#Ask Your Father
sirfrogsworth · 1 month
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Froggie Gets a Ring Light
I got a ring light to help demonstrate why people probably shouldn't get a ring light and then I accidentally took some bomb ass photos with a ring light.
Soooo... do what you want. I'm not your mom.
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chemicallywrit · 2 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! It was podcast girls week and i loved seeing everyone’s art and fic and memes. Gorls. ❤️ Let’s get to the shows!
🎤 Childish! Childish: The Podcast Musical finally got the chance to post their finale! And it did not disappoint. I had forgotten exactly how good the music was in this show, and how funny and clever it was. Guys, if you care about college comedies with a side of the best dang music I've heard out of a podcast, please listen to Childish. I'm so happy for them. This is really proof though, that it's worth it not to give up on a podcast (I'll wait for you forever Althaar).
🥩 Oh man, this episode of Mayfair Watcher's Society was incredible. The story would be good even without the incredible performances of Ashlee Jones and Brandon Nguyen, but CAN we talk about them actors??? What an incredible exploration of your worst nightmares coming true. Mind the content warnings for this one, folks. Meg Tuten is, as always, a genius.
🦾 Breathing Space consistently hits notes of working class struggle and desperation with care and thoughtfulness, but this past episode's rendition of "Sixteen Tons" was absolutely gorgeous. I loved the lo-fi singing together. It was perfect.
🐟 @monstrousproductions’ Travelling Light has once again introduced me to an absolutely delightful character. Vermi is my favorite guy. I love him and his fish face and his translation innovation. This show is a constant gift.
🤖 Ohhhhh man, oh man, Ask Your Father ended in the only possible way it could, which I should have seen coming. Oh my gosh. Mikeyyyyyyyy...I won't spoil it, but it was maybe perfect. I cried a little. Season two when.
🌊 I started Waterlogged this week! What a good anthology—it’s creepy AND wet! I think some horror anthologies suffer from a lack of theme that can make them fall into a rhythm, but I don’t foresee this being a problem for Waterlogged. The first three episodes are all so different, and I love it. Go check it out!
🪱 I want to give a shoutout to Earworm! Earworm is an upcoming musical about ghosts and haunting by the folks behind Shadows At the Door! I know a lot of the cast (David Ault, Michelle Kelly, Erika Sanderson, and so many others) and I'm so thrilled to hear this--assuming they can finish out their crowdfund! If you can throw them a little cash, please do!
That’s all for now! 😘
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thelaurenshippen · 7 months
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trying this new thing! each week I'm going to share what I'm listening to - not a review or rating, just a peak into what I'm trying out and what works about it (I'll never share anything that I've listened to and haven't liked).
and I'm always taking recs!
this week - @camlannpod and "Ask Your Father". descriptions in the image description!
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ashes-in-a-jar · 6 months
At this point I need to put some podcasts on
1/'the-amount-of- time-it-takes-for-an-update-to-come-out'X speed
so I won't go insane with the wait
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stained-glass-cicada · 5 months
Cool! So I have a new podcast recommendation because it's all i can do other than scream
You should look up Ask You Father
It's a fiction podcast! Its sci-fi! It explores the definition of Artificial Personhood without dehumanizing large swathes of people!
It opens on an astronaut, Lem and an AI, mikey, waking up on their deep space mission finding themselves out of fuel and ten light years from home. Together they have to find a way out of this mess
Their only way to contact earth (or lem's husband and kids) are limited capacity, hard drives sent back home faster than light. Lem gets questions from his kids in short audio messages that he can reply to, Mikey gets Data back from earth. Lem and Mikey are friends, but being stuck together and stranded out here they argue alot, like about almost everything
Mikey, the AI, is played by Kevin R. Free and was not sent on this mission entirely of his own accord.
Also he has complex feelings on art and food and stuff, I know that's an odd thing to point out but it means the world to me
The sound design is great and, friends, I mean that because a lot of audio dramas leave me with a headache (affectionate)
I need people to talk about this podcast with please please please, you can totally catch up in no time
If you like AI stories or if you like Kevin R. Free's voice acting everyone here is giving a fabulous performance and the story is gah it's just so good
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pearls-n-opulence · 6 months
bastard this bastard that were your parents married when they had you
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ask-the-storm · 5 months
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peanutsandbitterstep · 6 months
"I have no hands! I have! No! Hands! Because your people stole my body." "I didn't-" "They used you, yes. But they used me worse. They used me more. They took my body. They moved me where I could be useful to them. And they stole my mind. My labor. My actual skin and bones! They took everything from me. And mere moments ago. Mere! Moments! Ago! You were ashamed of what your people did to me." "Yeah. Yes." "And now there's a mechanical problem. There's a problem I can fix. I can fix it easily. There's a breakpad, it's 3 meters long, 18 centimeters wide, and 1 meter tall, and it weighs nothing. It weighs nothing, but I can't replace it because my body was stolen from me! I need you to replace it because while they stole from you and used you and you might think that's a shame and a crime, you have been allowed to exist unmolested by the powers that be." -Ask Your Father Episode 6
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wistfulweaverwoman · 7 months
Me when my kids walk in and I'm writing smut:
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lihim-oa · 4 months
bro I swear don’t get get me started on Ask Your Father
I’m only six episodes in and there’s GAY DADS? GOOD DADS?? EMPATHY??? FOR THE MACHINE????
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Ask Your Father
Summary (from podcast)
Lem, a human, and Mikey, an A.I., are piloting the first ever faster than light speed ship when they find themselves twice as far as they meant to go, without any fuel to return. They communicate with Earth using tiny faster-than-light-speed drives, which carry information for Mikey and questions for Lem from his kids. As they work together to solve the problem, they forge a friendship that could change the course of human history.
Rebecca: Rebecca Comtois
Mikey: Kevin R Free
Lem: Sean Williams
Jay: Rob Matiner
Child actors for Lem/Jay’s kids
Barnabee Williams
Marlana williams
Additional Credits to
Written by: Sean Williams
Directed by: Jordana Williams
Designed by: Jeffrey Wills Gardener
Music: by Kent Williams
Produced by: Gideon Media
[Some names my be mispelled. Feel free to correct me]
[last updated 19Feb24]
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minchirou · 3 months
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Ask your friends,which my OC matches your vibes :) (Or ask me instead,if you dont have any friends)
Their names since its written in russian - Aol'Sie,Eos,Teknit,Kaila,Nyady,Hioshigava
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chemicallywrit · 3 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I am currently so so sick. Audio drama is a great comfort. Love my stories ❤️
🐱Kakos Industries is always good, and this episode was a pretty typical episode of it, but I just need you all to understand how much i love Kakos Industries. If you need a new lowkey comedy podcast, I can’t recommend it enough.
📱 @worldgonewrongpod never misses. This episode was about bureaucracy, the real horror, and was equal parts funny and infuriating, but it hit so hard on a real truth, the way real people’s everyday lives are affected by sloppy civic design. This is the first week of Disability Pride Month, and I can’t help but think about how police brutality disproportionally affects disabled folks—how much worse would it be in this world affected by aliens and mythology and monsters? People already associate disability with evil. It’s a good reminder.
👼 Literally what do you even say about the Silt Verses? I am amazed in this episode at the parallels between Rane and Faulkner on the one hand and, way back in season two (maybe?), Elgin and Paige on the other hand. They approached the weird strained relationship they had with honestly and now they are working together; Rane and Faulkner were backstabbing and power-hungry from the start and now? Well. This is all to say nothing about the freakin sound design this episode. Can't wait to see how this story ends.
✅ The Deposition is a new show from Hug House, a dramatized nonfiction podcast where actors like Josh Rubino (Kingmaker Histories, Valence, etc) read, word-for-word, the record of a deposition of Famed Internet Idiot Elon Musk. It is. INCREDIBLE. It’s hard to even describe it. Please listen to it, I need to talk to someone about it.
🤖 HELLO, LISTEN TO ASK YOUR FATHER. I just got to episode seven and no spoilers. But I knew it, I frikkin knew it.
No Hannah news this week, I’m too tired, I’m gonna nap. Go listen to Inn Between and make me some fan art to speed my recovery, i love you, have a good week
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crookedkingdom · 4 months
bobby dealing with his daddy issues by collecting firefighters with daddy issues and aggressively fathering them
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ashes-in-a-jar · 6 months
I need more people to listen to the podcast "Ask Your Father" oh my god 😭😭😭
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Sae Niijima is such a good character it drives me insane a little. She's not a mother nor a maternal or doting older sister but instead a twenty four year old who was thrown into a position of responsibility that she never asked for. She loves Makoto just as much as she resents her and its so apparent every time they talk up until November. "Are you studying?" (I want you to do well) (I need you to get a job and stop making my life harder) "I'll use any method necessary to get this promotion" (Life will be easier for us) (So stop distracting me with your problems) "Focus on your future" (I know that you're capable) (I can't afford to waste my time on you, so stop wasting time on others)
Makoto is not only the sole reason she pushes as hard as she does for a promotion, for success, and the reason that she loses herself in her animosity over her fathers death, but also someone she can't stand for so long. Makoto was 14-15 when their father died. Sae was 21. As soon as she got the career she wanted and things started to look up, her stability was robbed from her and she was disillusioned with the system that her father had taught her to rely on and completely adhere to. How do you manage, the daughter of a cop, following his footsteps towards law enforcement, when you're suddenly reminded of how unfair it is? You can't quit, your little sister relies on you and she's so young and struggling just as badly with this grief. So you pick yourself up and you get moving again. You push harder, press further. You abandon your morals and your ethics because punishing criminals (guilty or not) is almost like punishing the man who killed your father.
And the whole time she's fighting for promotions, going for drinks with the SIU Director to make herself more favourable for promotions, trying to navigate being a woman in a competitive, suffocating, male-dominated field, falling behind despite doing so much where others are promoted for doing so little - all the while your little sister comes back from school and her biggest issues are so small compared to yours.
Persona 5 revolves so heavily around grief and loss and change and Sae embodies all of that so well, all of the sharp and unpleasant and jagged parts of grief.
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