#Atsushi doesn't give Akutagawa's life a meaning in the way Atsushi is the reason Akutagawa is going to die in the end.
kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
The best thing that came out from the latest interview is everyone agreeing that there's only one person who can Give Akutagawa's Life A Meaning and that person is Nakajima Atsushi
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Thoughts on this idea I’ve seen people spout?
“Dazai has to treat Akutagawa the way he still does and he can’t make nice and give him approval because he promised Aku a reason to live and if he gave him that approval Aku wouldn’t have a reason to live anymore.”
It’s normally used to semi-excuse Dazai’s current behavior, but not totally since it’s normally preceded by a “I’m not justifying his behavior! But”
Well op, lemme tell you what I think about this take.
I think it's the biggest load of bullshit I've heard while in this fandom, and I've heard a lot. What does that even mean?? I don't even know where to start, to be honest.
Firstly, since when was that an acceptable reason of living to give to a 14 year old orphan? Since when did Dazai promise that the reason he'd give would be his own approval– more so, how fucking arrogant and conceited and disgusting would it be, to believe your approval is worth being someone's entire reason to live? If Dazai really thinks of it that way, it would be horrible and disturbing.
Secondly, if that is Dazai's true reason for his behavior, even a tiny bit, he still left. For four years he was gone. I don't remember if him faking his death is canon or not, but nonetheless, dead or missing, he was gone and had no plans to come back. How could he have been Akutagawa's reason to live then? I don't think that even featured as a thought in his mind at the time, so why would it now? Obviously Akutagawa can get by without him.
Thirdly, if Dazai gave a fuck about Akutagawa's emotional wellbeing, about his mental health and what's best for him, he would try to rip out Akutagawa's admiration of him from its roots. He'd be honest and say that at the time of their promise, Dazai hadn't had a reason to live himself. That there was actually no such thing, and that a reason to live should be whatever causes you not to kill yourself each morning. He would encourage Akutagawa to find his own meaning, in his own people, instead of withholding praise and affection and acknowledgment and all the positive feedback he so easily offers Atsushi.
Finally, I'll say this. The reason why this is, as I mentioned, the biggest load of bullshit ever, is because Dazai actually uses Akutagawa's admiration for him. Why would he get rid of it when it's so convenient? Season 5 showed us that. I will admit that Dazai probably is planning for Akutagawa's progress, and wants to help him grow. If that weren't true, he wouldn't partner him with Atsushi, he wouldn't be trying to cultivate a new Double Black, he wouldn't bother with him at all.
But that's not because he cares about Akutagawa personally. I am quite certain he doesn't even like Akutagawa. There are plenty of other reasons he could be doing this; because he wants to make up for the past, because Oda told him to save the orphans, because him and Atsushi are so compatible–
“Dazai has to treat Akutagawa the way he still does and–" Dazai has to do no such thing. Dazai has never manned up and faced his problems head on a day in his life. Man runs from his past and his issues and his feelings, so why would this be any different? He chose the easier option, which would be to keep Akutagawa tethered to him, and simply went with it.
That's all.
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heartless-curr · 2 months
(hi initially i was going to make an argument as to why i think ryuunosuke leaving the mafia and doing something like joining the ada might be narratively interesting and justified but this uh. turned into a ryuunosuke character analysis instead. please take this as some sort of prerequisite to that future analysis.)
i don't know how common this take is as i only really got into bsd like. 1 month ago. but there is a take that i have seen that's been bothering me about ryuunosuke that i'd like to dissect and discuss.
ryuunosuke does not have any excessive loyalty to the mafia itself. that is not why he acts in that way.
it's never been about the mafia — never has been, and never will be. we've seen ryuunosuke defy orders to run off on his own before — most notably during the guild arc, where he runs off to go fight atsushi, going so far as to break the cease fire between the PM and the ADA to pursue his own ideals. in 55 minutes, he also ignores his own mission the second he figures out that atsushi is also on the island and has a reason to kill him (atsushi presumably being a terrorist).
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however, we know why ryuunosuke is in the mafia — he's looking for a justification for his existence.
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he doesn't want to go back to the slums — and he wants a reason to live. he wants to be of value. to him, in his mind, his three options are being in the mafia to prove himself to dazai as someone who is strong enough to be worthy of life, dying, or living in the slums again. ryuunosuke has never known any other life. just how dazai joined the mafia because he mistakenly assumed it was the mafia's proximity to death that fascinated him rather than chuuya, and wanted to find that reason for living, ryuunosuke joined the mafia for the sake of finding a reason to live.
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if the person making this offer wasn't dazai — ryuunosuke would never have accepted. he's loyal to dazai, and not the mafia. his case isn't like chuuya's — he never pledged his loyalty specifically to mori in the same way.
(interestingly enough — whilst chuuya tends to be called a loyal dog, when ryuunosuke talks about his relationship to the mafia, he calls himself a humble dog)
he's committed himself to the impossible goal of getting dazai's unlimited approval as a way to motivate himself to keep on going — he needs something to commit himself to, or else he's worthless. and in this world — his world, the only one he's ever known — if you're worthless, you're dead.
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he has the approval of dazai that he's been aiming for — but he can't accept that. the second he accepts this fact, the second he loses that reason to live, in his own eyes, he loses his right to live.
so he continues killing for the port mafia. it's all that he's good for, really — even in the slums that was what he did.
referring back to the first set of screenshots with kyouka — he explicitly says this:
Your Demon Snow is an avatar of massacre. That is your skill. ...Living outside of the mafia?
You must keep killing, Kyouka...
...As a member of the mafia.
If you don't, then stop breathing. Worthless humans like you have no right to breathe.
replace "kyouka" with "akutagawa" and "demon snow" with rashoumon and. Well.
the mafia is just a means to an end for him. if he knew there was another option that could a) give him a reason to live, and b) not result in him ending up in the slums, it's possible that he'd take it (this would i think largely depend on if he can take gin as well)
you're free to disagree with me here, of course — however, i've seen a lot of stuff of ryuunosuke being overly defensive of the mafia, which always pegged me as Off coming from someone willing to abandon his missions for the mafia at the drop of a hat for his any and every whim, and i think his actual motivation is much more interesting than simply being "i am loyal to the mafia because the mafia took me in and well Someone needs to do the dirty work".
(there's also a very interesting argument to be had here about ryuunosuke's motivations and obsession with being worth something being partially born of survivors guilt, as seen here:
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but that's something i'd like to spend more time reading into before making a proper analysis of it).
anyway, see you all next time when i make the actual analysis i was supposed to write instead of. this. lol
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samutoru · 7 months
my upcoming works !
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a/n : all of these fics are ones that i'm currently working on! i'll try to get them done asap since i've been SLACKING on releasing content KJDNSA (some of these are for dazai and aku's love diary entries!)
pairings : character x fem!reader
genres : mainly fluff and angst
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but i love you, so - osamu dazai (love diaries entry) < WORKING >
in which, you sacrifice your life to protect dazai's. you two had crushes on eachother but never told eachother yet. now that your on the brink of death, dazai tell you that he loves you and that he doesn't know what to do without you
valentine - osamu dazai (love diaries entry)
he's been hinting that he's been liking you for quite some time already, but you were too oblivious to see it. he leaves snacks and desserts on your desk as well as picked flowers from outside. he has had enough that you didn't take the hint yet and asks you to be his valentine
promise - osamu dazai (love diaries entry)
when oda died, dazai asked oda what he should do, oda told dazai to protect his only biological daughter who's only 1 year younger than him and to become a good man if he does. eventually, dazai falls in love with you but he leaves your life and you eventually run back into him again and he falls in love with you all over again
falling behind — dazai, akutagawa, atsushi, sigma, chuuya, kunikida
they don't know or understand the concept of love. he doesn't necessarily know what it means to love someone as he's never really received love, but when you meet him everything changes. you change the way he views the concept of love, how to love, how to show love, and you also give him a reason to live.
fireworks — ryuunosuke akutagawa (love diaries entries)
akutagawa barely tell you how much he loves you, he does so by bringing you gifts and food after work and reassures you with his words, but he decides to do so differently! he invites you to celebrate the new year with the pm and as soon as the fireworks go off, he looks at you and tells you that he loves you :-)
work crush — ryuunosuke akutagawa / osamu dazai (love diaries entries)
After you had joined the ada/pm, you caught dazai's/akutagawa's eye. once he realized his feelings for you he thought it was "love at first sight," he would occasionally bother you and smother you with love (which you think is normal because he does that to atsushi), he catches you working over time and asks to walk you home (then he confesses to you)
something stupid — osamu dazai ( love diaries entry )
you and dazai have had a rough beginning, you two were faling a relationship because you two wanted to prank the others and made a rule where you arent allowed to fall in love with eachother but yet he falls in love with you. you two were cuddling in bed, he slips in an "i love you"
falling behind — ryuunosuke akutagawa ( love diaries entry)
akutagawa doesn't know or understand the concept of love. he doesn't necessarily know what it means to love someone as he's never really received love, but when you meet him everything changes. you change the way he views the concept of love, how to love, how to show love, and you also give him a reason to live.
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Husband Akutagawa
I love this man so much he deserves the world....<3
Got these promots from my bot, but I just want to special rant about how I feel they would be as a husband. There is no mention of a strict gender but pregnancy is mentioned. Mention of smut.
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How did you end up with him?
God only knows why seriously he questions it when he lays awake, staring at your peaceful sleeping face. Some night as he holds you so close.
He may be cold-hearted, but he is not a monster he is human after all. Or to what he thinks he is. He tends to be very hesitant with his touch. He practically touches you as your glass scared you, just nothing. That he is going to lose you if he is not careful.
He doesn't know how to show affection, but he tries. You are his first lover and well now last. He makeing sure nothing happens to you.
Protects you with his life. He doesn't give a shit about his being at the time. He would literally kill for you.
Slow dancing to slow dance with you to classical music...he just feels calmed by them...
If you don't kiss him on the lip after a while, be would be confused. He doesn't know how to ask for affection without getting flustered, so he might just pull you into a kiss with a slightly pink on his face. It might end in a harsh kiss since he would just slam your face into his. He doesn't know how to kiss well, ok? He is trying, ok. :(
He liked a big scary dog when behind you, but when you looked/faced him. He melts inside, eyes soften, he could just scoop you up and take you home.
The wedding ring he wears he never takes off. No one, and I mean no one, can say shit about it before he uses his ability to kill them if they say something negative.
You are his home. He keeps you safe. Given his work in the Mafia. Home is where you are, your his comfort and peace after a very long day of work.
Sometimes, he loses his cool and yells at you, but he oplgozes after. He doesn't mean too he is just very stressed. Never raise a hand to hit you, but would yell at pent-up stress. Poor baby doesn't know how to control his emotions well.
Would never want to see fear on your face. Only happiness. The very same reason why he fell in love with you and asked you to marry him. You see something in him that he can't. And the feeling of letting someone else get that light doesn't stick right with him.
He doesn't smother you and wishes not to be smother[mabye if he to stress of life and needs a break] but wouldn't mind the fact. He respectfully to your space as you are to his.
He is very overprotective/jealous levels high for his own good. Well, he has you all to himself that he doesn't plan on sharing. death glare at the person. The only person who can touch you is his sister Gin freely, that is. Would use Rashōmon to throw a bitch. Don't test this, man.
Don't even mention Atsushi man hates that man in a way. No words of another man's name come from your mouth unless it is his own.....please he have bad trust issues.
He doesn't want kids. Nope. Have you seen what he does for a living? He literally kills people. He only tolerates a certain amount of people and some underlings, Gin and you. But it's just maybe a small. A really small part hopes for it when he decides he wants to get down to an actual family.
Lives off of your affection, praise - just love in general even if he doesn't act like it. See it as the highest praise he can get.
Would use Rashōmon to gently pull you if he wants attention or when something happens. He gladly uses it to spin you in his direction if you stop paying attention to him. It makes him feel there are other uses to his ability than using it for blood shed.
Going off that you're busy and haven't given him attention or he needs your presence. He uses his ability to pull you close.
He doesn't see points at affection. Kiss him gross. Do it again.
Hand holding calms him, rub you hand in his hair he will melt.
Just have your body near him and he would be the most happiest man ever.
Please take good care of this boy. He very overwork a lot.
Can cook and clean, but sometimes it becomes a lot because of his lungs. Does his best. Gin probably lives with you guys, so she helps out alot aswell.
Preferably like to be the big spoon, but if anything, and he is tired as shit he wouldn't say it but a small spoon as he hides away in your chest. Listing to their heartbeat as he drifts off to sleep, holding you close.
If drunk, he is very cuddling and quiet. He only wants you around no one else. He is more open when drunk about it his feelings. Or would slur a lot of words. Using Rashōmon yet again to keep your near.
When lovemaking, I feel like he might be a top now before he stays a dominant bottom only because he is so scared of hurting you when you two are dating. Now that both of you are married, he doesn't mind being top... seeing your face as you make oh so wonderful noises for him drives him crazy. He goes gently but can grow rough. Doesn't mind using his rashomon on you...
He lives a pretty good life. He gets paid a good he is rich amount. Like really man rich if anything. He lives in a simple apartment since he doesn't see the need for extra stuff like pools or any of the fancy stuff. Just a simple place he can rest with you and Gin happily from problems.
"... you know... you should laugh like that more...it's...not bad..."
"Keep your hands away from what's not yours. I believe they said they aren't interested."
"Stay with me...?"
if he is stressed, he probably goes rough, but he asks so many times in ahead to make sure you're ok with this. He may be stressed, but he is not going to be full-on hurt his lover.
Probably have a safe word to make sure if anything goes too far.
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"What happened to yo- hm- your hot mouth? What cat got your tongue? Speak up, brat."
" I love you...hm..."
Proff read- nope
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black-narwhal · 9 months
Why I believe Atsushi will be picked to for the port mafia
I recently retold this theory to my sister and it reminded me of how I haven't actually shared it with anyone yet. So here's my reasoning on why I think Atsushi will be picked.
Lets start with just the simple qualifiers that make him a good candidate. Atsushi is just a really strong ability user. His power literally gives him strength and he can regenerate limbs. Now yes, he can only control this power due to Fukuzawas ability, but we know that he can use his ability without that.
Not only is his ability strong but there's also his connection to Akutagawa. On several occasions now him and Akutagawa have worked together to amazing results. They are literally shin soukoku. Mori already had skk ofc he'd want them. Let's not forget that they were both trained by Dazai.
In mori's eyes Atsushi is just a really good candidate. He's strong. He can heal himself. He works well with Akutagawa, meaning he already can fit easily into the mafia. He is being mentored by Dazai. And if that's not enough he has low confidence and self esteem. Poor Atsushi just really wants to help others, but he's also suffering from near constant anxiety. He's also not crazy intelligent like dazai making him easier to manipulate. Mori not only wants the best candidate but he also needs to have control over the situation as often and as frequently as he can.
And that leads me into why Dazai, despite being the most obvious candidate won't be chosen by mori. We know mori wants him back, and we know that Dazai does really well in the mafia. However as I said Mori needs control. He's terribly meticulous in everything he does, and so bringing Dazai in right now would be putting him in an uncontrollable situation. The Dazai that Mori first met and the Dazai at this point in the story are not the same. This Dazai has a will to be a better person and, despite his suicidal tendencies, he has hope. Younger Dazai did note see hope for the future nor himself, and this made him easier for Mori to control. However, Oda gave him hope which is what I actually believe is one of the reasons why Mori pushed Dazai out of the mafia.
That's also why I don't believe Mori will force him to return. Mori wants Dazai to return of his own volition. Being forced to return doesn't necessarily mean he will cooperate, and Dazai is too intelligent for simple threats. That would return everything back to square one, that being Dazai is a threat to him and the mafia. However, if Dazai came of his own volition then this wouldn't be a problem. Why? Cause him choosing to return means that he has given up hope and Odas last words. A dazai that returns is a Dazai that fundamentally believes that he cannot help anyone and that his blood is actually tainted mafia black.
Mori choosing Atsushi would be both advantageous to him in the now, a strong easily manipulated member of the mafia, and it would aid in the future of Dazai returning to the Mafia.
Atsushi being forced to go to the mafia would be devastating for Dazai. He is a literal representation of all the good he has been attempting since he left the mafia. The orphan that Dazai picked up and mentored, who looks up to him as a good figure in his life. Atsushi wants nothing more than to help others and Dazai had decided to kindly guide him. (This also in direct contrast to Akutagawa, who is a physical representation of all the bad he committed in the mafia.)
Atsushi being forced to go would almost be a slap to face for all of Dazai's efforts. Not only that but Dazai would of course know exactly why Atsushi had been chosen. He had tried to follow what oda said, to head into the light and help others. Now he is faced with the fact that it is his own connection to atsushi that may have lead to him being dragged to the mafia. Atsushi who, once again, is the embodiment of the good he is trying to do.
Mori knows that the only way to get Dazai to return is to break his spirit. What better way to do that than show him that despite all of his efforts, he cannot do good. That he is incapable of working on the side of the light, and that he only brings darkness to those around him. Bringing Atsushi to the mafia would plant that seed of doubt within Dazai's conviction. Dazai will begin to doubt himself and his ability to follow odas words. This combined with constant reminders of his past, (if he were to encounter Atsushi, he would likely also encounter Akutagawa with him), will cause Dazai to lose hope altogether.
Making this the perfect win win situation for Mori. He gets a strong new member who is literally part of shin soukoku, and that member will also be his number one pawn in "Manipulate Dazai Back into the Mafia" Plan
I have more even more reasons on why I think it will be atsushi and why it won't be anyone else but I feel like this covers the gist of my perspective. I really focused on what Mori would do in this post, and how the decision would affect dazai. However I also have reasoning to how this would fit in story wise and atsushi's character as a whole, but im too tired to type it all up rn lol. Maybe ill make a part 2 post?
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r u familiar with the enneagram system? if so, i'd be curious to know what u think dazai, akutagawa, yosano, or anyone else's type is. of course, that's just a suggestion. i really like ur blog and hope life's going well for u.
I am familiar with it!
I'm not a huge fan of it for several reasons that I won't get into here, and as a psychology student I do feel compelled to alert people that tests like the Enneagram and MBTI, while fun, are not statistically valid or empirically grounded, and that I absolutely hate how these kinds of pseudo-psychological tests are still sometimes used by companies in the hiring process. They have no place there.
But, like I said, they are fun to do and I think my young teenage self, who spent literal years trying to rework some of these tests to yield more consistent results when analyzing fictional characters, would like it if I gave it a shot!
I'll do Dazai, Akutagawa and Yosano, and I'll add in Atsushi, Kyouka and Tachihara because of the recent episodes. :)
Dazai: I think he kind of has to be a 5w4. (I hate it I hate it that's my type arghhhh) 5s tend to withdraw and become detached observers - their ideal is to become as knowledgeable, intelligent and competent in their area as possible. The 4 as a wing meanwhile gives this type an emotional underpinning it wouldn't normally have. The 4 wing makes the 5 desire more in the way of self-expression and makes them tend to turn their knowledge and information gathering about people over hard facts. While the 4 might be considered an alternative, as 4s tend to be melancholic and feel separate from the rest of the crowd, it's also too focused on self-expression to be right for Dazai's character. 5s may have similar feelings but they deal with it more by rationalizing these feelings or withdrawing from people. 5s also tend to move towards 7s when under stress or in a bad place, which typically involves frantic attempts at spontaneity or excitement in an attempt to not feel so drained, trapped or incompetent. When in a healthier mindset, they tend to move towards 8, which enables more assertive, leader-like, and protective behaviours.
Akutagawa: I'd say a true 3. 3s are all about achievement, objectives and competency - and about gaining recognition for it. While they are normally characterized as extraverted, I think the core is there in Akutagawa - the need to win above all else, the idea that love and recognition are based on accomplishment, the projecting of their own insecurities onto others. These are traits that are present even in Beast, and likely rooted in his survivalist mindset. Akutagawa will go about whatever means are required to succeed, and he is objective-driven and direct in his ambitions to an almost extreme degree. Under stress, they go to 9, which leads them to stubbornly continue on the path they have set and put themselves under immense pressure without questioning why or branching off to something different, likely out of familiarity with the struggle and a fear of revision. This is quite clear in the main universe, with Dazai's approval being one of the only things that matters to him and making him largely unable to see alternate paths and driving him to reckless action. In a healthier mindset, they move towards 6, which makes them more committed team players. This seems to be where Beast was going, and hopefully we see that with shin soukoku as well.
Yosano: I'd say type 8w9 for sure. 8s are protectors, powerful and assertive to avoid showing weakness or vulnerability. Nothing else really makes sense for Yosano; she's always been an assertive person, and she doesn't mince her words - she likes to get to the point quickly and get things done. She also projects an image of intimidation and doesn't reveal much about herself to her coworkers. The 9 wing brings a more mellow side to the type 8 and focuses their protectiveness more on places of safety - like the Agency for Yosano and how protective she is of it and the people in it! Under stress, 8s move to 5, which causes them to withdraw into themselves as they try to detach from what's going on and question themselves and their usual confidence... yeah... In a healthier setting, they move towards the 2, which enables them to put their confidence and control towards helping those who need it, instead of focusing only on minimizing their own vulnerability.
Atsushi: I waffled between 2 and 6 for him before deciding on 2w1. 2 makes sense with its emphasis on helping others to be needed and building an image of being someone who helps others so they don't have to bother/deal with their own issues. 6s are too suspicious and focused primarily on security to be a good match for Atsushi, who, while he doesn't want to be hurt anymore and loves having a supportive group of people to come back to, is uh. Often very reckless. The 1 wing is that undercurrent of not just doing helpful things for others, but of doing helpful things that are also morally right and just. Underdeveloped 1 can result in some black and white thinking, which Atsushi can be a bit prone to, especially early in the series. 2s can be prone to becoming strongly prideful via their good deeds, but they can crash hard if they neglect their own needs for too long or somehow "fail" another. They are not supposed to be "selfish", and I think we see Atsushi struggle to fit his own needs into his image of the "one who saves others" he thinks he needs to be to be worthy. When under stress, they tap into the sudden aggression of 8, which may cause them to try to exert power to stop feeling vulnerable, but the growth towards 4 lets them explore their own feelings and perceptions to figure out what they actually want.
Kyouka: Probably a 9w8. Kyouka has very simple, straightforward wants and needs - part of the beauty of her character is that while everyone is angsting over big picture things (and she does too, continuously questioning her own goodness and worthiness), she also pretty quickly gets to the heart of it - "the crepe was delicious" "i like bunnies and tofu" - her desires are all simple little things that bring her happiness and give her a reason to fight back. Seeing Kyouka come to life over the course of the series is genuinely one of BSD's biggest joys. 9s are all about comfort, repression of anger, "going with the flow", etc. They tend not to be incredibly assertive, but are supportive and can quickly turn obstinate and quietly protective if their stability and home are threatened. Under stress, they detach, go numb and essentially keep their heads down and do what they're told, which is reminiscent of how Kyouka was so distant at the beginning of the story. In a growth mindset, they move towards the 3, which allows them to actively pursue their goals, not just for others but for themselves. The 8 wing was chosen due to Kyouka's sudden action and decisiveness when someone/something she cares about is threatened - she's less concerned with the morality of the 1 and more about protecting what matters to her by any means.
Tachihara: I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sold on this but I'm thinking a 6w7. 6s are all about the group, and are hardworking and committed types, but also known for being skeptical, uncertain, and questioning. The thing about Tachi is that he's actually a pretty loyal dude, he's just unfortunately attached to two different groups... what's interesting is that the resolution to this conflict is related to his earlier proclamation that "orders make him who he is", and that loyalty to the boss' (Mori's) wishes is a crucial factor in his choice to stay with the Mafia. 6s tend to feel insecure without some stable structure around them and tend to like having some direction from others. At the same time, some of the indecisiveness and uncertainty is alleviated by the 7 wing, which brings a little more impulsiveness and energy to the usually muted 6. Under stress, 6s move towards 3s, which makes them feel the need to accomplish and succeed to "measure up" - I think about Tachihara always being compared to his brother until one day he just gave up. 6s move towards 9s when in growth, and this is at the core of what a 6 wants: they really crave security and belonging, and the 9 alleviates some of the suspicion the 6 carries and makes them feel more relaxed.
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yenkat101 · 3 years
Bsd Headcannons (what do I think they love and hate in a relationship) pt. 1
25 post event. 14/25. -pt. 2 (Dazai and Chuuya)
Characters: (Atsushi x you) (Akutagawa x you)
General: mostly headcannons
Text type: Pine point
Warning: slight cursing, mentions of killing and that's basically it
Master list
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Atsushi Nakajima
Name at least one thing that I think the character will appreciate in a relationship (would it be best to give act of service or words of affirmation or receiving gifts or quality time or physical touch to this character?)
In my opinion I believe Atsushi would absolutely adore words of affirmation and physical touch within a relationship. We know very well that Atsushi was mistreated gravely as a child, so that's why I believe that words of affirmation and physical touch would be best for him because he never received that as a child. So if you love him with all your heart with words and touch, I believe Atsushi would feel like most luckiest person in the world to have received your pure love and kindness after everyone told him that no one would ever love him. But here you are, loving him with all of your heart. Honestly it's like a small piece of him is proving to the orphanage that someone, that someone out there cares about him with all their heart. So if you can provide that I believe he'll love you with all his heart and be extremely grateful towards you. (Even if you can't he'll still love you, I'm just saying that those two things are what he wish to have in a relationship)
...( Absolutely adore it/like it very much, likes it but not at the same time, doesn't like it at all to a certain degree )...
When it comes to touch, he likes being touched honestly (in a loving matter) because we all know that the orphanage only harmed him, his whole life. So receiving new treatment is like heaven to him especially when a love comes from you. But please start off slow. Once he's used to you, he'll secretly wish that you would touch him more. So please when he comes back to the apartment after a long day, give him all the love that he absolutely deserves and missed during his childhood.
When it comes to words, he likes the kind words that actually hold meaning coming from you. He knows by looking at you that you mean every single compliment that you give him. It makes his heart swell every time he thinks of it. We also know that the orphanage verbally and physically abused him for years, so words that aren't harmful in any way is like heaven to him. He's not used to it at all, so at first he thinks you're joking around. But, as time passes he realized that everything you told him was a pure compliment from your part and not some meaningless comment. So please when he does a good job tell him verbally that he did a good job.
When it comes to aid, he loves act of service but he feels like a bother. Because if you're using your own time to make him happy, he feels like he's taking advantage of you and he doesn't deserve it. So he appreciates the thought, but don't overdo it or he'll feel extremely guilty for absolutely no reason. He deeply believes that you could be doing something way more interesting/important than doing something that would make him happy. So he'll appreciate it but don't do overdo it, seriously don't overdo it.
When it comes to quality time, loves it because 1. He loves you with all his heart 2. He's spending time with you 3. He almost wants to be around you almost all the time. So yes he's he values his quality time with you, very much because he gets to spend time with the one he loves. I think that Atsushi is the type that loves making new memories because he likes the idea of overshadowing the bad ones aka his childhood trauma. He believes introducing so many good memories might help him overcome his trauma that he's so wish to get rid of.
When it comes to receiving gifts, yet again, he believed that he's using you/taking advantage of you. He's okay with small gifts once in a while, but he still feel guilty afterwards. Do not go overboard because... It's very hard to explain his reaction. All I can tell you that he feels like he's taking advantage of you and doesn't deserve any gift that you give to him. So please just stick with hugs and kisses. Maybe a small gift but nothing too grand or you'll have to have the talk with him. (About how you shouldn't waste your money on him)
Name at least one thing they're willing to offer in a relationship (would they give act of service or words of affirmation or receiving gifts or quality time or physical touch?) (1st, why? 2nd, why? 3rd, why?) And why the other two are not in the top three
1st, Act of service: simple he likes helping people. So if Atsushi could do something that would make you happy it would make him happy. So, he does little things like open the door for you or grabbing you a little cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate and ect... He likes making you happy because he like seeing your smile
2nd, quality time: because whenever he's free he tries his best to develop an even more connected relationship with you. He really like spending time with you. So whenever he has a chance, he hangs out with you and he likes to get to know you even more than he already does now
3rd, words of affirmation: he likes to remind you that he loves you and only you. Because he's slightly afraid that you think he's untrustworthy. Because he's slightly paranoid that perhaps he did something that could possibly trigger you to not trust him. Like look at Dazai, anyone that would be dating him would feel so insecure. He feels insecure himself in this relationship so he likes to make sure that you don't feel the same way
4th & 5th, physical touch and giving gifts: he struggles when it comes to physical touch because of his childhood and the fact that he's too shy to bring himself to do anything, so I imagine that physical touch wouldn't be in the top three of things he could offer you. As in for gifts... I'm not going to sugarcoat it. He's basically broke. You can just watch the show for like only an 5 minutes and everyone will know that he's broke. So I don't think he can offer much gifts but he'll get you a little something once in awhile but certainly not often
Something that they hate in a relationship,
he hates the idea of you risking your life. He finds a sweet but he loves you. He couldn't imagine a world without you to be honest. You're probably like one of the first persons that showed him love. So he couldn't imagine you getting hurt because of him. He already feels guilty because the Port Mafia is attacking the agency when their clearly capable of taking care of them... So please don't do anything too too risky, you can give him a heart attack easily
Something they would want from you,
I can totally see Atsushi wanting your safety. No I do not mean he wants to steal your safety he wants you to be safe. Because he's a man eating tiger and has a 7 billion yen bounty on him. Of course he wants your safety! So you either have to be just as strong as the agency members or the relationship must be kept a secret in order for you not to be caught up in this mess that you don't deserve to be a part of
Something they don't want from you,
At the moment I can't really think of something, so I'll say something that's pretty obvious. Money. He's broke, we all know that. But he doesn't want you to give your money to him because you feel pity. Fine maybe he's okay with you paying a couple of treats but if he notices you're doing that all the damn time he's not going to allow you to do it anymore. He still feels like a waste of space, so just giving him money like that adds salt to the wound
Something they want to protect you from,
He's afraid that he's identity as the weretiger might bring you harm. But he's most likely more interested in protecting you from the Port Mafia than anything else. He believed that the Port Mafia is a very dangerous group so he'll try his absolute best to make sure you don't come across them at all
Something they would want to introduce you to,
I can definitely see him introducing you to the agency, because the agency is like his home. It's even better if you already work at the agency, everyone knows who the both of you are and that the both of you are dating. I can definitely see him at the type to introduce you to his work
Something they would want you to feel,
Atsushi wants to make you feel loved. Because himself never felt truly loved until he met you and on a personal level he knows how it feels to not be loved, And it's awful. So I can definitely see him trying to make sure you know that not only him but so many other peoples love you for who you are
Something they would not want you to feel,
He knows what it exactly feels to not feel like you deserve to live... So, I bet he will cry if he ever heard you vocalize that you think that you don't deserve to live... He knows exactly how it feels and he hates the fact that you could possibly feel the same exact way... Like heck he would rather feel like that the rest of his life then you feel like that for a second. He loves you and you only, and absolutely shatters his heart when he hears you say stuff like that. But he still wants you to tell him that you feel that way... So he at least try to possibly change your mind about that absurd idea
What do they want you to understand,
I think that Atsushi wants you to understand that he doesn't exactly believe he deserves you. Because in his opinion you're absolutely perfect and him not so much. He wish you could understand that his childhood wasn't the best and he wished that you could understand that criticism doesn't make it better. He hopes that you can at least try to understand that he doesn't want to feel this way and he's trying his best to let go of theses feelings but it isn't exactly easy either
There isn't exactly boundaries... But... He wants you to understand that there's some moments that he needs affection, moments he wants affection and moments that affection will not help at all. Like if he's angry which is rare in a way... He wants you to give him space because he doesn't want to take out his anger on you. because that's the last thing he wants to do, take all his anger out on you someone that did nothing wrong. So we hope that you understand that there's some moments that he needs to be alone and there's some moments he absolutely needs affection to feel better. So please take your time to analyze which course of action would be the best before making a move
He's a very caring boyfriend that doesn't exactly know how to love people. But mind you he's trying very hard to give the right affection. He's very shy and doesn't exactly know how to love others because he was never really given an example. He would absolutely want to protect you from anything he could. He thinks you're absolutely perfect so he wants you to believe that too. So please give him all the love that he deserves
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Name at least one thing that I think the character will appreciate in a relationship (would it be best to give act of service or words of affirmation or receiving gifts or quality time or physical touch to this character?)
I feel like Akutagawa wants either quality time or act of service. I can't really choose between the two, so it's up to you too imagine if quality time wins or act of service wins. It will be explained later what do I think about those two subjects involving Akutagawa
...( Absolutely adore it/like it very much, likes it but not at the same time, doesn't like it at all to a certain degree )...
When it comes to touch, he likes your touch because it isn't harmful unlike any others that touched him, but he doesn't like it at the same time. Because he's the type of person that believes he doesn't need love and affection to live, but at the same time he does. He's so persistent and not letting you touch him that's why touch is in the category of likes it very much but not the same time. So you'll have to hold up a couple arguments against him to be able to touch him because he's so paranoid that you'll harm him. Not that he's afraid of you harming him is just mental reflexes from the past
When it comes to words, he likes it. Only if it's a meaningful comment and not just some comment you decided to say just make him feel more better. Like if you believe he actually did a really really good job and you tell him that, he'll believe you. But if you're just saying that's making feel more better he absolutely hates it. So word of affirmation coming from you is like you're accepting him for what he already is. His old mentor Dazai never accepted him and always called him weak, so you getting out of your way to actually give him a meaningful comment about his work, he feels so much pride and now he definitely has a praise kink
When it comes to aid, he likes the thought but he doesn't like being helped. He feels weak when someone helps him so he'll appreciate the act but he feels like you're only doing that because he's weak. So don't do it too often and make sure he knows that you're doing it because you appreciate him and not because you think he's weak
When it comes to quality time, like spending time with you honestly. Because he knows you're not going to be there forever so whenever he can he spends time with you. Because he never knows when you might leave and he personally thinks that he doesn't spend enough time with you because of his work. Like you believe that he doesn't give you enough time and attention. So what better way to make up for it then spend some quality time together
When it comes to receiving gifts, all I can say is Akutagawa appreciate the gesture but just doesn't want you to overdo it. He'll absolutely appreciate it way more if you get him something that he would actually use, but please don't overdo it
Name at least one thing they're willing to offer in a relationship (would they give act of service or words of affirmation or receiving gifts or quality time or physical touch?) (1st, why? 2nd, why? 3rd, why?) And why did two others are not in the top three
1st, Act of service: act of service is like his way of telling you he loves you. Because he thinks of the idea of doing something special for your lover that will help them and make them happy is basically telling them you love them. So he does a lot of act of service to somewhat prove his love
2nd, Quality time: he likes giving you quality time because, He's not exactly there all the time. Because most nights you're left alone in the house or even during the daytime you never see him. So he thinks that possibly spending time with you might make up for the time lost. Because he could simply go home and not pay you any attention but that wouldn't be fair or at least in his opinion
3rd, Giving gifts: he thinks that giving gifts that are helpful is another way of saying I love you. Because name one time that he ever gave someone a gift that's useful or let alone give a gift to someone. So yeah, feel loved when he gives you a gift because it's extremely rare for him to give gifts
4th & 5th, words of affirmation and physical touch: okay, we know that Akutagawa struggles really hard with words of affirmation and physical touch. Because he never had parents, he lived in the slumps after the fact he was abused mentally and physically in the Port Mafia for years... So..? He wouldn't know anything about love. So the only way he thinks that he can prove his love to you is helping you out. I swear... name me one time that Akutagawa willingly helped someone. So yes! he's trying very hard, so please give him a break and love him for who he is
Something that they hate in a relationship,
Lies! Yes he did say that he thinks that all weak should die and make room for a stronger ones but he absolutely hates it when you lie to him. He knows you're weaker than him but that does not mean he doesn't love you. Sometime he'll go around hating himself because he told you to suck it up. Almost ever since then you lied to yourself all the time. He absolutely hate it when you lie about almost anything. You can lie about eating the last piece of chips and he'll still be angry that you lie about it. In his opinion relationship is honesty and trust, so he wants you to trust him and tell him the truth. But what he hates the most is if you pretend you love him, that's when things get heated (and certainly not in the good way)
Something they would want from you,
I feel like Akutagawa wants honesty from you. Like he wants you to tell him to damn truth. If someone asks has been threatening you or harm you, tell him. If you feel sick, tell him. If you developed a illness, tell him. If you feel suicidal or have a huge urge to harm yourself, tell him... All he wants is fucking honesty. He wants to know what's going on in relationship all time even involving your mental health. Yes he may be cold, but at least he's trying to give some effort into keeping you in check. Because if he falls in love, you're probably going to be the one and only for the rest of his life because just you captivating his heart like that it's a fucking miracle, so I doubt very much that he would like to slip through his fingers. In a relationship he would want to protect you from everything even himself and might even protect you from yourself, so he just wants you to loudly declare your feelings and insecurities... No not all insecurities, I meant by things like, how are you mentally doing? how are you physically doing? are you safe? Is there someone bothering you? Honestly he just wants you to be able to tell him face to face if he's doing something wrong. Yes he'll most likely argue back but he'll acknowledge your remark and secretly tries to be better. So if you can offer that honesty, that you'll tell him if something's wrong? he'll be grateful that he doesn't need to babysit you in order to find out if some jackass decide to harm you instead you tell him face to face that someone harmed you and that's that. (He feels like it's unnecessary to keep secrets from one another except if it's to protect the other *don't do that to him he'll be fucking pissed off, that you think he's too weak to handle any situation*)
Something they don't want from you,
He doesn't want to be your therapist, because himself needs therapy. He doesn't have one clue what to do, to make you feel more better. Because he's the type of man that wants to fix the problem instead of listening. So he's not the best person to go to if you want to rant. Example if you say you're being bullied by some Street Thugs, he won't comfort you, he won't handle the situation calmly instead he'll just murder them, problem solved. But yeah but that.... Akutagawa, not everyone wants their problems to be solved by murdering someone! So I suggest highly that you don't go to him to rant about emotions instead go rant to his little sister Gin because she'll actually listen before she acts
Something they want to protect you from,
Basically everyone because he doesn't trust anyone. But he will 100% protect you from the agency because of two certain peoples in there (Cough cough Atsushi and Dazai cough cough) so to sum it all up he doesn't trust anyone so he's basically protecting you from everyone... Even a 2 year old... He has zero trust for anyone at this point
Something they would want to introduce you to,
Probably the only thing he would want to introduce you to is Gin his little sister and perhaps some fighting skills so you could possibly protect yourself if he's not around. He's teaching you little things like how to knock someone out quickly so you could escape or how to escape someone's choking grasp but to be completely honest he's not the one teaching you it's Gin that's teaching you. So yeah his sister, some fighting skills and his home. You basically end up living in his place so he can keep a closer eye on you
Something they would want you to feel,
He wants you to feel safe around him, like he wants you to feel like if anything were to happen he's there to protect you. He wants you to feel confident in his strength that he would not allow anyone to harm you. Because they would be honestly idiots to harm you. It boost is ego to know that you feel confident in his strength. He wants you to feel safe with his strength and just safe just around him in general. He wants you to be able to approach him without fear but keep in mind there's boundaries
Something they would not want you to feel,
Fear... Yes it boost is ego when everyone's afraid of him but he doesn't want you to be afraid of him. Like he doesn't want you to approach him with caution. He appreciates your trying to make him feel comfortable but he hates it when you approach him with so much caution as if he would harm you. And he hates it even more when you approach everyone with caution. He's thinking did he do something to make you afraid of everyone? He hates it even more when you're afraid to tell him that someone's harming you because, he's not going to yell at you, he's going to kill the aggressor not you. So try your best to be able to one day not approach him in fear
What do they want you to understand,
He wants you to understand that, he likes his personal space. He wished that you understand that he doesn't exactly want to be touched. So if you can respect that most of the time he'll be happy. Yes he does like your touch but he doesn't feel comfortable with you touching him all the time
I can definitely see him as the type of person that would tell you to pretend you don't know him in public. He wished to keep the relationship private because of his complex life that he doesn't want you to be a part of. Like he doesn't want the Port Mafia using you against him nor does he want any Port Mafia bugging you because they don't trust you. He just wants his personal life to be completely separated from the Port Mafia. Next thing he needs is Higuchi pestering him after she finds out he has a lover
He proves his love by doing small gestures... He's not the best at love but he certainly tries for you. He would try his best to feel comfortable around you when you wish to touch him. But he wished to keep this relationship as private as possible because of complications in his life... All I can say is that Akutagawa actually tries for you, he thought he was never fall in love with someone until he met you... So, he tries his best to give you the love he thinks you deserve
25 post event with (Atsushi x reader) and (Akutagawa x reader) 14/25.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Yeah I was shocked at first too how little Atsushi seemed to care about Aku's death and was outright offended on Aku's behalf but now that I'm rereading I can't describe Atsushi post-88 as anything other than "numb" or going through the motions and it get really blatant when you see how animated he got during the most recent chapters
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Mmmmhh. I think those two Atsushi pages are extremely interesting, and that we need to talk about them some more. Overall, Anon, I relate to your experience: I too thought Atsushi's reaction to Akutagawa's death was rather indifferent at first, and I too eventually warmed up to it explaining it as loss rather than apathy, a difficulty to process what had happened just yet. But the thing is, before chapter 107 came out, I truly felt like both interpretations - the indifferent one and the numb one - were equally sustained by canon elements and potentially true. I do think that the “indifference” interpretation had canon grounds of its own right and, although it's close to be disproven by the latest chapters, I want to elaborate on that, because I think it's still valuable to reflect over it.
It's reasonable to think Atsushi's reaction was so cold and detached because a lot had just happened for him way beyond what any man could elaborate in the immediate; at that point it still didn't come natural for him to think of Akutagawa as anything but evil, and, even though Akutagawa had just proven in action to be more than a ruthless monster, for Atsushi months of thinking of Akutagawa as the devil incarnate isn't something he could grow out of in a matter of minutes or hours, especially given he still hadn't had the chance to properly elaborate what happened. And yet even when considering all of that, it's still true that Atsushi never asks Ango "why did Akutagawa sacrifice himself?" or "why did Akutagawa die for me?"; he only wonders if there's "some grand meaning to it". He doesn't seem to be pondering over Akutagawa's sacrifice in particular as something extraordinary, but rather reflects about the entire string of events as equally important factors. I find it insane that Atsushi is thinking about the event of Akutagawa keeping his promise over the very occurrence of Akutagawa giving his life to save him, and how even that instance of remembering something good Akutagawa did feels to be only prompted by acknowledging how that allowed him to escape, for the ada to keep fighting– even when thinking about Akutagawa, it seems to be for inherently selfish reasons. It all speaks, to me, like in that moment Atsushi saw Akutagawa like just a piece in the grand scheme of things and nothing more, which is coherent with the dehumanizing perception of Akutagawa he always held; and that's why it made me believe that nothing much really changed even after Akutagawa died for him, because apparently nothing would have been able to scratch Atsushi's quick-to-judgement, close minded attitude.
Then again, this was my main interpretation up to chapter 88 and no further, and back then I probably shouldn't have given that much relevance to Atsushi's words since in that moment he was understandably shaken and unstable. Besides, obviously, chapters 107 and 108, Atsushi hallucinating Akutagawa in chapter 105 is a meaningful element too: the way Akutagawa seems to be guiding him, how Atsushi doesn't seem to hold any fear or hatred or resentment towards him anymore, the way Atsushi places him on top of importance falling second only to Dazai. And it's true that chapter 107's "I know you're still there" and "you still haven't told me why did you save me" are telling enough on their own: of the fact that Atsushi really had a change of heart about Akutagawa, of the fact that he's changed his mind on him. And after all who am I to disagree, I don't wish for anything other than celebrating sskk canon 2k23 ahah!
But the thing is: in the end, to me, it really doesn't matter if that chapter 88 scene specifically is meant to be interpreted Atsushi caring for Akutagawa or not!! What I mean to say is that unrequited-sskk is still a very compelling dynamic and noteworthy concept, and it having canon basis or not is ultimately completely irrelevant.
I've been called out a lot for my unrequited-sskk takes and received a couple of asks and replies already on this, so I really wanted to clarify why I'd stand by that in the first place, and elaborate on why in my opinion that Atsushi scene from chapter 88 really fits the picture. Truth to be told, unrequited-sskk was mostly a June 2022 phase that manifested slowly in later months due to my late posting habit, but I don't feel for it any strongly than requited sskk– I mean, I obviously love sskk, of course I'm also rooting for them to be happy together. But I do think unrequited sskk holds a lot of thematic value, and that's why I think it's very interesting concept to reflect over! More specifically, I think it's very fitting with Akutagawa's character themes of being perfectly unlovable, the miserable and tragic character. This context ties with and reinforces the image of Akutagawa as the cursed character, someone who can only fall for people who are destined to hate him; and the people he loves won't ever be able to see in him anything but a monster, because he is fated to cause repulsion in anyone he meets. Additionally, seeing the character under this light makes his death even more dramatic and heartbreaking: there's some added pain in the knowledge that he's dying for someone he loves, and who is never going to love him back or even see him as human for what matters, and yet Akutagawa deciding to do so anyways. I feel like Akutagawa as the ultimate tragic character, born miserable and died miserable, only ever running after glimpses of happiness without ever the chance to grasp them, forever unloved, forever in pain, is really compelling! Akutagawa doomed to be unloved in life and death, someone whose pain, whose sacrifice and humanity will never be recognized by anyone but the silent audience. It's just a very entertaining concept to explore!!
I also find the unrequited love scenario interesting on the other end, in the way it frames Atsushi, the good one, as fundamentally unable to be compassionate and forgiving with Akutagawa, making out of the good guy a complex and especially flawed person. I like how Atsushi and Akutagawa's roles of good and bad are switched in someone who's unforgiving (unsympathetic), and someone who's miserable (sympathetic). (That is far from wanting to villainize Atsushi– Akutagawa did a lot of unforgivable things to him. He just did a lot of redeemable things also.)
In the end my final take - which is something I've always thought - is that sskk's relationship, and its chance to bloom romantically or not, is mostly dictated by chance: in Beast, they've met in a friendly, non-hostile environment, and they suddenly clicked; but not in every universe they might be lucky. They have palpable chemistry, but it's not granted that will always translate in them getting along more than them clashing and destroying each other. And I guess that's what makes them so fun to fixate on!! How their relationship can take so many different shapes while staying the same. When people ask when sskk would get together, I really think it's only a matter of case. I think it's as likely for Akutagawa to kiss Atsushi on impulse after this arc has ended than it is for them to beat around the bush for years and years to no end. I think it's really a matter of chance that Akutagawa didn't kill Atsushi and join the Hunting Dogs, a split-second decision that could have easily gone another way. I find it cool how their relationship can take so many different shapes and yet the only thing that stays the same is how inexplicably tied they are, how the other makes them who they are, how deeply and intrinsically connected they are.
Tl;dr: Atsushi's reaction to Akutagawa's death, up to chapter 88 and without considering chapter 107 and further, has equal basis to be interpreted as Atsushi being indifferent (uncaring) of Akutagawa or detached (caring in disguise) of Akutagawa; here's what made of uncaring of Akutagawa an interesting scenario no matter the fact it turned out to be wrong; here's why, independently by how much canon basis it has, themes wise unrequited-sskk is still a very interesting concept that should be taken in consideration.
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ckjbun · 3 years
Jouno - the epitome of nurture over nature?
Let’s talk about Jouno again. He’s such an intriguing character. Chapter 92.5 gives us an important insight not only into his past but also into the psychology of many BSD characters.
Asagiri sensei has again made it clear that there is no entirely good or evil characters. It might be a bold statement but in my humble opinion, what we witnessed in this chapter is that the environment might even have a greater influence on your behaviour and attitude than your nature.
Furthermore, Jouno's development makes me extremely optimistic in regards to Dazai's. But let me explain all my thoughts down below the cut.
First, chapter 92.5 surely had me surprised. Although I was thinking about the possibility that Jouno would temporarily work with Fukuchi and then turn against him, I would have never guessed his reason for doing so. 
Jouno was once an executive of a criminal organization. Six years ago, he was brought to the Hunting Dogs by Fukuchi. Though he is working for justice now, he still has a sadistic behaviour and likes to torture people psychologically. He says it himself in chapter 92 that he doesn’t care about whether the ADA is innocent or truly evil, he just wants to hear the voice of someone suffering. He wants to hurt people under the name of law, hear their sound when they break (according to @buraihatranslations ).
In chapter 92.5, we get a flashback of Jouno forcing a burglar to kill himself. But instead of stabbing himself, this happens: 
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(translations by @buraihatranslations ​)
The burglar tries to stab Jouno instead. But the sword goes right through Jouno without leaving a single scratch (which is probably thanks to his ability). Jouno is clearly enjoying this scene in front of him and thanks the burglar for the “good sound”, which probably refers to the scream of despair, the sound when the burglar “broke”. 
You get what I'm trying to say. Jouno is highly immoral, one might say he is evil (depending on the definition of evilness). So when I said I could imagine Jouno betraying Fukuchi, I meant he would do it out of purely sadistic reasons, out of pleasure from toying with people. 
But no. I was wrong. 
Right before Jouno betrays Fukuchi, we get this scene:
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(translations by @buraihatranslations​)
It seems that Jouno has genuinely felt appreciation coming from the words of this old lady. Her gratitude has surely made him feel a kind of responsibilty towards society.
Would he have betrayed Fukuchi if the latter asked him that six years ago? Probably not.
Jouno is someone who knows how to differentiate between good and bad, but he didn't care about it in the past. He committed crimes and likes to see people suffering. He is inherently bad. Fukuchi has addressed this in chapter 92.5:
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(translations by @buraihatranslations ​)
"Your true nature is on that side."
What Fukuchi probably means is that Jouno's nature is not on justice's side. It's on the bad side.
But after joining the HD, within only six years, Jouno has developed a sense of justice. Even though it's not a very strong one, it's still there.
We have seen on multiple occasions that circumstances plays a major role in where you end up. The Beast novel is the best example. Under different circumstances, Atsushi would be on the "bad" side and Akutagawa on the "good" side. But the characters themselves are neither fully bad nor fully good.
What we haven't seen yet until this chapter, if I remember correctly, is that the environment can influence you to act "against" your nature.
Jouno was kind of "forced" to be around people that fight for justice. And because of that, even though his natural trait of being sadistic persists, he has learnt that protecting innocent people brings much more joy as he has stated in the most recent chapter 93.
It's hard to get rid of your negative character traits, probably even impossible. But to act on them is a decision you can resist (oftentimes). Admittedly, it's extremely difficult but the right environment can cause you to form, shape and reinforce an attitude contrary to what you would expect based on your natural traits.
That's why I'm very hopeful in regards to future developments of the BSD cast, especially Dazai's.
(Spoilers for Untold Origin LN:) Ranpo has found a purpose to live thanks to Fukuzawa, namely to help and protect the simple-minded, ordinary people.
Yosano has found a reason to live on thanks to Ranpo.
Kunikida has his ideals and guide to life.
Atsushi's justification for living is saving people.
Being in this environment, I'm sure the ADA members can influence and affect each other in a positive way. Dazai is very similar to Jouno in regards to background. He also started off on the "bad" side, though he isn't as sadistic as Jouno. He tortured people not out of fun but rather to reach his goals.
Similar to Jouno, he doesn't really care about good and bad. I believe Jouno still doesn't care but he has come to enjoy the good side. And that's what I'm hoping for Dazai too. I wish for him that he will find the "good" side, the side that saves people, more beautiful, more enjoyable and maybe even find his own purpose for living.
Well, that were my thoughts on this topic. Happy to hear your opinions!! I'm sorry I didn't incorporate much of the most recent chapter 93. Idk why I'm always almost done with an analysis when the new chapter drops.
Anyways, thank you for reading!!
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 24
prompt: self-harm
fandoms: bnha, bsd, hq, mdzs, tgcf
I need to purge my urges (shame shame shame) by deesometimes
“Kid-“ Aizawa begins, his eyes are wide.
“It was an accident!” Izuku exclaims, louder than he intended.
better luck next time by nauticalwarrior
(explicit) (graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
As he falls, he lets himself think about it. He lets himself think that if he wakes up, if things go back again, it means that he does have a quirk. It means he really can take a swan dive off a roof and hope for better luck in his next life. It means that all along, he’s been useless and worthless because he hasn’t died yet.
He hits the ground.
And then he opens his eyes.
(vigilante!izuku AU where izuku has a quirk that rewinds time when he dies) (updates every other day most of the time!)
red threads by cassiopeia721
Izuku isn't blessed with a quirk, so it stands to reason that he wouldn't have a soulmate, either. Right?
Fate proves him wrong.
when you don't by nauticalwarrior
You must learn to endure pain, Atsushi's headmaster tells him, over and over again, even though the man is no longer here.
Atsushi begins to inflict pain on himself, even though his ability does not allow the wounds to linger. He knows he'll be caught--it's only a matter of time, when he works for the Armed Detective Agency, but he can't stop himself. He does it anyway.
The Mind Can Be A Cryptic Place by moogah
Akutagawa's eyes are grey, until they aren't. Nothing is wrong, until it is.
Dazai doesn't feel, until he does. ...
How Dazai meets Atsushi and some of what came before.
run rabbit run by norio
Rule #1: Don't hurt Akaashi. Rule #2: Don't taint Akaashi. Rule #3: Don't involve Akaashi. Rule #4: Don't damage Akaashi. Rule #5 (optional): Try not to destroy yourself.
picking my head up, getting nowhere by orphan_account
Oikawa only ever gives the bad and only ever takes the good, and he will never be able to forgive himself for it. (One-shot) Trigger warning for self-harm, depression and negativity—please read at your own risk. [Iwaoi]
won't you get up off, get up off the roof? by uaigneach
Despite what many may say, Miya Atsumu wasn’t an idiot.
He heard the things people said about him. He knew what people thought. He’d read every single letter that had been slipped into his locker – and make no mistake, none of them had been confession letters like Osamu liked to joke about.
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene
Tempo Rubato: Italian; Stolen Time; The musical practice of diverging from the unrelenting and gradual rhythm for a short period of time in a piece, allowing for solo freedom.
Lan Wangji starts high school in perfect step with the rhythm of his uncle's expectations and his duty to his family.
He doesn't quite stay that way.
how to heal by parsnipit
When it comes to something like this, there are a few important steps:
First, Xie Lian makes sure that his husband is busy. Something like that makes it sound so terrible, but it’s not—it’s really not! It’s just that Hua Cheng can be overprotective, and if he saw this he would react poorly. Xie Lian would rather spare him that.
Second, Xie Lian puts Ruoye away. The poor thing never wants to go. He has to tie it somewhere safe and placate it with gentle touches and soothing words. Even so, it still lashes its ends and strains after him until he leaves the room. It will cling too tightly when he returns.
Third, Xie Lian goes somewhere quiet and familiar. It can be the armory, or their private baths, or even the shrine near Puqi Village. It is never their bedroom. It is never their cottage.
Fourth, Xie Lian draws his sword.
Fifthly, finally, Xie Lian takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and carves his own skin open.
so that i might love you by parsnipit
“Okay, San Lang, let’s talk,” Xie Lian says, and is proud of how steady his voice stays. “Tell me about the cuts.” “You talked to E-ming, didn’t you,” Hua Cheng says bleakly. “It only confirmed what I already suspected.” Xie Lian closes his eyes. “Can you tell me that those injuries aren’t from who I think they are?” “Dianxia is so clever.” Hua Cheng looks at him, and there is a sudden exhaustion written in the lines around his eye. “I could tell you they aren’t, but...this San Lang is tired of lying to his god.” Despite his suspicions, to hear it admitted so plainly from Hua Cheng’s own mouth feels like a fist to his heart. Xie Lian takes a deep, deep, deep breath. Calmly. Calmly and clearly. He has already done his crying. He is not going to freak out right now. He is not going to yell. He is not going to yell. He is not— “What were you thinking, Hua Cheng?!”
When E-ming is stolen and its curse activated by enemies, Xie Lian fully expects the chorus of pained howls he hears outside of Paradise Manor. What he does not expect is the multitude of raw, gaping wounds that split open along his husband’s skin.
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
You know, there's a thing with characters that foil each other and serve as the "good" and "bad" respectively (Toga/Himiko, Tenko/Izuku, Nagito/Hajime, Ryoko/Hajime, Atsushi/Akutagawa) but that trope felt rather annoying to write, especially in the world I am trying to write about (ALTERNATIVE's world is basically MHA X BSD but like. 1000 times more fucked up and the Specialised are always prejudiced against. A terrible lot).
The title itself, ALTERNATIVE is to symbolise Romila's POV of "infinite choices and paths present for every being" and how she starts off the story with a decisive line of,
"Many people ask me if this could have been avoided. They beg for me to tell them that things could have been better. There are others too, who try to justify that this was the only way for things to have been. If you ask me, both are living in states of denial. One can't accept the stupidity of humanity for disregarding common sense for violence and prejudices. Another can't accept humanity's choice for having better circumstances if the one with the power chose to."
The thing is, the running theme is that the story is a bittersweet one, despite there not being many deaths of the main characters, but there was always a junction where you can see it could have been avoided, that there was an "alternative" for things to have gotten better, especially in the first book.
Another reason for the title is that it's basically an "ALTERNATIVE" to this world of ours, where super powers and stuff like those exist.
The subtitles of both the books (Myriad of Colours, Colour of Death) signifies Romila's power, "Aura Tracker" which lets her view people's aura as colours (Myriad of Colours is to signify the different kinds of people she meets, Colour of Death is about what affects her the most (death) and how she's constantly seeing that colour everywhere, especially now that it's war).
The thing about ALTERNATIVES is that Romila could have chosen to be a doormat (like Koldin tends to be at the beginning (his rp self is like THAT due to circumstances different to ALTERNATIVE's actual storyline. Also because Hack's a nicer person to be around than Romila is) in order to nOt hAvE cOnFliCt™) to not get into conflict and put up a super nice persona for people but she didn't. She decided to focus on hanging onto her reasons for doing what she does and using it to create a caustic personality to shield herself because she knows that she will regret being a doormat (Her Despair takes the form of Koldin Hopkins).
Now Koldin could have certainly put his hatred for society at the forefront and taken a caustic personality but instead chooses to be nice. Because he doesn't want to become as hurtful as the rest, that's how he wants to disentangle himself from society. However he, like Romila (who just took standing up for herself to extremes), takes this to the extremes causing him to gain the personality of a nice boy™.
However this also goes into why they made the choices they did (which is what Romila realises during the Mansion of Death arc), because for Romila, she didn't really have the psychology for actually becoming a doormat (because a) Her mom wouldn't have it b) She hated to be called weak c) She didn't have anyone to fall back to after the inevitable consequences of being a doormat d) She felt that if she were to live with monsters, then it's easier to blend in by being one (this comes useful to her when she infiltrates into the Government) e) She saw doormats getting suicidal which frightened her) or not becoming fully caustic (since her standing up for herself wasn't. Liked. By. Anyone. And seen as aggressive and she basically went, "Well if they see me as bad, I will show them BAD" which led to her breakdown causing the incidents at the Mansion Of Death (especially a twisted hatred against Koldin for extremely understandable reasons).
For Koldin, being meek and peaceful had let him get by in the streets and his skills to difuse fights had come in handy. Later when Dr. Hopkins took him in, he was well. A member of the Radicals who were known to be extremely merciless towards the Specialised (he had defected but Koldin had a REALLY good reason to be wary) so he figured if he stayed nice, he wouldn't be kicked out of the house and Dr. Hopkins being Dr. Hopkins just assumed that it was his normal and that behaviour carried into school. He figured that it was a horrifying thing to be aggressive and then saw how Romila got treated and decided that yep, he was right, that confirmed his world view alright and it was more reason to be super nice. While Romila saw Koldin as a person who everyone took advantage of (a thing she hated. To be exploited just like that) and went, yep that confirmed hers and it was more reason to be super angry.
However the thing is that, Romila was chided for being anything, which caused her to just give up to be peaceful (because what would she do? Anything she tried to do got her scolded) while Koldin (thankfully) found a support system. It really goes to show the difference a good friend can do.....
As it is, when I first began writing this, the most obvious choice presented itself to me. Koldin is the "hope" and Romila is the "despair" (on the protagonist, deutergonist side) but that seemed stupid and boring as it wouldn't make sense. Since I am trying to make a point of showing with how Romila's world view gradually changes from "there are wrong and right choices" to the fact that it doesn't have to be rigid and that *now* she wouldn't be hurt if she used what her vulnerable side wanted (a world free of prejudices and unnecessary cruelty) with the talents she had. That kindness mixed with her usual personality won't literally kill her.
And for Koldin, being a doormat means that he got taken advantage of a lot by different people and since he refused to actually stand up for himself ("Ah...aha......it seems that I can't..." "Can't what?" "Feel angry for myself......it's always anger that comes from the ones I love being hurt" "Then love yourself too, you will feel angry again" ~ Koldin's conversation with his inverted self in the Labyrinth) he got. Taken advantage of. By virtually everyone. However he decided that if being nice would keep him keep his self and his name self then it would be fine. He did not want to be the source of grief (his actual parents tossed him out because of his Specialisation). The Mansion Of Death actually causes him to snap for that reason, because Romila literally puts him in a torture dream "for the greater good" and then proceeds to kill his dear friend. One thing Koldin HATED. Killing friends. (Due to them being run over by a car, which led to his paralysed left arm)
Now on the other side, their respective friends:
Luja: Cynical and annoyed by people's stupidity but not to caustic extents and she wants to be a scientist and isn't haunted by the possibility of dying.
Kratanos: Full of anger and hatred against the world but not entirely blinded by it and is focused to using that anger for reformation of the world (she becomes a therapist later, to help people)
They both have her caustic parts but they also let themselves embrace another side which makes them her "balance".
Anand: Believes that there's no requirement for violence unless it's absolutely necessary.
Karishma: Figures it's a better idea to just listen to rules but doesn't hesitate to break them if she sees that they are bs
They both have his peacefulness, but don't hesitate to do what they think they should do, which makes them his "balance".
The point is that, the case of choosing alternatives isn't possible with a tunnel vision. Even so, there are choices that literally can't be made due to the individual and circumstances. Sometimes the choice is to choose more than one choice. Well, that's one dramatic storyline......
It reminds me of DDLC side stories since everyone has a bit of the other person's solutions and more of a opposite personality (don't take this the wrong way, there are many stories like that and it's honestly a favourite to think abt but it's just that DDLC does it well especially since it's only a school environment). Tbh, I like dramatic storylines that rlly dig deep into a character's perspective (reasons why I'm in love with Hack and Axel in particular). My whole thing is that I'd rather read a story with interesting and in depth characters than one where only the plot is good so I say you made the great call of the century with Koldin and Romila's characters.
What you thought before getting into it is rlly how every great character arc starts. You focus on one, somewhat forget the other one until you review every single character for inspiration and then BAM! PARALLELS! It's really admirable how, even in this messed up world of specializations, you didn't purely focus on the plot bc it honestly sounds interesting enough to just stick around for Romila's life and journey. You could have ended it all with just that, but no, you smacked Koldin in there and said "be my interesting on par character that can kick Romila's gut" and IT WORKED SPECTACULARLY!!!
I really love ur writing and hoping to one day read (and maybe print out) every story you've ever written bc GODDAMNIT I NEED THE FEELING OF THOSE WORDS ON WORN PAPER WITH AN ARTISTIC COVER AND AN AMAZINGLY HEAVY WEIGHT
Aka, paperback. Bc that's how I like to roll and that's how good I think it is. 1000% worthy of a bestseller
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cakers-2000 · 4 years
~Bungo Stray Dogs: What They’d be like as Boyfriends~
There's only one way to describe your relationship with Chuuya
But also very loving
First off you are, in his reality, his 'Princess'
And he is practically your 'knight in shining armor'
He protects you and keeps you safe as you aren't a part of the Port Mafia
He is a Tsundere and no one can change my mind
He had an extremely hard time picking up the courage to ask you out
And it turned out more like:
"You wanna be my girlfriend or whatever?"
You attacked him in a hug two seconds later out of joy. He called you a dumbass
To your friends and family he seems rude but you know he means well
Lord have mercy on anyone's soul who tries to flirt and or hurt you
Anyone who tries to flirt with you gets a rude awakening
He will beat a bitch
And if anyone gets too close to you or makes you uncomfortable he won't hesitate to confront and intimidate them
Even if it means pulling out his gun or knife, he'll do it
If anyone tries to hurt you though he loses complete control
He either murders whoever did it, or he's stopped by someone before he can kill them, there is no in between
He sees you as a precious baby that needs protecting
Honestly it kind of embarrasses you how much he babies you, but you know it's because he loves you
You spend a majority of your time with him as he hardly ever lets you leave his side
So at this point everyone in the Port Mafia knows you're a thing
And everyone knows not to fuck with what's Chuuya's
So most of the time his subordinates and other Executives won't even give you a glance other than to maybe say a quick 'hello' to you
Most of the other Executives will not hesitate to tease him about your relationship though
He does fire back, which has resulted in quite a few good comebacks on his end
Kajii: You've got (Y/N) with you again? Talk about needy Chuuya. You can't even leave your bedroom without your girlfriend with you? Pathetic
Chuuya: *Without even looking up from his paper* At least I have one. When was the last time you talked to a girl? Oh that's right, when that Armed Detective Agency girl kicked the shit out of you. (Okay but the fight between Kajii and Yosano is one of my favorites SHE'S SUCH A STRONG WOMAN I LOVE HER)
God you love him
You two practically share the same room
When it's just you two he's soft and likes to cuddle you as often as possible
You're always stealing his hat or coat so as a way to get back at you, while cuddling he refuses to leave your hair alone no matter how much you struggle or complain
It's now become a habit
The first time you pointed it out to him he refused any such actions but you found him doing it again while he wrote his paperwork, so you left it alone
Honestly he seems really cold on the outside
But in Chuuya's case it's all a facade
He loves you more than he thought he could love someone
You keep him sane, especially in his awful, bloody world
You're special to him and he loves you more than he could ever describe.
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It's hard for him to develop any feelings towards anyone so when he started to develop some kind of feelings towards you he not only surprised himself but everyone around him
Kouyou was the one who instructed him on how to move forward with his emotions and persuaded him to ask you out.
He was very up front and didn't really ask, it was more like,
"Meet me at the front entrance of the headquarters at 8"
You were confused, but did as he said
The date was the first of many
He makes sure to take you on dates at least a few times a month
He wants you to always remember that he loves and cares about you
Akutagawa isn't afraid of anything, except for the thought of losing you
This is why he's such a try hard
He's scared to lose you because of his incapability to show emotions like love or kindness (though you know that he loves you)
He's scared of losing you to someone else
He's afraid of losing you in general
Because of this fear he hardly ever lets you do anything alone, he wants to be there to protect you
He spends almost all of his free time in your room (he sleeps there too)
100% likes to be cuddled by you (though he'd never admit that)
But when you fall asleep, and he's left alone with his thoughts he'll throw his arms around you and pull you close, a slight smile gracing his lips
He honestly doesn't know how he got lucky enough to be with you
To everyone else he seems cold, ruthless and mean. But you're the only person who gets to see his softer side, and it only makes you fall even harder for him
But yeah he loves you more than you'll ever know as he doesn't know how to tell you how much he truly loves you
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Goofy and silly, but it's different then how he is with the agency
He's good at hiding his emotions, but when it comes to you, all of his walls fall
You gave him a reason to continue living and so he's VERY protective of you
He'll put his life before yours if it means you're safe
Doesn't show it on the outside but he can get jealous real fast
And he just kind of lets it eat away at him until you notice and reassure him
Unless of course he's suuuuuper jealous in which case he will definitely lash out at whoever he's jealous of
At home he's a teddy bear
Loves to cuddle with you/be cuddled
Sometimes he'll literally plop down on top of you to snuggle you, regardless of what you're doing
Will dramatically announce his love for you at random times, more often in public because he knows it embarrasses you
You always yell at him for it, but you love him and he knows that so he never stops
All in all he's very loving and goofy and you mean the world to him. You give him the strength and a reason to continue living through life.
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He's very smol and shy
Honestly Kunikida or Dazai probably had to point out your crush on him, and convince him to make a move
He was EXTREMELY nervous when he asked you out
But was very glad when you said yes
He hardly ever has the money for it but loves to spoil you
He 100% will even spend grocery money on gifts for you instead
And of course you chastise him for it
But you still appreciate it cause it shows how much he truly loves and cares about you
He is C L I N G Y
Especially if you're talking to another guy or something like that (which includes his coworkers)
His self esteem will be awful and you'll have to always reassure him that you love him
He'd protect you with his life though
Like if you're ever in danger he'll put his life on the line for yours
He loves you very much and tries to always remind you
At home he's a cuddlebug
Will get you whatever you want/need
Really just treats you like a queen
He loves you with his whole being and your entire relationship reflect those feelings
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parkchuuya · 4 years
Foreword: The interpretation better known as unpopular opinion by the blogger seeks to give the reader another point of view but mainly to share the blogger's thoughts. It does not necessarily mean to disregard other opinions from the experts. The blogger is just a casual fan who in many reasons can't put down a pen. It may or may not resonate with your own interpretation. If it doesn't, I apologize. Just scroll down. But if it does, welcome to the club.
Date Written: June 3, 2020
Atsushi and Akutagawa has always been ride or die for Dazai.
Dazai's kids are more rampaging than Odasaku's orphans. They just don't go well together. In fact, they would be willing to kill each other when lazily pushed. But these two no matter how much hatred they have, they could create a blast when they work together, so yes Dazai being a fan of "teamwork makes the dream work". But it was not that these two were made for each other to be a younger version of Double Black. In fact, their representation to their senior is much more than just a Shin Soukouku. They both reminded Dazai of his past and present and possibly future.
Back in his Port Mafia days, it's always been fight or die so Akutagawa had to be strong or stronger in order to live because that's Port Mafia. Imagine having the power to control the underground, you have to be strict and merciless and more authorative. Akutagawa's health is crucial that's why Dazai had to break his bones before anyone could kill him for good. This rather cruel treatment Akutagawa received from his mentor crafted a somewhat goal to him as his motive to fulfill the standards Dazai had set. It became his ultimate goal that later gone wrong and bloomed a feeling of anger and hatred. This became more intense when Dazai had gone MIA, abandoned his mission, and left Port Mafia. It's as if Akutagawa had lost all strands of hopes he was willing to build to get that approval and of course who wouldn't get hurt like that. He's ghosted.
But did he really not care about his eldest son?
I think Dazai purposely left that kind of impression to Akutagawa so he would hate him and continue to get stronger and one day prove to him how he gotten strong; and that he would match his soon-to-be partner in crime, Atsushi my baby. That's why whilst fighting his own demons, Dazai managed to escape before anyone could notice that he's sinking... and he wanted Akutagawa to apply all he has taught him since day 1 and one day, be able to finally realize what it meant to be "strong".
On the other hand, Dazai had to tame the beast and recruit him to become a member of Armed Detective Agency. While Akutagawa is in the dark side, Atsushi with his naive, innocent and pure posture needs to be on the lighter side since opposite attracts. Dazai knows Akutagawa will do everything to surpass his goals so he thought he should be fine in the Port Mafia- secretly hiding his intention of preparing the two as mini double black version for the bloody battle against Fyodor the rat Dostoyevsky. As a detective, Dazai's treatment to Atsushi is soft compared to Akutagawa who sufferred in a lot of killings. By murdering people, Akutagawa had somehow found a reason to live not for himself but also for his sister, Gin. Unlike Akutagawa, Atsushi was more vulnerable, more tender that if he's been told to kill himself, he would arguably, eventually rather do over a period of unfortunate time. So Dazai had to carefully mold him and build barriers to Atsushi's fragile vessel sans giving him the idea of being "privileged".
That does mean different treatment means biased?
I don't think that's the case.
Dazai Osamu and The Dark Era, Chapter 3
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In the Dark Era, when Odasaku asked Dazai about his subordinate Akutagawa I was convinced that Dazai already  "approved" Akutagawa's strength because if not, then there's no need for him to passively invite him in Port  Mafia. There's no need to waste time of hard training without special treatment. And the question still lingered at the tip of my tongue waiting to recall of what we known as an excuse or "reason". I think Dazai saw Akutagawa in him. No emotion at all. Just a powerful stray dog running around the alley slums, doing everything to survive. He's filled with anger and revenge and that's what keeps driving him to hold on. Even if it's cruel, even if it's painful. Back to history, Dazai Osamu appreciated Ryunosuke Akutagawa and he looked up to him so bad that it affected him when the latter committed suicide. This drove the aspiring author to follow the footsteps of his idol. In BSD, their roles are reversed. It was Akutagawa who was longing for Dazai's appreciation and Akutagawa seems not a fan of his mentor's suicidal habits.
The rather odd truth I found by their relationship was simply assuming. The retrospect taught me to look again in another point of view. Akutagawa is Dazai's past self, emotions, feelings, even boredom. He reminds him of what was the smell of bloodlust and violence again before he realized it was too late. It seems he "hates" Akutagawa because he still could not forgive himself for what happened though no one was saying it's easy. But after the exasperating fight with The Guild, he pulled off his mentor status and finally after a long period of time, he delivered the words by himself in person, "You've gotten strong", a few words enough for Akutagawa to realized Atsushi was right all along and his view of the world was twisted and wrong. Dazai knows it was the only resolution to pave a way for Akutagawa's character development and it needs to be him as his superior.
I think the miscommunication between these two were  notably shown. It was like:
For Dazai: Action speaks louder than words; but
For Akutagawa: The pen is mightier than the sword.
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Akutagawa's jealousy or should I say, envy as we follow the chapters and the episode was enormous that it blinded him from the very path he wanted to take. The paces became blurry and muddy it was like he stepped directly on a quicksand and he forgot what he should do at times of chaos that killing is not always the right solution. This is why Dazai could not reach him in the first season's ending song. He does not know when enough is enough and because they were both a shadow of darkness in the past, there was only one boat eligible for one person and Dazai chose to save no one nor himself. This could also explain at least for me, when Dazai touched Atsushi's head, Akutagawa cried in blood. The blood represents his anger saturated with confusion and betrayal. Why did it have to be Atsushi and not him. But this could also explain that the both of them were submerging and they needed someone whose heart is strong no ability could ever tear, someone whose soul is pure and innocent. Someone who understands both good and evil but proceeded with kindness. He did not choose between them. He simply sought salvation and by faith, he met Atsushi.
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Changing the focus to Atsushi, who's been tortured in his childhood, tormented, and broken, he was way unfortunate than the both of them. For the sake of his mental health, Dazai had to guide him into the light even though it means staying with him in the present. He even let himself captured by the Port Mafia to obtain information regarding the 7 billion bounty put on Atsushi's head. If someone asks me, I think he's already melting the brick facade he built for himself and Atsushi was the only one who notices that he's trying to get better. Atsushi is the living proof of Odasaku's last words, to be on the side that saves the poor because his life will at least get better, that is... if you're trying to live. Why did he obey Odasaku aside from the fact that he was his only true friend? Wasn't it because he felt guilty or he's just sentimental? No. It's because... he actually wanted to taste how living actually is. And he did. Now, things are going to change. For him, for Akutagawa and also for Atsushi.
And for Dazai, he caught himself tangled by Atsushi's healing abilities. He reminds Dazai of the beauty of the world without violence. Atsushi's view might find argumentative but at least it's philisophical. Atsushi always find the right words whenever Dazai talks to him. A simple nod, and "yes" brought a slight suprise to him. It's Atsushi's nature that even knowing the good and evil, Atsushi wish to perceive good and kindness. And to this extent, the rotten past Dazai was trying to conceal felt a permission to be forgiven. It took only one touch in the forehead for him to approve of Atsushi and as he tried to get along with him, he is also learning and developing. Atsushi might open doors for Dazai and also for Akutagawa to completely move forward.
After the war shin sokoukou had gone through, Dazai showed us that these two when guide together, is like a perfect harmony that without realizing, compliment each others' strength and value thus also discrediting his contribution, for us to realize that one does not need any appreciation or recognition to realize your own worth.
You are worthy and it's something you should NEVER ask validation from nor apologize for.
That's all for today, I'm beat, notice me Chuuya senpai ;-;
Follow me on my anime amino account where I post all my bsd stuffs ;-;
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pyrten · 4 years
(At 3 AM in the morning and that's why it's messy, all over the place and generally, shit.)
Majority of the characters in BSD are morally grey, Dazai included. I'm unable to categorise characters into good or evil, which is what makes BSD really nice to watch.  
Majority of the instances, whenever I have an opinion on someone like Dazai, it's mainly based on their actions. I'll make an exception for his case because I believe he speaks the truth sometimes. 
It's seriously difficult to believe what someone like him says. His weapon is his intellect and his tongue. He could say this and do that instead. Obviously he isn't good at combat, but he could say something and have you on the hook.
He's cunning, sly and in general: a liar (sometimes). As for psychological manipulation… well, it's not something to be looked down upon since it's in our everyday lives.
He has a more serious aura and was far more suicidal compared to ADA Dazai. He barely flinched when a bullet grazed his cheek. 
I won't even sugarcoat the fact that Dazai is an asshole. 
The way he treated Akutagawa is wrong. The training may have made him resilient, but his mental health isn't in an okay shape. In the end, he even upped and left him without an explanation (although, I think Akutagawa has an idea of why he left).  
Remember when he fired at the GSS captain? If I didn't count wrong, it was 13 shots (my dude over here desecrating a corpse). 
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(I couldn't find the GIF of him shooting the corpse, so this is as close as I can get)
He does poke fun at Chuuya, and you can perhaps say that he does some good (but we've only seen a single good deed so far…).
He recognized that Chuuya was being manipulated by the Sheep and in his own way gave him a push. There was the part* when Shirase was talking and it zoomed in on Dazai, who had a wary, analyzing look on him. 
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It's clear that the Sheep is quite dependent on him. They believe that Chuuya will be there to save them whenever they fuck up (ex. crossing the river to steal booze, when they know it's near the PM HQ, in result, getting a few of their members captured). They came looking for him to put it simply, beat up and save their comrades, which points towards the fact that they are using him for his ability. 
Shirase also said:
"People who hold more cards than others have a responsibility. Fulfill your responsibility as the one with the trump card called an ability."*
Which again, further points towards the fact that they are using him for his ability and somewhat guilt tripping him. 
Dazai later adds his own input.
"Amusing. You guys are truly amusing. He's by far the strongest among you, but he's like a sheep being stared down by wolves." 
Called out. 
It then changes to show Chuuya's face. Honestly he looks on guard, and I think he knows what they're trying to do, but it's a can of worms he would rather not open, y' know?  
Dazai then later says once more when Shirase is trying to convince Chuuya to kick the PM's ass.
"Give it a rest. He has the freedom to choose how he uses his ability. Even a child would understand that. There's no argument." 
And as a final attempt to convince Chuuya, he pulls the old guilt trip card, which Dazai and Chuuya ignore. 
"Don't forget, Chuuya! The Sheep who took you in when you had no identity and nowhere to go! 
When all of this is happening, Dazai knew Chuuya was being manipulated, and he also watered the seed of doubt with his actions, and in the end the Sheep turned their backs on Chuuya, which led to Chuuya joining the Port Mafia. 
I can say this was a small good deed, pulling Chuuya out, but the choice was Chuuya's and he just gave a push. 
Dazai isn't a naturally kind and virtuous person, but he's trying, for Oda (oh boy).
The way he handled Kyoka's situation wasn't all rainbows and confetti. 
I have a feeling he's trying to look at the bigger picture, to save people (perhaps because he blames himself for Oda's death, but I'll set that aside temporarily due to the time), but his methods aren't... nice. Atsushi has gotten hurt multiple times, Akutagawa too. In some ways, I suppose I can understand some things are unavoidable, but still. 
Compared to how he treated Akutagawa, he's far better with Atsushi. He's treating him the way Oda treated him. 
Atsushi has a completely different mindset compared to Akutagawa. He's a selfless person, he fights injustice. If Dazai tried to treat him the way he treated Akutagawa, I can confirm that isn't gonna turn out good. 
Besides, he's trying to become a better person. That, and he owes Akutagawa an apology.
From this part onwards, these are all flash thoughts that I wrote quickly because I'm falling asleep by the minute.
Now that's over with… I don't particularly have anything to add on. So I'm going to move onto… uh, how do I word this, facade?
I said above that his weapon is his intellect. It's clear that whatever he has on can be fake, or real. Y'know that goofy, playful Dazai we all know. 
He's probably able to control his every movement and actions. Like, I cannot imagine Dazai doing something ACCIDENTALLY. Imagine that, someone who can control his own heartbeat, doing something accidentally (unintentionally, he never meant to do it, yeah that would be surprising).
But then again he's human… despite being a strategic and tactical genius… so yes, him doing something on accident would be interesting to watch.
Now if he miscalculated or like mistaken, uh, like that time, with the hiker, BSD Season 3. Then, yes that's understandable. 
Mk… facade and accidents are covered… uh… I'll talk about the power he had when he was 14, Dark Era Dazai.
… He had enough sway in the mafia since he was 14 (correct me if I'm wrong). He was allowed to be the sole witness of the Boss's final wish. SOLE WITNESS. A young boy at the age of 14 was allowed to be the sole witness. 
He was considered to be the youngest executive in the Port Mafia. If so, then why didn't the other executives (during the reign of the Old Boss) fight over the choice to be the witness of the Boss's death other than Mori. Perhaps the Old Boss didn't have executives, but that's unlikely.  
Now, that's something.  
Talking about suicide… I think Dazai doesn't want to die, but he does. He's failed so many suicide attempts, some of them being sabotaged, but what about the others. 
Since Dazai didn't have anyone around his age constantly (save for Oda and Ango, but several years later… perhaps when he was 16, seeing how Oda and Dazai knew each other during the Dragon's Head Rush), he only had victories of his missions and such to comfort his loneliness.  
I think that it's practically ingrained in him. 
Dying means winning and losing. Your life is finished. 
If that's the case, dying would mean he lost (but won). It's conflicting and confusing as hell, I know ;-; . I'm trying to explain my thoughts the best I can - . 
When Chuuya came around, his loneliness was, um, calmed, a little. 
Oda died and gave him a reason to live.
I think he still feels a little lonely though.
That's the end. I'll be out like a light in about 3 mins so I'll just, drop a GIF and go before I start pressing anything on accident.
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Yep, okay, bye bye.
oh, I forgot the hashtags, um .
Hashtags added.
Good night. :D
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