckily for these two, Sebek and Silver run interference while Malleus distracts Lilia, one grabbing the leaf “plate” of food while the other sneaks them a snack in the form of a fruit or a bit of meat (or both). After such an ordeal, Yuu and Grim will automatically cling to the closest Kaiju whenever Lilia tries to bring them something to eat. And when the Kaiju started learning the magical art of cooking with fire and smoke…?
Let’s just say that it looked perfect...at first. But he kept adding more and more ingredients to the meat, cooking it longer and longer and somehow managing to carve out a giant stone bowl to make a stew after seeing Yuu make something similar. The final result was something that looked like a purple and green swamp. Yuu could swear (which MIRA later verified) that some of those herbs and mushrooms he added to the dish were poisonous.
Outside of cooking, though, he can make the most comfortable nest using webbing and plant materials to create the softest nest imaginable! And while young ones sleep, he’s hanging upside down, watching and frightening off bold scavengers who think Yuu and Grim are easy prey. He does his best for sure, and I love him—just…keep him out of the Kaiju version of the kitchen 🤣
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ask-the-doppelganger · 6 months
/Birdfeeder anon - I was kinda hoping for our dear doppleganger to hunt another pigeon while it's distracted, in a typical doppleganger manner. There's no way an unaware person would just throw meat at random birds XD/
/But that does make me think of animal-formed dopples some more. Guess that wouldn't be common, or else they could have just be feeding on rats or something. Or maybe they do, and D.D.D. isn't aware of it yet. Fried wing for your thoughts?/
{OKAY HEADCANON TIME!! Also, it's clear that it was meant for me but ty for the clarification :) appreciate it}
We can arrange the doppel hunting the pigeons. :D The best way for you to do that is to just watch the Doppel a bit, without following it; especially if your guy is a birdwatcher and has binoculars. It would try to hide away for a nice snack. :D and you'd see how it hunts as a bird which is fun.
NOW for animal doppels, I want to go back to the beginning of my thought process, but I think they are actually the majority.
The first thing I thought about how there is absolutely no way the doppels only eat humans, because that is hard prey to get. Even if someone absolutely botches the playthrough, they would still throw out, like, fifty percent of the doppels. If someone who has played too much is the doorman, then it drops down to one per day, out of about six to nine doppels. We also hear the doppels mentioning that they are studying to get into the apartments, which takes time, during which they are not eating.
Similarly, the doppels also don't clean out every building they get into, because then, all the humans would be completely gone after, like, a few days.
So, the doppels get into apartments after a long time, really rarely, and they don't clear out the entire apartment; most likely, they only kill the doormen.
Now. That would mean food for them comes from somewhere else, which opens a host of possibilities, but that begs the question: why do they eat humans at all when one meal has like, fifty percent mortality rate for the hunter at best?
There's two things that I decided to headcanon to offset that.
First, there is a decent chance of the doppel escaping from the DDD; thanks to their shapeshifting, they would be hardy, because they can re-shapeshift whatever organ gets injured. Second, the human meat is both very tasty, and brings prestige with it. The doppel that ate a human spent months to get ready, pulled off a perfect disguise, killed the most dangerous prey - that's the mother of all bragging rights there!
Most shapeshifters never taste human meat, because it's too risky. The DDD needs its resources to deal with actual threats to humans, so the weird animals are just THERE, you are better off grabbing a broom and dealing with them yourself. Maybe only the human form is called doppelganger, even, and they call the animals something else.
Also, I decided that the doppels need calories/biomass to shapeshift, especially into larger forms. This is what the DDD leverages, mostly; they beat the doppel bad enough for it to not be able to take human form for a long time. Humans are relatively big.
Most mature doppels are deer, since deer are weird as hell already, but there are a lot of stray cats, dogs, and things like possums and raccoons. The common garbage nuisances have a chance to be doppels.
also, since the pigeoning is going on there, @steven-rudboys this is my headcanon behind the entire thing
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mintartem · 10 months
I have this idea in my head ever since I found out that Genya’s Halloween 2022 fairy tale is “The Ugly Duckling.”
Not a fic but more like a really long brain rot
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Urogi was flying around when suddenly it started to pour heavily. Night had fallen and the cicadas chirped along with the sound of the rain. Urogi was flying back to his home when he caught sight of a little duckling running under a tree. Curious, Urogi landed and found the duckling drying its wet feathers. He also saw the how the half-bird was thin, sickly looking and trembling on such a cold night.
“Hey buddy. What are you doing here? Where are your parents?” Urogi asked as gentle as he can. The half-bird bore its teeth at him in a snarl, distrustful. Urogi can see a scar running through his face from one cheek to the other.
Sickly thin? Body appears to be in pain? Fading bruises that looks like could’ve been done by throwing rocks at him? A scar on his face that doesn’t look like an accident? Urogi isn’t human but even he can tell that this duckling had a bad life.
A random noise caught his attention. He looked at the duckling’s face and almost chuckled at the sight of the red faced duck looking away. His stomach was growling. He’s hungry.
“Here” Urogi handed him an onigiri. It was supposed to be his snack. He wasn’t the type to share to anyone that isn’t his brothers so he doesn’t understand why he was willingly sharing this to the duckling.
The duckling looks at the food and then back at Urogi, distrust clearly on his face. Suddenly, the duckling grabbed the food in Urogi’s hand so fast, as if scared Urogi will take it away. The duckling devoured the food like a starving animal. Well, the bird is probably starving isn’t it?
The half-bird finished its meal within seconds, clearly not having eaten for awhile.
“Any reason why you’re out here alone in a dark stormy night?” Urogi asked. The bird just stared at him, contemplating if he should answer or not.
“What’s your name? I’m Urogi” he said with a joyous grin. The bird still continued staring, scrutinizing him whether he should trust him or not. Finally, he replied: “Genya.”
“Alright, Genya what are you doing out here alone?” Lightning danced and thunder roared across the sky, catching the attention of both half-birds.
“Why don’t you come with me to my home Genya? It’s raining really bad and I’m sure you don’t want to be out on this storm.” As if to prove a point, the rain started pouring heavier.
The thought of staying at a nice warm home sounds so pleasing to Genya. He never got to experience such luxury. He wants to say yes, but a part of him wants him to say no, reasoning that he might end up hurt, or worse.
Yet, the tengu still has his hand out to him, waiting. A smile on his face that doesn’t look menacing at all. Should he gamble on it? He didn’t made fun of Genya when he saw him. In fact he looked almost concerned (that’s impossible no one ever gets concerned for him). He even gave Genya his food and didn’t took it away. It’s not filthy food or rotten food either. It was the most delicious thing Genya has ever eaten next to watermelons.
Shyly, Genya took Urogi’s outstretched hand. This brought joy to the tengu. He carried the bird (so light! He needs to eat!) and told him: “Hold on tight!” Urogi flew quickly and straight to his home.
He introduced Genya to his brothers. Sekido was reluctant to take care of him. Karaku doesn’t seem to mind. Uncle Urami just grunted (but that’s a good sign). His dad, as usual, cowered but lets them decide. Zohakuten was a child so he decided to play with the new comer. Aizetsu’s face turned red and he ran.
“Aizetsu is quite shy and doesn’t like meeting people that much” Urogi thought.
They all decided to keep Genya. After days of the duckling staying with them, they decided having him is not so bad after all and he was even helpful. They told him he could stay. It came as a big surprise when the duck’s tough face broke into tears and he started sobbing. Sekido panicked, not knowing what to do. When Zohakuten cries, it was Karaku that calmed him down.
Turns out, Genya cried out of happiness. He has a place to call home and wouldn’t have to be constantly moving and searching for a place to stay to fight off the elements.
More days have passed when Genya finally told them why he was always alone and on the move.
Genya’s ugly.
A stupid reason, Urogi thinks. Everyone, humans and yokais alike, drove Genya away for being ugly. Urogi can’t see ugliness as a good reason to throw rocks at someone. Can’t they think of something more fun than that? If they want to throw rocks, have they tried skipping stones? Those are fun. (Or maybe Urogi should throw stones at them. Now that sounds fun)
Have they met their dad’s (Hentengu) friend? He lives in a pot and looks super creepy!
In Urogi’s eyes, Genya is admittedly not the most good looking person around. But he certainly isn’t terrible looking either. He’s fine. But Genya won’t believe them. He believes that he was ugly since the moment he hatched.
“If you saw what I looked like when I hatched, you’d probably drive me away as well” he heard Genya whispered to himself after Aizetsu told him that he wasn’t ugly and in fact “quite cute.”
Urogi, his brothers, Urami, and his dad took care of Genya treating him as one of them. As seasons flew by, Genya grew up along with them.
It was on a beautiful spring morning when realization hit Urogi that the “ugly” duck he took in grew up to be completely different.
When Genya smiles, it seems like the flowers and sun smile with him. His laugh sounds as nice as a silver bell. His dull grey feathers were silvery white, glowing and shimmering under the sun (wonder what it will look like under the moon). Raven hair, as dark as the midnight sky. Genya has pretty lavender eyes that no longer look at the world with anger and hate.
Genya’s beautiful.
It feels like beautiful isn’t enough to describe him, however. Ethereal perhaps? Maybe that one’s too much…
Urogi and his brothers hated the fact that Genya is being pursued now by both humans and yokais alike. Those same creatures that ridiculed him when he was young. He was bullied and hurt for his looks, but now they are interested for his looks only?
It was at that realization that Urogi and his brothers swore they’ll protect Genya. Like hell they deserve him! Humans, yokais, gods, it doesn’t matter! They got to prove they like Genya more than just his looks if they want to be his spouse! (They hate the fact that Genya still thinks he is ugly though.)
Their feelings for Genya can be familial, platonic, or romantic up to you. This idea has been in my head and I wanted to share it.
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Morpeko (#877)
Cavias bielementus
General Information: Morpeko the Two-Sided Pokémon. This Pokémon has an insatiable hunger, and when it experiences prolonged hunger it shifts into its other form, Hangry Mode, and becomes a violence malicious brute until its hunger is satisfied. The reason it is always seen eating, is because the electric energy it creates (or dark energy if in its Hangry Mode) quickly consumes the energy of the food it just ate. Trainers with Morpekos they battle with need to keep an extra large supply of food for their little buddy.
Morpekos have two forms: Hangry Mode and Full-Belly Mode. The typing of their signature move Aura Wheel changes depending on which form it’s in. In Hangry Mode it is a dark-type attack, and in Full-Belly Mode it becomes an electric-type attack.
Morpekos average at 1 ft tall (0.3 M) and 6.6 pounds (3.0 kg).
Habitat: Morpekos are to the Andes Mountains, and are full substitutes for guinea pigs.
Life Cycles: Morpekos are born in litters of 1 to 6 pups (with 3 being the average), and reach reproductive maturity as soon as they reach level 15. Females (sows) are able to breed year round, but have a peak during the Spring. Sows can have up to 5 litters a year. Baby Morpekos are fully capable of defending themselves from birth, but stick with their mother for a few weeks before departing. The gestation period for Morpekos is 2 months, split between 1 month where the egg energy accumulates inside of the mother, and 1 month between laying and hatching. The sows are capable of getting pregnant again while tending to their current litter. There is little to no involvement from the father, and Morpeko sows are known to mate with any suitable mates.
Morpekos are eaten by many things and are regularly predated upon by cats, birds, snakes, giant spiders, and even humans.
Behavior: Morpekos are known to be ravenous eaters—at least proportionately. They are always carrying food in their cheeks that they snack on, which keeps their hunger at bay. In Hangry Mode, Morpekos become malicious and evil—which really isn’t any different from actual guinea pigs! When they’re kept full, they are pleasant, but when allowed to go hungry for too long, their Hangry Form becomes quite unmanageable for many.
They are not terribly companionable to other species, at least not in general. They like the company of other Morpekos, but as prey animals they are highly suspicious of other Pokémon that aren’t similar to them. But don’t let their disagreeableness with other species convince you that they don’t need a Pokémon-friend, because they do. Morpekos are social animals, just picky about what they socialize with.
Diet: Fruit, grass, seeds, and nuts, but mostly fruit and grass.  
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: As guinea pigs, Morpekos have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years in South and Central America, where they are raised as a food source or as pets. There are many varieties of Morpekos that are propogated by pet fanciers the world over. They are not beginner pets, and in fact their high food needs means that they are not recommended for beginner trainers and only owners who can afford their care should really own them. Morpekos get a bad rep because of their Hangry Mode, causing many to be abandoned by unprepared humans, but really a well-taken care of Morpeko is a great friend to have in the house or on your team.
Of course, Morpekos are the mascot of a major snack food company, Morpeko Foods Inc. (subsidiary of Dark Moon Corporation), which sells a lot of popular junk foods meant to satiate those Hangry Mode urges!
If a trainer wishes to acquire a Morpeko, the only way to obtain one outside of Central and South America, is through a breeder.
Classification: Cavias bielementus is the scientific name of Morpeko. “Cavias” refers to “Cavy” or “Cavia” (Guinea pig) and “bielementus” means “two elements.”
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aeoki · 1 year
Autumn Forest - Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Grower Barn Characters: Shinobu, Chiaki & Nazuna
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Nazuna: Hmm, I see~ So you’re supposed to take care of a squirrel, but you’re having a hard time doing that because it won’t warm up to you, huh.
And you remembered I have a pet rabbit, so you brought Shinobu to see me. Is that right, Anzu?
Shinobu: She started dragging me somewhere out of the blue, so I was really startled… So that’s why she did that ~de gozaru.
But, Anzu-dono, why did you know that Nito-dono would be here?
…Hmm. Oh, I see. You saw Nito-dono heading over to the grower barn.
Nazuna: I’ve met Anzu at the grower barn a couple of times and she knows I sometimes come to take care of the rabbits.
Shinobu: Thank you, Anzu-dono!
So, Nito-dono, do you know how I can get closer to the squirrel? Please give me some advice, de gozaru~
Nazuna: Hmm~... Advice, huh~...
Shinobu: Is there something that could work for all small animals…?
Nazuna: Rabbits and squirrels are completely different~ Or maybe I should just think of it as something similar to a rabbit?
If we’re talking about rabbits, the most important thing is making sure they’re not scared but, well, I guess that’s the same for squirrels too, huh. How about you get it to remember your scent?
Anyway, Shinobun, can I see the squirrel for a sec?
Shinobu: Of course! I’ll take off the roof… This is Marron the squirrel ~de gozaru.
Uuu, it still doesn’t like me~... It’s been like this for a while now and I can’t get it to lower its guard at all.
Nazuna: Oh~ It looks like it’s scared~ It should be trained and I think it should be used to being around humans as opposed to wild squirrels.
That’s why we should get it to learn that Shinobun is a human that it can feel safe around.
Shinobu: That was also written on the note I got from Yuuta-kun and Hinata-kun but, unfortunately, when I put my hand near it, it didn’t like that at all… What should I do?
Nazuna: Hmm~ …Ah, how about you give it a snack?
If you hold a snack in your hand and stay still, Marron should come to you on its own.
Then it can remember your scent and it might feel safe around you knowing that you’ll give it snacks.
Shinobu: I-I see! I’ve got both food and snacks! I’ll try right away then…
Come on out, Marron~ Here’s a snack~ It’s a really good one~
Nazuna: Ah, Marron showed its face. It’s moving its nose and smelling it.
Shinobu: …N-Nito-dono? Marron is coming closer but it looks really angry!?
I-I’m scared! It’s not going to eat the snack and also bite my entire finger off, is it!? Whaaaa! I’m scaredddd!
Nazuna: C-Calm down, Shinobun! If you move now, Marron will get scared and it won’t feel safe around you.
Shinobu: Eeeeek!? It snatched the snack out of my fingers~! On second thought, I’m destined to get along with frogs only!
Dogs bite, birds peck and squirrels snatch things from your hands~! Whaaaaa.
Nazuna: There, there. Good job not moving until the very end, Shinobun.
But what do we do about this~? Shinobun’s scared and the rift between them has only grown larger…
Chiaki: The heavens call, the earth calls and the people call! Let me know if there are crying children I must protect! I’m the hero of justice, Chiaki Morisawa!
Nazuna: Whaa!? Djon’t shtartle me likwe dwat!
Chiaki: Fuhahaha ☆ I didn’t get a word you just said! You’re still the same as always, huh, Nito – you stutter up a storm when you’re startled~!
…Yowch!? Why did you karate chop me, Anzu? You didn’t like my Kamen Rider Stronger-style way of making an appearance? Stronger’s pretty cool, you know.
Huh? That’s not it? Don’t scare Nito, you say?
Sorry, my bad! My sensors were going off because they found crying children, so I flew right over!
Nazuna: *Sigh~* You gave me a fright. So you finally gained that sort of ability, Chiaki-chin?
Chiaki: I’m kidding~ I was just walking by and saw you guys ☆ But it’s true that I ran over because I heard Yellow’s cries!
Anyway, what’s wrong, Yellow!? Tears don’t suit you at all ☆
Shinobu: L-Leader-dono~ I’m hopeless~! I can’t get Marron to be friends with me at all, de gozaru~
Chiaki: Hmm… I don’t know what’s going on at all. What happened? Who’s Marron? A friend from overseas?
Hm? What is it, Anzu? Oh, I see. Hmm.
…Okay, I’ve got it! Sengoku’s in a bind because the squirrel isn’t warming up to him, huh!
Alright, I don’t know if I can be helpful or not, but I’ll help you out! Heroes are always helping those in trouble!
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Nazuna: Chiaki-chin, shhh~! Don’t yell in such a loud voice near the cage. There are a lot of animals who don’t like loud noises.
Your voice is already naturally loud as it is, Chiaki-chin.
Chiaki: That so? Alright, I’ll be careful. There’s a squirrel in that little house inside the cage, right? Can I put my hand near it?
Nazuna: Be gentle about it, okay? It might bite or scratch you if you get near it too suddenly, so be careful.
Chiaki: Okay, got it. There, there, Marron. It’s not scary so come on out~ I’m Chiaki Morisawa, the burning heart ☆
Nazuna: Hm? Marron’s come out of its house!?
Chiaki: Oh, oh, ohh?
Shinobu: ……!? It swiftly climbed up from his hand to his shoulders!?
Chiaki: Fuhahaha ☆ This guy’s cute and friendly ♪
Shinobu: Whaaat!? W-What’s going on ~de gozaru!? Why does it like Leader-dono that much!?
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pupmusebox · 12 days
"Mammon, I hear your birthday is coming up. Is there anything you'd like for your special day? I'm open to anything you might suggest."
This was probably a bad idea, but it couldn't hurt to show a demon a bit of kindness.
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Jumping a bit when Angela popped by and causing him to squawk when not expecting her but welcome either way, "AH! It's ya, heavenly pretty treasure heheh. Ma birthday ya say? Haha, sure I'd love to hang out with ya when having the big special day." his card house forgotten with the topic of interest shifting and grinning when his brothers likely be getting something together, "Hey why not join us on the party huh? It be fun and lots of cake too! Sure birthdays be called boring after so many years but hell, I love em' not just for the gifts nope! It's the presence of family and friends that makes it worthwhile! Even ya too!!" already dragging her into the chaos while grinning like a goofy crow before taking her hands and bouncing in place with excitement.
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"Plus why not have a ramen date too in wrappin' up the night huh? Oh even a car ride! Hahaha, Lucifer will give me some leeway with the curfew but we can sneak in with ma human helping us with the window. Hehehe, what ya say treasure? Up for a fantastic time with the Great Mammon?"
Already jumping the gun but damn if he is generous with ideas and like a happy hopping crow right now when kissing her cheeks in his excitement, "Ah woops I uhh... ahem I got too excited there, ehehe. Sorry... but yeah, I can even show you ma birds too when we be on a... date." soft murmur but his bird brain sure had some interesting things that make a money bang for sure.
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"I like lemon cakes and stuff, heh. Simple askin' but I'm welcome to what you think be a good gift, I treasure it all honestly. I swear I still got my past gifts from previous times too, like how crows stash their shinies? That be me yeah."
Any food stuffs he gladly snack and savor since hey his special day all about him was something marvelous really, with her added in now it be even better and probably be thumping about in the car smooching afterward but that be his goofy dreaming there.
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