#Ash Cullen
a-thread-of-green · 6 months
Twilight and the Pokémon TV show have precisely the same problem: they established a pattern of introducing new characters, then stop after just two. Ash has Brock and Misty, the first two gym leaders, travel around the world with him, but why stop there? Why not keep recruiting every single gym leader he meets until, by season eight or so, there's a town's-worth of world-class expert Pokémon trainers following this random thirteen-year-old, sleeping on the ground and wandering around aimlessly? And why does Bella stop acquiring monster-boyfriends after the second book? Wouldn't Breaking Dawn be so much more fun if it was a vampire, a werewolf, a succubus, and a zombie fighting over her? And it could've kept on going until Forks, Washington was mostly populated with horny monsters obsessed with this one teenager. And, as for The Wizard of Oz...
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dawnr0se · 22 days
Kinda late on this trend but i’ve been wanting to do it so😝 also i love all these characters just some i do take a bit preference over
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roguetrevelyan · 9 months
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The Temple of Sacred Ashes, Frostback Mountains.
tap on gifs if they’re showing up blurry
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 month
Love Bites but so do I-Tumblr exclusive Snippet 😍😈
Bella x Jacob x Edward
So @tentoriumcerebelli @sweeteatercat I don't have the next chapter written, but I do have the next NEXT chapter fleshed out lolol here you go!!
“Why do you smell different?” Edward is the first to notice. Which he should have guessed. Enhanced senses and whatever, but right now, he’s not in the mood.  He pushes past his boyfriend and continues his trajectory toward the fridge. Pointedly trying not to accidentally think the answer.  “Oh…” Well, guess he fucked that. Jake slams the door of Bella’s fridge closed. “Hey!” Bella scolded, though her face screamed worry.   “Get out of my head,” Jacob scolds Edward.  “It doesn't work like that, and you know it,” Edward snarls back. “Guys.” “Doesn't mean you get free reign to act on information that wasn't consciously given!” “I don’t understand, I thought- Bella said you turned down the chance to be Alpha?” “Yeah, well, evidently, my body didn't get the memo…” Jake gruffs.  “Do you have someone, to help you take care of it?” Edward asks.  “Guys…” “What do you think?” Jacob spits, harsher than he’s talked to either of them in weeks.  “Will someone tell me what the hell is going on!” Bella demands. “It's complicated,” Edward answers for Jacob.  The werewolf sends him a scathing look.   “And personal and none of your fucking business!” “Jacob!” Bella scolds.  “Sam? Leah? Emily?” Edwards offers, pushing past the man’s attitude for the true issue at hand.  “Yeah right,” Jacob scoffs hatefully. “They can't stand to be in the same room with me!” “Little judgemental of them isn't it? Doesn’t it happen to them too?” “Doesn’t what happen?” Bella asks again but the boys continue to ignore her.  “Not- because of that. Because of…us,” Jacob finally admits, motioning between the three of them.  Edward’s teeth clench hard and Bella’s worry only grows.  “Okay, is anyone going to fill me in now? I’d really appreciate it.” “Our families,” Edward sighs before a deprecating laugh breaks through, “don’t approve of our relationship.” “Oh. Well,” Bella says, moving closer to Jake, intertwining their fingers, “we didn't really think they would, right? I mean, Charlie was honestly a huge surprise.”  Jake laughs, but its as bitter as Edwards just a moment ago.  “Enough that I’m unwelcome back on the reservation.”  “WHAT? Jake, I-” Bella starts to apologize but Edward is pivoting past one trauma to continue the line of questioning from before.  “What happens to you, if you don't get what you need?” “...I don't know. No one will tell me anything about it…” Jake admits, and Bella can honestly say he looks fucking terrified.  “Hey, we're here,” Bella offers, pushing into Jake’s chest for a hug.  “No!” He jumps away from her like her touch burns or something. “Y-You have to go. I can't-, I don't know what this is going to look like, what I'm going to turn into. I can't hurt you. Either of you.”  “You won’t hurt me,” Edward says, but Jacob scoffs.  “You don't know that.” Edward shrugs.  “I'm pretty sure.” “Fuck off.” “Jake, please, let us help,” Bella begs, her own tears lining her eyes because she doesnt understand whats going on, how to help. Why he's pushing her away. Them away.  “You can’t,” he sighs sadly, “Not with this.”
The Clearing 
“Bella?” Bella’s been stunned silent since Jacob walked out. She can feel Edward practically buzzing beside her with anxiety but she's too lost in her own thoughts to address him right now.  “Love please, talk to me.” She stops walking suddenly, turning around to face Edward.  “What did we do?” she demands. “What?” “What did we do? Why doesn't he want our help?” Edward clears his throat, obviously at war with himself on if he should share the privileged information or not.  “He does, that’s… part of the problem. I can understand his hesitation.” “Ugh! You know you're really starting to piss me off with all the secretary!” Edward exhales before taking her hands. Whatever he was going to tell her, evidently he thought she needed to be coddled through it.  “There are things that happen to werewolves that don't happen to humans. Or vampires, or really any other creature that I know of.” “Okay, and what's that?” “He’s about to go into rut.”  Bella’s eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.  “Am I supposed to know what that is?” “You do spend quite a bit more time around werewolves than I ever have,” he teases gently, before continuing with the explanation. “My interpretation? Mating season on steroids mixed with a nasty case of the flu.” “So…” Bella doesn't know what she expected to hear, but she can definitely tell you it wasn’t that. “He’s worried because, he’s going to be sick? And- horny?” “Dangerously so.”  It sounds like a loud of bullshit, but Edwards' face remains the same. And she remembers how scard Jake looked. He wouldnt have just, made all that up for the hell of it, right? Edward is still talking so she tris to pay attention this time. “He will be closest to his wolf form during this time. Advanced senses, strength, stamina, sexual endurance.” “And he worries, what, we can’t help him…get off?”  “He’s worried because you’re human,” Edward says gently. “He’s terrified he might permanently injure you in the process. I can’t say I don’t understand the fear. I am grateful for his reservations.” Bella scoffs frustratedly. “Well yeah, yippee, except now he’s dealing with this alone. Who the fuck is that supposed to help?” Edward smirks.  “You’ve developed quite the foul mouth you know.” Bella rolls her eyes.  “I spend all my time with two immature boys, your bad influences are bound to rub off on me,” she mumbles before her anxiety finally has tears spilling over her cheeks.  “Hey,” Edward says softly, cupping her cheek and wiping a tear away with his thumb, “I want to help him too.” “You sure?” She sniffles, pulling away to rub her tears on her hoodie sleeves.   “Of course I’m sure. But not at the expense of you. He insisted on that too.” “What’s going on with his family?” “They don’t approve of us. Well, me really. You, they love.” “So they kicked him out? Of his home?” “So it would seem.” “That’s so fucked up,” she huffs, her own anger growing and getting close to overflowing. She’s going to be having a word with Billy Black as soon as Jake’s out of trouble. Goddamn, why does it seem like one of them is always in peril? “What are you thinking?” “We have to help him.” Edward shakes his head.  “He doesn't want our help.” But Bella’s made up her own mind.  “Well whether he wants it or not, he needs it.”
I mentioned the rut/alpha angle I was going to take with Jacob right?👀
follow me here #sinful sunday, on ao3, buy me a kofi, I post new stuff every sunday!
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alrightberries · 2 months
dragon age has just been a series of my companions telling me to not trust the mages bc they're dangerous and will betray you, then getting surprised when the mages i trusted were in fact dangerous and betrayed me
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rietveldings · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford, Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford Characters: Cullen Rutherford, Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Female Lavellan (Dragon Age), Lavellan Additional Tags: Awkward Cullen Rutherford, Cullen Rutherford Fluff, Short & Sweet, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Rogue Lavellan (Dragon Age), Rogue Inquisitor (Dragon Age) Summary:
“Maker’s breath, but you’re an icicle!” Cullen exclaims and envelops her hands in his. “We ought to warm you up more thoroughly.”
“Oh?" Athesa grins while the Commander catches and flails over his innuendo.
“I, er— not in the way you’re implying. I mean, not now… That is to say—” Athesa cuts him off with a soft but deep kiss, standing on her tiptoes to reach his face. He catches her by the lapels of his own mantle and pulls her in closer, until they’re pressed up against each other and Athesa can actually feel the warmth radiating off his body. Gods, just when she didn’t think she could want to climb into this man’s skin any more.
Cullen/Lavellan ficlet based on this cute imagine by @andraste-preserve-us ! Thank you for the frankly genius inspo and permission to upload <3 
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hopestrope · 1 year
I have high hopes for Jaime. I don't know why. Also this was too funny not so share:
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squidproquoclarice · 1 month
She would believe he’d been fighting for much of the two days Leliana had said had passed, to judge from the sweat-damp blond hair in rather untidy curls that his helmet probably hadn’t helped, the growth of stubble on his jaw, and the dark smudges that he, like far too many people she’d seen today, had beneath their eyes. His fair skin made them seem even more prominent, but his amber-golden gaze was still intense and inquisitive as he looked at her. “This is her, Lady Cassandra?”
“Yes, Commander.”
So this was the Commander she’d spoken of. “Then it seems she can indeed close the rifts.” He gave a low sigh of relief, shoulders relaxing a little. “Maker be praised for that.”
“Ser Cullen, you’ve cleared the path as asked, you should go with your people–”
“With all due respect, Seeker, we had to abandon the temple soon after the explosion, and so nobody knows precisely what’s waiting. I’m sending Corporal Terrance back down with the recruits to cover behind us, but I’m coming with you, as are Briony and Rylen. Templars are the best force available to send against demons.” He looked back at Clerra. “I already had to launch the assault sooner than expected to keep the forward camp from being overrun. We’ve lost a lot of people getting you here already. I am in no mood to lose more due to hesitancy and half-measures. More rifts will continue to spawn, and all the efforts we’ve made will quickly be lost. I hope you came here ready.”
“I’m as in the dark about what this all involves as you. But I’m willing to do my best.”
He gave a brief nod. “That’s all we can ask, and it’s enough that you would try.” He gestured up the path. “The way to the temple is clear.”
“Then let us make haste,” Cassandra said. “Leliana and her scouts will meet us there.”
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If your HOF/Hawke/Inky couldn't romance their usual partners, who would they choose instead?
Oof, this is a hard one.
Tabris/Alistair, Hawke/Anders, and Lavellan/Cullen are such an integral part of my canon run that I can't imagine them romancing anyone else. Like, it feels wrong to imagine them not ending up with their respective partners.
But, for the sake of discussion, I'll do my best to answer.
Rose is probably the hardest one because she and Alistair, and their romance, are so intertwined with everything that happens in DAO that I feel like she'd remain single if he wasn't an option, y'know? Her other options are Leliana and Zevran, and I can't see her going with either of them.
Leliana's sweet and Rose likes her a lot, but she's a little too into the Chantry. That's something I see Rose having a problem with; she's not exactly shy about telling off the mothers, sisters, and templars, or pointing out how they mistreat elves and mages.
Rose and Zevran are friends but I've never viewed him as an option for her; after everything Rose goes through in her origin, his openly sexual nature is just a major turn off for her. He calls her a sex goddess in their first conversation and that's just not it. They don't even start to become friends until after she tells him to stop looking at her that way and he respects her wishes.
Plus, Leliana and Zevran lack the shared experiences of being a warden, Ostagar, having to deal with the blight from the very beginning. That's something only Rose and Alistair have and that's what separates him from the others as a love interest... so yeah, Rose would be single, me thinks.
As for my Hawke, Ed's gay so if he can't be with Anders, his only other option is Fenris. I've romanced him before and enjoyed it, so I think he and Ed could work out... though again, it's a similar problem I have where Ed's relationship with Anders is so crucial because Anders saved Carver's life in the deep roads... y'know, Ed's brother who he cherishes above all else. Kind of a big deal. A huge factor in bringing them together.
Ed and Fenris always worked better as friends but out of everyone, Ed's the one I could actually imagine with someone else.
Finally, there's my Lavellan... once again, Ash ending up with Cullen is a huge deal for the narrative of DAI. I've talked about this before, but how I play DAI is my Lavellan is actually Surana from DAO. She and Cullen knew each other and maaaaaybe had a thing... but because Duncan didn't show up, she escaped the circle with Jowan. After he died, Ash joined the dalish, changed her name, and ended up at the conclave... where she and Cullen reunited and proceeded to have hardcore ex vibes the entire time they're at Haven.
If they decided that they're never getting back together, I think Ash might've ended up with either Josephine or Solas. She views Sera as more of a little sister and a friend. She likes Blackwall but he's not her type. The Iron Bull romance progression doesn't suit her even though she admires his intelligence and strength, she's just not up for a friends with benefits turned romantic relationship.
Ash always craved knowledge, and when she was in the circle, she knew the game that she needed to play in order to survive and come out on top... her pride and inability to see when she's wrong led to her downfall with Jowan. She needs someone who she can challenge and who challenges her, both without backing down, on a variety of topics; she needs an academic, I guess?? But she also needs someone who isn't afraid to humble her. Cullen, Josephine, and Solas all fit this in different ways.
I'm more inclined to push her toward Josephine though... I don't think she would've handled the Solas break up well at all.
#asks#dragon age#dao#da2#dai#rosalie tabris#edgar hawke#ashalle lavellan#alistair theirin#da2 anders#cullen rutherford#dao leliana#dao zevran#da2 fenris#josephine montilyet#dai solas#i really should do an alternate canon run at some point so i can experience other romances with new characters#but i'm so attached to rose ed and ash that i've only managed to do alternate runs for da2 and dai#and that's because i wanted to learn more about bethany in da2 and i have a trevelyan character that's part of ash and cullen's story#so i wanted to get to know him better so i could incorporate him into the story#tbh i don't talk about ash enough i feel like i always talk about rose and ed on here but i don't talk about dai a lot#i adore ash and her bullshit sksksk she used to be ashlaen surana and a dedicated mage to the circle who believed herself better#and more intelligent than everyone else. she was irving's favorite. she targeted cullen because she thought him weak willed#someone she could manipulate in her favor given he took notice of her and she wanted a templar in her corner just in case#which spiraled when she actually got to know him and he kicked her ass at chess and he had sympathetic views on mages#and she began to actually like him... but then she tried to help jowan escape the circle since he's her best friend and there's no way#he couldn't be a blood mage... jowan would never... and if he did then ash definitely would've known and she'd turn him in herself#because ashlaen surana knows better than everyone around her right?#anyway i'll stop rambling in the tags
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Updates will come on Friday. I have Liebgott/ Olivia one shot based off of a prompt from my prompt list
Part two of Currahee
Unexpected - implied Webgott - Liebgott/ Olivia one shot
Part one of New York State of Mind- Suits x Sons of Anarchy
And maybe if I don't get worse,
Part 7 of The Ways Things Are- Blacksails
They Need You- part one of two- Triple Frontier
Part One of On The Outside- The Outsider
Part One of Star Crossed Lovers- Titanic x Twilight crossover
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lavellanhell · 8 months
The journey was brutal, but what awaited us at the top was even worse. Well, I'm here, I'll see what can be done. I expect a horde of demons and a painful (and hopefully quick) death.
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roguetrevelyan · 9 months
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The Breach.
tap on gifs if they’re showing up blurry
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
Tuesday Wrap Up
Hey! Huge thanks to @sweeteatercat, @themoonandtheprincess, and @tentoriumcerebelli for playing the number game with me today!
If you missed it you can find the Wip blurbs here! 😍
1. Edward/Bella/Jacob-Twilight Saga
2. Hankconvin-Detroit Become Human
4. RoyJamie-Ted Lasso
8. Chameron-House M.D.
9. Harringrove-Stranger Things
19. JudeMax-Across The Universe
23. Neal/Peter- White Collar
Schedule for the next two Sinful Sundays below!
7/14: The first chapter of The Eden Club sequel Brothers!! 😲😲😲
7/21: Jamie/Roy- Locker room stress relief (#4 😈)
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fazcinatingblog · 11 months
Lachie Schultz arriving at collingwood knowing he's already got a spot for round 1 in a premiership team:
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bitchesofostwick · 2 years
12 from the second codex list for any OC uwu
12. your OC overheard while drunk
“Pleeeeease, Cullen.”
“I’m the Inquisitor, so technically, you have to listen to me.”
“Not right now, I don’t.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“Maybe not, but I can physically stop you. Very easily, I might add.”
“Ugh. Sera’s right. You are a stick in the mud.”
“If I’m a stick in the mud for saying that you can’t go sledding down the side of the mountain, then so be it.”
“It would be fun.”
“Darling, do you even know what’s at the bottom of the mountain?”
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“Water, love. Icy water. We’re above a river. And besides that, the mountain is mostly rock. It would be incredibly dangerous.”
“You think traversing the kitchens without shouting ‘knives!’ first in dangerous.”
“I—that’s because it is Ellinor—”
“Pssh. Stick in the mud.”
“What would you even use to slide down on?”
“I was thinking your shield.”
“Absolutely not!”
“Your cape, then. Coat. Cloak. Whatever.”
“Maker’s breath.”
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enderevynne · 1 year
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↳ From the Ashes
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