hugsandchaos · 2 months
Full Moon Curse
Summary: Every full moon night, since Arthur was young, was spent in self isolation, often outside. It was a routine everyone who’s spent at least one full month in the castle knew. Yet very, very few knew the reason why. Arthur often wished that even fewer knew, but little does he know, this evening is going to go the opposite of how he wanted. Is the moonlight night really going to end as badly as he fears?
Notes: Arthadow Club, I’ve read y’all’s fanfics and seen your fanart and it’s amazing, but you seem to have forgotten a little concept. Eat up. Oh, and here’s your tag, @teamxdark! I hope you all like it!
Word count: 4,525
With the last bit of the sun’s comforting and powerful light gone, Arthur was left in complete darkness. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t scare him at all, being all alone in the dark, but he’d spent too many nights like this to be so fearful as to turn around and walk back to the castle. His crown had been left behind, along with much of his armor. He felt a little undressed without them, despite still wearing clothes. They were left behind for a good reason when he left just before sunset, though.
Arthur tilted his head up and searched the sky. Any minute now, the full moon would appear through the rolling clouds.
Before he left, the king made sure that every worker there knew he was not to be followed tonight. The newest knight had asked why, but luckily, Gwaine was there to tell him that it was a routine that had gone on for a long time and was simply not to be questioned. The badger seemed a little flustered and apologized. Arthur accepted it easily. Being worried about the king was practically part of the job, so it was reasonable a seemingly risky decision would raise questions.
An owl hooted somewhere to the right. Without thinking, Arthur turned to where it came from, only to relax his shoulders just as quickly as they raised up. The warm summer nights were more teeming with life now that the snow was gone and the animals had returned in the spring. Soon, fireflies started flickering their lights to the world and crickets began to sing and chirp. Combined with the pleasantly cool wind blowing through the trees, it was all a sort of quiet melody that soothed his mind when he paid attention to it, even if just for a while.
His emerald eyes found the moon when its light finally shined through the clouds. In the past, he would’ve looked at it and dreaded what would follow. Now, Arthur looked at with both a resigned sadness and some remaining fear for the painful transformation.
It started in his chest. It always started in his chest. Arthur gasped and brought a hand up to clutch the shirt he was wearing. His heart slowly, but surely began to beat almost painfully fast in his chest. Like it was knocking on it from inside. His ribcage felt as if it was starting to expand underneath his skin. At the same time, the flesh around began to grow to keep up with it. Arthur squeezed his eyes shut and started panting. He released his grip on his shirt, only to try to grip at his chest.
The pain only grew worse as it spread to his arms and legs. Arthur cried in intense agony as his leg bones began to change and shift, unable to handle it while they supported his weight at the same time, no matter how many time he’s gone through it. It always hurt too much for him to keep standing. Arthur used his aching arms to catch himself on the ground, which shot a spark of pain through them. He inhaled sharply through his teeth, which sounded a lot like a hiss.
Knowing how the next few seconds would go, the king grunted and laid onto his side on the grass. He hated it. It was his own body, and yet the best Arthur could do for himself right now was to just lay there and let it happen. His face scrunched up in extreme discomfort as he grew too big for the clothes he was wearing until they tore apart. At the same time, he had to remove his hand from his chest because of the claws starting to grow. It hadn’t exactly brought him any comfort, but not doing it somehow felt worse than doing it.
‘It’ll be over soon.’ Arthur told himself.
He gritted his teeth as they started to ache and felt them starting to grow sharper. His tail stretched and grew blue fur out of it, the same blue fur that started spreading all over his body until it was longer than his quills. He cried out as his arms and legs grew bigger, his ankles shifting and readjusting to take on a different shape. Everything suddenly seemed much louder, much brighter, and his nose stung a little as Arthur became more aware of the different scents in the air.
Every muscle was tense and his fingers that now ended with sharp claws flexed as if to grab something. Everything hurt, everything ached, it was all so bad that he wanted to rip off his own skin to make it stop.
Then, almost as fast as it came, it stopped. The king breathed out a heavy sigh of relief. The pain would fade away soon enough, but now, the transformation was done. He began taking deep breaths to try to even out his breathing and calm his heartbeat. Arthur didn’t bother getting back up yet and simply laid there, listening to the sounds of the forest surrounding the clearing he frequented for the transformation. His head was spinning a little, but he knew that would fade as well.
Slowly, but surely, the pain subsided. When Arthur opened his eyes again and looked up at the sky, the moon had barely moved an inch from the position he’d first seen it in. He put his now furry arms on the ground and began to stand up. He moved slowly, not because of balancing issues, but because his legs often suddenly ached when he stood on them after and made it harder to stay up. Luckily, this wasn’t one of those times and the king was able to properly look around, the shreds of the clothes he’d been wearing now discarded onto the grass.
The fireflies were still there, but not as many remained. The crickets had sensed the new presence of a predator in the area and gone quiet, but Arthur’s now advanced senses hadn’t yet detected anything that could be a threat. That meant it was him that startled them. Arthur despised this form, along with the urges that came with it. The hunger for raw meat, for example.
Most of his mind was disgusted by it, but the rest that felt as if it belonged to the beast he’d turn into every month salivated at the mere thought of it. Another example is that on the rare occasion he was happy during these nights, he’d catch his tail wagging. The cursed king would also eventually come to the realization that when he thought of something that made him happy enough to make his tail wag, he’d feel more excited about whatever it was than when he was back in his much more comfortable and normal hedgehog body.
However, that small boost of happiness did next to nothing for Arthur when he remembered his circumstances. It was like trying to put out a large fire with only one bucket of water. He took in a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. Now he had to figure out what he could do next for the remainder of the night, because no matter how exhausted he might’ve been the day before, the beast was wide awake more often than not. One thing was for sure, though; Arthur had to stay away from civilization and the people who lived there.
“This is unexpected.”
Arthur’s ears and tail perked up hearing the voice, and upon realizing who it was, he was briefly overcome with nothing but sheer excitement at the thought of his beloved being there. He felt his now longer and fluffier tail move side to side rapidly, and for a few seconds, he didn’t care at all. Then that beautiful feeling was crushed by a sense of dread.
Shadow was there, and judging by his words, he was looking right at him. He saw Arthur. He could see him right now, as this... this beast.
Arthur turned to where the voice came from and his heart sank to his stomach. Shadow’s glowing red stripes and eyes, familiar and mysterious at the same time, cut through the darkness from where he was standing amongst the trees. As he walked into the clearing, the glow disappeared and the moonlight was granted permission to shine on him. The king’s beloved looked undeniably gorgeous under the soft, pale light, but he (unfortunately) couldn’t focus on that at the moment.
“What are you doing out here?! It’s late!” Arthur asked. He hadn’t meant to sound so surprised and fearful, but it was already out before he knew it. For some reason, Shadow had yet to show any signs of fear. Arthur knew how fearless he could be, but wasn’t he at least a little disgusted right now?
“Well, I was going to find a good place for stargazing, but who would’ve thought that I’d find you out here too.” Shadow replied. He shrugged his shoulders.”I thought you’d be asleep by now.” He added.
Arthur hardly processed the explanation. His mind was busy trying to prepare itself for the inevitable disaster that would be Shadow, the one who lit up his day just by being there and filled a place in his heart he didn’t even know was empty, was about to leave him. Arthur should’ve told him sooner. Maybe the heartbreak wouldn’t have been this awful. He could feel the tears starting to form behind his eyes and his throat begin to tighten already. He fought the urge to start crying down as far as he could so he could speak.
Arthur took in a deep breath.”Yes, it is... a curse I’ve had for a very long time now.” He said. He wanted to turn around and run so badly. Run from his home, run from his curse, and run from his beloved’s rejection.”I... suppose that you no longer want to be with me now that you know?” Arthur asked, fighting to keep his words above a whisper.
Shadow blinked and tilted his head slightly.“What are you talking about?” He asked. He started to come closer, but Arthur took a step back.
“Look at me! I look like a beast! A monster! I’m the very thing young children would run from in terror!” Arthur exclaimed. His voice strained a little as he spoke.”I’m the creature that hunters would go after to mount my head on their wall, believing that they’re protecting their loved ones!” He said. The dam holding his cries back was starting to break, a single tear was already rolling down his face. It almost hurt to speak.
He hung his head down and looked at the grass. He didn’t want to meet his lover’s eyes, which were probably full of hate by now.“I look like... like a demon, don’t I?” Arthur asked, sadness dripping from his words. He bit the inside of his lip to prevent it from quivering like he was a child.
A few minutes of heavy silence followed. Arthur didn’t see it, but Shadow raised an eyebrow at him.”Does me being only part hedgehog make me disgusting?” He asked. Arthur briefly forgot all about the circumstances and snapped his head up to look at Shadow.
“What?! No!” He exclaimed. He was shocked that his beloved would even suggest such a thing. Shadow’s tail may be far too long and easily manipulated for a hedgehog’s, and both of his sets of retractable teeth and forked tongue would startle many people, and of course the fact that he could make his red stripes glow was a surprise, but Arthur could only see them as what they are. An important part of Shadow that made him who he is.
He was hardly ever scared of his alien features, and even when he was, it was short lived and replaced with fascination. The lungs of a scorpion to hold his breath for seven days, the ability to find his way through sound alone like a bat, the eyes of a cat’s or reptile’s to see in the dark, and more! Every bit of Shadow’s biological and genetic makeup, as the hybrid himself called it, that Arthur learned about seemed to further prove his self proclaimed title as the ultimate life form and leave the king wondering why and how he was created in such a way.
It was simply amazing how he always seemed to have a way to handle situations. Why — No, how would someone look at him and be disgusted by the simple fact that he wasn’t a “proper” hedgehog?
Shadow tried again to walk closer, and this time, Arthur let him.“There’s your answer. You don’t look much like a beast to me anyways.” Shadow said as he took Arthur’s clawed hand into his own. It was a little surprising how much easier Shadow’s hand was to hold now, but Arthur hardly processed it. He was busy hearing his beloved’s words repeat in his mind over and over.
It was something that he wanted to hear the moment he first wondered what would happen if Shadow learned of his curse. He needed to hear it. He just didn’t think it was very likely. In fact, it was one of the reasons he gave up seeking a lover long ago. And now, after hearing those words, it felt like a weight he’d been carrying for so long that he often didn’t notice its heaviness anymore was starting to lift off his shoulders. Arthur could feel the tears that were ready to be released start to vanish, and his throat began to open up again.
“You... You do not see me as a monster? You are not worried about what I could do if I’m not in control?” He asked. He’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t worried since even now, there were times he’d acted on the beast’s instincts instead of his own.
Shadow gave a small shake of his head.“No. If anything...” The corners of his mouth turned upwards in a small smile, ”I’m actually a little relieved now that I’ve figured out what’s been causing you to feel weak for so long.” He said.
One bright flash of light and surprisingly brief dizzy headache later, Arthur was in a dark room, but the two windows up ahead made him guess that this was Shadow’s cabin. Shadow’s eyes and quills glowed in the dark with bits of lightning flickering between his red quills, something that the dark hybrid seemed to be able to control for the most part. He brought his other hand up and pressed it against Arthur’s chest. He carefully guided him backwards a few steps and lightly pulled down on his hand. Shadow wanted him to sit down, and Arthur did just that.
He reached an arm behind himself and patted the air as he slowly knelt down until he found the cushion of a couch. Arthur sat down, but Shadow remained standing. The dark hybrid leaned closer and gave Arthur a light kiss on the cheek. The soft peck made his cheeks heat up. It felt like just what the king needed right now.”Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be a while.” Shadow said. He turned around and walked to the other side of the room. He knelt down in front of something and picked up two sharp objects.
Three sharp strikes of stones against each other and a few blows from Shadow, and the fireplace was lit. He waited a little to make sure that it would stay, then walked into the kitchen that was right on the other side of the right wall when he was satisfied.
Arthur couldn’t help but smile at him, even when he left. He heard a light thumping and turned to his right to see his tail wagging against the couch. Arthur’s face felt hotter and he quickly grabbed it, but not too harshly, just to make it stop. Thank goodness Shadow hadn’t seen that. Once the tail stopped moving between his paws, Arthur released it and looked around.
A few steps in front of the couch was a rectangular carpet with a simple striped design and different shades of grays, reds, and browns.
The flames eating away at the replaced firewood sent a warm, orange light dancing across the floor, walls, and ceiling. It chased away the darkness and was slowly heating up Arthur’s front body. The wooden floors looked very clean, which wasn’t much of a surprise since Shadow had an affinity for clean and tidy spaces.
Shadow really valued having his privacy, so much so that he apparently built a cabin not too long after he appeared in Camelot. Arthur wasn’t exactly sure just how far away from the kingdom the cabin was, but Shadow told him that he ran for about three hours before stopping in the general area around the house to search for a good place to start building. Given his incredible speed, Arthur could get a good idea of how far they were.
The isolation ensured the couple’s privacy and brought relief to Arthur. No one else would see him like this. He took this moment to think.
He couldn’t remember how he’d gotten cursed, only what happened after. His mother was the first he told. She was horrified and tried to find a way to reserve or heal it, but unfortunately, it was permanent. His mother would bear the brunt of his actions during the first year. Arthur would wake up the next day with no recollection of the night before and his mother would reassure him that nothing bad happened. She often laughed and told him that he acted like a pup wanting his mother.
There were so many embarrassing stories from that first year that Arthur would often rather forget. Over the next few years, he’d slowly gotten better at regaining control over himself. Now, it was near perfect, but there were still moments that the king would not remember the next day. The lack of recollection often meant that he wasn’t in control. There were so many times in the past where he’d nearly gotten caught by either knights, villagers, or hunters. Those moments taught Arthur what fearing for your life meant.
The king wasn’t sure how long he’d been deep in his own thoughts, staring blankly at the fireplace across the room until he finally noticed something. Something that smelled amazing, coming from the kitchen. He turned to look at the doorway just as Shadow came in holding a plate and fork. As he came closer, Arthur could see that it was a piece of cut up meat on the plate, cooked and seasoned. Shadow held the plate out for Arthur.
“Eat this. It’s cooked rare.” He said. Arthur glanced between the plate and Shadow for a second, then accepted. It was a pleasant surprise when he first learned that Shadow could cook, especially when he tasted it and thought for a minute that his beloved might’ve been a famous chef he’d somehow never heard of. Shadow denied it, but Arthur still had his suspicions. Shadow sat down and stretched his arms up.
The fork was a little harder to hold, but the first bite was amazing. The meat was oddly juice and less tough on the inside, but Arthur wasn’t complaining about it. If anything, it made it even better. Besides, Shadow rarely made mistakes when it came to cooking food. Surely this was how “rare cooked” meat tasted.“This is delicious! But if I may ask, how do you think this will help me?” Arthur asked. He brought another piece into his mouth.
“If your sharper features are any indication, then the diet you should’ve been eating requires a bit more meat. Raw meat, that is.” Shadow started explaining. Arthur very briefly paused eating before swallowing the piece of meat in his mouth.“However, I also worry that too much raw meat would make you sick. Plus, you’re still technically an omnivore. I don’t have the right equipment to get the information I need, so to be on the safe side, I cooked it rare.” Shadow finished.
Arthur glanced at the dark hybrid making himself comfortable on the couch. The fork made a clink sound as he let it rest on the plate.“So all this time, my constant fatigue was a result of my meals lacking the proper meat?” He asked. The thought of hunting and eating raw meat had plagued his mind so many times that he believed it to be from the beast simply wanting to enjoy the bloody act, and not for the food itself.
Not only that, but he always felt especially tired after that night. Arthur always believed that was from the transformation, or perhaps a side effect of the curse.
When he was younger, he was so disgusted by the constant thoughts of eating raw meat, especially if it was from something or someone he killed, he’d go into episodes of sorts where he’d avoid meat all together for days at a time. That would make him feel even worse, and slipping back into eating the meat that was in his meals again would help. Was he so repulsed by his own mind that it did it not occur to him that this was the solution?
“I can’t say for sure, but it’s pretty likely. I wouldn’t have even started cooking if I thought that wasn’t what it was.” Shadow replied. He adjusted his position and turned his body so his back face Arthur’s side. He leaned back and turned his head to the side against Arthur.“Finish up and we can head to bed if you’re tired.” He said.
“Surprisingly, most nights when the moon is full, I am not tired. Rather, I am possibly more awake than before, but that sounds lovely. Thank you, Shadow.” Arthur said. He returned to his meal and the two sat not in silence, but close enough.
Once he was done, Shadow insisted on taking the plate and fork to the kitchen. He won, of course. Then, he blew out the fireplace and plunged them both into near complete darkness, the only light being from the moon shining through the windows and Shadow’s glow.“I suggest we have a sort of trial.” Shadow said. He took Arthur’s hand into his own and began walking into the next room.
Arthur was glad this part of the house was more open to make room for the stairs on the other side of the room, leading up to a small pathway suspended above a vacant doorway to another room. He could walk a little without worrying about having to duck his head any to fit. Shadow led him up the stairs.“Every weekend, I want to bring you over here for dinner, and we’ll see if this change will actually work. Does that sound like a good idea to you?” He asked. Arthur had to be careful in the dark, but Shadow leading him and moving at a slower pace than usual made him feel at ease.
The suggestion sounded like a great idea to him. Even if it didn’t actually help, it would at least ensure him having a planned date night with his beloved every month.“Yes. I’d really like that.” Arthur said. The two walked into Shadow’s bedroom, which was one of the few rooms with a door. Arthur had to duck his head and turn sideways to fit through, but at least the bed was large enough for them as Arthur sat down. He’d much rather not use blankets tonight.
Shadow began to remove his shoes and gloves, but the rings were only off for a very brief time. Arthur wasn’t entirely sure what their purpose was, but the hybrid telling him that they only come off in the most dire circumstances told him all he needed to know about their importance. Shadow placed them neatly beside his bed and the gloves went on the night stand.
He sat down next to Arthur and placed a hand on his shoulder. He brushed that hand through his quills and fur.“You know, this form of yours might not be all that bad. Surely you’ve noticed how easier it is to stay warm in the winter?” Shadow asked. Arthur had to prevent his tail from wagging and reached a hand back to rub his neck a little.
“Yes, I suppose it is. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I’ve often looked forward to the transformation so I wouldn’t be so cold when I was younger.” He replied. He reached his other arm around Shadow and pulled him closer. The form also came with a lot more strength, which Arthur had practiced controlling in the past. Still, even now, he was worried about accidentally crushing his beloved.
Shadow had no such fear and made himself comfortable leaning against his side.“And since your tail is longer now, I can do this.” He said as he closed his eyes.
Before Arthur could ask what he meant, he felt something wrap around his tail. He jolted a little feeling the furs on his tail moved and turned around to see Shadow’s tail hooked around his own. It was a small gesture, not too different from the times Shadow used his tail to hold onto Arthur’s hand or arm, but seeing it made the king’s heart swell up. He turned back at Shadow and smiled.”Let us stay like this for a while, my beloved?” Arthur asked.
Shadow turned his head and nuzzled against Arthur.”For as long as we can.” He said.
Arthur wrapped his arm around him and slowly, trying to be mindful of his size, leaned back until he and Shadow were both laying down on the bed. Surprisingly, it held both of their weight with no problem. Both of their tails moved so they wouldn’t be crushed, but Shadow kept his hold on Arthur’s tail even as it wagged. Arthur lowered his head to touch the top of Shadow’s as the dark hybrid curled up a little. His dark quills and red stripes smelled of lavender, something Arthur could now look at and be instantly reminded of his lover.
A small smile made its way across Arthur’s tan muzzle. If this was how Shadow was reacting to his curse, he regretted not telling him sooner. It eased the king’s worries and warmed his heart to know that Shadow hadn’t been disgusted or disturbed by this form. He wasn’t scared one bit of his sharp teeth and large claws, and he hadn’t found all of the blue fur Arthur would probably get on his bed gross. The only thing he seemed to care about was the fact that he believed to have found a solution for Arthur’s constant fatigue. He didn’t seem to find a need to mention his tail wagging, either.
Shadow accepted it all without a second thought, and now, Arthur would always have a nice weekend dinner to look forward to. Not only that, but something told him that this wouldn’t be the only time he’d spend the full moon in the cabin his beloved built.
(I honestly meant this to be a one-and-done-for-now type of thing, but now I’ve got a few ideas that are admittedly Shadow-centric and focus more on how they could’ve met. Trust me, I think they’re pretty good concepts. Next one (after I finish a WIP from another fandom) will be simply titled “Stars”, and honestly, I meant to finish it last summer. On the bright side, my writing’s better than it was a year ago, so it should be pretty good. I blame the Arthadow Club for this/j . Also, I’m not immune to “werewolf character being overexcited to see their partner”, so I wonder how embarrassing it would be for Arthur to wake up the next morning and ask Shadow if he was okay because he knows that not remembering what happened means he wasn’t in control, and Shadow tells him how he couldn’t even go into the next room without Arthur following him.)
23 notes · View notes
spacetofv · 9 months
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work in progress!!
insert sappy love song that arthur doesn't understand but he doesn't care. it's shadow singing it
49 notes · View notes
sonicstorybook · 2 years
The King’s Champion
A SatBK AU where Shadow is the one sent to Camelot and Sonic is the doppelgänger- the one and only King Arthur!
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Chapter 1/2
Summary: Arthur the Hedgehog pulled the legendary sword Caliburn from the stone, and he became King Arthur, the ruler of Camelot. Shadow the Hedgehog appears in a flash of magic in the middle of his banquet hall, and he becomes Arthur’s problem. As the sun rises over the kingdom, a pre-dawn conversation between both hedgehogs also helps them reach... well, not quite a mutual understanding, but progress is progress! 
(Shadow doesn’t know where he is, what’s going on, or why he’s there- but it doesn’t matter. He’s Shadow the Hedgehog, the world’s ultimate life form, and he’s going to play this weird game by his rules.)
Contains: Pre-relationship/platonic Arthadow (Arthur the Hedgehog x Shadow the Hedgehog)! 
Rating: G
Word count:   4,289
Note: Dedicated to my pal Smash ( @teamxdark ), whose fantastic Arthadow stories have been living in my head rent free until I finally had to try my hand at their dynamic. Hope this helps scratch your Arthadow itch. <3 
And a very special thank you to my good friend Essy ( @messedupessysonicsheit​ ) whose encouragement, enthusiasm, and marvelous ideas helped give this AU life! C: Thank you for being forcibly recruited as my beta reader, lol!
‘Be careful what you wish for, Arthur, because you just might get it!’
Sir Ector had told him that so many times as a child when he complained of all his tedious chores and boring lessons. Arthur would much rather dream of adventure and glory as a knight, powerful and brave and noble! Back then he was always running, always rushing to get to this point in time.
Sir Ector was right, of course. His foster father was right about many things, it turned out. Who knew that a normal human being could understand the heart of a blue hedgehog so accurately?
Strange. How strange that he should think of childhood dreams and idle wishes now, making his way up the winding staircase to the tallest tower.. and his guest.
Arthur takes the steps two at a time, impatient to get to the top where he knows Shadow the Hedgehog is brooding.
Probably. It’s difficult to anticipate what the stranger is doing since he is completely unpredictable.
It had been an omen that this Shadow had appeared in a whirlwind of strange magic, materializing out of thin air like a ghost. And like a ghost, he had disappeared just as quickly, dislocating Lamorak’s shoulder and bloodying Sir Hector de Maris’ nose in his haste to get away.
For two weeks, this hedgehog with Lancelot’s face and his frantic energy had wandered throughout the kingdom, lost and confused and very clearly looking for something. While a bit careless with his strength, and very destructive, their strange guest only lashed out when provoked or cornered. (Which was probably why this Shadow favored the castle towers so much. No walls or ceilings to trap him. This was one of Arthur’s favorite places to run away from his duties, too.)
None of his knights had been able to bring Shadow the Hedgehog back, neither by strength of arms or skill of speech. It wasn’t until Camelot’s king himself sought him out, bested him in a duel and coaxed with gentle words did the mighty warrior finally agree to come to court.
(Arthur still isn’t sure how he was the one who managed to connect with this Shadow the Hedgehog. Gawain has the strength of ten men and Percival a patient, silver tongue. Shadow shows a clear disdain for authority and doesn’t seem particularly impressed with Arthur’s laurels, so what? What is it? Is it because they’re both hedgehogs?)
The cloak on his shoulders feels heavy and itchy, and how he longs to take it off- but he does not. Arthur pushes the trap door open, and finds Shadow the Hedgehog on the embrasure. He’s sitting on one of the raised rocks that circle the tower like a crown, one knee pulled against his chest. The other dangles over the side of the wall.
“Hello, Shadow the Hedgehog,” Arthur calls out, adjusting his cloak around his neck to protect from the early morning chill. He kicks the trap door closed behind him, and makes his way to the stone next to the other hedgehog, using it as an armrest as he looks into the gloom of the pre-dawn.
The darkness of night slowly recede as the first spot of distant orange light starts to peek over the tree line, dark purples and blues bathing the emerging silhouettes of the castle town. Shadow’s profile is barely illuminated by the growing light, but his red eyes glimmer with an unnatural light of their own.
“How did you sleep?” Arthur tries again when Shadow doesn’t respond, tilting his head thoughtfully, “Your quarters were comfortable, I presume?”
“What do you want?” Shadow asks brusquely, eyeing him with a guarded suspicion. In cheerful temperament, particularly so early in the morning, Shadow and Lancelot are perfectly matched. (Shadow’s own fault- Arthur had a perfectly decent guest room prepared for him, and his strange visitor hadn’t stepped one foot inside!)
“I want to know how my guest is enjoying my hospitality,” Arthur answers back just as dryly, “And if he needs anything. Clean towels, perhaps?”
“I’m fine,” Shadow looks back to the sky, but his attention is on the straggling stars that are disappearing in the growing morning light. He looks so very lost like that, searching for something he can��t seem to find.
“Are you?” Arthur asks quietly, but just as he anticipated, that snaps Shadow out of his pensive mood, “You don’t act like you’re fine.”
“Don’t you have a kingdom to run?” Shadow fixes him with a fearsome scowl, quills bristling in annoyance.
“Run where?” Arthur grins with a shrug, turning so his elbows are leaning against the stone nonchalantly, “I think it’s doing pretty good here. Where would do better? On the banks of the Misty lake? In the depths of the Crystal Cave?”
Shadow doesn’t look the least but amused with his teasing, frown somehow deepening, “Ugh. Surely there must be something more important you should be doing than bothering me.”
That comment hits a tender part of his heart Arthur had long forgotten, when he was half this size and went by the epithet ‘Wart’ instead. Perhaps not much has changed during that time. Perhaps he’s still just an annoying little boy trying to be what he is not.
“...I suppose there are other matters that need my attention,” Arthur concedes after a long moment, remembering himself and slipping back into his more poised and measured royal voice, “But it is also true that a good king cares for his people.”
Kings had to look forward, not back. He gives Shadow a pleasant but bland smile, focusing on the here and now,  “And a great king extends that hospitality to all his subjects, and all the visitors to his lands. I apologize if I have disturbed you.”
Shadow opens his mouth to argue, a strange emotion flashing in his eyes, there and gone like a bolt of lightning- but he doesn’t do or say anything. He just crosses his arms over his chest and glowers at the forest in the distance, “...Whatever.”
The first rays of the sun are just starting to peek over the horizon, pinks and oranges stretching out across the pale blue sky. It bathes his kingdom with a warm, almost magical glow.
It has been a long time since Arthur has taken the time to see the sunrise. He enjoys the stillness of the sleepy morning. In another hour or so, his kingdom will be bustling and awake, bringing new problems for him to solve. But for now, it’s serene. Calm.
“The sun rises on yet another day, and as the kingdom wakes and goes about its duties, so too must its king,” Arthur pushes off the stone and clasps his hands behind his back, projecting the calm confidence his people have come to expect from him.
“If you are feeling more sociable today, breakfast will be served in the banquet hall. We would be most delighted to enjoy your company, if you are willing to grant it,” Arthur has learned to be careful with his word choice and tone, since it carries much more power than he realizes. An invitation could be read as an undeniable request, and a request a threat.
“Tch. Yeah, right,” Shadow scoffs, mouth twisting into a grimace as he rolls his eyes. Clearly not an issue with this Shadow the Hedgehog, “Just leave me alone.”
Such a remark could have been interpreted as treasonous if Arthur was a less patient man. (As it turns out, this flippant disregard for his position is delightful, making Arthur feel more like a person than a figurehead, for once. Even Kay’s barbed teasing and affectionate insults had lost their bite the moment Arthur the Hedgehog became King Arthur of Logres.) Arthur allows himself a small smile.
“And so you shall be!” Arthur shrugs, forgetting himself for a moment, “Enjoy acting like a gargoyle! You’ve got the fearsome scowl down perfectly.”
Shadow’s eyes flicker to him briefly, but he doesn’t respond
“If you should need anything, ask me directly, please. My knights are proud, and they won’t forget or forgive that they lost to an unarmed and unknighted knave-“
“I'm only going to say this once,“ Shadow crosses one leg over the other as turns to give Arthur his full attention, “I’m not a knave or a churl or a boor or whatever strange terms you guys insist on using. I’m a hedgehog. Only a hedgehog.”
“That’s not what that means-“ Arthur starts to try to explain, but Shadow cuts him off.
“I don’t care.” Shadow tosses his head imperiously, “Whoever calls me anything but hedgehog is going to get a kick to the head.”
They stand in silence a moment longer, watching the sky continue to lighten.
“I’ll pass along your message, but I can’t promise my knights won’t try to use this knowledge to challenge you,” Arthur turns and starts walking to the door, waving a hand over his shoulder, “Well then. Good day to you-“
Just as Arthur is about to go back inside, Shadow speaks up.
Arthur pauses, ear swiveling backwards before he turns to face Shadow again
“I have... a question,” Shadow says slowly and carefully, crossing his arms over his chest. There’s a tension to his shoulders that looks like wariness, almost like he’s bracing himself for a negative reaction. “Tell me the truth.”
Arthur has long learned to keep his facial expressions bland and approachable, never giving too much of his inner thoughts away- but he feels his heart beat faster. It feels like Shadow is about to ask for a boon, and this one probably isn’t as simple as granting him a year-long apprenticeship with Kay in the kitchens or the company of one of his knights on a quest.
Arthur isn’t sure he’ll be able to give this stranger what he’s going to ask for.
“Ask freely, sir,” Arthur chooses each word deliberately, carefully, used to this verbal dance. He taps his foot against the stones at his feet, trying to rid himself of nervous energy, “You have my word that, should I not know, my knights will venture forth to seek whatever answers may be available.”
Encompassing enough the petitioner feels like they are being listened to but narrow enough to be feasible.
“Am I... Lancelot?”
“Huh?” Arthur is not usually at a loss for words, but all he can do is stare. He picks at his ear discreetly, certain he must have misheard, “Um. I fear the wind carried off your words before I could hear them-“
“Am I Lancelot?” Shadow repeats, annoyed, turning to face him with a defensive hunch to his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” Arthur answers honestly, like he promised, crossing his arms over his chest as he scrutinizes Shadow head to toe, “Let me see.”
Though physically very similar, there are a few small but significant differences.
Shadow’s fur is short and sleek, and there are no scars visible anywhere on his body, certainly none over his eye. The divide between his red and black fur is precise, like it was stitched together by a tailor’s skilled hand. It’s nothing like the wild, asymmetrical streaks of red enchantment on Lancelot. They both have strong, proud shoulders, but Shadow’s have a sag of doubt to them. For all his faults, for all sins, Lancelot has never doubted the convictions of his heart and soul. (Arthur hopes he never sees the day his dear friend’s shoulders carry the heaviness of weary regret like that. He misses Lancelot dearly, wishing him well wherever his latest quest has taken him.)
“No,” Arthur answers at last, nodding definitively, “You aren’t Lancelot.”
Shadow doesn’t acknowledge his answer, and he doesn’t look back at him or move. When Arthur is just about to repeat himself, however, Shadow asks quietly, “How do you know?”
What a strange question! Intrigued, Arthur decides the castle can spare him for a little longer. He sits next to Shadow, dangling his legs over the side of the embrasure like the unusual hedgehog. It’s exhilarating, sending a warm thrill to Arthur’s soul that he didn’t even know he craved. Shadow tenses next to him, but does not move.
“Well, for one, Lancelot would never wake up this early,” Arthur answers, lightheartedly, kicking his feet pensively, “Lancelot is sleep’s favorite knight, and when he is in her embrace, she is reluctant to give him back to the world of the wakeful.”
“What are you talking about?” Shadow looks at him like he grew another head, tone confused and angry. (Shadow seems to be angry a lot.) “What does any of that mean!?”
Impatient, impatient! Shadow and Lancelot share that in common, too. Arthur laughs despite himself, shrugging airily with a mischievous wink, “It means he’s a heavy sleeper and would never get up to see a sunrise. It also means I'll give you a better answer if you ask a better question.”
Shadow looks slightly taken aback, something flashing through those vivid red eyes of his. It’s gone just as quickly. His eyes are like storm clouds, Arthur thinks distantly, never calm even when he’s still.
“You say you’re King Arthur,” there’s a hint of a sneer to Shadow’s tone, like he’s stating the obvious, “You should know exactly who your best knight is.”
“I do know Lancelot,” Arthur concedes, amused by this challenge, “I know Lancelot well! He’s a good friend and an even better knight! “The way he moves on the battlefield is captivating! He’s so fast it’s like he’s not even moving!”
He takes great pleasure in watching Lancelot fight, gesturing with his hands as he gets swept up in the story, “Just appearing and disappearing like- like lightning! He’s got such a reputation that most knights are afraid to challenge him directly- with good reason!- so he disguises himself to get a fair fight!”
Arthur sighs in dreamy acknowledgement, wishing his place was on the field instead of the throne, too, “He is truly worthy of the title of ultimate knight.”
“Hmm,” Shadow manages to make a wordless grunt sound derisive, looking incredibly unimpressed, “That’s not useful at all.”
“Like I said- if you ask better questions, I’ll give you better answers,” Arthur arches a quizzical brow in Shadow’s direction, matching the other hedgehog’s condescension, “I am not privy to the thoughts in Lancelot’s head or the emotions in Lancelot’s breast, save those he chooses to share with me.”
Shadow‘s scowl deepens, “I don’t have time for your riddles, hedgehog.”
“Riddles, Huh?” Arthur leans on the stone to his side, looking up at the sky as he feels the sun warm his back. There’s a pang of longing for his wild, old mentor, who disappeared from his life as quickly as he came. Poor Merlina has some very big shoes to fill… If Merlin was truly gone.
It’s possible and entirely probable the wizard was responsible for Shadow’s sudden arrival, and would be by to check on him eventually… if Merlin realized whatever he was trying to do worked. Or didn’t work. It was always very difficult to tell with wizards.
“Anyway!” Shaking his head free of thoughts of Merlin, Arthur gestures to the well-groomed patch of fur on Shadow’s chest, “You are in a better position to judge if the heart that beats in your chest is also that of Sir Lancelot of the Lake.”
Shadow doesn’t look satisfied with that answer, glowering at the landscape below again. He doesn’t say anything back.
“You asked for my opinion and I gave it to you. You are not Lancelot,” Arthur repeats, confused, “Does this answer trouble you?”
“What? No, of course not, don’t be ridiculous” Shadow says it quickly, more like he’s trying to convince himself than Arthur. He shakes his head as if dislodging his doubts, “It doesn’t matter. Nevermind.”
Shadow swings his legs back up to stand on the lower stone, crouching down to look at the ground below. He looks like he’s trying to calculate the distance- Surely this hedgehog isn’t mad or desperate enough to throw himself down?!
“Wait, stop! I’ve got a question for you, too!” Arthur interrupts Shadow’s thoughts loudly, sincerely concerned this stranger is about to hurl himself off the tower. He moves towards the center of the tower, away from the edge in the hopes Shadow will unconsciously follow him. (Shadow does not.) “Why the change of heart?”
As hoped, Shadow is distracted and back looks up, “Huh? What do you mean?”
“You were very clear in asserting yourself as ‘Shadow the Hedgehog the world’s Ultímate Lifeform’ when you first arrived in my castle’s halls. You were insulted at the idea that you would be compared and mistaken for another! Absolutely adamant that you were not Lancelot.”
Arthur pauses briefly for a moment, waiting for a reaction, but Shadow doesn’t give him one. Not very emotive, this fellow. “If you were so sure you arrived here as Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate life form, why do you think you’ve become Sir Lancelot of the Lake?”
He doesn’t think Shadow is going to answer him. The other hedgehog clenches his hand into a fist, tight enough it looks painful, before finally responding, “Everyone has been calling me Lancelot.”
It’s said softly, like an admission of guilt, but it seems innocuous enough.
“You bear a striking resemblance to him. Does this trouble you?” Arthur prompts gently, not sure what to make of this... revelation? It seems very minor and insignificant, but it’s obviously important to Shadow.
“They seem sure that I am Lancelot,” Shadow continues, crossing his arms over his chest looking up to the sky like he may find answers or comfort among the clouds.
They? Who’s they?
“And… their conviction outweighs your own?” Arthur continues, tapping his chin thoughtfully, only pausing when Shadow fixes him with an offended glare.
“No,“ Shadow snarls like it’s pressing on a tender wound, gesturing impatiently at the scenery, “It's the environment that matches their conviction.”
“I see,” Arthur agrees even though he really doesn’t understand what Shadow is talking about. Is he trying to say he comes from a world devoid of forests and magic and castles and lakes? How dreadful!
“It all has the right physical properties and endurance,” Shadow continues almost like he’s distracted, suddenly kicking at the arrow slit under his previous seat. The thick, solid rock breaks under the force of his sabaton, the entire left side of the opening falling to the ground with a thud. Shadow picks it up like it weighs nothing, chucking it over the edge of the tower. They both watch the rock plummet to the ground until it is nothing but a small dot shattering into hundreds of smaller specks, “Everything follows the laws of physics.”
“Hm,” Arthur gives a noncommittal grunt as he runs his hand against the now much bigger hole, impressed at Shadow’s strength. He might even have Gawain working up a sweat!
“Water corrodes metal at the same rate. Plants die if they are snapped in half,” Shadow moves so he’s standing again, still uncomfortably close to the edge, “Things that are broken or damaged remain that way until they are repaired or replaced.”
Although Arthur still doesn’t quite understand Shadow’s monologue, something clicks.
“Is that what you’ve been doing since you came here?” He asks, thinking back to the reports of the half-mad hedgehog doing nonsensical things with a frightening intensity and ferocious strength. Apparently there was a purpose to his carving varying lines on the trees in the forest, leaving an assortment of strange items in a pool of water and examining them days later, and interrogating the locals on the present and near past. “Conducting tests?”
“Of course,” Shadow looks at him oddly, as though the question is inconceivable, “Why else?”
Arthur knows a verbal trap when he sees one, even the inadvertent ones, and he sidesteps graciously, “Why play such coy guessing games when the truth is easily obtained from the one in front of me?”
“Hm,” Shadow doesn’t look convinced but strangely enough, he doesn’t argue. There’s a weird tension in Shadow’s shoulders again, but why would ‘truth’ elicit such a reaction?
Arthur moves on, “And what have you determined, friend?”
“Physical sensations and wants don’t change my perception of this world, and there are too many details that go beyond my frame of reference, so it’s unlikely it’s a dream.”
“...Physical wants?” These remarks trouble Arthur greatly, scrutinizing Shadow more closely. There’s no bags under his eyes and his fur looks healthy enough, but... “When’s the last time you slept? Are you hungry?”
Shadow rubs at the back of his neck with a sigh, not listening or choosing not to reply, mostly talking to himself at this point, “I may be back in stasis, but that’s always been dreamless... unless my memory is being tampered with again. But that’s a delicate and complicated procedure, and certainly wouldn’t be wasted on something this meaningless-“
“It’s not meaningless! And I would ask you to never refer to my kingdom as such again, Shadow the Hedgehog,” Arthur interrupts sternly, using the commanding tone he has mastered but is still loath to use.
Shadow looks up sharply like he is broken from a trance, blinking at Arthur owlishly like he doesn’t understand the outrage. The king gentles his tone as he gestures to the castle grounds, “Camelot is the dreams of peace and brotherhood made real. My knights, my people, and all our forefathers have made tremendous Efforts and suffered many sacrifices to bring it to fruition.”
He makes eye contact, every word spoken with conviction, “Even if this dream only lasts a moment, it was worth it. Even if the impact is as fleeting as the sands of time, it was good.”
Arthur puts his hand over his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, “I am proud of what we’ve accomplished and what we will accomplish. And no matter how treacherous the path, even if my heart shatters into a thousand pieces and the bitterest tears wet my cheeks at the closing, I will never regret any of it.”
Shadow doesn’t look away. He looks at Arthur as if seeing him in a new light.
“I understand. That is your conviction, and I respect it,” Shadow gives what Arthur supposes is an apology and acknowledgement, although it isn’t either. Arthur is a proud man, too, and the lack of a clear repentance grates on him-
“Thank you, Arthur,” Shadow closes his eyes as if in thought, and for a brief moment, he looks like he’s at peace, “You reminded me of something important I had almost forgotten.”
Shadow smiles. It’s a beautiful thing, small but genuine, like sunlight peeking through dreary storm clouds, “Even If my memories and environment are artificial, I’m still me. I’m Shadow.”
He opens his eyes again, looking determined, “And I will do what I must to keep the promise I made. Wherever I am.”
Just like that, Arthur’s irritation is quickly overtaken by a bloom of warmth in his chest. Shadow is terse and cold, but his soul is noble and his heart is devoted. He may not be Lancelot, but Shadow has the makings of a fine knight. He will undoubtedly achieve great things, too, and Arthur hopes he’ll be able to at least hear about them.
Arthur knows that he’ll break the serene spell Shadow is under if he speaks. He wants to savor this moment, commit it to memory forever- but he can’t help himself. As impulsive as when he took that weathered sword out of a rock, Arthur blurts out, “You have a beautiful smile, Shadow the Hedgehog.”
“...Hmph,” Shadow frowns at him disdainfully, although there’s no heat in his scowl. It seems primarily for effect, like Shadow’s not sure how else he’s supposed to respond to a compliment like that. What a strange man, unable to apologize or accept a compliment!
“I hope this will not be the last time I am acquainted with it,” Arthur tells him sincerely, noting but not commenting on how Shadow’s ears twitch, “It suits you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t hold your breath,” Shadow tries to sound annoyed but it comes out amused. Unfortunately the frown makes a comeback rather quickly as Shadow crosses his arms over his chest. Ah Well. The sun has already risen enough that the telltale hustle and bustle of the morning is coming from the courtyard, even if it’s very faint at this height. He’s spent too long away from his duties already.
“Join me for breakfast!” Arthur offers Shadow his arm, but the other hedgehog looks at his arm then at him blankly, like he doesn’t understand the gesture. Perhaps they don’t do that where Shadow is from? “Follow me. It’s a bit of a walk, perfect for building up an appetite-“
“Walk?“ Shadow repeats incredulously, looking somewhat disturbed by the notion, “You?“
“My legs work just as well as yours, Shadow the Hedgehog,” Insulted, again, Arthur crosses his arms over his chest, arching a brow disdainfully, “Would you prefer I request a litter to carry me like I was grievously ill? Perhaps call up two of my strongest knights to parade me around on their shoulders like an infant?”
The blue hedgehog shakes his head incredulously, tapping his thigh as if to demonstrate its physicality, “I got here on my own two feet, and I’ll leave here the same way!“
Arthur has an incredibly childish urge to stick his tongue out at Shadow that he is barely able to resist, “Unless you are volunteering to carry me down yourself, then I intend to use them!”
“Fine,” Shadow doesn’t back down from his challenge, gaze steady as he holds his hand out, palm up, “I’ll do it. Come here.”
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arthurlot · 6 months
Shadow taking Arthur on a motorcycle ride is once again sparking in my brain.
Arthur on a ride across the new world with his favourite knight and his loud metal horse.
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hekcle · 2 years
This is my insight on the sonadow collection I won't elaborate
Sonadow - Chaos, competitive, smug assholes who bully each and are in love, do have soft moments from time to time
Arthurlot - Two poetic bitches being soft and reciting so much poetic sappy shit to each other
Lansoni - Two soft boys being the most affectionate with some light asshole air
Arthadow - They are not assholes to each other they are assholes to other people. They are the chaos, they are the make sure other doesn't get burnout, they are the "Don't laugh" and they both snrk and try to stop
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sonysakura · 1 month
📋 Just Leave a Comment Fest (April 2024): Totals!
Much thanks to @justleaveacommentfest for organising! No excuses just results 🔥 And I'm quite pleased with mine
Total amount of comments: 20 Total amount of works commented: 13 Total amount of words typed: 4 662 words
Fic Recommendations: All of the fics mentioned are Sonadow-centric (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Indica Day: Comment on an Unfinished WIP 💿 CyberGuild by IndigoGoomba (Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply, 5 209 words, 4/? chapters) — AU, Gaming/Virtual Reality
CyberGuild, a Virtual Reality MMORPG made by RoboEgg. The revolutionary class system and cyberpunk setting catch the eyes of every gamer on Mobius, including Sonic and his friends. Peace is no longer an option when a group of ex-RoboEgg employees decides to wreak havoc upon the servers, aiming to get revenge for their "unlawful termination."
Sativa Day: Hyperfocus on a Modern AU 🧣 Dance by sarcasticism (Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply, 20 097 words) — AU: High School/Modern/No Powers, Sports
Shadow hates his high school. He has one friend, Rouge, and she isn't always around to scare his bullies away. There's a blue hedgehog who occasionally talks to him too, but Shadow tries to stay away from him outside of track because he worries he'll be teased for associating with the likes of Shadow. Not that Sonic seems to care about that. At all. Okay, so Shadow has two friends, both of whom attend the first school dance of the year, Shadow and Rouge in the corner judging everyone and Sonic surrounded by friends as always. After a certain echidna asks Rogue to dance with him, Shadow is alone and, most importantly, bored. Until someone dares Shadow to ask Sonic to dance and, to his surprise, Sonic says yes. Thus begins Shadow's third year of high school. Thus begins Shadow's crush.
Dream Blunt Rotation: Read a Fic, Send a Fic! ❤️‍🩹 I don’t wanna see you smile by kty0309 (Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply, 3 627 words) — Hurt/Comfort
“I guess…” he starts, looking anywhere but at Sonic, “I can stay until the fox returns.” “You could also just take me back to the party,” Sonic grins, smiling wider when Shadow glares. “Hey, it was worth a try,” he laughs. Shadow isn’t fast enough to shut down the part of his brain that thinks it’s almost…precious, that Sonic could easily ditch Shadow and head back to the party, but here he is, letting himself be taken care of. It makes Shadow feel uncharacteristically soft as he sits on the couch. Sonic never listens to him, it’s a good feeling….being trusted.
🩸 Mercy by @applebyeye (Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply, 2 397 words) — Established Relationship, Animal Death
A little chao interrupts the boys one morning.
💌 Yours If You So Wish It by @damnitd (Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply, 939 words) — Arthadow; Fluff
After months of getting used to a new world Arthur makes the decision to confess his feelings.
Links: Individual comment counters: 4/19, 4/20, 4/21, 4/22 Tracker sheet (template by eisoj5) Contains both fics I commented on and planned to but didn't have energy for
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achirding · 2 years
WIPtober 11: King’s Champion (Drabble? Snippet?)
Summary: Shadow goes after what he wants without hesitation. Arthur just never thought he would be something Shadow would want. (SatBK AU where Shadow is the one sucked into the Storybook world and not Sonic. C: )
Contains: Arthadow! (Arthur the Hedgehog x Shadow the Hedgehog)
Note: They were moving at such a glacial pace I wanted to do something a little further in the future, lmao. I think this works pretty well as a little drabble! (and clear evidence King’s Champion is gonna be more than just that 2 chapter one shot. C,: )
Shadow goes after what he wants without hesitation.
Arthur never thought he would be something Shadow would want, but he’s not complaining. Shadow has him pinned against the wall, back barely cushioned by the velvet curtain crushed under him, leaving Arthur breathless. This isn’t the first time he’s been kissed, but it is the first time he’s been kissed like this. 
Where his world constricts and the only thing he’s aware of is that searing, dominant mouth on his.
Arthur moans as his tongue grazes a sharp fang, Shadow’s hand holding him in place by the jaw, claws carelessly digging into his skin. His knees feel wobbly and he’s not sure what to do with his hands except clutch onto Shadow’s biceps weakly.
Shadow only pulls back when Arthur feels he’s going to pass out, lightheaded as Shadow’s hot breath mixes with his own, half-lidded eyes watching him intently.
“Haaah,” Arthur pants, trying to form a coherent thought and catch his breath at the same time. He’s not usually at a loss for actions or words, and he’s certainly not used to to following, but what does he do now? Arthur says the first thing that pops into his head, more than a little dazed, “Thanks.”
...Did he really just thank Shadow? 
Arthur is disappointed in himself for not making it more of a challenge, for not making a teasing remark and acting cool-
But for the briefest moment, Shadow smiles. 
That rare, beautiful smile that means the stoic hedgehog is genuinely charmed by Arthur’s honesty. He’s not sure when it disappears, is only aware of the soft pressure of a chaste kiss pressed against his mouth... and the un-gentle pain of a bite to his bottom lip.
“Ow! What are you-” Arthur cuts himself off as Shadow pushes off of him, tugging on his lip roughly, before walking away without a word.
Arthur watches his... champion?... round the córner, feels that piercing glance burn and freeze him, before Shadow disappears from sight.
Only to be replaced by Gawain who rounds the same corner from the opposite direction, looking back at the black and red hedgehog with a nasty look.
“My lord!” Gawain greets him cheerfully with a half bow, “I’ve found the items you asked for!”
“Gawain!” Arthur greets back a little too loudly, hoping his face isn’t as flushed as it feels. He cannot for the life of him remember what he had asked his knight to get for him, “Excellent!”
They stare at each other in silence for a moment, and as Gawain squints at him, Arthur begins to sweat. Does he look as disheveled as he feels? He begins to smooth his fur down as casually as he can, grin extra wide and cheerful, “Shall we-?”
“My lord,” Gawain leans in much closer than he needs to be, frowning at Arthur’s mouth, “You’re bleeding.”
Hell’s Bells. He knew Shadow was going to do something like that, leave a visible mark that Arthur would be unable to explain away! All just to be tease him!
“Ah,” Arthur touches his lip which feels puffy and tender, noticing the drop of blood clinging to his glove, “I... must have bitten my lip.”
Gawain’s eyebrows lift up past the ridge of his open visor, looking skeptical as he glances over his shoulder, nodding nonetheless, “Indeed.”
The echidna gestures to the hallway behind him, following after Arthur, “That must have been quite some fall you had against the wall, your Grace.”
“Huh?” Arthur glances back at Gawain, trying very hard to not think of his still sore lips or the phantom sensation of Shadow’s hand on his face.
“To have hit the wall hard enough to bite your tongue, scrape your jaw, and leave a bruise on your cheek.”
Arthur tries not to start choking on his saliva as he sucks in a surprised breath, “Yes. It was very hard.”
“Please be more careful in the future, Arthur,” Gawain says casually but with that underlying sternness that means he’s worried, sounding more like a command than a request, “Your champion seems to be... lacking in his vigilance.”
Arthur feels his cheeks flush, but nods confidently, moving a little faster so Gawain has to jog to keep up, “I know exactly what I’m doing, ‘Wain! Don’t worry!”
Gawain doesn’t seem to be particularly reassured by that statement, saying nothing but concern written all over his face. (And Arthur can’t blame him.)
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teamxdark · 2 months
I think that 500 people should draw or write Arthadow.
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pestopastaenjoyer · 1 year
I love Sonic/Lancelot as much as the next gal but as a fandom I think we are abusing the prospect of shadow/Arthur (as in like an alt universe version of sonic if you catch my drift). Shadow winds up in Camelot somehow and the real Lancelot has mysteriously disappeared. Arthur decides to trust shadow bcs like. I guess he can just tell if ppl are tbh or not???? (Can you tell I know nothing abt Arthurian legends???) Anyways something something plot plot blah blah blah Arthur ends up falling in love w Shadow bcs he’s very “forward thinking” and idk (I have no clue what to do w Guinevere here can you tell I’m grasping at straws). Anyways shadow kind of does reciprocate feelings but towards sonic because he’s been king of acting on his feelings for sonic via-Arthur and he feels very shitty abt it and. YEAGH. More plot I guess. Weird dilemma stuff I guess that would be scrumptious.
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silvermun · 3 months
Hi silver! I've been writing a little and I might be cooking up some more arthadow fics!
Do you have any headcanons about them you'd like to read about?💜
hi dan!! uuhhmm i can't think of any big ones off the top of my head right now but i do enjoy the whole thought of them like bonding over small things like a board game or something in leisure, or over the whole thing of shadow not being much of a people person vs arthur who kinda is but doesn't have time to be, stuff like that :Q
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nottheweirdest · 2 years
Soncelot or Arthadow?
Oooo this is tough!! I gotta say Soncelot though....
Make me choose between...
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hugsandchaos · 7 months
Random quotes - Arthadow (I tried ;-;)
Arthur: Remember to follow your dreams.
Shadow: No thanks, I only have nightmares.
Arthur: I wonder if we’ll come across those small fae you told me about.
Shadow, walking behind him while chao cling to his legs: I’m sure we will.
Arthur: The garden is always so lovely this time of year. What is your favorite flower?
Shadow: Lavender. Why do you ask?
Arthur, already planning a bouquet: Simply curious.
Arthur: *picks Shadow up* I see you’re looking as lovely as always, but I should expect nothing less from the ultimate life form.
Shadow: *too brain fried to answer*
Guinevere: So what would you gift him?
Arthur: Only the finest jewels would do for him! Diamonds, rubies, gold...
Shadow, out somewhere: Why can’t I still find that damn fourth chaos emerald?!
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spacetofv · 2 years
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Arthur, forgive him but he has not been listening.
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sonicstorybook · 1 year
The King's Champion
A SatBK AU where Shadow is the one sent to Camelot and Sonic is the doppelgänger- the one and only King Arthur!
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Part: 4/4
Summary: Arthur the Hedgehog pulled the legendary sword Caliburn from the stone, and he became King Arthur, the ruler of Camelot. Shadow the Hedgehog appears in a flash of magic in the middle of his banquet hall, and he becomes Arthur’s problem. As the sun rises over the kingdom, a pre-dawn conversation between both hedgehogs also helps them reach... well, not quite a mutual understanding, but progress is progress!
(Shadow doesn’t know where he is, what’s going on, or why he’s there- but it doesn’t matter. He’s Shadow the Hedgehog, the world’s ultimate life form, and he’s going to play this weird game by his rules.)
Contains: Pre-relationship/platonic Arthadow (Arthur the Hedgehog x Shadow the Hedgehog)! Lamorak (Jet the Hawk) and Percival (Blaze the Cat) are siblings! Gawain (Knuckles the Echidna) and Gareth (Mighty the Armadillo) are siblings! Gawain and Gareth are Yvain’s (Ray the Flying Squirrel) cousins! Kay (Scourge the Hedgehog) is Arthur’s adopted brother!
Rating: G
Word count: 2,252
Note: The close of the first chapter of Shadow’s stay in Camelot! C: Will there be more? Yes, because I have no self-control. C,:
Reminder of characters: Sir Kay is Scourge the Hedgehog! Sir Gareth is Mighty the Armadillo!  Sir Yvain is Ray the (Flying?) Squirrel! Percy is Percival the Squire, aka Blaze the Cat! 
All chatter ends and the courtyard is deathly quiet as everyone collectively holds their breath, certain they must have misheard Shadow just now… but the black hedgehog doubles down.
“You heard me,” Shadow repeats, turning to face Gawain with a challenging arch of his brow, “Lancelot can keep his Queen- I’ll take the King.”
“What!?“ Half a dozen voices cry out at once. Arthur barely manages to contain his own surprise, whipping his head to look at Shadow so quickly he almost flings the circlet off his head. 
Shadow does not flinch under the heavy weight of the stares, cool and determined with a haughty hand on his hip.
“Shadow,” Arthur wishes he had a moment with Shadow alone to explain what the black hedgehog was getting himself into, tenting his hands in front of his face thoughtfully, “Once again, I am asking you to reconsider this request. That is no light commitment or task. Are you sure this is what you truly want?”
“I’m going to prove that I am superior to this Lancelot in every possible way,” Although Shadow says Lancelot’s name, the challenging glare he levels in Arthur’s direction indicates that Camelot’s king is included as well, “By the end of it, all of you will be comparing Lancelot to me.”
“You are completely mad if you think the king will accept such outlandish demands!” Gawain is so worked up he throws his hand out, hitting the unfortunate Sir Yvain in the chest with his barbed knuckles. The yellow squirrel is knocked off his feet and into Sir Gareth behind him, who barely manages to keep them both upright, “Who are you?! What are your designs on our king?! Are you a spy or assassin?!”
“I am Shadow the Hedgehog, the world’s ultimate life form,” Shadow is arrogantly self-assured as he literally turns his nose up at Gawain, “Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t care about you or this kingdom. And if I wanted your King dead, there’s nothing you could do to stop me!”
“You churl-!”
It’s very clear that Shadow and Gawain are about to start slinging hotheaded boasts, vicious insults, and blows again. But before Arthur can try to restore order, aid comes from an unexpected source.
“Hah! You are a saucy one!” Sir Lamorak’s squawk of laughter shatters the tension like ice, pushing past Gawain to stand directly in front of Shadow. 
“Brother!” A small purple cat darts out from the crowd, grabbing onto the hawk’s hand and giving him a stern shake, “Do not be foolish!”
“I know what I’m doing, squire,” Lamorak hisses at her, low enough only those nearby can hear him, shaking himself free and pushing the child behind him, “Watch and learn, Percy!”
‘Percy’ gives a loud, annoyed groan as she stomps her foot irritably, sulkily crossing her arms and watching her brother with an incredibly unimpressed expression. Who was this girl, again? Lamorak had asked if he could bring his sister in as his squire, but that had been only a few days ago and she wouldn’t have been able to make the journey so quickly, could she? She also seemed a little too young to be a squire… 
Lamorak flips his visor up with one hand as he looks down on Shadow with a condescending grin, “Do you have any idea what you are asking for? Do you really think an untried knave without any weapon or armor of his own has a chance?”
Shadow is coolly defiant, eyes boring into Lamorak ferociously, “I don’t need anything but my bare hands to beat you.“
Lamorak’s grin falls immediately, and his hand reaches to the scabbards where his twin swords are sheathed on his back-
“Enough!” Arthur steps in before Shadow manages to make more enemies, putting himself between his combative guest and his strongest knights, “Shadow is new to the realm and not familiar with its customs, and yet you treat him with great hostility! Where is your courtesy? Your patience? This is a most inhospitable way to treat my personal guest!”
Arthur hates having to use his authority like this, he really does, but Shadow is going to wind up as unpopular as Kay at this rate. 
The stunned silence lasts only a moment. 
“Your guest!” Gawain sputters indignantly, gesturing at Shadow like he doesn’t know what else to say, “Your guest!!”
“My lord,” Gareth puts his hand on Gawain’s shoulder, choosing his words carefully, “It is most unusual to have someone enter the kingdom with the visage of one of the round table’s most illustrious and well-regarded knights-”
Kay blows a dismissive raspberry, smiling when the armadillo gives him an annoyed side eye. Gawain leans over his brother’s shoulder to give the green hedgehog a full on glare.
“And it would be imprudent to rush into something like this without considering all potential factors and viewpoints,” Gareth finishes primly, bowing his head respectfully as he meets Shadow’s eyes, “While still giving Sir Shadow the same opportunities we would extend to every other child of Camelot.”
“You cannot be serious!” Gawain turns to his brother incredulously, “He disguised himself as Lancelot!”
“I have no need to disguise myself as anyone!” Shadow’s eyes narrow as he takes a step toward Gawain.
“Enough, enough!” Arthur massages his forehead as he glances up at the sky, knowing that this argument will cost him the rest of the morning. He will be struggling to meet all his daily obligations at this rate, and will likely be working late into the night... “I will hear your arguments in the great hall at the round table- after we break our fast.”
Before anyone can say anything else, Arthur turns to his guest, “Come, Shadow the Hedgehog, bringer of chaos! Before you end up creating blood feuds with the entire round table!”
Shadow doesn’t look the least bit chastised, incredulous and amused as he gives a flippant shrug, “Fine by me.”
“With these jests, it sounds like you’re better suited to the role of court jester!” Lamorak laughs boisterously, arms crossed over his chest as he grins mockingly. His squire stands behind him, less than enthused at her knight’s actions, but doesn’t say anything. She simply grips onto his tail feathers and digs her feet into the ground below, trying to physically keep him out of the range of Shadow’s fists. 
“Have you any more?” Lamorak jeers, obviously trying to get back at Shadow for that earlier insult. (Even though the brash hawk brought it on himself. Again.)
The air around Shadow turns positively murderous, and he flexes the fingers of his right hand as he brings it up mid-chest, “How about a magic trick?
Sparks crackle around his fingertips as he looks at Lamorak over his shoulder, eyes narrowing like he’s honing in on a target.
“I can make you disappear-“ Shadow starts to say, bringing his hand down in a vicious arc-
That Arthur jumps in to stop with his hands. The strange energy spreads through Shadow’s fingers and into his own, leaving behind a tingling sensation that seems to seep into his skin and to his very bones. Arthur lets go quickly, but it travels up the length of his arm and into his shoulder before radiating through his entire body.
“My Lord!” Half a dozen voices cry out at the same time in dismay.
“It’s nothing!” Arthur doesn’t have any time to dwell on any of this, even as his body seems to buzz with the energy. He wants to shake his hand out, but he knows that will just worry his knights, “I said this will wait until after breakfast! Be still, all of you!” 
He grabs Shadow’s hand tightly as he ushers his taciturn companion forward, as if afraid the black hedgehog is going to run off and punch someone else in the face. (Which seems very likely at this point.)
 “Come along!” Arthur’s hand buzzes where it touches Shadow, even through the fabric of his glove. He half expects the dark hedgehog to push him away, and is surprised when Shadow’s hand squeezes him. But painfully so, like this is a challenge he can win while making sure Arthur doesn’t let go. The king glances back as Shadow, curious to see why the prickly hedgehog would touch him without a clear purpose- when it becomes clear this is a calculated power play.
Shadow is staring Gawain down, using this simple gesture to establish himself in the king’s entourage, annoy the echidna and the other knights who regard him with suspicion, and show his clear disregard for hierarchy of the court. For some reason, Arthur is disappointed… but he pushes that feeling aside immediately. Shadow would be a fool if he did not use the king’s political and social position to his advantage.
Arthur pulls Shadow towards the now doorless archway, whispering as he discreetly elbows the black hedgehog, “What are you doing? I don’t know how it works in your world, but you’ll accomplish more with friends in Camelot’s walls rather than enemies!”
“I don’t need friends,” Shadow gives Arthur a flat look, answering loudly as he glowers back at Lamorak, “And if you want to keep yours in one piece, they shouldn’t start what they can’t finish. I don’t like leaving loose ends.”
Arthur rolls his eyes in exasperation as he hurries through the corridor, ear swiveling backwards to pick up on the disgruntled chatter that is naturally amplified by the stone hallways. Shadow’s combative attitude and abrasive demeanor are certainly not doing much to endear him to anyone.
“You don’t seem to like casual conversation or friendly advice either,” Arthur quips back, shaking his head, “And certainly not comfortable beds. What of mead and bread? Do you like that?”
“You're starting to irritate me, hedgehog-” Shadow answers back automatically, annoyed, before blinking rapidly. He gives Arthur that look again, like he’s seeing him in a completely different light, “You are going to drink mead for breakfast?”
Arthur finds Shadow’s baffled confusion amusing, quietly chuckling to himself, “Would my new champion prefer wine instead?”
“Sure, why not,” Shadow lets Arthur open the door to the chamber himself, purposefully ignoring Gawain’s outrage and rubbing it in by refusing to let go of the king’s hand the entire time, making Arthur do it one handed. Arthur can’t remember the last time he’s opened a door for himself, let alone another person. It’s strangely thrilling, “Where does the echidna sit?”
“I sit in the red velvet siege,” Arthur nods at the plush seat with the crown carved into the wood above it, “And ‘Wain sits to my left-”
“Good,” Shadow doesn’t wait for Arthur to finish explaining or sit down, plopping himself in the seat to Arthur’s right like it belongs to him. It belongs to Sir Kay, who seems less than amused- but, in a rare move of self preservation, also doesn’t seem very keen to attract Shadow’s ire on himself directly. Arthur shrugs to his brother apologetically, making motions to an attendant by the door to bring another chair.
In fact, Shadow goes out of his way to make himself look as comfortable as possible, throwing his crossed legs over one arm rest and propping his elbow on the other, resting his chin on his fist. Incredibly bold… Arthur sits down quickly himself, hiding a smile behind a sip of his cup.
“MY KING!” Gawain yanks his chair out from the table so violently the wood cracks under his grip, splinters falling to the floor as he sits in it heavily and unhappily, “THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!”
Shadow stares at Gawain with a bored expression as he filches a piece of cheese from Arthur’s plate, popping it into his mouth as the echidna slams his hands back down on the table. 
Well, this is certainly turning out to be a very different and complicated day! When Arthur first rose this morning, he didn’t think he’d end up having breakfast with Shadow the Hedgehog sitting on his right hand side after causing a feud with almost half the round table. Or to have Gawain, one of his most powerful and influential knights, squabbling with the black hedgehog like a petulant child.
One of the many large and small problems he needs to solve... Arthur nibbles on a roll absentmindedly as he listens to Gareth’s argument from the other side of the table, pretending he doesn’t notice Shadow flick a piece of apple at the side of Gawain’s head.
He needs to nip the budding tension between Lamorak and Shadow before it leads to bloodshed… Lamorak is very pointedly glaring daggers at the hedgehog until his sister kicks him in the shin when he doesn’t pass her the jam quickly enough, and that quickly devolves to the hawk arguing with a literal child. 
Arthur needs to make Shadow’s self-appointed position as his champion palatable to the majority of his knights and advisors, many of whom are regarding Shadow with guarded suspicion over the rim of their mugs. 
He needs to find and check on Lancelot, whose absence in the siege at Gawain’s right is painfully obvious. And Arthur needs to soothe Kay’s wounded pride before his brother does something reckless and foolish that causes them all unnecessary grief. (Especially Kay himself.)
It was exactly as Sir Ector had warned- the secret wish of excitement in his heart had been answered in the most unexpected way. But Arthur has no regrets. 
Despite it all, he is eager to see how this new adventure unfolds.
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curetapwater · 2 years
I can't decide on whether it's misleading to tag Long-Distance as arthadow because on the one hand Sonic is referred to as Sonic consistently but on the other hand he's being brought up to become King Arthur sooooo idk what that counts as. Rn I've tagged it as both sonadow and arthadow.
Then again, I suppose identifying the point where Sonic ends and King Arthur begins is an important piece of Sonic's internal conflict in this story so. *shrug*
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hekcle · 2 years
tell us more about Arthadow if you so please. I'm intrigued.
I took a nap because I'm ✨ sick ✨ so I don't remember too much but
I do remember like thinking of them being gossips and shit and sharing tea with one another. I also found the height difference I noticed someone gave them really cute dwbi
But yea I, fell asleep, I don't remember all I had sorry 😔👊
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