#Orion Cooke
natteryaktoad · 7 months
Penn & Sara Cooke, Day 85
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Sara: Don't worry, Spider, the twins will be here to play with you tomorrow.
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Penn spent his evening working on stock for his shop.
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Penn: I know it just looks like a piece of wood, but it offers so many opportunities for creative and pro-social play. My grandchildren are always teaching their block to do tricks and then tucking it up in bed. It's adorable! You won't regret buying your little boy one!
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Penn's still getting the hang of the register. He thinks about getting an employee, but he's not sure the store can sustain one. Maybe if his niece Jude wants a job...?
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Spider always seems to have a low social bar at the moment, and both Penn and Sara had wants for another cat, so Penn went out and adopted Ladybird here.
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Ladybird had "hiss at Spider" in her queue but he was going to the litter tray and just ignored her.
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Aurora: Hi Ladybird! Are you and Spider going to be the best of friends?
Orion: Gwanny, why danci coun in free? Why no coun two? I four I mea. No two! Four! Silly Wyan!
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Aurora: Grandpa, can I tell you a joke about aeroplanes?
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Orion: Whee! High! High!
Since it was Friday, I decided to move the twins in to stay for the weekend. Probably I'll leave them here for part of the first college rotation (giving Carlo perfect space to take Mimi out for dinner and propose) and then move them back in with Carlo, then back in here again for the weekend.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 218
“Moom, there’s yellow-eyed creeps fighting ninjas outside the window again!” 
Danny sighed, taking a deep breath- in for ten, out for eight- as he set the pot he was cleaning back in the sink. Dan- currently six- came running in from the living room of the apartment, where he was watching TV. Or he should have been if not for the bullshit outside. 
He sighed again, picking up baby Ellie- currently closer to two- out of her highchair (even if she could just float out) and let his oldest drag him to the window. Sure enough, another fight was happening, with no vigilante in sight stopping it. Look, he knew most people didn’t live here, but it was still rude. 
“Jordan, remember how I told you how violence isn’t always the answer?” Danny asked sweetly, Dan’s expression shifting to a wicked grin as he opened the window. “Feel free to practice tossing some fireballs while I clean up your sister, yeah?” 
Ah, the sweet sound of surprised cursing and startled ecto-signatures. Maybe they’d be polite enough to take their spar elsewhere. 
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randomationality · 2 months
i goofed up EVERYTHING
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this is my pre-war AU btw of Orion Pax and D-16/Meg (humanformers ig)
headcanon that Dee draws tivaivai patterns on his vest
(also if you're wondering what Dee's doing, it's called a manuwave, something in NZ yeah where you throw your hand or whole arm and flick your hand open)
also speaking of tivaivai,
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made-by-moon · 1 month
Marauders in the kitchen
James Potter is the master of all things savoury. Since he was little, he learned from his parents how to peel, fry, blend, chop, and season all kinds of food. He is in charge of everything when the gang decides to occasionally cook something. His only weakness is sweets. He can not bake for shit.
That's where Peter Pettigrew comes in. Since he likes to munch on cookies and cakes, and those can be expensive sometimes, he taught himself how to bake to save some money. It also gives him time to charge his social battery from long days of mischief with the gang.
Remus Lupin CAN cook, that's why he's usually the one who helps James, as he's got the basic skills. He can make scrambled eggs, toasts, and pancakes if he's feeling fancy, but nothing too complicated (he treats food purely as energy source, not pleasurable experience). He lives for snacks tho and he'll make the best sandwiches in Hogwarts.
Sirius Black is absolutely not allowed anywhere near the kitchen. As someone who grew up being fed already prepared 5 star meals on a silver plate, he can not cook for shit and will even burn water if he has a chance. However, he has incredible bartender skills. Every time there is a party and they don't want to drink straight up liquor, he puts his skills to use. He can make straight-up ethanol taste like juice (it's scary).
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i-ran-into-a-lampost · 10 months
Going through this atm
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theprongspotter · 10 months
Remus: What’s that?
Sirius: A pancake.
Remus: It’s black…
Sirius: Well, it’s a sad attempt at a pancake, then.
c: @celestialwrites
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spreadwardiard · 5 months
Hi my name is Ed and my favorite tfp trope is when orion pax and optimus are two entirely separate people with different motivations and desires. Whether they are housed together in the same frame or are entirely 2 separate mechs for whatever reason, i eat this trope up. Especially when theres megop in the mix omg.
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siriuslylu · 1 month
Everyone meeting at Jegulus’ house for dinner
Dorcas: *walking to the kitchen door next to Regulus* okaaaay, I’m starving, what are you making?
Regulus: *sighs* bad decisions
*James and Sirius trying to get down the noodles stuck to the ceiling*
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orionhere · 1 year
Noctis' affection story is so domestic and chaotic I honestly can't believe it (well, as domestic as you can with Noctis)
I often find myself giggling and snorting bc he's such a fun guy. He has Kamui's personality but more violent (So a mix between Kamui & Camu?) and also a ✨HIMBO✨
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He attac, he protecc, but most importantly, he can bake
SPOILER from his affection story below:
(This became so long lmao I really love his interaction with Skk)
Important note: I can only read a little of chinese & with help of translator lol, so I'm so sorry if there's some mistranslation. Also his affection story is after Sands of Wrath event, so beware of spoilers from the main chapter!
Skk and Noctis work part-time in a store (bar?) on Pure Zone as a bartender and chef respectively. Pure Zone is an area that is safe for the human environment because of the blue Tower that purifies the Punishing Virus (Spiral of Chronos chapter).
Turns out it was because Nikola asked the Skk to "take a break" by helping out at the conservation area. Also to gain more publicity with the people in the Pure Zone.
With how famous Skk is, it's easier to attract customers' attention.
"Customer A: Your smile please."
"Customer B: And don't forget, the most important thing is to add a little bit of love."
Noctis being a knight in shining armor always meddles in the middle to stop the customers from pestering Skk too much lmao
After the store closed, Skk and Noctis tried to make their specialties. In this case, Noctis tried to make his special homemade hash browns and Skk tried to make a special drink. Both of them exchanged their "creation" and tried it together.
Hilariously, it ended in failure lmao
"So sour!! Commandant, what did you add to this drink?!"
"Yours too!! There's enough sugar on this hash brown to last the store for a year!"
Not believing the other's comment, they tried to taste their own dish.
" …. Let's just throw them…"
Noctis makes Skk a personal dish for lunch. When a customer saw the dish, they wanted Noctis to make it for them. But Noctis refuses.
"No no no, this is a private meal. We don't sell it in our store."
"Just a little bit please?"
"No means no. And don't make things difficult for Commandant here. This guy had a busy day and didn't have time to eat!"
Also, Noctis used all the ingredients that the boss just brought back to make Skk's meal (more cursing from the boss but he ignored it & ate together with Skk lmao)
Then we have a Karen here (lol) who asks where the chef is. The name is Sykes (I think). Said the "homeless pancakes" (?) that the store sells are not the same thing that he used to eat when he was wandering and accused the store of fraud. Many customers are afraid of Sykes or refuse to involve themselves with Sykes. This caused the store's income to decrease.
More Skk & Noctis' chaotic kitchen shenanigans
Noctis couldn't form the mixture like in the recipe with a mold, so Skk suggested using his hand to manually shape the mixture.
"Are you trying to choke someone to death…"
Skk went to Noctis' side and helped him mold the mixture by grabbing his hand and instructing him step by step which make Noctis blush.
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Skk wipes the crumbs and flour from Noctis' cheeks with a towel hshshshshshs-
A customer asks Noctis if he could 'surprise' them. Not knowing the meaning, he asks Skk and they replied that the customer want another dish. Noctis offers his homemade hash brown which Skk asks if Noctis finally mastering the said dish.
"Huh? Nope. I don't have the time. Just let them eat that poison-"
Skk then proceed to cover his face with a towel and rub it as hard as they could lmao. "Comm *—mph!* – mandant! Stop! I *gasp* can’t b–breathe! *pant*"
That night, Noctis asks the boss to use the Bluefin Tuna that the boss brought back. He thought that Noctis gonna use the fish for Sykes' dish, but turns out it was for Skk's dinner. More cursing from the boss (HE ALWAYS TRIES HIS BEST & USING THE BEST INGREDIENTS FOR SKK'S MEAL IM CRYING)
Skk was worried that Noctis was pushing himself. But Noctis refute that, saying that he likes the challenge and enjoys making the pancake. Then Noctis asks back how Skk was holding up with how they have to smile and chat to customers all day as a bartender. Skk assure him it was part of the job, as long the customer isn't Sykes.
"That's pretty tough. …… Want to switch? I'd like to try to manage the bar too."
"Okay, try to smile."
"Noctis was a little flustered but managed to squeeze out a smile at your request. It feels like staring at a great white shark."
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(Imagine you were drinking in a bar, and ask the bartender for a smile. This is how he smiles at you)
Remember when Skk tried to make their own special drink? Turns out they make an adjustment by adding 40 shots thanks to a customer who suggested it to them. Drunk Skk
"40 shots?! Isn't that the same as wine …… OK, I'll ask around tomorrow to find which genius suggests such an idea."
Noctis then give Skk his special homemade hash brown. But because Sykes' matters, he doesn't have time to improve his dish.
Which results Skk throwing up.
"How is it, Commandant? After you vomited it out, do you feel more awake now?"
Drunk and angry Skk swings a chair at Noctis.
"Who on earth came up with the idea to make Commandant drink 40 shots?! Hey hey hey, Commandant… You can’t be serious, can you?!"
This scared Noctis to the point whenever Skk asks him what happen that night, he always tries to cover it up.
Next day, they went out to ask others about the recipe. They met an old man who used to be a part of the wandering group with Sykes. Turns out the homeless pancake that Sykes want is just some various ingredients mixed together into a weird mixture and baked into pitch black. During that time, canned food and fresh ingredients are very precious and even a luxury.
The old man gestured to Skk to try it, but before they can put it in their mouth, Noctis eats it.
"....Commandant… It's better for you to not try it."
"How can I know what's wrong with it if I don't try it myself?"
More coughing and Noctis pat pat Skk's back
Knowing that Skk is a bit tired from today's walk, Noctis wash the dishes by himself.
Skk was a bit down after finding out about the homeless cake origin, so Noctis tried to cheer Skk up in his own way lol.
"Skk is really kind. If it was someone else, I would probably have said that this is none of my business, and then I would not care about it anymore. After all, thinking about this kind of thing will only add more trouble."
"How is this adding more trouble…"
"That's why I say that Commandant is very kind. You tried your best to do everything for the people on earth, but you still refuse to let yourself go on this matter. If it were me, I wouldn't care at all."
Noctis and Skk wash dishes together.
"This is a pain. Are you gonna help me wash the dishes or not?"
"But you're washing it right now?"
"No way! I don't want to enjoy such good thing alone! So you do it too!"
"…Commandant, if you keep pushing me, I'm gonna stuck in the wall. Tsk, why is the area around the sink so cramped?!"
It was time for Sykes to come back. Noctis finally finish the dish and present it to Sykes with the same recipe from the old man from before. But Noctis refuse to make it as black as the recipe says. "However, this store will never sell that kind of pitch-black food. It is our store principle to make it carefully with the right ingredients and utensils."
Tldr Sykes being a stubborn jerk shouting about 'the real homeless pancake' is the sole reason they're still alive & what Noctis did is just a gimmick to attract more customers.
"We are literally eating all of that stuff. Are they only worthy of being a gimmick to attract customers in the pure zone? Should the past just lie in our memory and become mere talk? Should we just pretend that nothing has happened?!" Basically just Sykes can't let go of the past.
Skk promises all of them to fight hard so they can retake the earth and the Great Arcadia Retreat won't happen again.
Sykes still being a stubborn bastard refuse to let this matter go and tried to attack Skk. But Noctis just stop him in time. It ended up with a bar fight lol
On their last day as a part-timer, while waiting for the boss to arrive in the morning, they decide to make their signature again. This time it was a success.
Skk and Noctis give the recipe to the boss so he can add it to the menu. He asks what it's going to be called.
"Vegetable Storm."
"Super Hash Brown!"
"I definitely don't want that kind of name on my menu. How about calling it '<Name>' and 'Noctis'? It's a good combination. And it added some emotional value."
Because of the last bar fight, they need to replace some furniture. They change the door to a new one, but Noctis painted graffiti on it because the color doesn't match the store. Skk also bought a lucky cat from Kowlong but Noctis modified it into a shark because it doesn't match the store's style. (Lucky shark??😂)
Noctis daydreams about life after Punishing virus is gone.
"These past few weeks felt like a dream. No missions, no enemies, no emergencies, no equipment for maintenance, not even weapons to use. Every day I'm with Commandant, taking orders, cooking, chatting…"
"Are you happy, Noctis?"
"It’s not bad, I’m very happy! I was so happy that I actually didn't want to go back."
"Commandant, do you think we can enjoy this leisurely life for the rest of our lives after the Punishing Virus is gone?"
"Of course we can, we already have the Pure Zone, and one day we will retake the earth completely. And then, you could do whatever you want to do."
"Then let's make a fortune with '<Name> and Noctis'! We could open a store, and then I'll let Commandant be the boss. Then you'll be in charge to manage the bar!" He even plans to open many branches, even on Babylonia (THAT'S SO SWEET WTH-)
The boss being a savage to Noctis lmao.
"Our store will always welcome you back, <Name>. As for Noctis, forget it. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how it ends, as long as this store exists, your aprons will always be there."
"Don't worry, Commandant is in my hands. When it's all over, we'll definitely come back."
"Maybe at that time, they will no longer be the Commandant of Gray Raven and a member of the Cerberus team. But just '[Name] and Noctis'." (I'M GETTING EMOTIONAL AT THIS LINE FCK)
All in all, this is really a fun and heartwarming story. I haven't finished Sands of Wrath chapter yet, so Noctis' interaction with Skk really caught me off guard. There's still a lot of his interaction that I couldn't fit in here because that's gonna be too long-
Also in the Sands of Wrath chapter, Skk and Noctis called each other 'partner' (In JP dub, he calls Skk 'aibou') I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ASDHFKA😭😭
Noctis is a malewife material you can't change my mind✨💕
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natteryaktoad · 4 months
Toddlers!, Day 85, Part 13
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Vi: Go on - you can hit harder than that!
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I went to move some of his college fund into Rory and Ryan's college funds, but they already have about $25k each. This is what happens when you're an only child and your parents are a high-flying businessman and a very successful doctor!
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Rory and Ryan are either both involved in their own pursuits, or both competing for Daddy's attention.
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I don't know if Zion really wants the help of two five-year-olds... but he's got it!
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These two finally made friends tonight!
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Aurora: Daddy, can we have dinner on the couch?
Carlo: No - why would you eat on a couch when there's a perfectly good table right here?
Orion: Is easier to pill food clothes when eat at table.
Carlo: Yeah, right.
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I don't know what story Aurora's telling about school, but Carlo's enjoying it.
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Zion needed either two charisma points or two mechanical points to open up his grade bar. There was never an opportunity to get them organically, and he never rolled any college related wants - if he wanted to write an assignment or a term paper or even go to class then I'd have him get the skill points to open the bar up. So probation it is. At least now he's not a semester ahead of Vi, so they'll graduate at the same time. If he gets those skill points next semester... I imagine his dads will have something to say about it...
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Zion: I can't believe I failed...
Vi: I can't either. You're usually such a nerd. We can talk about it properly in the morning, though - right now, let me cheer you up.
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Mimi has to get straight As - her student debt is bad enough as it is. She knows Carlo would pay if off in a heartbeat if she asked him to, but she won't.
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popspoo · 9 months
Remus: that was the second time this MONTH you burn our kitchen, what did u do?
Sirius: pasta
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orion-somethings · 9 months
Ok I just had the most random head canon for Cole and I don’t know if some one already said it but Cole would try to cook those dishes you see on Pinterest but it would go really wrong.
Like he would see one and be like “yeah I can do that.” And like 5 minutes later the whole kitchen would be on fire.
After that incident no one allows Cole to be in the kitchen but as a safety measure they added a fire extinguisher just in case if he goes in there and does something stupid.
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Not the first time I saw a “Dork to Daddy” glo-up.
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Sure ain’t gonna be the last.
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Bonus Spot The Difference
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atlasofearth · 5 months
hc; remus is an absolutely TERRIBLE cook. he was a mama’s boy growing up, she may have had her moments but she tried her best and he loved her. one thing he always could count on was his moms delicious food. so of course, he never learned how to cook because he always had his mom. eventually he picked up a meal or two that were fairly hard to fuck up, that’s all he used to cook when he had to.
sirius on the other hand.. he may have been raised to think cooking and cleaning were house elf duties, but when he went to the potters and saw how effie and monty loved to cook together, he asked effie to teach him and he fell in love.
sirius quickly started cooking for everyone he loved, just like effie and monty do for each other. he even owled remus’ mother and asked her for the recipes of some of his favorite dishes growing up, so now remus didn’t need to live on his two sad bland meals.
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wishedby · 2 months
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aeonix-posts · 11 months
During pre-war Megatron would make orion turn on his TV and play My Little Pony and he would never skip the intro. He hyperfixated on it so much to the point he begged orion to get him an entire collection. He still has it in his private quarters.
Starscream plays Doom eternal rising. She makes Megatron buy her everything. Team fortress 2 and halo as well. She bullies people on rise of kingdoms and clash of clans. Roblox is her biggest bully source, she has gotten banned more than once.
Soundwave hacks on Roblox and bullied little kids. He has infinite robux. And those crap games that have so many ads.
Megatron plays papas burgeria. Cooking mama and Roblox. He plays with soundwave and starscream. He pays for everything starscream buys.
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