#Architect in Alacritys
alacritys00 · 1 year
Alacritys among Top 10 Architects in Pune – Commercial And Residential Architectural Firm
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Alacritys among the best architects in Pune - Alacritys is the best residential as well as commercial architects in Pune that satisfy you with the best quality of services such as interior design, architecture, environmental graphics, and temple designing. Contact us today!
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asphaltvalkyrie · 6 months
So, I've spent the last two months or soon-and-off writing an origin story for my Sorceror Tav, Ardea. I was going for a bit of a dark fairytale vibe and it could use more work, but its at that "If I look at this thing anymore my eyes are going to permanently cross" stage so I decided to just let 'er rip.
Also on Ao3 because holy shit I DO have one of those, don't I?
In the lower city of Baldur's Gate, tales of familial tragedy are more numerous than the cobblestones on the streets. Families torn apart in one way or another, sometimes quite literally, thanks to a bevy of warring gods, bargaining devils and capricious magic.
One such family began with a young husband and wife.  Both were human and talented artists - the husband highly skilled at carving wood, and the wife at painting. Oftentimes they would work with one another to create things of astonishing beauty.  While they were most famed for their beautiful and lifelike sculptures, everything they created seemed to be beautiful, down the the simplest kitchen tool or child's toy. And so, they were blessed with great success and wealth, with a greatly renowned workshop that they operated out of their home in the lower city.
The perfection of their work often drew covetous and jealous eyes from the city's many other artisans both noble and peasant, but the couple's kindness and humility were enough to cool even the most heated of rivalries. Indeed, it would take nothing short of divine malefaction and infernal machination to harm the prosperous pair.
The architect of their ruin would be the Stormlord Talos, who could destroy in a second anything which nature and mortal kind could build, no matter how ancient or beautiful. One need only look to a grand old tree uprooted by a windstorm or a millennia-old temple felled in a single streak of lightning to see the shadow of His hand at work. Though the artistic endeavors of a single well-meaning pair of mortals could hardly be construed as a threat by most gods, Talos was not most gods.  In fact, the more random and senseless the destruction, and the more beautiful the things destroyed, the greater his pleasure.
And so, Talos sent a mighty storm to ruin the couple - great winds that blew away paintbrushes, heavy rains that ruined paints and rusted saws and chisels, and, worst of all, lightning bolts that tore through sculpted wood and painted canvas with equal ease. The pair was thought to have perished in this storm as well.  However, they were discovered the next day completely unharmed, beneath a pile of the their ruined masterpieces, which had somehow fallen to create a shelter for them, as if the works had sacrificed themselves to save their creators. A true miracle. 
And so, the pair was able to rebuild their home and workshop with alacrity, aided by the hands of their many friends and neighbors. Talos, childishly satisfied with his work, turned to other destructive pursuits. However, the pair could not help but fear that they would once again catch the eye of The Raging One once their works again reached full glorious potential. And their fear only grew when the wife realized that she was with child. 
It was in their hour of greatest worry that one of the devils of Cania came to them in the form of a handsome elf. He offered them a contract stating that no storm born of the heavens would ever harm them, their work, or their family. What he asked in exchange seemed simple enough for them to risk the loss of their souls - all he asked was for them to create a perfect likeness of him in wood and paint in a tenday. Afraid but confident in their abilities, the couple signed the contract... It would not be the first time they had been asked to capture the visage of someone influential and dangerous. But as soon as their blood had dried upon the parchment, the devil laughed and shed his handsome face, revealing his true form; a body only vaguely humanoid. The whole of his being was a nightmare of impossible colors and intangible textures - a landscape as varied and horrid as the hells themselves. Grinning with a beak full of mismatched teeth, he bid the couple adieu, and said that he would return in three days time. And he wanted it perfect, down to every rough scale and curling claw.  Every patch of matted fur and scabrous skin.
Horrified but undaunted, the couple locked themselves in their workshop, and when the devil strutted cockily back once a tenday had passed, he was struck dumb by what he saw. There he was. In perfect likeness. His chaotic form captured in every tiny detail. The husband had rendered his body in exact anatomical perfection with hammer and chisel.  He had somehow coaxed from a block of wood the dry smoothness of scales and the gauzy lightness of feathers and fur.  And beneath, the contours of muscle and sinew. The wife had seen to it that the colors were perfect down to the smallest shade - from the leprous green mottling on his patches of humanoid skin to the oily black sheen of his iridescent horns. Colors dull and muted where they needed to be, and brightly lurid where they needed to be. Mixed and applied with flawless skill.
The devil was furious that the couple had gotten the better of him. But the sculpture was undeniably a perfect replica of him, and devils are creatures of their word.  And so, he placed a spell of protection on the couple's home and workshop and scuttled back to Cania, tails between his many legs, as agreed. But, a word is a flighty and ephemeral thing to stake one's life upon, as words can be twisted into all manner of shapes, for good or ill. 
A short time later, the wife bore their long-awaited child; a daughter.  And though she was strong and healthy, her tiny body bore the unmistakable signs of infernal meddling. Superficially her face resembled her father's, but her skin was the color of a winter sky and her eyes were black pits lit by two sickly yellow sparks. On her head one could clearly see the two swellings that would become horns as she grew, and if there was any further denial of her devilish heritage, one need have only looked at her long, fleshy tail.
A Tiefling. 
Once again horrified but undaunted, the couple vowed to raise the girl as they would any other child, and were true to their word. They named her Threnody, a choice they would later regret, for it seemed to mark her for tragedy just as blatantly as her devilish features.  True to her name, she was a rather unhappy child, prone to bouts of sullen silence punctuated with sudden outbursts of anger.  Though intelligent and observant with a sharp tongue, she was not motivated by the admiration of her peers or the praise of her elders, and thusly school seemed to only bore her. One would have expected her to be teased, given her unusual appearance and spontaneous birth into a human family, but there was something about the girl that made other children keep their distance.  She found few friends, even among other the other Tiefling children of Baldur's Gate. 
This did not seem to bother Threnody, as she preferred to spend her time in the workshop with her parents... Not for their companionship so much as to be in the presence of them as they worked. Even as a toddler, she would watch her parents work for hours, enrapt with the act of artistic creation.  It seemed, in fact, to be the only thing that could make her smile. Watching the marbled patterns that her father could coax from a piece of mahogany, or the sublime shades her mother could mix with the most disparate of colors brought forth the kinds of coos and giggles that a parent lives to hear.  Delighted, her parents did everything they could to encourage the girl, providing her with brushes and paints as well as sculptor's clay, and (when she was old enough,) carving and sewing tools as well.  
Their investments in their daughter's talent was rewarded again and again, as the girl seemed to have a great affinity with all things creative. By the age of 10, she was creating pieces nearly as exquisite as those of her parents, and the wealthiest citizens were offering greater and greater sums for works from the young prodigy. She had inherited from her father a fine grasp of texture, and from her mother, an eye for perfect color.  When she worked, the very air seemed to pulse with potential, and her grim and gray features brightened.  
If she had deigned to accept commissions for painted portraits or custom clothing or heraldic sculptures, she may very well have earned her family a place among the wealthiest patriars in the upper city. However, she followed only her own agenda, balking at the idea of following anyone's visions but her own. Most of her work was inspired by nature, and her favorite subjects were the marsh animals and plants that she often glimpsed on the banks of the Chionthar not far from her home. She rendered them in paint, embroidery, wood and clay with equal skill, often against exquisite backdrops of clouded skies and rivers that seemed to snake off into eternity.
Even without following any sorts of instructions but her own, Threnody's gifts could have made her beloved of anyone and everyone she chose.  However, she remained distant and cold to most anyone, and disliked the company of others while she worked. Though her judgmental gaze and sullen silence were her only weapons, those who braved being in her presence as she worked would sometimes find their flesh breaking out in goosebumps. Even her parents would only approach her long enough to offer a cup of tea or to retrieve a dropped brush or chisel. But that was usually long enough to glimpse an occasional happy smile or joyful gesture, and they took solace in that as one would from seeing a spring sun peek out from among a towering bank of winter clouds. Delighted by their daughter's abilities, if not by her off-putting tendencies, her parents began to describe her gift as something truly magical.  It fell them to entertain her many admirers, and accept their adoration on her behalf. They took great pride in her and her abilities, believing that their prodigious talent (and by extension, Threnody's) had defeated that scheming devil once again - overcoming the curse of the Tiefling child he had sent them through the beauty and power of art.  All the time, the devil had even stayed true to his word.  
Threnody was scarcely a woman grown when she set about producing something truly remarkable.  It would take her several years... And she would work in a manner that was quite unlike herself, patching it together piece by piece instead of as a harmonious whole. Her parents voiced their concerns about her methods, but all it took was a single look from her baleful yellow eyes to silence them. 
Though her work was slapdash and seemingly improvised, every element of it seemed to integrate perfectly. Every dab of paint and thread of fabric she placed seemed to weave itself into the exact state she needed it to be in.  Shades of paint mixed on different days matched perfectly, cut edges of fabric melded together with seamless grace, a chisel never chipped a speck of wood more than it needed to, drying clay never cracked. 
None save Threnody knew what the finished product was supposed to be, and though she often spent hours staring at it, she never spoke of her work on it. Eventually, it began to take shape, becoming some sort of long-limbed and graceful bird.  Her careless crafting process was evident in its construction - when it was finally recognizable as a bird, it was headless, one-winged and balanced on a single leg of impossibly thin wood.  Some parts were painted and varnished while others remained bare wood, hastily bent wire or stiffly starched fabric, or were absent entirely. Even so, it was resplendent as a phoenix in a thousandfold shades of deep blue, cloudy gray and wine red.  
As she worked, the climate around the family home seemed to change. The winters became longer, and the sky howled with wind and rain and thunder seemingly every night. But Threnody's parents only laughed.  They had the word of a devil, written in blood and sworn by the infernal sisters, that no storm would ever harm them or their work. Let Talos throw his tantrums... it must chafe him, they thought, as lightning forked through the sky above their home only to crackle away into nothing as the hells-touched girl wrought masterpieces just out of his reach.  How mad he must be when the wind howled and shook the rafters of their home, unable to even momentarily distract their girl from creating another work of electrifying beauty. She was to have been a curse, but she had proved herself among the greatest of blessings.
With every new detail, the bird became more lovely, as if it were flying in feather by feather from the highest peaks of Celestia. It was posed with an unearthly and impossible grace, with a delicacy that should not have been physically possible to coax from the materials she had used.  Its ungainly construction became invisible beneath the beauty of its many elements. A time came when it appeared finished, but it was missing something... The bird had no eyes, and it was obvious from the messy and unpainted pits in its head that it was intended to have them.
At this point, Threnody stopped her work for a long time, focusing on other projects, which she worked with her usual care and professionalism, employing none of the improvised and haphazard techniques she had been using with the bird. Still, every day she would stare at the nearly finished, nigh-paradisical creature as if weighing something very important in her head.  Her parents could never get an answer from her as to why, and chalked it up to apprehension about somehow botching the last element. After all, every artist worried now and then that a perfect piece could be ruined by something as small as a single careless brushstroke or errant stitch. Meanwhile, the winter storms seemed to grow stronger every year.
Eventually, she began work painting two small, perfectly round seed pods from a scraggly marsh tree outside of their home.  Her parents held their joy in check as they realized that they were to be the bird's eyes. She painted them in cool shades of yellow, dappled like an autumn moon with hints of purple, punctuated at the center by a pit of abyssal black, varnished to a viscous sheen. Even bereft of a skull to hold them, the eyes seemed to follow the viewer, conveying a secret intensity of some unknown emotion.  Her parents hadn't been there when she finally placed the eyes, but they knew that it had been done by the sudden change in the air that made the hairs on their necks stand on end.  Though both busy with chores on opposite sides of their home, the husband and wife nearly crashed into one another as they rushed to the family's workshop.
There Threnody stood before her finished masterwork, hands clasped like a supplicant at a holy idol. A beatific smile spread across her somber features as her closed eyes welled over with abundant tears.  It was so rare to see her smile so brightly, rarer still to see her cry tears of joy, and they treasured the sight. Proudly they interlaced their fingers and embraced, drinking in the sight of their dear daughter happy.  Their grip on one another tightened as Threnody seemed to grow taller, and they realized that her feet were no longer touching the ground. The air snapped and popped around her as she rose, and her tears began to swirl like raindrops about her head.  Her eyes snapped open as she beheled her creation again, looking in its fabricated face as if it were a living thing.  It was then that her parents noticed that the bird's eyes were the same color as their daughter's, and just as alive. Both sets of eyes began to glow as Threnody stretched her hand out, and the bird miraculously came alive, moving its head to rest it in her hand, as if she were a fairytale princess. Hair-thin threads of electricity arced between them.  It was impossible to tell in that moment whether the girl or the newly animated bird were their source, but in a thunderclap of an instant the wind began to howl and the workshop began to shake.  The husband and wife held one another tightly as the sound of crackling lightning and shattering timber filled the air, and a blinding light filled their eyes.
Her mother awakened to thunder ringing in her ears and the smell of burnt timber and singed flesh, with the body of her husband draped across her chest. Cold rain and hot tears stung her face as she cast her eyes on a scene of utter devastation all around.  And in the center of it all was Threnody, outlined against a patch of tempestuous and clouded sky where the wind had torn away the workshop roof.  Her magnificent bird was now nothing more than a smoking heap... but she still smiled.  She smiled.  Even as her dead father, her distraught mother and her ruined masterpiece lay before her.  Lightning arched from her horns and weaved through her hair like the ribbons she had once braided into her hair.  Her mother screamed her name, but the storm swallowed the sound whole. 
The memories of the first time she and her husband had huddled beneath the rubble of their shattered life flooded back to her, and the devil's promise echoed in her mind.  She raised her voice again, this time screaming the words of the devil's contract that had now been violated.
"No storm born of the heavens shall ever harm you, your home, or your family."
As she shouted the final word, a realization hit her like a bolt from the blue. 
Even in his cruelty, the devil had been true to his word. The storm that had ripped apart their little family had come not from the heavens, but from within their own home. A storm channeled from the hells themselves in the form of a cursed daughter. She could only watch in despair as her daughter raised the wind and rain and lightning like a conductor of some hellish orchestra.  And in that moment, the unholy sound of hail beating against the wreckage of her home and the body of her beloved sounded almost like strident laughter. 
The young woman who emerged from this ordeal was no longer a beloved daughter, but an orphan of a storm of her own making. Her artisan's heart still beats within her, but it may be broken beyond repair. And if it cannot create, it will destroy.
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beforeyoufall-bk · 2 years
Austere Accomplishment
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Astounding authors abide in altruistic anecdotes
Ambassadors for ascertaining alluring artists, animation, and artistry
Admiring affirmation and awards - asserting amity
Aided by angelic apostates ascribing amazing acumen
Apprentices auction autographs of aesthetes - appreciating acclaimed achievers
 - -
Attractive archangel assassins assault and audit an aced audition
Ancient and awkward - an aberration aimed at atrophy
All are after answers and agreement: Atrocious…
Architects and artisans aroused, applying accessible automaton alerts
Assimilate or apologize!
Appease afflicted academia with alacrity!
 - -
Avoid applause - achieve apathy as your ammo - abandon arguments
Add ambition - aspire, adapt, arise, ascend!
Abolish addiction and authorize an avalanche of awakened athletes
Awards and adventures abound
 - -
Agitated arbiters appear
Aisles of agents awaken to analyze and avenge
Abort assignment! Abort, abort!
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BK's responses will be delayed from November 18th-30th. He is roaming around Japan on vacation.
I hope these thoughts are helpful. Thank you so much for reading. I Agape-Love you all.
Until next time, God bless.
If you crave more… nay, NEED more, then click below for more poems by BK Johnsen:
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richardsondavis · 1 year
Razörfist Explains His "Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak" Theory At The Expense Of Volition Games And 'Barbie'
YouTuber Razörfist, who runs The Rageholic channel, recently explained his "Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak" theory at the expense of Volition Games, who recently announced they were shutting down after the launch of the disastrous Saints Row reboot, and the recently released Barbie movie.
YouTuber Razörfist, who runs The Rageholic channel, recently explained his “Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak” theory at the expense of Volition Games, who recently announced they were shutting down after the launch of the disastrous Saints Row reboot, and the recently released Barbie movie.
Volition Games announced they were shuttering in a post to LinkedIn on August 31st. It stated, “The Volition team has proudly created world-class entertainment for fans around the globe for 30 years. We’ve been driven by a passion for our community and always worked to deliver joy, surprise, and delight.”
“This past June, Embracer Group announced a restructuring program to strengthen Embracer and maintain its position as a leader in the video game industry. As part of that program, they evaluated strategic and operational goals and made the difficult decision to close Volition effective immediately,” the company announced.
The post concluded, “To help our team, we are working to provide job assistance and help smooth the transition of our Volition family members. We thank our customers and fans around the world for all the love and support over the years. You will always be in our hearts.” Reacting to the company’s shuttering by its parent company Embracer Group, Razörfist explained his “Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak” theory.
He states, “I submit that the age-old axiom is not ‘get woke, go broke.’ In the immortal words of my boy, Donkey Kong, if you know the words, you can join in too. It’s go broke, get woke, ultimately croak.”
“And if three plus years of far too young actors and actresses dying suddenly has illustrated anything at all to us, it’s that if there’s anything the entertainment industry knows how to do with alacrity it’s croak,” he asserted.
He then turned his attention to Volition as an example, “The corpus du jour this past week: Volition entertainment, an icon in the video game industry. Architects of THQ’s The Punisher, Red Faction, and semi-satirical GTA mimeograph Saints Row. Until recently, one of the more respected and successful scions of the sandbox trend. Only recently reduced to a noxious kaka casserole of coastal pinko politics and pronouns.”
“The Saints Row reboot bombed so hard it was sponsored by Raytheon. But even beneath that billowing mushroom cloud, Volition’s express elevator to insolvency was wondrous to behold. Less than two years after insulting their audience for refusing to buy their Bolshevik bullshit, Volition are officially out of business,” he stated.
After briefly bragging that Volition is another mark that proves his hypothesis, Razörfist pointed to his past comments about Gillette and how he cautioned that the company’s embrace of wokeness and its subsequent stock loss was not actually evidence of the get woke, go broke axiom, but rather a move by Gillette “to make themselves compatible for corpo ESG to score some of that sweet, sweet merger money.”
As for why they would want this, Razörfist shares a clip of BlackRock Chairman and CEO Larry Fink explaining how he was using the company’s resources to change behaviors. Fink states, “Well, behaviors are gonna have to change and and this is one thing we’re asking companies. You have to force behaviors and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors. 54% of the incoming class are women. We added four more points in terms of diverse employment this year.”
Fink continued, “What we’re doing internally is if you don’t achieve these levels of impact, your compensation could be impacted, okay. And so you have to force behaviors and if you don’t force behaviors whether it’s gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you’re going to be impacted. And that’s not just recruiting. It is development as Ken said and ultimately, it’s still going to take time, but I am just as much shocked as Ken is that we have not seen more opportunities and we’re going to have to force change.” Razörfist then laid out how Volition fits into his theory of “Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak” theory, “It should surprise precisely no one that after filing for Chapter 11 in 2016, only to be acquired by gaming’s very own BlackRock, Deep Silver — Step 1. Go broke — Volition and the Saints Row series they’re known for got a botched femmscold facelift —Step 2. Get woke — only to be bailed out by the all-new BlackRock, Embracer, who took one lingering look at their year-over-year financials saw more red flags than Antifa Twitter space and shipped them off to the goddamn glue factory — Step 3. Ultimately croak.”
Moving on to Barbie, Razörfist excoriates those still using “get woke, go broke” because it allows critics to easily dismiss it by pointing to Barbie’s box office success. Razörfist explains this easily corrected when you apply the right family in “Go Broke, Get Woke, Ultimately Croak.”
In Barbie’s case, he explains, “Barbie went woke because parent company WB are beyond broke. While other studios slap superheroes on everything in their portfolios and printed money for the past two decades, Warner, outside of the odd Joker or Batman flick failed to cash in with equivalent successes of their own, sucking hind teat at the comic book buffet until, now, in 2023 when the genre’s rapidly deflating mommy mammaries produce only errant puffs of powdered f***ing milk.”
Razörfist elaborates, “To point a finer point on it, one month after banging out Barbie, WB dropped the world-smashing success that was Blue Beetle. A movie that bombed so biblically the actual Blue Beetle hired an illegal immigrant to fail for him.
He then asserts, “WB ain’t on step three. They’re at step f***ing one. Go broke. It’s clear then that what we’re witnessing then with Babs (Barbie) and blue balls (Blue Beetle) are the first pangs of Step 2. Warner wokeness as they desperately signal their compatibility with ESG ideation in an attempt to score deals or mergers with/or be bought the f**k out by anyone at all whose check will f***ing clear.”
Interestingly, WanerMedia was recently spun out of AT&T and merged with Discovery to form the new entity Warner Bros. Discovery. Obviously, Barbie like Blue Beetle was in the works before newly minted Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav took over the company and began an aggressive strategy to reduce the company’s enormous debt and increase its cash flow.
It’s unclear how this fits into Razörfist’s theory. There are probably a number of ways he might attack it. It could be shown as evidence that the entity that was Warner Bros. Pictures has already croaked as it was morphed into WarnerMedia under AT&T and then rolled into Warner Bros. Discovery. It’s dead, but they’ve just zombified to give it the appearance of life.
Another angle could be as simple as what he states in the above video, this is still the “get woke” stage and the entity could be completely gobbled up in a Disney and 20th Century Fox style merger where it would finally croak. What do you make of Razörfist’s theory?
I just wanted to share this with y'all!!! It reminds me of things to come. This does give me the stomach churns but I do get what RazorFist is saying. Wonderful!
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pgarchitects2023 · 1 year
Top 10 Architects Designer in Pune
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Remember that stunning interiors are not by chance. Great designs take a lot of time, planning, creativity, and experimentation. Choosing the appropriate Architects and designers in Pune to design your home, business, or commercial space is critical.
Top Ten Best Building Architects in Pune, according to our expert. All of our building architects go through our special inspection process, which looks at factors like client feedback, past performance, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, cost, and overall excellence.
PG Architects is also known as a Landscape Design Firm in Pune that is well known for exceptional expertise in creating stunning outdoor spaces that blend seamlessly with the surroundings.
The following list of the Top 10 architectural companies in Pune and architects who pioneered sustainable and environmentally friendly architecture: 
Top 10 Interior Designers in Pune
1. Alkove- Design:
Established in 2013 by the talented duo of Architect Komal Mittal and Ninada Kashyap, Alkove-Design is a distinguished architecture and interior design firm located in Pune. With a keen eye for detail and a profound appreciation for craftsmanship and context, Komal and Ninada consistently deliver contemporary and innovative design solutions for a diverse range of residential and commercial projects, solidifying their reputation in the industry.
Scope of services: 3D Rendering, Architectural Design, Bathroom Design, Building Design, Dining Room Design, Drafting, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Home Renovation and remodeling, Home Restoration, House Plans, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Renovation and remodeling, Living Room Design, New Home Construction, Space Planning, Sustainable Design, interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Website: www.alkove-design.in
2. PG Architects:
PG Architects, a renowned architecture design company in Pune, specializes in creating sustainable and aesthetically pleasing designs. With a focus on client satisfaction, they deliver exceptional architectural solutions for residential and commercial projects.
Scope of services: Home Renovation & Remodeling, House Plans, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Renovation & Remodeling, Landscape Plans, Laundry /Utility Room Design, Living Room Design, Custom Homes, Residential and Interior Design, commercial interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address:  403, Chandrarang Silver, Pimple Gurav, Pune 411006.
Website: www.pgarchitects.in
 3. Alacritys
Alacritys, a design company in Pune, is known for its constant innovation and dedication to delivering unique design solutions. Their passion and commitment shine through in their work ethic and the exceptional design platform they have built.
Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Residential Interior, Commercial & Corporate Interior, Hospitality Design, Temple Design, Healthcare Design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: 171, Phase 1, Lane No. 4, Indraprastha Society, Hadapsar, Maharashtra, Pune,411028
Website:  www.alacritys.in
4. Sovereign Architects
Sovereign Architects truly embodies the phrase “We Design You” as they specialize in architecture and interior design. They have successfully completed numerous projects in Pune, focusing on township planning and landscape development.
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: Besides Reliance Fresh, STERLING HORIZON, Flat No. A2, Pashan – Sus Rd, Pune, Maharashtra 411021
Website: www.sovereignarchitects.com
5. The Arch studio:
The Arch Studio, a leading architecture design company in Pune, combines innovation and functionality in their designs. From commercial spaces to residential projects, their expertise is evident in every detail.
Scope of services: 3D Rendering, Architectural Design, Basement Design, Basement Remodeling, Bathroom Design, Building Design, Custom Home, Deck Design, Dining Room Design, Drafting, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Green Building, Handicap-Accessible Design, Home Extensions, Laundry /Utility Room Design ,Home Renovation & Remodeling, Home Restoration, Kitchen Renovation & Remodeling, Kitchen Design, Landscape Plans, Living Room Design, New Home Construction, Rooftop Deck Installation, Space Planning, Interior Design, Sustainable Design, Commercial  Design, Tiny House Construction
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
DHOLE PATIL ROAD, PUNE, Maharashtra, 411001
Website: www.thearchstudio.co.in
6. DnC Architects
DnC seamlessly merges the realms of design and construction, allowing them to take flight in their practice. Their approach is grounded in a strong foundation of construction expertise, while design provides them with the freedom to soar. Their work embodies minimalism, contemporary aesthetics, and a commitment to innovation. Embracing a mindset of doing things differently is crucial to their philosophy. Additionally, we specialize in creating tiny homes, offering unique and efficient living spaces.
Scope of services: Home Renovation & Remodeling, Architectural Design, Bathroom Design, Building Design, Custom Homes, Deck Design, Dining Room Design, Eco Homes, Green Building, Historic Building Conservation, Home Extensions, Home Restoration, Utility Room Design, Kitchen Design, Remodeling, Laundry, Kitchen Renovation
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: 407 Ekadanta, Pune, Maharashtra, 411004
Website: www.dnc.net.in
7. Studio Course
Studio Course strongly believes that architecture and design have a profound and enduring impact on how they experience and interact with a space, and conversely, how that space and atmosphere shape them. Their approach to practice involves adopting a thoughtful mindset that provides us with a narrative and framework to effectively communicate with various design elements in a cohesive manner. This framework guides the progression and development of our work, offering solutions to navigate diverse situations that may arise during the creative process.
Scope of services: Kitchen Design, Custom Homes,Architectural Design, Bathroom Design, Building Design, Custom Home, Dining Room Design, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Handicap-Accessible Design, Universal Design, , Extensions, Home Renovation and remodeling, House Plans, Living Room Design, New Home Construction, Space Planning, Staircase Design, Landscape Plans
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: 3rd Floor, 243, Budhwar Peth, Shivaji Road, above Ganesh Stores, opposite Datta Mandir, Pune, Maharashtra, 411002
Website: www.studio-course.com
8. Red Brick Studio
Redbrick Studio is a leading architecture design company based in Pune, dedicated to transforming spaces with innovative and sustainable design solutions. With a team of talented and experienced architects, we strive to create functional, aesthetically pleasing, and timeless designs.
Scope of services: 3D Rendering, Architectural Design, Building Design, Custom Home, Eco Homes, Green Building, Handicap-Accessible Design, Home Extensions, Home Renovation & Remodeling, Landscape Plans, New Home Construction, Sustainable Design, Interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: Satara Road, Pune, Maharashtra, 411009
Website: www.redbrickstudio.in
9. Studio AVP:
Studio AVP was established in 2014 with a core mission of crafting spaces that hold deep significance. Our primary emphasis is on designing architecture that is sensitive, responsive to climate, and highly efficient.
With a rich background of 6 years in the industry and experience in working on both local and international projects, Vikrant brings a wealth of exposure, a genuine passion for design, and an unwavering attention to detail to every project undertaken by the studio.
Scope of services: Architectural Design, Basement Design, Bathroom Design, Building Design, Dining Room Design, Eco Homes, Green Building, Home Extensions, Home Renovation & Remodeling, Home Restoration, House Plans, Kitchen Design, Interior Design, Landscape Plans, New Home Construction, Custom Home, Living Room Design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: Flat no.1, GRHR+WM2, Rage Path, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016, Pune, Maharashtra, 411016
Website: www.vikrantpanse.com
10. Ideation
Ideation is a dynamic architecture and building design company based in Pune. With a focus on innovation and creativity, we strive to bring unique and inspiring design solutions to every project we undertake.
Scope of services: Architectural Design, Basement Design, Bathroom Design, Custom Home, Deck Design, Dining Room Design, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Home Extensions, Home Renovation and remodeling, Home Restoration, House Plans, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Renovation & Remodeling, Landscape Plans, Laundry /Utility Room Design, Living Room Design, New Home Construction, Pet Door Installation, Rooftop Deck Installation, Space Planning, Staircase Design, Sustainable Design, Tiny House Construction, Universal Design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Architecture, Interior Design
Address: 38/10, Vinayak apartment, lane no. 10, near Hotel Swaroop, Prabhat Road, Pune, Maharashtra, 411004
Website: www.ideation.work
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“Being under the protection of the Tiefchin has its perks.” 
The three of us stood alone in her modern microhome, a kitchen, dining room, and bedroom packed into a space hardly larger than a shipping container. Yet the efficiency of space created the illusion of a grander, complete home. Wilf offered us snacks and coffee to warm from the chill beyond the dome. However the energy that powered everything managed to condition the air so that it felt more like early summer. 
Wilf smirked as she illuminated before us a holographic map sitting on the coffee table before her mantel.
“This is our virtual learning academy. A brilliant piece of software engineering linked to the global network and every smart device in the system. It is powered by probably the largest compilations of servers you’ve ever known, and an AI who’s intuitive capacity escapes even my grasp.”
Zamrul and I eyed her, standing tall with proud eyes, then each other, charmed.
“Did I mention I’ve aced every course they’ve had to offer?” She asked, practically pleading for our approval.
“I don’t doubt it for a second!” I said smiling.
She continued her presentation.
She called to the device, and the image of an androgynous young person appeared before us, beaming with alacrity to partake in some new adventure.
“Wilfie!” the AI exclaimed. “I’m so delighted to see you again. What will we embark on today? More animated ancient literature? Another glimpse at Stoichiometric simulations? Or are how about a trip to Old Puri through the VR experience?”
“Not today Sammie,” she glowed as though she were in love with the thing. “Actually I made some new friends today. They mentioned something about an Orbital--”
Zamrul stepped up suddenly, “Yes we just have a couple of questions.” Shooting Wilf a look. “How far into the history of System 46 does your data store?”
S.A.M, now at attention before the burly metal giant, “What an interesting question! Actually I can recall this planet’s history up until the 24th century. Just decades prior to the Second Great Industrial Reconstruction.”
“And what about before that?” He inquired. “Are all records of civilizations before not stored in your database?”
“Correct,” S.A.M. praised his intrigue, “By my understanding, I am an AI of subclass Delta. All of the information I have access to is reserved for general usage among this planets inhabitants. Data of varying levels of classification are compartmentalized between the other subclasses of artificial intelligence.”
“Yes,” Wilf mentioned, “my friend likes to tell me all about the secrets that are lost in time.”
“Aren’t you worried someone might be curious to know more about these--secrets?” I asked as my brows tightened.
“I have learned by observation with the many students I interact with that to show signs of emotional distress at their inquisitive natures would do little to discourage them. That’s why I answer every question as thoroughly as I am asked. I am happy to give them answers, but I simply don’t have all of them. But truth be told, there are very few who bother to ask at all.”
“And what if I wanted to know more about the other AIs and their tasks. Would you tell me where I could go to get that information?”
“Actually I can tell you about all of the other AIs and their standard protocols. Subclass Deltas like myself are assigned to citizens for recreation and education, while subclass Charlie is registered to the local ranks of the military for surveillance and defensive strategies. 
“Subclass Bravo is more of a conglomerate of branches reserved for the the industrious class of architects and engineers who were responsible for bringing about the Reconstruction. This actually extends to all who, through thorough education, have received diplomas in a number of professions. 
“Finally, subclass Alpha is what some call a priceless jewel. They are somewhat of a legend at this point. If I am your standard family sedan, they are more like million dollar supercars. You have to be very wealthy to own one, however their value comes not from an extensive database of information, but rather a high utilization of resources for recreational purposes.”
“My theory is space travel,” Wilf whispered.
“I can neither confirm, nor deny,” S.A.M. shrugged. “I simply don’t have access to that part of the network. But that idea is as imaginative as it is a possibility.”
“What if I told you we were from space?” I mentioned, almost casually, but decidedly.
S.A.M. began as though reciting a pledge, “All AIs are to alert subclass Charlie of any intel regarding persons of a foreign nature. In fact the local military should be here any moment now. I hope you’ve prepared an explanation as to your intrusion here.”
A massive crash came from the kitchen, where Zamrul could be seen red faced holding the shattered remains of a coffee cup. 
“One last question, before we’re shipped away to a prison cell,” I chuckled grimly, knowing it was only a matter of time before danger would be met, “the planet’s ecosystem. This used to be a nutrient rich land blooming with greenery and wildlife, now the landscape is blanketed in snow and no signs of life seem to be present anywhere. So, my question is why has System 46 blocked all transmissions to and from the outer Orbital Code Force?”
“I understand your concern.” 
S.A.M. somberly presented a complete visual representation of System 46 for us to see. The planet spun before us, highlighting how indeed the entire planet was beginning to be entirely engulfed in overcast and snow. S.A.M. glanced out of the single window at the other end of the tiny home.
“I, too, have wondered what’s going on beyond this dome, beyond the plant--beyond my network parameters. But no matter how deep I search through the database, there are no answers for me to find. I simply don’t have see any trace of it. Though I swear it was all there before.”
“You don’t suppose that someone is wiping the database of that information do you?” Wilf pondered.
“Before what?” I asked.
“Before the Reconstruction.” S.A.M. said
“Well despite your betrayal,” Zamrul’s voice boomed through the room, "today is your lucky day.”
He pulled out a MicroSync drive and presented it before the AI.
“A GeoSync device?” S.A.M. eyed it with fascination. “I’ve never seen one from outside the system. What will it do?”
“Oh, it could do a great many things if you can decipher layers upon layers of encrypted data, as I cannot.” He said. “But what it can certainly do is reestablish your connection with the Orbital Code Force’s Mainframe...”
“...Where a decryption key could potentially be found.” S.A.M. figured, suddenly awakened by the GeoSync’s potential.
“Do you suppose the decryption key will tell you more of what’s happening out there?” Wilf asked.
“Are you kidding?” S.A.M. lit up with excitement. “Given the right coding, it could decipher all layers of encrypted data and potentially break through every level of security clearance that has been established by the network.”
“Which isn’t strictly speaking legal in the eyes of the OCF.” Zamrul shifted his eyes around the room.
“Nor is it wise to arm an AI with such a wealth of information.” I reinforced his point.
“But given that this is an emergency--for a small price,” Zamrul smoothed his goatee, “I will grant you access to a very, very small subset of the OCF’s data network.”
A bugle horn sounded from just beyond the walls of the dome.
“They’re here,” Wilf eyed me nervously.
“Name your price!” S.A.M. interjected.
Zamrul smiled with clandestine intent.
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coolclaytony · 5 years
No-Ah Grand Elders: Ev-En, Elder of Earth (Pathfinder 1st edition Quasi-Deity)
The No-Ah hierarchy is, at it's core, a bureaucratic gerontocracy; where age and station dictate the hierarchy. As such the eldest members of each elemental caste of No-Ah, the Grand Elders, serve as the oligarchs of their people. As proof of their authority, No-Ah who live long enough to ascend to grand elder status go up one size category (no larger than huge), gain the mythic subtype, and become quasi-deific. Their granted domains are Artifice, their racial elemental subtype, and two others of their choice. Their subdomains must be Construct, at least one from their elemental domain, and three others. A Grand Elder is always character level 20 and gains the Advanced simple template. Additionally, a Grand Elder gains “Restore Vitality” as a bonus mythic ability (see below). Only when a Grand Elder dies, or more rarely, when a No-Ah of a new elemental type is born does a No-Ah ascend in this manner.
Ev-En, Elder of Earth LN 3rd No-Ah Grand Elder of Earth, Duty, and Sacrifice Domains Artifice, Earth, Law, Nobility Subdomains Caves, Construct, Judgement, Martyr, Toil Worshipers architects, earth no-ah, miners, soldiers, subterranean races. Minions earth elementals, earth no-ah Symbol a downward pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line Favored Weapon spiked gauntlet or hook hand Obedience hold your left appendage over your heart (or an equivalent) and make an oath out loud to your self to carry out any task set before you, to the best of your ability, by someone who has legitimate authority over you. You must be willing to do anything within your power, even at the risk of personal injury or death, to see those tasks carried out. You gain a +4 luck bonus to any skill check which helps you accomplish such tasks. Boons 1: stone shape 2/day; 2: summon nature's ally II (small earth elemental) 2/day; 3: wall of stone 2/day Predecessors Ev-Ot > Ev-Ri > Ev-En
It is an understanding among the No-Ah that in order to create and preserve anything, something else must be sacrificed, thus one who gives up themselves for the greater good is the most blessed of beings. Few know this truth better than Grand Elder Ev-En. His birth was one of grim necessity. The Qlippoth Lord, Isph-Aun-Vuln, had galvanized her most powerful alien cults to war against the No-Ah with the intent of undermining their mission to preserve and nurture mortal life. Ev-En was among the many No-Ah who were produced en-mass by the Grand Elders to hold a line against her relentless and ruthless armies, a task which required the destruction of planets that could have been converted into bountiful new worlds. He had to kill many beautiful and vibrant lifeforms, tainted by the qlippoth's lies, and watch those same creatures brutally slaughter his siblings and cousins by the thousands. He would give much of himself to help ensure victories for the No-Ah with as little bloodshed on either side as he possibly could, inevitable as it was. To this end, he learned to fight unarmed, bolstered by abjuration magic. This training would prove useful when Ark-00 became assaulted by the Iathavos and it's nyogoth hordes. This Iathavos was trained especially to deal with the No-Ah and proved formidable even for the Grand Elders. Ev-En was among the No-Ah soldiers who fought alongside his parent, Ev-Ri, when the qlippoth singled them out. It was here that Ev-En talents showed their true worth, as he purged the flanking nyogoth of their corruption and turned the tables in the No-Ah's favor. Sadly, the Iathavos proved to much for Ev-Ri and he was thus slain. Ev-En, the eldest of the living Earth No-Ah, immediately ascended and in a fit of righteous fury; felled the qlippoth with a single devastating punch. Channeling his power in this fashion however, would obliterate his right-arm, an eternal reminder of the costs of the No-Ah mission. Though the No-Ah would ultimately prevail and disperse Isph-Aun-Vuln's mortal armies. Ev-En knows that it is only a matter of time before she rallies her forces again. Thus much of his time in recent history has been spent fortifying the now billions of No-Ah Arks and bolstering his people's military power, all in preparation for the inevitable war which will no doubt span entire galaxies.
Grand Elder Ev-En CR 26/MR 10 No-Ah constructed pugilist brawler 10/ hexbreaker armored battlemage magus 10 LN huge construct (earth, living machine, mythic) Init +5, Senses darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision AC 36, touch 13, flat-footed 31 (+9 Armor, +5 Dex, +12 Nat. Armor, +2 Shield*, -2 Size) *This bonus assumes Ev-En is wielding his constructed limb with the Shielding Limb modification) hp 423 (10d8+10d10+243) Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +13 Defensive Abilities armor training 2, armor master (light, medium, & heavy armor), block attacks, construct traits, earth protection, fortification (50%, 75% w/ secured armor), living machine, medium armor, heavy armor, restore vitality, take a hit; DR 13/epic Speed 15 ft Melee Attacks unarmed strike +21/+16/+11/+6 (4d8+14); or +5 stone constructed limb +26/+21/+16/+11 (4d8+19/x3); or brawler's flurry +24/+19/+14/+10/+19/+14 (4d8+19 [+14 for final two strikes}/x3 [x2 for final two strikes]) Special Attacks arcane pool (9), brawler's flurry, brawler's strike (cold iron, magic, silver), close weapon mastery, constructed limb, fighter training, knockout 2/day, knowledge pool, limb modifications (flex limb, limb extender, shielding limb, tight grip, vicious spikes), magus arcana (improved remove curse, wracking dispel), maneuver training (Disarm +2, Grapple +1), mythic power (10/day, surge 1d12), mythic magic (3/day), preserve life (200 ft), powerful blows (unarmed strike), spark of genesis, spellstrike, versatile modifications, unarmed strike (4d8+5) Space and Reach 15 ft, 15 ft Magus Spells Known (CL 10, Concentration +15) 0 Level (5/day) - Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Fiendish Presence, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Grasp, Light, Mage hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark 1st level (7/day) - Abjuring Step, Blade Lash, Blade Tutor's Spirit, Call Weapon, Celestial Healing, Corrosive Touch, Desperate Weapon, Duelist's Parry, Enlarge Person, Expedious Retreat, Fallback Strategy, Feather Fall, Glue Seal, Grease, Jump, Jury-Rig, Lighten Object, Linebreaker, Line in The Sand, Long Arm, Magic Missile (M), Magic Weapon, Mirror Strike, Monkey Fish, Mudball, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Reinforce Armaments, Shield, Shock Shield, Stone Fist, Sunder Breaker, Sundering Shards, Swift Girding, Thunderstomp, True Strike, Unerring Weapon, Unseen Servant, Vigor, Wave Shield, Warding Weapon, Weaponwand, Web Bolt 2nd Level (5/day) - Ablative Barrier, Acid Arrow, Alacrity, Alter Self, Animal Aspect, Aristocrat's Nightmare, Armor Lock, Bear's Endurance, Bladed Dash, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Cauterizing Weapon, Communal Reinforce Armaments, Contest of Skill, Diminish Resistance, Effortless Armor, Elemental Touch, Erode Defenses, Escaping Ward, Euphoric Cloud, Extreme Flexibility, Fleeting Defect, Fog Cloud, Force Anchor, Glitterdust, Groundswell, Hollow Blades, Huntmaster's Spear, Instant Weapon, Levitate, Molten Orb, Pouncing Fury, Quick Throwing, Raven's Flight, Reloading Hands, Rock Whip, Savage Maw, Slick Walls, Shield of Shards, Spider Climb (M), Splinter Spell Resistance, Stone Call, Stone Discus, Stone Shield, Stone Throwing, Storm of Blades, Telekinetic Assembly, Telekinetic Volley, Visualization of the Body, Web, Winged Sword 3rd Level (4/day) - Air Breathing, Allied Cloak, Beast Shape I, Blade Snare, Blink, Burst of Speed, Caustic Safeguard, Channel Vigor, Clay Skin, Cloak of Winds, Conjuration Foil, Conjure Carriage, Discharge, Dispel Magic (M), Earth Tremor, Elemental Aura, Fly, Forced Mutation, Gloomblind Bolts, Grasping Tentacles, Greater Animal Aspect, Greater Magic Weapon (M), Greater Thunderstomp, Haste (M), Heart of the Metal, Infuse Self, Iron Spine, Irradiate, Keen Edge, Mark of Buoyancy, Monstrous Physique I, Nauseating Trail, Phantom Steed, Remove Curse, Resilient Reservoir, Scales of Deflection, Sickening Strikes, Silver Darts, Slow (M), Spellsword, Steal Size, Stinking Cloud, Tactical Adaptation, Titanic Anchoring, Toxic Blood, Versatile Weapon, Vomit Twin, Water Breathing, Waves of Blood 4th Level (2/day) - Absorb Rune I, Adjustable Polymorph, Arcana Theft, Beast Shape II, Black Tentacles (M), Blightburn Weapon, Caustic Blood, Break Enchantment (M), Detonate, Dragon's Breath, Elemental Body (M), Ethereal Fists, Fey Form I, Greater Celestial Healing, Lend Path, Mass Enlarge Person, Mass Reduce Person, Monstrous Physique II, Naga Shape I, Pellet Blast, Poisonous Cloud, Revenant Armor, Rigor Mortis, Rubberskin, Solid Fog, Stoneskin (M), Telekinetic Maneuver, Temporary Graft, Vermin Shape I, Ward Shield, Wreath of Blades Str 22, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 15 Base Atk +17, CMB +24, CMD 27 Feats big game hunter, bodyguard, combat casting, combat reflexes (M), craft magic arms and armor, craft technological arms and armor, create weapon, create magic weapon, imposing bearing (B), improved unarmed strike (B,M), mythic spell lore (M), poised bearing (B), secured armor (B), spell focus (abjuration) (M), technologist, titan strike (M), toughness Skills Acrobatics +28, Craft (alchemy) +15, Craft (armor) + 25, Craft (engineering) +15, Craft (mechanical) +15, Craft (ships) +25, Craft (stonemasonry) +28, Craft (weapons) +28, Knowledge (arcana) +28, Knowledge (engineering) +15, Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge (nature) +25, Knowledge (Planes) +28, Profession (soldier) +18, Spellcraft +28, Use Magic Device +20; Racial Modifiers -4 Fly, -8 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, Terran SQ armed and ready, birth progeny, brawler's cunning, deific, incremental growth, martial training Equipment Artisan's Tools, 100 bullets, 4 Mwk Mithril Daggers, Mwk Mithril Shortsword, Spell Component Pouch, +1 Vigilant Expedious Impervious Adamantine Spiked Stone Plate Special Abilities Armed and Ready (Ex): Whenever Ev-En creates his constructed limb with the Create Weapon feat, the limb is automatically attached to him. It still requires 10 minutes to remove it as normal. Restore Vitality (Ex): Grand Elder Ev-En may spend a point of mythic power to remove all negative levels from himself. Even if those negative levels could not otherwise be removed. Versatile Modifications (Ex): If Grand Elder Ev-En's constructed limb was made using his Create Weapon feat; as a swift action, he may spend up to 5 points of mythic power to change one of it's limb modifications per point spent for 1 minute. This constructed limb may have the vicious blades and vicious spikes modifications simultaneously. The shield bonus from shielding limb stacks with any other shield bonuses Ev-En has. In addition; Ev-En may instead exchange a modification for a magic weapon special ability appropriate for the limb's enhancement bonus. This is a transmutation Effect.
You Can Read More About the No-Ah Here No-Ah Alternate Traits No-Ah Feats
I realize most npc stat blocks usually only have the spells listed that the character is most likely to have prepared, but I have no way of narrowing that down, so I recommend just using him like a spontaneous caster and only bothering to decide his prepared spells when the players need that information.
Edit: I forgot some bits.
@dailycharacteroption @bogleech
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atriauniversity · 3 years
Jobs of the Future – Changing Workplace Realities
In the aftermath of Covid-19, the global recession is possible to transform the pathway humans work, live, then socialize because of decades. Their choice remains disruptive changes across industries then between jobs of the future. Compelling all of us according to furbish yet accommodation according to tightly closed a drop of the workplace regarding modern realities.
Every recession ushers complex deadlocks across the world. It also brings with it a confusion concerning opportunities because of new-age agencies according to rise and shape client conduct because of years after come. In deep ways, that pandemic has confirmed the rule on applied sciences, certain cloud and significant data, exposed cybersecurity risks. And, has urged organizations in conformity with impenetrable intelligence who do visualize new methods in accordance with usage information effectively.
According to the Indian Staffing association (ISF) research, the latter is an imitation of see any other 3 bags of modern jobs of the IT space. Catapulting India’s tech military to reach 7 million via 2023. With a modern panorama to cater to, futuristic jobs are surfacing, thriving, yet expanding. We center of attention here concerning the professions concerning the after within 5 essential domains so are making news at the moment.
The instant benchmark within sciences is ushering among close collaboration within disciplines to that amount traditionally functioned in silos. Modern biological sciences are at last sound within current technologies. And, will lie a key mortification in accordance with facilitating improvements within human health, lifestyle, and good among a post-COVID world. Those pursuing careers into Sustainable Life Sciences are expected to combine advantages beyond diverse fields. And, anticipate each promise and the misfortune concerning contemporary technologies in imitation of guide corporations toward a greater sustainable future.
Examples concerning popular work profiles in Sustainability Life Sciences are Biotechnology Industrialists, Clean Car Engineers, Recyclers, Sustainability Managers, Green Builders, Biofuels, Solar Cell Technicians, Sustainability Consultant, Environmental Engineering Technician, and Sustainability-Conscious Financial Advisor, amongst dense more.
Digital metamorphosis is now not simply about technology. It is additionally respecting improving enterprise effects then consumer experiences. Businesses need a blend over ethnic sources in accordance with lie a quantity about the digital metamorphosis of the presence years. Some examples consist of – Data Scientists, Cyber Security Experts, Artificial Intelligence Engineers, Cloud Architects, or Digital Project Manager.
Businesses begin interdisciplinary skill-sets as execution helps spherically oversea the human trip required in accordance with leverage the accelerating digital transformation. With science acceptance atop entire industries, these careers will now not keep restrained according to the IT world. Futuristic profiles into Digital Transformation are anticipated in conformity with evolve, bust shape, then originate up between healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, hospitality, tourism, among others.
Electric car science is the future. By 2030, the e-vehicle enterprise can also gender upon in imitation of ten bags of jobs. This is because latter applied sciences are demonstrating elevated overall performance yet decreased running costs upon fossil-fuelled mobility. And recent infrastructure structures want in conformity with lies constantly conceptualized and carried out in accordance with understanding the advantages over these technologies.
From invention electric powered vehicles, manufacturing sub-systems, and operating e-vehicle infrastructures, avenues between electric powered alacrity are expanding rapidly. Pursuing a profession in Mobility pleasure assist the subsequent technology contend among the world economy. And additionally put together to them together with the empirical yet expert capabilities wanted because of competitive ‘new collar’ jobs.
Technologies kind of augmented (AR) then virtual actuality (VR) are reworking methods we engage or portion information concerning the web then beyond. These numerous tech innovations provide various advantages in imitation of society. And, net customers desire increased statistics to get right of entry to yet easy approaches according to utilizing its technologies.
Building an ecosystem so much execution gives an absolute trip according to the human ball would require gurus adept of interdisciplinary skills. Professionals who are strong in their understanding of conventional science domains inclusive of ethnography.
Web design, UX, UI, Mobile Application Developer, Health Information Technician, MI, AI, etc. are in the meantime famous careers. And those are operable to some regarding the very best paying jobs in interactive technologies as it navigates the future along greater productivity and multiplied efficiency.
Energy engineers are tasked with the standard reduction concerning existing strength consumption. The world leans over their acumen to improve yet advanced technologies to control energy more efficiently. Concerns touching world warming and oil’s approaching dying accomplish Energy Sciences, an incredibly sought-after discipline. And, the necessity because experts can stay in advance over the turn is at an all-time high. Financial Analysts, Environmental Specialists, Space Scientists, Environmental Engineers, yet Geoscientists, are a bit concerned about the deep avenues so some can pursue.
“The primary fact is that technological know-how eliminates jobs. Not work.”
Careers concerning the future are evolving at a break-neck speed. There are more avenues between the making, then some although non-existent choices express into the years ahead. Students pursuing an education in futuristic domains aligned together with such as the future demands are better located in conformity with a tightly closed future. Even as there’s incomplete uncertainty, there’s also the wish to open on instant opportunities specifically for those including a strong foundation between the aforementioned fields. 
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alacritys1 · 3 years
Interior Designer Firm in Pune
Alacritys is an interior designed firm in Pune offering customized designing and development solution. It is a team of Architects, Designers & Developers that can handle all your design needs with greater efficiency. Using the best materials and sustainable methods, Alacritys offers high-quality service at affordable cost. To create the best interior designs, Alacritys uses creative skills, Vaastu and your personal preferences. For more details, you can check out the website.
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nataandreev · 4 years
Fragments from “The Pursuit of Art” by Martin Gayford
Way Out East 11 In Beijing with Gilbert & George
I had accepted a seat in the smoking section. A relatively recent non-smoker, I thought it would not make much difference. The result, however, was the periodically smokers came back to have a cigarette, sitting in the empty seat next to mine - and every one of them felt it would be polite to have a conversation while they did so.
No one seemed sure why this Gilbert & George show had been allowed.
by South Korean artists a while before, was forcibly taken down. G&C’s approach, in contrast, had beed accepted with alacrity - and here we all were.
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whereby decadent, bourgeois art was expected to be abstract.
‘normal conservative rebels’ - would have baffled most secret policemen.
This show is said to help Peking’s bid for the 2000 Olympics.’
‘What is a Rembrandt? It is himself. All the inner feelings of the artist. Or Van Gogh. It’s just him, a completely maniac person. You see his mad vision and that’s it.
‘I think it’s very good we’re in the picture reminding the viewer that its not a boring artwork, only an aesthetic experience. It’s us saying something to them.’
Gilbert & George started out, proclaimed themselves one artist, and defined their idiom as ‘living sculpture.’
a community high in the Alps close to the border with Austria who speak neither Italian nor German. but a language of their own, Ladin.)
‘You mean the vision. We only believe in that, Even when you see a Michelangelo, it’s just his vision, that’s the important thing. Then you find your form. But the important thing is to have a vision.’
The globalization of the international art world had already, begun, and, like the economic variety, was to gather ever greater pace in the years to come.
Way Out East 12 Naoshima: A Modern Treasure Island
‘The art, the building and the environment should work together to wake up the viewer.’ The phrase he used - ‘wake up’ - recalls the term satori, meaning ‘awakening, comprehending or understanding’, used in Japanese Buddhism.
It was made about 500 years before the modernist architect Mies van der Rohe remarked that less is more.
how oriental Claude Monet really was. After all, he was a collector and lover of Japanese prints, which hung all around his dining room, 6,000 miles away in Giverny.
Monet’s western identity was already blending with the east. The freedom of his paint strokes might seem just a flourish of the brush, but when you step back they become plants, water or reflected sky.
I had a moment of satori. I could see that Monet’s subject was everything - growth, change, light, dark, heavens, earth - and nothing (just passing shadows on few feet of pond), which is very Zen.
Way Out East 13 Travelling in Chinese Mountains
the Sea of Mist from the peaks of Huang Shan, the Yellow Mountain range. In its way, this is a sight as fundamental to Chinese culture as the Pantheon is to the Greek, or the Pyramids to the Egyptian. In a way it is the subject of Chinese art. 
There, in the excellent Shanghai Museum, for the first time in my life I saw a large collection of classic Chinese painting.
Anish Kapoor cited them as one of his sources of inspiration; the poet Kathleen Raine suggested that the Chinese masters of the Song Dynasty were perhaps the greatest landscape painters of all.
Chinese thinkers believed - rather before Albert Einstein - that matter and energy were one. Everything was a manifestation of divine energy or qi (pronounced chee). Literally, the word means air, water or breath: a life-force powering the cosmos.
Just as the Innuit are said to have fifty different words for snow, Chinese commentators on art distinguished a whole thesaurus of ink marks.
Such vocabulary, incidentally, is sadly lacking in European languages, which is one reason why it is so hard to discuss painting with precision.
Xunzi, born about 310 BC, there was a hierarchy of qi. Such elements as fire and water had qi, but not life. Plants had qi and life, but not understanding; animals and birds have all three, but not ‘propriety’, or a moral sense of how to behave and shape the world. Only human beings have that.
The Chinese phrase for pilgrimage means literally ‘paying one’s respect to mountains.’
But these are not warring forces like good and evil in the Middle Eastern Manichean - and Christian - view of the world, but complementary forces. The sinologist Rolf Stein translated them as ‘shady side (of a mountain)’ and ‘sunny side (of a mountain)’. They were necessary the each other.
This was, he argued, quite distinct from the European, post-Renaissance system of fixed-point perspective, which automatically also fixed the spectator in a certain spot in relation to the world.
The viewer navigated, as we do in the real world, through ever-shifting surroundings using our senses and our intuition. 
the point was why this kind of sight meant so much to the Chinese. To them, it seemed to be a direct experience of the universe at work. The landscape came and went just as all things do: people, dynasties, empires, event mountains. Only the swirling energy is immortal. As a view of the cosmos, it is astonishingly up to date.
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stillthewordgirl · 7 years
LOT/CC fic: A Little Trouble, ch. 4
In a universe where the Legends returned to their earlier lives after Savage's defeat, Sara Lance is bored out of her mind. And then a certain crook turns up...
This, no joke, started with a dream. Set in an AU in which no one died at the Oculus, Miranda and Jonas lived, and Rip promised to return for the Legends-and hasn't, yet.
Can also be read here at AO3 and here at FF.net.
Yes, this is now going to be six chapters. Five is done and will be posted in the next few days. Six is in progress! 
@larielromeniel​ helped so much with this chapter and chapter 5, helping me untangle issues that came with multiple rewrites. She made the dance scene here SO much better! Many thanks.
Sara spreads a restless night, her imagination (and her body) informing her that she really should have seduced Len back at the hotel. She’s really glad, she decides, that Thea is out of town. For one thing, her friend would have figured out something was going on immediately.
She’s even gladder that she’s managed to avoid Felicity since Len first showed up. She’s confused enough about her feelings without the other woman making one of her typical, oddly perceptive guesses.
She gets the dress she has in mind out of storage in the morning (smirking to herself as she envisions Len’s response), then, somewhat guiltily, gets coffee with her dad. She knows that while she's here, she should be spending more time with him, but...
They still can't help but remind each other of Laurel, even when they're trying not to. So much they'd usually talk about reminds them of her, and it's still too new, too raw, for even the innocuous—a comment about her favorite restaurant, a reference to a childhood memory--not to sting.
And so they sit at a table outside the café, and chat, and try to pretend they're not trying to feel their way across an emotional minefield.
She bids him goodbye with a few more prickles of guilt, knowing she's going back into danger tonight, hoping that their plan goes as smoothly as she and Len hope it will. Still, she knows her father hates Kay nearly as much as Laurel does…did…and he’s always been proud of his girls and how they fight to right wrongs. This is just using new and even more nontraditional means. Right?
Sara makes it to the hotel early, then paces outside for a while, trying not to look too eager, either for the thrill of the game (she gets, now, why Len enjoys it so much) or the company. Still, she knocks on his door at 12:07 p.m., pleased when he opens it with alacrity, slipping past him to drop her bag onto the floor.
Leonard smirks at her as she spins to look at him, eyeing the bag and lifting an eyebrow at her. He’s dressed casually again, in a gray T-shirt and jeans, and he looks…good. (She tells her still-interested libido to chill, no pun intended. It doesn’t listen.)
“Yes, I brought the dress,” she tells him, guessing the reason for the inquiring expression. “Yes, it’s folded up in there. It’s meant to be resilient, so don’t give me that look. I’ll take it out and hang it up if you’ll turn around.”
He’s obviously wondering why he has to look away, but ostentatiously does so, presenting her with a broad set of shoulders, musculature clearly visible through the shirt in a way he rarely displays. (Down, girl.) Sara gives herself a mental shake, then removes the dress, smiling as the wrinkles shake out as the garment was designed to do, hanging it in the empty entryway closet before clearing her throat to signal that she’s done.
Leonard turns slowly, smirk still in place. “Such secrecy,” he drawls. “Now I’m curious.”
“You’ll see later.” She grins at him. "Now. I was thinking about what you said about the cameras..."
They go over the plans again, then once more, picking over the same details and hashing out alternatives. Sara glances up at one point and sees Leonard perusing blueprints again, eyes laser sharp, thought lines etched between his brows.
In a world without Lewis Snart in it, she wonders, what could he have become? An engineer? An architect, an artist, a writer? Or was that restless, brilliant mind always bound to get bored, to turn to something outside the bounds of so-called normal life?
Not so unlike a bored and wild college student who'd run away with her sister's boyfriend and found herself on the path to becoming an assassin...
Sara blinks, then focuses on Leonard again. He's smirking just a little and she realizes she's been staring, more or less right at him.
No point in pretending she hasn't. She lifts her eyebrows and smirks right back at him, surprised and just a tiny bit gleeful when he glances away, something more complicated than expected in his expression.
"Got any cards?" she asks casually. "We have a little time to kill."
He does, of course. For a little while, it's not so unlike some of those long, boring days in the time stream, when they'd sought out each other's company for a variety of reasons, starting with boredom and growing into actual camaraderie, occasional concern, and sincere friendship. Sara keeps sneaking glances at him, and knows he's doing the same, but they keep the talk mostly small, peppered with banter and the occasional (mostly joking) accusation of cheating.
Eventually, though, Sara can't help asking more.
"Why didn't you ask your sister to help with this?" she asks casually, pausing before discarding a card. "The heist, I mean. She has a lot more experience with this sort of thing than I do."
Leonard looks thoughtful, keeping his eyes on his cards. (Sara recognizes this as one of his tells, but doesn't mention it.)
"Lisa is...a wild card, sometimes," he says finally. "She knows what she's doing, but she sometimes goes off the boards. I think you see how why I'd need someone a little more disciplined for this." Now his eyes flick to hers, and there’s a smile in them. “More or less.”
Sara reaches out a foot and nudges him with it. "I can be a wild card," she tells him mildly.
“Mmm. Yes, but you won’t unless the miss…the heist actually calls for it.” He looks mildly annoyed at some memory. “I always expect the plan to go off the rails, but that doesn’t mean I want to actively encourage it to happen.”
Sara hums happily at the story that implies and nudges him again. “OK, Snart. Tell.”
He spins her a tale of a detailed plan, months in the making, that’d fallen prey to his sister, a whim, a cute waiter, and…a pony. Sara can’t quite tell if he’s embellishing or how much, but the whole thing is so absurd that she can’t help laughing, earning herself a look that tries to be irritated, but doesn’t quite manage it.
In fact, he somehow manages to look downright pleased.
“I’m starving,” she tells him, climbing to her feet. “Take-out again? What are your thoughts on sushi? I know a place.”
Leonard Snart is remarkably unadventurous when it comes to sushi, so Sara takes great glee in ordering the most exotic, raw items she can, eating them with great gusto as he wrinkles his nose and eats a pedestrian California roll. They trade innuendo back and forth as they eat, then get serious again to pore over the blueprints and the plan one more time.
And then it’s show time.
Sara’d grabbed her bag—and, when he’d turned his back, her dress—and vanished into the bathroom, leaving Leonard to shrug and change into his tuxedo in the main room. He’s tucking a full set of lock picks (made of a nonmetallic material) into a sleeve and securing a few other items when he hears the bathroom door open.
He has a pretty good idea what’s coming, given Sara’s secrecy and smugness earlier, so he takes a deep breath and thinks of ice before he straightens his tie and turns around.
It doesn’t help.
It’s silver, her dress. Silver, and slinky, and slit up the side well past her knee. Oh, and cut down to…
Leonard clears his throat. "Nice dress."
Sara gives him the thorough once-over he’d been avoiding giving her, smirking at him openly. “Nice tux. Did you call for the car?”
“HmmMm. Any time now.” Even being a student of the myriad ways Sara Lance could possibly hide weaponry in her outfits, he can’t figure out how she’s managed it this time. Maybe…
Realizing that he’s now giving her that once-over, he clears his throat again and turns away to the computer and plans, not noticing the look of mingled exasperation and amusement on Sara’s face. “I’ll stow these, just in case. Remember, if something goes sideways, get…”
“Get out, and get the others to help break you out as needed.” Her tone has laughter in it as she picks up the just-slightly larger than usual clutch that’s sitting on the wardrobe. “I think you’re getting used to having a steady backup crew, Len. But I hope it’s not necessary. Can you imagine how gleeful Ray would be?”
He shudders theatrically, while acknowledging with a corner of his brain that he really likes the way she says “Len.” “Perish the thought.” Then, as his phone chimes an alert from the arriving town car, he turns and offers her his arm. “Shall we?”
Smiling, she takes it. “Let’s go steal something.”
Despite the shoddy planning with the invitations and what Leonard had been able to glean about the company now handling security for Kay, he’s still pleased to find out that it’s true. A pair of bored-looking guards watch staff members take their invitation and the sizable amount of money that is their “donation” and wave them in, turning to the next couple even as they stroll into the foyer. He scans the space as unobtrusively as possible as they cross it on the way to the ballroom, noting cameras and likely plainclothes guards and other guests, knowing as he does so that Sara is doing the same.
“Lazy, lazy, lazy,” he hears her chant under her breath. “You were right.”
“Hmmm. It’s an odd oversight for someone like Kay.” He frowns. “Or I should say, for his security chief. I wonder…”
“Well, it probably won’t last long, so your timing is excellent.” Her fingers touch his wrist lightly and he has to stifle a shudder. “In more ways than one.”
What does she…  “Timing is important,” he drawls quietly as they step into the ballroom. “One doesn’t wish to move…prematurely…”
“Of course, one can wait around too long as well.”
He’s saved from having to respond to that by the need to take in the space around them. A waiter hands Sara a glass of champagne, which she accepts even as Leonard waves one off, as they start to walk around the perimeter.
To all appearances, it matches the plans Smoak had given him. He nods to himself, glancing down at Sara, who’s sipping her champagne as she watches the band and the glittering throng of humanity. After a moment, she glances up at him.
“So far, so…”
“…good.” He nods. “Everything seems to be right. Once things truly get going and Kay is here, making his rounds and being his vile self, we can…but we probably have a little time first.” Hoping his sudden attack of nerves—nerves! him!--doesn’t show, he offers her his free hand. “Want to dance, Sara?”
Sara blinks at him, then grins and sets her glass down on a nearby table. She leans a little closer, even as she slides her other hand into his.
“I don’t know,” she murmurs. “It’s not our song.”
“We have a…” He remembers a bar in the ‘70s, a bar brawl and a jukebox sending up a spray of light. “Ah. Still.”
He steers her out onto the dance floor, then pulls her closer, trying to walk the line between holding her close enough and too close. Sara seems to have no such reservations, sliding one arm around his waist, her right hand warm in his left. Her eyes sparkle at him as he looks down at her, and it's hard not to smile at the sight.
So he does.
“You’re a good dancer,” she says after a moment, giving him a thoughtful look. “Not what one usually thinks of as…”
“…a job skill in my line of work?” He smirks at her a little. “You’d be surprised. It’s a good way to get close to people.”
“And close to places where rich people tend to congregate.” Sara’s answering smirk tells him she gets it. Leonard turns her a little, starts maneuvering them toward the corner of the ballroom where they need to be, impressed as she easily manages the footwork despite the movement and the heels she’s wearing.
“You know what you’re doing too.”
That earns him another look from under her lashes. “Well. If I have the right partner…”
No answer for that but to pull her a little closer as the band starts another song, a slower one. She gently tugs her hand from his so she can lay her palm flat against his chest. He covers her hand with his own as they sway together.
"Having fun?" he asks under his breath after a few moments.
"More fun than tending bar and waiting for a ship that might never come back."  There's humor in her tone, so he doesn't take offense, although he pretends to.
"I think they call that damning with faint praise."
Sara runs her hand up and over his shoulder, letting her fingers stroke across the back of his neck, smirking at the intake of breath he can't entirely control. "Not really. I'm really glad you showed up, Len. I was starting to lose my mind." She lets out a low ripple of laughter that draws glances and smiles from the people around them. "And this is quite honestly the most interesting first date I've ever been on."
His eyes meet hers in surprise, but Leonard can't really refute her statement, so he doesn't try, glancing away and clearing his throat.
Trying to remind himself that they're here on...business...he lifts his head and scans the crowd and the room, checking for anything that stands out, just in case.
"Ah," he says after a moment. "And there's the man of the hour. And...OK, that's unexpected."
Sara glances over her shoulder, and they both watch as the large "Kay for City Council" banner is unrolled against the wall, leading to a spattering of somewhat hesitant applause from the crowd.
"Good word for it," she says quietly. "As far as I'd heard, this Kay was just as happy with a life of money making and blackmail. So what changed?"
"No idea." He frowns. "I don't like something about this."
Sara glances back at him, a clear question on her face. Leonard gives a quick shake of his head, though, and feels the muscles in her back relax, just a little.
Then she moves even closer, resting her head against his shoulder, arm around his waist tightening.
"Looks like we're wrapped up in each other, this way," she murmurs quietly. "No one will think we're paying much attention to anything else."
"Ah," is all he manages. "Right."
He has to keep an eye on Kay without appearing not to do so, however, so he keeps sneaking glances, tracking the man's path across the room and rate of speed. Finally, he simply rests his head against Sara's hair, turning her a little as they move, calculating and plotting.
"I've been watching the movement of the crowd," she says in a low tone, tilting her head up a little, warm breath on jaw making a shudder run down his spine. "You were right; it's like a school of fish with a shark in their midst." Glancing down, he sees her lips curl a little. "If the fish knew they had to make nice with the shark but wanted to avoid it anyway."
"Mmhm,” Leonard says absently, still splitting his attention. “It’s really quite easy to predict what most people are doing to do, if you watch the patterns. So boring…” Belatedly, he glances back down at her. “Present company included, of course.”
Sara gives him an impish smile. “Is that a challenge, Len?” she whispers. “I’m not unpredictable enough for you?”
Every sense he has screams that this way lies danger. “Somehow,” he tells her, starting to tense as the song begins to end, “I don’t think that’s ever going to be a problem.”
He tracks Kay again, just as the musicians end the song with a flourish, and makes the call. Stepping back, he catches Sara's hand, raising it to his lips as she laughs, then giving her a tug toward a nearby hallway and starting in that direction.
They have a perfectly valid reason to be there: there are restrooms partway down along its length, closer to their current position than the ones off the foyer. And given their performance of two people who’ve apparently been availing themselves of the bar—and who are fairly wrapped up in each other—no one watching will probably look twice, except to, possibly, snicker.
But more importantly, the camera coverage in the corridor cuts off just after those bathrooms. According to all the records and Len's practiced eye, there's not a lot of dead space before the camera at the end of the hall picks it back up, but there is a single storage room, and that's where the next stage of their plan will kick into action.
The lock is the work of seconds. They duck inside unobserved. Sara immediately turns away from him, but glances back over her shoulder. "Unzip me?"
There's nothing but polite request in her voice and they're working on a timeline here, so Leonard reminds himself not to waste time in being even more distracted than he already is. He only gets a glimpse of skin before he quickly turns away, ignoring (or pretending to ignore) the sound of fabric shushing down to the floor.
He hesitates, a moment, then resolutely strips off his suit and shirt, ill at ease even though he’s not actually baring any skin. He’s wearing his own jumpsuit under the night-black tux, so it doesn't take long, but Sara's whispering that she's ready not long at all after he is.
He turns just in time to see her turn, too.
It might not be the black leather he knows she'd once worn as the Canary, but the black silk jumpsuit, capable of being packed into even her smallish clutch, is still tight and sleek, even though it doesn't show much skin. Sara's kept her hair in the same updo of braids (one that uncomfortably reminds him of how it'd looked when they'd found her in Nanda Parbat), and she looks cool and deadly and completely professional.
Then she lifts an eyebrow at him as she balances while slipping one of the collapsible black flats over a bare foot.
"I envy you men your sensible shoes," she says drily, standing and stretching. "Although where you got soft-soled ones that looks just like dress shoes, I'd love to know."
"Long story." He watches as she carefully removes some of the underpinnings from her dress, sorting them into safety straps that she fits securely over the jumpsuit. "My, you have all sorts of clever toys..."
"You have no idea." She sends him a sultry look, then grins. "Good thing I kept a few things—besides weapons—from my League days. You have your safety equipment?"
"I do."
"Then let's get this party started."
Len gives her an actual grin in return, pulling a pair of thin black gloves on and letting a small, spherical device roll from his sleeve into his right hand.
"Here we go."
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alacritys00 · 1 year
Are You Looking for the Best Temple architecture in India?
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Temple architects in India - alacritys think that temple architecture sites should have peaceful or airy and also make according to Vastu, Vastu plays a specific role in Hindu Temples. Our professionals provide the best lotus temple design and stone temple designs. Choose the best temple architecture in Pune!
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transmogwow · 6 years
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Caitlinsnow - Terokkar (us) head: Scintillating Headdress of Second Sight neck: Heart of Azeroth shoulder: Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Amice back: Hidden Cloak chest: Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Raiment wrist: Wrathful Gladiator's Cuffs of Alacrity hands: Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Handguards waist: Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Dominance legs: Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Trousers feet: Wrathful Gladiator's Treads of Dominance finger1: Seal of the Grand Architect finger2: Band of Reconstruction trinket1: Bottled Wishes trinket2: Sea Star mainHand: Battle Medic's Wand offHand: Bone-Inlaid Sarcophagus Key
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laterrazzasorrento · 6 years
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Repost @reggiadicaserta ・・・ The building of the Royal Palace began with the laying of the foundation stone on January 20th, 1752 and proceeded with alacrity until 1759, when Charles of Bourbon, after the death of the King of Spain, left the kingdom of Naples to reach Madrid. After Charles’s departure, the construction works of the “new Palace”, named like this at that time the Royal Palace, suffered a considerable slowdown, so at the death of Luigi Vanvitelli in 1773, they were far from being completed. Carlo Vanvitelli, Luigi’s son, and subsequently other architects, trained at the Vanvitelli’s school, carried out this great royal residence in the next century. #UNESCO #REGGIADICASERTA #reggiadicasertaitaly #caserta #igerscaserta #casertaitaly #casertapalace #paesaggicasertani #casertaroyalpalace #reggiacaserta #reggiadicaserta❤️ #royalpalace #palazzoreale #reggia #laterrazzafamilyhouse #sorrentocoast #campania #naples #italy #unescoworldheritage #unescoheritage #unescoworldheritagesite #unescoheritagesite #unescosite #patrimoniounesco #unescoworldheritagesites #unescoitalia (presso Reggia Di Caserta Appartamenti Storici) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuYCCgjF59A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n7mk11s1lu3
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architectnews · 3 years
House in Ansal Sushant, Panipat, Haryana
Ansal Sushant Residence, Panipat House, Haryana Home Images, 23DC Architects Architecture, Indian Real Estate
House in Ansal Sushant, Panipat, India
9 Apr 2021
Residence in Ansal Sushant, Panipat, Haryana
Design: 23DC Architects, Jalandhar, Punjab
Residence 1
Location: Ansal Sushant, city of Panipat, Haryana, northern India
Photos by Purnesh Dev Nikhanj
Residence 1 is the first project in the 23DC’s Carbonado Series which is inspired by “Carbonado”, commonly known as the Black Diamond, the rare gem. The house stands in a recently and exclusively developed area of Ansal Sushant city of Panipat, Haryana. The prospect of the client is to explore the expression of architects who could read the surroundings and design unrepeated and unique.
This residence with modern architecture defined by characteristics of Carbonado – Black & Grey colors and irregular edges form a cohesive whole as an expression. The representative elements of black diamond including free composition are frequently applied. The black colour offers an appropriately elegant setting for the house wishing to appear high-end.
The house is designed in such a way that the exterior gesture is powerful and the subtlety of the interiors have particular experience for each space. The approach to fulfill the desire of the family to endure sereneness with harmonious subtle mood for interiors to reflect in their living standards. The interiors of the house capture a balance between comfort and minimalism to create an environment that encourage the feeling of warmth, contentment and calmness.
The three storey building is the residence of two brothers with joint family. The functions are divided as per the floors. Ground floor and first floor are for private domain of families respectively and second floor for their interactivity collectively. The house is essentially designed around a central open to sky space with all other spaces over looking into it.
Modern, clean lines and solid pieces have prominent focus in the design. The axis that holds the entrance is allowing the visual connection within the house, up to the backyard.
To bring in life with good natural light and ventilation to interior of the house, the pleasant shaded open to sky space invites with alacrity.
The connection to the outdoors with seamless full height windows creates a light flooded ambience and intimate atmosphere.
In the articulated frames, the kitchen walls become a playful composition accompanied by depth, variation and communicative connection with living and outdoors.
The interiors of the house holds composition of very minimal elements that dialogue with each other with their respective materials. Muted and subdued colors are incorporated to keep the entire space feel cohesive and uniform.
The intent forging a strong interrelation of indoors with outdoors and nature, to enhance quality of life and creating opportunities to experience a quantity of recreation moments.
The simplicity and relevance of interior design with light, minimalist and smooth walls, which offers a peaceful living space, is in contrast to the dark exteriors where the black color and form of the house creates a striking graphic against the surrounding.
Ansal Sushant Residence – Building Information
ARCHITECTS : 23DC Architects YEAR : 2021 PHOTOGRAPHER : Purnesh Dev Nikhanj VIDEOGRAPHER : Nakul Jain
House in Ansal Sushant, Panipat, Haryana images / information received 080421 from 23DC Architects
Location: Ansal Sushant, Panipat, Haryana northern India
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Comments / photos for the House in Ansal Sushant, Panipat, Haryana design by 23DC Architects page welcome
The post House in Ansal Sushant, Panipat, Haryana appeared first on e-architect.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Ruffled Feathers - Nation Information
http://tinyurl.com/y2dkhcnz Days after telling a gathering of younger voters that he had helped folks turn into chief minister and prime minister, Janata Dal (United) nationwide vice-president Prashant Kishor ruffled feathers once more when he stated that Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar ought to have sought a contemporary mandate when he left the mahagathbandhan to affix the NDA in July 2017. Kishor’s remarks got here out of the blue and clearly upset the JD(U) senior management. JD(U) spokesperson Neeraj Kumar slammed Kishor for questioning the knowledge of the occasion and pursuing a private agenda. Neeraj Kumar, a member of the Legislative Council, has been Nitish’s trusted lieutenant for years and can also be near senior JD(U) chief R.C.P. Singh. Kishor, alternatively, was inducted in September final 12 months with Nitish making him the second in command within the JD(U) hierarchy. Kishor outdated senior leaders, inflicting some heartburn within the occasion. His emergence because the nationwide vice-president was additionally seen as a transfer to downsize the occasion’s unofficial quantity twoSingh, who’s the JD(U)’s nationwide common secretary (organisation). For a celebration member to say that Nitish ought to have gone for a contemporary mandate is clearly towards the official line, says Neeraj Kumar. The alacrity with which Neeraj Kumar has responded means that the occasion spokesperson has the backing of the highest management, believes a senior JD(U) chief. JD(U) sources privately admit that there are two factions within the occasion: the primary consists of those that want to proceed the alliance with the BJP; this group is towards the rise of Kishor. The second group sees Nitish as too huge a pacesetter to be confined to Bihar. Whereas Singh is seen because the chief of the primary group, Kishor is the architect of the second, says one other JD(U) chief. Singh, although he’s no pushover as a pacesetter, isn’t seen as an efficient occasion supervisor. He toured the state extensively to attempt to energise occasion employees, however to no avail. A 1984 batch IAS officer of the Uttar Pradesh cadre, Singh took voluntary retirement in 2010 to work with Nitish. He was first elected to the Rajya Sabha in 2010, and was personal secretary to Nitish throughout his tenure because the railway minister within the Atal Bihari Vajpayee authorities. However, Kishor, together with his unbiased views, has given critics many alternatives to focus on him within the latest previous. From apologising on Twitter after NDA leaders didn’t pay homage to a slain CRPF trooper whose physique arrived in Patna on March three to being the primary to welcome Priyanka Gandhi’s formal entry into politics, Kishor might be a menace to the JD(U) outdated guard. He’s additionally credited with taking part in a key function within the electoral successes of Narendra Modi in 2014 and the JD(U)-RJD-Congress mahagathbandhan within the 2015 Bihar meeting election. However to dismiss Neeraj Kumar’s verbal assault on Kishor will likely be oversimplification of the disaster as only a struggle of two factions inside the JD(U), says a senior chief. What baffles many is the truth that Nitish is but to talk on the difficulty. With the Lok Sabha ballot lower than a month away, Nitish clearly wants all his associates, each outdated and new, to fulfill the electoral problem. Get real-time alerts and all of the news in your telephone with the all-new India Immediately app. Obtain from Source link
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