#August messages
ivesambrose · 1 year
𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 💕
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This is based on your sidereal/Vedic signs.
Use moon & rising mostly, you can use your sun too 🧡
To book a personal reading with me you can DM or email me with your query at [email protected]
Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip 🌹
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Aries : So much to learn, so much to seek, get out of your head first it's keeping you from the breakthroughs you seek. Emotional bliss is on the other side of self conceived thoughts of doom. Although you'll be working with people and making progress especially proffesionally and academically you'll want to recuperate and take some time out to study or gather information on something of your own or you'd like to focus on your spiritual side a little more. There will be a necessary change in your routine and eating habits. Mint and other herbs will be beneficial. Avoid being too self critical when it comes to speed of your progress.
Taurus : It seems that a lot of people from near and far want to be close to you as friends or more. While you're in a more independent and non chalant energy. You'll be a lot more honest and straight forward, lacking filter in a way. You have concluded that those who want to stay will stay otherwise they can leave, you don't want to pretend anymore. Expect a lot of people coming to you for advice and guidance, especially younger ones. You'll be preparing for foreign travel, might get sudden wealth. You may be overly focused on your appearance too. Pay attention to your higher self/Intuition/subconscious/dreams etc more than the opinions of others this month.
Gemini : Opportunities come to you sooner once you make your well being a priority. You're running on a critical clock that might be taking a toll on you whether you realize it or not. Be a little less methodical and more meditative and relaxed in your approach. Make art for the sake of making because you were inspired and not for validation. You'll find yourself healing the person in you that feels the need to defend themselves constantly and come out strong. It's okay to break and cry once in a while, it's cathartic. You'll still have a lot of successes and allocades to celebrate. Give yourself a break this month.
Cancer : You'd want to come out of yout shell and socialize a little more. You've gone through an intense time period in the past couple of months either you've dealth with some heavy transformation or loss and you needed time to grieve or simply be. You'll be feeling a lot more confident, expressive and creative. Might want to join a group or workshop of sorts or simply take a trip somewhere warmer. You'll have a lot of happy moments and connections to look forward to that will let your inner child shine as well. You'll look in the mirror and find the person you thought you had lost. Practice gratitude and you'll see your blessings multiply.
Leo : Cool your head and avoid unnecessary conflict and burn out. You'll be tempted to react or say something harsh especially while dealing with nitpicky people or those in authority who are trying to dominate or criticize you constantly and dull your shine. It's best to draw boundaries. You'll be focusing on changing your diet, perhaps eating foods that keep you cool. You'll have a lot of energy but might feel exhausted sooner. There will be good progress in multiple areas of your life and even travel if you keep your mindset in check and act with wit. You may also doubt the progress you're making, don't do that. Avoid debt and unecessary expenses, you may also receive unexpected money from someone as well.
Virgo : Need to self soothe, nurture and be nurtured. You might be feeling very empathetic or just receptive to others emotions a lot. Please make sure to detach once in a while so that you don't feel energetically depleted. You might be signing some contracts or entering into some partnerships or agreements. Intuition will be very high, you'll sense what other's don't and you'll be right. You may feel moody too since you'd like to be in control of your feelings and analyse them but find it difficult to. You may have some people being a tad obsessed with your energy too. Lot of necessary transitions and endings to pave way for what you want. Encountering kindered spirits. Happy moments with your family and monetary success in business/your career.
Libra : Following your bliss and taking a leap of faith. You'll know when the time is right you wouldn't have to calculate. You might feel disheartened in matters of love and relationships of any kind. You'll feel disappointed looking back at certain scenarios and with whatever you have currently. This will change eitherway. Just know you have a lovely journey ahead if you stop nitpicking the mistakes you have met. You'll likely meet a loyal friend online and meet them in person soon, it will either be emotionally very fulfilling or make you want to pursue something more with them later down the line.
Scorpio : Rediscovering joy and manifesting something sweet and meaningful through your imagination alone. You'll know who and what to leave behind and who and what to connect with. You'll realize you seek people who bring out the dreamy side of you that you have shut out for a very long time now in fears of being judged. That you deserve to toss your mask aside too. You'll be completing and closing a few projects that you've been working on any legal matters that you have been dealing with also come to a close. You may hold back again and shut of your feelings in between because you may have taken up too many new tasks. Remember you'll receive what you give this month. Allow yourself to be less complex for once.
Sagittarius : Things are finally picking up. Like a bun rising in the oven. Although it doesn't feel too quick and too scattered, you have a vision in mind that you know you'll reach. It's promised so you're worried a little less. Be wary of taking on too many endeavours because you suddenly feel too excited. Do workouts that are more fun and less intense. You may also feel extra competitive at work or school/uni or just in the pursuit of your life goals. Keep in mind there's no need to compete with anyone or anything, every success in due time for you to celebrate.
Capricorn : You've been growing in the most dire of environments it seems. You shouldn't have to survive. Embrace your rebirth and the path unfolding for you with grace. You may feel like visiting places from your childhood or activities and hobbies you enjoyed as a kid. You'll find a work and family/personal life balance even if it may not be a permanent thing, you'll get to relish the time you spend with your loved ones. Finances might be iffy in the beginning but will pick up later.
Aquarius : Finally much needed solitude. Maybe where you're at, maybe elsewhere. You may want to be near water more just to feel calm. Your stars are guiding you to heal and towards connections that feel like they were a part of you for eons to begin with. Allow yourself to rejuvenate. You may also visit places and streets that feel like Deja Vu or you feel an ominous connection to, you may dream of such locations. Lastly, when things start working out for you don't treat it as a warning sign. The dawn had to come eitherway, right?
Pisces : You might just pack your bags and leave. Whether this is metaphorical or literal or both will be personal to you. You may be making or listening to music a lot, finding harmony for yourself because you realize it needs to come from within before the outside world follows. You'll be feeling more confident in your body, in your style, decisions and pursuits. You'll resort to more creative ways to express yourself, those who get you will get you even if they are few in number. You may give romance a chance but you'll romance yourself first before you let anyone's in. There are people who genuinely admire and look out for you, look out for them too.
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laylakeating · 7 days
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ALL AMERICAN FAVOURITE CHARACTER APPRECIATION WEEK DAY TWO | favourite arc/storyline → Layla’s mental health journey
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thatfrailsoul · 4 months
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A detail of "Cupid and Psyche", August Riedel, 1872
(Full painting at the end!♡)
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
You waited for so long... for a moment when you finally feel someting like this. The tenderness, the genuine affection, the deeper understading that you feel between you and them now. You waited, you had hope, while stressing and consuming so much your poor heart that was so ready to love and be loved again... And it made you afraid that once you will feel and see it... it might be all your delusional and desperate mind. That will build such beautiful castles in the skies, filling their air with so much love for someone that perhaps it's a nightmare in disguise...
And this thought, this fear, this little doubt... is enough now to not allow you to feel it, to taste this love and genuinly affectionate connection that you are creating with them every day that passes. It's enough to make you desire more, more proof, more confirmation of more deeper feelings and serious intentions... although it is only the start, only the beginning of this connection between your hearts. A detail that although true, you are not accepting now for an answer, for an explanation, of why they are not ready to give you what you want and need to be reassured and feel safe in staying by their side.
But it's ironic, isn't it? How unsure and vulnerable you feel in front of them because of your past, or perhaps that dangerous future that you can't stop imagining in your mind... while not believing in these same feelings when they are described by them, perhaps with different words, in response to your desires. Almost like... you are the only one who can feel this way now, who can have doubts and lack of faith. The only one who might not feel ready to commit if you don't know that it's for sure, for real this time. Even if it's so so soon to think so hard about what is next in life.
A heart feels, experiences, everything so differently from the mind. It has a different pace, needs a different time to feel safe and slow down, without the constant need to fight or flight. And it is even more challenging when a heart is like yours and theirs, so tired from all the battles it had to endure.
You have your valid reasons, to feel this way and need those things... but so do they. And even if now you can't help but feel frustrated and judge them so quickly... those lips never said any lies. Those eyes never hid the intention of using you and play with you.
Your past, your fear of it, is chasing you, it makes you run. Further and faster. Burning all the stops right away. But it will not protect you, if you expect more and faster from others, it will not lead you to the right one that will be ready to give it all. But it will hurt them, that right person, because in your fear you will be so unwilling to understand, and for this reason to connect... and recognise the right ones for you.
Just breathe, slow down, there is no need to rush. There is so much to feel through them and this bond that is only starting to grow now. It doesn't matter what will happen in the end - it doesn't take or add the worth to what you have now. Because that... only being present will give you. Only enjoying the time with this person, in knowing them, more deeply, giving yourself and them the needed time. Protecting your and their heart from the influences of your past.
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"Cupid and Psyche", August Riedel, 1872
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caer-gai · 4 months
~Arthuriana August ~
(i'm posting this a biit early because I don't trust myself to remember it before August first and I want to give folks some time <3 Y'all feel free to get started early if you need to - I know August is busy, especially for those of us still in school - but I won't start reblogging until August)
An arthuriana art writing song making gif-ing or whatever else challenge for the month of August!! I know the format isn't anything new but I tried to get original with the prompts lol
Blood or No(1-5)-
Sibling and family week! The perfect time for Orkneys any sibling or family dynamic be it birth, adopted, or found!
Sick Leave(6-10) -
My personal favorite prompt! Be it whump, hurt/comfort, hurt no comfort, or angst, sick in bed or covered in blood it's time to hurt your faves!
Now that we've whumped everyone it's time for some fluff! Bonding, cuddles, hurt with heavy comfort, just all the warm feelings.
Getting Heated!! (16-20)-
An argument, a romance, *cough*smut*cough*, a busy day in the kitchens.... or all four! Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here! :flustered:
Lady of the Hour(21-25)-
Enough of the knights, time for some ladies!! Everyone from Guinevere and Morgan to Adrivette and the Lady of Lys.
Visiting Knights (26-31)-
Or ladies, I'm not picky! This includes characters who have origins outside of Britain ex. Palomedies, Feirefiz, the French knights/du lacs, Morien, ect.
Each prompt has five days except the last one has six. (This took me far too long to figure out lol) Be sure to tag with #arthuriana august, and if you want me to reblog it @caer-gai so I see it <3
Gore/violence and NSFW is allowed but I will use discretion when reblogging explicit works. Please no AI generated content =)
Most importantly have fun! If you end up posting nothing but had a good time that is a total win
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headfirst4halo · 1 year
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seventies-arcana · 1 year
PAC: what blessings are coming for you this upcoming august?
welcome! in this pick a card (it's really a pick a pile), you will find out what potential blessings are coming to you this august, 2023. gentle reminder that because this is a pick a pile reading, it is meant for many people, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
politely call upon your guides/higher self to guide you to what pile/photo you should pick, then read the corresponding message.
pick a picture to begin ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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pile one (the island): ace of pentacles, four of wands, the empress
there's a sense of new prosperity entering your life, likely with some sort of relationship, whether its romantic or platonic. theres so much happy-go-lucky energy with this pile, meaning that you'll be feeling really good. you've met someone who makes you feel empowered, who respects you and understands your worth, allowing for a great duality between the two of you. theres a lot of fun energy with this relationship, and im seeing imagery of two people enjoying social events. this can be going to amusement parks, town fairs, lunch dates, beach days, overall doing things together in public. your vibing, going with the flow, and most importantly, enjoying yourself. this relationship carries no expectations or stress, something your very thankful for-- perhaps independence is important to you this month.
pile two (the water): ten of swords, five of swords, queen of cups
something happened at the end of july or the beginning of august that left you feeling lost, hurt, and/or saddened. don't be fearful though-- emotional healing is coming. this month is one of selfcare and reflection. your prioritizing yourself and reflecting back on your emotions. im seeing the possibility of you journaling, perhaps this could be a great outlet for yourself to get any unsaid feelings out of your system. once you reflect on what happened that hurt you, you will feel physically lighter and mentally cleansed. overall, your taking time to yourself, resting and relaxing, and of course, no longer beating yourself up for things that happened in the past. im also seeing a lot of water imagery, perhaps your spending time by the poolside, on a boat, or maybe even spending time in the bath. being with water is something that you'll be enjoying this month.
pile three (the table): the emperor, ace of wands, nine of cups
i am feeling a lot of passion with this pile, especially in a creative sense. your set in what you want, possibly something related to a new buisness venture, a spontaneous trip, or even a new relationship with someone (if this is the case, im sensing a lot of physical chemistry and playful enjoyment). either way, this is something you have been wanting that has finally come into fruition, and now its time to go ahead and physically start what you have been wanting to do! you've gained the materials to do so, and a leap of faith is required to get going. trust yourself, remain enthusiastic, and enjoy what has finally come your way. its extremely possible that this is something you have been manifesting, and august is definitely the month of when youre getting the beginnings of it in your physical reality. your going to be having fun and shamelessly indulging yourself (which is totally worth it). the go ahead is present, the green flags are waving, this is the chance you have been waiting for to do whatever your passionate about!
please like, follow, comment, and reblog! i appreciate it a lot ♡
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drawbauchery · 7 months
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javelinbk · 1 year
“We’ve been together now for forty years”
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We've been together now for forty years And it don't seem a day too much Cause there ain't a lady living in the land As I'd swap for me dear old Dutch
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1. Ringo describes meeting the Queen, Beatles Anthology (1995) 2. ‘My Old Dutch’ performed by Peter Sellers and produced by George Martin (1959) 3. The Beatles at Dublin airport (1963)
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forestgreenivy · 4 months
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Let me tell you something about me… I’ma find a swimming hole. I missed this COLD mountain water. Swimming wasn’t in the plan for today, but I can’t resist a good spot when I see one.
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theroyalsandi · 1 year
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Princess Charlotte of Wales wishes the Lionesses the Best of Luck
Euro Finals 2022 | World Finals 2023
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ashmp3 · 20 days
idk if i am being dramatic please let me know very much /AITA vibes. Friend and i were supposed to go on a vacation together in august. Few days before it she says she didn’t actually ask for holiday leave and i was like ? Why didn’t you say anything i have life and planned things around the days YOU choose. Okay she asks if we can move it to the beginning of September and i told her i can go only until 6th after that i’m not available. So it’s 4th now and i already said goodbye to that idea and she sent me like 10 links yesterday night and…. they are all from 9th or 10th? So i just told her i can’t do that i have plans and she just answered Ok. Like don’t ok me you are the first one to disregard my only request???
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oldpotatoe · 1 year
my silly little amnesia fic turns three today. a whole ass toddler. who’d have thought.
so in celebration of flowagabagoo’s birthday, (and to reassure everyone that this fic is not abandoned i swear--) i present to you with little snip of things to come:
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erikahenningsen · 2 months
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neopuppy · 11 months
i’m gremlin sized so most of nct are beef daddies to me. but jaemin is the ultimate beef boss forever and always. i want to gnaw on his biceps
gremlin sized vnencjjcjcjc
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we used to dream of days like this guys…….. meat daddy…
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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"Gaze into the space between the pixels on the screen There, you’ll see a place between the signal and the screams Feel the oscillation of the crystal in your dreams Just switch off your brain and let it sizzle in the beams"
It took a matter of months to finish this drawing. (/j, it only took. 2 weeks? I think? maybe a little less,but that's an approximate)
It's been a while since I made a digital drawing. So far between April and now I have focused more on traditional drawings with digital coloring. These are (mostly) cool to do,but it's nice to go back to full digital every now and then. This is one of the cases where the original idea and the final result don't differ that much from each other,but there was still a certain evolution from when I conceived the drawing and how I ended up doing it. The Main Thing of the original idea is still here,I just expanded it a little.
Also,the lyrics at the beginning are from "Tune Into The Madness" by The Stupendium and Dan Bull. Great song,and one that I was listening to a lot at the time I was reading the book (and much earlier too). Because,you know. Mix of horror and TV. It made sense. (And yes,I know this song is about a totally different game,and the TV context in both stories are very different (as far as I remember, it's been a while since I played LN2) but I thought the lyrics could match the drawing anyway + it's my chance to recommend peak, so yeah) Listen to the song, it's very good! (The video do contains flashing images and lights tho,so viewer discretions is adviced)
Also,alt. versions without the text,because I thought that without the text it looks good too (+ you can now see Bendy's face)
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#bendy and the ink machine#batim#bendy: fade to black#bendy ftb#batdr#bendy and the dark revival#rose sorenson#crookedsmileart#This is the second or third time I've posted something from this book in the tags and that feeling of being late to the party still remains#and that makes sense; But still; dang#sorry fellas; I will eventually do something that isn't 100% focused on one of these books later#(the Demonth event is approaching after all (assuming we get another one of those this year))#spoilers tho: the next drawing I plan to post is also related to the books. sorry again. 😔#This next drawing (sketches; actually) is something I realized at the beginning of this month that I have to do#and I want to post it before the month ends.#Or more specifically; before the very beginning of August#For Definitely Unspecifiable Reasons#Now; trivia from the drawing above that I just remembered#I had the idea of ​​adding logos/messages in both corners of the bottom of the screen#on one side it would say “Brought to You by Arch Steel" with the company's logo#and on the other “Up Next: The Joey Drew Show!” with the show's logo. (which side each logo/message would be on doesn't matter)#it was supposed to be another reference to the book; and it would add more to the rest that happens in the drawing#In the end I ended up forgetting about it. but no problem.#This would require me to create logos and to be honest; I had no idea how to make them. + it would take up time#the final drawing already looks good; there is no need to add these additional things; I think#a neat idea; but in the end; there's no problem with it not being added#bendy fade to black
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dathen · 10 months
Okay actual Blorbo Wrapped for 2023 (in attempted chronological order) (focusing on new/particularly more intense than usual blorbos for brevity’s sake)
Professor Aronnax, Conseil, Ned Land, Captain Nemo (20k Leagues under the Sea) (yes I need to name every single one)
Sherlock Holmes
Cassandra Sithe (my TTRPG character)
Victor Frankenstein
Xenk (DnD movie)
Mina Harker
Maruki (Persona 5 Royal)
The Spot (Across the Spiderverse)
Major Hob, Chirp Featherfowl (ACOFAF)
Cui Buqu, Pei Jingzhe (Peerless)
Ballister Boldheart (Nimona movie)
Sissel, Yomiel (Ghost Trick)
Arlo Black, Howard Margrove (Candela Obscura)
Nona, Camilla (The Locked Tomb)
Walter Hartright (The Woman in White)
The Fix, Imelda Pulse (Mentopolis)
Laudna, Fearne, Imogen (Critical Role)
Zulf (Bastion)
Resh’an (Sea of Stars)
Arthur Holmwood
Inspector Lestrade (Granada Holmes)
Rocky, Ryland Grace (Project Hail Mary)
Otto von Chriek (The Truth)
Oscar (Malevolent)
Blorbo-in-laws include Asterion (BG3), Basil Hallward (Dorian Gray), all of Helen’s danmei faves, and Varney the Vampire.
Jesper and Inej from Six of Crows are blorbos-in-process.
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