#At this point let HOA find it
Me finishing up a long talk about labor politics and how airport 🛩️ workers should strike next -> logging on to girlblog about my favorite jet setting pop star Taylor Swift ✨🦄🎆💖⚡️ because having a fandom tumblr account or not isn’t actually praxis 🌹💪🏻👩‍🌾
#this post brought to you by a conversation with my touring musician partner#he tours the us with a relatively well known bluegrass band and they rely a lot on airplanes#travel has been making some of his friends miss entire gigs#so we were thinking about how to feasibly tour and make money and see family and not rely on airplanes and airport laborers#also talking about where to try and buy land at some point and the ethics of that vs trying to convince my parents to leave me their house#it’s in a really unique spot wrt local government and I am finding myself becoming involved in local politics about ADUs#and if I want to be able to one day turn this block into a commune I would like the right to build one!#but our conservative HOA has locked in on me as an ally in their fight against Additional Dwelling Units bc I am pushing for the environment#and someone brought up that the neighborhood is an old growth forest at the last meeting apparently!#anyways!! point is- it’s all fun and games to talk politics and Taylor but at the end of the day you can girl blog and not have that#reflect on your actual lived values and actions#plus! there’s definitely something worth while about using gossip as a way to understand what your values are!#me and my partner (a folk musician dedicated to labor movements through his working class ancestors/family) have talked a lot about Taylor#bc it’s fun! and she’s someone in his field! but also we can fine tune our beliefs about touring ethics by studying the worlds biggest tour#it’s fascinating!#c#Sam spam#hiding this deep in tags bc I’m scared:#let’s not eat Taylor when the time comes but maybe she can redistribute her land and properties to feed and house the homeless?#and pay climate reparations to families living within 1 mile of airports she uses#read something horrifying about lead in jet fuel and low income homes near airports….
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certifiedfreec · 5 months
i can’t stop thinking about neighbor!graves… 🤔
🏡 you’re new to the neighborhood, getting all your things moved in and seemingly drowning in all the boxes of stuff you have. you ordered some items to replace the ones that got damaged or lost during transit, so that only added on to the cardboard-ridden mess that was your new living room.
🏡 a few days after settling in, you finally notice one of your packages has a mysterious name on it: phillip graves. you suddenly feel bad; how long has this guy been missing his delivery?? you bustle out your door in your pajamas, looking for the house number that matches the one on the package until you finally find it. it’s a fairly large house with dark, sophisticated paint. it’s across and over from yours with a huge black truck backed into the driveway. very snazzy for a truck, you think, hurrying your way to the tall entry door and ringing the doorbell.
🏡 “hey, how can i help ya?” his slight twang is warm and uplifting when he opens the door, eyeing you with a keen interest. god, he’s pretty. he sees what’s standing before him in the cutest little pj set and he’s feeling like an angel was dropped at his doorstep. meanwhile, you’re freaking out- standing there in your scrubby pajamas in front of this ridiculously attractive man, who is apparently your neighbor, and you’ve been holding onto his package without him knowing. (you realize there’s another package of his you’d like to hold though- ba dum tss!)
🏡 you shyly introduce yourself, pointing toward your house and then handing him the box, which he accepts with a teasing “gonna have to tell the HOA about the new thief on the block,” and a quick wink. it nearly melts you, but we must stay focused brothers!! he thanks you and introduces himself as phillip, taking the chance to let you know that you caught him at a good time because he’s often out for extended periods of time with his work. the poor baby must exhaust himself with how busy he is :(
🏡 you hear what he’s saying and being the new, good little neighbor you are, you offer to swing by and grab his mail, check on his plants, and do some basic house upkeep whenever he’s gone. hook, line, and sinker- it’s just what he wants to hear. he accepts your offer with that pearly grin of his, but not without adding his contact info to your phone so he can let you know when he’ll be out of town :’) he’s just so handsome that you feel like you won the jackpot!
🏡 from that day on, it’s like you keep bumping into each other outside- how silly! you start to find some excuses to be out front, maybe to check your roof for any damage or plant some flowers along the side yard, and whaddaya know, neighbor!graves soon finds himself outside giving his big ‘ol truck a wash (you could swear it’s already spotless). god, those flexing muscles and the wet t-shirt clinging to them are much more interesting than your rhododendrons.
🏡 he’s such a friendly neighbor- he’s really taken a liking to you! <3 whenever he’s actually home, he’s got your grocery bags carried inside or he’s grilled some barbecue that you’d be “downright ridiculous not to try”- his words, not yours! it’s delicious, of course, and he credits all his skills to his old man and his “coworkers.” you decide to bake him some sweets in return, and he just about melts. you’re just so good, and so is your baking! he’d really like to taste something else though, too…
🏡 now, neighbor!graves is a pretty nosy guy, so he’s taken it upon himself to keep you in the loop on all the drama in the neighborhood. but really, can you blame him? it’s in his nature to find intel- someone in the community has to do it! this is also a subtle way of letting you know that he’ll be keeping an eye on you, too- because he’s gotta look out for his fellow neighbors, especially if they’re adorable ;)
🏡 eventually he’s away for a few weeks and you’re on deck to pick up his mail, water his indoor plants, all that good stuff. he gives you a key before he leaves and tells you “go ‘head and keep it, mi casa es su casa,” fully inviting you to get comfy in his space- and you do! his furniture is so sleek yet so cozy, his living room complete with a super plush leather couch and a ridiculously large tv. you gather from all his medals and badges decorating the place that he’s very accomplished at what he does- this guy’s the real deal. you also get a nagging feeling that you want to spend more time in his space- it’s just so comfortable, and it smells like sweet vetiver and crisp mint :’)
🏡 so… neighbor!graves, being the nosy guy that he is, has been tracking when you’ve been going over by checking his high-end front door camera from his phone. he can’t help but get flustered at the idea of you in his most personal space- god, he wants you in his bed- and he starts to remember your routine. when he’s finally finished with his operation, he may or may not schedule his flight so that he arrives home shortly after the time usually head over, and your entire body stills when you hear his garage go up. he walks in with some heavy-looking bags wearing an all-black outfit, and you almost swoon. he’s such a man.
🏡 woops, surprise! he apologizes for forgetting to mention when he’d be getting home. he’s so damn excited to see you in his house though, so cute and dutiful, having left his plants perfectly hydrated and not a speck of dust in the area. he has an inkling-no, a certainty- that you’d be an amazing housewife. he invites you to stick around for a drink since you’re already there anyway, and of course you accept since you’d be “downright ridiculous” if you didn’t!
🏡 after you fill him in on the neighborhood drama he missed over some scotch (he is loving your intel collection skills, by the way), he reaches for his wallet to get you some cash for all the trouble- this man was really about to give you a wad of hundreds for your menial house chores! unbelievable! you immediately shoo it away, insisting that it really was no big deal… well, now you’ve left him stumped, because how else could he ever show his appreciation for your hard work while he was away??
🏡 by eating your pussy, of course! it takes very little resistance on both your ends until you’re sprawled out on his luxuriously soft bed with his head between your thighs, moaning and mewling so loud from the perfect licks and swirls on your aching, needy clit that his front door camera can practically pick up on your noises :’) your slick is getting all over his satiny sheets, but he doesn’t even pay that any mind. a few sharp sucks to your sensitive bundle of nerves and the scratch of his light blond stubble along your inner thighs has you cumming so hard that you can’t help but chant his name- and he’ll be damned if that isn’t music to his ears! <3
🏡 he still doesn’t feel like he’s fully shown you his appreciation…maybe he needs to fuck the shit out of you too! he’s talking to you so nicely as he stretches your pulsing walls with his huge, veiny cock, reassuring you that you’re “such a good girl,” “lookin’ so gorgeous right now,” “takin’ me like a champ, baby.”… you’ve never felt so full, yet somehow you can’t get enough of him :( he decides to place a silky pillow under your hips so he can pummel into you from a deeper angle, and he leaves all kinds of purply marks along your chest as he tells you just how perfect your pussy is for him- god, he’s happy you moved here!
🏡 by now you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve orgasmed around his length, and he finally coats your insides with his warm, thick spurts of cum as he groans your name. you both collapse onto his sheets, exhaustedly drifting to sleep just to do it all over again in the morning ;) he gets a hot shower ready for the both of you before kindly requesting some of your amazing baking- he even offers you to wear one of his t-shirts so you don’t get any ingredients on your own clothes! of course, you’re more than happy to oblige. after all, he’s such a friendly neighbor <3
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anipgarden · 1 year
Un-Actions, or Restriction of Activities
This is my first post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
There’s a good handful of ways you can help increase biodiversity in your yard that don’t require buying things--in fact, these may actually help you save money in the long run! They may seem small and simple, but every bit counts! Whether you can do these in totality, or just limit how often you do these actions, it’ll make a difference.
Not Mowing, or Mowing Less Often
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Turf grass lawns are considered a monoculture, meaning they don’t provide much opportunity for insects to find habitat--so few other creatures find them enjoyable either. An expanse of turf grass is, in many ways, a barren wasteland in the eyes of wildlife--too exposed to cross, with few to no opportunities for food or shelter, leaving them exposed to blazing hot sun, freezing cold, or any predators that may be lurking nearby. A place to be avoided. The simple act of letting your grass grow unbothered gives a chance for wildflowers to grow, and for your grass to grow taller--providing more habitat for insects, which then provides more habitat to birds and other creatures that feed on said insects. Wildlife want nothing more than to skirt by unnoticed, so even leaving the grass tall along the edges of a fence or yard can help a little. Even restricting mowing to every other week, or at a higher blade setting, can be a huge help. If HOAs or city ordinances are fussy about lawn length in the front yard, you can likely still keep grass higher in the backyard. Or, you can create a ‘feature’ where grass is allowed to grow long in a specific area. If it looks purposeful, people are more likely to accept it. Not mowing under trees or close to shrubs not only leaves space for wildflowers to grow, but also means you don’t have to deal with mowing over bumpy roots and other difficulties. Cutting different areas at different times can be an option for letting grass grow long in some areas while still having available places for play and entertainment. I’ve seen some people plant flower bulbs when pulling up weeds, so in the future they'll bloom in early spring before mowing is usually necessary. This could be another fun way of adding biodiversity to a lawn without--or before you--begin mowing in spring.
Not worrying about mowing, or doing it less often, saves you in time, money, and energy. You won’t have to buy as much gasoline for your mower, and Saturday afternoons can be free to be enjoyed in other ways aside from being sticky and sweaty and covered in grass stains. In addition, you’ll likely be lowering your own carbon emissions!
If you do have to mow your lawn, I’ve got ways you can use your grass clippings to boost biodiversity later in the post series!
Not using pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.
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One of the next-biggest non-actions you can do asides from not mowing is using fewer fewer to no herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides in your yard. This’ll easily allow for more biodiversity. Allowing more insects and a wide array of plants to thrive will feed back into the entire food chain in your area. In addition, these types of chemicals have been tied to algae blooms, death of beneficial insects, harm to birds, fish, and even humans. Soil is supposed to be full of fungi, especially fungal mycelium that essentially acts as a network for plants to communicate, share nutrients, and support each other--fungicide kills that, and typically makes all other lawn problems even worse in a negative feedback loop. It may take awhile to see the benefits of avoiding these chemicals, but once you see it, it really is astounding.
However! I can’t lie and say that there haven’t been points where I needed to use pesticides at some points in my gardening journey. In these cases, try to use products that are organic--like diatomaceous earth, neem oil, etc--and use them accurately, correctly, and sparingly. Follow instructions on how to apply them safely and responsibly--for example, on non-windy days and during times when bees and other pollinators aren’t likely to be out and about. With some pests (read: oleander aphids, in my experience), a simple jetstream of water is enough to force them off the plant where they’ll be too weak to get back. Eventually, you should have a balanced enough ecosystem that no one insect pest causes a major issue with the work you’re doing to boost biodiversity.
If you can bear to, try handling pests manually. Squishing pest bugs in your hand is a pretty foolproof way to get rid of some problems, or spraying them with a mix of soap and water can do the trick on some insects. Alternatively, picking them off your plants and into a bucket of soapy water is also a valid option. You’ve heard of baptism by fire, now get ready for… baptism by soap?
But also! Try reconsidering what you consider a pest! Tomato hornworms are hated by gardeners, for devouring the foliage of beloved tomato, pepper, and potato plants. But killing the tomato and tobacco hornworm means getting rid of sphinx moths, also known as hummingbird or hawk moths! Hawk moths are vital to the survival of many native plants, and are sometimes even the only species that pollinates them. If you can bear to, consider sacrificing a few tomato plants, or growing a few extras, so we can continue having these beautiful moths for years to come. After all, they may not even do significant damage to the plants!
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With that in mind, be friendly to your natural pest managers! Lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantises, wasps, birds, bats, and more will help manage pest populations in your environment! Encourage them by planting things they like, providing habitat, and leaving them be to do their work! Avoiding pesticides helps make your garden a livable environment for them, too!
Letting Weeds Grow
Many of the plants we know as 'weeds' are actually secondary succession species and native wildflowers. Milkweed was regarded as a noxious, annoying weed for a long time, and now people are actively trying to plant them after learning about the important role they play in our environments! Weeds are adapted to take over areas that have been cleared out of other plants after a disaster, so they're doing much of the initial work in making a habitat for other creatures. In fact, many of them will simply die back as the environment repairs itself.
An important thing to note is to please make sure that your ‘weeds’ are not invasive species. Work on learning how to identify native and invasive species in your area, and pull out what’s harmful to leave room for what’s good!
Don’t Rake (Or At Least Don’t Bag Your Leaves)
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Many insects overwinter in piles of leaves that we often rake away and bag up in the fall and winter. By doing this, we are actively throwing away the biodiversity of our neighborhoods! If you can, leave the leaves where they fall! 
If you do need to rake, put the leaves in places wildlife can still access it instead of bagging it up. Move your leaves into garden beds to serve as mulch, or along the edge of fences to rest while keeping egg cases and hiding bugs intact and free to release come spring.
Leave Snags Where They Are
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Snags are dead trees/dead branches on living trees. They provide an important wildlife habitat--many birds nest in them, or use them to seek cover from rain, and many insects will also live in snags (making them an additional food source for birds and other creatures). Tree cavities are used as nests by hundreds of bird species in the US, and many mammals use them as well, such as bats, squirrels, raccoons, and sometimes even bears. Some trees form cavities while they’re still alive, but in conifers they’re more likely to form after death. Crevices between the trunk of a dead tree and its peeling bark provide sun protection for bats and amphibians, and leafless branches make great perching areas for birds of prey to hunt from above. The decaying wood is home to insects and fungi, who then feed birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.  Do check on the snags regularly to ensure they don’t serve a threat to any nearby structures, but whenever possible, leave them be! 
Keep Your Cat Inside
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If you have an outdoor cat, consider making the adjustments to have it be an indoor cat. If you have an indoor cat, keep it as an indoor cat. Free ranging cats impact biodiversity through predation, fear effects, competition for resources, disease, and more. Keeping little Mittens inside does a lot more to help than it may seem from the outside.
That’s the end of this post! My next one’s gonna be on things you can add to your space that aren’t directly related to growing plants. For now, I hope this advice helps! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in! 
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was i the asshole for refusing to pay a private contractor what they claimed i owed?
preface: i rent a townhouse that has both a front and a back yard, and the lawn mower broke (landlord refuses to fix it), so i was forced to find a landscaping company locally who could mow the grass in spring and summertime. i hate mowing so no real loss, plus i get to support local small businesses! score!
everyone around here sucks at communication (as in they just don't show up or respond to any texts, calls, or emails even when Maureen From The HOA is breathing down your neck) except for one company i've been using religiously ever since i found them. love these guys. quality work, excellent communication, affordable, flexible, these guys are the best and i have referred my neighbors to them as well.
at the beginning of spring 2023, money was kinda tight so i asked if they could only mow every three weeks. they told me no dice, only in two-week increments because they have a rolling scheduling of which neighborhoods get hit up on certain weeks. fair enough. i ask for a mow every four weeks. sure, the grass will get a little tall, but the HOA can shut up.
they come every two weeks instead and text AFTER they've already done the work, so i have to pay for it. i pay them promptly, but ask if they can please honor my wishes for it to be every four weeks, as we discussed. they honor that... once. and then go back to every two weeks. by this time, the grass is shooting up faster than expected and i still hate the HOA, so i sigh and let it go. every two weeks it is.
fast forward to late autumn as winter's rolling in and i'm writing the check for the last mow of the season when the guy calls and says "oh btw you owe hundreds of dollars we never told you about until just now".
somehow, they got it in their heads that they mowed my lawn every single week, and should be paid for that. not once did that happen. not only was there no communication about them having been there OR needing payment (remember how i said they were so good about communication? i have texts going back the entire season where they message me "hey we mowed your lawn today" every two weeks exactly, and what sense does it make for them to forget to say anything every other week on the nose?), but i think i would have noticed grass getting shorter for no reason. also remember how i specifically told them i wanted a mow every four weeks and never actually rescinded that request? it's in writing. it's in the text log. at no point did i ever approve this "weekly" work, even if they'd actually done it (which they didn't).
thing is, these guys are prompt and reliable. they're the best option i've got around these parts. they really don't strike me as the types to pull a fast one on me or scam me. i think it was a genuine, honest mistake and they got my house mixed up with someone else's in the ledger, and now they're out the money for work they legitimately performed... just not for me. i recommended them to my neighbors, remember? not impossible they got the house numbers for my street mixed up. a 6 can look like an 8, or a 7 like a 1 if your handwriting smudges.
i got so caught up in my kneejerk response of "hey what the fuck do you mean i owe money for work i told you i didn't want and you didn't actually do" that i didn't work with them to try to figure out what actually happened here, and now a local business got screwed over. WITAH?
What are these acronyms?
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gildedphoenix · 8 months
SuperPhantom - White Crow
Posting this now because I'm not sure I'll ever finish it.
Feel free to contribute.
White Crow SuperPhantom
(965 words)
Dean answered his ringing flip phone. And NO Sam, he doesn't need a smart phone. The battery on this thing lasts 5 days and it survives being in Dean's pocket when he's thrown against a wall by the bad guy of the week.
"Hi Bobby. Whatcha got for us?"
"I hope you've got gas in the take because this one is going to be a bit of a chase." Bobby opened. "I've got reports coming in from all over about a white crow being linked to dozens of deaths. None of the hunters who've looked into it so far have been able to track the creature or find any connections between the victims. The issue is that some of the crimes aren't fresh. The last victim, a Tim Stillion, had been dead for weeks. Can't figure out the cause because the animals had been at his body. And unless this bird can teleport, he was on the other side the country when Stillion was kill't."
Sam, who was already clickity clacking on his laptop, spoke up. "It sounds like the crow isn't a portent of death then, but just a reporter. But how is it finding the bodies?"
"Yeah," Bobby drawled "I figured you'd come to that conclusion. That's why I called you boys. Every other hunter is out here trying to end this bird when it's solved more cold cases then all of them combined. Bunch of idgits."
Dean grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and started towards the garage. "So where are we headed Bobby? Any word on the last sighting?"
"Last couple time it was seen, it was around central Illinois."
"Let's roll"
Sam Manson revved her vespa and continued chasing the white crow down ST-54. They'd been at this for weeks now. And despite it all, Sam was just happy that she'd found Danny at all.
/three weeks ago/
"There's no way!" leopard print blouse said. "You look like one of my son's friends."
Danny had a tendency to drop whatever he was holding if he got summoned but for once, he kept hold of his cell phone. So when he ended up disappearing in the middle of a Doom speed run, Tucker was able to track him down. And after a few minutes (and way too few reasonable security measures) Sam and Tucker were able to watch a live stream from a web connected Nanny cam.
The room was all white, leather couches pushed back against the walls. Marble and brass coffee table set with white taper candles. Starbucks cups sitting on the ledge of the kitchen counter. And in the middle of the room, Phantom. Desperately trying to convince 6 PTA, HOA, Basic Witches that he was indeed the Ghost King that they were trying to summon.
A woman in a white gauze blouse and white wash jeans stepped forward. It must be her house, because she matched the decor. "How did you highjack the summoning?!" It was the same tone every teen has heard from their parents. The tone that said they'd already decided what had happened and were just waiting for you to admit fault.
"Hey, you summoned me. What did you even want, anyway? Pumpkin spice to be available year round? For the grocery store to accept your expired coupons? How about-"
"Now you listen to me young man," A third woman, dressed in sunny yellow and a high pony tail that did nothing to help her look younger. "You need to learn manners and your parents clearly didn't care to teach you"
("Ouch" danny mumbled, "accurate, but ouch" )
Yellow started chanting and the others quickly caught on and joined in. Danny, realizing that he was running out of time to gas light, gatekeep, or girlboss his way out of a solution, tried the old reliable Plan Z. Run away.
So he turned ghostly tail to the nearest window and - BONK! - was stopped by the shielding on the summoning circle. Which was a first. People usually forgot about that. Danny was now both impressed and worried as be felt both pressure and dread building around him as the chanting volume and speed.
Danny clutched his head as the pressure grew to a screeching point until everything released with a pop. The pressure was gone. The chanting was gone. Danny felt lighter, which was saying something given how gravity was typically just a suggestion while he was in ghost mode. Opening his eyes -and when had he closed them? - he noticed one more difference. Everyone had gotten bigger. And the furniture had gotten bigger. And the room had gotten…. uh oh. He had gotten smaller.
Danny was trying to orient himself and identify where an deep thudding was coming from when he was hit from the side. Foot steps. That's what the thudding was. They were just drastically louder when he was only tall enough to stare people in the shins. And the sidelong assault? A broom. Which connected a second time before he thought to go intangible. (Why did he always forget intangibility?)
The woman in white had gotten a broom and was swatting him towards the open patio door, her strappy white sandals stopping behind him and he frantically tried to coordinate his limbs in that same direction. His limbs did not want to coordinate but he eventually got himself out the door and the broom stopped swatting at him.
Once he cleared the threshold, the door rolled closed with a slam and the lock snicked shut.
"And don't come back unless you've learned respect!" was shouted at him from a nearby window before it, too was slammed shut.
Looking back into the house, he was met by his own reflection in the sliding glass door.
In which Danny and Sam are traveling the US 90's road trip style to absorb the ecto of recent (or semi-recent) murders so Danny can get enough power to break the spell and transform back.
The general hunter community is chasing a white crow and a witch to stop them from committing all these murders.
And Sam and Dean and Bobby are trying to just figure out what's going on.
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thechosenanubis · 9 months
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Hey, @mask-of-anubis hope you don't mind that i made a separate post with your tags as the main focus point. ( the tags are taken from this post if anyone is curious) But I felt the the topic is too important to just be kept in the tags.
Thoughts under the cut.
I want to preface this post by saying that you're completely right, that the hoa girls are held at a much higher standard compared to the boys. Sadly this is a common reccurence in most media.
Female characters are scrutinized for everything they do, no matter if you are a "traditonal gal", a "female warrior" or something in between.
As you pointed out, these girls are complex and they make mistakes ( and thank god that they do, because if they didn't and were instead some mary sues hoa would be boring as hell). We have to thank the writers for that because they wanted to create human characters.
Simply put: people scream about wanting "complex female characters!" and when they get them on screen they whine about how "toxic" "pathetic" "whiny" "bitchy" they are.
Let's take for example the worst form of this behavior: The S2 Joy-Nina rivalry. (yes, i'm really going there).
I'm one of the few people in the entire hoa fandom, that thinks that their rivalry ( while i can agree that it overstayed its welcome sometimes) was actually a good arc, and in some ways was inevitable.
People thinks that feminism means "the girls must always get along!" Ignoring that forcing two girls who have very different views, becoming friends just for the sake of Feminism™ is actually going to diminsh the quality of the story, and the characters themselves too.
In fact, since its quite implied in the pilot that joy has a major crush of Fabian, and i'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but no girl is going to be happy that her crush isn't single anymore, especially when (at least from joy's pov) she and fabian were quite close. Of course, the way joy went about it in s2 was wrong, but the girl is traumatized ( as all the characters in the show are to various degrees lol) and instead of blaming the teachers, she focused her anger on the easy target.
But keep in mind that Nina isn't a saint either: she's passive aggressive to an unhealthy degree, she lashes out at her friends, and is very possessive about a boy who isn't her boyfriend anymore.
But people, instead of trying to understand why they act that way, They prefer the easy way out aka calling them something along the lines of "Bitch" "Horrible" "Toxic" "Pathetic" "Whiny" "Bully" and everything else under the sun.
Really it's quite concerning that i've seen this behavior in multiple fandoms, and it has no intention of stopping. And no matter how you spin it, female characters can never win, because people will find a way to hate them regardless.
Because as you said, when did male characters ever been held responsible for their own actions? Right, never.
Because fans, somehow to make their fave male character "he's just a soft boy™ who can do no wrong ever" , they have to ignore every single flaw they have. Even if those flaws make them interesting.
Instead female characters are always blamed, villified for the same things the male characters do.
And really everything comes down to the double standard , doesn't it?
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 6 months
HOA Among Us Gameplay
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Seasons Greetings! Are you a House of Anubis fan? Do you find yourself wanting a chance to experience being the characters themselves? Did you play the Among Us game at some point in your life? Do you want to unite with your fellow HOA fans and accuse them of murder?
Well, this is the place for you!
Listen, as Sibuna followers we’re on top of anything spooky and creepy. Let’s put ourselves to the test and have a nice gameplay of Among Us. Maybe three rounds, maybe more depending how we’re feeling after.
We play as characters, try to be in character for as long as possible. If you’re Fabian or Nina, be super sleuthy. If you’re Patricia never stop accusing people or causing fights. If you’re Jerome… you’re probably the impostor.
On December 27th, on 5PM AST (time is a default and available to change if contacted) we shall connect and play a rousing game of Among Us, dress up and name ourselves after our chosen HOA character and figure out the two imposters among us. You heard that right, folks! Two imposters.
I will be posting the game entry code 10 minutes before we begin so everyone can get settled.
Which Among Us map will we explore?
Map will be The Airship (it has a very Anubis House vibe to it). But since it’s also larger than most, I suggest practice playing it solo. For more information, please DM me and I can teach you how. If not, the map can always go back to the original setting: The Skeld.
Now, who are you going to be?
There are 15 slots for a full Among Us gameplay and if we have more than 15 people interested, I suggest to repeat the activity with the others the next day on Dec. 23rd. Anyone interested in replaying can do so as well if there are slots available for the next day.
Until then, the characters provided are listed below. Please write in the replies if you are interested and which character you would like to play as! Remember that this is a commitment for December 22nd!
characters not available will be crossed off
Nina Martin - @incorrectsibunaquotes
Fabian Rutter - @fakeosirian
Patricia Williamson
Amber Millington - @find-y0ur-j0y
Alfie Lewis - @wolfblood-of-anubis
Jerome Clarke
Joy Mercer - @katexxr
Eddie Miller
KT Rush
Mara Jaffray
Willow Jenks
Mick Campbell
Trudy Rehmann
Victor Rodenmarr Jr.
Whoever picks this spot gets to choose from the rest of the many side characters/recurring characters over the years. Examples include but not limited to:
Mr. Sweet
Mrs. Andrews
Evil RFS
Caroline Denby
Harriet Denby
Chat option ideas:
- we can stick to the Among Us chat box
- or we can make a Discord call and all chat on it during voting and emergency meetings. Another fun thing about Discord is you can just type your message rather than speak if you don’t want to.
let’s explore the chaos of anubis house, shall we?
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also, big thanks to @yackers for the hoa gifs, excellent as always!
@find-y0ur-j0y @frobisher-smythe @frobitcher-smythe @incorrectsibunaquotes @thechosenanubis @fakeosirian @joysmercer @joymercerssecretgf @tess-or-no @lialovesstuff @katexxr @dreaming-of-galaxies-and-stars @whispers-of-gallifrey @inseacure-possum @thereofrin @almostlikequake @sibunaaanubis @sibunator
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
Last year I left my lawn till late because some wildlife orgs had advised that leaving it a bit later into spring is good for all the insect life. Of course, my neighbour assumed I was horribly sick and unable to move for making such a grievous grassy error that he went did it for me. Apparently it was an eyesore! I wasn't sure if i should be touched at the freely given neighbourly help or just offended at the slight upon my poor maligned grass patch. Neat lawn people just freak me out. He does his in the middle of rainstorms and I get horrible visions of those cartoon characters who electrocute themselves and you can see all their bones.
oh man!!! i know that feeling!!! a bunch of my lot was ripped up one year trying to find a broken water line, and so instead of grassing it over i bought a mix of wildflower seeds to try and grow a meadow along one side of my property that i thought would be a very pretty surprise for everyone in late summer. i live in a small town in a rural area with no HOAs or anything, but there are a lot of retired men on my street and Lawn Care is a major hobby. there is GREAT long-standing debate over The Right Mower Height for the best looking grass... and so on.
and they kept mowing my meadow down!!!
it was with such good intentions -- and i felt soooooo guilty for not mowing the REST of my lawn that was actually grass -- that i didn't know how to ask them to stop until the damage was done. and now they're always commenting on how that area is "just weeds" YEAH I KNOW MAN!! those aggressive bare-earth pioneer plants are gonna take over if you don't let my flowers grow long enough to seed!! no going back now!!
at one point i told some neighbors that i felt really bad for being the neighborhood embarrassment and they were like what? no you're not? and anyway i win because one of my neighbors is a huge huge dick, and it pays dividends to be as sweet as possible and act very grateful even when my neighbors overstep.
my current issue is the neighbor who always gives me the worst home care advice and really thinks he's helping me by cutting up rotten wood and stacking it on my woodpile while i'm at work, where i then have to burn through it to get to anything else, but he doesn't really take in social cues and he lost his wife and desperately needs to be of service to someone At All Times, so the truth is that sometimes the thing i contribute to the community is to be the neighbor who graciously accepts help even when it's not helpful.
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Don't Hyde From Me (ch. 6 Beauty Inside the Beast)
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CW/TW: Lots of fluff and angst, casually running from their feelings, some smut, sub!Tyler, very good boy, dom tyler, p in v (wrap before you tap unless you have fetus deletus measures)
Don't Hyde From Me chapters
The two of them sat on a couple of cushions and a picnic blanket, enjoying their breakfast while watching Disney’s Beauty and The Beast. Coffee by their sides as Belle sang about her quaint little town. Tyler couldn’t help but smile as Hoa sang along softly, the girl thought she was being sneaky and he couldn’t hear her. She looked so sweet when she was like this, he’d wish to have more moments like these in the future. Hoa had already finished half of her caramel macchiato, she was visibly shaking from the large amount of caffeine she had consumed in under 5 minutes- Tyler flashed an awkward and concerned smile at her as he slowly moved the caffeinated beverage away from her, only gaining a hiss as the girl snatched it in her gremlin clutches.
“My coffee.” She glared as she took another sip, bringing a laugh out of the boy. She chastised him for talking during the best part of the scene, like a toddler telling a story. Tyler couldn’t pay attention to the film that was playing when the girl in front of him was way more interesting, she was writing down notes about her observations on the hyde all while singing along with the characters- the boy marveled at her ability to multitask.
“What are you writing about me?” He tried to sneak a peek at the notes, trying to get the latest gossip.
“Shoo.” she playfully shoved him away, “Just the fact that you haven’t gone full hyde in a while, you’re protective, territorial…” the girl went on about her discoveries and certain findings she’d made. When he was given the chance to kill he didn’t, that was the most interesting of discoveries she had so far. All this talk about studying hydes brought Tyler back to the first time he and the girl met. It was sometime during the winter break, Hoa was one of the few students who stayed on campus during the break. The school had locked poor Tyler up down in the basement where they could conduct experiments of sorts on him.
Every day or so, the girl would make her way down there and chat. Doing her research, pushing his buttons, trying to decipher if he was safe to be around or not. The first time Tyler had laid his eyes on her he couldn’t help but laugh, the principal had sent down such a tiny and weak student to be in charge of him- he knew she would break easily. The boy thought it would be amusing to hyde out and scare her off, that attempt was in vain.
“You’re not that scary.” Hoa said as she adjusted her glasses, “You know that right?” The hyde just snarled, trying to reach out and claw at the girl. The chains did very little to stop him, just as he came close to striking her she let out a bolt of electricity from her palm; shocking the boy enough to where he collapsed to the floor and reverted back to human form. She sighed and looked away, the principal’s second in command putting a blanket over the boy as Hoa left.
Tyler couldn’t help but smile at the memory, she was so cold to him yet look at her now. She was practically curled up next to him with her coffee, he couldn’t help but stare; she knew that he was capable of killing her at any given moment- if he wanted to- yet she was so calm and close to him. It felt nice. He noticed that she hadn’t made eye contact with him ever since they left the cafeteria, did he do something to upset her? Tyler wanted to reach out to her, and wanted to apologize.
“Hoa?” His voice was shaky, “Are you… Did I do something wrong…?” He could feel his heart breaking in every word. Hoa was silent, her gaze never leaving the film, she was biting down on her lip to the point she drew blood. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” her words came out as a whisper, it was sheer luck that the boy was able to pick up what she said- must’ve been the effects of being bitten. “I’m just- I’m scared. I don’t know what to do.” She liked Tyler, a lot- and seeing him improving at controlling his urges and impulses made her more than happy- yet given the situation they were in she couldn’t tell him. She didn’t want them to take him away, she was doing everything in her power to keep the boy around. She was scared of David, scared of losing Tyler, scared of her family. Scared of what would happen if she told the boy about how she really felt.
“Princess,” Tyler muttered as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, “You have nothing to be scared about, I’ll protect you.” The words flowed out of his mouth without even realizing it, he felt the bond he had with Laurel fade away when his hand brushed up against her cheek. This isn’t happening is it? 
“I promise.” He flashed her a calm smile, his hand on her cheek. She turned to look at him, a gentle smile washing over her face as she gently placed a hand on his. What were they? Friends? More than friends? The two of them continued watching the movie even after they had finished their breakfast, Hoa dancing in her seat as Tyler chuckled softly as memories of his mother- happy memories- emerged from the depths of his mind. He missed her. Yet here he was, with a vampire who had the same energy as his mother. He’d protect her at any costs.
“What are you staring at?” Hoa caught the boy off guard, “Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
Tyler stuttered for a response, he didn’t realize he was staring at her. How long has it been? He pouted and stayed silent, no words could form and spill from his lips- she cornered him and this left him feeling vulnerable, something he wasn’t quite used to due to his father never opening up to him. But he enjoyed the feeling, he felt vulnerable yet he felt safe.
“You.” Was all that he could utter, his heart wouldn’t slow down and he feared the worst, how could someone like him be with someone like her?“What are you thinking about?” She tilted her head quizzically, “Surely it’s not about killing me.” She chuckled, the boy shook his head and slowly inched his way closer to her. When asked what was on his mind; it wasn’t the movie, the music, the coffee, or the way his ankles and wrists weren’t in pain anymore. It was her. She was all that was on his mind, he couldn’t help but think about holding her close in his arms, he wouldn’t mind it if she did take one of his eyes- he would do anything for her. It was pure infatuation, like he was caught in a spell of sorts and he couldn’t get out- no- he didn’t want to get out. He liked it here, with her.
“All that’s on my mind right now is you.” 
Hoa blushed at this comment, forgetting about the movie. Who needs sappy Disney romance when romance finds its way to you? This time she was the one to initiate the kiss, Tyler obliged gleefully- the warmth of her blood graced his lips; he wanted a taste. She took some of his blood so it was only fair he took some from her. Without a second thought the boy’s tongue darted out to flick against her lips excitedly and lapping up any blood, catching her off guard, Hoa squeaked in surprise- she was as red as a batch of freshly picked cherries- she sheepishly leaned back to try to get her bearings but the boy was too quick. Too eager. Tyler chased after her lips with his own, the metallic taste of blood still fresh on his tongue, he wanted more. He needed more.
He slipped a hand in hers, fingers intertwined, heart racing out of his chest and into his throat. Tyler quickly pulled her close and crashed his lips onto hers again, leaving her nowhere to run, he was surprised when she kissed him back with the same energy. It only excited him more, without thinking he slowly slid his hand up her waist, taking in her warmth and strawberry perfume. It was intoxicating, addicting, he could feel his member twitch with anticipation while thoughts of her ran rampant in his head. He wanted her to mark him, drain him, hold him, he just wanted to be close to her. The boy felt her fangs brush up against his lips, as if she wanted to bite him yet she was unsure. He wanted her to bite him, he showed her that he wanted this while he slowly flicked his tongue against her sharp teeth- purposefully pricking the tip of his tongue on one of the fangs, dripping his blood into her mouth.
Hoa pushed him away suddenly, fear and panic in her eyes, “What are you doing?!” She uttered, out of breath.
“I want you to drain me.” Tyler’s pupils dilated with lust, “Please?” He whined, he begged. This riled something inside the girl, the way he whined and begged so desperately aroused her. The dimly lit fire in the pit of her stomach was being stoked by the way he pouted, the way he whined and reached out for her.
“Are you sure you want this?” Hesitation and worry in her eyes, “Once I take a full pint, there’s no going back.” Tyler nodded swiftly and without hesitation, his eyes lighting up with excitement he could hardly sit still. His cock twitched in the harsh fabric of his jeans, he squirmed trying to get the friction he so desperately needed. Hoa sighed and shook her head, a smile spreading across her face as she leaned close; Tyler instantly hooked his lips to hers, letting out a soft moan when she allowed his tongue access to roam her mouth again. The girl slowly ran her slim fingers through his caramel colored hair, his curls wrapping around her every appendage. Who knew a monster could have such soft hair?
Hoa let the boy roam as he pleased, not giving him what he wanted until he was sure of it. Sheepishly flicking her tongue against his, she slowly pulled away, she was unsure of where he wanted her to bite. Unsure on where she wanted to bite. Her thumb tracing his lips slowly, no she already bit there, her hand gently rubbing his neck. He was so warm. She could feel the flames ignite in her when he tilted his head, giving her easier access to his neck; the girl leaned in and pressed her lips against his neck- she could feel her hunger for blood become unbearable. When he felt her lips gently press against his neck he couldn’t help but grind into her, he needed her to touch him. 
“Easy there, Barista Boy.” she giggled softly as she palmed at his aching boner, “You sure you want me to mark your neck?” She warned him that once she marked his neck there was no going back. Tyler didn’t care, he needed her, it couldn’t be that bad if she marked him. Right? The boy whined, urging her to bite him already, he needed a release, he wanted her to use him. Hoa parted her lips ever so slightly, gently sucking on the exposed flesh of his neck and preparing him for the bite, all while messing with the boy’s zipper. He knew what he was getting himself into and frankly he just didn’t give a shit. As long as she would be by his side through all of it. The boy groaned softly once he felt the small sharp pain of her fangs digging into him, the pain shortly turned to pleasure as she started to drain him. He could feel the ecstasy and see the constellations as he felt his cock spring free from the restraints of his jeans and boxers, his member twitching erratically as he bucked his hip into the air in search of her touch.
Hoa’s lips left his neck, thin streams of blood streaming from the bite mark. He whined at the loss of contact, he tried to chase her warmth but she stopped him. Leading the boy to the bed she grabbed his chains and locked them around his wrists, his eyes widened in shock as he tried to protest but was shushed when she placed a finger against his lips.
“Be good for me?” Her voice came out as sweet as honey, “Please?” She held his arms above his head by the chains, her eyes clouded with lust as she started to unbutton his shirt. The boy whimpered in anticipation but followed her every word, he worshiped her. He wanted to be good for her, to behave for her. Hoa smiled softly at his response, kissing his lips before she wriggled out of her bottoms. A flow of precum dripping down his length as he watched her remove her clothes before him, he tried to reach out to her to touch her but she chastised him. No touching yet. “Hands to yourself, Barista Boy.” She smirked as he pouted, she was enjoying this as much as he was. Once she was free from all her garments she straddled the boy, Tyler bucked his hips up into her impatiently. He felt that if she didn’t touch him soon he would explode, Hoa sighed before sinking herself down on his length slowly, he was bigger than she had expected. A sharp exhale left her lungs as she finally managed to slide down every inch of him, he moaned in response to having her tight core squeezing around him- swallowing him whole. She was so warm and tight that he almost came from the touch of her. He thrust his hips up into her, too excited and needy to care if anyone heard them, his breath heavy and ragged as his chest slowly rose and fell.
“Please.” He almost cried, “I want you.”
“So impatient today,” she clicked her tongue teasingly, “Didn’t I tell you to be good for me?” She quickly rolled her hips against his causing him to cry out in pleasure, he was moaning her name and clenching his fists- desperate to cling onto something, anything. Just as his moans left his lips she chastised him again, placing a finger to his lips and warning him that if he made another sound she would stop. He obeyed reluctantly, he just wanted to finish inside her and please her. He wasn’t making this easy at all, the adrenaline rushed in her veins while she started to bounce up and down his twitching cock- she could feel he was close.
“Are you gonna cum?” She asked, her tone somewhat mocking him, “Do you wanna cum? Hm?”
“I wanna cum!” He hiccupped, the pleasure too much for him to handle. Her warm hands were gliding over his now bare chest, she gently placed a hand over his heart and kissed his nose. He whined when she drew herself farther from him. 
“Don’t finish without my permission,” she smirked, the look on his face was filled with desperation and want, he was so pathetic. “Can you follow my directions like a good boy?” Tyler nodded, his breathing uneven, he wanted to be a good boy just for her. She smiled and kissed his lips softly before returning to bouncing on his cock, strings of precum decorating the walls of her pussy as she bit her lip to stifle her moans. Tyler wanted so badly to touch her, to grab her and fuck himself into her until they were both satisfied. She would slowly pull herself off his length, leaving him exposed to the cold air of the room, before quickly sliding back down hard. It was too much.
“H-Hoa!” He whimpered, not giving a damn about her request to stay silent, his cock throbbing uncontrollably, “Please- I wanna-” Before he could finish his sentence she was shushing him, cooing softly as she caressed his cheek. This was enough to drive him to the edge as thick, hot ropes of white shot up inside her. Splattering and covering her insides with his seed, Tyler bucked his hips up as he chased his orgasm, he didn’t care now that he had disobeyed her. He got the release he needed. Unaware of the devious smile that was on her face. With one last thrust up into her core the girl collapsed onto him, moaning into his neck as she reached her orgasm shortly after. To him it was pure bliss, if only he could hear how pathetic his little whines sounded. The two of them lay there for a bit, regaining their breath as their minds cleared, the boy kissed her cheek- eyes still clouded with lust and want.
“Did I say you could cum?” The girl reprimanded before she took off the restraints around his wrists, “As punishment, you get to clean up down there.” She repositioned herself so that she was sitting with her legs dangling off the side of the bed, motioning that the boy get on his knees before her. He obeyed every command, his cock covered in both of their arousal, she ran a hand through his hair and smiled down at him while spreading her legs. Revealing the mess he had made inside her, his cum glistening as it leaked out of her cunt, he felt his cock twitch again at the sight of it. Before she could give him any commands or directions he was already lapping at the mess between her thighs, his tongue greedily. The sounds that left her mouth were music to his ears, he tried his best to burn it into his memory. 
“So eager,” Hoa giggled through labored breaths, “You didn’t even wait for my command and you’re already licking up our mess. Such a good boy.” There it was again. Her praises only encouraged him to go faster, deeper, he wanted to taste every part of her. A gasp of pleasure escaping her lips as he flicked his tongue over her swollen clit, she placed a hand on his head to steady herself while he took his fill. He plunged his tongue deeper inside her, poking that sweet sensitive spot, earning a mewl from her as he did his job. 
“My good boy, huh?” Her voice laced with want as he could feel her walls tighten around him, she was close again. Tyler nodded, his tongue leaving her core to kiss at her inner thighs. She was beautiful. He let her catch her breath before letting his tongue assault her glistening cunt. He had already cleaned up the mess inside her but he didn’t want to stop now. Not when she was so close. Tyler harshly gripped her thighs, knowing full well he’d leave a mark, he didn’t care. He wanted the whole campus to know that she was his, that he was her good boy. With one last jab of the tongue she came undone. She rode out her orgasm a second time, this time on his tongue. The boy moaned at the taste of her, he would never grow tired of her- he wished she’d never grow tired of him. His cock leaked precum as she made sounds he’d never even heard before, she grabbed a fistfull of his hair as she rolled her hips against his tongue, slowly coming to a finish. 
Before Tyler could say or do anything he was already pinned on the bed. The girl fell between his legs, her slick tongue wrapping around his cock. He couldn’t help but moan out her name again as she took every inch down her throat, bobbing her head up and down and making sure to run the tip of her tongue along his sensitive tip, he felt his second orgasm build up- not slowly like the last one, but rapid like a wildfire. She sucked his cock while swirling her tongue around every bit of him, taking in his taste- like salted caramel- she was too caught up in the moment that she let her guard down, the boy took this as his chance to push his cock deeper down her throat. To make her gag on every inch he had to give.
“Fuck,” his head thrown back in pleasure as he held her down, enjoying the sounds of her gagging and choking on his length, “Princess- I-” he lost all control, he was roughly fucking her throat with no remorse. As if he were getting revenge for the way she had teased and humiliated him while she had her fun with him. The room was filled with wet sounds of lust and pent up rage, Tyler wanted to cum down her pretty little throat- sure her mouth was good for sarcastic and snarky remarks but god was it better around his cock. She glanced up at him with his cock in her mouth, the sight was just enough to drive him to the edge and with one last thrust, his cum overflowed in her throat and mouth; she tried to swallow every drop but there was too much. She choked on his seed, looking down at her, he felt powerful- he could stare at her like this forever. 
“Let’s go get cleaned up,” he finally said as he lifted her off the ground and started carrying her to the bathtub, “Am I still your good boy?”
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qusok · 9 months
I already told this to two ppl I think, but I just wanna share here
The story of ✨me playing TDiM with friends in couch co-op✨
(Rant under the cut)
Let's call them by letters, there were four of us: me, N, S and V. N and I had completed our playthroughs before, so two of us knew the game.
We took characters somewhere in September, even though we played in February: I got Erin, N got Charlie, S got Kate and V got Jamie and Mark. Playing together was our tradition since Little hope, so we're taking turns playing as two characters.
At the beginning the game went so well, I was even surprised. The thing that made me nervous, but then happy is the Jerin scene in the beginning, because V made them kiss. I was surprised that Erin made it in the suffocation trap, because I thought V would save Kate, since I'm the one who already played, and S did not, so I thought it would be her reasoning to kill Erin, but no. Charlie survived the grinder, even though N was playing on lethal, and it was the moment, where she lost him in her first playthrough. Everything went surprisingly well in the barn scene...
And now we got to the farmhouse. I was so excited when V chose to tell Kate to hide, just because I know many people don't do that. Everyone should be okay, no one usually kills the dog, right? Right? Nope, she did it, almost the second they gave her the possibility. It's especially funny, considering how she was thinking for long about other choices, but not this one. RIP Connie
The next point is the lighthouse. Here things get even better... I was thinking about not finding the tape in Silver Ash, like I did in my first playthrough, because I love Erin being nice and the scene of her hugging both Mark and Charlie, it's adorable. But N really insisted that I should find it, and this was her mistake. V chose that Mark should believe that Charlie is sus and tie him up. As a result, of course, complicit death. And the best thing here is that when we were playing HoA together, N lost her character because of V too. I don't think I need to say that N was angry (more in a friendly way ofc), and I was having fun. V made two of the rarest decisions: to kill Connie and to not trust Charlie, because I feel like usually people never do that.
So, on the boat we have four characters: Erin, Mark Kate and Jamie. Not so bad, right? Yet. Because after Erin escapes, Jamie gets killed by this gas thing, and Mark gets a slashed throat.
As a result: only survivors are Erin and Kate, and other three got killed by the same person
The end.
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kimoralov3 · 1 year
Just a Mission
requested by: @arkofblake (i asked her for ideas lmao) word count: 3850 pairing: sam wilson x reader warnings: it took me months to write so it might be slightly inconsistent, swearing (as usual), i don't remember what pronouns i used for the reader, slight angst, bucky and nat make a joke about sam and the reader keeping it down, fake dating, the head of the hoa, suburban neighborhood, google docs AND grammarly quit on me so there's bound to be errors somewhere
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It was a fairly normal day in the life of an Avenger. Natasha and Clint were in the boxing ring, Steve and Tony were making up some plan for the next team mission, and you were getting ready to go on a mission with the man that you had had a crush on for about a year and a half now. 
“I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of this. You’ve been hiding your feelings for forever now, one little mission isn’t going to change that.” Bucky said as he laid on your bed, not being helpful as you ran around trying to find all your clothes.
“Bucky, this isn’t just a mission. Me and Sam are going undercover as a newlywed couple — for who knows how long might I add — there is ample opportunity for me to slip up and admit my feelings for him. And you know I can’t handle the embarrassment of being rejected! I have been doomed, and it’s you and Steve’s fault!” You said, throwing a shirt into the pile forming from your suitcase.
Bucky stared at you for a second before replying. “I never realized how adorable you are when you’re all panicky.” You let out a yell of frustration and throw your shoe at him, Bucky laughing as he easily catches it. 
“You’re not helping! At all!” You said as you started pacing back and forth. Bucky finally got up, walking in front of you to stop your constant movement.
“Look, you’re gonna be fine. The mission is gonna be quick and easy, then you can come back and go back to staring at Sam like he holds the world up with his bare hands. Just do what you’ve been doing. Okay?” He said as he stared into your eyes. You let out a sigh before nodding, rubbing your eyes a bit. 
“You’re right; I’m freaking out for nothing. What’s the worst that can happen?”
The worst that could happen was you and Sam having to drive all the way to your destination. Alone. Together. Just the two of you.
“Y/N, you’ll be fine. It’ll only be a couple hours, and you can sleep through most of it. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?” Steve asked as you followed him around the compound. He had been walking from the kitchen when you found him, so he was trying to balance his sandwich in one hand and some mission files in the other. You talking to him was making that task a little more complicated than it should’ve been.
“Steve, you cannot honestly tell me that you’d be fine living alone with someone you’ve had a crush on for forever, but they don’t know about your crush, so you have to pretend like being near them—”
“Y/N! There you are, I’ve been looking for you. Are you ready to get going?” Sam asked as he walked up to you and Steve. Steve gave you a look, raising an eyebrow before walking away. Thanks for nothing, Steven.
“Uh, yeah, I’m almost ready— let me just go grab my bags, okay?” You stuttered out as you turned and walked away. You heard Sam call out your name again, causing you to turn around so fast that you almost fell on your face.
“Your room is that way.” Sam said as he pointed in the other direction. You looked to where he was pointing, then back at him, feeling your face heat up as you walked past him without a word. This is going to be the worst mission of my life.
 6 hours in the car, alone with Samuel Thomas Wilson, was both a dream come true and your worst nightmare. On the one hand, this was the perfect situation— you and the guy you’re in love with trapped together; if you couldn’t get him to fall in love with you now, there was no point in trying anymore. On the other hand, you’d be in a car with Sam alone. For 6 hours. It was way more likely that you would end up embarrassing yourself and pushing him away for good.
In the end, neither of those things happened because you slept all the way there. You were awoken by the soft touch of Sam’s hand shaking you gently. “We’re here.” He said as he unbuckled and got out of the car. 
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes before stepping out of the car. You took in a deep breath before taking in your surroundings. It looked like your average suburban neighborhood. The houses were all shades of blue, yellow, or white, with the occasional very faint shade of pink. All the lawns were perfectly kept, never extending past the white picket fences. A few of them had a tree in the front, maybe even the occasional swingset. Nothing to write home about, though. 
“This place already gives me bad vibes.” You mumbled to yourself. You heard Sam laugh as he closed the trunk, both of your suitcases in hand. You reached out to help him but he pulled them away before you could reach them. 
“I got them. Do you have the keys?” He asked as the two of you walked up to the front door. You nodded and reached into your pocket, grabbing the keys and unlocking the door. Once you were inside, you had to laugh a little at the decor. Steve and Bucky definitely had a fun time picking things out for this house; it was the perfect blend of your and Sam’s styles. 
Before the two of you could properly settle in and set everything up, there was a loud knock on the door. You looked at each other suspiciously before you opened the door, Sam standing closely behind you. 
“Hi there!” Said the obnoxiously loud woman, standing on the doorstep with a plate of cookies. “You two must be the newlywed couple; I’m Amanda, a longtime resident here and head of the HOA! Welcome to the neighborhood!” She continued on as she handed you the plate of cookies. You chuckled nervously, looking up at Sam for help. 
He thankfully took the hint, stepping up so that the two of you were side by side, and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Amanda. I’m Sam, and this is Y/N.” As he introduced the two of you, he casually wrapped his free arm around your waist.
You tried your hardest not to think much of it before opening your mouth again. He’s just doing his job; the two of you are supposed to be a newlywed couple, and this is what couples do! They touch each other, and don’t look like deer in headlights while doing so! 
“It’s so lovely to meet you! Here, why don’t you come and sit down while I take those cookies off your hands?” You suggested with as much sugar to your tone as you could muster at the moment, stepping to the side and opening the door further so as to be more inviting. This must’ve been the right move because Amanda graciously accepted, Sam closing the door behind her and showing her to the living area. You watched as they both sat down on the couch, taking a moment to make sure everything was okay before heading to the kitchen and putting away the cookies.
Once you were finished, you walked to the living room and sat next to Sam on the couch. Amanda was perched on the loveseat diagonal to the couch, looking at the living room with a semi-judgemental eye. “Wow, I’ve never seen a house with such… unique decor! How did you both decide on this theme?” She asked as she crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair. 
Sam once again took the lead, knowing that he was a lot better with his words than you were. “Well actually, Y/N and I split up the duty of choosing the decor for each room. Y/N picked out the decor for the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, and the guest bedroom, while I picked out the decor for my office, the bathrooms, and the basement. We worked together to design our bedroom and en suite, though.”
Amanda let out a small gasp of genuine shock before turning to face you fully. “Y/N dear, you better hold on tightly to this one! My husband would never offer to take care of such a big project like that!”
You laughed at that, the first real laugh since you and Sam had arrived in Virginia. “Oh believe me when I say this, I never plan on letting him go.” 
It had been a month since you and Sam had “moved in”, and things were pretty calm for now. The two of you still hadn’t pinpointed the head of the crime ring, but it was only a matter of time now. You and Sam made sure to get more involved in neighborhood activities, making sure that nothing about you was suspicious. Well, almost nothing, according to Amanda.
“So you mean to tell me that the two of you haven’t tried for kids at all? I find that very hard to believe.” Amanda said as the two of you sipped on tea in her living room. Your face heated significantly, and not just because of the warm tea you were drinking. 
“We’ve decided that we want to be a bit more stable before having kids. We just got married and bought a house, we should take some time to ourselves before adding little ones to the mix.” You let out the perfectly practiced reply. It was clear to you and Sam that the people in town were very nosy, so your lies had to be rock solid. 
Amanda hummed at that, seemingly finding it believable. “Well when the two of you do have kids, I’m sure that they will be adorable. I mean I have honestly never seen such a more attractive looking couple!”
You playfully rolled your eyes, slowly getting used to Amanda’s constant comments about how good the two of you look together. If only we were really together. 
“I’m sure they will be adorable.” You settled on saying, bringing the mug of brown liquid to your lips. 
“Kids? Who’s having kids?” Sam asked as he walked in from the garden. Amanda had originally invited the two of you over for lunch while her kids were at school, but she mentioned that she needed help moving some stuff around in her garden, and Sam offered to help since her husband was at work. Cut to now, Sam standing behind your chair, sweat making his purple shirt cling to his muscles. Lord give me strength.
“You and Y/N. One day, hopefully.” Amanda said cheerfully, causing Sam to let out a laugh.
“Yeah, one day, but I don’t think that’ll be happening any time soon.” Sam said as he leaned on the back of your chair. Amanda scoffed, rolling her eyes and waving a dismissive hand. Sam placed a quick kiss on your forehead before getting a bottle of water and heading back outside. Amanda quirked an eyebrow at you, to which you responded to by shaking your head. This mission is so difficult but for all the wrong reasons. 
Another month had passed by, but at least you had figured out who your target was by now. His name was Jerry. He, his wife, and his 3 kids lived at the far end of the street. He was quiet; kept to himself. Not the kind of guy you’d be expecting to be heading up a million dollar crime ring. 
“The two of you are doing good, you just have to get enough information on him for us to arrest him. Do either of you have any ideas as to how you could do that?” Steve asked. The three of you were having your weekly debrief, trying to figure out how to solve this problem as quickly but quietly as possible.
“Well, Amanda is the head of the HOA. If there was something fishy going on, she would know, even if she doesn’t know she knows.” You suggested as you looked up at Sam. 
“Ugh, I knew you befriending the head of the HOA would come in handy!” Sam said, causing you to smile lightly. 
“What’s an HOA?” Steve asked. You chuckled, sometimes forgetting that Steve was from a different decade than you and Sam.
After a longer than necessary explanation, you and Sam ended the call with Steve, deciding to start putting your real plan into motion. You sent Amanda a quick text asking if you could come over tomorrow, to which she quickly agreed and said that the two of you could have a nice little wine night. 
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would say that you’re actually starting to like hanging out with Amanda.” Sam teased as he laid across the couch. You rolled your eyes, flopping down into the loveseat.
“Am not! I have just realized that she is very useful for the purpose of this mission. That is all.” You defended yourself as you leaned your head over the arm rest, making your view of Sam upside down. 
“Oh really? Because you seem to be really enjoying those weekly wine meetings that you two have all the time. What do you two even talk about during them anyway?”
“First of all, we do not have weekly wine meetings. Second of all, when we do drink wine, we talk about stuff that everyone always talks about with their friends, especially things people like her talk about. Her garden, her kids, her husband and everything he’s doing wrong, you, when we’re gonna change our minds and have kids— you know, the boring stuff.” You waved your hand around as you spoke, not thinking much about what you were saying.
“She’s determined that we’ll change our minds and have kids.” Sam said as he shook his head. 
“Yeah, she is. Too bad this is just a mission, otherwise we could give her what she clearly desperately wants to happen.” You said with a chuckle. However, the lack of response afterwards caught your attention. You sat up and turned around to properly face Sam. “Sam? You okay?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m actually a little bit tired, I think I’m gonna get some sleep. Goodnight.” He said, quickly walking to the bedroom. What was that about?
After that things between you and Sam had been a bit…off, as some might put it. It wasn’t something that would be noticeable to anyone just passing by, but you definitely took notice of his sudden distance. And you weren’t the only one to notice.
“What’s going on between you and Sam?” Amanda asked as she came to drop off your groceries. You and Sam were hosting a “neighborhood get together”, but it was really just the final step in the two of you catching Jerry in an act of crime. Amanda had agreed to help you get all the food ready, but her being a part of the plan meant that you had to listen to whatever she believed to be wrong between you and Sam. 
“What do you mean?” You feigned ignorance as you chopped up some vegetables. Amanda scoffed as she began to get stuff together to make the rolls.
“Oh don’t bullshit me; I’ve been married for 10 years, I can smell a marital spat from a mile away. Did you two get into an argument or something?”
You sighed, weighing your options here. Continuing to insist that nothing was wrong would get you nowhere, Amanda was the most stubborn person you knew, next to Natasha. But you couldn’t tell her everything that was actually wrong, that would blow your cover and you were too close to your end goal to let that happen. What would even be your lie to get out of this? 
“It’s nothing important really, just a silly little argument. Nothing life changing.” You settled with, sending Amanda a quick smile to be more convincing. If she didn’t believe you, she didn’t let it show. The two of you worked together to get all the food ready, and luckily finished before everyone began arriving. You hadn’t really seen Sam since this morning, but tried not to think too much of it. He had taken the initiative to schmooze with the husbands of the neighborhood, hoping that they would let him into the crime circle so he could get firsthand evidence. You could only hope that everything was going well and that he hadn’t gotten found out.
Luckily your wishes came true, as you saw Sam walking towards you with a determined face. “Can we talk? Upstairs?” He asked once he got to you. His tone made it seem like something had gone wrong, so you took a quick look around to make sure no one was paying close attention to the two of you before nodding and following him upstairs. 
“What’s wrong? Did you get found out or something?” You asked worriedly. Sam didn’t say anything, just closed the door and stood there for a second. “Sam? Is something wrong?”
Sam turned around and gave you a confused look. “What? What are you talking about, why would you think something was wrong?”
You eyed him up and down before responding. “Sam, you haven’t acted this strange since you pranked Bucky by moving his stuff a little to the left every day until he found out about it. What’s wrong?”
Sam smiled fondly at the mention of messing with his best friend. “Ah, I remember that. Was scared to have my back turned for a week.” Sam was about to go on a long, detailed rant about all the pranks he’d played on Bucky, but the look on your face told him that doing so would not be a good idea. 
Deflecting his feelings had never been a skill of his. 
“Sam, if something has gone wrong, you need to tell me. Is someone suspicious of us? Do we need to move to plan b?” You asked, frantically searching Sam’s eyes for a response. Sam sighed, rubbing his hands against his face and muttering something too quick and low for you to catch. 
“Look Y/N, I’m going to tell you something and I need you to listen with no interruptions. Okay?” He asked as he grabbed your hands. You nodded, signaling for him to continue. “I’m in love with you, and I have been for a couple years now. I know I’ve been kind of distant these past couple of months, but that’s because my feelings were getting stronger and I didn’t know how to handle them— and I apologize because that shouldn’t be my excuse— but I cannot hold it in any longer because it is distracting me from the mission.” 
There was a moment of silence. Sam’s was out of nervousness and yours was because you were trying to process everything the man in front of you had just said. 
The silence was broken when you burst into tears. Sam acted quickly, pulling you into his warm arms. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think this would make you cry.” Nice going, Wilson.
“These are happy tears, dumbass.” You said through sobs and sniffles. That made Sam stop, pushing you back slightly so he could get a better look at you. Behind the fresh tear stains and red eyes, there was the person he fell in love with. “Sam, I have been in love with you for years. Bucky has been trying to get me to confess but I was always too scared to do so. Guess I really am an idiot, huh?” You said with a chuckle as you wiped away your tears. 
Sam chuckled as well, pulling you closer once again. “It seems like both of us are the idiots.”
Soon after that, the mission came to an end. At the end of the day, all you had to do was catch Jerry in the act and you’d been successful in doing that. The two of you had just got done filing out mission reports and you had gone back to your room. Before you could even finish unpacking, Natasha and Bucky were storming into your room and locking the door. “Hello to you guys too?” You said in a confused tone.
“What happened between you and Sam?” Natasha asked as she grabbed—snatched, actually— you halfway unpacked bag from your hands and threw it on the floor. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked as you sat on your bed. You knew exactly what she was talking about, you just felt like enjoying a little game of cat and mouse. 
“Don’t play that game with us. The two of you were practically walking on clouds when you got back, and then y’all were practically sitting on top of each other during the debriefing. Did one of you finally confess or do I need to lock the two of you in a room again?” Bucky asked, hands on his hips. Someone’s been spending a bit too much time with Steve.
“First of all, I still owe you an ass whooping for that. And second of all,” You continued, looking between the two of them. To the untrained eye they looked like their normal selves, but you could tell that they were bursting at the seems in anticipation. “Yes, something did happen between me and Sam.” 
“Fucking finally!” They both yelled at the same time. You rolled your eyes, already expecting these reactions from them. 
“You can’t just say something like that and not explain. Spill!” Natasha said as she threw one of your pillows at you. 
“We’ve been here all of 5 minutes and the two of you are already hounding Y/N?” Sam said as he opened the door. Natasha and Bucky whipped around, making an annoyed noise.
“How’d you get in? I locked the door.” Natasha said as she crossed her arms. Sam held up the key to your room that you’d given him. 
“How did you get a key?! I’ve been begging for one for years!” Bucky asked. You shrugged, getting up to slot yourself into Sam’s side.
“Not important. What’s important now is that the two of us want to spend some time together and y’all are interrupting that. Get out.” 
Natasha and Bucky groaned playfully before shuffling their way out and muttering something about the two of you keeping it down. Once you were sure the two of them were gone, you turned around to face Sam fully. “Did you mean what you said about us spending some time together?” He asked as he smiled down at you.
“Yep. There’s this cute little cafe far enough for none of them to come bother us. Wanna head down there?” You asked sweetly. 
Sam hummed, giving you a peck on your lips before pulling you towards the door. “Wouldn’t miss it for a thing.”
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purplehanfu · 2 years
KinnPorsche: Episode 10
notes: Spoilers! Ep 09 /// TOC /// Ep 11
In this episode: Tawan proves to be a villain ordered from Wish, Pete and Vegas try out that manscaping kit we all see advertised relentlessly here on Tumblr, and Ken loses ten pounds instantly using this one weird trick. Morticians hate it!
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he looks so peaceful
Timecoded Review
2:16 Vegas helps Porsche escape, saying he'll never hurt the person he loves, but I'd like to point out that Vegas has never said who the person he loves actually is (my guess is that Vegas loves Vegas best)
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“feelings, no. testicles, yes”
4:50 Chay and Kim wake up on the couch and snuggle. Kim looks regretful :(
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8:45 Chay answers the door and gets kidnapped which makes it the second kidnapping in a month that has happened on the property. I'll bet the HOA is going to have something to say about this at the next meeting.
11:11 Pete noooooo. Kinn why would you let him go undercover, you know he has zero aptitude for that!
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17:07 Pete finds Vegas' home office/sex dungeon. Why is there a hedgehog in here? I bet he's seen some shit.
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18:40 Porsche finds the ransom note for Chay.
19:29 Hacker, bodyguard, gentleman: Arm is the real hero of this episode. And ain't that always the way? Multimillion dollar organization and we'll just have one of the bodyguards do all the IT work on the side.
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20:34 It's all happening at the warehouse, just like last week. I predict all parties will converge here shortly.
22:00 Tawan gets the jump on Porsche, has him tied up and starts to kick around Chay. Vegas shows up to save them
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23:19 oopsie-doodles! Pete gets caught, like we all knew he would. Dammit, Pete! OOOOOH IT'S KEN! He's the traitor!
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“Aussie. Aussie. Aussie. Oi. Oi. Oi.”
24:36 Vegas double crosses Porsche; turns out he was using Tawan. Here comes the Vegas pity party as he monologues about how the main family has done him wrong.
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28:13 Vegas shoots Tawan. Guess he's not a "we broke up, but we're still friends" kind of guy
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“... in peace”
29:05 All hell breaks loose- Kim, Big and the other bodyguards arrive to rescue Porsche. Tawan comes back from the dead (he had a bulletproof vest on) and shoots Big. Sorry Big, but when it comes to last words, I think "my crush likes you better" is pretty weak.
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31:08 Kinn arrives to save the day. Standoff with Tawan, Kinn and Porsche. Tawan had the foresight to rig the warehouse with explosives which he now starts the countdown for. Then he shoots himself. Everyone runs for the exits.
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they’re holding hands, how sweet
38:30 Now Porchay knows that Porsche works for the mob. He gets huffy about it and runs off.
40:36 Pete is getting manscaped the hard way via car battery and jumper cables. I bet that whole room smells like burning hair.
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43:00 The main and minor families are having a meeting. Instead of donuts, the minor family brings Ken's head in a box. How rude. This shows us once again that the minor family is crass and trashy- don't they know how hard it is to get bloodstains out of a custom built teak wood and marble conference table? Everyone gets big mad but Dad calms the situation.
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Ken at the head of the table
49:41 Kinn and Porsche cavort in bed and romantically Dutch oven each other.
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Final Thought: Where are Nick and John from Duran Duran? I need them to reappear because I have a whole list of rarities and b-sides to make jokes about.
Ep 9 /// TOC /// Ep 11
Master list of all recaps
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eijaksa · 2 years
hanging out with friends makes me wish I had the time and energy to write fics. like. you just come up with the best (crack) concepts.
like Arcane AU idea!
- Wander and Silco are an ex couple (rather than having been like brothers and all that). they can't really stand each other but they live in the same cul de sack as nextdoor neighbors
- they both belong to the HOA and are constantly at odds with each other about how the neighborhood should be maintained
- they are both adoptive fathers and their kids ll play soccer in the same group
- Grayson coaches the team, until she retires. Marcus takes her place as the coach, but neither Wander nor Silco are happy with his coaching and they have no choice but to team up to find a better coach for their soccer loving kids.
- Wander and Silco frequent the same gay bar. The rest of the main cast are other people who frequent the same bar. There are trivia nights on Thursdays and both Wander and Silco *must* attend the trivia nights.
- Sevika hates trivia nights. For that reason (and that reason alone) she's the baby sitter for all the adopted kids when everyone else is busy competing to see who's the best at remembering useless facts.
- Sevika doesn't particularly like kids. She's there to see they don't burn the house down or get themselves killed. She sits on the same chair the whole time, smoking (one of the kids points out smoking indoors isn't allowed in the house, Sevika responds by taking a long drag, lungs full, and letting it out slowly. "so?" "dad's gonna blame me" another long drag) and finding it annoying that the kids some times want her attention. don't they have toys to play with???
- usually the kids want her to play Twister with them. It's a well known fact that she's an excellent Twister player. You see, the kids got Twister as a present some year and there was a big ass party. Sevika was maybe more than a little drunk and ended up being like. Let me show y'all how it's done. Grayson ended playing with her and the whole game ended up with Sevika throwing suggestive comments at her, despite neither of them liking the other.
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puddlejumper38 · 1 year
do you reckon marsh is a savant in any of his metals? like he’s been around so long constantly burning stuff but he probably is?? do you think cause of the savantism his iron and steel would be strong enough to affect metals inside someone else’s body?
Bronze. It was his metal before everything and I can just see him burning it constantly to hang on to that identity.
The rest... My understanding of allomantic savantism is that you have to burn it constantly and it can screw you up a bit. Marsh has had a ridiculous amount of time to practice so he's going to be equally ridiculously good at whichever metals he wants to be. I'm not sure that makes him a savant? I think you could get really good at using Tin, for example, without ending up like Spook in HoA. This might be a case of splitting hairs though. There could come a point where if you've had enough time to practice your abilities are indistinguishable from savantism.
He could be a savant with iron/steel though, depending. He's certainly good with them. But I mean his sight might mean burning steel/iron is redundant to find metals, so he might not burn either until he actually needs to push/pull. Oh wait, possibly also copper, if he wants to go unnoticed. Could easily be burning that all the time.
Hmmmm. Would Savantism let him affect metals in someone's body? I... don't think so? I think that's basic strength of the power to start with, not savantism or even practice. But I could be way off.
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lucyblaze04 · 2 years
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SUMMARY: HoaMinh always going online complaining about her physics stupidity but she didn't expect the posts to reach Physics so he decided to run to her house to”  tutoring “ physics
1.5k  Word Count
#rape #jessica #physicshoaminh #smut #oneshot
"I heard you complain about me a lot."
"P-Physics" Hoaminh turned around in panic
"Why do you panic when you see me?" Physics whispered in her ear, warm breath in her ear confused her.
"Don't whisper in my ear" she quickly covered her ears. Physicist finds this cute act of closing her ears so his pulls his pants off
"What are you doing!?" Hoa Minh panicked when she saw Physics's red sinewy , her face was red with embarrassment, she closed her eyes and dared not to look anymore.
"Open your eyes"
"No, you have to put your pants on first."
"Why are you scared?" Physic said in a low voice and slowly put Minh's hand on his hand to caress that sinewy thing.
"A! I-let go" I struggled to get my hands off that spiky thing but Physics wouldn't let that happen.
"How do you see my dick ?" Physics whispered then continued to rub his cock with my hand
I still close my face, feeling embarrassed because of what Physics did
Physics has now lost patience so he shoved his nearly 40cm long cock straight into her mouth and started pushing. Physics just stuffed 7cm into her mouth, she immediately felt the smell of Physics dick rushing up her nose forcing her to open her eyes. She was forced to suck his dick her eyes to the point of tears, when her opened her eyes, she saw 1/3 of Physics 35cm cock outside her mouth she was so shocked that she wanted to faint, but because of the constant push from Physics, her couldn't faint. She tried to say something but it kept gurgling which made him even more upse push faster and stronger. Being stabbed repeatedly in the mouth by a 35cm cock made it very difficult for me to breathe, she tried to use her watery eyes to hope that Physics would slow down. Unexpectedly, Physics pulled out his sinewy dick
I secretly thought that was my escape but no I was glad too soon this is just the prelude to Physics
Physics suddenly pushed his penis into HoaMinh's mouth, making me so surprised that I jumped back. Physics pushed so hard that I lost my grip, I was stabbed in the throat by Physics cock, it hurt so much but I could only give out loud sounds.  hum sound.  After a few pushes, Physics came out because his cock was deep in Minh's warm throat.  Because Physics came out too much, I choked on the essence of Physics up to my nose.  The semen that came out of my mouth and nose saw that I was about to vomit. Physics covered my mouth
"Swallow" Physics commanded. I also obediently listen. Seeing her cooperation, Physics is also lighter. When Hoa Minh first swallowed it, Physics groped for her troops. Seeing that Physics mischievous finger was trying to reach there, I held his hand. But how can I eat Physics again, I used one of my arms to hold on to the floor, the other hand pulled my pants off and let me beg.
"Are you saying you don't like it when you're wet?" He pulled down his panties
"If you can handle it, I'll help you get a good score on the next test."
Because to pass the subject, I reluctantly agreed, seeing my nod. Physics shoved two fingers into my main pussy
"Ah!!" I yelled at the sudden intrusion
"So tight " Physics looked at her cunt with a lustful face. Seeing him groan from her virtuosity Physics kept going in and out of her pussy. She so happy that water gushed from her crotch non-stop.
"Ah! I'm cumming "
 My water caught out like a fountain then fell to the ground. I feel so embarrassed, but Physics sucks, Physics wiped some of my lust and then licked it like a dog gnawing on a bone. Physics is licking passionately while looking at me with erotic eyes
"Don't lick it so dirty"
"Your water is delicious." He wiped the puddles of lust on the floor and continued to lick it like nothing happened.  When he finished licking, he came to lick HoaMinh's cunt
"A~ d-don't stop licking" She moaned in joy mixed with embarrassment
Physics stops licking the outside of my cunt, then pushing my tongue inside makes me crazy. I kept whining and telling him to stop but it didn't seem to work and it made Physics lick up the momentum.
" l..gon..na cu..m "
Saying that, my erotic water shot on Physics's face. I feel embarrassed to blush and Physics very calmly wipes the lust on his face and licks it.
After licking, Physics immediately took her erotic water and rubbed it on her cock. After that, Physics pushed the handle into my cunt, virgin blood flowed out. Because of the sudden intrusion, she screamed in pain. "Finally you're my woman"
She didn't say anything, just cried and cried for her virgin. Seeing her cry, Physics immediately kissed her eyes to comfort her for taking her V card so violently. Seeing that Physics was about to push me hard, I said:
" I.t..hu..rt "
"Just a little more and you'll be fine."
Having said that, Physics gives me a lighter push and then slowly accelerates so I can adapt
"A..s..o..de.ep "
Physically after many strong thrusts on her cervix also found her sensitive point. Accelerated Physics
" St..op "
"Don't lie when your pussy is squeezing my dick"
The physical in and out is getting faster and faster every time it pushes my G-spot making me so happy that I can't close it, saliva keeps coming out
Her voice mixed with her moans creates a very dark atmosphere
Finally after so many pushes, Physics is coming
"I'm cum " Physics accelerates sprinting, nudging me, my chest thus bouncing harder and faster the rhythm of the clap gets faster and faster
"Don't..don't go inside~" I said in vain
But it was too late. Physics came inside her, semen gushed out. She look miserable like a slut, her parents would be so sad to see
Physicist watching the flow of semen gushing out from inside of her slowly trickled down the slit, making my dick stand up just a little bit.  Physics is embarrassed but HoaMinh doesn't care about that but now she thinking about life
I feel so ashamed of myself when I feel like I was stabbed in the cervix by a sinewy creature, and I feel sorry for my future husband for not keeping my virginity.  Do you have to sacrifice this much just for the score?  I just want to make my parents proud
But now I don't want to think about it anymore, now I will enjoy after so long being held by my parents under the pressure of being a " perfect child ".
Seeing me lying on the floor panting, Physics went to kiss me on the forehead:
"You did a good job"
"I'm sure you'll get a perfect score"
When Physics's lips left hers, she pulled him back and kissed him clumsily. Physics was surprised by her boldness, and immediately joined her in a passionate kiss. The two grappled with each other's tongues for a few minutes before running out of oxygen and giving up
"Why are you so audacity all of a sudden?"
"I want you to fuck me" I
my small hands to his face frankly and told me my wish.
Physics can't even load what's going on when listening to it, he became motionless for a few seconds then he face turn red like a tomato, he so embarrassed
"What's wrong with your Physics, weren't you excited earlier? Why are you so shy now?"
"N-No" Physics tries to makes his face back to normal, but it's getting hotter
"So will you fuck me now, my mother will be back soon"
Physics has not had time to react HoaMinh has paddled on him bouncing on his cane as enthusiastically as riding a horse.
Physics also follows that according to her speed, lying down and enjoying and looking at her extremely hot face.  Now she look like a whore
"A~ah..so..go..od " I groaned as I clicked repeatedly on his cane.
I don't know how many times this is my first release, but I'm still busy clicking. Until the warm semen of Physics flows into me. I was satisfied but did not return. At this moment, the sound of a dog woke me up
"My mother is back"
Hearing that, he immediately stood up in panic, quickly cleaning up the mess the two of them had created after being passionate about each other for a while.  I put on pants and went through the window of the speedometer, before I left Physics did not forget to dress you
I quickly recovered the spirit of going to open the door for my mother.  Her mother didn't suspect much when she saw her sweaty appearance and asked why she didn't turn on the fan and then left.  Luckily I didn't get noticed, but I kept panicking from the second floor down here
I secretly thanked God and then went to study again for the final exam tomorrow.  And it's not surprising that sometimes my test results get a perfect score even though I didn't do the second sentence of my essay. Oh what a surprise
"Ah~ ah..uh"
"Come on, HoaMinh solve this problem "
" Compare the size of the Earth with the radius of its orbit around the sun. Know: RTD = 6400km; Rqđ = 150000000 km. Can the Earth be considered a point in motion in orbit around the sun?  "
" I do..n’t kno..w  "
"Then let me teach you. "
And that how HoaMinh became a national-level physics student
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something else to say about House of Anubis’ Season 3 + Touchstone of Ra
something i never liked about s3 was their choice to make Victor into a sinner. the thing about Victor is that while he’s greedy— he’s not evil. he does care about the well-being of the kids when it comes to life and death. he was afraid of Alfie dying in S1, afraid for all of them in S2 after Alfie was plunged into nothingness.
but then in S3B, when he’s made a sinner it’s just pure evil no-conscience Victor and it sucks. he’s not the same Victor we know— and i know that’s the whole point. im not gonna lie, seeing Patricia, Fabian, and Alfie become sinners was fun because it was like the longest running remaining Sibuna members got taken and now the two newbies are left. though again, i still liked it because S3 started with an Eddie and KT partnership and it ended that same way, with them together fighting as a duo.
but i would’ve been much happier if Victor hadn’t been taken as a sinner, make someone else like Benji or whoever instead.
why? lets gets into Touchstone of Ra real quick. the thing about that movie is that Victor— for the first time in HOA history is on Sibuna’s side. and not at the end, from like the middle of the movie. it makes it much more interesting because the dynamic changes, we could’ve seen Victor reacting to how they work and asking “These are the kids that pull one over on me time and time again?” as well as recognizing the potential in them, like Fabian with the hieroglyphs and everything.
instead, the movie is rushed and we get three newbies that are- in my opinion- seriously some of the laziest add-in’s of all time. the weird guy that’s kinda gross to add in that comedic effect, the smart asian girl, the vapid blonde with money and clothes. they really didn’t pull any brain muscles on them, huh?
i assume the whole point of them, and Eddie ‘initiating’ them as Sibuna recruits for the next year was their attempt at a possible sequel series somehow. and it clearly failed. but it’s still not even that fun, because a lot of the movie brings in these new kids while instead we could’ve had Jerome and Joy involved in the final mystery seeing as they were big parts of the first two. especially because we added in Mara at the last second. and then it’s just another new awkward dynamic trying to catch her up to speed as well as having Fabian be in a weird intellectual rivalry with her when she shows him up and i get it, Fabian’s used to being the brains of the operation and in comes the girl who beat him for valedictorian and she’s got a lot of answers so yeah, it’s a bit envious of him. could you blame him?
i resonate with Mara sometimes but rewatching the entire show, the girl keeps doing messed up stuff every season (well S2 isn’t terrible) but she messed with Mick during the goth girl phase, almost got a teacher fired because she was jealous, the entire Jerome revenge in S3 (while i sympathized with the first bits, the fake-love-Joy-thing was low for her) and then here you have the movie, she’s the newest member whom they never even fully indicted (even the babies get a quickie initiation ritual from Eddie).
so i guess this is to say that Mara got gradually worse (s2 didnt do much so she gets a pass there)
but oh yeah, the Victor thing. i would’ve MUCH preferred it if Victor had ended up helping Sibuna in idk mid-S3B. like he figured out that ritual went wrong, Robert’s evil, shit’s fucked. and he realizes what he’s planning on doing, releasing Ammut. so, he accidentally finds himself aligned with the kids. it would’ve been so nice to see
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