#Yeah Amity sure loves Luz
Don't mind me. I'm just casually thinking about how much Amity cares about Luz and always making sure her sweet patato is safe.
Yeah, gonna be a long list...
-Attacking Otabin to save Luz (S1 EP7)
-Keeping Luz in a magical cage to prevent her from getting hurt (S1 EP12)
-Worrying about Luz when she hears her scream while distracting Slitherbeast (S1 EP12)
-Pulling Luz to hide from Inner Willow (S1 EP15)
-Standing between Luz and Grom to protect Luz and saying "Stay away from her!" (S1 EP16)
-Rushing to go get Willow and Gus when Luz gets in trouble with Boscha (S1 EP17)
-Pushing Luz aside to protect her from Boscha's attack and getting herself injured in the process (S1 EP17)
-Tearing an abomaton apart to prevent it from stepping on her Grom photo with Luz, Willow and Gus (S2 EP2)
-Disobeying her mother for the first time in her life to save Luz's life and saying "Stay away from MY LUZ!" (S2 EP2)
-Shielding Luz with her own body to protect Luz when abomaton attacks them (S2 EP2)
-Being worried about Luz's well-being when she was sick with common mold (S2 EP9)
-Risking her own life while going to Eclipse Lake to find some Titan blood for Luz (S2 EP9)
-Silencing Hunter when he was about to threaten Luz (S2 EP9)
-Fighting Hunter and eventually giving up on the portal key when he threatens Luz's safety (S2 EP9)
-Saving Luz's life from Kikimora (S2 EP11)
-Getting overly worried when Terra mentions that Belos will meet Luz again (S2 EP11)
-Attacking Tibbles when he makes fun of Luz (S2 EP13)
-Thinking about Luz's whereabouts and trying to find out her messages (S2 EP18)
-Having a near emotional breakdown due to worrying about Luz's safety (S2 EP20)
-Attempting to attack Odalia for insulting Luz (S2 EP20)
-Worrying about Luz once she realizes she is kidnapped by Kikimora (S2 EP20)
-Rushing to Belos' castle to help Luz (S2 EP21)
-Keeping rocks from crushing Luz (S2 EP21)
-Attempting to reach Luz when she almost got pulled by Collector (S2 EP21)
-Getting worried when she can't find Luz and Hunter around (S3 EP1)
-Immediately casting a spell to prevent Luz from falling to water while fighting possessed Hunter (S3 EP1)
-Pulling Luz back from the portal door and checking if she's hurt (S3 EP2)
-Looking for Luz and Camila after attacked by Kikimora (S3 EP2)
-Covering Luz for a brief moment before getting pulled up by Collector (S3 EP3)
-Tearing up once she realizes she was about to attack Luz in the nightmare sequence (S3 EP3)
-Immediately looking for Luz when gets free of her puppet form (S3 EP3)
-Nearly breaking down in tears when Hunter mentions Luz before Camila holds her (S3 EP3)
I'm not really sure whether it's sweet or concerning... I mean yeah, Amity sure cares about Luz a lot and wants to make sure her girlfriend is okay.
Yet, it also seems a bit too much. Yeah, Amity loves Luz and you can get easily worried about the people you love.
But still, maybe Amity also should go and get some therapy... Just in case, y'know😐
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I'm pretty much done with TOH lol.
A braver and more energetic soul can try giving this show a constructive critique... because I will actually, wholeheartedly lose my humanity while writing out the script.
There is like... a problem this show has that permeates the whole thing: It says its going to do one thing, but then does something completely different. Like how the first two episodes of the series make you believe Luz is going to learn how her inability to separate fantasy from reality is actually inhibiting her growth as a person... only to make her a chosen one and to give her everything she ever wanted without Luz changing the way she treats people.
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tohandatla · 2 years
Hunter would HATE The Collector being his sibling btw
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crimeronan · 26 days
Re: the purring ask. There's something incredibly funny to Hunter realizing he and Amity are best friends while Amity still thinks they're rivals.
Amity: "stop purring. I'm only sleeping in the same bed as you for Luz's sake.
Hunter, smugly: "Sure yeah, whatever. Do you still want my help dying your hair later? Lilith is going to be in Latissa till the end of the week, and I know you get anxious when your roots grow in"
Amity: "Fuck you. Also, yes. Also I'll kill you"
amity's like "you are SO passive aggressive >:(" and hunter's like "i don't bother with the 'passive' part of passive aggressive. try again blight"
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sepublic · 2 days
What’s further absurd about Camila being more of a mom to Hunter than Luz in fanon is that. Camila and Hunter have one(1) solo interaction across the entire show and it’s her pulling him out of the water. They never say anything to each other, the scene transitions to the group worrying about Hunter. But then we see Camila interact with Luz at the end of the episode, in fact she has MULTIPLE interactions with Luz that episode and in general!!!
Meanwhile Darius is right there, he was mean to Hunter once, but he made up for it in the same episode by validating Hunter, looking out for him, giving him a way to talk to his new friends! He worries about Hunter in Hollow Mind. When the kids reunite with their parents, Hunter has nobody until Darius shows up.
And if y’all can forgive Eda for being immature with King a few times in S1, you can do the same for Darius. If you can forgive Alador’s abuse and neglect towards his kids by embracing their forgiveness, Darius is nothing. Darius is basically the only adult to actually talk to Hunter directly besides you know who and Eda, but that was twice and she was making fun of him the first time. Raine also showed concern but I barely see that dynamic.
It’s insane because it’s not enough that Hunter needs love from an adult for these people, they need it to be Camila’s love specifically!!! Despite Luz’s entire arc and the show in general being kicked off from Luz feeling like her mother didn’t love her enough by sending her to that reality check camp. Oh, Hunter needs someone kind for him because of trauma? Luz also has trauma, S3 has her go on a thinly-veiled suicidal rant.
Istfg I see Camila and Hunter more than I see Camila and Amity, and at least Amity is basically her daughter in law, plus it’s Amity getting away from her two abusive white parents. Meanwhile people denying Darius are demonizing him for being a black man who was mean once.
He’s not even Luz’s brother, and I’m sure part of the insistence of Camila as Hunter’s mom is an extension of that; Except the ‘Siblings’ dynamic between Luz and Hunter is inaccurate and exaggerated, esp in favor of Luz and King or Vee! We see so much fanart and fanfic of Camila just hanging out with Hunter even casually without angst, but not her own blood daughter.
Like yeah maybe it’s fun to explore the two-month period in the human realm and how Camila was the only adult these kids had; But people continue to hype her up as Hunter’s mom in settings outside of that timeframe!!! We see Luz come out to her mom and everything, we have her being raised by her mother! And Camila taking care of Hunter would not suck so hard if Luz wasn’t completely overshadowed, if Hunter wasn’t everywhere and inserted into everything! With fans insisting Hunter’s a Noceda and NEEDS to be in group photos like that, insisting on joint custody as if Luz and Camila don’t have that much of a relationship with Hunter to begin with and Darius is sufficient, crying about how he deserved more in the finale! Boohoo.
I’m gonna be real here, Hunter fans are the weakest link in this fandom despite being the most prevalent at this rate. They’ll rather make up stuff for him to talk about than acknowledge other characters, or even take other characters’ moments to give to him; Like remember when Luz had a nightmare sequence where she was dressed in Belos’ clothes and felt the weight of everyone’s accusations, and then some fanartist made a piece of that happening to Hunter instead??? I have to see Camila hugging Hunter while he wields String Bean, who is Luz’s Palisman when Waffles is right there without a confirmed creation date, so they could’ve easily been shortly after the finale!!!
It is SUCH an admission of envy and unconscious racism that y’all need to take traits and moments that belong to other characters and give it to your white boy to enjoy them, instead of enjoying these characteristics with the characters they actually belong to! And don’t make this about you and how you personally aren’t consciously racist or whatever, because this is about a group trend and PoC should not have to bear the burden of screening every individual of guilt. And yeah it is racist, hell it’s basically the Mammy archetype where a WoC is expected to prioritize her white charge over her own child.
And don’t even try to argue you’re innocent because you’re a PoC, PoC are just as capable of white favoritism and I speak from experience! For chrissakes everyone we’re snappy about this because being gentle about it has never worked for PoC. If you feel upset by this than actually do something about it and learn instead of wallowing in self pity or even denying it.
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pregnant s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (30/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hcs for hunter x pregnant! reader 👀 id place them at about 27 years both they have their lives planned and it just happened! + The gangs reactions”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
now neither of you had necessarily planned for this to happen — like, at all
yes you’d had the conversation about kids when you first started dating because you wanted to make sure you were on the same page
because being young didn’t mean that you weren’t dating to stay together
so you both knew that you wanted a kid, eventually, and you were both at a point in your lives where it was stable for the first time ever
you’d just moved in to your first family home, one on the titan’s stomach so you had a wonderful garden
hunter was making excellent money as a palisman carver and you’d even started growing your own palistrum saplings in a little nursery at home
magic was just starting to stabilise after the whole belos situation
and you’d settled well into your job as a teacher at eda’s wild magic university
it was the perfect time and it… well
it just happened
you’d started feeling a bit unwell and your cycle was late and you were starting to feel a little bit bloated and hunter was worrying himself sick
so you went off to a checkup at the new hospital, perfectly calm and sure nothing would happen
and then you got the news
you were like actually really pregnant
neither of you knew how to react, staying silent and frozen for a few beats, before you finally realised what had just happened
and you just started grinning and celebrating and hunter picked you up and spun you around in a circle as you giggled and repeated the news
you were going to be parents
you were going to have a baby
like for real
and you couldn’t wait
you’re given a few potions to take for your nausea and your doctor insists you stop by for regular appointments since your pregnancy is a very new phenomenon — hunter being a grimwalker, and all
and that was when the next chapter of your lives together officially began
you gathered everyone at your home under the guise of a housewarming party to deliver the news and everyone was thrilled for you
king made a joke about being your ‘practise baby’
luz and amity were crying and amity was just barely holding back her girlfriend from tackling you
willow was grinning broadly as she pulled you both into a hug and said she was so insanely happy for you
(as well as touching your stomach and very sternly telling your baby to behave and stop making you ill)
gus used his illusions to pull together a whole celebration out of thin air and said how excited he was to be an uncle
eda slapped hunter on the back and told him he’d done good
lilith was trying to hold back her tears as she gave you both a hug and congratulated you
camilla kissed you on the cheek and gave hunter a kiss and said something about how all of her babies growing up
(she said something similar at luz and amity’s wedding a few years ago)
and darius and eberwolf were just sticking with hunter and joking with him about finally tying you down — darius tried to hide how teary-eyed he was behind a remark about finally getting to be a grandparent
which made hunter cry
but yeah you all made a day of it and you couldn’t ask for a better support system of aunts and uncles and grandparents for you baby to have in their life
even if willow and eda were getting really into the idea of teaching them to play grudgby and flyer derby…
as your pregnancy progressed your sickness gradually went away and hunter started to make a point of sitting down and talking to your bump every night
like you’ll be laying in bed, comfy as can be, and he’ll sit down beside you and just place his hand over your bump as he talks in this loving voice to your baby
he talks about his day, how he grew up, and how he’s changed
he tells them to behave and stop giving you heartburn and kicking your bladder
he promises that he’ll never make them feel unloved or unwanted — that they’ll never doubt themselves for even a second of their life
and you cry and tell him he’s gonna be the best dad
and he says that he knows he will because he’s got you by his side
and you spend the rest of your pregnancy prepping the nursery and clothes and crying over how small baby shoes are and being more in love with your boyfriend than ever
you can’t wait to start a family with him — and by the size of your bump you won’t have to wait much longer
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
celebrating your birthday
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A/n: It's nowhere near my birthday but whatever
Amity: It's been a while since she's had a real birthday party. She used to get mager ones when she was friends with Boscha. In retrospect that was probably to impress Boscha's parents. But enough about all that it's your big day. And with money (that she totally didn't steal from her mom) she wants to make sure that you have a great birthday. She takes you to any store you want. And then gets you your favorite food.
Luz: She loves birthday parties so much!!! She goes all out. There's a bunch of decorations. And if you like having more people there, all of her friends are there. Which we know is a fucking lot. If you don't want a lot of people that's okay. She buys your favorite cake. You only turn whatever age your turning once. And now I've at least alluded to Boscha two more times than I thought I would.
Willow: She's never been one that likes big crowds. And no matter how many people are on your part she'd feel kind of awkward. So she hosts a party that's just the two of you. On the plus side, it's more special. Also, her dads make you a cake <3.
Hunter: The FUCK is a birthday? Yeah, I think I've made it clear the Empoer's coven and the Empoer himself suck. Like doesn't even know what that word means. But once he finds out he's determined to give you a good one. Despite never being to or having one himself. And it's very all over the place, You have no cake but do have ice cream. Not sure how he managed to mess up the biggest part of the birthday. He's trying okay? Also the number of gifts he good you was absurd.
Vee: She kind of knows what birthdays are. A few kids had them at camp (Which was probably sad as fuck.) So while the general decorations are kinda dull. The gifts are great! Most (affordable) things you want you get. Though there are a few oddballs in there. Like she just got you a straight-up weapon.
Raine: Pretty good birthday. The happy birthday song is 10x more awkward. Because they have a beautiful singing voice. Thankfully they also are an awkward mess when it comes to stuff like that. So they probably won't sing it (if you don't when them to.) All of the gifts they get you are sweet.
Eda: Never trust Eda to throw a party, worst mistake of my life. There are so many different shows and gamed-themed plates it's insane. The presents don't make any sense. Like a book about how to get better at abominations, while your human ass is just sitting there confused as fuck. She starts laughing and then just straight up gives you 250 snails.
Emria: She bakes the cake herself (and almost burns the house down.) She's not great at the whole planning the party thing. But it is still an enjoyable experience! While the wrapping job might have been so bad that you could see the gifts, said gifts were still great. Is her lacking ability in making birthday parties just a her thing or is her mom also at the core of this? I don't know, you decide.
Edric: Dude was stressed. He wanted it to be perfect! But, just like his siblings, he had no clue what to do. I mean he'd had birthdays, but he's not known for excelling. And with his mom being Odaila there was no chance of him getting a proper birthday. Cue the googling! The birthday isn't very extravagant, despite his wealth. But it is a fun time. He did end up getting pin the tail on the donkey. So that's pretty fun.
The Collector: Any chance to throw a party is a chance he'll take! And it was about you? That's twice the fun. He can make you the biggest cake with just a snap of his finger, not sure how good it would taste but that's beside the point. Also, the presents are great, obviously. You guys have stereotypical "girls" birthday parties. You have a slumber party, eat pizza, play truth or dare, and stay up all night.
Lilith: She probably wouldn't do anything major for your party. A slice of a cake and a small gift or two. It's not that she doesn't care about you, she does a lot! She doesn't really celebrate her birthday. (Sorry boys it's not angst this time I just don't think she likes celebrating her birthday.)  That being said, if you want a bigger party she's not totally against the idea. But the only people she has the confidence to ask are Hooty, Luz, and Eda (King probably tagged along.) It's pretty hectic, as all things with the owl family are, but it's honestly the best birthday you've had.
Gus: Gus is almost the biggest overachiever out there (second only to Hunter.) So he's more than excessive. He takes all his past parties and parties he's been to and combines them into one big party. He invited Willow over to make sure it looked okay (bless her and the crap she has to deal with.) She tells Gus in the nicest way possible that you'd probably have a heart attack from all the colors. She quickly helped him fix everything up. When you do come over it's overall presentable. It's a far cry from what Gus had planned but it is chill.
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ok so i've had these saved for a bit but here's just a big doodle dump. its got everything! noceda siblings! raeda!! (part of which i censored bc i got too embarrassed!!) darius!! more raeda and darius! but with added complicated relationships with perry and alador! and of course some amity and gus friendship <3 they listen to kpop together and dance!! IDs and captions are in the ALT Text, as well as the captions in the readmore below!
Page 1
Hunter: Okay! One of you had strawberry and dragonfruit. They did not have dragons in stock. Luz and Vee: Thanks Hunter! Hunter: Now hold on! I gotta take taxes out! NOOOOOOO! Sluuuuuuurp! Luz: YOU'RE THE WORST!!! Vee: MUTINY!! Hunter: Done! :)
Page 3
Darius: Are you sure it's safe for me to keep an eye on him? Lilith: Oh yes, Hootsifer is very safe. Plus he promised to behave. Just make sure you feed him on time. Hooty: I AM A BIRD OF MY WORD.
Hooty: Y'KNOW IM JUST GLAD RAINE AND EDA ARE GETTING ALONG. Darius: It is weird to see them fight. They were glued at the hips as kids.
Page 4
(Pointing at King) His ass does not know what Wonderwall is
Camila: C'mon Eda, this laundry won't fold itself. Eda: They're so good with the kids. <3 <3 <3 <3
Darius: The only reason I have not put you two under 30 metric tons of Abomination Goo is for our children's sake. Until we find our kids, do not utter a word to me. Perry and Alador: Oh no he's still hot...
Eda: For real?? Darius?? You know he's gone on Blight, right? Perry: Don't remind me.
Darius: I thought you were my friends! How could you do this?!
Page 5
Amity: WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?!?! Gus and Hunter: NOTHING!!!
Amity: So.... is that one Jeff the Killer? Hmmmm (Pointing to Gus) Drawing MSPaint art with a mouse
[They are listening to Sticker by NCT127]
Amity: (Thinking) For Johnny... (aloud) SO GOOD! Gus: (Thinking) For Mark Lee... (aloud) LOVE THIS SINGLE
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One of TOH's big problems is that the characters are very clearly divided into black and white, which just leads to other problems.
In season 1, they tried to make characters more complicated. There were also characters like Willow and Gus, but the rest still had more elaborated and realistic characters. Amity wasn't a thoroughly bad person, she had some positive moments, but she bullied Willow. Twins were shitty siblings with violent jokes, but they were still not antagonists, they could apologize to Amity and even tried to help her, not forgetting to play a joke with her. Eda was a good person from the very beginning, but at the same time she was a fraud and a shitty teacher. Lilith was a villain with a more or less human motivation. Camila loved Luz and wanted the best for her, even in ways that were unpleasant for her. Yes, even for the first time Hunter, even though he was an antagonist, was also not a black and white villain who is evil because he is evil.
And then everything sank into oblivion. The actions of twins haven't been mentioned, now they never prank anyone and behave like caring, stupid siblings, especially Emira. Camila says that she was wrong about everything, Luz was just expressing herself when she brought dangerous snakes and fireworks to school, and Camila is actually a nerd like her daughter (although I'm sure now she will indulge Luz in any of her whims, otherwise Luz will run away again). Lilith is now a cool insecure nerdy aunt. Amity and Hunter... Enough has already been said about them. Eda doesn't mention crimes anymore, she's just a caring mom in love with her ex. And the fucking Alador lost all his sins and it turns out he was just standing on the sidelines while his wife abused the children and himself, yes, truly believable.
And in the meantime, the antagonists who didn't have time to be redeemed, even those who had the motivation, became evil for evil's sake. The whole past of Belos? Oh, guys, I'm sorry, he's just born evil, the local god himself told us. Can Odalia really love children and wish them the best? No, she hates them, she needs money, money, money, she's stupid and supports genocide for money, yeah! Kikimora has family problems (like Lilith)? Fuck it, she's just dumb and mean. Only Boscha partially avoided this, but it's true that what was done to her was also badly prescribed (they scored on her for a season, then abruptly pulled out when no one needed her anymore). At least they didn't make her Miss Cherry Ice Cream Sweet Girlfriend for Willow, and thanks for that.
I hate that the characters who initially didn’t let me quit the show on the second episode turned into a pathetic semblance of themselves. My God, if I turn on the channel for kids now, the characters from these cartoons will have more character than Amity and Hunter in season 3. TOH wants to seem like an adult cartoon raising adult problems, but his characters are on the level of first Disney movies about princesses. Here you have evil villains who deserve only death and good characterless cardboards, you should feel sorry for them. In 2021-2023, it's completely irrelevant.
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witch128chick · 5 months
i watched the toh pilot episode, here's my reaction
ooookay i so wasn't expecting what i just watched- I WANT MORE
(if you haven't watched it yet but want to do it without spoilers then don't open this)
alright alright i lost my shit actually
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Amity stood up for Luz and the fact that she said this was the first time anyone had done that for her is just so sad...
and Luz gave her a drawing as a 'thank you' ( ꒦ິ ཀ ꒦ິ ) she's so sweet
oh and also!!!! first bigger change is that Amity was an exchange student in the human realm! i wonder why her parents sent her there and if there's any angsty reason for that (cuz yk yeah i'm a sucker for angst esp if it's Amity related)
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my first thought when i saw this frame: "if i could picture how my mind looks like this would be it"
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girly just casually grabbed a key and travelled between realms- do most witches and demons have a portal key or is it exclusive??
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Luz met Eda!!! also they teleported later- so cool (ง ◉ _ ◉)ง
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i heard that the Owl House was meant to be a shop first and now we can see how it would've looked like!
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awww Luz is so excited!!! i love her (˶˃⤙˂˶)
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that ceiling looks so prettyyy
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Luz i have to say it again and i will never stop saying it: i love you you're amazing pls never change
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another bigger change!! Lilith is headmistress in the high school!!! and everyone's afraid of her- shes's a boss bitch and ik she's evil but i love her
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girllll--- (ง ͠ಥ_ಥ)ง why are you like this???? you had no business being this mean-
she threw away Luz's drawing from earlier whyyyy (·•᷄∩•᷅ )
side note: the demon on the left is Boscha's pilot?? yk 3 eyes and everything...
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i loved this scene! Lilith is so cool and everything! and i absolutely love the sibling mocking between them it's priceless-
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and said mockery pissed Lilith off sm that she turned into a beast ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ does she have the curse in this version? is it really a curse or can Lilith turn into that thing whenever she wants to??
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soooooooo omg- i can't Lilith got trapped... somewhere!!!! and her hand is chopped off now
i am soo curious about this like what happens to her after this??? where does she go? how does she get back? will she seek revenge??
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oh uhm all i wanted to say regarding this frame is that guys- yes. relatable
Luz is literally this emoji 🧍🏼‍♀️just in a lying position
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noooooo this was sooo sweet!!! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡
i love how it was Eda who screamed bc the drawing that Amity threw out the window hit her in the head-
Eda complimented Luz's drawing and omg it touched her sm (っ˃̣̣̥ -˂̣̣̥ς) she only felt accepted and understood by Eda i'm so sad rn
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and the biggest plot twist happened
i am not okay
EDA'S WORKING FOR THE EC??????? since when? how? why???
i'm guessing Lilith is also working for the Emperor but like Edaaaaaaaaaaa
i can't get over this
i saw someone say smth about a betrayal and this scene but i wasn't expecting THIS
tho i'm pretty sure Eda wouldn't hand Luz over (but i do have some alternative ideas for how this could play out)
is Eda cursed here too? how would she get another key to send Luz back to the human realm? what happened to Lilith??? where's Camila? we saw Amity starting to change her mind about Luz but how different her arc would've been here from canon???
i am so fixated on this rn this will occupy my brain for a good few weeks i think
and i absolutely hate myself for wanting to write a fanfic for this- I HAVE TOO MANY PROJECTS AND IDEAS ALREADY!!
but guys pls if you see anyone writing a fic for this lmk!!!
so yea i'm crazy rn i loved this and will definitely watch it again
the lore, the questions...
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saline-coelacanth · 2 months
My sister started watching The Owl House for the first time and I've been watching it with her because I love TOH and wanna see her reactions to stuff. We just finished up season 1 and I wanna ramble about a few things.
Anyway yeah here we go
Sorry for yelling but oh my god I wasn't ready for her to just go "Is Belos a human and that's why he wants the portal door?"
I know people had been theorizing about Belos being human, but I'm pretty sure iirc it took people a bit to think of that as a possibility and she just guessed it so quickly.
She also starts fangirling every time Luz and Amity do anything cute together, it's great. She does already know they get together at some point so it's great seeing her get all excited about them.
The last thing I wanna mention is that she also knows about Hunter. And by that, I mean she knows that he exists and that the fandom is obsessed with him (And also that people ship him with Willow). But it's funny because she doesn't entirely know WHY people are obsessed with him, she kinda knows that he gets a redemption arc, but that's about it. She also doesn't know his name so she keeps calling him The Guy and I find it really funny.
Also at the end of the season finally when we see the Golden Guard, her eyes got really big and she just pointed at the screen saying "That's the guy! I'm calling it, that's the guy!" And then she also made the prediction that the guy is Belos' son or at the least related to him and I'm just sitting here thinking "Oh boy you do not know the half of it, can't wait until we get to Hollow Mind lol"
I'm really excited to watch season 2 with her, I don't know if I'm gonna make any more posts like this or if it'll just be the one, but this rewatch has been so much fun, mainly cause I get to see her reactions and hear her theories.
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lollytea · 2 years
Not a day goes by that I don't think about how the Boiling Isles' complete lack of LGBTphobia effects how witches perceive sexuality and gender. Like it's not the only factor but I feel like the fear of societal judgement and internalized prejudice is a huge obstacle in discovering your own orientation.
So with that whole part avoided, I'm imagining that in the process in the Demon Realm is??? Much smoother sailing??? Like you might be a little confused at first but there's no shame tied to that confusion. Nobody is pressured into deciding on a label for themselves because labels don't exist. Thinking you're into boys for a while until realizing you're a lesbian is nbd here. Neither is thinking you're a lesbian and then realzing you're bi. Nobody judges you. Nobody cares. I just think it may provide you with a lot of clarity that you simply couldn't get in the Human Realm.
I've always headcanoned that while straight is considered the "default" in the Human Realm, most witches just assume they're bi/pan until they discover otherwise. (And not in a "bi-normativity" way, which is, wow, a terrible word I just made up there. But more in a "idk what gender I'm into yet. Or any at all. So I'll just say everybody for the moment" way.)
But I feel like, even if there's confusion, a good percentage of witches actually somehow figure themselves out relatively early. Like they'll be little kindergarten girls in Amity's library group who have not experienced romantic attraction yet but they already know that if they're ever gonna get married, it's gonna be another girl, cause nobody ever told them they couldn't. Some figure it out as preteens. Some are teens. It's probably one of the chillest aspects of maturing for them.
It's why I'm so interested in Hunter's little bi patch on his jacket and I love thinking about how he brought himself to this conclusion. Just thinking about a sheltered brainwashed kid like Hunter who feels deeply ashamed over so much about himself but his opinion in regards to sexuality has always being like "yeah boy, girl, neither, whatever, I don't care, I'm too busy hitting bad guys with my stick."
So when Luz finally explains to him and the other kids what sexualities even are, with the names and flags and everything, he just says "Bi" then and there, completely unfazed. This is bonkers to me. I think it's the best headcanon ever. He really does not care. Nobody ever told him that he should. But that being said, he sure does love having a little pride flag. Imagine living your whole life loving scrambled eggs. It's just another mundane part of you. But then suddenly you're transported to a world where you're celebrated for loving scrambled eggs. You've got your own little "I <3 scrambled eggs" badge of honor. You don't understand it. But it makes you feel very special and important. I imagine that's how Hunter feels with his little bi pride patch on his sweater.
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amaiwrites · 7 months
te amo, mi batata
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It’s Luz’s 15th birthday, and Amity has a special gift for her.
lumity, fluff, aged up characters (by like a year lol), just a cute birthday fic !!
word count: 0.8k | also posted on ao3!
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“I know I already got you a gift, but uhh… I have another one.”
Today is Luz’s 15th birthday, and Luz is feeling spoiled, honestly.
“Amity, you didn’t need to do that. I love the gift that you got me!” Luz says as Amity hands her a small purple box, tied with a ribbon. “Really, it’s too much.”
Amity looks at her girlfriend expectantly, urging her to open her gift. “I think you’re going to like this one.” She smiles, and Luz smiles back.
“Well, of course I will.” Luz says, “anything from you is an amazing gift.” Luz begins to open the gift, curious to see what’s inside. Once the ribbon is untied she takes the cover off of the box, placing it next to her on the bed.
Inside of the box is a necklace, a purple charm on it with a yellow sliver. It isn’t just any necklace though, no, this necklace is Amity’s.
“Amity, I… I love it!” Luz squeals as she quickly places the necklace down. She wraps her arms around Amity in a tight hug, burying her face into the girl’s shoulder. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She laughs.
The gift is special. Not only does Luz adore the necklace, exchanging jewelry has a special meaning on the boiling isles. It’s basically a pinky promise to always stick by someone’s side.
Luz hopes Amity is by her side for the rest of her life.
Luz grins as she lifts her face up from Amity’s shoulder, so her head is level with Amity’s. She leans her forehead against her girlfriend’s. “I really do love it. Thank you.” She says, more quietly this time since Amity is right in front of her.
“I’m glad.” As Amity finishes her sentence, Luz’s lips are on hers. Luz’s hand holds Amity’s face, pulling her closer. They both smile into the kiss, and when Amity’s hand gently runs through Luz’s hair, Luz feels… calm.
All too soon Luz pulls away from the kiss, once again resting her forehead where it was before. “Amity, I…” She takes Amity’s hand in hers while she continues speaking, “I’m so happy when I’m with you. You’re the best girlfriend and I hope we’re together for a long time.”
“Really?” Amity has a shocked look on her face, but also a warm smile.
“Really. Te amo, mi batata.”
As soon as Luz says it, her eyes go wide and her face is pink.
Oh my titan.
I can’t believe that I just said that, that I just said I love you to Amity, I’m such an idiot! What if she doesn’t like me saying it, or what if-
“Luz?” Amity questions, “What does that mean? I got the sweet potato part, but… te amo?”
Luz is sure her face is red by now. Deep red. Tomato red.
“I- I can’t believe I just… wow. Well.” She takes in a deep breath, bracing herself for her girlfriend’s reaction. She kinda has to tell her what she said now. “I said that I love you. ‘I love you, my sweet potato.’”
Amity blinks at Luz for a second, processing what she just said. After realizing that 1. She’s not breathing and 2. Luz is waiting for a response, Amity also takes a deep breath. “You said… that you love me?”
Luz nods her head, hesitant to look her girlfriend in the eyes. “If you don’t want to say it back that’s totally fine-“
“No, Luz, I love you too.” Amity blushes slightly, with a huge grin on her face. ���I love you. I love you, Luz.”
Luz sighs of relief and hides her face in her hands. “I can’t believe I finally said it.” She peeks out from between her fingers at Amity, then brings her hands down to her lap again. “I think I’m gonna say that a lot now.”
Amity takes her girlfriend’s hand up to her face and plants a soft kiss on it. “Te… amo? Was that it? Te amo, Luz.”
“Mhm, yeah! That’s it,” Luz says excitedly, “te amo.”
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Amity grabs the box with Luz’s gift in it, holding up the necklace for Luz to see. “I could help you put it on?”
“Sure.” Luz says, lifting her hair up so her neck is exposed. Amity unhooks the clasp, puts the necklace around Luz’s neck, and closes the clasp again.
“There. It looks good on you.”
Luz looks down at her chest, admiring the necklace. “It’s… perfect.”
The necklace really was perfect. Luz couldn’t think of a better gift, or a better way to spend her birthday than with the girl she loves.
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this is an older fanfic of mine but i thought i’d post it on here :) i hope you enjoyedddd 💕
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
hi!!!! i need to know your opinion on this but do you think hunter knows he has a crush on willow/what a crush is? and do you think willow has a crush on hunter? i need your huntlow opinions 😌🤌🏼
hi!!! I want you to know I have been looking forward to answering this ask all day 🥰
*slams fists on the table* NOW LET'S DO THIS THING
Now we KNOW that Hunter has a crush on Willow. I mean just look at this boy and tell me he isn't completely smitten. But does HE know? That's a bigger question.
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[ID: a screenshot from the episode "Thanks to Them," showing Hunter wearing his Cosmic Frontier cosplay and smiling and blushing at Willow (out of frame).]
For starters, I believe that Hunter does in fact know what a crush is, at least in the text book sense. He reads a lot, so it would be likely that he has encountered romance in some form through that. We know at least he likes Ruler's Reach, which despite King's edits we know still had some of Luz's influence. Also, fans who know Star Trek have pointed out that the character Hunter's blorbo is a parody of is married to a botanist so there's no way he would miss that.
Since it's common for teens to have one-sides crushes on adults in their lives like teachers or friends' older siblings, I used to head canon that when Hunter was younger he could have had baby crush on Steve or someone (bi hunter rights!) but since in "Thanks to Them" Hunter specifies that he wasn't allowed to interact much with the other scouts I now find that to be unlikely. Willow is most likely his first crush.
As for being AWARE of his crush, let's look at the timeline.
In Labyrinth Runners, Hunter is already showing signs of his crush on Willow though I don't think he is aware of what his feelings mean yet at this point. He blushes at her, he tries to make himself somewhat presentable for her, but he doesn't really know why.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Labyrinth Runners. In the first, Hunter is blushing while looking straight ahead. The second shows the moment immediately after where Gus confers with who he believes to be Willow while in the background Hunter is seen awkwardly brushing dirt off his cloak.]
But fast forward to Thanks To Them? I think he knows by now. For this reasoning I point to the "Buff Brains" scene.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Thanks to Them showing the hexsquad minus Luz in their shack. In the first, everyone is cheering and posing triumphantly all except for Hunter who is standing with his arms limply by his sides as he looks at Willow flexing and blushes from his cheeks to his ears. The second image is nearly the same except now Hunter has raised his arms to cheer with the group.]
Hunter doesn't just get distracted by Willow's muscles here, he catches himself getting distracted, which leads to him snapping himself out of it and adding on his awkward "HA HA YEAH" several seconds after everyone else has gone quiet. Hunter here to me seems like he is trying (and failing, bless him) to keep it cool, as opposed to in LR when he made no such attempts, because at that time he wasn't aware he had to. Whether or not he came to this conclusion on his own or had help from Gus or Amity is a question for fan fiction.
Now the next part of your question, does Willow have a crush on Hunter? Absolutely.
But Secretly, you say, how can you be so sure of this when Willow has never blushed at Hunter? Well I'm here to say she doesn't have to, and why? Because of Raeda.
When just looking at Hunter's side of things, or looking at our canon blushy couple lumity, it can be easy to say that only blushes equal crushes, but this isn't always the case.
Enter Raine. Raine does not typically blush at Eda, even when she blushes at them, but no one in the fandom doubts that they are in love with her.
Raine and Willow are actually a really interesting comparison because for the most part they only blush when they are embarrassed. Raine especially blushes when they are on stage.
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[ID: two screenshots, the first of which is from "I Was A Teenage Abomination" and shows Willow with bright red cheeks as Amity mocks her poor abomination skills. The second is from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine looking red and embarrassed after Eda mocked them in front of the BATs.]
The only time I could find Raine blushing at Eda was in this flashback, and they only did it AFTER they were caught being flirty not while they were LITERALLY CARESSING EDA'S HAND suggesting they were more embarrassed about being caught than anything else. And even that blush was nothing compared to how red they get on stage.
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[ID: Two screenshots from the flashback in "Eda's Requiem," showing young Eda and Raine sitting on their hilltop. In the first, Raine is shown adjusting the position of Eda's hand on her lute, while in the second Raine has pulled away and is looking to the side awkwardly with a slight blush on their face.]
Willow and Raine will literally be holding the object of their affection in their arms and not blush.
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[ID: The first is a screenshot from "King's Tide" and shows Willow smiling softly while carrying a Hunter over her shoulder as she has just caught him in midair. Hunter is blushing but Willow is not. The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine carrying Eda bridal style while she proudly holds up a glyph. Raine is smiling but not blushing.]
Willow and Raine will BLATANTLY flirt without blushing.
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[ID: the first is a screenshot from "Thanks to Them" and shows Willow standing in a doorway while winking and pointing at Hunter (out of frame). The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Raine reclining while smirking and pointing at Eda (out of frame).]
They also have these fond smiles that are reserved just for the object of their affection.
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[ID: the first is a screenshot from "Clouds on the Horizon" the moment after Hunter and Gus have just done their special handshake. Luz looks extremely confused as she looks at them but Willow looks at them with soft eyes and smiles fondly. The second is a screenshot from the flashback of "Eda's Requiem" and shows young Eda and Raine on their hilltop while Eda plays her lute. Raine is leaning their head on their knee and looking at Eda with soft eyes like Willow's and a fond smile on their face.]
Damn, these spot the difference games are getting tough!
And just for fun, let's compare Hunter and Eda.
These two blush early and often.
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[ID: The first is a screenshot from "Any Sport in a Storm" from the moment after Willow refers to "Caleb's" next day off. Hunter looks back at her with Flapjack on his shoulder and has a slight blush on his cheeks. The second is from "Them's The Breaks Kids" from the moment after Teen Raine has just done an impressive grudgby move. Teen Eda stands holding the ball with a light blush on her cheeks.]
I mean look at them.
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[image ID: the first is a screenshot from "Labyrinth Runners." Willow has pulled Hunter in for a group hug with her and Gus. Hunter is blushing deeply and has a confused and distressed look on his face. The second is a screenshot from "Eda's Requiem" and shows Eda smiles and blushing while Raine extends their hand to her.]
In addition, we know Willow goes completely FERAL when Hunter is in danger.
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[ID: two screenshots from "Clouds on the Horizon." The first shows an angry looking Willow, surrounded by vines she has summoned and eyes glowing with green magic and spell circles around her hands. The second shows Willow frantically trying to start the air ship to go after Hunter who she believes has been kidnapped while Amity tries to assist while also telling Willow to slow down.]
Of course, Willow is a protective spirit by nature, but we've never seen her act so rashly to protect her other friends, not even Gus or Luz. Because if you recall, to protect her friends Willow thinks she must be both strong and wise. It would have been wiser to take a minute to come up with a plan to retrieve Hunter before jumping in, it was not so wise to try to commandeer and airship that she has no idea how to fly. This is significant because Willow's emotions are so strong here they are overpowering the part of her that's usually rational and likes to think things through before acting. She cares about Hunter so much.
So in conclusion, Willow definitely likes Hunter back. She at least is more likely to actually be aware of her feelings from early on though, since unlike Hunter she had normal social interactions growing up and is more likely to be familiar with the subject of crushes.
Thanks so much for asking!
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crimeronan · 23 days
There’s something very precious and sweet to me about Amity and Luz’s relationship to me like. Luz knows Amity doesn’t—or at least Didn’t—like her. Or at least that she doesn’t trust her. She’s like “Yes this is Good, this is the Correct Opinion to Have. People Shouldn’t like me! I Am Darkness The Harbinger Etc”
But then Amity actually gets to know her. And she does Really Like Her. I’m sure there’s some “I’ve tricked her into liking me by being kind and warm. Like some manipulative cold hearted monster” to work through. But I think it would mean a lot to her to have someone who hasn’t ALWAYS loved her to death around. No offense to Hunter he’s great. But still the irrefutable nature of “you didn’t HAVE to like me but you do anyways” is something that I think would be so important for her
YEAH. to have amity take the measure of her, as someone who's been just as afraid of luz's power as luz believes it is reasonable to be.... and find luz not only trustworthy but also desirable.... OUGH....
once again, potential fic spoilers here, but right now a bit of the script i have for their convo about hunter is. like. luz says something about how it's important to her not to want Too Much because she never knows what she can actually Take. & amity nodding at apparently-asleep hunter, who is currently being idly pet like a lap cat, like, "well, you've never had a problem wanting Him."
luz: i can maybe want One thing. [fondly] besides, you told me off for that, remember? the day belos died. i was being needy and-
amity: i didn't know you as well then as i do now-
luz: no, no, you were Right. i have to be careful. and i'm not as careful as i should be. i'm still the exact same person i was back then, i'm still the person you were afraid of. i haven't changed, amity
amity: ....but maybe i have?
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sepublic · 1 year
Anyhow, I want people to understand the significance of me crying over TOH ending because. I generally do not cry. It’s hard for me to cry, I feel sadness and grief sure! But tears themselves are difficult. And as much as I love media, it’s very rare and hard for it to make me genuinely cry. Other cartoons and shows I’ve gotten into haven’t done it, but...
The Owl House genuinely made me cry. After the grief of Agony of a Witch, the lonely despair of King’s Tide, and so many other painful moments. The Owl House finally made me sob, genuinely, wails I had to cover up, hot tears, sore eyes and a dripping nose. I heaved and made myself cry even more, because goddamn is there such a relief in the catharsis of feeling this pain, and knowing it means you’ve felt something, you’ve felt happiness to begin with.
So yeah. The Owl House has always been pretty special to me. But I think this expression of how I felt was low key what I was waiting for, working towards, after the finale. The absence hurts, but it makes me appreciate all the more the presence it entails for TOH in my life. For the community, for the experiences, the analyses, the genuine fun and laughter and speculation! The hype and friends I’ve made along the way, me building up my own skills as a reader thanks to this show!
I remember being enamored by The Owl House’s first announcement in February 2018, the first ever, possible public reveal of that show; You could’ve only known it beforehand if you worked at Disney and/or were one of Dana’s friends. Something about Luz, about Eda, about King... The very premise itself, the magic. Something about this show felt special to me, I had a really good feeling about it I couldn’t explain.
I ended up checking Dana’s Twitter obsessively for updates, was excited when she posted this one art of Luz and King having an ice cream run, while Eda was displeased with a little demon trying to get her dessert. I expected mostly casual things, but something about the vibes, the magic and wonder experienced through the lens of Luz... It got to me in a legitimately depressive state of my life.
Because I was depressed. Suicidal, even. It was perhaps the worst phase of my life ever, and I hope it’ll stay that way. The beginning of 2018 felt like me finally getting over the big hurdle, that enormous halfway point at the top, and how it was all relatively smooth, downhill sailing from here. So it feels fitting that it was the beginning of the easier part that TOH was announced for me. All I knew were Luz, Eda, and King; I eventually gave up checking Dana’s accounts for art, because I was SO excited and impatient for this show, inexplicably.
That’s probably why I missed Dana’s little sneak peek of Amity Blight, haha... But anyhow, TOH gave me something to look forward to. Something to live for. And when I finally got a shot of Eda throwing treats to Luz and King, the former taken aback by the eyeball, the latter having it bounce off his skull. It didn’t make it to the final cut obviously, but it was my first glimpse of how the show itself would look.
I was in despair when The Owl House was delayed to 2020; I had to wait another whole year for it! And going from 2018 to 2019 was painful enough as is! But man... Was it worth it. The first teaser, the mystery and wonder it promised. My Bionicle brain freaking out over the reveal of the Boiling Isles as a giant corpse. 
And then the theme song. Me learning Luz’s VA, scouring very obscure media to get an idea of how she might sound like. And finally I heard it, we got other announcements; Eda by Wendie Malick, who made perfect sense, and King by Alex Hirsch, cue those obnoxious Bill Cipher theories I still hate to this day! 
Some crew members announced cupcakes they made, complete with banners like “Drinkers Coven” and I got hyped for this little content. I wanted to try cashew meringues because of it, and later recognized the repurposed frames of Luz, Eda, and King in actual episodes. I saw some concept art and expressions removed from the show, and was glad to recognize them later, as I did a frame-in-process of Luz wondering about her magical destiny.
I checked Tumblr but it seemed like I was the only person actively anticipating, and not just including TOH as part of a larger collection of media posts. I wanted TOH for itself, someone was curious if it had owls, I scoured the first teaser for a screenshot to satisfy them! I wanted more people in on it! I saw some clips, figured out Luz’s ethnicity from her squealing “Ay que lindo!” in response to King.
I made a few ancient posts, my first TOH post was me admitting I was excited and wondering if anyone else was. It got NO traction, at least not until much, much later... But that didn’t stop me! I had a dream where Luz was revealed to be disabled, her legs were prosthetics and Eda ended up giving her new magic prosthetics styled after owl feet. This would prove weirdly prophetic... Less so, my dream about Luz being the Anti-Christ (this was framed as a good thing), hence why she found the isles.
I speculated Luz was an orphan who had nobody, hence why she found the isles; But then an article mentioned her mother Camila. I went with that spelling until some end credits confused me with a typo that gave us Camilia, which led to a big fandom debate later until Dana clarified.
I analyzed the trailers, trying to figure out the plot and trajectory, wasn’t quite right there. I was happy to see TOH would have full 22-minute episodes, allowing them to get nitty gritty and elaborated, instead of truncated into 11-minute segments. Boy did that pay off, and looking back I can appreciate what a rarity that was, an achievement. People pointed out the anagram for me... 
I speculated on the titles, confused bits from Covention with scenes from the first episode, wondered if Escape of the Palisman referred to the tower. And in the end, the first episode finally came out, after I was enjoying Infinity Train Book 2, and I was enamored. It was wonderful, it utterly blew me away and was all I wanted and more. I had to get more! The moment Luz spoke of liking editing anime clips into AMVs and all that other stuff, I felt seen, and that was just the beginning.
I spoke my praises, but alas there was no fandom. The next week, I was surprised to find posts for the next episodes so early, and learned the episode was released ahead of time on DisneyNOW, so I immediately subscribed. I was excited to meet Amity Blight, Willow and Gus; And I was caught by surprise by how openly mean Amity was when she debuted! But I analyzed the sub-text of her actions and dialogue, and was vindicated. 
Amity was such a fun and interesting character because she really felt like a puzzle that we unlocked more and more pieces of, to better understand her. And I really got the sense of TOH’s re-contextualization and surprising character continuity, such as when King’s B-plot in one episode actually became the focus of the very next! You could tell the writers really cared about making a deeper story for kids and teenagers. 
One nice memory was when I wrote a post appreciating Willow and Luz’s friendship, the idea of Willuz as a ship; I took a shower and went back to check afterwards, and got notes! I analyzed the mechanics of glyphs deeply when they were first revealed, getting nitty-gritty; I remember the events of a few nights and what happened around me writing a post, comparing glyph magic to artificial replication of dragon breath!
I looked for crew art, which alerted me ahead of time to the existence of Emira and Edric, thought I didn’t know their names, and was delighted to learn Amity had older siblings!!! They were hers! Shoutout to @anistarrose who was one of the few people in the tag at this time. I really appreciate that post where you called out people constantly trying to make King into Bill Cipher in a serious manner, and the annoying implications of it. And how you realized a tweet poem by Dana foreshadowed Warden Wrath and the Emperor’s Coven... AND THE CODES TOO!!!
I distinctly remember this one meme video in the tags, a song singing “This girl is a lesbian” as Amity showed up as the punchline. I thought it was cute and loved the idea, I had no clue...! I even tried to analyze the dates on her diary entries because I was so obsessed with the show and wanted more, trying to see if I could figure out a calendar...
Spoiler alert, I didn’t. but it was FUN trying! Putting in all of this unnecessary effort for a detail nobody cared much for, because you could tell the crew were people who did the same, Dana even confirmed it later for herself! I remember being shocked about Eda having a curse, that one theory it was a Blight who did it. I suggested King being the Boiling Isles Titan, some Youtube channel even asked permission to use my post in discussing that theory! I was skeptical but checked and it was legit, and was pleased.
I went through that godforsaken Witch’s Apprentice game, realized too late the artifacts represented each episode and gave hints to the rest of 1A. I watched Look Hoo’s Talking, with Owlyvia and Horus, shout out to those who remember! I was amazed by Eda’s self-awareness in deciding things for Luz, especially after Luz briefly called it out in Covention. I found myself so ATTACHED to the characters, which makes sense since I hyped myself from the start!
I remember being surprised to see King wasn’t an overlord... Or was he? The original 2018 announcement suggested as such, but the way the show played around even after the premiere seemingly disproved it was fun. I speculated on what Luz’s magic track would be, enjoyed fanart of her in Potions as Eda was. Seeing Young Eda was a blast, and I remember being so distraught at the idea of her being cursed! I made a post wailing about it and Cat-Harman Mitchell commented LOL as I ranted about taking vengeance on the curser. Little did I know...!
I was afraid of a cliffhanger with Season 1A, but nope! Eda made it out despite the demon hunters! With a hiatus, I was left impatient and needing more. I scoured crew art, speculated on what Emperor Bellows would be like; Covention’s subtitles mispelled him as such, and Dana had to clarify in a tweet when 1B’s trailer released! I got into deep discussion with @fermented-writers-block about the show, about the mysterious owl mural.
I guess TOH was my first start at really analyzing a show from the start, especially since nobody else was around to do it for me. And coming fresh from reading the meta of those who did inspire me, I went HARD, reasoning that even if it was disproven, the process was fun! I analyzed snake motifs, the mysterious green hand that stole King’s crown. I made a whole diagram about parallels between Luz, between King and the Gildersnake, between ‘human counterparts’ to Amity and Willow and Gus. This definitely fed the revelation of Creepy Luz later on...
But yeah. To think the snakes did pay off with Luz’s palisman Stringbean; Back then people speculated as such with the title’s design, and I’m so happy to see it came through! I speculated on lore, wrote my first TOH fics, The Bile Coven and Amity’s Diary Entries, the latter of which I feel particular pride for since it was a character study of her that proved rather on the spot!
I was obsessed with the worldbuilding, came up with my own ideas. Imagined what Bellows and Kikimora were like. I waited IMPATIENTLY, and even had a dream where Eda was captured by Lilith, Kikimora, and Wrath, as well as some covenscouts... But then it was revealed her curse was a result of possession by the creature depicted on the mural; And it progressed to the next stage of converting her body to its own as she got more feral and escaped on her own!
The airship used by the Emperor’s Coven proved prophetic. And after 1B seemingly disproved this idea, 2A brought it back after all and I was delighted! TOH was and is a show that keeps giving for me, makes me feel rewarded for engaging with it, and is grateful even when I’m wrong, as Any Sport in a Storm’s B-plot attests. I made jokes about King being Mata Nui because I was a Bionicle fan. Someone saw a Grom poster in the background of a shot and suggested Lumity, but I didn’t get my hopes up... Hah.
There was a trailer that alluded to an episode of Luz and Eda in a snowy place; I knew of an article on TOH that mentioned a ‘Witch’s Arena’ at the Knee and guessed this was it. I liked the song that played because I associated it with TOH, found out for myself.
Rebecca Rose, shout out to one of the OGs talking about the show on Youtube! She made a wonderful video discussing Amity’s development and potential, speculating on her, and I felt SOOOO vindicated and followed her for it! As you know, she became THE fan channel for TOH, and was eventually ascended to a full-on crew member for it. We’d all watch her reactions and discussions afterwards.
Adventures in the Elements leaked, I correctly guessed it wasn’t the next episode but the one after it. I was delighted to see the twins be good siblings, and Amity’s casual outfit... Before that, I read a fic during the hiatus of Lilith adopting Amity from abuse (Remember when we thought she was that functional?), and it understandably depicted the twins as mean-spirited and basically apathetic. It was a good fic.
I remember joke-speculating that Bellows would be short, because I was projecting analyses of the Pale King from Hollow Knight onto him! I considered making an animatic of Farquaad’s reveal from Shrek but with Bellows, but alas I’d never actually done an animatic and had zero clue lol. I had another dream about Bellows coming in with the Emperor’s Coven to apprehend Eda, who became an even larger version of her Owl Beast form in response.
Then Summer 2020 came around. What a wonderful time of my life... New fans came in when they saw the possibility of canon sapphics with Lumity, and I was exhilarated! So careful not to get my hopes up, but look now... I was hyped to see Belos’ appearance. I analyzed the 1B trailer, took screenshots and organized them to guess which episodes they were. Rebecca Rose found foreign titles of 1B and translated them, and I did note how translations could skew the intended anagram. I remember “Mini-Problems” being an episode title...
You can probably guess the rest from here, since this was about when the fandom really kicked off. And boy did people stick around for it all. I felt delight in knowing Grom was sooner, due to Understanding Willow being paired with Really Small Problems on the same day! Two episodes at once, instead of the original plan for the last two episodes of the season together! I ended up regretting that low-key with the angst and pain of Agony of a Witch, which made me realize how much I cared for Luz, Eda, and King, and made me the closest to crying from the show.
I felt vindicated to see a popular artist like MoringMark begin making fan comics, I had no idea that’d be THE thing he’d be known for, after I knew him as the Gravity Falls guy. I followed Matthieu Cousin on Tumblr, got excited for that trend of dressing up TOH characters for Grom and sending in your designs, with a winner announced! I don’t think that ever happened. Anamanaguchi’s Prom Night became a thing thanks to a crew member, and who can forget Little Miss Perfect? Kwame rolled with the success and I was glad for him. Eda’s gray eye appearing after the season finale in the end credits shocked me.
There was the Reddit AMA, where I prepared lore questions afterwards and had none of mine answered, but we learned a good deal! Especially the telling “Clawthornes are a bird motif” from Dana, her being put into a headlock by a nun. Amity and Lilith weren’t close but as I mentioned a while back, Dana expressed that she also made connections with cartoons as a kid. Odalia liking her kids color-coded, hence Amity’s hair, and Alador being interesting. Which led to a bunch of fanart that proved off the mark but also not? Alador wasn’t THAT well-put but otherwise...
And that stream! That wonderful stream! I contemplated spending so much money via donation to get something. Eda drinking Apple Blood, Spencer Wan almost spoiling Lilith having a Raven form. Our first sneak peek at Hunter’s face, not counting his appearance as the Golden Guard in S1; We all guessed he and the Golden Guard, or “Owl Mask” were the same. I was stumped and baffled how he fit into Belos’ dynamic... Hoo boy. And we all thought Hunter was an adult, even Alador at first, because of those eye bags!
I wanted to see the coven heads, based on their banners we saw; I liked the Potion Head especially and even when his design proved different than I expected, it was still my favorite! I thought Darius might be a Blight grandfather and he DID have a connection... I had a dream of the twins working for Osran at a library and messing with him, recognized Mason from Covention, and dreamed Terra was named Botanica.
Christmas art of the cast came out, I was happy to see Emira and Edric happy there, after being saddened by Dana’s Grom art of them and even writing a whole fic about it, which I’m chuffed about! She also drew Mattholomule... I recall in the wait for Season 1B, she did some art of the characters. Gus playing games, Mattholomule losing to him; King despairing over stubby thumbs.
Fanart of the kids in quarantine, Amity declaring it’d be easy to stay away from Luz, to Luz’s sadness; Boscha being mad because she couldn’t talk to her friends. Remember when Boschlow was a big thing, until Understanding Willow killed off some of the hype? And confirmation that Willow worked out, which we saw come to fruition in Season 2; People were surprised but I wasn’t! And of course, Frewin being his own entity from Bump, and not Bump himself.
But back to chronology, I guess this is where I should end off. Sorry, this ended up being MUCH longer than I intended, and really you could write a book about my experience with TOH and the journey on a meta level. But those were interesting times, those beginning eras. Back when I didn’t feel the need to always add screenshots to posts unless necessary. And it’s making me nostalgic. It’s making me appreciate everything we’ve been through, the roots of my hyperfixation. And how it all led to me finally crying, because I really did build up THAT much of a love for the show.
I found my first fandom I really felt a part of, found so many people who enjoyed my meta and validated me for it! I feel I’ve grown so much as a person because of TOH. And as I nostalgically reminisce on how different the show was then, I appreciate all the more how far we’ve come, and what it is now. Snapping back to the present does make me sad over how much has passed and changed, but I also appreciate it while remembering the ideas I once had.
I’ll miss that era, and TOH as a whole. And boy do I associate that classic ending theme, how I loved the melancholy of those end credits, speculated on them paying off in the finale. And they did...! It feels good to hear it one last time after a year without it, due to the end credits being removed or redone. There was something so idyllic and dreamlike about that original sequence, capturing the feeling of coming home, and I’m glad TOH did that once more with it.
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