#Are You Safe?  ep11
What is Sol thinking exactly? I don't believe she's just resigned to fate that he's gonna die in 15 years (because he saved her no less) and that's it, she's just gonna spend some time with him being lovely dovey and then go back to her life in a few months in the future, they don't even get 15 years together, he's gonna spend 15 years miserable without her and then die? I don't think she will ever recover from that, she was broken by his death when she wasn't even in love with him, now that she loves him THIS much? She's gonna loose it. I know SJ is resigned to his fate for some reason but I really hope she has something else in mind???
hi, anon! thanks for sending in an ask. <3
so, first off — i don't think sunjae is resigned to his fate so much as he simply believes that if the cost of protecting sol and keeping her safe is his death, he's ready to pay it. it's worth it for him, as long as he's able to save her.
also, i don't know if you've seen ep11 yet, but in case you haven't, sol believes the situation with the serial killer has been resolved — and even before that, i think she would never have given up on sunjae. she simply couldn't keep herself away from him anymore because she loves him so wholeheartedly, and it's literal hell for her to stay away, but that doesn't mean for even one second that she's accepted his eventual death.
this girl was ready to sacrifice herself just so sunjae could live. she'll do everything in her power to save him. 🥺🤍
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thatgirl4815 · 11 months
Sand & Ep11
I keep remembering this ask I got a while back, and I think it's important now more than ever.
If I was Sand, I personally would not give Boeing the time of day for what he did to me. I would be livid. I would never speak to him again.
But Sand is not me. Sand is more forgiving than is probably healthy for him. Even though it is something I hope he works on for his own benefit, it doesn't change the fact that for the moment, that is who he is. That's his flaw just as much as it his strength.
Caring for people is generally regarded as a positive trait because it is, but there's a such thing as caring too much for people who do not show that same care back to you. That is the position Sand seems to find himself in continuously. I believe Ray does care about Sand, but it took so long for that to be communicated to Sand in the way he deserves. The reason their relationship has lasted is because Sand does not demand that reassurance the way many people would, even though he might want it. Words of affirmation are not at the top of Sand's love language list.
I don't want to prescribe any definitive long-term childhood response to Sand from what little information we have, but given the emphasis on Sand's absent father, I think it's safe to say that Sand faces some abandonment issues. Growing up, he only ever had his mom; of course he was bound to cling to her very tightly. That is where I imagine his caring behavior has stemmed from most. Additionally, having so few people on his life that he could rely on, he learned to be a support system for others and learn not to complain for what he has.
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I think Sand is in a position where he objectively understands that he is mistreated. He admits as much to both Ray and Nick. But he can’t break out of this cycle because there’s a deep-seated fear in him. A fear of being alone? A fear of being abandoned? A fear of not being good enough or “special” to anyone?
I have been wrestling with myself over the past day about Sand’s behavior in Ep11. And I’ve realized that a reason why I feel so ambivalent about it—a reason I don’t like to admit—is because it’s related to Boeing, not Ray.
Sand has received the same criticism he’s facing in Ep11 in past episodes: i.e., “He needs to know his worth and tell off Ray for what he’s doing to him.” A very similar situation has now arisen with Boeing. Sand is once again trapped in the cycle. He is nice to Boeing because even after what Boeing does to him, he cannot handle the thought of banishing him from his life for good—not when Boeing is still here and willing to engage with him. Again, we see the conflict between what he knows he should do and what he defaults to.
I empathize with Sand’s plight here, and I understand that it is difficult for him to react to Boeing and Ray. Where my frustrations arise are in the way he reacts to Ray’s reaction.
Ray is insanely passive aggressive at the end of Ep11. Sand has seen this all before; Ray lingers at the bar after being told to go home, he invites Boeing over without really wanting to invite him over, and he invites Sand to get naked in the pool with them. Each time, Boeing eggs him on by agreeing, playing up the guise of “we’re all friends here!” while simultaneously making both pointed and subtle jabs at his previous relationship with Sand (the most obvious being the “we’ve already seen every part of each other” line).
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I’m of the belief that Sand is very aware of how Ray feels, especially in that ending shot when he looks between Ray and Boeing. But he does not ever confront Boeing or disengage from the situation. He’s playing into Boeing’s guise, and both he and Ray know it.
In virtually every part of Part 4, we see Sand caught in this same perpetual cycle where he lets people walk all over him. While I empathize with his struggles, as I said, there's a part of me that believes his boyfriend’s discomfort with the situation should supersede that. He committed to Ray, not Boeing, and this situation with Boeing is posing a threat to that.
This is not me saying that Sand needs to scream at Boeing and cuss him out for what he did to him. But I do think Sand needs to acknowledge much more firmly that he is Ray’s boyfriend. Sand can be nice to Boeing and offer him friendship, but he cannot allow Boeing to make advances on him and hang around with them when Boeing so clearly has other intentions. (There’s an argument that maybe Boeing does genuinely want a friendship with Sand, but after the way he talks with Sand and how he handled the TopMew situation, I don’t believe that for a second).
This isn’t easy for Sand, but when Ray is right there, he has to be more direct. Boeing was his past but Ray is his present. Much like how Sand encouraged Ray to go to rehab, I think Ray will encourage Sand to stand up for himself against Boeing.
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 day
I'm aspiring to make a clip compilation of Skinner being on the receiving end of gay jokes (+ ChalmSkinn scenes/jokes) and here's the list I've managed to compile thus far, organized by joke category:
“Skinner gets called gay”
Skinner gets assumed as a "homersexual" and Homer asks if he's into women - s2 ep14: Principal Charming
Chalmers tells Skinner to be gay on his own time after Skinner says they have horoscopic compatibility - s16 ep17: The Heartbroke Kid
Child draws Skinner kissing a merman as a prank - s17 ep18: The Wettest Stories Ever Told
Skinner AND Chalmers get called the worst-dressed gay men a substitute teacher has ever met - s24 ep15: Black-Eyed, Please
“Wait, IS Skinner gay (bi)?”
Bart tells Skinner to get himself fired from the army by flirting with his commanding officer, which Skinner accepts without hesitation - s5 ep19: Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badaasssss Song
Skinner reads a Confirmed Bachelor Magazine while looking over detention - s21 ep4: Treehouse of Horror XX
Skinner kisses Groundskeeper Willie and they both realize they kinda like kissing men and go from uncomfortable to REALLY making out - s21 ep15: Stealing First Base
“Skinner and Chalmers have a... situationship.”
Chalmers teases Skinner and excitedly shows off his new Honda to him - s8 ep7: Lisa's Date With Density
Chalmers says he wished he and Skinner were closer when Skinner gets killed in front of him - s18 ep4: Treehouse of Horror XVII
Skinner honors the "ding" in "balding" for Chalmers - s18 ep5: G.I. D'oh
Chalmers and Skinner create the production company "ChalmSkinn" and do some morally dubious scheming together while wearing atleast 3 matching outfits - s19 ep18: Any Given Sundance
Chalmers tells Skinner they should start eating a cock cannoli that flew in through the window at both ends to hide it from Agnes, and that quote, "They'll know they're safe when their lips meet in the middle", they then proceed without hesitation - s20 ep1: Pies, Sex and Idiot Scrapes
Chalmers lays down on Skinner's thigh and tells Skinner to hold his head and say soothing things - s20 ep21 - Coming To Homerica
Skinner flirts with Chalmers and gets called a regular Casanova by him - s22 ep11: Flaming Moe
Demon ChalmSkinn's entire character - s26 ep4: Treehouse of Horror XXV
Kearney asks Skinner if he likes Chalmers so much, why doesn't he marry him? Skinner says that as Superintendent Chalmers is basically married to all of his principals and smiles proudly - s30 ep1: Bart's Not Dead
Just. Most of the episode. - s32 ep8: The Road to Cincinnati
If you know any more scenes that fit into these categories PLEASE tell me, I want to be as thorough as possible with this compilation.
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Don't mind me. I'm just casually thinking about how much Amity cares about Luz and always making sure her sweet patato is safe.
Yeah, gonna be a long list...
-Attacking Otabin to save Luz (S1 EP7)
-Keeping Luz in a magical cage to prevent her from getting hurt (S1 EP12)
-Worrying about Luz when she hears her scream while distracting Slitherbeast (S1 EP12)
-Pulling Luz to hide from Inner Willow (S1 EP15)
-Standing between Luz and Grom to protect Luz and saying "Stay away from her!" (S1 EP16)
-Rushing to go get Willow and Gus when Luz gets in trouble with Boscha (S1 EP17)
-Pushing Luz aside to protect her from Boscha's attack and getting herself injured in the process (S1 EP17)
-Tearing an abomaton apart to prevent it from stepping on her Grom photo with Luz, Willow and Gus (S2 EP2)
-Disobeying her mother for the first time in her life to save Luz's life and saying "Stay away from MY LUZ!" (S2 EP2)
-Shielding Luz with her own body to protect Luz when abomaton attacks them (S2 EP2)
-Being worried about Luz's well-being when she was sick with common mold (S2 EP9)
-Risking her own life while going to Eclipse Lake to find some Titan blood for Luz (S2 EP9)
-Silencing Hunter when he was about to threaten Luz (S2 EP9)
-Fighting Hunter and eventually giving up on the portal key when he threatens Luz's safety (S2 EP9)
-Saving Luz's life from Kikimora (S2 EP11)
-Getting overly worried when Terra mentions that Belos will meet Luz again (S2 EP11)
-Attacking Tibbles when he makes fun of Luz (S2 EP13)
-Thinking about Luz's whereabouts and trying to find out her messages (S2 EP18)
-Having a near emotional breakdown due to worrying about Luz's safety (S2 EP20)
-Attempting to attack Odalia for insulting Luz (S2 EP20)
-Worrying about Luz once she realizes she is kidnapped by Kikimora (S2 EP20)
-Rushing to Belos' castle to help Luz (S2 EP21)
-Keeping rocks from crushing Luz (S2 EP21)
-Attempting to reach Luz when she almost got pulled by Collector (S2 EP21)
-Getting worried when she can't find Luz and Hunter around (S3 EP1)
-Immediately casting a spell to prevent Luz from falling to water while fighting possessed Hunter (S3 EP1)
-Pulling Luz back from the portal door and checking if she's hurt (S3 EP2)
-Looking for Luz and Camila after attacked by Kikimora (S3 EP2)
-Covering Luz for a brief moment before getting pulled up by Collector (S3 EP3)
-Tearing up once she realizes she was about to attack Luz in the nightmare sequence (S3 EP3)
-Immediately looking for Luz when gets free of her puppet form (S3 EP3)
-Nearly breaking down in tears when Hunter mentions Luz before Camila holds her (S3 EP3)
I'm not really sure whether it's sweet or concerning... I mean yeah, Amity sure cares about Luz a lot and wants to make sure her girlfriend is okay.
Yet, it also seems a bit too much. Yeah, Amity loves Luz and you can get easily worried about the people you love.
But still, maybe Amity also should go and get some therapy... Just in case, y'know😐
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fixated-on-something · 3 months
Since absolutely nobody asked, magicians rankings based off of absolutely nothing but my personal opinions (1 being the best in each category)
Seasons (best to worst)
1- Season 3
2- Season 4
3- Season 2
4- Season 1
5- Season 5
Favourite Episodes
1- A Life in the Day (S3 ep5)
2- No Better to Be Safe Than Sorry (S4 ep13)
3- All That Josh (S3 ep9)
4- Escape From the Happy Place (S4 ep5)
5- All That Hard, Glossy Armor (S4 ep10)
6- The Mountain of Ghosts (S5 ep3)
7- Remedial Battle Magic (S1 ep11)
8- Plan B (S2 ep7)
9- Impractical Applications (S1 ep6)
10- Have You Brought Me Little Cakes (S1 ep13)
Characters (best to worst, main cast)
1- Eliot and Quentin (tie)
2- Penny 40
3- Margo
4- Josh
5- Fen
6- Kady
7- Penny 23
8- Julia
9- Alice
Favourite musical numbers
1- Under Pressure
2- Take On Me
3- Dont Get Me Wrong
4- Here I Go Again
5- Storm Coming
6- I Wanna Be Sedated
7- One Day More
(Honorable mention to Shake it Off)
Favourite reoccurring bits/plotlines
1- Obviously it’s anything queliot related- but specifically peaches and plums. 50 YEARS AUGHHHH
2- Singing Spell
3- Emotion Bottles
4- Eliot being a gayass theatre kid
5- Ovary Up!
I know I’m missing a few- I’ll add them if I remember them later
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fortpeat · 2 years
Do you think Prapai and Sky are cuddly sleepers, keep to their own space, or one of them is super clingy and the other just allows it to happen?
Hey Nonnie ❤️
Oh they are definitely cuddly sleepers like literally clinging to each other so hard there is no space even for air. And it's been proven canon wise from EP11 and EP13. One of their love languages is physical touch and especially for Sky it seems like having some sort of physical contact with Prapai seems to calm him down effectively. And Prapai our residential golden retriever, thrives on being able to hold Sky shower him with kisses every 2 secs.
Sky who has only know pain in the form of physical touch due to his past relationship is finally knowing how it feels to be worshipped and feel as if he is precious through Prapai and that is very important to Sky so he will always want Prapai to hold him every single night when they are together. Especially in the beginning of their relationship it is through physical contact with Prapai that Sky felt safe after his nightmares. So yeah it's definitely cute to see them all cuddly but there is so much more emotional weight behind those touches.
I definitely did not watch these two scenes all over again and cried because of how much I miss them. Nope. Definitely not.
Exhibit 1 and 2
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shantechni · 2 years
⚠️[Spoilers for Buddy Daddies EP10 and 11]⚠️
I Wasn't Sad When She Died, I Was Mad
Let me say right away that I do like Kyutaro as a character, he's the in-between of the organization's dark world and the main trio's world of light, the middle man who reminds the audience and characters that he's not a good guy, yet has shown that he's reliable and capable of keeping a secret.
Now then, in spite of all of that, I sort of loathe the guy.
I don't think I'll ever be sure if this is a major L on the writers' part due to time constraints and whatnot, or if they legitimately thought having someone with a moral compass as nomadic and contradictory as the air around you was a good idea.
I guess I should start by mentioning the elephant in the room (something I'd already mentioned in a random reblog last week): he thinks Kazuki and Rei don't have the right to raise Miri after having killed her father. That makes sense out of context, but in the actual context of the show, killing her dad literally has no impact on Miri nor the world around them. Kyutaro keeps nonverbally dubbing himself as the judge for whether or not they'd be willing to bear the sin of killing her dad like they haven't killed dozens of others before (if anything, as Kazuki stated, they have to bear that sin by raising Miri, it's only logical to take responsibility for your actions). Miri's dad doesn't even have a name worth recalling honestly. He's only known for being a human trafficker who cheats on his wife, and bore an illegitimate child with one of his mistresses (of whom he didn't show any recognition for, likely due to him never knowing she existed).
Kazuki and Rei will bear the weight of that sin as well as they've been carrying the weight of their other sins, and Miri will easily go about her life either knowing or not knowing her biological father because it is of no concern to her at this age. Likely wouldn't be of concern to her if she were older either because she doesn't seem like the type of person to dwell on the unknowns that don't need to be known. Children often value those who actually cared for them over someone they've hardly breathed in the same room as, so why would she ever assign any significant amount of emotion towards her real dad when these two grown men are doing so much for her already?
"How do you think she'd feel if she knew?" IDK MAYBE NOTHING
Now then, for the hippo in the room: we saw that he's the one who called Misaki to take Miri back into her custody once Ogino and the organization relentlessly told him to do something about Kazuki and Rei's new life with Miri. And it would make sense to do that, y'know? As I said before in hope, Misaki wouldn't have been on the organization's radar, and as another fan stated, their interest would've likely waned once Miri disappeared and the guys went back to work full-time, right??
Nope, EP11 literally opens up with Shigeki outright telling Rei that Miri and Misaki will be dealt with because he still appears to be attached. Chaos ensues, Misaki unfortunately gets shot and killed, and Kyutaro and Kazuki have to somberly drive Miri back to his safe house without her knowing what transpired.
Now, it's already bad enough that Misaki was clearly willing to put in the effort to change for Miri's sake and happiness, only to sadly meet a tragic end no sooner than when she made the decision.
But, Kyutaro's handling of this whole situation is the only reason Misaki is dead to begin with.
He constantly reminded Kazuki and Rei about what the organization is capable of when you step out of line, but actively put Misaki in danger by connecting her with Miri and the guys when he told her to take Miri. He was so adamant about choosing the best option for Miri's happiness, but he somehow thought separting her from Kazuki and Rei would be in her best interest. He hardly even mentioned her safety now that I think back, he just grilled the guys over keeping her for so long and said she's better off with her mom than the two men who killed her dad. He didn't keep in mind that Miri actually loves them, or that the guys actually love her, that or he stubbornly ignored it. He had the audacity to say, "She meant more to you than I thought," as though he didn't see them literally zoom across the city for her multiple times when she was left at the cafe.
If he really wanted to keep everyone's best interest in mind, he would've taken Miri to the BIG WOODEN SAFE HOUSE HE CONVENIENTLY HAD AT THE END OF EP11, NOT SEND HER OFF TO A PLACE WHERE NO ONE CAN PROTECT HER AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE-
This all just make it seem like bringing Misaki back into the equation was pointless and the worst possible thing to do, and it makes me mad. Yeah sure a little sad, but I'm more so frustrated from the absurdity oozing out of this 'intelligent' man who seems like he'd know what to do when things need to be done. Like, there were better decisions, and this woman lost her life because you thought you were doing the right thing, even though you also thought it wasn't quite the right thing to do.
Unless this is all leading up to some kind of wild twizzler twist near the end, he's an irreconcilable man who does nothing but create the conflict rather than solve it.
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saturn-sends-hugs · 2 years
Ok had a long car ride so guess what EP11 THOUGHTS LETS GOOOO:
(plus a good amount of ep12 predictions cause uh i am very excited bkshsjjkssk)
Couple little things first, starting with WHY DID I HAVE TO SEE NALA SE AGAIN. I mean I knew logically we would see her again but that doesn’t mean I was ready for it >:( i do not forgive u for fives u cruel cruel long lady
Then the batch telling Cid off!!! Slay!! Absolutely slay get it that is so important, especially that Omega was directly calling her out for leaving them stranded. I’m really interested to see where that storyline goes and if they either end up leaving Cid (and probably adding to Omegas trust issues in the process cause WOW everyone is letting her down these days (echo i love u but ur girl is not ok)), or if they stay with her and she gets some sort of redemption arc? Idk, can’t decide which seems more likely, but all I can say is I hope next episode has absolutely nothing to do with it. Like it’s an interesting storyline but… yeahh…
And oh god, the boys walking around the ship, why was Wrecker the only one being smart??? Like Tech just ran off on his own, knowing full well the creature was most likely still on the ship, Hunter had his just mwah chefs kiss line of “Whatever did this wasn’t human,” like… HMMM HUNTER I HADNT NOTICED (“And where there’s a farm, there’s usually a farmer!”) But Wrecker was actually paying attention!! He picked up the volt-staff (which like yeah he was gonna anyways but it was still smart) and he made note of the walls being reinforced meaning whatever they were holding must be something strong. And later in the episode he sees the Empire snag the zillo beast and he takes note of how “They’re not killing it. They’re taking it.” Like I love those little moments where Wrecker just passively shows off how smart he is?? He plays the big goofy guy since it’s just kinda his personality, but he still knows his stuff. Hell, he made a rocket launcher out of parts from a separatist tank in less than a minute while under fire from the enemy?? And it worked perfectly? And repeatedly??? Anyway Wrecker spiel over but the man is a genius and I love him.
Tech and Omega’s moments in this episode, oh i lOVE THEM. Him messing up and scaring her then kinda not knowing how to fix it, Omega unplugging his datapad to make him get going, Tech immediately covering her while they ran from explosion omG I LOVE THEM. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH they are so wonderful and sweet and perfect and Filoni I swEAR YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH THEM (I feel like they’re safe for the most part but still, I do not trust. (like of all of them I think Hunter, Omega and Wrecker are the safest? They kinda can’t be taken out; you need the leader, you can’t lose the kid, and Wrecker is pretty much the majority of the comic relief. And Tech is safe-ish too cause he’s just such a character type that I feel like you can’t get rid of him. But uh… Echo and Cross are not safe. They are very much so in danger, maybe Echo most of all and oh god I am scared for him. And also Cody if he ever comes back. …where is cody..?))
OK and now for bigger things like oMG ECHO AND REX HOLY SHIBSJSBSJBSKZNZKDNOEBEKSNSKLSMSNSJXLDNSKNSKS YES YES ABSOLUTELY CALL ECHO AND REX I NEED TO SEE THEMMMMMM!!! The way Hunter did his little main character moment slow zoom when he said that? There’s absolutely no way that’s not important to this weeks episode or at least the one after that so AAAAAA I AM SO EXCITEDDDDD. The batch has needed Echo so much in every single episode since he left; Tech going off on his own in this one felt so wrong because Echo should’ve been right there with himmm!! (i mean he should 100% be with rex but like you get what i mean)
And at the end when Lama Su mentions kidnapping Omega again? That feels equally important. Not only is the Empire going to have to admit that Clone Force 99 isn’t dead, but they’re going to have to start hunting them down again to get Omega. And to me, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Crosshair being ordered to hunt Omega down in particular, since he knows the batch so well and would know best how to snatch Omega from them. (Also like story-wise… who else would it be? …Boba?) Now would that be so incredibly painful and awful to see? Yes, yes it would. Am I still incredibly excited to see it? ALSO YES.
And with both of these things, the Echo and Rex mention and a target on Omega, as well as the fact that this next episode is (i’m pretty sure?) confirmed to have Crosshair in it, I’m really really hoping the episode follows either of them (Cross or Rex and Echo) and their paths end up crossing?? Like maybe Crosshair gets his orders to hunt down Omega, and in trying to track the batch he ends up finding a lead on just Echo? Or maybe it follows Rex and Echo looking into the zillo beast and in trying to find out more they run into Crosshair? And maybe they find out abt Cody??? And anD AND OOO maybe Echo has a moment where he finally decides, fuck it, I can’t leave my brother with the empire any longer and he like tries to reason with Cross? Idk but either way I am REALLY hoping they cross paths somehow plEASE ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE SEEN EITHER OF THEMMM 😭😭😭
like it is in fact womens history month and also my birthday on thursday so mr filoni is actually legally obligated to not emotionally destroy me thank you very much :D
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ghostdrinkssoup · 2 years
*jazz hands* hey dudes I’m back with more hannibal notes/reactions (s1 ep11) except it’s just the silly goofy ones 🥹
omg is chilton back ??
“poke around a psychopath’s mind, bound to get poked back” haha hi there s2
ocean imagery, ice turning into water, drowning 😳 (twotl is that you ??)
well at least gideon knows how to hold himself accountable 🤷‍♀️
chilton is such a gaslighter omg
“worked for me” killing as a substitute for divorce almost worked for hannibal too 😩 *mizumono flashbacks*
see will would lowkey be the most op serial killer ever. he absorbs all their techniques and shit, he’s like the avatar except instead of past lives it’s all the killers he’s analysed LMAO
^^ will really could’ve picked any career field. like I know his empathy is a ✨metaphor✨ but also if he can presumably get into anyone’s head and relive their experiences then damn he could really do whatever he wants but no, his dream career was this bullshit </333
alternate reality where will gives up being a criminal profiler and becomes a gothic poet like if u agree
“I just feel like somebody else” - hannibal is just sitting there listening to will unravel like 😊
“I feel crazy” “it is what you fear most” omg he really is just like me fr 😩
“will, you have me as your gauge” - I love how this is hannibal feigning security (and being a manipulative piece of shit) but also hannibal being like 🥺 I want you to rely on me. I am your paddle <3 I hate him he’s the worst therapist and boyfriend to ever exist
^^ also the idea that they’re the same 😳
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be careful what you wish for kids
oh freddie we’re really in it now
“gave you something better to do with your tongue than wag it” THAT WAS SO OUT OF POCKET LMAO
not the dating imagery again </333 why do all the killers in this show want to date hannibal,, my fave romcom fr,,
gideon is like *tears up* freddie don’t fuck with me rn
chesapeake ripper mimicking kills and throwing himself into the fray? that’s very copycat killer of him… it’s almost like they’re the same- *gunshot*
severed arm, observatory, boom gottem
hannibal was like 🙄 yeah I got your invite, I saw on my ipad. I don’t want to fucking date you *calls the cops*
hannibal is such a snitch damn
the beginning of chilton’s looney tunes suffering arc (it only gets worse from here)
FREDDIE JUST STANDING THERE 😭 this would be so horrible to witness jesus
“I feel like fluid, like I’m spilling” WATER IMAGERY
don’t let go jack *my heart will go on plays distantly in the background*
^^ this appearing in the same episode as all that ice imagery? this really is titanic omg
“it’s hard to shake off something that’s already under your skin” this line BANGS
doesn’t will like,, run off in this scene?
it’s gonna take him to hannibal’s house omfg
why is will following the stag to hannibal lowkey romantic LMAOOO he’s gotta follow his heart and mental illness <3
“I was expecting the chesapeake ripper… not his boyfriend”
WILL IN THE CAR he’s not gonna walk to hannibal’s BSDBBSBD
gideon delivering will to hannibal all sheepish like “man sorry to do this I know it’s a bit awkward but I found your man out in the wild and thought I should probably take him home” 😭
HANNIBAL’S FACE LMAOOO he really said 😟
hannibal said no more girlboss only gaslight
hannibal deserved everything he got in s2 he was so fucked for this
the saddest thing about this is hannibal is the only person will trusts enough to be vulnerable and open with,,, the only one he feels safe enough to breakdown in front of. he’s a safe presence in his mind *screams in agony*
“he’s had a mild seizure” “that doesn’t seem to bother you” “… I said it was mild” NDNDHHD FUCK WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY
^^ whenever hannibal’s hypocrisy is pointed out to him he’s always so confused like “??? god guys it’s not like I HATE will I care about him ?? I’m his paddle ?? I’ll set his brain on fire and gaslight him to the point of mental collapse but it’s not like the seizure was that bad 🙄 he’s literally fine”
hannibal rlly said I want her GONE (it was very rude of her to kiss will 💔 god he’s petty)
hannibal being sweet to will now is so sick and twisted,, not the little smile,, I hate him
“I’m worried about alana” SHUT UP
alana :((( I’m sorry queen
BEDELIA ??? hello there <3 *thinking lesbian thoughts*
hannibal fr is like a child, he’s throwing around his favourite stuffed toy thinking it’ll be fine if the arm breaks, or an eye falls off. he’s too rough with no real regard for the consequences 😩
oh hannibal *head in my HANDS*
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reikurusu · 1 year
The Buddy Daddies x Taylor Swift Playlist No One Asked For
I feel like there are a lot of Taylor Swift songs that fit Buddy Daddies! Be it the show in general, KazuRei’s relationship (most songs can be interpreted as both platonic and romantic imo), their relationship with Miri,…
So I decided to make a list!
And since there were more songs than I had initially anticipated, I put the list under a cut. You can find the songs (with link) below, as well as why I think they fit Buddy Daddies! Seriously, this got pretty long… You’ve been warned!
PS: Feel free to add more songs that you think fit! :) Or if you agree with songs I picked but have a more insightful explanation as to why certain songs fit, go ahead!
PPS: You know Kazuki has T-Swift on while cooking. He says it’s because Miri listens to her, but we all know Miri (and Rei, by extension and reluctantly) started listening because of Kazu!
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Change: “Because these things will change Can you feel it now? These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down” I feel like this one is fairly obvious! The concept of change is very present in Buddy Daddies, especially in the second half of the season. And listening to the lyrics of this song, it just really fits Kazuki and Rei’s outlook on things in my opinion! Also: “You can walk away, say we don’t need this But there’s something in your eyes Says we can beat this” Is this not literally Rei and Kazuki’s conversation in ep11, when Kazuki wants to give up Miri to keep her safe, while Rei wants to take care of her and protect her like that? This song is such a KazuRei song, guys, like damn!
The Best Day “I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall But I know you’re not scared of anything at all Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away But I know I had the best day with you today” Literally Miri to her Papas and her Mama! Obviously not everything fits, but if we’d gotten a version of the show in which Misaki survived and took care of Miri along with Kazuki and Rei, this would’ve been so perfect!! I guess it’s the perfect song for a fix it fic?
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Long Live "Long live the walls we crashed through How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you” I feel like this one has a similar vibe as Change. How Rei and Kazuki overcame so many obstacles on their way to a happy family with Miri. It’s once again a song that carries a lot of hope in my opinion, hope that no matter what you go through, it’ll be all right in the end. Which obviously is very fitting to Buddy Daddies.
Innocent "It’s alright, just wait and see Your string of lights is still bright to me Oh, who you are is not where you’ve been” This could be about either Kazuki or Rei, or one of them towards the other. How the dark part of the world they belong to shouldn’t define who they are as a person (kind of like, just because you do bad things, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, if that makes sense). And how their younger selves (child, teenager, doesn’t really matter) probably had a completely different idea of how their life would turn out (maybe Rei less than Kazuki considering how he grew up…) EITHER WAY, it fits and it’s giving me feels!
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Forever Winter “Too young to know it gets better I’ll be summer sun for you forever” I feel like this fits Kazuki when he first met Rei. How Rei was a shell of a person and Kazuki did everything he could to gradually bring the real Rei out (or part of the real Rei because we all know Miri helped a lot with that as well). “He says he doesn’t believe anything much he hears these days I say, “Believe in one thing, I won’t go away"” Just… Is this not Kazuki taking care of Rei? T_T
Run "There’s been this hole in my heart This thing was a shot in the dark Say you’ll never let ‘em tear us apart And I’ll hold onto you while we run” I think this one definitely fits more when you view KazuRei as romantic. But I think the sentiment of the song just really fits them wanting to live their own life instead of having to continue to do what the organization wants them to do.
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Bad Blood “Now we got problems And I don’t think we can solve ’em” Aka the song that should’ve played during KazuRei’s raid in ep 12!! I think this is just their overall view of the organization by the end of the series. It’s just an epic song and imagining Kazuki and Rei killing Ogino and all the others with this song blasting… Good shit.
I Know Places “They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run” It’s kinda hard to explain this one, because it’s more as if the vibe of the song fits the show? If that makes sense? There are lyrics that do fit, of course, mainly the feeling Rei and Kazuki must’ve had knowing the organization was after them, but the feeling of tension and being chased, hunted,… Idk, it fits to me.
This Love “These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me” At first I figured this could be seen as a KazuRei song, but while listening to it to see if it could really fit, I realised it could definitely be seen as the love Kazuki and Rei have for Miri? How they had to give her up, how they got her back, how she was the reason they managed to change, how they would never have guessed how much taking care of her would mean to them when they first met Miri,… Just listen to it with all of that in mind and tell me it doesn’t fit!
Wonderland “We found Wonderland You and I got lost in it And we pretended it could last forever” Aka the song that started this all. I was just randomly listening to this one and my brainrotted mind went “hey, Buddy Daddies” and it works so well!! If you think of “Wonderland” as Rei and Kazuki’s life with Miri, how they were completely enthralled by her and how they lost what they had,… "But there were strangers watching And whispers turned to talking And talking turned to screams” This is literally when they found out that the organization was after them and Miri. Aaahhh!! I’m normal about this song in combination with BD! It fits so well!! This song also inspired one of my earlier BD gifsets, which you can find here!
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Dancing With Our Hands Tied “My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden” This is again a more romantic KazuRei song (the lyric above really feels like Kazuki after Yuzuko’s death). It’s about two people trying to stay together even though others want to tear them apart. This again really fits with the story of Buddy Daddies, with Shigeki wanting to separate Rei from Kazuki (and Miri obviously, but let’s just look at it from a romantic pov this time). Like “I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted” Does this not sum them up?
Delicate “Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you Oh, damn, never seen that color blue” Again a more romatic song for Rei and Kazuki, maybe a bit more from Kazu’s POV? (Especially the lyrics I quoted because is that not Kazuki seeing Rei for the first time in Yadorigi). I think this really fits the relationship between Kazuki and Rei before they know what’s going on between them. They’re partners in their jobs, sure, but sometimes, there are these moments... And it’s confusing and what’s going on and all that. Also, there’s this amazing male cover of this song, so if you want to picture it even more, be sure to listen to it! (He has more covers of songs listed here, so I’d really recommend listening to them!)
Look What You Made Me Do “But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined” Obviously this song has strong Bad Blood vibes so it would be also be perfect during Kazuki and Rei’s raid on the Suwa mansion! Okay, now I’m imagining Unhinged Kazuki having his phone on full volume blasting this song while killing a bunch of guys. Rei is so tired of him... Okay, nevermind that tangent, but the song is a vibe and it also fits because if Shigeki would’ve just let Rei be happy with Kazuki and Miri, none of it would’ve happened. Look what you made them do, Shigeki. Look at it!!
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Daylight "I don’t wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don’t wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night And now I see daylight” I think this one can be interpreted in many ways! A combination of Rei and Kazuki towards each other, in both a romantic as well as a platonic way. But I can definitely see it as Rei and Kazuki towards Miri as well. How she was the reason for the changes they made and how happy they are that they managed to change because of her! How they finally managed to get a soft life after everything they went through! Also special shout-out to @toripar who’s pointed out how well this song fits them!
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Seven “And I’ve been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates” Okay, so to be honest, most of this song doesn’t really fit I guess, but holy crap, the lyrics I quoted above?? Is that not Kazuki at Rei? Jfc!! I literally just added this song for those lyrics!
This Is Me Trying “Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down” The sentiment in this one really fits both Kazuki and Rei. I know not all the lyrics make sense, but the feeling of trying your best despite all the crap you’ve gone through/are going through really fits both our boys. They both went through crap, but try to be better every day. For Miri, for themselves, for each other.
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Tolerate it “You assume I’m fine, but what would you do if I I break free and leave us in ruins? Took this dagger in me and removed it? Gain the weight of you then lose it Believe me, I could do it” THIS IS LITERALLY A REI SONG?? Just picture Rei and his father’s relationship while listening to it! I feel like it especially fits younger Rei, from before he left his father to live on his own. How even back then, Rei knew that this wasn’t how a father should act towards their son. I know some things don’t add up, like the idolisation of the other person in the song, which is something Rei didn’t do obviously. The way Shigeki only saw Rei as a cog in the machine that is the organization, how Rei had to accept everything his father said and did…  But on the other hand, maybe he once did idiolize his father, when he was younger and didn’t know better yet? Because that’s how it goes in the Suwa family? Either way, it’s a Rei song!
Cowboy Like Me “And the skeletons in both our closets Plotted hard to fuck this up” Two people doing their sketchy jobs, meeting one another through said jobs and falling in love? Do I need to say more? Obviously a more romantic song, but I guess in some way it can be interpreted as platonic as well.
Right Where You Left Me “Everybody moved on I, I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared Right where you left me” This one doesn’t really fit, to be honest, but the part above just really feels like Kazuki after Yuzuko’s death. That’s the only reason I added this song.
It’s Time To Go “15 years, 15 million tears Begging 'til my knees bled I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all Then wondered why I left Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones Praying to his greed He's got my past frozen behind glass But I've got me” Again, a song that for the most part doesn’t fit the show, but I just wanted to point out these lyrics because this is literally the relationship between Rei and his father.
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You’re On Your Own, Kid “I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can’t take away 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take" So for this song it’s mainly the bridge and the ending that fits Buddy Daddies. I feel like there are so many references to Rei and Kazuki, how they did everything they could to protect Miri and their little family, how Rei cut ties with his father, how they let go of their pasts and their traumas to live happily with Miri and each other! I know this may sound like an exaggeration, but I sometimes tear up during this part just thinking of Buddy Daddies (this being one of my favourite TS songs is probably a reason as well). I might even try to edit a video with this last part of the song…
The Great War “My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War” This is a bit 50/50, but it still fits in a way. I know that the original meaning of the song doesn’t really make sense in the situation, but if you regard "The Great War” (which in the song means an argument) as Kazuki and Rei’s battle to leave the organization and live their life with Miri, it works. Also just the symbolisms of fighting and war and blood and everything that’s mentioned fit with Rei and Kazuki’s jobs.
Bigger Than The Whole Sky “Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye You were bigger than the whole sky You were more than just a short time" I feel like this song really fits how Kazuki and Rei must’ve felt after giving Miri back to Misaki. But besides that, I like to picture that there is a deeper meaning to the song as well: The song often repeats the lyrics “I’m never gonna meet what could’ve been, would’ve been, what should’ve been you”. And like I said before, this really fits Kazuki and Rei giving Miri up, but I think it also fits Rei and Kazuki giving up the versions of themselves they’d hoped they could’ve become when they started to take care of Miri, bringing back the whole plotline of change. A while ago, I decided to make a fanvid with this song and the show. If you want to watch it, you can find it here. Feel free to let me know what you think! I’m really happy with how it turned out, even if it is kinda angsty and sad.
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If you managed to get to this point and read everything, HOLY CRAP! Thanks for the dedication and for reading my ramblings!! I hope you enjoyed them! <3
~ Charlotte
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geekygirl24 · 1 year
BL Prompts - Chapter 27 Links
Prompt from ZarZiZanKy - Mr Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss Naoya takes care of Kouta, established relationship. In their various group outings with friends, Kouta notices exactly how much attention Naoya pays to him to ensure that he is safe and the occasion is going incident free. He recognizes that Naoya does this effortlessly and near subconsciously. This cures Kouta of his insecure feeling that eventually Naoya will get tired of him and his bad luck. Confession at the end. Thanks
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Prompt from Partizano_marcus20: Hello! Prompts are open so here's mine: From enchante au where Theo lost a game/competition with his teammates (aka ambassadors) and as such, they punish him with…a gangbang. Pure smut with taking turns. Thanks! Love your works as always ❤️ I did include Akk, even though he’s not technically an ambassador This chapter is NSFW!
Prompt from Sagarc - Hey, if prompts are still available can I request an open prompt for Shi Yi Jie and Fei Sheng Zhe from History2 Right or Wrong please?
Prompt from MisTResShawnie: Self doubt, misunderstandings, emotional hurt/comfort Sang Woo gets slightly hurt overhearing Jae Young doesn't expect them to do anything for Valentine's day. Sang Woo's internal dialogue ….."Sure I don't like red and thought love didn't really exist but this just makes me seem like a bad boyfriend, doesn't it. Doesn't Jae Young think I care enough to make an effort?"
Prompt from FRA-NBO - it's a bit of an old BL, but if you know Addicted, could the prompt be about that show? When Bai Luo Yin gets "kidnapped" in Ep11, I always wondered how Gu-Hai would've reacted or what he'd done when that one guy had srsly hit him with the cuffs!? Maybe you could create a what-if scenario? (btw i hope I got their names right - had to google them since it's been so long)
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN: Day 32
Chapter 32: “Action, Part 1”
From the very moment Norman walked out that door, Emma didn’t give herself any time to grieve and began formulating plans straight away and if that’s not the definition of strength and perseverance then I dunno what is. (kinda wish the anime had showed us how her mind was working overtime but I get they wanted to keep us on edge. that and it lacks internal dialogue to being with).
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WARNING: Master actor trope coming in hot! My love for this girl shot through the damn roof when I experienced ep11 for the first time. She is unbelievably clever and nothing thrills me more than seeing our sweet girl so pissed off like this.
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Once again, thanks to Krone for this valuable piece of advice because it certainly works wonders on Isabella. Well, I’ll partially give her credit for telling Emma this, but most of the praise goes to our leading actress as she effectively kept up the defeated, woe-is-me act for two whole months while also planning the real escape on the side, leaving Isabella (and even Ray) in the dark.
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I love them. I love my chaotic little duo so much. The fact they barely spoke to each other since Norman’s shipment yet managed to stay on the same wavelength by focusing on their respective escape plans and maintaining an effective false mask around Isabella is amazing.
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I love Isabella with all my heart, but how could she not notice all the supplies that went missing from the house? I know she was solely focused on RE and Emma mentions “Even if mom was watching us like a hawk, she only has two eyes,” but not once did mom ever question anything..? Really? The kids most likely secured items one thing at a time so she couldn’t notice something missing here or there, but that’s still a lot of stuff. (And someone tell me why the house even had backpacks?? It’s not like the adults wanted the kids to actually go anywhere.)
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Y’all don’t have time to chat! By now you got less than twenty minutes til midnight and Emma is already very aware of the crazy idea Ray’s hoping to carry out thanks to the note Norman left behind, but YEAH, sure! Let’s take a seat! Relax! Go ahead and fool us all sweetie, it’ll all contribute to the surprise factor later.
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I voice this wish a lot, but I really wanted to see them use those molotovs. It would’ve caused some damage to the other plants too but who cares! Imagine watching the escapees run across the wall and setting fires left and right, oohh that would’ve been so sick. Ray prepared so much for the escape with these and the tracker breaking device yet they all go unused and it’s a shame!
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I always loved this panel but recently I gotta admit it ain’t perfect. In my mind anyways. Of course it’s iconic and it sorta parallels that upcoming moment of Emma’s in ch33, but it annoys me that it breaks the 180 degree rule by suddenly having Ray on the right side! He’s been on the left for the majority of this chapter, so why switch our view of this entire scene now??
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Of course Ray’s still against taking the babies since they’ll be more of a hindrance once outside the farm, but what matters most to him is that Emma escapes safely, so he drops the unspoken argument. The way he also tells her to leave so she doesn’t have to witness himself being engulfed in flames is so bittersweet.. aahh god he just cares so much about her well-being and emotions and that makes me so soft for them.
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♫ Do you hear chidoroki scream? Screaming the name of an angry boy? It is the moment of the series that she’ll want not to witness again! When the beating of her heart echoes the laughter of his voice, she feared there will be no more Ray when tomorrow comes! ♫
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Dear boy, I love you to the moon and back, but I dunno whether to be very proud, scared or concerned??
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I always say that Ray used the camera for its intended purpose and took pictures to throw off any suspicions that Isabella could’ve had about the real reason why he wanted said camera as a reward, but the fact he kept every picture to give to Emma, the one person who loves this family more than anything, is so damn precious. (and it completely breaks my heart that the pictures eventually become altered at the end of the story thanks to demon bastard.)
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This post already feels long as hell but aahhh, this is definitely a moment I’m glad I didn’t have to wait for the manga to update.. I would’ve been crying the entire week.
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Favorite panel/moment:
My sweet boy I’m glad you had fun but noooo!!!!!
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petrichoraline · 2 years
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thanks to @pondphuwin @tinybangtanx and @chinzhillababy for indulging me and in such an incredible way too 😭🥰💖
okay, so *cracks knuckles* this is my big episode 11 prediction theory (and how it came to be) these are my predictions based on these beautiful cryptic resumes showed above. i should post a full ep11 script later, i just really want to get these out in the open before i go offline
at first the oishii pp part made me think in this direction: "those bottle scenes are always a bit spicy so maybe tinngun were doing another round of will-they-won't-they and looking at each others eyes while seductively gulping down pp juice when someone, maybe tinn's mom? walked in on them (and this was the last proof she needed to go off on tinn?)"
but then i was gobsmacked with "only drink from drinks you know about" which is giving "bar safety for girlies 101"? and makes me think about that "how each member of ateez would react if you ask them to watch your glass" video but anyways
i really doubt they're putting drugs into the last ep of The Wholesome Show™️ so there is def something else going on but quite important if two people decided it was vital to mention it
let's go to the other common point: "there is such a thing as taking "falling for you" too far" and "never give up but always watch ur step as u go"
i thought at first that this seems simple enough, a part of a pair (cause it's ep 11, obviously it's not gonna all be about tinngun) clumsily fell while being cute..i did, however, find it a bit sus it's one of two things said that @pondphuwin found worthy to mention..
so @chinzhillababy's addition made me paint a more colourful picture - person A upset person B, some big relationship quarrel occured but person A was like "oh no, this can't be it, i'm fighting for this, for us!" (based on the vibes of love and persistance the clues are exuding) and going after person B in a dramatic fashion, they fell down a solid amount of stairs; i was thinking tinngun tbh but reading about this type of stupidity just makes tiw's face steal tinn's spot in my imaginary scene..i can definitely see por being the needy bf being chased too. this would make sense if them secretly dating was canon and they had a fight about going public..i do, however, think my dash would have been bombarded with posts about it, so i feel i have to exclude that theory
honestly i'm just imagining someone making a dramatic love confession, falling fatally, ending up in hospital and dying (cause tissues?? went off with their acting?? @tinybangtanx your comment is so simple yet so confusing and it sets my imagination OFF)
but i remind myself this is the The Cute Vitamin of the Week Show™️ and get my head back in the boring reality of everyone being safe and sound 🙄 (if someone is actually seriously harmed i will kinda laugh ngl just because it'd feel like i've lost a bet brutally)
i can't get rid of the feeling it's more about a cathartic moment rather than a completely sad one, some type of breakthrough - although i imagine gun being a part of it, it might be the final conflict resolution or at least the open confrontation between tinn and his mom (which i imagine the show wouldn't treat lightly, their mom/son dynamic has been one of the constant themes of the show and this conversation is long overdue, the tension has been building since episode 1); ah, they better not be doing anything to gun's mom, considering the operation went well i doubt they'll be playing a will-she-won't-she (survive) in the last episodes (but the ending of the first resume is so ominous, the type of comment a person who's been hit by a shocker in a show and has been crying over fictional characters and is emotionally exhausted would put at the end of a sentence 😑(this is me squinting at you, mint, this "<3" bothered me more than the tissues comment! two takeaways is a sus amount of takeaways!! it reads as "idk what to tell ya this was a mess and i'm still not sure what i just watched"😭)
ugh let's move on, "arms are NOT legs (sometimes)" was the point at which i stopped squinting out of fear of being spoiled and just snorted loudly... this feels like another drunk gun moment- ohh
okay if the drink comment was NOT about the oishii product placement? if they are two different things OR there's not juice in those bottles? if someone really DID get drunk by accident and this arms-legs moment is just so cute and batshit insane that it HAD to be mentioned (but wasn't that important to the plot)?
i saw the thumbnails earlier btw so i know tiwpor are in this episode for sure but just realised i dont remember the preview from last week as i was trying to figure out what info i have from the previous ep
the arm/leg thing just reminds me of that yeosang video where he put his leg up during a photoshoot instead of his arm because the words sound the same but anyways; it also makes me think of like "give me your hand" and then they give him their leg..? or walking on all fours up stairs? (like it's basically a lot of drunk behaviour imagery, i'm stuck in this scenario lmao) so let's see the rest of the "details"
but before that i want to mention "never give up" really feels more like a not love-related thing, like chase your dreams or run after smth, it's only because of the "falling for you" line that i stay on the "romantic encounter/quarrel track)
(this is my thoughts flowing in real time, if you can't tell, that's why this post is two kilometers long, written in short paragraphs for orderliness and reading it probably feels like being splashed with a shot of espresso in the face at every turn)
okay maybe the arm/leg thing is about a hit? slap vs kick? and the sometimes is like.. whatever gets the job done? lol dramatic por shit if you ask me but maybe soundgun are finally battling that sexual tension out idk (again, my feed would not shut up if that were the case)
"you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" - okay who kissed who? like this is definitely about a cheesy ass romantic moment (im imagining a camping tent cause that's what i associate mosquitoes with apparently lmao but this ain't golden blood); like one of these guys sucked on someone's wrist or..?? maybe it's a cute nickname, maybe it's about the actual insect but someone (i am seeing tiwpor because of a thumbnail being stuck in my head) for sure turned a huh? moment into a cute type of confession thing (i can't get a tiwpor in a tent scenario out of my head, i'm corrupted);
"if you're feeling dizzy hold on tight" - the more i read the more i feel someone ended up at a hospital.. did someone fall off a bike?? did they fall from the stairs?? (there are school stairs in my mind and i can't do anything about that, they're part of my imaginary ep set now)
i am so sleepy at this point i just saw the cute poses they were doing in a gif (and immediately clicked away okay) that i also saw in a thumbnail but i'll try not to put that into my episode
okay so the boys went off with their acting which means that this ain't about gemfourth only probably? it feels like it's a more balanced or side-couple heavy episode; maybe tinngun appear for a mom conflict moment but the rest is establishing what is going on with the other guys? maybe a lot of group scenes again// it wouldve helped if yall mentioned names guys i am sweating over here;
like did the oishii pp come before the falling or not?? who winged their tags here?? this is important you guys :((
i just saw a gif of gun screaming angrily (and first - hot- but second nooo okay this is gonna solidify tinngun as the falling couple, tiwpor can get the mosquitoes and soundwin are on a bike)
speaking of soundgun the arm/leg thing could be related to their whole "i'll be your hands" thing and sound's injury, i feel like it could come back in this episode in some way?
the drinks thing sounds like a silly chinzhilla mess-around gone wrong or a complete accident one of the members caused, like he placed his bottle full of god knows what in the wrong spot and someone drank it in a hurry;
"you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" feels like such a romantic line. like "things that seem bad may bring you more joy than you imagined and could be right for you", smth spoken while one is walking away and the other gently gets hold of their wrist (yes, this is still calm tiw sitting down on a chair in a tent holding por's hand who looks distressed and is also wearing shorts with a belt and an expensive shirt tucked in, no, that will not make the final cut, it's a draft i can't get rid of, you see)
I KEEP SEEING MEME POSTS LIKE SMTH TIWPOR SMTH PAT SMTH AND I AM TOO SLOW AND INTRIGUED AND LOOK AWAY JUST IN TIME YO THIS IS A BATTLEFIELD (like why did all these msp posts start coming in now, is it the americans, did yall just get home and start blogging)
okayy serious conflict and what they are makes me think about the drinks again. if these are reffering to the bottles, aside from the content of the bottle, what else could be important about it? an indirect kiss? someone took gun's bottle and tinn was jealous for example? but that's silly stuff. so maybe there was a note on one of them? i am assuming it's more than one but maybe it is precisely one bottle as the pp this time and there was a romantic message on it (this reminds me of another show that's not coming to me rn). so this note gets in the hands of someone who was not meant to see it so maybe that's how tinngun's relationship gets revealed to the band (i had completely forgotten that was a conflict and could be turned into a big deal, i sobered up a bit and remembered just now); i feel like im way more on track with this one ngl ngl feels.. revelationary
again back to "you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" - this is soundwin. it has to beeeee. like mosquitoes are annoying but you don't always have to chase them away, you can be a big tsundere about it (prior or post starting dating depending on whether you're sound or win lol) and let them be a part of your life, something like that.
tiw's career expectations vs wishes situation might actually be more than just a throwaway line for the job consultation part of the show, if we get to see more tiw that may be explored a bit. i personally don't know shit about por aside from the fact he's a fan of a teacher and has a fun fashion sense (that might be on me, i have trouble with understanding chinzhilla members) so it's very hard to speculate what they'd do together when given more screentime, all i can think about is their tutoring session and how that relates to career choices so it feels inevitable from my pov that their plot is gonna involve the topic of growing up or defying expectations or smth
the only feeling of dizzyness i can think off aside from bikes is the one gun's mom experiences? or maybe tinn's mom would experience out of shock (y'know, lakorn style) and considering thats the last comment in those tags i'm guessing it's about the end of the episode so maybe tinn's mom finally reacts to tinngun and faints or smth and tinn has to do some doctor- we had that with gun's mom already, moving onn
I JUST REMEMBERED THE PREVIEW WAITT so the last ep ended with hot wave (i absolutely forgot that you do not understand how hard im giggling at myself for that rn, i have to binge shows, otherwise you get me writing about msp for hours and not recalling the most anticipated event of the show happening as a cliffhanger last week) and in the preview they were back at the resort and gun talked about how he didn't want the guys to regret staying with him and they did a group hug.. now the other stuff i don't remember.) i'm guessing they didn't win; the way i remembered is i was like "tf they doing for a whole episode? a road trip?" and it came to me) so if they're back in the resort with pat i'm guessing my dude finally took two minutes to give them some words of wisdom without acting insane; maybe this ending of sorts for them got por thinking about his future and that got him and tiw talking and bonding but some of those tags have to be about tiwpor and yet NONE OF THEM FIT WITH THIS THEORY
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llycaons · 1 year
ep11 (part 1): the tension in this family dinner is insane
I had to cut this in half because I posted too many images but this episode is just chock full of juicy shit. I really feel like this episode is where the series hits its stride and becomes super compelling. ep1 was a bit of a mess, but really interesting. eps 2-10 are okay, pretty good if you like the characters but the plot is hard to stay invested in. but here's where it gets good
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it's nice that jc cares about MY dying. also I like his outfit
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nmj's robes too. really cool design that matches his personality and surroundings perfectly
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sometimes the translations inadvertently (I assume) result in lines that sound very childlike in english. not in a bad way. more like in an endearing and slightly corny way. 'safe and sound' is very sweet
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wwx clearly having a good relationship with the merchants, and knowing them all personally, and being greeted by them, it all hurts so much. LP wasn't just a place and it wasn't just his siblings, it was a whole community and a home he was deeply intertwined with. he lost so much...
also jc not speaking with the merchant at all and then physically grabbing wwx's arm and dragging him to the estate is rly telling of how uncomfortable he is...the boy does not endear himself to the people
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LP is so gorgeous it's unreal
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LP is a fantastically beautiful place, full of life and love and safety and comfort. maybe unrealistically so. but in stalks madame yu to balance this out, with her cruelty and abuse casting a long shadow over wwx and his siblings' lives. almost an inversion of the wen situation...the wens are almost cartoonishly evil in every way, but after they're vanquished another sect rolls in to take over power in the vaccum they left, and this sect commits the same atrocities with a better public face. behind the fantasy of the villain, there are others, more grounded in reality. this provides a refreshing balance to the character dynamics imo, allowing for both the fun of melodrama and the complexity and nuances of more realistic challanges the characters face
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as much flack as jfm gets, his first order of business is to make sure the kids are okay and then that they get something to eat. idk how people genuinely think he's a worse parent than the woman who shows up, makes everyone around his miserable with her cutting remarks, elitism, self-esteem issues she makes her kids' problem, bullying, and genuine verbal abuse towards the children under her care, and then storms off. anyway
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god he really doesn't want to see her. and everyone's like 'please yes let's fucking eat without her'
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THE BITCH IS HERE. I love her entrance so much. seeing her through slatted wood, then seeing zidian, then watching her come into focus with her BODYGUARDS in attendance
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she really is so hot I can't believe she didn't make it into the evilmilf tournament she would have slayed
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insane how she turns every single thing anyone says into an attack on her, or something to find fault with. nobody can win in this exchange except her. it's over the top, and miserable to watch, but it tells us so much about her in ways I find very compelling. and the concerns she brings up are significant, but she's not interested in actually planning a solution, just in belittling her kids and complaining and attacking her family. idk why people think she's smart or well-versed in politics or would be a good leader when she's so terrible at communicating, self-absorbed to the point of violence, and uninterested in problem-solving. like yeah this is misogyny at work, but I find her much more compelling if she's a fucking mess of a person and I think her self-esteem issues are really significant and add a lot to her character
the work she gets done in this one scene is wild - she lays out another dimension of the tension between wwx and jc, she demonstrates exactly her issue with wwx, she serves as a template for the audience to connect with later jc, and she also informs the audience of the view many cultivators take of wwx, and how that strains his relationship with other cultivators
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the way I can HEAR adult jc saying this. the cutting sarcasm, the contempt, the inability to argue against it because what is he going to say? jc later echoes her in sneeringly calling wwx a good person for trying to be a hero
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after she leaves jc looks like he's just woken up from a nightmare...
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this is like my favorite expression of lwj's I love it. the contempt. the stoicism. the refusal to be baited or angered. very lwj core
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I was so emotional watching this scene I LOVE LAN QIREN!!! I LOVE HIM!!! his care for his nephews is obviously due to the fact that he wants the lan clan to survive, but of course it's also a personal concern. he loves wangji! he's their little boy! and he doesn't just care about the heirs, he stands out there refusing to find shelter until more of the disciples can come in and be saved
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this line 🥺
it is so fucked up to see the lans all being murdered. it's a school! it's like a temple! it's a place of learning and contemplation! they're not even taught to fight people, their swords are for cultivation. and wen xu just barges in and attacks lrq! he's an old man you fuck! he's like an old professor! stop trying to hurt him!
also so so sad to see this violence in the halls where wwx laughed and joked with jc, and the little dorms where the kids were staying, where wwx made jyl smile with his paperman. ough
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I'm always startled by the raw emotion on lwj's face here. I thought it was because I was getting better at reading him, but no I think he's just very expressive here in ways he isn't almost anywhere else. anyway this expression makes me go 🥺
I can't upload any more pics even tho I love this scene, and it's late and I have to go to bed, so I'm ending at the halfway point here and will come to it tomorrow
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kittyann · 2 years
#Dear_Eclipse Q & A
1) I took an interest in The Eclipse because First Kanaphan is my bias. After finishing the final episode of Not Me, I was ready and eager to dive into his next drama. And so, I watched the teaser promo for The Eclipse and eagerly waited for the series to drop.
2) 😂 I don’t have ONE favorite episode, and it’s impossible to choose a favorite scene. However, the episodes I go back to and rewatch over and over again are Episodes 3 to 9. The Eclipse series is dear to me because of its rich details, foreshadowing, and magic moments. Each new episode builds the context to understand the characters and themes of the series better. It’s exciting to see the pieces come together little by little, without knowing what the payoff is until the moment of truth (lol, Ep11) hits.
3) Once again, it’s nearly impossible to choose a favorite line of dialogue because the script is so freaking good. But if I had to choose, it’s Wat’s line from Ep7 (?): “You are what you eat. What you take in builds who you are.” This line became even more important to me as I was wrestling with my conflicting feelings about Ep 11 and the divisions I saw in The Eclipse Nation because of it.
4) Wat. ☺️ I’m more of a bystander, but I also deeply care about my friends and won’t hesitate to step forward for the sake of people I care about. Also, like Wat, I have a passion for storytelling, dramas, film analysis, etc.
5) How did Akk and Ayan fall in love despite their apparent differences? That’s a difficult question. I’ve read many great fanfics that explore the subject, but I still find it hard to put into words. Akk and Ayan were physically attracted to each other from the start. Their sexual tension is electric. At the same time, Ayan is a troublemaker, and Akk wants to put him in his place because Ayan is annoying and a possible threat to Suppalo. However, no matter what, Ayan keeps one-upping him. Akk is suspicious of Ayan, but he’s also genuinely curious and uses his duty as Student Prefect as an excuse to start following Ayan around.
As for Ayan, he initially used flirting as a strategy to get the nosy student prefect to leave him alone, but then two unexpected things happened:
a) Akk didn’t leave him alone
b) Ayan discovered he like teasing Akk a lot. (Eventually, he realized he likes teasing Akk because he likes Akk.)
Akk was the most shaken by Ayan because of how out-of-control (aka: gay panic) being with Ayan made him feel. It’s likely that Ayan was the first boy to get his heart pounding, raise his blood pressure, and make him feel off-balance. Akk fell hard for the enigmatic, charismatic flirt, but he didn’t love Ayan yet. They have a push and pool dynamic going up until episode six, and both of them wear masks to hide their true feelings (Akk) or motives (Ayan). Yet the more time they spend with each other, the more the masks start to crack. I’m sure Ayan’s heart pounded when he frst saw Akk smile and act playful with him during Ep.2. Of course, he had the breathed knocked out of him (literally and figuratively) when Akk pinned him to the mat and grinned down at him. Seeing glimpses little glimpses of the person behind the prefect persona, a cuter, sweeter, shyer, confident (not rigid) and relaxed Akk, probably became addicting. And so Ayan pushed for more.
To Akk, Ayan is a mystery, and as he tries to unwrap that mystery, he falls deeper and deeper. Ayan’s mask cracks in Ep4, and he leans on Akk’s shoulder. Akk is flustered, but he stays and gives Ayan a safe place to rest. Another turning point is in Ep6: When Akk’s mask shatters, Ayan is there to embrace him and comfort him as he weeps. Later on, Akk tries to push Ayan away, but Ayan won’t allow Akk close off again. Ayan realizes how much Akk is hurting and refuses to let him drown in his pain. (TBC)
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11011001 · 8 months
Forgot to this for this season and since there's a new episode tonight I thought I'd start now.
WIN: Sapphira Cristál
HIGH: Mirage
SAFE: Dawn, Morphine
LOW: Amanda, Xunami
WIN: Nymphia Wind
TOP2: Geneva Karr
HIGH: Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige
SAFE: Hershii, Jane
LOW: Megami, Plasma
WIN: Nymphia Wind
HIGH: Q, Sapphira, Dawn
SAFE: Amanda, Megami, Mhi'ya, Mirage, Morphine, Jane, Xunami
LOW: Plasma
BTM: Geneva Karr
ELIM: Hershii LiqCour-Jeté
WIN: Plasma
HIGH: Plane Jane, Q
SAFE: Amanda,
LOW: Dawn, Megami, Mhi'ya, Morphine, Nymphia, Sapphira, Xunami
BTM: Geneva Karr
ELIM: Mirage
WIN: Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige
HIGH: Sapphira, Morphine, Nymphia
SAFE: Dawn, Geneva, Megami, Plasma, Xunami
LOW: Plane Jane
ELIM: Amanda Tori Meating
HIGH: Dawn, Nymphia
SAFE: Megami, Morphine, Plane, Sapphira*, Xunami
LOW: Plasma
BTM: Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige
ELIM: Geneva Karr
EP7: The Sound of RuSic
WIN: Plasma
HIGH: Sapphira, Q
SAFE: Dawn, Morphine, Nymphia, Plane
LOW: Xunami Muse
BTM: Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige
ELIM: Megami
EP8: Snatch Game
WIN: Plane Jane
HIGH: Mhi'ya, Sapphira
SAFE: Nymphia*, Plasma, Q
LOW: Dawn*
BTM: Morphine Love Dion
ELIM: Xunami Muse
EP9: See You Next Tuesday
WIN: Nymphia Wind, Q
HIGH: Dawn
SAFE: Morphine, Plane, Sapphira
BTM: Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige
ELIM: Plasma
EP10: Power
WIN: Sapphira Cristál
TOP2: Morphine Love Dion
HIGH: Mhi'ya, Nymphia
SAFE: Dawn
LOW: Plane, Q
EP11: Panels
WIN: Sapphira Cristál
HIGH: Plane, Q
SAFE: Dawn, Nymphia
BTM: Morphine Love Dion
ELIM: Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige
EP12: Bathroom Hunties
WIN: Plane Jane, Sapphira Cristál
LOW: Morphine, Q
BTM: Nymphia Wind
ELIM: Dawn
EP13: Makeovers
HIGH: Nymphia, Plane
BTM: Sapphira Cristál
ELIM: Morphine Love Dion
EP14: Memoirs
WIN: Nymphia Wind
HIGH: Sapphira Cristál
BTM: Plane Jane
EP15: Lipsync Smackdown
Yeah I agree with all that so Morphine wins
EP16: Finale
RUNNER-UP: Sapphira Cristál
WINNER: Nymphia Wind
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