#Aurora Cooke
natteryaktoad · 3 months
Penn & Sara Cooke, Day 85
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Sara: Don't worry, Spider, the twins will be here to play with you tomorrow.
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Penn spent his evening working on stock for his shop.
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Penn: I know it just looks like a piece of wood, but it offers so many opportunities for creative and pro-social play. My grandchildren are always teaching their block to do tricks and then tucking it up in bed. It's adorable! You won't regret buying your little boy one!
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Penn's still getting the hang of the register. He thinks about getting an employee, but he's not sure the store can sustain one. Maybe if his niece Jude wants a job...?
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Spider always seems to have a low social bar at the moment, and both Penn and Sara had wants for another cat, so Penn went out and adopted Ladybird here.
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Ladybird had "hiss at Spider" in her queue but he was going to the litter tray and just ignored her.
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Aurora: Hi Ladybird! Are you and Spider going to be the best of friends?
Orion: Gwanny, why danci coun in free? Why no coun two? I four I mea. No two! Four! Silly Wyan!
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Aurora: Grandpa, can I tell you a joke about aeroplanes?
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Orion: Whee! High! High!
Since it was Friday, I decided to move the twins in to stay for the weekend. Probably I'll leave them here for part of the first college rotation (giving Carlo perfect space to take Mimi out for dinner and propose) and then move them back in with Carlo, then back in here again for the weekend.
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doodle-girl · 1 month
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And here I go…
He holds my body in his arms, he didn’t mean to do no harm and he holds me tight / He did it all to spare me from the awful things in life that come, and he cries and cries
Piece inspired by @silverstudios ‘s idea for a bad ending to the sitcom! The power of angst fueled by the power of AURORA compelled me to spend a few hours on the whiteboard chipping away at this lmao
Bonus the sketch/fullview version because I’m definitely not as proud of it as the finished silhouette but I still think it’s a neat alternative:
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Bonus bonus of me after finishing the silhouette one because I…genuinely can’t believe I made that?? Like holy shit I’m impressed and proud with myself on that one, what possessed me last night
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moonmoonthecrabking · 15 days
despite her being very chaotic in that final number, grace chasity is still a lawful evil girlie (she was more lawful neutral earlier, but slid down the scale after crashing in ddmd). because lawful evil is defined by sticking to a moral code, which she very much does. it's the point of her whole apocalypse, killing dirty dudes (those who go against the standards of purity culture, particularly those she deems to be sexualising her). her perspective is absolutely skewed, because insert essay here, but she still adheres strongly to what she values. i think that is the essence of her character, following the rules she deems important and chastising (haha), later punishing those who don't meet those same standards.
and i love her for that.
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eggbagelz · 6 months
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Sharing a moment
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diroxide · 1 year
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rocksanddeadflowers · 6 months
Starting to think I need to put The Starship Rangers in the Mech's universe. It would probably feel very crack treated seriously at best but I can't stop thinking about it.
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lucky-sevens · 1 year
aurora is an integral part of polymechs to me. they don’t even have to be dating each other but like 70% of them could be dating aurora
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aurorasandsad-prose · 8 months
Megaverse Felix is going to be the new God's Menu Felix
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chuthulhu-reads · 4 months
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[ID: Two panels from the webcomic Aurora. In the first, Falst is leaning into a hearth with a perplexed expression, saying, "What kind of a stew uses glassdust?" Dainix is sitting over a large, glowing cauldron, stirring it with a spoon and saying, "The kind that goes in flash bombs." The second panel shows Falst leaning back with a shocked expression as Dainix picks up a granule of something, smiles, and says, "It's my mom's recipe." End ID.]
Aww, love how Dainix finally got out of prison and gets to cook beloved family recipes again <3
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cabeswatercowboy · 3 months
The Raven Cycle - Western AU: The Barns
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People used to come from miles around to walk the seemingly impossible gardens maintained by Aurora Lynch, her husband, and three sons.
After her and her husband's untimely deaths, and their sons' mysterious disappearances, The Barns found themselves without caretakers.
No one was surprised when the buildings started to fall apart. They were surprised, however, when the plants and animals continued to thrive, despite the family no longer occupying the Lynch homestead.
All sorts of words were whispered, but the one heard most often was "magic". And to this day, no one's been able to explain that away.
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amundsenxcook · 6 months
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eight successive phases of an exhibit of aurora australis, march 19 1898
from frederick cooks „through the first antarctic night“
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natteryaktoad · 1 month
Toddlers!, Day 85, Part 13
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Vi: Go on - you can hit harder than that!
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I went to move some of his college fund into Rory and Ryan's college funds, but they already have about $25k each. This is what happens when you're an only child and your parents are a high-flying businessman and a very successful doctor!
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Rory and Ryan are either both involved in their own pursuits, or both competing for Daddy's attention.
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I don't know if Zion really wants the help of two five-year-olds... but he's got it!
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These two finally made friends tonight!
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Aurora: Daddy, can we have dinner on the couch?
Carlo: No - why would you eat on a couch when there's a perfectly good table right here?
Orion: Is easier to pill food clothes when eat at table.
Carlo: Yeah, right.
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I don't know what story Aurora's telling about school, but Carlo's enjoying it.
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Zion needed either two charisma points or two mechanical points to open up his grade bar. There was never an opportunity to get them organically, and he never rolled any college related wants - if he wanted to write an assignment or a term paper or even go to class then I'd have him get the skill points to open the bar up. So probation it is. At least now he's not a semester ahead of Vi, so they'll graduate at the same time. If he gets those skill points next semester... I imagine his dads will have something to say about it...
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Zion: I can't believe I failed...
Vi: I can't either. You're usually such a nerd. We can talk about it properly in the morning, though - right now, let me cheer you up.
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Mimi has to get straight As - her student debt is bad enough as it is. She knows Carlo would pay if off in a heartbeat if she asked him to, but she won't.
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meatriarch · 3 months
Petals has had literally Zero importance to the narrative really since i got into the game its genuinely so funny to me that they pushed it out again when that dire lore stream happened because its just?? so much is in the game that contradicts what the end of Petals was and now with mama ginnys bio hinting that marias likely also Alive its just??? idk.
i just dont understand how its so hard to pick a narrative and stick to it with gun.
and i personally dont care abt the arguments ive spotted abt how maria potentially still being alive "ruins" anything because ??? it doesnt??? she can STILL die after everything, after her friends have been caught? she could even BE lone survivor and feel the weight of guilt knowing her friends loved her so deeply ( BECAUSE THEY DO, GUN. ) to have gone off searching for her and paid the ultimate price for it OUT OF LOVE -- and that in turn kills her inside???
like idk, i feel like i can so very easily cook up anything for maria at this point and it would Simply Fit & Simply Work and it may be ego talking but like. it aint that hard to make something cohesive either way, gun-
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butasslyn · 2 years
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necromycologist · 3 months
if you like:
elemental magic systems
extravagant floofy hair
mysterious plots
found family
self sacrificing dumbasses
cool af world building
glowy affects (so magic. much glow.)
epic magic mega beatdowns
gay people
you should read it. sorry to scream at yall but it’s So Good.
(ok maybe i lied. theres not that much possession.)
(…or is there? read it and see!)
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