ijustwannamakeemojis · 2 months
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[ID: Seven pixels of various flags in various shapes in order being the BPD flag in the shape of Spade then Clubs, The Liemeneromantic flag in the shapes Heart, Spade, Diamond, and lastly two hearts of the Diamoric and Asterosian flags. End ID]
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parxgender · 6 months
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Juvelic Combination Flags: Subject Man
Loving women + nonbinary / Loving men + nonbinary Loving men + women / Loving men + women + nonbinary
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Do you know any good (or bad) pickup lines?
I've read these (and other) ones on this tumblr before
"Would you like to join my cult, in which we worship the Goddess Pussy?"
"Hi! I'm Max. You look like you might be interested in my super-powerful sex magic. Like, the kind that can turn you inside out, which is not what we want from a girl, but very strong."
"I have a feeling you're a bit of a slut for women"
"I'm the only man in your life, and I hate you"
"Are you like the sort of person who is more likely to be into casual sex with women than into casual sex with men? Because if so, you should get a man, not a woman"
"Your eyes are so beautiful I can't bear to look into them"
"You look like a woman with a big fat juicy ass. Am I a woman with a big fat juicy ass? No? Then I don't see the problem."
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nangbaby · 1 year
Also, since Asterosian claimed I unfairly blocked him, I went to my list of blocked blogs to make sure he wasn't blocked, which is evidenced by how he reblogged my post to someone else while blocking me (you know, the very thing he accused me of in that post even though I wrote those tactics were wrong). Dude...you can't reblog a post from a blog that blocked you. You reblogged my post. You're not blocked. So you're still repeatedly responding to me while combing through my blog the way you said I did.
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Hiyaa!! Hope you're having a fantastic day!
Could I request an agaticromantic flag?
Its agatic but specifically for romantic attraction ^^!
Thanks so much :D
Agatiromantic + Asteromantic!!
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Agatic describes a woman, or feminine-aligned individuals, who are wlw and wlnb, meaning a woman who is attracted to women and to nonbinary individuals, and/or a woman who prioritizes their attraction to women and non-binary individuals over other attractions they may have. This attraction can be exclusive or not. Agatic is an umbrella term, like sapphic, and is typically not used as an identity on its own, however, it can be if desired. Individuals who fall under this umbrella may include pansexual women/individuals, bisexual women/feminine-aligned individuals, or any other women or feminine-aligned individuals who are attracted to women and non-binary individuals.
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Asterosian describes a man, or masculine-aligned individual, who is mlm and mlnb, meaning a man who is attracted to nonbinary individuals and to men, and/or a man who prioritizes their attraction to men and non-binary individuals. This attraction does not have to be exclusive, one can be asterosian and be attracted to individuals other than men and non-binary individuals, assuming that one's attraction to men and non-binary individuals is important to them. Asterosian is an umbrella term, like achillean, and is typically not used as an identity on it's own, however it can be if desired. Individuals included in this umbrella are pansexual men, bisexual men, and any other men who are attracted to men and non-binary individuals.
Also made a masc version :3
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tubbs-is-my-friend · 1 year
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baeddel-txt · 2 years
Hey do you take submissions of more recent baeddel stuff? Cause I found something incredibly fucked up and saved screenshots but don’t know if you’d be interested
Yeah, sure. New stuff is fine to submit. I might not post it depending on who it is (tran/nika cough cough), but go ahead.
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tripod-fish · 9 months
conservatives want to genocide trans people & imprison sex workers in the next election - cis people are in danger as well. nobody is talking about this, so REBLOG IT.
REBLOG THIS. i do not care if this doesn't fit with your blog. conservatives, if the next president is republican, want to implement things that involve killing/jailing trans people, information control, actively stopping efforts to stop climate change, etc. if a twitter thread is more digestible, you can find one i made here. RETWEET IT.
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so fucking nobody (that i've seen) is talking about this and i've only seen 1 tumblr post about it with less than 6k notes. @asterosian was the one who brought this to my attention, and here's his post: https://ganbreedings.tumblr.com/post/727921195127865344
the document, which can be found below this paragraph, is ~1000 pages long and i know nobody on tumblr has the patience to read that. use ctrl+f on this pdf (link is to view it in browser) to look up specific topics. in this post, i will be briefly discussing some of the things said using textual evidence and citations. https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
just some of the things this document talks about are:
wanting to imprison trans people for existing, make discrimination of people legal in the workplace, punish education about the existence of trans people, make sex work illegal, make education about sex illegal, make contraception unaffordable, ban the week-after pill, imply fatherhood is a requirement, ban education on real american history, ignore other governments, seal the borders, enforce the death penalty (including for trans people for just existing), stop efforts to end climate change, fund the military, claim OAR science is theoretical and downsize it and NOAA, eliminate critical race theory in education, want to eliminate teaching of critical race theory based on a gross misunderstanding, eliminate diversity, the teaching of marxism's existence, "deleting" words regarding queer and reproductive topics, and so much more.
we trans people are called pornography:
"Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology sexualization of children..." (page 37)
and conservatives want to outlaw pornography and say those who distribute it should be imprisoned. if trans people are pornography, is not going about our day outside distributing porn?
"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned" (page 37)
they also support the death penalty and say that "child sexual abusers" should be given that. i am not disagreeing that CSA is bad; it is. i'm talking about how they're going to classify trans people as that for exposing minors to "porn" for simply going out in public. by saying this, they are using roundabout language and logic to say trans people should be given the death penalty.
"It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes...crimes involving...sexual abuse of children..." (page 554)
they don't want people to be taught about our existence. and they don't want sex taught at all; even safe sex.
"Educators and public librarians who purvey [porn] should be classed as registered sex offenders..." (page 37)
sex education needs to be taught, period. and if they're going to ban abortions and contraceptives, it especially needs to be taught.
"HHS should rescind...preventive services...preventive services include contraception..." (page 483)
"Eliminate the week-after-pill..." (page 485)
they want to ignore what other countries say.
"International organizations and agreements that erode our Constitution, rule of law, or popular sovereignty should not be reformed: They should be abandoned" (page 12)
they want the border SEALED and illegal immigration ended:
"Illegal immigration...ended...the border sealed..." (page 12)
and, of course, more xenophobic shit about china:
"Economic engagement with China ended..." (page 13)
"[Universities funded by the CCP should] lose their accreditation, charters, and eligibility for federal funds" (page 13).
they want to stop efforts to end climate change:
"Repeal climate change initiatives..." (page 508)
and downsize funds given to the government division (OAR) that forwards its information on climate change to the NOAA, and they want climate change research "disbanded":
"...[OAR climate change research is] theoretical..." (page 676)
"...disbanded..." (page 676)
they want critical race theory and gender ideology erased from schools because they "poison our children". they are erasing things from being taught; and critical race theory isn't about affirming one's characteristics. it's for showing that white people are on top and that it needs to change:
"...'critical race theory and 'gender ideology' should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country..." (page 5)
"These theories poison our children..." (page 5)
"...affirm the color of their skin fundamentally determines their identity and even their moral status..." (page 5)
and they straight up don't want america's history being taught. america is founded on racism, tears, oppression, etc. they don't want this taught because they don't want people knowing real american history. so they can't see history repeating itself:
"...racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda [in] America's classrooms" (page 8)
they want discrimination based on queer status and "sex characteristics" legal. this is said in regards to the military, but it won't stop there. and "sex characteristics" means YOU, cis people. you can be denied things just for having boobs or a beard. even if you're cis:
"Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics" (page 585)
"...abolish newly established diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and staff" (page 103)
and misinformation is present of course by saying gender-affirming care causes irreparable damage:
"...'gender transition' procedures or 'gender-affirming care,' which cause irreversible physical and mental harm to those who receive them"
and, quite abhorrently, and i quote, they want words related to queerness DELETED:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity ('SOGI'), diversity, equity, and inclusion ('DEI'), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights..." (pages 4-5).
there is... SO much more i could cover. but i need to cut it short somewhere. and remember: this affects everyone.
cis people, you can be discriminated against for "sex characteristics", which includes things like breasts or facial hair. transphobic queer people, you can and will be discriminated against for your sexuality. your children are at danger of being taught deliberate misinformation at school. america is sealing itself off in a fascist bubble; as much as it hates countries like china and north korea, it is doing the exact same thing. and climate change regulations want to be repealed and climate change science is called "theoretical". this isn't even just about america anymore; this is about the whole world.
vote in the 2024 election. vote democrat. don't let the "mandate of leadership: the conservative promise" by the heritage foundation make this shithole country even worse.
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elisamaza · 4 months
just scrolling instagram and get suggested a post from a meme account and it’s a screenshot of a post made by a mutual
one of your posts strike again @asterosian lmao
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tadc-flags · 1 month
AroAllo picked from Jax? Pls? Have a cookie as thanks 🍪
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Aroallo flag color picked from Jax!
Requested by: @asterosian
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wiildpariiah · 26 days
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Dissoasterosian — Dissotation subterm related to thinking one is asterosian [mlm + mlnb], which makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter who is asterosian while the body / a majority of the system isn't, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external orientation. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this", this also doesn't override the external orientation of the person.
This identity does not support "transitioning" tips / subliminals / advice / etc in cases where it's harmful, furthers misinformation, or appropriative. I don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, professions, or experiences.
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being Asterosian, Marsean, Terraian, Ouranian, Sonnian, and Plutoian. End ID]
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agentduckorico · 3 months
honestly, i'm just in your inbox rn because my brain threw Megatron/Starscream/Shockwave/Optimus at me and it's not my cup of tea but i vaguely remember you liking Transformers and i'm dumping this off on you now. here, have a Concept
Sharing this with @asterosian too bc he deserves to have this in his brain
My brain is caught between "Optimus and his harem of decepticons" and "gangbang that ends the war"
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Got any hot takes on fashion and clothing? My entire wardrobe desperately needs an upgrade. I’ve always been fond of the goth aesthetic but I can’t deny I sometimes feel a bit drawn to clothes inspired by vaporwave. But also I’m on a budget and so many things I wanna get are expensive. My desire for sick boots is outweighed by that $200 price tag. What do you think?
Oh god I have so many thoughts on this. So, here are the ones that are easy to sum up, and others that I have had time to form more thoughts about. Also, in general, I'm always interested in recommendations for "sick boots," and if anyone knows of one good shop for that, I'd be very grateful.
First of all, the aesthetic you're describing is called "grunge," and if you're reading this on tumblr, you may have already heard that word before in this context.
Forget about anything that fits the word "sick" in the sentence. It does not mean "good boots," it does not mean "expensive" in any way, it only means "fashionable and cool."
If you really like the aesthetic, then you should just buy the shoes, and try them on when you are at home. (I'm not kidding here. If a piece of clothing has a lot of colors and patterns, I find it very difficult to visually assess its quality in a store, especially if the store's lighting is poor.)
Forget about the things you're worried about. Like, there are things you can do if you like the aesthetic, but you should seriously reconsider whether you want them.
Also, you do not need to be rich to "dress goth." I have lived with two disabled roommates in two different cities over the last few years and we have spent about two months' rent money on new clothes every time it's been a new season. Like, I'm really not kidding here – that is actually the definition of "sick boots."
Most importantly, you do not need to be rich to get fashionably goth. Your clothes do not have to cost hundreds of dollars to be stylish. In fact, it's almost the opposite – cheap clothes often feel cheap because they are poorly made. This is because the people who make cheaply made clothes do not know how to put together clothes, and they think this shows they are a genius when they really don't. They think I'm a genius for knowing how to sew well enough to be able to make well-fitting clothes from their terrible instructions, and that's the exact opposite of the reality.
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nangbaby · 1 year
I am simultaneously being suggested to change my screen name and disassociate from my past, while being accused of changing my screen name and disassociating from my past.
Like...you want to me to exist and not exist at the same time. I can't win.
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happysadyoyo · 1 year
Hey I think you were a person I've seen dissect Serano's work pointing out the negative things said about trans mascs. I came across this post and while this quote seems positive toward trans mascs, stuff earlier in the article don't seem great but I'm worried I'm just hanging onto biases from her earlier work. Do you have thoughts?
Oof okay I have to admit I'm very biased against her, so reading this will be a challenge (also thanks, I think this is the kick I need to get back to reading Whipping Girl, knowing she's got another book out that may pertain to trans masculinity).
I'm gonna pull out some quotes from her article I feel pertinent to touch on, whether in agreement or not. This is gonna be long.
tl;dr She's still minimizing trans masculine issues, throwing AFAB folks under the bus, utilizing POC for her own end when she can, and is a hypocrite within the same page. And nonbinary folk don't exist.
So yeah, the coat of paint is new, but it doesn't really feel like her attitude towards nonbinary and masculine people have changed. And she tries to relabel rad fems as cultural fems. Which... no. Cultural feminism afaik has a totally different connotation now with lib fem than whatever it was in the 80's.
 Some of the insights that I uncover in Sexed Up are pertinent to the aforementioned “perpetually male privileged” claims levied against trans women. In addition, they also shed light onto why bisexual women are analogously dismissed as “perpetually heterosexual privileged” in some of these same settings.
But men aren't also dismissed as heterosexually privileged if they're bi/pan/aro/ace? This is speculative, but I do thing that there are probably a lot more bisexual men out there who don't know because they've been taught to reject their attraction towards men their entire lives... not unlike how women are taught the same but women are also more encouraged to be in touch with their emotions. Men aren't.
This is a nitpick admittedly. Of course she's gonna focus on women, like how I focus on men. But idk, if I was actually writing for a general audience, I'd want to be as even-handed as possible.
 I will also consider how said purity politics underlie recent debates between trans female/feminine and trans male/masculine communities.
Color me unexcited.
In Sexed Up, I discuss all these various forms of sexualization in depth and detail how they play out with regards to specific marginalized groups (e.g., people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ people, amongst others).
I'm highlighting this mostly because of my experience with Whipping Girl is ringing eerily similar to this article. Mainly in that Serano likes to reference work I don't have access to and just assumes she is right.
I'm thinking specifically on her assertations on Navajo gender identities and saying they are trans feminine actually (or something similar) and her source was like... another college educated white person who just so happened to be a dude. It's why I want to eventually go through my notes and read all her sources and do an annotated version of her book.
I just really don't trust her with identities outside of her own is what I'm saying. Maybe she's changed, but I don't have access to her new book atm, just this article (sorry I might read her other article she linked at the top later but not right now).
As an example, falsely smearing a marginalized individual as a “slut,” or “pervert,” or “faggot,” or “predator,” or “groomer” typically has little to do with finding them attractive and/or wanting to use them sexually, but has everything to do with invoking sexual stigma in order to defame, humiliate, or ostracize them.
I don't disagree with this bit. Though I'd throw off the word little because we can't know what's going on in someone's mind. It can be a complex mixture of it all in a gross, confusing slurry of unexpressed emotion.
This imagined “sexual corruption” is especially acute for minority women: If a billboard ad featured a white, cisgender, thin, able-bodied woman wearing a sexy outfit, many passersby wouldn’t even notice it, but if the model were Black, or transgender, or fat, or disabled, or some combination thereof, it might strike them as “sexually inappropriate.”
A really more straightforward example would've been porn stars. Actresses (esp white actresses) who have fucked black men tend to have lower prices attached to their work afterwards. I wish I remembered where I read that so I could link to it, but it's been awhile. And for me I think it makes sense logically. She's "corrupted" herself with another race or w/e. Stupid blatant racism but a very obvious example.
Even more obvious: the amount of women who get devalued for having an only fans and how their SO's are treated.
And if a person intentionally hurts or humiliates another person, we often call them a “dick.”
What does this have to do with penises being imbued with metaphysical powers in society?
While penises, and those who are attached to them, are not stigmatized themselves, they do seem to possess the ability to impart sexual stigma upon others. [Sexed Up, p. 164]
Once again, Serano cuts her own nose to spite her face. She tries to be even-handed while focusing on women, but as soon as she quotes her own work (hence the italics) we can see her laying down the blanket statement again.
Men are stigmatized for having sex. It's just not in the same way women are. And it's different depending on the specific sub-culture you're in. Sub-culture specifically because Serano, despite her claims otherwise, I will not believe is capable of looking past the US. That's my bias.
While a significant number of women commit acts of sexual violence, people tend to view these incidents as less serious and less harmful than similar acts committed by men — this is likely due to the imagined “lack of penis” required to initiate sex and to bestow sexual stigma upon the victim.
Oh good, I was worried she wouldn't talk about women committing acts of sexual violence.
For starters, gender and sexual minorities are often viewed as “sexually deviant” or “sexually deceptive” for our failure to comply with Predator/Prey’s roles and rules. As a result, people may view us as “marked by sex” — imbued with sexual stigma that others may fear they might “catch” from us, potentially being “turned queer” themselves in the process. 
I don't disagree again. It's a bit thing, and I think part of that fear in some people is actually repressed sexual or romantic or gender specific identities. It's scary to be confronted with something you thought was a fact but might not be... and for a lot of those people, if they soul searched they'd find themselves happy with their identity as it is.
Anyway a good recent example of what Serano is talking about here is ROGD --- rapid onset gender dysphoria. The thing that people claim is turning all the girls trans.
It also explains why so-called “lesbian porn” made by and for straight men is not considered threatening. This genre typically portrays two women kissing and fondling one another, but the “real sex” doesn’t start until the male protagonist shows up (with his penis) to pronounce “can I join you ladies?”
What the fuck porn are you watching Serano? When I look up lesbian porn, the only dicks involved are strap ons. And this isn't like. Specialty stuff. It's fucking free on pornhub and xnxx.
I realize I'm outing where I watch porn here but whatever. One day I can afford to pay decently.
Okay then there's some talk about how for bi men they're seen as gay and bi women as straight (nb/agender people not invited), some gold star lesbianism and how penises are seen as corrupting. Glad she's pointing out the penis hatred in lesbian circles (rad fems called out? nice).
Hm then something about how bi women in relationships with other women are uniquely targeted with heterosexual privilege which just doesn't smell right to me but I can't put my finger on why.
when people start wielding terms like “privilege” (or “socialization”) in non-nuanced ways — and especially when they frame these as perpetual statuses that are impervious to change — the concern they are raising has little (if anything) to do with actual oppression or marginalization.
Really Serano? Where's the "doubt" meme because
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Go read the full thing here; it's infuriating. Basically, she's saying the rise in the use of TME/TMA as rigid labels is because trans male and masculine folks are upset that they're so overlooked and are pushing back on the fact trans women actually get highlight even in issues that uniquely affect us (the amount of times I heard people complaining trans women don't need ObGyn visits so why are we trying to bring up trans people...)
Also the bs that AFAB trans people highlighting the F in their AGAB means that trans women must also highlight the M in their AGAB... like Serano if that was true and we need to coin flip this bitch all the time, well, why do your adherents hate the term transandrophobia so much?*
*this is actually a lot more nuanced and if prompted, I'll go into a deeper dive on why one group trying to emphasize their marginalized status a certain way doesn't mean the coin flip group has to mimic their behavior in any way but not right now. But if you want to hear my thoughts, I beg you, send me an ask. I'll Go Off.
And in my experience, lesbians who are suspicious of trans women are usually suspicious of bi+ women as well, and vice versa. 
Name. Them. They're rad fems Serano. It won't hurt you to admit it.
Okay, she goes on a thing about cultural feminism. I'll bookmark that to read later I think. It's already 1:30. I've spent 30 minutes reading and responding after spending an hour trying to dethaw my lock to get inside after work.
Most radical feminists were careful to identify the male role rather than maleness as the problem. 
This is a quote pulled from the article Serano links about cultural feminism. I hate to tell Serano this (I don't) but this... things have fucking changed since the 1980's. Radical feminists now very much blame men for the problem, not just their maleness. That's why there's so much overlap with TERFS! They're literally rad ems!!!
Serano then goes on to talk about how they call themselves radical feminists and thus TERFs and it's like... what distinction are you trying to make here? This is worthless except to make me angry!
Cultural feminists sometimes collaborate with social conservatives and the far-right on certain issues — most notably, their anti-trans, anti-pornography, and anti-sex-work positions.
I don't understand her resistance to calling them radfems. They are radical feminists. Even if in the 1980's it was something different, it's been 40 fucking years. We didn't have smartphones or accessible cellphones back in the 80's. Get with the fucking program.
Blah blah stuff we already recognize about how radfems see trans women as inherently predatory and dangerous because they got penises. Nobody I know argues against that.
Okay yes, here we are talking about trans men.
Cultural feminist views of trans male/masculine people are more complex and varied. 
Yep, this is why we should have our own word, to better discuss these complexities separate from mere misogyny or transmisogyny. There's an inherent overlap with being once seen as a woman/girl and "choosing" to become more masculine, whether you're actually nonbinary or fully male.
Gender traitors, lesbians escaping the patriarchy, groomed by TRAs. Check, check, check. Irreversible Damage, oh that's an easy ---
And who is supposedly doing this “seducing”? Trans female/feminine people, of course. 
Do you here the tires of my brain screeching? I'm shocked my ears aren't bleeding. They actually popped. Just. Holy shit, the presumption.
What about ROGD Serano? The thing Irreversible Damage is about? The thing that "spreads" across "girl" groups? "AFAB" groups? Where are the trans women in this Serano? Do you want my ears to pop?
Okay, okay, five minutes and I've calmed down. I'll let Serano finish.
Another “gender critical” author, Kathleen Stock, has remarked that, “The autogynephilia tail is wagging the puberty-blocking dog,” adding that, “many of the loudest (partly because male) voices policing critical discussion of the treatment of ‘trans’ kids barely disguise their autogynephilia.”
Oh, so one other TERF author blamed it on the trans women. So because of that, you ignored other sources talking about it spreading across "girl" groups. As in AFAB. As in not trans women. Okay. My jaw does not hurt from clenching right now.
In their imaginations, “transgender” is a “sexually deviant and predatory man,” and “children” are conceptualized as safe, pure, and vulnerable “girls” who are in danger of being “corrupted” by a “male-borne” sexual “contagion.” It’s Predator/Prey thinking writ large.
Yeah, I wonder why the general public only think trans women exist (general public, not the public with young trans people coming out as their sons or daughters). It doesn't have anything to do with your hyper-visibility that trans men were complaining about and you defended those trying to shut them up with TME labels despite it going against what you wrote in this very article???
Here’s another way of framing this “gender critical”/cultural feminist perspective: Trans female/feminine people are viewed as inherently “contaminating” (we “corrupt” those we come into contact with), whereas trans male/masculine people are viewed as merely “contaminated” (i.e., they’ve been “corrupted” by someone else). As a result, the latter may be “redeemable,” at least to some extent or in certain cases. 
The emphasis (bold) is mine.
And here's the crux of my issue with Serano. She absolutely refuses to let go of the idea that trans women are not the most oppressed actually and there's a lot of give and take where sometimes trans women as a group might come out on top. Not that it matters in the long run because it all washes out compared to the cis world around us but she won't even entertain the idea. She has to make sure that we know that trans men and masculine people (in her view, AFAB people) aren't as oppressed as trans women/feminine people (in her view, AMAB people). And her putting masculine/male doesn't erase her total lack of a nonbinary perspective.
Cultural feminists also tend to view trans male/masculine people as relatively “safe” given that they are supposedly “innately female” and “lacking” the organ that imparts sexual stigma (and perpetrates sexual violence) upon other people.
This went with the above quote. I'm just pulling it out to show how she treats transandrophobia like its a good thing/privilege (but god forbid trans men act like trans women's visibility is a privilege because there's so many drawbacks---yeah like there is for being seen as "safe").
On the trans male/masculine spectrum, there can be a similar temptation to appease cultural feminists’ notions of “purity” and “safeness.” 
She also looks down on trans women who emphasize their post op status btw. She just really does not like hyper feminine trans women (see my videos where she complains about movies with hyper femme trans women), and she does not like trans men not entirely divorcing themselves from their AGAB. How dare we I guess?
Sorry that I was born and raised a girl and I still see my younger self as a girl. I'm not you Serano. I'm not going to act like my growth as a trans person is a model for everyone else and thus invalidate all nonbinary identities.
Whether intentional or not, these sorts of appeals tend to reinforce the idea that AMAB people (such as trans women and trans femmes) are indeed “dangerous” and should be excluded. 
Talking about trans men "playing up the F in AFAB" to access women spaces. Please someone send me an ask about this specifically so I have an excuse to go off tomorrow after work.
At the start of this essay, I brought up “recent debates between trans female/feminine and trans male/masculine communities.”
Okay awesome I'm ready. I'm not reading the linked article tonight, maybe I will if asked, but for now it's 2 AM.
So suffice it to say that some of the disagreements I’ve seen seem to stem from this imagined AFAB “vulnerability” and “safeness,” and imagined AMAB “contamination” and “dangerousness.”
Emphasis (bold) mine.
Imagined vulnerability.
Serano making me throw up in my mouth at 2 AM.
And as usual, it’s the supposedly “contaminated” group (in this case, trans female/feminine people) who gets accused of being “oppressive” in some way or other. 
Sure am glad that she chose not to go into specifics! Give us concrete examples please!
On more than one occasion, I have seen trans male/masculine people of color point out that this notion of “inherent AFAB safeness” is not generally extended to them.
But, notably, not the vulnerability. Just want to point that out. Trans MOC are just as vulnerable if not more so by fact of being men of color. White women hold so much power over them in public spaces.
It should be clear by this point that we must purge these cultural radical feminist frameworks from our minds. 
Fixed that for you. Stop trying to label them something new.
When you embrace the fact that the world sees you as “dirty” and “contaminated,” you make different art, and you gravitate toward different forms of activism.
I'm still not following links outside the article, but I don't disagree with this statement. You'll be seeing some of my own work related to this later next year.
'Being a freak] made me suspicious of appeals to “purity” and “safety” (after all, what feels “safe” to some people may in fact be “dangerous” to others). 
Would it surprise you Serano I have trouble feeling safe around women?
She also stops on the different art after talking about how in your face her poetry used to be. This is something else I really want someone to send me an ask about. I'm begging you.
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